{free birds}{semi-literate}{runaway/survival-ish}{4 slots}

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Re: {free birds}{semi-literate}{runaway/survival-ish}{4 slot

Postby Tech. » Sat Sep 17, 2011 8:19 am

[Right now, I can't be cured by words
That are only gentle
I'm just going to give my everything
To this battle that continues on endlessly]

Vanilla looked up at Aaron and smiled weakly. "Again, I say this. I do not mind your ramble, Autumn." he said. The more Vanilla thought about it, the less he minded it. Vanilla looked up to the sky, and then quickly took Aaron's jacket off his own shoulders and out it back on Autumn. "You need this much more than I do." he said quietly. Vanilla's low voice rang out like a black spot on a white piece of paper. "Another thing...You're right. I am just a little bit curious about why you value me." he said. Vanilla looked up to the sky again. His light blue eyes shone in the light that reflected off of the bright snow. Vanilla sighed and looked at his scared arms. They were light, like rest of him. But the scars were dark and deep. They revealed much more than just a simple dog scratch. Vanilla thought about what his life would have been if he never cut. 'Would my parents still love me?' he thought. He had tried to contact them multiple times during his time alone, but apparently they had changed their number. Vanilla cringed at the thought of his parents loving him. But then again, he cringed at the thought of ANYONE loving him. It was an emotion he felt that he did not need or want. Even worse was that Vanilla now had another boy with him, that was just as emotional as he was. he did not feel that this was a bad thing however. Vanill actually found a liking to Aaron. Not a deep one, just a liking. if he felt anything else, he'd stop the relationship as soon as possible...that is..if that even was possible at this point. He'd just saved Vanilla from possable death. Vanilla was NOT going to repay him the favor by dropping his friendship.
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Re: {free birds}{semi-literate}{runaway/survival-ish}{4 slot

Postby -deleted and gone- » Sat Sep 17, 2011 3:34 pm

        •• Aaron Kurayami
        •• Call me Autumn.
"A-are you absolutely sure?" Aaron asked quietly, shuffling his feet again and blushing. He straightened his hair up a little bit and finally, finally worked up the courage to look up at Vanilla."I mean, I find it embarrassing that I talk so much without even realizing it, and I bet you're embarrassed that you heave to deal with me constantly rambling on about whatever for like five minutes straight or something...and how people will look at you and be all 'I feel bad for that poor kid, having to deal with that other boy that never shuts his mouth. I bet he gets tired of that guy, constantly talking on and on' - I'm doing it again." Aaron rolled his eyes at himself, wishing he actually could keep quiet for just one moment of his life. He blushed fiercely, wishing he knew what Vanilla thought of him at that moment. What I'd give to know what this guy thinks of me...he probably isn't thinking anything good, that's for sure.

Aaron thought about Vanilla saying that he did wonder why he liked him so much. Aaron, to be honest...was not sure how to answer that. As he thought about it, he adjusted himself in his jacket that Vanilla put on him, a timid little simper on his face. He wasn't sure at all, and he really had to search deep in the back of his head for the answer - and then it came to him, almost in an instant. "Well, I...you're really the first person I've ever met that actually treats me well, or even cares the slightest bit." Aaron tried to answer without stammering or pausing, and so far, he was succeeding. He tried to sound as sure of himself as possible, but that shy part of him will randomly come out of him at the most inappropriate times, kind of like right now. "F-for some reason, people never really cared for me that much, and I was never sure why...though I managed to convince myself that it's because I'm...well...obnoxious, annoying...things along those lines. Though, you haven't really done or said anything negative to me...and if you're wondering about when I walked away from you, I didn't think you thought like that. I was honestly just kind of frightened. I'm used to people using a snappy tone on me, but...usually when that would happen, I'd run off and avoid the person. But I came back to you, so that shows I thought you were okay with me...and that I care."

Aaron realized he had blurted out that last part and his cheeks turned that pale pink colour. It was as if he'd never stop embarrassing himself. Aaron, Aaron, Aaron...you're doing it again. Shut up before he really does get annoyed with you, please. He glanced down and over at the snow-covered ground, hoping he could keep himself at a less talkative level next time. Sure, his voice was soft and quiet, but he thinks he says more than he should. Aaron did realize that this could sometimes be a good thing, especially when it came to striking up conversations with people, but even in that situation, he'd still feel totally embarrassed that, eek eek, "I said way to much and I'm sorry, I should've kept quiet." No matter how many times Vanilla would try to convince him that it was alright, Aaron would still feel like he was annoying the heck outta him and that he should learn when to shut it. I hope I'll get more comfortable speaking around him, though...I don't want him to see me as a total introvert forever.
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Re: {free birds}{semi-literate}{runaway/survival-ish}{4 slot

Postby Chessur » Sat Sep 17, 2011 3:48 pm

(It's fine xD I really need to spice my posts up a bit more :x Y'know with colors and stuff. /Terrible at making posts look pretty)

Rose looked down at Autumn and his friend he was holding in his arms. It was similar to a movie scene, she could agree with him on that part. This guy was weird, but the good kind of weird. She did notice that he was just barely falling for her lie, though it was better than him not falling for it at all. Because if that were to happen she wouldn't even make it a day with freedom. Though Rose hoped her nervousness would tone down just a bit, so her lie would seem less noticeable. Though whatever she tried to do just wouldn't help, she was scared, but hopeful. It just seemed that the scared side was showing more.

When Autumn said as if Rose looked as if a murderer was after her, she froze. She never thought of what her dad would do to her if he caught her with the help of police. He probably would kill her, literally. He nearly killed her mother after all, she was lucky she was alive after that brutal beating. Rose started to feel fear sweep over her like a wave. She didn't want to die like that. What made the whole thing worse is that Rose was always a worrier, and sometimes stress and worry could play out those imagined events in her head like a movie she was forced to watch. It was a sick thing really. Though despite her fear she put on her best fake smile and of course her best fake laugh.

"I do seem a little paranoid" Rose laughed weakly "It must be from being new and all, the butterfly's y'know." Rose was going along with that story, the whole 'she was new to this town blah blah bla bla' story that is. It was the only thing keeping her cover at the moment. Rose was lucking out, though with her terrible luck she'd probably end up getting turned in by Autumn. She was jealous of people/teens who had good home lives. She wouldn't have to be this desperate if she only had a better home life, better parents and probably a lot more things. Rose wondered why she had to be a kid with a bad home life. She always followed rules and was always nice to others, she was a good kid, but how did she end up with such a bad life?
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Re: {free birds}{semi-literate}{runaway/survival-ish}{4 slot

Postby -deleted and gone- » Mon Sep 19, 2011 1:03 am

(( I'm waiting on you, Reita... :\ ))
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Re: {free birds}{semi-literate}{runaway/survival-ish}{4 slot

Postby Tech. » Mon Sep 19, 2011 1:21 am

[Right now, I can't be cured by words
That are only gentle
I'm just going to give my everything
To this battle that continues on endlessly]

Vanilla sighed pathetically. This was not how he planned on spending the very few nights away from home. This guy was really starting to aggitate him with his constant apologies. Vanilla's hands shot up to his head, and gripped tufts of blonde hair on either side of his head. "Stop apologizing!" he yelled. "My goodness!" Vanilla's head started to hurt from all the events that happened recently. "You apologize over and over! Even though I said I don't care!" Vanilla's voice had reached a screeching peek and his eyes were a bloodshot tone. He suddenly calmed down a bit, realizing this was probably hurting Aaron big time. "I guess this is my turn to apologize." he said quietly. "I didn't mean to yell like that. If..Just happenes." Vanilla now felt terrible, and wanted to run. He wanted to get away from Aaron, because little did he know how loud and threatening he sounded. Vanilla hated it when he sounded threatening.

(Sorry it's short. I don't feel well.)
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Re: {free birds}{semi-literate}{runaway/survival-ish}{4 slot

Postby Tech. » Mon Sep 19, 2011 12:07 pm

(Changing Vanilla's appearance image to this.

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Re: {free birds}{semi-literate}{runaway/survival-ish}{4 slot

Postby -deleted and gone- » Mon Sep 19, 2011 2:33 pm

        •• Aaron Kurayami
        •• Call me Autumn.
At first, Aaron got really scared again, feeling his heart stop for a moment. He almost ran off, but was not about to leave Vanilla. Not like he did last time, no way. He didn't have to heart to leave him, though he did shrink down a little bit, hiding the fact that he was trembling a little bit. He straightened himself up a little bit, a small amount of boldness coming out of him. "Okay, okay...I'll stop." Aaron tried to hide the fear he was feeling...

...but then, he stopped shaking when he saw Vanilla calm down. He had a weak smile on his face and he looked back down, now a bit to scared to look him in the eye. Aaron would need some brief recovery time from that shriek he had heard from Vanilla's throat. "And you're forgiven. I understand that feeling of not being able to control something you do...oh boy, do I ever..." Aaron sighed and shook his head a little bit. "Like me with my constant rambling...and annoying apologies." He kicked a little bit of snow and grunted very quietly, pretty angry with himself. "Anyways...did you even hear me when I said why I valued you?" Aaron couldn't help but to chuckle as he asked that.

"I mean, it seems like you totally ignored me since you...y'know...had a little outburst." I hope he heard me. There's no way I'm gonna repeat myself, absolutely no way...unless he talks me into it. Which should be pretty easy considering I've warmed up to him and all that stuff. Aaron was careful not to space out into a daydream of thought like he did when he was alone sometimes. He wanted to be alert for Vanilla's sake...and for his own sake. He sure as sugar did not want to hear that ear-deafening scream again. After all, he was more used to peace and quiet. And he hated seeing Vanilla upset like that.


Aaron smiled ant turned to face Rose again, still not totally believing her. C'mon, there's no way she's lying. I mean, she probably is nervous...I was a scaredy-cat when I first came from Japan, I guess. But she's unusually nervous...oh, Autumn, shut up and just listen to her. You'll find out eventually whether or not she's telling the truth. He was silent for a brief moment, shuffling himself a bit uncomfortably, trying to shoo away the timid feeling that overcame him. He had the words to say, and in fact, they were right in his throat, but they refused to come out.

Until Aaron forced them out, that is. "Alright. Sorry that I seem a little...shifty, I guess. Your nervousness seemed a bit unusual, but whatever, I know know that feeling. Y'know, of being the new kid." Once Aaron thought about it, he finally half-bought the lie. He figured that Rose actually was new, considering he had never seen her around before. Ever. Not once in his life - well, up until now, that is. He didn't even recall seeing her in school, so of course part of him will be all, hey, she's telling the truth so listen to her. "Hope you'll settle down soon, though. For some reason, I feel bad when I see people that are stressed out. I guess it's 'cause I know they're troubled with something, and I always pity people that are troubled."
Last edited by -deleted and gone- on Tue Sep 20, 2011 2:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: {free birds}{semi-literate}{runaway/survival-ish}{4 slot

Postby Tech. » Tue Sep 20, 2011 2:15 pm

[Right now, I can't be cured by words
That are only gentle
I'm just going to give my everything
To this battle that continues on endlessly]

"I really am sorry." said Vanilla apologetically. "I did not know that I would hurt you like that. I also did not know that I could get that angry, and upset. He looked to the ground, as if the answer to his anger problem was right there, written in the snow. "I get so angry, so fast. I don't know why. I wish I didn't." Vanilla mutterd. He did not like his sudden mood changes. It made him fell bipolar, or something of that nature. "And I heard why you valued me. I really appreciate you feeling that way about me...It really is more than just what it appears to be, considering the fact that nobody has cared for me either before you. Your words go alot deeper than I think they were ment, even if you don't like it-they do...and I cannot believe i'm saying this, but I have a special place in my heart for you man." he said quietly. Vanilla's head raced about what he just said. 'I hope he doesn't take that in a different way than what I ment..' he thought to himself. Vanilla rememberd the last time someone had mistaken his words...
-Vanilla's memory-
It was winter, and freezing tempteratures. Vanilla, Camui, and Tatsuo, were all at Vanilla's old school grounds. Vanilla had found some old material to make a decent bed out of. He and Camui were alone in the school, since Tatsuo was in the kitchen. "Hey, Camui." he had said. "Could you take off your shirt? I would like to see how your scar his healing." he said. For two weeks earlier-Camui had cut himself very badly when traning with his longsword. First of all, Camui had taken that the wrong way. He had jerked away from Vanilla in an act of discust. Vanilla was confused and curious. "What's wrong Camui?" he had asked. "I don't want to hurt you." Vanilla's voice was soft and understanding. Camui did not react in any way but discust. "You pervert!" he had screamed. Vanilla was even more confused than before. "P-Pervert? I wanted to make sure you were ok." he said. "No you didn't! You wanted to see my body!" Camui had screamed i nhis face. Vanilla was again-confused. "Camui, why would I-" But Camui had interupted. "Look, just drop it ok?!" he had almost screamed in Vanilla's face. Vanilla had automatically backed down and dropped ths subject. Lator that night, Vanilla had gotten cold in his bed alone. Forgetting about ealier, he called to Camui. "Camui, could you come get in the bed with me? I'm cold." he had said. Of course, Camui took even this simple innocent act the wrong way. "Ew, Vanilla! No!" he had yelled. Vanilla was yet again confused at Camui's words. "Why not?" he asked quietly, in a whispering voice. Camui had made a small gay sounding act with his throat. "That's gay! First my shirt! Now this!" Vanilla knew that these were not his intentions. He tried his hardest to tell this to Camui many times, but Camui believed that Vanilla was gay, and maybe he was but that ment nothing. He was not perverted, and to this day, hoped people didn't mistake his wording...
-Present day-
Vanilla looked up at Aaron. His rememberance of this night made it only harder on him. He wanted to desperatly for Aaron to know how he felt, to be able to relate to him. He knew that Aaron probably would have SOME way of relating, weather it was the way Vanilla liked it or not. Vanilla just hoped it wasn't some cheesy 'I know how you feel' answer that he was going to get from Aaron. The ones that he got from everyone else. Vanilla looked at the trees, and how they glistened with newly fallen snow that reflected the light. It was beautiful.

(Another long post for my buddy Kimino.! Man, I love trying to please you. xDD)
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Re: {free birds}{semi-literate}{runaway/survival-ish}{4 slot

Postby -deleted and gone- » Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:09 pm

        •• Aaron Kurayami
        •• Call me Autumn.
Aaron shook his head, smirking and putting a hand on Vanilla's shoulder. "Listen to me, Van. I told you...it's okay. You have a short temper, and I understand that." Aaron gave him a reassuring smile and hugged him again, letting go quickly so Vanilla wouldn't yell at him or anything along those lines. He still didn't fully trust Vanilla, but that's only because of personal reasons and few traumas that involved trust. However, Aaron was warming up quickly, and he had a good feeling about Vanilla for some reason. Out of everyone he's ever met, he trusted Vanilla the most, and he couldn't even explain why. "So please...don't feel bad about it. There's nothing bad about having a quick temper. There's no more reason to apologize to me, okay?"

Aaron couldn't help but smile warmly and blush upon hearing those words come from Vanilla. He hadn't misunderstood the words, but even if he did, he wouldn't have been ticked off about that. "Y-you really mean that?" he asked, a slight hint of excitement in his tone. He'd never actually been close to someone before, and never knew that he ever would be. "Really and truly? I-I've never been told something like that before..." Aaron went silent after that, wishing he knew how to take it. Yes, he knew it was a good thing, but how he could react, he didn't know. Receiving kind words from someone was something that didn't happen to Aaron that frequently. It was a rare occasion, and he cherished the polite, gentle things said to him. He held those words close to his heart, and always would.

(( Sorry about the short response. D: I wanted to respond before you had to get offline. xD ))
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Re: {free birds}{semi-literate}{runaway/survival-ish}{4 slot

Postby -deleted and gone- » Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:15 am

(( Do you want me to write more? c: I have more ideas, so I'll gladly fill some of that empty space in. ))
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