Collection of Works

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Collection of Works

Postby crazy-in-wonderland » Sat Apr 08, 2017 5:34 am

So this is just a collection of my original work that I have done over the years.
I have no objection to posting on here and I loved to here everyone's opinions on some of my writing, good or bad criticism is encouraged.

Time was running out
The dream
one and a half unnatural houses
The Challenge
The in-between part 1
The hill
It's only a flesh wound
The in-between Part 2
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Time was running out

Postby crazy-in-wonderland » Sat Apr 08, 2017 5:35 am

I was twelve when my father summoned me into the sitting room, patting the couch, beckoning me to sit beside him. To this day, I remember his eerie voice calling to me, “Son, sit down and chat with me.” I don’t know how long I stood there before I felt my feet begin to move towards the couch. I planted myself on the couch, staring at my father. It only took me seconds to see the change in his face. His features began to contort into a sickening smile. I felt myself stiffen as he began speaking his voice harsh and cold, “Now son. I want your help with a little hobby of mine. I don’t want you to freak out, but just stay here.” I couldn’t move, my entire body was screaming at me to run, run far away and never turn back. If only I had listened to my instincts. I sat for what seemed like an eternity until my father did the unthinkable and dragged a young woman into the sitting room by her hair, her clothes torn, and her face frozen in fear. I could feel my body shrink into the couch, What has he done? Is he crazy?! I thought as my father dragged her closer to me. I gasped in horror as I realised I knew this woman, she was my English tutor, Ms Foster. I could see the terror in her eyes as my father spoke. “This is my little hobby, neat isn’t it? Well I hope you like it because from now on, you are going to help me find girls just like her.”
I couldn’t stop myself from leaning over and vomiting onto the table, but I guess now I know that’s the normal response to this kind of trauma, or so I’ve been told. I couldn’t bare to look at Ms Foster after all she had been my tutor even if it had been for only a few classes. My head hurt, I felt dizzy as I watched my father slowly pull the large bookcase away from the wall, revealing a door. He opened it and disappeared behind it along with Ms Foster. My first instinct was to flee to take my shoes and run, but after seeing him like that who knows what he would do to me if I was ever caught. My other option was to call the police but that would mean I would become an orphan, something my weak mental state wouldn’t be able to take. I sat for hours rooted to the same spot until my father finally came out of the secret room, covered in crimson blood. He gave me a sickening smile “I want another one by the end of the week” he had said as he headed to the shower.
And now my inner torment began. Would I really help my father commit such horrific acts to save myself? The simple answer was yes, over the next few years until I was seventeen I looked for loners at school, tutors and young people alone on the streets. All of them came to the house, none of them ever left. Then when I was seventeen I met Grace. At first I thought she would please my father, suppress his wrath for a little while. However I found that I had grown too close to her, finding myself wishing to protect her. When my father found out about her after seeing her on the street with me, he wanted me to get her, “she’s petite about 5’3, brown flowing hair, bright green eyes wearing your school uniform.” That was all I needed to know he was talking about Grace. That’s when I decided to act, to face my fear. My father had hidden weapons all over the house, How ironic I’d use one of them against him I had thought as I went into the bathroom, removed the picture of a boat on a lake from the wall and took the hammer hidden out from behind it. I knew that time was running out.
That night, as my father slept I crept into his room with vengeance in my heart as I raised the hammer over my head and began to bring it down again and again. I could hear him cry out in pain but I continued to hit him until finally the noise died down. I felt the hot tears roll down my face as I released the hammer, hearing it drop to the floor. To this day, no one knows what happened to my father. The police say he ran away due to debt, but I know the truth, I’m free of my father and all the hurt that he caused but I’ll never be free of my memories.
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The dream

Postby crazy-in-wonderland » Sat Apr 08, 2017 6:07 am

Small disclosure , i found this from 2014 and I think it's half decent for a 14 year old with no writing experience. Let me know what you think please!

Katy woke to find herself covered in daisy flowers. She could tell the sun was only starting to rise as the grass beside her was still covered in small dew drops. The grass glistened as it danced in the wind. She stood up, the daisy’s fell to the ground as she looked at the meadow for the first time; it was beautiful with lush bright green grass of all sorts covering the whole meadow. To the left was a forest, the trees where tall and she wondered what creatures lived there. The sound of a caw from the tree’s made her jump. It sounded like a crow but with more of an enchanting voice, like it wanted her to find it. She slowly edged her way forward unsure whether to continue onto the unfamiliar place or stay in the comfort of the meadow. She carefully stepped into the forest, watching her feet to make sure she had balance at all times; she heard the caw again, this time louder. She held onto the trunk of a tree as she looked back, she could no longer see the meadow. She started to worry, what if she got lost and couldn’t find her way back? Would she have to adapt to the forest life forever. She looked around the dark forest. Barely any of the light, from the few rays of sunshine had got in through the trees, to reach the ground. She stumbled over a root of a tree and found herself in a clearing; she looked up to see an enormous man, with black feathers covering his whole body and gigantic black crow wings that stretched out for a meter at most. He was sitting in the tree tops staring down at her with bright blue eyes. She edged her way away from him and looked behind her, she could try to run for it but would he fly after her and probably flying was faster than running. She stumbled against the roots of the tree’s that seemed to grow towards her legs. She kept eye contact with the beast. It gazed at her thoughtfully before disappearing without a trace. She blinked twice to make sure she hadn’t imagined it. She shrugged her shoulders and turned to walk away, her mind trying to find a way back to the meadow, but her thoughts seemed to wander, thinking about the black feathered man. She seemed to be entranced with him. She started to walk along the forest, looking for the meadow. Suddenly it was in front of her, she gazed around, it was bigger than she remembered and not as pretty as before, the grass was dried up and brown. All the flowers had wilted and the colour was gone. She frowned; she had only been gone for an hour or two at the most, how this could have happened in such a short period of time. This didn’t make sense; her stomach churned as she heard a caw above her and looked up to see a crow circling the sky as if waiting for prey. She looked at the forest once more, it was the same as the last time she had seen it, and nothing had changed about it at all. She looked puzzled as she walked along the meadow, she could see mountains starting to rise, she thought of her survival. She decided to find high ground, as a river always starts at high ground; also she needed to find some kind of food to eat. She slowly trudged forward, her feet were heavy. She didn’t know how she got to the base of the mountains so quickly she saw a cave was close by so she decided to look inside. A low light was in the cave, she thought she was alone, maybe she wasn’t. She looked around and grabbed a stick before walking into the cave, she could see a small fire in the corner but the cave didn’t finish there. She decided to explore again, hoping to find the beast and ask him, where was she, what was she doing here. She needed answers and fast. The cave seemed to go on forever; as soon as she came to the dead end she felt something behind her, following her. She turned around slowly, placing her feet carefully so she could run if she needed to. The beast looked down at her, with bright blue piercing eyes, his wings folded behind him, he opened his mouth to speak “Katy” he said, his voice was a whisper, soft yet reassuring. She blinked twice, how did he know her name. She wondered if he had a name “yes” her voice quivered. The beast smiled softly “I won’t hurt you, if that’s what your worried about” he paused for a minute before continuing, “ Forgive me, my name is Shito, I am the king of dreams and nightmares.” he said with a huge smile spread across his face. Her eyes seemed to look for any sign of a flaw in him, he looked like an immortal god, perfect in every way, his face looked like a mans except for it was covered in small black feathers and his wings seemed to fit perfectly ,folded on his back his entire body was covered in magnificent feather. She bit her lip and looked around the cave “Well hello, Shito, May I ask how you know my name and where am I? I’m very confused, the meadow I was in, before I went looking in the forest, was beautiful and then when I got back it had changed, it was dead, everything” Shito listened to her and smirked, a chuckle escaped his lips “You really don’t know? This is your dream of course! I help make the dreams come true but after all, whatever you feel, think, want or desire comes to life.” Katy looked at him blushing, her ears bright red. ”Wait so are you from my imagination?” she asked frowning; she didn’t remember ever making him in her mind. She smiled softly. Shito chuckled “No, I help make your dreams real; I exist in the real world as well. Not all of this is your doing, I have some say in the matter” he said and disappeared. Katy blinked as she walked back to the entrance of the cave. Nothing moved outside it, everything was still. Katy wander around, the air foggy and misty. She couldn’t see in front of her, if she found the river she would fall in, and she didn’t know how to swim. She gazed thoughtfully into the mist, this was like no dream she had ever encountered before, what if this wasn’t a dream but a memory. She seemed to know where to go without thinking much about it. The fog cleared slightly and she saw a beautiful glistening lake. The water looked so inviting, so tranquil. Nothing seemed to move under the water,a beautiful blue. The grass under her feet felt moist and refreshing. Flowers grew everywhere, all different colours and shapes. Butterflies flew in every direction. As she looked up once more, she saw Shito watching her, He came towards her “You remember this place don’t you my sweet?” he asked tilting his head to the side. Katy frowned “Well I'm not sure, I feel like I’ve been here before but yet I have no memory of it other than what I see now.” She frowned “Did you just call me my sweet?” she asked backing away. Shito took a step towards her “You really don’t remember? I was your consort, you and I together, king and queen of dreams, but you were only human and died soon after but your soul lives inside this new body, you have been reincarnated into this beautiful girl, almost as beautiful as you were before, Bella” Katy froze in place, her heart beating quickly, she remembered that name somehow, she suddenly remembered everything. How she had lived 50 years ago as he’s wife, how they ruled side by side. How they had been in love. She looked up, “I remember” stammering to get the right words out. Suddenly she could hear ringing in her ears; she woke up with a start and sat up quickly, her head dizzy. She gasped, her breaths coming in short and quick, her body sweating, She lay back down, the warm of her covers gave her a safe feeling, “It must have been a dream, I blame drinking coffee before going to bed” she murmured to herself. She closed her eyes once more to try and get more sleep but then heard a loud caw. Her eyes fluttered open she got out of bed and she looked out the window. She saw two bright blue eyes looking in at her, and then they disappeared once more.
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One and a half unnatural houses.

Postby crazy-in-wonderland » Sat Apr 08, 2017 8:43 am

For many years, there had always been a lane way in my town that terrified me. The narrow dull lane way led to a series of houses, one of which was my friends. As I traveled through it, the house to my left sent a chill down my spine. Grey, dull and lifeless, it loomed over me, taking my fear and multiplying it tenfold. The house it's self had quite the story. It use to have an identical twin, owned by a set of identical twins. The houses stood tall and proud in the lane way once. My mother had shown me images of them multiple times, their large arched doorways and balcony windows looked like a fairy tale to me as a child. It wasn't until I grew up that I decided to ask about the history of the houses, which I could no longer see, the right house had been almost completely demolished and I was curious as to why. My mother refused to answer my question at first, always muttering " It's unnatural,

After years of my hounding she finally told me the story of the "unnatural house" and the horror that had taken place there. It turns out that one of the twins had been brutally attacked in a home invasion and later found dead in the house. Her sister, in a fit of grief bulldozed half of it before realizing she would never see it again. The bulldoze to this day was never completed, for this sister still wished to see the 'One and a half unnatural house'.

The one and a half would never be whole again.
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The Challenge.

Postby crazy-in-wonderland » Sat Apr 08, 2017 9:42 am

Amy felt a thump as her car pulled into the narrow dirt road which led to her house. She had driven the same route for four years so she felt as though she knew the road well but that bump was new. She pulled the car off the path as she killed the engine and unlocked the doors. She searched the passenger seat for her phone. Find it, she turned the torch on as she stepped out of the car. She followed the path a few meters down before seeing it. A limp large figure on the path. Amy's first thought was it was a wild animal but as she got closer she realized it was human. Amy felt her heart beat in her ears, her pulse rising as her stomach churned. Amy approached the female. She didn't look any older than twenty five. Amy stooped down and placed her shaking hand on the girl's neck, checking for a pulse. Amy could feel tears well up in her eyes as she realized what she had done. She knelt beside the girl, her face buried in her hands as Amy sobbed uncontrollably. She never saw the girl, hadn't seen her run out onto the road. Nothing. She searched the ground for her phone, which she had dropped after the shock. After a few seconds of searching she found it. The familiar feel of the phone's cover gave her some relief. She dialed 999 and waited for an answer, her breath shaking as she heard a friendly female voice on the other end, "999, what is your emergency?" Amy took a deep breath trying to focus her thoughts before speaking "Um, yes, I need an ambulance. I think I hit a girl and she's not breathing." Amy told the operator the address before going back to her car.

Amy went back to her car, turning on the engine as she sat into the driver's seat. She replayed what had happened in her mind, unsure of when the girl had run out in front of her, or was she unconscious on the road before hand? Amy had no idea. Her attention was drawn back to the present as she read a car coming up the path. Maybe she was running from something and needed my help. And I killed her she thought, claustrophobic all of a sudden. She heard the engine's steady hum before she noticed the flashing of red and blue lights of the police car. She wondered if they had used the siren, and she had just been oblivious. Amy stood out of her own car as she heard slamming of doors. She locked her car as she walked towards the two officers who were examining the body, checking for a pulse, the usual. Amy frowned, "Where is the ambulance?" she questioned. One officer glanced behind his shoulder, "It should be here in a minute. Can you come over to our vehicle and answer a few questions for us?" He didn't wait for an answer as he turned on his heels and walked towards the car.

Amy walked around the dead girl's body, she looked down at her properly for the first time, the police car's lights shining on her body, she was covered in bruises. One of the officers took her statement while the other filled out some forms. The ambulance arrived shortly after Amy had signed her statement as well as a document stating she had been truthful and hadn't left out any details. The paramedic's braked at the corpse, their lights illuminating the corpse, it's beams with the police car made it almost blinding to look at. The two paramedic's began their job, going to her neck as Amy and the officer's had done to check for a pulse, then they looked for more injuries. The elder of the two officer's had said sharply "Stay here while we talk to the paramedic's." before strolling off. Amy sighed, she was cold, tired and scared. After what seemed like hours, the young Jane doe was taken away. Both officer's flagged Amy's side," We need to take you to the station, for further questioning." Amy knew what would come next, questions, trial and her sentence. She was no longer a simple girl from Ireland, she was a killer. She had politely asked the officers could she drive her own car to the station, and after a quick glance between the two they had decided I could as long as they followed me.

At the station Amy was put into what looked to be a conference room, with a large round table and eight chairs surrounding it. Amy sat down on the chair looking out the window, she could now see the first peep of sunlight to come of the day. She had spent nearly six hours out in the dark of the path. The clock on the wall, clearly broken was reading the wrong time was still ticking loudly as she waited. Soon an older looking gentleman came into the room. He wore a blue suit and looked well rested compared to Amy, though she had not bothered to look at herself in some time. He pulled a chair up to her as he placed a file in front of Amy. Amy stared at the file Am I meant to look at it or what? she had thought as he spoke "Read it." It was simple but firm instruction. Amy opened the file to see the young girl's face on the front page. The man, he hadn't bothered to give her his name, gave her a minute to process the information given before saying " Her name was Megan" He paused. "That picture was taken five years ago, ten days before she was taken. We, myself and the police task force here, assumed she had died shortly after but it is now known she was held captive for those five years."

Amy felt horror at what she had done, she had robbed someone of their freedom and killed them. Even if it wasn't intentional that fact would haunt Amy for the rest of her life. The man continued," She was probably looking for help when you hit her," Amy felt her stomach knot. "What will happen to me? Will I be charged with something?" She asked, her voice shaky. He gave her a sad smile "No, it was an accident, the report from the paramedic's and officer's confirmed it." he stood up, nodding to Amy before leaving the room. Amy took a few moments to compose herself before leaving the room and going to her car, Good thing I drove here or I'd be getting a lift home in a police car. The drive home was torture, all Amy could do was replay the event over and over in her mind. Diving back onto the dirt road she slowed down, only going fifteen miles per hour. She looked at where she imagined the girl had run out from and frowned, she was looking into the driveway of her neighbor, a young farmer by the name of Michael.

Amy thought for a moment, thinking back to when she had tried to introduce herself to Michael when she moved into her home four years ago. He hadn't invited her into the house that time. Thinking about it, she had never been in his house. Her mind wandered, He couldn't have taken her, right?
I mean he's a nice person apart from being a bit nervous with people around the path and in his house. Amy couldn't help but come to the conclusion that he had taken Megan five years ago. Without realizing what she was doing she slowly drove up the driveway, her phone in her hand, unsure of what to do. She knew she had to confront him. She got out of the car and put her phone in her back pocket as she made her way to the house. She paused outside the door, looking behind her before knocking on the door. Michael opened the door almost immediately, a look of surprise crossed his face," Ah, Amy. Wasn't expecting you, what can I do for you?" he inquired. Amy sucked in a breath, "Let me in. We need to talk" she had said as she pushed her way past him.

Michael sighed as he followed her into the sitting room, "You found her I'm guessing," he paused, " how unfortunate that she got away." He said with a smirk. Amy felt sick to her stomach, Why didn't I call the police when I had the chance?! her mind raced, "I called the police, they'll be here any minute so just let me go," she bluffed as all her adrenaline left her body. Michael threw his head back as he laughed, "Let you go? " he said as he reached for something on the dresser behind him. "Now why would I do that?" He said pointing the gun at her. "If the police come, I'll have a hostage. If they don't well I'll have a new play thing won't I?" he took a few steps towards her. Amy reached for the gun, knocking both of them to the ground, both struggling for the weapon. Amy got to it first, she stood up, pointing the barrel of the gun at Michael. Michael laughed "You won't!" he lunged for her. The loud bang caused Amy's ears to ring, "I guess you can't trust anyone these days." She said as she placed the gun on the dresser and walked out of the house.
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Postby crazy-in-wonderland » Sat Apr 08, 2017 11:28 pm

I'm falling, falling
And I can't breathe.
It hurts my chest,
Even if it's all in my head

I'm falling, falling
And I don't know why,
But I can try to swim
In this mind of mine.
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The in-between part 1

Postby crazy-in-wonderland » Sun Apr 09, 2017 1:25 am

The in between has always been a mystery to most people, a realm that no one rarely leaves, but yet no one is ever truly there in the first place. But what happens when someone leaves the In-between, and doesn't return ? What becomes of those poor souls?
Life in the in-between was fair, everyone had a job, a home and a life to call their own but for some like James it wasn't enough. They were always told never to leave their own realm, for what lurked outside was far worse than anything one could imagine. However, James had a pretty wild and vivid imagination, he thought of knights and dragons fighting to the death in an epic battle or the fact that fairies lived in the forest, and if you waited quietly with some food and made a shrine for them, The fairies would finally reward your hard work by letting you see them.
Many people thought James was odd in his ways, as a fifteen year old male, he was meant to be off getting a job as he refused to go back to his school after an incident with the principal, in which he turned her into a frog as he ran out of the office yelling "I'M FREEEEE!" After that, people tried to stay clear of James, for his weird and slightly chaotic magic as well as his strange ideals on life in the in-between. Of course Magic was something that everyone had in the in-between, always used for the most menial of jobs such as doing washing or throwing the ball for the dog. James had never accepted this way of life, and being an orphan people looked down at him.
James stood tall in the sunlight, his mop of golden hair seemed to reflect the rays of sunlight to cause a halo effect around him. He was tall for his age and his physique was muscular but he stood out to everyone in the in-between like a sore thumb. Everyone in the in-between normally had the same characteristics, light hair, blue eyes and a small petite frame, even the men. And so, James towered over everyone.
As he walked down the street he could feel all eyes on him, at one stage he looked up from his feet to see someone waving a hand to clean the leaves from the street stop dead in their tracks as they looked on at him. He sighed, he felt like the in-between's decease, that somehow his ideals would infect them too. In all his fifteen years, this was the first time he had truly felt alone, no one who truly understood him. Well, there had been a girl, a year older than him, who had stayed in the same orphanage as him. She understood him, got his ideals, but when she went to school she changed as she wanted to fit in. James hadn't talked to her in years.
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The hill

Postby crazy-in-wonderland » Sun Apr 09, 2017 6:01 am

I started my climb at my grandmothers home by the river. I had decided to go to the graveyard, something that sounds so morbid and yet so beautiful. I started up the road, on the left side as to avoid oncoming traffic. I couldn't help but bask in the sunlight. It was a warm day for Ireland, 17 degrees Celsius. I know it seems funny to hotter countries but for us it's summer. No rain, a light breeze and the sun beating down on your skin. It's amazing.
As I continued on the climb, I noticed all the different flowers that paved the sides of the roads. All different petals and colours. The smell of the freshly cut grass fills my nostrils. The fields are full of cows and calves, just out for the first time.
When I reached the top of the hill, the view stretched for miles and I couldn't help but stand back and acknowledge the beauty of Ireland. In that moment I really understood why Ireland was called the Emerald Isle. The green of fields contrasted with the bright blue of the river, it's water glistening in the sunlight.
Coming to the end of the road I found the graveyard, it was small. A country graveyard. Most of the gravestones were old and worn out. I strolled through the graves, trying to find the oldest grave there. At first I thought that 1813 was the oldest but I came across a grave with 1601. It made me realise that everyone has a memory after death, our town had just lost two young people and it had taken a toll on me as I began to wonder who would remember them in a couple of years. And yes, this brought me a small comfort that even after 300 years, someone could read the headstones in years to come.
The decline was easier than the incline, I felt my feet moved faster going down then up.

And I returned to my grandmothers full of smiles, and no one knew the reason why.
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Re: Collection of Works

Postby Petlover552 » Sun Apr 09, 2017 6:41 am

'The hill' is very interesting. I love the concept and you are really good at detail c:
One thing I noticed was that you switched tenses a few times. But other than that it is really good!

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Re: Collection of Works

Postby crazy-in-wonderland » Mon Apr 10, 2017 2:56 am

Petlover552 wrote:'The hill' is very interesting. I love the concept and you are really good at detail c:
One thing I noticed was that you switched tenses a few times. But other than that it is really good!

Thanks a bunch, I actually only wrote it five minutes before posting. I've noticed that I have to watch my tenses a bit more when writing so thanks for pointing it out!
Glad you liked it though ^^
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