~Scar's Journal~ [no longer writing]

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~Scar's Journal~ [no longer writing]

Postby Smilee :) » Sun Nov 27, 2011 10:37 am

I am no longer writing this story. Thank you to everyone who took time to read it, I had a lot of fun writing it!♥
Also, I wrote this a couple of years ago. Not everything in here is true, and some of the things I say I don't even remember typing!♥

~~~Ok so i've decided to start a journal on CS. It will be part made up, part real life, but kinda exaggerated. Please excuse the bad grammar/format, i've never written a real story before unless it was a short narrative for school. (The characters will be based on real people but with different names)~~~

Friday (My Birthday), 6:23 pm
Ok so mom bought me a journal for my birthday. It is pink, glittery and has hearts all over it. Ugh, pink. I hate pink. I never wear pink. I'll wear a shirt with a pink stripe or symbol but never a hot pink girly shirt. My wardrobe usually consists of skinny jeans, and a t-shirt, usually a graphic tee.

So anyways, people in books and movies always write about their feelings and mushy gushy stuff in their journals, right? Ya, not me! I hate all of the boys in my grade. They are so immature! I also won't be writing about bras and stuff like that. Ya, no thanks! I think i'll keep my undergarments private. I would write more but I gotta set the table for dinner. Wow, even on my birthday I have to do chores. Ugh life sucks :P


Friday (Still my Birthday), 8:57 pm
Dinner was great! We had my favorite food, tacos. Hard tacos, not soft, Those would just be wraps. My dad said I looked much older than I used to. Dad, i'm only 12. I'm pretty sure I still look the same as I did yesterday.. And when I was 9.

After dinner I watched my favorite show, Project Runway. My dad left the room but my mom watched it with me. I love Project Runway. It's a great show and Heidi Klum is so cool. "The Klum of Doom" is what some designers call her. Clever, eh? I think I might be a fashion designer when I grow up. I'm always making cool dresses with my towel after I take a shower. Sometimes I pin the towel together and take pictures, but then I always delete them. Don't wanna risk my dad seeing them, he'll be all "When did you do this SCARLET?" He always calls me Scarlet. I don't know why though. Everyone else just calls me Carly. My best friend Jonie calls me Scar though. I call her Jo.

9:53 pm
I just finished having a shower. I made such a cool dress this time! The only problem was the towel was thick so I couldn't pin it. I had to hold it and take a picture. Hmm... DELETE. I should probably get my pajamas on and get to bed. Oh what the heck it's Friday! I can stay up 'till 1:00 if I wanted to!

10:00 pm
Ok I just yawned like 6 times in a row. Maybe I shouldgo to bed... Goodnight! -.-


Saturday, 9:27 am
Well, I just woke up. I really need to learn how to sleep in. I need more sleep but my body is being STUPID and won't shut down. Ya, that's right body! You're stupid! Why can't you fall asleep? I hate you!

1:03 pm
I walked downstairs at 9:30 am and I went to my cabinet. I grabbed the cereal, headed to the fridge, and grabbed the milk. I walked towards the cupboard when I got a phone call. The phone said...

J Oldervine

It was Jonie.

I picked up the phone,
"Hey Jo." I said happily.
"Hey Scar, are you busy today?" She asked.
"Um, I don't think so. Why? Do you wanna hang out?" I asked her.
"Yeah, but at your house. My mom is having Heather come over with Lilly and Wynter. You know, the bratty kids?"
"Yeah, I know them," I replied. Heather was one of Jo's mom's friends. Her 2 twin daughters are huge brats. They get everything they want, and expect everyone to love them. Lilly and Wynter are both 9. I've only seen them once but I already hate them, "I guess you can come over."
"Ok i'll text you when i'm coming. Bye Scar!"
"Bye Jo." Beep.

I got the text at around 9:50. It said,
Hey Scar. Im cumin 2 ur house in 2 mins. Just gotta grab my breky. It's a bagel. Mmm bagels. Lol


I texted back,
Kk see ya in 2 mins! Oh and bring your new outfit u told me about. K?

Then I got back,
Ok. I'll wear it :)

At about 9:57, Jonie got here wearing her new outfit. It was so cute! It was black jeggings, navy blue shirt with pink flowers and green leaves. She wore pink uggs. The real ones. She looked awesome, but then again, she always looked great. She would always have the latest cool fashions, and she could always afford it. Her parents were loaded. Like SERIOUSLY. Her dad lived in a huge mansion up in the rich part of town. It was only about 7 minutes away by car, but she liked her moms cute, average sized home. Her dad was the vice president of some big meat company. His name is Tom Oldervine, everyone knows him. He buys Jonie so many big fancy things that she really doesn't need or want! She asks me every time he buys her these fancy things if I want some, and I usually take it. I mean, free, cool stuff? I'm in!

We watched Project Runway. Me and Jonie both love it. We watch it at every sleepover we have together. We watched episode 2, our favorite episode. We both downloaded it on iTunes together.

Jonie left at about 12:50. She had to go back home and say goodbye to Heather and her kids. The Brat Twins. Their last name was Brotwin, but Jonie calls them the Brat Twins. She said she'd call me later. I said bye, and she strutted out the door.


Monday, 8:04 am
I didn't have any time to write yesterday because me and my mom had to go shopping. I know, I know, everyone loves shopping. But not this kind of shopping... Bra Shopping. Ok, I know I said I wasn't going to write anything about bras and stuff but I need to! I mean, if i don't, what kind of almost-teenage girl would I be? Exactly, a lame one.

So my mom, her friend Valerie, and I walked into Lasensa. Before we had to go, I thought 'Oh this won't be like in all of the books where the girl is all embarassed to buy her first bra and all that jazz where she had to get measured and stuff. No way!' But boy, was I wrong! I mean, no this isn't my first bra. I've been wearin' 'em every day! Since grade 5! But i've never had to get MEASURED. Uggh.. That horrid word... MEASURED. Anyways, I walked over to the $7.99 bin and looked for size A 34. I looked through the bin and I found 4 pairs. I felt sooo embarassed with my mom all like "Ooh honey, what about THIS one? Eh, Carls?" And Valerie all like "Oh I love that one! So cute!" Valerie continued looking at some bras for herself while me and mum walked over to the change rooms. She told me I needed to get measured. Uh uh NO way I was going to let some random lady see me in a bra. "Oh come on," My mom said, "It's just like a bathing suit!" I started "No thanks, i'll just try on a few and see which one fits" and so I did.

A few minutes later we walked back to the $7.99 bin and grabbed Valerie. "Come on Val," My mom said, "We have to go now." I walked up to the cashier with my bras and a pair if P.J's that I wore to bed last night, and we left.


Monday, 9:38 am (Ist Period of School)
I walked into class with my purple, doodled-on binder. I sat down at my usual desk beside Derek, the most annoying guy in our class. Well, one of the most annoying.
"Eew it's Carly,"Derek said in his crackly voice, "I thought I was gonna get a day off!" He laughed and faced Jay.
"Oh Carly. Yeah. Her." Jay said pretending not to know me. He was another one of the most annoying.
I continued doodling on my binder, but then I noticed a blue binder on the desk beside Derek's. "Hmm," I thought, "That desk is usually empty." I stretched my arm out to try to grab the binder and see the name printed on the top, but I was stopped by another hand
"Hey, that's my binder." The boy said.
"Oh, I'm sorry," I looked up, hoping not to see Derek standing there, and I didn't. I saw another guy. With brown hair, brown eyes, and a little dot on his eyelid, "I just wanted to see who's it was but, I guess I uh, found out. Hehe." I said in a nervous voice.
"No worries. Oh, and I'm Adam. I'm new here. I don't know if you know Brandon but, I am his best friend." He told me. He wasn't like any of the other guys, all rude, gross, smelly and ugly. He was... Above average. Very nice and cute too.
"Oh, yeah I know Brandon, in Mr. O' Cullivan's class, right?" I asked, staring at his face.
"Yep. That's the one. Hey can I borrow an eraser before class starts?" He asked.
"Um, sure." I said, handing him an eraser.
"Thanks." He said.
"Alright girls and boys," My teacher Ms. Twinchin yelled out, "Let's get our writing journals out!"
"Here's the eraser." Adam said, handing me my eraser, now with a small smiley face on it.
"Hey," I laughed, "Who said you could draw a smiley face on this?"
"Oh, I thought it looked funny." He replied, with a funny expression.
I drew the face hair, a beard, and a curly mustache, "There, that's better."
"Pass it!" Adam yelled, as he held his hand out, waiting for the eraser to drop in. I plopped it down into his hand, which was smooth and not all clammy like the other boys. He started doodling on the eraser,
I started asking, "Hey! What are you-"
"Carly! Adam! Shh!" Ms. Twinchin said, intuerrupting me.
Adam whispered, "Here." He handed me the eraser.
"What did you draw? A turban on his head?" I asked.
"Yep. Now he's named Mr. Turban, Mr.T for short." He assured me.
"Shutup Carly!" Yelled Derek in a snobby voice.
"Ugh, whatever Derek." I said. Adam laughed, I laughed back as I opened my journal to write this down.


Still Monday, 12:33 pm (Lunch)
"Hey Scar. So, how's the new kid?" Jonie asked me.
"Um, he's cool. Not at all like Derek." I told her.
"Who's not like me?" Derek asked, before he answered himself, "Oh yeah, everybody, because i'm the best."
"Oh, right Derek." Jonie said in a very sarcastic voice.
"Ok, just because i'm not Shaun doesn't mean i'm not the best. Ok Jonie-Poo?" He told her with a laugh and a fast glance at Jay.
"Shutup." Jonie shot back, swinging her fist towards his stomach, and he dodged it.
"Whoa dude! Cool your jets man!" Derek yelled to her, walking towards his locker to get his lunch.
"Ugg! I can't stand him!" Jonie grunted.
"Ya, sorry about him. Don't worry, that Shaun stuff is all made up." I assured her. Shaun is the guy she's dating. Originally they were only supposed to be dating secretly, just her, Shaun, and I knew. But then he told his friend, and he told his friend, and she told her friend, and so on and so on. She's kinda mad.
"I know. He just rubs me the wrong way." Jonie said angrily.
"He rubs you?" I asked in a joke-like voice.
"Oh yeah! He rubs me every morning! Only my back though!" Jonie said laughing. I laughed back, and we walked to the classroom to eat.


Tuesday, 3:34 pm
Just got home from school. I can't beleive what happened today! All the boys are being such idiots! So I was sitting at my table in art class, beside my friend Delilah, who is AMAZING at drawing cats, when suddenly Max started yelling out...
"Whoa... Carly likes Adam?" I turned around quickly, trying not to blush.
"Ya man, she does! See! She is staring at him!" Najeeb said. Delilah looked back as I blushed even more. Adam looked over at me, but quickly stared back at his drawing of a camel.
"She does NOT!" Shot back my friend Yasmin.
"Oh yeah?" said Najeeb, "Then why was she staring at him?"
"She was not! Trust me, I would know." Yasmin said, even though she knew I did like him.
"Face it! She loves him!" Said Max. Adam sank down in his chair.
"Yes Max, I am madly in love with him." I said in a very sarcastic voice. I looked over at Adam, he was smiling, until Najeeb started whispiring to him, then he made a disgusted face.
"What are you looking at? SCARLET!" Najeeb said, looking back at Adam and laughing. I sank down in my chair as Yasmin tried to convince me that they were just bluffing, and did not even know that I actually DID like him.
"What did I miss?" Asked Jonie as she walked into the class, just getting back from the bathroom.
"Oh, nothing." Just a boat load of crap.


Thursday, 7:45 pm

So they boys have kinda stopped nagging me about the whole Adam thing... It's pretty good considering that's the only thing they talked about. But now they keep trying to listen to Yasmin and my conversations. She likes this guy from another school. Like, alot. That's all she talks about, but I can't say who he is. Not even you, my journal, can know what his name is. Oh, sorry! Gotta go eat dinner! I'll defenetly write more later! Scar out, peace!


Saturday, 8:34 pm
Some Bad Things...
-Jonie and Shaun broke up :(
-I found out that we're having a seating arrangement at school

Some Good Things...
-I think Adam likes me :D
-Jonie doesn't seem sad about Shaun

Well... That's pretty much it. Oh, and also, I TOTALLY forgot to mention my other best friend, Bella, and I might have a sleepover sometime soon :D.


Tuesday, 8:30 am
Things That Make Me VERY MAD >:(...
-When Ms.Twinchin was re-arranging our seats, she put me and Adam across from eachother, THEN, she moved Adam beside Jonie, and moved Charles across from me (BTW Charles is the most disgusting guy in our grade. Even worse than James. I wanna die with him here!!! :'<)
-Jonie told me she kinda likes Adam! And now they sit beside eachother! (Jonie is also a huge flirt. Even with guys she hates)

Things That Cheer Me Up A Bit...
-I got placed beside a really nice funny girl named Ella and we are friends now :)
-I go over and talk to Jonie all the time as an excuse to talk to Adam
-Not alot of guys like Jonie too much. She dresses very pretty and is rich but she is kinda immiture
-I think Adam still likes me even though him and Jonie talk alot and he laughs at all of her jokes and he smiles at her alot... Wait, I thought these were the things that cheer me up not make me sad!! AAAAAH!


(Next) Tuesday, 8:30 am
Well it's been exactly a week of pure TORTURE. And I officially hate Jonie. She is flirting with Adam so much that i'm starting to think he likes Jonie more than me! I dunno what to do! I go there so much and 'Talk to Jonie' that she's started telling me to leave! STUPID STUPID STUPID Jonie D:<

Ok, so to get my mind off of this whole thing.. CHRISTMAS IS COMING UP ON SUNDAY!!! I am so exited! I am getting a drawing tablet! I can't wait to see my family and just get a break from stupid school!

Also, there is a dance coming up on friday. The 'Winter Wonderland' dance. Ugh, CHEEESYYY! And besides, Adam and Jonie are probably gunna go together. That is, if she has the guts to say yes. Oh yeah, Shaun and Jonie were never really dating. Shaun and Jonie both liked eachother since grade 5 and at the beginning of this year they decided to tell people they were dating when they never even talked to eachother.


Thursday, 8:37 am
Well, Christmas is in 3 days and I am so exited! I can't wait for Christmas morning, when you wake up at 6:00 am and run downstairs to see how many presents you got! Ok, maybe not so much like that but I am still exited...

And i've been thinking, even if Adam doesn't ask me to the dance (Which he won't) it will still be fun listening to the music blaring and dancing around with you friends for like 2 and a half hours! And plus, me and my friends are gonna try to hook up my friend Stella and her crush Kalvin, who she calls Fancy.

Stella has liked Kalvin for a while and she asked him to the last dance and he said no. Not because he doesn't like her but he just didn't want to dance. And also, his dad's a teacher and was 'supervising' the last dance so I think that might be a part of it...

Well, my dad's calling me to get ready for school so i'll update on my next boring day after school. See ya!


Still Thursday, 3:45 pm

THIS is what happened...

"Hey Carly," Em J called from her desk, "Come here!"
"Yeah?" I asked.
"Come sit. Get comfy." She told me, her smile stretched across her face.
"Um, i'm ok, i'll stand," I say, "Why do you want me to sit?"
"Just wait it's important." Kara says, grinning.
"Attention filles et garcons." Madame B starts saying, "I need to speak to some of you. Em J, Kara, Jonie, and Ella."
"Gotta go," Kara and Em J say in inuision, "Have fuuuun!"
"Um, ok." I say as I walk back to my desk.
"Wait!" Says Dakota.
"What?" I ask her, annoyed.
"Maybe Adam was gunna ask you to the dance." She whispers.
"Haha, ya right." I say, laughing with a sad feeling inside. I walk back to my desk and think 'Oh, Dakota, you so funny'
"No, Carly! It is actually important! Come here!" Dakota yells.
"Ugh, what?" I ask Dakota, still annoyed.
Dakota looks over at Adam, who was sitting here the whole time, and I didn't notice, "Go ahead." She says.
"Carly, will you go to the dance with me?" Adam asked.
I stared and thought 'Am I dreaming?' but instead I said, "The way you said it sounds like it's a dare" 'Oh gosh,' I thought, 'Why would I say that!?'
Adam looked surprised, and he said, "No, there's just uh, alot of pressure because of all the people here."
Em J and Kara come back. Kara says, "Don't worry, Carls will tell you her answer after school, right Carls?"
"Uh, yeah. Sure." I say. My face went hot and I could tell it was red. I walked back to my group and told Ella and she totally went insane..
"OMIGOSH Carly no way! Are you gunna say yes? How did he ask? Are you two gonna slow dance? You two would be a great couple! OMIGOSH!!!"

Well.. I gotta go to dance class so i'll write more later, Peace!


Friday, 3:27 pm
So the dance was today, and it was so awesome! Here's what happened...

So Jonie, Stella, Yasmin and I walked into the gym, so exited for the dance. I looked around for Adam, he was no where! We started dancing along to the music, and I still couldn't see Adam. 'Hmm.. Maybe he's still in line. Or in the bathroom' I thought. So we kept dancing.

About half an hour passed and Adam still wasn't here. I went up to his friend Brandon.
"Hey Brandon. Do you know where Adam is?" I asked him.
"Umm.. Yeah. I think he went home for lunch." He told me, looking akward. I don't think he ever talks to many girls.
"Oh, okay. Thanks Brandon." I said.

"He went home for lunch." I said to my friends, "Who goes home for lunch when there's a dance? And who takes 45 minutes to eat?!"
"It's okay Carly, he'll come! He's probably getting all dressed up for you!" Said Yasmin.
"Hehe, yeah. You're probably right. He's probably putting on gallons of cologne." I said jokingly, and we continued dancing.

Well, I guess what I said was right, because as soon as Adam walked in, I practically choked from all of the cologne coming off of him.
"Hey! Sorry i'm late. Anybody want a candy cane?" He said.
"Sure!" Me and Jonie said at the same time, we both laughed.

So everyone danced around, Adam mostly stood beside Jonie and I while we danced. Then the DJ, Gus, put on a slow song.
"All of you couples get together now and dannce!" Said Gus.
"Uh-oh." I said. I looked over at Jonie.
"You sound scared." She said to me.
"I have to go to the bathroom, will you come with me?" I asked.
"Yeah, sure, you okay?" She said.
"Yeah, i'm good." I say, and we walk out of the gym.

I will have to write the rest later because the school bell just rang, so bye!


Still Friday, 6:45
Ok so here's the rest of what happened at the dance...

Me and Jonie walked into the bathroom. I checked how I looked in the mirror, and I looked perfect.

"You okay? You kindof rushed in here." she said.
"Yeah, I just.. Uh.. I just really had to go." I say, stepping into the stall.
"Oh, okay. I thought you were afraid 'cause he wants to ask you to dance." Joie said calmly.
"He wanted to what?" I say from inside the stall.
Jonie sighed and I could hear walk over to the mirror closer to the stall I was in,"He wanted to ask you to dance. He came up to me and said that."
"And when exactly did he say that?" I ask, stepping out of the stall to wash my hands.
"Just before we came into the bathroom," she says, "He was like 'Oh dammit, why does Carly have to leave now??'"
"Oh, gosh. I really don't want to dance with him." I say, looking nervously at Jonie.
"What? I thought you liked him!" Jonie says in great surprise.
"I do, but I don't want to dance!" I say to Jonie, kindof in a whiny voice.
"But you guys--wait. Do you hear that? Sexy and I Know it is on!" Jonie yells.
"Yes!" I yell, and me and Jonie run to the gym.

So a lot more happened, but just to sum it up, me and Adam didn't dance together. We kept a safe distance away for the most part, but then he came up to me and asked me to dance with him. Elijah totally saved me, beause he came up to me just after Adam asked me and says:
"Where's Adam?"
"What?" I say, Adam standing beside me.
"I said where's Adam?" He asked again.
"Umm.." I mumble, pointing to Adam right beside me.
"Oh, haha. Whoa man I didn't even see you dude. Elijah says laughing.
Right after Elijah says this, Adam sees someone behind him. He yells 'Hey' and then chases them.

Well that's about it. I've got to go eat dinner now so I might write more later, bye! :D

~~~Feel free to post some critisism, or compliments or anything! Also, feel free to bump this if you like! Thanks!~~~
Last edited by Smilee :) on Mon Oct 28, 2013 1:41 pm, edited 30 times in total.
j o s h r o c k s is my brother so we might use the same computer sometimes
Scar's Journal
The Book of Lundun

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Haven't been on in a while with school and all.. Sorry if I respond late on trades, messages etc♥
My old usernames were Lilkimz, and Lilkimz <3. Feel free to call me Lilkimz, Lilkimz <3, Smilee, Smilee :), or Brianna ♥

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Re: ~Journal~ A novel... Kindof :)

Postby Smilee :) » Sun Nov 27, 2011 11:21 am

j o s h r o c k s is my brother so we might use the same computer sometimes
Scar's Journal
The Book of Lundun

Info wrote:
Haven't been on in a while with school and all.. Sorry if I respond late on trades, messages etc♥
My old usernames were Lilkimz, and Lilkimz <3. Feel free to call me Lilkimz, Lilkimz <3, Smilee, Smilee :), or Brianna ♥

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Re: ~Journal~ A novel... Kindof :)

Postby cocostar55 » Sun Nov 27, 2011 11:25 am

I like it.
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my love for you was bulletproof but you where the one who shot me~Pierce the veil
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Re: ~Journal~ A novel... Kindof :)

Postby Smilee :) » Sun Nov 27, 2011 11:45 am

cocostar55 wrote:I like it.

Thank you! Do you have any ways that I can improve? Or any ideas I can write about? Please do share :3
j o s h r o c k s is my brother so we might use the same computer sometimes
Scar's Journal
The Book of Lundun

Info wrote:
Haven't been on in a while with school and all.. Sorry if I respond late on trades, messages etc♥
My old usernames were Lilkimz, and Lilkimz <3. Feel free to call me Lilkimz, Lilkimz <3, Smilee, Smilee :), or Brianna ♥

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Re: ~Journal~ A novel... Kindof :)

Postby cocostar55 » Sun Nov 27, 2011 11:49 am

Write about a bad day from being tormented or maybe a new kid coughboycough Shows up.
Trust me I could have a lot of ideas.
Stay Strong, Fight back<#
Cecil Palmer and Kevin
Russain flying Squirels are amazing
Rock In Peace Mitch Lucker your a hero and an idol that will be missed very much
my love for you was bulletproof but you where the one who shot me~Pierce the veil
why are blonde jokes so short? so men can remeber them~ off a random youtube video
Dont mess with my candy because i cant be held responsible for my actions afterwords- swoozie06
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Re: ~Journal~ A novel... Kindof :)

Postby Smilee :) » Sun Nov 27, 2011 12:02 pm

cocostar55 wrote:Write about a bad day from being tormented or maybe a new kid coughboycough Shows up.
Trust me I could have a lot of ideas.

Oh trust me there is gunna be a new kid *cough cough* boy *cough cough* :lol:
It's funny, in real life there is a new kid (boy) and I was gunna write stuff inspired by him. Huh, I guess we think the same :)
j o s h r o c k s is my brother so we might use the same computer sometimes
Scar's Journal
The Book of Lundun

Info wrote:
Haven't been on in a while with school and all.. Sorry if I respond late on trades, messages etc♥
My old usernames were Lilkimz, and Lilkimz <3. Feel free to call me Lilkimz, Lilkimz <3, Smilee, Smilee :), or Brianna ♥

~þrïªnnª a•k•a Smîlee Ü ™ ♥♥♥
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Re: ~Journal~ A novel... Kindof :)

Postby cocostar55 » Sun Nov 27, 2011 12:04 pm

Lol I guess I am a true writer that may never get anything published oh well :)
Stay Strong, Fight back<#
Cecil Palmer and Kevin
Russain flying Squirels are amazing
Rock In Peace Mitch Lucker your a hero and an idol that will be missed very much
my love for you was bulletproof but you where the one who shot me~Pierce the veil
why are blonde jokes so short? so men can remeber them~ off a random youtube video
Dont mess with my candy because i cant be held responsible for my actions afterwords- swoozie06
Set the world on Fire ~ Black Veil Brides
Lord make me a r a i n b o w
im a proud Ravenclaw
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Re: ~Journal~ A novel... Kindof :)

Postby Smilee :) » Sun Nov 27, 2011 12:08 pm

cocostar55 wrote:Lol I guess I am a true writer that may never get anything published oh well :)

:lol: Hehe
j o s h r o c k s is my brother so we might use the same computer sometimes
Scar's Journal
The Book of Lundun

Info wrote:
Haven't been on in a while with school and all.. Sorry if I respond late on trades, messages etc♥
My old usernames were Lilkimz, and Lilkimz <3. Feel free to call me Lilkimz, Lilkimz <3, Smilee, Smilee :), or Brianna ♥

~þrïªnnª a•k•a Smîlee Ü ™ ♥♥♥
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Re: ~Journal~ A novel... Kindof :) >Updated Nov. 26, 7:04 pm

Postby cocostar55 » Sun Nov 27, 2011 12:09 pm

Yep lol
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Re: ~Journal~ A novel... Kindof :) >Updated Nov. 26, 7:04 pm

Postby Smilee :) » Sun Nov 27, 2011 12:13 pm

cocostar55 wrote:Yep lol

I will update with that probably when Monday (In the story) comes...
j o s h r o c k s is my brother so we might use the same computer sometimes
Scar's Journal
The Book of Lundun

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Haven't been on in a while with school and all.. Sorry if I respond late on trades, messages etc♥
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~þrïªnnª a•k•a Smîlee Ü ™ ♥♥♥
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