Annas goob writings

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Annas goob writings

Postby annaebell » Mon Aug 15, 2022 10:10 pm

A small space for me to post writing and prompts for my goobies!

Currently wip
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summer days goob entry

Postby annaebell » Tue Aug 16, 2022 10:51 am

This entry is best viewed on PC!


xxxHeya there! The name's Dwyn!
xxxI'm a pretty normal goobie by any standards.
xxxMy absolute favourite thing of all time is collecting pretty things from the beach
xxxto make things with.
xxxI also enjoy being making all sorts of cool things!
xxxCrafts are one of my biggest passions even if things don't always go the way
xxxI want them to.
xxxI Even made my own hat! Can you believe that?
xxxSome of the crafts I'm best at include;
xxxSewing, knitting, jewellery making, sand building, drawing in the sand and being clumsy.
xxxI know that last one isn't technically an art but I sure do make an art out of it.
xxxI've perfected being clumsy!

"Hey! I'd love to
have some new friends.
So if you're a goobie
looking for a new pal,
then I'm your gal.
That rhymed and I
didn't even mean it

"I reaaaly enjoy things
that involve taking old
things and turning them
into new shiny things.
My favourite thing to
do is taking sea glass
and shells to make
into bracelets and


Day 1!

Today is only a week away from Gooish! Which is my absolute favourite event ever to have ever happened in the history of ever!! I'm so super ready for it to come. I feel like I'm going to explode if I wait any longer than I already have!

I love the fish and the beaches and the kind goobies giving out prizes! There's so many cool fish out there and we get to find some of them during Gooish! I wanna fish up a weird fish. One nobody has ever seen before. I'm going to name it Esmerelda the fish!

Though... I still have no idea what those goobies that hand out the rewards do with all those fish they get given...

I wonder if they eat them all or if they let them go back into the ocean?

Day 2!

I'm still waiting for Gooish to arrive but it really is taking forever! I want it to come now so I can do all the cool and fun activities!!!

That, or I'm jut soooo bored laying here in the sand while i make sand angels and collect shells... Couldn't be, right?
Waiting is making me feel restless while I wait through what feels like forever for my favourite time to arrive! My wings wont stop fluttering in antcipation with it all.

My goal this year is defiently to fish up the biggest creature from the ocean! i want it to be bigger than I am. Bigger than the gob!

Day 3!

Today the excitement that's filling me to the bursting point over taking part in Gooish finally got to me and I caved into making myself a brand new hat to wear! Hopefully it will go well... I kind of don't have a pattern to follow so I'm winging it a little bit but I'm sure it'll be okay in the long run.

What prompted me to make one was the fact that I found an old washed up ship sail on the beach today while I was out on a walk on the beach.

I love taking daily walks there at all times of day. It's always so pretty and there's also almost always treasures to be found hiding in the sand!

But the sail only had one small tear in it but was otherwise in perfect condition. I couldn't help wanting to make a hat out of such cool fabric.

I'll look out for some cute treasures to decorate it with later.

Day 4!


I no longer like making hats and wish that every hat I see from now on suddenly bursts into flame.

Without hurting the ones wearing them, of course.

But screw that hat i was making!!! I never liked it anyways and I wasn't even that excited about wearing it for Gooish.

It's not going the way i want it to. At this rate I'm going to have to take all the stitches out of it and redo it all!!!


I'm done. No more.

Day 5!

I went outside early for my walk today since I wanted to get my mind off of that dumb. stupid hat i was making...

I actually saw a lot of other goobies today who were all busy getting ready for Gooish. Setting up stalls, making treats and helping to get things spick and span for the big event. It was so cool to see how everyone was happily working together to get things done!

Well. apart from this one blue goobie who seemed rather down while everyone else was happy and excited for the events to come. It seemed that the goobie was more nervous that anything and after I spoke to him I found out that it was true! He was a little worried about the food he had made to share at Gooish. After taste testing them for him, i assured him that they were beyond delicious! I gave him one of my special shell bracelets and said that it would help bring him good luck for the event. He then offered me some of the Gyoza he had made to take home.

They made a delicious dinner for me once I returned home!

Day 6!

I did it! I finally did it!
I actually managed to get my hat all sewn together without jabbing my paws too much!

It's all thanks to that kind goobie and his delicious Gyoza that I ate yesterday. I'm looking forwards to being able to eat more of it in a few days!

Time has flown by all of a sudden which is great for me because no more waiting for gooish!

Back to my hat, I managed to get it completed after only having to take out and resew a couple of stitches. It wasn't nearly as bad as I first thought it was. The walk really helped me clear my mind to be able to focus on it.

I'm so proud of myself and of my cool hat! I'm going to show everyone by wearing it for Gooish

Day 7!

Finally!! It's almost Gooish! Only one more day left and then it starts!

I already can't wait for it! I want to run around and jump and scream about how good it's going to be!!!!! I haven't stopped wagging my tail since I woke up!

I made lots and lots and lots of shell bracelets after I had finished my hat just for tomorrow so I can give them out to all the goobies that'll be there! I want to make lots of goobies happy!


My list of goals for Gooish:
    ๐“†Ÿ Make lots of new friends! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    ๐“† Catch the biggest fish anyone has ever seen :D xxxxx
    ๐“†Ÿ Collect some pretty shells for my collection xxxxxxx
    ๐“† Eat lots of yummy fish dishes xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    ๐“†Ÿ Try not to ruin anyones fun with my clumsinessxxxx
    ๐“† Make a super extra extremely awesome sandcastle!

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First mate goob translation

Postby annaebell » Sun Aug 28, 2022 6:28 am

Translated text of the post here <3

You approach the rough looking first mate of the ship as he takes a seat at the table for a drink. It's rather odd to see this goobie with a giant smile plastered on his face as he laughs and jokes with other members of the crew.

Perhaps he's not as mean as you first thought.

Curious, you approach and ask him about the biggest change in his life.

Image Image Image
"Fear shot through every strand of fur on my body as I backed up against a wall behind me. I was breathing hard to catch my breath, my body shaking from fear and exhaustion.

In front of me was a very large, very angry wild stray dog. It snarled, drool hanging from its maw, as it came closer.

I was scared, of course I was. The creature was easily big enough to take me down and do major damage to me. One wrong move and I would have been dog food. Nobody would even notice I was missing.

I had somehow managed to anger it by walking too close to it's territory while trying to get a job done to earn myself some money.

I was barely old enough to be out on my own but I had nobody else to rely on. I was an orphan, you see. No mother, no father, no other family besides myself.

It was me against the world."

The goobie in front of you sighs. It sounds bittersweet as he glances off outside a nearby window.

Despite being lonely back then, he now had a new family. One that was way better than any birth family could have ever been. One that wouldn't abandoned him over his looks.

"Anyways, the beast was growling and baring it's teeth at me while increasingly getting closer and closer to taking a bite out of my goo.

Then he got queit as he lunged down, preparing to jump at me.

He jumped, landing right on top of me and pushing my back hard against the wall behind me. It chipped at my back fin as the beast took a chunk of my ear.

But at the last moment another goobie came along, shouting and waving at the dog to scare it off.

Which worked. Thank god.

The dog soon ran off with its tail between its legs after being surprised by the much older goobie.

The goobie that saved my tail that day was none other than the captain of the ship I sail upon today. The mightiest ship and crew of all time.

He then fished a few coins from his bag and tossed them my way saying to fix up my ear that was now bleeding over the dock.

I barely managed to catch them, dropping most of them before scrambling on to my knees to pick them up.

When I looked back up the captain was already walking away, no doubt returning to his ship and crew.

I remember thinking how cool he must've been while I watched him leave like nothing had happened. He was my hero.

I owe captain greatly and pledge my loyalty to him until the day I draw my last breath.

After that I recall trailing him after he had offered me a few coins, begging that he take me where ever it was he was going.

He refused."

The gruff goobie huffed out a deep laugh.

"He said I was just a whimpish brat that wouldn't be able to do anything. The worst thing he told me was that I wouldn't survive a single day out on the open ocean.

I bet he feels like a fool for saying as much.

Anyways, I wouldn't take no as an answer and snuck my way onto his ship anyways. I hid with the cargo that he had happened to be docked in order to take on board.

I stayed there for a few hours, hiding in the dark with the cargo. I had found a crate of apples and, knowing no better, ate as many as I could fit inside my stomach.

The quartermaster later found me and dragged me straight to the captains office, fuming mad. I was more fearful then than I was of the dog. I was sure I was going to be thrown overboard.

I couldn't swim so i was sure I was doomed.

The captain, however reluctant he was to, let me join his crew after seeing how stubborn I was to join. I started off as a cabin boy.

I had to pay off the apples I had eaten somehow.

And let me tell you, it ain't easy work being one of them. Lots of running and lots of doing whatever everyone else tells you. No breaks until you're ready to pass out on the ship's deck.

I soon worked my way up the ranks after proving that I was a hard working and had skills to offer to the crew.

Thats how I got to the position I'm in now. I'm the first mate through hard work and dedication to the captain.

The day captain saved my behind was the day my life changed for the better."

The goob has a small but still complex look on his face as his story comes to an end. It seems the memory gives him both happy and sad emotions.

"Sir... Captian... Do I really have to do all of this by myself?" The young goobie asked, looking up at the much older goobie with a lost look.

He had been given the task to clean the living quarters. It was not an easy task by any means but it was a simple one. It was necessary too.

"You wanted to join my crew, did you not? Prove that you have what it takes. Then I'll think about not leaving you at the next town we dock at."

The young goob still seemed reluctant but gave a small nod. "O-okay. I'll do it."

"Atta boy," The Captian said, patting his head as he left the living quarters.

The young goob let out a deep sigh as he glanced over the rooms he had been left in. It was an utter mess. It looked as if it hasn't been cleaned in years. He certainly had a large job to do.

But he pulled his boots up and got to it, wanting to prove to the Captian that he was more than capable.

By the time the captain returned only half the cleaning had been done but the young goob was still working hard. What he had cleaned was sparkling.

"Good job, boy!" The Captian hollared, "Consider yourself a new memever of my crew!"

The goob looked at him with surprise, joy and confusion.

"But, captain, I didn't clean it all yet?"

The captain laughed. "But you've done a mighty fine job of what you have cleaned! And there'll be time for you to improve your speed."

From that point the goob was a part of the mightiest sea crew to ever exsit. He started out as a simple cabin boy and rapidly moved up through the ranks. In a few years, he had become the first mate.

"i used to be quite the scrany kid when i was younger. Although, many people told me that jusrt meant that i would grow up to be handsome."


Despite this Goobie's rather rough outside appearance he has a heart of solid gold. He may enjoy barking a few orders here and there but it's purely his way of showing his love for his crewmates. Making sure each and every member is doing what they're supposed to and that they're safe and accounted for.

The crew has a rumour going around that if you can get a few pints of grog down Khai's neck that he becomes a whole new Goobie. Telling each and every member why he treasures them and making sure they know they're loved like his family.

Non pirate talk translation
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