our little things

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our little things

Postby elizabethhher » Mon Jul 15, 2013 12:28 pm

you haven't seen them in a while, those boys. the ones who would always enter the coffee shop and talk to you on your lunch break. these boys who you felt like you could tell them your whole story, who you were, and where you came from. somewhere along the line, you fell in love with one of the boys. every day you could you hung around with him and his four friends. but one day, they just disappeared. all they did was leave a note for you and your friends at the table they always used to sit at. it was a small note, placed on the table with some tape. the note was simple, for all it read was, 'i'll see you soon'. you were angry, angry at the fact that he left you and never told you where he was going, so angry that you swore the next time you saw him you would give him a big slap on the face. a few months later, you saw him, but you couldn't slap him like you wanted to. he was on the t.v. preforming with his friends in their boy band, one direction, with girls swooning over him. you knew that now that he was famous, he would surely forget you, and there was nothing you could do about it, so you tried to forget him, too.
it was different today, as you walked to the coffee shop you worked at. for some reason, the day seemed brighter than usual and the people in the coffee shop seemed to be buzzing with excitement and pointing at the table, the one that you, him and all of your friends used to sit at. you wonder what's the big deal about it, and just as you are about to ask one of your friends, he turns around and smiles at you, acting like he never left you, not even making an attempt to contact you, nothing. that's why when you walk up to him you gave him a big slap on his cheek.
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the rules

Postby elizabethhher » Mon Jul 15, 2013 12:28 pm

I hate rules.
Because of my deep hatred for rules, you won't have to read much, as this will be short and hopefully to the point. Thanks for taking your time and reading these rules, as they sure are a waste of time(to read and type).

Obey Tess.
I don't even think that this really needs any explanation. Please, just obey Tessa's rules. They are there for a reason. If you do not know what they are, please read this and this before joining this role-play.
Characters, Posts & Form
You are only allowed to have two characters, as there are only going to be ten. No one will play two girls, but you can play two boys. I am not requiring you to play both a male and a female, but the role play would start faster if you did. Be DETAILED. I will judge your literacy on the way your form is. If you are not good at making forms and whatnot, please PM me an example of your average role-play post after you submit a form. I DO NOT have a form for you, so create your own. When you post, I want you to have at least a paragraph, which to me are seven or more lines, unless you are in dialogue. When in dialogue, please post at least five detailed sentences. Please make your posts look pretty and if you want you can change the subject title. Center, add color, I don't know, just make it look nice. Keep your swearing to a minimum. There will be no sailors in this role-play.

Be Active
I hate it when someone joins my role-play and then decides that they no longer want to be apart of it. If you do not think that you will be active, then do not post or ask for a reservation. I expect you to post at least once or twice a day, as I know some of can't be on the internet all day unlike others.
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the lads

Postby elizabethhher » Mon Jul 15, 2013 12:29 pm

arry styles

he left; skilar
role-played by;; misfit.
harold edward styles is a british nineteen year old boy. he is a very charming lad, at that. out of all of the boys in the group, harry seems to be the most complex. he is a major flirt who is very outgoing and funny. he likes to joke around a lot and he does what he wants, not caring what anyone will think about him. harry is a very confident young man who has a warm heart and is very loving.

liam payne
he left; celeste
role-played by;; patrick star..
here we have nineteen year old liam payne, who is considered to be the 'daddy' of the group, hence is nick-name daddy direction. he is the sensible one of the group, and is constantly checking the other band members, making sure they stay in place. liam is always looking for ways to compromise with the others to make everyone happy, even if it's not something he likes.

zayn malik

he left; keirah
role-played by;; dreams come true
now meet twenty year old zayn malik, who, despite what people think, is actually the second loudest in the band. when first meeting him, the band though that he was very shy and reserved, but later found out he wasn't. the band members classify zayn as being the vainest of them all, as he spends lots of time looking at himself in the mirror.

niall horan
he left; savannah
role-played by;; radioactive.
niall horan is the irish one out of the group. at nineteen years old, he may be a bit immature, but he is loved because of it. his favorite thing is food, and that's all he ever talks about. niall is very loyal and faithful, and if he was your boyfriend, he would never leave you. he is very caught up in living life and doesn't have time to worry about insecurities.

ouis tomlinson

he left; kaitlin
role-played by;; ~Riot!~
and last, but absolutely not least, we have the fabulouis{see what i did there?} twenty-one year old louis tomlinson. as the eldest, you'd think he was the most serious, but he's anything but. louis is known as the sassiest member of one d and is also known as the loudest. if you watched any of their x factor video diaries or any of their interviews, you would know that louis is also really funny, as he loves to crack jokes almost all the time.
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the lasses

Postby elizabethhher » Mon Jul 15, 2013 12:29 pm

kilar rayn
her deserter; harry
role-played by;; squid girl
skilar is a eighteen year old french girl who has to be one of the spunkiest people you will ever meet. skilar is a very outgoing girl who tends to ramble on a lot about random things. she is rarely sarcastic and will tell you the truth as it is, even if it might just break your heart and tear you to shreds. skilar has a twin brother named logan and a younger brother named kyle. she is an aspiring writer and likes all things sweet, such as cookies, cake, cupcakes, and sour patch kids. skilar dislikes trains and allergies. her hobbies are playing video games and hanging out with all of her friends.

eleste king

her deserter ; liam
role-played by;; dreams come true
here we meet the unique and rebellious eighteen year old celeste. he name comes from her deceased aunt, and she doesn't mind, as it makes her unique. she was the wild one at school, partying, cheerleading, and even surfing. one could say she was quite the popular. sadly, celeste's lovely life had hit a downside, and when it hit, it hit her hard. she started harming herself and stayed in the back of the classroom, trying to stay unseen. due to her past, she has turned extremely shy and is a bit of what you can say, anti-social. this being said, she doesn't like to hang out with other girls, or guys, for that matter.

eirah mcbaine
her deserter ; zayn
role-played by;; radioactive.
oh look, it's eighteen year old keirah.

avannah carter

her deserter ; niall
role-played by;; .: Pepsi:.
savannah's a bit of a complicated girl. like most teenagers the age of eighteen, she worries about her weight, but her problems started earlier than others. when she was ten, she was taken to the hospital due to starving herself. despite this, savannah tries to forget the past, living in the now and being the daring and outgoing person she always was inside. she is one of those girls who loves shopping, and will go on a daily basis. secretly, she still worries about what others think of her and about her weight, but her friends help her overlook that.

aitlin jackson
her deserter ; louis
role-played by;; IAmWomanHearMeHowl
kaitlin remington jackson is the same age as her deserter louis, twenty-one, and she comes from the same place, doncaster, uk. she may seem shy, but boy, does this girl have a lot going on in her brain. she hates herself because of the rude things that others say about her, and she's a bit of a lonely gal. when people meet her, they wouldn't know that she actually has a magnificent personality that she hides under her little hermit-crab of a shell. she, like her deserter, is very good at singing, but won't sing in front of others for fear rude comments.
Last edited by elizabethhher on Tue Jul 16, 2013 8:01 am, edited 8 times in total.
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skilar poe rayn; my lass

Postby elizabethhher » Mon Jul 15, 2013 12:30 pm




please state your full name, birthplace, birthdate, and age.

hi there mr. computer sir, or ma'am or thingamabobber! i'm skilar poe rayn, and i'm still wondering why you wanted to know. my name originated from the Netherlands and it means the sky in american english. i am currently only eighteen years old and i was born on april ninth in bordeaux, france, but moved to london when i was only a wee toddler, about five months to a year old. i obviously don't remember much about living there, but my mother and father have told me that it is a beautiful place, and i don't doubt them. because i was born in france and my parents are french, i do have a slight french accent. it is easy to disguise as i hang around with you british people a lot. i hope you know that you all talk about the darnedest things sometimes. i hope that you can tell that i am a girl, but i really don't know how you could mistake that i am. well, i take that back. you are a computer, after all. adding to that, i am a heterosexual girl. being a computer, i know you know what that means.

give us a physical description of you, please.

what type of computer are you? asking all these personal questions... anyways, i am about five feet and eight inches. i know, i'm pretty tiny, but what can you do about it? you aren't howard stark, are you? anyway, i'm content with my height. i'm not too tall and i'm not too short. i guess i'm average. as for my weight, well, i don't care. i just know that i'm not over-weight and i'm not under-weight. i know this because my doctor told me. he said i was one-hundred and like, five pounds, i think? that was about two days ago, and i don't think i gained a lot of pounds since then. maybe one.. or two.. five, at the most.. yeah.. i've got black hair that reaches to my waist. i never dye my hair because there is no reason to kill my hair even more. i mean, it's already dead, so why kill it some more. it's like someone putting toxic waste in your mouth when you are dead. it's not nice, is it? my eyes are blue and green, i guess. no, they aren't turquoise. most of my iris is dark blue but the area closest to the pupil is this light green sort of thing. i don't know, maybe i'm just thinking that.

please list your family members from oldest to youngest.

you know, you're starting to sound like a stalker, but i guess that it's my fault as i'm still typing stuff into you, little computer with a brain. anyway, my father is joseph rayn, and he is in his late-thirties. my mother, hope shay, is also in her late thirties. i have a twin brother named logan poe rayn, and he is older than me by twenty-four seconds. yes, we have the same middle names. i don't know why my parents did that but there has to be some type of logical explanation. i also have a little brother and his name is kyle poe rayn and he is fifteen years old. what a surprise! even he has the same middle name as me and logan! who who'd a thunk it? my parents probably aren't the best at giving unique middle names...

have you a history?

the way you guys worded that was a bit weird. of course i have a history! doesn't everyone? anyways, i already told you, i was born in bordeaux, france, to joseph and hope rayn eighteen years ago. i don't know why you care, but i have had a really nice eighteen years. i had my fair share of bad days including getting kicked out of the house and not being able to return for a year. i don't want to remember this, but i guess you would like to know what happened. it was a summer day three years ago and i was only fifteen. me and my friends were having fun, playing water games on the front lawn and all that. my mother and father had just bought a new family car that supposedly cost a lot. my friends wanted me to drive it around and all that, but being the good girl i was, i refused to drive it. my friends thought that it would be funny to take the keys and have one of their older siblings drive it. long story short, they wrecked the car, and my parents thought that i had given them the keys to the car, so they kicked me out and told me that because it was going to take a year for them to be able to pay off the damages on the car and be able to get a new car, then i would have to stay at my grandparents house. So, yeah.. I think that is the only interesting thing that has happened in my life.

what are you like?

well, i guess i'm a spunky person. i am very outgoing and i love to do things that are out of the ordinary and that people do not expect me to do. when it comes to my deep and personal feelings though, i can be a bit shy to let them out. i tend to just hold them in and hope that no one asks me about them, and when i reach a breaking point, i just write it all down on a piece of paper and then throw the paper away. it always helps. it's easy to get along with me and it doesn't take long for me to become your friend, as i am very social. i'm pretty cool, so it wouldn't be hard for you to talk to me and i do listen to problems, even though i might not have any way to help you. i have been told to be very trustworthy, probably because i haven't told a secret for ten years. i guess i'm smart. i'm not a total super-freak genius like albert einstein or anything, but i am good with calculus and trig and whatnot. math is where all of my power is held. when it comes to certain things, i can be a bit of a nerd, stating facts and proving others wrong, and i read comic books and am up to date with all of the video games and tech stuff. it doesn't bother me being called a nerd though, as it just means that i am really smart. oh, i ramble, a lot. as you can probably tell by just reading this. by the way, who are you and why are you reading this? you're probably asking why i am still typing if i don't want you to read this. it's because i'm awesome like that. yeah, i wish.

what do you love and what do you hate? do you have any hobbies?

i love almost anything i can get my hands onto! just kidding, that would be weird. for starters, i love sweet foods, such as cookies, ice cream, cake, cupcakes, and sour patch kids. i love animals in all shapes and sizes, and i love spiders and snakes. in fact, i had a pet snake named todo. he was murdered by my dad, who thought that todo was chocking me. what a sad little five year to six year old i was. my favorite animal would be a german shepherd dog or an australian shepherd dog or an caucasian shepherd. any shepherd dog is my favorite, i guess. chanel, yeah, i love that, too. I LOVE DISNEY. yes, i did have to type that in all caps, because i just simply love disney. my favorite movie would have to be all of them. some of them made me cry, some made me mad, but there is no way to just not love disney. my favorite song would have to be i run this by luminox. i don't know why, but its one of those songs that you can't be in a bad mood listening to. now, hate is a very strong word, and by saying this, i do not hate anything. i simply dislike certain things, such as people who get on my nerves, and cats. yes, i know i just said that i love all animals and such, but it's the allergies that makes me dislike cats. i guess that means that i dislike allergies. whatever though. i guess you can say that i dislike trains, because they make me feel like i'm a snail. well, that's all of my likes and dislikes in a bundle! as for my hobbies, well, i love playing the piano and messing around with my friends. playing video games. oh goodness. playing video games is my LIFE well, not really, but i am really into video games. i have almost all of the video game systems ever made. if i could just find that darned Magnavox Odyssey, then my collection will be complete!

is there any significant other in your life?

well, there is this one person.. his name is harry, but he's all famous now and everything. i bet people type in his name a lot, don't they? you know, i even though he left me and all, i can't bring myself to say that i don't like him anymore. i still like him, and every time i see him on the television i just can't bring myself to hate him.
Last edited by elizabethhher on Tue Jul 16, 2013 1:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: our little things - open

Postby Squid-a-roni » Mon Jul 15, 2013 12:43 pm

My Character


Kaitlin Remington Jackson | 21 | Straight | Abandoned by Louis

[list]full name | Kaitlin Remington Jackson
nicknames | No, the only nickname i have ever had was my middle name from that idiot Louis.
age | 18 years young
gender | Female, and no you may not check
Birthday:|July 28.
nationality | British
birthplace Doncaster

personality | Kaitlin is a pretty shy girl with a lot on her mind.If she trusted you enough you would know why she is the way she is.Her whole life she had been hiding away from the dangers and is often told rude things by others.She is quiet and on many occasions is often alone.Easily scared jittery and a bit of a over reactor when it comes to surprises.Not very trusting but is very trustworthy you tell her something she guards it for life.She is quite fun once you get to know her and tends to be more happy around others.Say what you want but she is not emo goth or anything like that she is just lonely.She is a bit of a worrier and cares for others more than she should. When she likes someone you would never be able to tell because she is so shy about admitting it to them.You could say she has a chronic fear of people.She has an amazing skill of singing but is usually to shy to sing in front of others.She only likes to sing away from people.But when someone cracks her from her shell she shines.She hates herself though and is used to getting hurt by others.
relationship status | Single most likely for a long time
crush | No
family | None really.
ex-es | I have never had a boyfriend because of what happened in my younger years..
any other relationships | No.....

Eye Color|Blue-gray , but i wear contacts since Louis and his friends made fun of my eye color
Hair Color|A chestnut brown.
Tatoos|A rose on my leg
Piercings| http://ourvanity.com/images/lip_piercing.jpg Lip piercing
and my ears

Fav. Actor|Jensen Ackles
Fav. Actress|Emma Watson
Fav. Movie|
Fav. Book|The lovely bones
Fav. Book series|The hunger games trilogy
Fav. Color|Red
Fav. Band|None
Fav. Quote|We accept the love we think we deserve.

Her Voice| https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fk2-u5jqzY8
Theme Song|Almost Lover -A Fine Frenzy
Secret nobody knows| She is afraid of falling in love just to be hurt.....
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Re: our little things - open

Postby elizabethhher » Mon Jul 15, 2013 12:58 pm

      {accepted. i will add you to the front in a little bit.
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Re: our little things - open

Postby radioactive. » Mon Jul 15, 2013 1:02 pm

;; may I reserve the girl Zayn abandoned and Niall?
stand so
close to

I'm having

I'm afraid
of what
see right

give you

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Re: our little things - open

Postby elizabethhher » Mon Jul 15, 2013 1:09 pm

      { sure, will do.
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Re: our little things - open

Postby elizabethhher » Mon Jul 15, 2013 1:51 pm

      { bump
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