lionclan [archives, dnp]

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lionclan [archives, dnp]

Postby noctenne » Fri Mar 20, 2020 4:33 am


↘ create a clan
↘ moderator: hazilnut
↘ image credit: myself (for lionclan symbol)
↘ font credit: fontmeme

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territory, prey & predators

Postby noctenne » Fri Mar 20, 2020 5:43 am

    situated in africa, lionclan resides on a sprawling area they have claimed as their territo
    ry. their territory consists of grassy plains - in which their camp is located - a forest, me
    adow, sacred grove, and watering hole. to two-legs, this area is known as the reservatio
    n, a protected place from poachers and hunters. lionclan connects with the daedra, the
    deities they believe in, at a place known as mothermouth. lionclan’s camp is a wet, mar
    shy area of the grassy plains, with sturdy trees submerged at their trunks. they sleep on
    the large branches above the ground, including hanging prey from limbs to keep from ot
    her predators or cats. the healers keep their herbs dry in makeshift animal pouches sus
    pended in the air, though their den is a hollowed out tree that stands over a rock. lioncl
    an’s leader typically sleeps on the highest branches of the tree or with the other warrio
    bank vole, pond turtle
    freshwater eel, red squirrel
    chinook salmon, rainbow trout
    cats will not eat hyenas. only kill, and even that is rare! hyenas are well-known for stea
    ling prey, when they can.
    bull elephants
    full-grown male elephants pose a huge threat to any cat.
    most snakes in the territory are very venomous, so no cat can eat them, unless they ha
    ve a death wish!
    the thick hide, sharp horns, and charging attack of a rhino is enough to give any cat ni
    highly aggressive, the clan steers clear of them.
    though they can sometimes be prey, every cat has to be aware that they hide beneath
    the murky waters.
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beliefs [note: everything belongs to skyrim, not to me]

Postby noctenne » Fri Mar 20, 2020 5:56 am

    lionclan beliefs are unlike any other. for one, they do not follow the guidance of their a
    ncestors, but of the daedra. the daedra are spoken to in the dreams of the healers and
    alpha leader, but are unable to be simply called upon. to commune with the daedra - o
    f which there are multiple - one must first journey to mothermouth, the large cave ope
    ning leading to the moonstone. the moonstone is a giant quarts crystal that catches the
    starlight, allowing for the alpha leader or healers - and sometimes both, but not often -
    to visit oblivion, the plane and home of the daedra. as are their beliefs according to ho
    w they follow the daedra, each son and daughter of the alpha leader shall always be ca
    lled prince or princess. they look to the daedra for guidance and wisdom along with ma
    ny others, and once every moon rely on them to bring someone new into their ranks.
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the warrior code

Postby noctenne » Fri Mar 20, 2020 7:49 am

    the warrior code has been around for generations since poppystar the first. it was passe
    d down to him by the daedra and has stood firm for centuries.

    one: defend your clan, even with your life. you may have friendships with cat
    s from other clans, but your loyalty must remain to your clan, as one day you may meet
    them in battle.

    two: do not hunt or trespass on another clan's territory.

    three: senior warriors, queens, and younglings must be fed before apprentices and
    alphas, betas, and omegas. unless they have permission, apprentices may not eat until they
    have hunted to feed the senior warriors. if any warrior or apprentice is sick or injured, they
    may eat while the senior warriors, queens, and younglings are eating.

    four: prey is killed only to be eaten. give thanks to the daedra for its life.

    five: a youngling must be as least six moons old to become an apprentice.

    six: newly appointed warriors will keep a silent vigil for one night after receiving
    their warrior name.

    seven: a cat cannot be made second-in-commamd without having mentored at least
    one apprentice.

    eight: the second-in-command will become alpha leader when the leader dies, retir
    es, or is exiled.

    nine: after the death, retirement, promotion (to alpha leader status), or exile of th
    e second-in-command, the new second-in-command must be chosen before moonhigh.

    ten: a gathering of clans is held at the full moon during a truce that lasts for the ni
    ght. there shall be no fighting among clans at this time.

    eleven: boundaries must be checked and marked daily. challenge all trespassing cats.

    twelve: no warrior can neglect a youngling in pain or danger, even if the kit is from a
    different clan.

    thirteen: the word of the alpha leader is the warrior code.

    fourteen: an honorable warrior does not need to kill other cats to win their battles,
    unless they are outside the warrior code or if it is necessary for self-defense.

    fifteen: a warrior rejects the soft life of a kittypet.

    sixteen: each ally of the clan has the right to be proud and independent, but in times
    of trouble they must forget their boundaries and fight side by side to protect each other. each a
    lly must help the others so that no clan will fall.
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Postby noctenne » Mon Mar 23, 2020 12:02 pm

    lionclan posses a hierarchy unlike any other, first placed down by poppystar the first. it
    has had numerous and various changes throughout the centuries.

    mage — the mage is the overall ruler and leader of the clan. he, she, or they has an
    d have power over all, with the exception being their deities. their successor will alwa
    ys be their scholar.

    mage’s scholar — is the second in command to the mage, answering only to them in
    the clan. they will often be chosen from the existing senior battalion, most often the h
    unt chief, if possible.

    shaman — is believed to have utmost access, alongside the mage, to the daedra. alt
    hough they have no true “ranking” per say in the clan, they are as respected as much a
    s the mage due to their extensive knowledge in the art of healing sickness and injury. a
    s of now, there are a maximum of two shamans — the shaman and their scholar, who af-
    ter completion of their training will join their mentor as a fully fledged shaman.

    prince/princess(s/es) — merely a title, the prince and princess are the offspring of
    the mage.

    hunt chief — also sometimes referred to as the war chief, the hunt chief oversees a
    ll of the battalion, training of the scholars, and the completion of their recruitment wi
    th their assessment. often, they will be chosen as the mage’s scholar, due to their seni
    ority and the clan’s respect for them.

    battalion — the battalion is the main fighting force of the clan, including their hunt
    ers and scouts. they are separated into those two categories, with the hunters the agil
    e and swift-pawed, and the scouts who are strong and muscular, and who control and
    patrol the borders to protect the clan.

    scholars — the scholars are those who are six to twelve + moons of age depending
    on when they were born and how far along in their recruitment they are. it is prefera
    ble to have them learn at least one advanced skill before their assessment, after lear
    ning their basics. after their assessment — which determines their strengths and wea
    knesses — they will either be placed as a hunter or a scout.

    mothers — the mothers are expecting or musing mollies in the clan. along with th
    e nursery helpers, the mothers protect and care for the younglings until they are of a
    ge to become scholars. when they reach that age, mothers will return to their battali
    on duties until if and when they decide to have another litter.

    nursery helpers — there are a maximum of two nursery helpers at a time. they ar
    e not permanent mothers, per say, but they can be. the position is rotated out, espe
    cially if there is a mother planning on having more than one litter. nursery helpers h
    elp protect and entertain the younglings, especially the mage’s so they can return to

    younglings — younglings are the kittens, from newborns to six moons old. they re
    side in the nursery with their mothers and nursery helpers. upon reaching six moons
    old they are apprenticed as the scholar of a battalion member.
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Postby noctenne » Mon Mar 23, 2020 1:12 pm

    from the age of six moons to above twelve, scholars will train underneath a battalion m
    ember to learn a bare minimum of four skills before taking their assessment. although i
    t isn’t a requirement, learning advanced skills can often help to get higher positions in
    the clan.

    ↘ available battalion skills:
    battle, hunt, climb, stalk, track, swim, adv. battle, adv. hunt, adv. climb, adv. stalk, a
    dv. track, adv. swim, observation, adv. observation

    ↘ available shaman skills:
    herb recognition, basic healing, illness recognition, adv. herb recognition, adv. healing

    current mentors and scholars:

    autumnleaf + dreampaw → 4
    ↪ herb recognition, basic healing, illness recognition, adv. herb recognition

    flameclaw + thistlepaw → 4
    ↪ battle, hunting, climbing, stalking

    loachswim + asterpaw → 3
    ↪ hunting, swimming, climbing

    elysiangleam + nightpaw → 4
    ↪ battle, hunting, swimming, climbing

    ellis + chanterellepaw → 2
    ↪ battle, hunting

    redfish + dipperpaw → 1
    ↪ battle

    dustbird + campionpaw → 2
    ↪ battle, hunting

    meadowheart + partridgepaw → 0
    ↪ moves

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family trees

Postby noctenne » Mon Mar 23, 2020 1:45 pm

    the first family tree began with poppystar the first and his family, and now centuries la
    ter, the clan is flourishing with new families.

    shoalsplash + abel
    ↘ comfreyleaf, goosewing, ashpaw, sleetpaw,
    sootpaw, bluepaw
    adoptive: dawnpaw, aspenpaw

    smokefur + unknown
    ↘ darkeye (biological)
    flameclaw (adoptive)
    cinderfoot (adoptive)

    smokefur + troutleap
    ↘ asterpaw, nightpaw

    diverwing + dashattack
    ↘ thistlepaw, dreampaw, hailpond, gannetskip

    tangledbriar + unknown
    ↘ bubblenose, tigersoul

    willowsong + nova
    ↘ silverstorm

    aspentail + unknown
    ↘ timberbark (biological)
    weaselpelt (biological)
    brackenstep (adoptive)

    digging bird + dashattack
    ↘ beetlekit, crowkit, shadekit
    adoptive: teaselkit

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herb stock

Postby noctenne » Mon Mar 23, 2020 1:50 pm

    the list of the current herbs lionclan’s shamans have available to use are listed down b

    bindweed x0 • bright-eye x1 • broom x1 • borage x1 • burnet x0 • burdock root x1 • blackberry leaf x2 • catmint x1 • celandine x1 • chervil x0 • chickweed x1 • cobweb x2 • coltsfoot x1 • daisy leaf x1 • dock x1 • elder leaf x0 • f
    ennel x2 • feverfew x1 • goldenrod x1 • hawkweed x1 • horsetail x2 • honey x1 • lavender x2 • mallow leaves x0oak leaves x0 • parsley x1 • poppy seeds x0 • ragwort x1 • raspberry leaves x0stick x0stinging
    nettle x0
    sweet-sedge x0tansy x0 • water hemlock x1 • wild garlic x0willow bar
    k x0
    • willow leaves x1 • yarrow x0

    deadly nightshade x1
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posts and replies

Postby noctenne » Mon Mar 23, 2020 2:20 pm

    as moving mountains

    as oneclan

    as lionclan

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Postby noctenne » Mon Mar 23, 2020 2:21 pm

just in case.
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