Oddity Pride Prompts [Valley of Kings] [VoK]

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Oddity Pride Prompts [Valley of Kings] [VoK]

Postby ToxicShadow » Thu Oct 24, 2019 10:20 am


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Oddity Pride

[All characters written about found above.]

Everything written here is specifically for the prompts for my Valley of Kings [VoK] Pride, the Oddity Pride.
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Re: Oddity Pride Prompts [Valley of Kings] [VoK]

Postby ToxicShadow » Thu Oct 24, 2019 10:34 am

| Basic Leveling Prompts |

#A1 [100 exp] - Submitted toward level 2
Create a map of your pride’s territory. You may draw one, use a website/builder, describe one, or code/collage one together.



#A2 [150 exp] - Submitted toward level 2
Explain where your pride calls home/rests within their territory. 200 words or 1 art piece minimum

The focal point, and the very place where all of the pride members consider it home among their territory, is the cave shrine and connecting cave system. It is where the divine energy is the strongest and, thus, it is within their best interests to reside there as much as possible, not only to soak up said energy, but so that they may be protected by it. Aside from that, the cave, itself, provides shelter from the elements and a safe place to hide away from any potential threats.

The stone carved steps lead from the outside all the way up to the mouth of the cave, leading into the cave shrine. Such area is considered the common area and meeting room, where all of the pride members come to mingle, relax, and discuss important matters. Essentially, where they spend time together outside of hunts and other ventures. The rest of the cave system branches off from there, leading in two opposing directions, which then splits even further, and eventually, circles around. There are many separate caves connected to these cave paths, seemingly intentionally carved out, to be separate rooms. As such, each pride member has their own private quarters, as well.

Words: 202


#A5 [50 exp] - Submitted toward level 4
Where did your pride’s name come from? 50 word minimum

The name is a simple one, it's meaning almost painfully obvious to anyone that hears it. Pride of Oddity, or just Oddity Pride, is just what it is. The Founder of the pride, and likely the majority of the members of the pride, find themselves odd or strange in some way or another. Of course, it is also their general belief that everyone is odd in some way, though it is likely different from the oddness of anyone else. Still, it is best to embrace these oddities, and accept one another for them. So, they are odd, and they are proud to be.
Words: 103


#A6 [100 exp] - Submitted toward level 2
What sort of faith does your pride have? Do they have gods? 150 word minimum

More than anything else, members of the pride believe in themselves, one another, and the world that is all around them. That is, rather than there being a very specific god, they rationalize that anyone can rise to such a status and gain miraculous abilities. They believe that the land, the world, and everything beyond it, has its own life and energies. Some are places of divinity, while others are tainted and sinister. A combination of ones behavior and deeds within the world, as well as where they choose to live and if they respect not only the world, but life, itself, is what decides on what sort of abilities they may gain and status they hold, if any. If they pray to anything, it is to the universe and life, itself, rather than a specific figure or figures. Though, should one think, "Save me," the name they likely utter would belong to the Founder, herself, holding the strong belief that she will always come to their aid they need it.
Words: 171


#A9 [150 exp] - Submitted toward level 2
What is your pride’s biggest threat? 200 words or 1 art piece minimum

Although there are potential enemies that lie within their territory in the form of buffalo, hippos, crocodiles, and even more, their biggest animal related threat is Nero's former pride. The majority of said former pride members are violent, mean cold hearted and cold blooded, and Nero would even describe them as evil or monstrous. They came to be called demons by others that heard of them for their vicious behavior, killing not to eat, but just to kill, including one another and any other lions that crossed paths with them.

Given that the former Demon King abandoned her title and left said pride behind, the pride members are filled with even more pure hatred and resentment for her than they ever had before. Though it is not their top priority, at least according to her belief, should they ever find her, there is no doubt that they would wage a full out war in an attempt to destroy her and any that she has allied herself with.

Primarily, she suspects that anyone that actually wishes to claim leadership in said pride would want to find her, as it was their tradition that the only way to take the title of King was to not only to defeat, but to kill, the current king.

Words: 213


#A14 [100 exp] - Submitted toward level 4
What does your pride expect of their cubs? Do they expect them to grow up quickly? Become warriors? 150 word minimum

First and foremost, overall, the adults of the pride want the cubs to truly enjoy the experience of being a cub, before it is too late. Though they do begin to teach them important lessons about how the pride and world works, including expectations they may have for them later, they protect the cubs' right to enjoy not having too many responsibilities yet. They want them to have fun, make mistakes, and grow at their own pace.

The one lesson they all have to take seriously, though, even as cubs, is the ability to fight and defend themselves. By no means do they expect the cubs all to become strong warriors in their adulthood, but the Founder, Nero, puts a strong importance on all members of the pride being able to, at the very least, defend themselves, should they ever need to. At least in knowing how to respond to potential threats, and how to hold on until someone that is more able and capable can come and protect them.
Words: 170


#A22 [100 exp] - Submitted toward level 17
Are there any illnesses common or native to your pride’s area? Seasonal flus? A historical ‘plague’, chills that come with winter? 150 word minimum

Incompatible Cultivation

An ailment that effects those that were formally members of the Demon Clan, including the leader and founder, Nero, and the First Commander, Makuvu. Being initially born and raised within a land filled with malevolent, dark energy, they originally cultivated such to become more powerful, as did all members of the Demon Clan. Now, however, as they live within the land of divine energy, they cultivate said divine energy instead. However, these two energies often conflict within the body, causing the lion with the two different energies severe pain, and, occasionally, weakness or other signs of illness, when the two energies clash. The ill side effects do not occur all the time, rather, it seems to happen randomly, without much warning, or when they strain themselves by calling on too much of their cultivation in combat or for other means.

Thus far, the only theory in how to prevent incompatible cultivation is for the lion to surrender one of their specific cultivations, that of their former pride, but both Nero and Makuvu press forward without doing so, unwillingly to lose their years of cultivation and become too weak, in the process. They fear the possibility of not being able to protect the rest of the pride should they lose a large portion of their strength.
Words: 213


#A29 [100 exp] - Submitted toward level 17
What does a lion’s roar mean to your pride, culturally? A sign of intimidation, victory, mourning? 150 word minimum

Though it does not particularly have a very specific meaning to the Oddity Pride, it is most common that the members of the pride roar for one of two reasons. The first is to announce their presence to others around them, drawing attention to themselves. This can be something like a call to order when there is meeting of the entire pride, when Nero or whomever is leading the meeting comes onto the scene and the meeting, thus, begins, or when they are demanding the attention of a potential enemy. Nero, in particular, uses her roar to draw enemy attention to her, and away from someone else, given that she is especially protective of her pride mates. Secondly, a roar may be used as a form of intimidation. When confronted with an enemy, or even a potential danger, they may roar in order to intimidate the threat, should they be trying to avoid an unnecessary fight.
Words: 156


#A31 [200 exp] - Submitted toward level 17
Is magic present/available to your pride; if so what are the restrictions, what is it capable of, or what role does it play in your story/world? 300 word minimum

The Oddity Pride, as a whole, accepts that forms of magic is perfectly common. However, at the same time, those that lack any form of magic are equally as common. It comes in many, many forms, over all. However, the three major means are inborn magic, gifted magic, and cultivated magic.

Innate magic, powers or abilities are those that the lions have from birth or latently develop as they age. Something that they naturally possess.

Magic that is gifted is given to a lion by some means, usually from another that posses magic or abilities, themselves, and gift them for some reason or another. It is especially common practice for members of the Oddity Pride to share fragments of their souls with their lovers when they choose to be a lifemated pair, for the reason that they will pass on minor abilities to their partners. Namely, their limited immortality, so that they may live out their extended lifespans with their partners. Technically, magic caused by a curse may fall into this category, as well.

Cultivated magic is, possibly, the most common within the pride, overall. Ones cultivation is equal to ones power and anyone is capable of cultivating either demonic energy or divine energy, even lions that are otherwise mortal and ordinary. Cultivating said energy long enough turns the individual into an immortal and they often gain varying abilities, ranging from incredible physical strength, the ability to manipulate an element or object, and even stranger abilities, still. Magical cultivation comes from lingering in places with said energy and slowly absorbing it over time simply from being in its presence, from practicing ones abilities, from meditating, and being granted cultivation either from another individual or another object, such as consuming a food that posses demonic or divine energy.

As the Oddity Pride has made their home in a land teeming with divine energy, each member of the pride has, or will soon, reached a level of immortality, and each eventually posses unnatural abilities, if they were not already born with them. Some few individuals have both demonic and divine cultivation, which makes them even more formidable, but also leaves them with a horrible ailment that they cannot always keep under wraps, as the two conflicting energies may leave them weak and sickly.
Words: 381
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Re: Oddity Pride Prompts [Valley of Kings] [VoK]

Postby ToxicShadow » Thu Oct 24, 2019 10:36 am

| Founder Leveling Prompts |

#B3 [100 exp] - Submitted toward level 4
What made them (your Founder) want to start their own pride? 150 word minimum

Even though she assumed the title of "Demon King," the role of the leader within the pride she was born into, by defeating her father, the former king, she was not particularly attached to her pride. In fact, she only took up the role that she was being forced into in order to attempt to change the ways of her pride. To make them less horrible and barbaric. She forbade any serious in fighting between her pride members, aside from challenges against her authority as king, among several other attempts to civilize the pride. But said members, who were set in their ways of violence, resisted her changes with every step. Using brute force to keep them in line worked well enough, but the fact was, she grew tired of that role that she had to play. She wasn't particularly that violent, mean, or oppressive.

Her desire to more true to herself, and to no longer surround herself with such toxic personalities of the pride members there, was what lead her to venture out and start a brand new pride, far away from that which she was born into.

Words: 189


#B4 [50 exp] - Submitted toward level 4
Create a moodboard that shows your founder’s personality



#B9 [100 exp] - Submitted toward level 17
What is your founder’s greatest fear, does it affect their ability to lead? 150 word minimum

If anything, Nero's greatest fear is that she will lose control of herself. As one that hailed from the Demon Clan, she has witnessed such a thing too many times, for more than just a single reason. Some have lost control of themselves because of the great malevolence held within the dark energy that the Demon Clan cultivates and, eventually, their mind and body could no longer tolerate it. Others, she has witnessed go mad with power, willing to do anything and harm anyone to gain even more of it.

But not even just that. She has tasted it, what it is like to use her own power, her incredibly powerful and meticulously cultivated dark energy, to take another's life and get what she wants. She told herself it was justified. That taking her father's life was a necessary evil, and that it was what he deserved after taking the lives of so many others, but part of Nero is afraid that she may have enjoyed it. She's afraid that she is not any better than he is.

At times, she doubts herself, but, ultimately, she does all that she can not to allow things to get in the way of her leadership.

Otherwise, she is afraid of losing those most important to her, her daughter and her pride mates.

Words: 220


#B10 [100 exp] - Submitted toward level 4
Was your founder a born leader, or did they grow into it? Were they forced into it? 150 word minimum

In her former pride, she had been born the daughter of the then leader and what he deemed to be the most beautiful lioness within their pride. Unfortunately, as her father desired a son to groom to eventually take his place, her mother was killed not long after she was born for not bearing a son. Regardless of her birth gender, though, the king raised her up, claiming that she was, indeed, a male, and she endured tough, horrible, nearly bone breaking training from a very young age, being raised to be stronger than anyone else. There was no doubt that, on more than one occasion, she almost passed away from injuries, starvation or exhaustion. She was being forced into her role, whether she liked it or not, being made to be the toughest, strongest, one that would never lose a fight. Though, ultimately, she had a strong desire for change, and knowing that the only way she could change anything was to be at the top, she eventually embraced the idea that she was going to be leader one day.
Words: 181


#B27 [100 exp] - Submitted toward level 17
What expectations did your founder’s parents have for them? Did they strive (or succeed) to meet these expectations or dismiss them?
150 word minimum

Nero cannot even begin to imagine what her mother's wishes or expectations may have been for her. After all, her mother had her life taken from her because she gave birth to Nero, a daughter, rather than a son. She likes to think that maybe her mother would have cared for her, but considers it doubtful.

As for Nero's father, he got what he wanted. Nero had been heartlessly, viciously raised up by the Demon King, the leader of the Demon Clan, so that, one day, she would be able to defeat him in combat and take his life, thus, taking his position as the Demon King. He wanted to live forever through his child. And Nero did just that. She took his life and took his position. It was a real possibility that her father died happy, knowing that she lived up to the expectations of his.

But she didn't do it for him. She did it for herself, to be free of his rule, and to free the others of the Demon Clan, with the aim to change their terrible ways. She had her own purpose.

Words: 188
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Re: Oddity Pride Prompts [Valley of Kings] [VoK]

Postby ToxicShadow » Thu Oct 24, 2019 10:37 am

| Pride Development Leveling Prompts |

#C2 [150 exp] - Submitted toward level 7
What is the relationship between the king/queen of the pride and its ‘lowest’ ranked member?
200 word or 1 art piece minimum.

At the time being, the Oddity Pride's lowest ranked member, in all technicality, is Fallyn. Fallyn is the first and, thus far, only cub of the pride.

The cub was orphaned after her pride was attacked. Their enemy intended to not to allow a single lion of the pride live, all of the cubs included. Her mother risked her life to carry Fallyn away, and then used her own self as the bait and decoy, hoping to buy time for her child to get away. In the end, though, she was gravely wounded and was left to die by one of their pursuers.

It was Nero that found the mother, still barely clinging onto her life, when she was asked to find the lioness' daughter. So Nero, using nose, managed to find and rescue Fallyn just in time, fighting off the male that tried to hunt her down.

Ever since then, Nero has taken Fallyn in as her very own. Though, as one that has yet to ever have cubs of her own, Nero is inexperienced at doing such. Still, she tries her best to comfort the young one and instill in her many great lessons, including how to defend herself, general politics of prides, any known history, and so on. Nero is protective of her adopted child, but tries her best to support and encourage her.

Likewise, although Fallyn loves her birth mother very dearly and understands just how very much her mother loved her, even giving her life to protect her, the young one views Nero, her rescuer, as her mother figure, as well.

Although, Nero has told Fallyn that it is perfectly well just to call her by her name, rather than Mother, out of respect for Fallyn's mother that did everything in her power to protect her child.

Words: 302


#C3 [100 exp] - [Submitted toward level 12]
Who was the first member to join the pride? Why did they give it a chance? 150 word minimum

Makuvu was the first lion to join with Nero after she left behind the Demon Clan, before she had even fully resolved to form the new clan around her true ideals, the Oddity Pride. As a former member of the Demon Clan whom suffered the end of his life at the claws of said clan, he never thought he would side with any of the Demon Kings. However, after he was resurrected with the help of Death, the crow, and left the pride lands of the Demon Clan behind, he could not help but to wonder, who was it that had buried his remains when he had been so brutally murdered?

Though, he never thought he would find the answer. Nor would he ever believe it to be Nero, the child, no, the daughter of the very same Demon King that had sentenced him to death for being unwillingly to take the life of his fellow pride mate just to prove his strength.

But it was Nero that sought him out, once she revisited his grave site and found it disturbed and empty, originally intending to relocate and rebury his presumably stolen remains within her new territory, but she never thought she would actually find Makuvu, let alone that he would be... alive.

After hearing the former Demon King out, and finding out the truth about his burial, Makuvu wanted to have hope, and wanted to see if Nero stood true to her word, up close.

Words: 246


#C11 [150 exp] - Submitted toward level 7
How are new pride members treated? Welcomed in with open arms or treated crossly?
200 word or 1 art piece minimum.

The Oddity Pride was founded specifically for the sake of taking in others that had no where else to go, no where else to turn to. Those that were rejected from society, perhaps ran out of their prides, lost them, or simply had no place to begin with. No matter how odd or strange, they were welcomed into the pride. That was always the intention.

For that reason, the Oddity Pride is usually very welcoming of new pride mates. However, this is not always without an air of caution. Of course, one must always be careful when welcoming strangers into their home, so, inwardly, each member is careful and cautious, but, outwardly, they are generally friendly and welcoming. Of course, each individual reaction depends on the personality of the individual party. Vayde, whom still often tends to keep to himself, has very little to say to new members outside of the occasional greeting, just like most others. Aggoth is the one whom often explains matters of the pride, aside from Nero, the Founder, and keeps a close eye on them.

However, there are those that even the Oddity Pride would reject. As Nero firmly stands against unneeded and unnecessary violence and malice, those with evil in their hearts and minds, those that would stand to hurt others without valid reason, are rejected from the pride. And, should a new member turn out to have such a nature, they would be expelled from the pride.

Words: 244


#C16 [150 exp] - [Submitted toward level 12]
Which pride member is in charge of cub-sitting? Is it the cubs parent by default or is there a designated lion in charge of the young?
200 word or 1 art piece minimum.

There is not one specific pride member that is responsible for keeping an eye on all of the cubs of the pride. Primarily, this duty falls onto the parents of the cub, as it is considered very important to spend proper time with ones own children. And they typically frown upon it when they see lions of other prides rejecting, or ignoring, their own offspring and don't usually tolerate it. However, as the Oddity Pride is, over all, a warm and close knit group, almost all members of the pride pitch in when it comes to helping raise the cubs within the pride. On a regular basis, different members will spend time with any of the cubs, training or educating them in some aspect, telling them stories, answering questions, playing games with them, and just generally spending time with them.

Though, it is also a fairly regular occurrence that cubs, orphaned, rejected or otherwise, come into the pride, by some means. Thus far, though it has not been a set custom yet, one adult member takes on the role of being primarily responsible for the cub, taking on the role of guardian by choice, while the others still pitch in as is common.

Words: 203
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Re: Oddity Pride Prompts [Valley of Kings] [VoK]

Postby ToxicShadow » Thu Oct 24, 2019 10:38 am

| Multiple-Use Leveling Prompts |

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Re: Oddity Pride Prompts [Valley of Kings] [VoK]

Postby ToxicShadow » Sat Nov 16, 2019 1:46 pm

| Special Prompts |

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Re: Oddity Pride Prompts [Valley of Kings] [VoK]

Postby ToxicShadow » Sat Nov 16, 2019 1:46 pm

| Pride Member Leveling Prompts |


#P16 [75 exp] - [Unclaimed]
How competitive is this pride member? Is this just with their own goals, or with the other pride mates? 100 word minimum

Makuvu is somewhat competitive. It commonly depends on the activity or task at hand, as well as whom it is that he may be competing with. Although he very much respects Nero, the founder of the Oddity Pride and currently enthroned Demon King, he has a tendency to be competitive with her in matters that are not life and death situations. They often spar with one another to improve their abilities and to stay sharp, and he participates in strategic games against her, as well. He doesn't necessarily mind losing to Nero, and the same can be said for her when she loses to him, but he still carries a competitive streak when against her.
Words: 115

#P12 [100 exp] - [Submitted toward level 12]
Who (or what) is this pride member’s greatest enemy? 150 word minimum

At one point, Makuvu's greatest enemy would have been the former Demon King, whom was the one that deemed him weak for his unwillingness to take the life of his fellow pride member during their coming of age ceremony after defeating them in combat, and sentenced him to death for it. However, given that the former Demon King already lost his life to the claws of his daughter, Nero, whom took on the title of Demon King during the time that he was still dead and buried, Makuvu's enemy is the entirety of the Demon Clan, itself, his own birth parents included. Although it was the former King that had deemed him weak and sentenced him to death, it was the rest of the pride that actually attacked him and stole his life away. And even those that did not directly participate in the attack did not say any words in favor of him or attempt to stand up for him.
Words: 162

#P24 [100 exp] - [Unclaimed]
How does this lion feel about their blood relatives, their parents and siblings? 150 word minimum

If he ever took the time to consider it, Makuvu would likely feel disdain toward his parents, and he has no idea if he has any siblings or not. Like many other members of the Demon Clan, his parents raised him with little interest in his well being. He was fed and taught how to fight, and that was the extent of their care. There was never any love there, not that he could recall; it was as if they were incapable of it. When it came down to it, they were more than willing to have Makuvu enter in the traditional battle to the death, entirely unconcerned about the obvious risks, and when the Demon King sentenced the young lion to death for refusing to kill, they didn't lift a paw to aid or defend their child. Needless to say, he certainly doesn't hold any particular fondness for his parents. After being reborn, he doesn't give them much thought.
Words: 160

#P27 [100 exp] - [Unclaimed]
If this lion were to get attacked by a random rogue lion, how likely would they be to win the fight? What skills would help (or hurt) them? 150 word minimum

If Makuvu were to be attacked by a rogue lion, or really anyone or anything out of the blue, he would fair well in the fight, even if completely ambushed. As a former member of the Demon Clan that now practices divine cultivation, he is an immortal creature. But his circumstances are even more miraculous than the other immortals of the Oddity Pride. As he has already died once, and was resurrected by Death, the crow, uniting their souls, Makuvu cannot be killed as long as Death is alive. He would survive any fatal wounds given to him, his body reconstructing and healing itself, rising over and over again, unless his enemy brought an end to the crow, first.

However, that would only be if the one attacking could get past Makuvu's unnatural strength in the first place. His immortal powers have primarily manifested in super strength and durability, even his flesh being hard to wound or puncture. So, most likely, he would win the fight.

Words: 166

#P28 [150 exp] - [Unclaimed]
How does your lion feel about love, have they found love or are they seeking it? Have they ever had their heart broken? 200 word minimum

Never once did Makuvu actually believe that he would fall in love. Growing up, it didn't seem like it would be a possibility. It was all too evident that partnerships formed within the Demon Clan were done more so out of necessity, for survival, than anything else. Two were stronger than one, and creating stronger offspring was the ideal. Love wasn't an option. So he didn't feel much about love, aside from thinking that it was highly unlikely for him to ever experience it. It was such a foreign concept.

Even when he was resurrected and reborn into the lion he is now, his thoughts of it being an impossibility remained. He thought he would always be alone, at first, given the circumstances. He was technically already dead. He never could have anticipated that he would begin to develop feelings for Nero, the daughter of the former Demon King. He was oblivious to his developing feelings at first, and when it finally dawned on him that he was falling in love, he tried to deny his feelings. Surely, he was mistaken. He wasn't someone that was fit for love, so he believed, and the one he had fallen for didn't seem to be the type to consider romance.

But, even if he has not confessed his feelings, his love is precious to him.

Words: 223

#P33 [75 exp] - [Unclaimed]
How likely is this lion to keep a promise? 100 word minimum

While he may be the sort that tends to keep his thoughts and feelings bottled up, Makuvu is still a very honest and respectable individual. As such, if he makes a promise, he is the type that will do his best to keep it. He doesn't make empty promises; if he makes a promise, he does intend to keep it. However, he is the realistic sort. Although he may intend to keep his promises at the times he has made them, he is also fully aware that, sometimes, things change, including one's intentions. And, sometimes, promises made will still have to be broken.
Words: 103
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Re: Oddity Pride Prompts [Valley of Kings] [VoK]

Postby ToxicShadow » Sat Nov 16, 2019 1:49 pm

| Pride Member Leveling Prompts |


#P3 [150 exp] - Submitted toward level 17
Write your lion’s backstory. 200 word minimum

Long before Nero stepped into the lands overflowing with divine energy, it was commonly traversed by Aggoth during his wandering travels. As the years went on, unknowingly absorbing and cultivating the energy simply from his prolonged exposure, he became an immortal. As it was, he was already a loner, and his inability to age any further or lose his life to disease made him isolate himself all the more. Not that he minded all that much.

Aggoth was content to continue to travel even after he realized his immortality. He would speak with others casually, without making friends or even keeping acquaintances, staying in new places only a short while, and then moving on, seeing more of the world. But he would always come back to the divine land, able to sense the energy after cultivating so much of it, and spend many of his days there, peacefully.

He did not know what he had been waiting for, but when the land was seemingly invaded by another with a horribly malevolent energy that greatly clashed with that of the land and took up residence within it, Aggoth finally realized how very alone he had been. And what he had been waiting for.

Words: 202
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Re: Oddity Pride Prompts [Valley of Kings] [VoK]

Postby ToxicShadow » Sat Nov 16, 2019 1:59 pm

| Pride Member Leveling Prompts |


#P21 [50 exp] - Submitted toward level 20
Is this pride member an introvert or extrovert? 50 word minimum

Without a doubt, Vayde is an introvert, overall. Within his former pride, he was raised in such a way that no other pride member was allowed to speak to him, and he was not allowed to speak to others. If he tried to talk to anyone else, they were not permitted to respond. They simply had to pretend that they could not hear him.

Growing up in such a way, Vayde, to this day, often keeps to himself. He no longer has to, but he still tends to be a lion without many words, and some social situations can be quite overwhelming for him.

Words: 104
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Re: Oddity Pride Prompts [Valley of Kings] [VoK]

Postby ToxicShadow » Sat Nov 16, 2019 2:00 pm

| Pride Member Leveling Prompts |


#P7 [75 exp] - [Submitted toward level 12]
What does this pride member’s name mean (if it has a meaning) and how does it represent them? 100 word minimum

Domino, though not his given name, comes with the symbolism of fear, misunderstanding, loss, destruction and failure.

Truthfully, at one point in his life, Domino felt great fear, due to the destructive nature of his power over fire, and was greatly misunderstood because of it. When unable to control his flames, he felt like a failure, and he was even forced to leave his previous pride behind because of his inborn ability to create and manipulate flames. Though, as far as anyone is aware, Domino did not choose his name because of said symbolism, but just because it was a game; something fun. And his physical appearance is not unlike a domino.

Words: 112
Last edited by ToxicShadow on Thu Dec 12, 2019 1:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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