✧✦A Glass Half Full✦✧ (DNP)

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✧✦A Glass Half Full✦✧ (DNP)

Postby Yugi » Sun May 14, 2017 5:36 pm

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxImage Image
xx✧✦ Username: Yugi|Name: Glass|Gender: Male ✧✦

xxxxxxxxxxxxxClick here to go back to the adopt

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0. The Basics
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1. Personality
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2. Occupation & Hobbies
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx3. Relationships
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4. Growing Up - Glass' Timeline
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx5. Current Status
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx6. Glass' House
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx7. Credits


Behind the name wrote:He wasn't always called Glass. In fact, Glass' actual name is Layton, which is supposedly the name of a great, great grandfather of his.

His current name is actually an old nickname that he received from his friends back in Washington. Because of his "glass half full" mentality, as well as how sharp mentally he was as a child, his closest acquaintances thought that the word was fitting to be his name. Glass never really cared for his actual birth name, so he would always request other people to call him by his nickname instead; while many people questioned him at first, a majority of them grew used to addressing him as Glass instead. When he had to move to California and leave his close friends behind, he vowed that he would continue with keeping his nickname and using it proudly whenever possible. He missed his friends dearly, and he didn't want to accidentally forget about them or the grand times they had with each other.

The only people that know and call him by his real name are his parents. Even as he grows older and his past friends move on with their lives, he has grown accustomed to requesting that other people will use Glass instead of Layton when talking to him. When he's asked about his real name, he has been seem to become hesitant, as if he had temporarily forgotten his actual name.
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Postby Yugi » Sun May 14, 2017 5:54 pm

xxxxxGlass is a fairly optimistic person; regardless of how much negativity and hardships he may experience throughout his life, he pushes on. Whenever the boy goes through a rough time, he does his best to keep in mind that the whole thing is just a temporary period in time for him, which often helps him pull through. Even with all of the set backs, pain, and bad memories that he keeps with him, he stays positive as he knows that things will always get better. Glass tries his best to use any negative experience he has as a way to learn to help him prevent himself from repeating his past mistakes. He has found that, by doing so, he can make better decisions that can lead him to a happier situation quicker.

He's quite the stubborn individual; while he would never purposefully butt heads with another person for the sake of arguing, he will keep striving for everything he aspires to do. He doesn't care one bit if his actions infuriates or annoys others, as he's only doing it for himself. Regardless of how many times he may be talked down upon, Glass believes that his life is in control of his own hands, and he refuses to let the opinions of others sway him from it. His hopes and dreams seem impossible to crush, despite them sounding a little bit too unrealistic to those around him. Glass wants to do whatever he can to help strive for world peace for all nations.

He was raised to be a selfless person by his loving parents, so he's always on the lookout of creative ways to help other people out with whatever they need. He's thinks he's pretty darn crafty with his ways of recycling items, even though others might raise an eyebrow at what he does. Glass isn't much of the hoarder type; instead, he'll use whatever there is around him to solve problems that he faces. This means that, if he needs to, he will dig through the trash to find objects that will help him reach his goal. Of course, he's a sanitary person, so he will make sure that everything he gets is perfectly clean before they're used.

Glass is a peaceful guy who preaches love instead of violence; however, he isn't afraid to defend himself or those who care about when it comes down to it. After being accepted into the Peace Corps, he was taught how to do self defense by the lead organizer. He struggled with learning it, however, especially when he was tasked with using the moves on another volunteer. Over time, he was able to successfully conquer his fear of harming others, but he still hates resorting to it when he needs to.

Even though Glass tries his best to be a kind soul, he does struggle with following rules at all times. If someone tells him no, he will try to find a way around their rules. He doesn't like being told that he can't do something either, and he will do his best to prove them otherwise. He can be a bit inconsiderate during times like these, especially to his own well being; while he usually isn't a daredevil, he will put his physical safety on the line. His response isn't always out of spite, at least not for the majority of times he does so. He was always the runt when it came to literally almost everything as he was growing up, so he wants to prove to himself that he can do what others think is impossible.

Likes wrote:✧ Gardening
Glass is surprisingly excellent when
it comes to gardening; he loves
being able to grow his own
vegetables, herbs, and flowers.

✧ Stargazing
He can spend hours upon hours just
laying on the ground late at night,
staring upwards at the dark sky.

✧ Napping in big open fields
He loves the soothing feeling of soft
grass beneath him. It reminds him
of simpler days as a child.

✧ Exercising
Glass finds it difficult to sit still
all day; he finds exercising to be
a fun way to spend his time.

✧ Swimming
His favorite type of exercise always
will involve water; he loves the
feeling of floating on top.

✧ Dreaming
Most people love to dream, and
Glass is certainly no exception; he
likes to record his dreams on note
paper to analyze it later on.

✧ Birds
He has a high affection for animals
that are able to explore the sky; he
has a beloved pet bird as well.
Dislikes wrote:✦ Being stationary
Glass finds it difficult to sit still,
especially when there's so many
things to do in a day.

✦ Watching TV
While he does feel the need to
watch TV for the news, he doesn't
like how biased it can be at times.

✦ Nightmares
No one likes nightmares, quite
honestly, but Glass certainly
despises them.

✦ Enclosed spaces
Glass suffers from an irrational
fear of tight areas; he doesn't
fully understand why he has it.

✦ White chocolate
He's not a big fan of super
sweet stuff, so it's no surprise
as to why he doesn't like this.

✦ Grape-flavored candies
He's usually fine with fruit
flavored candies, but he can't
tolerate artificial grape.

✦ Violence
He finds it difficult to watch
media featuring violence; he
also doesn't appreciate loud
noises, especially yelling despite
the reasons behind it.
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Occupation + Hobbies

Postby Yugi » Sun May 14, 2017 5:56 pm

Glass' Occupation: Landscaper
Glass currently works as a landscaper; he had experienced many different odd jobs thanks to the help of his friends in San Francisco, but this is the one that he truly does love and is passionate about. It's also the longest kept job he ever had during his life, and he hopes to continue on with it. He was able to get experience in landscaping and design thanks to Beat, who was the one who originally introduced him to the career option, as her mother works as one.

While he never really paid attention to flowers and other foliage during his past day to day life, after Beat was able to introduce him to the technique of floral arranging, he began to find himself enthralled with the idea of gardening. He studied the native flower species to California, which led him to further studying other decorative plants that could possibly be used in design. Despite his newly found affection for plants, floral arranging didn't really keep his attention as he felt it was on too small of a scale for him. He wanted to test out designing larger, more permanent decorations for people to appreciate and love. When he told this to Beat, the bright girl notified him that her mother worked as a landscaper, and that she overheard that the company was always looking for interns to help out. Although the idea of an internship didn't really sound attractive to Glass as he was desperate for money, he took Beat's advice and asked her mother to help him be able to work in the landscaping business.

With a slight pulling of a few strings and a couple of months, Glass was able to successfully land an internship position, in which he was quickly educated on how everything was done in that company. While he was hoping to begin designing right away, the company didn't permit him to do so. Instead, he was expected to help carry out the designs by planting for them first. It was backbreaking work, but it was also work that he found himself actually liking. He adored the feeling of dirt in his fur, and the fresh smell of different earthy, floral scents made work feel like nothing. When his first assigned planting project was completed, he was in absolute awe to see how much work he and his work partners were able to accomplish in a few days. Glass was certainly inspired to continue to plant wonderful creations, even if he didn't design them himself. The feeling of accomplishment from looking at finished work was more than enough for him.

Before long, however, he was up to the industry's standards, and was granted permission to help with creating various projects happening around the city. While he didn't have a self-born knack for designing, Glass was able to soon adapt to create designs that were based around what their commissioner was looking for. Over a period of a few years, he was able to shape out his own style and artistic flair. When the company was comfortable with how Glass was able to create landscaping designs, they hired him without hesitation. Glass thoroughly enjoyed making landscape designs that influenced a viewer to feel positive emotions, and he enjoyed being able to shape them together physically with his own hands even more.

Now, Glass works alongside Beat's mother in the landscaping industry; they both create wonderful designs that invoke happy, hopeful, and energetic feelings to be put all over San Francisco.


Glass' Hobbies
Glass has quite a few hobbies that he finds himself doing on a weekly basis. He feels that having plenty of hobbies will help keep himself feeling both happy and relaxed, but only if he thoroughly enjoys them of course. Thankfully for him, he's pretty hard to disappoint when it comes to having fun. As long as the things he tries have very little to no rules to how they're done, he's pretty certain that he'll enjoy them. He does have a few main hobbies that he likes to do with other people, as well as a few that he likes to do alone.

Beat was the first one to introduce the art of graffiti making to him. As a young boy, Glass didn't pay much attention to the world around him, so the countless pieces of art sprayed upon the walls of buildings in San Francisco never caught his eye. He soon began to become more open and loving to the world as he spent time with Beat. When she offered him a chance to try out graffiti, Glass took up her offer within a heartbeat. She guided him step by step to make the best piece of graffiti art possible, as he didn't have a single clue as to where to start. From the first time he tried it, Glass fell in love with using the stencils and paint cans to create colorful works of art.

Now, him and Beat can be seen making stencils together to be used for their own graffiti purposes. They go out every Friday to create new works of art in hopes of instilling hope and inspiring others.

Rollerblading is another activity Beat was able to introduce him to. While Glass was always an athletic individual, he and his family never really had the money to purchase equipment like inline skates, skateboards, or bikes. Instead, he would use the world as his playground to run, jump, and swim around in. So, when Beat offered him an opportunity to go rollerblading, he was a bit nervous on the whole activity. He didn't have spare cash, and he certainly didn't want to waste his parent's money to buy something he wouldn't use again in the future. To quell his fears, Beat went out of her way to purchase him some with the spare cash she had on hand. Glass has a rough start when it came to learning how to correctly rollerblade, but he found himself having tons of fun with it despite the injuries he had sustained from it.

Glass has a pretty good grip on how to skate now, and is able to perform different tricks with absolute ease. While he loves to race others with them on, he also adores taking on challenges to do difficult tricks. He's exceptionally good at picking up speed by grinding on rails as well as doing different types of flips. He typically rollerblades with Beat and her friends, but on occasion he likes to skate fast by himself to clear his mind for the time being.

Despite the fact that he's not much of an astronomer, he does find looking up into the night sky to look upon the stars to be an exciting treat for him. While many people might say that they feel insignificant when they compare themselves to the space around them, Glass feels quite the opposite. He believes that every part of the universe, including him and every other being on Earth, is necessary and useful. Out of the billions of things that could have been put in his exact location, he was the one put there instead. In addition to that, he finds it amazing to be able to gaze out at the sky to see all these stars, and those exact stars are, perhaps, even gazing back at him.

Glass doesn't mind taking brisk walks with friends during the night, as it means he'll get a chance to look up at the sky from time to time. This is why he prefers to travel or hang out during the night time, especially with his closest friends. There's always something enchanting about seeing the golden stars glimmer against the black background of the night; it always makes late night gatherings to be a tiny bit more special to him.

Currently, he likes to gaze at the stars alone to take a much needed breather every other week. As much as he would love to invite someone else to gaze along with him, he doesn't want to become distracted by them, and he certainly doesn't want to distract them with his almost eerie silence.

Studying Dreams
Dreams have always caught the full attention of Glass. He finds it bizarre that they can sometimes predict certain situations, or that he can remember people from his past clearly despite not interacting with them in ages. He always wants to be able to understand them, perhaps even learn from them if possible, so he does his best to record them on a daily basis. Not only does this help him with attempting to analyze his dreams, he found that positive dreams seem to occur more frequently now than when he was younger.

As a child, he was constantly plagued with horrifying nightmares of being trapped in a dark space, completely forgotten. While he hates recalling these terrifying dreams, he still does so for the sake of researching them. He supposes that he hopes that he will be able to find a way to stop them from reoccurring, or at least being able to address why he suffers from that nightmare in particular.

Scylla has been helping guide him through his dreams and taking care of them. She has not only prescribed him a tea drink filled with herbs that will help encourage his mind to have positive dreams, but she's also there for him to talk to when he needs it. While she doesn't hold any particular interest in studying her own dreams, she does find listening to Glass talk about his analysis of his own to be quite entertaining. By talking about what he had recalled from the night before, he finds himself to be able to understand what he pictures inside his head more easily.
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Postby Yugi » Sun May 14, 2017 6:00 pm

Glass has friends existing all over the world thanks to his days of traveling with the Peace Corps. He feels welcomed and at home where ever he goes thanks to them. He does have a few friends that he regularly contacts, however, and they feel like they're family to him. A majority of them live in San Francisco, and since he stayed there for a longer time than any other place he visited, he's not surprised as to why he adores them so much.

Below are a few highlighted friends who have inspired him over the years.

1. Beat
2. Yosuke
3. Keaton
4. Barrett
5. Camira
6. Scylla
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Relationship - Beat

Postby Yugi » Sun May 14, 2017 6:05 pm

Important Meeting wrote:The two met after Glass had to leave his birth state, Washington, to move to California. His parents had to move to San Francisco to live with one of his relatives as they were tight on money and they couldn't afford to pay their apartment rent any longer. The relative invited Glass' family to stay at their house for as long as they needed to. When Glass' parents tried to explain the whole situation to the young viscling, he threw a terrible fit and blamed them for moving. He ran out of the large house onto the steep sidewalk outside and took off running before his parents could even attempt to stop him. Glass ran as fast and as far as he could, tearing up at the thought that he would never see his best friends ever again, now that he was in California. When his feet were sore and his legs too tired to carry him on any further, he stopped at a nearby alley to rest. He was completely lost; he didn't know how to get back home, and he couldn't find a safe place to stay for the night, which was quickly approaching. The young, tired viscling curled up, trying his best to distract himself from how hungry he felt.

As soon as he was able to doze off, he felt a sharp pain shoot across his long tail, causing him to yelp out of pain. Following the pain was a sudden, and terribly loud, crashing noise, that caused him to dart up straight. Grasping at his tail in his two tiny paws, Glass stood up and approached the area where the noise came from. He didn't know what to expect when he peered over the knocked over boxes, but he certainly didn't think he would find a young viscling laying in the rubble. It was clear to see that the other viscet was in as much pain as he was, perhaps even more. Despite how timid he was as a youngster, Glass knew that this could have been serious; he reached over to help pull the dark furred viscet out as soon as possible, making sure that they were okay. As he pulled her out from the smashed cardboard boxes, he was stunned to see the rainbow colored markings on her pelt. He had never seen a viscet look like her before, and he certainly wouldn't think that he would find one that looked like her caught up in this mess.

After the two were dusted off, they made sure each other were perfectly fine. Despite the few scrapes and bruises on the both of them, they were glad to be feeling alright after the whole accident. They introduced themselves to each other after Beat apologized profusely for what had happened. She felt terrible that she had ran over his tail with her rollerblades, especially since she wasn't paying attention to where she was going when she should have.

When she asked why he was out here all alone, Glass struggled with answering her question right away. He was embarrassed to admit that he tried to run away, but he told her why after she persisted that he tell her. Beat understood how he felt, even if she didn't completely agree with him on the matter, and promptly invited him to stay with her family for the night. That way, he would be in a safer environment and her parents could help him find his home when he wakes up the day after. Glass took her up on her offer as he knew that he was scared to be outside in the dark alone, and he figured that she wouldn't stop asking him until he said yes anyways.

As the two walked to Beat's home up the nearby hill, he found that he didn't feel all that alone anymore. Certainly, he still did miss his old friends back in Washington, but it was nice to be able to meet someone so friendly and light-hearted here in San Francisco. He was certain that he would be unable to make any friends here, so he was glad that he was able to prove himself wrong. When the two made it to her home, he was surprised to see how well he and Beat had kicked it off. The two ate dinner together before spending time playing video games to pass the time. He was glad that he was able to keep up a pleasant conversation with the girl, and he was happy to see that she was enjoying talking to him too. It was difficult to have to go to bed that night, seeing that he wanted to ask her more questions and hang out with her even more, but he was completely thankful that he was able to meet her in the first place anyways.

With the help of both Beat and her parents, he was able to find his way back home. His parents thanked Beat's parents for bringing back their son to them so quickly. His parents were worried to death, fearing that their son wouldn't have returned back home to them anytime soon. When they were notified that Beat was the one who was able to find him and bring him home to them, they were forever thankful to her. They allowed Beat to come and visit whenever she liked, and her parents offered the same for Glass. Both visclings were excited to be able to continue seeing each other, and their friendship continued to blossom from that point on.

Their Relationship Now wrote:Beat and Glass have gotten quite a lot closer to each other after spending multiple years together despite Glass' time away when he was volunteering for the Peace Corps. Beat was terrified when she was first told by him that he was planning on traveling with the special organization, as she feared that he would get injured or killed during his time out there. While there was a slight strain placed on their relationship together due to the fact that their time together was very limited, Beat did her best to stay supportive. When Glass came back home, both of them were completely ecstatic to finally see each other again.

Recently, they have started dating as they both discovered that they shared a mutual romantic interest in each other. As every day passes them by, they find themselves getting closer and closer to each other, despite the little arguments that come up between them from time to time. They continue to enjoy spending their time together and participating in hobbies with each other on a daily basis.
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Relationship - Yosuke

Postby Yugi » Sun May 14, 2017 6:06 pm

Important Meeting wrote:Yosuke was first introduced to Glass through Beat; when they were all young kids, Yosuke had invited Beat to come over to his grandparent's game shop again to play a new game that was recently released. He also asked if she could invite one other person over, as he would love to have four people playing the game at one time. Yosuke had already invited another person, but he had no clue on who to invite over as the fourth. So, Beat went ahead and took him up on the invite and informed him that she would be bringing over another viscling around their age.

Glass was excited to be able to meet another viscet, especially since they were one of Beat's closest friends. He was, at the same time, a bit nervous, as he feared that he wouldn't be able to get along with them well; he surely didn't want to disappoint Beat by not kicking it off as well as he did with her. After swallowing his doubts, Glass accepted the invite and slowly waited for the next day to arrive.

When the two visclings made it to Yosuke's grandparents' game shop, they were amazed at how nicely decorated the shop was. Glass was also surprised that her friend looked so small; he didn't expect to be taller than the male viscling at all. Nevertheless, the boy continued with trying his best to become close friends with Yosuke. As soon as the viscling pulled out a game console, Glass knew that he was in deep trouble; he had never played a single video game in his life before, and he had zero clue on how to do so at all. He hoped that no one would discover that he hasn't touched a controller, and he tried his best to wing it through the game.

Yosuke took note on how worried the other boy looked; as soon as he was done setting up the console and game, he approached Glass calmly and quietly. Glass was honestly confused by the boy's sincere kindness, as he thought that the very knowledgeable young boy would have made fun of him by now. For him to get so nervous over something that's supposed to be fun must have seem absolutely pathetic, right? Yosuke wore a friendly smile on his tiny, ruffled up face while he secretly explained how to use the controller to Glass. He assured Glass that he wasn't the only person who visited the game shop that hasn't played a video game before. Yosuke told him that it was okay to be nervous about things like this, but he also let him know that it was always okay to ask for help; Glass was always one to do things by himself, at least until it got to a point of impossible. Yosuke assured him that everything is possible, as long as they just believe, try their absolute hardest, and ask for help when needed.

When the small boy left to start up the game, Glass was feeling at complete ease now. The three visclings climbed up onto the couch, all of them with their game controller in their hand; Glass took a spot next to Yosuke so he could hear everything he would say about the game. Yosuke's reciting of the game's goal and controls were simple and easy to understand, which surprised Glass; he didn't think that a game that looked so scarily complex would have controls that were easy to remember. Perhaps it was just the way Yosuke told the three of them how to play, but Glass was still astounded that he was able to quickly learn how to do something he had never done before. And, before Yosuke was completely finished with announcing everything, he concluded with one final sentence; the winner of the tournament will receive a special prize from the shop they were in.

Glass was enthusiastic about playing now; he wanted to play to win, despite the fact that he had no clue what he was doing when he first arrived. When Yosuke went into the character select, Glass remembered what the young boy had told him earlier that day. Glass asked the boy about good tips to remember when playing this game. Yosuke was happy to oblige, especially since Glass had listen to his words. Once again, Glass listened intently, trying his best to absorb each and every word that was emitted from the smaller boy's mouth. He was determined to actually try to win.

It took a little while, and he felt like giving up a few times during the three hours it took to complete the whole tournament, but he was satisfied with how well he had done. He had a fun time playing with everyone, even though he didn't really find video games all that interesting. Glass, despite his lack of knowledge about the game originally, had somehow pulled through and won every round possible, even against Yosuke. He believes, and still believes to this day, that the younger boy had went easy on him, but he was absolutely glad that he was able to beat the other players. The three other players congratulated him on the win before Yosuke left to go grab the supposed prize.

When he came back, he held a large box in his tiny paws, which he quickly set down on the table nearby them. He motioned everyone to come over, as well as to Glass to stand in a specific spot nearby the box. Carefully, Yosuke began to open the white box in front of them all, revealing four miniature homemade cakes. He comforted everyone, letting them know that they would all be able to get one for themselves. He gave the first cake to Glass, however, as a way to congratulate him for. Glass was certainly not upset; he was glad that he was able to win, and he was even more glad that everyone got a delicious prize to compensate the time they had put into playing the new game. Everyone thanked Yosuke and his grandparents for the treats.

Before Glass and Beat left to go home, Yosuke rushed towards them to ask if they could come back again sometime soon. He also requested Glass to provide him his phone number, so that way Yosuke could call him up whenever possible to invite him over personally. He was happy to hear that Yosuke actually liked his company, so he happily obliged, hoping that the younger boy would call to invite him soon again.

Their Relationship Now wrote:Yosuke and Glass are super close friends, despite not having similar interests. They view each other to be like close brothers, due to how much they look out for one another. Yosuke is always there for Glass, often providing him knowledge on how to better himself in life. He also does his best to keep Glass in check; while Beat and him may get into all sorts of trouble together, Yosuke is there to make sure neither of them do. He is kind of like Glass' conscience; he let's him know when he's acting too far out of line.

Yosuke promised Barrett that he would keep a close eye on Glass for him, seeing that he's not able to constantly watch over Glass like he used to before. While he's certainly not as strict as Barrett, he can certainly get the point across to Glass when need be. Glass is honestly thankful for how watchful and considerate Yosuke can be, even if he finds the constant checking to get a bit annoying.
Last edited by Yugi on Thu Jun 01, 2017 5:59 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Relationship - Keaton

Postby Yugi » Mon May 15, 2017 1:48 pm

Important Meeting wrote:"I guess this is it, huh?" A familiar white haired lad leaning on a nearby wall spoke to him, snapping Glass' attention back onto the present. "Are you feeling fine? That blank stare on your face is making me a bit uneasy."

Glass nodded; he wasn't sure why he kept on spacing out. Every time he looked at the giant ship in front of him, dark glimpses of nightmares he once had as a child seemed to race through his mind. He didn't understand it; it had been ages since he had a nightmare similar to that, but as soon as he agreed to joining the Peace Corps, they seemed to have returned to him once again. He didn't believe in signs, quite honestly, as coincidences do unfortunately exist. He looked up at Keaton, shooting him a reassuring smile before speaking. "No worries, Key. I'm perfectly fine; I guess you can say that I'm nervous about officially joining the corps."

"Hey, no worries at all. Just remember to take a deep breath, alright? We can't have you passing out on the first day," Keaton replied in his usual fashion. Glass was always happy to be by the older viscet's side, seeing that he was always able to calm him down quite easily. He also appreciated the fact that Keaton kept everything simple; when you heard him explain things, you would be able to clearly understand and remember every word he spoke. "We should probably get to boarding now; we have a long ways to go before we reach the mother base, so it's best not to waste too much time standing around," Keaton said, putting his hand on Glass' shoulder. The light colored viscet had a pleasant looking smile on his face; while Keaton never expressed his emotions that much, it was clear to see that he was excited about the trip.

Glass nodded before following him onto Peace Corp's ship. He could feel a lump forming in his throat; he always felt uncomfortable in dark, enclosed spaces since he was a child. After he experienced a certain nightmare featuring his childhood self becoming stuck and abandoned in a dark pit in the ground, he never could shake the feeling of fear from his mind. Even if his fear was completely irrational, it still stuck with him to this day. He tried his best to keep up with Keaton, as he didn't want to become separated from him. Glass kept his gaze onto Keaton's back, hoping that the military styled uniform would keep his mind off of how tiny the walkway they slowly shuffled through was. He let out a heavy sigh, audible enough for Keaton to hear.

"Hey, Glass? If something's wrong, it's fine to tell me. When we get up towards the deck, let's spend some time to relax together," Keaton said as he glanced over his shoulder at Glass, still keeping a steady pace. The tan colored viscet wore a look of sincere concern on his face. "For now, remember that bad times are just times that are bad. Whatever you're going through right now will pass, and the happier moments in life will head your way soon."

Glass mumbled a thank you as he kept on trudging behind Keaton. He always wished that he could share the same mentality as the older viscet, but he struggled with doing so. But, at the same time, now would be the best time to practice trying to have that mindset. It was possible if he put his mind to it, of course, regardless of how difficult it would be to get himself in the habit of doing so. If he gave up on the first day, he wouldn't know what to do; how could he tell his parents that he didn't even try, and how could he look Beat in the face, only to let her know that her sorrow was in vain. As much as he would love to see them again so soon, he knew he couldn't; he made this decision, and he had to keep it. He wanted to help other people across the world, for it made him, and everyone he cared about, happy. To give up simply because of a selfish, rash decision seemed unfair to everyone, including him.

He knew change was heading his way quickly. Whether he liked it or not, he knew that it was time to adapt in order to go after his passion. At least he wasn't alone; he had Keaton and Barrett to look after him during his stay here in the Peace Corps. Glass kept his eyes opened, doing his best to stay aware of his location. While fear and panic slowly began to creep within him again, he repeated to himself that everything will soon pass. He didn't need to worry, as this situation is only temporary, and he will be safe soon. He continued to tell himself that as the long line of new volunteering soldiers slowly made their way up towards the deck.

Surprisingly, it only felt like a few minutes until they actually got to the open deck area of the ship from the starting point. Keaton left to go check if Barrett was on board, or if they had to wait a little bit longer to meet up with him at mother base. He returned shortly after, however, and notified Glass that they both certainly did have to wait. "Thankfully the ride will be shorter than usual; the weather looks great and the tides are passive," Keaton told Glass with his usual happy sounding voice. "So, are you alright now? You look a lot better now than you did before, even regarding the fact that it took us a good twenty minutes before we made it up here. You look like you were about to throw up, truthfully."

"I'm fine thanks to your advice, Key. Do you think you could possible help me think in the way that you do? I feel like I'm really going to need as much advice and positive thinking as possible here," Glass said, looking at Keaton's face before redirecting his sight at the evening sky.

"Of course, Glass. I think you're doing great as it is already." The two stood next to each other, staring up at the sky together. Keaton placed his hand on Glass' shoulder once again. It had been a while since they were able to go outside and look up at the stars. Despite their self-made predicament and the hundreds of other soldiers crowding around them, they felt completely at ease in that very moment. It didn't matter if Glass had made the wrong decision in that moment; he knew he needed this chapter of his story in his life, and looking up at the all too familiar scenery before him reassured him at that. Everyone needed change once in a while, and Glass knew that he would do the best to his abilities to make sure he learned from this.

Their Relationship Now wrote:Keaton and Glass are still quite close to each other, especially now after they entered the Peace Corps together. Their similar personalities allow the two to get along quite well; they often explore the outside world together to clear their minds. They both enjoy the small things in life, often making quiet small talk on the side will doing so too. They make it a plan to visit each other every weekend to relax and catch up, as well as to taste test various fruit beverages Keaton came up with prior to them hanging out. Regardless of what Keaton does, Glass certainly appreciates him fully, especially seeing that he can barely take time off from his busy schedule to wind down. Keaton is one of his favorite people to destress with, seeing that he goes with the flow so well.
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Relationship - Barrett

Postby Yugi » Thu May 18, 2017 4:20 pm

Important Meeting wrote:"Glass, I know that you've always wanted to help people, right? What if I told you that you could help out people all across the world? Would you take up that offer?" A tall, strong looking viscet sat in front of Glass, clasping his hands together in front of his muzzle. His bright blue eyes glimmered with hope and intense interest; it was clear that he wanted Glass to say yes to whatever he was asking about. He was too invested in hearing Glass' response that he paid no attention to the piping hot food that was just placed out in front of both of them by the waiter.

"Is this related to the reason why you wouldn't pick up a single one of my cell phone calls, Barrett?" Glass asked, sounding jokingly annoyed at the older viscet, which caused Barrett to laugh. "To answer your question though, yeah, sure I guess. I've always wanted to travel around the world anyways, so it'd be completing two things that I've always wanted to do."

Barrett smiled widely. "Well, I'm glad you said yes, because it would be awkward otherwise. The leader of the Peace Corps, Camira, had requested that I try to recruit some new volunteers, and I ended up volunteering you. I told her how much you're interested in promoting peace across the world, and how well you could possibly work if you are enlisted. Due to how many people have been targeting her over these past few years, we've had quite a few soldiers bail out on us. Camira has been putting up with this surprisingly well, but it's obvious that we cannot sustain if this continues on. Every soldier we lose, we also lose funding; the overall morality has been decreasing steadily with each and every drop out as well. Soldiers are starting to think that we have no interest in those that work with the organization, even though that's the complete opposite of the truth. We don't want this organization to come to an end just because of a few weak threats being thrown our way, you understand right?"

Glass was completely taken back by the whole request. "Camira? The Camira? You mean the legendary face of peace? Well, Bar, I don't know if I could. I have no intention of learning how to fight; you know my stance on violence, right? And what if I make an embarrassment out of myself in front of her? I don't want her to think that I'm against nation wide peace, just because I refuse to hurt someone else."

"Hey, hey, don't worry about it at all Glass. You won't make an embarrassment out of yourself; besides, Camira is completely understanding. A lot of other chiefs and bosses are way too strict, but Camira is pretty tame," Barret said, picking up his ice cold glass of water and taking a few sips from it. "She may try to come off as ruthless, but I can guarantee you that she's the kindest member of our force out there. I'm sure she's even kinder than I am, and you know that's saying a lot, right?"

"Well, if you say so, then sure Bar. I suppose I'll be up to trying it out. You have to promise me that you'll help me with every step of the way though, okay?" Glass said. He reached out towards the white plate in the middle and grabbed a freshly fried french fry before stuffing it in his own mouth. He was terribly hungry, and as much as he wanted to continue talking, he also wanted to eat the food in front of him before it went cold. "C'mon, we can talk about this later, big bro. Let's eat!"

Their Relationship Now wrote:While Glass may address Barrett as his brother, they share no blood relation at all. Barrett is another friend he made while living in San Francisco, as they both attended the same elementary school with each other. The two bonded after Glass had tried to prank Barrett, but failed miserably, causing the prank to completely backfire on himself. After he became the laughingstock of the school for a week, Barrett did his best to try to protect Glass, despite knowing that the younger viscling tried to make a fool out of him. Barrett couldn't bare to see Glass constantly upset from the week long teasing, so he stood up for the smaller boy as best as he could. He swore to keep Glass in check and safe for as long as he lived.

Glass sees Barrett as a mentor in many ways. He's constantly inspired by how loving Barrett truly is, and he's always surprised at how forgiving the gentle giant can be. Glass also depended on Barrett to guide him through living the life as a Peace Corps soldier. Even though he's out of the Peace Corps now, he typically calls up Barrett on a daily basis to hear wisdom and life tips. They both visit with each other on a monthly basis to catch up with each other.
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Relationship - Camira

Postby Yugi » Thu May 18, 2017 4:20 pm

Important Meeting wrote:The mentor that stood in front of them wore a stern look on his face. He let out a deeply troubled sigh before speaking. "Look, if you all fight like that on the battlefield, you won't stand a chance. Yes, we stand for absolute peace, but this doesn't mean that we won't have to protect ourselves or the ones we need to keep safe. I don't like inflicting pain on others just as much as the other average joe, but I volunteered for this position. We all did. It's either do or die, and right now we're all dying if this keeps up," he said, pacing back and forth across the floor, looking up at the volunteer's faces every now and then. They stood still as the soldiers they were, intently listening to every word the older man had to say. Glass felt embarrassed, for he knew that he was part of the group who made severe mistakes during training.

He couldn't help himself; he had never attacked another person before, especially not physically. He didn't think he would have to either, especially since he wanted to promote peace and hope around the world. Now knowing that learning how to be on the defensive was startling to him, but he also knew that he needed to complete this lesson. It would either be life or death, and he couldn't tolerate knowing that he could easily fail someone else who desperately needed him just because he was afraid to fight back. But still, nevertheless, he struggled. He couldn't wrap his mind around the idea of using his physical strength to put someone down. While the Peace Corps did provide nonlethal weapons for their soldiers to use in combat, there was always a small, but highly real, chance that they would have to depend on what was around them. That was what Glass was terribly afraid of.

"Let's try this again; soldiers, I want you all to practice grabbing, disarming, and throwing your opponent on the ground. You all should do this without any mercy; hesitating even a little bit could cost you your life," said the teacher, crossing his arms. "And don't try to get too fancy about it either. This isn't the movies, this is real life; style points won't get you anywhere here."

Glass stared at the volunteer in front of him. They both were crouching in a readied pose with their hands in front of them, waiting for each other to see who would act first. They circled each other; Glass could feel himself get more nervous with every step, but he could also sense that the other person training with him was getting more tense as well. She was much taller than he was, and he was concerned that he wouldn't be able to actually throw her down and pin her. She lunged first at Glass and tried to grab the prop knife from his waist, causing him to stumble back and fall onto his bum. He felt even more embarrassed now; this was the fourth time that day that he had completely failed like this.

"Soldier!" The mentor was clearly upset; he began to fume. "Get off your butt this instant and learn to be brave. Else, you can go ahead and leav-" Before the teacher could finish his sentence, he was abruptly cut off by a female's voice. Everyone went absolutely quiet as they spun around on their heels to salute whoever was approaching. He stood completely still as well, looking ahead of him and completely ignoring Glass. It was the chief of the Peace Corps; she was making her way down the stairs into the training area.

"Telling our volunteers to fortify won't do them any good. You're dismissed; it's clear that you're stressed out about the training. I'll take care of it from here on out for today," Camira said, walking steadily towards the front. The mentor had excused himself and walked out. The soldiers, however, continued to keep the chief in their gazes as she made her way through. Glass felt his worry grow inside of him as she came closer to where he was; he began to physically shake as he tried his best to keep saluting the chief.

"You can all relieve yourselves as well; there's no need to salute for that long, soldiers," she said, beginning to stretch out her arms and legs in preparation of leading the lesson. She wore a bright and happy smile on her small face as she did so, as if she really did want to teach. "Go right ahead and continue on with practicing, soldiers. If you're struggling, I'll come over to personally assist you."

Glass frowned to himself. He was worried that Camira would see how bad he was at this whole self defense thing, and he didn't want to lose his position as a soldier in the Peace Corps. He had worked too hard to just give up everything now. He and his partner got back into the same position to continue practicing; this time, however, Glass started the attack, attempting to grab the fake knife his partner had pulled out to use in the training simulation. He was able to successfully knock the knife out of her hands, but when it came to detaining her and throwing her onto the ground, Glass froze. He picked her up and was readying to throw her flat onto the ground on her back, but he froze completely, allowing his partner to break out of his grasp and throw him on the floor instead. Glass let out a loud oomph as he felt his body hit the concrete flooring hard.

Camira and his partner crouched down to check if he was alright. They both extended their hands out to him, helping him get back up off the cold, hard floor. He dusted himself off and rolled his neck, attempting to get rid of the pain that throbbed there. "Why did you hesitate there, soldier?" Camira asked Glass as she moved him off to the side. She assigned his partner another teammate to train with for now.

"I just can't bring myself to hurting someone else. They're my allies, and they're living beings too," Glass replied simply. It was the absolute truth; he couldn't dare to hurt someone who he knew was innocent. He couldn't even think of hurting a potential enemy, as he feared that he could be completely wrong in his thinking. He needed to know if the threat in front of him was actually a threat and not a false alarm. Besides, even if he did figure it out in time to defend himself, he would rather flee instead of fight.

"That's understandable. I appreciate that you're as hesitant as you are to hurt your fellow soldiers. At the same time, however, you need to be prepared to save your allies' lives too. You don't want to harm them yourself, but if you are all put into a predicament where everyone has to defend each other, you can't just stand on the sidelines," Camira said, pushing a lock of hair out of her face. "If you do, you'll put yourself in danger, and everyone else that you care about will get hurt in the process as well. While you're not causing them pain by your own hands, you are still directly hurting them by not being there for them. It's a difficult thing to decide between, but trust me; you'll be doing a lot more harm than good if you're too timid during a fight."

"I know that chief, but it's just difficult to do so. I don't know if practicing will even help me when it comes down to a situation I need to use it for," Glass said, sounding completely upset. "More than likely, I'll just end up breaking down and panicking, just like I do currently. But, at the same time, I don't want to quit the Peace Corps even though I'm afraid of getting my allies hurt because of my actions."

"Trust me, soldier. When it comes down to it, all the practice that you've done won't help you completely. It's still nerve wracking for me to this very day. Practice will only help your body react when it needs to, but it doesn't meant that you'll always react the way that you want to," replied Camira, walking around him. "If you get even the smallest reaction at all, that's enough for me and everyone else. The smallest effort is still effort, soldier, and it can make the biggest difference. You're practicing to freeze up right now instead of practicing to force yourself to follow through."

Glass blinked, stunned by her words. She was right; he was teaching himself to continue to cower and stop what he was doing instead of actively trying to prevent it. He was letting himself fail all this time.

"Your grip on her was excellent, and the way that you knocked her weapon out from her hand was clean. You could have thrown her and pinned her down, but you began to overthink your actions, correct?" Camira asked the younger viscet, stopping in front of him. "From here on out, I'll be your training partner, soldier. I can't let you have a say on this decision, so I do hope you're fine with it. You're allowed to do your absolute worse, alright?"

Glass froze completely once more. To train with the chief? He had heard that she often trained with the other soldiers who asked during her spare time, but he never thought that she would actually demand that he train with her. He snapped back to reality and saluted her firmly, albeit feeling quite terrified of the situation he was now in.

"We'll go easy today, but next week, I expect you to put in 110% of your effort into the training," Camira said, attempting to reassure him. It wasn't the best attempt, as he didn't know if she was joking about the latter part of her sentence. He smiled awkwardly as he readjusted himself into the stance they were using for the training session for that lesson. She mirrored his movements and did the same. She grabbed an extra fake prop knife from the nearby table before motioning him with her free hand to begin.

He let out a light sigh. Glass knew that this was going to be difficult, and he knew that this was going to be a long few months of training. He rushed towards Camira, knocking the knife out of her hands, and throwing himself into her in an attempt to knock her down onto the ground. The impact was hard, causing him to stumble back quite far from the chief, but he was surprised to see that she stumbled too. Immediately a wave of regret washed over him.

"Hey, don't go regretting your decisions now, soldier. You can only act once, so think hard and make your decisions prior to acting," Camira said as she straightened herself back out. "Besides, it's no use to feel guilty over something you can't change. You can apologize and feel bad all you want, but it won't change the situation, at least not when you're battling someone else."

Glass nodded, trying to keep Camira's words in his mind. Perhaps her tips would help him succeed. At the same time, he couldn't shake the terrible feelings from his being. This was going to be a difficult change, and he wasn't sure if it's entirely something that he wanted. He just went along with it so he could stay in the Peace Corps and help other people out; he just hoped that he didn't have to use it in a real environment.

Their Relationship Now wrote:Camira and Glass aren't entirely close to each other. However, Glass has complete respect for the boss of the Peace Corps; he's honored that she offered him a helping hand when he needed it. He's inspired by Camira and everything that she does, and he hopes to reach a point where he can find a way to help spread peace across the nations with Camira without having to physically fight.

The two don't talk to each other all that much, but Camira constantly keeps Glass in her thoughts. Whenever she speaks with Barrett, she'll always ask him if Glass is doing alright. She will also request that Barrett tells the younger viscet hello for her when the two get the chance to hang out and talk.
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Relationship - Scylla

Postby Yugi » Thu May 18, 2017 4:21 pm

Important Meeting wrote:The injured boy was completely out of breath. He had no clue about what he had leapt into, and he understood that he was probably in way over his head. Glass winced as the stabbing pain echoed throughout his body; he had to get out of the area and fast. But how? There was no other soldier on the field in his peripheral, and the helicopters that led them to sanctuary were no where to be found as the rest of the volunteers back on home base recalled them. The desert sandstorm was far too dangerous for them to try to pilot their way out there; they had already lost a unit in attempting to do so already.

He looked at his radar to see if there was any movement heading his way, hoping to receive a glimmer of hope. There wasn't much; it didn't help that the sandstorm caused the screen to glitch out frequently. The area around him was getting dark pretty quick. While it was already dark due to how thick the dust was, it was clear that it was also becoming night time. Glass knew that he had to get moving, or else he would more than likely freeze. He began to move towards the south, hoping that there would be caves for him to take refuge in temporarily. The sand storm wasn't going to let up anytime soon, that was a given, but he could hide out in a cavern long enough until it ended.

Glass trudged his feet through the sand as he was pelted by the harsh winds. He kept his hands at his sides, keeping a tight grip on it. He had fallen onto sharp rocks while attempting to flee from armed forces who had ambushed his squad. They believed that their mission would be easy; it was a simple find and retrieve mission, at least until everything took a turn for the worse. Somehow, someone was able to infiltrate the mother base and successfully disguised themselves as one of the few intels for the Peace Corps. They fed false information to the corps after deploying a few units out to complete the mission, causing everything to be thrown off course. Camira was able to successfully capture them, but now the rest of the volunteers who were deployed have gone missing in action, Glass included.

He was able to stumble upon a small cavern after a few hours of wandering in one direction. While it wasn't all that friendly looking, it was a hiding place good enough for him. In order to get into it, however, he had to squeeze through the tight, skinny opening, which wasn't that big of an issue to him. As he slowly made his way into the deeper section of the cave, he felt his leading foot plunge downwards. He was too tired and injured to let out a yell, regardless of how scared he felt in that exact moment. There was nothing for him to do to stop him from the fall, which threw him against the jagged edges on the walls that enclosed him. He tried his best to cling onto one of them as he made his way down, but he was completely unable to get a firm grip on any surface he hit. Thankfully, although terribly painful, the edges were able to break his fall as he continued his descent into the dark pit.

While he didn't fall for that long, he was troubled to know that it would take a lot of his strength to be able to climb back up. To make matters worse, his fear of dark, enclosed spaces was creeping into him; it was as if his dreams predicted this very moment. Would this be the way that he would simply vanish off of the face of this earth? Sure, he was happy that he got the chance to explore and to grow, but there was so much more he needed to do. Glass sat on the rocky surface below him, hugging his thighs to his chest. His tail was struggling to find a comfortable spot due to the rocks that littered the ground, causing him to feel even more agitated.

He needed to know if Keaton was safe, as he was in a separate squad sent out. He needed to know if Barrett was truly proud of him; the two hadn't gotten the chance to speak at all during this mission as the Peace Corps were on high alert to apprehend the intruder. This was his first official mission, and Barrett promised that he would greet Glass back at the home base when he arrived. Glass didn't want to let Barrett down. Worst of all, he needed to see Beat again, or at least hear her voice. How could he leave without at least admitting how much he truly cared for her?

Glass thought he was hallucinating; he heard a feminine voice calling out to him, asking if he was still alive. The dazed viscet slowly looked up, not being able to see a single thing in front of him. Was he even peering upwards? Before he knew it, a hard force grabbed him, and he felt as if he was being flung upwards. The sudden impact confused the poor boy so much that he was unable to speak. A dark brown viscet stared down at him, pulling down the black scarf away from her face; it was Scylla. She wore a serious look of concern, worry, and disappointment. He had never truly seen her up close before, as she was much too timid to be near the volunteers due to her superhuman abilities. "We're getting you home right now, okay? Hang in there," she said. She grabbed her black scarf and placed it over her mouth to keep the sand out before doing the same with Glass with one of her bandages. While it was muffled underneath her scarf, Glass could hear her mumble a small "I'm sorry."

He closed his eyes as he felt himself be lifted up into her arms. The only thing he remembered afterwards was the sound of shouting and helicopter blades whirling. Next thing he knew, he was laying in a bright white room, sleeping on the Peace Corp's infirmary beds with Scylla standing next to him, still bearing the same look on her face. She held a hot cup of tea in her hands, moving it around every so often to prevent the cup from burning her. She offered Glass the beverage before opening her mouth. "Please drink this; ever since I found you in the desert, I saw that you were struggling to keep yourself at peace. I know what it's like to struggle with sleeping due to fears invading one's mind. This tea will help," she said, putting the tea closer to Glass' hands.

He took the hot cup of tea and put it up to his mouth to drink it. The tea, albeit terribly bitter at the beginning, was slightly pleasant at the very end of each sip. He didn't know what he was tasting, as Scylla didn't bother to explain what herbs she boiled for the tea, but regardless the warmth of it was definitely appreciated. "There's no way to fully understand or cure yourself of your nightmares," she muttered to Glass, taking a seat next to him, "but that tea will certainly help, even just temporarily. You're free to see me anytime if you need help with dreaming." She had a pure, warm smile on her face as she looked over at Glass.

"I'm glad to hear that you're doing well now though. Keaton, I believe that's his name? Was terrified to hear that you had gone missing. His unit was found by us prior to me finding you, so he did request that I rushed you off to him so he could tend to your wounds, despite the fact that he was injured as well. It appears that he did a good job on doing so," Scylla said to Glass, still wearing a smile upon her mouth. She stood up from the chair she sat upon and began to make her way out of the white curtains that enclosed Glass. She stopped before exiting fully, keeping the curtains open a tad bit. Scylla turned to face Glass once again. "You know where to find me, right?"

Glass nodded; he was still too tired to say much. Even if he didn't know where to find her, he would be able to get plenty of help from Barrett to do so anyways. He was pretty certain on where Scylla was staying, however, as a majority of the volunteers avoided a specific area on the base. Perhaps that was the location of her living quarters. Scylla acknowledged Glass' nod before leaving fully, giving him a somewhat awkward thumbs up.

Their Relationship Now wrote:As Scylla refuses to leave Camira's side on mother base, Glass rarely ever gets to see her unless he physically visits the Peace Corps. Instead, the two talk on the phone whenever he needs her advice. The two have deep conversations about dreams, nightmares, and what they all could possibly mean. While Scylla doesn't particularly believe that dreams stand for anything other than daily situations being tested out in her head, she's always interested in what Glass has to say about them. Instead, she acts more as a person to give advice to him when he's struggling with sleeping due to him experiencing nightmares. She was also the one who gave him the idea of writing down his dreams and nightmares in a daily journal.
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