Ice Age Anew [RP Play!]

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db - one

Postby deco. » Fri Jun 17, 2022 2:29 pm

𝑫𝒆𝒙𝒕𝒆𝒓 e𝑩𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒕
tags:emma, kade, rhys ﹣mentions: none ﹣ mood: tired

    Dexter found himself waking up face down on the floor, he wasn’t even going to question how he managed to sleep like that or how he never woke up after making contact with the ground. He wasn’t sure if it was a string of bad luck or if he was just forever doomed to find himself in unfortunate situations. Today already seemed like it was going to be riddled with tiny inconveniences. He would just have to push through it like always. After repositioning himself so his back was pressed against his bed, he sat wrapped up in his blankets and got his bearings before lifting himself up off the ground. He was glad his bed was only a few inches off the ground. The last thing he wanted was a big boil on his forehead, he took his time getting through the basic necessities of getting ready for his day, brushing his teeth, getting dressed, all that jazz. Once he was finished he knocked on Emma’s door to see if she needed anything. There was no answer, that usually meant she was up for the day. He stepped away from her door and shuffled over to the lounge with a yawn, he was desperate for some coffee. He tried to convince himself that he wasn’t dependent on caffeine, recent events would prove otherwise. Dexter scanned the cupboards looking for the coffee grinds and a disappointed “aww” left his mouth once he realized he would have to make the trek to the dining hall. Dexter grabbed a cup from the shelf and made his way out the door or at least he tried to. He paused when he noticed Rhys lingering at the cabin.

    He gave the gatherer a tired smile and then shook his head, “Morning and no I haven’t...” He let out a drawn out sigh, “I’m assuming she’s in the dining hall, we’re short on a few food items.” He replied. Dexter didn’t know Rhys all that well, probably since Dexter rarely left the medical tent. The man could be quite introverted despite how he’s managed to present himself. In school he was certainly the more boisterous party going kind of guy but now there weren’t a lot of opportunities to party, unless you wanted to get kicked out of camp. The life he was living in university was tiring that’s for sure. “We can go there together, I desperately need coffee and then she can tell you what you need.” He added on after a moment of silence. Dexter knew what to prescribe him but… he had lost his keys for the cabinet and was too embarrassed to tell Emma. They were probably somewhere in his room but he couldn’t bring himself to admit to her that he had ‘misplaced them.’

    Dexter stepped past Rhys and opened the door, holding it open for him to step out. He didn’t say anything else to him as he wasn’t sure what kind of conversation to make with him. He could comment on the weather but all it was, was cold and dry. Nothing revolutionary, it had been like that for the past few years. Instead, he focused on the sound of their shoes crunching along the snow, he had always found the sound somewhat therapeutic, if he survived long enough to see the word unthaw he would definitely be making asmr of him stepping around in the snow, he was easily entertained in that way.

    Finally making it to the dining hall he stomped his boots and hung up his jacket and beelined it toward the coffee maker, he added milk, sugar, and a drop of vanilla to his cup before spotting Emma, who seemed to be busying herself with Kade. He pulled up a chair and set his mug down letting his coffee cool a bit before he took a sip. “Morning you two.” He said and tilted his head at Emma’s question, “Uh yeah, I guess I did. I wasn’t feeling great but I’m good now. I came with Rhys, he was looking for you but I might have been a little too eager to get coffee so I maybe? probably... ditched him.” He let out a small chuckle before mouthing oops. Dexter would have to apologize to him after. He nodded at the mention of fire wood, “I could feel it, thanks.”

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rhys - two.

Postby Mezzo » Sun Jun 19, 2022 1:40 pm

    ❅ 𝐑𝐇𝐘𝐒
    ─────── Eastern | Gatherer | Tags: Emma, Kade, Dexter| Mentions: tags

      Well, wasn’t that just his luck that not even Dexter had seen the red-headed doctor, who seemed to be growing ever more elusive, this morning. Rhys would forever deny that he’d actively wilted upon hearing it - even though he totally had - but, he wouldn’t lie, a part of him really had the urge to just grab a pillow and scream incoherent garble into it at how his day was going (and he’d only been awake for, what, half an hour tops!) but the more level-headed part of him refrained — he’d wasted enough time selfishly moping about already, considering how it was almost high noon and he had yet to do anything productive. He tried, really, he did, but sometimes he was convinced that the world just hated him or had something special against him… but, then again, that was probably somehow his fault, too. Still, he visibly perked up when Dexter suggested they try the dining hall (the idea that the trainee didn’t have the necessary keys never even crossing his mind), the thought of some much-needed sustenance a siren call too tempting to ignore, and what a boon it would be if Emma was there! Maybe they could share a meal together and she could commiserate with him over what a rough start to the day he’d had, because the great thing about Emma was that she somehow knew what to say and how to make Rhys feel better even without herbs and medicines, and — ah, who was he kidding. That required a boldness that Rhys was fundamentally lacking in. Regardless, he nodded his agreeance, punctuated with a staccato, “Right. Dining hall. Good idea.” He would have added on that Dexter could lead the way for the both of them (then he’d feel less awkward going to the kitchens after being notably absent for most of the morning, haha…ha), but the doctor trainee was already holding the door open for him, so he took the cue to leave, veering to head straight to where the smell of food was permeating from, where the cooks were hard at work.

      As soon as they made it to the dining area, Dexter hustled towards the coffee machine like a man on a mission, leaving Rhys standing there like a deer in the headlights at the entryway, unsure what to do with himself. Already, his stomach was making itself heard after the dissatisfaction of missing a morning meal, rumbling in protest at the all-too-enticing scents of food and tea and coffee, but truth be told his attention had been caught by the familiar sight of Emma (so Dexter’s hunch was right!)… in the company of a certain brunet captain. Not that Rhys had anything against Kaden, mind - he actually got along with him more than some of the other tribe members, though he wasn’t sure if they were at the point where they could call each other friends - and in hindsight he shouldn’t have been surprised that the ever-friendly Emma was breaking bread with someone already, but, if it was even possible, Rhys found he tended to become even quieter around other people. Emma was the exception, not the norm, and the magic effect she had on getting Rhys to open up, to actually voice whatever he was thinking, tended to fade exponentially in the company of others, which, yeah, he admitted was a him problem and by no means any shortcoming of hers, because Emma, in all her selfless sweetness, was like the sun, perched high up above and far away, and Rhys was an uncharted ocean basking in the sunlight, grateful enough simply feeling warmth at its surface.

      Rooted to the spot and withdrawing into himself, no one’s attention on him quite yet, Rhys debated the pros and cons between slipping out now and just forgetting what he’d come here for or saying something and dealing with the awkwardness of being surrounded by people, but his headache seemed to pound harder when he began overthinking. “No, you’re fine. ‘m right here,” he muttered half-heartedly at Dexter’s words, but said nothing more… at least until Emma spoke up, voice full of energy and cheer and enough to pull him out of his stupor. Rhys blinked momentarily at the merry greeting, which really felt like more than he deserved considering how badly he’d slept in today and now he was interrupting their meal… er, teatime, and he couldn’t help it — he flushed and looked down, a hearty pink overtaking what was normally pallid skin as he scratched the back of his neck self-consciously, mumbling a very eloquent and verbose, “Ah geez.” He couldn’t help it when the winsome redhead was literally calling him one of her favorite people! (Wait, ‘two’ favorite people? … He’d have to ruminate on that part later.) Still keeping his gaze steadfastly fixed to the ground as if he was suddenly fascinated by something there - when, really, he didn’t dare look up because he just knew if he did and his eyes met hazel then his brain was going to short-circuit more than it already was on five or so hours of sleep - he continued matter-of-factly, “You don’t need to butter me up, I know I look like a disaster.” ‘I feel like one too’ went unsaid, though it was fairly obvious what the gatherer, always a downer and king of overthinking, not least of all when it came to himself, had on his mind. He didn’t want to bring down the bright atmosphere with doom and gloom, anyhow, especially for Emma, whose pep readily offset his negativity.

      For a moment, Rhys almost wanted to twiddle his thumbs, unsure if he’d be welcome pulling up a chair and sitting at their table just like that, but Emma had extended the invitation and he couldn’t just turn her down. “Yeah… tea sounds good,” he said with a small smile - him! - before moving to bring a chair over and take a seat at the now-table-of-four. Thinking better on it, he sheepishly asked, “Um, actually, is there any tea without caffeine in it? I, uh, haven’t eaten today. I didn’t… get much sleep last night, so then I overslept, and… uh. Yeah.” He supposed he could seize the moment to ask for a sleep inducer or headache relief like he’d initially planned, but Emma seemed to be relaxing and Dexter had just brought them both here - it seemed mean-spirited to bring up their work at a casual time like this just because he could barely get a wink of sleep last night. Perhaps he could bring that up later.
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Re: Ice Age Anew [RP Play!]

Postby kellybelly1403 » Mon Jun 27, 2022 3:04 pm

Dakota Sanders -

Western Doctor | 24 years | Location: Tokala's cabin -> Forest(?) | Tags: Tokala

Dakota nodded at his statement, showing she understood. It was the girl’s understanding that it was less common to see wildlife, especially larger prey in that matter. So when Tokala made mention of the deer, she knew he would be out soon to try and track it again. And hopefully, bring it home to the Tribe. The brunette never did agree with violence, let alone killing on that matter. When Dakota first joined, she had hatred for the Hunters. Why would they kill innocent animals? But, over the years, the girl’s understanding of the topic grew. Her best friend was a huge part of that. In order for her Tribe to survive, they needed to use the only resources they had. Which were the wildlife. The Hunters didn’t kill unless they needed to, but when they did, they used the entirety of the animal, not just the meat. Although it still saddened the girl, she knew the animals were not going to get wasted, they were simply *gifting* themselves.

Death was no stranger to Dakota. At a young age she watched her parents slowly lose themselves, as well as her siblings, leaving her behind. That was her real first impression of death. Yes she's had her grandparents pass, but she was too young to understand what was going on. Over her time in the Tribe death was something that happened quite often and you needed to learn quickly not to get too attached. For the brunette, that was not easy. The girl felt for everyone, whether you were a stranger, a friend, or someone who had bad terms with her. Once she became the doctor, that made it no easier, although she did learn how to mask her feelings pretty quickly. There was a saying Tokala gave her years ago. “Woosh yaá awudane” translates to “Respect for everyone” This has always eased the girl's mind when it comes to death. Whether that was the animals they used or her Tribe mates she lost in and out of the Medical Hut.

Hearing his words, a soft smile grew as she met his eyes. “Always.” A word so simple, yet with endless meaning. A word the girl used quite often with the boy. A word not even herself knew the whole meaning. She relaxed, eyes closed, as the boys fingers played with her hair ever so gently. This gesture meant the world to her, and although they don’t share the same meaning for it, Dakota was happy she was able to help him carry his on. She knew the importance and would do anything to help him keep as much of his culture as he could. “Thank you,” she answered gently, allowing him to finish tying the elastic before pulling the braid forward onto her shoulder. “I love it.” She smiled, right before everything went black. Hearing his response, she couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh yes, so perfect,” she responded sarcastically, before pulling up the hat.

The two friends walked a bit more before heading on their desired journey into the forest. Pausing once more, she grabbed the basket out of his hands, and thanked him before pausing. “I don’t think I would be of much use if I was Red Riding Hood. Unless you wanted cookies or a wolf?” She remarked. Taking his arm, they finally set off on their peaceful walk.


Freyja Hansen -

Eastern Hunter | 21 years | Location: Near the hunter's cabin -> forest(?)| Tags: Mateo, Alessia | Mentioned: Cato, Móraín, Alessia, tags

Freyja nodded in understanding as the instructions were given out about the food. Despite their interesting relationship, Alessia had a point. The Hunters had no time to be greedy. Food was scarce. If they saw something small, it was a better chance at taking that animal back then trying to find something bigger. Especially considering the ever changing winter weather.

The brunette watched as the leader responded bluntly, now without a smile. Her response was simple, and one the Norwegian could not fight back to. A tad annoyed, Frey crossed her arms together, and let out a quick breath. As much as she disliked talking to the leader, the girl did like a good fight, but there was no good way of continuing said argument without drawing too much attention. As much as she won’t admit it, Frey does have some childish traits, one being holding grudges. Never once has the girl apologised, and certainly not be the bigger person. Alessia on the other hand stopped this nonsense before it got too bad. I guess this is why she is the Leader.

Before the girl knew it, her small group had been sent off on their mission to locate the waterfall and find food. Looking down at the young teen, Frey put out her hand presenting a small hunters knife. “For you.”
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Re: Ice Age Anew [RP Play!]

Postby sunhorsestar » Tue Jun 28, 2022 6:32 am

Kaden Turner | 19 | Captain | Eastern | Tagging: Emma, Rhys

The brunette chuckled dryly, a small smile forming on his face. "Hah, no kidding." At nineteen years old, Kade had lived most of his life with the Tribe, what with it having been founded only a year or two after his birth. He still remembered his mother telling him about the day they had first joined up, and he’d never had a thought of leaving, as strange as the situation was. "It does seem kind of unreal sometimes, even now that we’ve been living it for a good portion of our lives." That was strange, but it was just something they had to deal with.

Heated blankets had once been something so small and simple, easy to obtain, but now, the chance to have ANYTHING heated was a luxury, if at all possible, and could be literally lifesaving. As the topic of their pasts were brought up, something shifted in Kade's expression. The sad truth was, he didn’t remember a lot about it. "Well…I’m not entirely sure. I know I came from a smaller town, but that’s really all I know of my old hometown, I was a little kid when my mom brought me to the tribe." He didn’t exactly want to delve into the more depressing side of things, morale was already low enough as it was, even if she’d asked about his past. "What about you?"

That was a thought Kade tried not to focus on. The idea of splitting up, or of moving out of the place they had for so long come to call home? The idea of change in general? It was complicated. Life was nothing BUT drastic changes sometimes, it seemed. "I know. It’s a hard reality, but what ISN'T a hard reality right now? We'll get through it though, just like we’ve gotten through everything else this far." It was a hefty promise to make, but people needed to keep their spirits up if they wanted to make it through, he knew that.

"Dexter, Rhys, good morning!" Kade chirped. "How’re you guys holding up?" Favourite people. They were Emma's favourite people? KADE was included in that? It brought a flush to his face, just for a moment. Emma was the best doctor he knew of, and a pleasure to be in the company of. One of the people he admired, and who he could make easy conversation with, and didn’t feel forced when in discussion. One of the people he in a way looked up to.

Connall Walker | 35 | Leader | Western | Tagging: Annora, Olivia, then Open

Connall smiled from the corner of his lip. He squeezed Annora's hand gently. "Of course, don’t you worry about a thing," he promised, then watched as the two young women went off. Okay, so it was a bit of a slow start this morning, but that was alright. There was no rush for anything right now. Once the two had gone off, he scanned camp in search of the people he may need to speak to, or looking for people still in need of tasks. Being the Leader wasn’t as glorious and easy as some people made it out to be. It was a lot of responsibility.
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