Pekee Pamoja Pride from Ukumbi wa Paradiso

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Special Prompt E5

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Sun Jan 05, 2020 10:41 pm

E5 : A new cub was found straggling about in the wilderness, how did your lions find them and what do they do with it? (700 word minimum)

    Khamisi had gotten up early to start his shift on patrol. Kibwe hadn't returned last night, not that he was expected back yet. To be honest, the young knight was still unsure of how long the blue lion would be gone. All he had said was he needed some space. He hoped his mentor had avoided the storm that had rolled through. The wet season was upon them and it hadn't wasted any time arriving. There were a few puddles here and there that he avoided as he walked around the plains. Getting closer to the base of the Kilele Cha Juu mountains, the puddles had iced around the edges. These mountains were the median between Ukumbi wa Paradiso and Msitu wa Baridi, the snowy region. Being a knight was still very new to him. He obtained the rank only three months ago. Still, he fared well on his own. So far.
    The closer he got to the mountains and the higher up he climbed, the colder it got. Winter seemed to carry over into the wet season months. The last time he was in this region was during his run through the Kuja Kwa Uzee ceremony, just before earning his rank. He didn't recall it being this cold when he was here. Perhaps because it wasn't. The storm last night seemed to have a lingering effect, the wind making it feel colder. He knew he had to continue. Walking along, he kept his eyes and ears out for anything amiss. A small blanket of snow had accumulated on the mountains giving everything a soft look. It was untouched. Mostly. A few feet ahead, he could make out a disruption in the otherwise flawless snow. Like something was dragged or thrown. Rolled, perhaps? Khamisi got closer to investigate. That's when he spotted it. The snow seemed to cup around a lump of snow.
    How odd... he thought. Closer still, he could see it was a cub and not snow. This can't be good. He leaned down to get a bit closer. This cub practically blended into the snow. Or perhaps it was covered in snow. It was a bit hard to tell. The pale orange lion gently pressed his nose against the curled ball. No reaction. He nudged the cub a couple more times, still softly. Come on, little one... Still nothing. Khamisi was starting to get worried. He could only think of one thing to do. As gently as he could, he picked the cub up by the scruff and turned back to the valley. He needed to get to Naigh.
    As quickly as he could while trying to be mindful of the fragile cub in his teeth, the knight returned to the valley and was making his way to the healer's spot. The sun had risen just past the horizon. Most of the lions were still sleeping. As he got closer he spotted Naigh was up and about.
    "Naigh." Luckily her name was easily said even with a cub being held. The healer turned with a smile, no doubt recognizing the voice of the knight who had spent the last two days with her. However, spotting the cub he was holding, her expression changed to one of concern as she approached.
    "Khamisi!" She looked over the cub. "Where did you find her?"
    Very gently, he lay the cub down on the ground. "There was fresh snow in the mountains. She seemed to have been lost in the storm, perhaps. She hasn't responded to me. I was hoping you could help her."
    "I'll see what I can do."
    "I'm going to fetch my mother. I know she's no healer, but perhaps she can receive some kind of insight on this cub."
    Naigh only nodded and began to assess the cub. Khamisi took a moment to observe, hoping the cub would be okay, before turning and rushing to get his mother. Please be awake.
    It seemed she sensed she was needed as she met him halfway. "Khamisi. Is something the matter?"
    "Mother. I went on patrol early this morning and found an abandoned cub in the Kilele Cha Juu mountains. She's with Naigh now but... I'm worried it's too late for her."
    "I'll see if I can sense anything from her. Perhaps we'll get lucky like with Faraji." Khamisi remembered his mother sharing a story of receiving a vision of Faraji as a cub. This was before he was born. While her abilities were unpredictable, they were useful when they decided to be revealing.
    The two arrived back at Naigh's place who had the cub laid out on one of the flat rocks nearby. The cub still liked pretty bad. With the sun out and no longer in the snow, Khamisi could tell she really was white like snow but had missed the black markings that seemed to pepper her coat. He approached slowly as his mother moved to stand beside Naigh.
    "She's alive but very weak. I'm trying to rouse her, maybe get a name."
    "May I?" Nuru stepped a little closer when Naigh nodded her head.
    Closing her eyes a moment, she placed her paws on either side of the cub. Her eyes flashed open, the glow slightly brighter than normal. "I see a large lion. A threat...? Then a mother and daughter. No... two daughters. A young lioness.... carrying the cub. The storm raging around them. A stumble..." The seer trailed off and blinked her eyes a few times, the glow subsiding to their normal look. "Poor thing."
    "What is it? What did you see?"
    "It seems this child's sister who was carrying her didn't make it. They tumbled down the mountain, unseeing in the blizzard. How this young one survived I don't know, but it's a miracle."
    Naigh turned to search through her things. Khamisi assumed she found what she was looking for as she came back to the rock with what looked to be some kind of plant. She snapped it in half and placed it in front of the cub. He hoped the girl would wake.
    Her eyes fluttered then blinked hard, a groan escaping her lips.
    "Hush now, child. You've been badly hurt." Naigh spoke softly, ever patient.
    "You're pretty far from home," Nuru stated gently. "You were brought here to be examined."
    Khamisi watched the cub adjust, her golden eyes wide as she took in her surroundings.
    "You'll probably have to stay here a while. But don't worry. We'll be sure to take good care of you."
    "O-okay." Her voice was soft. So soft Khamisi felt his heart constricting. He leaned closer to Naigh.
    "I'm glad I found her. I don't even want to think about what would've happened if I hadn't."
    "But you did find her so there's no need to worry about if situations." Naigh gave him a sweet smile. "I'll see to it she gets better."
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Writing Prompt C6

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Mon Jan 06, 2020 6:21 am

C6 : What is the greatest rivalry within your pride? Whether its bitter enemies or competitive friends?
(200 word or 1 art piece minimum)

    The current greatest rivalry is held between Faraji and Sefu. Both lions are hunters and are excellent at doing so, though their ways of hunting are different. Faraji might be small in size, but he is strong and fierce. Sefu is swift and boasts about his claws being sharp as swords. It's not really clear why the two feel the need to butt heads. Most think it's simply one wanting to beat out the other. In the beginning and for the first year or so, they got in each other's faces. Faraji is pulling us back because he's too small and therefore too slow to keep up. Sefu puts himself in charge only to take the task of bringing prey down himself. Anything and everything they would argue about. It slowly grew into something less aggressive and more of a teasing bicker between two comrades. They still wouldn't consider themselves friends, but they had come to recognize the other's strengths. The two boys had started to put their talents together to be the best hunting machine. You could say they have mutual respect for one another. But there's still that feeling of competition between them every hunt. What started as a bitter rivalry has blossomed into a competitive alliance.
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Writing Prompt P28

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Mon Jan 06, 2020 6:41 am

P28 : How does your lion feel about love, have they found love or are they seeking it? Have they ever had their heart broken? (200 word minimum)

Member : Tendaji

    If Tendaji had been asked this question before joining the pride, he would've answered with something along the lines of maybe pairing with a lioness or two. It was no secret he was charming. Back home, especially after dealing with the hyenas, lionesses approached him often to swoon. It was nice at first, feeling appreciated and wanted. After some time of it though, it became rather monotonous. He supposed he had been infatuated with the idea of a fairytale type of love. None of the girls in his old pride really captured his eye. Or his heart, for that matter. Everything changed, however, when he met Firyali. She seemed to have heard of his exploits but wasn't throwing herself at him as so many in his past had done. In fact, she was rather shy and easily embarrassed when his charms were worked on her. It was like a breath of fresh air. While it was always in the back of his mind to find love eventually, he wasn't actively searching. Yet here it was staring him in the face through the teal eyes of this timid lioness. Oh, how the tables had turned when he was the one swooning. It took some time, but the two grew close and now have six cubs together. Tendaji couldn't have asked for a better experience.

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Writing Prompt D15

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Mon Jan 06, 2020 7:31 am

D15 : Generate a random first line OR random quote here, and write a short story with it. (300 word minimum)

Quote : "There's something I need to get off my chest."

    It was just a couple hours since Khamisi had returned with the lost cub and he was still sitting with Naigh who was watching over the cub. His mother had returned home doing all she could to glean information from the young lion. The knight and the healer were watching over the sleeping cub with concern and wonder. The vision Nuru had seen of the cub's circumstances was fairly vague and hadn't offered a definite idea of where she came from. It seemed the best thing to do for now was keep her here until she either got well enough to be returned or to invite her into the pride. Nuru had offered to keep the cub with her.
    "Do you think she's going to be alright?" The worry was evident in Naighs soft question.
    "I don't really know. I hope so. You did more for her than I could have."
    "Nonsense. If it wasn't for you, she'd still be lost in the snow." The lioness let out a breathy sigh. "I can't imagine what she's been through."
    Khamisi nodded slowly. "Me either. Mother's vision, while informative, didn't reveal much of their home."
    Naigh turned to look at the knight. "You know..." When she hesitated, he turned to look at her. "You don't have to stay here. I can take care of her."
    "Oh. Do you want me to leave?"
    "Actually... no. I don't mind you staying here. I rather enjoy your company." His gaze dropped to the ground and his tail twitched lightly. "Unless... you're wanting to leave."
    He looked back up at her, a small constricting feeling growing in his chest.
    "There's something I need to get off my chest." She looked at him expectantly then gave a small nod. "I've been hanging around the past few days because... because I like you."
    The healer almost seemed confused. "I like you too, Khamisi. I think you're sweet and thoughtful."
    "No, no. I mean. I like like you." He paused a moment but sensing he wasn't finished, Naigh waited for him to continue. "I remember when you joined the pride. The hunters escorting you to the king. I thought you were beautiful. I'd never seen another lioness like you."
    For a moment, she grew self-conscience. She was currently the only female in the pride with a sort of mane. It had always been a touchy subject for her. But hearing his words, she smiled shyly.
    "The first time you visited with my mother. I was still considered a cub then, almost two months before my run in the coming of age ceremony. The two of you talked. I remember Faraji coming home and complaining of a sprain he'd obtained during his hunt. You didn't hesitate to help him. Watching you work... I thought you were an angel."
    "I'm sorry. I know this isn't really the time or place to be admitting such things. I just..."
    "Khamisi." She placed a paw over one of his causing him to look back up at her. She could see the embarrassment in his eyes which made her smile sweetly. "There's no need to apologize. I said I liked you too, didn't I?"
    "Like like."
    The two gazed at one another silently, each with a growing smile.
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Breeding - Writing Prompt

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Mon Jan 06, 2020 7:43 pm

In Character Breeding : 250 Words

Pair : Sultra and Kibwe

    Kibwe groaned and winced, the dull ache in his limbs a reminder of what had happened. He couldn't bring himself to open his eyes, his eyelids feeling too heavy. He wasn't sure what time it was or even how much time had passed since he passed out on the shore. Forcing an eye open, he looked around at his limited view. This definitely wasn't an area he recognized. No doubt far beyond the regions he was used to. With some effort, he opened his other eye and turned his head to look in the opposite direction. Still nothing familiar in sight. The knight took a deep breath then slowly eased himself up to a sitting position. His legs wobbled, still worn from pushing himself the night previous.
    "Come on. You can do this." His encouragement did little to make him feel better, but it was worth a shot. Again, with shaky movement, he stood up and took a few steps before stumbling forward. The blue lion gasped, unsure if the impact of falling hurt more than the constant strain in his limbs. Beyond that, there was something off. A scent he didn't recognize. He wasn't alone. 'An injured knight in a foreign land. I'll be fine, right?,' he thought to himself. He tried to locate where the smell was coming from but couldn't quite place it. "Hello? Is someone there?" Perhaps it was a bit of a long shot, but it wouldn't hurt to ask for help. "I don't mean to trespass here. Please, I-" When he tried to stand again, he only fell back to the dirt with a thud. 'Oh, Kibwe, you fool. There's no one-
    His thought was interrupted when a brown lioness cautiously came into view. The knight lifted his head slowly with a small smile. "I'm usually in better shape than this," he said with a nervous chuckle. He stood again and was able to take a couple of steps before falling. This time, however, he was able to catch himself before completely hitting the ground.
    "Let me help you." The lioness spoke in a genuine tone. As she got closer, Kibwe couldn't help noticing the small wings protruding from her back. It seemed without a second thought she was helping him shuffle closer to the trees for better support. Leaning against the trunk, he offered a smile.
    "Thank you." He couldn't help but look at her wings again. It was an interesting feature he hadn't seen before. Under his gaze, however, the darker lion shifted uncomfortably. The knight was oblivious.
    "What are you staring at?" Despite the question, it seemed she already knew the answer.
    "Oh! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stare. I was just fascinated by your wings. I've never seen a lion with wings before." Sensing her unease, he changed the subject. "I'm Kibwe, by the way." A second later, he chuckled at his unintentional rhyme.
    "I'm Sultra. What are you doing here?"
    "I'm... actually not sure. I needed some space from my pride. Traveling through the deadlands was probably a mistake. There was a storm that started a fire. I was just trying to keep ahead of the flames. I guess I pushed myself a little too hard but I had to get to safety." Thinking about how he should return, he pushed off the tree. "I really should be getting back though. I didn't mean to stay away this long." When he started to walk, however, he quickly fell as he had every time previous. His muscles were still sore from overextension.
    "You need rest and time to heal. I can help with that; I'm a healer."
    He gave a soft sight and nodded quickly. "You're right. I'm no good to my pride in this condition anyway." He turned to look at her with a small smile. "I don't suppose there's somewhere I can stay?"
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Store - Writing Prompt S3

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Thu Jan 09, 2020 12:27 pm

S3 : Write about an internal argument/conflict within the pride, whether its an argument amongst pride members, political struggles, or otherwise. What happened as a result? How was it resolved? Was it ever resolved? (500 word minimum)

    The six cubs this year had all just been assigned their new ranks within the pride. Well, really just the five. Akida was ranked as the prince and would be unless he stepped down. Khamisi had been assigned as a knight for the pride alongside Kenyada who was one of the four cubs belonging to Firyali and Tendaji. Kito was also assigned as a knight but under the rule of Kamili who was ranked a lord over the Msitu wa Baridi region. This was a huge deal for the entire pride. Many of the ranks had been filled so Imamu and Asha had decided, with the encouragement from the royal adviser, that it might be strategic to create a sub-pride that ruled in one of the neighboring regions. The idea was put into motion but even Tendaji was unaware of his son being granted the privilege of being the new rank of a lord. The family was gathered together, exchanging congratulations. Mostly.
    "I couldn't be more proud," Firyali beamed at her four younger cubs.
    "Who knew my little brother would get a better rank than me," joked Zuri. Zuberi nodded with a smile of his own.
    "At least you're not assigned to work under him," Kito retorted. "Kenyada got lucky having to stay here with the rest of you."
    Kenyada shook his head, but could still be seen smiling. "Don't be so sour."
    "At least you all got ranks..."
    Firyali, Tendaji, and the other five cubs turned to the youngest girl. Jahori was noticeably agitated. Her tail flicked and her eyes held a hard stare. All three of them.
    "I'm sorry, Ja. Maybe you can come with me to Msitu wa Baridi. I'm sure I could use help there." Kamili offered a small smile to his sister.
    "I'm sure she'll be fine here, right sweetheart?" Firyali was quick to speak up. Almost too quick. Tendaji looked over at her, slight concern as well as a hint of deeper knowledge. The look didn't go unnoticed by the three-eyed girl.
    "Right." The girl huffed. The other siblings looked amongst themselves.
    "I'm going to talk with Imamu."
    "Let me join you, Kamili," Zuberi stated softly. The two wandered off to find the king.
    "I should meet up with the hunters." Zuri bowed her head in way of excusing herself from the group before turning away.
    "That's probably a good idea. Let's meet up with the other knights, Kito." Kenyada elbowed Kito to get his attention and the two left to meet with Khamisi and Kibwe.
    Tendaji, Firyali, and Jahori stood around and waited for the others to walk far enough out of earshot. The tension was thick between them. Her parents had to have done something. She was a capable lioness. Excellent at hunting, a decent scout, and was willing to try her hand at being a guard. Being ranked a civilian was humiliating and she knew it must have been a fluke. She looked up at her parents, glaring.
    "Either of you want to explain what happened with that ceremony?"
    "What do you mean?"
    "Don't give me that, father. I know one of you had something to do with this. I'm not fragile. I'm more than able to handle myself."
    "We know you are, dear. But it's just-"
    "No!" Jahori screamed. "Mother, there are no excuses for this. I feel embarrassed! The entire pride watched as I was classified as a civilian. I've never felt more useless in my life."
    "Jahori... I just wanted to keep you safe." Firyali's voice was soft. Tendaji was uncharacteristically quiet. He had made the request of the ruling king and queen to make Jahori unranked, per his mates' plea. She was worried about their daughter. There wasn't a need to be. She really could handle herself. But he could understand where she was coming from. Both of them, actually.
    "I think I need some time alone. I can't believe you guys went behind my back..." The young lioness, her eyes misty with tears, turned and took off.
    "Jahori, please!"
    "Firyali... give her space. She'll come back."
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Store - Writing Prompt S10

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Thu Jan 09, 2020 8:04 pm

S10 : Use this random image generator to write a story about one of your lions. Link to the image somewhere for reference. (250 word minimum)


    "Are you ready for this?" Kito asked. He was older between the two but only by 77 seconds. They walked side by side across the plains toward the snowy mountains. Kamili looked ahead with his head held high.
    "I won't say I'm not a little nervous, but I'm excited to represent this region." The gray lion had just been assigned the ruling lord of the Msitu wa Baridi region which was known to be a snowy forest beyond the Kilele Cha Juu mountains. His obsidian brother had been assigned as a knight under his rule. The two were currently the only members of the sub-pride. The main pride was stationed in the center of the Ukumbi wa Paradiso valley but had been contemplating expansion recently. With the latest batch of cubs completing their run through the coming of age ceremony, Pekee Pamoja was quickly filling its ranks.
    "It'll be an experience, that's for sure. I'll miss home though."
    "I'm sure we can visit. Nothing is forcing us to stay in the region." The larger male considered this with a nod. Kamili smiled at his brother. "Come on. Just beyond that mountain is our new home. At least we've got each other right?"
    "I guess. Though I much rather be stuck with a lioness than you."
    "I don't blame you."
    The two males pressed on toward the snowy mountain range that created the border between the two regions. Their old home and their new one. The mountains were tall and imposing. Luckily there was a pass that they could use to pass from the valley to the forest.
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Store - Writing Prompt S10

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Thu Jan 09, 2020 8:22 pm

S10 : Use this random image generator to write a story about one of your lions. Link to the image somewhere for reference. (250 word minimum)


    Tishala was scouting with Sauda. They were both new to the area and while Tishala was supposed to be scouting in Msitu wa Baridi, she was currently tasked with adjusting to the rank alongside her fellow scout. The two girls were currently in the Kuni za Mkondo region where the pack of wild dogs resides. They had been informed of the partnership the pack shares with the pride. The lionesses had been quiet most of the trip, not really sure how to talk to one another. Tishala had been discovered in the Maeneo ya Kufa region by the hunter Faraji when she was just a cub. She had completed the run through the ceremony with the other cubs that year. Sauda had joined the pride perhaps a month or two previous. Now they were on their first scouting mission together.
    "So. You were found as a cub?" The maned lioness asked quietly of her comrade.
    "Yeah. I got separated and just... didn't see my parents again."
    "Oh. I'm sorry to bring it up."
    "No, it's fine. Being here has given me a new family. I'd like to imagine Faraji as an older brother."
    Sauda smiled with a nod. "That's understandable."
    They fell into silence again as they continued through the dense jungle. Birds could be heard chirping and singing. There was scampering of lizards across the dried leaves that littered the floor. Off to their right, they both noticed a young gorilla watching them through the leaves.
    "Probably best we don't disturb him."
    "Good call. I'd hate to tangle with his mother."
    "Or his father."
    The girls shared a smile and continued their scouting.
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Store - Writing Prompt S10

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Thu Jan 09, 2020 8:35 pm

S10 : Use this random image generator to write a story about one of your lions. Link to the image somewhere for reference. (250 word minimum)


    Khamisi was currently walking around the Kikoa cha Zamani region gathering the local flowers that grew in the lush grass here. These bright pink blossoms would make the perfect bouquet, he thought. He wandered around, gently picking the flora before heading back with a decent bundle of the vivid plants. His heart was beating hard in his chest. The day previous, he had found a lost cub while patrolling. The seer and the healer both did what they could for the poor thing, but she was still very weak. His mother had left, no doubt a bit exhausted from her vision. Naigh had watched over the young lioness with acute alertness. Naigh. That sweet, sweet lioness he confessed his feelings for yesterday. Somehow, she had felt the same way for him. It was why he was out here now, collecting flowers. For her. His heart raced harder and faster the closer he got to her space. And that's when he saw her. Sitting outside, tending to the small cub with a loving smile on her face. Getting closer still, she turned that radiant smile toward him.
    "Good morning, Khamisi. Those are lovely flowers you've got there."
    What an angel. He stepped closer and set them down at her feet. "I'm glad you like them. I... actually got them for you."
    He was fairly certain she was flustered because they both had the same reactions and he definitely felt flustered. "Oh, my. Thank you. I'll be sure to take good care of them."
    He beamed brightly at her, happy to put a smile on her face.
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Store - Writing Prompt S10

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Fri Jan 10, 2020 8:48 am

S10 : Use this random image generator to write a story about one of your lions. Link to the image somewhere for reference. (250 word minimum)


    The hunters were out on a hunt, currently chasing after a herd of zebra. The group was getting closer to the Maeneo ya Kufa region. The herds were starting to pick up that the pack didn't venture much further into this region. The other three neighboring areas didn't hold as much danger. Even if it did, it was predictable and the lions knew how to handle it. Out here in the deadlands, there was no telling what dangers lingered behind the craggy rocks. Zuri and Marjani were currently ahead of Faraji and Sefu.
    "Get ready to switch!," Zuri called. There wasn't a leader for the group yet, but she was one of the two who had been here longest. When the lionesses started to pull back, the two lions took that as their cue to pick up the pace.
    "It's going to be close." Marjani could see just how close they were to the border now. As they neared, something odd caught her eye. Unknowingly, she started to slow down.
    "Marjani! Come on. Keep up!" Sefu's call pulled his attention back but it was too late. The herd was beyond their reach now. "Great. Lost another hunt."
    "It's not like you to get distracted. What happened?" Faraji was looking at the newest hunter. She was usually so focused on hunts.
    "Sorry. I know, I know. There's just- Look over there." She nodded her head to point the other's attention in the right direction. "Is it just me or is there something odd about those rocks?"
    Several rings of rocks, as if someone or something had placed them so was about twenty feet away. These definitely weren't here the last time the group was out this way.
    "That is strange," Zuri observed with a skeptical eye.
    "Do you think we should tell Imamu?"
    "Perhaps. This doesn't seem natural. When we get back, go ahead and tell him of your findings Marjani."
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