_ ᔕTᖇᗩᑎGE ᗪIᗩᖇY _

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If there was a second strange diary would you read it?

A) YEESSSSSSSSSS #stranger4evah
B) Yes!
C) Okay, but only for you, you good-looking and charming author
D) I think this is my last stop :c But luv ya...
E) I'll just take a peek from time to time
Total votes : 55

Mistake #3,896

Postby Xura » Thu Jul 23, 2015 7:38 pm

I could feel my heart racing inside my chest as I ran. It was an incessant pounding in my ears. I began to wonder why I didn't run away after my conversation with Nick.
Shield agent: Hey you! Stop!
I reached a set of double doors blocking my way. I didn't even need to press my panda sticker to use my telekinesis. I had more emotion than I could handle built up.
Shield agent: Hands in the air or I'll shoot!
I was using the telekinesis to create large dents in the door. The agent shot and I stopped the bullet in the air.
Shield agent: Wha- Wha- Who are you?!
I twisted the bullet in half as I cried
Me: I don't know!
Wow, I'm such a teenager. It's so weird because even though everything in my world has been flipped upside down and I'm a spy and everything, I'm still a normal teenager that has no clue who they are.
I used a large wave of force to make the door bust open. I felt the harsh air rush against my cheeks. I had made it... Only to be ambushed by Coleson.
Phil: Surrender!
I walked out onto the helicarrier platform
Me: Phil, you don't want to do this.
Phil: It's not like you've given me much choice. Why are you running?
Me: I trust you, and I need you to trust me.
Phil: That's a risk I'm not willing to take. Hands in the air!
Me: No.
I backed to the edge of the platform.
Phil: There's no where else to go.
I looked down. The cityscape below never looked more terrifying.
Phil: You can't fly, and you have no parachute.
Me: Goodbye, Phil.
Phil: NO! Don't do it!
I fell backwards. Plummeting down into the thick blue air. I had no plan. Sure, I had been in a situation like this before. Egypt. But even then, I wasn't controlling what happened. Though terrified for my life, I contemplated all the events that had led up to this moment. I could hardly believe it myself. As I fell, I began to think about everyone in my life. More along the lines of who could catch me. I thought of someone completely crazy, and I almost disregarded the idea... But I didn't have much options as I whispered their name.


We interrupt your regularly scheduled program for breaking news! That's right, breaking news! I don't know exactly how to *break news. Are you supposed to shred it or something? Whatever. Anyway, here today we have Bob Calvin and Olivia Monroe bringing you the latest news on SDN.
Bob: Thanks Narrator guy for SDN! So it appears that there was a girl falling from the sky today. Authorities have identified her as an Ashlee Pawson. Any comments, Olivia?
Olivia: Well, I guess one could use the "did you fall from heaven" pick up line on this girl. We have no idea where she's coming from.
Bob: What's this? Reviewing the footage, it appears that the girl has vanished in a cloud of smoke!
Olivia: What? Bob! How could that be?!
Bob: We also have just received Intel from authorities. If anyone is to find this girl, they should report immediately to any trained officer of the law.
Olivia: Is she some kind of criminal, Bob?
Bob: Highly doubtful, Olivia. After all, the girl is only 16.
Tony stark turned off the TV.
Tony: What... What have you done? ...
Business client: You know that girl?
Tony: I offered her a job. *clears throat* if you'll excuse me, I need some time to myself
Business client: I'm sorry if the newscast has upset you, but I need these products by next week. This is an issue that cannot be ignored.
Tony: Talk to Pepper.
Business client: We agreed only to do business face-to-face together.
Tony: I'm sorry. I know. I-I just can't.
Tony left the room to clear his head. What could have caused Xura to have done this? Was it something he said? Was it about Nick Fury? Of course it was. It had to be. Why else would she be falling from the sky for the second time today?
Tony fixed on his gear and flew up to the sky. Fury was going to get a piece of his mind, he made sure of it.


Jake, Matthew, Amy, Koda, and Zack all had settled to watch a movie on TV. This newscast had dropped all their jaws.
Jake: What. In. The. Heck. Just. Happened?
Jake had dropped his sandwich. The unbelievable had just happened. His girlfriend would now be known as the girl who fell from the sky.
Matt: Could it be possible? ... She's been there before...
Matthew was working things out in his head, and he was on a roll.
Amy: NO! How- This can't be!
She had thought the worst. That someone may have forced Xura off the helicarrier.
Koda: ... A puff of smoke?
He knew she was shield so he had already determined that she may have fallen from the helicarrier. He didn't understand how or why... But he was even more baffled that she was engulfed in a green puff of smoke and saved
Zack: No. This can't be true... That's not her.
He was in denial. Already grieving when he had no answers or explanation. Something had happened. He was going to find out.
All at once, every phone in the house started ringing and the door was busted down by a SWAT team.
SWAT: Down on the ground! All of you!
Koda: Not my ideal Christmas vacation.
The house was checked for the next few hours. Eventually, the SWAT team apologized for the inconvenience and gave a fake story that they were searching for her to learn details about why or where she may have fallen from. The only person who bought that story was Jake. The team left.
Jake: Well that was crazy. I hope they find her.
He was going to stay up all night with worry at his parents house.
Amy: You know... I have to leave. I just remembered that I forgot to buy a certain Christmas gift.
She had no intention of Christmas shopping, she was on a hunt for the truth
Zack: I'll go with you
Koda: Me too.
Matt: Uhh... I'm going!
They all wanted to find Xura. Together they would try and figure out everything that had happened.


Joesph Andrew Stryker struggled with what he had just seen out his window. The identity of the girl falling was reported to him by one of his agents but he couldn't believe it. His granddaughter... But why? His old fingers traced the large glass window. Where could she have gone? It seemed that his pursuit for Xura would never end, and it only became more confusing. He sighed and picked up the Phone. Hesitantly, he dialed and sat down.
???: Hello?
Joesph: Marcus, son, I assume you've heard.
Marcus: ... Dad.
There was crying that could be heard on the other line. It tugged at Joesph's heart.
Marcus: I-I- I don't understand why. Why did this happen?
Joesph: I know, son. I know.
Marcus: Mary and I have come to the realization that she almost died. She almost died, Dad. We don't even know our own daughter. She could be dead for all we know.
The stress lines wrinkled on Joesph's forehead as he frowned.
Joesph: She's not dead... No. I don't believe it. We need to get to the bottom of this.
Marcus: I can't work with you.
Joesph: Son. I understand that we have our differences. That for whatever reason, you hate me with a fiery passion. But this is not the time for that. Xura, someone near to both of us, is missing right now! We have no details, and we'll only find them if we work together.
Marcus: ... You're right. I'm coming over there in an hour. Goodbye Dad.
He hung up. Joesph stroked his chin and sighed.
Joesph: Where are you, Xura?


Emerald had just gotten home. After a shameful scolding from his superiors, and an embarrassing walk out of headquarters, he was exhausted. He had failed his mission, that was unusual for him. He retreated to the couch and struggled with the remote before he could turn his TV on.
The newscast from before aired on. Emerald couldn't believe it. What was with this crazy chick? What interested him most was that she had fallen from somewhere above and she appeared to be conscious without any struggle. Why?
His curiosity became overwhelming as his brain nagged for an answer. He didn't have the complete details, but he figured that she may have found something on the helicarrier that upset her to a degree where she could no longer reasonably think. Normally, if this was any other girl or boy, Emerald would drop such a thing...
But he had taken such a liking to Xura that he could not just stand there, stare, and do nothing. He got up and started working on charts. Possibilities, probabilities, anything that could help him. He completely ignored the fact that he was doing this, he only worked mechanically and without question.
Emerald: I'll find you. I always will.


Me: Loki..
Was the name I had called. When we had talked that day in Asgard, he said that he had seen my reaction with Thor. It meant that for whatever reason, he was keeping an eye on me. It was a huge risk, but one I was willing to take.
Poof! Wow, I love that word. POOF! Hehe. #dontjudgeme #ivebeenthroughalot
Anyway, poof! The next thing I knew, I was enveloped in a cloud of green smoke and someone was holding my hands
Loki: Hello Xura, darling. You called?
I was relieved and in tears as I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist. It took as long as five seconds for the clouds to dissipate around us. We were in a comfy home-like castle. It appeared to be in Asgard, but not near the city.
I lowered my arms and backed up a few steps.
Me: Thank you.
Loki: You're welcome. Please, have a seat.
I looked behind me at two red patterned seats with gold carved linings. I sat and lifted my shoe. I just remembered the tracking device Fury put in here. I took a knife hidden in the pocket of my sleeve and cut open the small pocket at the upper part of the boot.
Loki: Can I interest you in anything to drink?
Me: What do you have?
I yanked the tracking chip out from the fabric and crushed it in my fingers.
Loki: It's an Asgardian drink. They used to give it only to the Kings about five hundred years ago. I'm not sure you'd like it, it's a strong liquid that only Asgardians tend to appreciate.
Me: Pour me a glass if you will.
He nodded and handed me a glass filled to the brim with purple liquid. He retired to the seat across from mine. He leaned back, crossed his legs, and took a casual sip of his drink.
Me: I would ask why you have been watching me but...
I glanced out at the window that acted as a wall next to us.
Me: I don't really care anymore.
I lifted my glass to my lips and drank down everything. I put the glass on the table and leaned back.
Me: Not bad.
Loki: ... Interesting.
He caressed his chin and slipped a long mischievous smile.
Loki: So... This saving your life business... Should we talk about how you carelessly leapt off the top of Fury's spy base?
Me: If you'd like.
He folded his hands and hunched forward
Loki: ... I was watching how the events unfolded. I feel guilty saying this, but in some way I find your life to be entertaining. I suppose you don't understand, but there's comedy and action wherever you seem to go.
Me: Actually, I do understand. We mortals call it TV. I'm addicted to it.
Loki: Interesting... I'll have to try that. But, as I watched. A few questions aroused within me.
Me: Like?
Loki: If Nick Fury assigned two shield agents as you're parents... What was it that frustrated you so? To the point where you would risk becoming a fugitive.
I sighed, grabbed my empty glass, and walked over to his drink bar.
Me: My parents... were something special.
I poured more of the purple drink I had earlier into my glass.
Me: They didn't care what happened to me, ever. Just as I'm sure you felt what I feel with Odin.
I took a long sip of the Asgardian drink and grabbed the bottle as I went back over to my chair.
Me: As you lived in Thor's shadow, I lived in my own shadow. Not necessarily neglected... Just treated as... An asset. Because that's what I was. Fury had planned to use me later in the future. He knew that I would eventually be useful when I came of a certain age.
Loki: So what you're saying is... He had your life planned this entire time? And he had ordered your parents not to coddle you or treat you in a manner that they would eventually form a close bond?
I nodded and after finishing the second glass, poured myself another.
Me: He intended for my life to go in this direction. He planned for my sister and my biological parents to find me... He wanted all of this to happen and he treated me like he knew nothing of it this whole time.
Loki: So what do you intend to do now?
I eventually gave up acting civil, and just drank directly out of the bottle. He raised an eyebrow and a smile flickered across his face.
Me: Go on the run. I have a few contacts that can assist me.
Loki: I like this new you... But I believe that she may not last, so I'm going to tell you this. In exchange today for having saved your life, you'll owe me a future favor.
I smiled.
Me: I thought it was too good to be true. Consider it done.
Loki: Good.
He stood and extended his hand towards me. I put down the empty bottle and grasped it tightly.
Loki: It's all up to you now, dear. Just tell me where you want to go.

*Thanks, Coolpaw. you're the best
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Re: _ ᔕTᖇᗩᑎGE ᗪIᗩᖇY _

Postby TheFabulousHorse » Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:30 pm

Ohmygosh. I expected it to turn out so much differently!! I love how it ended up much more than I thought I would. Ugh, Coolpaw, Snowflakette, and you are definitely among my favorite diary writers!!

Player #593 on FFH - Come find me!

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Re: _ ᔕTᖇᗩᑎGE ᗪIᗩᖇY _

Postby .:That_Potato:. » Fri Jul 24, 2015 12:50 am

Oh my gosh. I'm only on page 28 and you write faster than I can read! >.< :)
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Re: _ ᔕTᖇᗩᑎGE ᗪIᗩᖇY _

Postby Xura » Fri Jul 24, 2015 3:25 pm


Aww, shucks, you made me blush c:


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Re: _ ᔕTᖇᗩᑎGE ᗪIᗩᖇY _

Postby CookieCat000 » Fri Jul 24, 2015 5:50 pm

-Bows down to senpai Xura-
I don't really come here anymore
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Re: _ ᔕTᖇᗩᑎGE ᗪIᗩᖇY _

Postby Xura » Fri Jul 24, 2015 7:10 pm

Hey! Sorry to bump for the hundredth time today, but I need answers for the poll so I can continue the post I'm writing as soon as possible :) thanks!
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Re: _ ᔕTᖇᗩᑎGE ᗪIᗩᖇY _

Postby Xura » Mon Jul 27, 2015 3:03 am

The clouds of smoke flew newspapers and trash into several directions.
Me: Thanks, Loki
He nodded.
Loki: Good Luck. I hope you become the person you really are.
Me: And who is that?
He smiled.
Loki: You'll know soon enough.
He opened my hand and placed a green pendant in the middle of it.
Loki: If you ever need me, just tap the stone three times.
I nodded.
Loki: Be safe. Going bad isn't easy.
He smiled, winked, and then poofed away.
I looked around me. So this was Chicago. Smaller and stranger than New York, but it would have to do. I was in an Alley. Graffiti was everywhere, and the smell of smoke was no different from back home. The sky was so polluted that the moon provided hardly any light. Hopefully, it wasn't too late and I could still get to a bank.
I was cold, my feet crunched in the snow as I continued forward. I passed a few buildings until I reached a bank. I rubbed my hands together and went for the door. Locked. There was an ATM outside of it, I walked near it.
Me: Well, time for my first criminal act.
I noticed a camera above the ATM so I pulled a knife out from my sleeve. I threw the blade into the lens of the camera and ran over to the bank machine. I slid my hand over my left arm.
A panel for vitals appeared so I swiped it to the side. Just what I was looking for. There was an Internet browser and some plugs for wires. I cut open the side of the ATM and attached the wires into the ports of my suit. After a little hacking magic, a lot of coding, and trying to act natural, I successfully obtained $5,000 dollars from the machine.
I casually slipped away and down a few streets until I reached a pay phone. 4 quarters were left in front of the phone, my lucky day. I two of the quarters in and called Amy. It dialed for a few moments until I heard a successful click from the other side.
Amy: Hello?
Me: Amy. It's me.
Amy: Xura? Where are you? Why are you lowering your voice?
Background voice #1: LET ME TALK TO HERRRRRR!!!!
Background voice #2: NUUUUU! LET ME!
Background voice #3: *sighs*
Amy: Would you all be quiet?! Anyway, answer the questions please.
Me: Whose that?
Amy: Zack, Matthew, and Koda. We've been looking for you.
Me: Oh. Okay. I'm in Chicago.
Amy: What? How'd you get there.
Me: I had some help.
Amy: Does it have to do with the smoke you disappeared into?
Me: You saw that?
Amy: Everyone did. You're on the news, known as the girl who fell from the sky on SDN. You're also known as the girl who vanished on XSNews
Me: Well, any publicity is good publicity, right?
Amy: Well, you're lucky they didn't use your real name. Otherwise, any future career for you would be toast. Are you coming home soon?
Me: ... No.
Amy: What?
Me: Can you fly down here?
Amy: I-I- guess. What's going on?
Me: Amy, I'm a rogue agent. When I fell off that Helicarrier, I quit SHIELD and became a fugitive. And I'm not turning back either, I'm ready to become an actual criminal.
Amy: Wow. You made the goverment and criminals sound terrible in the same sentence. You'll need to go into hiding
Me: I know.
Amy: Do you have any cash with you?
Me: I just robbed an ATM.
Amy: oh. Okay. ...Wait! What?
Me: Yeah.
Amy: Impressive. How much you got?
Me: Five thousand.
Amy: Meh. You'll survive the night. I have a contact that can keep you safe. His name is Lucas. You can find him in the blackstone hotel under the name Trent Mikels. Tell him I sent you.
Me: Okay. How do you know he'll help me?
Amy: Tell him that I'm cashing in my favor for the job in Poznan, Poland with his brother.
Me: Okay.
Amy: I'll be there soon. Bye, Xura.
She hung up and I ran across a few streets to the Blackstone Hotel. I walked in, looking like a mess, I went straight to the man in charge of the hotel lobby.
Guy: Uh... Can I help you?
Me: I'm looking for someone who stays here. His name is Trent Mikels. Can you tell me his room number?
Guy: I'm not allowed to disclose that information...
I opened his hand and slipped 2 crisp hundred dollar bills into it.
Guy: Room 204, you didn't hear it from me
Me: Good. You never saw me.
He nodded and I went to room 204. I knocked.
Me: Room Service!
Trent: Busy.
Me: Not room service! And not going away!
He opened the door
Me: You're Lucas, right?
Lucas: What if I am?
Me: Amy sent me. Something about Poland and favors. On our call, She said that I could find you here.
Lucas: *sighs* So you need protection. How long?
Me: One night
Lucas: Okay. We need to go. If you spoke with Amy on the phone, no doubt the NSA Intercepted your call.
Me: Why would I care if the NSA intercepted the call?
Lucas: Why else would you need protection?
Me: Touché.
Lucas: I have a safe house that isn't far from here. We need to leave, now.
He went inside, grabbed everything from the minibar, and then we left the building. After about two blocks away, I saw a few police cars and black vans pull up by the hotel.
Me: Wow. You're right.
Lucas: Are you new at this or something?
Me: um.. Kinda. Is that criminal or something?
Lucas: Ha! I get it. That's funny.
Me: AHHHHHHHH! You're like the only person in the world that actually appreciates my humor!!!!
Lucas: Well, the people I normally work with aren't really the laughing type. I enjoy anything that comes my way. That's how we should live, right?
I hesitated.
Me: I guess...
Lucas: ... What happened?
Me: What-...what *clears throat* do you uh.. mean?
We turned a corner.
Lucas: I can tell when someone's just gone through some kind of tragedy. Clearly you're not the type to turn tail and go bad, am I right?
I sighed. There was no getting past him.
Me: No, I'm not.
I looked up at the few stars in the smokey skyline and held tight to my arm.
Lucas: If you want to talk, I'm here.
Me: Thanks. You know, you're a bit nicer than I expected
Lucas: Well, I've learned that kindness is better received to my customers. As long as I don't pry of course. But you're a different story, you're not as villianous.
Me: Hey! I can be bad
Lucas: Yeah, I'm sure you could. The problem is, why would you want to be?
Me: ... I'd rather not talk about any of my reasons. I'm pretty decided.
He noticed that I had no interest in saying anything more so he changed the subject.
Lucas: Where are you from?
Me: A city more polluted than this one.
Lucas: New York then, am I right?
Me: Yeah...
Lucas: You miss it already?
Me: a little bit.
Lucas: Are you going to go back?
I paused and thought about it. New York was home but things had changed a lot.
Me: I... I don't know. I think so, maybe after I get this whole criminal empire thing started.
He snorted
Lucas: You make it sound easy
Me: My relatives sure make it look that way. Plus, I have Amy.
Lucas: Yeah, Amy... That girl is something. She saved my life once.
Me: Really?
Lucas: Yeah, Long time ago though. How did you meet her?
Me: I am not getting into that story.
I laughed.
Me: Let's just say that some events escalated quickly.
He gave me a confused glance as we walked into a very narrow pitch-black alley. Lucas held his hand to the brick wall, a small panel that scanned his prints appeared, and then the brick wall opened.
Me: Wow.
We stepped onto the elevator shaft that was inside. He did a small break dance in the corner until the elevator gave a "ding" and started going up.
Lucas: This safe house has enough goods for someone to last a week inside so you should be all set for a single night stay.
Me: Cool. Do you have hair dye and clothing I could change into?
Lucas: I believe so, I'd check the bathroom.
Me: How about little mini pizzas?
Lucas: No
Me: Nutella?
Lucas: Nope
Me: Goldfish?
Lucas: Nuh-uh
He laughed.
Lucas: You're too dramatic.
The door opened and we stepped in. The bedroom room couldn't have been nicer. The ceiling had... You know what? Bleh. I'm not going to describe it, you can enjoy a picture.
Isn't that AMAZZZINGGGGG?!!! There was also a loft hammock that hung in the hallway. The kitchen was pretty normal and the living room was full of those really soft furry sink-in hard-to-leave chairs. The bathroom was promising, considering that the bathtub had a TV above it and a drink bar next to it.
Me: How in the world did you make this gorgeous place?
Lucas: I had a lot of help from Ex-Girlfriends. A lot of people have different taste so I created various safe houses with the best accommodations. That's why I'm known as the best in the city for this.
Me: How often did Amy ask for something like this?
Lucas: whenever she comes to Chicago. She told me that staying in one of my houses is better than the best hotels there are here.
Me: Can't say I don't agree. Wow.
Lucas: Well, I'll be leaving now. Enjoy your stay
He walked toward the elevator.
Me: Wait!
He stopped.
Me: Uhm...
I curled my hair in my fingers.
Me: Do you think... Maybe... You might be able to stay?
He raised an eyebrow and cleared his throat. His cheeks had become just as red as mine.
Me: I just... I'm not used to being alone... And you uh...
I bunched the back of my hair together in my fingers.
Me: You offered to talk with me.
There was a long lapse of silence between us. I was very lonely in Chicago. It was a city that I didn't know, and I had no one to share the experience with. I clicked my heels together in anticipation of his answer.
Lucas: I'll... I'll go set my things in the guest room.
He half-ran to the guest room as if to escape the awkward situation. I let out a long sigh.
Nice going, Xura. He probably thinks your weird.
I sulked away into the room where I was staying and flopped forwards onto the bed with a groan. Today was too long. As if yesterday wasn't.
I flipped over and reached for my phone. I had to remind myself that I had fried it earlier when fighting off that shield guard. I let out another groan and scratched at the itch on my side. I lifted my shirt to check on the wound I had only received two days ago.
There was a small white scar there. I ran my fingers over it as the scientific part of my brain came to a realization. The rate at which this had healed was impossible. I felt a growing concern rising in me. Impossible, I repeated to myself as I reviewed the facts again in my mind. I continued to finger it until I noticed Lucas at my door.
I let out a small yelp of surprise.
Me: How long have you been there?!
Lucas: If I remember correctly, you wanted me to stay.
Me: -_- Stay, not stare.
He laughed.
Lucas: What happened?
He came near and examined the white scar. He touched it and I winced slightly.
Me: Bullet wound.
Lucas: Oh yeah? I have one of those too.
I let my shirt fall as he lifted his. There was white scar over his abbs. I poked it and this time he winced.
Me: I have a knife wound on my left shoulder.
Lucas: I have one on my right shoulder
Me: Tiny scars all around my ribs from glass.
Lucas: One long scar across my chest from a machete.
Me: Black Friday bite mark from a grandma with dentures
He grinned.
Lucas: I've gotten a black eye from Black Friday shopping
Me: I've had two black eyes before
Lucas: Yeah? I've had three.
We had an intense glare off.
Me: Alright, well-played. You win.
I smiled and pushed my hair behind my ear.
Me: I think I'm going to change and take a shower, would you mind making me a cup of hot chocolate?
He nodded and left. I let out a long sigh as I shut the door. Hot chocolate. I'm missing Christmas.
I bit my lip and fought back tears. Jake doesn't even know where I am. Guilt punched me in the gut for lying to him. I was tempted to call but also reminded that the NSA had been quick to respond with my last call so I stopped myself. I didn't want to put Lucas in danger.
Slowly, I dragged myself away from the softest bed of the century, and went to the bathroom across the hall. I set down a towel and a robe on the sink and turned on the water. There was a slight squeak of the pipes when the water went from cold to hot. I stepped in and jerked back to one side when I realized how hot it was. Reluctantly, I reached over and turned it down. After it cooled off, I stepped towards it again and let the water pour down my back. I finished my shower then decided I would dye my hair.

I was sick of looking at it because it made me think of everyone and everything I've been through. I sifted through the bathroom cabinets until I found light brown hair dye. I used it on my hair then retreated back to my room to find some clothes. I picked out a purple hoodie and some casual black pants.
Yup. It felt good not recognizing myself. Made me feel like I could have a fresh start somehow.
I left the room and went over to where Lucas sat, there was Chinese takeout on the table.
Me: What's this?
He half-shrugged.
Lucas: I thought you might be hungry, and it seemed like you had long day so I didn't want to make you cook.
I smiled.
Me: Thanks.
I sat down and started pouring food onto my plate.
Me: I'd like to warn you, I'm a monster when I eat.
He laughed, his smile warmed my heart
Lucas: Me too.
We spent the next hour talking about my crazy life while we ate. Sometimes he gave a look of disbelief, or his mouth was full of food and he nearly spit it out from laughter. It was something I needed today and I was really relieved that he had decided to stay.
Me: Thanks for the food
Lucas: Anytime. Thanks for the life story that can't possibly be real
Me: It is!
Lucas: Really? You expect me to believe that you just happened to be the daughter of two criminal organization leaders, worked for shield, and spied- not on your parents- but your grandfather?
Me: That does sound ridiculous when you say it, but I promise it's true
Lucas: Well, if it is true, then you sure are something special, Xura Stryker.
Me: Thanks.
He smiled then yawned.
Lucas: I'm going to hit the hay. Goodnight.
He left to the Guestroom. I went to my room, turned the light off, closed the door, and went to sleep
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Re: _ ᔕTᖇᗩᑎGE ᗪIᗩᖇY _

Postby Xura » Tue Jul 28, 2015 7:25 am

New poll. Last one ended in a tie. I switched some last names around too, so read them carefully and decide
Which is best :)
Thanks guys!
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Re: _ ᔕTᖇᗩᑎGE ᗪIᗩᖇY _

Postby Apyrisol » Wed Jul 29, 2015 1:51 pm

Keep those fingers a typin' Xura!
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Re: _ ᔕTᖇᗩᑎGE ᗪIᗩᖇY _

Postby Xura » Fri Jul 31, 2015 9:55 am

Hey Diary!
I fell flat on my face out of bed today. After wiping the drool off my face, I ran to my closet. It was wayyyy too difficult to find an outfit. I was throwing clothes everywhere... I heard a lot of cat sounds (???). So while I'm getting dressed here's a joke:
Why do golfers always wear two pairs of pants?
- In case they get a hole in one!
Ah. I love that joke. Anyway, Amy is coming in today so I'm a bit excited.
I almost reached the door today, but then I suddenly tripped on my robe strap beneath me.
I face planted to the ground. It seems everywhere I stay, I'm always tripping up- In more ways than one.
I stood up, brushed myself off and then slid down the wooden floor with my socks. I reached the kitchen and took out a pan and some eggs. I turned on the radio and started randomly dancing and singing in the middle of the room.
While my eggs sizzled on the stove, I danced around the living room. I leapt onto the couch and jumped on it for a little bit.
It took me about ten seconds to notice Lucas standing in the hallway.
Lucas: What are you doing?
Me: Cooking eggs.
I cartwheeled off the couch, turned the stove off, and flopped the eggs onto two plates. I stuck two pieces of bread in the toaster and yawned.
Me: How did you sleep?
Lucas: ... I woke up to what I thought was a dying walrus. Turns out, it was just you trying to sing.
Me: Shut up!
I laughed and playfully punched his shoulder. He grinned.
Lucas: I hope your eggs are better than your voice.
Me: Yeah? I'd like to hear you sing!
Lucas: Gladly!
He showed me up. *invisible eye-roll*
Lucas: Choir. I was a soloist.
Me: Pfft. Whatever. You still can't dance as gracefully as me.
Lucas: You mean to tell me your imitation of a Mexican jumping bean was you trying to dance?
Me: AGH! No toast for you.
He laughed and I pulled the toast out of the toaster and put it on my plate. I took jelly from the fridge and made little smiley faces on the toast. I sat across from him.
Lucas: You're really not going to give me any toast?
Me: You're mean.
I took a large bite out of my heated crispy piece of bread.
Lucas: That's just cold.
Me: Actually, it's hot. Deliciously hot. You jealous?
Lucas: No. .__. *stares at toast* ... Maybe.
Me: Good, you should be.
Lucas: How could you be so cruel?
Me: Pshh. Please. This is nothing. I could have put glue on your sandwich, like I did for that Jimmy kid in the second grade.
Lucas: That's horrible!
Me: What? That's nothing. Third grade... Some girl was stealing my lunch. I asked my parents for advice-
Little me: Mom?
Mom: *types busily on computer*
Little me: Mom!
Mom: *types busily*
Little me: MOMMMMM!
Mom: What?! *ahem* uh... I mean.. what?
Little me: I'm being bullied by Jessica at school. She keeps stealing my lunch. What do I do?
Mom: *sighs* Jerry? You want to take this one?
Dad: No. I'm headed to the shooting range-
Mom: *glares at him*
Dad: *ahem* I uh.. Mean the bowling alley with my colleagues. We have to uh... Test the new bowling balls they have
Mom: Alright... Sweetheart *rolls eyes* Okay, Ashlee. Take matters into your own hands. Remember, offense is the best defense. You won't get in trouble with us for anything you chose to do to her, okay?
Little me: Okie! But what do I do?
Mom: Uh.. I don't know. What does Jessica like from your lunch?
Me: The pudding.
Mom: *smiles* I'm sure you can think of something more creative to put in place or that

Me: -they told me to take matters into my own hands. So the next day, I came to school with my lunch. Jessica was waiting for me and took my lunch right away.
Jessica: Give me your lunch, or I'll beat you up again.
Little Me: Here! Take it.
I handed her the bag. She opened it and pulled out the pudding.
Jessica: Smart choice.
She took a bite and her eyes bulged.
Little Me: Eat my dirt!
She spat it out and wiped her tongue.
Jessica: Ew! Ew! Ew! What kind of pudding is this?!
Little Me: It's not pudding. It's wet dirt.
She glared at me.
Jessica: It is not.
She grabbed my shirt collar.
Little Me: Yeah, it is. Would you like to move onto the gummy worms? These ones actually move for a change.
Her cheeks filled up, she let me go, and then threw up all over the pavement.

Me: What she didn't know, was that I had spent all of yesterday night mixing water with dirt and caught a few worms as a bonus. I ate the pudding inside a cup and then I filled it with dirt and all the creepy icky creatures I could find. I also poured some milk and a dab of hot sauce in there. I spray painted the worms different colors, rolled them in sugar, and then threw them into a bag in case she went for gummy worms first. I gave her the lunch bag the next morning and little Jessica never talked to me or stole my lunch again.
Lucas: ... And you didn't get in trouble with your parents?
Me: Nope. They actually took me to a movie after that.
Lucas: O_o Poor Jessica.
Me: She had it coming.
I finished my eggs and dropped the plates into the sink.
Me: At least that's what mom said.
Lucas: Did you ever take any of that advice as training to become an agent one day?
Me: No. I never knew. I thought that advice was pretty normal. It's a miracle that I turned out to be this gorgeous intelligent witty and kind teenager.
He rolled his eyes.
Lucas: Too bad humility didn't come in that miracle package.
I smiled and washed my hands. Then, I retreated to the couch.
Me: Time to make like a potato and do nothing. Want to join me?
He leapt along side me as I turned on the TV. On the first channel, was agents of shield. On the second channel, was the cartoon Ultimate Spider Man and a scene with Nick Fury was on it.
Lucas: Wow, I've never seen so much bad luck
Me: Quiet you.
I flipped it again to see that the avengers movie was playing.
Me: AGHHHH! Is there anything on that doesn't involve shield?!
Lucas: Well, we could turn it to news.
I flipped to channel seven and the news was on.
News guy: there was an incident in New York yesterday involving a girl falling out of the sky. Care to elaborate Janet?
Janet: No problem, Gary. The girl was identified as Ashlee Pawson and she disappeared in a cloud of smoke halfway through the sky. Authorities-
I turned off the TV.
Lucas: You know her?
Me: I am her.
Lucas: Oh. So you weren't exaggerating when you said you fell out of the sky yesterday. Which means, your life story is true...
Me: Yeah, I know. The sad truth.
I buried my face in my hands. Then, out of nowhere, we heard the elevator ding. Amy came out from behind the elevator doors.
Amy: Xura. We need to talk.
Me: it seems like everyone says that to me. Okay. What do you want to talk about? Food? Fandoms?
Amy: What is Lucas doing here?
Lucas: She asked me to stay
Amy: *sighs* I am having such a rough week bumping into my Ex-boyfriends.
Lucas: Who'd you bump into this time? Was it that hunky Australian again?
Me: You two dated?
Lucas: Only for a week. We both were rebounds for each other so it didn't work out.
Me: Oh.
The more I learn about Amy, the more human she gets.
Amy: Anyway, I'm here now, and I want to know what happened to you.
I threw her my diary.
Me: I don't really want to talk about it if that's okay.
Amy: No.
Me: What?
Amy: You're trying to become a bad guy, right?
Me: Yeah, so?
Amy: Don't say "if that's okay" or try and appeal to my humanity or whatever, demand what you want.
Lucas: She's right, ya'know. For a criminal, the most evil nickname you'd get is the teddy bear.
Me: Hey! ... I like teddy bears .-.
Lucas: we're just trying to give you some tough love. Don't take it personally, it's just... *scratches back of head* you're not bad enough
Amy: Anyway, try again. *throws diary back*
I caught it and glared at them.
Me: I'm not talking about it, read this.
I threw the diary back.
Amy: much better.
She opened it and leapt between us.
Me: Want some food, Amy?
Amy: Sure.
I rolled off the couch and slid to the kitchen.
Lucas: *whispers to Amy* I wouldn't trust her with your food.
Amy: Psh. This is Xura you're talking about.
I laughed a little and put a Jalapiño inside Amy's sandwich. I gave her the plate and sat across from her.
Amy: Thanks, Kara.
Me: Kara?
She took a bite of her sandwich as flipped a page of my diary.
Amy: I'm trying on some new alias's for you. You only give your real name to clients... That you trust. So you'll need to be known as something else.
Me: Oh.
Lucas: Can I help?
Amy: Since when are you helpful? *takes another bite of sandwich*
Lucas: come on, Amy. We ended on good terms.
Amy: *shrugs* I can't help it. Whenever I'm around old boyfriends it just slips out.
She took another bite of the sandwich and flipped another page.
Lucas: How about Lucy?
Me: Lucy? ... I don't think so. Too sweet.
Lucas: Tammy?
Me: Ick.
Lucas: Maria?
Crumbs fell onto Amy's plate as she took a fourth bite of the sandwich.
Me: Nah.. It's too- too-
Me: Spicy? That's an interesting word to describe a name
Me: Oh, well, you didn't listen to Lucas. I thought I should prove I'm not a teddy bear.
She ran to the kitchen and ran her tongue under the water.
Lucas: Rose?
Me: Ha! Imagine if I had the name Rose Thorne.
Lucas: ... You know, that's not bad. A lot of people in this business have creative names like that.
Me: Yeah, I'll put that in the name bank *eyeroll* I don't think I want to choose a name right now. I think I should just let it happen.
Lucas: Alright.
Lucas: I heard you could withstand the toughest torture, but you can't handle a small Jalapiño?
Amy: You want to eat one?
He shook his head. She gulped down an entire glass of milk.
Amy: Ahh...
She wiped the milk off her face, then clutched her head.
Amy: Brain freeze!
I laughed.
Me: This week is just snow good for you, Amy.
She glared at me.
Me: the joke was there *shrugs*
Amy: *sighs* we just need to get this whole-
she moved her hands in the air to express what she was trying to say.
Amy: -mercenary thing started.
Lucas: I'm gonna make my exit now-
Amy snatched his arm and yanked him back.
Amy: You aren't leaving, we need your contacts in order to get clients.
Lucas: Awww D: Why does it have to be my clients?
Amy: It's both of ours. Clearly, after spending some time with her, you can see why I want to help her, right?
Me: Aww, shucks C: that was so sweet Amy.
I gave her a hug.
Lucas: Come on, you know how dangerous it is to have connections in this business...
Amy: Are you looking at the girl?
I handed Lucas a thank you note for letting me stay here. He raised an eyebrow and scratched his chin.
Lucas: Alright, fine.
I squeezed him in a tight hug.
Me: Thank you, Thank you!
He became red in the face almost at once. Amy half-smiled as if she knew something.
Amy: Okay, Lucas and I should go find our contacts. You stay here.
Me: But I want to go with you! D:
Amy: It's best if your not seen right now. We'll be back soon.
I sighed and they left.
Alone time. Okay. Wow.
I went over to the couch and groaned as I lifted the remote. I turned on the news as they went over the ATM robbery that happened last night. But I saw something at the corner of the screen, it looked like a little shield symbol. Next to it in tiny print was the number "007". Strange. Just for the fun of it, I punched the number into the remote.
The screen went completely black. All of a sudden, a teal scanning light from the TV scanned the entire room.
TV: Identified as "Stryker, Xura".
I backed up a little, shocked. The TV seemed to fold itself into a computer. I hesitantly approached it, then knelt in front of it.
TV: You have one new message.
I clicked on it. Coleson appeared on the screen.
Phil: Xura, if you are seeing this, that means you've discovered our Telecommunications broadcast device version 8.6. It's installed in every brand of TV that was made past the year 2008. Here you can watch the latest in Shield news, find past mission briefings, and send messages to anyone who works with Shield. That's it for now, Agent Stryker.
The message shut off. I felt a lump in my throat. Agent Stryker. A nagging voice in my brain told me to just call this whole thing off and go home, but I ignored it.
I flipped to the Shield news, there was a woman in a blazer behind a black desk and in front of a huge shield logo.
Woman: I'm agent Cindy Noele, and I'll be reporting the latest in shield events.
She cleared her throat.
Cindy: Shield would like to inform all of its agents to be aware of the rising criminal kingpin by the name of Daniel Croft- he is believed to have ties with the criminal organization, "Cobra". We're not entirely sure of his position with them but we know he's a threat and should be brought in immediately for questioning if seen. Also, an agent gone rogue today, agent Xura Stryker. Director Fury, as her security officer, has declined to comment. He has ordered that if anyone finds her, they are to bring her in immediately.
I snorted. Declined to comment. Afraid to tell everyone why I left? I heard the elevator starting to head up, and I struggled with the remote. I tried every button, but nothing worked.
Me: Turn off!
The TV folded back into place and I let out a sigh of relief. The elevator opened.
Amy: We brought Pizza!
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