care for others, but live for yourself

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care for others, but live for yourself

Postby Olive; » Sat Apr 28, 2018 2:52 pm


xx Username: OliveMyLovexx
Link to Kalon: I'm in love
Link to Post: Here
Kalon's Name: Jupiter
xx Kalon's Gender: Cis-Malexx
Last edited by Olive; on Mon May 14, 2018 9:17 am, edited 6 times in total.
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personality and background

Postby Olive; » Sat Apr 28, 2018 4:03 pm


    • Jupiter Butterfield • Cis-Male • 26 years old • Pansexual •

    The most noticeable thing about Jupiter is that he cares for others, as he is a very sweet kalon. Though he doesn’t talk very much, he always observes what people are doing and often does very thoughtful things for them. These kind deeds are often done without words, or with very few. He doesn’t really like talking to many people, and it takes a lot for him to open up to someone. It’s not that he doesn’t trust people, it’s just that he doesn’t feel truly comfortable around many. He also considers himself quite awkward, and doesn’t like socializing unless he knows whoever he’s talking to won’t judge him. However socially awkward Jupiter may be, he also has a secret side to him: he has incredible comebacks!

    He also disguises his emotions fairly well. Jupiter doesn’t like many people knowing what he’s thinking, and so he tries to hide them. However, this has led to many people thinking him to be stoic. He cares just as much as anyone else, he just keeps it to himself. Much like his emotions, Jupiter himself also isn’t noticed often. The kalon often tries to fade into the background of any situation. He’d much rather quietly observe his surroundings. When he does speak up, it’s always to share a really important idea. His words are chosen wisely, and though they’re few and far between, Jupiter always packs them with meaning. He never chooses to talk just to hear himself talk, like a lot of the people around him.

    As a child, Jupiter grew up as a middle child in a large and loving family. Naturally, he learned to be a mediator, and even his presence calmed people. Everyone in the house was super busy, but they all tried to spend as much time together as possible. Jupiter was closest to his grandma. They spent many hours cooking together, and soon, the hobby became a passion for him. Nothing made him feel better than caring for his family and creating all sorts of dishes. Though his grandma taught him the basics of cooking, most of his creative flair was all his own. Jupiter’s free time was spent experimenting with all sorts of flavors and what they added to different foods. During his school years, he knew that he wanted to go to culinary school, so he wasn’t an outstanding student. He wasn’t terrible, but he didn’t see the need in trying, and sometimes he skipped class. When he graduated high school, he went on to culinary school in France as he wished. Though he doesn’t like talking to people, he really enjoyed learning a new language, due to the many culinary terms that stem from it.

    Jupiter’s current dream is to open up his own restaurant. Seeing how he loves to give back to people and he loves to cook, it’s perfect for him! The only problem is that he doesn’t have enough money to purchase a property and start up the business. At the moment, the kalon is working as many jobs as possible to scrape up the money to do this.

    art © Meridiem
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songs and other extras

Postby Olive; » Mon Apr 30, 2018 12:32 pm

    uhh I don’t know what songs I want to put here yet... hmm
Last edited by Olive; on Mon Jun 04, 2018 7:02 am, edited 4 times in total.
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reality tv story

Postby Olive; » Mon May 14, 2018 9:13 am

  • Jupiter and friend out to lunch at the diner he works at
  • Friend tells Jupiter to go out and meet new people because he just hangs out with the same people all the time
  • Jupiter makes excuse "i have no time" but he actually doesn’t because he’s working a ton of jobs to get money for the restaurant
  • Friend is like "dude this reality tv show is having auditions, you could win money!"
  • Jupiter: "Uh no thanks I’m socially awkward"
  • Friend: "If you try out for this I’ll stop hounding you about being social forever"
  • Jupiter: "hm maybe it’s worth it"
  • Jupiter goes and tries out
  • He makes the show
  • In the first episode, he’s pitted against four other competitors, and he keeps to himself
  • He’s super good so people are intimidated by him, and they make him out to be some sort of heartless ice type person
  • Second episode more of the same but add some sort of plot twist to make the story interesting
  • Jupiter has observed all the competitors a lot and he knows a lot about them
  • In third episode one of the final competitors has a big accident
  • Jupiter is almost done so he goes to help out the other competitor even though he could have an easy win
  • Everybody is confused as to what he’s doing but he just does a wordless act of kindness even though he’s incredibly conflicted
  • Nobody wins as Jupiter doesn’t have enough time to attend to his creations and the other kalon didn’t do his own work
  • Friend is a little annoyed with Jupiter
  • Jupiter gets an offer from an old dude to take over his restaurant so it’s all good

    A tan blur was whizzing around the kitchens, mumbling incoherently about a lost bag.
    "Jupiter, can you knock it off?" a chef yelled, a few inches away from getting his spices knocked over.
    "Sorry!" Jupiter squeaked, finally finding his bag and running out of there. He dashed into the bathroom, and changed out of his uniform as quickly as he could muster.
    Then he took a deep breath and walked into the front of the restaurant. Dealing with Garrin sucked the life out of you sometimes.
    "Hey, Chloe! Table under Butterfield?" Jupiter asked the hostess.
    "You’re late," she smiled, while leading him to the table. "Your friend here wouldn’t let me hear the end of it."
    "Sorry about that!" Garrin laughed. "But it’s all good, because now the man of the hour is here." Jupiter groaned.
    "I’ll leave you to it!" Chloe said, walking back to her spot by the door.

    "So... how’s life? Meet anyone new?" Garrin questioned.
    "The usual. You know the drill." Jupiter gave him an exhausted smile.
    "Oh c’mon, dude! I’ve told you before, you have to do things other than your ten-thousand jobs!"
    "B-but—" Jupiter protested.
    "Seriously, man. You really need to relax for a little bit. Are you even enjoying yourself?"
    Jupiter thought to himself for a second. "As long as I get to open up my own restaurant someday, it’s all worth it." But the toll of so many hours of work was clearly shown on his face.
    The pair sat in silence for a second. "So... is there a real reason you wanted to have lunch with me? Or did you just want to nag me about my terrible social life?" Jupiter complained.
    Garrin laughed. "I actually did call you here for a reason. Though we could continue with the second option if you’d like!"
    The tan kalon gave him a pointed look. "Well, anyway, the reason I wanted to have lunch with you is because there’s an incredible opportunity waiting for you! It could really boost your career, and send you skyrocketing to owning a restaurant in no time."
    "So what is it?" An excited Jupiter asked, anxiously twitching his paws.
    "Well, 'Bake It ’Til You Make It' is holding auditions! They give out $100,000 to the winner of the show. You have more than enough talent to make it in the show! This could get you the head start you need to start your restaurant."
    "Garrin, you know I don’t do well in front of people. And this show is watched all over the country! I couldn’t possibly do that!"
    "Well, I’ll make you a deal. If you try out, then I won’t ever bother you again about your social life."
    Jupiter stopped for a moment, pensive. "Maybe it is worth it."
    "That’s the spirit!" Garrin smiled at his friend. "I even printed out the paper with all the tryout info on it! You still have time to get your form in. I bet you’ll make it, for sure."


    For the next week, Jupiter holed himself in his condo with all his free time and cooked up a storm. In addition to all the questions he had to fill out, he wanted to make sure that he had a good social media presence with lots of food videos. YouTube, Instagram, you name it! Though the soft kalon was annoyed about having to be so public with his food, he knew that it would help him lead to the ultimate goal: having as many people enjoy his cooking as he could. Though his days were long, Jupiter went through his life with a newfound sense of purpose. His goals were now even closer than ever, if what Garrin said was true! All he had to do now was send in his application and wait...


    and wait...


    and wait...


    and wait. At long last, an email popped into his inbox. The moment his phone chimed, he ran up and looked at the screen. Sure enough, it was from the show, just as they had promised! He tapped his foot anxiously as he waited for the email to load.
    "No need to get excited, Jupiter, it’s could be a rejection letter," he warned himself, though he still didn’t stop the rhythm of his foot. Tap, tap, tap.
    Ding! The email chimed into the inbox, and the characters popped into view.

      Congratulations, Jupiter Butterfield, you have been accepted into Bake It ’Til You Make It!

    Jupiter didn’t even bother to read the rest of the email. It didn’t matter. He was in! He shrieked and ran around his condo with glee, then decided he was too loud and went outside.
    After he had taken some quality time to himself, the kalon figured it would be important to read the rest of the email. He headed back inside and scrolled through the rest of it. Blah, blah, blah, filming starts in a month, blah blah blah.
    Jupiter decided he’d work out the details later. Right now was the perfect time to share the good news! He dialed Garrin’s number and waited for him to pick up.
    "Hey, man! What’s up?"
    "I got accepted to Bake It ’Til You Make It," Jupiter smiled. "You were right!"
    "Are you serious?! I knew you could make it!" Even though the two were only talking over the phone, Jupiter could practically see Garrin bouncing up and down.
    "I have to go to New York in a month. I can’t wait; I’m going to see all sorts of cultures coming together to create all kinds of wonderful foods!"
    As Jupiter filled his friend in on all the details, he knew that his very own restaurant was in the near future, for the very first time in his life.


    Soon, it was time to go. Jupiter gave heartfelt goodbyes to all his coworkers at his waiting jobs, and hopped on what was the most important plane ride of his life. Before he knew it, the wheels touched down to the runway. JFK airport. After navigating through the thick crowd which flowed through the buildings, he hailed a ride, and arrived at his new hotel. His small bag of belongs was quickly dispersed throughout the room.
    "One month here, and I can go back to what I love," Jupiter told himself. Though filming the competition only lasted for about a week, Jupiter was not allowed to disclose any information about the show until it was released, and so he had to stay locked away in his room for a while longer.
    Dear Diary, the kalon wrote.
    Unlike most people, I’m not looking forward to this. I know that it’s the opportunity of a lifetime, but I just can’t bring myself to be excited about it. I mean, sure, I was initially excited, but then I remembered how many people I’d have to talk to, and how I might even have to change my persona for TV. It just isn’t my thing.
    Sometimes I wish I could be like Garrin. He never seems to worry about anything. Any problem he faces, he tackles it without a second thought, without thinking of a million ways to solve it beforehand. Maybe he had confidence that I’ll do well on this show, but I do not. Who knows what curveballs they’ll throw at us?
    I wish life was like Grandma’s old recipe for brownies. Never changing. You can always expect the sweetness with a hint of bitter bite.

    Before Jupiter could add more, three sharp knocks sounded at his door. He stumbled out of the chair and opened the door, to find a muted blue kalon waiting for him.
    "Hello, Mr. Butterfield. We’re having a meeting of the cast and crew right now, so be ready in ten inside of meeting room three." She then turned and went to the next door without a further word.
    Jupiter combed the knots out of his long fur, and headed downstairs to the large room.
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