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BearClan 58

Postby inky. » Thu Apr 30, 2020 12:02 pm

clan archive thread is found here
clan population 076 xxx clan servings 012 xxx next starclan visit wheneverxxx next birth silverdrop (2) ; squirrelheart (2) xxx mod notes hey, just so you know id prefer if all future kits (and cats in general) are put onto lineart ^^ xxx cats to find vulturecrest

Fallenkit nestled against his mother’s leg. “I don’t want to be an apprentice!” He cried softly “I’ll miss you! I can’t be stuck with Thistlekit for the rest of my life!” He shot his sister a mocking look and the she-cat scoffed, shoving him playfully. “Wow, I see how it is.” Hawksnow sighed, feigning sadness “You just loved me for my warmth.” Thistlekit rolled her eyes and nuzzled her mother’s leg affectionately. “We really are going to miss you.” She meowed. Fallenkit nodded sincerely. “Promise you’ll visit us?” Hawksnow laughed. “Great Starclan!” She huffed “It’s not like you’re moving Clans! You’ll be right across the clearing from me! Now go on, Elmstar’s waiting for you.” She licked her kits’ heads before nudging them around the corner of the hollow. Thistlekit’s eyes widened. She had witnessed the ceremonies before, but she never pictured herself here. All of her clanmates were lined up on both sides of the pair, forming an aisle leading to the leader’s tree. She snuck a wink at Moorkit, who was bouncing excitedly for her friend. The two siblings walked proudly down the rows, nodding thankfully at the quiet ‘good luck’s and ‘you’ve gotten so big’s. Eventually the pair reached Elmstar, who was standing elegantly on one of the lower branches. “Cats of BearClan, we are gathered today to make two new apprentices. Fallenkit and Thistlekit both show great potential, and I know all of us are excited for them to embark on their journey of training.” She started, shifting her gaze around those gathered. “Fallenkit, Thistlekit,” She meowed “do you promise to train to the best of your ability with the goal of becoming warriors of BearClan.” The two cats looked excitedly at each other before saying, in unison, “I do.” Elmstar let a sweet smile tug at her muzzle. “Then I, Elmstar, call upon our ancestors to guide you during this time. Until you receive your warrior names, you will be known as Fallenpaw and Thistlepaw. Sparkstorm, you will mentor Fallenpaw. You have shown great courage and compassion. I believe you are ready for an apprentice, and I hope you pass your skills down to him. Nightfur, you will mentor Thistlepaw. You have been a great teacher, and are one of the strongest cats I know. I trust you will help Thistlepaw be the same.” The two warriors came up and touched noses with their new apprentices. “I can’t wait to mentor you.” Nightfur purred. Thistlepaw beamed and looked to the camp. The crowd erupted into cheers. “Fallenpaw! Thistlepaw!” They cried. The two siblings nuzzled each other, and squeaked in excitement as the other apprentices came to welcome them into their new position.

Sparkstorm sat beside Ashtail. “Your best friend mentoring your son.” The ginger tom mused aloud “What are the odds?” Ashtail smirked. “I may have pulled a few strings.” The deputy sighed “You're a great cat, Fallenpaw would be lucky to learn from you.” Sparkstorm chuckled. “Only if you return the favor. Spider kit will need someone like you to break him out of his shell.” He looked over to where his son was sitting awkwardly beside Moorkit, long legs splayed. “You know he asked me about Otterfur the other day.” Ashtail’s ears flicked up. Sparkstorm’s father had always been a touchy subject, ever since he left with Viperstar. They never knew where he ended up, though. “What did you tell him?” Sparkstorm smirked. “I said he was the greasiest cat I’ve ever known.” The two toms burst into laughter. Suddenly, Fallenpaw padded up to his new mentor. “Sparkstorm!” He chirped “Nightfur and Thistlepaw are going on a tour of the territory! Can we go too?” The warrior got to his paws. “Of course, if you think you’re ready.” He meowed, raising a slightly challenging eyebrow. Fallenpaw puffed out his chest. “I was born ready!” He declared, and scurried off with the tom.

Hawksnow was the next one to sit next to Ashtail. She sighed and wrapped her tail around his. “Why did they have to grow up so fast?” The deputy said wistfully “I remember when we were that young. It didn’t seem like it passed so quickly. Our kits are apprentices now.” Hawksnow purred and nuzzled him. “Hopefully they’ll have better luck in training than their father.” Ashtail narrowed his eyes. “Hey, I only failed my assessment twice!” He meowed indignantly. The two chuckled and rubbed their cheeks together. “I love our family, Hawksnow.” Ashtail murmured. The she-cat smiled. “Me too.” The pair turned to watch with joy as their two kits padded over the hill with their newly assigned mentors, ready to begin their own journey.


Elmstar’s attention was caught by a brown speckled cat entering the camp beside Archthorn. The young warrior brought the cat gently to the leader. “This is Prairiedust, we found her sleeping underneath one of the oaks.” He reported. Elmstar nodded. “Hello, my name is Elmstar, leader of BearClan.” The old she-cat held up her tail. “I’ve heard of the Clans. I don’t think I should stay here.” She said somberly “I’m afraid I’m too old to help you. I can’t hunt, and I would just hold you back.” The leader smiled. “Prairiedust, let me stop you right there.” She purred “Warriors aren’t the only part of the Clan. Elders are important. They guide us and teach us, and we would be honored to give you a home.” Prairiedust smiled gently. “You really mean it?” She gasped “Are there any other elders?” Elmstar was about to open her mouth when Ravencloud padded up. “Actually, Elmstar, I was meaning to talk to you.” She meowed, standing happily next to Prairiedust “I think it’s time that I retire. My joints aren’t what they used to be.” The leader nodded. “Cats of BearClan, I have an announcement!” She yowled “Ravencloud, you have served the Clan well. We wouldn’t be where we are now without you. You have earned your rest several times over. If it is your desire to become an elder, we will support your decision whole-heartedly. Thank you.” She dipped her head and Ravencloud purred loudly, the cats around her congratulated her. Ravencloud and Prairedust introduced themselves. “Oh, Elmstar!” The new she-cat meowed, before the pair went to their den. “My grandson brought me here. He went on a scouting trip a few days ago, but he should be back any moment. Do you think you could look for him?” The leader nodded dutifully. “I will put my best warriors on it.” She promised “Now, why don’t you and Ravencloud get settled in your new den.”


It was a usual night in the apprentice den. The rest of the Clan was asleep, but the new den members were too excited to settle down. “I can’t believe we’re finally going to learn how to fight!” Dunepaw gasped excitedly, eyes wide. “I can’t wait to explore the territory more.” Thistlepaw sighed, nestling into her soft nest. She turned to look beside her, to where Fallenpaw’s nest rested directly beside hers. The two were extremely close, and ranking up wouldn’t change that. “I’m excited to be able to do things.” Fallenpaw said quietly “I want to serve my Clan, I wanna protect them.” Cardinalpaw’s ears flattened. “You don’t think we’re going to have you?” Thistlepaw tilted her head. “Like the fire?” Hazepaw shuddered. “I hate fire.” She muttered “I’m never going anywhere near it ever again.” Splashpaw twitched her whiskers. “When have you ever been in the remote proximity of a fire.” She giggled, poking her sister. “I heard the bear was worse.” Dunepaw murmured absentmindedly “Will all those claws and eyes that burned into your soul.” Splashpaw nodded firmly. “I absolutely agree.” She quipped “Every time I think about it, it’s like I can feel it’s jaws around me, crushing me. Almost like-” A harsh shush sounded from further in the den. “Hey! Shut up, will you.” Serpentpaw hissed “Some of us are trying to sleep!” The talking group mumbled their apologies and curled up, abandoning their conversation and drifting into sleep.


The past few moons of Bumbleflight’s life had mainly consisted of two things: worrying about his kits, and worrying about the prophecy. He had put it on the backburner after Harriercloud passed on, but he had a repeated dream, but it was much more vivid. He had told Rainleaf to become “self sufficient” the previous day, to make him be a medicine cat on his own. In reality, he had just needed time to think it over. “When the crow calls…” He murmured to himself. Crows called all the time. They were abundant in their territory. Letting out an exasperated sigh, the tom rolled onto his back. A fresh mind could be helpful. So far, he had kept the vision to himself. But if the shadows were as dangerous as StarClan said, he should probably at least tell Elmstar. She would know what to do. He gave a determined nod and closed his eyes, promising to tell his leader of the omen first thing in the morning.

[x1 feverfew and x1 honey is used to help the kit]
[ravencloud becomes an elder]
[prairiedust asks elmstar to look for her grandson]
[mossbounce, archthorn, ricecub, and adderbreeze patrol]
[hawksnow, badgergaze, gorsewind, and chestnutstripe hunt]
[hollypounce, windfeather, hickorywind, and sparkstorm hunt]
[poppysplash, heronstep, tickstripe, and pipersnap hunt]
[bumbleflight and rainleaf collect herbs]
[sunstomp teaches mintpaw climbing]
[chestnutstripe teaches toadpaw climbing]
[ricecub teaches beanpaw climbing]
[burrwhisker teaches snailpaw climbing]
[swiftwind teaches mudpaw agility]
[nimbuscurl teaches shadowpaw hunting]
[owlshade teaches serpentpaw hunting]
[shrewclaw teaches saskatoonpaw hunting]
[sparkstorm mentors fallenpaw]
[nightfur mentors thistlepaw]
[owlshade mentors dunepaw]
[burrwhisker mentors cardinalpaw]
[hickorywind mentors hazepaw]
[brambleglow mentors splashpaw]
[the clan consumes x6 small fish]

elmstar, 51 m, ♀
ashtail, 37 , ♂

xxxxx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙:
bumbleflight, 53 m, ♂
xx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊:
rainleaf, 20 m, ♂

stormfang, 63 m, ♂
swiftwind, 54 m, ♂
nightfur, 51 m, ♂
hickorywind, 44, ♂
↪ blind in one eye
adderbreeze, 58 m, ♀
windfeather, 59 m, ♂
hollypounce, 44 m, ♀
redfin, 58 m, ♂
shrewclaw , 35 m, ♂
badgergaze, 33 m, ♂
burrwhisker, 28 m, ♂
sparkstorm, 28 m, ♂
tulipclaw, 39 m, ♀
grousecall, 69 m, ♀
blackbriar, 57 m, ♀
grassheart, 72 m, ♀
sunstomp, 27 m, ♂
owlshade, 22 m, ♂
brambleglow, 31 m, ♀
ricecub, 40 m, ♀
chestnutstripe, 29 m, ♀
darkfang, 22 m, ♀
ryetail, 20 m, ♀
nimbuscurl, 27 m, ♂
mossbounce, 18 m, ♂
twigsnap, 19 m, ♀
applebee, 18 m, ♀
poppysplash, 27 m, ♀
heronstep, 18 m, ♂
archthorn, 18 m, ♂
butterflytoe, 16 m, ♀
fognose, 57 m, ♀
marmotsnout, 39 m, ♀
pipersnap, 18 m, ♀
tickstripe, 16 m, ♂
lightrunner, 21 m, ♀
gorsewind, 29 m, ♀
hawksnow, 34 m, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀

mudpaw, 10 m, ♀
mintpaw, 9 m, ♀
toadpaw, 9 m, ♂
beanpaw, 9 m, ♀
snailpaw, 9 m, ♀
shadowpaw, 7 m, ♀
saskatoonpaw, 7 m, ♀
serpentpaw, 67m, ♀
fallenpaw, 6 m, ♂
thistlepaw, 6 m, ♀
cardinalpaw, 6 m, ♂
dunepaw, 6 m, ♀
hazepaw, 6 m, ♀
↪ asthmatic
splashpaw, 6 m, ♀
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀


squirrelheart, 57 m, ♀
nettlemist, 26 m, ♀
shellpond, 25 m, ♀
deerleap, 71 m, ♀
silverdrop, 30 m, ♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀

beekit, 5 m, ♂
minkkit, 5 m, ♀
crowkit, 3 m, ♂
falconkit, 3 m, ♂
jacobinkit, 5 m, ♂
barleyit, 2 m, ♂
polarkit, 2 m, ♂
cougarkit, 2 m, ♂
spiderkit, 2 m, ♂
moorkit, 2 m, ♀
goatkit, 1 m, ♂
ripplekit, 1 m, ♀
cowkit, 1 m, ♀
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀

prairiedust, 100 m, ♀
ravencloud, 74 m, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀
al𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖊:
mouse, one serving╶ 018
minnow, one serving╶ 018
small fish, two servings╶ 001
squirrel, two servings╶ 004
hare, three servings╶ 004
big fish, three servings╶ 005

North- the elysian dynasty ; Immortes
South- silverclan ; ~•SnowLeapord•~
East- pheonixclan ; stormt4lon
West- chessclan ; sharpiesandhamilton

Northeast- highgarden ; eagle
Northwest- spruceclan ; ponz
Southeast- galaclan ; demiboygod
Southwest- vagaryclan ; lyttlekytten

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BearClan 59

Postby inky. » Thu May 07, 2020 2:56 pm

clan archive thread is found here
clan population 077 xxx clan servings 012 xxx next starclan visit wheneverxxx next birth silverdrop (1) ; squirrelheart (1) xxx mod notes hey, just so you know id prefer if all future kits (and cats in general) are put onto lineart ^^ xxx cats to find vulturecrest

Shrewclaw was sitting happily in the sun. His chest was puffed out. This was the best he had felt in moons. Not only was Silverdrop his mate, but he was going to become a father! When he found out, he had squealed like a newborn kit and almost crushed her with the force of his hug. He promised her he would be the most caring father. He had been catching himself from saying rude things, and Silverdrop told him he was really improving. For so long, he felt empty. But now he was about to burst with loving joy. Then he saw Squirrelheart approaching. Her presence slightly dampened his mood, but he shook his head gently. This was what Silverdrop was talking about. He had to remain optimistic. “Shrewclaw! I have great news!” She squeaked, belly swinging slightly as she approached him “I’m expecting more kits! You know what that means, right? Our kits are going to grow up together, isn’t that great?!” Shrewclaw’s smile dropped. “Great? Why would that be great? That's so messed up!” He hissed “Why do you always do this?” Squirrelheart tilted her head. “Why do you have to be so rude? I am having another litter! Why are you so grumpy all the time” Shrewclaw slid to his paws, eyes narrowed to slits. “You want to know why I hate you so much? Why I get so utterly unhappy every time I see you?” He whispered menacingly “It’s because ever since you were a kit, you’ve been making things about yourself. Adderbreeze has told me stories. You don’t care what other people feel, as long as you’re happy and you get what you want. You don’t know how much I despise you, how much I want to rip your happiness away, like you did mine. Countless moons of neglect are finally running its course. But you know what? I’m not going to do anything rash and destructive to make you know how I feel, because I know that's exactly what you would do. And I am nothing like you. I am going to be a good father to my kits, much better than you were ever to me. So help me, if you ever treat Saskatoonpaw, or any of your new kits the way you treated me, you won’t be able to blink before I make your life a living hell. I will do whatever I can to protect those innocent cats against your vile poison.” He spat. He pushed past her and huffed. “Oh,” He added nonchalantly “And I don’t want you tainting my kits with your influence. Don’t you dare come near my family. I’m no longer your son, and these kits are no longer your grandkits.” He lashed his tail and slunk to the nursery to see the she-cat who actually cared about him, leaving his mother in a furious confusion.


If there was one thing Fallenpaw had, it was a temper. One challenging word and he would be set off. Thistlepaw had been sent with her brother and Dunepaw to collect nesting material for the new elders. That is, until Dunepaw had made a passing comment that Fallenpaw was too weak to carry a branch. “All I’m saying is that a kit could beat you.” She teased. Fallenpaw bristled, clearly not enjoying the joke. “I am not weak! I am strong.” Dunepaw tilted her head. “Sounds like something a coward would say.” Fallenpaw’s eyes snapped open and he stood rigidly. “What did you just call me.” He hissed quietly. The she-cat wasn’t too concerned. “A coward. Isn’t that what you are? Just a coward who’s too clinging to his mama to be a real warrior.” She sneered.

“Oh, that’s it!” Fallenpaw yowled and threw himself at the other apprentice, claws straining at how far they were out. His eyes were slits and his teeth were bared. He slashed his claws over Dunepaw’s ears, tearing away clumps of fur. She howled in pain and latched onto his shoulder with her jaws. He hissed at her and scrambled to tear away from her. He wrenched himself from her grip, even though his skin tore with it. Her jaw snapped up and he took the chance to bunch his muscles and leap to her back. He dug his claws into her shoulders, but she was able to spin underneath him and rake her claws over his muzzle, slashing away the layers of fur, no doubt leaving scars. Fallenpaw paused, staring at her wild eyed. Dunepaw blinked in slight surprise. There was something in him that she had never seen before in anyone, but it seemed so familiar. His eyes were ablaze with hatred and determination to win. He soared at her. Time seemed to slow for Dunepaw. She shuttered, a genuine fear for her life flashing in her mind as she saw the murderous glint in the tom’s eyes. Suddenly, a flash of grey tackled Fallenpaw out of the sky. Thistlepaw pinned her brother down and bared her teeth at him. “Enough!” She hissed. Fallenpaw was about to swat at her, but realizing who it was, he sheathed his claws and grumbled, shoving her off and getting to his paws. “We’re supposed to be gathering moss for Ravencloud and Prairiedust and you two are mauling each other.” His sister cried. She turned to face Fallenpaw, running her tongue over his shoulder wound. “What are we supposed to tell dad?” She murmured, anxiety sharp in her gaze. Fallenpaw sighed, resting his tail on his sister’s shoulders. “Don’t worry, Thistlepaw, I’ll take care of it alright.” He limped over to Dunepaw, who was still pressed to the ground. He offered his paw kindly out to help her up. The apprentice cautiously took it. Every trace of derangement had left his eyes. He was now sporting his classic half-smirk, even though there was a small trickle of blood flowing into his teeth. The three gathered up their moss and headed back to moss.

Ashtail settled beside his son with a sigh. “Well, Bumbleflight said they were both going to scar.” He reported, nodding gently to his shoulder and muzzle. Fallenpaw just hummed in acknowledgement. “You know you can tell me anything, son.” Ashtail whispered awkwardly “I won’t be mad at you. You can tell me what happened.” Fallenpaw blinked and looked down at his paws. He felt an unwanted tear slip from the corner of his eye. Sniffing he shook his head. He didn’t cry. He wasn’t weak. “It was nothing.” The apprentice assured the deputy, rising quickly to his paws “Bumbleflight wants me to get rest, right? Well, I’ll just...yea go do that.” He cleared his throat and hurried to the apprentice’s den. Thistlepaw was waiting there for him. He disappeared into the crevice. Ashtail locked eyes with his daughter, who just blinked and turned to follow her brother.


Falconkit furrowed his brow and curled his tail tightly around his paws. “I dunno, Fallenpaw.” He sighed with worry “Elmstar said we shouldn’t leave the camp until we’re apprentices.” Crowkit rolled his eyes at his brother. “Don’t listen to him Fallenpaw, he’s just a scaredy-cat. But I’m brave!” He purred, puffing out his chest “I’ll go with you! I trust you. And I’m strong too, in case we run into any trouble!” Fallenpaw raised an uninterested eyebrow. “We’re only going for a walk along the river.” He sighed “Falconkit, we can’t leave you behind, Elmstar said we have to look after you while she and Nightfur are out.” Falconkit nervously frowned and shuffled his feet. Thistlepaw smiled at her brother. “You go on with Crowkit,” She suggested “I can stay back and watch Falconkit!” Fallenpaw tilted his head. “You sure? I thought you were excited to go.” He murmured. Thistlepaw assured him it would be alright, and the two toms left, Crowkit excitedly trying to gain Fallenpaw’s attention. Thistlepaw laid next to the older kit and yawned. “Thank you.” Falconkit said sweetly. Thistlepaw grinned and nuzzled her friend. “No worries!” She purred “You shouldn’t be forced to go on a walk if you don’t want to.” Falconkit laughed and let out a sigh. “I can’t wait to be an apprentice.” He mused “It’s not so far away, and I really miss having you around. You and Shellcloud’s litter are the only ones that actually talk to me.” Thistlepaw shook her head. “Well everyone else is missing out. You really do have the best jokes. And you’re a good listener. I know I can always trust you.” She smiled. Her words were sincere. She had been attracted like a magnet to Falconkit’s personality. The two clicked immediately, and he was her closest friend besides Moorkit. “We should probably do something, though.” The apprentice sighed “I haven’t been to visit Ravencloud and Prairiedust recently. Wanna go see if they have any stories in mind?” The tom nodded and got to his paws, and the two headed to the elder’s den.


Bisonclaw shifted beneath Applebee. “Stop!” She hissed gently “I’ve almost got it.” Bisonclaw huffed and craned his neck to see her progress. They had found an abandoned nest, filled with feathers and soft fuzz. They decided to gather it and give it to the elders to make up for the fight between Fallenpaw and Dunepaw earlier. They hadn’t gotten their materials. When Bisonclaw arrived, Prairiedust was elated to see her grandson. He was confused at the concept of Clan life at first, but he fit in quickly. He was well-muscled and well-trained, which meant he was well suited for life as a warrior. Applebee huffed as she pushed her arm further into the tree, trying to claw out the remaining scraps. She was currently balancing on her hind paws, using Bisonclaw as a stool. He stretched one of his legs, which was starting to cramp, and Applebee squeaked. “You’re supposed to be the sturdiest cat in the clan!” She meowed. “And you were supposed to be the most agile.” He muttered. “What did you just say?” Bisonclaw flattened his ears. “Nothing.” He grumbled “Just hurry up.” Applebee frowned. “Well, stay still for a few moments and I will.” She flicked his face with her tail angrily before using all her strength to press her paw as far as she could. Suddenly. Applebee felt her balance shift. She mumbled something and shrieked as she tumbled off of his shoulders. Bisonclaw fell with her, catching her with his body as they thudded on the ground. It took a few moments for the two to realize the compromising position they were in, and Applebee scurried to her paws, accidentally stepping on Bisonclaw’s stomach in her haste. She swallowed and dangled her paw in front of him. “I got it!” She quipped, shaking the remaining fluff from her claws. She picked up a bundle and didn’t wait for him before trotting back to camp, head tucked in embarrassment. Bisonclaw snickered. He wasn’t sure, but he could’ve sworn he saw Applebee’s eyes soften as they gazed at each other. He shook his head with a smile and gathered his bundle, following her home.


Jacobinpaw raised an eyebrow. “Moorkit why are you still here?” He said gruffly. The small she-kit was staring with wide eyes at the tom. “I-I just wanted to give you a personal congratulations! You were really nice as a denmate and I’ll miss you.” The new apprentice rolled his eyes. “We talked like, three times.” He huffed. Jacobinpaw had proven to be very different from his father. While Weaselfur had been quiet and friendly to everyone, Jacobinpaw was loud and almost always passive aggressive. However, his relationship with Moorkit was different. She had confided in Thistlepaw that she wanted to be his friend so badly. Thistlepaw guessed they would work through the kinks and get a good friendship blooming, but that’s the opposite of what actually happened. Jacobinpaw had laughed at her, since she was still wobbly on her legs. She was old enough to walk, of course, but she had balance issues. Her legs weren’t as long as Spiderkit’s, but they still took some getting used to. He had mocked her with Crowkit, and walked away leaving Moorkit shattered. That was when Thistlepaw’s hatred towards him began. Whenever they would interact, Thistlepaw would be watching. Moorkit was naive, but she was Thistlepaw’s best friend. She would do anything to make sure she was safe. Thistlepaw returned her attention to the pair. “W-Well I just wanted to say good luck!” Moorkit beamed. Jacobinpaw rolled his eyes. “Yea okay, thanks Moonkit.” He walked away without saying another word. “It’s Moorkit.” She called weakly after him. Thistlepaw bristled. She angrily marched over and sat down next to her friend. “He’s the one missing out, Moorkit.” She assured her, pulling her tearing up friend close “I’ll always be here for you. You give the signal, I’ll tear him limb from limb.” Moorkit sniffled. “I appreciate it.” She said feebly “But I think he’s still able to be saved. I mean Shrewclaw’s always been prickly. He and Silverdrop get along great. Maybe he just needs to grow up.” Thistlepaw bit back her response. ‘Not likely.’ She said in her mind. But she knew how much he meant to Moorkit, and she didn’t want to make her friend even more sad.


Hawksnow rubbed against Ashtail. “What do you want.” He asked coyly “Everytime you muzzle me you want something.” His mate gasped incredulously “I do not!” She giggled. Ashtail nodded. “Yuh-huh.” He countered “Like yesterday, you were being all sweet and the next thing I knew you had eaten half of my squirrel!” Hawksnow stuck her nose in the air. “It’s not my fault you happened to get the one that looked the juiciest! I had to try it. You knew the risks.” The two laughed, then Ashtail settled down. “Is there something you want to talk about?” Hawksnow bit her lip nervously. “Well, it’s a bit more serious than a squirrel.” Ashtail furrowed his brow and repositioned himself so he was alert. “Of course, darling. You can tell me anything.” He licked her ear affectionately “What’s on your mind?” Hawksnow sighed. “Well, I know the nursery is full, and our kits aren’t that old. But I’ve always wanted two litters. Why not now? The queens will love them, and they’ll have plenty of friends to play with!” She mused “I mean, of course it’s a joint decision and I won’t go through with it if you don’t truly want it, but I think it would be nice to have more kits.” Ashtail smiled. “Hawksnow, my love, I would love to raise another litter with you.” He chuckled, leaning in to nuzzle her. “Noticed how I nuzzled you, so it means I really do want it.” The mates shared another laugh before curling up beside each other and thinking of what their new litter of kits would be like.

[polarkits goes to highgarden]
[hawksnow and ashtail try for another litter of kits]
[ashtail, bisonclaw, sparkstorm, and ricecub patrol]
[sunstomp, owlshade, brambleglow, and burrwhisker hunt]
[gorsewind, windfeather, hollypounce, and stormfang hunt]
[mossbounce, archthorn, applebee, and pipersnap hunt]
[bumbleflight and rainleaf collect herbs]
[sunstomp teaches mintpaw agility]
[chestnutstripe teaches toadpaw agility]
[ricecub teaches beanpaw agility]
[burrwhisker teaches snailpaw agility]
[swiftwind teaches mudpaw agility]
[nimbuscurl teaches shadowpaw hunting]
[owlshade teaches serpentpaw battle]
[shrewclaw teaches saskatoonpaw battle]
[sparkstorm teaches fallenpaw hunting]
[nightfur teaches thistlepaw hunting]
[owlshade teaches dunepaw hunting]
[burrwhisker teaches cardinalpaw hunting]
[hickorywind teaches hazepaw hunting]
[brambleglow teaches splashpaw hunting]
[ryetail mentors beepaw]
[blackbriar mentors minkpaw]
[archthorn mentors jacobinpaw]
[the clan consumes ]

elmstar, 52 m, ♀
ashtail, 38 , ♂

xxxxx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙:
bumbleflight, 54 m, ♂
xx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊:
rainleaf, 21 m, ♂

stormfang, 64 m, ♂
swiftwind, 55 m, ♂
nightfur, 52 m, ♂
hickorywind, 45, ♂
↪ blind in one eye
adderbreeze, 59 m, ♀
windfeather, 60 m, ♂
hollypounce, 45 m, ♀
redfin, 59 m, ♂
shrewclaw , 36 m, ♂
badgergaze, 34 m, ♂
burrwhisker, 29 m, ♂
sparkstorm, 29 m, ♂
tulipclaw, 40 m, ♀
grousecall, 70 m, ♀
blackbriar, 58 m, ♀
grassheart, 73 m, ♀
sunstomp, 28 m, ♂
owlshade, 23 m, ♂
brambleglow, 32 m, ♀
ricecub, 41 m, ♀
chestnutstripe, 30 m, ♀
darkfang, 23 m, ♀
ryetail, 21 m, ♀
nimbuscurl, 28 m, ♂
mossbounce, 19 m, ♂
twigsnap, 20 m, ♀
applebee, 19 m, ♀
poppysplash, 28 m, ♀
heronstep, 19 m, ♂
archthorn, 19 m, ♂
butterflytoe, 17 m, ♀
fognose, 58 m, ♀
marmotsnout, 40 m, ♀
pipersnap, 19 m, ♀
tickstripe, 17 m, ♂
lightrunner, 22 m, ♀
gorsewind, 30 m, ♀
hawksnow, 35 m, ♀
bisconclaw, 20 m, ♂
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀

mudpaw, 11 m, ♀
mintpaw, 10 m, ♀
toadpaw, 10 m, ♂
beanpaw, 10 m, ♀
snailpaw, 10 m, ♀
shadowpaw, 8 m, ♀
saskatoonpaw, 8 m, ♀
serpentpaw, 8 m, ♀
fallenpaw, 7 m, ♂
thistlepaw, 7 m, ♀
cardinalpaw, 7 m, ♂
dunepaw, 7 m, ♀
hazepaw, 7 m, ♀
↪ asthmatic
splashpaw, 7 m, ♀
beepaw, 6 m, ♂
minkpaw, 6 m, ♀
jacobinpaw, 6 m, ♂
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀


squirrelheart, 58 m, ♀
nettlemist, 27 m, ♀
shellpond, 26 m, ♀
deerleap, 72 m, ♀
silverdrop, 31 m, ♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀

crowkit, 4 m, ♂
falconkit, 4 m, ♂
barleyit, 3 m, ♂
cougarkit, 3 m, ♂
spiderkit, 3 m, ♂
moorkit, 3 m, ♀
goatkit, 2 m, ♂
ripplekit, 2 m, ♀
cowkit, 2 m, ♀
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀

prairiedust, 101 m, ♀
ravencloud, 75 m, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀
al𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖊:
mouse, one serving╶ 020
minnow, one serving╶ 018
small fish, two servings╶ 002
squirrel, two servings╶ 006
hare, three servings╶ 005
big fish, three servings╶ 005

North- the elysian dynasty ; Immortes
South- silverclan ; ~•SnowLeapord•~
East- pheonixclan ; stormt4lon
West- chessclan ; sharpiesandhamilton

Northeast- highgarden ; eagle
Northwest- spruceclan ; ponz
Southeast- galaclan ; demiboygod
Southwest- vagaryclan ; lyttlekytten

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BearClan 60

Postby inky. » Wed May 13, 2020 10:50 am

clan archive thread is found here
clan population 084 xxx clan servings 013 xxx next starclan visit wheneverxxx next birth silverdrop (now!) ; squirrelheart (now!) ; hawksnow (2) xxx mod notes hey, just so you know id prefer if all future kits (and cats in general) are put onto lineart ^^ xxx cats to find vulturecrest

Nimbuscurl let out a strained sigh. “Mistkit can you please stop chasing that leaf around? You’re going to fall.” He called to the small kit. Another kit tapped him gently on the shoulder. “That’s Icekit.” She meowed “I’m Mistkit.” Nimbuscurl flattened his ears in guilt. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart.” he purred, pulling his daughter close to him. Mistkit joined his purr. “It’s okay, papa.” She assured “We all look alike! We’re like a matching gang!” Nimbuscurl chuckled. “YEs we are.” He nudged the small she-kit to where Torrentkit and Icekit were tackling each other playfully. “Why don’t you go join your littermates.” He smiled. Mistkit nodded and bounced away. “I know it can be tough.” A sweet voice cooed to the tom. Looking up, he saw Blackbriar standing elegantly in front of him. She rested down next to him gently and gave him an understanding smile. As soon as she appeared, Nimbuscurl instantly felt better. Blackbriar was known as the mother of the Clan, and was eager to help any cat who needed advice on family. She had helped Shellcloud through her kitting, as well as Elmstar when she took on Tickstripe. She was the figure of maternal advice, and that was what Nimbuscurl needed most right now. “How did you do it.” He said with an exasperated gasp “I can’t even tell them apart, I’m a horrible father!” He let out a wail and Blackbriar let out a sympathetic giggle and pressed her head against his shoulder briefly. “It’s alright! You’re a new parent. It doesn’t help that they’re practically identical. You just need to pick out a defining feature of each! Like Mistkit is the palest, Torrentkit has blue eyes, and Icekit has green! See, it’s that simple. When they grow up and once you’re around them more, it’ll be easier to pick em out.” Nimbuscurl looked amazed. “Thank you.” He said, voice saturated with sincerity “Thank you so much. I have no clue what I’m doing, but I want to be here for these kits. They deserve a father who can at least tell which one they are.” Blackbriar purred. “You’re going to be a great father.” She assured him “I believe in you! You can always come to me if you have questions, okay? Sorry I have to go, but I promised Heronstep I would go on a walk with him.” Nimbuscurl nodded and thanked her again, watching her leave. He turned his gaze to his first three kits, tumbling around together. He couldn’t believe that they came from him. They were a part of him. His throat rumbled with adoration as he made a mental promise to always keep them, and any future kits he may have, safe.


Hickorywind whimpered as he set Maplekit gently on the ground. He was so tired. He had walked directly from Frosne Oya’s territory carrying four kits. Suddenly, the tension in his shoulders doubled as Maplekit scrambled up on his back. “Daaad, Poplarkit scared me!” He cried. The father sighed, eyes drooping closed. “Poplarkit don’t sneak up on your brother you know he can’t see you.” He said tiredly. Maplekit had caught an illness when he was born, which caused him to go blind in both eyes. The little kit was managing, though, and Hickorywind promised he would teach him tips and tricks, being half blind himself. Aspenkit and Birchkit were laughing, hiding behind his legs. Birchkit unsheathed his claws and swiped at his sister. “Hey!” Hickorywind scolded “Claws away! I still have one good eye.” The new arrival caused attention to be drawn to the family. Hollypounce padded gently up to her friend. “Oh, hey Hickorywind.” She giggled “Who are your new friends.” Poplarkit’s eyes widened. “You’re so pretty!” She gasped. Hollypounce blushed. “Aww, thank you sweetie. But you’re beautiful. What’s your name? I’m Hollypounce.” She leaned down to the small she-kit and smiled softly. “My name’s Poplarkit! That’s Birchkit, Maplekit, and Aspenkit. They’re my siblings. And Hickorywind is my papa. Do you know him?” Hollypounce’s eyes widened, and the tom could see something in them shatter. She stood back up. “Oh? Your father?” She asked softly. Hickorywind cleared his throat. “Kits why don’t you go talk to Nimbuscloud.” He gestured to where the grey tom was laying with his kits. Birchkit rested his tail on Maplekit’s back, and the group headed over to the cats.
“A father.” Hollypounce said, strain evident in her voice. She was trying to push down a scream. They had agreed on not labelling anything, to be free to talk to other cats. But she never expected him to have kits with another molly, let alone with one outside of a Clan. “Before you say anything else I have something I need to say to you.” Hickorywind said, moving closer to her. “Yes, they’re my kits. Their mother is in another Clan. But Hollypounce, I am so ashamed. As soon as I found out, I could feel nothing but guilt and shame, and I felt like I let you down. I love you, Hollypounce, and only you. I am so incredibly sorry for this. I messed up so terribly, but I can’t abandon these kits. Their mother didn’t want them, so I have to be there to raise them. I can understand if you never want to see me again-” Hollypounce gasped. Hickorywind looked up to see tears in her eyes. She opened her mouth to say something but instead, she just choked up and let out a soft sob. The tom’s eyes widened and immediately curled around the she-cat he loved with all his heart. “Sh.” He soothed, licking her ears “I know, I know I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry I hurt you. I’ll never forgive myself. I hate myself too.” Hollypounce pushed him away from her. “Hate you?” She cried “How could I hate you? I’ve been in love with you ever since we were apprentices. I could never feel anything towards you except adoration.” She sniffed and wiped her nose with her paws. “I forgive you, not that you need it. Those kits may have been born to a different she-cat, but they need someone to raise them. Hickorywind, if you’ll let me I would like to be their mother. I’ve always wanted to have a family, but I don’t want to do it with anyone besides you. It hurts that you fell for someone else, I’ll admit, but time heals those kinds of wounds. I love you, Hickorywind, no matter what. And if you love me too, will you become my mate?” The grey tom blinked away a tear and laughed. “Of course, Hollypounce.” He purred, and nuzzled her “I love you so much. I can’t wait for us to raise my-no, our- kits together.” The two purred so loud that their entire body shook. The tears dried and were replaced with love and joy as the two mates reveled in the moment.


Archthorn chewed a bite of his squirrel. He had just returned from...pursuing a she-cat from TwistedClan, and planned on pursuing many more. The young warrior couldn’t help it. He loved she-cats, and he wanted his lineage to be as long as the rumored tom from the notorious QuickClan. Rainleaf had told Archthron about his father, Redstar, who had countless kits in countless Clans. Archthorn always liked a good challenge, and no one in BearClan particularly caught his eye. Especially not the one that approached him. “Hey, Archthorn.” A she-cat said sweetly. The tom looked up and almost gagged on his food. After swallowing, he let out a sigh. “Butterflytoe, what do you want?” He grumbled. Butterflytoe sat beside him and gave him a sickly smile, as if it was something she didn’t know quite how to do. “Can I not just talk to the handsomest tom in the Clan?” She purred, though it somewhat caught in her throat. The words made bile rise in Archthorn’s throat. “Pardon?” He laughed “Really, Butterflytoe, what do you want.” Butterflytoe huffed, flopping down on her chubby belly. “I overheard you talking to Owlshade about your ‘goals’. I was thinking I could help you.” She mewed, leaning in closer “By having your kits, I mean.” The ginger tom’s eyes widened in horror and he wrinkled his nose. “Why in StarClan’s name would I do something like that?” He hissed. Butterflytoe pinned her ears back. “Because no tom is interested in me. Grassheart doesn’t want me mating outside the Clan, and I want kits of my own. Besides, you said that you didn’t care who the mother of your kits was, as long as she’s willing! And I’m willing!” Archthorn got to his paws. “I have standards.” He spat “I’m not taking part in bringing kits into this world, who will have you as a mother. No one deserves a crybaby crowheart for a mom.” He growled, lashing his tail “Now leave me alone.” He walked off confidently, leaving Butterflytoe alone. Her mother was right, toms were terrible. Everyone was out to get her. They were just jealous, though. The she-cat knew she was pretty, even if she was lacking personality-wise. She would find a mate eventually. She stood up and cockily walked away, tail pluming over her chubby midsection.


“This is a terrible idea!” Thistlepaw called to her brother, who was currently halfway up a tree. He had brought his sister, Crowkit, and Falconkit to show off the advice Sparkstorm had told him. The apprentice hadn’t officially learned how to climb, but he wanted to have a bit of background knowledge before he did. “Shut up, Thistlepaw, you’re distracting him.” Crowkit hissed, eyes trained on his friend. Thistlepaw rolled her eyes and looked to Falconkit, who shrugged. “The trick is to look for pawholds.” Fallenpaw called down, grunting with the effort of pulling himself up the trunk. Thistlepaw squeezed her eyes shut. “I can’t watch this.” She whimpered and pushed her face into Falconkit’s shoulder. The bengal tom chuckled and patted her gently with a paw. “It’s alright.” Falconkit assured her “He’s been doing fine so far!” The words were a curse, however. As soon as Falconkit finished speaking, a squeal came from Fallenpaw. True to his name, he slipped down the bark and twisted in the air as he fell towards the ground. He landed with a thud and Thistlepaw let out a shriek. Crowkit pushed past her and hurried to Fallenpaw. The black tom jostled his friend. “Are you okay?” He cried. Fallenpaw snapped at him to get away and he struggled to his paws. Thistlepaw padded up to her brother and he leaned on her for support. “I told you it wouldn’t be a good idea.” She sighed “Come on you big baby, let’s get you to Bumbleflight. I’m sure you’re fine, but we should probably make sure.” Fallenpaw grunted and limped alongside her. Crowkit paused, jealousy crawling into his mind. He wanted to help Fallenpaw. Why did he always choose Thistlepaw over him? Shaking out his pelt, he huffed and followed them back to camp.


Stormfang took a deep breath, letting out a deep sigh. “I can’t believe it’s been 60 moons.” He mused “I remember when we first joined. All the games we played.” He looked over to where Squirrelheart laid beside him. “Now we’re waiting for our third litter.” Squirrelheart nodded in sweet remembrance. “So much has happened to us.” She agreed, licking a paw and drawing it over her ear “But I wouldn’t change a thing.” Stormfang smiled. His mind races through all his memories. His time as an apprentice, playing with Squirrelheart and her sisters, training sessions with Sandstep, when Dunewing’s body was found, when Adderbreeze left him, the birth of his first litter, all the pain and loss, but through it all Squirrelheart was there beside him. The thought burst through the ache in his chest. “Neither would I.” He admitted, and nuzzled his mate. She rested her chin on her paws and closed her eyes. Stormfang looked out on their new camp. So much had happened. And yet, it was still the same BearClan that he had joined all those moons ago. As the sun set, he couldn’t help but smile. Deep inside he knew that nothing could ever break the Clan he called home. And if it did, he would fight until his last breath to defend it.

[silverdrop and squirrelheart go into labor. x2 ragwort leaves are used]
[tulipclaw and ricecub become mates. emmar of the crossroad demons surrogates. tulipclaw will be carrying the kits]
[torrentkit, mistkit, and icekit are given from brebiscurl (chessclan) to nimbuscurl]
[hollypounce and hickorywind become mates but do not try for kits. they decide they will take in hickorywind and moosestar (frosne oya) kits and raise them together. hollypounce moves to the nursery, but she remains on warrior duties]
[nimbuscurl and minkeyes of the celestials try for kits]
[ashtail, bisonclaw, sparkstorm, and ricecub patrol]
[sunstomp, owlshade, brambleglow, and burrwhisker hunt]
[gorsewind, windfeather, hollypounce, and stormfang hunt]
[mossbounce, archthorn, applebee, and pipersnap hunt]
[bumbleflight and rainleaf collect herbs, focusing on kitting herbs]
[sunstomp teaches mintpaw agility]
[chestnutstripe teaches toadpaw agility]
[ricecub teaches beanpaw stealth]
[burrwhisker teaches snailpaw agility]
[swiftwind teaches mudpaw stealth]
[nimbuscurl teaches shadowpaw hunting]
[owlshade teaches serpentpaw climbing]
[shrewclaw teaches saskatoonpaw climbing]
[sparkstorm teaches fallenpaw battle]
[nightfur teaches thistlepaw hunting]
[owlshade teaches dunepaw battle]
[burrwhisker teaches cardinalpaw battle]
[hickorywind teaches hazepaw hunting]
[brambleglow teaches splashpaw hunting]
[ryetail mentors beepaw]
[blackbriar teaches minkpaw hunting]
[archthorn teaches jacobinpaw hunting]
[the clan consumes x4 big fish , x1 mouse]

elmstar, 53 m, ♀
ashtail, 39 , ♂

xxxxx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙:
bumbleflight, 55 m, ♂
xx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊:
rainleaf, 22 m, ♂

stormfang, 65 m, ♂
swiftwind, 56 m, ♂
nightfur, 53 m, ♂
hickorywind, 46, ♂
↪ blind in one eye
adderbreeze, 61 m, ♀
windfeather, 61 m, ♂
hollypounce, 46 m, ♀
redfin, 60 m, ♂
shrewclaw , 37 m, ♂
badgergaze, 35 m, ♂
burrwhisker, 30 m, ♂
sparkstorm, 30 m, ♂
tulipclaw, 41 m, ♀
grousecall, 72 m, ♀
blackbriar, 59 m, ♀
grassheart, 74 m, ♀
sunstomp, 29 m, ♂
owlshade, 24 m, ♂
brambleglow, 33 m, ♀
ricecub, 42 m, ♀
chestnutstripe, 31 m, ♀
darkfang, 24 m, ♀
ryetail, 22 m, ♀
nimbuscurl, 29 m, ♂
mossbounce, 20 m, ♂
twigsnap, 21 m, ♀
applebee, 20 m, ♀
poppysplash, 29 m, ♀
heronstep, 20 m, ♂
archthorn, 20 m, ♂
butterflytoe, 18 m, ♀
fognose, 59 m, ♀
marmotsnout, 41 m, ♀
pipersnap, 20 m, ♀
tickstripe, 18 m, ♂
lightrunner, 23 m, ♀
gorsewind, 31 m, ♀
bisconclaw, 21 m, ♂
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀

mudpaw, 12 m, ♀
mintpaw, 11 m, ♀
toadpaw, 11 m, ♂
beanpaw, 11 m, ♀
snailpaw, 11 m, ♀
shadowpaw, 9 m, ♀
saskatoonpaw, 9 m, ♀
serpentpaw, 9 m, ♀
fallenpaw, 8 m, ♂
thistlepaw, 8 m, ♀
cardinalpaw, 8 m, ♂
dunepaw, 8 m, ♀
hazepaw, 8 m, ♀
↪ asthmatic
splashpaw, 8 m, ♀
beepaw, 7 m, ♂
minkpaw, 7 m, ♀
jacobinpaw, 7 m, ♂
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀


squirrelheart, 59 m, ♀
nettlemist, 28 m, ♀
shellpond, 27 m, ♀
deerleap, 73 m, ♀
silverdrop, 32 m, ♀
hawksnow, 36 m, ♀
hollypounce, 46 m, ♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀

crowkit, 5 m, ♂
falconkit, 5 m, ♂
barleyit, 4 m, ♂
cougarkit, 4 m, ♂
spiderkit, 4 m, ♂
moorkit, 4 m, ♀
goatkit, 3 m, ♂
ripplekit, 3 m, ♀
cowkit, 3 m, ♀
torrentkit, 1 m, ♂
mistkit, 1 m, ♀
icekit, 1 m, ♀
birchkit, 1 m, ♂
poplarkit, 1 m, ♀
maplekit, 1 m, ♂
↪ blind
aspenkit, 1 m, ♀
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀

prairiedust, 102 m, ♀
ravencloud, 76 m, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀
al𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖊:
mouse, one serving╶ 019
minnow, one serving╶ 018
small fish, two servings╶ 003
squirrel, two servings╶ 006
hare, three servings╶ 002
big fish, three servings╶ 002

North- the elysian dynasty ; Immortes
South- silverclan ; ~•SnowLeapord•~
East- pheonixclan ; stormt4lon
West- chessclan ; sharpiesandhamilton

Northeast- highgarden ; eagle
Northwest- spruceclan ; ponz
Southeast- galaclan ; demiboygod
Southwest- vagaryclan ; lyttlekytten

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BearClan 61

Postby inky. » Wed May 20, 2020 11:14 am

clan archive thread is found here
clan population 092 xxx clan servings 015 xxx next starclan visit wheneverxxx next birth hawksnow (1) ; tulipclaw (2) xxx mod notes hey, just so you know id prefer if all future kits (and cats in general) are put onto lineart ^^ xxx cats to find vulturecrest

Silverdrop curled her tail around her newborn litter. No matter how exhausted she was, how much she craved sleep, she couldn’t tear her eyes away from the three beautiful kits that nestled against her belly. “I’ll be honest I never thought this day would happen.” Shrewclaw murmured in her ear, licking her forehead lovingly “I never thought I would find someone who I loved more than anything, and someone who returned those feelings. I love you so much, and I love our kits.” Silverdrop let out a purr. “You know, when I was a kitty pet, I never would have pictured myself out here living with the wildcats. But I still dreamt of a family. I even picked out names for kits if I had them.” Shrewclaw raised an eyebrow and repositioned himself so he could look at his mate. “Well,” she giggled “my twoleg was a man in love with the natural beauty of the earth. He had jars of spectacular colored rocks and gases in his special room. He would talk to me some days, tell me all about the different ‘elements’ as he called them. They were all so pretty, but my favorites were cobalt, pewter, and arsenic. Cobalt is such a spectacular shade of blue, just like this little one’s eyes. Pewter is a strong, well built material, almost as sturdy as our son there. And arsenic, though the most pretty of all, was extremely dangerous. It’s a poison, capable of killing anything. It lured me in with its beauty, but my twoleg was quick to keep me away from it. Our daughter is so pretty, but I know that she hides a strong warrior capable of anything within her.” Shrewclaw smiled broadly as he heard his mate describe her old life. Her eyes were sparkling and her voice carried true joy. “Cobaltkit, Pewterkit, and Arsenickit.” The tom meowed “Have a nice ring to ‘em if you ask me.” The pair smiled affectionately at each other and met in a nuzzle, looking fondly over their newly named kits.


Thistlepaw ran her tongue over Fallenpaw’s fur, cleaning behind her brother’s ear. The tom, the only true cat she could trust, was having a very tense few moons, and she wanted to help him relax. So, she dragged him to the sunny part of camp and forced him to stay still while she worked the knots out of his fur, which he had been neglecting. She nudged his shoulder. “Your wound is healing nicely.” She observed, eyes running over the teeth marks Dunepaw had put into his pelt “Should leave a snazzy scar.” She purred with amusement, but Fallenpaw just flicked an ear and moved his eyes to look across camp. Thistlepaw wracked her brain for topics to talk about. “Oh!” She gasped “Are you excited for Hawksnow’s litter? We should have younger siblings any moon now!” Fallenpaw shrugged. “I’m indifferent.” He said evenly “You’re my littermate. You’re my real sibling, and to be honest the only one I’ll truly trust.” Thistlepaw’s ear tips burned with affection. “I’m flattered.” She purred “I know it’s not always easy, and I can’t even begin to understand what goes through that head of yours, but I’m always here for you, okay? If you ever need to talk, my ears are open.” Fallenpaw cracked a small smirk. “I know.” He murmured, genuine appreciation in his voice “I think you missed a spot.” He tilted his head to the side with a chuckle. Thistlepaw cuffed him playfully over the ear. “I’ve gotten so much of your fur worked out, I deserve a break. It’s hard work.” She pouted, and rolled on her back, snuggling up next to her brother, who chuckled lightly at the she-cat. He took a deep breath. He had meant what he said. Thistlepaw was the only one he trusted, the only one he trusted that he could trust. They’d always had each other’s back, and he hoped that it would remain that way. He rested his chin on his paws and watched the camp lazily as he and his closest friend basked in the sun together.


Crowpaw bounced up and down. “I can’t believe we’re apprentices now!” He purred. Falconpaw gave his brother a smile and leaned up against a sturdy tree. “I know,” He sighed “Now we can finally be with our friends. We can actually help the clan now.” Even though Falconpaw and Crowpaw had only just become apprentices, the two handsome young toms already had the outlines of strong, lithe, muscled cats. The two looked down at the river that lazily rushed by. They had been granted a walk by their mentors, and the toms were enjoying the warm day sitting in the shade of a reaching oak tree. Crowpaw looked up slyly at a branch that stretched over the rushing water. “I bet it’s a great view up there.” The black apprentice mewed. Falconpaw hummed, but didn’t follow his gaze. “You were telling me how much you were looking forward to learning how to climb trees.” Crowpaw reminded his brother “Why don’t you try it out.” Falconpaw huffed and raised an eyebrow. “You’re forgetting I haven’t done any training so far. I have zero skill.” He said gruffly. Crowpaw rolled his eyes. “You’re just scared.” Falconpaw’s fur rose. “Am not!” He hissed gently. Crowpaw stifled a chuckle. He knew how much the phrase got under his skin. “Then why don’t you prove it.” He pressed. Falconpaw leapt to his paws. “Fine!” He grumbled, turning around and placing a hesitant paw on the sturdy trunk. He swallowed nervously, but took a deep breath and sunk his claws into the bark. Pushing off with his back paws, he scaled the first portion of the tree. Luckily, the branch Crowpaw was referring to was one of the lower ones. Falconpaw shifted his weight and swung to the branch. He slowly crept forward and crouched on the edge. He lifted his head and his eyes widened. “I can see the big lake from here!” He gasped “Isn’t that where the old camp used to be?” Crowpaw chuckled. “I can’t believe you can see it!” He purred “How does it look?” Falconpaw blinked. “I-It’s great. The island doesn’t look as burnt as I thought it would be.” He was about to say something else when he felt the branch shudder beneath him. “Crowpaw-” He yowled, trying to scramble back to the trunk, but it was too late. The branch splintered under his paws and snapped in two. Falconpaw shrieked as he tumbled through the air. He tried to twist in the air, trying to land safely in the water. The apprentice’s eyes widened as his gaze caught a large boulder that was directly under him. He cried out and tried to flop around in the air, but it was in vain. He crashed down, head and throat thudding against the hard rock. He weakly opened his eyes and saw a fuzzy-looking Crowpaw howling for help, before slipping into darkness.

When Falconpaw reopened his eyes, he was surrounded by stone walls. He groaned as he shifted in a nest, muscles stiff. His head split with pain and he let out a little whimper. He heard a faint voice calling for another cat, and soon a shadow was standing gently over him. “Shh,” The shadow cooed “Don’t move too much, you’re still hurt pretty badly.” He murmured something to the cat, who Falconpaw now realized was pressed gently against him, and ebbed away. His vision was still fuzzy, but his sense of smell was now kicking in, and he recognized the cat next to him as Elmstar. He whimpered again to his mother, and she gave him a gentle lick on his bleeding forehead. “What happened?” He asked dryly. Elmstar sighed. “You hit your head, darling. You’re going to be okay, but Bumbleflight said there’s going to be some...permanent damage.” She blinked back tears, and gave her son a reassuring smile. “What kind of damage? Am I going to b-b-b-...b-b-be able to train s-s-still?” Frustration rose in Falconpaw as he tried to push the words out. He let out a quiet choke. “What was that?” He cried “What’s wrong with my s-s-speech? Why can’t I talk?” The leader’s lip quivered, but she was determined to stay strong for her kit. She wrapped her tail softly around him. “You hit your head and your throat. Sometimes when a certain area is impacted, the way a cat talks changes. Bumbleflight has seen it before. He says you’ll have a stutter, but other than that you’ll be okay.” Falconpaw looked down at his paws. “How long will it b-b-be like this?” Elmstar shrugged. “He’s not sure. It could be temporary, or permanent.” Falconpaw clenched his jaw and nodded. Ashtail poked his head into the medicine den. He cleared his throat and nodded to the leader. She sighed and gave another smile to her son before gently nuzzling him and rising to her paws, following her deputy out of the den. Falconpaw was left alone. A quiet voice said some semblance of a greeting. The apprentice looked up, slowly as not to bring on his head ache, and he saw a familiar, though blurry, grey pelt. “Thistlepaw is that you?” He asked, squinting. “I, uh, came to check up on you.” She said happily. Falconpaw couldn’t make out everything, but he could see a splotch of yellow hanging from her mouth. “They said your vision is still recovering, but that you could scent things.” She explained, settling beside him “I brought you a flower I found earlier. I know this place can get a bit stuffy and I thought I would bring you something to brighten up the place. It smells good, too.” The she-cat pushed the yellow blossom closer to Falconpaw’s muzzle. Already, his vision was starting to clear, and he could see the soft petals. He leaned over and inhaled deeply. A fresh, floral scent wafted through his nostrils, and made him smile. “Thank you.” He said. It was simple, yet genuinely filled with gratitude. Thistlepaw reciprocated his smile, but rose to her paws. “Sorry I can’t stay longer.” She sighed “Nightfur wants to take me to the open hills to see how fast I can run. Between you and me, though, I’d much rather stick around.” Falconpaw huffed in amusement and nuzzled her shoulder briefly. “Thank you.” He purred “I really apprec-c-iate it.” Thistlepaw nodded and hurried out of the den, grateful that Falconpaw couldn’t see the blush forming on her cheeks.


Bumbleflight nosed through the leaves. He had found a nice patch of herbs in a moist hollow beneath a tree. They weren’t nearly large enough to pick yet, but they were growing fairly well. Suddenly, a thud behind him made him spin around, wacking his forehead on a low hanging branch. Hissing, he saw a pretty she-cat standing in front of him. “Are you alright?” She giggled. The medicine cat just flicked an ear with a grumble. “Who are you?” He demanded, walking closer. He scented the air and narrowed his eyes. “You smell like Nimbuscurl’s kits. You from ChessClan?” The she-cat raised her head proudly. “Yes I am.” She stated with a smile “My name is Tachesplotch. What’s yours.” The BearClan tom sniffed and looked away. “Bumbleflight.” He said hesitantly “I’ve heard you ChessClan cats like to get around. Is that why you’re here?” Tachesplotch tilted her head. “I don’t know what you mean, but I’m actually kinda lost.” She said sheepishly “Do you know where the border is?” Bumbleflight sighed and rolled his eyes, murmuring. “Yea, I’ll bring you to it.” He grumbled, walking alongside the ChessClan cat. They walked together into the forest, Tachesplotch chatting non-stop, and Bumbleflight slightly regretting his offer.


Sparkstorm yawned as he walked along the border. It was only noon, but he was already exhausted. He promised he would teach Spiderkit how to crouch, and he took Fallenpaw on his training session. He just wanted to sleep, but his brother convinced him to join him on a patrol. Looking up, he gazed beyond the BearClan border, to where Highgarden’s land restd. He hadn’t personally met a Highgarden cat, but Nightfur was awfully fond of one Ferretfur, so he gave them a pass. Suddenly, he saw a familiar flash of brown catch his eye. He blinked firmly, but the figure still remained. He held his tail out in front of Burrwhisker and called for the rest of the patrol to continue on without them. They didn’t protest, but warned them to make sure to return to camp soon, before continuing on. Sparkstorm didn’t say a word until the rest of the group was out of sight. “Come with me.” He murmured, and slunk through the low bushes to the open space the border passed through. “What are we doing?” Burrwhisker whined, shifting uncomfortably on his bad leg. Sparkstorm hushed him and waited for the breeze to change directions. The gust carried the scent of the brown cat, and his theory was confirmed. “I-Is that…?” Burrwhisker whispered, eyes wide. His brother nodded. The scent was muddled, but beneath it all was the earthy scent of their own Clan. It was Otterfur. Burrwhisker was about to say something, but Sparkstorm pushed his way through the shrubs onto the slope where Otterfur was walking. “Well, well, well!” The young tom called “Look who it is!”. Otterfur’s large ears swiveled up. He didn’t recognize the pair at first, but upon closer investigation, recognition flashed over his gaze. Sparkstorm’s father stumbled back slightly. Burrwhisker limped out from the bushes as well, and soon the two toms were waiting on the border. Otterfur furrowed his brow and slid down the slope. He tripped gently over a root, but his gaze was trained on his two sons in front of him. Soon, the three toms were looking silently at each other. Sparkstorm cleared his throat to break the tension. “I see you made it off the island.” He said simply. Otterfur nodded, disbelief still in his eyes. “What happened to you?” The old warrior asked “How did you get here? And Burrpaw, your leg!” Burrwhisker shifted nervously. “Burrwhisker, now.” He corrected “And Sparkstorm.” Otterfur nodded with a small smile and looked expectantly at his older son. “The bear attacked us.” He meowed evenly “We were able to put it down, but a lot of cats were lost. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the forest got really dry and lightning struck the tree at the top of the cliff and it caught the island on fire. More great cats weren’t able to escape. Batfur, though, was the one that hurt most I think. Elmstar still hasn’t gotten over it.” Otterfur’s eyes widened. “Elmstar?” He gasped “Elmstream is leader?” Burrwhisker nodded. “And Ashtail is deputy.” Otterfur let out an incredulous laugh. But suddenly, his face fell. “Listen,” He sighed “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking ever since I was exiled. I realize my faults. I know I should have done something, anything to help overthrow Viperstar. I was blinded by loyalty, and I know that’s no excuse but...I just want to tell you how sorry I am. I was a terrible father. I treated you and your mother so horribly, I don’t know how you could ever forgive me.” He dipped his head in sorrow. Sparkstorm took a breath. “I forgive you.” He said quietly. Burrwhisker looked at his brother with surprise. “Don’t just say it to make me feel better.” Otterfur grumbled. Sparkstorm took a step forward, and Otterfur looked up. He was expecting to find judgement in his eyes, as he always did. Sparkstorm had always despised Otterfur the most, ever since he learned about Wasppaw. “I mean it.” Sparkstorm assured, voice gentle and calm “I spent way too long hating you over something I never understood. I didn’t know why you were loyal to Viperstar after all the things he did, I suppose I never will, but I know he was your friend. I would do anything for Ashtail, and I was too young to comprehend that relationships can be stronger than they sometimes should be. You know, I’m a father now. I can’t imagine how horrible it would be for your son to say they hated you. I thought I was in the right, and maybe in some ways I was. But I should never have hated you as much as I did. So I want to apologize to you. You’re my father, Otterfur, there’s no changing that. I’m glad you’re still alive, I hope we can use the rest of the time we both have to rebuild a relationship.” Otterfur sniffled, blinking small tears from his eyes. He nodded, and all three were in silent agreement that their feud was over. “So,” Otterfur chuckled “A father, eh?” Sparkstorm smiled and nodded. “Shellpond and I had our litter a few moons ago. Spiderkit and Moorkit.” Otterfur grinned broadly, and the three stayed there, talking about how their lives had changed as if they were never angry with each other at all.


Avocetdance laughed. He and Poppysplash had immediately hit it off when he was brought to camp. “Okay, okay, I have one.” He meowed, adjusting himself to tell his story “Once, when I was moons or so, I was wandering around and a fox surprised me! A she-cat around my age heard us struggling and came to help. Together we chased it off. Without her, I would be dead. Anyways, we were instant friends. We both had a splash of color on our faces, so we thought we were destined to be together. We spent a few moons together but, one morning she was gone. I’ve never been able to shake her from my mind.” He trailed off and looked at his paws. Poppysplash’s eyes were wide. “Did this happen to take place outside of a twoleg town?” She asked quietly, voice barely above a whisper. Avocetdance furrowed his brow and looked up at her. His eyes widened. Recognition filled his brain. The same pretty face. The same black splash of color beneath her eye. “I-It’s you? How can this be? What happened?” Poppysplash gave a weak smile. “That morning I wanted to surprise you with breakfast. A twoleg found me and captured me. I was able to escape, but by the time I got back you were gone. I’m so sorry.” Avocetdance placed a paw on hers. “I’m sorry for now waiting for you.” Poppysplash shook her head and looked him in the eyes. “Do you remember our promise?” She asked. The tom flattened his ears. “What, that if we ever met again we would be mates? Of course.” He chuckled “We were young, though, so I obviously don’t expect you to keep it.” Poppysplash moved closer to him. “I want to.” She assured “Growing up, you were the kindest tom I ever met. I can see that hasn’t changed. You’re still you. I would like to keep the pact, if it’s okay with you.” Avocetdance smiled softly, resting his forehead against hers. “I would love to, Poppysplash. After all, a promise is a promise, and I'm a tom of my word.”

[while falconpaw and crowpaw are out having fun, crowpaw dares his brother to climb a tree. the branch snaps and falconpaw falls into the river below. he hits his head and throat on a rock, causing a concussion and stutter. bumbleflight says he will live, but will need a few moons of lighter training, and he may have trouble learning new skills]
[avocetdance and poppysplash realize who each other are and become mates, trying for kits im so sorry]
[sparkstorm, burrwhisker, avocetdance, mossbounce patrol]
[nightfur, stormfang, pipersnap, fognose hunt]
[tickstripe, lightrunner, bisonclaw, ricecub hunt]
[brambleglow, ryetail, owlshade, sunstomp hunt]
[bumbleflight and rainleaf collect herbs]
[sunstomp teaches mintpaw stealth]
[chestnutstripe teaches toadpaw stealth]
[beanpaw takes her final assessment]
[burrwhisker teaches snailpaw stealth; x1 comfrey root is used]
[mudpaw takes her final assessment - she doesn't need a transfer!]
[nimbuscurl teaches shadowpaw battle]
[owlshade teaches serpentpaw agility]
[shrewclaw teaches saskatoonpaw agility]
[sparkstorm teaches fallenpaw climbing]
[nightfur teaches thistlepaw battle]
[owlshade teaches dunepaw climbing]
[burrwhisker teaches cardinalpaw climbing]
[hickorywind teaches hazepaw battle]
[brambleglow teaches splashpaw battle]
[ryetail teaches beepaw hunting]
[blackbriar teaches minkpaw battle]
[archthorn teaches jacobinpaw battle]
[grassheart mentors crowpaw]
[stormfang mentors falconpaw]
[the clan consumes x15 minnows]

elmstar, 54 m, ♀
ashtail, 40 , ♂

xxxxx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙:
bumbleflight, 56 m, ♂
xx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊:
rainleaf, 23 m, ♂

stormfang, 66 m, ♂
swiftwind, 57 m, ♂
nightfur, 54 m, ♂
hickorywind, 47, ♂
↪ blind in one eye
adderbreeze, 62 m, ♀
windfeather, 62 m, ♂
hollypounce, 47 m, ♀
redfin, 61 m, ♂
shrewclaw , 38 m, ♂
badgergaze, 36 m, ♂
burrwhisker, 30 m, ♂
sparkstorm, 31 m, ♂
grousecall, 73 m, ♀
blackbriar, 60 m, ♀
grassheart, 75 m, ♀
sunstomp, 30 m, ♂
owlshade, 25 m, ♂
brambleglow, 34 m, ♀
ricecub, 43 m, ♀
chestnutstripe, 32 m, ♀
darkfang, 25 m, ♀
ryetail, 23 m, ♀
nimbuscurl, 30 m, ♂
mossbounce, 21 m, ♂
twigsnap, 22 m, ♀
applebee, 21 m, ♀
poppysplash, 30 m, ♀
heronstep, 21 m, ♂
archthorn, 21 m, ♂
butterflytoe, 19 m, ♀
fognose, 60 m, ♀
marmotsnout, 42 m, ♀
pipersnap, 21 m, ♀
tickstripe, 19 m, ♂
lightrunner, 24 m, ♀
gorsewind, 32 m, ♀
bisconclaw, 22 m, ♂
avocetdance, 30 m, ♂
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀

mudpaw, 13 m, ♀
mintpaw, 12 m, ♀
toadpaw, 12 m, ♂
beanpaw, 12 m, ♀
snailpaw, 12 m, ♀
shadowpaw, 10 m, ♀
saskatoonpaw, 10 m, ♀
serpentpaw, 10 m, ♀
fallenpaw, 9 m, ♂
thistlepaw, 9 m, ♀
cardinalpaw, 9 m, ♂
dunepaw, 9 m, ♀
hazepaw, 9 m, ♀
↪ asthmatic
splashpaw, 9 m, ♀
beepaw, 8 m, ♂
minkpaw, 8 m, ♀
jacobinpaw, 8 m, ♂
crowpaw, 6 m, ♂
falconpaw, 6 m, ♂
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀


squirrelheart, 60 m, ♀
nettlemist, 29 m, ♀
shellpond, 28 m, ♀
deerleap, 74 m, ♀
silverdrop, 33 m, ♀
hawksnow, 37 m, ♀
hollypounce, 47 m, ♀
tulipclaw, 42 m, ♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀

barleyit, 5 m, ♂
cougarkit, 5 m, ♂
spiderkit, 5 m, ♂
moorkit, 5 m, ♀
goatkit, 4 m, ♂
ripplekit, 4 m, ♀
cowkit, 4 m, ♀
torrentkit, 2 m, ♂
mistkit, 2 m, ♀
icekit, 2 m, ♀
birchkit, 2 m, ♂
poplarkit, 2 m, ♀
maplekit, 2 m, ♂
↪ blind
aspenkit, 2 m, ♀
cobaltkit, 1 m, ♂
pewterkit, 1 m, ♂
arsenickit, 1 m, ♀
sleetkit, 1 m, ♀
sprucekit, 1 m, ♂
sycamorekit, 1 m, ♂
swoopkit, 1 m, ♀
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀

prairiedust, 103 m, ♀
ravencloud, 77 m, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀
al𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖊:
mouse, one serving╶ 019
minnow, one serving╶ 004
small fish, two servings╶ 004
squirrel, two servings╶ 006
hare, three servings╶ 003
big fish, three servings╶ 002

North- the elysian dynasty ; Immortes
South- silverclan ; ~•SnowLeapord•~
East- pheonixclan ; stormt4lon
West- chessclan ; sharpiesandhamilton

Northeast- highgarden ; eagle
Northwest- spruceclan ; ponz
Southeast- galaclan ; demiboygod
Southwest- vagaryclan ; lyttlekytten

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BearClan 62

Postby inky. » Thu May 28, 2020 9:53 am

clan archive thread is found here
clan population 093 xxx clan servings 015 xxx next starclan visit wheneverxxx next birth hawksnow (now!) ; tulipclaw (1) ; poppysplash (2)xxx mod notes hey, just so you know id prefer if all future kits (and cats in general) are put onto lineart ^^ xxx cats to find n/a

Vulturecrest licked his lips nervously. Soot had told him his plan, his duty. He was to scout out the Clan. He suddenly realized that’s all he was told. No specific questions or pieces of information, just general workings, he supposed. Clearing his throat, he quickened his pace to meet up with one of the cats on patrol. He had an injured leg, and was limping slightly, but he was overall in fine condition. “So, Burrwhisker, was it?” He cleared his throat. The brown tabby looked to the side and smiled at the tom. “How long have you been in BearClan?” The warrior grinned. “I was born into it. With my brother, Sparkstorm, he’s the ginger one at the front.” He meowed “We were born in the old camp. I got the injury when the fire happened. That’s why we had to move.” Vulturecrest nodded, very interested. “You sound like you have a very rich history.” he meowed. The tom laughed. “Oh, you have no idea.” The new BearClan member tilted his head, continuing to walk beside his new companion. “Maybe you could tell me about it.” He meowed “I always am a sucker for learning about the past. I’m pretty bad at making new friends, maybe you could introduce me to some cats.” Burrwhisker purred. “Well, you’ve got a friend now! I’ll show you the ropes. BearClan isn't that bad. It just takes a bit of love, and it does great things!” Vulturecrest grinned at his friend. This would be easier than he thought.


Tickstripe’s heart was about to burst out of his chest. He tried reassuring himself, his plan would work. Heronstep, Mossbounce, Applebee and Archthorn were helping. It’s alright, everything’s fine, she was going to get here. He ran over his speech once more in his head, but all thoughts stopped as he heard the crunch of twigs. Suddenly, he felt as if he couldn’t breath. Each muscle tensed and he could hear and feel nothing but his own heartbeat. He forced himself to take a breath and put on a smile as Pipersnap turned into the clearing. “Oh! Tickstripe.” She smiled, surprise and confusion lacing her voice “Have you seen my littermates? They told me they wanted to go on a walk with me, but I haven’t been able to find him.” Tickstripe swallowed thickly and nervously shook his head. “N-No I haven’t, sorry.” He meowed “Actually, though, if you don’t mind, I-I do have something I want to talk to you about.” Pipersnap tilted her head curiously and smirked. “Okay.” She said softly, sitting in front of him. The sun was starting to set, and the sky was painted a colorful orange and pink concoction. Tickstripe looked up at it, the clouds were clumped together, but the light still shone brightly through it. Taking a deep breath, he suddenly felt calm. This was the moment he had been waiting for. He finally figured out how to do it. She was here, the love of his life, right in front of him. His beloved Pipersnap. And today was finally the day he asked her the single question that had been sitting on his mind for moons. He couldn’t remember his speech, but it didn’t matter. He knew just what to say. Tickstripe grinned at the sky. “You know, when I look up at the sky, I’m reminded of you.” He mused “Not only because it’s beautiful, but because there’s so many different layers. It can be bright, happy, and cheerful, allowing the sun to grace us in the warmth. It can be dark and gloomy, stormy and strong. It can be peaceful and friendly. There’s countless variations, and yet one thing always stays the same. The clouds are always there. Even if it’s just a wisp in the far distance, the clouds cannot live without the sky, and the sky cannot live without the clouds.” He slowly shifted his gaze down to meet Pipersnap’s. Her eyes were wide, and filled with hope. “I want to be your clouds, Pipersnap.” He whispered “You’ve always been with me. Every time I think I’m going to drift off into emptiness, my sky pulls me back. You pull me back. Ever since I was young, you would stick up for me and defend me when I couldn’t. You weren’t afraid, even though my own mother rejected me. You are the strongest, bravest...most everything-est she-cat I’ve ever met.” The two shared a chuckle, and the setting sun reflected in Pipersnap’s clear eyes. “It would be my honor to spend the rest of my life with you. I need my sky. I need you. So, if it’s not too outrageous of a thought, would you maybe consider being my mate?” Pipersnap gave a shaky grin and let out a giggle. She slowly moved to Tickstripe, the two slowly getting bathed in darkness. “Tickstripe, I love you so much.” She said softly “You have no clue how much I want to be with you. I will always be your sky, but only if you’re my clouds.” The two smiled and nuzzled each other. They had nuzzled before, they had always been good friends, but this time it was different. The raw emotion and love pulsed from their hearts into the other’s. Tickstripe was happy. For the first time in a long time, he was content; he was filled with joy. As he pulled her into a tighter hug, he made a mental note to thank his mate’s siblings for making his dream come true.


“I just don’t understand how you like him.” Thistlepaw scoffed “I mean it’s not like he’s cute, even.” Moorpaw sighed. “Just because you’re too busy staring at Falconpaw all day doesn’t mean there aren’t other attractive toms in the Clan.” She pointed out. Moorpaw loved her best friend, but she admitted that Thistlepaw could get very opinionated, especially when it came to him. “But Jacobinpaw? Really?” She hissed gently “It’s not like he’s a good tom, either! He’s terrible. He bullies you all the time. Toxic.” The grey she-cat glared in the direction of the dark young tom. “He’s tall, he’s dark, but he is in no way handsome.” She muttered. Moorpaw tilted her head. “Mm, I dunno.” She meowed “The way he walks just gives off such an...alpha vibe. And the way his eyes sparkle in the moonlight.” She sighed wistfully. “When have you seen his eyes in the moonlight.” Thistlepaw glared. Moorpaw’s eyes widened. “Uh, you night.” Something clicked in Thistlepaw’s mind. “Moorpaw.” She groaned “I knew you snuck out a few days ago. You kicked me on the way out. I thought you were going to use the dirtplace. Now that I think about it, Jacobinpaw looked really messy the next morning. What bad decision did you make?” Moorpaw rolled her eyes. “Nothing.” She assured “We just went swimming.” Thistlepaw’s fur spiked up. “You don’t even know how to swim!” She cried. “Jacobinpaw helped me.” Thistlepaw gave an exasperated sigh and flopped on her side. “Whatever,” She groaned “Enjoy your bad choices, but don’t come crying to me when he breaks your heart. Actually, you know what? Do come crying to me so I can break his legs.” Moorpaw giggled and laid on top of her friend. “Just give him a chance, Thistlepaw.” She meowed, licking her ear “I promise you can beat him up if he does something wrong.” The she-cat flicked an ear. “Fine.” She huffed “But I don’t want you going out at night anymore. I know it’s not my place to forbid you or anything, that’s Shellpond’s job. But you’re a new apprentice, and you aren’t familiar with the territory yet, and I don’t trust him to keep you safe.” Moorpaw snuggled against her. “Alright, you big scary baby, I promise.” Thistlepaw giggled and batted her gently on the nose. The two moved on from the topic, and rested in the warm sun for the rest of the afternoon, talking about whatever best friends talk about.


Ashtail ran his tongue along Hawksnow’s large belly. He was resting his chin on her hip, listening to his kits move around. “I wonder how many there will be.” He mused sleepily. Hawksnow giggled at her mate. “I’m sure it won’t be too long until we find out.” She yawned “Ashtail, I know I’m not one for the sappy stuff, but I love you. I love our family. Thank you.” The deputy smirked. “I think it’s just the pregnancy getting to you.” He sighed “But I love you too. I’m so proud of how far we’ve come. I never imagined this would happen, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Suddenly, he felt her stomach ripple beneath him. Hawksnow let out a cry and dug her claws into the dirt. Ashtail leapt to his paws. “What? Hawksnow, what’s wrong?” He demanded “What’s happening?” She looked up at him with fear and excitement in her eyes. “The kits.” She gasped “I think they’re coming.”


Fallenpaw felt sparse grass sway next to his nose. He sneezed, causing him to jolt awake. Looking around, he realized he was no longer in the apprentice den. But, there were a few apprentices there with him. Looking to his side, he saw Thistlepaw. He prodded her awake. She was groggy at first, but then they stood up together. “What is this place?” she gasped. Surrounding them, there were clumps of sky-high, dark trees. They were leafless, and looked as if they were leaking shadows. The sky was red and cloudy, and there was a lack of any kind of warmth. “I’m not sure.” Fallenpaw admitted “Maybe we’re having a shared dream.” Serpentpaw walked up beside them. “All of us?” she asked. “I doubt it.” Darkfang meowed. Owlshade, Lightrunner, Crowpaw, and Snailpaw joined the group. “Do you think we’re dead?” Snailpaw asked quietly. Serpentpaw scoffed in disbelief at her ‘apparent stupidity’, but Owlshade gently assured her that they weren’t. “Should we go further?” Crowpaw meowed, pressing himself against Fallenpaw’s leg. The tom rolled his eyes and stepped to the side. “Don’t ask me, mouse-brain, I’m just as clueless as the rest of you.” Lightrunner ran a claw over prints in the mud. “It looks like someone’s been here.” She observed “But the pawprints are filled with....” She trailed off, unsure of what the dark liquid was. “Ink.” a gurgled voice finished. The group turned their heads in the direction of one large tree. A figure morphed out of the shadow spilling from the gnarled bark. It wasn’t shapeless, but if it was once a cat, Fallenpaw couldn’t tell. Snailpaw opened her mouth, but the inky mass cut her off. “It doesn’t matter who I am.” It rattled, voice clicking with every syllable “You wouldn’t know me if I told you, anyways.” Fallenpaw stepped forward. “What do you want from us?” He asked, muscles stiff with preparation for a fight. The creature let out a noise that resembled a laugh. “Bold.” It noted “I can see why he wanted you.” The BearClan cats looked to each other in confusion. “Follow the tracks. He’s been waiting for you.” It said before walking backwards and dissolving into the shadow pool he had emerged from. Fallenpaw looked at his sister. Thistlepaw shrugged, and followed her brother as he walked deeper into the dark forest. It was easy to pick up the inky footprints, and it wasn’t long before they emerged into a large clearing, surrounded by a thick treeline. There was a bloody boulder in the center. The group paused as they noticed a figure sitting on top of the rock. He heard Owlshade suck in a breath as recognition flowed through his clanmate, but Fallenpaw couldn’t make out the pale ginger tom. He slowly turned around and slid down to their level. “Hello.” He greeted formally “You have been selected to help me cleanse BearClan. For too long has it remained in a false sense of security. There are cats within its ranks that post a deadly threat. We must get rid of them if you want your Clan to survive.” Fallenpaw furrowed his brow. “And we’re just supposed to listen to you?” He scoffed “Who even are you?” The tom grinned, showing stained, yellow teeth. “My name is Viperstar.” He smirked “Your training starts today. We don’t have any time to waste.”

Meanwhile, Dunepaw, Cardinalpaw, Hazepaw, and Splashpaw were having a strange dream of their own. Only instead of waking up in a dark forest, they were currently standing in a starry field. There were three cats standing in front of them, alongside four very blurry outlines. “W-Wait so, Sandstep, right?” Hazepaw murmured. The sandy she-cat nodded. “You’re telling us that we aren’t actually ourselves...but we’re cats that have already died?” Minkblossom sighed gently. “Sort of.” She explained “See, you are still Hazepaw, but your soul is one that belonged to another cat. It’s called a reincarnation.” Cardinalpaw and Splashpaw gasped. “W-Who are we?” Cardinal paw asked softly. “Will we know them?” Splashpaw added. Cindertail shook his head. “No. You might of heard of them, but they passed before your time.” Sandstep stepped forward and gestured to the blurry outlines with her tail. “The figure standing before you was the spiritual body of your past life. When you die, your spirit will return and be refilled.” She meowed. “Dunewing, Redpaw, Hazelpaw, and Cedarsplash were loyal cats that died defending their Clan.” Cardinalpaw took a step forward. “Who was he?” He asked, looking Redpaw’s figure up and down. “He was Nightfur’s son, Nettlemist’s brother.” Cindertail told him “He stoo up to Viperstar, and was killed because of it. I’m sure you’ve heard of him. Hazelpaw, his daughter, died trying to save an elder from the fire.” Hazepaw gasped. “My soul is related to a murderer?” She cried. Minkblossom rested a paw on hers. “Heritage does not make a cat. Hazelpaw proved that. She was a kind soul, and you are too.” Dunepaw flicked an ear. “Why were we reincarnated?” She huffed “Isn’t StarClan supposed to be a paradise? Wouldn’t you want to stay?” Sandstep, Minkblossom, and Cindertail shared a look. “Yes, they did.” Sandstep murmured “But there is darkness in BearClan’s future; a darkness that cannot be handled by mortal cats alone. We needed to offer help. There’s a war. It’s going to be bloody, it’s going to be bad. We can’t stop it, but we can do our best to fight back.” Splashpaw furrowed her brow. “When? How will we know when it’s started?” Sandstep took a deep breath. “It has already begun.”

[tickstripe and pipersnap become mates + try for kits]
[hawksnow goes into labor x1 chervil is used]
[sparkstorm, burrwhisker, avocetdance, mossbounce patrol]
[nightfur, stormfang, pipersnap, fognose hunt]
[tickstripe, lightrunner, bisonclaw, ricecub hunt]
[brambleglow, ryetail, owlshade, sunstomp hunt]
[bumbleflight and rainleaf collect herbs]
[sunstomp teaches mintpaw swimming]
[chestnutstripe teaches toadpaw swimming]
[beanpaw takes her final assessment]
[burrwhisker teaches snailpaw swimming]
[mudpaw takes her final assessment - she can stay on app. lines]
[nimbuscurl teaches shadowpaw climbing]
[owlshade teaches serpentpaw stealth]
[shrewclaw teaches saskatoonpaw stealth]
[sparkstorm teaches fallenpaw stealth]
[nightfur teaches thistlepaw climbing]
[owlshade teaches dunepaw climbing]
[burrwhisker teaches cardinalpaw stealth]
[hickorywind teaches hazepaw climbing]
[brambleglow teaches splashpaw climbing]
[ryetail teaches beepaw battle]
[blackbriar teaches minkpaw climbing]
[archthorn teaches jacobinpaw climbing]
[heronstep teaches crowpaw hunting]
[stormfang teaches falconpaw hunting]
[marmotsnout mentors barleypaw]
[redfin mentors cougarpaw]
[ashtail mentors spiderpaw]
[fognose mentors moorpaw]
[the clan consumes x7 squirrels and a minnow]

elmstar, 55 m, ♀
ashtail, 41 , ♂

xxxxx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙:
bumbleflight, 57 m, ♂
xx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊:
rainleaf, 24 m, ♂

stormfang, 67 m, ♂
swiftwind, 58 m, ♂
nightfur, 55 m, ♂
hickorywind, 48, ♂
↪ blind in one eye
adderbreeze, 63 m, ♀
windfeather, 63 m, ♂
hollypounce, 48 m, ♀
redfin, 62 m, ♂
shrewclaw , 39 m, ♂
badgergaze, 37 m, ♂
burrwhisker, 31 m, ♂
sparkstorm, 32 m, ♂
grousecall, 74 m, ♀
blackbriar, 61 m, ♀
grassheart, 76 m, ♀
sunstomp, 31 m, ♂
owlshade, 26 m, ♂
brambleglow, 35 m, ♀
ricecub, 44 m, ♀
chestnutstripe, 33 m, ♀
darkfang, 26 m, ♀
ryetail, 24 m, ♀
nimbuscurl, 31 m, ♂
mossbounce, 22 m, ♂
twigsnap, 23 m, ♀
applebee, 22 m, ♀
heronstep, 22 m, ♂
archthorn, 22 m, ♂
butterflytoe, 20 m, ♀
fognose, 61 m, ♀
marmotsnout, 43 m, ♀
pipersnap, 22 m, ♀
tickstripe, 20 m, ♂
lightrunner, 25 m, ♀
gorsewind, 33 m, ♀
bisconclaw, 23 m, ♂
avocetdance, 31 m, ♂
nettlemist, 30 m, ♀
shellpond, 29 m, ♀
vulturecrest, 44 m, ♂
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀

mudpaw, 14 m, ♀
mintpaw, 13 m, ♀
toadpaw, 13 m, ♂
beanpaw, 13 m, ♀
snailpaw, 13 m, ♀
shadowpaw, 11 m, ♀
saskatoonpaw, 11 m, ♀
serpentpaw, 11 m, ♀
fallenpaw, 10 m, ♂
thistlepaw, 10 m, ♀
cardinalpaw, 10 m, ♂
dunepaw, 10 m, ♀
hazepaw, 10 m, ♀
↪ asthmatic
splashpaw, 10 m, ♀
beepaw, 9 m, ♂
minkpaw, 9 m, ♀
jacobinpaw, 9 m, ♂
crowpaw, 7 m, ♂
falconpaw, 7 m, ♂
barleypaw, 6 m, ♂
cougarpaw, 6 m, ♂
spiderpaw, 6 m, ♂
moorpaw, 6 m, ♀
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀


squirrelheart, 61 m, ♀
deerleap, 75 m, ♀
silverdrop, 34 m, ♀
hawksnow, 38 m, ♀
hollypounce, 48 m, ♀
tulipclaw, 43 m, ♀
poppysplash, 31 m, ♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀

goatkit, 5 m, ♂
ripplekit, 5 m, ♀
cowkit, 5 m, ♀
torrentkit, 3 m, ♂
mistkit, 3 m, ♀
icekit, 3 m, ♀
birchkit, 3 m, ♂
poplarkit, 3 m, ♀
maplekit, 3 m, ♂
↪ blind
aspenkit, 3 m, ♀
cobaltkit, 2 m, ♂
pewterkit, 2 m, ♂
arsenickit, 2 m, ♀
sleetkit, 2 m, ♀
sprucekit, 2 m, ♂
sycamorekit, 2 m, ♂
swoopkit, 2 m, ♀
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀

prairiedust, 104 m, ♀
ravencloud, 78 m, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀
al𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖊:
mouse, one serving╶ 019
minnow, one serving╶ 004
small fish, two servings╶ 004
squirrel, two servings╶ 000
hare, three servings╶ 004
big fish, three servings╶ 003

North- the elysian dynasty ; Immortes
South- silverclan ; ~•SnowLeapord•~
East- pheonixclan ; stormt4lon
West- chessclan ; sharpiesandhamilton

Northeast- highgarden ; eagle
Northwest- spruceclan ; ponz
Southeast- galaclan ; demiboygod
Southwest- vagaryclan ; lyttlekytten

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BearClan 63

Postby inky. » Mon Jun 01, 2020 3:14 am

clan archive thread is found here
clan population 094 xxx clan servings 015 xxx next starclan visit wheneverxxx next birth tulipclaw (now!) ; poppysplash (1) ; pipersnap (1) xxx mod notes hey, just so you know id prefer if all future kits (and cats in general) are put onto lineart ^^ xxx cats to find n/a

Last Moon:

Ashtail was dizzy again. He was like this when his first litter was born, because he was so overjoyed. But this was a different kind of dizzy. Now, his newly named second litter was curled up against Tulipclaw. The white queen looked away and curled her tail around the three newborns, not wanting to face the scene in front of her. Ashtail could only stare. He stared at Bumbleflight and Rainleaf pressing cobwebs against Hawksnow’s rear. There had been a slight complication during his mate’s kitting. Lightningkit, his youngest, got stuck on the way out. Rainleaf was able to help him loose, but something was torn, and blood was gushing out of his dear mate. She was struggling to breath, and her belly started to weakly shake. The deputy couldn’t feel his legs. Bumbleflight hung his head in defeat. He gently nudged Rainleaf away from the queen and the young medicine cat nodded, leaving the nursery. Bumbleflight stood beside Ashtail. “I’m so sorry.” He choked, looking at his paws “Say your goodbyes.” The deputy stared at the medicine cat. Ashtail never cried. Never. But now, there was no barricade. Tears streamed from his eyes as he threw himself on top of Hawksnow. He let out a wail. “Please, Hawksnow!” He cried, nuzzling her face “You can’t leave me, not now. You’re the only one who’s been there for me. Please, you can’t do this.” Hawksnow smiled weakly at the love of her life. She raised a paw to wipe away the tears that were clumping his face fur. “Ashtail.” She whimpered “I love you so much, you don’t know how much I adore you. Thank you, really for everything-” Ashtail shook his head violently. “No.” He growled “Don’t talk like that.” Hawksnow’s lip quivered and she let out a sob. “I’m so scared, Ashtail. I don’t want to die.” She cried “You have to promise me you’ll look after our family. Promise me!” The grey tom pressed his head against her neck. “I promise.” He whimpered “I love you, Hawksnow.” She nuzzled him roughly. “I love you, Ashtail, so, so much. I’m so proud of everything we’ve done.” The she-cat sniffled and sobbed one last time. Her shaking breaths stopped, and she laid still in her own blood. Ashtail stood rigidly, hunched over her body. He squeezed his eyes shut as he trembled. When his eyes snapped open, his pupils were slits. He lashed his tail angrily and marched out of the nursery, pushing past Fallenpaw and Thistlepaw, who were standing in silent shock as they watched their mother die. Ashtail stood in the clearing, head tilted to the sky. “YOU FOXHEARTS!” He yowled “YOU’VE TAKEN EVERYTHING FROM ME! CAN I NOT BE HAPPY FOR JUST ONE MOMENT?” His clanmates followed his gaze to the stars that were starting to disappear in the morning light. The deputy who had been through so much loss, so much grief collapsed and weakly sobbed to the sky. “Why.” He wailed “Why me?” he tossed his head back and let out a grief-filled howl, one that encompassed everything the young tom had lost. His father, his siblings, his mother, and now his precious mate. He looked over his shoulder to where Hawksnow’s body still laid. He whimpered and flopped on his side, giving into the overwhelming anguish that shook his body.

Thistlepaw was so emerged by her father’s breakdown that she failed to notice her brother was nowhere to be seen. Panic filled her and she looked wildly around her. As she scanned the camp entrance, she saw the tip of a brown tabby tal disappearing around the edge of the raised hollow bank. Thistlepaw made sure Ashtail was okay before following her brother into the forest. “Fallenpaw!” She meowed, voice straining with sadness “Fallenpaw, please! Where are you?” She trained her ears to pick up the slightest sound, and a sniffle made her head spin around. Relief flooded her as she saw him, sitting hunched over a small ditch, fur on end and claws digging into the soil. The grey she-cat sighed gently and walked over to her brother. As soon as she sat down, he thrust his head into her shoulder, letting out a muffled cry. A new wave of shock rippled through Thistlepaw as she saw her brother’s emotions. This wasn’t right. Fallenpaw wasn’t the emotional type. He was incredibly close to Hawksnow. Thistlepaw didn’t know what to say so she just raised a paw and patted him gently on the back, letting a few silent tears slip down her cheeks. “You can’t leave me.” He sobbed, taking a shaky deep breath and coughing out “You’re the last one I have, please Thistlepaw, you can’t leave me alone. I can’t survive without you.” Thitslepaw’s heart shattered into even smaller pieces. She swallowed the hard lump rising in her throat. “Fallenpaw, you’re my brother. I will always love you.” She assured him quietly “And I’ll always be here for you, no matter what.”

This Moon:

Nightfur cradled the two kits in his paws. Ferretwhisker had dropped them by earlier in the day, and he was already so in love with his two children that he hadn’t moved his gaze away. Elmstar licked his cheek. “I’m so happy for you, Nightfur. They’re so cute. Did you pick out any names yet?” Nightfur grinned at his sister. “Thank you, Elmstar.” He purred “And no, we didn’t decide on names. We came up with a theme. We wanted to name them after birds, or things that flew.” Elmstar nodded in approval. “A very wise theme.” She grinned. Nightfur’s smile fell slightly. “I was thinking of Batkit for the tom.” He murmured “I know it’s been a while, but I just...I miss him so much. Batfur was always there for us. I think it’s only right that I name my son in his honor. I know he’s looking down on us from StarClan. Hopefully he’ll look after this little guy.” Elmstar blinked away the tears that came to her eyes. “I miss him too.” She croaked “So so much. Batkit will be just as good of a cat as dad was, I know it. He’ll be just as strong, kind, and selfless.” Nightfur noticed her cheeks start to dampen, and he pressed his forehead against her cheek. “I want him to come back, Nightfur.” She cried softly “I miss him so much. I miss being able to laugh with him, to hug him when I was sad. He always knew what to say. I don't know what to do sometimes. Sometimes I don’t want to get up, because I miss him telling me everything’s going to be okay.” She coughed out another sob and buried her face into Nightfur’s shoulder. “I’m so sorry, I know this is supposed to be a happy day for you.” Nightfur shook his head and nuzzled his sister, pressing himself comfortingly against her. “Don’t you dare apologize.” He told her “You’re my sister, Elmstar, I know I can never replace him, and I don’t want to. But I will always be here for you. I love you so much, you’ve done so much for me. You’re so strong, so brilliant. Everything is going to be okay, because you’re the leader. No one could do what you’re doing.” He moved Elmstar’s face to look into his eyes. “You’re incredible. I’m so lucky to have you as a sister. These kits will be proud to call you their aunt.” Elmstar beamed, eyes filled with unending adoration for her brother. She nodded, not trusting her voice, but Nightfur knew that she was just as thankful for him as he was for her. She sniffed and sighed. “W-What about Snipekit for the she-cat.” She offered, wiping her cheeks dry with a paw “They’re some of the boldest birds I’ve met. The little buggers always try to dig up my prey to find worms.” Nightfur laughed, looking at his daughter, whose jaws were opened in a large yawn. “I think it fits her perfectly.” He agreed. Elmstar rested her chin on his shoulder, and the two siblings watched the two kits, knowing that they would have the best life possible. Somewhere far above them, a star-dusted black tom looked proudly down at them. He gave a bittersweet smile. His children, his grandchildren. They were all so perfect, and hurt panged in his chest knowing he couldn’t share the moment with them. But Nightfur was right, he was watching, and Batfur was so incredibly thankful for that.


Snailpaw slowly stepped forward, muscles straining. She was holding her breath, afraid that even the smallest movement would scare off her prey. She was being overly cautious, sure, but most apprentices were on their final assessment. This was her chance to prove how much she had grown. The squirrel was twitching its tail, oblivious to the hunter that lurked within the tall grass. Suddenly, the prey scampered off. Snailpaw straightened and cursed under her breath. “I must’ve stepped on a twig or something.” She huffed. But then, she felt hot breath on her back. “No, darling, it scented me.” A rough voice barked. Every muscle in the she-cats body went rigid as a small breeze carried the acrid stench of fox towards her nostrils. Her hair rose and she closed her eyes, calculating her move before she bolted forward, turning in the air to slash at its face. The fox caught her, though, and sunk his teeth into her back. She let out a high-pitched shriek and tried to latch on to the mud. The fox pounced over the tall grass and landed in the middle of the clearing. He thrashed his head about, ripping through her stomach. She let out a scream and cried out for Fognose, begging her mother to rescue her. Out of a blurry eye, she saw a flash of white knock into the side of the fox. Snailpaw tumbled to the ground, and a brown tabby tom gently pulled her away from the struggle. “F-Fallenpaw?” She gasped “What’s happening.” The apprentice shook his head. “Shh, don’t move, just stay here.” He meowed “Everything’s going to be alright.” He gave a nod and hurried back to the fight. Burrwhisker took his place, pure shock filing his gaze. Snailpaw couldn’t make out his exact words, but he was muttering profusely about how incredibly sorry he was. Her eyes focused on Fallenpaw and he fluffed out in anger. The tom was snarling wildly. Looking past him, she could see the body of Windfeather, lying at the bottom of a tree, a small splatter of blood painting the bark and leading to his head. Fallenpaw was spitting furiously. Snailpaw sucked in a breath, muscles tensing. “Lightrunner!” Burrwhisker cried “Snailpaw’s seizing!” Lightrunner dashed to where her Clanmate was sheltering his apprentice. The fox twitched an ear and gave a distorted chuckle. “Snailpaw?” It rasped, licking his teeth “I’ve eaten snails before, you taste much better.” Fallenpaw let out a roar and leaped over the fox, claws fully extended. He ran his claws over the fox’s back, making it rear up on hind paws. The apprentice slid between its legs and slashed at its underbelly. The fox twisted inward and gnashed at the tom’s head, barely missing his eye. He ripped through his ear, and blood splattered the ground. Furry pounded through the apprentice and he let out a battlecry as he twirled around on his front paws, kicking the fox in the nose and shattering some of its teeth. The fox cried in anguish, but the apprentice didn’t stop. He reached out and slashed its muzzle, clawing at its eyes. Blinded, the fox stumbled back. Lightrunner saw an opportunity, and dashed from the bushes. She leaped at it, claws outstretched. She hit the perfect angle, opening its neck and letting blood loose. It gasped and collapsed to the ground, gulping in rasping breaths before staying still. “I’ve never seen that move before.” Burrwhiker gasped, looking to Fallenpaw “Where'd you learn it?” The apprentice swallowed and looked to Windfeather. “I, uh, I’ve been doing some self-training.” He dismissed “We need to get these two back to camp.”

Fognose sobbed into her daughter’s fur. “Snailpaw, please, please stay with me.” She choked. Her eyes snapped up to Bumbleflight and Rainleaf. “Do something!” She barked, tears streaming. Swiftwind rested his tail gently over his mate’s back. “I’m so sorry.” Rainleaf murmured, eyes soft with sympathy “Her wounds are too deep. There’s nothing we can do.” Beantail muffled a cry by pushing her face into Swiftwind’s shoulder. Elmstar slowly walked up to Snailpaw, who was barely clinging to life. “Snailpaw,” She said, forcing her voice to be strong “You showed incredible bravery today, trying to fend off a fox. In my eyes, and in the eyes of your clanmates, you have passed your final assessment. You may not be able to live the life of a warrior, but you will be accepted into StarClan as one. Snailpaw, you will now be known as Snailbite, for your courage. May you travel to the stars in peace.” The leader leaned down and touched her nose to the apprentice’s. Snailbite grinned broadly, and there was gratitude shining in her tearful eyes. She turned her head to her family, and pressed herself against them. They embraced her. Fognose wailed as the newly-made warrior went limp, giving up her spirit. Her mother cried, screams straining in her chest. Soon, she wasn’t making any sounds, just grasping at her dead kit with an open mouth and eyes squeezed shut.
Thistlepaw looked away. She hated tragedy. Fallenpaw had told her that she had been born in the wrong Clan, then. Maybe he was right. She hated the heart pinching pain she got when she saw grief. Even her own grandmother wasn’t exempt from the clutches of death. Her eyes moved to here Adderbreeze was silently curled up against Windfeather. First her daughter, now her mate. Thistlepaw pushed the thought away. It had only been a few days since Hawksnow had died, and she wasn’t quite ready to think about it. She had already cried herself to a point where she was numb to all emotion. It would return, of course, but it would take time. Fallenpaw sat beside her. “I heard about the little move you pulled.” Thistlepaw said numbly “Did you and Lightrunner tell Burrwhisker that Viperstar taught you that move?” Her brother blinked and sighed. “I was caught up in the moment.” He grumbled “I shouldn’t have used it, but it worked.” Thistlepaw scoffed, but didn’t tell him that Snailbite was still dead. “You shouldn’t be flaunting it.” She scolded. “And why not?” the tom snapped quietly, looking her in the eyes “I learned it so I could use it. Viperstar is making me stronger, why can’t I show it off?” Thistlepaw’s eyes narrowed, but she didn’t have the energy to move closer. “Because discretion was the one thing he told us to keep hold of.” She reminded him “It doesn’t mean you can’t use it, but you shouldn’t make it a common occurrence. We don’t want the rest of the Clan knowing.” Fallenpaw grumbled an agreement, and the conversation was over.


Fallenpaw growled under his breath. Thistlepaw looked at him, an eyebrow raised. “What’s wrong now?” She asked, emotional exhaustion blanketing her words. Her brother lashed his tail. “I don’t understand.” He mused “How can he look at him?” The she-cat followed his gaze to where Ashtail was monitoring their three siblings tumble around the soft grassy patch near the nursery. Lightningkit was climbing over his paws, with Cinderkit and Rabbitkit close behind. “What do you mean?” Thistlepaw yawned, resting her head on her paws. “I mean, it’s all his fault. That...runt caused mom to bleed out.” He growled, fur on end. Thistlepaw clenched her jaw and raised her brow in sympathy. She rested her tail on her brother’s back. “It’s not Lightningkit’s fault.” She said gently “It’s no one’s fault.” Fallenpaw stiffened as he heard the kit let out a laugh. “He’s laughing.” He muttered in disgust. “He’s a kit.” She reasoned. “Cinderkit and Rabbitkit aren’t laughing.” He snapped “They know what happened. They’re trying to take their minds off it, but I know they know.” Thistlepaw dipped her head and closed her eyes. “Fallenpaw, please.” She whispered “Please just...let them be. They lost their mother too. I keep playing it over and over again in my head, please stop talking about it.” Fallenpaw’s face softened. Guilt sparked in his heart and he lifted his sister’s head with his own, bringing her into a nuzzle. “I’m sorry, Thistlepaw.” He sighed “Forgive me. Do you want to go for a walk?” Thistlepaw shook her head gently. “I just want to sleep.” She murmured, a tear slipping down her cheek. Fallenpaw nodded and made himself comfortable as she curled up against him, burying her nose into his fur. “Try not to get snot in my fur.” He chuckled lightly “I just cleaned it.” He felt Thistlepaw smile against his shoulder, and soon her flank was rising and falling gently. The tom moved his gaze to look back at his siblings. They had been named after family members that were watching over them in the stars. Cindertail, Rabbitspark, and Thunderstone. It had been Hawksnow’s idea. His heart sank as he remembered she was among them now. Maybe one day, a little Hawkkit would be brought into the world. But it still wouldn’t be her. Fallenpaw had to live without his mother, now. The cat who he looked up to the most. A growl rumbled softly in his throat. And it was all Lightningkit’s fault.


Owlshade discreetly marched up to his sister. “I’m out, Darkfang.” He muttered. The she-cat furrowed her brow. “Out of what?” Owlshade shifted nervously and gave her a knowing look. Her face fell and she got to her paws. “You can’t be out.” She whispered “He needs you.” The black tom puffed up. “He is a murderer.” He hissed. “He is our father.” Owlshade narrowed his eyes. “I don’t care if Viperstar is our father or not, I don’t trust him. We’ve all heard the stories. Darkfang, we were there when he killed those cats. We’ve seen what he can do!” Darkfang got to her paws abruptly. “We’ve also seen how everyone else looks at us.” She hissed “You might not care who our father was, but some cats do. You can pretend you don’t, but I know you see the stares, hear the whispers. They think we’re monsters because of him. If you don’t want to be associated with him, fine, keep living your fantasy. But if I'm going to be treated as a monster, I might as well give in to it. What’s the point of acting differently if no one is going to see me any other way.” With that, she spun around and walked away from her brother, leaving him to anxiously think about the future, and just how far Darkfang would go to obey Viperstar’s plan.

[while hawksnow is kitting, lightningkit gets stuck. the kit survives, but hawksnow unfortunately passes away. the clan mourns]
[as if one loss wasn't enough, while snailpaw is taking her final assessment, she runs into a fox. she tries to attack it, but it gets the upper hand. a nearby patrol hears her, and windfeather gives his life trying to defend her. fallenpaw and lightrunner are able to kill the fox, but snailpaw dies from her injuries upon returning to camp. elmstar names her snailbite before she passes onto starclan]
[tulipclaw goes into labor. bumbleflight and rainleaf assist. x1 fennel is used]
[nightfur, tickstripe, archthorn, bisonclaw patrol]
[applebee, ricecub, squashtuft, deerleap hunt]
[grassheart, heronstep, mudfreckle, beantail hunt]
[twigsnap, ryetail, owlshade, darkfang hunt]
[bumbleflight and rainleaf collect herbs]
[mintpaw takes her final assessment]
[toadpaw takes his final assessment]
[nimbuscurl teaches shadowpaw stealth]
[owlshade teaches serpentpaw stealth]
[shrewclaw teaches saskatoonpaw swimming]
[sparkstorm teaches fallenpaw swimming]
[nightfur teaches thistlepaw stealth]
[owlshade teaches dunepaw stealth]
[burrwhisker teaches cardinalpaw swimming]
[hickorywind teaches hazepaw stealth]
[brambleglow teaches splashpaw stealth]
[ryetail teaches beepaw climbing]
[blackbriar teaches minkpaw stealth]
[archthorn teaches jacobinpaw stealth]
[heronstep teaches crowpaw battle - x1 cobweb used]
[stormfang teaches falconpaw battle - x1 cobweb used]
[marmotsnout teaches barleypaw hunting]
[redfin teaches cougarpaw hunting]
[ashtail teaches spiderpaw hunting]
[fognose teaches moorpaw hunting]
[shellpond mentors goatpaw]
[mossbounce mentors ripplepaw]
[bisonclaw mentors cowpaw]
[the clan consumes x15 mice]

elmstar, 56 m, ♀
ashtail, 42 , ♂

xxxxx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙:
bumbleflight, 58 m, ♂
xx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊:
rainleaf, 25 m, ♂

stormfang, 68 m, ♂
swiftwind, 59 m, ♂
nightfur, 56 m, ♂
hickorywind, 49, ♂
↪ blind in one eye
adderbreeze, 64 m, ♀
windfeather, 64 m, ♂
hollypounce, 49 m, ♀
redfin, 63 m, ♂
shrewclaw , 40 m, ♂
badgergaze, 38 m, ♂
burrwhisker, 32 m, ♂
sparkstorm, 32 m, ♂
grousecall, 75 m, ♀
blackbriar, 62 m, ♀
grassheart, 77 m, ♀
sunstomp, 32 m, ♂
owlshade, 27 m, ♂
brambleglow, 36 m, ♀
ricecub, 45 m, ♀
chestnutstripe, 34 m, ♀
darkfang, 27 m, ♀
ryetail, 25 m, ♀
nimbuscurl, 32 m, ♂
mossbounce, 23 m, ♂
twigsnap, 24 m, ♀
applebee, 23 m, ♀
heronstep, 23 m, ♂
archthorn, 23 m, ♂
butterflytoe, 21 m, ♀
fognose, 62 m, ♀
marmotsnout, 44 m, ♀
tickstripe, 21 m, ♂
lightrunner, 26 m, ♀
gorsewind, 34 m, ♀
bisconclaw, 24 m, ♂
avocetdance, 32 m, ♂
nettlemist, 31 m, ♀
shellpond, 30 m, ♀
vulturecrest, 45 m, ♂
squashtuft, 27 m, ♂ (afab)
mudfreckle, 15 m, ♀
beantail, 14 m, ♀
deerleap, 76 m, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀

mintpaw, 14 m, ♀
toadpaw, 14 m, ♂
snailbite, 14 m, ♀
shadowpaw, 12 m, ♀
saskatoonpaw, 12 m, ♀
serpentpaw, 12 m, ♀
fallenpaw, 11 m, ♂
thistlepaw, 11 m, ♀
cardinalpaw, 11 m, ♂
dunepaw, 11 m, ♀
hazepaw, 11 m, ♀
↪ asthmatic
splashpaw, 11 m, ♀
beepaw, 10 m, ♂
minkpaw, 10 m, ♀
jacobinpaw, 10 m, ♂
crowpaw, 8 m, ♂
falconpaw, 8 m, ♂
barleypaw, 7 m, ♂
cougarpaw, 7 m, ♂
spiderpaw, 7 m, ♂
moorpaw, 7 m, ♀
goatpaw, 6 m, ♂
ripplepaw, 6 m, ♀
cowpaw, 6 m, ♀
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀


squirrelheart, 62 m, ♀
silverdrop, 35 m, ♀
hawksnow, 39 m, ♀
hollypounce, 49 m, ♀
tulipclaw, 44 m, ♀
poppysplash, 32 m, ♀
pipersnap, 23 m, ♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀

torrentkit, 4 m, ♂
mistkit, 4 m, ♀
icekit, 4 m, ♀
birchkit, 4 m, ♂
poplarkit, 4 m, ♀
maplekit, 4 m, ♂
↪ blind
aspenkit, 4 m, ♀
cobaltkit, 3 m, ♂
pewterkit, 3 m, ♂
arsenickit, 3 m, ♀
sleetkit, 3 m, ♀
sprucekit, 3 m, ♂
sycamorekit, 3 m, ♂
swoopkit, 3 m, ♀
cinderkit, 1 m, ♀
lightningkit, 1 m, ♂
rabbitkit, 1 m, ♀
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀

prairiedust, 105 m, ♀
ravencloud, 79 m, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀
al𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖊:
mouse, one serving╶ 004
minnow, one serving╶ 006
small fish, two servings╶ 004
squirrel, two servings╶ 002
hare, three servings╶ 005
big fish, three servings╶ 003

North- the elysian dynasty ; Immortes
South- silverclan ; ~•SnowLeapord•~
East- pheonixclan ; stormt4lon
West- chessclan ; sharpiesandhamilton

Northeast- highgarden ; eagle
Northwest- spruceclan ; ponz
Southeast- galaclan ; demiboygod
Southwest- vagaryclan ; lyttlekytten

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BearClan 64

Postby inky. » Tue Jun 09, 2020 11:51 am

clan archive thread is found here
clan population 097 xxx clan servings 015 xxx next starclan visit wheneverxxx next birth poppysplash (now!) ; pipersnap (1) xxx mod notes hey, just so you know id prefer if all future kits (and cats in general) are put onto lineart ^^ xxx cats to find n/a

By now, Fallenpaw knew the trails of the Dark Forest well. He would walk around the dripping ferns and seeping shadows every night. Something about the vastness calmed him. Not to mention that Viperstar was an amazing mentor. As the nights passed, Fallenpaw could tell who was dedicated to the training, and who was starting to fizzle out.
“I dunno,” Thistlepaw sighed “I mean Owlshade left, and he’s Viperstar’s kit! If he doesn’t trust him…” She trailed off, walking in silence beside her brother. He just flicked an ear.
“Owlshade doesn’t know a rabbit from a fox.” He scoffed “Hardly the cat to be basing your judgements on.” Thistlepaw shrugged again.
“Sometimes, I think about what Ashtail would say if he found out.” She said quietly “I know Hawksnow can see us here, and my biggest fear is disappointing them.” Fallenpaw stopped in his tracks and looked at his sister with a bewildered look.
“That’s why we’re here.” He meowed “By training with Viperstar, we are becoming better warriors. We are going to be able to accomplish great things, and make our parents proud, make our whole clan proud! They’ll be thanking us one day.” Thistlepaw murmured something, and the pair continued to walk into the shadowed depths.
“We should go to the clearing.” She meowed “I heard Goatpaw’s joined us now. Dunno how well he’ll get on, but it should be entertaining to watch at least.” Fallenpaw chuckled and nudged his sister playfully.
“Race you to the rock.” He challenged. Thistlepaw’s eyes sparked with competitiveness, and a smirk curled on her lips.
“Deal.” She meowed, and the pair dashed off into the treeline.


Thistlepaw worked her claws into the dirt. Anxiety had been pricking into her chest all morning. Last night, Viperstar had pulled Fallenpaw, Darkfang, Crowpaw, and Serpentpaw aside and talked to them privately. When they woke up, Fallenpaw looked troubled and he wouldn’t tell Thistlepaw what happened. Now, the grey apprentice was watching her brother chat quietly with Crowpaw. He never did that. Crowpaw annoyed him, but now they looked like true buddies. The whole thing made Thistlepaw’s fur crawl.
“Why the long face?” a voice asked. At first, she couldn’t place it. It was deep and gruff, but also had laces of worry and kindness. She looked to her side and was surprised to see Falconpaw standing beside her. The she-cat blinked in disbelief. The once scrawny tom was now fully muscled. His gorgeous spitted pelt rippled as he shifted his weight, and his broad chest shone in the sunlight. His eyes were the same, kind pools of trust but his whole face was now more defined and sharper. Thistlepaw swallowed as he sat close to her.
“O-Oh, u-um.” she spluttered “I’m just, uh, worried.” She sighed, relaxing against him and delving into her feelings. “Fallenpaw is acting strange.”
“Yea, I noticed.” Falconpaw agreed tilting his head “Do you have any idea why?”
“I dunno.” Thistlepaw shrugged. Guilt flooded her, since she did know, but she wasn’t about to expose their nightly activities to a cat she admired. “He hasn’t been sleeping well, and I think he has a lot on his mind.”
“Why don’t you talk to him about it? You two have always been close.”
Thistlepaw shrugged again and gave a heavy sigh. “I tried to.” She murmured “He just dismissed me. I’m really worried about him, Falconpaw.” The brown tom furrowed his brow.
“And who’s worrying about you?” He asked gently. It was a simple question, but it still caught Thistlepaw off guard. “You haven’t been sleeping well either.” He explained “You haven’t been eating, and I see you drifting off during our training sessions.” Thistlepaw bowed her head, but Falconpaw just lifted it up again. “You need to be taking care of yourself.” He told her, voice barely above a whisper “If you need anything, I’m here for you. You know that, right?” Thistlepaw looked into his eyes, getting lost in the deep yellow-green orbs. She nodded weakly and licked her lips.
“I could really use a hug.” she murmured. Falconpaw chuckled lightly and gave her a smile, pulling her close and holding her tight. She let out a deep breath, pressing her head against his chest and feeling herself drift to sleep, his heartbeat acting like a metronome. She could feel him lick her ear, but soon she was dead asleep. It was the first sleep in moons that she didn’t go to the dark forest, and it felt great.


Tulipclaw still couldn’t believe she and Ricecub were parents. She nuzzled her mate fondly.
“He’s perfect.” She meowed. Tulipclaw nodded in agreement.
“He is.” She purred. Ricecub moved her tail to cover her mate’s.
“I was thinking,” The warrior offered “he kinda looks like a pumpkin seed.” Tulipclaw tilted her head. He sort of did. He was little, round, and pale.
“I think Pumpkinkit fits him perfectly.” Tulipclaw purred, rubbing her cheek along Ricecub’s. Tulipclaw had been extremely sad to hear about Grousecall’s passing. The two mollies helped out with the nursery before moving camps. She had been found in her nest, and Bumbleflight said she likely had a heart condition that led to it stopping. It was rough, but Tulipclaw liked to think that her friend was watching over her as the new mother looked down at her son.


Saskatoonpaw fidgeted nervously.
“You’ll do fine.” Shrewclaw groaned, rolling over on his back. He was trying to get a nice nap under the sun, but his sister was too nervous about her assessment to calm down. “You had the best mentor in the clan.”
Saskatoonpaw scoffed. “But what if I come into a situation you haven’t prepared me for?” She murmured “What if something goes wrong? What if I get lost?”
“Saskatoonpaw, you’ll be hunting on the same path we go on every day. You won’t get lost.”
“And if I get into trouble?” Shrewclaw rolled back on his side and let out a deep sigh.
“I won’t let that happen.” He promised “You’re a good cat, and you’ll be an amazing warrior. I’ve trained you well, and you’ll do fine.” The apprentice didn’t look convinced. “But,” he added with a sigh “If you really do need me, I’ll be right behind you.” At this, the grey she-cat seemed to relax. “But you won’t need me because you’re amazing.” Saskatoonpaw beamed and nuzzled him.
“Thanks, Shrewclaw!” She purred “I wonder what my name will be! I hope it’s not Saskatoonheart or Saskatoonfang.” She meowed, wrinkling her nose. “I don’t want to have the same name as mom and dad.” Shrewclaw gave a small smirk. He really had trained her well.


Applebee stomped up to the tom. Her fur was spiked, and there was rage in her eyes.
“You used the last of the drinking moss.” she accused. Bisonclaw looked up from his grooming and raised a brow.
“Yea, so?”
Applebee let out a huff of disbelief. “So,” She scoffed “whoever uses the last bit has to refill the pile.” She nudged the bulky brown warrior to his paws. “Go on, lazy bones, the river is right there.”
“You’re so bossy.” Bisonclaw chuckled “Have you always been this rude?”
“No.” Applebee said with a straight face “I’m only rude when bee-brains try to talk to me.” Bisonclaw laughed, shaking his head.
“You really are something else” He mused, leaning down and grabbing the bundle of moss. He sighed and walked down the slope leading to the river, Applebee watching him somewhat fondly.


Ratwhisker swallowed. His throat was caked in dust and he could hardly breathe, but he had to go on. He had to find his mother. A particularly bad storm had separated them. She was too old to be left alone. Desperation was the only thing he could feel, considering his paws went numb days ago. She had done so much for him; he couldn’t just abandon her. As he stumbled his way along the bed of a river, he heard the sound of soft voices. An instant burst of energy filled him. Maybe his mother was here! He bolted ahead, and collided with another cat. The two tumbled into the river, and when Ratwhisker looked up, there was a small group looking at him with caution.
“What are you doing on BearClan territory?” A gruff tom growled. Ratwhisker furrowed his brow and shook out the water from his pelt.
“I-I don’t know what BearClan is,” He meowed “but I’m looking for my mother. Her name is Batstripe, have you heard of her?” The tom raised a brow and shook his head.
“I don’t think so.” He recalled “But you can always ask around. Come on, we’ll take you back to camp.”

Ratwhisker was defeated. No one in BearClan had seen Batstripe; no one had even heard of her.
“I’m sorry you didn’t find your mom.” Blackbriar meowed, laying next to the new cat “I can only imagine how difficult it must be.” Ratwhisker sighed and gave her a friendly nod.
“I don’t think I’ll ever be able to find her.” He lamented “She was swept downstream. She was never a great swimmer. I think I was just holding on to false hope.” Blackbriar placed a paw on his shoulder.
“It’s good to have hope, sometimes.” She told him “It’s a shame, though. I hope you’ll be able to see her again eventually.” Ratwhisker agreed. “So what will you do now?” The tom tilted his head in consideration.
“I think I might stay here, actually. If you’ll have me, that is.” He meowed “I could really use a community right now. And if I do happen to stumble upon Batstripe, it will be good to have a home ready for her. Ravencloud and Prairiedust seemed nice. She would have liked being their denmate.” Blackbriar gave one of her motherly smiles. The kind that abolishes any kind of worry or doubt.
“We would love to have you here, Ratwhisker!” She purred “And don’t worry, I’m sure everything will turn out just fine in the end.” Ratwhisker smiled. He believed her.


Vulturecrest nodded. He had spent his day wandering amongst the clan, hearing stories and taking notes. It was kinda eerie; the cats were unusually nice to strangers. The tom had figured they’d be grumpy and cautious, considering all the hardship they had been through. It was a pleasant surprise, and he started to feel doubts about Soot’s plan. He didn’t really want to ‘punish’ the clan. They were respectable, and very admirable. Nightfur was one of his favorites. He couldn’t help but adore the senior warrior. He was brave, intelligent, and had a heart of gold. Some cats, though, were not quite as benevolent. Grassheart, for example, had proven her name. She truly did have a heart made of grass, if she even had a heart. Vulturecrest had seen a lot of unforgivable things, but a mother who only chooses to take care of one child was close to the top of the list. Now, he was sitting with Squashtuft and Mudfreckle.
“After I escaped the cage, I ran until a patrol found me.” Squastuft finished. His fluffy short tail twitched as a bug flew close to it. “I hate bugs. Nasty creatures.” He mused, sticking out his tongue and wrinkling his nose “I don’t know how you all have lived next to a river for so long. The mosquitos at night kill me.” Mudfreckle shrugged.
“I wasn’t at the old camp, so I wouldn’t know.” She pointed out “I got here a few moons after they moved here.”
“Why did they move here?” Vulturecrest meowed. He knew the answer, of course, but Soot told him to be thorough in his investigation.
“I heard it was because of a fire.” Squashtuft answered.
“Yea,” Mudfreckle confirmed “but before that there was a bear attack. I heard a huge part of their clan died.”
“That’s so weird to think about.” Squashtuft mused “Like, there are dozens of cats that came before us. Cats that are looking down on us, even though they have no clue who we are. Elmstar knows more cats than we do, but we know more cats than the kits born yesterday.” He heaved a deep breath. “I dunno, it’s just cool to think about.”
“Well, I just hope we don’t have to go through another tragedy. I don’t know how these cats do it.” Mudfreckly huffed.
“Yea, me either.” Vulturecrest murmured “Let’s hope we aren’t put in a position where we’ll find out.”


It was a sunny day, a rare one for the time of year. Tickstripe was enjoying it. He smiled and took a deep breath, taking in the feeling of the warm sun on his face. He was having a nice time, until an unexpected cat approached.
“You must be excited for your kits!” She said, and Tickstripe’s fur stood on end. This was the first time Grassheart had spoken to him in moons. He just gave a slight nod, narrowing his eyes.
“Look,” she sighed “I know I haven’t been the best mother. But I still really care for you! I want to be a part of your kits’ life! I love you, son.” Tickstripe felt disgust rock through him. His stomach flipped and his claws ebbed out.
“You’re a dimwit.” He scoffed “A truly ignorant, selfish little foxheart.” He laughed and shook his head in disbelief. “What, so since Butterflytoe is too undesirable, I’m your only chance at furthering your legacy?” He sneered at her “You know, maybe I would have accepted when I was little. Before you severed me from your family. But now, Pipersnap, Elmstar, Redfin, my true family is what matters. They made me realize how self-centered you are. And I don’t need you anymore. In fact, I never have.” Adrenaline pumped through the warrior. He had never done anything like this before, but great StarClan did it feel amazing. He rose to his paws and shoved his muzzle into Grassheart’s face, which was wearing a look of ugly shock and disgrace. “If I ever see you near me or my family again,” He growled “I will personally rip you to shreds.” And with that, he lashed his tail and walked away. Grassheart had finally been stood up to, and to Tickstripe, it was a long time coming.


Cowpaw watched as his brother yawned and rubbed his eyes. He was exhausted, and Cowpaw knew it.
“M-Maybe you should get some better nesting material.” Cowpaw suggested “You’ve been awful fidgety in your sleep. Is everything okay-” Goatpaw cut him off with a glare.
“I’m fine.” he snapped
“You look like you didn’t get any sleep, then were on a dawn patrol where you got pulled through a thorn bush backwards!” Cowpaw argued “You need to take care of yourself, Goatpaw! I don’t want you to get hurt during a training session!”
“I won’t”
“Beepaw wasn’t expecting to get hurt while climbing, and he snores the loudest in the den!”
“Cowpaw, just drop it.” Goatpaw hissed, jumping to his paws “I’m fine, okay? Why can’t you just leave me alone?”
Cowpaw blinked in surprise. He was taken aback, and didn’t really know how to respond. “B-Because.” He spluttered “You’re my brother, I care about you.”
“I didn’t ask you to.” Goatpaw scoffed, slinking away with a mere flick of an ear. Cowpaw swallowed and furrowed his brow. Something was definitely not right. Goatpaw was always grumpy, but he had never snapped at Cowpaw like that. Maybe he would talk to Ripplepaw. Their sister was observant and sneaky, maybe she could figure out what was happening in the apprentice’s dreams.

[grousecall is found dead in her nest. bumbleflight diagnoses it as a heart attack. the clan mourns]
[poppyslpash goes into labor. bumbleflight and rainleaf assist. x1 chervil is used]
[nightfur, tickstripe, archthorn, bisonclaw patrol]
[applebee, ricecub, squashtuft, deerleap hunt]
[grassheart, heronstep, mudfreckle, beantail hunt]
[twigsnap, ryetail, owlshade, darkfang hunt]
[nimbuscurl teaches shadowpaw swimming]
[owlshade teaches serpentpaw swimming]
[saskatoonpaw takes her final assessment]
[fallenpaw takes his final assessment]
[nightfur teaches thistlepaw swimming]
[owlshade teaches dunepaw stealth]
[burrwhisker teaches cardinalpaw swimming]
[hickorywind teaches hazepaw swimming]
[brambleglow teaches splashpaw swimming]
[ryetail teaches beepaw stealth - but he rests this moon]
[blackbriar teaches minkpaw swimming]
[archthorn teaches jacobinpaw swimming]
[heronstep teaches crowpaw climbing]
[stormfang teaches falconpaw climbing]
[marmotsnout teaches barleypaw battle]
[redfin teaches cougarpaw battle]
[ashtail teaches spiderpaw battle]
[fognose teaches moorpaw batle]
[shellpond teaches goatpaw hunting]
[mossbounce teaches ripplepaw hunting]
[bisonclaw teaches cowpaw hunting]
[the clan consumes x5 hares]

elmstar, 57 m, ♀
ashtail, 43 , ♂

xxxxx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙:
bumbleflight, 59 m, ♂
xx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊:
rainleaf, 26 m, ♂

stormfang, 69 m, ♂
swiftwind, 60 m, ♂
nightfur, 57 m, ♂
hickorywind, 50, ♂
↪ blind in one eye
adderbreeze, 65 m, ♀
hollypounce, 50 m, ♀
redfin, 64 m, ♂
shrewclaw , 41 m, ♂
badgergaze, 39 m, ♂
burrwhisker, 33 m, ♂
sparkstorm, 33 m, ♂
grousecall, 76 m, ♀
blackbriar, 63 m, ♀
grassheart, 78 m, ♀
sunstomp, 33 m, ♂
owlshade, 28 m, ♂
brambleglow, 37 m, ♀
ricecub, 46 m, ♀
chestnutstripe, 35 m, ♀
darkfang, 28 m, ♀
ryetail, 26 m, ♀
nimbuscurl, 33 m, ♂
mossbounce, 24 m, ♂
twigsnap, 25 m, ♀
applebee, 24 m, ♀
heronstep, 24 m, ♂
archthorn, 24 m, ♂
butterflytoe, 22 m, ♀
fognose, 63 m, ♀
marmotsnout, 45 m, ♀
tickstripe, 22 m, ♂
lightrunner, 27 m, ♀
gorsewind, 35 m, ♀
bisconclaw, 25 m, ♂
avocetdance, 33 m, ♂
nettlemist, 32 m, ♀
shellpond, 31 m, ♀
vulturecrest, 46 m, ♂
squashtuft, 28 m, ♂ (afab)
mudfreckle, 16 m, ♀
beantail, 15 m, ♀
deerleap, 77 m, ♀
mintbelly, 15 m, ♀
toadskip, 15 m, ♂
ratwhisker, 43 m, ♂
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀

shadowpaw, 13 m, ♀
saskatoonpaw, 13 m, ♀
serpentpaw, 13 m, ♀
fallenpaw, 12 m, ♂
thistlepaw, 12 m, ♀
cardinalpaw, 12 m, ♂
dunepaw, 12 m, ♀
hazepaw, 12 m, ♀
↪ asthmatic
splashpaw, 12 m, ♀
beepaw, 11 m, ♂
minkpaw, 11 m, ♀
jacobinpaw, 11 m, ♂
crowpaw, 9 m, ♂
falconpaw, 9 m, ♂
barleypaw, 8 m, ♂
cougarpaw, 8 m, ♂
spiderpaw, 8 m, ♂
moorpaw, 8 m, ♀
goatpaw, 7 m, ♂
ripplepaw, 7 m, ♀
cowpaw, 7 m, ♂
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀


squirrelheart, 63 m, ♀
silverdrop, 36 m, ♀
hollypounce, 50 m, ♀
tulipclaw, 45 m, ♀
poppysplash, 33 m, ♀
pipersnap, 24 m, ♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀

torrentkit, 5 m, ♂
mistkit, 5 m, ♀
icekit, 5 m, ♀
birchkit, 5 m, ♂
poplarkit, 5 m, ♀
maplekit, 5 m, ♂
↪ blind
aspenkit, 5 m, ♀
cobaltkit, 4 m, ♂
pewterkit, 4 m, ♂
arsenickit, 4 m, ♀
sleetkit, 4 m, ♀
sprucekit, 4 m, ♂
sycamorekit, 4 m, ♂
swoopkit, 4 m, ♀
cinderkit, 2 m, ♀
lightningkit, 2 m, ♂
rabbitkit, 2 m, ♀
batkit, 2 m, ♂
snipekit, 2 m, ♀
pumpkinkit, 1 m, ♂
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀

prairiedust, 106 m, ♀
ravencloud, 80 m, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀
al𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖊:
mouse, one serving╶ 005
minnow, one serving╶ 007
small fish, two servings╶ 005
squirrel, two servings╶ 003
hare, three servings╶ 000
big fish, three servings╶ 003

North- the elysian dynasty ; Immortes
South- silverclan ; ~•SnowLeapord•~
East- pheonixclan ; stormt4lon
West- chessclan ; sharpiesandhamilton

Northeast- highgarden ; eagle
Northwest- spruceclan ; ponz
Southeast- galaclan ; demiboygod
Southwest- vagaryclan ; lyttlekytten

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BearClan 65

Postby inky. » Fri Jun 19, 2020 6:29 am

clan archive thread is found here
clan population 097 xxx clan servings 015 xxx next starclan visit wheneverxxx next birth pipersnap (now!) xxx mod notes hey, just so you know id prefer if all future kits (and cats in general) are put onto lineart ^^ xxx cats to find n/a

Ratwhisker shook his head. Sleetkit butted Swoopkit out of the way, taking her sister’s prime spot. He looked down at the sea of kits that were settling before him. The kit boom in BearClan was coming to an end, but the nursery was still stuffy for many queens. They had decided to go out for a walk along the river, and Ratwhisker volunteered to babysit. Immediately, the kits asked for stories. He had plenty, but many were mundane and nostalgia to him in particular. Then the story of his parents popped in his mind, and all the kits squealed at the thought of a heartwarming romance tale.
“Alright.” The warrior meowed “Is everyone ready?” The kits nodded eagerly and Ratwhisker began his story.
“Once, a long time ago, there was a Clan of cats that lived in a large forest. They had marshes and tall, sprawling pines. But the main feature of their territory was a lake towards the edge. Batstripe was an adventurous she-cat, with long dark fur and big ears. It was said she could hear mice in other Clans’ territories. One day, she was out by the border with a friend. It was a warm day, and the lake was calm. Suddenly, a large splash broke the peaceful silence, and Batstripe found a strange cat floundering in the water, his friends laughing behind him. Batstripe shook her head and waded into the lake, helping the red tom to shore. His name was Redwhisker, and he had never been particularly good at swimming. Thanks to Batstripe, he didn’t drown. She called him a poor excuse for a fish, and they immediately hit it off. They met on the border several nights a moon, and soon the Clans collapsed. They spent time as rogues together along with Redwhisker’s brother. Unfortunately, they had to part ways, but Batstripe never stopped thinking about Redwhisker.”
The kits sighed in awe.
“I want a mate who thinks of me like that!” Sleetkit mused.
“Me too!” quipped Arsenickit.
“That story is so fake.” Pumpkinkit scoffed, sticking his nose in the air. Ratwhisker chuckled.
“You can believe whatever you like, but I know Redwhsiker never left Batstripe’s thoughts.”
“How could you possibly know that?” Snipekit asked, tilting her head. The warrior puffed out his chest slightly.
“Well, because Batstripe and Redwhisker are my parents.” He stated. The kits gasped.
“No!” Swoopkit meowed.
“What? Is she here?” Pewterkit asked.
“Of course she’s not here, beebrain. Have you met a cat named after a bat?” Snipekit hissed.
“Batkit.” Pewterkit retorted.
“Besides him!” snapped the black she-kit.
“Kits, kits.” Ratwhisker laughed “Don’t bicker. No, she’s not here. I wish she was.”
“Do you miss her?” Cinderkit meowed “I know I miss my mom.” The warrior clenched his jaw.
“Of course I do.” He admitted “But I have a new family now. Cinderkit, you have Rabbitkit, Lightningkit, and all your friends! I have my friends, too! Elmstar was very nice to take me in.”
“Can we go play in the river?” Cobaltkit groaned.
“The river’s coated in ice.” snorted Arsenickit “You’ll get sick and Bumbleflight will throw a fit.”
“Your sister is right.” Redwhisker nodded “How about another story?” The kits cheered; except for Pumpkinkit and Cobaltkit, who groaned and rested their chins on the ground in disinterest.

~ ~ ~

Bisonclaw stared at the filled in grave. The wind was bitter and hurtful, but nothing could take his eyes from Prairienose’s grave. His long fur would shield him well enough. The tom stared unblinking at his grandmother’s final resting place. Memories swirled around in his head. He thought about the first time he learned to swim. The time his parents were sick. She had been so strong for him, but now he was on his own. Or at least he thought he was.
“Hey.” A voice meowed quietly. The tom jumped. Turning his head, he saw a soft calico face looking at him from the treeline.
“I thought everyone left.” He croaked. Applebee nodded.
“We did.” She confirmed “But I figured I would check on you. I know how hard losing someone close to you is. Just wanted to make sure you were okay.” Bisonclaw smiled weakly.
“Since when do you care if I’m okay.” He laughed. Applebee grinned and took a deep breath.
“Look, I personally hate pity, and I don’t take you as the attention-needing type. I’ll leave you alone, I just wanted to tell you that I’m here if you need anything.” She promised “Even if you need someone to yell at, I’ll gladly argue with you.” The two cats shared a smile. The she-cat waited a few moments before turning and quietly leaving the tom alone to grieve.

~ ~ ~

Falconpaw itched behind his ear. Yawning, he shook out his pelt. He had gone night hunting with Thistlepaw and Jacobinpaw as extra practice. He was growing somber; many apprentices were becoming warriors. Thistlepaw was taking her assessment later in the day, and Falconpaw was going to miss his friend.
“Hey, Falcon.” Crowpaw huffed, flopping down beside his brother.
“Did you get me that s-s-squirell?” Falconpaw asked, licking his lips. Crowpaw smirked and tossed the prey over to the bengal tom. “Thanks.” The apprentice dug in, eager to gobble up his favorite kind of prey.
“So I wanted to talk to you about something.” Crowpaw meowed nervously “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately.”
“That’s-s dangerous.”
“Yea. W-Well, I just wanted to let you know that I’ll always be here to protect you. I know Bumbleflight said you might have trouble fighting and stuff, but I’ll train extra hard for you! I’ve even been practicing some...self-made moves during my free time. I’ll always protect my little brother.” Falconpaw blinked and swallowed a bite.
“Thanks.” He said curtly “I can d-d-defend myself you know.”
“Well, of course!” Crowpaw laughed “I’m just saying, I love you and I’ll fight any battle for you.”
“Thank you, Crowpaw.” Falconpaw said earnestly “I appreciate it, b-b-brother.” He butted his forehead into Crowpaw’s shoulder. “What made you think so hard?”
“Oh not much, just life in general I suppose.” He smiled. Crowpaw was telling the truth; he would fight any battle for his brother. But he wasn’t going to tell Falconpaw that Viperstar was helping him gain strength and skill. His brother didn’t need that burden.

~ ~ ~

Lightrunner hissed at the rodents. Apparently, a swarm of vicious rats (who were foaming at the mouth) had made their home in BearClan territory. The she-cat’s claws were straining against the ground and her teeth were bared.
“I hate rats.” She hissed, pressing herself against Grassheart and Brambleglow.
“Agreed.” Brambleglow spat “How in StarClan’s name are we going to get out of here?”
“StarClan won’t help us.” mewed Grassheart bitterly. Lightrunner licked her lips and looked around, trying to get an idea. The rats were growling and swiping at the cats.
“Don’t get bitten.” She murmured absently, eyes scanning the trees around them. Grassheart snarled at the rats and batted some away. Lightrunner’s gaze landed on the intertwined branches above them. Last night, they had worked on tree battle skills under Viperstar’s supervision. It wouldn’t be the same with a swarm of rats, but the warrior figured it would be a nice shot. She nudged her colleagues and explained her plan.
“Can’t rats climb?” Brambleglow pointed out.
“Can they?”
“One way to find out.” Grassheart grumbled. She bunched her muscles and soared over the raging pack, hitting the tree and scrabbling up to a branch. Lightrunner and Brambleglow followed quickly. The three cats slunk over the branches as the rodents clawed up the bark. The warriors were preparing to jump to another tree when suddenly, Brambleglow let out a howl. She bucked her hind legs to try and dislodge the rat who had sunk their teeth into her flesh. More rats scurried up the tree, and soon Brambleglow was being swarmed by the frothing, gnashing teeth and claws.
“Brambleglow!” Lightrunner howled “Hold on!” She took a step forward, but Grassheart pulled her back.
“She’s gone.” Grassheart hissed “Leave her, we need to save ourselves.”
“How can you leave your clanmate behind?” Lightrunner shouted. Grassheart snarled.
“If we waste time arguing, those beasts are going to get you next, and you better believe I’m prepared to abandon you.” Her eyes lit up in mischief “In fact, that’s a great idea.” She shoved Lightrunner to the edge of the branch. The she-cat was able to dig her claws into the bark and yowled as one of her claws ripped.
“Are you insane?” She cried “What are you doing?”
“You would provide a distraction so I could get away.” Grassheart explained “I’m sorry, but I have grandkids coming next moon that I’m going to imprint on. They’ll be my kits. I have my priorities in check.” Lightrunner’s eyes turned to slits and she spat at the wretch.
“You’re a terrible fox heart, you know thar?”
“I’ve been told that.” Grassheart hissed back “But no one understands. I don’t care what I have to do, Tickstripe will regret barring me from my own family.”
Lightrunner whined as she began to slip, and she saw a horde of rats biting at her heels. Something clicked in Lightrunner’s mind. Her memory flashed to the night before, when Darkfang had been in the same position as Grassheart. Instinctively, Lightrunner dislodged a paw and swung around, flinging herself into the air. Grassheart gasped as the she-cat flew over her. Lightrunner landed beside her. Swiftly, the she-cat kicked out her legs and used her shoulder to throw Grassheart over the side of the tree. She sunk her claws into Grassheart’s shoulder fur before flinging her down to the ground. Lightrunner made eye contact with her clanmate. Panting, she saw the fear and surprise in those terrible green eyes. Lightrunner didn’t break the gaze as Grassheart plummeted to the swarm of writhing bodies. Only when her screams stopped did Lightrunner turn and dash back to camp.

~ ~ ~

Fallenwing sullenly made his way through the drooping ferns. He preferred finding his own way to the clearing. He didn’t like waking up in the same place as all the other trainees, especially since many more had joined the ranks. He prided himself on his seniority. Shadowpaw, Beepaw, and Mudfreckle were among the new cats. They had potential, but nothing particularly special. Serpentpaw had shown the most improvement, besides Fallenwing of course. The scarred tom admired the black she-cat. She didn’t have many connections in the clan, and he could tell that she was dedicated. Fallenwing pondered the rest of his comrades’ skills. Darkfang wasn’t bad. The tom could tell that she tried too hard to impress him. He hated it; that’s what Crowpaw was for. The tortoiseshell she-cat was ‘crushing on him big time’ according to Thislepaw. The mere thought of it sickened Fallenwing, but he didn’t care enough to put an end to it. Darkfang hadn’t done anything to warrant his rage, so he would keep quiet.
A rustling noise caught Fallenwing’s attention. His claws slipped out and he focused his hearing. There was no prey in the dark forest, and no other cat knew of his path. He tried to scent the stale air, but the dank scent of rot and marsh grass overwhelmed everything else. He narrowed his eyes and pressed himself to the ground, muscles ready for any possible conflict. A tabby and white she-cat was spluttering in disgust as she made her way through briar bushes. Raising an eyebrow, Fallenwing stood up.
“Grassheart?” He scoffed “What are you doing here?” The she-cat looked at him with grumpy surprise.
“I’m dead you idiot, what do you think?” She muttered “Why are you here? What killed you?”
“Oh, I’m not dead.” Fallenwing said simply, and he continued along his path.

Fallenwing’s fur was spiked along his spine. Thistlepaw always said he looked like a porcupine during spars. He had defeated each of the other trainees, some easier than others, and now he stood in front of Lionclaw. The tom had died alongside Viperstar, and was his second in command during the training sessions. Superstar was curious to see just how powerful Fallenwing had become, so he set up a challenge. It was a fight to the death to see who would be the leader’s deputy of sorts. The mere fact that Fallenwing was willing to risk his life impressed Viperstar. Thistlepaw tried talking him out of it naturally, but Viperstar understood that. He had cats he used to love. Fallenwing was persistent, and now the two skilled toms were circling each other.

Fallenwing carefully examined his enemy, eyes not moving from the fluffy ginger cat. Lionclaw’s pelt was twitching, a sign of nerves. Fallenwing wasn’t nervous. He only felt calm. Smirking gently, he noted the apparent lack of scars on the tom. He pushed the thought away, focusing on the task at hand. The air was quiet, and no one even breathed. Lionclaw let out a howl and flung himself at Fallenwing; but the tom was lithe and agile, and he easily dodged the attack. Lionclaw skidded on the ground, but before he could get up, Fallenwing lunged at him. He sunk his teeth into the back of Lionclaw’s leg, crunching through the ankle bone. Lionclaw let out a scream, and he rapidly scrabbled to three paws. His leg was dangling limply, blood pooling from his toes. Using one of his massive paws, he struck Fallenwing against the side of his head, sending him flying over the damp dirt. Fallenwing’s head thudded against a small rock, but he hurried to shake it off. Lionclaw was’t disoriented, and he hobbled over to pin his opponent. Lionclaw unsheathed his claws and repeatedly slashed them over Fallenwing’s neck and face. The tabby tom tried to wriggle free, but his front paws were being stood on. Grunting, the warrior brought up his hind legs and threw Lionclaw off. Hissing in pain, he clumped dirt into his neck wound, trying to stop some of the bleeding. He succeeded and emitted a throaty growl as he spun around, eyes filled with hatred and lips peeled back. Lionclaw was weakly trembling to his feet, but Fallenwing kicked him back to the ground. He placed a paw on his hip and grabbed his good leg with his jaws. Yanking up, he broke Lionclaw’s leg, and now the golden tom had nowhere to go. He howled and whimpered, whining in pain. Fallenwing grumbled as he circled the disabled tom, claws clicking in the mud. Lionclaw was breathing heavily, and he couldn’t form any true words. Fallenwing stopped in front of him, taking a step back as his enemy gnashed at him. The tom struck Lionclaw harshly on the muzzle, and held it shut. Digging his claws into the tom’s nose, Fallenwing leaned down and ripped at his ears. Lionclaw hissed and shoved Fallenwing’s shoulders in an attempt to get him off. When Fallenwing was done, he plucked whiskers from the cat’s muzzle and went behind him. Pouncing on his back, he pulled his head back. Lionclaw’s pleading eyes met with Viperstar’s. The leader gave Fallenwing a curt nod. The warrior grinned and coiled his paw around Lionclaw’s throat, pausing before he drug his claws swiftly over his neck. The golden tom coughed and collapsed, heaving a few times before laying still. Fallenwing slid off his back and shook out his pelt, licking the blood from his claws. After a few moments, Lionclaw’s ghost started to dissolve, and soon the blood-stained dirt was the only evidence of his spiritual existence. Fallenwing swallowed and looked up to Viperstar, lips still curled in a sick smile.
“I’m impressed.” The leader chuckled. He rose to his paws and beckoned Fallenwing atop the rock. The brown tabby climbed his way up the stone, and stood proudly next to his idol. “Meet your new deputy.” Viperstar said ominously “Congratulations.” Spurts of cheering erupted beneath the pair. Some cats were obviously more thrilled than others, but Fallenwing was surprised to see Thistlepaw looking at him not with love or pride, but horror in her green eyes.

[while on a walk, grassheart, brambleglow, and lightrunner encounter a large group of rats. they were able to fend them off, but grassheart, and brambleglow die.]
[prairiedust suffers from greencough. unfortunately, she passes on. thankfully, none of the other elders appear to have symptoms]
[pipersnap goes into labor. bumbleflight and rainleaf assist. x1 chervil is used]
[nightfur, tickstripe, archthorn, bisonclaw patrol]
[applebee, ricecub, squashtuft, deerleap hunt]
[hollypounce, heronstep, mudfreckle, beantail hunt]
[twigsnap, ryetail, owlshade, darkfang hunt]
[bumbleflight and rainleaf look for herbs]
[shadowpaw takes her final assessment]
[serpentpaw takes her final assessment]
[thistlepaw takes her final assessment - elmstar asks starclan that she passes]
[owlshade teaches dunepaw swimming]
[burrwhisker teaches cardinalpaw swimming]
[hazepaw takes her final assessment]
[splashpaw takes her final assessment]
[ryetail teaches beepaw stealth]
[minkpaw takes her final assessment]
[jacobinpaw takes her final assessment]
[heronstep teaches crowpaw stealth]
[stormfang teaches falconpaw stealth]
[marmotsnout teaches barleypaw climbing]
[redfin teaches cougarpaw climbing]
[ashtail teaches spiderpaw climbing]
[fognose teaches moorpaw climbing]
[shellpond teaches goatpaw battle]
[mossbounce teaches ripplepaw battle]
[bisonclaw teaches cowpaw battle]
[squashtuft mentors torrentpaw]
[sunstomp mentors mistpaw]
[tickstripe mentors icepaw]
[butterflytoe mentors birchpaw]
[nettlemist mentors poplarpaw]
[ricecub mentors maplepaw]
[ratwhisker mentors aspenpaw]
[the clan fasts this moon]

elmstar, 58 m, ♀
ashtail, 44 , ♂

xxxxx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙:
bumbleflight, 60 m, ♂
xx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊:
rainleaf, 27 m, ♂

stormfang, 70 m, ♂
swiftwind, 61 m, ♂
nightfur, 58 m, ♂
hickorywind, 51, ♂
↪ blind in one eye
adderbreeze, 66 m, ♀
hollypounce, 51 m, ♀
redfin, 65 m, ♂
shrewclaw , 42 m, ♂
badgergaze, 40 m, ♂
burrwhisker, 34 m, ♂
sparkstorm, 34 m, ♂
blackbriar, 67 m, ♀
grassheart, 79 m, ♀
sunstomp, 34 m, ♂
owlshade, 29 m, ♂
brambleglow, 38 m, ♀
ricecub, 47 m, ♀
chestnutstripe, 36 m, ♀
darkfang, 29 m, ♀
ryetail, 27 m, ♀
nimbuscurl, 34 m, ♂
mossbounce, 25 m, ♂
twigsnap, 26 m, ♀
applebee, 25 m, ♀
heronstep, 25 m, ♂
archthorn, 25 m, ♂
butterflytoe, 23 m, ♀
fognose, 64 m, ♀
marmotsnout, 46 m, ♀
tickstripe, 23 m, ♂
lightrunner, 28 m, ♀
gorsewind, 36 m, ♀
bisconclaw, 26 m, ♂
avocetdance, 34 m, ♂
nettlemist, 33 m, ♀
shellpond, 32 m, ♀
vulturecrest, 47 m, ♂
squashtuft, 29 m, ♂ (afab)
mudfreckle, 17 m, ♀
beantail, 16 m, ♀
deerleap, 78 m, ♀
mintbelly, 16 m, ♀
toadskip, 16 m, ♂
ratwhisker, 44 m, ♂
hollypounce, 51 m, ♀
saskatoonskip, 14 m, ♀
fallenwing, 13 m, ♂
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀

shadowpaw, 14 m, ♀
serpentpaw, 14 m, ♀
thistlepaw, 13 m, ♀
cardinalpaw, 13 m, ♂
dunepaw, 13 m, ♀
hazepaw, 13 m, ♀
↪ asthmatic
splashpaw, 13 m, ♀
beepaw, 12 m, ♂
minkpaw, 12 m, ♀
jacobinpaw, 12 m, ♂
crowpaw, 10 m, ♂
falconpaw, 10 m, ♂
barleypaw, 9 m, ♂
cougarpaw, 9 m, ♂
spiderpaw, 9 m, ♂
moorpaw, 9 m, ♀
goatpaw, 8 m, ♂
ripplepaw, 8 m, ♀
cowpaw, 8 m, ♂
torrentpaw, 6 m, ♂
mistpaw, 6 m, ♀
icepaw, 6 m, ♀
birchpaw, 6 m, ♂
poplarpaw, 6 m, ♀
maplepaw, 6 m, ♂
↪ blind
aspenpaw, 6 m, ♀
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀


squirrelheart, 64 m, ♀
silverdrop, 37 m, ♀
tulipclaw, 46 m, ♀
poppysplash, 34 m, ♀
pipersnap, 25 m, ♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀

cobaltkit, 5 m, ♂
pewterkit, 5 m, ♂
arsenickit, 5 m, ♀
sleetkit, 5 m, ♀
sprucekit, 5 m, ♂
sycamorekit, 5 m, ♂
swoopkit, 5 m, ♀
cinderkit, 3 m, ♀
lightningkit, 3 m, ♂
rabbitkit, 3 m, ♀
batkit, 3 m, ♂
snipekit, 3 m, ♀
pumpkinkit, 2 m, ♂
turkeykit, 1 m, ♀
dipperkit, 1 m, ♂
loonkit, 1 m, ♀
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀

prairiedust, 107 m, ♀
ravencloud, 81 m, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀
al𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖊:
mouse, one serving╶ 006
minnow, one serving╶ 007
small fish, two servings╶ 005
squirrel, two servings╶ 003
hare, three servings╶ 002
big fish, three servings╶ 003

North- the elysian dynasty ; Immortes
South- silverclan ; ~•SnowLeapord•~
East- pheonixclan ; stormt4lon
West- chessclan ; sharpiesandhamilton

Northeast- highgarden ; eagle
Northwest- spruceclan ; ponz
Southeast- galaclan ; demiboygod
Southwest- vagaryclan ; lyttlekytten

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Posts: 6179
Joined: Tue Sep 26, 2017 8:57 am
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BearClan 66

Postby inky. » Wed Jun 24, 2020 1:55 pm

clan archive thread is found here
clan population 096 xxx clan servings 015 xxx next starclan visit wheneverxxx next birth n/a xxx mod notes hey, just so you know id prefer if all future kits (and cats in general) are put onto lineart ^^ xxx cats to find n/a

Blackbriar watched numbly as Heronstep and Mossbounce pushed the final piles of dirt into their brother’s grave. Everything had happened so quickly. They came back from the dawn patrol carrying Archthorn’s body. Blackbriar wasn’t even fully awake and yet she was standing in front of her son’s burial site.
“First Jaykit, now Archthorn.” She said weakly. Ratwhisker sighed and placed a paw on hers.
“I know losing someone is hard.” He sympathized “No mother should have to watch her kit get buried.” Heronstep nodded and stepped next to his friend.
“Archthorn was a spitfire.” He sighed “So much energy and he’s gone.”
“It’s not right.” Applebee whimpered, adn Mossbounce draped his tail over her shoulders.
“I feel bad for Pipersnap.” Heronstep mused “She can’t even leave the nursery.” The queen had given birth, and she was rather weak after. She would live, but she needed a few more days of rest before getting out and about. The kits were adorable, though. The blue tom shook his head and looked down at his brother’s resting place. He leaned down to touch the dirt with his nose. “See you in StarClan, brother.” He murmured. Taking a deep breath, the warrior flicked his tail. “I have to take Crowpaw out hunting. I’ll see you later.” He turned and slunk off.
“He can’t be serious.” Applebee gasped “Archthorn just died! He can't wait to train?”
“Heronstep needs to stay busy.” Blackbriar meowed quietly “He’s always been like that. You know he doesn’t like confronting his emotions. Why do you think he never smiles?”
“I thought he just had moss mites.” Ratwhisker chuckled. The gathered cats laughed gently at the joke. Mossbounce butted Applebee’s shoulder. The tom rarely spoke, but he had become an expert at expressing his thoughts.
“I’m going to miss him too.” Applebee agreed. She brushed off the light dusting of snow covering a blossom she had found and placed it gently on the dirt. She licked her mother’s cheek and returned to Mossbounce’s side. The group sat there, respecting and honoring their fallen kin in silence.

~ ~ ~

Elmstar smiled as Quillkit tumbled over her paws. The young she-cat was already outgoing, much like her mother.
“They’re so precious, Tickstripe.” She purred, nuzzling her son. They may not have been biologically related, but Elmstar was more of a mother to him than Grassheart ever was. He hadn't shed a tear at the she-cats burial. He was pretty sure no one did, except Butterflytoe. The new father nodded as Runningkit nibbled on his tail. He moved it, and Runningkit was quick to track down his prey.
“I’m so glad everything went well.” Tickstripe huffed with a nervous smile “I don’t know what I would have done if Pipersnap was sick.” At that moment, Redfin rumbled past, Starlingkit clinging to his back with a smile plastered on his face.
“I can see it!” He squeaked, gesturing to the river.
“Redfin what are you doing?” Elmstar hissed “Be careful.” Her mate rolled his eyes and leaped in the air, giving Starlingkit a nice view of the land beyond the water.
“I am careful!” He shouted back “He can’t hear, he should be able to see all he wants!”
“He’s a moon old, don’t hurt him-”
“Oh, you worry too much”
“No, I worry just the right amount.” The leader huffed, guiding Quillkit back to her paws.
“He’s fine.” Tickstripe chuckled, licking his mother’s ear “Starlingkit will crash hard tonight. He hasn’t slept well the last few nights.” Elmstar tilted her head.
“Why not?”
“Dunno.” Tickstripe shrugged “Tulipclaw says it’s natural for kits to sleep a lot, but since it’s cold outside, and his ears are damaged, it can cause aches. Bumbleflight said he’d give him some seeds to ease the pain, but using up his energy couldn’t hurt.” The black she-cat nodded and looked up at the warrior with pride.
“I’m so happy for you, Tickstripe.” She purred “I wish you and your family the best.”
“I expect you to help me raise the little heathens.” He purred “You’re a great mom, and I could really use your help.”
“I’d be honored.” Elmstar giggled, rising to her paws “But I won’t do anything unless Pipersnap asks me to. She is the kits’ mother. Tell her congratulations for me.” Tickstripe nodded and rubbed his cheek against hers. “Alas, I must go do leader things.” She sighed. Leaning down, she ruffled Quillkit’s fluff. “I’ll see you later, darling.” Quillkit nuzzled her leg and bid her goodbye as her grandmother walked away.

~ ~ ~

Jacobintail lashed his tail angrily, the tell tale (tail?) action that earned him his name. He was brooding at the edge of the clearing for no particular reason. He didn’t hate anyone, he wasn’t angry at anyone, he was just annoyed. Poor Moorpaw just happened to walk by.
“Can you not walk so loudly?” He grumbled “I’m trying to think, and your pawsteps are like thunder.” The apprentice looked at him with wide eyes and swallowed nervously.
“S-Sorry, I’ll just go.”
“Wait…” He meowed, squinting “I see you a lot, don’t I? You’re Moorpaw, right? Thistlewing’s friend?” Moorpaw nodded sheepishly. “Why do you always follow me around?” Jacobintail scoffed “I know Thitslewing has told you to hate me.”
“Well I don’t hate you.” She said simply “In fact, I rather enjoy being around you.”
“Why?” He scoffed, narrowing his eyes “I’m mean to everyone.” Moorpaw shrugged and sat down.
“You seem like a nice tom.” She said “You just get angry a lot. Every cat has their flaws. I may not understand but-”
“No one does.” The warrior grumbled “Do you have any idea how hard it is to live in a shadow? Weaselfur was such an amazing tom. Everyone says I’m blessed to be his son, but I don’t know anything about him. He’s just some legendary historic figure and a standard that I’ll never meet. They think I’m like him, they pray I’m like him. I’m not brave, courageous, I won’t jump into danger to save someone else; it’s just not who I am. I don’t want to be remembered as Weaselfur’s loser son. I want to be remembered as me. And if that means being a jerk to all the clan, then so be it.” Moorpaw sighed, and looked at him.
“I don’t think you’re a jerk.”
“Oh, please!” He laughed “I’ve never once treated you once. And yet, here you are. Your friends warn you about me, I’m mean to you, and you still follow me around like a lost puppy.” The apprentice opened her mouth, but the warrior held up his tail. “No, don’t say anything.” Jacobintail meowed “This conversation never happened. I have no idea why I even said anything to you. Go away.” Moorpaw hesitated a moment before rising to her paws, nodding somberly, and walking away.

~ ~ ~

Rainleaf scooped pawfuls of dirt over his shoulder. His hind paws were being sucked into the hole, but he was still furiously trying to keep Pewterpaw’s light fur in sight. The apprentice had fallen into a muddy sinkhole that quickly pulled him under. The medicine cat had quickly been called, and though he himself was being engulfed, he wasn’t going to stop until Pewterpaw was safe. Cats were shouting around him, but he couldn’t hear. His sole focus was the tom’s paw reaching out of the depths. The apprentice’s muzzle was close to disappearing, and Rainleaf picked up the pace, shovelling dirt away from his nose. He knew it was no use when he felt the dirt shift below him. Suddenly, he wasn’t standing on anything. Time slowed as he felt his paws slip and mud cake his fur. He tumbled down the hole after Pewterpaw. His vision became clumped with dirt, and soon he could see nothing but darkness. It wasn’t long before the sinkhole captured them, and the two cats suffocated in its grip.

~ ~ ~

Thistlewing was on edge. Not much was new, except for the fact that Shadowstripe had been killed the night before during the training session. At first, everyone thought that Fallenwing had merely killed her dream presence. But when the group awakened to screams of terror, they knew it wasn’t just her dream self that had been murdered. Everyone was worried, but Thistlewing especially. But she wasn’t worried for herself, she was worried about her brother. He showed no remorse about the kill. When Squirrelheart and Stormfang were mourning, he was napping comfortably. He simply didn’t care. The she-cat wanted to do something about his behavior. He was slipping, and if she didn’t act, he would be too far gone.

“You’re leaving?” Serpentfang hissed “Can she do that?” Viperstar nodded simply.
“She can do whatever she wants.” He meowed “If Thistlewing doesn’t want to participate, we don’t want her. You’re always welcome here if you want to rejoin-”
“You are all cruel.” Thistlewing spat “I can’t believe you’re okay with this. I’m never coming back!” She whirled around and faced her brother, who was standing in bewilderment. “I can’t believe you, Fallenwing.” She cried, voice pained “This isn’t who you are! I can’t let you do this to yourself! Please, please brother, I’m begging you please come with me before it goes too far.”
“Too far?” Fallenwing echoed “Thistlewing I’ve killed a cat. It’s already gone too far. You act like this is some unspeakable sin. I’m training. I’m getting stronger. Viperstar is helping me grow my skills and become the strongest warrior I can be.”
“I…” Thistlewing whimpered. Her heart cracked. Her brother, the cat she loved most, was lost to the clutches of Viperstar’s dark influence. He wasn’t the Fallenwing she knew. He was something else. Hiding her grief, she stood tall and raised her chin. She nodded and pushed past her brother.
“Coward.” Darkfang spat. Fallenwing stared after his sister and ran behind her.
“Thislewing wait!” He called “Please, rethink-”
“No!” She hissed, lashing her tail “You’re so blind, Fallenwing. You can’t see the problem. It’s Viperstar. We’ve known he’s a bad cat since we were kits. What do you think Ashtail would say if he knew what you were doing? What about Hawksnow?”
“Hawksnow is dead because of that runt.” He snarled “I’m getting better to prove that I should be more worthy of Ashtail’s love.”
“He won’t love you if he finds out.” She reasoned “You’re becoming...not you. You're not the brother I love. I don’t know who you are anymore, but I don’t want anything to do with this.” With that the grey warrior turned and walked away, leaving her brother alone in the musty forest.

[stormfang and squirrelheart try for kits (their last litter i swear)]
[archthorn is mourned]
[pewterpaw is caught in a sink hole. while trying to rescue him, rainleaf also gets sucked in. both perish]
[shadowstripe dies mysteriously in her sleep...]
[nightfur, tickstripe, serpentfang, bisonclaw patrol]
[applebee, ricecub, squashtuft, deerleap hunt]
[hollypounce, heronstep, mudfreckle, beantail hunt]
[twigsnap, ryetail, owlshade, darkfang hunt]
[bumbleflight and rainleaf look for herbs]
[splashpaw takes her assessment - x1 poppy seed is used]
[dunepaw takes her final assessment]
[cardinalpaw takes her final assessment]
[ryetail teaches beepaw swimming]
[heronstep teaches crowpaw stealth]
[stormfang teaches falconpaw swimming]
[marmotsnout teaches barleypaw stealth]
[redfin teaches cougarpaw stealth]
[ashtail teaches spiderpaw stealth]
[fognose teaches moorpaw stealth]
[shellpond teaches goatpaw climbing]
[mossbounce teaches ripplepaw climbing]
[bisonclaw teaches cowpaw climbing]
[squashtuft teaches torrentpaw hunting]
[sunstomp teaches mistpaw hunting]
[tickstripe teaches icepaw hunting]
[butterflytoe teaches birchpaw hunting]
[nettlemist teaches poplarpaw hunting]
[ricecub teaches maplepaw hunting]
[ratwhisker teaches aspenpaw hunting]
[blackbriar mentors cobaltpaw]
[darkfang mentors arsenicpaw]
[toadskip mentors sleetpaw]
[beantail mentors sprucepaw]
[mintbelly mentors sycamorepaw]
[nightfur mentors swooppaw]
[the clan consumes x3 big fish and x2 hares]

elmstar, 59 m, ♀
ashtail, 45 , ♂

xxxxx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙:
bumbleflight, 61 m, ♂
xx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊:
rainleaf, 28 m, ♂

stormfang, 71 m, ♂
swiftwind, 62 m, ♂
nightfur, 59 m, ♂
hickorywind, 52, ♂
↪ blind in one eye
adderbreeze, 67 m, ♀
hollypounce, 52 m, ♀
redfin, 66 m, ♂
shrewclaw , 43 m, ♂
badgergaze, 41 m, ♂
burrwhisker, 35 m, ♂
sparkstorm, 35 m, ♂
blackbriar, 68 m, ♀
sunstomp, 35 m, ♂
owlshade, 30 m, ♂
ricecub, 48 m, ♀
chestnutstripe, 37 m, ♀
darkfang, 30 m, ♀
ryetail, 28 m, ♀
nimbuscurl, 35 m, ♂
mossbounce, 26 m, ♂
twigsnap, 27 m, ♀
applebee, 26 m, ♀
heronstep, 26 m, ♂
archthorn, 26 m, ♂
butterflytoe, 24 m, ♀
fognose, 65 m, ♀
marmotsnout, 47 m, ♀
tickstripe, 24 m, ♂
lightrunner, 29 m, ♀
gorsewind, 37 m, ♀
bisconclaw, 27 m, ♂
avocetdance, 35 m, ♂
nettlemist, 34 m, ♀
shellpond, 33 m, ♀
vulturecrest, 48 m, ♂
squashtuft, 30 m, ♂ (afab)
mudfreckle, 18 m, ♀
beantail, 17 m, ♀
deerleap, 79 m, ♀
mintbelly, 17 m, ♀
toadskip, 17 m, ♂
ratwhisker, 45 m, ♂
hollypounce, 52 m, ♀
saskatoonskip, 15 m, ♀
shadowstripe, 15 m, ♀
serpentfang, 15 m, ♀

fallenwing, 14 m, ♂
thistlewing, 14 m, ♀
minktwist, 13 m, ♀
jacobintail, 13 m, ♂
hazeburst, 14 m, ♀
↪ asthmatic
silverdrop, 38 m, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀

cardinalpaw, 14 m, ♂
dunepaw, 14 m, ♀
splashpaw, 14 m, ♀
beepaw, 13 m, ♂
crowpaw, 11 m, ♂
falconpaw, 11 m, ♂
barleypaw, 10 m, ♂
cougarpaw, 10 m, ♂
spiderpaw, 10 m, ♂
moorpaw, 10 m, ♀
goatpaw, 9 m, ♂
ripplepaw, 9 m, ♀
cowpaw, 9 m, ♂
torrentpaw, 7 m, ♂
mistpaw, 7 m, ♀
icepaw, 7 m, ♀
birchpaw, 7 m, ♂
poplarpaw, 7 m, ♀
maplepaw, 7 m, ♂
↪ blind
aspenpaw, 7 m, ♀
cobaltpaw, 6 m, ♂
pewterpaw, 6 m, ♂
arsenicpaw, 6 m, ♀
sleetpaw, 6 m, ♀
sprucepaw, 6 m, ♂
sycamorepaw, 6 m, ♂
swooppaw, 6 m, ♀
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀


squirrelheart, 65 m, ♀
tulipclaw, 47 m, ♀
poppysplash, 35 m, ♀
pipersnap, 26 m, ♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀

cinderkit, 4 m, ♀
lightningkit, 4 m, ♂
rabbitkit, 4 m, ♀
batkit, 4 m, ♂
snipekit, 4 m, ♀
pumpkinkit, 3 m, ♂
turkeykit, 2 m, ♀
dipperkit, 2 m, ♂
loonkit, 2 m, ♀
quillkit, 1 m, ♀
runningkit, 1 m, ♂
starlingkit, 1 m, ♂
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀

ravencloud, 82 m, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀
al𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖊:
mouse, one serving╶ 007
minnow, one serving╶ 007
small fish, two servings╶ 006
squirrel, two servings╶ 004
hare, three servings╶ 000
big fish, three servings╶ 000

North- the elysian dynasty ; Immortes
South- silverclan ; ~•SnowLeapord•~
East- pheonixclan ; stormt4lon
West- chessclan ; sharpiesandhamilton

Northeast- highgarden ; eagle
Northwest- spruceclan ; ponz
Southeast- galaclan ; demiboygod
Southwest- vagaryclan ; lyttlekytten

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Joined: Tue Sep 26, 2017 8:57 am
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BearClan 67

Postby inky. » Mon Jul 06, 2020 2:37 pm

clan archive thread is found here
clan population 096 xxx clan servings 015 xxx next starclan visit wheneverxxx next birth squirrelheart (2) xxx mod notes hey, just so you know id prefer if all future kits (and cats in general) are put onto lineart ^^ xxx cats to find n/a

this post was written by the lovely sharpie

Rainleaf's grave was covered with flowers, mostly useless weeds that Ryetail had picked from the surrounding area. As she arranged one last bloom over the fresh mound of earth, she took a step back into a familiar tom's chest. She spun and flattened her ears, awkward and upset as she recognized Owlshade. "I'll get in my nest soon," she promised absentmindedly as she moved a blossom very slightly with a hind paw. Owlshade shook his head and sat down, looking at Ryetail's face with concern.
"You haven't slept in days," Owlshade whispered. "You can't go on like this much longer, Ryetail," Owlshade's voice was firm but gentle, the meaning loud and clear for Ryetail to hear. The molly opened her jaw to protest, but she knew it was useless. Owlshade was right. She hadn't slept in days, but the memory of Rainleaf's death was too vivid and plagued her every time she closed her eyes. Her brother had been the better of them, why else had he been the medicine cat apprentice? Pain gripped her heart with sharp talons, and she hunched over as she gasped for breath through gritted teeth.
"I just miss him so much," she forced out as tears dropped from her eyes and into the dirt. Petals from the flowers flattened beneath the droplets, and her face twisted into a look of pure anguish. "He was so good. He gave his life in an attempt to save Pewterpaw's, and even then it was in vain," Ryetail's voice was breathy as she tried to stop the tears and the pain. Owlshade just rested his tail around her flank and whispered soothing words as she slowly took deeper and deeper breaths until she was able to speak again. "StarClan took my brother from me, Owlshade, and I don't know what to do."
"I know how it feels, Ryetail. Shadowkit, Featherkit, and Hazelpaw were taken from me too early. To even remember the circumstances of Shadowkit's and Featherkit's deaths make me sick to my stomach. Feel good in the memory that Rainleaf died doing what he was meant to do, helping other cats. It'll be hard at first, but it'll get better," Owlshade soothed, shutting down his memories from wandering to his father. It wasn't the time, but he couldn't help but remember how Viperstar had killed his own kits in cold blood. Owlshade swallowed and then turned his head, watching Ryetail as she watched Rainleaf's grave.
Ryetail took a deep breath and placed a paw on the flowers. "I love you, Rainleaf," she whispered, hoping her brother was in StarClan and could hear her. She turned to Owlshade and blinked a thanks to him before rising to her paws. "I think I could use a good night's sleep in my own nest," Ryetail's voice was hoarse, but being near Owlshade made it better. Ryetail still liked him, but it was moments like this in which she forgot her feelings and just was fine being near him. Owlshade dipped his head and led the way to camp, Ryetail refusing to look over her shoulder and cry again.

Shrewclaw wandered around the camp with a blank stare, as if he couldn't quite believe that Pewterpaw had been taken from him so soon. He'd seen how intensely Ryetail had grieved for Rainleaf, knowing how close the bond between siblings could be. This, however, was different. This was the relationship between a father and his kit, the relationship between a father and a young cat who he had vowed to protect. Shrewclaw couldn't quite help but feel as if he had failed his family by not being there, by not being the one to dive in after Pewterpaw.
Shrewclaw's eyes had no more tears to cry, but they seemed to look like they would overflow at any given second. He shuffled into a corner of camp and slumped down, his chin thumping onto his paws as he gazed out across camp. Pewterpaw should have been out there playing with his littermates. Pewterpaw should have been coming through the entrance and boasting about the day's training. Pewterpaw should have been sparring with the other apprentices. Pewterpaw, Pewterpaw, Pewterpaw. Shrewclaw's mind twirled faster than a tornado as memories of his son crowded through his thoughts, each shoving the previous memory out of the way to make room. Shrewclaw even began imagining what Pewterpaw would have done as a warrior, but it all led to the same inevitable fact.
Pewterpaw was dead.
Shrewclaw began to wonder if this was why certain she-cats had litter after litter. He wondered if having so many kits that you couldn't see made it hurt less when you lost one. He had never paused to consider the thought that he might outlive several of his kits, but no cat could blame him. What father willingly thought that anyway? Shrewclaw shook his head and sighed, eyes lowering to stare at a pebble until small paws entered the line of his vision. He wearily lifted his head to see Saskatoonskip staring down at him. "What do you want?" he mumbled, shoulders relaxing until he melted into a puddle.
"I want you to get up," Saskatoonskip demanded, nudging her former mentor and brother with a paw.
"I may not be your mentor anymore, but I've still been a warrior longer than you," Shrewclaw grumbled, but he pulled himself into a sitting position anyway.
"Good. Now follow me," Saskatoonskip called, already padding away and towards the camp entrance. As they reached it, she paused and spun to stare out across camp. "What do you see?" she asked, and Shrewclaw curled his lip angrily.
"A bunch of cats doing their daily duties," he snapped, temper short even with the sister he so dearly adored.
"I see Arsenicpaw practicing her battle moves that Darkfang showed her today. I see Cobaltpaw chatting away with Blackbriar as if nothing has changed. I see Silverdrop, your own mate, about to leave on a patrol with her friends. Yet you know what else I see?" Saskatoonskip paused, but quickly continued before Shrewclaw could say anything. "I see my brother sulking in a corner like a kit. Pewterpaw's death was a tragedy, but you know he wouldn't want you doing this. So, you're going to get back into a normal daily routine in his honor."
Shrewclaw was taken aback at Saskatoonskip's insistence that he quit grieving in the way he had been. "Why do I deserve to have a good life when my own son doesn't even get to have a warrior ceremony?" he asked, mostly to himself rather than to Saskatoonskip.
"Because he is also happy in StarClan. You will see him again, Shrewclaw, so why not live a happy life until then? Eventually, your entire family will be reunited," Saskatoonskip murmured gently, and Shrewclaw looked at her with wide, sad eyes. He took a deep breath and nodded, silently padding off towards the center of camp in search of something to busy himself with.

Tickstripe entered the nursery with a smile, his eyes drawn to Pipersnap, Quillkit, Runningkit, and Starlingkit. He paused to lick his mate's forehead before crouching down to his kits. "How are my three adorable kits?" he asked, and they climbed over each other to get closer to him. "Why don't you let Poppysplash keep an eye on you for a little bit?" he suggested, and the three dashed off to the other queen with excited squeals and laughs.
"Nice touch," Pipersnap murmured, smiling up at Tickstripe as he nudged her flank with his nose. She slowly got to her paws and stretched, her limbs needing extra time to warm up after spending so long laying down with her kits. "Where are you taking me?" she asked as Tickstripe led her out of camp in no particular direction. Tickstripe let out a sigh and raised his nose into the slight breeze, his fur ruffling slightly as he seemed to ignore her question. "Hello? Your mate is asking you a question. You know, the mother of your kits?" Pipersnap snorted a laugh as Tickstripe rolled his eyes.
"I just wanted to take my lovely mate on a walk without the three little pests," Tickstripe meowed with a slight wrinkle of his nose, punctuating the joke to make it clear he truly loved his sons and daughter. Pipersnap let out a disappointed sigh, looking at Tickstripe with the eyes a mother used when her kit did something slightly wrong but not truly bad. "Don't look at me like that! I had the best intentions at heart," he yelped, a twinkle in his eyes betraying he had just wanted Pipersnap to himself for a bit. "Are you enjoying being a mother?"
Pipersnap knew Tickstripe was conveniently changing the subject, but she loved him so she let him get away with it. "I love them with all my heart, but some time away from them really does me good," she smiled, her thoughts clearly wandering to her kits. "They sure seem to be like other kits, if we're being honest. I have my paws full, but I wouldn't trade anything in the world for it," Tickstripe leaned against her side and purred, happy to see her happy.
"I wish I could spend every waking moment with them, but Icepaw sadly needs training. Apparently that's one of my so-called duties as a warrior," Tickstripe sighed theatrically, and Pipersnap laughed as she bumped her shoulder against his. "Let's stay out here until sunset, dear. It should be spectacular, but I'm afraid I may not look at it while you're still around," Tickstripe ducked a half-hearted swipe from Pipersnap and led her to a spot in which they could watch the sunset apparoach.

Grassheart was gone.
Butterflytoe still hadn't expected it, waking and looking for her until reality came crashing towards her like a falling tree. Her mother's death plagued her in her nightmares until she woke up gasping for breath. Her tail dragged around behind her, and she never looked another cat in the eye. She was making her grief obvious, wanting the attention on her like her mother always had done. She was fed up with being ignored, and so she decided to voice her opinion.
Butterflytoe stormed into the center of camp and let out a loud, high-pitched scream. "Why is nobody paying attention to me? I'm obviously grieving!" she shrieked, forcing her voice to be as loud as it possibly could. Several cats stopped and stared, but then began wandering about their day as the she-cat seethed with anger near them. "I deserve your attention! Why do you comfort other cats and not me?" she screamed, and several cats actually laughed.
Butterflytoe stomped her paw and stormed out, her nose high in the air and huffing the entire way.

Mistpaw, Icepaw, and Torrentpaw had the day off to do as they pleased. Despite taking delight in confusing their father, as he still hadn't figured out how to tell them apart, they chose to roam the territory in search of something to do. Mistpaw batted a pinecone, a tragic victim of winter, out of her way and cast a grin back over her shoulder. Icepaw was scowling at a drop of water that had splashed her nose while Torrentpaw was clearly distracted by a butterfly. "Aren't you going to give me any ideas on what we should do?" Mistpaw demanded, and her siblings just shrugged.
"I mean, this butterfly is enough entertainment for me. It doesn't require any thought, which is perfect for a day off," Torrentpaw remarked, and Mistpaw snickered before leaning over to Icepaw.
"He'll be perfect about not having any thoughts," she hissed into Icepaw's ear, which warranted a giggle from the molly. Torrentpaw glared over his shoulder and stuck his tongue out like a kit.
"I heard that!" he called, but Mistpaw just waved her tail to dismiss him.
"The past is the past, Torrentpaw. Move on!" Icepaw called, eyes glittering with the joy she obtained from tormenting her siblings. Torrentpaw opened his mouth as if to respond, but he shut it and just sighed. "First to the top of the tree is the winner!" Icepaw suddenly yowled, claws already digging into the tree bark as she began hauling herself up the trunk and to the lowest branch. Mistpaw propelled herself past Icepaw, clung to the branch, and launched herself straight up onto another branch. Torrentpaw scowled but followed his siblings, claws ripping through the tree bark as he forced himself higher.
Mistpaw and Icepaw both reached the highest branch that was safe for them to stand on at the same time, leaving Torrentpaw scrambling after them as he panted. "You're last so you get to be the stinky mouse in a kit game," Mistpaw taunted, and Torrentpaw just glared at her while he steadied himself and made sure he wouldn't fall.
"I hate this. It was completely unfair since you and Icepaw were closer to the tree to begin with!" Torrentpaw protested, but Mistpaw just shook her head and dropped from the tree to the ground. Icepaw followed, and finally Torrentpaw joined them. The two sisters were already walking off and chatting, so Torrentpaw had to speed walk to catch up. "Sisters," he grumbled to himself as he finally reached them.

Thistlewing could still see Viperstar's cold, ruthless eyes as she weaved between trees. Fallenwing's pained expression filled her mind as she remembered the previous night. She had escaped her nest in need of fresh air, but her thoughts were still troubled. "I can't believe he just let me go," she whispered, knowing no cat was near to hear. "After all those stories we were told, it just doesn't seem like him. He murdered his own kits, for StarClan's sake!" her voice rose in volume, and so she shut her mouth immediately.
The memory of him staring down at her and saying she was free to go, that they didn't want her if she didn't want to be there made her shiver despite there being no breeze to carry and cold air on. Thistlewing swallowed and looked over hr shoulder, afraid she was being followed. As she relived the moment over and over again, she noticed something about the way Viperstar had looked at her. It was almost predatory, with eyes locked on her as if she were his next prey. He had seemed kind and understanding that she had wanted to leave, but his eyes told another story.
Thistlewing finally admitted to herself that she was scared. The whole interaction seemed off, the way he had acted and the way his eyes had been. She chose to concentrate on that part and not her fight with Fallenwing. She loved her brother, but he wasn't her brother anymore. He was different, and there was no denying that. Shivering, she turned back towards camp and decided she should sleep. Yet, the entire way home, she couldn't help but feel like she was being watched.

[nightfur, tickstripe, serpentfang, bisonclaw patrol]
[applebee, cardinalgaze, squashtuft, deerleap hunt]
[dunefeather, heronstep, mudfreckle, beantail hunt]
[twigsnap, splashfur, owlshade, darkfang hunt]
[bumbleflight looks for herbs]
[beepaw takes his final assessment]
[heronstep teaches crowpaw swimming]
[falconpaw takes his final assessment]
[marmotsnout teaches barleypaw swimming]
[redfin teaches cougarpaw swimming]
[ashtail teaches spiderpaw swimming]
[fognose teaches moorpaw swimming]
[shellpond teaches goatpaw stealth]
[mossbounce teaches ripplepaw stealth]
[bisonclaw teaches cowpaw stealth]
[squashtuft teaches torrentpaw battle]
[sunstomp teaches mistpaw battle]
[tickstripe teaches icepaw battle - she rests this moon]
[butterflytoe teaches birchpaw battle]
[nettlemist teaches poplarpaw battle]
[ricecub teaches maplepaw battle]
[ratwhisker teaches aspenpaw battle]
[blackbriar mentors cobaltpaw hunting]
[darkfang mentors arsenicpaw hunting]
[toadskip mentors sleetpaw hunting]
[beantail mentors sprucepaw hunting]
[mintbelly mentors sycamorepaw hunting]
[nightfur mentors swooppaw hunting]
[the clan fasts]

elmstar, 60 m, ♀
ashtail, 46 , ♂

xxxxx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙:
bumbleflight, 62 m, ♂
xx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊:
[url=link]✺[/url] name, age, ♂♀

stormfang, 72 m, ♂
swiftwind, 63 m, ♂
nightfur, 60 m, ♂
hickorywind, 53, ♂
↪ blind in one eye
adderbreeze, 68 m, ♀
hollypounce, 53 m, ♀
redfin, 67 m, ♂
shrewclaw , 44 m, ♂
badgergaze, 42 m, ♂
burrwhisker, 36 m, ♂
sparkstorm, 36 m, ♂
blackbriar, 69 m, ♀
sunstomp, 36 m, ♂
owlshade, 31 m, ♂
ricecub, 49 m, ♀
chestnutstripe, 38 m, ♀
darkfang, 31 m, ♀
ryetail, 29 m, ♀
nimbuscurl, 36 m, ♂
mossbounce, 27 m, ♂
twigsnap, 28 m, ♀
applebee, 27 m, ♀
heronstep, 27 m, ♂
butterflytoe, 25 m, ♀
fognose, 66 m, ♀
marmotsnout, 48 m, ♀
tickstripe, 25 m, ♂
lightrunner, 30 m, ♀
gorsewind, 38 m, ♀
bisconclaw, 28 m, ♂
avocetdance, 36 m, ♂
nettlemist, 35 m, ♀
shellpond, 34 m, ♀
vulturecrest, 49 m, ♂
squashtuft, 31 m, ♂ (afab)
mudfreckle, 19 m, ♀
beantail, 18 m, ♀
deerleap, 80 m, ♀
mintbelly, 18 m, ♀
toadskip, 18 m, ♂
ratwhisker, 46 m, ♂
hollypounce, 53 m, ♀
saskatoonskip, 16 m, ♀
shadowstripe, 16 m, ♀
serpentfang, 16 m, ♀
fallenwing, 15 m, ♂
thistlewing, 15 m, ♀
minktwist, 14 m, ♀
jacobintail, 14 m, ♂
hazeburst, 15 m, ♀
↪ asthmatic
silverdrop, 39 m, ♀
cardinalgaze, 15 m, ♂
dunefeather, 15 m, ♀
splashfur, 15 m, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀

beepaw, 14 m, ♂
crowpaw, 12 m, ♂
falconpaw, 12 m, ♂
barleypaw, 11 m, ♂
cougarpaw, 11 m, ♂
spiderpaw, 11 m, ♂
moorpaw, 11 m, ♀
goatpaw, 10 m, ♂
ripplepaw, 10 m, ♀
cowpaw, 10 m, ♂
torrentpaw, 8 m, ♂
mistpaw, 8 m, ♀
icepaw, 8 m, ♀
birchpaw, 8 m, ♂
poplarpaw, 8 m, ♀
maplepaw, 8 m, ♂
↪ blind
aspenpaw, 8 m, ♀
cobaltpaw, 7 m, ♂
arsenicpaw, 7 m, ♀
sleetpaw, 7 m, ♀
sprucepaw, 7 m, ♂
sycamorepaw, 7 m, ♂
swooppaw, 7 m, ♀
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀


squirrelheart, 66 m, ♀
tulipclaw, 48 m, ♀
poppysplash, 36 m, ♀
pipersnap, 27 m, ♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀

cinderkit, 5 m, ♀
lightningkit, 5 m, ♂
rabbitkit, 5 m, ♀
batkit, 5 m, ♂
snipekit, 5 m, ♀
pumpkinkit, 4 m, ♂
turkeykit, 3 m, ♀
dipperkit, 3 m, ♂
loonkit, 3 m, ♀
quillkit, 2 m, ♀
runningkit, 2 m, ♂
starlingkit, 2 m, ♂
↪ deaf
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀

ravencloud, 83 m, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀
al𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖊:
mouse, one serving╶ 007
minnow, one serving╶ 008
small fish, two servings╶ 006
squirrel, two servings╶ 004
hare, three servings╶ 001
big fish, three servings╶ 000

North- the elysian dynasty ; Immortes
South- silverclan ; ~•SnowLeapord•~
East- pheonixclan ; stormt4lon
West- chessclan ; sharpiesandhamilton

Northeast- highgarden ; eagle
Northwest- spruceclan ; ponz
Southeast- galaclan ; demiboygod
Southwest- vagaryclan ; lyttlekytten

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