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𝑀𝑖𝑠𝑛𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ ⚰ DNP

Postby Rosemoon » Mon May 10, 2021 3:24 pm

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      xxxChurch graveyards are a lot more peaceful than people think. After a rain, the air smells like sweet grass and good damp earth. The kind of smell that makes earthworms go crazy. The plants are usually well cared for, even in abandoned churchyards. There's always someone who cares enough to trek out there and keep those little guys growing.
      xxxThat someone doesn't always necessarily have to be alive, just present. If you've heard of the tales of old Church Grim, you know about the black dogs who guard the old churches from witches and vandals, as that is what they are, yes? It happens to be that they aren't always black dogs. Sometimes it's a lamb, a pig, a cat... A person.
      xxxThere is nothing to fear from a Church Grim if you aren't looking to cause trouble. In fact, if you mind your manners long enough, you might even find yourself a new friend down by the old church graveyard...

      xxxBĂĄs sat against the wall of the Church. It was long abandoned, nearly a century now, but to this kalon it was teeming with life.
      xxxFlowers bloomed all around, ivy vines creeped up the old walls, animals would come to rest a while in the safety of cover here, and the spirits of the dearly departed would wander over from the cemetery the next block over.
      xxxThe church graveyard was a beautiful place and BĂĄs loved it with all her heart. She watched as the breeze made the grass blades dip and the tree branches sing. The sun was setting and left everything in a fiery orange glow. She closed her eyes and breathed in the smell of the incoming night air of early summer.
      xxxThe kalon opened her middle eye, but kept the other two closed as she took another deep breath. BĂĄs wasn't a normal kalon. You see, she was what is called a Church Grim. She had been accidentally buried alive beneath this very church, and thus been burdened with the task of forever protecting it, even after it's owners had long since passed. Because she had been given a unique opportunity, BĂĄs was able to use her third eye on her forehead to see into the spirit realm, and when all three eyes were open, she could see the spirits were in between.
      xxxThis was very useful, you see, for finding newly passed spirits who were wandering waiting for the afterlife. Sadly no visitors today, but BĂĄs was still waiting just in case.
      xxxSuddenly a flicker of peach color fur blurred her vision and she closed her eye tight before opening the other two again.
      xxx"What was that?" she wondered out loud to herself, a small sense of bewilderment in her head. That feeling passed as she shrugged and went about her day again.
      xxx"I don't know, but I'm sure it's nothing serious... At least I would hope so..." she said to herself and scratched her head in a moment of deep thought.
      xxxThe rest of the day BĂĄs paced. And paced. And paced. And paced some more. She stopped and studied a tombstone. Then she went about picking the dead flowers and burying their heads for seeds to grow new ones. She felt content and relaxed, but... Also a bit off.
      xxxBĂĄs sat and leaned against an old tombstone that was once cracked but now looked absolutely brand new.
      xxx"What am I missing that would make my life even better? I'm happy with where I am and who I am, but is there anything else that could truly make it greater? What is it I'm searching for to feel... More?" she sighed and slumped down into the soft grass. It smelled sweet and wonderful and she smiled gently.
      "I'm sure I'll find out eventually. In the meantime, I'll keep my eye out for whatever that flash was..."

      xxxBĂĄs had taken a small nap for the time being, although she didn't necessarily need to sleep, it still felt nice. She was curled up in the grass when she had fallen asleep, and she felt at peace.
      xxxHer dreams did not come as easy though. There in the foggy haze stood a kalon, gray and dead-like. He looked as if in a daze, even if his form wasn't completely clear until BĂĄs got closer. She could hear his rapid heartbeat and heavy breathing, a panicked feeling rising over her as she drew nearer and nearer.
      xxxThere was a peach colored fuzz in the distance coming towards him, running at full speed like a ball of lightning. The figure in the distance wasn't fast enough, just then a giant fiery hand reached up from a rapidly opening crack in the ground, rumbling and causing BĂĄs' heart to race even faster. It grabbed the kalon and sucked him down, sealing the earth shattering crack just as fast as it opened. The peach figure came closer and was revealed to be another kalon, who looked just as bewildered and confused as their new company. They made eye contact with BĂĄs, quickly snapping their head towards her.
      xxx"Who are you? What are you doing here?" they looked her up and down with haste. BĂĄs was stunned and was silent for a brief moment.
      xxx"Wait, this is my dream. Haven't I seen you before?" the kalon shook their head.
      xxx"AWAKEN!" their voiced boomed with the power of a God and BĂĄs was shaken awake. She was alone in the grass of the cemetery just as always.
      xxx"What a nightmare... Ugh..." she sighed heavily and got up, stretching her legs and shaking her head.
      xxxNearby there was a weird glow coming from the woods.
      xxx"Hello?" BĂĄs called out curiously. "Anyone there? Are you lost?"
      xxxThe glow started growing bigger, as if whatever it was had started running towards her. She turned and tailed it to the Church, hiding in the doorway and peering out.
      xxxOut from the trees came a peach furred visitor.
      xxx"Hey! I know you're here, I heard you. I followed your scent. Come out! I swear I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm just here to talk, it's very important..." the stranger said. BĂĄs remained silent.
      xxx"I know what you saw. You said it was a dream, but it wasn't. You're not mortal, are you? Non-mortals don't dream. You were resting in the spirit realm. Please, just let me talk..." the stranger sounded desperate.
      xxxBĂĄs stepped out quietly and cautiously.
      xxx"I just had that dream... How did you already get here? Who are you?"
      xxxThe stranger sighed in relief.
      xxx"I'm Ankou... I'm... a grim reaper". BĂĄs looked confused.
      xxx"Grim reaper? Those are real?" Ankou nodded.
      xxx"I haven't seen you around before, I don't usually come this far because spirits over here come to where I am, but this was a... Special case".
      xxx"I haven't seen you either... I usually handle the spirits around here," Ankou looked confused, "I'm a church grim. Or so I've been told since I... After I was buried here".
      xxxAnkou nodded solemnly and looked around.
      xxx"I see... Well I'm glad I ran into you. If you're what you say you are, then it looks like we've been helping each other out without knowing" Ankou sat.
      xxx"So... You wanted to talk?" BĂĄs got closer and sat a few feet away from them. Ankou nodded.
      xxx"Yes! About what you saw... That was a mistake. I don't know what happened, he was supposed to be judged and sent to me and I was supposed to take him to his next life. He was a reincarnation case. But... He ended up being taken by Lucifer-"
      xxx"The devil? I can normally tell if someone was judged for heaven or hell if they believe in it, but I didn't sense anything" BĂĄs interrupted. Ankou nodded.
      xxx"Yes, because as I said, they were a reincarnation case. No heaven, no hell" Ankou's tail lashed and their halo dimmed. They looked like a beautiful angel, BĂĄs noted. She also finally noticed the large bell around their neck, and she could hear a soft voice coming from inside.
      xxx"What, are you alright?" Ankou had a soft look of concern on their face. BĂĄs blushed, embarrassed that she might have had a silly look on her face.
      xxx"I'm fine, just confused. Who judges the souls initially?" Ankou shook their head.
      "I don't know, I haven't seen anyone else but other grim reapers and you. We really need to figure out what's going on, if I lose my job over this... I just cease to exist. I don't know about you, but I like existing" Ankou sighed and fell slowly into the grass.
      xxxBĂĄs scooted closer and fell beside them, resting her head in comfort on theirs.
      xxx"It's okay, I'll help you".
      xxx"Really". Ankou closed their eyes and sighed again.
      xxx"Thank you... Is it okay if I rest for a bit? My anxiety is so bad I'm just... Stressed and.... Afraid..." Ankou got quiet, it seemed like they were afraid of sounding weak.
      BĂĄs nodded.
      xxx"Of course. Anything for a new friend. It's okay to be scared and stressed, you know. I'll help you through this. I promise".

      xxxThe warmth of the summer’s sun made Bás feel comfortable. Too comfortable to remember the other kalon passed out next to her, snoring like a beast. She prodded her new friend awake who shot up, drooling.
      xxx“Sorry, I haven’t slept in a few years, that felt nice even if we technically don’t need it… speaking of which, do... You have any snacks?” Bás stood and silently walked into the church. She returned with a big bag of trail mix that was mostly nuts and sugarless raisins.
      xxxAnkou started digging in with BĂĄs and the two sat silently munching together.
      xxx“So… what’s our next move about the stolen soul?” Bás popped a peanut in her mouth.
      xxx“Uh… oh, I know. We go looking for whoever was supposed to place the soul originally” Ankou said with their mouth full, a paw over their face to cover up the mess politely.
      xxx“Okay, so how do we do that?”
      xxx“We wander” Ankou swallowed and disappeared. Bás looked around frantically.
      xxx“It’s okay, just… do whatever it is you do to get to the spirit realm” they called through.
      BĂĄs sighed and laid down on the ground. She closed her two eyes and opened the third, looking into the spirit realm.
      xxx“I can’t exactly wander, if I start moving I’ll walk into things in the mortal realm” she called out.
      xxxAnkou walked up in front of her.
      xxx“That’s a bit of a problem. Hm… wait here, I have an idea” Ankou disappeared in a smoke of peach.
      xxxAbout an hour estimate passed before Ankou returned with a rainbow colored kal who looked mortified.
      xxx“Here, stay here for a bit okay? I’ll make sure you return to your body after-”
      xxx“Am I dead?” the kal cried.
      xxx“No, you’re not dead, you got knocked unconscious and you’re having a semi-out of body experience, I just pulled you into the spirit realm for a thing…” Ankou shoved the kal in front of Bás.
      xxx“Now we wait”.
      xxxThe three sat in unnerved silence. The rainbow Kal, who apparently was named Hygge, was shaking trying not to have an existential crisis... clearly.
      xxxA dark fog started seeping in from seemingly nowhere, it wrapped around their paws and went all the way up to their haunches. It felt cold and smelled of musk. A cloud loomed ahead of them and almost seemed to take the shape of a door. Out from inside the smoke stepped a very small purple kalon kit, who stormed up to them with a look of pure fury slapped across their face.
      xxx“Excuse me, this one isn’t dead, you’re not supposed to have him. Neither of you! Don’t make my job harder than it is…”
      xxx“Who are you?” Ankou and Bás said simultaneously. The kit tilted her head.
      xxx“Fate?” Bás repeated in awe.
      xxx“Uh...yeah. Anyways, I’m going to do my job… you all should do yours… and RIGHT this time, thanks, whatever…” Fate turned to step back into her cloud of shadows when Bás ran up and placed a paw on her little shoulder.
      xxx“Wait, you judge who goes where correct?”
      xxx“Correct” Fate said without looking.
      xxx“There was a kal that got sent to the wrong place. There had to have been a mistake-”
      xxx“I make no mistakes” Fate snapped. “I may have the temporary body of a child, but I am older than life and wiser than you. I have been doing this since the Earth was created. There is nothing you can do to change that fact. Now, if you don’t mind, I have a job…” she wrenched her shoulder away and disappeared into the dark.
      xxx“Now what?” Ankou said. xxxBás let her shoulders hang.
      xxx“Bring him home”.

      xxxThe night hung heavy like a stone. BĂĄs was making a small hut out of her stone powers for Ankou to stay while they figured stuff out, since the church made them uncomfortable and the weather foretold rain.
      xxxAnkou was shifting uncomfortably, thinking about what could happen to them if that kal wasn't brought back. Being dead shifted from eternal to just temporary in that one body, depending on that soul's belief. For an immortal meant you gave up that part of your soul, so when you're gone... you're gone.
      xxx"How do you know you'll stop existing if you miss this one spirit?" BĂĄs was concentrating hard on her stones, but she looked at her new friend with a deeep feeling of sadness. She hadn't had friends before, even when alive.
      xxx"Because my boss is Death, and he told me so," Ankou had a harsh tone, but BĂĄs knew it was before they were scared, "I'm sorry for snapping at you so much, I..."
      xxxBĂĄs dropped the last of the stone blocks onto the hut and put a paw on Ankou's shoulder.
      xxx"It's okay, I understand. Let's sit and calculate then. Is there a way to find Fate again?"
      xxx"No idea" Ankou shrugged then walked into the hut with BĂĄs in behind.
      xxx"Is there a way you can get me into the spirit realm without having me run into stuff here? Then maybe we can spread out".
      xxx"That's not a bad idea," Ankou smiled a little then quickly frowned again, "no... it is a bad idea..."
      xxx"Why?" BĂĄs turned her head fast with a stern and annoyed look on her face.
      xxx"In order to do that you... would have to either be dead or knocked so far unconscious that you knock your soul out of your body. And you're half dead, so I don't know what that does to you..." Ankou's entire body language drooped and dropped. BĂĄs didn't even bat an eye.
      xxx"I'll do it" and before waiting for an answer, she conjured up a large stone a foot above her head and let go of it.
      xxxEverything went black but only for a second, before she appeared in a daze within the spirit realm, fog everywhere.
      xxx"Whoa... it worked..." she noticed the fog that went around was dark and thick, like Fate's. It twisted and turned in a snake like pattern, almost like a trail.
      xxxAnkou busted into the realm like a big blip, frazzled.
      xxx"You're lucky you're not dead, what did you do that for?!"
      xxx"Duh" BĂĄs raised an eyebrow and Ankou nodded.
      xxx"Okay, fine. Now what?"
      xxxBĂĄs pointed to the shadow paper trail.
      xxx"We follow her".

      xxxBĂĄs and Ankou treaded alongside the dark fog trail, going through twists and turns that didn't exist and corners they couldn't see.
      xxx"She walks like she's trying to shake someone off her" Ankou joked lightheartedly, but BĂĄs could hear the sound of their heartbeat loud in the mostly silent spirit realm. Occasionally they would run into a spirit that was being taken in by another grim reaper.
      xxx"How many of you are there?"BĂĄs asked after seeing another who stopped to look at them curiously. Ankou frowned.
      xxx"Enough for me to be easily replaced..." they didn't make eye contact with anyone else.
      xxxBĂĄs looked down at their paws and noticed the fog disappearing beneath them. She snapped her head back up and saw the black trail cease to exist.
      xxx"No!" Ankou yelled and started chasing after the last traces of the shadows but it was too late. The trail was now gone and they were standing in the middle of the spirit realm with no one any longer around.
      xxx"Just fantastic. What do I do?!" Ankou stomped a paw down, their eyes welling up with tears.
      xxx"Relax. We'll figure something out-" BĂĄs started reassuring her friend but was interrupted by the sound of distant clapping coming closer.
      xxxA muscular Kal with large horns and thick locks was walking towards them. He had a large grin on his face and a bone tail swished behind him. He looked almost like he had armor made from bone on him, but once he stood in front of them, BĂĄs noticed that it was entirely a part of his body.
      xxx"Welcome, welcome. Ankou, it's nice to see you" he winked in a friendly way. Ankou was frozen.
      xxx"Death..." they whispered.
      xxx"Please, call me Sylens, you know that I prefer that name above all else. It sounds much more formal, and friendly!" he let out a laugh that could shake the rain from clouds.
      xxx"It's good to see you too" Ankou's voice was shakey and BĂĄs could see how stiff and rigid they stoon in this kalons presence.
      xxx"What brings you two around?" Sylens crossed his arms casually.
      xxx"We're looking for Fate for, uh..." Ankou stammered, "we're inviting her for a visit. Yeah, the three of us are hanging out you know..."
      xxxSylens gave another toothy grin.
      xxx"Sounds like fun! Maybe I'll join you one day! In the meantime, if you're looking for Fate, you're not gonna find her by just walking around," he swished a paw and out came from thin air a small penny whistle, "here, use this. She comes because the sound drives her nuts" he laughed.
      xxx"Well, I must be on my way. Carry on then..."
      xxxAnkou sighed in relief as Sylens started walking away, but then he stopped and turned and Ankou froze when he spoke once more.
      xxx"Oh, by the way, what did that Pip character ever get reincarnated as?"
      xxxBĂĄs' blood ran cold. She hoped he wasn't talking about the missing Kal hey were trying to save.
      xxx"Uh... Eh, uh... An otter" Ankou was trying not to cry.
      xxxSylens nodded.
      xxx"Interesting! Anyways, bye now!"
      xxxThe two kals collapsed in mental exhaustion after he disappeared into the distance.
      xxx"I don't ever want to lie to my boss ever again..." Ankou let themself cry finally.
      xxx"That was your boss?!" BĂĄs let her face fall down.
      xxx"Let's never do that again" Ankou said between tears.
      xxx"Agreed" BĂĄs' voice was muffled.

      xxxBĂĄs stared down at the penny whistle in her paws and examined it. She blew it once but no sound came out.
      xxx"Nothing?" she said and turned to Ankou who looked confused.
      xxx"What do you mean no sound? You just played a penny whistle horribly" they took the instrument from BĂĄs.
      xxx"Let me try" Ankou blew into it gently and started to play, but again no sound to BĂĄs' ears.
      xxx"Is this thing busted?"
      xxx"Excuse me but I just played a beautiful song, if you couldn't hear it maybe you're just deaf" Ankou scoffed, offended.
      xxxA dark fog started circling them in a wild whirlwind and the dark door from before appeared before them.
      xxx"It worked!" they shrieked in delight and they both did a little dance of triumph.
      Fate stepped out of her portal and stormed up to the two and they halted very quickly.
      xxx"Can you stop that racket?" she demanded.
      xxx"What are you two absolutely TALKING about?!" BĂĄs felt like she was losing her mind. Fate turned to her first.
      xxx"Forget that. What do you want, I know you got that retched thing from Sylens, he loves to annoy me with it" Fate sighed.
      xxx"Why?" Ankou asked as Fate snatched away the penny whistle.
      xxx"Why else do big Brothers annoy little sisters?" she huffed and went to break the penny whistle straight in half.
      xxx"Wait!" BĂĄs stopped her, xxx"Can I have it? My father used to play me my lullabies on his old tin whistle. I know it doesn't work but I'd like it just the same".
      xxxFate snorted in almost amusement.
      xxx"Oh it works all right, the reason you can't hear it is because it only works on complete immortals. You are technically an undead, as you were once alive. We never were, so we can hear it" she explained, "take it. Get it out of my sight".
      xxxAnkou snapped in their faces.
      xxx"Focus. Fate, we called you here because-"
      xxx"Yeah yeah, the lost soul, I know. I still am very adamant that I was never wrong, by the way. Someone else messed up. In any case, I know what we need to do and yes, before you ask, I'll help you. xxxIf only to make sure my brother doesn't wreck havoc on my free time to do an "I told you so" cowboy jangle"
      xxxAnkou and BĂĄs looked confused.
      xxx"Sibling stuff, it's just whatever, don't worry about it. Worry about what we do next" Fate waved in front of her face as if waving away distracting thoughts.
      xxx"Which is what?" the two other kals said together. Fate sighed dramatically.
      xxx"We need to GO to hell. We need to get down there and talk to Lucifer" she sat.
      xxxBĂĄs nodded, still confused.
      xxx"Okay... and how do we do that?" she asked. Fate lifted her tiny arms and a cloud of smoke started twirling around them like a tornado.
      xxx"Like this" and she slammed her arms down, the fog crashing over them and then dissipating just as quickly.
      xxxThe land around them warped. Everything was like a black void, an empty nothingness filled with silence enough to make a man go mad. Two red eyes appeared in the void. The burning sensation in BĂĄs' heart was intense and it made her drop to her knees while the other two stared in horror.
      "Lucifer!" Fate called out into the void. The void called back in a voice that shook everyone to their core, screams and whispers in a cacophony of fear.
      xxx"Fate, long time no see, how have you been?" Lucifer was nothing and everything all at once and BĂĄs clenched a paw around the part of her chest where her heart was.
      xxx"First of all, release my friend," Lucifer sighed and suddenly BĂĄs felt like she was let go, she collapsed on the floor gasping for air, "second, cut the voice. You have something we want. A lost soul that was misplaced-"
      xxx'Oh, the mighty Fate has finally made a mistake, hm? Or at least, owning up to one..." Lucifer's voice was a smooth low tone now, almost a purr.
      xxx"Shut up. We want them back" Fate growled. Lucifer laughed.
      xxx"You know the drill, kiddo. Beat me in a game or gamble of sorts, and I'll give you your lost soul. Lose, and..." he gestured with a voided claw to BĂĄs, "I take the rest of your partial mortal friend's soul" he grinned a bright toothy grin.
      xxx"Deal" BĂĄs coughed, standing up. Ankou shook their head.
      xxx"What are you doing? You don't even know what he wants to do and it's your soul".
      xxxBĂĄs nodded and stepped bravely forward.
      xxx"Name your game".

      xxxBĂĄs stood tall against Lucifer who tried intimidating her by looming ahead in his dark void. She stared. "I said... name your game". Lucifer laughed and made a thinking sound.
      xxx"Alright, kiddo. How about this," he snapped and a line of bright orbs appeared and he gathered them between his claws, "if you can tell me which one is your lost soul, you win. Deal?"
      xxx"That's it?" BĂĄs scoffed, but trembled slightly with nerves, "deal".
      xxxLucifer laughed and dropped the orbs in front of her, they clanked on the nothingness beneath them like glass on stone. BĂĄs jumped nervously thinking they would break, and Lucifer laughed again.
      xxx"Ten minutes" a clock ticked somewhere unseen.
      xxxBĂĄs had to think quickly. She couldn't think through the sounds of her body in panic. Why could she hear these things? Was Lucifer messing with her? He laughed as if he could read her thoughts. "Tick tock, little lamb".
      xxxBĂĄs took a deep breath and closed all her eyes to think. Then she opened her third. Everything was dark, her friends were gone... but the orbs were there, different. They glowed colors. Each one had it's own aura.
      xxx"But which one is it..." she whispered to herself. Lucifer kept laughing.
      xxx"Little lamb, little lamb, such a beast of burden..." he said in a sing-song tone.
      xxxAnkou and Fate were in the background, faint for some reason, but saying words of encouragement. BĂĄs thought long and hard and tried to remember what Ankou said about this soul.
      xxx"He's a reincarnation case" she gasped quietly to herself. She looked through the orbs until she found a violet one. She held it in her paws and whispered, "are you who I am looking for?" A voice from inside only she could hear whispered back.
      xxx"Please help me, I don't belong here".
      xxxBĂĄs opened her eyes and held up the orb right as Lucifer was ending a countdown of the timer.
      xxx"Oh? And this is your final choice?" BĂĄs nodded.
      xxxLucifer began to shake and the whole of hell began to shake.
      xxx"What's going on?" BĂĄs asked Ankou and Fate.
      xxx"You beat the devil in his deal, now he has to hold his end of the bargain" Fate yelled as Lucifer started screeching in anguise. There was a bright light and suddenly all three immortals and the orb were in the mortal world. There was a house nearby with a doctor walking in.
      xxx"This is where this one is supposed to go" Ankou gasped.
      xxx"Not an otter?" BĂĄs joked to keep from crying in stressful tears.
      xxxThe orb changed and took the form of a small gray kalon.
      xxx"Alright, Pip. Time to go" Ankou said, bringing him into the house. It took a while but eventually Ankou came back out and started sobbing, "it's a girl!" they were in joy and relief that they weren't going to be fired.
      xxxThe three all hugged, crying, even Fate.
      xxx"So, Fate... do, uh, do you and Ankou... wanna hang out more often?" BĂĄs sniffled.
      xxxFate smiled and hugged them again, which was uncharacteristic yet fully invited.
      xxx"Why not? Being friends with you troubles will keep me busy when I get bored. Just don't expect a lot from me" she laughed, which again was strange for her yet it felt so welcoming and great in that moment.
      xxx"Well what now?" Ankou asked.
      xxx"I don't know but I learned something. I once had a saying when I was younger. "When the dead become more appealing than the living, well then, you got yourselves a problem". After I died and... all this. I think my new saying should be, "death isn't the end. It's a great beginning to a whole new adventure". I like that a lot more" BĂĄs rambled.
      xxx"I have no clue what you're talking about, but I agree" Ankou said cheerfully and hugged them both again.
      xxx"I think I found what I was searching for all this time... friends" BĂĄs started crying again.

Last bumped by Rosemoon on Mon May 10, 2021 3:24 pm.
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