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BearClan 68

Postby inky. » Sun Jul 12, 2020 3:51 am

clan archive thread is found here
clan population 096 xxx clan servings 015 xxx next starclan visit wheneverxxx next birth squirrelheart (1) xxx mod notes hey, just so you know id prefer if all future kits (and cats in general) are put onto lineart ^^ xxx cats to find n/a

Lightrunner reveled in the small poking sensation of pebbles beneath her feet. It reminded her of her old home in the mountains. A gust of wind swirled around her and memories came flooding back. The sting of the bitter gusts were the same as the ones atop the peak. The earthy scent that clung to the rocks. The divots of worn paths, many of which were larger than her own pawprints. She was used to trailing behind larger animals.
The she-cat had never met her parents; she was found as a newborn kitten during the winter by a young mountain lion. Most cats didn’t believe her when she told them about her kithood, so she avoided talking about it. This was the first time in ages she had even thought about it. Snarl was barely an adult herself when she stumbled upon Lightrunner. The poor scrap of fluff was buried behind a dead bush. Snarl took her back to the cave and got her warmed up. The cougar taught her everything she knew, and guarded her against the fear of predators. Lightrunner wasn’t scared of anything, really. When the cats of BearClan told tales of the bear, she just didn’t see why they were inherently afraid of it. Of course, it was a murder machine, but cats who were born moons after the thing died had nothing to worry about.
A rustle interrupted her musing, and she whirled around, glaring in the direction of some shriveled undergrowth.
“Catmint, catmint.” A tall, prickly looking cat muttered, weaving his way through puny sticks “How am I supposed to know what catmint looks like?” He scoffed. Lightrunner cleared her throat to make her presence known, but the tom kept looking. “I dunno why Applefall doesn’t have any on hand; Dovepaw is coughing and he’s a medicine cat, you’d think he’d-”
“Excuse me.” The BearClan warrior said quietly “You’re trespassing.” The black and white tom looked up, multi-colored eyes scanning her from head to toe.
“Trespassing?” He echoed “That’s absurd, this is SpruceClan territory.”
“No, it’s BearClan territory.” Lightrunner pressed “See, it ends at that...tree.” She looked over her shoulder and saw a sprawling birch tree standing a few fox lengths behind her. “Ah.” She sighed “I suppose you’re right.” She gave a nervous chuckle and took a hesitant step back “I’m deeply sorry.”
“For what?” The tom snorted “You were obviously walking mindlessly.”
“Mindlessly?” Lightrunner smirked, whiskers twitching in amusement “Well aren’t you a good judge of character. A tired and unbathed one by the looks of it.” He shrugged and nodded at her insult. “I’m Lightrunner.”
“Tallthorn.” He said curtly “Prophet of SpruceClan.” He added this airily, shaking his head in mock pride and adding in an eye roll for good measure.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh, just that I can talk to ghosts.” Tallthorn meowed “Well. They do most of the talking, I’m just expected to listen and obey.” Lightrunner’s mind flashed to Viperstar and his training.
“Yea, I get that.” She laughed “They want us to do something because they couldn’t do it in their own lifetime. Like, no, I have my own life to live thank you very much.”
“Exactly.” Tallthorn chuckled. He took a deep breath and blinked before looking around. “Well I’m supposed to be on a herb collecting mission but I have no clue what I’m doing. You wouldn’t know what catmint looks like, would you?”
“Spiky leaves purple flowers.” She said with a smile. Looking past him, she took a few steps closer and gestured to a patch of leaves a bit behind the tom. “There’s some. Just missed it.” Tallthorn paused before following her pointing, gaze resting on her round but angular face.
“Thanks.” He murmured.
“No worries.” She meowed softly “If you ever need more help with herbs or just life in general, you know where to find me.”
“Not really, you’re on my Clan’s land.”
“Oh! Right!” She gasped “I should get back, then. If you really get yourself into trouble just go to the tree and start yelling for Lightrunner. Someone will hear you eventually.” The two nodded to each other and spent another moment of comfortable silence before parting ways.


Deerleap shivered. Her pelt was never truly equipt for handling leaf bare, but her old age certainly wasn’t helping. Her joints were aching and she could barely get out of her nest some days. So when Elmstar gave her an offer of joining Ravencloud in the elder’s den, she jumped on it quickly. The two she-cats had spent most of their youth together, and they would have a grand time telling stories to kits and being denmates. The senior cat looked around with content sorrow. Her eyes rested on Ryetail, her beautiful daughter, who was keeping Goatpaw, Cowpaw, and Ripplepaw warm. The poor thing had lost her brother just a few moons before, and she hadn’t gotten over it. And yet there she was, looking after her younger siblings. Deerleap had raised them well. And know she could watch them grow older. She would always be waiting in camp for them. They wouldn’t have to be afraid when she went out on a night patrol, worried that she might trip and fall. She was old, it was bittersweet. At least Ryetail and Owlshade were growing closer. Maybe she would truly be an elder, and she would be watching her grandkids scamper around the clearing.


Fallenwing’s tail twitched nervously. He watched his younger siblings, now apprentices, hobble across the camp to their new den. Hatred still bubbled inside him, aimed primarily at Lightningpaw, the cat that had caused Hawksnow to bleed out. That little rat had no right being here without her. But even that emotion was stunted by the overwhelming worry that swirled around Thistlewing. She was skittish and paranoid, and now the tom was overly aware and protective of her. If she was scared, something must have happened, and he wasn’t going to let something happen to her. She was all he had.
“You look upset.” A voice said, but the warrior wasn’t paying attention to it. He just hummed and kept his eyes trained on the familiar grey pelt who was huddling close to Falconfeather. Part of him was jealous. He was her brother; he should be the one that she went to for comfort, not some random new guy.
“They’re a cute couple aren’t they?” The voice said again. Fallenwing grumbled. “You know, I think sometimes that I could find a good mate for myself. We’re good friends, right?” Fallenwing didn’t answer. “Well, I’ve been thinking. You’re extremely talented and you are very handsome. I’ve been told that I’m pretty, so I think we’d make adorable kits. To be honest, ever since we started training together I’ve had a massive obsession with you. Serpentfang has told me I need to be more blunt, so I’m going for it. Will you be my mate?” Fallenwing sorta heard what Darkfang was saying, but he didn’t pay any attention to it. All he heard was “obsession” and “mate”. The tom looked at her, and furrowed his brow.
“Not right now, I don’t have time for this.” He said simply “Shut up, Darkfang, leave me alone.” He shook out his pelt and walked away, but he could still feel the intensive, starstruck gaze of Darkfang on his rear.


“This is ridiculous.” Batpaw scoffed gently. He was curled up in his nest, back to Snipepaw. They had argued quite loudly before dusk and Nightfur had ordered them to bed early. “We’re not kits anymore.” It was only his first day as an apprentice, but the tom was already butting heads with his sister; and their father was having none of it. He was a respected warrior, and he told them to shape up before they got hurt. Now both Batpaw and Snipepaw were wallowing, though the she-cat had fallen into a deep sleep not long after they were sent to their den. She fidgeted occasionally, but the den was overall silent. The chirping of crickets and the murmuring of cats outside was enough ambiance to ease Batpaw into the grip of sleep.

Batpaw opened his eyes, expecting to see the soft sunlight filtering through the entrance of the apprentice’s cave. Instead, tough, it was still night; and he wasn’t in his nest. He stood in a grassy field, stars covering every visible surface.
“Don’t panic.” A calming voice told him. The tom turned around to see a cat that looked somewhat familiar.
“Nightfur?” He meowed, furrowing his brow. The starry cat didn’t sound like his father, but they were almost identical. The older tom chuckled.
“No.” He said gently “My name is Batfur. I’m your grandfather.”
“Why am I here? Where is here?”
“This is StarClan.” Batfur explained, standing close to the apprentice “Don’t worry, you’re not dead, I just need to talk to you.” He sat down and motioned for the tom to sit next to him. “You may have noticed that Snipepaw and a few other cats have been acting oddly lately-”
“Like how Fallenwing mysteriously got all of his scars?” Batpaw huffed. Batfur nodded.
“Exactly. A bad cat named Viperstar has been training them while they sleep, much like how I’m talking to you right now. Viperstar is a murderer and a terrible influence; we believe he is trying to train an army to overtake BearClan. We cannot just stand by and let that happen. We need help.”
“Me?” Batpaw scoffed “I’m only six moons old.”
“I know. And believe me, I wish there was some other way to do this. We had spies, but Viperstar was able to see who they really were, and wouldn’t let them into his training sessions. We need someone unaware and unassuming. We need you. Your sister is already in the Dark Forest, so we think you might be able to sneak in as well and report back to us.”
“You want me to be a spy?”
“You have a good heart and a reasonable mindset. You’re a good cat, Batpaw. With enough help, you could help us save BearClan. You can always say no, please don’t think we’re pressuring you into this. If you don’t want to help, we can always find someone else.” Batpaw took a deep breath and worked his claws in and out of the ground.
“Okay.” He said quietly “What do I have to do?”


Thistlewing blinked open her eyes. Panic filled her as she saw the gnarled roots of the dark forest’s trees. The marshy earth beneath her squished as she leaped to her paws. This was impossible, she wasn’t supposed to be here. She had gone moons without training with those cats, why was she here now? Her short fur stood on end, and she looked around in bewilderment. She had never seen this part of the forest before. Instead of the sparse trees, this patch of forest was dense and heavy, filled to the brim with dying foliage and rotting plants. The trees still clawed at the same black sky, though, but that wasn’t exactly a comforting thought. A twig snapped in the distance and the she-cat’s muscles all tensed. The young warrior slowly crept forward, eyes and ear straining on the darkness ahead. The forest was dead silent as always, and she was struggling to hear over her racing heartbeat.
“Wrong direction, sweetheart.” A gravelly voice meowed softly from behind her. Though the words weren’t loud, Thistlewing felt her chest burst with adrenaline. She soared up and whirled around in surprise, back arching and lips peeled back. There he was, the cat that had been haunting her every thought ever since he let her go. “I’m assuming you still remember me,” Viperstar chuckled lightly “It hasn’t been that long has it? I dunno, time works differently here.” He took a few steps forward, emerging from the brush. Muscles worked smoothly under his pelt, and his eyes were still bottomless pits of uncertain mystery. The scars that covered his throat seemed to be a bit more pink than usual, as if they had been irritated; probably from sulking around the thorn bushes. The leader squeezed effortlessly into the small clearing, paws slightly sinking into the muck, but no mud stuck to his fur.
“Why am I here.” Thistlewing croaked.
“You didn’t think I would actually let you leave, did you?” The leader said with pity, tilting his head and giving a sympathetic smile. “Oh, Thistlewing, no darling. No.” He said the last words with a laugh “No, I can’t let you leave.”
“Why not? I don’t want to be here.” She insisted “Besides, don’t you have a session you need to be moderating.” The sandy tom shook his head and walked closer to her, stopping a mere mouse-length away.
“No, your brother is taking over for me at the moment.” He sighed “I told him I had some business to attend to.”
“Am I that business?”
“Why do you have so much interest in me?” Thistlewing said slowly “I mean you have dozens of cats that actually want to be here, I don’t.”
“You’re the one that got away, if you will.” Viperstar grumbled “I really don’t care about you in a personal aspect, it just…” Thistlewing raised an eyebrow. Viperstar flicked an ear and looked her in the eye, moving his jaw. “You want to know the truth?” The living cat hummed, even though several voices in her head screamed and begged her not to encourage his possible villain monologue. Viperstar tilted his head and wove himself around her, resting his tail on her shoulders. “You have potential.” He whispered. Thistlewing swallowed, holding her breath at the scent of dank leaves wafting from the tom. “Death has given me a gift. I can see through anything, and when I look at you I see so many possibilities. I may not be the best influence, but I want every cat to tap into that...well of talent.”
“What’s it to you.” Viperstar’s lips curled into a smile and he ran his tongue over his yellow-stained teeth. He pressed his cheek against hers, and took a deep breath.
“Do you know why I’m doing this?” He mused, pulling her close with an arm “Haven’t you been wondering why I’m so nice all of a sudden? I mean, I’m sure you’ve heard the stories. I murdered my own kits, I’m not a good guy. But see, revenge is’s liberating; knowing those fox hearts that took everything from you are finally getting what they deserve. I’m not invincible, and I am not an idiot. I know I can’t just waltz up into BearClan camp and kill every last one of least, not by myself. The art of manipulation is rather easy once you know who you’re dealing with. I simply do not give a rat’s behind what happens to you lot. Die, survive, whatever, as long as you get the job done. That’s what it is to me. A job. I have to make you the best minions I possibly can.” Thistlewing furrowed her brow, taking in each word.
“What do you mean, you don’t care?” She scoffed “Darkfang is your daughter; and you seem real buddy-buddy with Fallenwing.”
“You overestimate my capacity for feelings, Thistlewing.” He laughed, pulling away from her and walking airily around the clearing. “I simply do not care.” He looked over his shoulder and laughed again, eyes wild “At all. You maggots mean nothing to me. You’re just a means to an end. Your brother is better than everyone else. He gets it, he understands, he doesn’t care either, he just goes along with everything. Darkfang is a try hard. She thinks she can win me over by over exaggerating her abilities. She’ll just end up getting hurt. Again. Don’t care. She could die, probably will let’s be honest, and I won’t shed a tear. Because you’re my pawns. And a king does not cry over broken toys.”
“You’re insane.” Thistlewing chuckled.
“Maybe.” He agreed, turning to face her “Listen I know you don’t want to be here, but just. Take a few days to think it over, ‘kay sweetheart? I’d hate to have to convince you.”

[deerleap becomes an elder]
[nightfur, tickstripe, serpentfang, bisonclaw patrol]
[fallenwing, serpentfang, thistlewing, falconfeather hunt]
[dunefeather, heronstep, beepuff, beantail hunt]
[twigsnap, splashfur, owlshade, darkfang hunt]
[bumbleflight looks for herbs]
[crowpaw takes his final assessment]
[barleypaw takes his final assessment]
[cougarpaw takes his final assessment]
[spiderpaw takes his final assessment]
[moorpaw takes her final assessment]
[shellpond teaches goatpaw swimming]
[mossbounce teaches ripplepaw swimming]
[bisonclaw teaches cowpaw swimming]
[squashtuft teaches torrentpaw climbing]
[sunstomp teaches mistpaw climbing]
[tickstripe teaches icepaw battle]
[butterflytoe teaches birchpaw battle]
[nettlemist teaches poplarpaw battle]
[ricecub teaches maplepaw climbing]
[ratwhisker teaches aspenpaw climbing]
[blackbriar teaches cobaltpaw battle]
[darkfang teaches arsenicpaw battle]
[toadskip teaches sleetpaw hunting]
[beantail teaches sprucepaw battle]
[mintbelly teaches sycamorepaw battle]
[nightfur teaches swooppaw battle]
[minktwist teaches rabbitpaw]
[lightrunner teaches cinderpaw]
[avocetdance teaches lightningpaw]
[serpentfang teaches snipepaw]
[owlshade teaches batpaw]
[the clan fasts]

elmstar, 61 m, ♀
ashtail, 47 , ♂

xxxxx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙:
bumbleflight, 63 m, ♂
xx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊:
[url=link]✺[/url] name, age, ♂♀

stormfang, 73 m, ♂
swiftwind, 64 m, ♂
nightfur, 61 m, ♂
hickorywind, 54, ♂
↪ blind in one eye
adderbreeze, 67 m, ♀
hollypounce, 54 m, ♀
redfin, 68 m, ♂
shrewclaw , 45 m, ♂
badgergaze, 43 m, ♂
burrwhisker, 37 m, ♂
sparkstorm, 37 m, ♂
blackbriar, 70 m, ♀
sunstomp, 37 m, ♂
owlshade, 32 m, ♂
ricecub, 50 m, ♀
chestnutstripe, 39 m, ♀
darkfang, 32 m, ♀
ryetail, 30 m, ♀
nimbuscurl, 37 m, ♂
mossbounce, 28 m, ♂
twigsnap, 29 m, ♀
applebee, 28 m, ♀
heronstep, 28 m, ♂
butterflytoe, 26 m, ♀
fognose, 67 m, ♀
marmotsnout, 49 m, ♀
tickstripe, 26 m, ♂
lightrunner, 31 m, ♀
gorsewind, 39 m, ♀
bisconclaw, 29 m, ♂
avocetdance, 37 m, ♂
nettlemist, 36 m, ♀
shellpond, 35 m, ♀
vulturecrest, 50 m, ♂
squashtuft, 32 m, ♂ (afab)
mudfreckle, 20 m, ♀
beantail, 19 m, ♀
mintbelly, 19 m, ♀
toadskip, 19 m, ♂
ratwhisker, 47 m, ♂
hollypounce, 54 m, ♀
saskatoonskip, 17 m, ♀
serpentfang, 17 m, ♀
fallenwing, 16 m, ♂
thistlewing, 16 m, ♀
minktwist, 15 m, ♀
jacobintail, 15 m, ♂
hazeburst, 16 m, ♀
↪ asthmatic
silverdrop, 40 m, ♀
cardinalgaze, 16 m, ♂
dunefeather, 16 m, ♀
splashfur, 16 m, ♀
beepuff, 15 m, ♂
falconfeather, 13 m, ♂
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀

crowpaw, 13 m, ♂
barleypaw, 12 m, ♂
cougarpaw, 12 m, ♂
spiderpaw, 12 m, ♂
moorpaw, 12 m, ♀
goatpaw, 11 m, ♂
ripplepaw, 11 m, ♀
cowpaw, 11 m, ♂
torrentpaw, 9 m, ♂
mistpaw, 9 m, ♀
icepaw, 9 m, ♀
birchpaw, 9 m, ♂
poplarpaw, 9 m, ♀
maplepaw, 9 m, ♂
↪ blind
aspenpaw, 9 m, ♀
cobaltpaw, 8 m, ♂
arsenicpaw, 8 m, ♀
sleetpaw, 8 m, ♀
sprucepaw, 8 m, ♂
sycamorepaw, 8 m, ♂
swooppaw, 8 m, ♀
cinderpaw, 6 m, ♀
lightningkit, 6 m, ♂
rabbitpaw, 6 m, ♀
batpaw, 6 m, ♂
snipepaw, 6 m, ♀
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀


squirrelheart, 67 m, ♀
tulipclaw, 49 m, ♀
poppysplash, 37 m, ♀
pipersnap, 28 m, ♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀

pumpkinkit, 5 m, ♂
turkeykit, 4 m, ♀
dipperkit, 4 m, ♂
loonkit, 4 m, ♀
quillkit, 3 m, ♀
runningkit, 3 m, ♂
starlingkit, 3 m, ♂
↪ deaf
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀

ravencloud, 84 m, ♀
deerleap, 81 m, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀
al𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖊:
mouse, one serving╶ 008
minnow, one serving╶ 010
small fish, two servings╶ 008
squirrel, two servings╶ 004
hare, three servings╶ 001
big fish, three servings╶ 001

North- the elysian dynasty ; Immortes
South- silverclan ; ~•SnowLeapord•~
East- pheonixclan ; stormt4lon
West- chessclan ; sharpiesandhamilton

Northeast- highgarden ; eagle
Northwest- spruceclan ; ponz
Southeast- galaclan ; demiboygod
Southwest- vagaryclan ; lyttlekytten

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BearClan 69

Postby inky. » Wed Jul 22, 2020 10:19 am

clan archive thread is found here
clan population 096 xxx clan servings 015 xxx next starclan visit wheneverxxx next birth squirrelheart (now!) xxx mod notes hey, just so you know id prefer if all future kits (and cats in general) are put onto lineart ^^ xxx cats to find n/a

Pumpkinpaw had known he wanted to be a medicine cat since he saw Bumbleflight come back with flower buds tangled in his tail. They smelled nice, and Pumpkinpaw knew his white pelt could use some decoration. He had only been Bumbleflight’s apprentice for a few days, but in those days, his fur had been assaulted by clumps of pollen, and he had speckles of yellow all over his body. He wasn’t complaining; he quite enjoyed it. Ricecub was a bit disappointed when she learned her son was going to be a clan healer, but Tulipclaw swiftly reminded her that Pumpkinpaw would be an essential part of everyday life. The two she-cats were the two loudest cheerers at his ceremony, and would often stop him after a collecting trip to ask him how his day was. He was an only child, so he understood why his mothers were always seeking time with him, but the young tom just wanted time to himself. But he had to admit seeing Tulipclaw and Ricecub laying in the sun enjoying themselves always brought a smile to his face. He loved the two she-cats, and he would make them proud. Rainleaf had left big paw prints to fill, but Pumpkinpaw was sure he could be an amazing medicine cat.

~ ~ ~

Applebee smiled at the brown tom.
“You’re doing really well.” She assured him softly, rubbing her head briefly along his shoulder “I knew you could do it.” Bisonclaw hummed but remained stone-faced.
The tom wasn’t very expressive to begin with, but the death of his grandmother had zapped every last ounce of energy from his body. Prairiedust had been gone for moons, but the loss still weighed heavy on his heart. She settled down next to him.
“You know,” She continued “Everyone here knows what it’s like to lose someone. You’re not alone-”
“Stop.” He rasped “Please...stop. I’m tired of hearing others say that.” His throat sounded raw and his voice filled with pain. “I know I’m not alone but...I want to be. I want to grieve in my own way. Cats keep pushing me to talk about it, and make sure I know that they’re in the same position. It makes me feel like Prairiedust and I’s relationship wasn’t special; like it was generic and ordinary, but it wasn't. She was my grandmother. She raised me. I want that to be special, I want to go through it personally.” Applebee nodded as he talked, absorbing every word. She always listened, always strived to make her friends feel better.
“Yea, that’s totally understandable.” She sighed “It must be hard. You’re the only one you can share those memories with. Cats here have a very deep family system, but you don’t. Forgive me, I’m not trying to sound rude. Everyone processes things different. So, if you really need alone time, I can leave.” Before she could even stand up, Bisonclaw’s paw flashed out and landed on her arm.
“No!” He gasped “Don’t go.” He retracted his arm, but Applebee scooted closer to him, ears straining to hear what he was trying to say. “I...You’re different, Applebee. You listen, you don’t try to talk over me or change the topic. You understand...I think you’re the only cat in all of BearClan that does.” He gave a cynical laugh and shook his head. “I know that sounds hypocritical coming from me, I know I haven’t always been the best friend but...I just wanted to thank you.” Applebee tried to force down a smile, but her lips still tugged up.
“You’re welcome.” She said simply “It’s easy to listen, and it’s an important part of conversation. Plus I don’t mind being around you.” Bisonclaw looked to her and they shared a knowing look. They exchanged a smile before the tom rested his chin on his paws, Applebee’s nose not far from his.

~ ~ ~

Lightningpaw shifted his gaze away from his brother. Fallenwing didn’t look away, though, and his piercing gaze still bore into the young apprentice.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” He meowed quietly, lip quivering. Lightningpaw was always sensitive, and had a habit of making things personal even if they werent. Fallenwing’s feelings, though, were as personal as grudges could get. “I know he’s mad at me but, I don’t want him to be. He hates me.”
“He doesn’t hate you.” Cinderpaw tried to reason, placing her paw on her brother’s arm “He’s...well, he’s Fallenwing. There’s only so much kindness you can expect from him.”
“He’s adoring towards Thistlewing.” Rabbitpaw scoffed, rolling her eyes at the thought of her older siblings “She’s no better, you know. She doesn’t do anything to stop him. All she does is hang out around Falconfeather.” The apprentice raised her voice in a mocking way, sticking out her tongue and wrinkling her nose.
“I dunno, I like Thistlewing.” Cinderpaw mused “She helped me gather moss for my nest, plus she would always visit us in the nursery.”
“She also snapped at Lightningpaw for grabbing the piece of prey she was going for.” Rabbitpaw pointed out.
“You do that to me all the time.”
“Yea but it’s different.”
“Guys stop,” Lightingpaw huffed “I don’t want to talk about them anymore. I’m tired of them controlling how we feel.”
“Exactly.” Rabbitpaw chirped “We are our own persons, who cares what our siblings think about us. They aren’t Ashtail, they can’t tell us what to do.” Cinderpaw clenched her jaw and gave an unenthusiastic hum. She really appreciated her older sister, but she also knew how much strain Lightningpaw had gone through. She just kept silent and observed the other apprentices as they went about their day.

Poplarpaw nervously shifted her weight. She watched the apprentice den entrance like a hawk, gaze unwavering. Her pale tail flicked absentmindedly, all of her attention focused on the arching carving. When her eyes caught a familiar, beautiful, grey tabby she-cat.
“Ripplepaw!” Poplarpaw gasped, waddling over to the older apprentice. The cat just looked down at her, interest in her clear yellow eyes. Poplarpaw swallowed and realized how strong she had come off. “I-I just wanted to wish you good luck on your assessment today. I know you’ll do great!” Ripplepaw gave a small smile and her eyes brightened, though her features didn’t soften. Poplarpaw didn’t pay attention to this; Ripplepaw always had a stern look about her, and though her personality often matched, the two she-cats were friends.
“Thank you.” She said softly “Hopefully when I come back, you don’t have to call me Ripplepaw anymore.” The two apprentices shared a smile and the grey she-cat turned around to find her mentor, Poplarpaw watching her hips sway the whole while.

Spiderpaw licked behind Cowpaw’s ear. He hummed as the tom spoke, listening to every word.
“Sorry you have to listen to me rant.” Cowpaw sighed “I know it has to be annoying. It’s just I’m so worried about Goatpaw.”
“Don’t you apologize.” Spiderpaw said softly, his quiet voice just barely audible next to Cowpaw’s ear “You listen to me all the time; we’re buddies, it’s what we do.” He shifted his long legs uncomfortably. “Many times about the same thing.”
Cowpaw chuckled. “It’s like I hate your legs as much as you do.” He purred, turning his head “But at least you take care of yourself. Goatpaw goes to bed early and wakes up late, but he still looks like he was up the whole night. His fur is matted and he won’t let me groom it. He’s my brother, I don’t want anything to happen to him; but I don’t know what else to do.”
“Listen.” The other tom meowed “If he doesn’t want help, there’s nothing you can do. Aid is a two way process, both parties have to contribute. You’re trying and that speaks loads about the amazing cat that you are.” Spiderpaw gave a reassuring smile and licked his friend’s forehead.
“You always know what to say.” Cowpaw mused with a smile “Thank you, Spiderpaw, I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Spiderpaw purred and rubbed his cheek along the other apprentice’s, heart fluttering at the closeness.

~ ~ ~

Batpaw waded through the tall, starry grass. He had become accustomed to the StarClan plain. He watched as Thistlepaw, Cherrypaw, and Pewterpaw chased each other over the gentle hills. Wasppaw, Thornstep, Shrikefeather, and Stoneclaw all napped in the faded sun, listening to the stream trickle by. But his favorite part about visiting this place was the kits. They were dead, and yet they had so much life in them. He laughed as he watched Hawksnow, Rabbitspark and Grousecall try to round up all the groups of young ones that sprinted around the field. Astercry had given up trying to contain their energy, and she rested in the soft grass, telling stories to Shadowkit, Featherkit, and a trio of brown tabbies he didn’t know, though they looked an awful lot like Tickstripe and Butterflytoe. The shaded treeline always was a popular spot for couples. Talonsky and Robinheart never seemed to move from beneath a strong, knotted oak tree. Cindertail often sat alone, but he watched his children with pride as Lilypaw and Flickerkit danced around the area. Acornfall and Hareshadow apparently never knew each other well until they passed, but now they were the best of friends and, according to Cedarsplash, were even debating calling themselves mates. They had sort of adopted Jaykit after the fire, but now that Archthorn had joined the ranks, the everlasting kit had run off with his brother, and the two warriors were again alone; not that they minded.
Whenever Batpaw came to the field, he would instantly be flocked by the older warriors, some of which he had never seen before. Wisteriawind always asked about Hollypounce and the kits, muttering under her breath that Hickorywind should have realized his feelings sooner instead of galavanting with some other clan cat. Then, Wolfbreeze would gently remind her that she herself had a mate in another clan. Wisteriawind would instantly say that they were actual mates, and not just a fling, and then go off into her memories, wondering where Thornshard was now.
Windfeather, Hawksnow, adn Thunderstone would ask about Adderbreeze. The two siblings would be calmed at their mother’s well-being, but Windfeather always remained anxious. He felt guilty, that he died in vain and couldn’t be there for her anymore. Snailbite would have none of that, and often cuffed him over the ear telling him to get it together. Even though Snailbite had died before truly becoming a warrior, it didn’t matter. That cat had some of the fiercest motivational speeches anyone had heard, and respect for her was only rivaled by the original BearClan members.
Sandstep puzzled Batpaw the most. She was the “leader” of StarClan. Everyone went to her when they needed help, even Slatestar. She was powerful, strong, dedicated, and compassionate. And yet one night when Batpaw was exploring on his own, he saw her sitting by a fuzzy edge, like the border between two clans. The other side only had darkness, and he could only assume what was beyond. He couldn’t see her face, but her body was slumped and tired looking. She was murmuring something longingly, but Batpaw couldn’t pick it out. He felt ashamed, like he was spying on a private intimate moment. He left, but when Sandstep returned, she was as happy and joyful as ever. The one thing he took away from his nightly adventures, was that life (including the hardships) certainly doesn’t end after death.

“Batpaw.” A voice whispered into his ear. The apprentice slowly blinked open, a fuzzy silhouette floating into his field of vision.
“Batfur?” He whispered tilting his head in confusion “W-What are you doing here? Am I still asleep?” The StarClan warrior shook his head.
“You’ve developed so much insight into StarClan’s ways, that you have gained power.” He explained “Come, let me show you.” The apprentice reluctantly rose to his paws and squeezed out of the apprentice den. He gasped as he saw the clearing. There was Harriercloud, sitting in front of Minktwist and Beepuff, listening to her kits’ conversation. Swinging his head, he saw that the whole camp was filled with spirits. Prairiedust and Archthorn were looking fondly at Bisonclaw as he made Applebee cackle with delight. Quailthroat trailed behind Elmstar as she discussed her patrol plans with Redfin. Talonsky was lightly grooming Nightfur’s tired face, though it looked only as if a breeze was passing through. Rosemist purred as Sparkstorm playfully chased Moorpelt and Shellcloud, scooping up his mate and tumbling to the ground, lying limp on top of her. No cat was alone.
“Are they always here?” Batpaw breathed in awe.
“Always.” Batfur confirmed “All of us look down on our kin, friends, and those who have us in their hearts.” Batpaw chuckled incredulously. He continued to look around, but something strange caught his eye when he scanned over Fallenwing. A maroon ball of light was pulsating around the tom, ebbing and flowing with dripping, fuzzy edges and a liquified appearance. Lightrunner, Serpentfang, Darkfang, Goatpaw, and several other cats had the same ball of energy.
“W-What’s wrong with them?” He asked. Batfur followed his gaze and sighed.
“They’ve touched the darkness.” He said simply “Part of their soul has gone. It will never truly be the same. This is why your task is dangerous. You have to be careful, Batpaw, some of these cats have changed. They aren’t the clanmates you once knew.”

[im an idiot and didnt realize i could have more patrols (and that ive only been putting 4 on a patrol) + prey so uh. 2 hunting patrols are added and marmots + birds are new prey]
[squirrelheart goes into labor! x1 chervil is used]
[nightfur, tickstripe, serpentfang, bisonclaw, fognose, and butterflytoe patrol]
[fallenwing, serpentfang, thistlewing, falconfeather, gorsewind, and shellpond hunt]
[dunefeather, heronstep, beepuff, beantail, silverdrop, and chestnutstripe hunt]
[twigsnap, splashfur, owlshade, darkfang, vulturecrest, and mudfreckle hunt]
[avocetdance, splashfur, nettlemist, redfin, applebee, and ricecub hunt]
[shrewclaw, hollypounce, mossbounce, minktwist, sparkstorm, and sunstomp hunt]
[bumbleflight looks for herbs]
[pumpkinpaw becomes the medicine cat apprentice]
[crowpaw takes his final assessment]
[spiderpaw takes his final assessment]
[goatpaw takes his final assessment]
[ripplepaw takes her final assessment]
[cowpaw takes his final assessment]
[squashtuft teaches torrentpaw climbing]
[sunstomp teaches mistpaw stamina]
[tickstripe teaches icepaw climbing]
[butterflytoe teaches birchpaw climbing]
[nettlemist teaches poplarpaw battle]
[ricecub teaches maplepaw stamina]
[ratwhisker teaches aspenpaw stamina]
[blackbriar teaches cobaltpaw climbing]
[darkfang teaches arsenicpaw climbing]
[toadskip teaches sleetpaw hunting]
[beantail teaches sprucepaw climbing]
[mintbelly teaches sycamorepaw climbing]
[nightfur teaches swooppaw climbing]
[minktwist teaches rabbitpaw hunting]
[lightrunner teaches cinderpaw hunting]
[avocetdance teaches lightningpaw hunting]
[serpentfang teaches snipepaw hunting]
[owlshade teaches batpaw hunting]
[the clan consumes x7 small fish and x1 minnow]

elmstar, 62 m, ♀
ashtail, 48 , ♂

xxxxx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙:
bumbleflight, 64 m, ♂
xx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊:
pumpkinpaw, 6 m, ♂

stormfang, 74 m, ♂
swiftwind, 65 m, ♂
nightfur, 62 m, ♂
hickorywind, 55, ♂
↪ blind in one eye
adderbreeze, 68 m, ♀
hollypounce, 55 m, ♀
redfin, 69 m, ♂
shrewclaw , 46 m, ♂
badgergaze, 44 m, ♂
burrwhisker, 38 m, ♂
sparkstorm, 37 m, ♂
blackbriar, 71 m, ♀
sunstomp, 38 m, ♂
owlshade, 33 m, ♂
ricecub, 51 m, ♀
chestnutstripe, 40 m, ♀
darkfang, 33 m, ♀
ryetail, 31 m, ♀
nimbuscurl, 38 m, ♂
mossbounce, 29 m, ♂
twigsnap, 30 m, ♀
applebee, 29 m, ♀
heronstep, 29 m, ♂
butterflytoe, 27 m, ♀
fognose, 68 m, ♀
marmotsnout, 50 m, ♀
tickstripe, 27 m, ♂
lightrunner, 32 m, ♀
gorsewind, 40 m, ♀
bisconclaw, 30 m, ♂
avocetdance, 38 m, ♂
nettlemist, 37 m, ♀
shellpond, 36 m, ♀
vulturecrest, 51 m, ♂
squashtuft, 33 m, ♂ (afab)
mudfreckle, 21 m, ♀
beantail, 20 m, ♀
mintbelly, 20 m, ♀
toadskip, 20 m, ♂
ratwhisker, 48 m, ♂
hollypounce, 55 m, ♀
saskatoonskip, 18 m, ♀
serpentfang, 18 m, ♀
fallenwing, 17 m, ♂
thistlewing, 17 m, ♀
minktwist, 16 m, ♀
jacobintail, 16 m, ♂
hazeburst, 17 m, ♀
↪ asthmatic
silverdrop, 41 m, ♀
cardinalgaze, 17 m, ♂
dunefeather, 17 m, ♀
splashfur, 17 m, ♀
beepuff, 16 m, ♂
falconfeather, 14 m, ♂
tulipclaw, 50 m, ♀
barleystripe, 13 m, ♂
cougarpounce, 13 m, ♂
moorpelt, 13 m, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀

crowpaw, 14 m, ♂
spiderpaw, 13 m, ♂
goatpaw, 12 m, ♂
ripplepaw, 12 m, ♀
cowpaw, 12 m, ♂
torrentpaw, 10 m, ♂
mistpaw, 10 m, ♀
icepaw, 10 m, ♀
birchpaw, 10 m, ♂
poplarpaw, 10 m, ♀
maplepaw, 10 m, ♂
↪ blind
aspenpaw, 10 m, ♀
cobaltpaw, 9 m, ♂
arsenicpaw, 9 m, ♀
sleetpaw, 9 m, ♀
sprucepaw, 9 m, ♂
sycamorepaw, 9 m, ♂
swooppaw, 9 m, ♀
cinderpaw, 7 m, ♀
lightningkit, 7 m, ♂
rabbitpaw, 7 m, ♀
batpaw, 7 m, ♂
snipepaw, 7 m, ♀
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀


squirrelheart, 68 m, ♀
poppysplash, 38 m, ♀
pipersnap, 29 m, ♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀

turkeykit, 5 m, ♀
dipperkit, 5 m, ♂
loonkit, 5 m, ♀
quillkit, 4 m, ♀
runningkit, 4 m, ♂
starlingkit, 4 m, ♂
↪ deaf
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀

ravencloud, 85 m, ♀
deerleap, 82 m, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀
al𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖊:
mouse, one serving╶ 010
minnow, one serving╶ 009
small fish, two servings╶ 002
squirrel, two servings╶ 006
marmot, two servings╶ 000
bird, three servings╶ 000
hare, three servings╶ 001
big fish, three servings╶ 002

North- the elysian dynasty ; Immortes
South- silverclan ; ~•SnowLeapord•~
East- pheonixclan ; stormt4lon
West- chessclan ; sharpiesandhamilton

Northeast- highgarden ; eagle
Northwest- spruceclan ; ponz
Southeast- galaclan ; demiboygod
Southwest- vagaryclan ; lyttlekytten

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BearClan 70

Postby inky. » Sun Jul 26, 2020 2:52 pm

clan archive thread is found here
clan population 097 xxx clan servings 015 xxx next starclan visit nowxxx next birth here xxx mod notes hey, just so you know id prefer if all future kits (and cats in general) are put onto lineart ^^ xxx cats to find n/a

The cats of BearClan were used to wails of pain coming from the nursery. It was when those wails were followed by cries of grief and desperation that everyone became uneasy. At first, cats were confused. Squirrelheart was the only queen expecting kits, and she was pretty much a veteran. After all, this would be her fifth litter. As her older kits milled about, some pacing nervously and some just resting in waiting, the mother was struggling in the hollowed out wall. It was hot and humid, and the moisture clung to her lungs as she heaved out breaths. Stormfang was huddled close, which didn’t help much. The labor lasted well into the night, and it wasn’t until dawn when the noises stopped. But they only stopped for a moment.
Shrewclaw was dragged out of his half-sleep by a howl. Being on guard that night, adrenaline instantly pulsed through him, and his fur stood on end. He looked behind his shoulder to the source of the yowls. It came from the nursery. He was uninterested mostly, but figured he should probably move closer. Silverdrop stepped out into the camp, joining him at his side. The two stood near the middle of the camp and watched the nursery with tired eyes. Stormfang weakly crawled out, Bumbleflight following close behind. The two supported the limp body of Squirrelheart, who’s body had no life in it. The two toms gently rested the queen on the ground and Bumbleflight took a step back. Stormfang was still glued to his mate’s side.
“After a long and tiring night, Squirrelheart gave birth to three healthy kits.” The medicine cat announced “Tragically, though, she wasn’t able to keep her strength, and passed soon after meeting her kits.” The tom’s voice was somber, but not filled with any distinct emotion. Shrewclaw looked around and saw the same expression on the majority of his clanmate’s faces. In fact, Stormfang was the only one who was truly, loudly, grieving for the lost she-cat. Fognose and Adderbreeze were huddled together a few tail lengths away, murmuring something softly as they sadly gazed at their sister.
“At least she went down doing what she loved.” Shrewclaw scoffed quietly “Poppin’ out kits.” Silverdrop elbowed him sharply.
“Don’t be rude.” She hissed “Your mother is dead, show some respect.”
“Look around. Even my own siblings aren’t making a fuss.”
Silverdrop huffed and looked to see if he was right. Sure enough, he was. Serpentfang and Saskatoonskip sat quietly, heads dipped. Sleetpaw, Sprucepaw, and Swooppaw were staring blankly, and Sycamorepaw was nowhere to be seen. Stormfang’s head snapped up, nose dripping and face matted with tears.
“Why aren’t you mourning?” He cried, spitting in Shrewclaw’s direction “You selfish foxheart! You won’t even show respect for her when she’s dead?” The warrior flicked an ear and clenched his jaw. He kept his mouth shut; he didn’t want to make a scene. But Shrewclaw’s father wasn’t satisfied with his silence. He launched himself over Squirrelheart’s body and thrashed around in the warrior’s direction. Shrewclaw was strong and well-built, so he was able to catch his father (who was becoming more frail by the moon), and pin him down without much struggle.
“Get it together.” Shrewclaw hissed “Stop making a fool of yourself.” Stormfang just blinked and flicked his eyes back and forth. His face tightened and he let out a sob.
“She’s gone.” He cried gently “She’s gone.”
Shrewclaw sighed and looked to Silverdrop, who gave him an expecting look. The tom grimaced and half heartedly embraced Stormfang. The senior warrior wailed again and threw himself into his son’s hold, pressing himself against his chest and crying into Shrewclaw’s short, coarse fur. Shrewclaw would deny that he felt a slight pang of sympathy for his dad, but he still held the tom close until he weakly trembled against him.


Lightrunner was supposed to be on patrol. She was supposed to be doing her warrior-ly duties and pay attention to any possible threat. But alas, there was something weighing heavily on her mind that left almost no room for any other thoughts. That blasted, attractive, lanky Tallthorn. The SpruceClan warrior had been haunting her dreams for moons, but she wasn’t complaining. She enjoyed his company, but Shrewclaw had become short with her.
“Lightrunner.” Her friend huffed “Get your head out of the clouds. We’re going by the ridge, I don’t want you falling off.” The tom gently lashed her with his tail and the ginger molly shook out her pelt.
“Actually, we haven’t gone by the mountain trail in a while.” She meowed “Could we check that out?”
“Great StarClan.” Shrewclaw sighed “Ashtail wanted us to go by the ridge.” He paused, looking at her. “But if you’re careful, you can go check the border and meet us before we get back to camp.” Lightrunner’s face shone and she gave a small bounce, nuzzling his shoulder.
“Thank you, Shrewclaw!” She purred “You’re the best.”
“Whatever.” He grunted “Just don’t be stupid.”
“Have you met me?” Lightrunner scoffed “I’ve never done anything stupid in my life.”

The warrior weaved through the coarse mountain shrubs, ears and eyes alert to pick up any trace of Tallthorn. She turned a corner and her head clashed into a sturdy chest.
“Hey watch-” Lightrunner hissed, but she looked up to see two mismatched eyes.
“Wow. A lot of sass for being so short.” Tallthorn snorted “How’s the weather down there?”
“Oh great.” She replied sarcastically “I can see all the stone’s you’ll be tripping on.” Tallthorn flattened his ears.
“That happened one time.” He said quietly, frowning. Lightrunner giggled and shook her head.
“How are you doing, Mr. Ghostman?” She asked, sitting down “Are Crowpaw and Dovepaw alright?” Tallthorn nodded.
“Their training is going well.” He mused, eyes warm with affection for his kits “They grow up so fast.”
“You know, I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have a family.” Lightrunner mused, resting up against him.
“Why haven’t you?” The tom asked, swallowing a lump that rose in his throat.
“Oh, there’s a bunch of reasons.” She sighed, shrugging “Life’s just hectic right now. The nursery is far from empty, and...well...there’s the whole ghost thing. And the fact that all the toms in BearClan are intense, troubled, try-hards.” Tallthorn tilted his head.
“So if you found the right tom and the right time, you’d go for it?” The she-cat turned her head and locked eyes with him.
“Yes.” She stated “I suppose I would.”


Viperstar paced around the clearing, passing in front of Crowleaf, Darkfang, and Fallenwing. The three warriors were sitting at attention, ears forward and spines straight. That night of training had gone somewhat awry, as Goatpaw and Serpentfang got into a scuffle. The apprentice was strong-headed and stubborn. He had mocked Serpentfang and refused to apologize. He had gone home with tattered ears. Viperstar had to break them up and scolded them for not focusing on their training.
“See,” Viperstar huffed “Full attention and devotion is required if our plan is to succeed. We can’t have any meager distractions weighing on our minds.”
“What do you mean?” Crowleaf meowed.
“Fallenwing.” The leader sighed, turning abruptly to face the tom “What do you hate most?”
“Lightningpaw.” He spat instantly “That scrap is the reason my mother is dead.”
“I see.” Viperstar hummed “I can totally see your point. It’s so unfair isn’t it? Hawksnow was such a strong, young cat. Terrible exchange of life.”
“Every time I turn my head, he’s there; reminding me of his pathetic unjust existence.” Fallenwing hissed, digging his claws into the muck.
“Well if you ask me, that puny runt doesn’t deserve to take up any portion of your mind.”
“There’s not much I can do about it.”
“False.” The ghost stated. The warrior furrowed his brow and opened his mouth to ask something, but Viperstar held his tail up. “You have spent so long seething against your brother.” He elaborated silkily “You can finally take out all that rage. You can get rid of Lightningpaw.” Fallenwing processed this for a moment. When the idea clicked, surprise flashed across his eyes. He wasn’t surprised at the possible murder of the apprentice, but at the fact that he hadn’t thought of it himself. Fallenwing gave a small, determined nod and Viperstar’s lips curled in a sick grin.
“Good lad.” He meowed, patting his soldier on the back. He then turned to Darkfang.
“Who do you admire most?” He asked.
“You, of course, father.” Darkfang scoffed, as if the question itself was ridiculous.
“Really?” Viperstar gasped “You’re proud to have me as your father? A murderous heathen?” The she-cat puffed out her chest. “I wouldn’t have anyone else.” The leader tilted his head in consideration.
“They say that nothing is as powerful as the bond between a mother and her kits.” He mused “Ravencloud well...she despises me. Your mother would stop at nothing to try and corrupt your image of me.” He wrapped around his daughter “What if she spews some nonsense that makes you doubt me? I know that you’re strong and you would never betray me, but Ravencloud is a wild card; and I don’t want to lose you. She can’t be controlled.” Darkfang met her father’s gaze. It was clear and unwavering. She gave a nod and swallowed, clenching her jaw as she came to terms with what he was saying.
“Crowleaf.” Viperstar meowed, voice becoming louder “A brand new warrior.” He made his way over to the black tom “Your parents must be proud. So must your mentor; Heronstep, right?” Crowleaf nodded and blinked in confusion. “Did he train you well?”
“I-I suppose so.” The young warrior answered “Though I learned much more from you.”
“As I suspected.” The leader hummed “It’s difficult to accomplish something when you’re unsure of the path to take. I’m sure Heronstep is a fine young cat, but his messages and teaches do tend to conflict with mine. It must be very confusing for your small mind.” He gave the tom a sympathetic pat. Crowleaf dipped his head and gave a small nod of agreement.
“It is hard to follow along sometimes.” He admitted sheepishly.
“That’s nothing to be ashamed of, my boy!” Viperstar soothed him “Without Heronstep’s influence, you’ll be able to comprehend everything, yea?” He gave a small smile and a curt nod. Crowleaf returned the nod and gave a sigh of relief. The four cats continued to talk, unaware that Batpaw was crouched behind the bushes, drinking in every word.


Heronstep liked to hunt alone. Crowleaf knew this; in fact, he had even learned some tricks for solo hunting from his mentor. In a way, the young warrior was hunting. His dark pelt blended perfectly with the approaching night, and he was sure to avoid any sticks or leaves that could be trapped beneath his paws. The blue pelt of his prey marched through the path, completely unaware of the threat. Crowleaf made sure to follow him step for step. He kept his belly low to the ground, and his muscles strained from the work, but he was doing well. However, a strong burst of wind suddenly destroyed his efforts. The wind swirled through his fur and carried his scent through the row of trees that separated the two cats. Heronstep froze and tilted his muzzle to the sky. Crowleaf’s limbs tensed, actively trying to stay still.
“Is someone there?” Heronstep called out “I can smell you. Come out.” The warrior didn’t move, and he watched as Heronstep gazed at him. For a moment, Crowleaf thought he was spotted, but the older warrior turned around. At the movement, Crowleaf decided to make his move. Bunching his muscles. Crowleaf launched himself into the path. He tackled his mentor, who let out a howl of surprise as he tumbled to the ground. Crowleaf slipped and slid off of his shoulders. Heronstep wiggled out of his grip, and attempted to run away, but the new warrior got to his paws and jumped again, this time wrapping his paws around Heronstep’s neck. With a sharp tug, Crowleaf twisted his mentor’s head, snapping his spine. The blue tom collapsed instantly, and the wind ruffled his dead fur. Crowleaf huffed and panted as he stood up straight. After gazing down at Heronstep’s corpse for a moment, he spun around and dashed off back into the trees.


Darkfang walked boldly up to the elder’s den. She spotted her mother and approached her with an even face.
“Hello, Ravencloud.” She politely greeted “Are you busy?” The elder’s eyes widened with surprise.
“N-No, dear, of course not.” She purred “What’s the matter?”
“Nothing.” Darkfang stated “Would you like to go on a walk? We could watch the sunset.” Ravencloud grinned and looked to her side, where Deerleap nodded happily.
“Of course!” She meowed, rising slowly to her paws “It seems like I haven’t spoken to you in ages. I’d love to catch up sweetie.” The two she-cats walked out of camp and up the hollow. “Are we going to the ridges?” Ravencloud asked with excitement “StarClan, I haven’t been there since we first arrived. You know, I heard that it’s so steep that even mountain goats wouldn’t touch it.” Darkfang just hummed and continued walking, eyes straight ahead of her. A few moments of silence. Desperate to make conversation with her daughter, Ravencloud opened her mouth. “So...a little birdie told me that someone has a crush on a tom.” She meowed, bumping shoulders playfully with her daughter. Darkfang went rigid and narrowed her eyes.
“Oh?” She said dryly.
“Fallenwing is a handsome young tom, that’s for sure.” Ravencloud laughed kindly “A bit young, but hey, when did that ever stop someone?”
“Can we just walk in silence.” Darkfang said abruptly “Please.”
“Oh, sure.” Ravencloud smiled and kept walking.
When the two cats arrived at the ledges, a steady wind was floating airly around them. Ravencloud paused at the very edge, looking down to see a river winding between the edges of the cliffs, mist swirling over the dark waters. A few birds flew into their nests between crevices, but there were no other visible signs of life in the canyon. There weren’t even plants sprouting from the rocks. It was a pretty sight, sure, but the old she-cat was unsure as to why her daughter had chosen this place. She shook it off; any time spent with Darkfang was a blessing.
“So where should we settle?” Ravencloud asked. Before she could turn around and look at her companion, a sudden jolt of energy made her stumble back. Darkfang pushed herself into her mother’s side, shoving the cat over the edge. Ravencloud let out a yelp, but managed to cling onto a small ledge. Darkfang slid down and rested on the outcrop. She lashed out her paws and dug her claws into her mother’s arms, pressing them against the sheer edge.
“W-What are you doing?” Ravencloud cried, tears brimming at the corners of her eyes. The gusts of wind sucked at her haunches and her legs dangled uselessly above the plummet.
“I’m carrying out Viperstar’s wishes.” Darkfang sneered, leaning down “He will rise again; he has an army of cats that will retake BearClan and make it rise to its full potential.” Ravencloud’s eyes shone with fear, but that twinkle soon simmered out and was replaced with understanding.
“What are you doing?” Darkfang hissed “Aren’t you frightened? I’m going to kill you! You should be furious! You should hate me!”
“No.” The elder said softly, giving her daughter a solemn smile “You really are your father’s daughter; but you’re my daughter, too. I could never hate you. I won’t hold this against you, my dear. Your father has manipulated many cats in life and death; it’s not your fault.”
“Shut up!” Darkfang cried “I know what I’m doing! I chose this; Viperstar is right, you’re a pathetic sob. You don’t deserve to live anymore. You’re a leech.” Ravencloud huffed and grinned again.
“I love you.” Was all she said. Darkfang screamed with fury and dug her claws in deeper before flinging Ravencloud off the ledge, watching her fall gracefully into the mist.


Fallenwing was crouched in some ferns. This was too easy. Lightningpaw was just...sitting there; watching the river as it rushed by. It was almost as if the apprentice was inviting Fallenwing to make a move. Taunting him, as always. The scarred warrior slithered out of his hiding space and stalked towards the younger cat. Countless nights of training in the Dark Forest had made his muscles strong and silent, allowing him to do anything without being heard. He made his way around the arc of the clearing, until he was standing directly behind his brother.
“Hello, Fallenwing.” Lightningpaw said softly. The warrior went rigid, but his eyes were still cold, calculating, emotionless slits. “I knew you would be coming. Mother told me.”
“What?” Fallenwing spat “Mousedung. Keep her name out of your filthy mouth.”
“I was hoping you would come tonight.” Lightningpaw continued “I was thinking we could talk things out. Like grown cats.” He turned around and looked at the toned warrior. The moonlight illuminated his pelt, the raw flesh of his scars glistening. His green eyes were shining with hatred and malice, and his face had no trace of a will to talk. Lightningpaw furrowed his brow. “If you didn’t come for discussion, why are you here?” Fallenwing’s lip peeled back, revealing a pair of deadly fangs. He let out a deep growl and lunged at the apprentice, pinning him down by the shoulders.
“I’m going to kill you.” He hissed, spitting in his face “I’m going to make you suffer.”
“B-But I’m your brother!” Lightningpaw wailed, thrashing about in pure terror “Y-You wouldn’t! Think of Ashtail and Hawksnow-”
“Don’t you DARE mention her!” Fallenwing cried with wrath, digging his claws into Lightningpaw’s pelt “You killed her, you little pest. And now I’m going to show you how it felt.” With a savage snarl, Fallenwing flipped his brother on his stomach, and flung him towards the riverbed. He pressed his paw to the back of the apprentice’s head, sinking his claws into the tom’s skull. He pushed his head under the current harshly, squishing it against the rocky bottom. Lightningpaw gave muffled wails, splashing about and trying to wriggle free; but Fallenwing was pure muscle, and he pressed his full body weight onto his back, making it hard for the young cat to breathe. It took a few seconds of pure euphoria until Fallenwing noticed that Lightningpaw had stopped resisting. A warm tingle of glee rippled through the warrior as he watched the water lap at the apprentice’s water-logged cheek fur. He had done it. The Parasite was dead; and he had killed him. He let out a small laugh and kicked the body into the river, watching the rapidly moving water float Lightningpaw downstream, towards the BearClan camp.

[a cat is requested]
[squirrelheart tragically dies shortly after birth]
[viperstar's warriors start to make their move. in a test of loyalty, fallenwing, crowleaf, and darkfang are told to kill someone. lightningpaw, heronstep, and ravencloud are the victims]
[nightfur, tickstripe, serpentfang, bisonclaw, fognose, and butterflytoe patrol]
[fallenwing, serpentfang, thistlewing, falconfeather, gorsewind, and shellpond hunt]
[dunefeather, heronstep, beepuff, beantail, silverdrop, and chestnutstripe hunt]
[twigsnap, splashfur, owlshade, darkfang, vulturecrest, and mudfreckle hunt]
[avocetdance, splashfur, nettlemist, redfin, applebee, and ricecub hunt]
[shrewclaw, hollypounce, mossbounce, minktwist, sparkstorm, and sunstomp hunt]
[bumbleflight and pumpkinpaw look for herbs]
[bumbleflight teaches pumpkinpaw herb recognition]
[goatpaw takes his final assessment]
[cowpaw takes his final assessment]
[squashtuft teaches torrentpaw stealth]
[sunstomp teaches mistpaw swimming]
[tickstripe teaches icepaw stealth]
[butterflytoe teaches birchpaw stealth]
[nettlemist teaches poplarpaw stealth- x1 elder leaf is used]
[ricecub teaches maplepaw swimming]
[ratwhisker teaches aspenpaw swimming]
[blackbriar teaches cobaltpaw stealth]
[darkfang teaches arsenicpaw stealth]
[toadskip teaches sleetpaw battle]
[beantail teaches sprucepaw stealth]
[mintbelly teaches sycamorepaw climbing]
[nightfur teaches swooppaw stealth]
[minktwist teaches rabbitpaw battle]
[lightrunner teaches cinderpaw battle]
[avocetdance teaches lightningpaw battle]
[serpentfang teaches snipepaw battle]
[owlshade teaches batpaw battle]
[hollypounce teaches turkeypaw]
[minktwist teaches dipperpaw]
[beepuff teaches loonpaw]
[the clan consumes x4 big fish and x1 hare]

elmstar, 63 m, ♀
ashtail, 49 , ♂

xxxxx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙:
bumbleflight, 65 m, ♂
xx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊:
pumpkinpaw, 7 m, ♂

stormfang, 75 m, ♂
swiftwind, 66 m, ♂
nightfur, 63 m, ♂
hickorywind, 56, ♂
↪ blind in one eye
adderbreeze, 69 m, ♀
hollypounce, 56 m, ♀
redfin, 70 m, ♂
shrewclaw , 47 m, ♂
badgergaze, 45 m, ♂
burrwhisker, 39 m, ♂
sparkstorm, 38 m, ♂
blackbriar, 72 m, ♀
sunstomp, 39 m, ♂
owlshade, 34 m, ♂
ricecub, 52 m, ♀
chestnutstripe, 41 m, ♀
darkfang, 34 m, ♀
ryetail, 32 m, ♀
nimbuscurl, 39 m, ♂
mossbounce, 30 m, ♂
twigsnap, 31 m, ♀
applebee, 30 m, ♀
heronstep, 30 m, ♂
butterflytoe, 28 m, ♀
fognose, 69 m, ♀
marmotsnout, 51 m, ♀
tickstripe, 28 m, ♂
lightrunner, 33 m, ♀
gorsewind, 41 m, ♀
bisconclaw, 31 m, ♂
avocetdance, 39 m, ♂
nettlemist, 38 m, ♀
shellpond, 37 m, ♀
vulturecrest, 52 m, ♂
squashtuft, 34 m, ♂ (afab)
mudfreckle, 22 m, ♀
beantail, 21 m, ♀
mintbelly, 21 m, ♀
toadskip, 21 m, ♂
ratwhisker, 49 m, ♂
hollypounce, 56 m, ♀
saskatoonskip, 19 m, ♀
serpentfang, 19 m, ♀
fallenwing, 18 m, ♂
thistlewing, 18 m, ♀
minktwist, 17 m, ♀
jacobintail, 17 m, ♂
hazeburst, 18 m, ♀
↪ asthmatic
silverdrop, 42 m, ♀
cardinalgaze, 18 m, ♂
dunefeather, 18 m, ♀
splashfur, 18 m, ♀
beepuff, 17 m, ♂
falconfeather, 15 m, ♂
tulipclaw, 51 m, ♀
barleystripe, 14 m, ♂
cougarpounce, 14 m, ♂
moorpelt, 14 m, ♀
spiderjump, 14 m, ♂
crowleaf, 15 m, ♂
ripplestone, 14, ♀
poppysplash, 39 m, ♀
monarchbloom, 30 m, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀

goatpaw, 13 m, ♂
cowpaw, 13 m, ♂
torrentpaw, 11 m, ♂
mistpaw, 11 m, ♀
icepaw, 11 m, ♀
birchpaw, 11 m, ♂
poplarpaw, 11 m, ♀
maplepaw, 11 m, ♂
↪ blind
aspenpaw, 11 m, ♀
cobaltpaw, 10 m, ♂
arsenicpaw, 10 m, ♀
sleetpaw, 10 m, ♀
sprucepaw, 10 m, ♂
sycamorepaw, 10 m, ♂
swooppaw, 10 m, ♀
cinderpaw, 8 m, ♀
lightningpaw, 8 m, ♂
rabbitpaw, 8 m, ♀
batpaw, 8 m, ♂
snipepaw, 8 m, ♀
turkeypaw, 6 m, ♀
dipperpaw, 6 m, ♂
loonpaw, 6 m, ♀
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀


squirrelheart, 69 m, ♀
pipersnap, 30 m, ♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀

quillkit, 5 m, ♀
runningkit, 5 m, ♂
starlingkit, 5 m, ♂
↪ deaf
shovelerkit, 1 m, ♀
sharpkit, 1 m, ♀
sagekit, 1 m, ♂
beaverkit, 1 m, ♂
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀

ravencloud, 86 m, ♀
deerleap, 83 m, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀
al𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖊:
mouse, one serving╶ 010
minnow, one serving╶ 013
small fish, two servings╶ 002
squirrel, two servings╶ 007
marmot, two servings╶ 004
bird, three servings╶ 001
hare, three servings╶ 002
big fish, three servings╶ 000

North- the elysian dynasty ; Immortes
South- silverclan ; ~•SnowLeapord•~
East- pheonixclan ; stormt4lon
West- chessclan ; sharpiesandhamilton

Northeast- highgarden ; eagle
Northwest- spruceclan ; ponz
Southeast- galaclan ; demiboygod
Southwest- vagaryclan ; lyttlekytten

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BearClan 71

Postby inky. » Sat Aug 08, 2020 12:02 pm

clan archive thread is found here
clan population 098 xxx clan servings 015 xxx next starclan visit nowxxx next birth here xxx mod notes hey, just so you know id prefer if all future kits (and cats in general) are put onto lineart ^^ xxx cats to find n/a

last moon

A lot of wails had been heard from BearClan cats. But the one that streamed from Blackbriar’s mouth was one to make every cat dip their head in grief.
“No!” She wailed “Heronstep, no!” She buried her face in her son’s pelt, her three remaining kits by her side. Bisonclaw was there too, tail entwined with Applebee’s. Pipersnap looked to Mossbounce sympathetically, rubbing their mother’s back as they mourned their brother.
Owlshade grieved quieter. Ravencloud’s crippled body was rearranged to look natural, but the young tom could still see where his mother had hit the rocky bottom of the ravine. Ryetail pressed herself against her mate, but Darkfang was nowhere to be seen.
Ashtail just stared at his son. Cinderpaw was sure that he must have run out of tears, but there was a steady stream trickling down his cheek as he looked at the waterlogged Lightningpaw. Thistlewing sat behind her father, but distanced herself. Ratwhisker sat beside his friend, murmuring encouraging words into his ear. Rabbitpaw wasn’t looking at her littermate. Instead, she glared at Fallenwing, who was sitting emotionlessly against the wall of camp. She couldn’t shake the feeling that he was involved in this ‘tragedy’. She didn’t know how right she was.


this moon

Ratwhisker scooped Sharpkit up in his paws and tried to drag her closer to him. The she-kit hissed and sunk her teeth into his arm.
“Ow!” He seethed “Sharpkit, you need a bath! You fell into a mud puddle earlier, you stink!”
“You’re just jealous.” The she-kit huffed, squirming away “This mud makes my fur look pretty, and yours is just bland.”
“You can hardly see the mud.” Sagekit snorted, prodding his sister “Your fur is always that nasty color.” The she-kit stuck her tongue out.
“At least I can be seen at night!”
“That’s a good thing?” Sagekit meowed, tilting his head “I dunno, I like being sneaky.”
“Guys, come on, just be nice and get bath time over with.” Shovelerkit yawned “It’s past my nap time.”
“You just woke up, like, three hours ago.” Sagekit scoffed.
“So?” Shovelerkit eyed him.
“Alright, gang.” Ratwhisker chuckled “As soon as Sharpkit gets clean, you can go do whatever you like. I know Beaverkit is in the elder’s den talking to Deerleap. You could go join them.” Sharpkit’s eyes lit up and instantly bounced over to the tom, settling in for the grooming session. Once she was clean, she immediately bolted towards the elder’s den.
“I’m going to sleep.” Shovelerkit announced and marched over to Ratwhisker, plopping down beside him and nestling into his side.
“I guess I’ll go annoy Quillpaw and see what she’s up to, since y’all are boring and dad’s still having a mental breakdown.”
“Sagekit.” Ratwhisker warned “Be nice to Stormfang.” Sagekit just muttered and slunk away.
“Tough crowd.” A voice laughed from beside the warrior.
“Oh, good afternoon, Maplepaw!” Ratwhisker purred “What’s up?”
“Well, I actually wanted to talk to you about something.” The blind tom settled down and swallowed. “I know I’m taking my warrior assessment this moon, but I don’t really think I’m fit to be a warrior.”
“Maplepaw,” Ratwhisker sighed “You can do anything. Just because you’re blind doesn’t mean-”
“No!” The apprentice gasped “No, no that’s not what I mean! I know I could be a warrior if I wanted to. I just...I admire what you’re doing; helping out kits without mothers. I’ve decided I want to be a nursery helper too! I don’t want to be a medicine cat, but I don’t want to be a fighter. I want to help cats, not hurt them. And I adore kits so much. I might not be able to see them, but I know how precious they are. I want to help those who don’t have a mother, or even those kits whose mother is in a different clan.”
“That’s very admirable of you, son.” Ratwhisker beamed “Have you talked to your parents about this?” The apprentice nodded.
“Hickorywind was a bit skeptical at first, but Hollypounce was excited for me, so he eventually told me to do whatever makes me happy.” He purred “I just haven’t spoken to Elmstar. Plus I thought I’d better talk to you first.”
“Well I’d be thrilled to have you!” Ratwhisker purred “I’ll have a word with Elmstar while you’re out doing your assessment.” Maplepaw laughed with joy.
“Thank you so much!” He gasped, smiling wide “I won’t let you down!”
“I don’t doubt it.” Ratwhisker assured “No go on, I think Ricecub is waiting for you.”


Vulturecrest walked silently through the forest trail. Elmstar followed elegantly behind him. Luring her out into the forest was easy. She always told her clanmates that she was willing to listen to any problems. All the warrior had to do was ask for a walk, and she followed. The warrior couldn't help but feel excited. Sootmask’s plan would finally be put in place. Vulturecrest tried to hide the bounce in his step, but he was bursting with joy to see his friend again. He did have to admit, though, he had rather enjoyed his time in BearClan. Part of him felt bad for them, but Sootmask was right; what his brother did was terrible and needed settling. Suddenly, Vulturecrest realized he had reached his destination, and stopped abruptly.
“What did you want to talk about?” The leader asked, offering a nice smile and sitting.
“Actually, there’s someone I wanted you to meet.” Vulturecrest meowed. Elmstar was confused, but had little time to process the request before a lithe, sooty tom slunk out from the brush.
“Very well done, Vulturecrest.” He purred silkily, rubbing his flank against the warrior’s “I knew I could trust you.” Vultrecrest smiled warmly and puffed out his chest in pride.
“What is this?” Elmstar demanded, hopping to her feet and flattening her ears.
“Don’t fight it.” He advised. The stranger unsheathed his claws and pounced with a snarl. He tackled the leader and sunk his teeth into her throat before she could make a move, tearing her neck and ripping the life from the she-cat’s body.

Sootmask flung Elmstar’s body in the middle of camp. There were cries as cats took notice, and Redfin rushed to his mate.
“Who are you?” He demanded, standing over Elmstar protectively “What have you done?” Sootmask gave a sharp grin, chin fur still stained with the leader’s blood. He let out a low chuckle and motioned for Vulturecrest to walk beside him. The two toms approached the trembling leader and snarled at Redfin to back up. He did, reluctantly, and Sootmask pressed his paw against Elmstar’s temple.
“I’ve proved my dominance over your leader.” He shouted “BearClan is mine to lead now.” Several gasps and whispers were exchanged.
“You can’t just do that.” Tickstripe spat, getting ready to charge the cats, but Elmstar held him back.
“Why are you doing this?” She rasped, her throat wound starting to heal. Sootmask looked around to examine the clan. His eyes rested on Ashtail, who was staring in disbelief. Anger rose in the rogue’s gut.
“You want to know why I’m doing this?” He asked sarcastically “It’s because of him!” He lashed his tail in the direction of Ashtail.
“Um,” Vulturecrest whispered “T-That’s Ashtail. Cindertail was his dad.” Sootmask clenched his jaw and gave a deadly stare at his companion. Vulturecrest nodded and took a step back.
“My name is Sootmask.” The tom announced “Cindertail was my half brother. He abandoned our family and joined you wild beasts.”
“Wasn’t his father a murderer?” Ashtail argued.
“It was an accident! And he changed.” Sootmask barked “That fluff-brain had it coming to her anyways. Cindertail gave up on his family. It was my father’s last wish that he would get revenge; and now, every single one of you is going to pay.”


Thistlewing dug her claws into the ground.
“You’ve taken this too far, Fallenwing.” She hissed at her brother, who was standing at the other side of the forest clearing. “You...You killed Lightningpaw! How could you? What has gotten into you?”
“Nothing!” He hissed back “Nothing about me has changed, Thistlewing! Besides, how would you know? It’s not like you care about me.” Thistlewing laughed.
“Don’t be so thick-skulled.” She scoffed. Fallenwing growled and launched himself at her, pinning her down in the dirt.
“You abandoned me!” He cried, pressing his paw to her throat “You left me alone, Thistlewing! You promised you’d never do that!”
“Fallen-” She croaked, but her brother pressed his paw harder against her throat. The she-cat was trying to gasp for breath. She squirmed beneath the strong tom, kicking at her brother’s belly.
“You promised!” He screeched again. Thistlewing couldn’t breath. Desperate, she flung her legs against his stomach, ripping him off and throwing him across the clearing. Everything seemed to slow as Fallenwing soared over the ground, tumbling and crashing against a stone, hitting his head before lying still.

Fallenwing grunted as he rolled onto his side, shaking his head to get rid of the grogginess. The tufts of grass beneath his paws was not as coarse as the Dark Forest’s, but it wasn’t as soft as it should have been in the waking world. He looked around and realized he was staring at a fuzzy barrier; one he had not seen before. It whispered and called to him, and he couldn’t resist its pull. He rose to his paws and touched his nose to it.
A light devoured the young tom. When he strained his eyes to focus, he found his surroundings unfamiliar. It was...bright. There was no sound, but the air just radiated comfort and peaceful warmth. There was no sound, and yet Fallenwing felt as if he was laying out on a hot greenleaf day. The warrior’s head was filled with confusion, but a group of shadowy figures cut through the dense fog to steal his attention. Instinctively, Fallenwing unsheathed his claws and widened his stance, getting ready for a fight. But he instantly relaxed when the leader of the group came into view.
“M...Mo…” He gasped, unable to comprehend and form words.
“Hello.” Hawksnow greeted formally, standing rigidly.
“Hi, Fallenwing.” another voice interrupted bitterly. Lightningpaw was glaring at his brother. Fallenwing lashed his tail.
“What are you doing here?” He snarled.
“You killed me.” The apprentice stated simply “StarClan is where dead cats go, moron.”
“Hey.” Hawksnow warned, raising her tail.
“Mother.” Fallenwing grinned, not noticing that the she-cat flinched at the word “Are you proud of me? I avenged you by killing that pest. Though I do apologize for sending him up here for you to see him always.”
“Proud of you?” Hawksnow spat, eyes narrowing “You slaughtered your brother!” Fallenwing blinked in surprise, not expecting this reaction. “How dare you call me your mother? beast!”
“B-But I did it for you-”
“Do you know how many she-cats die during kitting?” She continued “This wasn’t any different! There is no one to blame! Your brother, unlike you, was innocent! You let that-that atrocious villain get into your head. You are not my son that I loved. He’s dead; and you’re just the monster that replaced him.” Fallenwing’s legs felt numb. His chest splintered and shattered, leaving a cold emptiness in his heart.
“You don’t love me?” He breathed, voice barely above a whisper.
“Love you?” Hawksnow scoffed “I can hardly look at you. Our family’s been through enough pain, and you’re just an ignorant, gullible pawn in some mad-cat’s plan. You even tried to kill Thistlewing, the only cat you give a rat’s tail about. She’s the only one that looks up to you and adores you; and you’ve still pushed her away. When will you realize, Fallenwing. Viperstar has nothing to give you except for suffering and loneliness.”
“Shut up!” Fallenwing cried, slashing at her “You’re wrong!” He heaved a breath, tears welling at his eyes. “I’m doing all of this for our family! I’m keeping Thistlewing safe!”
“So you pin her to the ground and try to choke her to death?” Realization hit the warrior like a boulder.
“I...I tried to kill her.” He gasped, stumbling back “I...I have to get back. I have to make sure she’s okay!”
“She’s fine.” Hawksnow hissed “She’s better than you are; you’re passed out in Bumbleflight’s den with her at your side. I love Thistlewing but she’s an idiot for sticking by you. Get out of here, Fallenwing. I don’t even know why you showed up. You have no place among the stars.” With that, Hawksnow turned away and Fallenwing faded out of sight.

Ravencloud stepped forward from the background. She walked up to Hawksnow and sighed.
“I’m so sorry, my dear.” She whimpered “I’m so sorry that brute got to your son. I should have done something-”
“There was nothing you could do, Ravencloud.” Hawksnow assured her, rubbing her cheek against the older she-cat’s shoulder. “You can’t control Viperstar; and you out of all of us know how ruthless he can be.” At that moment, two kits bounded up to Ravencloud.
“Mama!” A small, solid black tom chirped “Can we go climbing?”
“Shadowkit, you know how I feel about you going off alone.” Ravencloud sighed.
“But we won’t be alone!” The second kit added, her fluffy silver fur bristling with excitement “Astercry and Grousecall are going to take us!” Ravencloud furrowed her brow, but eventually nodded.
“Alright.” She conceded. The two kits bounced up and down. “But, Featherkit, you need to remember to take it slow, alright? I don’t want you falling again, even if you won’t get hurt.” Featherkit and Shadowkit nuzzled their mother’s legs.
“We’ll be safe, mama. I promise.” The she-kit purred, before nudging her brother and running off.
“They’ve missed you.” Hawksnow hummed, watching the two kits fade away “They ask every cat who arrives in StarClan if they know you and how you’re doing.”
“It’s a shame to be away from BearClan.” Ravencloud mused “But I’m so glad to have my family back. Viperstar took them from me; I finally got them back. I can finally put all of that behind me and enjoy my existence without him.” Hawksnow grinned and pressed herself happily against her friend.
“I totally get it.” She sighed “But it’s not over yet. He’ll get what’s coming to him, but we have to wait.”
“I know.” Ravencloud nodded “But I don’t want to see what he has planned. I’m afraid for the Clan.” Hawksnow took a deep breath.
“Me too.”

[avocetdance tries for kits with nutmeg (stud)]
[ryetail and owlshade become mates but do not try for kits]
[wanting revenge, sootmask infiltrates the clan and takes 3 of elmstar's lives, showing that he is in control]
[ratwhisker becomes a nursery assistant, and becomes a permanent 'queen'; though he can still partake in warrior duties]
[nightfur, tickstripe, serpentfang, bisonclaw, fognose, and butterflytoe patrol]
[fallenwing, serpentfang, thistlewing, falconfeather, gorsewind, and shellpond hunt]
[dunefeather, heronstep, beepuff, beantail, silverdrop, and chestnutstripe hunt]
[twigsnap, splashfur, owlshade, darkfang, vulturecrest, and mudfreckle hunt]
[avocetdance, splashfur, nettlemist, redfin, applebee, and ricecub hunt]
[shrewclaw, hollypounce, mossbounce, minktwist, sparkstorm, and sunstomp hunt]
[bumbleflight and pumpkinpaw look for herbs]
[bumbleflight teaches pumpkinpaw herb location]
[squashtuft teaches torrentpaw swimming]
[mistpaw takes her final assessment]
[tickstripe teaches icepaw swimming]
[butterflytoe teaches birchpaw swimming]
[nettlemist teaches poplarpaw swimming]
[maplepaw takes his final assessment]
[aspenpaw takes her final assessment]
[blackbriar teaches cobaltpaw swimming]
[darkfang teaches arsenicpaw swimming]
[toadskip teaches sleetpaw climbing]
[beantail teaches sprucepaw stealth]
[mintbelly teaches sycamorepaw stealth]
[nightfur teaches swooppaw swimming]
[minktwist teaches rabbitpaw climbing]
[lightrunner teaches cinderpaw climbing]
[serpentfang teaches snipepaw battle]
[owlshade teaches batpaw battle]
[hollypounce teaches turkeypaw hunting]
[minktwist teaches dipperpaw hunting]
[beepuff teaches loonpaw hunting]
[twigsnap teaches quillpaw]
[lightrunner teaches runningpaw]
[hickorywind teaches starlingpaw
[the clan consumes x14 mice and x1 minnow]

elmstar, 64 m, ♀
ashtail, 50 m, ♂

xxxxx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙:
bumbleflight, 66 m, ♂
xx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊:
pumpkinpaw, 8 m, ♂

stormfang, 76 m, ♂
swiftwind, 67 m, ♂
nightfur, 64 m, ♂
hickorywind, 57 m, ♂
↪ blind in one eye
adderbreeze, 70 m, ♀
hollypounce, 57 m, ♀
redfin, 71 m, ♂
shrewclaw , 48 m, ♂
badgergaze, 46 m, ♂
burrwhisker, 40 m, ♂
sparkstorm, 39 m, ♂
blackbriar, 73 m, ♀
sunstomp, 40 m, ♂
owlshade, 35 m, ♂
ricecub, 53 m, ♀
chestnutstripe, 42 m, ♀
darkfang, 35 m, ♀
ryetail, 33 m, ♀
nimbuscurl, 40 m, ♂
mossbounce, 31 m, ♂
twigsnap, 32 m, ♀
applebee, 31 m, ♀
butterflytoe, 29 m, ♀
fognose, 70 m, ♀
marmotsnout, 52 m, ♀
tickstripe, 29 m, ♂
lightrunner, 34 m, ♀
gorsewind, 42 m, ♀
bisconclaw, 32 m, ♂
avocetdance, 40 m, ♂
nettlemist, 39 m, ♀
shellpond, 38 m, ♀
vulturecrest, 53 m, ♂
squashtuft, 35 m, ♂ (afab)
mudfreckle, 23 m, ♀
beantail, 22 m, ♀
mintbelly, 22 m, ♀
toadskip, 22 m, ♂
hollypounce, 57 m, ♀
saskatoonskip, 20 m, ♀
serpentfang, 20 m, ♀
fallenwing, 19 m, ♂
thistlewing, 19 m, ♀
minktwist, 18 m, ♀
jacobintail, 18 m, ♂
hazeburst, 19 m, ♀
↪ asthmatic
silverdrop, 43 m, ♀
cardinalgaze, 19 m, ♂
dunefeather, 19 m, ♀
splashfur, 19 m, ♀
beepuff, 18 m, ♂
falconfeather, 16 m, ♂
tulipclaw, 52 m, ♀
barleystripe, 15 m, ♂
cougarpounce, 15 m, ♂
moorpelt, 15 m, ♀
spiderjump, 15 m, ♂
crowleaf, 16 m, ♂
ripplestone, 15, ♀
poppysplash, 40 m, ♀
monarchbloom, 31 m, ♀
sootmask, 70 m, ♂
goatthroat, 14 m, ♂
cowlick, 14 m, ♂
pipersnap, 30 m, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀

torrentpaw, 12 m, ♂
mistpaw, 12 m, ♀
icepaw, 12 m, ♀
birchpaw, 12 m, ♂
poplarpaw, 12 m, ♀
maplepaw, 12 m, ♂
↪ blind
aspenpaw, 12 m, ♀
cobaltpaw, 11 m, ♂
arsenicpaw, 11 m, ♀
sleetpaw, 11 m, ♀
sprucepaw, 11 m, ♂
sycamorepaw, 11 m, ♂
swooppaw, 11 m, ♀
cinderpaw, 9 m, ♀
rabbitpaw, 9 m, ♀
batpaw, 9 m, ♂
snipepaw, 9 m, ♀
turkeypaw, 7 m, ♀
dipperpaw, 7 m, ♂
loonpaw, 7 m, ♀
quillpaw, 6 m, ♀
runningpaw, 6 m, ♂
starlingpaw, 6 m, ♂
↪ deaf
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀


ratwhisker, 50 m, ♂
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀

shovelerkit, 2 m, ♀
sharpkit, 2 m, ♀
sagekit, 2 m, ♂
beaverkit, 2 m, ♂
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀

deerleap, 84 m, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀
al𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖊:
mouse, one serving╶ 000
minnow, one serving╶ 012
small fish, two servings╶ 004
squirrel, two servings╶ 010
marmot, two servings╶ 008
bird, three servings╶ 002
hare, three servings╶ 004
big fish, three servings╶ 002

North- the elysian dynasty ; Immortes
South- silverclan ; ~•SnowLeapord•~
East- pheonixclan ; stormt4lon
West- chessclan ; sharpiesandhamilton

Northeast- highgarden ; eagle
Northwest- spruceclan ; ponz
Southeast- galaclan ; demiboygod
Southwest- vagaryclan ; lyttlekytten

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Joined: Tue Sep 26, 2017 8:57 am
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BearClan 72

Postby inky. » Wed Aug 12, 2020 1:37 pm

clan archive thread is found here
clan population 098 xxx clan servings 015 xxx next starclan visit wheneverxxx next birth here xxx mod notes hey, just so you know id prefer if all future kits (and cats in general) are put onto lineart ^^ xxx cats to find n/a

“How could you?” Poppysplash screeched, lashing her claws at Avocetdance “Does our mateship mean nothing to you? What about our kits? About me?” The tom stared wide-eyed at the furious she-cat.
“P-Poppysplash, I still love you-”
“Don’t!” She howled “Don’t you dare lie to me. I knew something was up when you came back from the gathering stinking of a strange she-cat. I knew you did something to betray me.”
“It was just a one night thing!” Avocetdance protested “Nutmeg means nothing to me!”
“So you would just let a stranger destroy our relationship.” Poppysplash scoffed “Is that really how little you care about us? We have a family Avocetdance. You can’t just go around having flings with every rogue you meet at the gathering.” The tom took a step closer to his mate.
“Poppysplash, darling, please believe me,” He pleaded, shrinking before her “it will never happen again.”
“You’re right.” Poppysplash said, eyes cold and voice devoid of emotion “It won’t happen again. I won’t give you the chance. It’s over, Avocetdance. We are no longer a family.” She turned to walk away, but paused for a moment. “I hope it was worth it.” She spat over her shoulder before sulking away and leaving her ex-mate quivering in despair.


Maplechirp was the happiest he’d been in a while. Something about the kits’ laughs were infectious, and by the end of the day his cheeks hurt from neverending smiles. He may not be able to see them, but he could imagine how each kit was different just based on their personality. Sagekit lived to prank Sharpkit. Maplechirp remembered the time where he accidentally walked into a cobweb trap the young cat had spent all morning setting up. Ratwhisker had scolded the kit, but Maplechirp promised to make it up to him by coming up with another prank. Shovelerkit was a quiet molly. She was an observer, and Ratwhisker often had to encourage her to be social. The she-kit would much rather spend time with the apprentices, however, since she got along better with cats older than her. She was much more mature than her siblings, and she often showed it. Beaverkit was the odd one out. He didn’t like spending time with anyone. Maplechirp tried to strike up a conversation, but it often ended in an awkward silence. Ratwhisker assured that the tom was just used to being alone, since he had been found without a family and didn’t seem to have any memory of one. Beaverkit would get more interactive eventually, but the others left him to his own devices. Maplechirp heard his siblings talking as they returned from patrol, and he had to admit that he missed some of the promised warrior duties; but at the end of the day, he adored his role, and he wouldn’t exchange it for the world.


Fallenwing had never seen Viperstar look so worried. The golden tom was pacing around his platform in the middle of the training clearing.
“He killed Elmstar, sir.” Goatthroat reported “Or, took three of her lives anyways.”
“I just don’t understand this.” Serpentfang huffed “Why did he come now? And is he really so dangerous? I mean he’s just one cat.”
“StarClan probably guided him to the clan so they could interrupt our plan.” Viperstar thought aloud “Plus, I mean, I’m just one cat and look at all I did to them.” The various cats around the clearing murmured to each other. The leader took a few more steps before he paused.
“We need to take him out.” He decided “We need to kill Sootmask.” He looked over his shoulder and made eye contact with Fallenwing. The brown tom nodded, but the other cats didn’t see the agreement, and a few got a sparkle in their eyes.

Lightrunner flicked her tail nervously. She looked around to the three cats sitting beside her.
“Why are we always talking about killing someone.” Beepuff sighed with exhaustion, flicking over a dried out leaf.
“I dunno but I’m getting sick of it.” Mudspeckle agreed. Batpaw didn’t say anything, just hummed and shifted nervously, as if he expected Viperstar or one of his goons to pop out of the bushes at any moment.
“Maybe we’re doing the wrong thing.” Beepuff meowed, looking to Lightrunner.
“I understand where you’re coming from.” She murmured “At first, Viperstar's ideas seemed reasonable; but now...I don’t know whether or not we can trust anything that comes out of his mouth. I don’t want to hurt cats, but some things in BearClan need to change. When it comes to it, to be honest, I don’t know who’s side I’ll be on.”

[avocetdance's kits will arrive in 2 moons]
[mintbelly tries for kits with stag's stomp of the golden kingdom]
[maplechirp decides to join ratwhisker and becomes a nursery helper]
[nightfur, tickstripe, serpentfang, bisonclaw, fognose, and butterflytoe patrol]
[fallenwing, serpentfang, thistlewing, falconfeather, gorsewind, and shellpond hunt]
[dunefeather, heronstep, beepuff, beantail, silverdrop, and chestnutstripe hunt]
[twigsnap, splashfur, owlshade, darkfang, vulturecrest, and mudfreckle hunt]
[avocetdance, splashfur, nettlemist, redfin, applebee, and ricecub hunt]
[shrewclaw, hollypounce, mossbounce, minktwist, sparkstorm, and sunstomp hunt]
[bumbleflight and pumpkinpaw look for herbs]
[bumbleflight teaches pumpkinpaw poisons]
[torrentpaw takes his final assessment]
[icepaw takes her final assessment]
[birchpaw takes his final assessment]
[poplarpaw takes her final assessment]
[blackbriar teaches cobaltpaw swimming]
[arsenicpaw takes her final assessment]
[toadskip teaches sleetpaw stealth]
[beantail teaches sprucepaw swimming]
[mintbelly teaches sycamorepaw swimming]
[swooppaw takes her final assessment]
[minktwist teaches rabbitpaw stealth]
[lightrunner teaches cinderpaw stealth]
[serpentfang teaches snipepaw climbing]
[owlshade teaches batpaw climbing]
[hollypounce teaches turkeypaw hunting]
[minktwist teaches dipperpaw battle]
[beepuff teaches loonpaw battle]
[twigsnap teaches quillpaw hunting]
[lightrunner teaches runningpaw hunting]
[hickorywind teaches starlingpaw hunting]
[the clan fasts]

elmstar, 65 m, ♀
ashtail, 51 m, ♂

xxxxx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙:
bumbleflight, 67 m, ♂
xx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊:
pumpkinpaw, 9 m, ♂

stormfang, 77 m, ♂
swiftwind, 68 m, ♂
nightfur, 65 m, ♂
hickorywind, 58 m, ♂
↪ blind in one eye
adderbreeze, 71 m, ♀
hollypounce, 58 m, ♀
redfin, 72 m, ♂
shrewclaw , 49 m, ♂
badgergaze, 47 m, ♂
burrwhisker, 41 m, ♂
sparkstorm, 40 m, ♂
blackbriar, 74 m, ♀
sunstomp, 41 m, ♂
owlshade, 36 m, ♂
ricecub, 54 m, ♀
chestnutstripe, 43 m, ♀
darkfang, 36 m, ♀
ryetail, 34 m, ♀
nimbuscurl, 41 m, ♂
mossbounce, 32 m, ♂
twigsnap, 33 m, ♀
applebee, 32 m, ♀
butterflytoe, 30 m, ♀
fognose, 71 m, ♀
marmotsnout, 53 m, ♀
tickstripe, 30 m, ♂
lightrunner, 35 m, ♀
gorsewind, 43 m, ♀
bisconclaw, 33 m, ♂
avocetdance, 41 m, ♂
nettlemist, 40 m, ♀
shellpond, 39 m, ♀
vulturecrest, 54 m, ♂
squashtuft, 36 m, ♂ (afab)
mudfreckle, 24 m, ♀
beantail, 23 m, ♀
mintbelly, 23 m, ♀
toadskip, 23 m, ♂
hollypounce, 58 m, ♀
saskatoonskip, 21 m, ♀
serpentfang, 21 m, ♀
fallenwing, 20 m, ♂
thistlewing, 20 m, ♀
minktwist, 19 m, ♀
jacobintail, 19 m, ♂
hazeburst, 20 m, ♀
↪ asthmatic
silverdrop, 44 m, ♀
cardinalgaze, 20 m, ♂
dunefeather, 20 m, ♀
splashfur, 20 m, ♀
beepuff, 19 m, ♂
falconfeather, 17 m, ♂
tulipclaw, 53 m, ♀
barleystripe, 16 m, ♂
cougarpounce, 16 m, ♂
moorpelt, 16 m, ♀
spiderjump, 16 m, ♂
crowleaf, 17 m, ♂
ripplestone, 16, ♀
poppysplash, 41 m, ♀
monarchbloom, 32 m, ♀
sootmask, 71 m, ♂
goatthroat, 15 m, ♂
cowlick, 15 m, ♂
pipersnap, 31 m, ♀
mistbird, 13 m, ♀
aspenspots, 13 m, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀

torrentpaw, 13 m, ♂
icepaw, 13 m, ♀
birchpaw, 13 m, ♂
poplarpaw, 13 m, ♀
cobaltpaw, 12 m, ♂
arsenicpaw, 12 m, ♀
sleetpaw, 12 m, ♀
sprucepaw, 12 m, ♂
sycamorepaw, 12 m, ♂
swooppaw, 12 m, ♀
cinderpaw, 10 m, ♀
rabbitpaw, 10 m, ♀
batpaw, 10 m, ♂
snipepaw, 10 m, ♀
turkeypaw, 8 m, ♀
dipperpaw, 8 m, ♂
loonpaw, 8 m, ♀
quillpaw, 7 m, ♀
runningpaw, 7 m, ♂
starlingpaw, 7 m, ♂
↪ deaf
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀


ratwhisker, 50 m, ♂
maplechirp, 13 m, ♂
↪ blind
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀

shovelerkit, 3 m, ♀
sharpkit, 3 m, ♀
sagekit, 3 m, ♂
beaverkit, 3 m, ♂
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀

deerleap, 85 m, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀
al𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖊:
mouse, one serving╶ 003
minnow, one serving╶ 014
small fish, two servings╶ 005
squirrel, two servings╶ 013
marmot, two servings╶ 009
bird, three servings╶ 004
hare, three servings╶ 004
big fish, three servings╶ 004

North- the elysian dynasty ; Immortes
South- silverclan ; ~•SnowLeapord•~
East- pheonixclan ; stormt4lon
West- chessclan ; sharpiesandhamilton

Northeast- highgarden ; eagle
Northwest- spruceclan ; ponz
Southeast- galaclan ; demiboygod
Southwest- vagaryclan ; lyttlekytten

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Posts: 6179
Joined: Tue Sep 26, 2017 8:57 am
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BearClan 73

Postby inky. » Mon Aug 17, 2020 11:09 am

clan archive thread is found here
clan population 097 xxx clan servings 015 xxx next starclan visit wheneverxxx next birth mintbelly (2) xxx mod notes hey, just so you know id prefer if all future kits (and cats in general) are put onto lineart ^^ xxx cats to find n/a

Elmstar felt numb as another lone tear drifted down her cheek. Redfin was running his tongue rhythmically over her shoulders, trying to soothe her, but Elmstar wasn’t feeling upset or anything. The thought made her feel guilty, but she was too far in shock to do anything about it.
“It’s not your fault,” Redfin assured her, nuzzling his mate “No one thinks so. He’s just another cat; he’ll get bored and leave eventually.”
“Cindertail’s brother.” She meowed softly “How can a cat related to Cindertail be so cruel?” Redfin sighed and settled next to her.
“Falconfeather said that Thistlewing is worried about Fallenwing.” He told her “She thinks he’s going to try and be a hero about Sootmask.”
“But BearClan has always needed a hero.” Elmstar said absently “No matter how hard we all try, there’s always something. Why can’t there ever be peace in this StarClan-forsaken place.” Redfin pressed his forehead against hers.
“You’re doing your best.” He murmured “You’re a fantastic leader, okay love? You can’t predict things; this is far from your fault.” He pulled away and pushed a mouse in her direction. “Now, please eat. You need to keep up your strength. You’re still BearClan’s leader; and the best one we’ve ever had.”


“Why do we need to do this?” Sagekit grumbled. Ratwhisker and Maplechirp guided him out of the den to sit with his siblings and Beaverkit.
“Beacause,” Ratwhisker meowed softly “If something happens, we need you to have a place where you can stay safe if we can’t get out of camp.
“Is Sootmask going to do something to us?” Shovelerkit asked innocently. Maplechirp shook his head and licked the molly’s ears affectionately.
“No, sweetie, this is just a practice thing.” He assured her.
“Then why are we doing it?” Sagekit argued.
“Just shut up and do it, will you?” Sharpkit muttered. Sagekit huffed, but eventually settled down. Ratwhisker nodded to Bisonclaw, who was standing nearby. The warrior returned his nod and took a deep breath.
“Aaaa! I’m a big badger, and I’ve come to gobble up all the kits in the nursery!” He roared, puffing his coat out to make him look extremely large. Ratwhisker moved immediately, and nudged the kits to follow Maplechirp. The older tom stood guard at the nursery entrance and squared up to the fake badger. Bisonclaw tapped Ratwhisker gently on the side, and the nursery helper tumbled down, pretending to be injured. Bisonclaw emitted another roar and proceeded into the den. Maplechirp had ushered the kits quickly to the back corner of the nursery, where a small gap was awaiting them. Beaverkit and Shovelerkit went first, wiggling into the tunnel and pressing themselves against it’s back wall. Sagekit and Sharpkit were next and, after a sharp reprimand from Maplechirp, stopped squabbling and followed suit. All four kits were in the small safe-den when Bisonclaw arrived. He dropped down on his belly and tried to claw the kits out. He stretched his paw as far as he could, and almost reached Sagekit’s tail, but was ultimately unable to get him. Bisonclaw retreated and stood up with a satisfied nod.
“It works.” He decided “Maybe make it a bit longer, but other than that, it’s a perfect hiding space.”
“Thanks Bisonclaw.” Ratwhisker meowed, joining the rest of the group “Let’s just hope we’ll never have to use it.”


The day was bright and sunny, but that didn’t make Avocetdance feel any more joyful than usual. The sky might be happy, but he was far from any sort of positive emotion. Regret and worry wormed around inside of him as he thought of his choices. Poppysplash had forbidden him from talking to their kits, and so he was sentenced to watching his children’s lives as a stranger. He smiled as he saw Turkeypaw and Sprucepaw laugh together over one of Cowlick’s stories. While he loved his first litter, his mind was mainly focused on the one that would arrive shortly. The tom had made a mistake, but he was always semi-responsible, and he knew he had to take care of his new ktis. Nutmeg had made it abundantly clear that the kits would be raised with Avocetdance, and he had agreed (for some reason). He would love them, sure, but would he really be that great of a father? He felt like a failure to his first litter, how would his second see him? Distrustful? Disgraced? Letting out a sigh, he flopped down on his side and closed his eyes. He hadn’t been sleeping, and the warmth made his eyes desperately want to close. All he could do was wait; and hope that he was able to be the father the kits deserved.


Sootmask stood proudly beneath the arching oak tree, chest puffed out. He watched as his new clanmates worked around him. Only a few cats were allowed out of camp at a time, as to make sure that no one escaped (he much underestimated their built up tolerance for incapable leaders). He had made several she-cats spend time around him as companions. His favorite was Shellpond.
“Dearest,” He purred, rubbing his cheek against hers, unaware of her grimace “We should take a walk later. Show me your favorite spots to relax.” Shellpond wrinkled her nose with disgust.
“Get off of me.” She spat in his face “I would never willingly spend time with you.”
“You ungrateful fox!” Sootmask hissed, lashing his paw against her face. Sparkstorm, who was watching over his mate with great intensity, immediately leaped to his paws and hurried over to the group.
“Don’t you dare touch her.” He snarled, hissing at Sootmask. Shellpond hid behind her mate, rubbing her sore cheek. Sootmask flattened his ears and also pulled himself up.
“Watch your tone.” He warned “I’m in charge here.” His claws dug against the dirt, and Sparkstorm looked ready to tear him apart. But Shellpond whispered in her mate’s ear and led him away from the situation. Sootmask snorted and spat at them as they left. “Stupid inbreds.” He muttered. A grey coat caught his eyes as it crossed the clearing. “You!” He called, and Goatthroat perked up “I got mud on my pelt; go get me some wet moss and clean me up.”
“Do it yourself.” The young warrior scoffed.
“Excuse me.” Sootmask approached the tom with a scowl “I ordered you to do something. Go get me moss.”
“No.” He stated simply.
“You can’t say no to me!”
“Funny, ‘cus I just did.” Goatthroat shrugged, an eternal coldness to his voice.
“This is rabbitdung!” Sootmask howled “I will not tolerate insubordination! You aren’t taking me seriously, fine! Allow me to show you what you’re really up against.” He got into a predatory crouch, but before he could make a move, Goatthroat sprung at him, claws extended. He latched onto Sootmask, wriggling around and jerking his head from side to side. The older tom was much more experienced with fighting, though, and Sootwhisker easily tossed his opponent to the side. Goatthroat tumbled in the dust and scrambled to regain his footing. But the tom was too late, and he was soon pinned by the bulky figure of Sootmask. The oppressor slowly raised his claws and positioned them at the young tom’s throat. Suddenly, Sootmask was tackled, and Fallenwing fell with him. He puffed up and snarled at Sootmask. The ‘leader’ was enraged, and was lashing out and gnashing his teeth everywhere. He caught the young warrior with his fangs, ripping skin, but Fallenwing knew what his next move would be. He wrapped his paws around the pointed tom and fell backwards, pulling Sootmask down. Using the momentum, Fallenwing flipped his hind legs up, kicking Sootmask in the stomach and sending him flying over his head. The cat let out a yelp as he collided with the stone portion of the camp wall, a splatter of blood spreading where he hit it. Sootmask rolled over and laid still, eyes open and teeth still barred, but his head nastily bashed in. Fallenwing pushed himself up, panting, and licked the blood from his muzzle. While the other cats gathered around Sootmask’s body, he went to help up Goatthroat. And walking away from the scene with him.
“We did it!” Goatthroat gasped, hopping up and down excitedly “I actually helped do something.” Fallenwing stopped abruptly and his form went rigid.
“You call that helping?” He spat, whirling around and cuffing the young warrior over the ears “You almost got yourself killed, you arrogant beebrain. Viperstar needs all the warriors he can get, and you’ll be no good to anyone if you’re dead.” Goatthroat frowned and bared his teeth, but didn’t say anything to his superior. “Now go and do something useful. Scram.” The grey tom lashed his tail in anger, but obeyed Fallenwing nonetheless. He stalked away to the mouth of the camp, and was about to turn the corner of the riverbed when a faint voice captured his attention.
“It was them.” It whispered “Viperstar told them to do it.”
“What else is he planning?” Another voice asked.
“The attack is supposed to take place two moons from now.” The first cat whimpered “Please promise you’ll be ready to fight him. He can’t win.”
“Of course,” The older voice meowed “We’ll protect you and all of BearClan.” Goatthroat pressed himself closer to the wall of the hollow, trying to distinguish who was talking. After a bit more of conversation, a wicked grin split the tom’s muzzle. He couldn’t place the older cat, but the second was a voice he was all too familiar with.
“A spy.” he said silently to himself, giving a small laugh “Wait until Viperstar hears about this.”

[avocetdance's kits will arrive in 1 moons]
[x1 burdock and x1 stinging nettle are used for bisonclaw]
[sootmask is killed by fallenwing]
[nightfur, tickstripe, serpentfang, fognose, fognose, and butterflytoe patrol]
[fallenwing, serpentfang, thistlewing, falconfeather, gorsewind, and shellpond hunt]
[dunefeather, heronstep, beepuff, beantail, silverdrop, and chestnutstripe hunt]
[twigsnap, splashfur, owlshade, darkfang, vulturecrest, and mudfreckle hunt]
[avocetdance, splashfur, nettlemist, redfin, applebee, and ricecub hunt]
[shrewclaw, hollypounce, mossbounce, minktwist, sparkstorm, and sunstomp hunt]
[bumbleflight and pumpkinpaw look for herbs]
[bumbleflight teaches pumpkinpaw kitting]
[cobaltpaw takes his final assessment]
[toadskip teaches sleetpaw swimming]
[sprucepaw takes his final assessment]
[sycamorepaw takes his final assessment]
[minktwist teaches rabbitpaw swimming]
[lightrunner teaches cinderpaw swimming]
[serpentfang teaches snipepaw stealth]
[owlshade teaches batpaw stealth]
[hollypounce teaches turkeypaw battle]
[minktwist teaches dipperpaw climbing]
[beepuff teaches loonpaw climbing]
[twigsnap teaches quillpaw battle]
[lightrunner teaches runningpaw battle]
[hickorywind teaches starlingpaw battle]
[the clan fasts]

elmstar, 66 m, ♀
ashtail, 52 m, ♂

xxxxx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙:
bumbleflight, 68 m, ♂
xx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊:
pumpkinpaw, 10 m, ♂

stormfang, 78 m, ♂
swiftwind, 69 m, ♂
nightfur, 66 m, ♂
hickorywind, 59 m, ♂
↪ blind in one eye
adderbreeze, 72 m, ♀
hollypounce, 59 m, ♀
redfin, 73 m, ♂
shrewclaw , 50 m, ♂
badgergaze, 48 m, ♂
burrwhisker, 42 m, ♂
sparkstorm, 41 m, ♂
blackbriar, 75 m, ♀
sunstomp, 42 m, ♂
owlshade, 37 m, ♂
ricecub, 55 m, ♀
chestnutstripe, 44 m, ♀
darkfang, 37 m, ♀
ryetail, 35 m, ♀
nimbuscurl, 42 m, ♂
mossbounce, 33 m, ♂
twigsnap, 34 m, ♀
applebee, 33 m, ♀
butterflytoe, 31 m, ♀
fognose, 72 m, ♀
marmotsnout, 54 m, ♀
tickstripe, 3` m, ♂
lightrunner, 36 m, ♀
gorsewind, 44 m, ♀
bisonclaw, 34 m, ♂
avocetdance, 42 m, ♂
nettlemist, 41 m, ♀
shellpond, 40 m, ♀
vulturecrest, 55 m, ♂
squashtuft, 37 m, ♂ (afab)
mudfreckle, 25 m, ♀
beantail, 24 m, ♀
toadskip, 24 m, ♂
saskatoonskip, 22 m, ♀
serpentfang, 22 m, ♀
fallenwing, 21 m, ♂
thistlewing, 21 m, ♀
minktwist, 20 m, ♀
jacobintail, 20 m, ♂
hazeburst, 21 m, ♀
↪ asthmatic
silverdrop, 45 m, ♀
cardinalgaze, 21 m, ♂
dunefeather, 21 m, ♀
splashfur, 21 m, ♀
beepuff, 20 m, ♂
falconfeather, 18 m, ♂
tulipclaw, 54 m, ♀
barleystripe, 17 m, ♂
cougarpounce, 17 m, ♂
moorpelt, 17 m, ♀
spiderjump, 17 m, ♂
crowleaf, 18 m, ♂
ripplestone, 17, ♀
poppysplash, 42 m, ♀
monarchbloom, 33 m, ♀
sootmask, 72 m, ♂
goatthroat, 16 m, ♂
cowlick, 16 m, ♂
pipersnap, 32 m, ♀
mistbird, 14 m, ♀
aspenspots, 14 m, ♀
torrentmarch, 14 m, ♂
iceswirl, 14 m, ♀
birchstripe, 14 m, ♂
poplarclaw, 14 m, ♀
arsenicswipe, 13 m, ♀
swooptalon, 13 m, ♂♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀

cobaltpaw, 13 m, ♂
arsenicpaw, 13 m, ♀
sleetpaw, 13 m, ♀
sprucepaw, 13 m, ♂
sycamorepaw, 13 m, ♂
cinderpaw, 11 m, ♀
rabbitpaw, 11 m, ♀
batpaw, 11 m, ♂
snipepaw, 11 m, ♀
turkeypaw, 9 m, ♀
dipperpaw, 9 m, ♂
loonpaw, 9 m, ♀
quillpaw, 8 m, ♀
runningpaw, 8 m, ♂
starlingpaw, 8 m, ♂
↪ deaf
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀


ratwhisker, 51 m, ♂
maplechirp, 14 m, ♂
↪ blind
mintbelly, 24 m, ♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀

shovelerkit, 4 m, ♀
sharpkit, 4 m, ♀
sagekit, 4 m, ♂
beaverkit, 4 m, ♂
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀

deerleap, 86 m, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀
al𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖊:
mouse, one serving╶ 008
minnow, one serving╶ 016
small fish, two servings╶ 007
squirrel, two servings╶ 016
marmot, two servings╶ 010
bird, three servings╶ 006
hare, three servings╶ 006
big fish, three servings╶ 007

North- the elysian dynasty ; Immortes
South- silverclan ; ~•SnowLeapord•~
East- pheonixclan ; stormt4lon
West- chessclan ; sharpiesandhamilton

Northeast- highgarden ; eagle
Northwest- spruceclan ; ponz
Southeast- galaclan ; demiboygod
Southwest- vagaryclan ; lyttlekytten

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Joined: Tue Sep 26, 2017 8:57 am
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BearClan 74

Postby inky. » Thu Aug 20, 2020 11:10 am

clan archive thread is found here
clan population 100 xxx clan servings 015 xxx next starclan visit wheneverxxx next birth mintbelly (1) xxx mod notes hey, just so you know id prefer if all future kits (and cats in general) are put onto lineart ^^ xxx cats to find n/a

Butterflytoe grimaced at the cats she was observing. Starlingpaw tilted his head as he tried to read Runningpaw’s lips. He let out a snort as he processed the joke, and Quillpaw pushed her brothers as they mocked her spikey bed-head. Butterflytoe felt bile rise in her throat. It sickened her to see something she could never have: a family. No tom in their right mind would be mates with her. She was sick of it. How crass and forward did she have to be? Even the late Archthorn had rejected her, when he had kits with several she-cats. Tickstripe had everything she wanted, but he wasn’t supposed to. He was a parasite, still, sucking away Butterflytoe’s attention and happiness. But she couldn’t do anything about it. No one even cared that she existed. Maybe someday things would change, but she was just left to hope without solid evidence of the future.


Sablekit marched bravely into the camp. Avocetdance had to carry Robinkit along, since his legs were too short to properly cover the distance between the BearClan border and the camp. Nutmeg had dropped the kits off, and left promptly. Apparently, she was a day early, so Sablekit had to guard his little brother until their father arrived the next morning. Avocetdance was quiet, and always had an air of uncertainty about him. As they walked into the hollow, the clan got quiet, and whispers were exchanged as they continued to the nursery. Sablekit knew deep down that the whispers were about them, but he didn’t really care. He and Robinkit had a permanent home now, and that’s all he really wanted. He would do anything for his brother, especially since the tom wasn’t one for standing up for himself. Sablekit would make sure they both succeeded. The dark tom was pulled out of his thinking by a vibrant pelt sitting awkwardly by the wall. The kit was shifting back and forth, nervously glancing around the moving cats.
“Hello.” Sablekit greeted, walking up to him “My name is Sablekit. What’s your name?”
“T-They named me Ironkit.” The tom meowed “I didn’t have a name before the patrol found me.”
“So you don’t have a mom?” Ironkit shook his head.
“Neither do I.” Sablekit grinned “C’mon, you can stay with me and my brother.” He led the kit into the nursery, introducing himself to his new denmate.


Monarchbloom had never seen such chaos. So much had happened in the few moons she was a part of BearClan, that she frankly wondered how all the senior members hadn’t lost their minds yet.
“Is this normal?” She whispered as she watched the cats tugging Sootmask’s body from the clearing. Ashtail was sitting beside her and gave a sigh, shaking his head. His body was slumped and his eyes were dark with exhaustion.
“You’ll get used to it.” He murmured “We have a knack for attracting trouble.”
If only he knew how right he was.


Viperstar coyly circled the clearing. His eyes pierced through the bushes he hid behind as he watched a familiar black apprentice wildly look around in confusion. His tongue slid over his teeth like a snake’s as he wickedly planned the events of the evening.
“Hello?” Batpaw called out frantically, unable to leave his spot.
“Hello, Batpaw.” The leader said, emerging from the shadows like a beast “Please, take a seat. You’ve got nowhere else to go.” The apprentice eyes him warily. “Trust me,” Viperstar added “You’re in good paws.” He motioned again, and the cat slumped down. A moment of silence passed and Viperstar took a deep breath, sitting down. “You know, I may just be odd,” He huffed “But I enjoy my privacy, especially when it comes to greatly detailed plans of destruction. I’ve kinda been working on this since I died. Big day for me; and you are trying to ruin it.” He rose to his paws and sauntered around the apprentice “I don’t like spies, Batpaw. But you know what I do like?” He leaned in so close that Batpaw could feel the stinking, hot breath on his cheek. “I like vengeance. No one deserves to go unpunished.” He sneered “I love making cats pay, especially if it means they bleed. And you, sir, have quite a debt.” He gave a harsh laugh and shook his head.
“A-Are you going to kill me?” Batpaw squeaked, sweat matting his fur.
“If it happens, it happens.” Viperstar shrugged “But trust me, you’ll be wishing I did by the time I’m done with you.”

Snipepaw furrowed her brow. Tiny squeaks and whimpers had flown through her ears and stirred her from her sleep. She tried rolling over, thinking it might have been a bird, but the cries persisted. Looking over her shoulder, she notice Batpaw’s silhouette, which was shaking and cowering. Concern filled her and she instantly went to her brother’s nest. She tried waking him up, but he seemed to be trapped. She noticed several cuts and scrapes, dripping blood on to the plush moss. She had seen this before; Shadowstripe showed the same scratches when she died. Snipepaw connected the dots quickly.
“Oh Batpaw,” She whispered sadly “What have you done?”

Batpaw wailed as Viperstar’s claws slowly tore through his flank. Viperstar mimicked his howls, but the leader was laughing not screaming.
“Can’t you see how much fun this is?” He howled, eyes wild with power “You’re in complete control of your victim.” He released the scrawny cat, who writhed in pain. Viperstar took a deep breath. “Ah, it’s been ages since I’ve been able to do this. Making others suffer...there’s not another high like it.”
“Why are you doing this?” Batpaw shrieked, tears rolling from his eyes. Everything was hurting. “I promise, I won’t spy anymore! Just let me go!” Viperstar lunged at the cat, pinning him down to the ground and shoving his face close.
“There’s no point.” He spat “The damage is done. Because of you, I have to speed things along.” He held his curled claws, already drenched in Batpaw’s blood, to the tom’s throat and pressed down “A rushed plan is a messy plan. And when it comes to me, messy is always messy. I wonder how many of your friends and family will die because of your immature games.” He slashed the tom’s neck, but left the throat untouched. He pushed Batpaw away and walked to the other side of the clearing. “Are you enjoying the show so far?” He shouted to the skies, mocking StarClan “We’re just getting started.” Viperstar snarled and spit at Batpaw, who was trying to get to his paws steadily. The leader rushed at his target and latched onto his scruff, flinging him against the large rock. He heard a bone snap with a wail, and hurried to his victim before he could recover. Viperstar huffed as he dragged the limp tom to the thick river. He tossed the body in and jumped on top of it, standing to the side as he pushed Batpaw’s head under. After a few minutes of splashing, Viperstar tugged the apprentice’s head up. Batpaw gasped for breath. The water was barely that; instead it was a thick, lumpy liquid that tasted of bloodied mud and dirt. He coughed, spewing the brew from his mouth. Viperstar spat another vague threat, that Batpaw was too incoherent to hear, and plunged the tom back under. Suddenly, the pressure at the back of his head was lifted, and Batpaw felt himself being gently pulled to shore. His eyes flickered open and he saw Snipepaw hovering over him.
“W-What are you doing here?” He asked
“Saving you.” She grunted, heaving him up.
“What about Viperstar?”
“I knocked him out, but he won’t stay that way for long.” She gasped, walking her brother into the woods “Come on, let’s hope Bumbleflight is able to do something for you.”
“Thank you.” He said weakly, before passing out into darkness.


Thistlewing was bristling all over. Fallenwing had been glaring at Batpaw, who was currently knocked out in Bumbleflight’s den, and she knew he had done something to the poor apprentice. Her brother radiated a nervous excitement; in fact, all of the Dark Forest trainees gave of an impatient vibe. Thistlewing guessed that Viperstar’s plan was about to go through. She met Fallenwing on his way out of camp, asking to talk to him.
“I know what you’re about to say.” He said gruffly, continuing to move “I’m not changing.”
“Fallenwing, please.” Thistlewing pleaded earnestly “I’m begging you. This isn’t who you are! You aren’t a killer!”
“Except I am.” He hissed, turning on her “I am a killer, and you know it! You saw me kill cats, and yet you’ve done nothing to stop me.”
“Because I have hope!”
“Well don’t!” He barked back “You can’t do anything. I love you, Thistlewing, and you’ll be safe, but Viperstar is right; everyone else needs to get it into their head that they aren’t the heroes they think they are.” The tom swallowed and pulled his sister close “I don’t want you to get hurt. Maybe you should leave camp for a while.” Thistlewing scoffed and pulled away.
“If you think I’m abandoning my home, you’re even crazier than I thought.” She said, her voice dripping with sadness “Fallenwing, I’ve tried to help you. I don’t want you to do this; I want my brother back. But if you insist, I’m done. Go ahead and get yourself killed. I’ll mourn you.” She sighed and slumped her shoulders, stumbling away, leaving her brother to himself.

[avocetdance's kits arrive now! sablekit and robinkit are welcomed (by most)]
[nightfur, tickstripe, serpentfang, fognose, fognose, and butterflytoe patrol]
[fallenwing, serpentfang, thistlewing, falconfeather, gorsewind, and shellpond hunt]
[dunefeather, heronstep, beepuff, beantail, silverdrop, and chestnutstripe hunt]
[twigsnap, splashfur, owlshade, darkfang, vulturecrest, and mudfreckle hunt]
[avocetdance, splashfur, nettlemist, redfin, applebee, and ricecub hunt]
[shrewclaw, hollypounce, mossbounce, minktwist, sparkstorm, and sunstomp hunt]
[bumbleflight and pumpkinpaw look for herbs]
[bumbleflight teaches pumpkinpaw application]
[sleetpaw takes her final assessment]
[rabbitpaw takes her final assessment]
[cinderpaw takes her final assessment]
[serpentfang teaches snipepaw swimming]
[owlshade teaches batpaw swimming]
[hollypounce teaches turkeypaw climbing]
[minktwist teaches dipperpaw stealth]
[beepuff teaches loonpaw stealth]
[twigsnap teaches quillpaw battle]
[lightrunner teaches runningpaw battle - x1 burdock root is used]
[hickorywind teaches starlingpaw climbing]
[the clan consumes x5 hares]

elmstar, 67 m, ♀
ashtail, 53 m, ♂

xxxxx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙:
bumbleflight, 69 m, ♂
xx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊:
pumpkinpaw, 11 m, ♂

stormfang, 79 m, ♂
swiftwind, 70 m, ♂
nightfur, 67 m, ♂
hickorywind, 60 m, ♂
↪ blind in one eye
adderbreeze, 73 m, ♀
hollypounce, 60 m, ♀
redfin, 74 m, ♂
shrewclaw , 51 m, ♂
badgergaze, 49 m, ♂
burrwhisker, 43 m, ♂
sparkstorm, 42 m, ♂
blackbriar, 76 m, ♀
sunstomp, 43 m, ♂
owlshade, 38 m, ♂
ricecub, 56 m, ♀
chestnutstripe, 45 m, ♀
darkfang, 38 m, ♀
ryetail, 36 m, ♀
nimbuscurl, 43 m, ♂
mossbounce, 34 m, ♂
twigsnap, 35 m, ♀
applebee, 34 m, ♀
butterflytoe, 32 m, ♀
fognose, 73 m, ♀
marmotsnout, 55 m, ♀
tickstripe, 32 m, ♂
lightrunner, 37 m, ♀
gorsewind, 45 m, ♀
bisonclaw, 35 m, ♂
avocetdance, 43 m, ♂
nettlemist, 42 m, ♀
shellpond, 41 m, ♀
vulturecrest, 56 m, ♂
squashtuft, 38 m, ♂ (afab)
mudfreckle, 26 m, ♀
beantail, 25 m, ♀
toadskip, 25 m, ♂
saskatoonskip, 23 m, ♀
serpentfang, 23 m, ♀
fallenwing, 22 m, ♂
thistlewing, 22 m, ♀
minktwist, 21 m, ♀
jacobintail, 21 m, ♂
hazeburst, 22 m, ♀
↪ asthmatic
silverdrop, 46 m, ♀
cardinalgaze, 22 m, ♂
dunefeather, 22 m, ♀
splashfur, 22 m, ♀
beepuff, 21 m, ♂
falconfeather, 19 m, ♂
tulipclaw, 55 m, ♀
barleystripe, 18 m, ♂
cougarpounce, 18 m, ♂
moorpelt, 18 m, ♀
spiderjump, 18 m, ♂
crowleaf, 19 m, ♂
ripplestone, 18 m, ♀
poppysplash, 43 m, ♀
monarchbloom, 34 m, ♀
goatthroat, 17 m, ♂
cowlick, 17 m, ♂
pipersnap, 33 m, ♀
mistbird, 15 m, ♀
aspenspots, 15 m, ♀
torrentmarch, 15 m, ♂
iceswirl, 15 m, ♀
birchstripe, 15 m, ♂
poplarclaw, 15 m, ♀
arsenicswipe, 14 m, ♀
swooptalon, 14 m, ♀
cobaltgaze, 14cm, ♂
sprucestep, 14 m, ♂
sycamorefrost, 14 m, ♂
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀

sleetpaw, 14 m, ♀
cinderpaw, 12 m, ♀
rabbitpaw, 12 m, ♀
batpaw, 12 m, ♂
snipepaw, 12 m, ♀
turkeypaw, 10 m, ♀
dipperpaw, 10 m, ♂
loonpaw, 10 m, ♀
quillpaw, 9 m, ♀
runningpaw, 9 m, ♂
starlingpaw, 9 m, ♂
↪ deaf
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀


ratwhisker, 52 m, ♂
maplechirp, 15 m, ♂
↪ blind
mintbelly, 25 m, ♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀

shovelerkit, 5 m, ♀
sharpkit, 5 m, ♀
sagekit, 5 m, ♂
beaverkit, 5 m, ♂
sablekit, 1 m, ♂
robinkit, 1 m, ♂
ironkit, 1 m, ♂
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀

deerleap, 87 m, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀
al𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖊:
mouse, one serving╶ 010
minnow, one serving╶ 023
small fish, two servings╶ 012
squirrel, two servings╶ 018
marmot, two servings╶ 012
bird, three servings╶ 007
hare, three servings╶ 002
big fish, three servings╶ 011

North- the elysian dynasty ; Immortes
South- silverclan ; ~•SnowLeapord•~
East- pheonixclan ; stormt4lon
West- chessclan ; sharpiesandhamilton

Northeast- highgarden ; eagle
Northwest- spruceclan ; ponz
Southeast- galaclan ; demiboygod
Southwest- vagaryclan ; lyttlekytten

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Posts: 6179
Joined: Tue Sep 26, 2017 8:57 am
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BearClan 75

Postby inky. » Sun Sep 06, 2020 3:54 pm

clan archive thread is found here
clan population 047 xxx clan servings 015 xxx next starclan visit wheneverxxx next birth mintbelly (now!) xxx mod notes hey, just so you know id prefer if all future kits (and cats in general) are put onto lineart ^^ xxx cats to find n/a

The day was drawing to a close, and storm clouds were covering the setting sun, threatening rain but not spilling a drop. The cats of BearClan were settling into their nightly positions, save for a few, who were all too excited to stay still.

As it thundered overhead, Falconfeather huddled close to Thistlewing, who was looking very on edge.
“What’s wrong d-darling?” He asked, rubbing his cheek along hers “If the storm b-b-bothers you, you can always go to the nes-st.” Thistlewing shook her head.
“It’s not the storm I’m worried about.” She said eerily.

The ground was still wet from the rain earlier in the day, covering the earth in a thick layer of mud. Four sets of paws trudged through the muck, only three of them leaving footprints.

Elmstar was finally regaining her strength from the whole overtaking of Sootmask. Redfin was curled up beside her, sharing tongues beneath the oak’s branches. Redfin looked over with a smile to see Falconfeather and Thistlewing getting along. But he couldn’t find his other son.
“Do you know where Crowleaf is?” He asked his mate, but she just shook her head.

Goatthroat, much like the approaching squad, was quiet with anticipation. He could feel his heartbeat throughout his body, and his stomach was in knots. His sole focus was on the camp entrance, much to Cowlick’s dismay.

Saskatoonskip yawned as she snuggled in closer to her brother’s side.
“You need to get another pillow.” Shrewclaw said with a flick of his ear “My joints get stiffer a lot more frequently now, and I can’t stay still for your pleasure.”
“Oh shut up, and stop squirming.” Saskatoonskip whined, rolling over “You’re the most comfortable cat in the Clan. You’re always going to be my pillow whether you like it or not.”

Lightrunner was not excited. She, Beepuff, and Mudfreckle were all sitting behind one of the rock outcrops. They were trying to make themselves invisible. They were not going to fight, not for Viperstar at least. They would defend their clan; they liked it how it was, and they weren’t going to let some childish wannabe ruin their lives more than he already had.

Fallenwing was at the front of the procession, Crowleaf and Darkfang following shortly behind him. There was a very high chance he would not survive the night, and he knew this. He wasn’t sad, only somber. He was afraid for Thistlewing at some point, but he knew his sister would be better off without him. She could take care of herself, and Falconfeather would most likely be there with her. Ashtail though, if the night went according to plan, would finally rejoin his family in the stars.

As lightning struck the ground, all the BearClan cats turned their head to the river bank, where they saw three, no, four figures standing in complete stillness. Murmurs spread among the cats, until a booming voice, seeming to come from the thunder itself, ripped through the camp.
“Oh, you pitiful creatures.” It roared “Look at you, completely unaware of what’s been going on under your noses for moons.” The voice swirled around the clearing, drifting to different cats, startling them. “Well, now you’ll find out.” It said “I’ve been waiting ages for this, and now the time has finally come.” The clouds started to swirl down in a tornado-like fashion. Fallenwing, Crowleaf, and Darkfang stepped to the side, giving the clouds a space to land. With another crash of thunder and flash of lightning, the clouds disappeared, and a glowing, malicious ghost of a villain stood where it had connected with the cursed earth.
“Viperstar?” Elmstar gasped, hackles raising “What in StarClan’s name-”
“I’m going to stop you right there, darling.” He sneered “StarClan can’t help you now. They’ve tried and failed to infiltrate my plan of revenge, but they won’t stop me. Ever since my moment of death I’ve wandered the Dark Forest, crafting a perfect massacre that will never be wiped from BearClan’s history. You all have made a grave mistake crossing me all those moons ago; and now, you’ll see why.” Viperstar growled and cats started to flood to him from the sides of camp, earning many confused calls from their friends and families. “This is the moment I’ve trained you all for!” He howled, and with one large sneer added, “ATTACK!”

Crowleaf immediately charged, flinging himself at whatever cat was closest to him. His claws were outstretched and his face bore a hideous snarl. But before he could latch onto his prey, he felt a mass tackle him from the side. He let out an “oof” and tumbled to the ground. He wriggled around and got to his paws, spitting at whoever had driven him off course. But he instantly froze when he realized his attacker.
“F-Falconfeather?” He meowed “What are you doing?”
“What are you d-d-d-doing?” He stammered “Are you insane? B-b-brother, you’ve gone crazy!”
“What’s crazy about wanting to help your clan grow stronger?” Crowleaf hissed “Get out of my way, I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You’re hurting the cats I love!”
“I did this for you.” Crowleaf snarled “You ungrateful twat. A better BearClan can help you grow stronger! I need to protect my brother.”
“You’re no brother of mine.” Falconfeather said steadily, his stammer disappearing “My brother would never harm a cat, and then blame me as the reason. You’re a sick cat, Crowleaf, I can’t let you do this.” His brother let out a yowl and launched himself at the tom. Falconfeather hissed and bunched his muscles, colliding with his brother in the air, ready to put him down as battle raged around them.

Butterflytoe’s muscles were screaming as she forced herself to fly over the ledge. She was running away from the camp. Some might see it as cowardly, but to her it was self preservation. Her paws thundered over the muddy terrain, and all noise was drowned out by her heaving breath. She didn’t hear the footsteps of another coming swiftly from behind. Suddenly, she was yanked to the ground, feeling dirt shoved up her nose. The she-cat didn’t dare look behind her, only kept dragging herself over the ground.
“Don’t run away from me you coward.” Goatthroat sneered, sinking his claws into the middle of her back. He pulled her to him and she let out a squeal of pain, almost like a pig.
“You wouldn’t hurt me.” She said frantically, wriggling onto her back, exposing her belly “I’m a she-cat! I’m your clan mate!” Goatthroat spat and pressed his paw against her throat, shoving his face close to hers.
“I would kill my own mother if it meant getting rid of all the soft-bellies in this clan.” The tom looked her in the eye and snorted with disgust. Butterflytoe swallowed.
“You know, it’s kinda sad.” She said shakily “This is the first time a tom’s ever gotten close to me.” Goatthroat wrinkled his nose.
“And it will be the last.” He muttered, slicing his claws through her belly.

The camp was chaotic. Viperstar's voice seemed to echo around in every cat’s mind, and the cats of BearClan watched as their friends started to change. They grew agitated and wild, clawing and snarling with slitted eyes at whoever was near to them.
“What’s happening?” Robinkit asked, quivering against his brother.
“I don’t know.” Sablekit admitted “I think...I think he’s doing something to them; making them go crazy.” The newest apprentices were standing in front of the young ones, shielding them from the messy scene outside. Sagepaw winced as he saw Cinderhop launch herself at her sister, clawing Rabbitbreeze’s neck. The young warrior didn’t get up. Hollypounce wrestled Cinderhop away into the river. Both she-cats were swept away from the camp into the rapids.
“There’s no way they’ll survive that.” He muttered grimly.
“Are you sure we’re safe in here?” Sharppaw worried.
“Who would attack the nursery?” Like clockwork, as soon as the tom said the words, a snarling, ravenous ball of ginger fur hurtled into the den.
“Sunstomp stop it!” Blackbriar cried, rushing in after him. Sunstomp bolted to the kits in the far corner. He let out a howl and closed his jaws around the closest cat he could find, Shovelerpaw. She shrieked and wriggled, trying to escape the large tom’s deadly grip. He thrashed her around violently, and Sharppaw squeaked as she heard her sister’s bones snap. Sunstomp flung her away, and spotted the other cats. As he stalked forward, the young cats moved back, slowly making their way to the hiding tunnel.
“Sunstomp!” Blackbriar cried again “This isn’t you! Snap out of it!” He did snap out of it. Straightening, he turned to Blackbriar and placed his paws on her neck, retching her head to the side. The cats let out a yelp as Blackbriar’s lifeless body fell to the ground. Sagepaw took this opportunity to shove Sablekit and Robinkit into the tunnel.
“Go as far back as you can!” He called. Sablekit nodded and led his brother into the tunnel. It was dark and tight, but the two toms kept wriggling to the back. When they were settled, Sablekit noticed a small stream of light coming from a hole in the tunnel. The kit peered through it and his eyes widened in horror. He saw Serpentfang cornering Avocetdance, who was barely fighting back. He gave a half-hearted swipe, but the black she-cat caught his arm, flipping him over and plunging her teeth into his throat. Sablekit watched as the life drained from his father’s body.
“What can you see?” Robinkit asked, pushing Sablekit out of the way to get a glimpse. Panic set into the older tom. He didn’t want his brother to see that carnage. He was innocent, he was pure, he didn’t deserve to endure that corruptive tragedy. Sablekit shoved him away against the wall and shook his head.
“Nothing,” He whispered “Now be quiet.”
Sagepaw and Sharppaw were close behind the two kits. Sunstomp tried to claw his way after them, straining against the small entrance. Sharppaw cried out as his paw clamped down on her tail.
“Sagepaw!” She called. Her brother sprung into action and wormed his way back through the tunnel. He bit down hard on Sunstomp’s paw, and the tom retracted it with a hiss. He guided his sister to the back and looked out the small hole, seeing Ratwhisker coming to their rescue.

Shrewclaw was in a frenzy. He twirled around, desperately searching for Saskatoonskip. They had been fending off Swiftwind when Chestnutstripe tackled her away. He scrunched up his nose, feeling that same heavy darkness mouthing at his head. He struggled, but managed to push it away again. Somehow, the strong-willed warrior had been able to push away Viperstar’s poison, that had consumed so many of his clanmates with uncontrolled rage and the urge to kill. Swiftwind would never hurt a fly, and yet there he was, lying at Shrewclaw’s paws, bloodied and dead from their fight. The living warrior was starting to grow feint himself, but he wouldn’t stop until he made sure his family was safe. He hoped to the side as Adderbreeze and Hickorywind tumbled past. He never would have imagined so many cats fighting each other. Everyone was engaged. Elmstar had just revived for the second time, Fallenwing was slashing at every cat within reach, and every cat was claws-to-claws with their friends, family, and clanmates, all while the untouchable ghost of Viperstar watched with a wide grin. Shrewclaw sucked in a breath as a familiar grey pelt caught his eye. Saskatoonskip was collapsed on the ground, pinned against the hollow wall by a raging Chestnutstripe. The usually calm she-cat was swiping and spitting at the young warrior. Saskatoonskip was struggling to get up, legs weakly trembling beneath her. Several cuts and gashes riddled her pelt, and Shrewclaw could tell she didn’t have much left in her. He jumped into action, running cross-clearing and jumping over each group of battling cats. His muscles strained, but all he focused on was his target. He used his strength to launch himself high into the air, wrestling Chestnutstripe to the ground right as she posed for a final strike. The she-cat snarled and thrashed with her claws out, trying to make contact. Shrewclaw bit her shoulder to keep her down, but Chestnutstripe kicked his belly tossing him to the side. She got on top of him and hissed viciously in his face. She slashed her claws over his muzzle and pummeled his chest. Shrewclaw smacked the side of her head and grabbed onto her neck, trying to regain the upper ground. He was starting to overpower her when she sank her teeth into his shoulder. He cried out with pain, releasing his grip. Chestnutstripe took her chance and repeatedly clawed his chest and neck, gashing it open. Shrewclaw was stiff with shock and pain, and couldn’t move to get his clanmate off. He weakly scrabbled at his opponent’s face, but it was no use, and he could feel the wounds getting deeper. The she-cat was pulled off of him and he watched blurrily as Saskatoonskip swiftly tore through Chestnutstripe’s side, causing her to shiver before collapsing in a pool of blood. Shrewclaw was gasping for breath, clawing at the air.
“Shh, Shh.” Saskatoonskip soothed “Don’t move, you’ll only make it worse.” Shrewclaw opened his mouth, trying to speak, and he scrunched up his face with the effort. The she-cat watched her brother with sadness in her eyes. “You stupid cat, why’d you have to come save me?”
“It’s my job.” Shrewclaw rasped, coughing with the words “I’m your brother, and I love you. I’d do anything for you. I gave you my all, you’re an amazing cat.” Saskatoonskip didn’t know what to say, so she just choked out a sob. “Promise me one thing, okay? Live for me. It doesn’t matter what life will throw at you, because I’ll always look down on you. I’m always here.” He lifted a paw and pressed it weakly to her chest. He gave a pained grin, and Saskatoonskip howled with grief as she watched the life drain from her beloved brother’s eyes.
“Oh stop crying.” Serpentfang grumbled, interrupting her sister’s shouts. Saskatoonskip looked around and her lip quivered.
“No,” She whimpered “No, not you too.”
“It’s always been me.” Serpentfang hissed “You’ve just been to blind to see it.” The black she-cat unsheathed her claws and took a menacing step forward. Saskatoonskip gasped.
“You wouldn’t hurt me! I’m your sister!” She objected.
“I had no problem standing by while Fallenwing shredded Shadowstripe.” her sister hissed “Do you think I give a damn about family ties? I didn’t choose them. I don’t want to be related to you. I’ve found my place with Viperstar. And if you stand in my way, I’ll have no issue killing you myself.” Serpentfang puffed up, preparing for a fight.
“Serpentfang, please!” Saskatoonskip pleaded “I already lost Shrewclaw, I can’t lose you!”
“You can’t lose something you never had.” Serpentfang spat, opening her jaws in a wide battle cry and charging the she-cat. Time seemed to slow, and Saskatoonskip was faced with a decision. This was her sister, but she was also in danger. Family or dying? Kill or be killed? Her stomach fell, but she knew what she had to do.
“I’m sorry.” She whispered, a tear falling from her eye as she unsheathed her own claws. She stepped out of her sister’s path. As Serpentfang hurtled past, Saskatoon raised her paw and sliced it over her sister’s throat, killing her swiftly.

Of all the screaming echoing from the camp, Mintbelly was the only one Pumpkinpaw could hear.
“Will you please try and keep it down?” He snapped, preparing his herbs.
“Did you seriously just tell me to shut up while I’m giving birth?” Mintbelly hissed, digging her claws into the dirt.
“You don’t want anyone knowing you’re here.” The apprentice shot back “You’re vulnerable and I have zero fighting skills.” Mintbelly was about to retort, but another wave of pain passed through her. She clamped her jaws around a stick and let out a muffled scream. Another howl of pain echoed into the den. Pumpkinpaw hurried over to the entrance and saw Bumbleflight standing off against Starlingpaw and Barleystripe.
“Bumbleflight!” The apprentice called out to his mentor.
“Stay in there, Pumpkinpaw!” He ordered “Don’t you dare leave her side! I’ll guard the entrance.” Pumpkinpaw nodded, and hurried back to the queen.
“You picked a great time to come.” He sarcastically told the unborn kittens “We’ll keep you safe, no matter what’s going on out there.”

Sycamorefrost circled Stormfang, sizing up his own father.
“You don’t have to do this.” The senior warrior warned “Don’t make me hurt you.”
“Oh please,” Sycamorefrost scoffed “You probably don’t even know my name. How can you truly care about your kits if you can’t even remember all their names. You know, Shrewclaw had a point; you should have quit while you were ahead.” Stormfang flattened his ears.
“I will not apologize for having a family.” He said evenly “Your mother and I-”
“Ah, and look how well it turned out for her!” The young tom laughed “She died having another pointless litter. And now there are three more kits that have to grow up without knowing the love of their parents.” Sycamorefrost stopped in his tracks and hunched his shoulders. “This is what happens when you don’t love a kit like they deserve. Viperstar has been more of a father to me than you could ever be. He’s taught me how to become strong, how to develop my skills and build up my weaknesses. He cared about me.”
“No he didn’t!” Stormfang reasoned, rolling his eyes “He was playing you! He still is!”
“Fake love is better than no love at all!” Sycamorefrost shrieked “Which is the only thing I ever got from you. Do you know how much it hurts knowing you’ll never be enough? It’s like a clawing in your stomach. And now, you’ll get to experience it yourself.” He let out a wail and dashed at his father, claws extended. For some reason, Stormfang just stayed there, peacefully awaiting his demise. Sycamorefrost let out a troaty growl as he tossed the tom to the side and slashed open his belly. Stormfang died quickly, but he did so with an air of grace, which infuriated Sycamorefrost.
“You don’t even care that I killed you?” He hissed quietly.
“Sycamorefrost.” A voice gasped “What have you done?” The tom whirled around to see Swooptalon, his sister. “You killed dad?!” She cried, rushing to her father’s body. Sycamorefrost was filled with panic. He had been so focused on getting his own revenge that he failed to consider the effect of the tom’s death on his many siblings.
“I-” He tried to speak.
“How could you?” Swooptalon shrieked, tears forming at the edges of her eyes “He raised you! He loved you! How could you betray our family like this? We’re orphans now because of you!” Guilt swamped the young tom, and his head was reeling. His chest heaved and he looked around wildly with wide eyes. “Get out!” She howled, lunging at him “Go away!” She snarled and spat, swiping at her brother with her claws “You Murderer!” Sycamorefrost turned tail and bolted away, leaping over the hollow walls and sprinting into the wilderness.

Thistlewing pressed herself up against the wall, watching all the chaos unfold. She had seriously underestimated Viperstar’s power; almost every good-natured cat she knew was now at the throat of any living creature they could find. She herself had a few minor injuries, but the cats she had fought soon lost interest and gone off to other targets. She was lucky in the sense that she hadn’t had to kill anyone yet. Her brother, though, seemed fine with that burden. Thistlewing was frozen, unable to tear her eyes from her brother ripping out others’ throats. She quivered at the pure rage and ferocity in Fallenwing’s movements. He was an uncontrollable beast, and she was partially responsible for that. She could have stopped him, forced him to come with her when she left the dark forest.
“Well, well, well.” A voice sneered, pulling Thistlewing back into the moment “Look who’s hiding again.” Darkfang walked menacingly towards the she-cat, blood staining the fur around her mouth, kill count obviously high.
“I’m not hiding.” Thistlewing huffed “Self preservation isn’t a fault.”
“You always did have a mind of your own didn’t you.” The warrior spat “Too bad you won’t be able to use it anymore; not after I’m done with you. You can’t run from me now.” Thistlewing’s ears flattened and she felt fear spark in her chest. Darkfang was unpredictable. She pressed harder against the wall, and Darkfang took a quickened step to her. A familiar body intercepted her, though, and Darkfang was thrust back with a shoulder.
“Fallenwing!” She gasped, looking at her fellow killer “What are you doing?” Fallenwing stood in front of his sister, narrowing his eyes at Darkfang and shaking his head. “You can’t seriously be protecting her!” Darkfang gasped incredulously “She left us! She left you! She’s not loyal to you; not like I am!”
“She’s my sister.” Fallenwing hissed “I’ll always protect her.” Darkfang howled.
“She doesn’t deserve you.” She cried “Get away from her!” She growled and jumped at the two cats. Thistlewing let out a whimper, but Fallenwing leaped too, catching Darkfang mid air and clenching his jaws around her throat, retching her to the side, and flinging her to the side. He landed with practiced grace and spit out the clumps of fur and blood that remained in his mouth. Darkfang was left in a petrified state of shock and fury, sprawled over the ground. Fallenwing returned to his sister and rubbed his cheek against her.
“You’re alright, Thistlewing.” He assured her with a small smile and padded away, jumping back into battle. Thistlewing only stared in shock.

Nightfur panted, recovering from the fight he had just finished. He looked sadly down at Monarchbloom, who had died in her possessed state.
“Poor girl.” He mused with a frown “None of these cats deserve to die, except for Viperstar.” A howl nearby caught his attention and he saw a black cat standing over the body of Cardinalgaze.
“Snipepaw?” He gasped, hurrying over to his daughter “What are you doing?” He looked at her, expecting to see the wild eyes of a cat infected by Viperstar’s mind games, but the apprentice’s yellow gaze was as clear as ever. Snipepaw was about to snort, but a light started to detach from Cardinalgaze’s body. Nightfur whimpered as he saw the ghost take full form.
“Redpaw?” He cried softly “Is that you?” The starry figure gave a somber look to his past father and nodded. Nightfur felt fury and indignation burn inside him. He slowly turned to Snipepaw and glowered at her. The apprentice had to take a step back after seeing the pure, raw emotion in her father’s eyes. He took a broad step towards her. “You killed my son.” He said roughly “Get out of my sight.”
“B-But dad, I-”
“You are no daughter of mine.” Nightfur snarled, lunging at her. Snipepaw fled in the opposite reaction, running into the dark wood. Sadness overtook the tom and he turned to Redpaw’s ghost, resting his head against it.
“I’m so sorry, my son.” He sobbed “I couldn’t even save you the second time.”

Across the camp, another father and son were faced with each other, but this meeting was far from hopeful. Fallenwing eyes his father with detached interest, circling around with him. Ashtail was on edge, not knowing what to say to his son.
“Well, are you going to make a move?” Fallenwing growled, gaze unfaltering.
“Why do you want me to?” Ashtail shot back.
“Because this is a battle, mousebrain.” The warrior scoffed “Someone has to start the fight.”
“Why do you want to fight me?”
“Because,” Fallenwing growled “I need to show you how powerful I’ve become. How strong I got despite your indifference to me.”
“What are you talking about?” The deputy cried “I’ve loved you from the day you were born!”
“Don’t lie to me!” He shouted back “I know I’m a disappointment. You don’t have to pretend you like me. Why would you?”
“Because I’m your father!”
“Viperstar was more of a father to me than you ever were! He opened my eyes to the faults of this clan. He could’ve done great things, but you ruined it.” Fallenwing hissed “You couldn’t handle his changes, so you were selfish and decided to kick him out. Look how well that went.”
“Viperstar was a murderer! I wasn’t going to let my clan be tainted by that.”
“Your own family is tainted by it!” Fallenwing laughed “You’re looking at the cat who killed Lightningpaw. Your influence did nothing. You can’t protect your own family. How do you expect to take care of a whole clan.” Ashtail went rigid.
“You…” He whispered “You killed your own brother?”
“He was a weak liability.” He meowed, rolling his eyes “Oh, please don’t give me a sad speech about your grief.” Ashtail shook with fury, and didn’t say another word, only let out a screech and tackled Fallenwing to the ground.
“I knew you cared about him more than me.” He laughed, kicking his father off him and flinging him over his head. He scrambled to his feet and tried to get the high ground, but Ashtail was much more experienced and pinned his son again, claws at his throat. Fallenwing bit his paw and cracked it, causing Ashtail to step back.
“I don’t want to hurt you!” The older tom cried, pleading for his son to stop.
“Don’t be a coward!” Fallenwing yowled back “Fight me like you mean it!” He leaped into the air and raked his claws down the deputy’s back. Ashtail stood up on his paws and slammed into Fallenwing, disabling him momentarily. He used this opportunity to get his breath and stabilize himself. Fallenwing huffed and let out a cry of pure anger, rushing him. He extended his claws, but Ashtail ducked down, slicing the area beneath Fallenwing’s chest, cutting an artery. The young tom gasped and gargled as blood filled his lungs. He skidded to a halt shortly behind Ashtail. His chest heaved, laying flat on the ground as blood pooled. Ashtail huffed a breath and swallowed, cautiously approaching his son. Fallenwing’s mouth opened and closed, beckoning his father closer. Ashtail bent down, ready to hear his son’s last words.
“I hope you burn.” The warrior gargled. He suddenly flashed his claws over Ashtail’s eyes, raking over his face sharply. He let out a laugh as he cried in pain and shouted, before laying still.
“I can’t see!” Ashtail wailed “Why can’t I see?!”

Viperstar grumbled, slinking around the clearing in disdain. His army was dwindling, and with Fallenwing dead, he didn’t stand much of a chance. He himself was starting to fade, and he knew he couldn’t stay in the walking world forever. Suddenly, a burst of light ripped through the sky, and a familiar ghostly figure appeared in front of him. He rolled his eyes and scoffed.
“Finally decided to join the party, huh?” He meowed with a slick grin. Sandstep frowned and shook her head.
“You need to stop this, Viperstar.” She pleaded “I know you’re hurting, but you’ve gone too far.”
“Oh, so I’m hurting.” He meowed “That must be why I’m doing this. You’re wrong, Sandstep. I’m not doing this because I’m angry with you, I’m doing this because I like to see cats die.”
“You’re better than this-”
“No I’m not!” Viperstar laughed “See, your flaw is that you always see a salvageable piece of junk behind whatever crappy outside it’s hiding behind. I’m not some broken thing you can fix, sister. I’m not clouded in my judgement, I’m not going through a phase; this is me, and I’m not going to change.” Sandstep dipped her head.
“I’m going to ask you one last time, Viper.” She said softly “Please stop this.” Viperstar puffed out his chest and narrowed his eyes.
“No.” He said simply. Sandstep closed her eyes somberly and sighed, fading away. She was soon replaced by a sturdier, taller form. “Oh, StarClan.” Viperstar gagged “Not you.”
“Viperstar, this needs to stop.” Slatestar boomed.
“Yes, I’m aware.” The sandy tom meowed “It’s never going to end, dearest Slatestar. You’d have to kill my spirit first.” Slatestar furrowed his brow and widened his stance, taking Viperstar up on his offer of a challenge.
“Viperstar, look at everything we’ve built.” Slatestar meowed, a warning tone in his voice “Look how large and prosperous BearClan has grown! You don’t seriously want it to crumble.”
“Oh but I do.” Viperstar seethed “I want them to spend every day pondering how they could have prevented me. I want their minds to boil with the endless ‘what if’s. I want BearClan to die out so that their only remains are a bloody smear in history!” Viperstar yowled and began the battle, pouncing at Slatestar. The older ghost bucked him off, kicking his old clanmate in the jaw. Viperstar spit out blood, but was quick to return to his feet. He sprinted at his target, leaping over and dodging the attacks he gave. The tom swiped Slatestar’s side, giving a fatal gash on his stomach. Viperstar wanted to pin him from above, so he soared over Slatestar’s head. The leader was quick thinking, though, and raised a paw, letting his claws tear through Viperstar’s ghostly underbelly. The tom let out a cry and faded blood flowed from the clean cut. Viperstar collapsed to the ground and heaved a few breaths before staying still, eyes and mouth still wide open. Slatestar felt himself fading as well. The wounds were too great for even StarClan to recover. He took one final look of pride of his legacy, of his Clan, before eventually fading alongside Viperstar, leaving the clearing and going to some unknown place.

The effects of Viperstar’s mind games seemed to wear off after his second death, and the cats of BearClan were now trying to attempt some sort of clean up. Many cats were shaken to the core, unable to forgive themselves for their actions under the villain’s influence (no matter how many times they were assured no blame was on them). Elmstar was limping around the clearing, assessing the damage. Pumpkinpaw was now the only medicine cat BearClan had, and while trying to grieve Bumbleflight’s death, the poor young cat also had to tend the wounds of whatever living cats remained. Bodies were sprawled out everywhere, and Elmstar estimated that half the clan was dead or missing. As she numbly journeyed through the camp, she noted the losses of the oldest clan members; Stormfang, who had been the Clan’s first apprentice. Adderbreeze and Swiftwind, who Fognose was silently mourning beside her kits. Sparkstorm was sobbing violently into Burrwhisker’s fur, clinging onto the remnants of hope for his brother’s revival. The leader made eye contact with Shellpond, who was sadly comforting her mate. She shook her head, and Elmstar continued her walk. Cries of battle had been replaced with crised of grief and desperate pleas. The overwhelming cloud of despair was too heavy for Elmstar, and she started to feel her legs shake beneath her. Luckily, Tickstripe was quick to notice and he supported his mother with his shoulder. He guided her gently to the entrance of the camp, sitting with her by the bank of the river. The two cats silently watched the sun come up, a new day beginning even in the wake of the horrible battle.
“Oh, Tickstripe.” The leader sniffled, a single tear rolling down her cheek “Why has StarClan cursed us? What did we ever do to deserve these horrible things ”

[viperstar unleashes his forces on the unsuspecting bearclan cats. many (50 rip) cats are killed in the fight]
[snipepaw, sycamorefrost, and twigsnap run away/escape from the camp. twigsnap flees to her mate in chessclan, sycamorefrost flees to scarabclan, and snipepaw]
[during the battle, ashtail is forced to kill fallenwing. before the warrior dies, however, he blinds his father]
[mintbelly goes into labor during the battle. x1 chervil is used, and bumbleflight and pumpkinpaw assists]
[nightfur, tickstripe, serpentfang, fognose, fognose, and butterflytoe patrol]
[fallenwing, serpentfang, thistlewing, falconfeather, gorsewind, and shellpond hunt]
[dunefeather, heronstep, beepuff, beantail, silverdrop, and chestnutstripe hunt]
[twigsnap, splashfur, owlshade, darkfang, vulturecrest, and mudfreckle hunt]
[avocetdance, splashfur, nettlemist, redfin, applebee, and ricecub hunt]
[shrewclaw, hollypounce, mossbounce, minktwist, sparkstorm, and sunstomp hunt]
[bumbleflight and pumpkinpaw look for herbs]
[bumbleflight teaches pumpkinpaw application]
[sleetpaw takes her final assessment]
[batpaw takes his final assessment]
[hollypounce teaches turkeypaw stealth]
[lightrunner teaches runningpaw climbing]
[bisonclaw mentors sagepaw]
[cougarpounce mentors sharppaw]
[marmotsnout mentors beaverpaw]
[the clan fasts]

elmstar, 68 m, ♀
ashtail, 54 m, ♂
↪ blind

xxxxx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙:
bumbleflight, 70 m, ♂
xx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊:
pumpkinpaw, 12 m, ♂

stormfang, 80 m, ♂
swiftwind, 71 m, ♂
nightfur, 68 m, ♂
hickorywind, 61 m, ♂
↪ blind in one eye

adderbreeze, 74 m, ♀
hollypounce, 61 m, ♀
redfin, 75 m, ♂
shrewclaw , 52 m, ♂
badgergaze, 50 m, ♂
burrwhisker, 44 m, ♂

sparkstorm, 44 m, ♂
blackbriar, 77 m, ♀
sunstomp, 44 m, ♂
owlshade, 39 m, ♂
ricecub, 57 m, ♀
chestnutstripe, 46 m, ♀

darkfang, 39 m, ♀
ryetail, 37 m, ♀
nimbuscurl, 44 m, ♂
mossbounce, 35 m, ♂
twigsnap, 36 m, ♀
applebee, 35 m, ♀
butterflytoe, 33 m, ♀
fognose, 74 m, ♀

marmotsnout, 56 m, ♀
tickstripe, 33 m, ♂
lightrunner, 38 m, ♀
gorsewind, 46 m, ♀
bisonclaw, 36 m, ♂
avocetdance, 44 m, ♂
nettlemist, 43 m, ♀
shellpond, 42 m, ♀
vulturecrest, 57 m, ♂
squashtuft, 39 m, ♂ (afab)
mudfreckle, 27 m, ♀
beantail, 26 m, ♀
toadskip, 26 m, ♂
saskatoonskip, 24 m, ♀
serpentfang, 24 m, ♀
fallenwing, 23 m, ♂

thistlewing, 23 m, ♀
minktwist, 22 m, ♀
jacobintail, 22 m, ♂
hazeburst, 23 m, ♀
↪ asthmatic

silverdrop, 47 m, ♀
cardinalgaze, 23 m, ♂
dunefeather, 23 m, ♀
splashfur, 23 m, ♀
beepuff, 22 m, ♂
falconfeather, 20 m, ♂
tulipclaw, 56 m, ♀
barleystripe, 19 m, ♂

cougarpounce, 19 m, ♂
moorpelt, 19 m, ♀
spiderjump, 19 m, ♂
crowleaf, 20 m, ♂
ripplestone, 19 m, ♀
poppysplash, 44 m, ♀
monarchbloom, 35 m, ♀
goatthroat, 18 m, ♂
cowlick, 18 m, ♂
pipersnap, 34 m, ♀
mistbird, 16 m, ♀
aspenspots, 16 m, ♀
torrentmarch, 16 m, ♂
iceswirl, 16 m, ♀
birchstripe, 16 m, ♂
poplarclaw, 16 m, ♀
arsenicswipe, 15 m, ♀
swooptalon, 15 m, ♀
cobaltgaze, 15 m, ♂
sprucestep, 15 m, ♂
sycamorefrost, 15 m, ♂
cinderhop, 13 m, ♀
rabbitbreeze, 13 m, ♀

[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀

sleetpaw, 15 m, ♀
batpaw, 13 m, ♂
snipepaw, 13 m, ♀
turkeypaw, 11 m, ♀
dipperpaw, 11 m, ♂
loonpaw, 11 m, ♀

quillpaw, 10 m, ♀
runningpaw, 10 m, ♂
starlingpaw, 10 m, ♂
↪ deaf

shovelerpaw, 6 m, ♀
sharppaw, 6 m, ♀
sagepaw, 6 m, ♂
beaverpaw, 6 m, ♂
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀


ratwhisker, 53 m, ♂
maplechirp, 16 m, ♂
↪ blind
mintbelly, 26 m, ♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀

sablekit, 2 m, ♂
robinkit, 2 m, ♂
ironkit, 2 m, ♂
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀

deerleap, 87 m, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀
al𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖊:
mouse, one serving╶ 016
minnow, one serving╶ 024
small fish, two servings╶ 016
squirrel, two servings╶ 020
marmot, two servings╶ 013
bird, three servings╶ 008
hare, three servings╶ 004
big fish, three servings╶ 012

North- the elysian dynasty ; Immortes
South- silverclan ; ~•SnowLeapord•~
East- pheonixclan ; stormt4lon
West- chessclan ; sharpiesandhamilton

Northeast- highgarden ; eagle
Northwest- spruceclan ; ponz
Southeast- galaclan ; demiboygod
Southwest- vagaryclan ; lyttlekytten

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Re: BearClan

Postby inky. » Sun Sep 06, 2020 3:58 pm

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• END OF ARC 2 •

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BearClan 76

Postby inky. » Sat Sep 12, 2020 2:00 pm

clan archive thread is found here
clan population 049 xxx clan servings 009 xxx next starclan visit wheneverxxx next birth n/axxx mod notes genetic information can be found here ; could i also have genotypes with all my cats ^^xxx cats to find sept. 9th cat

Ashtail could feel the leaves being pulled from his face, but he couldn’t see them. In fact, he couldn’t see anything.
“Yeah,” Pumpkinpaw sighed dejectedly, sorrow in his voice “Completely blind.” Thistlewing, who was laying beside her father, pressed against him. Ashtail only nodded. He knew he was never going to see again, never going to gaze among the stars and pick out the ones that shone brightest, never going to see the happiness on his daughter’s face, never going to see any future grandkits. But for some reason, the tom wasn’t sad. He had seen so much in his life, that he didn’t mourn the opportunity to be blind of all the hurt in his friends’ eyes.
“It’s alright.” Elmstar assured him, coming further into the den “You’re still one of the strongest cats I’ve ever meant. Just because you’re disabled doesn’t mean you’ll stop being a great deputy.” Ashtail shook his head.
“I want to retire” He stated plainly, with a small smile on his muzzle “To be honest, I’ve been thinking about it for a while. Maybe this is a sign.” Thistlewing scoffed.
“Don’t be daft.” She muttered “You love being a deputy! Why would you give it up?”
“Darling, I’ve had enough excitement to last me nine lifetimes.” He chuckled “I’m ready to rest.” He rose shakily to his paws, and angled his head in his leader’s general direction. “It’s been an honor, Elmstar.” He purred “I loved working beside you; but it’s time to move on to the next stage in life. There are several capable cats to take my position, and I hope you work together to make BearClan prosper.”
“Oh, shut up.” Elmstar laughed sadly “You’re not dead, you’ll still be around. Now that you have more time on your paws, you can help keep the kits’ attention occupied. In fact, why don’t you go and visit Maplechirp. He’s been blind his whole life, I’m sure he’d be willing to help you get adjusted.” Ashtail dipped his head and Elmstar licked his ear.
“It’s been an honor for me too, Ashtail.” She said, her voice warm with reminiscence “Rest well, my friend, you deserve it.”

“Let all cats of BearClan gather beneath the High Branch.” Elmstar cried, sitting on her high perch. Her dark pelt blended well with the shade, but her bright eyes were filled with excitement for her announcement. As the cats started to flow into their formation, the leader’s eyes locked on the target of her promotion. “Ashtail has decided to retire,” She meowed. Though many cats were shocked, she ignored the gasps and continued. “He has earned his rest, and we all thank him for his service to our clan. However, a new deputy must be appointed. She has shown great initiative and courage, and I know both she and I will work hard to lead the clan together. I say these words before StarClan and BearClan, and I hope you all second my choice. Marmotsnout, from this moment on, you are the deputy of BearClan. Congratulations.” The she-cat had a dazed look in her eyes as she moved towards the tree. Elmstar hopped down to her level and met her with a broad smile.
“Are you sure about this?” Marmotsnout meowed.
“Of course.” The leader purred “I know you’ll be great.” She leaned forward and licked her new deputy’s shoulder. The two she-cats turned to the clan, reveling in the powerful chants of their clanmates.


Lightrunner was determined to get to the meeting place. Dried bushes clawed and scraped at her pelt, but she didn’t care. She was hellbent on seeing him. She had been stupid to let Viperstar corrupt her. But now, after the battle, everyone’s priorities had been checked, and the she-cat couldn’t go on without displaying her feelings for the tom she’d been fawning over for moons. Soon, he was in sight. Lightrunner took a moment to admire his long legs and better-groomed pelt before plunging into his vision. Tallthorn was standing beneath the tree awkwardly, not knowing what to do while he awaited her arrival. Once he saw her, he opened his jaws to say some sort of greeting, but he was immediately pushed back by the force of Lightrunner rushing into a hug. She dug her face into his short shoulder fur, and took a deep breath, relaxing herself.
“Is everything alright?” Tallthorn chuckled, though concern laced his words.
“It is now.” Lightrunner sighed, pulling away “Something...well, something awful happened last moon. I still don’t know if I’m ready to talk about it, but it made me realize something. Life's too short for games and hopeful wishes. If you want something, you need to go for it. And I want you, Tallthorn, so badly. You’re the only cat I want to see when I wake up. I know we’re in different clans, but I also know that I feel so close to your heart. I understand if you don’t feel the same way about me, but I hope to StarClan that you do, because I really can’t imagine any life without you that I’d enjoy.” She huffed, finally finished with her speech, and she looked to him expectantly. It took a moment for the tom to process her words, but after a few moments, a large smile crept to his lips.
“So, you like me?” He asked.
“Yes, you idiot!” Lightrunner laughed “I love you.”
“Light,” He purred “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to hear that.” Lightrunner furrowed her brow.
“Then why didn’t you say something?” She giggled.
“W-Well I wasn’t sure if you would respond...goodly.” Lightrunner rolled her eyes and laughed.
“You are one of a kind, Tallthorn.” She purred, leaning close and rubbing her cheek along his.
“S-So then,” Tallthorn meowed “What...does this make us?”
“Well, if it’s alright with you I’d like to be your mate.” The she-cat purred.
“Sounds perfect.” Tallthorn grinned, nuzzling his new mate.


Bisonclaw settled down next to Applebee. He had a rabbit swinging from his jaws, and several words building up behind it. Many things were on his mind, but this had taken precedent for the past few days.
“Hey,” He greeted the she-cat, dropping the rabbit at her paws “Want to share a meal?”
“You never want to eat with me.” Applebee said with suspicion, narrowing her eyes “What do you want.” Bisonclaw laughed nervously, and rested anyways.
“Truth is, I wanted to talk to you.” He meowed. The she-cat looked at him, motioning for him to continue. The tom took a deep breath and huffed, nodding. “So much has changed recently. When I go to sleep, I honestly can’t be sure if the world will be there when I wake up; if I wake up. I don’t want to waste any more time running in endless circles trying to figure out what I want, because I know what I want; I want you. I...I can’t live without you, Applebee, and I don’t want to waste another moment without you by my side.”
“I thought you hated me.” Applebee whispered after a few moments of shock.
“I did.” He chuckled “But that hate turned into love a long time ago, I think. Through all the suffering and all the pain, nothing has made me feel more happy and secure than the time we spend together. And I want that for the rest of my life. I’m sure you have a lot of resentment for all the snide comments and bullying I’ve put you through, but I just want you to know that nothing could ever deserve you; not even me. And you can reject me, but I need to let you know how much love I feel for you; because you will always be the most perfect angel in my eyes, and I will always adore you.” Applebee was shell shocked and speechless. Her eyes were wide in disbelief and her jaw hung slightly open.
“Wow.” She murmured “That’s all I can say.” She looked at her paws and swallowed roughly. “I’ll admit, I did have the biggest crush on you when you first came, but you did kill them in a way. But I know deep down they’re still running around. And if you’re being sincere, I’d be willing to dig them up. So I guess...I guess I’m accepting your offer to be your mate.”
“I never asked you to be my mate.” He snickered, a coy smile on his lips “But I’m not complaining.” The two laughed together and sat in comfortable silence as they feasted on their rabbit.


Sablekit tugged the mossball.
“Stop! I had it first!” He growled, straining his strength. Ironkit was firmly planted, though, and wasn’t ready to give up on his prize.
‘Nuh-uh!” Ironkit argued “I won the race! I get to throw it next!” Ratwhisker shook his head and pried them apart.
“Alright, guys enough.” He sighed “I’m throwing it again.” Ironkit let go and nodded.
“Then we’ll really see who wins.” The ginger tom meowed proudly. Sablekit only grumbled and got in his position.


Cowlick could barely keep still. Even laying down, his body was shaking with the after effects of the battle. How could Goatthroat do that to him? His brother, who he’d tried so hard to help, had fallen so far that he was unrecognizable.
“Don’t.” Spiderjump whispered, scooting closer to his friend and nuzzled his nose into his shoulder.
“Don’t what?”
“Don’t blame yourself.” Spiderjump said sleepily, eyes still closed “What happened is not your fault, okay? I don’t want you killing yourself with the ‘what if’s. Just...accept what Goatthroat did was his own fault. He didn’t deserve your help, he chose to deny it.” Cowlick grinned softly and sighed, resting his chin on his paws, muzzle near to Spiderjump’s.
“Okay.” He said softly, licking his partner’s cheek and curling up beside him.


Ripplestone made her way through the dew-covered ferns. The morning sky was pale and awakening, and she was calculating the distance from camp. She had snuck out last night to see Mousse, the extremely attractive tom she had met at the gathering. They had spent a night among the stars, and now she felt serious feelings forming in her heart. It was irrational, she knew it was, since the stud had many different flings, but something inside her felt as if their relationship could work. They agreed to have a fling of kits, but maybe this was just the beginning of wonderful relationship

[ashtail retires, marmotsnout is the deputy of bearclan!]
[ripplestone tries for kits with Mousse (stud)]
[nimbuscurl's stud kits will arrive in 2 moons]
[bisonclaw and applebee become mates]
[lightrunner and tallthorn of spruceclan become mates]
[jacobintail, shellpond, moorpelt, mistbird, pipersnap, and cougarpounce patrol]
[thistlewing, spiderjump, falconfeather, aspenspots, silverdrop, and saskatoonskip hunt]
[tickstripe, lightrunner, birchstripe, swooptalon, arsenicswipe, and cobaltgaze hunt]
[cowlick, applebee, torrentmarch, ryetail, nimbuscurl, and owlshade hunt]
[marmotsnout, bisonclaw, sleetroll, batcry, sprucestep, and toadskip hunt]
[pumpkinpaw looks for herbs]
[bumbleflight (ghost) teaches pumpkinpaw application]
[thistlewing teaches turkeypaw swimming]
[lightrunner teaches runningpaw stealth]
[bisonclaw teaches sagepaw hunting]
[cougarpounce teaches sharppaw hunting]
[marmotsnout teaches beaverpaw hunting]
[the clan consumes]

elmstar, 69 m, ♀
marmotsnout, 57 m, ♀

xxxxx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙:
[url=link]✺[/url] name, age, ♂♀
xx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊:
pumpkinpaw, 13 m, ♂

nightfur, 69 m, ♂
sparkstorm, 45 m, ♂
owlshade, 40 m, ♂
ryetail, 38 m, ♀
nimbuscurl, 45 m, ♂
applebee, 36 m, ♀
tickstripe, 34 m, ♂
lightrunner, 39 m, ♀
bisonclaw, 37 m, ♂
shellpond, 43 m, ♀
toadskip, 27 m, ♂
saskatoonskip, 25 m, ♀
thistlewing, 24 m, ♀
jacobintail, 23 m, ♂
silverdrop, 48 m, ♀
falconfeather, 21 m, ♂
cougarpounce, 20 m, ♂
moorpelt, 20 m, ♀
spiderjump, 20 m, ♂
ripplestone, 20 m, ♀
cowlick, 19 m, ♂
pipersnap, 35 m, ♀
mistbird, 17 m, ♀
aspenspots, 17 m, ♀
torrentmarch, 17 m, ♂
birchstripe, 17 m, ♂
arsenicswipe, 16 m, ♀
swooptalon, 16 m, ♀
cobaltgaze, 16 m, ♂
sprucestep, 16 m, ♂
sleetroll, 16 m, ♀
batcry, 14 m, ♂
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀

turkeypaw, 12 m, ♀
runningpaw, 11 m, ♂
sharppaw, 7 m, ♀
sagepaw, 7 m, ♂
beaverpaw, 7 m, ♂
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀


ratwhisker, 54 m, ♂
maplechirp, 17 m, ♂
↪ blind
mintbelly, 27 m, ♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀

sablekit, 3 m, ♂
robinkit, 3 m, ♂
ironkit, 3 m, ♂
doekit, 1 m, ♀
stagkit, 1 m, ♂
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀

ashtail, 55 m, ♂
↪ blind
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀
al𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖊:
mouse, one serving╶ 016
minnow, one serving╶ 024
small fish, two servings╶ 016
squirrel, two servings╶ 020
marmot, two servings╶ 013
bird, three servings╶ 008
hare, three servings╶ 004
big fish, three servings╶ 012

North- the elysian dynasty ; Immortes
South- silverclan ; ~•SnowLeapord•~
East- pheonixclan ; stormt4lon
West- chessclan ; sharpiesandhamilton

Northeast- highgarden ; eagle
Northwest- spruceclan ; ponz
Southeast- galaclan ; demiboygod
Southwest- vagaryclan ; lyttlekytten

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