The lost tribe || The Tribe of Setting Suns { DNP }

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The lost tribe || The Tribe of Setting Suns { DNP }

Postby Chimericect » Wed Feb 28, 2018 12:22 pm

      Leader || Wolf || Male || X
      Healer ||

      Border Runners ||
        • NAME
        • NAME
        • NAME

      Watch Mice ||
        • NAME
        • NAME
        • NAME

      Food Gatherers ||
        • Bones || Female || X
        • NAME
        • NAME
      BUILDERS ||
        • Aspen || Female || X
        • NAME
        • NAME

      Pups ||
        • NAME
        • NAME
        • NAME

    Level 3 ||
    Max mice: 8
    Max leaders: 1
    Max healers: 1

    Draw a scene for one of your tribe members
    Describe how one of your tribe members found food
    Get a healer || Shadow

    Level 4:
    Max mice: 12
    Max leaders: 2
    Max healers: 1
    Describe something bad that happened to your mice, and how they
    Worked as a tribe to get through it. Maybe someone gets injured in the process,
    Write or draw a scene about how your healer helped them recover.
    Write personalities for 3 mice || Shadow
Last edited by Chimericect on Mon Sep 17, 2018 1:32 am, edited 5 times in total.
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The Stuff

Postby Chimericect » Fri Mar 02, 2018 3:30 pm

Last edited by Chimericect on Sun Mar 25, 2018 4:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The lost tribe || Tribe of the Blood Moon { DNP }

Postby Chimericect » Fri Mar 02, 2018 3:30 pm




    Rumble Hills || One of the safer places, rumble hills is a very hill-ridden area that's only a little ways away from the camp. This is usually where they go in a flood, as no water is nearby to flood the hilly area. They also look here for other nice to recruit when it comes to searching for other members.
    Hawk Clearing || Named hawk clearing for the dead hawk they found when they arrived, its a sacred place for rituals and anointing for this tribe. It is here that Wolf felt the call to become a leader, and it was here where bones and aspen officially annointef him, completing a ceremony for him to be protected by the spirits.
    Worship Tree || Worship tree is where they bring offerings to the ancestors in hopes of having a good year. They bring berries, feathers, shells, and everything else to appease the spirits.
    Snake Waters || Not named for the few snakes that run these waters, but instead because of the wavy and "snake-like" appearance that they have. These are smaller streams that ultimately connect to the river that cuts through everything.
    Dead Lake || Wolf isn't quite sure what happened here, but nothing is able to grow. No plant can thrive, but it appears that once there was life, now replaced by cold, dead trees. They don't go here very often, but it isn't hard to find dead creatures around here, making it a good place to find bones, fur, and other materials.
    Gather Place || This is where they meet up with other tribes that may be located in the area. This is to discuss what's been going on, if they need any help, and who may have joined the clan.
    Terror Rapids || Falling in the river means certain death, especially if you stay in long enough/are close to the terror rapids. Raging constantly, you'd be beaten up against the rocks and would never return, or at least this is the thought. Wolf doesn't know of anyone who has survived, and he sure doesn't want to find out.
Last edited by Chimericect on Thu Mar 29, 2018 2:13 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The lost tribe || Tribe of the Blood Moon { DNP }

Postby Chimericect » Fri Mar 02, 2018 3:31 pm

    Name || Wolf
    Gender|| Male
    Age|| 8 months

    Personality || Wolf is a rather quiet and rude mouse that has a determination about him that tends to put others off. He has one focus and only one focus; build a tribe to survive together. You see, wolf lost his entire family in a flood; he wants to get that sense of security back and try to find others who have gone through what he's gone through. First impressions aside, he's very loyal and, while not exactly chatty, he isn't that bad to be around once you get used to it.He really does care for other mice and wants to build this sort of utopia for them to live wild and free; to enjoy themselves and feel safe. He feels responsible as a leader to ensuring the safety of all others, which is why he tried to find the safest place possible for his tribe to reside.

    History ||
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Re: The lost tribe || Tribe of the Blood Moon { DNP }

Postby Chimericect » Sun Mar 25, 2018 4:18 am

    Name || Bones
    Gender|| Female
    Age|| Young adult

    Personality ||

    History ||
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Re: The lost tribe || Tribe of the Blood Moon { DNP }

Postby Chimericect » Thu Mar 29, 2018 2:03 am

    Name || Aspen
    Gender|| Female
    Age|| Young adult

    Personality ||

    History ||
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Re: The lost tribe || Tribe of the Blood Moon { DNP }

Postby Chimericect » Wed May 09, 2018 11:07 pm






    Name: Shadow
    Why: Black furred + quick
    Gender: Female
    S.O: Heterosexual
    Age: teenager
    Date of birth: unknown
    Height; Small
    Build: Slim
    Size: Thin
    Rank: Healer
    Health Problems?: none
    Link Back || back to thread


Pine cones [favorite decor]
Rushing water
Dramatic mice
The idea of losing her friends again
Excellent healer
Easily annoyed
Weaker in strength
Slower in speed
Easily overwhelmed
Dreams & Wishes;
Reunion with her past companions
To maybe have a family
    Long Personality ||Shadow is a young mouse that is very determined to prove that she can be independent and make it on her own. She refuses help from anyone, even if it is clear that she needs it. She doesn't care for showing off too much, but does like to prove a point if need be. For example, if you were to say she couldn't do something, she would definitely show you that she could (whether she knew how to or not,) but would never just go off on her own to try to impress others. She doesn't see a point. After all, the cocky mouse knows she could do it! She doesnt have to prove anything to anyone. Shadow is extremely friendly, and sometimes that can be her downfall. She enjoys meeting new mice and making friends; it's something she's fairly good at.. unless you disagree with her. She will die defending what she believes in until you can prove her wrong. Then, well, she proudly wears that embarrassment on her shoulder like a shining badge. She feels shame, yes, but never really shows it. She just tries to play it off as if it were nothing.

    Shadow seems to be rather childish and silly, but she can make a quick turn around in an instant. She could go from laughing with you, making crappy puns, to healer mode in a second. She knows the difference between a serious moment and one where she can relax and have fun, and she never lets that line blur between the two. She might try to crack a joke while she's fixing up a wound, but the focus is on healing you and probably just trying to get you to smile and think about something other than the pain. She's pretty considerate of others. When she looks at another injured mouse, she can physically feel the pain herself (on a lesser scale, of course) and she doesn't want anyone to hurt.

    Unfortunately for Shadow, she has a pretty big ego on her and she tends to think she can take on tasks that she clearly cannot. Her cockiness only angers the other mice in the tribe, and she's known to make a fool of herself on a daily basis. From "Hey, I bet I can swim across the rapids to get those feathers!"*** to "I have to get berries but they only grow in the hawk infested area. I'll be back soon don't worry guys." It isn't a sense of showing off to others, because as I said before she doesn't see the point. It is, however, a sense of showing herself that she can do it. Sure, she may think she can do it and all, but it isn't the same as completing the action. So this tends to be fueled by her impulsive and extremely stubborn nature. You see, when Shadow is convinced she wants something, chances are you wont be able to get her to change her mind.

    Aside from those traits, poor shadow is easily overwhelmed. Whether it be by a big crowd or a lot of mice to heal, she tends to grow nervous when there are more than 3 or so tasks she has to do. Whether they're easy and can be done in a short period of time doesn't matter, the sheer amount of things to do tends to freak her out. She doesn't want to let her tribe down; what happens if she does? She has a huge fear of abandonment rooted back to when she was left to die as a child. Of course she doesn't remember it, but you don't have to remember why you're afraid of something to truly fear it. Besides, who WOULDN'T fear abandonment? She feels at home with the tribe and doesn't want them to leave her, she sees them as family. Shadow has a deep sense of family and connects with the tribe. She really does love where she is and would die for them, she feels like she has achieved the goal that she and the other two have set.

    When it comes to talking about her past, Shadow is an open book. She doesn't withhold anything from anyone, and she never lies. Never once has she intentionally lied to someone about something, she believes that truth is a fundamental building block of trust and loyalty, and that's what she wants others to have. She wants others to feel like they can trust her and that they don't feel like they have to lie to her. After all, they're like family to her now, and family shouldn't have to lie to one another.

    *** this is actually something shadow tried to do and this is where her fear of drowning comes from. She thought that she would be able to make it across, however it's pretty impossible and she nearly drowned. If it hadn't been for a stranger (who i will be adding to my tribe later ewe) she would have perished. She refuses to go near the rapids now, and if there is anything she needs that is even remotely near it, then she sends another mouse and pleads to not go near.

    Prologue || the unwanted
    Thunder cracked and wind roared as a tiny tribe of mice made their way through a wooded area. Distressed, tired, and scared, the small tribe seemed to lose all hope for survival as the rain seemed to never stop. In the front were the elders, leading the pace for the entire group. Behind them followed border runners and builders, some of the strongest in the tribe. This allowed them to help any elders that started to fall behind. Then came the healers, right in the middle to watch both the front and back. Food gatherers came second to last, with a single nursery doe, her pups, and her mate trailing slowly behind. With 5 pups you could imagine it was hard to keep everyone together, however you could only do so much. One of these pups was sick and smaller than the rest of them, the healer had already stated she would not survive the journey.

    "We can't carry dead weight," the leader began, his gruff voice edging with sadness. He, however, tried his best to show no emotion. Being a great leader meant he had to make the tough decisions, decisions that would benefit the tribe. "You're exhausted, you can't keep going on like this. One less mouth to feed would benefit everyone."

    The doe shot him a glare. "Then take away the food from one of the elders, they've gotten the chance to live. This is your daughter, she might be weaker but we can't give up on her yet. We can't..." the doe trailed off, tears glistening in her eyes as she glanced down at the tiny bundle she held in her arms. She was so much smaller, thinner, and barely moved. Maybe it would be better if they left her, maybe... no. It wasn't an option, but was it? Maybe she was going to die anyway, that bringing her in such a harsh journey was useless. Hopeless. The doe shook her head, her mate staring at her with the same sadness in his eyes, three of his pups in his arms. "The other children need you too."

    The pair of mice thought long and hard about their child, but in the end they did what they had to do. They lay the small, helpless child down by a tree, watching as the rain beat down on the tiny little body, and left her there. They never looked back, nor did they ever think about what truly happened.

    The tribe never made it to their destination.

    Chapter 1 || A new chance at life
    old grey rat takes her in (Gray )
    [ if won, i'd love to discuss this with the winner of this mouse! Currently I have that he adopted her, this could definitely change though ]

    Chapter 2 || A new friend
    meeting tawny buck ( tawny )
    [ if won, i'd love to talk to the winner of this mouse as well! I see him as a brother/best friend kind of figure in her life ]

    Chapter 3 || Divided
    [ can change depending on who wins ]
    It had taken forever, and there were so many hardships, but at last. They had finally arrived at their destination: Kagonn.

    Chapter 4 || A new start
    Shadow padded along a raging stream, watching rocks and other bits of junk push they way along, getting shoved by the water. "What a bully," she murmured, flicking her tail in annoyance. "Just pushing everything around like that." She stated bitterly. She tried to focus on anything that could keep her mind off of the empty hole in her chest, the feeling of loss and loneliness. While it was a peaceful agreement, Shadow still missed the two. It had already been about a week, or had it been longer? She couldn't quite tell. She pushed on nonetheless, continuing the journey she was determined to complete.

    She continued her way until she found herself in the woods, large trees and bushes towering over her, the constant fear of danger trying to grip Shadow, but she continued on. It wasn't until she heard the leaves behind her move, crunching under another creature that may have been around. She whirled around, half expecting to see nothing. Instead, a grey and black mouse stood staring at her, eyes narrowed. He didn't say a word before darting off in a different direction, leaving Shadow to wonder where he had gone. After a second of confusion, Shadows eyes widened. "Hey, wait a second!" she yelled, scurrying after him in a hurry. Leaves crunched beneath her tiny pink paws, her tail thumping behind her, occasionally throwing up some dirt. She had lost him.

    "Huh, she looks friendly." a quiet feminine voice murmured. Shadow couldn't quite tell where it was coming from. A second voice sounded as well, more higher pitched and bouncy. "I'm sure she is. Doesn't look to be very strong. Kind of small, so definitely not a builder." The other voice seemed to criticize her. "Hey, now wait a second..." Shadow murmured, her eyes narrowing. Her eyes darted, trying to find who may have been watching her. "She was quick, but not a border runner either. That's a shame, we needed one of those." The second voice added again. "I can hear you, ya know." Shadow hissed, her ears flattening and her tail immediately raising in alarm. What did they mean that they needed one? "Oh, dang. Hey Bones I think she can hear us." The second voice grumbled to the first, who was presumably named 'Bones.' "I wonder what gave you that idea." Bones shot back sarcastically.

    After they had bickered for a few moments, two mice hopped from underneath a rock, revealing a tunnel that had been dug underneath. Shadow looked at the two in awe. The first mouse, Bones, was a slim and small white doe with striking red eyes. She wore half of a skull on her face as a mask, newly bloomed flowers around her wrist, ankles, neck, and head. She smiled, swaying her flower-decorated tail. The second one was grinning madly, her eyes narrowed. She didn't seem to be wearing anything. Shadow could tell she was a mischievous one. "So," the second doe began. "Who are you? You seem to be on our territory." She muttered, trying to look angry. Her eyes, however, betrayed her, only showing a sparkling curiosity and excitement. Shadows eyes widened, a small grin appearing on her face. "Hey wait, territory?> Are you guys in a tribe by chance?"

    The two mice shot a glance at one another; they were clearly not expecting this response. "Why, ah, yes! Yes we are." Bones confirmed. How odd. They both seemed a little bit calmer than before, and much more interested in Shadow. "Have you heard of us? I mean, I know i'm pretty famous and all, but-" Bones shot the other mouse a glare before turning back to Shadow. "Are you lost?" She asked. Shadow frowned, glancing at the foliage that surrounded them. "Yes," she admitted. "To be fair, though, I'm new. I've been seeking a tribe, or a place to call home. I've been... alone for quite some time now."

    "Well you've come to the right place! The name's Aspen, and that there is Bones." Aspen said with a large grin and prideful stance. Bones, on the other hand, only glared for a second, clearly annoyed by how extra Aspen was. "You can't just go inviting her into the tribe, what if Wolf doesn't approve?"
    "He will! Come on, we need to expand anyway. Pleeeeaaaasssseeeee?" Aspen begged. Bones stared at her a moment before sighing. "Alright, but if Wolf gets mad, then you're to blame. Not me." Bones stated. Aspen let out a happy cry before taking Shadows paw and bouncing towards the hole. "You're gonna love it there! Just you wait."





Name ||
Relation || father-figure
Current status || Separated

The old grey mouse is one that Shadow loves and adores, seeing him as a father-figure in her life. After all, he was the one that took her in when nobody else would. In fact, without him she surely would have died. She's always looked up to the grizzled old mouse and loved being around him when they were in a travelling group. Her heart hurts that they no longer get to see one another, but as long as he is alive and well then shadow is pleased.


Name ||
Relation || friend
Current status || Separated




Name || Wolf
Relation || Leader
Current status || Acquaintances
Wolf was the last one to greet Shadow despite being the leader. He isn't exactly the nicest guy, or so it seemed at first. Shadow thought that he hated her, and that she wouldn't be accepted into the clan. With these thoughts she was already prepared to leave, after all what reason did she have to stay at the time? Despite this, however, she stuck around for a little longer, beginning to know the mice in the growing tribe. She didn't really get to know Wolf until much later, and learned that the quiet and strong personality he had was more of a mask he put on, and that was okay. It took awhile for these two to completely trust one another, which would be expected of two normal tribe mates, but seeing as Wolf was the leader it rubbed Shadow the wrong way just a bit. There isn't too much to explain their relationship, Wolf and Shadow just don't interact very often and that's ok. Deep down, Wolf really does appreciate the young mouse, especially because a healer was necessary to the group. He sees her as a blessing, but he's to stubborn to ever say anything to any of his group.


Name || Bones
Relation || Tribemate
Current status || Friend

Shadow adores Bones, although not as much as she does aspen. Bones was the one that helped her find accessories and taught her about the tribe so far; making her much more helpful than Wolf ever was. Bones is a little more serious than Shadow, but the two still have fun. Bones can be quite scary, though. One time, Shadow and Aspen managed to pull a small prank on her and they (believe) that steam literally came out of her ears and the fires of raged burned in her crimson red eyes. Never again will Shadow mess with Bones. With that though comes a sort of respect that was form. After all, a fearless Shadow being terrified by the tiny white spirit? Bones is the only mouse that can genuinely terrify her.



Name || Aspen
Relation || Tribemate
Current status || Best Friend

Aspen and Shadow hit it off almost immediately, the two easily bonding. Of course, both of they are young and reckless teenagers, they find one another to be vital to them now. Aspen was the one to take Shadow in and really get her acclimated to the whole new tribe thing, and was nice enough to begin building her a small burrow that would be big enough for all of her herbs and stuff to be sorted. Being as reckless as she is, Aspen tends to get hurt, so she's constantly with Shadow. When not working, it's likely these two will be hanging out in the trees or by the river, debating on if they can build something to float down it. They tend to press their luck, but so far they've ended up okay.


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Honey || "Just pay attention to me"

Postby Chimericect » Sun Jun 03, 2018 6:23 am

    Name || Honey
    Gender|| Female
    Age|| Young adult
    Rank || Food Gatherer
    Personality || Honey is a very happy and rather annoying mouse that is usually in everyone's business. She always has to get a word in and be correct, and she gets rather upset when other people don't listen to her

    History ||

    Relationship ||
      Wolf || Honey is usually annoyed with wolf, seeing him as the angsty leader that never talks to the tribe because he's too cool for it. She doesn't understand why he is always out and about and never with them, although she never bothers questioning it anymore. The leader is rather avoidant and Honey just doesn't know what to do. She hates being ignored, and screaming "LOVE ME LEADER" isn't something she can do. She simply sticks around with the other mice and makes faces behind his back and messes with his stuff until he can learn to be with the tribe.

      Bones || Bones is the mom of the tribe, the one that tells the younger ones to not do anything stupid. Honey loves her and sees her as a mother-figure, as she never knew her own. Bones was the one to bring Honey back when she was small and weak, so Honey has a particular loyalty to Bones. Honey being young, she does a lot of stupid things with the other two that Bones doesn't approve of, and they argue like mother and daughter, but that only brings them closer in the end, as they will start to laugh about it after.

      Aspen || Aspen is the rebellious and carefree teenager that treats Honey like an even younger child. Aspen is also a sort of mentor to Honey, teaching her tricks and silly and harmless pranks to pull on the other mice (especially wolf.) The thing with aspen is that she never listens to a word that Honey says. "This looks dangerous." "NAH ITS SAFE I HAVENT DIED YET." is how their conversations seem to go. The two are friends that seem to get into a lot of trouble, Honey being the calmer and more rational of the trio that messes with the tribe.

      Shadow || Shadow is the third of the trio mentioned above, and is even worse than Aspen. Honey can't seem to control the wild healer that insists she doesn't need to be told what to do. Honey appreciates the drive and passion that the young mouse has, but she is absolutely terrified that Shadow will get hurt because of her own antics. "Shadow you can't do that" "WATCH ME" "NO IM SERIOUS YOU'RE OUR ONLY HEALER IF YOU DIE WE'RE ALL SCREWED." "FIGHT ME HONEY." Aspen is usually rooting for Shadow in the background, hooting and hollering. It gives Honey a headache.
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