Welcome To Myrefall - Open

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Re: Welcome To Myrefall - Open

Postby SaphiraBrightscales » Mon Aug 29, 2022 12:01 pm

Aurora Thatcher | 23 | Female | New Resident | Location: Bakery | Tags: open

Aurora had arrived at Myrefall late during the night prior due to a long trips but luckily her new house was already prepared for her thanks to her family helping her out with the move so she only had a suitcase with her when she arrived. She made sure the weather was fine when she fed Honey and let her do her business outside before putting the service dog vest on the goldendoodle before starting her walk over to where the shops and cafes are, taking her time as she takes in her surroundings, noticing a cafe and bakery close by. A small smile crosses her face as Aurora smells the delicious food coming from the direction of the bakery and checks to make sure the streets were cleared of cars before briskly crossing the street. She is glad that she chose to move to the town since the morning is pretty calm. Once at the door of the bakery, Aurora hesitates slightly, a bit nervous about entering the bakery, before eventually entering the door and moving off to the side a bit, noticing some others at the counter, so that she could see the variety of options in the displays without being in the way of anyone else who wanted to enter the bakery, tapping her left leg slightly to tell her service dog to sit next to her.

Skylar Moore | 26 | Female | Farmer | Location: Cafe | Tags: open

Skylar was up before there was any sign of the sun rise so that she could get ready for the busy day. She walks outside and sits down on one of her outdoor rockers to get her boots on before making her way to the barn with a milk bucket, whistling a soft tune. After setting the bucket down next to the stalls with the cows, Skylar went back to the front of the barn to turn on the lights as she starts to hear the animals move about. Making quick and efficient work, Skylar finishes up with the cows and sets them loose in the pasture connected to the side of the barn the cows are housed in. Before taking the milk back to the house, she strokes the muzzle of the two horses in the barn with a small smile. Once inside, she puts the milk in the fridge she has just for the milk since she plans on putting the milk in bottles in the evening. Skylar glances out of the window, noticing that the sky is starting to get lighter so she goes back out to the barn to feed and release the horses before cleaning out the empty stalls. Noticing that the sun has finally came up after putting the last wheelbarrow of dirty straw in the designated spot, Skylar puts fresh straw on the ground before going out to the chicken coop with a bucket of chicken feed. Before opening the coop to let the chickens out, Skylar sprinkles some of the feed on the ground and puts the rest in the chicken feeders. Once the chickens are out, she checks the coop for any eggs before heading back to the house to take a shower, planning on entering the town, leaving the boots on the porch to avoid tracking mud into the house. Once she gets done with the shower, she puts her hair into a ponytail and decides to walk to the cafe since the morning is pretty nice and didn't want to take her truck into town just to get some coffee. Once at the cafe, Skylar enters the building and gets in line behind the person at the counter, giving a small smile to Booker.
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Re: Welcome To Myrefall - Open

Postby Consulting_Angel » Fri Sep 02, 2022 1:19 am

Ezra Callahan
Location: Library
Tagged: Serena, Alzedore
Yes, the person he'd snapped at was the librarian, Serena, but given he'd pretty much just woken up and was still feeling groggy, his short temper was particularly short at the moment. Not that it was an excuse, of course, he was normally coldly civil towards Serena. He knew that she'd heard him but not replied, but he quickly let it go.
Then, Ezra glanced towards the elder man that had spoken to him. Of course, Alzedore. He'd had plenty of encounters with him, given they were both in the library so much. If anyone was the town's oddly energetic and talkative old man, it would be Alzedore.
Anyway. The old man was asking a question. "Uh... that one might be in my pile." Ezra replied, and shuffled through the pile of books he had on the table, before finding the one he figured Alzedore was looking for.
"Here it is. The one with all the weird local folklore and tales?"
It had been an interesting read, and Ezra wondered if there was actually any truth to any of the tales. He'd taken note of the ones that interested him the most, though, to have a proper look into later on. Another part of his research... whatever that had initially meant to be.

Kendall Howard
30|Nonbinary|New Arrival
Location: Brown's Cafe
Tagged: Booker
They glanced around when they were approached, a little pleasantly surprised by this, by presumably the owner of the Café. Kendall smiled warmly. Very efficient, they thought. "Hello, I'm Kendall." They introduced themselves, figuring it was only polite, given they were going to be here for a while. "What is the special today?" Kendall then asked, rather curious. They didn't often try anything new or mysterious, but given they were in a new place, it was only fitting. "Oh, could I also get a vanilla latte please? Just a medium." They added, deciding to also order something that they knew they usually liked. Besides, Kendall was planning on staying for a while, so it was only right that they ordered a fair bit so that they weren't just taking up a space for free - even if it was currently quiet and with plenty of space still.

Cassandra Adair
Location: Music Store
Tagged: Tom, Richard (mention)
Cassandra was a little surprised by this request from the stranger. He'd just been waiting to ask for some help around town? Well, at least he'd asked about the most popular places... but still. Kind of a strange way to approach someone. And, really, most places were fairly close by anyway. "New, huh? What brings you to Myrefall, then?" Cassandra asked, sliding the box she had been looking through back into place. As she waited for an answer, she glanced towsrds the music shop window and spotted that weird guy, Richard, who always seemed to be sneaking around. Maybe she'd be able to get him to help out this new guy as well.
Glancing back towards the stranger, Cassandra spoke again. "Well, sure. The popular places are pretty easy to get to - once you know where they are. And then it'll depend what sort of things you're interested in going to." she explained, figuring that this guy seemed pretty harmless, and if he wasn't, then she was more than capable of fighting back.

Damien Cohen
Location: Bakery
Tagged: Salt, Ryann, Aurora
It was no surprise that the first customer though the door was Ryann, and her daughter Addy. Damien knew the pair - and Ryann's brother, Wren - fairly well, as did Salt. He smiled warmly. "Good morning, Ryann. No Wren today?" Damien asked, then he let his brother start the answer for the question of what was available in the bakery that day, in his jolly way, as usual.
Damien nodded in agreement. "Or if you're looking for something more savory, I've baked up plenty of bread rolls." he added, gesturing to the various trays. Damien could already tell that today was going to be a busy day, even though it was still early. But then, it tended to be fairly busy here anyway. Damien wondered if he should bring up the suggestion that they hired a part-timer to help work the counter... perhaps a student or someone looking to make a little extra... he decided that he'd suggest that to Salt later on.

As he waited for Ryann to make her decisions, Damien noticed the door open again and someone else entered the bakery. She was not someone he recognised, so he was quite curious. Damien waved over at the new person, who had moved off to the side. "Hey there, waiting to be served?" he asked, but as he spoke, he noticed her guide dog. Ah. Damien hesitated, unsure as to whether he would have been noticed or understood.
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Re: Welcome To Myrefall - Open

Postby _Human_ » Fri Sep 02, 2022 5:01 am

{ Ryann | Ry | 23 | Female | Resident | Bakery | I lost track of everyone in the bakery }

Ryann smiled softly as the brothers greeted her, "No Wren this morning, I have to pull a double today so he's working a morning shift to get little Addy from daycare." She smiled and nodded to her daughter who was looking at the different pastries and breads in the case, "Mmm. A cake day it is, I think I'll settle for some muffins though, I'm sure everyone at work will enjoy them." She looked over her shoulder feeling her daughter tug her shirt and point at a dog, gently couching down to her daughter's level, "I see, it's a pretty dog huh Addy? See the vest though? That dog is working so we can't distract it okay?" The girl seemed confused for a few moments before nodding and going back to looking at things in the cases, "Can I get a half dozen of muffins? Any flavors will be fine I'm not picky, oh and can I go ahead and make an order to have my brother pick up tonight?" She carefully moved her backpacks to one shoulder and scooped her daughter up, resting her on her hip as she pulled her wallet from her pocket, "I need to call one day here soon and order a birthday cake but everything has been so hectic lately with us finally moving into the house." She laughed weakly.

{ Wren | 27 | Male | Resident | Police Station | Open }

After finishing his breakfast and paying he headed out to the station, making the walk there in the cool morning air felt nice. He sipped on his coffee he got to go and nodded to the lady at the desk as he finally made it to the station. He went to his desk and got to work, looking over the paperwork he had sitting on his desk, nothing that desperately needed to be done, just paperwork that he needed to finish filing. Setting his cup down on the desk he grabbed the files and got to work, once he had his desk cleaned off he took a seat back at his desk. He logged into the computer and checked his emails before looking at his watch, "We got a little while to go until shift swap." He sighed to himself and pulled his phone out to check his messages.
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Re: Welcome To Myrefall - Open

Postby SaphiraBrightscales » Sun Sep 11, 2022 2:51 pm

Aurora Thatcher | 23 | Female | New Resident | Location: Bakery | Tags: Damien

She had decided on getting a muffin and was eyeing the cakes in the display since they looked beautiful and good when she noticed movement from a guy behind the counter. Glancing behind her to see if there was anyone there when Aurora saw him wave in her general direction, she looks back at him with a little confusion since she was unsure on if he was trying to get her attention and doesn't know if he knows sign language. She looks in her bag and mentally groans as a flash of frustration appears on her face when she realized she forgot to put her notebook, that she uses for occasions like this, back in her purse during the craziness of arriving late in the evening. An apologetic smile comes on her face at she points to her ear before shaking her head slightly since she wasn't sure if the guy could read her service dog's vest that said "Hearing Dog" and didn't know any other way to let him know other than trying to sign.

Skylar Moore | 26 | Female | Farmer | Location: Cafe | Tags: open

Skylar was up before there was any sign of the sun rise so that she could get ready for the busy day. She walks outside and sits down on one of her outdoor rockers to get her boots on before making her way to the barn with a milk bucket, whistling a soft tune. After setting the bucket down next to the stalls with the cows, Skylar went back to the front of the barn to turn on the lights as she starts to hear the animals move about. Making quick and efficient work, Skylar finishes up with the cows and sets them loose in the pasture connected to the side of the barn the cows are housed in. Before taking the milk back to the house, she strokes the muzzle of the two horses in the barn with a small smile. Once inside, she puts the milk in the fridge she has just for the milk since she plans on putting the milk in bottles in the evening. Skylar glances out of the window, noticing that the sky is starting to get lighter so she goes back out to the barn to feed and release the horses before cleaning out the empty stalls. Noticing that the sun has finally came up after putting the last wheelbarrow of dirty straw in the designated spot, Skylar puts fresh straw on the ground before going out to the chicken coop with a bucket of chicken feed. Before opening the coop to let the chickens out, Skylar sprinkles some of the feed on the ground and puts the rest in the chicken feeders. Once the chickens are out, she checks the coop for any eggs before heading back to the house to take a shower, planning on entering the town, leaving the boots on the porch to avoid tracking mud into the house. Once she gets done with the shower, she puts her hair into a ponytail and decides to walk to the cafe since the morning is pretty nice and didn't want to take her truck into town just to get some coffee. Once at the cafe, Skylar enters the building and gets in line behind the person at the counter, giving a small smile to Booker.
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Re: Welcome To Myrefall - Open

Postby ~Raining Fire~ » Sat Sep 17, 2022 9:50 am

★Kayler"When in ruins, one must arise"
◄ 22|female|hairdresser|location: home ► bakery|tagged; open ►

    indentationKayler rolled up her pale pink yoga mat, beginning each day with a yoga session was one of the first things on her "to-do" list, of course after making her bed and the other parts of her morning routine. Once her mat was tucked away under her bed. Kayler closed her laptop which had the days yoga class playing. Pulling her auburn hair down from the now messy bun, she headed towards her bathroom to further prepare for her day.

    Quickly showering, curling her hair into loose waves, applying blush, mascara and lipgloss Kayler nodded an approval to herself. She hated looking unkept. Changing from her robe, into a more to go set of yoga attire being her matching set of a olive green top and leggings were paired with white air forces and her across body purse. As she exited her room and waltzed into the living area, she quickly picked up her living room and sprayed her fabric refresher. It was the small things that pleased her. And coming home to a house that was clean and smelled good was a priority for her. Kayler grabbed her keys off her key hook and headed out the door of her home and towards her silver Hyundai Tucson. The chirp of the vehicle unlocking always made her smile as the scent of her air freshener (midnight) filled her nostrils. Turning on her car, turning on the radio and rolling down the windows, Kayler was ready to head over to the bakery to pick up breakfast.

    As she drove towards the bakery, she let her mind wander about what she wanted to do today, she had given herself the day off from cutting and styling hair. It was one of her favorite pastimes which luckily had turned into her career. However today, Kayler just wasn't feeling "it" so she decided a day of self care was needed. She parked along the road beside the bakery. She rolled up the windows and turned off the car before opening the door and stepping out into the sidewalk. Locking her car, she headed towards the door of the bakery. As soon as the door opened the aroma of baked goods filled her nose. It was amazing, and how was she going to decide what to order?

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Postby TheRegularTerrarian » Tue Sep 20, 2022 12:11 am

Salt Baker Cohen | 27 | Male | Baker | Bakery |Tags: Damien, Ryann, Aurora
"Yes of course Ryann! I'll get your muffins sorted out now. Just let Damien know what your brother wants to order and he'll get it noted down swiftly!" He places 12 muffins into a box, and hands it over to Ryann. He takes the payment, and then he notices Damien say something to Aurora, and when she didn't respond he looks down and sees her Hearing Dog. "Ah Damien, I do believe that that lady there is deaf. I don't suppose you know sign language, do you?" He gets his phone out and quickly looks up some basic sign language gestures. "Well let's see... that's 'Hello'... Damien, do you mind being on your own for a bit? I'm gonna go see if we have a spare notepad in the back I can rip a page from. I can't make heads nor tails of this sign language thingy." He goes off to the back, hoping that Damien would be fine without him for a little bit.

Alzedore Albus | 102 | Male | Very Old Resident | Library | Tags: Ezra
"Ah yes! I do believe that's the one. Do you mind parting with it for a short while? Unless you were planning to read that one next, of course. Far be it from me to deny anyone wanting to read a book like that, I'm certain it holds many mysteries and rumours, and maybe, just maybe, some of them have a hint of truth to them..." He chuckles to himself at this. "Ah, but one can only wish. There is a reason why they're called 'rumours'."

Tom Smith | 25 | Male | New Resident | Music Store | Tags: Cassandra, Richard
As Cassandra glances towards Richard, so does Tom. "Who's that guy? Is he also a music fanatic or something? He seems to be staring at some of the albums in the window... Well anyway, I'm not really looking for anywhere specific. I just want to get a good feeling of where everything is, and where to stay away from. Apparently there's a haunted pub or whatever in this town. Personally I don't believe that story one bit, but if many long term residents here could confirm my thoughts then that would put me more at ease if I ever happen to walk past it."
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Re: Welcome To Myrefall - Open

Postby Consulting_Angel » Tue Sep 20, 2022 9:24 am

Ezra Callahan
Location: Library
Tagged: Alzedore
"Oh, sure. I think I already read it... I've got plenty of others to read anyway." Ezra replied. He then raised an eyebrow. This dude was... strange. But it seemed very likely he'd know a ton of history about the town. Still, he handed the book over. "Well, that's why I intend to do some digging. See what truths there are. After all, even a rumour has to come from a seed of truth, even if small or perhaps taken out of context." Ezra declared. Oh, that was a good line, he thought, he'd better write that down. He opened up a notebook and scribbled out what he'd said, to make sure he had a note of it for later.
"I'd... probably better take a quick break anyway. Find something to eat, get a strong coffee and then continue."

Kendall Howard
30|Nonbinary|New Arrival
Location: Brown's Cafe
Tagged: Open
After they'd ordered, paid, and received said order, Kendall sat themselves down in the cafe, choosing to sit near a window. It was the perfect place to be able to watch townspeople pass by and get on with their daily lives. And you could be sure there'd be a whole variety of people. And the view of the town from here was quite nice as well. It was only the street, but still. Perhaps they could begin writing some notes... but they weren't too sure where to start. Maybe there was a public noticeboard to find and look at later - that would be a good way to see some of the recent goings-on in the town.

Cassandra Adair
Location: Music Store
Tagged: Tom, Richard (mention)
Cassandra shrugged a little. "I don't... actually know. I usually see him as if he's trying to sneak around. I don't think he even lives where most other residents live." she replied. Not that she could say anything about that, given she didn't either. But she didn't often like to give away where she lived. She did raise an eyebrow when Tom mentioned the pub. Her pub. "I'm sure it's nothing to worry about." Cassandra quickly reassured, then she commented, "I am curious where you heard about it, though. It's more of an inter-town rumour more than anything. Y'know, someone sees a shadow in a window and some noises and suddenly everyone thinks it's haunted."

Damien Cohen
Location: Bakery
Tagged: Salt, Ryann,
Aurora, Kayler
Damien let Salt fulfil Ryann's order, though he did also add, to Ryann, "Of course. Let us know what, and we'll keep it fresh for when he comes to pick it up."
Back to the girl with the dog, Damien quickly understands what she was meaning by the gesture - and the Hearing Dog was just a confirmation. As was Salt's comments. "I... guess I know a little bit? Not... a lot." Damien replied, and shook his head slightly, amused, as Salt went off to find a notepad. Glancing back at the girl, Damien, smiled apologetically, waved, then also searched up something on his phone before clumsily signing, 'Please wait, looking for paper and pen', hoping that it was at least good enough to understand.

At that moment, another customer entered. Damien was currently on his own, so he decided to see to what Kayler would like to buy while waiting. "Hey there!" he greeted, warmly, "How are you today? What would you like?" he asked, and gestured to the displays of baked goods that were still available.
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Re: Welcome To Myrefall - Open

Postby SupremeNerd42 » Wed Sep 21, 2022 12:31 am

Lucas Van Leeuwen | 29 | Trans Male | Restaurant Chef | Tags: Open
As he arrives at the table, placing the order down, the chef gives the customer a polite smile and a "Here you go!", not needing a 'thanks' as he was only doing his job. When that was done, he quickly turns around, hurrying back over to the counter and going behind it so he could return to the kitchen. Compared to out in the dining hall, the kitchen was relatively quiet outside of the sound of things cooking and the ovens being on. It was nicer than the sound of people talking, he thought, even if there weren't as many people around during the mornings. For now, he just continues cooking food and things, since he didn't have much else to do currently.

Richard Scarlett | 37 | Male | Criminal | Tags: Tom, Cassandra
It seems that he had been spotted! Well, like, outside of the residents seeing him normally, anyway. People looking through a store window, the music store, he supposed he could take a quick break from his usual antics to say hello. Swinging the door open, the black-haired man strides inside and gives an exaggerated wave to the two who were speaking. He recognised Cassandra, of course, but wasn't quite sure about who the other guy was. A newbie? Awesome! "Good morning, yes! Isn't it so lovely to see people!" Did he interrupt their conversation? Probably, but it wasn't like Richard cared. If stuff wasn't focused on him while he was in the room, he'd make it be about him... But, like, not in a narcissistic way... He just enjoyed doing dumb things that made people look at him and talk about him. They'd surely remember the entertaining guy more than the boring... Whatever conversations they were having. As if right on cue, he trips over something, falling but then quickly doing a flip to hop back up to his feet, and upon landing acted like he had totally meant to do that. Sure...

Daniel Monahan | 34 | Trans Male | Police Officer | Tags: Wren
As he expected, reaching the Station was very easy. Nobody caused much trouble, and everyone seemed to respect him, so he had no conflicts. Stepping inside, pulling his badge out to sign in with the front desk lady, having a small conversation with her quickly... It was nice, being here, everyone was so friendly. As the conversation ends, Danny quickly hurries through, waving and politely greeting the few other officers who were there today. He reaches his desk and searches the drawers, finding something, quickly closing them and making everything look neat again as he gets back up. As he walks back through, he finally notices that Wren was there, stopping to chat. "Hiyaa! I didn't think I'd see you here today, Wren, you have plans later or something?" Honestly, he was used to Wren having a different schedule to him, for reasons related to... Sibling things? Something like that, he didn't know the full details as he never really asked, there was never much time to ask and besides he felt that it might be a bit personal.
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Re: Welcome To Myrefall - Open

Postby Spiritstar3 » Thu Sep 22, 2022 12:16 pm

Enzo Macomb- En or Zo- m- 26 y- longterm resident/citizen- Therapy dog handler- homosexual; Wren- SO open- dogs Kadence (6 y, gray lab therapy dog) and Eroll (4 y 8 weeks, white with black ears + tail, Shepherd mix, seizure alert dog)- Jefferson x Alina: Reena + Ryann, (En), Ella (14), Erik (11), Cara + Codi (9), Erith (9, adopted)- Tags: Kendall (Wren mentioned)

The slightly pretty male smiled as he looked at his beautiful dogs. He loved them and kids so much, a bit more than books and art. He brushed through red-blonde hair. It was more red than blonde, one could tell. The shorter and slender one let out a breath. He smiled and patted each of the dogs, then decided. He was going to go to Brown's cafe, so he went and got his stuff. That being his bag, which had water devices, and papers. He grabbed his glasses case, putting that in as well. The peachy-creamy skinned one looked to the dogs.

He smiled sweetly, and wondered if he should go by the hospital today. For now, the intelligent one needed food. He smoothed down his purple shirt, the shorts blue. Bright blue eyes looked to the door and, after slashing the dogs, he headed out. He had the v vests on them as well. "Good girl," he said in a soft way, then "Good Eroll." He was speaking to Kadence first, then Eroll. He patted the dogs gently, then headed to the cafe. He headed in, making to go order. However, Kadence woofed and pulled him to a table, causing him to make a sound.

He saw a newcomer there, nodding to them and saying "H...Hello." He then scolded himself for that. He couldn't help getting shy and nervous around New people...Also Wren, Wren as his crush could make him shy and nervous. Thankfully, he had the dogs, and they made it a bit better. "What's your name?" he finally asked.
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Re: Welcome To Myrefall - Open

Postby LunarTheCat2047d1f » Fri Sep 23, 2022 2:30 am

Raven Boen female-no crush-Digital Artist-Tags: librarian, any. locatoin: Library (interact if you'd like!)

Raven woke up, and climbed out of bed. She brushed her hair, and fed her two cats, Millie and Redwood.
*OH, yes, I have to go to the library. * she reminded herself. Her red ginger tabby, Redwood, rubbed against her leg. Millie waited in the bedroom. Raven fed them, and smiled to herself.
She then prepared her breakfast. Raven got her books,
ate, then went out to her Triton. It's beautiful berry red color was Raven's favorite. She drove to the Library, turning on some rock music.
She parked the truck, and went in, searching for one certain book....she called to a librarian, and went over.
(To Be Continued After someone sees her :3)
Last edited by LunarTheCat2047d1f on Mon Oct 17, 2022 1:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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