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Love challenge - Prompt 5/30 - 390 words

Postby WolfstormSC » Mon Dec 09, 2019 3:40 am

Love challenge
Wolfstar x Smokestep
Written pieces should be 350 words - 390/350 words (5/30 complete)
5. Admiration

"Hey smokestep, teach me to do that thing again! Pleeeeeeeeease?" Wolfstar couldn't help but watch from afar as thunderkit asked smokestep yet again to teach him that hunting move. It was just a simple crouch, but thunderkit was determined to perfect it.

"Okay little one, watch me." Smokestep crouches down low, directly into an almost perfect hunting stance. He nodded to thunderkit, signalling that it was now his turn to follow what smokestep had just done. A little clumsy at first, thunderkit wobbles before managing to get the pose.

"Very good, just like that!" Smokestep praises the young tom, getting up from the crouching position and giving him an approving nod.

Wolfstar gently chuckled to herself. He was such a large, muscular tom and yet, his fondness for kits was quite admirable. He remained gentle and yet was quite passionate when it came to teaching younger cats. He would make a fine mentor. Maybe even a fine father one day too, but it was too early for wolfstar to be thinking these kinds of things.

Wolfstar lept up to the lookout ledge, trying to see what the rest of her clanmates were doing so that she could keep them all safe.

Smokestep looked up from his training, eager to teach thunderkit more if he had the time and energy to. His gaze caught sight of wolfstar on lookout ledge.
"Wow, she really is something." He couldn't help but whisper to himself.

"Hey smokestep, who are you talking about?" Thunderkit tilts his head, curiosity twinking in his cool blue eyes. Whoops, smokestep had completely forgotten that he was still teaching thunderkit. Wolfstar genuinely made him lose his train of thought. She left him almost breathless. He couldn't help but admire how watchful of the clan she was, how she always wanted to protect everyone and do things for the good of the clan. It must be hard to be a leader, but smokestep felt as though wolfstar was doing an excellent job at it. He felt that there was no one better in the clan to be the leader than her.

He shook his head, now was not the time.
"Oh, no one. Now, how about we show you that fighting move that you wanted to learn?" smokestep tried to get back on track, teaching thunderkit what he knew once again.

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Love challenge - Prompt 6/30 - 380 words

Postby WolfstormSC » Mon Dec 09, 2019 5:44 pm

Love challenge
Wolfstar x Smokestep
Written pieces should be 350 words - 380/350 words (6/30 complete)
6. Walking together

The oak forest was something that most warriors often took for granted, not realising just how pretty the trees are and not noticing the shade that is offered from them, keeping them cool on those hot days. This was something that wolfstar vowed to never take for granted, no matter how long she lived here. She thought it might be a good idea to take someone else to experience this too. Who better to take than smokestep? That's what she planned on doing.

"Hey smokestep, would you like to go for a walk with me? I'd love to give you a proper tour around the territory, I know you haven't been to a lot of places just yet." She has a bounce in her step, her eyes lighting up from excitement. How could smokestep say no to something like that?

"Of course, I'd love to." Smokestep couldn't help but to grin at wolfstar, she seemed so full of life. So energetic and excited. But at the same time, it was not like her. He wondered what had made her in such a good mood, but wasn't sure that it would be something to ask.

Wolfstar swiftly leapt to the enterance of the camp, making sure that smokestep was close behind. She didn't want to get caught up in the scenery and lose him. That would definitely be an interesting story to tell the clan, but it was one that she would not wish to tell.

Once in the forest, wolfstar began her tour.

"This is the oakpool! It's really pretty here, especially at night." She flicks her ear towards the large stretch of water that went on for a little bit. It really was such an impressive lake.

"And next up we have the pine forest! But don't go in there. That is not our territory!" Wolfstar warned smokestep, glaring at the place. It seems as though she doesn't have fond memories in that place.

"Oh and look, here's the moon stream! It leads to the mooncave." Wolfstar kept waffling on about the territory, but smokestep listened intently and enjoyed every bit of it. He loved seeing how passionate she was about her clan. As long as he was next to her, he felt as if his life was complete.

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Love challenge - Prompt 7/30 - 406 words

Postby WolfstormSC » Tue Dec 10, 2019 5:43 am

Love challenge
Wolfstar x Smokestep
Written pieces should be 350 words - 406/350 words (7/30 complete)
7. Surprising one or the other

"Wolfstar, I got you something." Smokestep rushes over to wolfstar, excited to see her reaction to his newest catch.

"Oh, Smokestep? What is it?" Wolfstar tilts her head, both curiosity and excitement buzzing in her mind. What could he have possibly gotten? Her tail curls in delight as anticipation sparks.

He dashes to the food pile, grabbing a piece and then quickly dashing back to her. He neatly presents the prey to her and sets it down just in front of her paws.
"It's a shrew. I know they're your favourite, so I went to go hunt you one as a gift." He shuffled his paws, scared that wolfstar might not like his gift. He had worked hard to catch the shrew, such a quick little thing. It put up quite a fight before he managed to catch it. Yet it would all be worth it just to make wolfstar happy.

Wolfstar chuckles. "Oh smokestep, one second." She leaps to her den, rummaging for a bit as if she was trying to find something that she kept hidden in there. A heartbeat later she strides out with an object in her mouth. She places it gently in front of him.

"I got you something earlier today too! A magpie, I know they're your favourite." She blushes, hoping that he would appreciate the small gift.

The two stare in silence for a moment, sharing the same surprised glace. Both were astounded that they got each other a gift, and on the same day, no less.

"Thank you." They simultaneously chimed, both grateful for the prey that each has provided them with. As it was the time that all the cats usually had their food, the two gifts couldn't have come at a more fitting moment.

"Would you like to join me for dinner?" Smokestep flicks his tail to a secluded spot of the camp, hoping to spend some one on one time with his leader now that they both have something to eat.

Wolfstar grins at him, delighted at the thought. Finally, some time with him to herself. They hadn't been hanging out as much as they used to and it saddened her, but now was her chance to talk to him once again.

Together they sit down peacefully, enjoying the gifts and presence of each other. Fixated on nothing more than a simple talk and the delight of sharing their favourite food with their favourite cat.

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Love challenge - Prompt 8/30 - 0 words

Postby WolfstormSC » Sat Dec 14, 2019 5:28 pm

Love challenge
Wolfstar x Smokestep
Written pieces should be 350 words - 0/350 words (7/30 complete)
8. Sharing tongues


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The Favourite (Complete - 413 words)

Postby WolfstormSC » Sat Dec 14, 2019 5:55 pm

She's trying her best and her absolute hardest, but why can't they see that? Why do they keep pushing her aside and putting all the spotlight on her brother instead? She feels like she is but a shadow in comparison to him. Bramblethorn did just as much as Birch, if not even a little bit more.

Being the heir and male of the family, her brother always got more praise than she ever did. This only angered her more, giving her more determination to prove them wrong, to prove that she could be more than just a shadow. But it was never enough for them. Everything she did, she could always do better.

Even if she just wanted to talk to her parents, they would always blow her off or be passive-aggressive towards her. She had enough of this. It was time for them to stop and treat her like a cat, not as a kit anymore.

"Lotus, Clay. I need to talk to both of you." Bramblethorn didn't both to call them mother or father, they were no longer family to her. She wanted to keep this conversation civil in hopes to finally work out the favoritism. She just wanted a connection to them, to be included and loved just as much as birch was.

"What now?" Lotus whips around, teeth already bared at her daughter. Bramblethorn dug her claws into the soft, earthy ground. She didn't want to fight again, but she knew she had to prepare just in case. Every single interaction she had with her parents lately always ended up in a fight, even if it was just meant to be a question or normal talk. They had to put all the blame of everything on her, they always did.

"Can't you see we are busy with your brother right now? Talk to us later." Clay doesn't even bother to look in her direction, too fixated with his son still. This was it, she had had enough of this. She couldn't handle it anymore and had no other choice but to snap.

"You never cared about me, neither of you did! It was always him. Oh, how I despise him... You ruined me, all of you!" Bramblethorn spat at them before turning to run, far away from this place where she'd never see them ever again. She couldn't bear to see these soulless cats anymore.

She would go her separate way, where she would perhaps finally find her peace.

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Dawn's Shadow (Complete - 604 words)

Postby WolfstormSC » Sun Dec 15, 2019 6:19 pm

She wished that this could last forever. Just her, the beautiful night sky and her precious mate that she loved so dearly. However, she knew that he'd be gone by morning. She could hear it in his voice. The anguished sound rung clear through it, soft and gentle. She thought she might as well make the most of it while he was still here with her.

Brightshadow looked up at him for a brief moment, curious to ask what he might be thinking, but too scared to go through with it. She knew that as soon as he heard the news about the kits, he had to leave. He couldn't deal with having a family and that was a risk that she was willing to take. She would just have to look for help elsewhere and she had come to accept that fact. She stares down at the ground, slightly disheartened.

The young tom piped up from his silence, had been sitting next to her for too long, thinking. The silence was deafening to both of them.
"You know I'll be leaving in the morning, right?" His voice was still filled with sorrow. She knew that he was starting to regret his decision, but he was far too prideful to go back on it now. He may even lack empathy at times, but this time she could tell that he was truly sorry for what he was about to do to her and the pain he would cause.

"I know, but won't you share one last night with me?" She shuffled her paws, afraid of his answer. She knew that he loved her dearly, but it was all too much for him. He didn't want kits at this young and was too busy focusing on himself. He could be so selfish at times and will only think of himself, but she still had good times with him.

He paused, looking down at the she-cat that sat next to him. He gave a small smile at hearing these words. He wishes he could be enough for her, but it's too late. He is not the right cat for this task and could never truly be a father.

"Yeah." His voice was but a low, trembling whisper that was almost carried away by the wind. He seemed to be at war in his own mind, unsure of what he should do and the path he should take. He was so unsure of this choice. Brightshadow took note of this. Perhaps she could use it to get him to stay. She knew she shouldn't but she had to try.

"You know, we'll miss you. You could have made a great father." She looks up at him once again, trying to see any kind of reaction, searching his eyes for something. But no reaction came. He just gave a small nod and sat in silence, allowing her to brush against him still. She was angry at him, but she wouldn't let that show through and ruin the moment. She just wanted peace, then she could have plenty of time to be mad at him once he had left her.

They snuggled together, sharing their warmth for one last night before he disappeared at the break of dawn in the morning. The kits would never know their true father and perhaps it was better that way after all. It hurt her, but she knew she could heal from it and come back stronger than ever with the help of her new kits. If he won't love them, she'll just have to give them enough love for both of them.

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The Perfect Weapon (Complete - 201 words)

Postby WolfstormSC » Tue Dec 17, 2019 4:35 am

"No, that simply won't do! Try it again." Thistle had been trying that same move for what seemed like days, for some reason it was never quite enough for his father. He would constantly nitpick even the most simple of things, determined to mold his son into the perfect soldier.

"You're doing it wrong. Again." Thorn huffs, growing impatient. Surely training someone to do something as simple as one battle move wouldn't be that hard? He hated that his son was making so many mistakes. He would train him day and night if he had to, just to make sure that the young tom was doing it perfectly.

Thistle sighed but was too afraid to go against his father's command. He once again tried the move.

Crouching low to the ground, he pounced with his left paw outstretched. His long, sharp claws dug into the tree branch and he landed masterfully on all four of his paws. This time he had surely done it right. The fear of failure was starting to rise. He couldn't handle letting his father down yet again.

"Not bad this time, son." Thorn nods approvingly. Perhaps it wouldn't be so hard to teach him after all.

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Backfire (Complete - 517 words)

Postby WolfstormSC » Fri Dec 20, 2019 1:25 am

Normal practice once again just like his father always wanted him to do. It was nothing but fighting and perfecting moves. That was all that thistlespot knew, right up to the age of 20 moons. He knew nothing else but fighting, as it was all he was ever taught. He still remembers brief things that were taught to him by his mother during kithood, which he still holds dear. But for now, he belonged to his father, a perfect soldier.

The two began their usual practice, a simple crouch and pounce with a claw twist at the end. By now, thistlespot had perfected the move and could do it with ease, so that's just what he did.

"Very good, you have learnt well." Thorn approves of the performance, nodding in encouragement. Thistlespot continued the regular routine of completing the fighting moves that his father had taught him, while his father nods in approvement at each one.

That's when they heard it, a loud crash from just beyond the bushes. Quick to investigate a potential intruder, thorn leaps into action to confront whatever made the noise. He flicks his tail in a quick motion, signaling for thistlespot to follow close behind him. The two creep up, assessing the noise.

The pair stumble upon a small, male rogue. He was mostly white and seemed rather young and unsure of himself. He was looking around, confused as if he too didn't know what the noise was.

Thorn didn't hesitate, regardless. He leapt at the rogue, deciding not giving him any time to react.

"Thistlespot, come here and finish him off for me. That's an order." His harsh words came in a low growl that sent chills through thistlespot's spine. He had never ordered thistlespot to kill before. Why would he order such a vile thing? It had always been to mildly injure his opponent at most.

The rogue was dazed and shocked, his eyes now growing wide. He lay there frozen, pinned to the ground and waiting for thistlespot's move. His eyes were full of terror. Thistlespot could tell that this rogue was just as afraid of his father's orders as he was. This small tom was not used to fighting.

That's when the decision came. He finally had enough of his father. No more being a solider, he would become his own cat.

"No, thorn. I'm not like you." He growled, pinning his ears down and crouching, at the ready to pounce.

Thorn, unable to react quick enough to his son's betrayal, just stood there speechless. Never would he have expected his son to turn against him. Especially with all the training and time that he put into him.

Putting his training to good use, thistlespot gives a quick slash of his claw across the back of thorn's hind legs before turning to run far away from that cat who he once looked up to. The one that he once called father would only be a stranger to him now.

He could only hope that the small rogue was as lucky as him and had managed to escape too.

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Next In Line (Complete - 505 words)

Postby WolfstormSC » Sat Dec 21, 2019 11:41 pm

Wolfstar realised that she would need to choose someone to be her successor eventually. She couldn't keep hiding from it. One day she would need to pass on leadership to someone else.

But who? So far there was only dovecall or thistlespot who could be.

While he was very understanding, she feared that dovecall would be way too uncertain about leadership and would not be the right cat.

On the other paw, there was thistlespot. The hardy, reliable and fiercely loyal warrior. Perhaps he would do. He always managed to stay calm in a serious situation and could be fit to lead others.

She decided that it was finally time. Come sunhigh, she would appoint him to be the deputy of her newly formed clan. Then the clan would officially have a leader, medicine cat and a deputy. The clan was nearing completion.

Just as the sun rose the next day, wolfstar held a clan meeting between her cats. She stood dignified and tall upon high rock, ready to do what was needed of her.

"Attention everyone! It is time for stormclan to get it's first ever official deputy. This cat will be second in command and will lead after me." She glanced down at her clan, eager to see their reactions to such information.

Dovecall looked nervous and shuffled his paws once he heard. He had no intention of being in power, so he would hope that the responsibility did not fall to him.

Thistlespot sat silent, gazing up at wolfstar. He did not have any excitement to lead, but he would do it wolfstar felt it was necessary for him to do. He would still be more than happy to follow the deputy, whoever they end up being.

"The new deputy is..." He stopped for a second, giving a nervous glance to icewing, the medicine cat. Icewing gave a reassuring nod to wolfstar. The two had discussed who they thought would be the better leader only the day before and they had both come to an agreement.

"Thistlespot." Wolfstar nodded to thistlespot. He stood, a startled expression appearing across his face. He did not feel as though he had any reason to be picked, but was happy regardless.

Dovecall gives out a small sigh of relief. He couldn't have imagined trying to be deputy, it would have been disastrous for him to be such a thing. Much less a leader. He smiled at thistlepot happily. He definitely felt like the right cat to pick for the task. He had made a great mentor and will hopefully make an even better deputy. Maybe even a leader one day, who knows?

"Thank you wolfstar. I will do my best to be a good deputy, you have my word." He dips his head to the leader. The idea of him being second in command still hadn't fully sunken into his mind, but he was still ready for it.

"Thistlespot! Thistlespot!" The clan cheered the name of the new deputy, preparing for the future of the clan.

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The First Apprentice (Complete - 247 words)

Postby WolfstormSC » Sun Dec 22, 2019 12:17 am

It was thistle's first day in stormclan and yet, it already felt so much like home to him. He didn't quite grasp the warrior code yet, but he will in due time. For now, he had to meet wolfstar at high rock. She said that she had something important waiting for him and he was excited to see just what that was.

As he pads up, he realises that wolfstar and icewing were already waiting for him, sitting atop of high rock. Whoops, he must be late to whatever this is. A meeting? Perhaps. He went to sit down at the base of the high rock, under the other two.

"Thistle, since you have joined this clan, you need to receive a proper clan name. Unless you wish otherwise. Do you have a requested name?" Wolfstar looks down at thistle.

"I request to have a clan name." Thistle stares back up at wolfstar, patiently waiting for whatever comes next.

Wolfstar gives a small nod.
"Very well. By the power of starclan I hereby grant you the name of thistlepaw. I shall train you as my apprentice, for until you gain enough experience to earn the title of warrior." She smiles at thistlepaw, hoping that he would appreciate the new name and apprentice title.

Thistlepaw nods back, excitement glowing in his eyes. He is ready to officially be a member of stormclan and contribute his absolute hardest.

"Thistlepaw! Thistlepaw! The rest of the clan cheers his new name.

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