โ€” โœง ๐‚๐Ž๐”๐‘๐“ ๐Ž๐… ๐†๐€๐‹๐‹๐€๐•๐€๐ โ™” medieval rp โ™” O&A

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โ™” elric | 01

Postby nikbowie » Wed Jan 12, 2022 5:09 pm

    โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ ๐‘ฌ๐‘ณ๐‘น๐‘ฐ๐‘ช ! !
    โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ ๐‘ฎ๐‘จ๐‘ณ๐‘ณ๐‘จ๐‘ฝ๐‘จ๐‘ต
    โ™› โ€ข prince โ€ข he-him โ€ข 21 โ€ข location: the woods/ the secret meadow โ€ข mentions: xx โ€ข tags: kit

    Elric leaned forward into Nelson, feeling every pounding hoofbeat vibrate through both their bodies as it slammed the damp ground. The sun had broken through the morningโ€™s mist, the ground was sprinkled with puddles, but Elric could tell the day would blossom beautifully. A squirrel dropped from a tree above them, narrowly missing a quashing via nelsonโ€™s hoof.

    I wonder if squirrels can talk to each other, he thought, squeals have got to mean somethingโ€ฆunless a squeal is like a scream for humans, and thereโ€™s a whole different language theyโ€™ve got and we just canโ€™t hear it.

    He loosened the reins and nelson slowed his pace a bit, smoothly moving to a jog, and opened his mouth to ask Kit what he thought of the squirrel question, but stopped, instead noticing a thin opening, overgrown and shrouded by bushes; a place that was only noticeable to those that knew to look, it veered off the often-ridden main path. Elric lifted his wrist to pull Nelson's reins, but the horse knew what Elric wanted him to do and turned sharply before he put any pressure. They slid into the forest and thundered down the narrow trail. Elric wound one of his hands through nelsonโ€™s mane and leaned forward to whisper in his ear: โ€œDonโ€™t listen to the sirens!โ€ He began to hum to himself, a shanty song about the famous three sister sirens who haunted the forest they rode in. โ€œWhere did I hear that?โ€ he interrupted himself, โ€œMaybe one of the stablehands?โ€ And went back to singing: โ€œBe-ware the sis-ters and their song!โ€

    A few moments later, Nelson and Elric emerged from the shadowy woods, they burst together into the final destination of their journey, one of Elricโ€™s favorite places to be. He grinned and whistled as the meadow unraveled around them. Tucked, hidden away in the forest, the meadow was a bright patch of yellow and green, speckled by wildflowers. He adored it. In one corner, nestled in the bottom of a rolling hill, was his and Kitโ€™s pond.

    He remembered the first time he discovered the secret meadow. It was what now, nine years ago? He had gathered a whole group of kids, anywhere he could find themโ€”kitchens, stables, the villageโ€”he wanted to show everyone. He rode Nelson, who was young then, and this dusty pack of kids followed him, they poured into the meadow. For a moment it was perfect, and then a little girl stepped in a hornet nest and a swarm came pouring out.

    Chaos ensued.

    Screaming girls, boys cryingโ€”Nelson, still a baby, couldnโ€™t handle it; he went tearing forward, full gallop, completely out of control. As he arrived at the pond, he began to get stung, neighed deafeningly, and started to buck. Little Elric couldnโ€™t handle it, or hold on long at all. But in the midst of all of this mayhem there was a boy, blond, with bright, attentive blue eyes. (His eyes were what defined Kit, really.) Elric wasnโ€™t really sure how it happened, but one moment that boy wasnโ€™t there, and the next he was flying through the air and the boy was, right on the bank of the pond. โ€œAm I dead?โ€ He lay in Kitโ€™s lap for a moment, and when it had been established that he was, in fact, still in the realm of the living, they set off together in pursuit of a petrified Nelson.

    He smiled at the memory and ruffled Nelsonโ€™s mane so that it stuck up. โ€œYou donโ€™t like bees, do you boy?โ€

    Elric glanced over to Kit, who looked,to him, much the same as he had at fourteen, holding a wiry twelve-year old Elric above the earth, when his face imprinted Elricโ€™s memory for the first time. He wasnโ€™t too good at remembering details like that. He supposed Kit was somehow sharper now. And he laughed a little more. Kit was seated on a horse too, that was new. His attention turned to Kitโ€™s mount.

    โ€œI love Bendita!โ€ Elric rode to Kitโ€™s side and reached out a hand to pat the gentle mare. โ€œItโ€™s nice today, isnโ€™t it?โ€ Nelson mimicked the gesture, bumping his dusky tan nose with the mareโ€™s dappled gray. Elric hopped off of Nelson and began towards the pondโ€”once Nelson had gotten over the residual fear of bees, he had grown to love the pond. Elric suddenly remembered the squirrel question, and cupped his hand around his mouth. โ€œKitty-cat?โ€ he called. โ€œDo you think animals can communicate? Like, when a dog barks, is he saying โ€˜give me bacon!โ€™...I wish I knew what Nelson was thinking right now.โ€ He carefully tied Nelson to a tree near the water so that he could drink, and awaited Kitโ€™s response, the familiar sound of Bennieโ€™s approach, and the sound when Kit dismounted and joined him. He flopped down onto the grass and rolled onto his back, partially shaded by the tree. He loved the feeling of grass, it was cold, while the rest of his body was warmed by the sun.

    He thought about the sun, and whether people could ever live on it, and after a minute or so of this, he realized Kit wasnโ€™t there. Leaning up onto his elbows, he squinted and called for him. โ€œKit?โ€ It was unusual for Kit to stray far from his side. He was like an extension, and it didnโ€™t feel quite right when he wasnโ€™t near. He didnโ€™t have to be speakingโ€”a fair amount of the time he wasnโ€™tโ€”but he was a presence, nonetheless, and now that presence was vacant. He finally placed him, across the field, with someone else.

    Why would someone be at our secret meadow? He pulled Nelson loose and launched onto his back, spurring him onwards towards Kit. Whoever else was there had vanished by the time he arrived.

    โ€œKit?โ€ He slowed to a walk. โ€œWho was that?โ€
Last edited by nikbowie on Thu Jan 13, 2022 3:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby senna_ » Wed Jan 12, 2022 5:34 pm

    โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๐Š๐ˆ๐“ ๐•๐„๐‘๐๐„ โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€
    โ™ž โ€ข guardsman/knight โ€ข location: forest/meadow โ€ข mentions: shawn, tag โ€ข tags: elric
    The thin breeze that swept across the tips of the meadow grasses was a chilly relief that morning. Kit could sense that Benedita, his radiant Andalusian mare, was antsy with the cool autumn weather. She snorted with every step taken, her head bobbing along with her gait; Kitโ€™s arms would certainly hurt a bit more than usual after the ongoing game of tug-the-rein-and-bit he had been forced to play. His mare had been even more anxious this morning. Kit knew her well enough to know how she got during days like these, when the sun sparkled high in the air, but came across as deceiving. The fresh air always got her going. It was exactly why he had warned the stablehand Shawn about her, although looking back at it, he knew it was a rather foolish act, for his friend surely knew about his mareโ€™s cheeky behaviour. Nonetheless, it had been Kit who had prepared her for her morning ride. He was confident that sliding in a murmured, โ€œWeโ€™re riding with Elric today,โ€ smartened her up a bit; Kit was convinced Bennie liked Elric as much โ”€ if not more โ”€ than Kit himself. She was angelic around him.

    xxAdmittedly, despite his position, sometimes Kit didnโ€™t know what Elric had in mind when he rode out. Going out without a plan often unnerved Kit, who was a very visual person, but Elric always made it enjoyable. Spontaneous, but not in a way that made Kit want to tug his golden curls off his head. In fact, he quite liked the thrill, although he supposed part of that was mostly because of Elricโ€™s company โ”€ something Kit was rather fond of. Despite constantly being reminded of his position compared to his friendโ€™s, Kit enjoyed his time with Elric. He was one of the few people Kit felt he could be himself around. And he appreciated it.

    xx โ€œIn a rush, Your Highness? Who's the lucky person this time?โ€ Kit called out to Elric, leaning forward in his saddle in an attempt to beat the occasional howls the wind released. His tone slipped up into something of a tease at the title; Kit eventually got used to calling Elric just that, and nowadays, โ€œYour Highnessโ€ was more of a joke than anything else. Of course, it still dwelled on the side of respect, but they were past worker-and-authority positions.


    xxClicking his tongue, he urged his mare into a steady canter, slowing her back down to a comfortable trot as he neared Elric. Trees bordered the two of them, shielding them from the outskirts of society. He fell in line behind Elric, Bennie's head neared Nelson's rump, displeased to be behind. Kit drew back the reins. โ€œIt must be nice to finally flee the nest,โ€ he continued, sea-blue eyes flickering ahead, where the forest path broke out into the upcoming meadow. โ€œAlthough so many people at court seem to be in awe of you, or something. You are a natural favourite there.โ€

    xxThey had every right to feep that way. With his boyish grin and hearty charm, it was extremely difficult not to like Elric. Kit suspected his father probably requested he flattened out his enthusiasm a bit, simply based on their different personalities, but Kit liked it. It was very Elric. Kit, most of the time, was more or less his babysitter, truth be told. Just like the time he dragged him from that pond. Kit had been around ever since.

    xxElric always asked the most bizarre things. It was something that had instantly drawn Kit in. The way his innocence shaped out innovational thoughts and ideas was captivating. He was different. Kit liked it. "Bennie seemed eager to get out and enjoy the sunshine," he mused, a small smile playing at his pale pink lips as his mount nuzzled Nelson. "I'm convinced it was to see you and Nelson, though."

    xxHe pulled Bennie down to a moderate pace as soon as they passed by the last of the trees. He lifted his head, bringing in the sweet air; stained by a natural floral perfume, it was always something that cleared his mind. He glanced at Elric, who was headed towards the pond โ€” the pond โ€” then urged his mare onward. Of course Elric decided to come here; Kit wasn't sure why he was questioning his desired location in the first place. This was a common occurrence for the two of them โ€” this was a place where they could get away and be themselves. And Kit loved it. At first, he'd been weary, memories of the accident haunting him, despite the fact that it had been Elric who had taken a tumble. Now, it screamed tranquility, serenity, and juvenescence. Kit felt free of worry with Elric, like he was young and able to do as he plessed. If only life was always like that.

    xx "Absolutely I do," Kit answered, and while his tone was on the verge of something distant, it hugged truth and sincerity. "I think Bennie was telling โ€” demanding โ€” me she wanted a good gallop. I'm sure Nelson has plenty to say to you. All good things, of course." He shot Elric a quick grin before returning to a fairly neutral expression. "I'll join you in a mere moment. I'm just going to give Benedita a quick walk around โ€” she's a bit sweaty."

    xxAt that, Kit left Elric's side. He was often hesitant to do so, given his unusual high desire to constantly protect, but he felt safe here. Not many people came here. It was because of that that he nearly jumped out of his skin at the sound of a rather obnoxious clear of the throat. Kit could feel himself tensing ever-so-slightly as a new figure approached him, seemingly having arrived out of thin air. Based on the manโ€™s outfit, the way his shirt fit them well, and his boots were freshly polished, Kit took he was not a normal commoner. However, he didnโ€™t wear a particular colour, nor did Kit see any signs of a particular symbol sewn to his uniform. A spy, perhaps? Whomever he may be, Kit didnโ€™t help himself stand down. Raising his chin slightly, he dismounted his horse, giving the two the chance to converse face-to-face.

    xx โ€œYouโ€™re from the Gallavan court.โ€ The words that came from the strangerโ€™s mouth were audibly not questioning; even though Kit wasnโ€™t wearing any official gear, the man knew.

    xxโ€œCan I help you find something?โ€ Kit returned, tone the slightest bit suspicious as he eyed the unfamiliar face. โ€œWho are you?โ€

    xxSilence lingered between them for a brief moment; an invisible string was reeling the both of them in closer. The stranger removed the hood on his head. โ€œIโ€™ve heard news,โ€ he continued in a hushed tone. โ€œKing Ode is coming your way โ€“ heโ€™s prepared troops. He wants land. Your land. Iโ€™ve heard he is aiming for your capital. An attack is coming. These are not just rumours, not any longer. I trust you will pass this news along โ”€ โ€ he cast a quick look over his shoulder โ”€ โ€œI do not suspect you have much time.โ€

    xxThis time, Kit was the one to bathe in the silence. โ€œHow do I know you are not lying? You donโ€™t scare me.โ€

    xxThe stranger hesitated, then lifted the cloak draped across his left shoulder, revealing nothing other than the Terrowin symbol itself. โ€œHe will have my head if he knows I am here,โ€ the man hissed; Kit didn't need him to clarify who exactly "he" was. He knew. โ€œYou should be scared, if not prepared. And we know where you stand with that. Do what you will with this information. I am only the messenger.โ€

    xxKit breathed in sharply through his nose, his eyes unable to peel away from the hooded stranger as he turned and disappeared into one of the nearby crowds. The gears were turning in his brain, now. Was it true, what had been revealed to him? While Kit was weary, as much as he hated to admit it, it did make sense. Terrowin had been quiet lately. Yes, threats were sent out in every direction, but he hadnโ€™t physically set eyes on any of them in a good amount of time. Gallavan wasn't thriving the way it once had been, either. If the attack really was real, it could result in a lot of damaged property. Giving up land would be just as hard of a hit. If what he was told was true... They were in a lot of trouble, no matter which direction they went in.

    xxAfter another fleeting moment of pondering, Kit jumped into action, flipping the switch of his knight duty on. He scrambled back onto Benedita, kicking her into a gallop. โ€œElric!โ€ he called out, back on the ground before Bennie had come to a complete stop. Reaching out, his hand secured around the princeโ€™s elbow. โ€œWe must go. Iโ€™ve just received word that King Ode is preparing troops. It isnโ€™t good; he supposedly wants your finest land. You must go tell your father. I cannot imagine this was made up. Not now.โ€
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Postby senna_ » Wed Jan 12, 2022 5:35 pm

    โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๐€๐’๐“๐Ž๐‘๐ˆ๐€ ๐†๐€๐‹๐‹๐€๐•๐€๐ โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€
    โ™› โ€ข princess โ€ข location: inside gallavan court โ€ข mentions: tag โ€ข tags: scylla
    โ€œRise and shine, Your Highness!โ€ Lady Minaโ€™s voice chirped, an odd squeak against the croaked creak of the door she was pulling open. โ€œI believe you should have been up an hour ago, but I was told not to wake you.โ€

    xxAn annoyed groan sounded from within Astoriaโ€™s throat, her head buried comfortably against her feather pillow. Mina always entered with such a cheery tone; one that was easy competition for the delight the sun brought upon its people. Although she adored Mina, Astoria was never too thrilled to see her in the early mornings. โ€œI command you to leave me be,โ€ she grumbled, her tone muffled ridiculously against the pillow. โ€œI do not wish to be wakened. Not today.โ€

    xx โ€œAs your lady,โ€ Mina continued, the slightest hint of amusement present in her tone, โ€œIโ€™m afraid Iโ€™ll have to refuse that. Up you get.โ€

    xxAstoria groaned once again as the young woman sunk her palm into her shoulder, using enough force to push Astoria onto her back. Her body fell limp, like a doll, as Mina yanked her upright; her head was the last thing to come up, only to droop back down again. Her entire skull was pounding, and she squeezed her eyes shut. โ€œI just want to go back to bedโ€ฆโ€

    xxIn silence, Mina handed her a goblet of cold water as the princess reopened her eyes, and Astoria knew she had no choice but to drink it up. Wordlessly, she did just that, and while she refused to show it, the cold liquid was satisfying against her dry tongue. She finished the water in practically one gulp, then brought her arm out so that Mina could take the cup away. โ€œI can only imagine what Father will say when he sees me,โ€ she sighed, although she couldnโ€™t hide the smallest smirk that was playing at her lips. It was always an exuberant game, pushing at her fatherโ€™s buttons. She knew very well what picture of her he had painted, and how she grew into something outside the canvas. She was sure drinking too much wine wasnโ€™t something that would be approved, and yet, there she was.

    xxAstoria let herself sit upright in her bed a moment longer as Mina fetched her dress from her wardrobe. The dress was a colour that fell somewhere between copper and coral, with a shimmery torso. It was a pretty pink, one Astoria knew would do nicely against her gently tanned skin. She grimaced slightly as she watched Mina pull out a cloak that matched the dress. Astoria was not a fan of the cold, and for whatever reason, it seemed as though her chambers were somehow five degrees colder than everywhere else. Cloaks always implied it was chilly out. She was in for a real treat.

    xxNothing ever liked working in her favour.

    xxEventually pulling herself away from her warm covers, Astoria headed over to her wardrobe so that she could change. Her dark eyes flitted towards the painted ceiling as Mina helped her into her undergarments. โ€œTighter,โ€ she commanded her lady, as she was tying up her corset. She could tell Mina had hesitated by the way her fingers slipped against the lace, but the young woman did as she was told. Astoria held her breath as the stiff material dug into her ribs, but apart from placing her hand against her stomach, she didnโ€™t allow any more of a reaction to slip up. She had few duties, but one of them was looking pretty and presentable, and there was no better way to do that than to start with a tight corset and an appealing dress. She knew her father was likely sorting through potential husbands for her already. The thought of that made her roll her eyes.

    xxAstoria remained quiet as her hair was worked on, something unusual for the Gallavan girl. Then again, with a headache so perturbing, Astoria wasnโ€™t too sure talking would really do much, despite how much she liked doing it. She grabbed the nearby pitcher and brought it to her lips. Even though Mina was behind her, Astoria sensed her disapproval. The princess drank from the pitcher regardless. Soon enough, she was ready to set off. โ€œThank you, darling.โ€ Astoria didnโ€™t give hugs, but she did tip her head to the side and shoot Mina a radiant smile. Then she was off, the sound of her heels echoing off the walls, accompanying her trailing shadow as she wandered out of her chambers.

    xxHer eyes were wandering the moment she was out in the open. It was always so boring, being alone in such an empty household. She was beyond thrilled when she caught sight of someone familiar up ahead. Even though her back was towards Astoria, the princess didnโ€™t have to second-guess herself. A contented tight-lipped smile on her features, Astoria set off in a strut-like pace towards the woman.

    xxShe was walking grace, that Scylla Caswell. The way she weightlessly carried her long, slim frame around the castle was pure elegance. Astoria had been envious of her for so long. Truthfully, she still was. But she adored her; she knew the two of them together annoyed the servants, even though theyโ€™d never say such a thing. Astoria didnโ€™t care. She felt like herself around Scylla, and she was always so inspired by the woman. Sheโ€™d have to be physically pried from the woman in order for her to stop spending time around the duchess.

    xx โ€œScylla!โ€ she greeted, her voice ringing out as she slid in closer to the duchess. One hand remained tucked closer to her side and the other swept outwards in one flourishing movement as she addressed the dark-haired woman. โ€œWhat is Your Grace up to this ever so glorious morning?โ€ The sarcasm oozed off her tongue like blood draining from a wound, and she quirked a brow. โ€œI say we go find a poor servant to pester. Iโ€™ve yet to eat breakfast, and I'm famished.โ€
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Re: โ€” โœง ๐‚๐Ž๐”๐‘๐“ ๐Ž๐… ๐†๐€๐‹๐‹๐€๐•๐€๐ โ™” medieval rp โ™” O&A

Postby sunhorsestar » Fri Jan 14, 2022 7:57 am

Shawn Robin | Stablehand | Tagging: Cedric

"Good morning, Cedric!" Shawn chirped a greeting to his friend as he walked in for work that morning. Heโ€™d fallen asleep late the night before and was running a bit late for work, pity, really. It was so unlike him. However, it was what it was. Shawn always tried to be timely. The duties werenโ€™t going to attend to themselves. There were horses to feed and brush, and stables to be cleaned, and bedding to be changed, and tack to be washed.

Perhaps it was lower work than some folks desired, but as for Shawn, he had always been perfectly content with it. Around animals was where he thrived best. It never failed to soothe his mind and calm him. The horses never seemed agitated around him either, so all was well there. Shawn was a simple man. He didnโ€™t need anything big or fancy. Just his work, simple and plain, and a place to rest his head at night. Although he knew the luxury the royals of the court lived with, he never envied them for it. To each their own.

"Sorry for my tardiness. Hope I didnโ€™t keep you waiting too long." Shawn shot Cedric an apologetic smile. For a while now, having been working long-term together, the two had become friends. He was friends with Cedric, and he appreciated Desmond's company. Shawn loved his work as it was, but having friends to work alongside made it all the more enjoyable.

Karter Zael | Knight | Tagging: Effie

Karter had risen with the sun that morning, as he always tried to do. There was no room for a guard of the royal family to be sleeping in when they may be called on at any given second. He always wanted to be prepared for whatever the world may throw his way. However, until he would be called on, he figured it wouldnโ€™t hurt to visit a friend. So he slipped away and into the stable, nodding to Shawn as he arrived only seconds after the stablehand.

"Effie? You in here?" He felt a bit strange calling out without being able to see the stablehand's familiar face right away, but as far as heโ€™d seen so far, all the stablehands seemed friendly enough, so he doubted anyone was liable to get mad if he was to wander in for a few minutes and steal his friend's attention. Besides, it was still early. There wasnโ€™t a ton of work to do right at the break of dawn.

Ah yes. That young woman was one of the few people Karter truly considered a friend. Someone he related to in oh so many ways. Someone he could understand, and above all, someone he feltโ€” no, KNEWโ€” he could trust. When he finally caught sight of her, he headed over that way, feeling bad for interrupting work, but having nothing better to do for the time being. "Hey. Can I help with anythin' here?"
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โ™ž ๐‘ฌ๐‘ญ๐‘ญ๐‘ฐ๐‘ฌ | d 001

Postby enby » Fri Jan 14, 2022 8:51 am

โ™ž๐‘ฌ๐‘ญ๐‘ญ๐‘ฐ๐‘ฌ โฅฝ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž๐ฒ/๐ฌ๐ก๐ž
xxโ™˜ 19 | stablehand | tagged; karter โ™˜

    Effie had woken quiet early already to take care of the horses, about before even sun rise, she knew she had to be up early for them and she didn't mind that at all! she loved that the horses were one of the few things she first saw in the morning- they always brightened up her day and were automatically a good start for her. She was digging out dirt and mud from the bottom of the horses hoof when they heard a familiar voice, their good friend Karter! She turned her head up when she saw him, a smile spreading across her lips while her cheeks flushed a soft shade of red. ''Hello Karter! If you'd like you could maybe help brush out the horses coat?'' She gave a small smile with her eyes, her deep brown eyes squinting happily as she stood from her spot and brushed off her chest and knees gently. ''How are you this morning? I hope you're well!'' She chirped out quietly as she grabbed some things to fix up the horses mane she was working with.

    Her eyes scanned over the face of her friend, she loved when he'd visit her- it made her feel incredibly special, and like someone was actually thinking about her! Which wasn't something she was used to, but it made her happy, probably happier then what Karter would imagine, he made her feel safe as well, considering he was someone she could trust, a good friend AND he was a knight. She had caught herself staring a bit at her friend while she thought to herself, finally catching herself she quickly pulled her eyes away from him and began to brush through the horses mane and styling it the way that would be requested from them perusal, waiting patiently and quietly for her friend to response to her question about his morning. She quietly hummed to herself, as she braided the horses hair just to keep from having any form of awkward silence between the two of them.
Last edited by enby on Fri Jan 14, 2022 4:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: โ€” โœง ๐‚๐Ž๐”๐‘๐“ ๐Ž๐… ๐†๐€๐‹๐‹๐€๐•๐€๐ โ™” medieval rp โ™” O&A

Postby sunhorsestar » Fri Jan 14, 2022 9:09 am

Karter Zael | Knight | Tagging: Effie

"Yeah, sure." Karter grabbed the brush and set a hand on the horse's neck, gentle reminder that he was there, alerting the horse to his presence. When it didnโ€™t protest, he gently started to brush out the coat. He honestly wasnโ€™t 100% sure how to do this, but a quick glance towards Shawn helped aid him in how exactly to go about it. For the moment, he understood why they went into this line of work. It was peaceful, like there was something about the gentle creatures that soothed the atmosphere.

"Iโ€™m doin' okay. Same old, same old. How 'bout you?" Whenever someone asked the question, Karter answered curtly and responded with returning the question. Most of the time though, he didnโ€™t care much what the answer was. Effie, as his friend, was one of the exceptions to that rule. "Can I ask you a question?"
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โ™ž ๐‘ฌ๐‘ญ๐‘ญ๐‘ฐ๐‘ฌ | d 001

Postby enby » Fri Jan 14, 2022 9:40 am

โ™ž๐‘ฌ๐‘ญ๐‘ญ๐‘ฐ๐‘ฌ โฅฝ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž๐ฒ/๐ฌ๐ก๐ž
xxโ™˜ 19 | stablehand | tagged; karter โ™˜

    Effie watched as Karter began to brush the horse, they're eyebrows raising happily for a moment feeling content with what felt like a bonding to her. They looked up at him gently, while they kept working with the horse ''I'm good..I've been here since pretty early this morning, as usual! I'm glad you're alright.'' She smiled gently, her head tipping a bit- eyes fluttering a tad when he mentioned asking her a question, her face flushing mostly out of nervousness of the feeling of anticipation when someone would ask something like that. She thought a moment to herself before responding, ''Of course!'' They said gently, braiding the last few bits of hair on the horse and feeding it a carrot as a treat.

    As she moved to the tail of the horse, her hand brushed against it's side gently just to let it know they were there so that it wouldn't get spooked or anything. They looked up at Karter, brows furrowing gently as she began to style the horses tail, her heart pattering a tiny bit in her chest, nervously waiting for her friends question- she was naturally a pretty anxious person so even if the question was something basic and nothing she'd still be rather nervous about it, as it was mostly the waiting and uncertainty about it that made her nervousness spike but she was patient none the less. She still couldn't help but keep glancing at the knight, her face a flushed color, but she'd focus on her work the most that her anxiety would let her in the moment.
Last edited by enby on Fri Jan 14, 2022 4:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: โ€” โœง ๐‚๐Ž๐”๐‘๐“ ๐Ž๐… ๐†๐€๐‹๐‹๐€๐•๐€๐ โ™” medieval rp โ™” O&A

Postby sunhorsestar » Fri Jan 14, 2022 9:59 am

Karter Zael | Knight | Tagging: Effie

Karter moved down to the horse's haunches slowly, taking note of how the direction of the hairs shifted. Was he SUPPOSED to brush there? Doing as he had before, he followed the direction of the fine hair, switching the way he was brushing. He was silent for a long moment. The longer he spent in here, the more he answered his own question, but it would be different for every person, surely.

"What made you choose this as a line of work? No real important reason or anything, but Iโ€™m curious." No one needed to be TOLD that about him. Karter wasnโ€™t shy about being a curious soul, but especially so when it came to the motives and interests of his friends. "You coulda done anything with the kind of work dedication you have."
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โ™ž ๐‘ฌ๐‘ญ๐‘ญ๐‘ฐ๐‘ฌ | d 001

Postby enby » Fri Jan 14, 2022 11:21 am

โ™ž๐‘ฌ๐‘ญ๐‘ญ๐‘ฐ๐‘ฌ โฅฝ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž๐ฒ/๐ฌ๐ก๐ž
xxโ™˜ 19 | stablehand | tagged; Karter โ™˜

    Effie looked up from her work when he finally gave her the question, she smiled a bit gently and tipped her head, giving herself a moment to think before she spoke. ''Welllll.. I suppose I just really love animals, I was also given this offer when I was younger because of the experience I already had!'' She smiled a bit, feeling happy that someone would care to ask about why they did what they did, as they were usually casted aside more often then not. She closed her eyes gently, a soft hum escaping from her throat as she got ready to speak again, ''I'm not all that good with people I suppose, so this works well for me! But I guess you're right about being able to do other things.. Although I really love working with the horses!'' She laugh a bit gently.

    Once she was done with the horse, she brushed her hands off gently and looked up at Karter. ''Do you enjoy what you do? I'm assuming so, you're pretty important too!! Strong and brave! I don't think I could ever do something like you.. It's probably pretty frightening to be up close with all that action..'' She tapped her chin a bit and put away the supplies she was using, tipping her head gently as though she was thinking- she looked back at her friend, hair gently sitting in front of her eyes ''Well- I suppose I'm done most of my work for now.. I'm sure the others will be good without me for at least a little.. Would you like to maybe go on a walk? Maybe through Lanercost? Or anywhere you'd like too really..I'm not great with decisions.'' She let out a small laugh, raising her shoulders gently as she turned on her heels to face Karter, her large brown eyes looking up at him gently.
Last edited by enby on Fri Jan 14, 2022 4:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: โ€” โœง ๐‚๐Ž๐”๐‘๐“ ๐Ž๐… ๐†๐€๐‹๐‹๐€๐•๐€๐ โ™” medieval rp โ™” O&A

Postby sunhorsestar » Fri Jan 14, 2022 11:34 am

Karter Zael | Knight | Tagging: Effie

"Experience you already had? Youโ€™ve been takin' care of animals from a young age then, huh?" A stupid question, he was sure after asked, given how well Effie connected with the animals, and so quickly at that. A small smile came to the brunette's face. He moved around to the other side of the horse, resuming the same brushing motions on the still unbrushed sections of the soft hairs. It made sense, Karter reflected. Theyโ€™d be fools to have passed up someone with prior experience, especially someone as good at their job as Effie.

"I enjoy it well enough that I do it. I just thoughtโ€ฆmaybe I could make somethin' outta myself after all." Karter's story wasnโ€™t one of a good, wholesome family and peace through his years, but he still tried to find the silver lining. He was only eighteen. There was time to make something of himself yet. He wouldnโ€™t have considered his work "frightening" given how much he loved the adrenaline rush from all the action, but he only shrugged in response.

"Yeah, sure, just a second." Karter finished up brushing the horse and gently pat its neck, setting the brush aside. Karter often occupied himself with whatever work, be it official or just helping where he could, that he could find, but when there was little else to be done, it was nice to just take a few minutes off to breathe in the fresh air and relax. "Lead the way, Iโ€™m right behind you."
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