-Maniacal laugher- Finished~

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Postby TheSongOfTheStars » Sat Jul 04, 2020 11:10 am

/ a lifetime
424 words
Kwet touched the glass. It was warm.
"It's quite the view isn't it?"
Kwet nodded, even though he was looking at the shallow reflections in the glass and not the world outside. Now would be a good time.
But even in the the reversed image Aveth looked relaxed in a way Kwet couldn't remember seeing since before the wars. His wings were unfolded comfortably and his shoulders were slack.
"I mean the sun comes out about once a year, but honestly those clouds really are something," Aveth climbed up next to him and sat cross-legged, leaning forwards "Is it safe to fly through them?"
"They're dust clouds, so you'd need a wash after, but otherwise, they're fine," Kwet pulled his knees up to his chest and rested his chin on them. Maybe later. Maybe... when they were settled in. (Maybe never)
"You alright?"
For a bare second Kwet tensed. But there was no way Aveth could know. He was just asking, just concerned in the usual way. "Tired."
"It was a long flight," Aveth agreed, then stretched out on his back, wings flat out and limbs splayed. The tip of his foot barely touched Kwet's leg and he started laughing "This place is ridiculously big for just us two."
"It looks like it was made for an entire Vauhai flight," Kwet agreed, turning away from the window. The 'bed' that they sat on was more a wide, long ledge that hugged the window. The ceiling seemed to retreat into the atmosphere and the room was lit mainly by the rows of computers along the wall, white screens scrolling with information Kwet wanted to read, but was too tired to actually move to and actually commit to such a project.
"Someone mentioned canyons," Aveth said distractedly. He sounded like he was drifting off.
"This planet has lots of them," Kwet leaned against the window, pressing his wings against the warm glass "They make for interesting flying."
"We'll have to explore them. We have the time."
Kwet tensed again, the knot of tight sadness in his core making itself known again.
"I'll be busy with work."
"The work can wait, there's no emergency," Aveth replied softly "We're here as long as we want."
Kwet did not answer.
After several quiet moments Aveth sat up, pulling closer to Kwet. He draped his arm over Kwet's shoulder and slipped his wing between Kwet's back and the window.
Kwet pressed his face against Aveth's shoulder. Now would be a good time.
If he wasn't so close to crying already.
Last edited by TheSongOfTheStars on Sun Jul 05, 2020 4:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: -Maniacal laugher-

Postby Ranger of the North » Sat Jul 04, 2020 11:33 pm

k w e t
The world is quiet here.
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Re: -Maniacal laugher-

Postby TheSongOfTheStars » Sun Jul 05, 2020 12:09 am

Ranger of the North wrote:
k w e t

Him sad

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Postby TheSongOfTheStars » Sun Jul 05, 2020 4:31 am

/ what do i do?
263 words
The sand was burning and the light pierced even through tightly closed eyes. The lee side of a the dune did not provide much shade and even less relief from the oppressive heat, but as the sisters shed the heavier pieces of armor and dropped down in the pale shadow it was cool enough to tempt them into drowsiness. Jade flung herself to the ground first, limbs askew and eyes closed. Jasmine curled up against her, leaning her head against her sister's shoulder and for they were quiet, trying to regather a bit of their strength.
After a while Jade shifted with a groan and raised a hand to brush away some sand from her face.
"You alright?" Jasmine murmured, squinted up at her fidgeting sister.
"No," Jade said "There's sand everywhere."
"Mmm, I hadn't noticed."
"I hate it." Jade fidgeted again "What are we going to do, Jas?"
"We could spread out a blanket."
"Not about the sand," Jade said "We lost the box Jas, we lost the box, we lost Lionel's sister, we...we lost the emperor, I mean could we have messed up any worse?"
"There is going to be much to answer for when we return home."
"If we live that long."
Jasmine was quiet, then propped herself up on her elbow to look her sister in the eye "We will."
"You don't know that."
"Call it a hunch."
"You don't get hunches," Jade said accusingly.
"Then trust to my beginner's luck."
Jade huffed a small laugh and let her head fall back to the sand "We are so dead."

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Postby TheSongOfTheStars » Sun Jul 05, 2020 4:36 am

/ beings
563 words
"Well, well, well," the hollow ringing voice echoed though the cabin of the little starcraft and Serpens opened his eyes "Well, well, well. An earthling! So, humans have graduated from planet bound little meat bags to technological thieving meat bags! Congratulations!"
The cabin was dark, lights still set on low, and Andromeda and Lynx slumbered on, undisturbed by the voice.
Serpens stood slowly, hand slipping towards the handle of his gun as he scanned through the cabin, searching for the source.
"Ooh so suspicious! First jaunt out into the great expanse huh? Fair enough, fair enough, can I give you a tip, boy?"
"Who are you?" Serpens demanded quietly "And how do you know about humans?"
"Who...who am I?" The laugh stretched out into an echo "I guess I have to give you a pass kiddo. You see I've been around the universal block a few times, but it was a while since I was up and around in your neighborhood."
"You've been to earth?" Serpens came to stand in the middle of the cabin and stared around, trying to pick out a shadow that did not the form its caster.
"Oh yes!"
Serpens jerked his head as he thought he traced the voice to just outside the door of the room and slowly he moved forwards, easing the gun from its holster.
"They had just invented the steam train, oh it was a lovely machine, quite a revolutionary way to travel, you know. But I you've upgraded since then."
"I suppose we have," Serpens agreed, easing out of the door "Now, would this be a social call or do you need something?"
"Bit of both, bit of both I suppose," something flickered, but as Serpens focused on it, it dissolved into nothing "I thought I'd introduce myself."
There was a burst of movement from the opposite direction Serpens had been looking "Scorpious! Scorpious Sharp."
Serpens jumped back, arms locking as he aimed the gun towards the head of the newcomer.
Then he saw the face and his wrists went limp as horror touched his face "What...?"
"Oh sorry is this too startling?"
His own face dissolved in front of him and the figure reshaped into something vaguely resembling the silhouette of a human with a hat pulled low over his brow.
"You're a shape shifter?"
"Not preciously. You're a scientist, you like being precise. I am, more precisely, shapeless. I have no distinct parameters or features. My particles are trapped between two planes of reality and I can shape them however I like."
"Interesting. Now what do you want."
"Oh, just to make a little investment," Scorpious reached up to grip the brim of his hat "You know little scientist you should be very careful about what you take for granted. The autopilot, for one example."
Serpens eyes darted, but he kept the gun steady "There's an alarm for emergencies."
An alligator grin spread across the shadowy face "Ah yes, but Serpens, kid, would you be able to hear it? Considering how deeply asleep you are?"
Serpens froze and Scorpious tilted his hat back "Time to wake up little snake."
A burst of bright light slammed into Serpens and he sat bolt upright in his seat with the alarm blaring.

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Postby TheSongOfTheStars » Mon Jul 06, 2020 5:19 am

/ lost world
The trees stopped abruptly at an invisible line, not a root nor blade daring to trespass the borders of the ruins. The ground that the city had collapsed upon was bare save for the old bones of the houses.
The sensation of unwelcome became more pervasive the longer they stood there.

"I've never been told so loudly to leave by something with no voice," Marcus said quietly.
"We certainly aren't wanted here," Rin measured up the destroyed city and glared back at its empty eyes with raised hackles "Let's be quick."
"No argument there."

Together they passed over that line, from the forest to the broken land, from a living place to a dead place.

The air was dead in their lungs.

"It's in the bell tower right?"

Rin nodded.

They moved slowly, despite their desire to be rid of the place as quickly as possible. Perhaps it was fear of disturbing the silence that shrouded the old bones.

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Postby TheSongOfTheStars » Tue Jul 14, 2020 6:28 am

/ obsidian
173 words
Light caught on the hard edges of the creature as it stalked around her, the darkness pooling in the polished hollows of its hide.
Cassiopeia turned so that she was constantly facing it as it evaluated her.
Finally the quadruped came to a stop and stared her head on with hard blank eyes.
"Who..." the word trailed off as a growl as Cassiopeia's translation software struggled to compensate "What..."
"I'm Cassiopeia," she wasn't sure how much the alien understood "I'm a human."
A tilt of the head but no response.
"My homeworld is very far from here."
"Why are...you here?"
"I'm looking for someone," Cassiopeia hoped that didn't sound as threatening in the alien's language.
It didn't seem to, but then again this creature's range of emotions didn't seem to extend past vaguely disapproving.
"Come with me," with a flick of its stony tail it turned away from her and stalked into the mossy green tangle. Cassiopeia followed it into the vegetation, the obsidian alien a hard shadow gliding across the soft planet.
Last edited by TheSongOfTheStars on Wed Jul 15, 2020 5:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby TheSongOfTheStars » Wed Jul 15, 2020 5:24 pm

/ sleepy head
175 words
Martin yawned as he trailed into the living room. It was early but the curtains had been pulled back letting the bright glow of dawn, casting Lily's silhouette across the floor.
"Morning," he mumbled as he settled down onto the couch next to her.
"Morning," she replied around the mouthful of jam. He glanced at her and realized she had a jar of strawberry jam and she was just...eating it.
She didn't even have a spoon.
Martin shrugged to himself and leaned against her shoulder. They'd just have to buy a new jar.
"Sleep okay, love?" it felt a bit redundant. She was sitting in the living room staring at the window eating jam straight from the jar, but he had to ask.
"Fine." it was probably a lie. She sighed a little and leaned her head again his "You?"
"Yeah, fine," Martin had never really had problems sleeping, despite everything, oddly enough.
"Good," she slipped her non jam paw attached arm over his shoulder and they watched the sky turn from gold to blue.

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Postby TheSongOfTheStars » Fri Jul 17, 2020 5:20 am

/ gemini vibes
688 words
It took Cassiopeia longer than it should have.
Imminent war and culture shock notwithstanding, it was still Ishton.
She should've seen.
After all it was blinding as daylight and there for anyone to see. The way they fought and argued and griped but ultimately managed to come to a compromise. The way they couldn't stand each other, yet never seemed to stand more than five feet apart. Even when negotiations had been set aside for the time being and they didn't have to be, they still seemed to follow each other around for no particular reason. But it wasn't until a Council session when things had gotten heated and the two of them were face to face shouting at each other that she realized just how similar Ishton and Shrring looked. Everything fell into place over the next few seconds. Of course, she couldn't confront him about it until the Council adjourned. Even then he wasn't alone. Shrring was right at his side and they were bickering, or at least pretending to.
"Why didn't you tell me," she demanded breathlessly as she ran up to Ishton's feet.
They both paused and looked down at her, miffed.
"Tell you what?" Ishton asked, crouching to her level. Shrring rolled his eyes and turned his attention to his commpad.
"Why did you tell me he was related to you?"
Shrring jerked his head back up and his wings flared slightly, but Ishton only laughed softly
"I told you she'd figure it out."
"You have a tendency of overestimating her," Shrring said, looking for once, thrown off balance.
"And you have a tendency of underestimating her," Ishton retorted before turning back to Cassiopeia "Let's talk somewhere a bit more private?"
She nodded and he held his hand out. Shrring rolled his eyes harder as Cassiopeia clambered up Ishton's arm to his shoulder.
"She can walk. She has feet, you know."
"Hush, that's none of your business."
Shrring flicked his wings as if offended, then led the way down the corridor.
"Here should be fine, if you insist on sharing our personal business with her," Shrring waved his hand to an opening.
Ishton nodded and entered. Cassiopeia turned her head to follow Shrring and to her surprise he walked after them. Ishton proceeded to the balcony while Shrring perched himself on a seat, apparently absorbed with his commpad.
Ishton extended his arm and Cassiopeia slipped down to the balcony railing, then looked up expectantly at her friend.
He quirked an eyebrow, a touch of a smile on his face "So?"
"So how are you related?"
"Guess," he teased.
He shook his head.
"What? Tell me Ishton!" She planted her fists on her hips and jutted her chin out.
Ishton grinned and glanced sideways at Shrring who was pointedly not looking at him.
"We're brothers," Ishton said finally "Fellow formed."
"Brothers! Wait, fellow formed?"
"Ah," he frowned "I'm not sure if there's a human equivalent. It means we were formed at the same time."
"Twins, we'd say you were twins."
"That's certainly more concise than fellow formed," Shrring muttered from his seat.
"So, this whole time, no one else realized this?"
Ishton shrugged "We weren't exactly on good terms."
"We still aren't."
Ishton glanced at brother, his faint smile widening a bit. Without warning he swept Cassiopeia up and flew across the room and landed right next to Shrring who finally set down the commpad to glare at him.
"We're working on it," Ishton said sweetly, curling against his brother.
"Shut up," Shrring grumbled but unfolded his wing and tucked it around Ishton's shoulders and wings "You're an idiot."
Cassiopeia snickered and Shrring redirected his attention towards her "You cannot tell of this to anyone."
Cassiopeia looked towards Ishton. He nodded "At the moment it's not the most important thing for everyone to know."
"I won't," she promised quietly "But it's only a matter of time before someone smart realizes."
"We'll deal with that when we have to," he tapped the top of her head lightly.
Shrring didn't say anything, but he tightened his grip over Ishton's shoulders.

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Postby TheSongOfTheStars » Fri Jul 17, 2020 10:54 am

/ thy body is thy temple
82 words
"I want that one!"
"You don't even know what that one tastes like."
Lily laughed, bouncing up and down "Well yeah I don't know what half this stuff tastes like. What's the point of gorging myself if I don't get to gorge myself on new weird food that I've never had before?"
"I guess, when you put it that way go ahead, make yourself sick," Martin pushed his hat up higher on his head "I'm just going to have a cinnamon roll."
Last edited by TheSongOfTheStars on Fri Jul 17, 2020 2:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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