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[ `` northernclan !! ] [ 027.1 ]

Postby solyn » Thu Oct 24, 2019 10:00 pm

    𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐠𝐨.
    The clan had been a blur since Rafe's attack. Poppywish surmised things could have gone worse- those attacked could be dead, after all. Thunderjaw and Minkfur had had to wedge Midnightblaze between them to get him up the path to the medicine den, since he was shaking so badly, while Koishimmer and Foxspring had been helped by equally fretting Viridianfire and Lunardawn, while Summitsky had limped along solemnly with the support of Sleetstar at his shoulder. Poppywish had been between them all in a mad dash, before the call had come that Hazerise and Plumiris had gone into labour at the same time, and he'd been off like a rocket, leaving the den in a sleepy haze.
    Minkfur and Thunderjaw had volunteered to take care of Rafe's body with Brackenstrike's help. Viridianfire had refused to leave Koishimmer's side, where she lay curled around her father with her two sisters. Foxspring was visited by his parents and warrior aged siblings, with their kits having been sent to the elder's den. Sleetstar sat with Summitsky; their kits had left earlier to be with their friends, shaken and nervously awaiting news on Plumiris. Now, the two of them shared an exhausted, yet comfortable silence, heads resting together as Summitsky breathed slowly.
    "Is it true?" Sleetstar asked quietly, after a moment. "What Rafe said- not any of the stuff about Midnightblaze, but... are you in love with him?" Summitsky's shoulders tensed for a second, before they relaxed again and he sighed, shifting to lean more fully on the smaller she-cat.
    "I don't know. I think so, but the last time I thought I was in love, it didn't really work out that well for me." Sleetstar winced as Summitsky smiled tiredly up at her.
    "Fair shot," she admitted, "I deserved that one. I just... you're my friends; both of you are. Midnightblaze and I started off on the wrong foot, but he's probably the best deputy I could have asked for and he's certainly better than I deserved when he first showed up. I want both of you to be happy and I... I want you to know. If Rafe was telling the truth, if he was right and you do love him... then I hope you go for it. You deserve to be happy, you've both suffered enough."
    "Sleetstar, are you giving me your blessing?" Summitsky's voice was amused, and his smile was wide.
    "I know you don't need it, but I want you to have it. You've done more for me than anyone else in your position would have. Now it's time for me to set you free in the same way you did for me. You don't have to worry about moving on or looking elsewhere- nothing is going to stop me from being your friend, and from being there for you. You're still my family, till the end of the line, and honestly out of all the cats in the clan, Midnightblaze is not the worst cat who could be stepfather to our kits."
    "Thank you," Summitsky said, with a small nod, "I don't know what's going to happen. It doesn't feel right to talk about that now- not after what just happened but... I do like him. Really like him. I don't want to say I love him just yet because I don't want to be hurt again but... you know how sometimes you don't know what you need until it's sitting right in front of you, and it seems so obvious and you kick yourself for not seeing it all along? That's how I feel about him."
    "Do you feel forever?" Summitsky gave her a questioning look. "That's how I feel about Varvara. I know no one else gets it, but when I think of 'forever', for every moon and minute between here and my death, it feels wrong without her in it. Do you feel forever about Midnightblaze?" The tom thought about it for a second, before he nodded firmly.
    "I do."
    "Then we'll see what happens. Forever isn't meant to hurt as much as it did for me, and I... I have faith. Thunderjaw once said to me that mistakes are the stepping stones to the future, so maybe every mistake between the two of you was just leading up to this. You'll never know until you try, and I know I'm probably the last cat really qualified to give you this advice because I let you down and I didn't catch you when you fell... but you should try. Fear will only hold you back."
    "I know," Summitsky said with a glittering smile, "thank you. You know, despite everything... you're a good friend."
    "Despite everything, huh? Well that's high prai- hey, Sprucepaw?" Sleetstar cocked her head at the large apprentice as he paused, passing by them with a bundle of leaves in his mouth. "What are you doing?"
    "Shaping my destiny," he replied. The pair barely had any time to think on what that could mean before Sprucepaw promptly turned and shifted away from then, striding purposefully from the den and into the night air. He took a deep breath to brace himself as he moved down the path toward the nursery. On the ledge outside, the rest of his friends had gathered, huddled close for warmth in the cold night. Willowpaw looked up as her brother approached, giving him an encouraging smile and a nod, before she pulled Silverpaw closer to her side.
    Inside the nursery, Plumiris was sobbing loudly and hysterically, while Fogbelly hovered gravely over Hazerise. Poppywish was frantically trying to calm the young queen, his features haggard with exhaustion and panic. Sprucepaw's heart twinged for him- the poor tom hadn't even been able to see Howlingeye yet, tucked away in Sleetstar's den for some peace and quiet after all that had transpired. Carefully, Sprucepaw nudged Poppywish out of the way, settling himself next to Plumiris with his herbs.
    "Sprucepaw-" Poppywish began, tone irate.
    "Go. I can handle this," Sprucepaw leveled his chin, "I know the herbs. Sticks for pain, raspberry leaves to help and I have chamomile to help calm down Plumiris and chervil and cobwebs just in case the bleeding is too much. I even have borage for after they've kitted. You told me the herbs, and I remembered, and I can handle this. You won't be of any use to them when you can barely stand on your own two paws. You need to rest."
    "Poppywish," the ginger tom startled as Sprucepaw's fierce amber eyes landed on him, "trust me." Poppywish took a deep breath, and then he nodded, getting to his paws and padding toward the entrance of the den.
    "I can't do this. I can't do this," Plumiris sobbed repeatedly, shaking violently.
    "Yeah you can, hey, Plumiris look here, look at me," the ginger molly's wide eyes landed on her friend, "it's me, Sprucepaw, and I'm gonna be here for you okay? I'm gonna help you through this. And do you know what? Everyone else is outside, so when you've had your kits and they're all snuggled up, warm and safe, we'll all be here for you to help you name them. You're not alone, and you're stronger than you think. You can do this." He paused, gently pushing a raspberry leaf toward the molly. "Take this. It won't taste good, but it will help. This-" he pushed chamomile toward her, nudging her chin with his nose until she chewed them both down, "will help keep you calm. And here." He ran to the side of the nursery and picked up two sticks, depositing one in front of Hazerise with a raspberry leaf, and nudging the second toward Plumiris. "You can bite on this if the pain gets too much. Hazerise, how we doing over there?"
    "Not... the worst thing I've felt," the molly hissed through gritted teeth, making Fogbelly rumble an affectionate laugh, curling around her mate and grooming between her ears.
    "I've got her. Don't you worry about my girl."
    "Wouldn't dream of it," Sprucepaw purred, "okay ladies, we're going to breath together and we're going to push together- you're stronger when you're in unison, so lets shake off those nerves and lets have these kits."
    Poppywish smiled to himself as Sprucepaw's firm but gentle voice reached him, and he nodded to the assorted group of apprentices and young warriors gathered on the nursery ledge, before he moved up past them to the top most den. It was dark inside, and Howlingeye was curled at the far back, facing the wall. Poppywish moved toward him, and climbed over top to snuggle into his chest, like he liked to do.
    "Hello to you too," Howlingeye said with a half-chuckle, as if he couldn't quite make himself get the whole sound out.
    "I'm sorry."
    "You don't have to be. I know who I decided to love, and it wouldn't be you if you'd abandoned everyone else who needed you. You give and you give, and that's what I love about you." Howlingeye nuzzled his forehead against his mate's. "I am glad you're here though... I guess the queens had their kits?"
    "Well... no, actually. I left them with Sprucepaw-"
    "What? Is he qualified?"
    "Please don't remind me, I'm already stressed enough about it as it is. The only reason I agreed is because the look he was giving me implied if I didn't listen he'd take those big paws he inherited from his parents and use them to forcibly bat me out of the den and all the way up to you. He asked me to trust him... and so I am." Poppywish blew out a sigh. "And you need me too. I know that was hard for you."
    "Yeah... well. It was me, or it was Midnightblaze, and I wouldn't do that to him."
    "You know, you talk a lot about me giving and giving and never taking... but I don't think you realize how much you give too. I know that it was hard for you, to go back to what you'd learned like that, but you gave your own convictions for your friends, you gave away your happiness to try and keep me safe, even if it was misguided. You give your safety over and over again to protect this clan... you give, and you give, and you give, and I know it hurts you. So now, you heal." Poppywish pressed his nose to his forehead, firmly. "Sprucepaw is going to be fine with the queens, I trust that. I'm not moving from this den all night. I'll be right here, right by your side, and tomorrow morning, we'll go and see Midnightblaze and Summitsky, and the three of you can all heal together."
    "Okay," Howlingeye whispered, his voice choked up a little, "I'm just tired." And then the first sob came, shuddering and thick, followed by another and another, as Poppywish carefully guided Howlingeye's face to his chest and curled around him, paws cradling the back of his head as he groomed comfortingly between his ears, and let him cry.
    Back in the medicine den, Midnightblaze jolted awake from a nightmare- the third since he'd dozed off to sleep the first time. He felt exhausted and his heart was beating wildly. Instinctively, he turned to look for Summitsky; curled up asleep in his nest with Sleetstar grooming him meticulously, her face stormy with a brewing concoction of plenty of different emotions. Among them, he recognized fury, and he recognized resolution. The clan would be fine with Sleetstar's wrath at the helm, and that gave him some small recourse, but it didn't shake the nervousness rattling in his chest.
    "I know Poppywish said to rest, but I think it's only making you more tired," Midnightblaze blinked, turning to face Lunardawn as she watched him, carefully. Out of all his daughters, she was the slowest to reconnect. Koishimmer had been angry, but her forgiveness had been immediate after their conversation. Primrosepetal had remained optimistic and had never been angry, but he and Lunardawn were still shy around each other.
    "I suppose, but I'm more scared of him than I am of the dreams," he said, stifling back a yawn. Koishimmer shifted beside him with a shiver, and he turned to groom between her ears until she relaxed again. "How... how are you doing? I know how hard it was for me, I can't imagine what it was like for you... I wish you hadn't had to have seen all that."
    "It was horrible. I'm never going to forget this but... I don't wish I hadn't seen it. I think we all needed to- when you first told us about what happened between you and Father, it was obvious that Koishimmer and Primrosepetal had forgiven you, and you had time to rebuild, and of course I forgave you and I believed you, but it was still hard to reconcile what had happened. I didn't know how bad it was... and now I see. Now we all do." Lunardawn paused. "I don't know how to go back to normal, but I know I'm not mad. I'm mostly sad, I just... I wish we would have known all the way back then so we could have helped you. I don't know what we could have done, but to think you were suffering alone this entire time..."
    "Oh, sweetie," Midnightblaze touched his nose to hers, "I never wanted you girls to have to see that. I couldn't imagine what it would have done to you to know, and I... I know I shouldn't, but I feel guilty that you had to see him like that. I know I shouldn't have tried to shoulder that burden alone but... I'm still your dad. I still want to protect you from everything, even when I put myself on the line to do it."
    "I know," Lunardawn said, "I love you, Dad. We all do. And we're here for you now... even if you already have pretty good friends." She smiled past him, to where Summitsky was turning over onto his back to blink away the sleep, glancing up at Sleetstar with a sluggish smile. Midnightblaze followed her gaze, and his own expression softened into fondness. Lunardawn knew her father had been right- that there had been something there. That was the only thing he'd managed to see clearly, apparently.
    "Yeah," Midnightblaze said, gently, "my friends are pretty great."


    Twosight couldn't sleep. The mood in the clan was somber, even the news of five healthy kits in the nursery from a proud Sprucepaw had done little to help the clan's mood. Word was that Hazerise was already grouching about the nursery being full, as the group of young warriors and older apprentices had decided to camp out with Plumiris in the nursery to watch over her and her kits, and to not be alone after the harrowing confrontation from earlier.
    "Thought I might find you out here," the odd-eyed tom looked up, before he smiled warmly at Dawnbreeze. The calico fluffed her fur up against the breeze, settling down. "I suppose you're not exactly relishing the idea of drifting off to sleep after everything." Twosight hummed, shaking his head.
    "I'm... I never understood cats like that, who had everything but it wasn't enough for them. That tom threw away his family, a mate and kits and for what? Power? Reverence?" Twosight shook his head again, fiercely. "I don't know. He wasn't even upset that he'd lost them, mostly that he'd lost the power he had over them. I can't understand that. Not after everything. Not after what we went through."
    "You're thinking about your family," Dawnbreeze's voice was quiet but sure. Twosight nodded once, firmly. "Losing everything is hard. Starting over is hard. You could have thrown yourself to the wolves quite literally and it wouldn't have changed a thing. That cat didn't see that, I suppose, and that's no consolation but there's not really anything I can say that will bring any of your family back."
    "Well, my mother did always say I was going to be an unlucky kit. I always thought it was ironic that she died so young, after the way she treated me, but now I wonder whether she was right, and whether living is a greater curse."
    "Loss and grief are a part of life, I know, but life is only what we make of it." Dawnbreeze paused, swishing her tail over her paws. "I didn't choose to come with you because I pitied you, you know. My family had each other, and you'd lost so much, but... you've always been like a second father to me. Ever since my mother died, everyone always treated me like I was fragile, and no one ever said it but there was always the understanding that if she hadn't had us kits, she would have lived. My dad never blamed me, never blamed us, but he shut down for a bit there, and so the only person I had... was you. And you ran me hard. You pushed me, and you never once treated me like I was delicate. I don't know if any other apprentice is ever this close to their mentors, but you knew what I needed when no one else seemed willing to provide. The truth is, you're my family too, and I could have chosen to go either way, but when it comes down to who needed family more in that moment, the answer was clear."
    "You know, you've always been like a daughter to me. Nothing like my real daughters of course, they had their Pop's sullenness, and you were vivacious and loud... but you were a daughter nonetheless. And whatever your reasons for coming with me were, I'm glad you're here now."
    "There's nowhere I'd rather be," Dawnbreeze said with a smile, "and I mean that. Shall we sit and watch the stars for a bit?"
    "No," Twosight smiled, shaking his head, "I think I'm alright now. Besides, the last thing we need is for you to catch a cold."


    Several days later, the clan was more or less back to normal. The rain and the snow had washed away any bloodstains on the basin's rocky ground. No one knew what Minkfur, Brackenstrike and Thunderjaw had done with Rafe's body, and no one cared to ask. It had taken a while for Howlingeye to come out of Sleetstar's den, where he spent most of his time with Poppywish or otherwise alone while Sleetstar camped out with her kits in the warrior's den, or with Summitsky and Midnightblaze in the medicine den. Howlingeye still couldn't bring himself to look others in the eye, and he stared at his paws blankly even as the clan gathered beneath the great rock, where Falconstreak sat with her shoulders proud and strong, and Sycamorepaw vibrated with excitement. The clan's newest addition- a young warrior named Lynxdash who had appeared from beyond the ski slope and spoke very little- sat right at the back, seeming confused at the goings on.
    "Cats of NorthernClan," Sleetstar began, "the last few days have been hard for everyone, and I am proud of this clan for weathering another hardship. The most important thing we can have right now is friendship, love. Our newest warrior may not have been born here, but she has surrounded herself with friends in this clan, and she has trained tirelessly to understand the warrior code and to cement her place in this clan. That is why I am honoured to announce that I recommend her to StarClan wholly and ask her to step forward to answer this question: Sycamorepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to defend your clan even at the cost of your life?"
    "I do." The quiet molly's voice was firm, ringing around the basin.
    "The vow."
    "To my clan, to my home, to the blood that binds; I pledge myself to the cliffs and the snow. The North is all."
    "Then you will be known as Sycamorepath, for your excellence in tracking and your ability to navigate these mountains that you call home. StarClan honours your quick thinking, and I am personally delighted to announce you as a full warrior of NorthernClan. Honour her!" Cries went up for the newest warrior, the clan calling her new name over and over as Falconstreak nudged her daughter forward to exchange ritual with Sleetstar. The clan began to shift, older warriors moving toward Falconstreak to express congratulations and catch up with the molly, while Sycamorepath's friends converged on her like flies to a carcass.
    "Finally, another one joins us!" Blizzardheart said with a grin, nuzzling his forehead against Sycamorepath's with a purr. She laughed, pushing at his face with a paw.
    "It's only been one moon, dummy," she said, "although I have missed you in the apprentice's den. No offense, guys."
    "None taken. Without Blizzardheart, there's not really anyone to play pranks on," Willowpaw said evenly, which rippled a laugh around the group. Blizzardheart pouted, even as Lightningivy leaned her head against her brother's and rubbed their cheeks together with a comforting purr. Sycamorepath snickered, before she nodded behind her.
    "I'll be back in a second, I just need to say thanks to my Mum," she turned, and came almost nose to nose with a passing Lynxdash, her eyes widening. The tom looked startled too, gently drawing back a step as his pelt ruffled up, and Sycamorepath's own began to feel hot. "Oh, sorry," she mewed, "you're uh... Lynxdash right? The new warrior."
    "And you're... Sycamorepath. The new-er warrior."
    "Hi." The pair stood awkwardly, blinking at each other. Sycamorepath cleared her throat.
    "I like... your fur."
    "I... also like your fur." He nodded once, sharply. "Very nice."
    "Thank you, I grew it myself."
    "Oh this is painful," Silverpaw murmured to Willowpaw, who nudged her shoulder in a signal to shush.
    "Right. Yeah. That's cool." He nodded sagely, as if this was wisdom for the ages. Brewingice winced.
    "I um. I have to go... and stuff. Yeah." Sycamorepath nodded, and then bolted past him for her mother's retreating form. Lynxdash awkwardly scanned the group of young cats, standing together and watching him. Duckbriar gave him a half smile and shrugged her shoulders, looking amused.
    "Welcome to NorthernClan," she said, and Lynxdash expelled a nervous laugh that was echoed by the laughter of the group of friends.

    𝐭𝐑𝐒𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧.
    Sleep hadn't come easily to Hollyfeather over the past moon. Despite offering to listen in to conversations for her, Twilightflower had come up with nothing, and no new leads had surfaced on Hollyfeather's mystery cat. The oddity of it all gnawed at her, and had her tossing and turning each night, especially with how on edge the clan had felt after Rafe's appearance. Ever since Poppywish had finally caved and agreed to formalize Sprucepaw as his apprentice, the clan had breathed easier. The queens had kitted safely thanks to the young tom, and no more unpleasant surprises festered on the horizon. Still, Hollyfeather found herself awake far before dawn, when stars still glittered overhead.
    Paws crunched across the campground as she exited the dirt place, and her ears flattened against her head. Moving quietly so as not to alert the other, she rounded the corner, ready to jump, only to see The Stranger standing in the centre of camp and blinking at her quizzically, as if he'd known she was there all along. Her ears pricked a little as she eyed him suspiciously.
    "What are you doing up so early? Poppywish will have a conniption if he finds out that the elders are wandering about in the middle of the night."
    "It's almost daybreak," The Stranger said, "I must fulfill my task."
    "Your task? Aren't elders jobs to lie around, tell stories and generally enjoy retirement?"
    "Perhaps, but I have been tasked with something unbound by my status as an elder, or my commitment to a clan. I must guide those who are lost, and my task cannot be completed, not within the walls of this basin, as you cats are not lost. Here, you are home, finding your rightful steps toward the path you are meant to take. My help is not needed in here, but it is somewhere else." Hollyfeather clicked.
    "You're the one that Rafe saw leaving. You're how he got into the camp." The Stranger looked sad, nodding his head.
    "It is true that he used one of my routes. I wish I had known he was watching, but there is not much I can do about that now. The best I can do is to complete my task and guide those who are lost back to the paths they are meant to walk." Hollyfeather squinted at the tom a little. He was old and raggedy, tall and skinny, but his eyes blazed with life and the set of his shoulders was proud. Hollyfeather knew he would find a way through the blockades whether or not she tried to stop him. So, she acquiesced.
    "Okay," she said with a nod, "but I come with you. Just in case." The Stranger smiled.
    "Alright then, Hollyfeather. Let's go." The molly cast a hesitant look back at the camp, before she bounded after the old tom. He moved swiftly for such an old cat, and navigated the territory easily, even as early morning snow fell. Hollyfeather knew he must have done this many times before; most of the time cats just assumed he was asleep in the den throughout the day. Magpiefeather liked to be elsewhere, and the snow deterred others from checking up on him, but it occurred to Hollyfeather that most of the time, or at least with some degree of frequency, he must have been out in the territory.
    Her fur bristled the further they got. The Stranger headed due south, toward the border with the city and thus, Merchants territory. They walked right up to it, and The Stranger stepped across the line, ignoring Hollyfeather's hiss. He wiggled his way through a loose fence board, and Hollyfeather looked around before darting after him. He was weaving through a garden, rubbing himself against herbs and flowers until his scent was completely masked. He paused, waiting patiently for her to do the same. Unhappily, Hollyfeather copied his movements, hissing as he stretched onto his hind paws and swatted at flowers, raining pollen down onto her. She shook out her fur, irritated, before looking down at herself and realizing that the pollen had stuck to her fur in places, damp from the dew, and sunk it to make her pelt look splotched with ginger. Suspiciously, she narrowed her eyes at the tom, who simply chuckled and ducked out of the garden, leading her further into the town.
    He seemed to know where he was going, weaving down streets easily until he found a crudely constructed shelter, where a makeshift platform for two-legs had collapsed, leaving a few boards to cover a wooden box with one side snapped off. The Stranger stepped into it, and settled down, and closed his eyes. After a moment of hesitation, Hollyfeather did the same. They waited. They waited some more. Hollyfeather swished her tail impatiently. "What are we doing?"
    "Waiting." Hollyfeather glowered, before a scent hit her nose and her eyes widened in fear. She turned to warn the Stranger, but he simply smiled as a face ducked around the corner.
    "Howdy, Stranger," she said with a chuckle, voice muffled by a freshly killed mouse, which she placed at his paws, before she cast a glance toward Hollyfeather, "I see you have a friend today. If I'd have known, maybe I would have brought you something else." The she-cat was unfamiliar to Hollyfeather; a tall, slender Somali, but her scent was unmistakable. Merchants.
    "You are too kind either way, Sienna," The Stranger said evenly, "my grand-niece is young and can catch her own prey. This is Polly. Polly, this is Sienna. She takes care of your old uncle."
    "Don't listen to him, I don't do all that much. I just like to listen to his stories, mostly, and ask him for advice. Your uncle is a very wise cat, you know."
    "I know," Hollyfeather managed, trying not to sound too surprised, "I thought he was on his own out here, I didn't realize he had... friends."
    "It's... not a very safe place to be on your own," Sienna said, a cloud coming across her face, "that's mostly what I talk to him about. I'm from a group of cats, the Merchants. We've been in this town for a long time, and many don't remember the Before because so many died then, and many more have been lost since, but I do. When my parents were younger, the Merchants had a monopoly based on respect. We were fair, and we had more numbers, but others respected us because we cooperated. Now, all that has changed. Our leader is a tyrant and he's losing the plot, but hardly anyone remembers a time before we used fear and violence to control, and many others willfully forget the things he's done."
    "Why don't you challenge him?" Hollyfeather asked. Sienna shook her head, roughly.
    "He doesn't fight fair. It's rumoured that he killed the last leader just to take her place- his own mother, in fact. And I know for a fact he killed his sister. She questioned him, and he killed her right there where she stood, in front of everyone. He doesn't care who gets hurt, so long as he gets what he wants. I don't have nearly enough cats who would willingly support me, and I'm not smart enough to organize that kind of uprising. I'm not strong enough to take him on alone, and in the Merchants, strength is the only thing that matters."
    "Sometimes, strength can be your biggest downfall. It is finite," The Stranger said, "but patience is not. Sometimes it is about waiting for the right moment, the right opportunity. In the meantime, all you can do is endure, and to wait." Sienna sighed, rocking back on her paws before she got to them in order to pace back and forth in front of the box. She shook her head a little.
    "I know that's the logical response, I know it is. I just... well. This is going to sound weird after everything I told you, but I miss Sloane," Hollyfeather jolted at the name, "whatever anyone says about her, traitor or not, she would have known what to do. Smarter than a fox, that one, and twice as tricky. She would have been able to turn Boscoe in circles for moons, and it's hard to say on simple supposition... but maybe she would have been able to stop him from doing half of things he does. He's gone too far, he crosses lines every day and no one can stop him for fear of what he would do to the rest of the group. Varvara isn't much help- convinced everyone she would be the better choice, but these days she's just a shell, wandering about like a waif."
    "Yin cannot be so strong without her yang," The Stranger said, and Hollyfeather stared at him, wide-eyed, "without push, there is no pull. Without challenge, there is no drive. How can there be balance if yin and yang are severed? Varvara cannot save you now, not without her opposite pole, and thus change must be made through other means."
    "I want things to change," Sienna said, "I'm sick of looking over my shoulder all the time, I'm sick of feeling like I'm living by a countdown, with time ticking away until Boscoe changes his mind and eventually turns on me too."
    "I cannot walk this journey for you. You have many decisions ahead of you, Merchant Sienna," The Stranger smiled, "but in your heart there is good, there is compassion and there is wisdom. Now you must learn to listen to your heart so that you will know when the moment comes for your change." Sienna chuckled, shaking her head with an awed whistle.
    "I hope if I ever live to your age, I'm even half as wise," she stood, regal and bright in the sunlight, "it was nice to see you again, Stranger. The raiders are moving further out every day with Leafbare making food scarce. I wouldn't stay here too long, if I were you." She turned to move away, glancing back over her shoulder hesitantly. "Take care of your uncle, Polly. It's rare to find cats with such knowledge to guide you." And with that, she bounded away, leaving The Stranger smiling and Hollyfeather confused. He did not touch the mouse.
    "Are we done? Can we go?"
    "Not yet."
    "What do you mean not yet? Did you forget that these cats attacked our clan? These are the cats that killed Galepaw and we are right in the middle of their territory. Enemy territory?" The Stranger hushed her.
    "She will be here soon. Sienna is not the only cat who has not yet discovered her path."
    "I told you to stop coming here," the voice made Hollyfeather's blood run cold as she tilted her face up to see Varvara, sitting on a fence, watching them.
    "The herbs have been working, then." The molly hesitated, and then nodded once. The Stranger chuckled. "And have you thought on what I said since you last came to scare me off?" She scowled, but nodded again, this time sharper and a little more disgruntled. She leaped down from the fence and padded toward them. Hollyfeather's instinct was to crawl to the back of the box and hide, but she forced herself not to shrink as the chocolate molly appeared in the front of the box.
    "It's not safe for you to be here. You or your friend." She paused, peering at Hollyfeather quizzically.
    "What?" Hollyfeather snapped, gruffly. Varvara narrowed her eyes.
    "You seem familiar."
    "I have that kind of face," she said, scowling, "what? Can a cat not visit her uncle without being hassled by some molly coming around to threaten him?" Varvara balked, opening her mouth to reply when The Stranger chuckled, curling his tail around Hollyfeather with a placating hum.
    "That's enough, Polly, Varvara is a friend, although she does not wish to act as such," the chocolate she-cat rolled her eyes, "a friend, however, is what she needs, and so I persist."
    "Maybe if you tell your uncle he shouldn't be camping out on the territory of an unhinged demon who is increasingly claw-happy because he runs the risk of death considering he's functionally useless to the unhinged demon, he'll actually listen to you, because I've been trying to tell him for moons now that it is not safe for him to be here." She glowered at The Stranger, who simply smiled, but did not open his eyes.
    "He doesn't listen to me," Hollyfeather said dryly, "or common sense in general, really."
    "It is not safe for me, or for anyone else in your group, no?" Varvara looked away. "It is not even safe for you."
    "Yeah, well. The herbs are working, but it's only a temporary solution. A barren mate does not a legacy make, and even if he's too stupid to realize that something is going on, he's not going to keep me around if I can't give him some way to ensure his power over the Merchants never dies."
    "So, will you?" The Stranger asked, cocking his head. "Surely you cannot keep them safe if you're dead."
    "Maybe, but I would rather die than bring kits into this world to be manipulated and abused by him. I'm not proud enough to pretend that my death would inspire any kind of change, or revolution, but it would institute weakness, and if there's something that ever cat in the Merchants craves, it is power. At least maybe in death, I could give someone else a fighting chance." Hollyfeather glanced at The Stranger, who simply nodded, evaluating this speech.
    "But you would have to leave behind your love, no? The one who is lost to the North." Hollyfeather felt her muscles tense beneath her pelt, eyes wide as she cast them sideways at the tom. Varvara wasn't looking at them. She was looking toward the border, troubled, before her head swung back and she closed her eyes.
    "What's the point in staying," she said, her voice raw, "I haven't seen her in moons. I know she's busy and I try to believe she's safe, but I don't have the strength to push on if I don't have a future. My only future is with her. We got it so wrong, but there has to be a second chance to make it right, and now I don't know if I even have that. Boscoe gets more agitated every day. Maybe if I was gone, he wouldn't focus so much on her. Maybe he would leave her alone."
    "You know that's wishful thinking."
    "I know. I just miss her. Sometimes so much that I can barely breathe." She shuddered, her shoulders tensing. "I'm afraid. I'm scared, and I'm alone, and I don't know how to do this without her." Silence descended upon the three, and Varvara finally looked up, unshed tears swimming behind her eyes. "You should go now." The Stranger nodded, and nudged the mouse toward her, before he got to his paws and padded forward, Hollyfeather trailing him. She got a few tail lengths away before she frowned, and stopped, turning back to Varvara.
    "There's still a future," she said, and the molly jumped, lifting her head to meet her eyes, "I don't know you- either of you- but I can feel the pull between you. If yin and yang had truly severed, there would be no magnetism pulling them back together, but you can feel the string of fate stretched taut; suffering, but unbroken. With strength, you can make it back to one another, you can balance once again." She paused, nodded stiffly, and then brushed past The Stranger, who followed her quickly. Varvara stood alone in the alley, thinking about that, when a shadow fell on her.
    "I knew it."
    "You knew what, Boscoe," she asked, irritated, looking up to see a distinctly unfriendly gleam in his eyes.
    "I knew that you were a traitor, just like her." He launched from the fence, and Varvara only had a second to brace before his bulk smashed into her, pinning her to the ground with claws in her throat. She gasped, struggling beneath him. "She warned me. She told me you were colluding with them, that you were playing me. You think I wouldn't find out that you were taking herbs to stop you from being pregnant?!" Varvara squeezed her eyes shut, and grit her teeth.
    "I told you I'm not ready for kits," she managed to hiss out, "and as for the rest of it, I don't know who or what you're talking about."
    "Do you think I'm stupid? Are you really going to lie to my face after I caught you red-pawed talking to cats from her clan?"
    "What do you mean? That's just an old loner and his niece?" She started to feel faint now, paws scrabbling weakly against his foreleg as she tried to push him away from her.
    "Don't lie!" He hissed at her, spittle hitting her in the face. "That's one of her warriors, one of the first ones. Do you think I wouldn't remember the face of a cat I've tried to kill?" The familiarity hit Varvara suddenly: the black and white warrior who they'd observed on patrols multiple times, with serious features and a scowl. That night in the tree, Sleetstar had called her Hollyfeather, had laughed affectionately and declared she was moody and suspicious but fervently loyal and fearless. She had seemed standoffish when Varvara had approached, but the truth hit her now; that she remembered and she was afraid.
    "It's no matter," Boscoe was saying, chuckling half-hysterically now, "it's no matter. We have to be strong, or someone else will try to exploit that weakness, so you and I, my dear, are going to put a stop to any doubt about your position to rule." He lifted his paw off of Varvara's throat and she gasped, choking in deep, gulping breaths. "We are going to that clan, and we're going to wipe them out, one by one. And you are going to land the finishing blow on Sloane to prove that you're loyal to me and to the Merchants, or else I won't hesitate to kill you and her, and every one of her little blind followers." Varvara winced away from his rancid breaths as he stepped away from her, turning his eyes toward the border, missing her hateful stare. "You and I have a war to win."
    Hollyfeather didn't breathe easy until she and The Stranger crossed the border, plowing through the snow in the early morning sunshine. They walked in silence, swirling thoughts and a million questions surging across her mind. It was he that broke the silence first, with a little chuckle.
    "You know, Hollyfeather, perhaps one day you too will take up the mantle of a guide," he said, "what you said to Varvara surprised me- I know you and your clanmates don't care for her, but you saw the pain in her heart and you gave her the strength to keep going. You don't know it yet, but when Varvara reaches her next crossroads, that strength will aid her in finding her path, it will guide her toward what is in her heart and not what is in her head."
    "I have a question," Hollyfeather said, seeming distracted, "why do you go by The Stranger? Don't you have a name? Don't you want one?"
    "Hollyfeather, I'm an old cat now. My presence in many a life has been brief, hardly more than enough to qualify as anything but a stranger, and for many moons I have traveled and been simply that: a stranger. I had a name, once, but it is no longer who or what I am. You have heard Bearears speak of her old clan, and their soul names? Well, I suppose my real name is a bit like that: it represents my soul and my inner core, but outwardly and to many others, I am simply The Stranger that they will never endeavour to know." Hollyfeather blinked, and then turned away from him, looking up toward the rising mountains, where the day would be starting.
    "You're going to get caught if you keep sneaking out like this, with everyone on high alert."
    "Perhaps, but I must complete my task."


    "Hey handsome, come here often?" Breakerhowl looked up from where he was sunning himself in the last rays of Leafbare sun to see Rivermask leaning against the wall of the basin, looking amused. He purred, stretching upward as she leaned down to touch noses with him. "Long day of training?"
    "Uh-huh," Breakerhowl chuckled, "I feel sorry for our mentors back in the day. Blackpaw is quiet, and he's still a pawful, I'm not sure how our mentors ever managed to put up with any of our antics- and don't try to act like you weren't involved in all of that, I still remember the time you collapsed the clan entrance."
    "Well, I was going to ask if you were up for a walk, but since you're accusing me of heinous crimes, I guess that I won't," Breakerhowl laughed, getting to his paws as Rivermask nudged his shoulder, "come on, old tom, I want to get at least a few passes around this campground before the sun goes down and my toes freeze off." Together, the pair walked around the interior of the NorthernClan camp. Just a moon ago, it had been common to see Hazerise and Plumiris doing the same, but now they were more occupied in the nursery, taking care of their kits. Rivermask and Breakerhowl's daughters were playing a game in the centre of camp with their large group of friends, although Sprucepaw had disappeared from the goings on, having dubbed himself Plumiris' new best friend and general overseer of her happiness.
    "We did good on them, didn't we?" Rivermask pricked up her ears, turning to find her mate smiling fondly at their kits. Silverpaw looked so much like her father, slender and wiry like her mother, but with her father's striking blue eyes and regal silver stripes while Aurorapaw's pointed face looked just like her mother's. The pair were half covered in snow and laughing, Silverpaw swatting large pawfuls at Willowpaw who in turn dumped far more onto her, causing her to splutter.
    "Yeah, we did good." She smiled up at her mate, before she squinted. "Uh oh, I know that face. That's your thinking face."
    "Why is my thinking face uh-oh?"
    "Because whenever you think, things tend to go pear-shaped?" The pair exchanged a laugh, leaning together, as Breakerhowl affectionately butted his head against hers. Rivermask purred, clearly pleased with her joke, sighing contentedly as he licked her forehead with a light chuckle.
    "Well, stop me if I'm out of line, or wrong but... would you want more kits? Like... around now, I mean." Rivermask blinked at him, flicking her eyes between their grown kits and her mate, before a grin crossed her face.
    "Did you just hit yourself with kit fever? Oh, sweetie," she laughed a little as Breakerhowl rolled his eyes, smiling again as she reached up to touch her nose to his cheek. "Of course I want more kits with you, dummy. You're kind of the love of my life, or something like that."
    "Gross, that's so sappy," he grinned, rubbing their foreheads together, "but for the record, you're the love of mine too. Whatever though, don't make a thing out of it." His voice wavered a little at the end, nearly breaking out into a laugh at his own joke.
    "You're so dumb."
    "And you love me."
    "Yeah," Rivermask nodded, forehead still pressed tightly against his, "I really, really do."


    "You know, I'm very lucky to have you," Brackenstrike said to Willowpaw, who smiled bashfully at her, "all the other apprentices seem to have been having a whole lot of trouble, but you and your brother breezed right through training. Guess you'll be going for your warrior assessment next moon, then." The molly puffed up her chest in pride, before she glanced at Silverpaw, who was watching her with amusement.
    "Well... I'm excited, but it won't be the same without Sprucepaw, Silverpaw and Aurorapaw. Ever since we were born we've done everything together, and now it seems like I'm moving on without them, but... at least I'll have friends in the warrior's den. I'll miss you though." Silverpaw laughed, shaking her head.
    "Don't you dare. Me and Aurorapaw will be right along, and you'll still be able to see Sprucepaw all the time! I bet Poppywish will even let him sleep wherever he wants, and I'm sure he wouldn't care if you stayed in his nest with him in the medicine den. You have to think about what it's going to be like in a few moons time: we're all gonna be warriors and Sprucepaw is gonna be darting around showing off his cool medicine skills and being really stupidly smug about being an intellectual."
    "Yeah, that's him to a T," Willowpaw agreed with a laugh.
    "Be nice to your brother," Minkfur said sternly, "but we are very proud of you."
    "And you too, Silverpaw. Just because Willowpaw bulldozes everything in her path like her mother doesn't mean you shouldn't be proud of everything you've accomplished. You're a smart little lady, and very sweet too. Your parents are lucky to have such a wonderful daughter." Silverpaw ducked her head bashfully at the praise.
    "Thanks, Thunderjaw, it means a lot to hear you say that. I'm just glad that Sleetstar agreed to let me go on patrol with all of you since Koishimmer's hurt. I know she feels guilty about not being able to train me."
    "She'd feel worse if she got an infection and Poppywish ripped her to shreds," Birchfang said, sounding amused, "they needed Frostclaw for patrols, but I promised her I'd take care of you until later, right? So does that make me the coolest stand-in stand-in mentor or what?" Silverpaw laughed as the big tom chuckled as well, purring a little.
    "Double stand-ins, a special honour," Silverpaw agreed.
    "Well, your stand-in times two mentor says that you should check up ahead for any signs of anything suspicious." Silverpaw rolled her eyes, casting a glance at Willowpaw and Brackenstrike as she and Birchfang passed. Minkfur and Thunderjaw continued onward evenly, used to the hustle and bustle of a border patrol, while Birchfang trailed after them, while Silverpaw waited for Brackenstrike and Willowpaw to catch up, tail raised happily as she purred. Willowpaw smiled and sighed deeply, turning her face up to the sun, where something glinted sharply, catching her eye.
    At the top of the cliff stood a white cat, almost blindingly so in direct sunlight. Willowpaw squinted, the shape unfamiliar. The cat looked her dead in the eyes, and Willowpaw frowned, eyes scanning the landscape before her blood ran cold as she spotted the spike. A sharp, triangular rock had been wedged into the loose rocks at the top of the cliff. The cat lifted its paws, and slammed down hard on the spike. There was a rumble as the rocks began to move.
    "It's a trap," she murmured, before shouting as loud as she could, "Silverpaw! RUN!" The molly stared at her quizzically, and Willowpaw growled, slamming her shoulder sideways into Brackenstrike, knocking her mentor against the wall so she couldn't follow. The large molly shouted in surprise as Willowpaw tore off, hearing the rumbling of rocks falling against the sound of her frantic, sprinting paw-steps. Silverpaw's eyes widened as she realized what was happening, and Willowpaw skidded in sideways, digging her paws in hard enough to wrench a claw as she slammed into Silverpaw and came to a stop. The force of it sent the small she-cat flying, bouncing off the rock and tumbling to a stop at Minkfur's feet.
    "WILLOWPAW!" Silverpaw screamed, trying to struggle to her paws, but the rocks kept falling and falling and falling. She saw the shock, the horror, and then the acceptance on her friends face. And that was the last thing she saw, as the rocks cascaded down and fell straight on top of her, obscuring her brown pelt from view. The rocks continued falling and falling. Thunderjaw shoved Silverpaw close against the rock as she sobbed, and she felt his body shake as he shielded her, loose pebbles scattering down off his pelt. Beside him, she could hear Minkfur's shocked gasping and Birchfang's murmured reassurance. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the rumbling stop, and all was still.
    "WILLOWPAW!" Silverpaw screamed for her again, shoving past Thunderjaw to run for the rocks, paws scrabbling at them to no avail, "WILLOWPAW! ANSWER ME! WILLOWPAW!"
    "Silverpaw," Thunderjaw's voice was raw, horrendously grieved, "Silverpaw, sweetie, you have to stop yelling. You're going to cause an avalanche." Silverpaw was sobbing as he gently pulled her away, and curled himself around her.
    "She's under there," she cried, "she's under there, we have to help her, we-"
    "I know, I know," Thunderjaw licked between her ears, but she felt the drop of his tears on top of her head, "it's okay, Minkfur and I will help her. It's going to be okay." He straightened up, making eye contact with Birchfang. "You have to take Silverpaw back to camp and take her to see Poppywish and Sprucepaw. You have to tell him what happened, and tell him we'll be back soon and that we love him very much." Silverpaw sobbed louder. "Brackenstrike, if you can hear me, find Sleetstar and tell her what happened. Minkfur and I are going to dig her out."
    "I- yeah," Brackenstrike's voice was faint, and stunned, "okay." Minkfur nodded stiffly to Birchfang as he shepherded Silverpaw away, with a reluctant look back at the mated pair, before he rounded the corner and disappeared from sight to take the back way around to camp. Minkfur and Thunderjaw wasted no time in getting to work.
    Bigger than Silverpaw, together they could move the rocks, shoving them over into the ravine below, pushing smaller ones down onto the trail behind them, moving carefully to avoid being swept off the mountain. Neither of them spoke, Silverpaw's sobs still echoing around the craggy mountainside, but the unspoken truth lay between them: their daughter was dead. Digging her out would only serve to have a body to take home to bury, but neither of them were prepared to simply leave her there. And so they worked, the sun obscured by dark clouds, indicating snow, or a storm. Either way, Thunderjaw couldn't have cared less about the weather.
    The hollow feeling in his heart vanished for a few moments as he dragged a rock toward him, rolling it onto the ground beside him while Minkfur worked at the other side, shoving rocks away with massive heaves of her shoulders. The rock rolled over, and a striking, glittery white streak caught his eye. He paused, feeling his chest well with something other than emptiness; anger, mostly, borderline fury. He stared at the rock, balefully, as if it would shout out answers to him.
    "Hey," Minkfur's voice called out to him and he turned, using his body to shield the rock, broken out of his haze, "do you need to stop?"
    "No," he shook his head, pushing the rock over the cliffside, "rock was just heavy, I was catching my breath." His eyes shone with renewed fire beyond the grief, as he climbed back on top of the mound and pressed his forehead to his mate's. "Let's get our baby girl."
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[ `` northernclan !! ] [ 027.2 ]

Postby solyn » Fri Oct 25, 2019 6:16 pm

population: 71 cats [ 36 fem : 35 male ]
servings required: 12 [76] - pebbles: 44
π™œπ™ͺπ™–π™§π™™π™žπ™–π™£π™¨ 𝙀𝙛 π™©π™π™š 𝙛𝙧𝙀𝙨𝙩
moderator: deimos - next moonstone: 15 oct.
moons since last nonsense: 0 (lb)


writing 2 long and can be found here but i am bumping the action queue down so ppl don't spoil themselves lol


` servings consumed
12/12 - x4 birds
` clan events
sprucepaw is accepted as the medicine cat apprentice
poppywish & sprucepaw search for herbs for the injured warriors
β†ͺ cobweb, raspberry leaves, stinging nettle, marigold, tormentil,
broom, dock (mostly note 4 me so i don't forget)

rivermask and breakerhowl try for kits
snowpaw takes his warrior assessment
willowpaw is crushed in a landslide
tempestpaw, silverpaw, aurorapaw and featherpaw learn to climb
β†ͺ silverpaw's training is supervised by frostclaw this moon
blackpaw and sootpaw learn to stalk
ironpaw learns to fight
` patrols
1 - honeyheart, brewingice, wolfwhisker, primrosepetal, lunardawn, bearears
2 - falconstreak, sycamorepath, dawnbreeze, twosight, frostclaw, addersong
3 - hollyfeather, twilightflower, blizzardheart, duckbriar, emberpetal, lynxdash
4 - splitface, fallowstep, hawkeyes, brackenstrike, bramblingrose, sorrelsong
1 - thunderjaw, minkfur, brackenstrike, willowpaw, birchfang, silverpaw

    ` leader
    `` sleetstar | 71 moons | ♀

    ` deputy
    `` midnightblaze | 77 moons | β™‚ -broom, dock

    ` medicine cat
    `` poppywish | 62 moons | β™‚ - [5sp]
    ` medicine cat apprentice
    `` sprucepaw | 11 moons | β™‚

    ` warriors
    `` summitsky | 74 moons | β™‚ -cw, nettle
    `` hollyfeather | 49 moons | ♀
    `` thunderjaw | 69 moons | β™‚
    `` howlingeye | 52 moons | β™‚
    `` brackenstrike | 80 moons | ♀
    `` splitface | 77 moons | ♀
    `` minkfur | 66 moons | ♀
    `` bearears | 44 moons | ♀
    `` fallowstep | 69 moons | β™‚
    `` hawkeyes | 74 moons | β™‚
    `` viridianfire | 36 moons | ♀
    `` frostclaw | 86 moons | β™‚
    `` koishimmer | 38 moons | ♀ -cw, ras. leaf
    `` birchfang | 44 moons | β™‚
    `` sunnynose | 57 moons | β™‚
    `` whisperwind | 26 moons | β™‚
    `` rivermask | 61 moons | ♀
    `` breakerhowl | 62 moons | β™‚
    `` waspshine | 45 moons | β™‚
    `` winderstrike | 59 moons | β™‚
    `` twilightflower | 49 moons | ♀
    `` sorrelsong | 35 moons | ♀
    `` dawnbreeze | 59 moons | ♀
    `` twosight | 85 moons | β™‚
    `` ausmasthorn | 23 moons | ♀
    `` bramblingrose | 23 moons | β™‚
    `` addersong | 56 moons | ♀
    `` graypeak | 54 moons | β™‚
    `` falconstreak | 50 moons | ♀
    `` emberpetal | 20 moons | ♀
    `` flamestream | 20 moons | β™‚
    `` honeyheart | 54 moons | β™‚
    `` primrosepetal | 38 moons | ♀
    `` wolfwhisker | 17 moons | β™‚
    `` butterflyshine | 17 moons | ♀
    `` duckbriar | 18 moons | ♀
    `` lunardawn | 38 moons | ♀
    `` foxspring | 29 moons | β™‚ - mari, tormentil
    `` fogbelly | 66 moons | ♀
    `` leopardrunner | 21 moons | β™‚
    `` blizzardheart | 16 moons | β™‚
    `` brewingice | 16 moons | β™‚
    `` lightningivy | 16 moons | ♀
    `` sycamorepath | 13 moons | β™‚
    `` lynxdash | 15 moons | β™‚

    ` apprentices
    `` tempestpaw | 16 moons | ♀
    `` featherpaw | 17 moons | ♀
    `` snowpaw | 17 moons | β™‚
    `` willowpaw | 11 moons | ♀
    `` silverpaw | 11 moons | ♀
    `` aurorapaw | 11 moons | ♀
    `` blackpaw | 9 moons | β™‚
    `` sootpaw | 9 moons | ♀
    `` ironpaw | 8 moons | ♀
    `` dandelionpaw | 6 moons | β™‚
    `` buttercuppaw | 6 moons | β™‚
    `` daisypaw | 6 moons | β™‚
    `` pansypaw | 6 moons | ♀

    ` queens and kits
    `` hazerise | 64 moons | ♀
    β†ͺ ospreykit & eaglekit [1, ♀♂]
    `` plumiris | 18 moons | ♀
    β†ͺ carnationkit, tulipkit &
    magnoliakit [1, ♀♂♀]

    ` elders
    `` magpiefeather | 116 moons | ♀
    `` the stranger | 250 moons | β™‚
` ally clans
none currently.

` enemy clans
none currently.

` borders
↑ | summit of boreas | noctem.
β†’ | whitebark | grey_hoodie
↓ | two-leg village
← | ski slope

` medicine store
catmint [4] | greencough
poppy seeds [0] | pain
burnet [0] | strength
lamb's ear [1] | strength
lovage [1] | coughs; c
broom [0] | broken bones
lungwort [1] | yellowcough
raspberry leaves [0] | strength
ragwort [2] | strength
chervil [1] | infections/bellyache
chickweed [2] | greencough
tansy [1] | greencough
fennel [2] | hip pain
cobweb [0] | bleeding
wintergreen [0] | wounds
mallow leaves [1] | bellyache
goldenrod [0] | wounds

` fresh-kill pile
vole | x1 | 1 servings [1]
rabbit | x5 | 2 servings [10]
stoat | x3 | 2 servings [6]
small fish | x1 | 2 servings [2]
hare | x4 | 3 servings [12]
bird | x0 | 3 servings [0]

` mentors
howlingeye | tempestpaw [3]
β†ͺ battle, hunt, adv. battle,
sleetstar | featherpaw [2]
β†ͺ battle, hunt
whisperwind | snowpaw [4]
β†ͺ battle, hunt, adv. hunt, track
brackenstrike | willowpaw [4]
β†ͺ battle, hunt, adv. battle, track
koishimmer | silverpaw [3]
β†ͺ hunt, battle, track
winderstrike | aurorapaw [3]
β†ͺ hunt, battle, track
breakerhowl | blackpaw [2]
β†ͺ battle, hunt
graypeak | sootpaw [2]
β†ͺ battle, hunt
ausmasthorn | ironpaw [1]
β†ͺ hunt
birchfang | dandelionpaw [0]
β†ͺ skills
flamestream | buttercuppaw [0]
β†ͺ skills
fogbelly | daisypaw [0]
β†ͺ skills
twosight | pansypaw [0]
β†ͺ skills

` deceased
galepaw | murdered by boscoe
stormkit | weak at birth
hurricanekit | weak at birth
willowpaw | crushed in landslide

` family ties
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[ `` northernclan !! ] [ 028 ]

Postby solyn » Tue Nov 05, 2019 12:47 pm

population: 71 cats [ 36 fem : 35 male ]
servings required: 12 [76] - pebbles: 44
π™œπ™ͺπ™–π™§π™™π™žπ™–π™£π™¨ 𝙀𝙛 π™©π™π™š 𝙛𝙧𝙀𝙨𝙩
moderator: deimos - next moonstone: 15 oct.
moons since last nonsense: 0 (nl)


    𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐠𝐨.
    Thunderjaw was just glad that the weather held.
    Willowpaw had been dead when they got to her. It wasn't a surprise, it was a fact that he and Minkfur had resigned themselves to as they carried her back to camp. Even now, the pair of them sat together, looking at her body in the camp where it was arranged for burial. He could feel the stiffness in her shoulders, could feel the tension in her back as she tried to sit up straight, regal and proud, even when he knew she was crumbling inside. He swept his tail around her, and licked between her ears, before pressing his nose to Sprucepaw's forehead where he sat on the other side of him.
    "Today," Sleetstar was saying, at the front of the camp, "a terrible tragedy has occurred. A bright light in this clan has been taken from us far too soon. Willowpaw, daughter of Thunderjaw and Minkfur, sister of Sprucepaw and apprentice of Brackenstrike has passed on to StarClan." She paused, taking a deep breath. "The last time someone in our clan died in such a sudden and shocking way, there wasn't much by way of remembrance for her, or any celebration of her life. That was a mistake on my behalf, not to organize that, because Galepaw was loved, and she deserved better. I hope this honours her memory as much as it honours Willowpaw, as I have called the clan together to celebrate her life. I would like to invite members of the clan to share memories or goodbyes to our fallen daughter, to send her to StarClan with the love from all of us in her heart." The clan was silent for a beat, before a white pelt flashed as Whisperwind got to his feet.
    "I didn't know Willowpaw very well," he said, turning to face Thunderjaw and Minkfur, "I mostly only had a chance to observe her in conjunction with the other apprentices, but even from a position of distance, it was obvious that she got the best of her parents- strength, bravery, unwavering compassion and dedication to her family and her friends. From what Snowpaw told me of her, she was kind, she was smart, she was more soft-spoken than others but with wit sharp enough to cut, and she kept the rest of them in check. I don't know if Willowpaw realized it, but I think she was the stable foundation for her friends. Without her, the clan will feel incomplete. I know what you're going through, and I know how painful it is, but from what I can tell of Willowpaw, she would be glad that it was her, and not any of you, because I know she loved you dearly." He nodded, and sat down, as Minkfur inhaled deeply, trying not to cry.
    "Willowpaw was an inspiration," Sycamorepath stood, her eyes shining with grief, "she was everything I wanted to be- she floated through life with this regal confidence, and she was sincere. She saw more than she let on, always, and she had this way of making you feel as if you'd known her your whole life. If there was a cat in this clan that I trusted implicitly, that I would have put my life in the paws of, it was Willowpaw, because she was everything a warrior should be, everything a friend should be... everything a sister should be, and then she was more."
    "Many saw Willowpaw as a stabilizing force," Wolfwhisker stood, drawing attention to him, and his soft voice, "and they would be correct, but it would be a disservice to her memory to forget that she was funny and that she loved us all as much as we loved her. She was there for Sprucepaw that night he helped to deliver Plumiris and Hazerise's kits, she always pushed him to do what he loved, and I don't think she ever realized that we all saw how much she tried to help people, to go out of her way to make sure her friends were happy, but I saw her."
    "Willowpaw was not someone who could be summed up in as few words as possible," Lightningivy stood, her chin raised, "Willowpaw was the best of us, didn't spend an unusual amount of time going through training. She understood, I think. That seems an odd sentence, I know, but everything about Willowpaw was understanding. Whether it was understanding what it meant to be a warrior, understanding new techniques in her training, understanding when you were sad and why, understanding exactly what to say to make you feel better... she just understood. She made you feel safe, she made you feel seen, because at the end of the day you knew that no matter what, she understood." A rustle drew all eyes, as Silverpaw, alarmingly silent since her screaming fit on the mountainside stood.
    "Everyone used to say that I seemed to consider Willowpaw blood... and I did. I consider this whole family to be my blood, Sprucepaw to be my brother, Thunderjaw and Minkfur to be my second set of parents... and Willowpaw was someone I wanted in my life forever. When I looked to the future, she was always there with me, keeping pace, and teasing me for sleeping in too long. It's hard to accept she's gone, to know that tomorrow when I wake up, she won't be there to laugh at me for oversleeping, or to help Blizzardheart untangle his tail from his nest, or to help Sprucepaw carry fresh kill up to the queens in the nursery and the cats in the medicine den. She won't be there to listen to Magpiefeather's stories and to play with the younger apprentices when us older ones get too in our own heads about warrior ceremonies. Willowpaw was an integral part of my life, and no matter what, no matter how much time passes between the brief moons that I had the privilege of existing beside her... she will remain in my heart." Silverpaw sat suddenly, wracked with sobs. The clan fell silent, and Sleetstar bowed her head, visibly fighting back tears.
    "Willowpaw would have hated this," all attention snapped to Sprucepaw as he stood, smiling even as his eyes shone with tears, "everyone sitting around, crying for her. She would have been so embarrassed; she hated to be the centre of attention, always did things without asking for anything in return because to her, the right thing was the thing that she would do, and that wasn't worthy of any commendation. That was just who she was- and who she will be in StarClan, because not even death could change the spirit of my sister. She was brave, and she was strong, just like our parents. She had Dad's penchant for terrible jokes, and Mom's ability to rise to any occasion and outperform without thinking twice about it. She would have made the most excellent warrior of this clan, and we all know it, but Willowpaw would always say there was no point in wallowing in the what-ifs. She always said that there was only tomorrow, and the day after that was never a certainty, so the only thing to do was to live, and to embrace what you have had in every day up to today. So I will live by her advice, and I will remember every moment and every breath I shared with her, and when tomorrow comes... the day after that was never a certainty anyway." Sprucepaw sat again, his shoulders taught. Thunderjaw and Minkfur stood, facing the clan.
    "Thank you for all the kind words about our daughter," he said, Minkfur leaning heavily against his shoulder, "to see that she had so many friends, and to know that she was so loved by everyone makes her death a little easier, because I know that she will be waiting to see us all again, and I know that we did our best, and raised the most brilliant molly we could have ever hoped to raise. She was the best of both of us, but so is our son, Sprucepaw, and he's right; Willowpaw would have hated all this, but even with her incomparably strong will, sometimes she had to bend to our orders... and right now, the clan needs to say their farewells, so she can survive the attention, just for a little while. Thank you."
    The clan tilted their faces to the sky, and yowled for Willowpaw, until their throats were raw, and more than a few cats cried too hard to continue speaking. The vigil continued until the moon reached its peak, and the stars shone brightly, at which point, Poppywish and Willowpaw's parents prepared to bury her body, while the rest of the clan retired, after touching their noses to her pelt to send her to StarClan with their well-wishes. It didn't occur to Silverpaw until much later that the den seemed emptier somehow, the apprentices bundled close together for comfort, with their older friends from the warrior's den having made a return to be with them.
    Silverpaw got up, padded from the den without waking anyone else, and ducked into the medicine den. It didn't take her long to see that her hunch had been correct; Sprucepaw's nest was decidedly empty, while Poppywish, exhausted with grief, was curled into Howlingeye and sleeping peacefully. Silverpaw left the den silently, and padded down the path and out of the clan's camp. Sprucepaw was exactly where she had suspected he'd be, standing at the spot on the trail around the camp's entrance where one could see over the whole territory, all the way to the twinkling lights in the small two-leg village below. He and Willowpaw had liked to sit there together, she knew, looking at the expanse of the territory, and simply feeling the exhilaration of being.
    Silverpaw sat next to him, stretching up on her hind paws to wrap her front ones around his shoulders, gently bundling his head down against her chest, where she touched her cheek to the top of his head. The balance was precarious, but Silverpaw held him like that, eyes squeezed shut tightly, as all the strength sapped from Sprucepaw's shoulders, and he cried, and he cried, and he cried.


    "You've got to be kidding me," the she-cat mumbled, as the snow started to swirl harder. The last days of Leafbare had brought calmer weather, but her luck had turned as she'd stepped foot onto clan territory, a snow storm settling in overheard. Now, the wind whipped at her pelt with such ferocity it seemed like it was trying to slice through, and the snow pelted her, turning everything around her into hazy white. Shapes were indistinct, scents were lost, and she stumbled blindly toward any hope of salvation.
    She almost missed the cave; a small opening nestled into the cliff face. She had to crouch and wiggle through it, but the cavern inside was just tall enough to stand in, and the downturned opening stopped the wind from whipping through it so bad. The molly breathed out a sigh, shaking out her pelt and dumping clumps of snow onto the ground. Her eyes began to adjust to the darkness, shapes taking form as she glanced around the cavern. It was not very big, she could have walked it in two paces, but to the left, slightly off the ground, she spotting a curious tunnel.
    She stepped toward it, and sniffed. The tunnel smelled like the clan scent she'd found at the border, but fainter, like it had been disused for quite some time, and laced with a variety of strange scents that she could only vaguely recall as familiar, but couldn't put a name to. Curiosity got the better of her, and she pushed herself up and into the tunnel. It was less of a tight squeeze than she was expecting, following it through the rock. There was no light, and she moved based on instinct, following the faint scent all the way to the top, where she squeezed through a small opening, and stumbled into a den lit by bio-luminescent moss.
    A familiar laugh caught her attention, and she frowned, turning to make her way back toward where the laughter had come from. She rounded a corner, and her breath caught in her throat. She would have recognized her brother's fire-orange pelt anywhere, the handsome tom laughing at something a black she-cat had said, while the molly herself smiled primly and turned her face away, as if trying to pretend she didn't find it so funny. The stranger's eyes lighted on the molly at the back of the den and she gasped, pelt bristling.
    "Lunardawn?" Foxspring asked, ears pricking forward, shifting in his nest, "what is i-"
    "It's you," she said quietly, as green eyes met amber. Foxspring blinked, his eyes wide, before the smile on his maw caught up.
    "Dapplelotus?" He said, shocked, before he laughed and launched himself from his nest, despite his companion's protests, and charged across to her, rubbing their foreheads together with an excited purr. Dapplelotus laughed, grooming her brother between his ears as his tail lifted and curled over his back, and he purred broadly. The scuttle of paws behind them drew their attention to a large tomcat entering the den with a bundle of herbs in his mouth. He stopped dead, looking at the pair of cats and Lunardawn, his expression suspicious.
    "Sprucepaw," said Foxspring's friend, "you should go and get Winderstrike and Sunnynose. The kits too." The massive apprentice nodded, turning and bounding back the way he had come. Foxspring chuckled, turning back to find his sister staring at him suspiciously.
    "Oh, yeah, our dads are here too, so are Flamestream and Emberpetal, and they have another litter of kits now who are really cu-"
    "I'm not surprised that our dads are here," Dapplelotus interrupted, "I knew you'd only settle down if they were, or if the right cat could persuade you-" Lunardawn ducked her head shyly and Foxspring shuddered like he was flushing, "what I want to know is what on earth you're in the medicine den for?" Foxspring blinked, and then laughed.
    "We have a lot to catch you up on."


    "This doesn't seem like the right time for a ceremony," Snowpaw said, staring up at High Rock with a concerned expression. A cloud of gloom had settled over the clan since Willowpaw's death, just a few days ago now. Snowpaw was excited to get out of the apprentice's den, too old to be sharing a space with rambunctious apprentices just barely out of kithood, but it didn't seem right to be having his ceremony when everyone was still grieving the loss of his friend.
    "I know," Whisperwind said, "but this might be exactly what we need. A reminder that the future is better, a spark of hope. It's sad that we lost Willowpaw, in such a sudden and unavoidable way, but I know better than anyone the pain and the despair that can come from wallowing in those feelings for too long. When I lost Galepaw, I thought it would be a crime to ever live like she wasn't dead, and it took me a long time to realize that I was allowed to move on, and that I should. That doesn't mean I don't still miss her every day, but it does mean that I'm happier now."
    "I hope we can all be happy again too, one day soon," Snowpaw said, as Sleetstar leaped onto the big rock to begin the ceremony.
    "It seems almost every time I have one of these that I lament how hard it has been for us recently. Willowpaw's death was a tragedy, and I know it has rocked many of the members of this clan, but the anecdotes I have heard from those who knew her well seem to conclude that Willowpaw wouldn't want a fuss made out of her, and that she would always be looking forward. And so, today we follow her example, and we sow the seeds for our future, by accepting another apprentice into full warriorhood. When Snowpaw came here, he was convinced he was not meant for anything but to be a medicine cat, because he did not believe he had what it takes to be a warrior, but he has trained hard, and trained relentlessly, and he has proven to himself his worth, so now I can recommend him to StarClan in the fullest. Snowpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and to defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"
    "I do."
    "The vow."
    "To my clan, to my home, to the blood that binds; I pledge myself to the cliffs and the snow. The North is all."
    "Then from this day forward, you will be known as Snowsilver, for the nature of your spirit, your ductility and ability to adapt and your shining soul that is evident to everyone who knows you. StarClan honours your perseverance, and I am pleased to welcome you as a full warrior of this clan. Honour him!" Yowls went up for Snowsilver's new name as Sleetstar descended to exchange ritual with him, whispering praise into his ear. The tom ducked his head shyly, before he turned and ran for his sister, laughing as she tackled him back into the snow, chattering excitedly. Whisperwind moved forward to watch with her as the clan converged on him to offer their congratulations.
    "Do you think it'll help any?" He asked, and Sleetstar startled, before smiling wanly at him. For the first time, Whisperwind saw her as exhausted, and frail. She seemed much smaller than she usually did; her presence normally larger than life was now depleted so as to make her seem almost like a kit.
    "This is a wound that will not heal so easily," she turned her gaze to the apprentices, nudging Snowsilver happily while the warriors gave praise, "but in times like this, hope is all we have to see us through, to convince us that no matter what, the next day will be better."

    𝐭𝐑𝐒𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧.
    It wasn't often that Hollyfeather saw The Stranger out of his den. It was even less often that any cat in the clan saw him moving with any sense of purpose, but in the Newleaf light looking particularly haggard, it was obvious to Hollyfeather that the old tom was moving toward her, specifically. She crossed the camp to meet him, ignoring the curious looks of a few of the clan members, before they went about their business again.
    "There's a problem," he said, low and serious in his throat, "they didn't come."
    "Maybe it was just an off day," Hollyfeather suggested, but worry prickled her spine nonetheless.
    "I wish that were the case, but I've been going every third day for the past moon, and I have not seen either of them again since the time that you accompanied me. Something is wrong." His eyes were serious, but not panicked. In a way, Hollyfeather thought it wasn't odd at all that he should be so composed; she had hardly known anything to shake his unwavering confidence, and it kept her calm as well. He was testing her, she realized, to see whether or not she would be able to handle this knowledge without causing a mass panic within the clan.
    "Maybe so," Hollyfeather said, "but we can't tell anyone. It would send Sleetstar into a spiral, and the clan has enough to worry about with Willowpaw's death still so fresh. You and I just have to keep our guard up- and you should go more frequently. There's a possibility you're just missing them. That molly- Sienna- she seemed to care about you, and keeping you safe. If something was happening, I think she would seek you out, but you should still be careful. If something is being set in motion, it's dangerous for us to be on Merchant territory anyway."
    "Hm," he said, "you're the last cat I would have thought would advise me to return."
    "Don't think I condone it, or think it's a good idea, but in the event that whatever happened is simply... personal issues, we don't want to jeopardize your position with them. Think about it, if you stop coming right when things get messy, how long do you think it will take them to figure out that you're not who you say you are? In this case, I think not engaging, or disengaging completely could be just as dangerous as what you're already doing. The Merchants are unpredictable, and that makes it hard to plan around them, but right now we have to keep acting normal. That's all this clan has."
    "An interesting idea of normalcy."
    "Maybe so," she said, with a grave nod, "but everyone's already on edge. If we're going to survive whatever is being planned, we need to keep it together and not fall apart. Whatever you can learn will be of great help to us, of course, but right now the important thing is making sure the wounds heal to scars, and that they don't become infested and get to the heart of the clan. To persevere, this clan needs to believe things will be alright, and so it's up to us, on the outside, to work against whatever has been set in motion."
    "That is a big task for just two cats, Hollyfeather." The little she-cat's eyes blazed with fire.
    "Anything for my clan, for my family, and for my home."


    "You don't have to stay here, you know," Foxspring's voice was amused as he rolled over in his nest to gaze up at Lunardawn with a warm smile, "I'm not going to die on you, certainly not on Poppywish's watch. I'm certain he could bring someone back from being fully dead just on sheer willpower. He's scary, you know, and I know you want to reconnect with your family, so you shouldn't be stuck in here with me! You should be out there, making friends."
    "You are my friend, idiot," Lunardawn said with a chuckle, "and I don't care what excuses you make. You had my back out there, so I have yours now. Besides, the Stars know that if I left you alone for a second you would immediately start making trouble for Poppywish since you're incapable of sitting still for more than a moment at a time." Foxspring chuckled, before he shifted over in the nest and invited her to snuggle up with him. She did so, settling against his flank calmly.
    "Let me guess, you're going to ask me to tell you a story?"
    "Maybe, in a way. I was mostly going to ask you why you left." Lunardawn gazed at him, puzzled. "To find your Dad, I mean. You and your sisters all left- you told me that when we first met, and the three of you split up. I guess I just thought it would be easier if one of you left, to bring him home, or you all went together to resettle."
    "Well... we didn't have any clue where he went, for starters. It was my idea, to find him. Primrosepetal thought we should stay, because he would have had his reasons, but Koishimmer and I were determined. I don't know what we planned to do, initially, when we found him- mostly I wanted answers, because everything was fine one day and then he was gone the next, and I didn't know how to reconcile those two things with each other. So... we went, the three of us together, but we realized progress was being made too slow, so we agreed to split up. I don't know how we thought we'd find each other again, really. I guess we just trusted that fate would bring us back together."
    "I'm sorry about your father. I know he wasn't a good cat... but it still must have been hard, to see someone you loved change like that."
    "I... it seems so stupid that none of us ever knew. I know it's not really our fault because we were young, but to know that he went through all of that on his own... it changes everything. We all thought Dad was different after Father disappeared, but knowing what we know now, it all starts to make sense, and it hurts to think that he suffered like that. But... I don't know. I don't know what I would have done, but a part of me still wishes he would have trusted us with that, even if we were so little when it happened. I wish we could have been there for him."
    "You are here for him," Foxspring smiled, "you were there when he needed you most, and you're here for him now. I think the most important thing for your dad is having his family together again, and knowing that what happened didn't irreparably damage the relationship he has with you all. It's obvious that you're his sun, his moon and his stars, and I think his universe would fall out of alignment if he went through all that pain only for it to not matter in the end."
    "I... guess that's a good way to look at it," Lunardawn leaned her head against Foxspring's, chuckling as the tom gave a little purr, "what about you, and your dads? And your siblings?"
    "Huh? Oh- well. Our original clan kind of fell to pieces- the leader was young and reckless, and lost all his lives too soon, and the deputy was too old to step up, and so there were arguments about succession until eventually, most cats just decided to leave and find somewhere more stable. I missed them, of course, but the three of us wanted to adventure, and our dads have always nurtured us to follow our hearts... and so we split up. I guess it was lonely for a while, but then I met you! And I liked adventuring with you."
    "I don't know if you would call it adventuring..."
    "It was an adventure to me," Foxspring smiled, and Lunardawn startled as she found him watching her face intently, with a fond smile, "every moment with you is." Her breath caught in her throat as she watched him. For the first time, she felt like she was really seeing him. Foxspring had always been earnest and excitable, with a spirit that burnt bright like fire. She had thought he'd been easy to figure out, but for the first time, it was like she saw how he was meant to be known: bathed in golden sun and smiling like she was the only star in the world.
    "Oh, sorry!" Dapplelotus' voice drew their attention to the mouth of the den. "Am I interrupting?"
    "Not at all," Foxspring laughed, "come on, sit. Lunardawn and I were just reminiscing on our adventures. Have I told you how we met yet? Well, it all started when I was being chased by dogs..." Lunardawn watched him as he went on, committed his laughs and his grand gestures and the cadence of his voice to a special memory, deep within her heart.


    Poppywish's head felt foggy. It wasn't something he was used to- normally he dreamed in sharp, distinct images, or not at all- but the heaviness in his head must have come from the sleep. He was exhausted, even with Sprucepaw there to help, Poppywish was still running himself ragged, even as Howlingeye paced about behind him, concerned. He'd collapsed into the nest with his mate when the other had already been asleep, and sleep had come quickly, but clearly not effectively, and Poppywish was sure he would still be dead tired in the morning.
    Shapes and images flickered, taking no particular form, like there was a thick cobweb between him and whatever was trying to break through, moving on the other side. Everything distorted, and he saw the campground, blood trickling down the cliff walls. He startled, turned to look for Sleetstar, but he couldn't find her, couldn't find anyone. There was just red.
    "Poppywish." The voice was far away, but familiar, distorted by something as he twisted and turned, unaware of his thrashing in his own nest. The redness was indistinct, and it turned to orange, faint flames licking over it, burning in a circle around him. Poppyish turned faster, but it all blurred together, until he spotted a shape, indistinct, breaking through the flames. There were no features to make out, just a blinding whiteness, and the vague rolling sensation of sharp shoulder blades protruding as the shape walked closer, and closer, and closer, before it passed directly through him, leaving him chilled to the bone.
    He collapsed to the ground with a gasp, scraping at his face as he shook his head, but the fire pressed closer, pulsed to the beating of his heart. The distorted voice called his name again, and then a chorus of them, different and unfamiliar, none he could place, thrumming around his head to a steady beat until one thread stood out and he focused hard on it. He stood up, swinging around to face the direction of the disjointed voice, afraid and desperate.
    He found her standing there, shoulders tall- she had almost been full grown, he supposed, but in this moment she looked adult- her fur whipping with some imaginary wind, her eyes wide with fear. He took a step toward her, but the flames shot up in front of him, obscuring his view. He realized then that the blood was trickling out from under her feet, flowing past her in a river, like a wave, threatening to swallow him under.
    "Poppywish," said Willowpaw's disjointed voice, coming from nowhere and everywhere.
    "Willowpaw," he yelled back, "I'm here, I'm here."
    "She's not." Willowpaw's whole visage flickered, her voice obscured into an unintelligible drone before she snapped back into focus. "-Not safe." A flicker, again, before her face was right next to him, clear as day, so that he could see the stars shining brightly in her eyes as her maw opened and she screamed.
    Poppywish jolted awake, panting in a cold sweat. Howlingeye was standing over him, whispering in a panicked voice to Sprucepaw, who was nodding soothingly, laying out chamomile and poppy seeds in front of the medicine cat. Poppywish sat up fast, and the two toms startled.
    "Hey," Sprucepaw recovered first, "you're awake. Howlingeye came to get me, he said you were thrashing around a lot."
    "You were having a nightmare," Howlingeye explained, "one of your bad ones... but it was worse than anything I've seen you have in a long time. Are you sure you're alright, love?" Poppywish flicked his eyes between the two of him; Howlingeye's open and concerned face, Sprucepaw's more wary and stoic expression, the glinting worry in his eyes the only giveaway to his fear. Poppywish blew out a breath, nodding lightly.
    "Yeah, it was just a nightmare. I'll take that chamomile though."

` servings consumed
12/12 - x5 rabbits and x1 small fish
` clan events
poppywish and sprucepaw search for herbs for the injured cats:
β†ͺ cobweb, raspberry leaves, marigold, tormentil
poppywish tends to injured cats. he treats:
β†ͺ midnightblaze with x1 broom and x1 dock
β†ͺ summitsky with x1 stinging nettle
β†ͺ all other injured cats are kept on rest
tempestpaw and silverpaw take their warrior assessments
all apprentices learn to swim
` patrols
1 - viridianfire, whisperwind, bramblingrose, waspshine, sorrelsong, falconstreak
2 - hollyfeather, twilightflower, lunardawn, primrosepetal, bearears, leopardrunner
3 - splitface, addersong, honeyheart, fogbelly, butterflyshine, snowsilver
4 - fallowstep, hawkeyes, frostclaw, twosight, dawnbreeze, emberpetal
1 - brackenstrike, sycamorepath, duckbriar, wolfwhisker, brewingice, lynxdash

    ` leader
    `` sleetstar | 72 moons | ♀

    ` deputy
    `` midnightblaze | 78 moons | β™‚

    ` medicine cat
    `` poppywish | 63 moons | β™‚ - [5sp]
    ` medicine cat apprentice
    `` sprucepaw | 12 moons | β™‚

    ` warriors
    `` summitsky | 75 moons | β™‚ -cw
    `` hollyfeather | 50 moons | ♀
    `` thunderjaw | 70 moons | β™‚
    `` howlingeye | 53 moons | β™‚
    `` brackenstrike | 81 moons | ♀
    `` splitface | 78 moons | ♀
    `` minkfur | 67 moons | ♀
    `` bearears | 45 moons | ♀
    `` fallowstep | 70 moons | β™‚
    `` hawkeyes | 75 moons | β™‚
    `` viridianfire | 37 moons | ♀
    `` frostclaw | 87 moons | β™‚
    `` koishimmer | 39 moons | ♀ -cw, ras. leaf
    `` birchfang | 45 moons | β™‚
    `` sunnynose | 58 moons | β™‚
    `` whisperwind | 27 moons | β™‚
    `` breakerhowl | 63 moons | β™‚
    `` waspshine | 46 moons | β™‚
    `` winderstrike | 60 moons | β™‚
    `` twilightflower | 50 moons | ♀
    `` sorrelsong | 36 moons | ♀
    `` dawnbreeze | 60 moons | ♀
    `` twosight | 86 moons | β™‚
    `` ausmasthorn | 24 moons | ♀
    `` bramblingrose | 24 moons | β™‚
    `` addersong | 57 moons | ♀
    `` graypeak | 55 moons | β™‚
    `` falconstreak | 51 moons | ♀
    `` emberpetal | 21 moons | ♀
    `` flamestream | 21 moons | β™‚
    `` honeyheart | 55 moons | β™‚
    `` primrosepetal | 39 moons | ♀
    `` wolfwhisker | 18 moons | β™‚
    `` butterflyshine | 18 moons | ♀
    `` duckbriar | 19 moons | ♀
    `` lunardawn | 39 moons | ♀
    `` foxspring | 30 moons | β™‚ - mari, tormentil
    `` fogbelly | 67 moons | ♀
    `` leopardrunner | 22 moons | β™‚
    `` blizzardheart | 17 moons | β™‚
    `` brewingice | 17 moons | β™‚
    `` lightningivy | 17 moons | ♀
    `` sycamorepath | 14 moons | β™‚
    `` lynxdash | 16 moons | β™‚
    `` dapplelotus | 30 moons | ♀
    `` snowsilver | 18 moons | β™‚

    ` apprentices
    `` tempestpaw | 17 moons | ♀
    `` featherpaw | 18 moons | ♀
    `` silverpaw | 12 moons | ♀
    `` aurorapaw | 12 moons | ♀
    `` blackpaw | 10 moons | β™‚
    `` sootpaw | 10 moons | ♀
    `` ironpaw | 9 moons | ♀
    `` dandelionpaw | 7 moons | β™‚
    `` buttercuppaw | 7 moons | β™‚
    `` daisypaw | 7 moons | β™‚
    `` pansypaw | 7 moons | ♀

    ` queens and kits
    `` hazerise | 65 moons | ♀
    β†ͺ ospreykit & eaglekit [2, ♀♂]
    `` plumiris | 19 moons | ♀
    β†ͺ carnationkit, tulipkit &
    magnoliakit [2, ♀♂♀]
    `` rivermask | 62 moons | ♀
    β†ͺ due 2 moons

    ` elders
    `` magpiefeather | 117 moons | ♀
    `` the stranger | 251 moons | β™‚
` ally clans
none currently.

` enemy clans
none currently.

` borders
↑ | summit of boreas | noctem.
β†’ | whitebark | grey_hoodie
↓ | two-leg village
← | ski slope

` medicine store
catmint [4] | greencough
poppy seeds [0] | pain
burnet [0] | strength
lamb's ear [1] | strength
lovage [1] | coughs; c
broom [0] | broken bones
lungwort [1] | yellowcough
raspberry leaves [0] | strength
ragwort [2] | strength
chervil [1] | infections/bellyache
chickweed [2] | greencough
tansy [1] | greencough
fennel [2] | hip pain
cobweb [0] | bleeding
wintergreen [0] | wounds
mallow leaves [1] | bellyache
goldenrod [0] | wounds

` fresh-kill pile
vole | x2 | 1 servings [2]
rabbit | x0 | 2 servings [0]
stoat | x3 | 2 servings [6]
small fish | x2 | 2 servings [4]
hare | x4 | 3 servings [12]
bird | x1 | 3 servings [3]

` mentors
howlingeye | tempestpaw [4]
β†ͺ battle, hunt, adv. battle, climb
sleetstar | featherpaw [3]
β†ͺ battle, hunt, climb
koishimmer | silverpaw [4]
β†ͺ hunt, battle, track, climb
winderstrike | aurorapaw [3]
β†ͺ hunt, battle, track
breakerhowl | blackpaw [2]
β†ͺ battle, hunt
graypeak | sootpaw [3]
β†ͺ battle, hunt, stalking
ausmasthorn | ironpaw [2]
β†ͺ hunt, battle
birchfang | dandelionpaw [0]
β†ͺ skills
flamestream | buttercuppaw [0]
β†ͺ skills
fogbelly | daisypaw [0]
β†ͺ skills
twosight | pansypaw [0]
β†ͺ skills

` deceased
galepaw | murdered by boscoe
stormkit | weak at birth
hurricanekit | weak at birth
willowpaw | crushed in landslide

` family ties
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[ `` northernclan !! ] [ 029 ]

Postby solyn » Tue Nov 12, 2019 10:20 pm

population: 71 cats [ 36 fem : 35 male ]
servings required: 12 [76] - pebbles: 55
π™œπ™ͺπ™–π™§π™™π™žπ™–π™£π™¨ 𝙀𝙛 π™©π™π™š 𝙛𝙧𝙀𝙨𝙩
moderator: deimos - next moonstone: 15 oct.
moons since last nonsense: 1 (nl)


    𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐠𝐨.
    The mood in the camp was high. Two apprentices had returned, ready to be named as warriors. It had been easy to gauge that one of their friends was missing from the congratulatory group that surrounded Silverpaw and Tempestpaw, but it had not been the one Snowsilver was expecting. Tempestpaw was laughing her booming laugh at something her brothers teased her with, while Silverpaw's chuckle was dainty and polite, although her eyes shone with pride as she leaned on Sprucepaw's shoulder.
    "Excuse me a second," he managed, startling everyone, "oh, uh, nothing's wrong I just want to talk to Whisperwind for a second about something."
    "Okay!" Silvercreek smiled. "Say hi from us."
    "I will," Snowsilver lied. Whisperwind was at the far end of camp with Bearears and Magpiefeather, rolling his eyes while the mollies laughed. He cast a fond look over his shoulder to where Bramblingrose and Ausmasthorn were speaking to Viridianfire and Koishimmer, one ear tilted back toward the conversation, but his face distracted. Snowsilver had never intended to head for him. He bypassed the group completely, and crested the path to the clan dens.
    Butterflyshine was exactly where he'd thought she would be. The apprentice's den seemed sombre without any apprentices in it, and Willowpaw's nest was starting to break down. No one had wanted to touch it; the unspoken rule carrying over even to the young apprentices who hadn't known the late molly. Butterflyshine sat in front of it, her shoulders hunched and shaking as she stifled sobs.
    "Hey," Snowsilver said it gently, but it startled her anyway, "there you are."
    "Oh, hello Snowsilver," she managed, but her voice was strangled, "sorry... I was just-"
    "It's okay. I just thought I'd come check on you, since Silverpaw and Tempestpaw will be getting their warrior names soon, and I didn't think you'd want to miss it. I know everything's not okay, so I won't ask, but..." he settled next to her, tentatively sweeping his tail around her, "I'm right here, if you want to talk."
    "It just doesn't feel right," Butterflyshine's voice broke, and she sucked in a sharp sob, "not without her. It already feels strange enough that Sprucepaw won't be up there with Silverpaw, seeing as they're attached at the hip, but without Willowpaw... the three of them did everything together, and now... now it's just going to be her, and we all have to pretend like that isn't hovering over all of us."
    "It's hard," Snowsilver soothed, leaning his chin on top of her head, "and no one is trying to forget Willowpaw... but if she were here, she would be in that crowd with us, cheering as loud as possible for Silverpaw so that she would hear her over everyone else. Willowpaw wouldn't want our sadness to overpower such a happy day for Silverpaw. It seems odd to speak in her place when she can't anymore... but I know Silverpaw misses her terribly, and I think right now what she needs is friends who support her and uplift her in times of success."
    "I know," Butterlfyshine wiped her eyes against Snowsilver's chest, "I just miss her so much."
    "I do too. She was always kind to me, like you were. She was a good cat... and we have to believe that her spirit is in StarClan. I don't see how it couldn't be... not after everything she did for all of us while she was alive, but we have the choice and the chance to honour her memory now by living by her values, and caring for those she left behind." Butterflyshine sucked in a sniffle. "Your heart is bigger than any cat I know, and you have so much love and compassion for everyone in this clan. It's something truly beautiful about you, and I know that it's hard on you right now... but you have cats here who care for you. Who care about you. Who are going to be there for you, no matter wha-"
    "Like you?" Butterflyshine was looking at him now, staring thoughtfully into his eyes. Snowsilver's heart leapt into his throat as he nodded, once, slowly.
    "Yeah. Like me." The she-cat smiled, although it was watery.
    "Thank you." She touched her nose to his and Snowsilver felt his mind go completely blank. "You don't give yourself enough credit for being as kind as you are. Thank you... for everything you've done, and for reminding me what's important." She stood, tail sweeping behind her as she squared her shoulders and blinked back her tears. "Let's go back our friends."


    "Sick of people saying congratulations yet?" Silverpaw chuckled as Tempestpaw made her way toward her, having broken off form her mother and siblings to sit at the front of the semi-circle surrounding High Rock, next to her fellow apprentice.
    "I can't decide what I hate more- everyone continuously checking in about Willowpaw, or everyone leaping through hoops to avoid the subject all together. I guess it's nice they're excited, but..."
    "You'd feel better if she was here with you?"
    "Me too. I think she would have had something smart to say, and something reassuring that would have made it feel less like my heart is about to do a backflip through my throat and out my mouth." Silverpaw laughed, and Tempestpaw laughed with her. "Ah, there we go, the sweet sensation of the mood lightening. But seriously, I'm sooo excited to get out of the apprentice den. The age range is swinging waaay too far toward juvenile. And don't tell them this, but I miss my brothers."
    "Sworn to secrecy. Tell you what, after our vigil, I'll help you tip Blizzardheart's nest."
    "Aww... for old time's sake. So kind of you." Silverpaw chuckled, nudging her friend's shoulder, but the two of them fell silent as Sleetstar clambered up onto High Rock, looking out over the clan. Her eyes shone with pride as she glanced down at the two mollies before her, and anticipation hung in the air.
    "Every time I get to hold a ceremony for cats in this clan, my heart is warmed by the knowledge of how far we've come, and I am excited by the prospect of the heights that we can climb to in the future. I am honoured to be able to watch you all grow, and most of all I have been privileged enough to see these two mollies grow from tiny kits to the strong apprentices you see before you, and I ask StarClan to look down on them and judge them as I commend them to our ancestors as the embodiment of what a warrior should be. Tempestpaw, Silverpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"
    "I do!"
    "I do!"
    "The vow, Tempestpaw."
    "To my clan, to my home, to the blood that binds; I pledge myself to the cliffs and the snow. The North is all."
    "Then from this day on, you will be known as Tempestflame, for the warmth and burning passion of your spirit. StarClan honours your charisma, and I am pleased to welcome you as a full warrior of NorthernClan. Honour her!" Yowls went up for the new warrior as she stepped forward to exchange ritual with Sleetstar, as she climbed down the rock. The black molly stepped back, grinning broadly as Silverpaw nudged her shoulder. "Silverpaw! The vow."
    "To my clan, to my home, to the blood that binds; I pledge myself to the cliffs and the snow. The North is all."
    "Then from this day on, you will be known as Silvercreek, for your graceful beauty. StarClan honours your resilience, and I could not be more excited to welcome you as a full warrior of this clan. Honour her!" Again, yowls went up for the new warrior as she beamed. She could make out her parents, whooping loudly and excitedly, and the baritone of Sprucepaw's voice calling her new name for all he was worth. As Silvercreek turned, and Sprucepaw broke toward her, she imagined she could see another brown pelt, running alongside him, before his fur engulfed her in an embrace, and his purr shattered the world in two. Happiness seeped into her skin, and as he bowled her over directly into the ground with her paws around his shoulders, she laughed.

    𝐭𝐑𝐒𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧.
    Newleaf soothed the clan. The warmth set in, chasing away frosts in the mornings, and the tempestuous snowstorms settled into pristine blue skies. Still, there was a vein of sadness running through the clan. Cats treated Thunderjaw and Minkfur delicately, although it was plain to see how easily irritated that made Minkfur, and the younger warriors and apprentices were spoken to soothingly, while those who hadn't known Willowpaw played in peace.
    Silvercreek was exhausted by all the side-eyes and the well wishes. She had hoped proving herself in her warrior ceremony would have got the rest of the clan off her back, but even Aurorapaw stuck close and watched her sister with wary eyes, trying to offer quiet comfort with a proud jut of her chin and a firmness to her shoulders. Silvercreek knew her baby sister too well; even if Aurorapaw tried to hide it, she saw the shoulders waver.
    She ducked into the medicine den, bored after being left in the clan for the day. Poppywish had set out for herbs earlier in the morning, but Silvercreek hadn't seen a familiar pelt leave the den at all. Sure enough, while Foxspring snoozed next to Lunardawn and Dapplelotus, Sprucepaw sat at the back of the den, absently sorting herbs. The piles were already exact, both toms sticklers for order, but Sprucepaw seemed furiously interested in them anyway.
    "It's a nice day outside," her friend startled at her voice, his eyes softening as he leaned across to touch her nose with his, "come take a walk with me."
    "Poppywish wants these sorted before he gets back."
    "You think I don't know you well enough to know you've sorted them within an inch of their life? I know you can't sort them any more than they have already been sorted."
    "You're saying sorted too much." Sprucepaw chuckled, tucking a row of herbs back into place. Silvercreek purred.
    "Maybe, but it made you laugh." The tom paused, turning his curious gaze to Silvercreek. She imagined she must have grown too, although being next to Sprucepaw didn't make her feel like it. He was taller than Minkfur now, and rapidly gaining on his father's height, the tufts of his ears making him seem taller. His shoulders were just as broad, but his form altogether lankier, like he hadn't quite grown into his great paws. She smiled, and cocked her head at him.
    "I'm fine," he said after a long pause, "I really am."
    "And I believe you, but I don't need to be checking up on you to want to hang out with my best friend." Sprucepaw thought about that, a flicker of guilt crossing his eyes, before he nodded, and got to his paws, the pair of them walking shoulder to shoulder as they exited the den. Sprucepaw squinted and blinked against the light, making Silvercreek laugh. "That's a sure sign that you've been in there too long, you know."
    "Ha ha, very funny," Sprucepaw rolled his eyes, nudging her companionably, "so, on a scale of one to fuming, how mad are you that everyone's tip-toeing around you for patrols."
    "Really, really mad," Silvercreek laughed, but it sounded hollow even to her ears, "I appreciate the concern, but it's harder to try and move on when all I have to do is sit around and think about it. I'd rather have some kind of distraction, you know?" Sprucepaw hummed, nodding his head back toward the den. "Right... you and your herbs. You know, smart move becoming the medicine cat apprentice."
    "Keeps me occupied, for sure."
    "You tease, but you seem happier. I hope you are."
    "I am. I miss you though. I miss sharing a den with everyone, like we did before everything changed," he chuckled a little, "I don't just mean Willowpaw, either. I think the change started when Wolfwhisker and Butterflyshine left us. That set in motion everything that came after. It's not like we've grown apart but... well. I'm sure you can tell how things are changing."
    "I see it more often than you do, sure," Silvercreek chuckled, shaking out her fur, turning her face up to the sun, "but... change is inevitable, like the seasons, right? I only hope the next changes are for the better."
    "You know, the wrong cat catches you saying that, they're going to start thinking you're hitting on me." Silvercreek rolled her eyes, shoving her friend as hard as she could. He barely budged, swaying like the bough of a willow tree as he laughed, loud and booming. The sound warmed Silvercreek's heart, washed her in a relief that swept from nose to tail-tip. She leaned against his shoulder, companionably, pleased when his jaw touched the top of her head.
    "You're hilarious. Has anyone told you that you should just become a permanent storyteller for the clan? I think you could make a real rank out of just telling your super funny jokes all the time."
    "Come on, it's kind of funny to think about. Admit it."
    "I will do no such thing," Silvercreek sniffed, darting out ahead of him and catching him in the nose with her tail. He sputtered, shaking out his fur. "Besides, I could do so much better than you." Sprucepaw cackled with laughter.
    "You come back over here and say that." Silvercreek gave him a wicked grin.
    "You'll have to catch me first."


    Poppywish stepped back in through the entrance to camp, and heard shouting. Sprucepaw's voice was easily distinguishable, but there was joy in his tone, and the tension in Poppywish's shoulders evaporated as he watched his apprentice stretch out for Silvercreek, nicking one of her paws out from under her and sending the pair of them sprawling as he scrambled to pin her down. He was too slow, and Sprucepaw swore loudly as Silvercreek laughed and darted away again, her friend in hot pursuit. Poppywish sighed, shaking his head contentedly.
    "It's good that they're playing," he jumped a little, glancing to the side to see Hollyfeather brushing back into camp alongside him, "do you want some help with the herbs? I'd hate to disturb him." Poppywish nodded, and Hollyfeather carefully took a bundle from him, the pair of them crossing camp together and making their way up to the den. They set the herbs down in storage, and Poppywish began to sort through them.
    "Thank you for your help, Hollyfeather. I didn't realize you were camp-bound today."
    "I'm not, Summitsky sent me back from patrol for a quick break. Twilightflower headed up to the stream to fish instead, but the sun's out and my body isn't quite ready to start shedding for a Greenleaf coat, so I'm an inch or two away from overheating." Poppywish chuckled a little, nodding sympathetically. "I figured I'd try to help out around here as much as I can. I'm not one for napping."
    "I couldn't imagine you were," the tom said, "in fact, I don't think I've ever seen you sleep, let alone nap."
    "You're one to talk, Poppywish, running yourself ragged on nothing but a wink," her face grew serious then, her head cocking, "are you alright though? I'm... sorry if this is intruding, but I overhead Thunderjaw talking to Sprucepaw. He said you were having nightmares."
    "A nightmare," Poppywish corrected, "just one. I used to have bad ones when I first came to the clan, a result of anxiety and stress, but... this wasn't one like that. I barely remember most of the dreams that I have, but... I can still recall this one almost perfectly. It wasn't like anything I've ever dreamed." He shook his head, roughly, as if trying to dislodge the thoughts. Hollyfeather gave him a worried glance.
    "Do you... want to talk about it?" She winced at how it sounded, and shook her head. "Forget it, I doubt talking about something like that is going to give you any peace of mind about it, and it's not like I could help anyway."
    "Maybe not, but maybe you can make some sense of it. Do you dream?"
    "Like any other cat."
    "Oh, but I doubt that Hollyfeather. You're somewhat extraordinary, don't you know? Not like any other cat I've ever met, that's for certain." The she-cat ducked her head at the medicine cat's praise, before he continued. "I was in the camp, but it was on fire. Nothing was burning, there was just a lot of fire, and a white shape moving toward me, but I couldn't make out what it was. And then Willowpaw was there, and she was trying to tell me something, but I couldn't hear what she was saying. There was a lot of blood, and then Willowpaw yelled at me to run, and then I woke up." Poppywish shook his head, again. "Strange, isn't it?"
    "If you don't dream like that? Yeah," Hollyfeather's voice was uneven, unsure what to say, "I hate to tell you, but I don't have any clue what that means."
    "Well, it was nice to hope," Poppywish chuckled, "you know, I'm sure Koishimmer would appreciate someone saving her from Magpiefeather's stories, and I have many herbs to sort without my dear apprentice..."
    "I'll go offer my services. If you need any help, let me know." Poppywish hummed his acknowledgement as Hollyfeather got to her paws, and exited the den, into the blinding sunlight. Down below, Koishimmer limped around the camp with Magpiefeather's shoulder for support. Sprucepaw and Silvercreek chased each other with high, delighted laughs. Hazerise and Plumiris were sunning themselves together, kits battling in a tight ball, flashes of silver and red. The clan was happy. The clan was safe.
    Hollyfeather thought about flames taller than the world, and her lie.


    Fogbelly ducked into the den, lifting her prey high over the head of her kittens as they bounded around her paws. Hazerise laughed at the site, while Plumiris chuckled daintily by her side. Plumiris' kits were more well-behaved, settled close to their mother's flank. Tulipkit was fast asleep, while his sisters whispered over his head.
    "This rabbit is for your mother," Fogbelly chided, placing the fresh-kill in front of her mate and rubbing their foreheads together, "hello, gorgeous."
    "Darling," Hazerise purred. The molly laughed as Fogbelly scooped up a kit in each paw and flopped onto her back, dragging them onto her stomach so she could groom them. "How was training today?"
    "It was good, Daisypaw's a quick learner and she listens hard, and it's nice to have the input from the other mentors considering I've never really done this kind of thing before. The other mentors are pretty fun too- Flamestream's young, but he's got a lot of enthusiasm, Birchfang is really good with the kits and Twosight acts cranky, but he's got a good head on his shoulders. I think it's good for the apprentices to have each other as well."
    "I hope our kits grow up close," Plumiris mewed, smiling as Carnationkit grinned up at her, "I'm glad that I got to meet you two, I think we all would have been very lonely otherwise. Myself and my kits I mean. I think you two would have been okay." Hazerise and Fogbelly chuckled, but a new voice cut them off, drawing attention to Rivermask, lounging in the far corner against Breakerhowl, who groomed her lovingly.
    "Family is one thing, but it's nice for kits to have friends in the nursery. Our girls were lucky, coming up so close to Minkfur's kits, and within range of Twilightflower's, and then Sleetstar and Summitsky's as well. We weren't sure they'd make friends with the older ones, but in times like this I'm so glad that they did- it's good to know that no matter what, they're not alone, that they have a support system like that. Besides, just watching them play, it seems obvious to me that they get along pretty well."
    "No duh," Ospreykit shook out her fur, standing up on her mom's belly, "Carnationkit is my best friend in the whole world."
    "She means I'm the mastermind behind all our plans. No point in having adventures if you don't have the brains for them." Ospreykit rolled her eyes and Magnoliakit snickered, squealing as the silver shape launched at her, knocking her out of her mother's embrace and sending the pair of them tumbling across the floor together. Rivermask laughed.
    "Yeah, that looks just like Sprucepaw and Silvercreek at that age. They're going to be close for life."
    "I hope so," Plumiris smiled, touching her nose to a bleary, disoriented Tulipkit, "and I hope they get to be friends with your kits too, when you have them."
    "I'm sure my kits would never pass up a friend."
    "Between their mother and I, I think it's genetically impossible for them to not be relentlessly charismatic," Breakerhowl shot the queens a dazzling smile that made everyone laugh. Rivermask tilted her head, nuzzling his chin with a fond purr. "See? Just like that. They'll be charming the big kits into their schemes in no time."
    "StarClan save us all, then," Hazerise joked, ear swiveling to one side. She looked up, just as Duckbriar stepped into the den and stopped dead, obviously surprised to see everyone looking at her. She cleared her throat, and placed the bird she was carrying down at her feet.
    "I hope I'm not interrupting?"
    "No!" Plumiris was quick to meow. "No, not at all."
    "Oh, okay good! I um, I brought you a bird. For you. And your kits. They're eating solids right? Sprucepaw said. Not because I asked him about you I just asked about his day and-" Duckbriar kept babbling as Hazerise and Fogbelly glanced to Rivermask and Breakerhowl with a knowing smile, the four of them bursting into happy laughter that soothed the tension in the she-cat's shoulders and made Plumiris duck her head bashfully, but it didn't take long for her eyes to find the warm returning glance of Duckbriar once again.

` servings consumed
12/12 - x4 hares
` clan events
poppywish and sprucepaw search for herbs for the injured cats:
β†ͺ cobweb, tormentil
poppywish tends to injured cats. he treats:
β†ͺ koishimmer with x1 raspberry leaf
β†ͺ summitsky with x1 cobweb
β†ͺ foxspring with x1 marigold
β†ͺ all other injured cats are kept on rest
featherpaw and aurorapaw take their warrior assessments
blackpaw and ironpaw learn advanced battle
dandelionpaw, buttercuppaw, daisypaw and pansypaw learn battle
` patrols
1 - sleetstar, wolfwhisker, duckbriar, sycamorepath, lynxdash, brewingice
2 - midnightblaze, primrosepetal, lunardawn, winderstrike, sunnynose, emberpetal
3 - summitsky, butterflyshine, snowsilver, leopardrunner, twilightflower, hollyfeather
4 - bearears, whisperwind, bramblingrose, graypeak, sootpaw, falconstreak
1 - brackenstrike, frostclaw, addersong, tempestflame, lightningivy, blizzardheart

    ` leader
    `` sleetstar | 73 moons | ♀

    ` deputy
    `` midnightblaze | 79 moons | β™‚

    ` medicine cat
    `` poppywish | 64 moons | β™‚ - [5sp]
    ` medicine cat apprentice
    `` sprucepaw | 13 moons | β™‚

    ` warriors
    `` summitsky | 76 moons | β™‚
    `` hollyfeather | 51 moons | ♀
    `` thunderjaw | 71 moons | β™‚
    `` howlingeye | 54 moons | β™‚
    `` brackenstrike | 82 moons | ♀
    `` splitface | 79 moons | ♀
    `` minkfur | 68 moons | ♀
    `` bearears | 46 moons | ♀
    `` fallowstep | 71 moons | β™‚
    `` hawkeyes | 76 moons | β™‚
    `` viridianfire | 38 moons | ♀
    `` frostclaw | 88 moons | β™‚
    `` koishimmer | 40 moons | ♀ - cw
    `` birchfang | 46 moons | β™‚
    `` sunnynose | 59 moons | β™‚
    `` whisperwind | 28 moons | β™‚
    `` breakerhowl | 64 moons | β™‚
    `` waspshine | 47 moons | β™‚
    `` winderstrike | 61 moons | β™‚
    `` twilightflower | 51 moons | ♀
    `` sorrelsong | 37 moons | ♀
    `` dawnbreeze | 61 moons | ♀
    `` twosight | 87 moons | β™‚
    `` ausmasthorn | 25 moons | ♀
    `` bramblingrose | 25 moons | β™‚
    `` addersong | 58 moons | ♀
    `` graypeak | 56 moons | β™‚
    `` falconstreak | 52 moons | ♀
    `` emberpetal | 22 moons | ♀
    `` flamestream | 22 moons | β™‚
    `` honeyheart | 56 moons | β™‚
    `` primrosepetal | 40 moons | ♀
    `` wolfwhisker | 19 moons | β™‚
    `` butterflyshine | 19 moons | ♀
    `` duckbriar | 20 moons | ♀
    `` lunardawn | 40 moons | ♀
    `` foxspring | 31 moons | β™‚ - tormentil
    `` fogbelly | 68 moons | ♀
    `` leopardrunner | 23 moons | β™‚
    `` tempestflame | 18 moons | ♀
    `` blizzardheart | 18 moons | β™‚
    `` brewingice | 18 moons | β™‚
    `` lightningivy | 18 moons | ♀
    `` sycamorepath | 15 moons | β™‚
    `` lynxdash | 17 moons | β™‚
    `` dapplelotus | 31 moons | ♀
    `` snowsilver | 19 moons | β™‚
    `` silvercreek | 13 moons | ♀

    ` apprentices
    `` featherpaw | 19 moons | ♀
    `` aurorapaw | 13 moons | ♀
    `` blackpaw | 11 moons | β™‚
    `` sootpaw | 11 moons | ♀
    `` ironpaw |10 moons | ♀
    `` dandelionpaw | 8 moons | β™‚
    `` buttercuppaw | 8 moons | β™‚
    `` daisypaw | 8 moons | β™‚
    `` pansypaw | 8 moons | ♀

    ` queens and kits
    `` hazerise | 66 moons | ♀
    β†ͺ ospreykit & eaglekit [3, ♀♂]
    `` plumiris | 20 moons | ♀
    β†ͺ carnationkit, tulipkit &
    magnoliakit [3, ♀♂♀]
    `` rivermask | 63 moons | ♀
    β†ͺ due 1 moons

    ` elders
    `` magpiefeather | 118 moons | ♀
    `` the stranger | 252 moons | β™‚
` ally clans
none currently.

` enemy clans
none currently.

` borders
↑ | summit of boreas | noctem.
β†’ | whitebark | grey_hoodie
↓ | two-leg village
← | ski slope

` medicine store
catmint [4] | greencough
poppy seeds [0] | pain
burnet [0] | strength
lamb's ear [1] | strength
lovage [1] | coughs; c
broom [0] | broken bones
lungwort [1] | yellowcough
raspberry leaves [0] | strength
ragwort [2] | strength
chervil [1] | infections/bellyache
chickweed [2] | greencough
tansy [1] | greencough
fennel [2] | hip pain
cobweb [0] | bleeding
wintergreen [0] | wounds
mallow leaves [1] | bellyache
goldenrod [0] | wounds

` fresh-kill pile
vole | x4 | 1 servings [4]
rabbit | x1 | 2 servings [2]
stoat | x5| 2 servings [10]
small fish | x5 | 2 servings [10]
hare | x3 | 3 servings [9]
bird | x1 | 3 servings [3]

` mentors
sleetstar | featherpaw [4]
β†ͺ battle, hunt, climb, swim
winderstrike | aurorapaw [4]
β†ͺ hunt, battle, track, swim
breakerhowl | blackpaw [3]
β†ͺ battle, hunt, swim
graypeak | sootpaw [4]
β†ͺ battle, hunt, stalking, swim
ausmasthorn | ironpaw [3]
β†ͺ hunt, battle, swim
birchfang | dandelionpaw [1]
β†ͺ swim
flamestream | buttercuppaw [1]
β†ͺ swim
fogbelly | daisypaw [1]
β†ͺ swim
twosight | pansypaw [1]
β†ͺ swim

` deceased
galepaw | murdered by boscoe
stormkit | weak at birth
hurricanekit | weak at birth
willowpaw | crushed in landslide

` family ties
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[ `` northernclan !! ] [ 030 ]

Postby solyn » Sun Nov 24, 2019 4:20 pm

population: 72 cats [ 37 fem : 34 male : 1 nb ]
servings required: 12 [76] - pebbles: 55
π™œπ™ͺπ™–π™§π™™π™žπ™–π™£π™¨ 𝙀𝙛 π™©π™π™š 𝙛𝙧𝙀𝙨𝙩
moderator: deimos - next moonstone: 15 oct.
moons since last nonsense: 0 (nl)


    𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐠𝐨.
    "Tempestflame!" Silvercreek's laugh echoed across the camp as the black molly paused in the entrance, allowing the shorter she-ca to catch up. "I called you like, four times, did you not hear me?" She cocked her head, with a breathless exhale. "Are you heading out, do you want some company?"
    "Oh, I recognize the old 'I'll take any excuse to get out of camp' gambit. Come on, shortie, let's walk." Silvercreek snorted, shoving the big, black she-cat with her shoulder, but she barely even swayed, the pair of them heading out onto the trail that would lead them deeper into the territory. With Newleaf having settled in, the air was warm and the snow was mostly melting away, leaving fresh tufts of green grass visible underfoot as they padded through the forest.
    "So... how've you been?"
    "Shouldn't I be asking you that?" Silvercreek glared, Tempestflame laughed. "Honestly... I've been okay. Losing a friend the way we lost Willowpaw is awful and it hurts, but I'm trying to live like Sprucepaw said, the way she would, to honour her. I know she's with StarClan now, which gives me hope that I'll see her again some day, as long as I'm good."
    "Well, that's a problem, you've always been notorious for trouble."
    "Hm, weasel says to stoat." Silvercreek looked offended for a moment, before the pair of them laughed. "Seriously, though. I'm just trying to plow on and do my job. It's not like I'm avoiding feeling anything about it... but I have cats who support me. We made a pact, right? To always have each other's backs. So I've got theirs, they've got mine, and it's all gonna work out okay in the end. The best we can do is make the most of the time we've still got, 'cause none of us know how much of it we have until the very last second."
    "That's a good way to look at it." Silvercreek paused, her blue eyes looking troubled. "Aren't you scared by that? The uncertainty."
    "A little, but I think it's stupid to be afraid. There's so many what-ifs, and if you let them rule your life then you're only going to be miserable. Willowpaw believed in that, I think. You look at what this clan has been through, the circumstances that bring everyone together... the only thing that's certain is the unknown, and so you have to lean into it, laugh with the turn of the seasons and let the river's flow carry you on. Trying to fight an upstream battle against the current is only going to tire you out enough to drown you." Tempestflame chuckled as Silvercreek nudged her shoulder, and then leaned into it.
    "I didn't realize you were so poetic."
    "I know I'm big and rugged but... I like to think I inherited a little from my mother beyond just looks."
    "You did. You definitely did." Silvercreek drew up tall, blinking down at her paws as she realized they were at the river. The water raged harder than it usually did from all the melted snow, tearing downstream through the territory toward the waterfall. Silvercreek watched, eyes settling on the spray of white-water where the rapids smashed against rocks. Tempestflame watched her, green eyes searching, before she tilted her head to the side with a little, rumbling chuckle.
    "What are you thinking about?"
    "Everything, I guess. My parents never talk about what happened, where they came from... not to us, at least, but they came here, and the whole universe aligned so that Sprucepaw, Willowpaw, Aurorapaw and I would be born at the same time. It kind of felt like fate that we were meant to be together, and I kind of thought she was it for me. In a way, it feels wrong to defy that belief now that she's gone, but it only shines light on how young we are, of how many more unknowns are out there. I don't know how to go through my whole life suspended and waiting for the fall."
    "Simple. You jump."
    "You don't have to wait for the earth to be pulled out from under you. You take a leap into the unknown, you embrace change, you take charge and you control the direction you steer yourself in. Sure, you can never be sure of everything, or know all the potential outcomes or guess what others might do, but you can be sure of yourself, sure of your friends, sure of the love you have in your heart. At the very least, even if I don't know where I'm going or what my destiny is, I know who I am, and I know where I'm from, and that's good enough for me."
    "Is it easier that way?"
    "I don't know. I'm not you, I can't make that decision for you." Tempestflame met her eyes, shining with warmth. "But I will make it with you. Every step of the way, I'll be by your side, just like Sprucepaw."
    "How can you promise that? You don't know what's going to happen."
    "No, but I know that with every breath I draw, I'll use it to keep my promise. Maybe I can't promise forever for you, but I can promise my forever. That's what our pact was for, pledging eternity to each other. Some of us will go before our time, and others may live to be the same age as The Stranger, but however old or young we are when StarClan calls for us, at least we'll know that we'll never be alone, because our hearts will always be connected."
    "That's..." Silvercreek paused, inhaling sharply, suddenly feeling on the edge of tears.
    "You know, it's okay to not be okay. I know you and Willowpaw had something special, not the same way you and Sprucepaw do, but special in a very precious, delicate way, and I can't imagine how it hurts. You don't have to be strong. You can feel whatever you like."
    "I'm angry. I'm so angry." Silvercreek sobbed, her shoulders shaking. "It's not fair. It shouldn't have been her."
    "I know." Tempestflame rested her chin on top of her head, curling her tail around her as she cried, and the river raged past, flowing and flowing and flowing. "I know."


    "What is that noise?!" Sleetstar winced, jerking away from her conversation with Midnightblaze to shake her head roughly. The wailing echoed around the basin in a deafening echo, and even the kind tom was grimacing like someone had purposefully stuck a thorn right into his nose.
    "A very disgruntled kit, by the sounds of it," Midnightblaze turned his head toward the nursery, "I don't hear any distress down there, though, and neither Plumiris or Hazerise have kits so prone to screaming like that. Tulipkit's a little shier than the rest, but even then he's almost deathly quiet. He's going to grow up to be one effective hunter, no one is ever going to hear him coming."
    "Whoever's it is has incredible lung capacity," Sleetstar groused, ears pricking up as Rivermask hauled herself up the rise next to them, looking just as annoyed as Sleetstar felt. They nodded to each other as Rivermask made a sour face.
    "Who is making all the racket?"
    "It's not one of the nursery kits?"
    "You think Hazerise would put up with that for a second?" Sleetstar and Midnightblaze shook their heads simultaneously, before jerking in shock as the wailing got even louder. The three glanced down off the ledge, where Brackenstrike was leading her patrol back into camp, a malnourished, weak looking kit dangling from her jaws and crying at the top of its lungs. Rivermask exchanged a glance with the leader and deputy, before the three of them went to meet Brackenstrike. Poppywish met them halfway down, looking almost murderous as he stomped past, herbs clamped stubbornly between his jaws. Sprucepaw murmured an apologetic word as he bounded after his mentor.
    "Oh, it's worse up close," Rivermask groaned, flinching away from the patrol as Brackenstrike settled the kit down for Poppywish to inspect them. Brackenstrike gave an apologetic smile that turned into a wince as the kit promptly yowled louder, startling the ginger tom back from them.
    "I couldn't get them to stop."
    "No wonder," Sprucepaw mewed, stepping in close and scooping the kit close to him, grooming them between the ears, "they're so weak, they're probably hungry, and tired, and scared, and missing their mom." In Sprucepaw's comforting embrace, the kit seemed to be calming, enough so for Sprucepaw to take a sprig of chamomile and tear it into small portions to feed it to the kit. The gathered cats sagged with relief, warriors dispersing to leave the patrol leader to report to Sleetstar.
    "We found them abandoned near the tree that came down in Leafbare. The scent of their mother was pretty weak- at least a day old if I had to guess. I doubt she had any intention of coming back." They looked down at the kit, sniffing Sprucepaw suspiciously as he groomed between their ears, his fluffy tail cradling them close to him while Poppywish crouched to get a better look.
    "Poor thing," Midnightblaze said, worry creasing his face. Sleetstar hummed her agreement.
    "I'll take care of them," Rivermask said with a nod, "my milk is starting to come through with my kits almost here, so they'll be able to feed until they're ready for proper solids, and you know how Breakerhowl and I think- the more the merrier." She crouched down to touch noses with the kit, who shrank away, curling into Sprucepaw. The tom hummed, gently nudging the small black and white cat.
    "Hey, it's okay. This is Rivermask, and she's a friend. She's kind of like... my aunt. She'll take good care of you. No need to be afraid." The kit didn't seem to listen, staying firmly hidden against Sprucepaw. He laughed a little bit, giving Rivermask a warm smile. "Can I name them?"
    "Oh. Sure?"
    "I think their name should be Pepperkit," he said, gently catching the kit by the scruff, and standing. The kit mewled, but didn't yowl loudly like before. "Come on, I'll help you get them settled to your nest."
    "Adapting well to this whole 'parent' thing, Sprucepaw, I'm beginning to think you chose the wrong line of work. How'd you like to be a perma-queen?"
    "You can't have him!" Poppywish yowled at their retreating forms, with only Rivermask's airy laugh for a response.


    With Newleaf in the air, the sun stayed in the sky longer, bathing the stone basin in warmth and turning the sky beautiful shades of pinks and orange. Sleetstar stood atop High Rock, looking down on her apprentice and Rivermask's daughter, the two she-cats sitting proudly as they looked up at her, waiting for their apprentice ceremonies. In the background gathering of the clan, Sleetstar could make out her daughter watching Featherpaw with excitement; elated at the prospect of her best friend returning, while Sprucepaw sat with Pepperkit curled against his side and Silvercreek on the other, the pair wearing twin proud smiles as they watched Aurorapaw.
    "Thank you all for gathering here today," Sleetstar began, "we have been blessed with a prosperous Newleaf. After the horrors of Leafbare, I am glad that we have been afforded some relief, and I am proud of everything this clan has been able to withstand because of the love present here, and the resilience that love brings. This clan is, I have realized, characterized by cats who embody valor, who embody tenacity, and who embody courage. Cats who experience loss, but open their hearts up to loving again-" Whisperwind rolled his eyes as Bramblingrose nudged his shoulder, while Splitface rested her forehead against Brackenstrike's, "-cats whose whole lives have changed, but who never gave up on becoming the best that they could be-" Bearears closed her eyes, letting the breeze ruffle her fur, as Howlingeye's tail twined with Poppywish's, "-and it's these cats that have been rolemodels for the apprentices of this clan, these cats who have shown them the path to take to their warriorhood. That is why I am excited to welcome two new warriors, because I am already so proud of the warriors we have, and I know that every new warrior is destined for greatness, and I am excited to follow these journeys to the end of the line. Featherpaw and Aurorapaw, you have trained hard to show you understand the way of NorthernClan's life, and I recommend you wholly to our ancestors who dance in the stars. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and to defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"
    "I do!"
    "I do."
    "Featherpaw, the vo-"
    "If it's alright, Sleetstar," Featherpaw smiled at Aurorapaw, who smiled shyly back, before they lifted twin determined gazes toward their leader, "we would like to say it together." Sleetstar paused for a moment, before her eyes softened, and she nodded. Twin voices rose up into the dusk air, loud and prideful, full of joy.
    "To my clan, to my home, to the blood that binds; I pledge myself to the cliffs and the snow. The North is all."
    "Then from this day forward, Featherpaw, you will be known as Featherfall, for your grace and hunting prowess. StarClan honours your fluidity and your fearless attitude to change. I am so proud to welcome you as a warrior of this clan, as I know you have trained to be the absolute best you can be. Honour her!" Yowls went up for the new warrior, the normally quiet Snowsilver's cheers for his sister rising well above all the others. "And Aurorapaw, you will be known as Auroracloud, for your gentleness. StarClan honours your vision of idyll for this clan, and it is my personal pleasure to welcome you as a full warrior of this clan. Honour her!" Again, the clan cheered loudly as Sleetstar descended to exchange ritual, and then step back so the clan could pay their congratulations.
    "Thank you for everything, Sleetstar," Featherfall said, drawing up tall in front of her mentor. Sleetstar laughed.
    "Oh, I didn't do all that much, it was all you my dear."
    "You gave us a home. A second family." She turned to look over her shoulder where Butterflyshine and Snowsilver were laughing hard at something Sprucepaw had said. "I didn't ever think I'd have something like this again, but now I can't imagine my life without any cat here. So... thank you, for the second chance."
    "Always. Now go, spend time with your friends." She nudged her former apprentice forward with a purr, cocking her head with a warm smile. She didn't notice the brush of fur beside her until the heat of a body pressed against her shoulder. She looked up to find Summitsky smiling down at her fondly. "What?"
    "You look different."
    "I am different."
    "That's good. You were a bit of a menace before." Sleetstar snorted, shoving Summitsky as he laughed, before she leaned her head against his shoulder, and let the warmth of the night, of her friend, and the love for her clan soak deep into her soul.

    𝐭𝐑𝐒𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧.
    "And remember not to move your tail too much. And always check the wind direction. And-" Sootpaw cut her mentor off with a laugh, surging forward to press her nose to his, scrunching her own up. Graypeak spluttered, but the tension seeped from his shoulders as the young calico molly laughed with him, tail lifting over her back.
    "Relax, old tom, you did an excellent job teaching me, and there's nothing you forgot. I'm going to go out, crush this warrior assessment, and when I come back I'll be out of your fur... for a while at least." Graypeak feigned a relieved sigh.
    "Oh, thank StarClan," they laughed again, "be safe, alright? This clan has suffered enough tragedy, we don't need you to go missing to add to it." Sootpaw nodded, before darting toward her mother to say her goodbyes. Graypeak watched her leave with a light chuckle, before he lifted his head again to find Addersong staring at him. His smile faltered as their eyes met, some emotion he couldn't place swimming behind hers for a second, before she turned and moved away. For a beat, he debated following her, but all bravery evaporated from him the second after and he turned, heading instead toward Winderstrike and Sunnynose.
    Duckbriar sighed, closing her eyes and shaking her head. She didn't need to open her eyes to know who the presence beside her was; the scent was familiar to her now, sweet and floral and only just developing the fresh sharpness that characterized NorthernClan cats. She took a deep breath, steeling herself.
    "They don't talk about it. About what happened when we came to the clan. They think I don't know what it's about, but I do, and they've spent all this time dancing around it and pretending like they don't have to talk about it and it's exhausting. I don't know what they're holding on for- our siblings don't care, they made their choice when they left with Loonfrost. I just want them to be happy, and it's clear to everyone even without eyes that they're not happy together, so I don't understand why they just circle around one another, but they don't call it off."
    "Maybe they're scared of being alone," Plumiris said, "it's scary. When I was cast out, when Sweetfall rejected me... I was terrified. I didn't know what I was going to do, or how I was going to survive."
    "They wouldn't be alone though!" Duckbriar opened her eyes then, frustration and fury swimming behind them. "I'm here. I made the choice to follow them, to stay and support them both, but they're waging a cold war and I'm stuck in the middle like I'm supposed to pick a side. I wish... I wish they would just trust me." Her shoulders sagged. "I'm not a kit anymore, you know? I could be there for them, if they'd just stop living in the past and look on to the future. These days it doesn't even feel like they're my family anymore."
    "I'm sorry," Plumiris touched her nose to Duckbriar's cheek, "I can't imagine what it would be like to go through that."
    "It sucks, and it's stupid," she stood, abruptly, a pang of regret slipping through her at the wounded look on Plumiris' face, "I'm sorry, I just- I'm angry. I'm angry, and I shouldn't be because it's their decision, but I wish for a second they'd think about who else is around them and I wish they'd consider how I feel, and maybe then they'd think about why my siblings chose to leave." Duckbriar's tail lashed, before she startled as Plumiris stood, and pressed their foreheads together.
    "Come on, let's go sit down somewhere. You can talk about it as much as you like, and I'll talk about it with you, and then we can decide what we're going to do."
    "Yeah, you and me, together. Maybe you're there for them, I don't doubt that, but someone should be there for you too." The ginger she-cat smiled as Duckbriar flushed under her pelt, a warm smile crossing her face as she nodded, the pair of them moving toward one of the unused caverns to talk, brushing past Wolfwhisker on the way. The tom watched them go for a second, before he shook his head and continued down the path.
    Below him, he saw his dad exit the dirt place, wandering distractedly toward the front of camp, where Midnightblaze brushed through the entrance, colliding with him. The pair jolted, and then laughed. Their gazes were almost unbearably fond, and Midnightblaze tore away first, brushing past Summitsky. The big tom turned to watch him go with longing in his eyes, before he shook his head and continued on. Wolfwhisker winced.
    "Yeah, that was painful." He looked up to see Koishimmer hobbling out of the medicine den to sit with him. She was taking longer to heal than most, but in recent days she'd been getting better, able to move around without assistance that Poppywish insisted on. "You known about that long?"
    "I'm not overly interested in my dad's romantic life," Wolfwhisker said with a sigh and a flick of his ears, "but it's pretty obvious how they feel about each other, and it's even more obvious that they're too afraid to take the plunge."
    "I guess that's on me," the pair of them jumped, looking up as Sleetstar settled next to her son, "I hurt your father with our relationship, and I know he doesn't want to get it wrong again, but when I see them together I know there's not a way that they could. As for Midnightblaze... well, I'm sure everyone can guess why he'd be hesitant, but he's suffered alone for a long while. They deserve their happiness. If anyone does, it's them."
    "That sounds like your scheming voice, Sleetstar."
    "Ooooh, schemes," Lunardawn swept out of the medicine den after her sister. "What are we plotting?"
    "Matchmaking services, by the sound of it," Wolfwhisker snorted, "well then, does anyone have an actual plan for how we're going to make them finally admit what they feel? I really don't think I can make them take another missed pass at it like that." The mollies hummed in agreement, nodding sagely. Sleetstar cast her blue eyes down at the ground, before she looked up, eyes sparkling with merry mischief.
    "Actually, I think I have just the plan. Someone should find Butterflyshine and Primrosepetal though, we're going to need all paws in action to pull this off."


    "Uh oh, I know that face," Koishimmer stretched languidly in the sun, turning on her back to see Viridianfire hovering above her, the molly's eyes twinkling in amusement. "That's your 'I just caused some trouble' face. What have you been getting up to this time?" Koishimmer shook her head smugly, even as Viridianfire settled next to her.
    "It's a secret, but if it works then I guess you'll get to know about it eventually." The gray and white molly gave her a suspicious look, before she shook her head with an amused laugh, curling her tail around her and pulling her paws up under her.
    "Alright then, inter-clan molly of mystery. Has your day been alright at the very least? I'm sorry that I wasn't around to wait on your every whim today, but believe me, it pained me to leave you to your own devices. I half expected to find the clan in flames, considering what you're like when you get bored."
    "I'm not that bad!" Koishimmer protested, shoving at her friend. "You suck."
    "And you like me, like, so much." Koishimmer huffed, averting her eyes even as her heart beat faster. "Come on, it's not a bad thing to admit that you have friends. I thought after all this time you wouldn't have been so stingy about showing emotion. It's one of those things we learn, right? That life is short and throws you many twists and turns, so the best thing you can do is love openly and freely and let those you care about know you care."
    "I know what you're trying to do, you know, you're not that slick. I promise I'm fine. And you're right- you're one of my best friends and I... I love you."
    "Wow, that's more emotion than I expected, but hey, I love you too. Are you sure you're alright? You've been through a lot recently and I just... well. I don't want you to go through it alone."
    "Well... I'm not, so don't stress too much. I've got you here hassling me, after all, and Birchfang hovers when you're not around. I have my sisters, and I have my Dad. No matter what, I'm never gonna be alone again but... you know, I never thanked you for forcing me to actually make friends in this clan. If it had been up to me, I would have just stayed friends with Birchfang forever and never even sniffed twice at anyone else... but I would have missed out on something- someone great."
    "You're welcome. You can say I'm a genius, probably the smartest cat in all the world now." Koishimmer shoved her shoulder, using the momentum to roll over and sun her other side in the Newleaf heat.


    Sleep had never been something that Thunderjaw was much good at. Even as a kit he'd been a light sleeper, awoken easily by his siblings kicking him in the nest. It had been worse at times and then better, but Willowpaw's death had brought on a fresh onslaught of nightmares. He'd woken Minkfur, and then coaxed her back to sleep, exiting the den as quietly as he could to take a moment to calm down. Even though Newleaf days were warmed by the sun, the nights without the cloud protection had a bracing chill as he sat outside the entrance and simply breathed.
    Rustling drew his ear, and he turned his head sideways to see Hollyfeather push through the entrance and settle wordlessly next to him. He cast her a questioning look, but she didn't say anything, instead opting to look at her paws, and curl her tail over them as her ears flicked idly, almost nervously. He let out a sigh, leaning back on his haunches a little.
    "Hollyfeather, can I help you?"
    "No," she said quietly, "I just heard you leave and I... sorry if this is overstepping, but I didn't think you should be alone. You and Minkfur have both been really brave about all this, but... I still worry. You're my clanmates, and I hope that you are letting other people support you in what must be an extremely difficult time." Thunderjaw glanced away, and Hollyfeather sighed, working her jaw nervously. "You know... I was jealous of you two. Summitsky and I were the first warriors of the clan, but you were special. Northstar sent you specifically, and you and Minkfur got trusted to do all those patrols alone. I wanted to be trusted like that, to be good like that, and I really, really looked up to you both. And for a time I was angry, because I wasn't good enough I didn't think, but it all started to make sense when you and Minkfur became mates. And your kits... they were the best of you. Sprucepaw is the best of you, still. I see him wandering around, keeping Poppywish on his toes and I wish I could have seen the two of you growing up to see if you were troublemakers just like him."
    "Hollyfeather," Thunderjaw chuckled, "are you babbling?"
    "A little," Hollyfeather took a deep breath, "the point is, I think that for a while I held you and Minkfur on this pedestal and I didn't think about what it meant to be you, or the fact that you were just cats because I was so busy considering you to be the standard that I needed to reach and then hating you and myself when no one viewed me the same way, and that was stupid. But... I know who I am now, and the cat I am is someone who watches out for her clanmates all of the time, and would never, ever let them go through something so hard on their own. So... I'm here. And you can talk to me. If you want." Thunderjaw looked bewildered as Hollyfeather lifted her firm gaze to him. He looked away, a troubled cloud settling across his expression, before he asked, after a beat of silence;
    "Can I tell you something?"
    "Someone else was there."
    "When Willowpaw died," he repeated, "someone else was there. Brackenstrike said that Willowpaw said it was a trap before she ran for Silverpaw. She didn't know what it meant at the time and she still doesn't, but Brackenstrike didn't see what I did. There was a rock- it fell down in the landslide- and it had a smear of limestone dust on it, but the landslide wasn't anywhere near the limestone cliffs." Thunderjaw frowned at the ground. "It wasn't an accident. Someone killed her on purpose." Thunderjaw fell silent, and Hollyfeather stared at her paws in horror, her mind racing before she let out a sharp gasp, and got to her paws.
    "The stranger."
    "What about him?"
    "No! No, not him, the strange cat I saw at the cliffs, the one who was rolling around in the limestone dust, I said it was like they were-"
    "Watching." Thunderjaw finished. Hollyfeather could see the gears turning. "You said there was no trail, no scent-"
    "There wasn't, but someone like that shouldn't be able to-"
    "But she's not. A white cat right?" Hollyfeather nodded. Thunderjaw swore, his tail lashing and his eyes burning with baleful fire. "Hollyfeather, go wake Sleetstar and Midnightblaze and Summitsky. I'm going to get Minkfur."
    "Thunderjaw, what's going on?" Hollyfeather shrank back from the fury in his gaze as he turned to look at her over his shoulder, a newfound determination settled into his eyes.
    "I know who killed Willowpaw."

` servings consumed
12/12 - x4 hares
` clan events
poppywish tends to injured cats. he treats:
β†ͺ koishimmer with x1 cobweb
β†ͺ foxspring with x1 tormentil
poppywish practices medicine.
sprucepaw hunts for herbs that help with injuries to replenish their supply
daisypaw comes out as trans! she uses she/her pronouns!
sootpaw and blackpaw take their warrior assessments
dandelionpaw, buttercuppaw, daisypaw and pansypaw learn to hunt
rivermask is kitting! breakerhowl is the father. poppywish assists and gives rivermask x1 ragwort
` patrols
1 - summitsky, sorrelsong, whisperwind, bramblingrose, bearears, primrosepetal
2 - midnightblaze, lunardawn, dapplelotus, dawnbreeze, ausmasthorn, ironpaw
3 - hollyfeather, twilightflower, sunnynose, breakerhowl, honeyheart, waspshine
4 - splitface, sycamorepath, lynxdash, silvercreek, tempestflame, leopardrunner
1 - brackenstrike, frostclaw, howlingeye, addersong, brewingice, wolfwhisker

    ` leader
    `` sleetstar | 74 moons | ♀

    ` deputy
    `` midnightblaze | 80 moons | β™‚

    ` medicine cat
    `` poppywish | 65 moons | β™‚ - [5sp]
    ` medicine cat apprentice
    `` sprucepaw | 14 moons | β™‚

    ` warriors
    `` summitsky | 77 moons | β™‚
    `` hollyfeather | 52 moons | ♀
    `` thunderjaw | 72 moons | β™‚
    `` howlingeye | 55 moons | β™‚
    `` brackenstrike | 83 moons | ♀
    `` splitface | 80 moons | ♀
    `` minkfur | 69 moons | ♀
    `` bearears | 47 moons | ♀
    `` fallowstep | 72 moons | β™‚
    `` hawkeyes | 77 moons | β™‚
    `` viridianfire | 39 moons | ♀
    `` frostclaw | 89 moons | β™‚
    `` koishimmer | 41 moons | ♀
    `` birchfang | 47 moons | β™‚
    `` sunnynose | 60 moons | β™‚
    `` whisperwind | 29 moons | β™‚
    `` breakerhowl | 65 moons | β™‚
    `` waspshine | 48 moons | β™‚
    `` winderstrike | 62 moons | β™‚
    `` twilightflower | 52 moons | ♀
    `` sorrelsong | 38 moons | ♀
    `` dawnbreeze | 62 moons | ♀
    `` twosight | 88 moons | β™‚
    `` ausmasthorn | 26 moons | ♀
    `` bramblingrose | 26 moons | β™‚
    `` addersong | 59 moons | ♀
    `` graypeak | 57 moons | β™‚
    `` falconstreak | 53 moons | ♀
    `` emberpetal | 23 moons | ♀
    `` flamestream | 23 moons | β™‚
    `` honeyheart | 57 moons | β™‚
    `` primrosepetal | 41 moons | ♀
    `` wolfwhisker | 20 moons | β™‚
    `` butterflyshine | 20 moons | ♀
    `` duckbriar | 21 moons | ♀
    `` lunardawn | 41 moons | ♀
    `` foxspring | 32 moons | β™‚
    `` fogbelly | 69 moons | ♀
    `` leopardrunner | 24 moons | β™‚
    `` tempestflame | 19 moons | ♀
    `` blizzardheart | 19 moons | β™‚
    `` brewingice | 19 moons | β™‚
    `` lightningivy | 19 moons | ♀
    `` sycamorepath | 16 moons | β™‚
    `` lynxdash | 18 moons | β™‚
    `` dapplelotus | 32 moons | ♀
    `` featherfall | 20 moons | ♀
    `` snowsilver | 20 moons | β™‚
    `` silvercreek | 14 moons | ♀
    `` auroracloud | 14 moons | ♀

    ` apprentices
    `` blackpaw | 12 moons | β™‚
    `` sootpaw | 12 moons | ♀
    `` ironpaw |11 moons | ♀
    `` dandelionpaw | 9 moons | β™‚
    `` buttercuppaw | 9 moons | β™‚
    `` daisypaw | 9 moons | ♀
    `` pansypaw | 9 moons | ♀

    ` queens and kits
    `` hazerise | 67 moons | ♀
    β†ͺ ospreykit & eaglekit [4, ♀♂]
    `` plumiris | 21 moons | ♀
    β†ͺ carnationkit, tulipkit &
    magnoliakit [4, ♀♂♀]
    `` rivermask | 64 moons | ♀
    β†ͺ due now!
    β†ͺ pepperkit [2, β˜‰]

    ` elders
    `` magpiefeather | 119 moons | ♀
    `` the stranger | 253 moons | β™‚
` ally clans
none currently.

` enemy clans
none currently.

` borders
↑ | open
β†’ | whitebark | grey_hoodie
↓ | two-leg village
← | ski slope

` medicine store
catmint [4] | greencough
poppy seeds [0] | pain
burnet [0] | strength
lamb's ear [1] | strength
lovage [1] | coughs; c
broom [0] | broken bones
lungwort [1] | yellowcough
raspberry leaves [0] | strength
ragwort [1] | strength
chervil [1] | infections/bellyache
chickweed [2] | greencough
tansy [1] | greencough
fennel [2] | hip pain
cobweb [0] | bleeding
wintergreen [0] | wounds
mallow leaves [1] | bellyache
goldenrod [0] | wounds
wild garlic [1] | infections

` fresh-kill pile
vole | x6 | 1 servings [6]
rabbit | x4 | 2 servings [8]
stoat | x6| 2 servings [12]
small fish | x6 | 2 servings [12]
hare | x1 | 3 servings [3]
bird | x3 | 3 servings [9]

` mentors
breakerhowl | blackpaw [4]
β†ͺ battle, hunt, swim, adv. battle
graypeak | sootpaw [4]
β†ͺ battle, hunt, stalking, swim
ausmasthorn | ironpaw [4]
β†ͺ hunt, battle, swim, adv. battle
birchfang | dandelionpaw [2]
β†ͺ swim, battle
flamestream | buttercuppaw [2]
β†ͺ swim, battle
fogbelly | daisypaw [2]
β†ͺ swim, battle
twosight | pansypaw [2]
β†ͺ swim, battle

` deceased
galepaw | murdered by boscoe
stormkit | weak at birth
hurricanekit | weak at birth
willowpaw | crushed in landslide

` family ties
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[ `` northernclan !! ] [ 031.1 ]

Postby solyn » Sun Dec 01, 2019 5:41 pm

population: 77 cats [ 39 fem : 37 male : 1 nb ]
servings required: 13 [83] - pebbles: 55
π™œπ™ͺπ™–π™§π™™π™žπ™–π™£π™¨ 𝙀𝙛 π™©π™π™š 𝙛𝙧𝙀𝙨𝙩
moderator: deimos - next moonstone: 15 oct.
moons since last nonsense: 0 (nl)


    𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐠𝐨.
    "Dad? Papa?" Sunnynose and Winderstrike looked up to find Daisypaw watching them, ears flicking nervously. "Can I... talk to you? The whole family, I mean, I already asked all the others to come meet me and you're the last ones... so..." The pair of toms exchanged a glance, before they turned gentle gazes on their child. Getting to their paws, they followed Daisypaw toward a quiet corner of the camp, where Foxspring, Dapplelotus, Emberpetal, Flamestream and Daisypaw's littermates had gathered. Once they were all settled, Daisypaw took a deep breath.
    "I have some news. I've been talking to Fogbelly a lot about how she knew she was trans... because recently I've been feeling like I shouldn't be a tom. And I thought about it a lot, and talked about it with Whisperwind and Leopardrunner too to see if it was the same for them... but I know in my heart now that I was right, and I'm not a tom. I'm trans. I'm a girl. A molly. And I don't want to change my name or anything because I really like being Daisypaw... but I'm a girl."
    "Of course, sweetie," Sunnynose smiled, stepping forward to nuzzle his daughter. "Did we... did I do something to make you feel like you couldn't talk about it with me?" Daisypaw laughed a little, shaking her head and casting an embarrassed glance at her paws, shuffling them a little.
    "No, no, nothing like that... I guess I was just a little nervous about it. I never thought anyone here would reject me- not in this family and not in this clan- but for some reason it felt like something I needed to work through on my own before I told any of you. I guess I just thought everyone thought they knew me because I'm blood and maybe there would be resistance to it because it's a change and it's new, but I know it was a little bit stupid."
    "I understand. I felt the same way when I came out to my siblings, even though I knew they'd love me anyway. Your Dad actually helped me when it was very new to me. He was my best friend back then, and he still is. I hope you know that whenever you need to talk about it, all of us are here for you."
    "Yeah," Pansypaw purred, nudging her sister's shoulder, "I'm going to be glad to have another girl around the apprentice's den, especially with Ironpaw and Sootpaw leaving so soon." Daisypaw chuckled at that, with a light purr.
    "I would really appreciate some help with coming out to the whole clan- I want to do it on a more personal level rather than a public one, but it'll take some time to go through everyone and it would be nice to have some emotional support. Fogbelly, Whisperwind and Leopardrunner already know, because I told them I was going to tell you, but that's... three cats out of the whole clan."
    "And your big siblings," Flamestream added, "and your dads. That's still a little more than three."
    "Okay," Daisypaw agreed with a laugh, "slightly more than three down, a lot more to go."
    "Hey, Daisypaw?" Emberpetal leaned forward, nuzzling her sister gently. "I know you're joking around a little, but I just want to make it very clear that we all love you very much, and we're all here for you whenever you need. I know that getting to this point must have been tough for you, and we support you no matter what."
    "I'll come with you if you want to talk to Poppywish about herbs to help with transition," Foxspring offered, "we have a good rapport."
    "Just because you spent time kicking around in the medicine den because you got injured doesn't mean Poppywish is your friend," Dapplelotus was amused, touching her nose to her sister's forehead with a purr, "but it's a nice offer. And if that would help, then you should take Foxspring up on the one smart idea he's ever had and talk to Poppywish about it."
    "I think I might," Daisypaw nodded, "at least for some advice. I want to talk about it with some others first. With Papa, and everyone who helped me before. And yes, Pa, I know that it's a big decision and I don't have to rush it. Don't worry, I'll take care of myself first." Sunnynose relaxed, a proud but teary smile on his face.
    "Oh, my big girl, you've grown up so much," he sniffled, leaning his head on Winderstrike's shoulder as all of his kits laughed.


    Sorrelsong was fervently grooming her kits as Sleetstar stepped up to High Rock, settling a hush over the clan in anticipation of what was to come. Newleaf's sunshine had given way to rain for a few days, but despite the slippery terrain, the two young cats had emerged victorious, if not significantly muddier than when they had left. Sorrelsong had done her best to clean them, Sootpaw and Blackpaw too excited at the prospect of their warrior names being appointed to bother with cleaning up. Ironpaw sat close to her adoptive siblings, beaming proudly at them.
    "Today, it is my pleasure to welcome two more warriors of NorthernClan. We are blessed to have had such a large induction of kits who have grown up to be hard-working apprentices, who in turn are becoming proud and strong warriors of this clan. I am so happy to see such excellent spirits among the members of this clan, and I know that the two apprentices who will receive their names today will carry on this tradition of excellency, as they have worked hard to understand the ways of the warrior code. Blackpaw and Sootpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"
    "I do." Said Blackpaw, resolute and firm.
    "I do!" Sootpaw's answer rang out clear and strong.
    "Blackpaw, the vow."
    "To my clan, to my home, to the blood that binds; I pledge myself to the cliffs and the snow. The North is all."
    "Then from this day forward, you will be known as Blackdusk, for your serenity. StarClan honours your intelligence, and it is my pleasure to welcome you as a full warrior of NorthernClan, smiled upon by the snow, the clan and the Stars. Honour him!" Yowls went up for the new warrior as Sleetstar stepped toward him to exchange ritual, before the black tom fell back into line with his mother, purring and nuzzling his forehead against hers.
    "Sootpaw, the vow."
    "To my clan, to my home, to the blood that binds; I pledge myself to the cliffs and the snow. The North is all."
    "Then from this day forward, you will be known as Sootfreckle, for the beauty of your pelt. StarClan honours the fire in your heart, and I could not be happier to induct you to the ranks of our warriors. Honour her!" Again, cheers went up for the new warrior, as she bounded forward to exchange ritual, and then ran back to her family, touching noses with her brother and beaming broadly at her mother, while Sorrelsong purred and nuzzled her between her ears.
    Sleetstar smiled as the clan began to gather around them again, pausing slightly as she felt a prickling feeling down her spine. She spun, suddenly, looking around wildly. She thought she saw a flash of white, dashing away through one of the crevices, but with the last of the sun's rays shining on the rocks and turning them almost-white in the light, it was hard to tell. She shook herself, and turned back, her eyes meeting Thunderjaw's over the crowd. His look did nothing to comfort her.
    He had felt it too.


    "They're kind of perfect, aren't they?" Breakerhowl swept his tail around his newborn kits, as Rivermask leaned against him, exhausted.
    "They better be. I didn't give birth to them for them to not be perfect. Plus, I think we did pretty good the last time round." In front of them, their daughters laughed, and Silvercreek leaned on Sprucepaw's shoulder, watching her newborn siblings burrow close to their mother's stomach, cuddling up to the warmth of her body as she leaned down to groom them. Auroracloud sighed wistfully, tilting her head to the side.
    "Were we ever that small?"
    "You still are," Sprucepaw said, laughing as Silvercreek immediately stepped on one of his paws. He grinned at Minkfur as she slipped in through the front of the den, making her way toward her friends' nest with Thunderjaw trailing her, a warm smile on his face. The pair of them settled next to Auroracloud, watching the kittens as Rivermask smiled proudly up at the other couple. Minkfur shook her head with a sigh.
    "It seems like just yesterday Sprucepaw and Willowpaw were that small, and yet here you are, doing it again," her eyes lifted to meet Rivermask's, and she dipped her head, "congratulations. They're just as cute as last time."
    "I wish you were doing it with me again," Rivermask said with a chuckle, "Plumiris and Hazerise will be abandoning me soon, it won't be the same without someone in the nursery to torment- I mean, bond with." Minkfur snorted, rolling her eyes at her friend as their children giggled.
    "I'll be sure to visit you every day," she assured her, "just because we're not in the nursery together this time doesn't mean you're not my best friend, and you'll still have my son waiting on your beck and call so if I ever want to see him I'll be forced to come see you." Sprucepaw smiled a little, leaning his head against Silvercreek's as she gave a tired but pleased purr.
    "Actually, whenever Sprucepaw's in here, he's pretty much always playing with Pepperkit. They're a pawful, but they've taken a distinct liking to him, which is good I suppose because it means whenever Sprucepaw's around it relieves the rest of us of kitsitting duty. They're going to make a very high-energy warrior one day."
    "Don't jinx it," Sprucepaw said with a snort, "everyone used to say I'd make a great warrior, and look where that got me."
    "You were just never very good with rules or expectations. I suppose I can blame myself for that one." Thunderjaw mused, and Minkfur laughed, nudging her mate's shoulder.
    "We just have to be thankful neither of them inherited your looks." Thunderjaw playfully snarled at her, nipping at her ear while Sprucepaw mimed gagging and Silvercreek nudged him to tell him to shut up. Auroracloud giggled at their antics, ducking her head to her chest in gleeful amusement. Breakerhowl rumbled a chuckle with Rivermask, before the kits stirred and he quickly hushed everyone, soothing them back to sleep with laps of his tongue.
    "Have you decided on names?" Thunderjaw asked, quieter this time.
    "Yeah," Breakerhowl nodded, touching his nose to each of his kits in turn, "we decided to name the girl Oceankit, to remind us of our first clan. The boys are Spraykit and Foamkit, a part of the ocean but not distinct to it. A reminder of a fresh start, and a new legacy."
    "That's very sweet," Minkfur whispered, with an approving nod. Rivermask leaned forward with an impish grin.
    "He came up with the meanings, I just thought they sounded cool. He's rather a sentimentalist."
    "Lies," Breakerhowl protested, "lies and slander. Don't believe a word she says."
    "It's too late," Thunderjaw said gravely, "we already believe."

    𝐭𝐑𝐒𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧.
    writing too long and can be found below

` servings consumed
13/13 - x6 rabbits & x1 vole
` clan events
poppywish and sprucepaw search for herbs to help with injuries
all apprentices learn to climb
[moonpool] varvara joins the clan to be with sleetstar.
β†ͺ varvara was coloured in by grey_hoodie! thanks again, she looks awesome <3
northernclan is attacked by the merchants:
β†ͺ dawnbreeze, blizzardheart, sycamorepath, buttercuppaw, sootfreckle and breakerhowl
are killed in the battle
β†ͺ sleetstar is given her nine lives by starclan, and loses the first
β†ͺ please roll for injuries on:
hollyfeather, midnightblaze, viridianfire, duckbriar, ausmasthorn,
ironpaw, dandelionpaw, blackdusk, graypeak, howlingeye & sleetstar
claiming x1 cobweb from cac advent calendar
` patrols
1 - sleetstar, waspshine, winderstrike, sunnynose, butterflyshine, leopardrunner
2 - summitsky, midnightblaze, falconstreak, lunardawn, koishimmer, primrosepetal
3 - hollyfeather, twilightflower, silvercreek, frostclaw, dawnbreeze, honeyheart
4 - splitface, sorrelsong, sootfreckle, whisperwind, ausmasthorn, ironpaw
5 - hawkeyes, fallowstep, brewingice, wolfwhisker, duckbriar, featherfall
1 - thunderjaw, minkfur, brackenstrike, howlingeye, bramblingrose, bearears

    ` leader
    `` sleetstar | 75 moons | ♀

    ` deputy
    `` midnightblaze | 81 moons | β™‚

    ` medicine cat
    `` poppywish | 66 moons | β™‚ - [5sp]
    ` medicine cat apprentice
    `` sprucepaw | 15 moons | β™‚

    ` warriors
    `` summitsky | 78 moons | β™‚
    `` hollyfeather | 53 moons | ♀
    `` thunderjaw | 73 moons | β™‚
    `` howlingeye | 56 moons | β™‚
    `` brackenstrike | 84 moons | ♀
    `` splitface | 81 moons | ♀
    `` minkfur | 70 moons | ♀
    `` bearears | 48 moons | ♀
    `` fallowstep | 73 moons | β™‚
    `` hawkeyes | 78 moons | β™‚
    `` viridianfire | 40 moons | ♀
    `` frostclaw | 90 moons | β™‚
    `` koishimmer | 42 moons | ♀
    `` birchfang | 48 moons | β™‚
    `` sunnynose | 61 moons | β™‚
    `` whisperwind | 30 moons | β™‚
    `` breakerhowl | 66 moons | β™‚
    `` waspshine | 49 moons | β™‚
    `` winderstrike | 63 moons | β™‚
    `` twilightflower | 53 moons | ♀
    `` sorrelsong | 39 moons | ♀
    `` dawnbreeze | 63 moons | ♀
    `` twosight | 89 moons | β™‚
    `` ausmasthorn | 27 moons | ♀
    `` bramblingrose | 27 moons | β™‚
    `` addersong | 60 moons | ♀
    `` graypeak | 58 moons | β™‚
    `` falconstreak | 54 moons | ♀
    `` emberpetal | 24 moons | ♀
    `` flamestream | 24 moons | β™‚
    `` honeyheart | 58 moons | β™‚
    `` primrosepetal | 42 moons | ♀
    `` wolfwhisker | 21 moons | β™‚
    `` butterflyshine | 21 moons | ♀
    `` duckbriar | 22 moons | ♀
    `` lunardawn | 42 moons | ♀
    `` foxspring | 33 moons | β™‚
    `` fogbelly | 70 moons | ♀
    `` leopardrunner | 25 moons | β™‚
    `` tempestflame | 20 moons | ♀
    `` blizzardheart | 20 moons | β™‚
    `` brewingice | 20 moons | β™‚
    `` lightningivy | 20 moons | ♀
    `` sycamorepath | 17 moons | β™‚
    `` lynxdash | 19 moons | β™‚
    `` dapplelotus | 33 moons | ♀
    `` featherfall | 21 moons | ♀
    `` snowsilver | 21 moons | β™‚
    `` silvercreek | 15 moons | ♀
    `` auroracloud | 15 moons | ♀
    `` blackdusk | 13 moons | β™‚
    `` sootfreckle | 13 moons | ♀
    `` argentripple | 29 moons | β™‚
    `` robinwhistle | 33 moons | ♀

    ` apprentices
    `` ironpaw |12 moons | ♀
    `` dandelionpaw | 10 moons | β™‚
    `` buttercuppaw | 10 moons | β™‚
    `` daisypaw | 10 moons | ♀
    `` pansypaw | 10 moons | ♀

    ` queens and kits
    `` hazerise | 68 moons | ♀
    β†ͺ ospreykit & eaglekit [5, ♀♂]
    `` plumiris | 22 moons | ♀
    β†ͺ carnationkit, tulipkit &
    magnoliakit [5, ♀♂♀]
    `` rivermask | 65 moons | ♀
    β†ͺ foamkit, spraykit & oceankit [1, ♂♂♀]
    β†ͺ pepperkit [3, β˜‰]

    ` elders
    `` magpiefeather | 120 moons | ♀
    `` the stranger | 254 moons | β™‚
` ally clans
none currently.

` enemy clans
none currently.

` borders
↑ | open
β†’ | whitebark | grey_hoodie
↓ | two-leg village
← | ski slope

` medicine store
catmint [4] | greencough
poppy seeds [0] | pain
burnet [0] | strength
lamb's ear [1] | strength
lovage [1] | coughs; c
broom [0] | broken bones
lungwort [1] | yellowcough
raspberry leaves [0] | strength
ragwort [1] | strength
chervil [1] | infections/bellyache
chickweed [2] | greencough
tansy [1] | greencough
fennel [2] | hip pain
cobweb [1] | bleeding
wintergreen [0] | wounds
mallow leaves [1] | bellyache
goldenrod [0] | wounds
wild garlic [1] | infections
comfrey root [1] | breaks/wounds
dock [1] | scratches

` fresh-kill pile
vole | x9 | 1 servings [9]
rabbit | x0 | 2 servings [0]
stoat | x8| 2 servings [16]
small fish | x7 | 2 servings [14]
hare | x3 | 3 servings [9]
bird | x4 | 3 servings [12]

` mentors
ausmasthorn | ironpaw [4]
β†ͺ hunt, battle, swim, adv. battle
birchfang | dandelionpaw [3]
β†ͺ swim, battle, hunt
flamestream | buttercuppaw [3]
β†ͺ swim, battle, hunt
fogbelly | daisypaw [3]
β†ͺ swim, battle, hunt
twosight | pansypaw [3]
β†ͺ swim, battle, hunt

` deceased
galepaw | murdered by boscoe
stormkit | weak at birth
hurricanekit | weak at birth
willowpaw | crushed in landslide

` family ties
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[ `` northernclan !! ] [ 031.2 ]

Postby solyn » Sun Dec 01, 2019 6:41 pm

    𝐭𝐑𝐒𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧.
    β€œThat’s everyone in for the night,” Howlingeye padded up alongside Sleetstar and Midnightblaze, gazing down into the camp as families reunited and the last of the border patrol dispersed. Sleetstar hummed an acknowledgement, but there were clouds in her usually clear blue eyes. Howlingeye tried not to think too hard on that, as the breeze ruffled his fur. β€œAre you alright?”
    β€œAs relative as the term can be, sure.” Sleetstar chuckled, nodding to Poppywish’s impatient shuffling on the ledge above them. β€œYour mate is waiting for you. You should go.”
    β€œOnly because you insist.” He rubbed his cheek against Midnightblaze’s as he passed, purring in delight as Poppywish surged forward to meet him, nuzzling into his throat. Sleetstar’s fond smile didn’t last long, as she turned back to look out over her clan. Midnightblaze’s worried gaze bored into the side of her head, but she tried to push away the crawling burning sensation.
    β€œStill thinking about it?”
    β€œHow could I not,” Sleetstar blew out a sigh, shaking her head. Midnightblaze frowned at his paws, taking a deep breath, before he began to ask;
    β€œSleetstar… about what we found out… does that mean you don’t have all nine-”
    β€œRogues!” Leopardrunner’s deafening yowl echoed around the basin as he skittered back through the entrance, dodging nimbly out of the way of a cat chasing him, leaving a perfect opening for Flamestream to smash into the other cat, sending them spiralling as he pounced and pushed a paw down onto their throat. β€œScout… ran back… as fast as I could… more following.”
    β€œYou’re too late,” the cat hissed, β€œwe come for glory and for your end. We will take back what is ours.” A maniacal laugh escaped them, and the tang of blood and the city’s smog wafted through the entrance. Flamestream’s ears flattened, and Leopardrunner’s fur bristled as in twos and threes, the Merchants flooded through the entrance to camp and fanned out in a semi-circle blocking the exit. Sleetstar held her head high, brushing past Midnightblaze as she descended to the camp centre, positioning herself directly across from Boscoe, as her clan began to shift behind her.
    β€œIt’s okay, Flamestream, let them up.” The ginger tom allowed the rogue to get up, backing into the crowd of cats gathering, already turning their faces toward Midnightblaze and Thunderjaw for guidance. Boscoe flicked his ears, with a grin.
    β€œThat’s awfully confident for a cat who almost died last time,” his eyes flicked over the clan, before settling on Howlingeye up on the ledge, β€œah, there he is, your weapon. I have unfinished business with you, pretty boy.” When the tom didn’t respond, Boscoe chuckled darkly, turning his attention back to Sleetstar. β€œI should have known simply banishing you wouldn’t stop you from being a thorn in my side, but this is the last time you mess with my clan, Sloane. It ends here.”
    β€œYou’re right, Boscoe, it does.” With a definitive lash of her tail, Sleetstar lifted her chin. β€œYou have spent your life ruling through fear and hatred, but I won’t let you define me any longer, and I won’t let you hurt my clan. The concept might be foreign to you, but this is my family, and that blood binds me to them in a way that you will never, ever be able to take from me, not even in death. So do your worst. NorthernClan will not fall.”
    β€œWe’ll see.” Boscoe bared his teeth and lunged; but he ran straight past Sleetstar and plowed into the crowd. With a yowl, Midnightblaze sent the ranks of NorthernClan into action, surging forward to meet the tide of Merchants. Sleetstar only had a moment to feel bewildered, before she was flying, her back hitting the ground hard as she looked up and met fearful amber eyes.
    β€œI’m so sorry,” she whispered, trying to strike at Sleetstar’s face, β€œI tried to stop him, but he- he found out I was talking to Hollyfeather. He got so angry. He says I have to kill you, or he’s going to kill us both, and you know I’d never hurt you but you have to fight me now, like you mean it. He can’t take you too.”
    β€œHe’s not going to,” Sleetstar shook her head as Varvara sliced at her, gasping as a rivulet of red began to stain Sleetstar’s cheek, β€œI won’t let him. But I can’t hurt you. Not again.”
    β€œThis isn’t the time to get sentimental,” Varvara was sobbing openly now, pummeling the pointed she-cat with sheathed claws, β€œyou have to fight! You have to! Get on your paws, I need you to stay standing, and they need you too-” Sleetstar surged to her paws, shoving Varvara back, the pair of them circling as Sleetstar’s blue eyes met wild amber.
    β€œI’m here for you, and for them, and I’ll be strong when you need me to, but please, I can’t hurt you, not even playing pretend.”
    β€œYou always did have such a hero complex,” Varvara’s voice wavered with grief, before she lunged at Sleetstar with a growl.
    Hollyfeather batted a cat away from her as she guarded the elder’s den, Whisperwind and Bearears keeping the frontline as secure as possible between the two of them, while Brackenstrike, Frostclaw and Twosight held ground at the base of the cliff trail, blocking any rogue from climbing up to the nursery or the apprentice’s den, where warriors were posted to defend them in case the front line collapsed. A familiar pelt caught the corner of her eye, and Bearears leaped a second too late with a frustrated hiss as the cat dodged by, drawing up short in front of Hollyfeather. Her eyes widened.
    β€œYou… I thought Boscoe was crazy when he was talking about conferring with the enemy but I-”
    β€œI’m not your enemy,” Hollyfeather’s green eyes burned, β€œI’ve done nothing to you. You know this war is waged out of a petty personal desire and a history I don’t understand.”
    β€œNorthernClan killed my parents-”
    β€œAnd I wasn’t here. None of us were. This is a new beginning, and we’re all just trying to make right the wrongs we might have done in the past. I’m sorry we lied to you, but I know this isn’t what you want, so why are you here?”
    β€œI serve my clan-”
    β€œOr do you serve your leader? You talked about how he governs on fear, so maybe you’re too afraid to stand up and do the right thing. You talked about fairness, and respect, but is it fair to ask cats who have no stake in this fued to die for your cause? Please, Sienna, I know that you can see how wrong this is, and I know you don’t follow blindly- no one could ever give you a cause to- so why do you obey so readily when you know it’s wrong?” The somali flinched, her gaze flicking past Hollyfeather to the den. Her fur bristled, and she tensed.
    β€œHe’s in there, isn’t he?”
    β€œYes.” Sienna nodded, once.
    β€œWhat is your name, really?”
    β€œThen fight well, Hollyfeather,” Sienna nodded grimly to her, β€œI’ll do what I can to not harm your clanmates, but I am only one cat. There will be tragedy today, before the war is won.”
    β€œYou underestimate the difference you can make.” Sienna flicked her eyes away before she turned, ears flattening as she charged back past Whisperwind and into the battle once more.
    Hollyfeather’s eyes scored across the battlefield. Cats clashed together, muscles working, fire in eyes from both sides. It felt like the world was slowing down around her as the horror sunk in, and she felt the tears start to rise as someone yelled at her from aeons away. Her ears snapped back to attention just in time to duck as Whisperwind leaped over her head and tackled a cat mid-air, hissing as he was pinned to the ground, only for Bramblingrose to shoulder-barge the cat off of him, chasing them away with his ears flattened to his head.
    β€œYou okay, Hollyfeather?” Whisperwind staggered to his paws, shaking himself out. Hollyfeather nodded, features falling into her characteristic firm resolution as she looked at the proud build of Whisperwind’s shoulders, and the determination flickering in his eyes. Bramblingrose returned to his side, and the white tom cat gave him a serious look. β€œDon’t die, okay?”
    β€œNothing could keep me from you,” the bobtail asserted, before he leaped forward back into the fray, leaving Whisperwind smiling in his wake.
    β€œI couldn’t protect Galepaw,” Whisperwind said, taking up stance next to Hollyfeather while Bearears weaved and darted in front of them, chasing off any attackers with forceful hisses, β€œbut this is my home, and the best family I’ve ever had. I’m stronger now, and I’m going to do everything I can to make sure I protect them.”
    β€œI’m with you.”
    β€œGood. Then let’s shred some rogues.”
    The battle raged on; Thunderjaw and Summitsky fought back to back, claws swiping in large arcs, the power of their broad shoulders amplified with every slash. Splitface weaved nimbly through the battlefield, leading bloodthirsty opponents into clever traps laid by Minkfur and Rivermask. Sunnynose and Winderstrike fought alongside their eldest kits, the four of them pushing forward in a cohesive line with Emberpetal and Flamestream charging between opponents to bowl them off their paws. Honeyheart and Falconstreak used speed to outpace the rogue warriors, while Howlingeye artfully dodged Boscoe’s furious swipes.
    Poppywish’s ginger pelt flashed between the cats. Pressing cobwebs to Midnightblaze’s flank before the deputy launched himself forward again with a furious cry. Smearing a poultice over a cut above Viridianfire’s injured eye. Forcing Duckbriar to chew a herb as she winced over a wrenched claw, Wolfwhisker sturdily supporting her with his shoulder. Fogbelly and Hazerise stood outside the nursery, tails lashing, although the line kept at the bottom of the trail had prevented any attacks. Ironpaw and Ausmasthorn stood ready to defend the apprentice’s den, faces sombre but resolute.
    It wasn’t enough.
    β€œTwosight!” Frostclaw’s panicked yowl carried across the camp as three cats slammed into the old tom, pinning him down as four more streaked past. Brackenstrike shoulder-checked the fifth, Tempestflame and Lightningivy falling into step beside her to hold the line while Frostclaw helped Twosight. The cats surged up the past, two veering toward the nursery while two headed for the apprentice’s den.
    Hazerise and Fogbelly readied, the two big she-cats enough to make the attackers balk, which was all Fogbelly needed to yowl and charge at them, bowling them back down the cliff. Ausmasthron and Ironpaw stepped into the way of the attackers, but the large tom leading them simply lifted a paw and swatted Ausmasthorn aside like she weighed nothing. The calico bob smashed into the wall with a yelp, and Ironpaw dashed to her side, before thinking better of it and running after the cats into the apprentice’s den.
    β€œNo!” Hazerise tried to dart forward, hissing as the two attackers pushed up against her, forcing her back while Fogbelly darted to prevent them from getting any closer. Inside the den, Ironpaw tackled one of the attackers, hissing as they easily flipped her and slammed her into the ground hard enough to see stars.
    β€œIronpaw!” Daisypaw gasped.
    β€œGo! You have to run- get to Hazerise and Fogbelly. Now!” The younger apprentices hesitated, before they dashed for the entrance, skidding to a halt as the other cat leaped in front of them.
    β€œYou’re not going anywhere,” he said, tail lashing and eyes gleaming.
    β€œStay away from us,” Dandelionpaw snapped, shielding his siblings with his body. The cat huffed a laugh and slammed him away from him with an easy back-paw. Pansypaw whimpered, huddling closer to her sister as she hissed and flattened her ears.
    β€œHmm… which of you shall I pick off first? I think…” his eyes scanned the remaining three, and landed on Buttercuppaw as the small tom flattened his ears and scrabbled back.
    β€œNo!” Daisypaw screamed as the tom leaped forward, bowling over her brother before she could even move. When he drew back, Daisypaw’s stomach rolled at the sight of blood on his maw.
    β€œWho’s next?” The maniacal glint in the tom’s eyes changed as a blurry brown shape smashed into him, knocking him off his paws so hard that Ironpaw’s attacker looked up at the sound of flesh against stone. Sprucepaw’s vicious hiss echoed around the cavern as he darted forward, catching the second assailant in their front scruff and tearing them off of Ironpaw, spitting out their fur as the two rogues struggled to their paws.
    β€œThe nursery’s cut off,” Sprucepaw said, β€œhelp is coming, but you have to go to the medicine den. Move!” Daisypaw nudged her brother to his paws, brokenly sobbing, while Ironpaw struggled to her own.
    β€œI’m staying, to help you fight.”
    β€œNo. You too. I’m sorry.” Ironpaw grit her teeth, but nodded, shepherding the younger apprentices away. The two rogues advanced on Sprucepaw as he flattened his ears, backing up.
    β€œWell aren’t you freakishly large?” The bigger tom chuckled, licking the blood from his chops.
    β€œHe gets that a lot,” behind him, Birchfang and Koishimmer flooded into the den, their claws unsheathed. The rogues ears flattened.
    Midnightblaze was knocked to the ground as cats streamed past Brackenstrike, fear in their eyes. The sentinels exchanged firm nods to one another, before Birchfang and Koishimmer descended to stay closer to the bottom of the trail, and Sprucepaw helped a limping Ausmasthorn up toward the medicine den, where Ironpaw was watching over her with Fallowstep and Hawkeyes.
    β€œNo!” Midnightblaze looked up, eyes widening as he saw a cat bearing down on him, claws unsheathed and maw opened in a screech. A blur of colour crossed his vision, and the two cats collided, thrown apart by the impact as Dawnbreeze bounced across the ground, and was still.
    β€œDawnbreeze!” Midnightblaze’s throat was raw from screaming as he scrabbled to her, nudging her as her breathing slowed, more and more. β€œNo no no, stay with me, you’re going to be okay, you hear me? It’s all going to be okay, just wake up, please, just open your eyes.”
    β€œIt’s okay,” Midnightblaze looked up to see Twosight, who nodded to him firmly. β€œI’ll stay with her. We need you out there calling the shots.”
    β€œI’m sorr-”
    β€œDon’t be,” Twosight smiled at him, taking up sentinel next to his adopted daughter, β€œshe’s going to be fine.” Midnightblaze hesitated, before he turned and charged back into the battle to knock a cat away from Primrosepetal. Even as the deputy retreated and a cat came charging toward Twosight with a fierce yowl, he knew he had lied.
    Blood slicked the stone, yowls filled the air as the sun set, turning the sky above to a deep, throbbing red, the glare of the sun’s rays only just visible over the basin’s walls. The battle took its toll on both sides; cats were tiring, wounded and exhausted, but they pressed on, battling the line of rogues back toward the entrance.
    β€œSycamorepath!” Lynxdash’s voice rang out above the crowd, drawing Falconstreak’s attention to her daughter as she backed up against the basin wall, favouring one of her front paws with her ears flattened, hissing. The cinnamon point was pinned down, and he cried out, thrashing under his captor’s paws, before a blur of grey blitzed past him and Falconstreak in turn, bowling through the ring of cats and skidding to a stop in front of Sycamorepath, tail lashing.
    β€œGet away from her,” Blizzardheart said, eyes flashing, β€œget back. This is your only chance.”
    β€œSeems about right that Sloane would get kits to fight her battles for her.” The she-cat snickered, nodding to her rogue friends. β€œBut a kill’s a kill after all, and we just got handed a two for one deal.” Across camp, Hollyfeather’s eyes widened. Images came back to her; Bearears against the same wall, eyes wide with fear, and then the screams and the pain and the horror and-
    Before she knew it, her paws were moving, streaking toward the young warriors. Blizzardheart was within sight, slashing rapidly at his attackers as Sycamorepath defended his flank. One stride. Two. Only a few more until she was there. A shape smashed into her, pinning her to the ground and her maws parted in a scream, at the top of her lungs.
    β€œBlizzardheart! Move!”
    In slow motion, Hollyfeather sobbed, watching as a cat dived for Sycamorepath first, taking the tabby molly down as her mother struggled toward her. Blizzardheart turned, eyes wide with horror and his attackers descended upon him. The next time his grey pelt appeared, it was unmoving on the stone, and his opponents had turned to stalk toward Hollyfeather as she cried. Red paws darted into her field of vision.
    β€œStop,” Sienna snarled, β€œthis isn’t an honourable way to fight.”
    β€œThis isn’t about honour,” the she-cat said with a disdainful sniff, β€œthis is about winning.”
    β€œThis is not a win. This is not glorious. This is sadism.” The tom pinning Hollyfeather yowled in shock as a black shoulder caught him hard in the ribs, sending him flying. Twilightflower pushed Hollyfeather to her paws, eyes awash with grief.
    β€œI’m so sorry-” Hollyfeather started, but Twilightflower shook her head.
    β€œThere’s no time for that. We have to go- now!” Hollyfeather nodded, once, watching as Sprucepaw sprinted for his friends, knocking aside rogues to get to them, but the look in his eyes told Hollyfeather that he already knew it was too late. With Twilightflower at her side, she ran back across the camp toward the elder’s den, where Whisperwind and Bearears were bloodied and panting, but still fighting hard.
    All around them, cats continued to fight, even when blood matted down their furs and their muscles screamed with exhaustion. Addersong swatted another rogue away from Graypeak, who turned and smashed his back paws into the jaw of a cat creeping up on her blindside. Panting, she stared at him for a moment, before clenching her jaw and nodded. He nodded back, turning to his side where Sootfreckle was breathing hard.
    β€œYou and Blackdusk need to get out of here,” he warned the newly minted warrior, β€œthis is still too much for the both of you.”
    β€œI’m not leaving you,” Sootfreckle said fiercely.
    β€œYou’re tired, and you’re not going to be any help if you can’t fight from exhaustion. Take your brother and get to the medicine den, at least take a short rest before you come back to the fight. The clan needs you, but we need you at your best.” Sootfreckle hesitated, before she nodded stiffly.
    β€œOkay, but promise me you won’t die.” Graypeak’s face softened, and he touched his nose to her forehead.
    β€œSworn.” His former apprentice hesitated for one more moment, before she turned and sprinted through the battle, weaving toward her brother. As per usual with them, one look told Blackdusk what his sister was thinking, and on she went, sprinting toward the den trail with Blackdusk hot on her heels. It wasn’t until Graypeak heard Sorrelsong’s shriek that he knew something had gone wrong.
    He turned, quickly, to see Blackdusk shakily trying to get to his paws, one side of his head bleeding quite badly, while Sootfreckle defended him, hackles raised. The tom who had been chased from the dens earlier was stalking toward her, manic glint in his eyes, and Graypeak felt his blood run cold.
    β€œGo!” He turned to see Addersong staring at him fiercely. β€œGo, now.”
    He didn’t need any more encouragement than that, sprinting for his apprentice with all the energy he had left in him. Sootfreckle seemed both near and impossibly far away, defiant fire in her eyes as her hackles raised and she dodged a swipe from the tom and swiped back, her blow significantly weaker than whatever he would have dealt.
    It was the wrong move.
    β€œNo!” Graypeak shouted as Sootfreckle’s body arced back into range, and the tom lunged forward and sunk his teeth into her throat. The she-cat’s eyes widened, afraid, before they glazed, and her body was tossed aside, the tom moving toward Blackdusk with fluid steps. Graypeak pushed himself harder, and with a roar of rage, he slammed into the other cat, sending both of them painfully colliding into the ground. Blackdusk was sobbing as he dragged himself to his paws, limping past the guard at the base of the trail and up toward the medicine den.
    β€œThis isn’t working!” Minkfur yelled across the pitch to her mate, seeing his great head nod once before he slashed another cat away from him, β€œwe need a new plan! What do we do!”
    β€œMidnightblaze, if you’ve got some kind of an ace we need it now!”
    β€œWe just have to hold the line! Tighten up, if we can get a barrier going we can push back!” At his command, the rogues began to yell between themselves to combat the initiative, but the clan cats were faster, pulling into a tight line with Thunderjaw and Minkfur running for the middle to defend where they would be hit the hardest.
    β€œLook out!” Thunderjaw called to his mate, and she turned to see a rogue lunging for her, but before either of them could react, a blurry white shape passed her, and Breakerhowl was knocked from midair by the surprised rogue, buying Thunderjaw enough time to dig his teeth into their scruff and hurl them away from Minkfur, who was running to Breakerhowl’s side.
    He hit the ground with a sickening crack and a sharp gasp of pain, his eyes cloudy with the exertion it was taking not to scream. Minkfur skidded to a halt beside him, and he looked up at her with a weak laugh and a lopsided grin.
    β€œGotcha back,” he told her, β€œnow get out there and shred some rogues for me, okay?”
    β€œI can’t leave you here. I won’t.”
    β€œI’ll be fine, Minkfur, you go on ahead. The clan needs you now, sweetpea, you gotta step up for them, because this battle is going to be one of the hardest things these cats face in their lives, and you are so, so strong and they’ll need that strength.”
    β€œYou’ll need it too though,” she was desperate now, eyes flicking over his face as the pointed tom laughed, and then winced, clearly deciding against it.
    β€œOf course. I’m part of this clan, aren’t I? But I’ve got daughters out there- and babies up in the nursery- and they need you to be standing beside them so they know they can do this. Between you and Thunderjaw, there’s not anything you can’t do, okay? Go win one for me. For this clan.”
    β€œIt’s okay,” Rivermask brushed past her friend, to curl around her mate’s prone form with a smile, β€œI’ve got him.” Minkfur cast one grieved look at the pair, before she nodded, and presses her forehead to Breakerhowl’s. Then, steeling herself, she turned and ran back to the line, slotting in on the other side of Brackenstrike in order to push forward. As soon as she was gone, Rivermask smiled down at Breakerhowl with watery eyes. β€œJust like you to do something so dumb and heroic.”
    β€œHey, hey angel,” he stretched upward, ignoring the stabbing pain, to touch his nose to hers, β€œdon’t cry. You’ll make me cry.”
    β€œIt’s not supposed to be like this,” Rivermask’s voice broke, β€œyou’re supposed to raise our kits with me. You’re supposed to be there when they take mates, and joke around with your grandkits. You’re supposed to stay here, with me, forever.”
    β€œI’m not going anywhere-”
    β€œYou can’t lie to me. You’ve never been able to.” Rivermask sobbed, pressing her forehead to his. Breakerhowl was quiet for a moment, before he spoke.
    β€œDo you know what the best day of my life was?”
    β€œAre you going to say something cheesy like when our kits were born?”
    β€œThose were great days, but the best day of my life was when I told you I loved you, and you looked at me and you said it back, and I knew you meant it. We’ve had lots of adventures together, you and me, but the greatest adventure of all, and my greatest privilege, has been loving you. This life hasn’t been easy, but I would live it again and again, over and over, a hundred times and then a thousand if it meant that each and every time I got to fall in love with you all over again. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.”
    β€œI love you so much,” Rivermask nuzzled her forehead into his own, β€œI don’t know what I’m going to do without you. You can’t leave me.”
    β€œI’m trying not to,” Breakerhowl inhaled sharply, fighting back tears, β€œI don’t want to go. I want to stay with you forever, and I’m scared, but you’re here with me now, and that makes me brave. Forever and ever, even when my soul goes to the stars, my heart will always be yours. Sit with me for a while, okay?”
    β€œI’m here,” Rivermask curled her tail around him, tucking her face into the scruff at the back of his neck as she inhaled a shaky breath, β€œI’m here.”
    An enraged roar drew her attention across the camp, where Howlingeye had been darting around Boscoe for the entirety of the battle, keeping him sequestered in the far corner of camp and dodging his hits. The ginger tom was exhausted now, but Howlingeye was getting tired too, chest heaving heavily. The leader of the rogues slammed into Howlingeye, sending the slight tom flying, knocking Varvara’s feet out from under her and bowling her away from Sleetstar as he skidded across the ground. Sleetstar looked up, eyes wide, as the tom ran for her.
    β€œEnough! It’s time to finish this myself!” With a shriek, he leaped at her, and Sleetstar dropped, lifting her back legs and slamming them hard into his belly to push him over her and onto his back. In a flash, she leaped onto him, digging her claws into his throat and his belly to pin him down.
    β€œIt’s over,” she snarled, β€œtake your cats and get out of my clan.”
    β€œIt’s not over 'til you’re dead,” he spat, thrashing beneath her.
    β€œIt’s done!”
    β€œNot quite,” Sleetstar balked, and Boscoe stilled as a white she-cat with sparkling fur drifted toward them. The battle stilled, in awe, as Northstar stalked toward the pair. β€œOne of you does have to die, but it won’t be Sleetstar. This is the moment that we have been waiting for, my dear, the final moment of retribution, to right the wrongs that were committed against this clan so long ago by his predecessors. His family. But blood will pay for blood.” Her blue eyes cut to Sleetstar’s. β€œDo it.”
    β€œNo.” Sleetstar’s claws retracted, and she stepped off of Boscoe, lifting her chin defiantly toward Northstar. β€œThe warrior code dictates mercy in battle, and I won’t kill for the sins of the past. That is not my battle. My battle is for my home, and for my family. Maybe I started this journey for revenge, but I will finish it for love.”
    β€œYou are receiving an order direct from StarClan,” Northstar fumed, β€œdo i-”
    β€œBut I’m not, am I?” Sleetstar’s eyes hardened, and a sneer crossed her face at the bewildered look on Northstar’s face. β€œDid you think Thunderjaw wouldn’t tell me, when he figured it out? You’re not StarClan, you’re Dark Forest. That’s how you can become tangible enough to influence our world. Those aren’t stars in your pelt, it’s limestone dust. It was you Hollyfeather saw at the cliffs. It was you that sent the landslide onto Willowpaw. You who lead Rafe here, to send a message to Midnightblaze. You who sold out Hollyfeather and The Stranger to instigate this war. I am tired of you manipulating me and my clan. Maybe our start was false, but NorthernClan serves StarClan, and I believe in justice, and forgiveness.”
    β€œThen you’re a fool,” Northstar bared her teeth, β€œI’ll admit, it’s clever that you figured it out… but you’re just the first test. There are plenty of others with more to lose and everything to gain who will follow my bidding where you have failed. Your will was not strong enough, but it was the catalyst for what will make a very satisfying conclusion.” Northstar’s body became solid, and she pounced.
    β€œNO!” The last thing Sleetstar heard was Varvara’s blood-curdling scream and Thunderjaw’s panicked call for her, before Northstar’s teeth sunk into her throat, and Sleetstar’s whole world went black with one singular decisive bite.
    Sleetstar had often wondered what came after death.
    Now, she was not so thrilled to find out. The world around her had dropped away, and she was suspended among the stars, shining footprints left in her wake as she whirled around, looking for a way out. The silence was deafening; no rustle of leaves, no chirping of birds, not even the quiet sniffing of a mouse. Sleetstar wanted to scream, and the anguish that bubbled out of her throat simply couldn’t quell the desire, and so she did.
    β€œNo!” She lashed out at the stars around her, but her claws sliced through thin air. β€œNo! No, not like this, not like this.” Sobbing, she curled in on herself, shoulders shaking violently with tears. β€œIt can’t end like this. This isn’t how it was supposed to go-”
    β€œHow was it supposed to end, then?” Sleetstar’s head jerked up, and she turned to see two figures watching her; a large, grey and white tom and a broad-shouldered ginger molly. Their eyes shone with stars, and their pelts were full and healthy. Sleetstar sobbed as she realized what was happening.
    β€œI don’t know,” she croaked, β€œbut it wasn’t supposed to end like this. I haven’t been there when they needed me, and I can’t leave them now. They need me. They need their leader, and I can’t fail them again, I just can’t. It’s not right- Midnightblaze never wanted to be deputy, let alone leader. He’ll step up if the clan needs him, but it’ll be miserable. And my kits- they’ve already had me abandon them once, I can’t do that to them again. And all the dead? Who will lead them through that, who will be firm? And Varvara-” her voice cracked, β€œ-she gave everything. It can’t all be for nothing. It can’t.”
    β€œBut you know you can’t go back,” it wasn’t a question. Sleetstar’s shoulders sagged.
    β€œI know,” Sleetstar said, quietly, β€œwhen Thunderjaw put it together, I knew. I didn’t say anything, because I didn’t want them to worry, but… Dark Forest cats can’t grant nine lives. I knew it was the only one I had, but I don’t regret giving it the way I did.” Sleetstar turned, lifting her chin to the StarClan cats, even as tears blazed in her eyes. β€œI only regret it took me so long to find you.”
    β€œWe watched you for a long time, Sleetstar of NorthernClan,” the ginger molly said, β€œwhen the clan fell, it was because of Northstar’s selfishness and personal rage. She dragged us all into a fight that wasn’t her own, and killed her clan over a minor grievance. She was never of the Stars, and when she convinced you to rebuild what she had lost, we were terribly saddened that you had lost your way… but you surprised us.”
    β€œWe never expected you to turn against her,” the tom supplemented, β€œwe always assumed that your anger and bitterness would blind you the same way it blinded her, but your heart was stronger than your hatred, and you built something that we could be proud of. We tried to reach you both- you and the medicine cat- but you were so far away.”
    β€œI’m sorry,” Sleetstar closed her eyes, taking a shuddering breath, β€œI’m glad I made you proud in the end. I didn’t know until I had it, but NorthernClan has been the best thing that ever happened to me. It showed me what I’m capable of and it gave me the drive to find who I am, and who I want to be. I can only hope that now I can offer guidance among the stars, as one of you.” The two cats exchanged a glance, and Sleetstar’s blood ran cold.
    β€œYou are a leader of NorthernClan,” the tom said, β€œone who lives by the code of the clans, who has performed with honour, courage and fervent loyalty, who understands love and hate in equal terms and chooses love every time. You impressed us, Sleetstar of NorthernClan, by becoming against all odds the leader this clan should have had a long time ago.”
    β€œIt is our belief that you are entitled to the nine lives of a leader who will sacrifice for her clan, as you have already sacrificed,” Sleetstar’s eyes widened, β€œit’s a rare occurrence to do something of this sort, but to give so selflessly when you knew what awaited you is the hallmark of a true heart, and one that we want to remain in NorthernClan for some time yet. One life will have already been lost, but with the rest I hope that you choose to continue to walk this path, to prove that this decision is the right one. Sleetstar, will you accept the nine lives that StarClan offers you?”
    β€œI will,” she said, her voice firm, even with tears welling again, β€œand I promise, I won’t misuse them.”
    β€œThen without further ado,” from the stars, more and more cats began to emerge, forming a semi-circle in front of Sleetstar. The ginger molly stepped forward first. β€œI am Sunwhisper, former medicine cat of NorthernClan, before the plague took me. With this first life, I grant you wisdom; may you use it to lead your clan on the best path, and to understand what is best for each of them.” Her nose touched Sleetstar’s forehead, and she let out a gasp at the searing pain, struggling to stay on her paws. Sunwhisper stepped back, and a young apprentice stepped forward, smiling up at her.
    β€œI’ve waited a while to meet you, Sleetstar, although what I wanted to say then is very different from what I wish to say now,” she chuckled, tilting her head with a warm smile, β€œmy name is Swallowpaw, sister of Midnightblaze. I couldn’t leave with him and my mother, but it has been a joy to see him return, and to see his happiness build. Thank you for bringing him home to me. With your second life, I grant you honesty- I know you have felt lonely, and that you have had to hide things in the past, but I hope this life brings you peace in knowing that your clanmates will always be honest with you, so long as you are honest with them, and honest with yourself. I hope you continue to look inward and know your own heart, and to be earnest in your treatment of it.” Her nose touched Sleetstar’s shoulder, and again, the pain was so blindingly hot that Sleetstar thought her paws would give out. She staggered, swaying a little as two cats emerged from the crowd. Sleetstar’s eyes widened.
    β€œI… remember you.”
    β€œThen your memory is better than most,” the molly laughed as Sleetstar stumbled forward, pressing her face into the soft fur at her neck. β€œIt’s good to see you again, Sleetstar, and how big you’ve grown.”
    β€œHow are you here? I didn’t think the Merchants believed in StarClan.”
    β€œLove, most likely,” the tom said with a smile, β€œthe memory our daughter holds dear is likely what binds us here, ancestors of your clan. Thank you for taking care of our Brackenstrike- as much as you needed her friendship, she had needed yours as well. You have kept her strong, and given her purpose when she has lost it. For that, we cannot thank you enough.”
    β€œShe’s strong on her own. You raised an amazing daughter.”
    β€œWe know. I regret we didn’t get to see her grow, but I am relieved to know she’s not alone.” Brackenstrike’s mother- Vivian, Sleetstar’s brain supplied- smiled at her mate. β€œTivoli and I would like to grant you your third life, with the gift of patience. You have gone through hardship, and you know that at times life is not so easy, but I hope that this life will gift you the strength to wait and to endure, even during the toughest of times, because your clan will look to you for reassurance.” They leaned in together, and Sleetstar took a deep breath, bracing herself for the burst of white-hot pain that dragged a hiss through gritted teeth out of her. Vivian and Tivoli stepped back into the crowd, and a familiar ginger pelt stepped forward. Sleetstar’s eyes widened, and she choked back tears.
    β€œHey, Sleetstar,” the ginger molly chuckled, β€œlong time no se- oof!” Sleetstar tackled her over, nuzzling her cheek with a broken sob as the other she-cat laughed and wrapped her paws around her with a purr. β€œIt’s good to see I was missed.”
    β€œOf course you were. I missed you so much- I thought I’d never see you again, and every day I wished you were here with me, with us, with Brackenstrike.” Elodie’s face faltered for a second, before she smiled, gently nuzzling her nose against Sleetstar’s.
    β€œI miss you too, but what’s done is done. All that can be done now is to go back out there and give my brother a butt-whooping he’ll never forget.” She nudged Sleetstar back to her paws, drawing up to her full height. β€œI grant you your fourth life- trust. I know the Merchants never made that easy, but I always trusted you and Brackenstrike to have my back, and so now I gift you the knowledge that your clan supports you, and that you can trust them, just as they will trust you. With faith in your clan, you won’t ever be alone.” Tears streaked down Sleetstar’s face as Elodie gently touched their noses together, and the pain flashed through her again, hard enough for her legs to give out under her as she panted.
    Looking up, another familiar shape brushed through the crowd, and a black and white pelt stopped in her field of vision. Regret flashed through Sleetstar as Galepaw supported her, helping her back to her paws before she crossed in front of her with a calm smile. Sleetstar opened her mouth to speak, but Galepaw shook her head.
    β€œDon’t. You have nothing to apologize for. I wasn’t in NorthernClan for long, but in those short few moons, it was more of a family and more of a home than I’d ever have before. You gave Whisperwind room to grow on his own, and you never wrote Bearears off. That’s more than enough of an apology for me, and I only regret leaving so soon, but not giving my life for my clan, for my family.” Sleetstar smiled, but it was watery.
    β€œEveryone misses you. Not a day goes by where we don’t think of you.”
    β€œI know. You need to get over it, move on and be happy.” Sleetstar choked out a laugh as Galepaw purred. β€œFor your fifth life, I grant you compassion. It’s an incredibly strong power, to be able to understand your clanmates and to feel empathy for them. Treating them with kindness will strengthen your bond with them, but I think you know that already. I just hope you remember on even the most frustrating days the tenderness and love that is possible between family, and I hope you honour the bond you have with them.”
    β€œI’ll do my best,” Sleetstar promised, hissing again as Galepaw’s life zapped through her, leaving her aching all the way down to her bones. Galepaw smiled, turning and walking back toward the semi-circle. Her pelt brushed brown tabby, a familiar figure striding toward her with purpose as Sleetstar began to openly sob again.
    β€œDon’t be sad,” Willowpaw said gently, β€œI know I left suddenly, but Silvercreek lived, and so did my parents. That’s all that’s important to me.”
    β€œNot sad,” Sleetstar managed, even though she was crying, β€œthis whole nine-lives stuff just really hurts.” Willowpaw laughed a little, and Sleetstar managed a little chuckle through her sobs, even if she couldn’t bring herself to quite look at the tall apprentice.
    β€œI’m glad I get to be a part of this, you know. With your sixth life, I grant you the gift of judgement, to be able to make decisive calls that will keep the clan safe and healthy. You’re already a smart molly, and I hope with this life you use your intelligence to do what is best, and what is right for every member of the clan.” Willowpaw leaned her forehead against Sleetstar’s, and the leader gave a strangled cry of pain, but she surged forward into the touch, committing it to memory before Willowpaw stepped away with an approving nod, backing toward the gathering of cats as two more familiar forms stepped forward.
    β€œOh, my baby,” Amara gasped, tears welling up in her eyes as her mate wrapped his tail around her. Sleetstar’s eyes widened.
    β€œMom. Dad.”
    β€œHello, Sleetstar,” Lionel chuckled as his daughter ran forward and threw herself into them, β€œyou know, this is the last place I would have ever expected my daughter, born of the Merchants, to end up, but I am so, so proud of what you’ve built. I’m sorry that you never got to know your mother and I, and I wish I’d fought just that much harder in the war so that I could have been there when you grew, but you’ve become such an amazing molly… I can hardly imagine that you came from me at all.”
    β€œI miss you every day,” Sleetstar’s voice cracked, β€œI’m sorry. All the mistakes I made, I-”
    β€œWe never stopped being proud of you,” Amara licked her daughter’s forehead, β€œyou lost your way for a bit, but we never doubted that you would find the right path again. That is why your father and I would like to give you your seventh life, with the gift of strength. You have already been so strong, doing all of this on your own for so long, and I know you are tired, but with your clan looking to you, you need to draw strength from every source you can and persevere. We believe in you, Sleetstar, and we know you are strong enough to protect your clan, but know we are with you, and you are never doing this alone.”
    β€œI know,” Sleetstar whispered, leaning into her parents’ chests as the searing pain of a life gained shot through her, their noses resting on top of her head for just a moment longer before they pulled away, nodding to her as the next pair of cats that approached her. They were unfamiliar but Sleetstar knew exactly who they were.
    β€œIt’s nice to finally meet you,” said one of Varvara’s fathers, sweeping his tail over his paws as he sat at his mate’s shoulder, β€œJune and I have watched you and our daughter. I’m glad that she has someone like you, who understands her so wholly. It makes it easier when you’re not so alone.”
    β€œI swear to you, if I get back down there, I’m never leaving her alone again.” The toms laughed, leaning their heads together with a companionable smile.
    β€œYou know, it’s silly to think that it was spurned love that started all of this, and I can’t help but think that it’s all my fault… yet I would still not do it differently. Maybe it’s selfish, but I couldn’t imagine going back only to let Almond pass me by. My life would be incomplete without him in it.”
    β€œMaybe it is selfish, but I think that’s okay. I think everyone’s allowed to be a little selfish when it comes to who they love, because it’s not meant to be for anyone else to decide. I hope you know… that’s how I feel about Var, too. My life just isn’t right without here there with me.”
    β€œWe know, you’ve nothing to convince us off, Sleetstar,” June smiled, curling his tail around his mate, β€œfor your eighth life, we grant you love. It is such a broad, all-encompassing term, and we hope you feel every ounce of it in every different way. That you love your family, your clan, your home; that you find someone to love, and that your decisions lead you to a place where you can find love for yourself. It is the strongest force in the world, I believe, and I hope that you will let it drive you, and let it be the source of your strength.”
    β€œThank you,” Sleetstar mewed, legs shaking as the white-hot pain seared through her again, β€œI promise, I won’t let you down- any of you; not you, not her.” She looked up, watching the two chocolate toms step back into line as the large gray and white tom from earlier limped forward, his front paw badly twisted. He smiled, warmly at Sleetstar.
    β€œNormally, StarClan would ask the former leader to deliver the last life, so I am honoured to be a stand-in of sorts. You have reminded me of NorthernClan’s glory, and re-invigorated the fond memories of my kithood. Life here has never been easy, but it has been happy, and it has been full of love, and from the bottom of my heart, I believe that you will make it so once more.” He leaned down, touching his nose to Sleetstar’s forehead. β€œI, Bentfoot, former deputy of NorthernClan, bless you with this last life. My gift to you is life itself, a second chance to thrive and to experience all that life has to offer you, and what it means to truly live. I know you will not squander this life, and I know you will share its gift with your clan.” The pain of the last life saw Sleetstar collapsing with a gasp, her blue eyes blown wide as all around her, the StarClan cats tipped their heads back and yowled.
    β€œSleetstar! Sleetstar! Sleetstar!” She laughed, exhausted and pained, but on shaky legs she pushed herself to her feet, and tipped her head back as well.
    β€œFor NorthernClan! For my home! For my family!”
    β€œGet back out there, then,” she tilted her head down to see Elodie grinning at her, β€œand raise all hells. We’ll be waiting for you when you get back.”
    β€œDon’t come back soon,” Willowpaw added with a wry smile. Sleetstar laughed, taking one last, proud look at the StarClan cats assembled in front of her, as more and more former NorthernClan cats began to emerge from the stars.
    β€œI’ll do my very best.”
    And then she was falling; back down to land. Her eyes snapped open, but the world was hazy, blurry, and every sound was muted as if it were underwater. She lolled her head to the side, found Varvara’s face pressed into her fur as she sobbed openly, saw Summitsky’s grief-wracked expression as Wolfwhisker held him back and Butterflyshine cried, saw Boscoe’s heaving flank as his ears flattened, and the terror in his eyes. She saw black paws in front of her, and then she saw white. Slowly, everything came back into focus, the battle stopped, everyone watching Thunderjaw as Northstar circled in front of him.
    β€œAnd now, you protect a cat responsible for the death of a young innocent? This is the tom that murdered Galepaw, and you stand here, refusing to strike the final blow for retribution? Disappointing and cowardly, Thunderjaw, I brought you to this clan because you were strong, because you knew what to do. After all, you’ve already killed once, haven’t you, what’s the difference?”
    β€œDad?” Sprucepaw’s tentative voice carried over the crowd. Thunderjaw stiffened.
    β€œI’m sorry,” his voice was wavering with grief, β€œwe’ll talk about it after, okay? I did something, a long time ago, and maybe the warrior code says it was wrong, but it wasn’t, and I don’t regret it. This is wrong though, and I won’t kill for you.” Northstar’s shoulders rattled with fury. In the crowd, Butterflyshine gave a choked gasp. A rogue nudged their clanmate and whispered;
    Sleetstar’s legs felt like jelly under her, but she forced herself to her paws anyway, fire burning behind her blue eyes. She swayed, once, and then lifted her chin. She could feel the blood matting her chest fur, could feel the ache in her overexerted muscles, but she held firm anyway. Thunderjaw’s green eyes glittered with awed tears of relief, and Wolfwhisker sagged against his father. Varvara looked up at her with wide eyes as she stood, angled her chin upward.
    β€œYou,” Northstar’s voice was raw with fury, β€œthis can’t be.”
    β€œYou have too little faith in cats who are far better than you,” Sleetstar’s gaze was proud and strong, β€œthis is my clan, and I won’t leave them to suffer your manipulation without me standing right there at their side. I promised them I would get them through this, and I have made too many mistakes to break the most important promise of my life. So now you have two choices: either you get out of my clan and stay away from my cats forever, or I’m going to make you?”
    β€œMake me?” Northstar laughed, fur bristling, as solidity came back to her form, β€œwe’ll see about tha-” her eyes widened in surprise. Sleetstar lunged forward, and sunk her teeth into her neck with a final, decisive bite. Northstar gave one, surprised gasp, before her body faded away, back into the ether. Sleetstar straightened, and then stumbled, right into Thunderjaw’s shoulder.
    β€œWelcome back.”
    β€œIt sucks to be here,” she said with a humourless laugh. Taking a deep breath, she turned to Boscoe. β€œI’m not like you. I never have been and I never will be, but this is my clan and I will defend it. I don’t want to kill you, but if you won’t take this chance to put to rest whatever hatred exists between us, then I will do what has to be done to protect my family.”
    β€œMercy,” Boscoe spat, β€œI can’t believe I considered you for my partner in rule. You were always so weak, I don’t know how you blinded me to it for so long, but that’s no matter, because only the strong survive in the Merchants, and even though Varvara strayed from the path, I know she is strong enough to fulfill her task.”
    β€œI won’t,” Varvara’s amber eyes were like fire as she drew up tall, looking down her nose at the ginger tom, β€œyou’ve controlled me for too long, but I stand with Sleetstar. She is my heart, and my home, and I should never have let you separate the two of them. For too long I have been afraid of you... but Sleetstar makes me brave. This is the end.” Boscoe hissed and launched from the ground, swiping at her throat. Varvara stumbled back and fell, as Sleetstar darted to her side, getting between the two of them.
    β€œKill them all!” Boscoe roared. β€œThey have stolen your second and they will steal your homes and your livelihood next! Do not forget your loyalty!” The Merchants exchanged glances, readying for battle again as the NorthernClan cats near them flattened their ears and tensed.
    β€œStop!” All eyes turned to the somali whose voice had rung out. Across the battlefield, Sienna’s eyes met Hollyfeather’s, and she nodded. β€œThis is enough. Loyalty is not blind faith. I know your conviction is questioned, because mine is too. For too long, we have let Boscoe’s ambition rule us through hatred, through fear, and through violence, but look around you. Find the bodies of your friends, of your blood. Look into the eyes of your clanmates and tell me you see glory there. Right now, we are fighting a personal war for him, and we are dying. It is enough. I will not kill for you, Boscoe.”
    β€œThen you will die for me.”
    β€œNo,” Sienna’s voice raised again, β€œI have watched you make a mockery of the legacy of the Merchants because your own vanity and obsession with power drives you to do unspeakable things, but this is the final straw for me. I hereby strip you of your command, and I ask anyone who believes in my motion to step forward now.” Silence, for all of a second, before a young molly with blood trickling down her face from a gash on her forehead stepped forward.
    β€œI stand with you.”
    β€œAs do I.”
    β€œI will stand-”
    β€œI stand-” Overlapping voices reached Sienna’s ears as she held Boscoe’s gaze, firmly, fire burning behind her eyes. The ginger tom snarled, turning his great head toward Sleetstar. The small molly flattened her ears, adjusting her stance above Varvara with a baleful glare.
    β€œI will simply have to get rid of you myself,” his maw opened, and he lunged forward as Sleestar lifted a paw to swipe at him, but the impact never came. Boscoe’s eyes widened as a huge, black shape slammed into him, claws digging into his stomach and pinning him to the ground. Thunderjaw’s maw clamped down over his throat and held. Boscoe gurgled once, and then was still. Silence descended over the campground again, as Thunderjaw slowly lifted his head, to meet Sleetstar’s eyes. Hers were awash with relief, his were sad. She nodded to him, as he stepped away from the ginger tom’s body.
    β€œSometimes-” his head swung toward Howlingeye, where Splitface had rushed forward to help him struggle to his paws, β€œyou have to take the hard hits so somebody else doesn’t have to.”
    β€œThank you,” Sleetstar said, collapsing next to Varvara and curling into her as the she-cat coughed, wincing around her wound before relaxing into the feeling of Sleetstar’s forehead on her own.
    β€œWhat happens now?” The two mollies looked up to find Sienna standing over them. β€œAs our second, you are now the de facto leader, Varvara. What happens next is up to you.”
    β€œI’m not coming with you,” she rasped, flinching away from Sprucepaw as he approached with cobwebs clutched delicately between his teeth, β€œI’ve fought too long and too hard for my happy ending, so I’m going to stay here and I’m going to take it. I rescind my position as leader of the Merchants, and in my place I appoint Sienna. If anyone disagrees with this motion, say so now.” Sweeping silence from the rogues, as the two mollies nodded to each other. Sienna turned to Sleetstar, eyes bright.
    β€œThen I call this battle finished. The Merchants have no quarrel with you, so long as you respect the boundaries of our territory.”
    β€œOf course,” Sleetstar nodded, β€œthis will be a trying time for all of us. You and your cats are free to come and go from the camp, to collect your wounded and your dead. No one here will stop you.”
    β€œThen this is the end,” Sienna said, bowing her head, β€œwell-met, Sleetstar of NorthernClan. The Merchants will honour this truce.”
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[ `` northernclan !! ] [ 032 ]

Postby solyn » Sun Dec 08, 2019 3:59 pm

population: 73 cats [ 37 fem : 35 male : 1 nb ]
servings required: 12 [76] - pebbles: 55
π™œπ™ͺπ™–π™§π™™π™žπ™–π™£π™¨ 𝙀𝙛 π™©π™π™š 𝙛𝙧𝙀𝙨𝙩
moderator: deimos - next moonstone: 15 dec.
moons since last nonsense: 1 (gl)


    𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐠𝐨.
    A somber mood settled over the clan. Overhead, the dam broke in the Newleaf sky, pouring rain down onto the cats gathered in the clearing. Poppywish looked nervous about the prospect of letting injured cats get drenched to the bone, but the look on his face said he wouldn't argue with the quiet determination of the whole clan to gather. Sorrelsong sobbed as Blackdusk leaned into her shoulder, eyes closed against the throbbing pain of his headache. Graypeak sat on the other side of Sootfreckle's body, his face as haggard as the day he'd joined the clan with Ironpaw at his side, silently crying.
    Sunnynose and Winderstrike sat vigil over their son, their kits gathered around them. Even Dandelionpaw had descended from the medicine cat den, wedged between Daisypaw and Flamestream, barely looking present but determined to be there to see his brother off. Rivermask remained curled around Breakerhowl where he had fallen, her face pressed into his fur. Her eldest daughters sat near, with the kits bundled close to them while their mother grieved. Falconstreak's shoulders shook with her back turned to the clan, hunched over Sycamorepath's peacefully resting body. Twilightflower and her remaining kits huddled around Blizzardheart, Hollyfeather's stricken sobbing echoing around the camp. Twosight sat alone, guarding Dawnbreeze's body as he turned his face to the sky, eyes closed.
    Supported by Varvara and Summitsky, Sleetstar limped forward through the crowd. Her normally beautiful pelt was dulled and matted from the battle, her sharp blue eyes seeming blunt and harrowed. Nonetheless, she shuddered to a seat at the head of the clan, overlooking the bodies of her fallen clanmates. She closed her eyes, and exhaled a slow breath, but she knew all eyes were on her already.
    "I wish," she began, "that my first time speaking to you as a true leader of NorthernClan was under happier circumstances. What happened here today was a tragedy, one I wish with every fibre of my soul I could have prevented... but wishing is just wishing, and none of that will change what has already been set in stone. At the very least, I find comfort in knowing I have seen StarClan at last, and that the cats who preside there will welcome those who have had to leave us before their time with warm smiles and as much love in their hearts as we have for them. Their hunting will be good, and eternal, as they have all fulfilled their pledge to the warrior code. I know this is a difficult time for many of us- we have lost family... friends," Sleetstar's voice cracked as she turned sharply away from Breakerhowl's corpse, her shoulders shaking with a silent sob, "new stars shine in the sky tonight, and I would like to invite cats of the clan to take this time to celebrate the lives that these cats lived." Summitsky's nose pressed to the back of her head as she began to sob openly, and Varvara nuzzled her cheek with a consoling hush. For a moment, there was silence, before Minkfur pushed herself to her paws.
    "I knew... each and every one of these cats," she said, voice uncharacteristically tired, "and all of them had so much heart and so much fire, that it's difficult to imagine we will wake tomorrow without them. Breakerhowl... Breakerhowl was one of my best friends, and I know he wouldn't regret the choice he made, because that was the kind of cat he was. The kind of cat who braved the elements and walked halfway across the world just to be reunited with his mate. The kind of cat who could always make you laugh when you thought the world might end. He was the kind of cat who loved openly and freely, and I know at the end it's how he always should have gone, defending those he loved with every inch of his soul, but I know that when I wake up tomorrow, his will be the presence I will miss most acutely." She sat, suddenly, and Thunderjaw murmured quietly to her as she hung her head and began to cry.
    "My son," Sunnynose said, voice raw with grief, "was very quiet, and very shy, but I know that he loved his clanmates, and he loved this clan. I wish... I wish he'd had more time." Winderstrike pressed his nose to Sunnynose's cheek with a gentle hushing as the cream tom choked on his words. The black tom lifted his head, grief swirling in his eyes.
    "Buttercuppaw didn't say what he felt a lot of the time, but it was easy enough to see how much love he had for every cat in this clan- how much he loved going to train with Ironpaw, and Blackdusk and Sootfreckle. I think at the very least, he will be comforted by having a friend to go to StarClan with, and I know I am, because it means that he'll never do anything alone again, not with Sootfreckle there to watch out for him." Sorrelsong sobbed harder, collapsing to the ground as her son stooped to nuzzle the back of her neck. Winderstrike squeezed his eyes closed and nodded, fighting back his own tears. "I want to thank everyone who loved my son as much as I did. You made his life in this clan spectacular, and I know when he shines down on us, he shines not only on his parents and his siblings, but each and every one of you as his family." Sleetstar gritted her teeth, as Varvara pressed her face into her scruff to comfort her.
    "Blizzardheart." That was Hollyfeather's voice, and all eyes swung to her. "I was so excited to get an apprentice, and at first I thought I could never keep up with him. He was like a blizzard- fierce and unwavering in spirit- but that's what made him so wonderful. I never saw him without a smile on his face, and he was always so excited to learn. I am... I'm honoured to have been able to watch him grow up, and I only wish I could have seen what he would have been like as a father, an uncle, a grandfather... I wanted to keep seeing his milestones, but I know he's up in StarClan now, watching me and laughing at me for saying such a thing and proclaiming that he really would have been a terrible parent-" she choked out a laugh, smiling a watery smile as Twilightflower touched her shoulder with her nose "-but I don't believe that of him. He would have excelled at whatever he set his mind to, and he knows it, the little menace." Tempestflame laughed, loud and almost hysterical.
    "She's right," she proclaimed, tilting her head to the sky, "he's up there getting a big ego about all the nice things being said about him, but they're all true, and he's entitled to it because of that. My brother was as incredible cat, but I know there was no way he would have rather gone than defending his friend, and fighting for his clan. That's the kind of cat he was- a good one- and this clan will not be the same without him... but at least Winderstrike is right. He won't be alone." Her eyes fell on Sycamorepath's body, where Honeyheart was approaching Falconstreak to gently wrap his tail around her to console her.
    "I didn't know Sycamorepath for very long," Lynxdash stood, the young tom looking a little nervous, "but in that time I grew to like her quite a lot. If there had been more time... I think I even would have loved her. She was... she was incredible. I used to watch her hunt, and she had this intense laser focus that made me think anything in her line of sight never stood a chance. She was graceful and staunch, so many dichotomies rolled into one and it made her the most wonderful molly I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. I hope... I hope that in StarClan, she can hear me say that, because I know she knows that her mother loved her, and her friends did... but I hope she knows that love for her went beyond that, went through this entire clan so that it feels like she's been wrenched from us like a limb." When he opened his eyes, Falconstreak was staring at him, shocked. Then, her face softened, and she nodded, and mouthed 'thank you'. Lynxdash nodded, and sat back.
    "I've never been good at speeches," Twosight said, startling the crowd, "and I don't have much to say. Dawnbreeze knew when someone needed her, and when they needed her, she was there, no questions asked. I think she always knew she would give her life in this way, but it never scared her- she was dauntless; unafraid of anything if it meant doing the right thing.. She might not have been my daughter by blood... but I needed her, and she was there, and for that, she will always be my daughter in soul. My family." He leaned down, pressed his nose between her ears. "Rest well, my darling. You've given all you had." Silence resonated around the camp as the cats hung their heads, some still shaking with silent tears. Sleetstar opened her mouth to send cats scattering, but another voice piped up.
    "I..." Graypeak started, staring at Sootfreckle's body like he was haunted, "I've made many mistakes in my life, and for a while, I believed that that was all I had to my name, those mistakes. And then I had Sootfreckle, and she believed in me. Maybe she was too young to know better, but... it didn't matter to me. She gave me hope. She laughed at me when I messed up and she grinned when I did good. She had a way of making you feel like the world kept on turning even when you thought it would drop out from under you." He swallowed, thickly, closing his eyes. "Sorrelsong... must have had a hard time, raising these kits on her own, without someone to be there for her, but she did a fantastic job, because Sootfreckle was a true warrior, kind and honest and full of passion. The world could use more cats like that and I... I'm sorry I couldn't do more to keep her here. I hope she finds peace and happiness in the stars." He hung his head again, and Sorrelsong leaned across to press her forehead to his, the two of them shaking in silent pain. Finally, Sleetstar cleared her throat.
    "Thank you all for those kind words. I know our clanmates will appreciate them, but I... don't want to lose anyone else, so I think it's time we retire, before Poppywish finishes what Northstar started for letting his patients catch colds. Anyone who wishes to stay outdoors for a vigil may do so, but if Poppywish wants to look you over I'm afraid you're under his command." A murmur of weary chuckles circled around the clan, as Sleetstar got to her paws and began to shakily limp back toward the medicine den. Thunderjaw and Minkfur immediately crossed to Rivermask, with Plumiris following them.
    "We're staying with you," Thunderjaw said, settling around his friend as Minkfur twisted around her from the other way.
    "I can take care of the kits for a night, if you'd like to stay with your parents," Plumiris said to the sisters, smiling as Silvercreek gave her a tired but thankful smile. She bent, and gently nudged Rivermask's young kits toward her, picking up all three of them by the scruff to carry them up to the nursery. Duckbriar fell into step beside her as they went, her head hung and her shoulders slumped with the effort it was taking her to stay upright. Sprucepaw passed them, making a beeline for Silvercreek with a nod to his friends.
    Whisperwind stopped at the base of the cliff, just behind Bramblingrose who was supporting his sister on his strong shoulder. He frowned back over his shoulder at Bearears. She hadn't moved, the rest of the clan parting around her. Magpiefeather drew up near him, inclining her head back at their friend. Whisperwind nodded, lifting his face to smile at Bramblingrose, the ginger tom looking a little curious and a tad worried.
    "It's okay, you go on ahead, I'll meet up with you soon," the bobtail nodded and moved ahead, as Whisperwind and Magpiefeather turned and made their way back to Bearears. "You okay?" He asked as they approached, settling down at her shoulder to press warmth into her body.
    "You'll catch a cold if you stay out here much longer," Magpiefeather warned, "and then you'll be in for it- Poppywish will have your head." Bearears chuckled, closing her cloudy eyes against the rain as it pelted down on the cats. Frostclaw joined Twosight next to Dawnbreeze, and Lunardawn settled next to Foxspring, pressing her forehead to his in silent comfort. Whisperwind couldn't help a sad smile- how far the clan had come since that first vigil, where he alone had presided over Galepaw. Now, if he imagined her body at his paws, he knew Bearears and Magpiefeather would be there with him, and Bramblingrose would never leave his side.
    "Let the ancestors look upon this day and mark it in our history," Bearears murmured, "may they herald it as a reminder that there is no glory in war, only sacrifice in victory. This blood shall stain, but not spread, as is the decree of the Weavers, who will always remember." She took a deep breath, and then opened her eyes again. "One day, it will be my turn to tell the story of this battle. To remember."
    "Will you come inside?"
    "I think I'll stay here," Bearears said with a slow nod, "I have been afraid to remember... but that is the job of storytellers, to remember, so that these things never happen again."
    "I understand," Whisperwind said, although the fretful note to his voice indicated that he still worried.
    "I'll sit with her," Bearears jumped at the new voice, but she recognized it- Primrosepetal, Midnightblaze's daughter- "Dad has enough to worry about with Koishimmer fussing over him, and there are cats here who will need shoulders to lean on. I'll sit with Bearears for as long as she desires. You should go and see Bramblingrose- he's already nervous about being separated from you." Whisperwind chuckled, but he nodded, getting to his paws.
    "Let me walk you back to your den, Magpiefeather."
    "Of course." The pair of them walked off, leaving Bearears with just Primrosepetal. She could feel the other molly's fur pressing into hers, but she didn't mind the sensation. They sat in silence, Bearears listening to the sounds of her clanmates- the quiet conversation surrounding Breakerhowl, Graypeak and Sorrelsong whispering words of comfort as Ironpaw and Blackdusk headed back to the medicine den, Twosight quietly sharing anecdotes of Dawnbreeze's life with Frostclaw.
    "Do you think the clan will heal from this?" Primrosepetal asked, quietly, after some time. Bearears blinked at the question, before a sad smile crossed her maw.
    "I think so. Sleetstar has always been a strong leader, and this clan despite all odds has found love for one another. We'll pull through... but wounds take time to heal into scars. Right now, that's what this clan needs. Time."
    "There's never enough of it though, is there?"
    "No," Bearears agreed, turning her unseeing gaze to the stars, "there's not."


    "Are you sure this is the right way?" Robinwhistle looked over her shoulder at the two toms following her. Maple was older than Argent, the pair of them barn cats who had elected to follow Robinwhistle as she'd continued on her journey to meet up with her siblings, re-tracing Foxspring's steps as best she could. Dapplelotus' travel had been more lowkey, but it was much like her brother to leave a very obvious trail.
    "Certain," she assured them with a smile, "I'd know the scent of my parents anywhere."
    "And they just had to settle on a mountain," Argentripple grumbled, shuddering a little as a chilly breeze blew past them, "wonderful."
    "We've crossed the border, and clan borders are usually not more than a patrol of cats could walk in a day. We're almost there- and their camp will be sheltered," she assured him, "clan cats are used to the elements, but not foolish enough to expose themselves when there are better options."
    "Don't worry Argent," Maple said with an amused purr, earning a sulky look from the younger tom, "I'm sure there'll be beautiful cats of all varieties to keep you warm in long Leafbare nights."
    "Hilarious," Argent said, in a tone that implied he did not think this was hilarious at all. Robinwhistle chuckled, continuing her ascent into the clan's territory. She could hear the toms following behind her, the scent of clan cats getting stronger. Her ears pricked as in the distance she could hear cats speaking. She raised her tail, indicating that the toms should stop, and then she sat down. The speaking died down to whispering, before eventually, a patrol of six cats pushed through.
    They were lead by a large cream and white tom, with a younger long-furred bengal at his shoulder. Behind them was a slighter tom with a cinnamon face, a short furred brown tabby molly and two brown and white toms who stuck close together. The molly glowered at the three of them, looking the most hostile, while the toms seemed to be guarded but less openly annoyed by their presence.
    "Hello," said the leader of the group, "I assume you know you're on clan territory."
    "Yes, and we mean you no harm," Robinwhistle said, "my name is Robinwhistle, and this is Argent and Maple. We're here looking for my brother- Foxspring. We think he passed through here- the last group of cats we saw said he was travelling with a black molly." The cats exchanged glances, before the molly relaxed and nodded to the cream and white tom, who smiled kindly at the group, nodding his head.
    "I expect you've all traveled a long way, and are in need of some rest. Robinwhistle, it's a pleasure to meet you- Sunnynose and Winderstrike's kits are always a delight." Robinwhistle brightened in surprise at the mention of her fathers. "Your brother is here, as is the rest of your family, and Lunardawn too. It would be our pleasure to take you to them... but we must tell you that our clan has recently undergone a great tragedy."
    "That doesn't sound too promising," Argent muttered.
    "Tragedy often doesn't," Maple replied, "we're sorry to hear that. Please excuse him, he's not so used to the cold." The short-furred molly rolled her eyes, and Maple had to duck his head close to his chest to keep from laughing.
    "Your fathers would be so happy to see you," he said, "my name is Honeyheart, of NorthernClan. These are some of our other warriors- Leopardrunner, Lynxdash, Addersong, Hawkeyes and Fallowstep. Lynxdash, Leopardrunner- can you two run ahead and tell Sleetstar we're coming? I doubt she'll be too happy if we drag strangers into the camp without warning."
    "On it," Leopardrunner mewed, and together the two young toms turned and dashed back the way they'd come.
    "I can lead the remainder of the patrol with Fallowstep and Hawkeyes," Addersong said, with something that might have been a smile if she had a face at all made for it, "Sleetstar will want it done, and I think you can handle these cats alright."
    "Thank you, Addersong." Honeyheart nodded to the molly, as she and the remaining two toms bounded away out of sight. He turned toward Robinwhistle then, and for the first time she saw how tired the tom really looked. "Now, how about we go and see your family?"


    The moon had taken its toll on the clan, but Greenleaf reared on the horizon tantalizingly. The night air was still crisp and cool, but the days were warmer, and the storms of Newleaf were slackening off, leaving the campground dry at night. Sprucepaw had Poppywish had been busy in the medicine den, administering help to as many cats as they could. Dandelionpaw's death had been inevitable, but the arrival of Robinwhistle had cheered Sunnynose and Winderstrike a little. Flamestream stuck close to Leopardrunner, while Emberpetal visited Ausmasthorn and Ironpaw to keep herself distracted. Foxpsring, Dapplelotus and Lunardawn had become practically inseparable, annoying Poppywish as they clustered around Midnightblaze in the medicine den, departing only when Summitsky ducked in to say hello to the deputy. Sprucepaw was, in short, exhausted.
    "Long night, kiddo?" He jumped, swaying on his paws, only for his dad to catch him against his solid shoulder. Sprucepaw smiled, but it was bleary.
    "Long moon," he replied, and an awkward silence descended. Ever since the battle, his father had been keeping his distance, bristling with shame whenever he was near Sprucepaw for too long. He'd heard whispers of rumours around the clan of what had happened- probably spread from those who knew about it already- but he wanted his dad to tell him for himself. "Hey... do you think we could talk? Just the three of us, you me and mom?"
    "Oh," Thunderjaw blinked, "yeah, of course, anything." He hurried back up the rise to the nursery, returning with Minkfur in tow. Together, the three of them descended the path and ducked into one of the crevices at the back of the camp, weaving their way through the tunnels until they found a suitable cavern to talk in. Sprucepaw sat across from his parents, watching them carefully. Thunderjaw wouldn't meet his eyes, but Minkfur's chin was raised, proudly. He smiled.
    "You already know what I'm going to ask."
    "Yes," Thunderjaw sounded outright miserable, "I know-"
    "Northstar was a monster," Sprucepaw interrupted, "and I don't care what she said or what she thought of you. I want to hear it from you- all of it, from the beginning- because I know you. You're a good cat- a strong one, a brave one, and a kind one- and I'm not just saying that because you're my father, but because I see it in everything you do, and it's why I've always looked up to you. I can already tell Mom knew already... and that just solidifies my conviction that whatever Northstar meant by it, you had a reason, because she wouldn't be here if she thought you didn't." Thunderjaw finally looked up, his golden eyes meeting his son's. He looked so much like Minkfur- the same proud expression, the same fiery eyes, the same resolution in his features. Thunderjaw's heart ached with love for his son. So, he took a deep breath and he told him.
    Sprucepaw listened intently, ears pricked forward, eyes shining. His face gave nothing away, but Thunderjaw plowed on, strengthened by Minkfur's presence at his side. When he was done, he looked at his paws, feeling as if all strength had been sapped from his body. It was not a good experience to relive- especially not when the way Boscoe's throat had collapsed under his own jaws was still fresh in his mind, still woke him with starts from restless sleep.
    "Obviously, it was ruled that I broke the warrior code- I didn't kill in self defense, so it was murder, and the clan exiled me. For a long time, I struggled to come to terms with it but... thinking back on it now, I don't regret it. The warrior code says it was wrong, but sometimes doing the right thing isn't accomplished by following the rules, and I know that at least those kits will live happy lives unencumbered by sins inherited from their parents. They didn't deserve that- no one does- and the jealousy of one cat shouldn't have ruined the lives of innocent apprentices who hadn't even had time to live."
    "I see," Sprucepaw said, with a nod, "I won't ask why you didn't tell me sooner, because I understand that but... I want you to know I don't think of you any differently because of it. You're my dad, and I still think you're everything a warrior should be. I know it weighs on you, and that's what proves to me that you're not how Northstar wanted to make you out to be. You've killed, but at least you didn't do it carelessly like that rogue did. At least you still think about it, and wrestle with it." He frowned at his own paws for a second, before he lifted his gaze to look at his father. "Can I ask you something?"
    "Of course."
    "What was your name before?" Thunderjaw blinked. Sprucepaw smiled. "You said when you met Sleetstar, Northstar told you to introduce yourself as 'Thunderjaw'. Did you have a different name before that?"
    "I did." Thunderjaw smiled ruefully. "It was Thunderheart. Thinking back on it, I think it was meant to be a punishment... a reminder of what I'd done. But, well, it has kind of a snazzy ring to it, doesn't it?" He tried a crooked smile, and Sprucepaw chuckled as Minkfur purred and pushed her nose into the fur of his cheek, leaning into him in a comforting manner.
    "Of course it does," she said, "if she wanted to punish you, she would have named you Thundernose." Thunderjaw laughed, and suddenly the dam of emotions he'd been holding in since the battle broke, and the first tears spilled over as he took in a great, heaving gulp of air. He cried and he cried, and his mate and his son pressed in close to him, wrapped their tails around him and trapped him between their bulk, holding him steady and secure as he pushed his face into Minkfur's neck and sobbed.

    𝐭𝐑𝐒𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧.
    Birdsong echoed through the camp as Sleetstar made her way toward Highrock. The clan was already gathered, most of them restless since the battle last moon. Most of the injuries were coming along well, although Poppywish still insisted on keeping the cats with the worst injuries in camp to make sure there were no infections, and that the wounds would heal properly. Still, the clan was on a slow path to recovery, and Sleetstar knew that normalcy would help, if only a little.
    "It seems we have a never ending supply of apprentices," she joked as she came to a stop in front of the gathered cats, smiling at the laughter that rippled through them, "but that makes me happy- happy that we have kits from such powerful love in this clan, and happy that I get to see the future of NorthernClan rise up, little by little. I am always honoured to announce the apprenticeship of new kits, and today is no different. Today, we have five kits who have reached the age where they are ready to be apprenticed. Ospreykit, Eaglekit, Carnationkit, Tulipkit and Magnoliakit- from this day forward until you receive your warrior names, you will be named Ospreypaw, Eaglepaw, Carnationpaw, Tulippaw and Magnoliapaw respectively, to signify the path that StarClan will guide you on to becoming warriors." She cleared her throat, smiling out at the clan.
    "Ospreypaw, your mentor will be Duckbriar," the she-cat blinked in shock as the apprentice turned to beam at her excitedly, "Duckbriar was trained to excellence by Addersong, who taught her to be resolute, firm and brave, while Duckbriar's own nature has credited her with deep compassion and keen intellect. Although she is young, I know she will make an excellent mentor for you, and I know she will teach you to be as great a warrior as she is." Cheers went up for the new apprentice as she raced to meet her mentor in the crowd. When they had quieted, Sleetstar continued.
    "Eaglepaw, your mentor will be Winderstrike. Winderstrike is a valued warrior of this clan who is patient, kind and determined. If the dedication and love he shows to his family and to every cat in this clan is any indication, he will be an excellent teacher to you, and will shape you into a warrior that you can be proud of being, as he should be himself." More cheers went up for Eaglepaw as he bounded toward Winderstrike, looking a little tentative as he touched noses with the black and white tom. "Carnationpaw, you will be mentored by Silvercreek. She too is young, but she received fantastic training from Koishimmer, and I have seen in her insurmountable strength and fierce devotion to whatever she sets her mind to. I know she will teach you well, and pass on all her skills to you." Silvercreek laughed in shock as Sprucepaw nudged her shoulder, while Carnationpaw daintily padded toward her and touched noses with her new mentor amid cried of her new name.
    "Tulippaw, your mentor will be Summitsky. He has always been kind, thoughtful and he gives without hesitation and asks for nothing in return. He has produced fine warriors such as Whisperwind and Butterflyshine, bringing them out of their shells and helping them to flourish, because he understands intuitively what cats need. I know he will give you space to grow into a fantastic warrior, and I hope you learn as much as you can from him, as the clan could always use more warriors to his like." Tulippaw gave a shy smile as cats yowled for him, and he tentatively padded to Summitsky to greet him, the gray and white tom towering over him like a mountain.
    "And finally, last but not least... Magnoliapaw. You will be mentored by Fallowstep. He has overcome great trials, and he is patient, forgiving and he understands what it means to never stop growing. I know he will teach you well, as he has taught others, and I hope you will follow his example in continuing to learn all you can, for the world never stops changing, and we must change with it." Magnoliapaw grinned at her, and then bounded to Fallowstep as the last chorus of cheers went up for her.
    "Thank you all for gathering here- I know this has been a hard time, but I am proud of how this clan has supported each other. Let us hope Greenleaf smiles upon us in fortune- one fortune being the quick recovery of our deputy, who is here to settle patrols." She nodded to the rest of the cats, before she padded toward the back of the crowd, where Burningflame was waiting, tail curled over her chocolate paws.
    "You speak well," she chuckled, "and you were showing off, just a little."
    "Maybe," Sleetstar chuckled, nuzzling her mate's nose with a happy sigh, before she glanced back at her clan with a proud smile, "but can you blame me?"


    The medicine den was a cool reprieve from the heat of Greenleaf. Even in the early days, the warmth had settled in with conviction, as if meaning to stay, and while most cats weren't complaining- least of all Duckbriar, who spent her mandated rest stretched on the heated stone, enjoying not shivering for once, those with longer pelts that had yet to reach Greenleaf molt were seeking shelter.
    Daisypaw was not one such cat, but given that she and her sister had completed their training, their mentors had given them the day off in order to spend time with whomever they liked, likely still treating them delicately from the loss of their brothers. Daisypaw felt the loss of Dandelionpaw like the loss of a limb- her brother had been one of her best friends, and while she tried to remain strong for Pansypaw, his empty nest made her feel wholly empty.
    Still, she ducked into the medicine den, relishing in the coolness of the air. With much of the clan out on patrol and cats with healing injuries enjoying the sun, it was quiet. Blackdusk was asleep in a nest, while Poppywish and Sprucepaw carefully organized their herbs in silence. Daisypaw made a beeline for Ironpaw, who was already watching her with her tired eyes. Daisypaw gave her a weary smile, settling down next to her.
    "How are you feeling?"
    "My head doesn't feel like it's going to split open anymore, but Poppywish insists on keeping me here in case there's some dormant side effect that hasn't sprung up yet," Ironpaw rolled her eyes, sweeping her tail around herself, "so mostly like I'm trapped in a cage, yeah."
    "Only you would complain about napping all day," Daisypaw teased, and Ironpaw gave a quiet laugh, before her expression turned serious.
    "I don't sleep that much really. I haven't slept well since..."
    "Neither have I." Daisypaw's quiet response settled silence over them again. There was no need to name what plagued Ironpaw's dreams; Daisypaw knew it intently. Whenever she woke from her nightmares, she instinctively turned to Dandelionpaw for comfort, only to face the hollow reminder of his death. It felt wrong that he should die and Daisypaw should live, but when she saw the raw grief on her parent's faces, she thought better of voicing that thought.
    "You could sleep here, if you like," Ironpaw said after a moment, "I'm sure Blackdusk would appreciate the familiar face too, although I don't know if you'd want to after..."
    "I would," Daisypaw said, perhaps a bit too quickly, "but... Pansypaw needs me too. We lost two brothers in as many days- it's as hard a time for her as it is for me, and I can't abandon her now. But... I do miss having you around the den. It feels so empty, just the two of us." Ironpaw nodded, closing her eyes. It took Daisypaw a few moments to recognize that she was crying.
    "I wish I could have done more," she whispered, "but I was too weak."
    "It's not about strength," Daisypaw shifted closer, pressing their foreheads together, "that rogue would have killed one way or another. Buttercuppaw or you- it wouldn't have mattered to him. Strength was being able to recognize that we needed help- you could have stayed with Ausmasthorn and waited for help, but then we wouldn't have stood a chance. Without you, it's likely all of us would be dead. You... you saved my life, at the very least. Th-"
    "You don't have to thank me for that," Ironpaw whispered, drawing back with a rueful smile as she blinked away tears, "c'mon, Daisypaw, you know if it had been the other way around, you would have done the same thing. It was the right thing."
    "It was," Daisypaw said with a slow nod, evaluating Ironpaw. The other molly was much bigger than Daisypaw, solid in the shoulders and muscular, with the big ears of a maine coon. The sun filtering in through the mouth of the den made her tawny eyes sparkle with amber. Daisypaw smiled. "I can't sleep here... but if you like, I can come visit you. Maybe if I'm here enough, Poppywish will be annoyed enough to let me take you for a walk." Ironpaw laughed.
    "I'd like that," Ironpaw said with a lopsided grin. Daisypaw couldn't help but echo it.


    "Hollyfeather," blearily, the she-cat sat upright to find Sprucepaw's serious face hovering over her, "you'd better come quickly." She struggled to sit up in her nest, through a haze of sleep brought on by the comfort of Poppywish's care. Sprucepaw was already heading for the mouth of the den, leaving Hollyfeather to stumble hopelessly after him.
    "What's going on?" She asked. "Has something happened?"
    "It's The Stranger," Sprucepaw said, "Magpiefeather came up to get me about an hour ago now. I've been checking him over... but I think it's his time, as old as he is. He's had a lump- a big one- that Poppywish and I were never going to be able to fix, but she says he's been sluggish all day and he's having trouble breathing now. He's just been asking for you." Hollyfeather's heart dropped into the bottom of her stomach as she pushed past Sprucepaw and raced toward the elder's den at the bottom of the cliff. Magpiefeather looked up when Hollyfeather burst in, Sprucepaw at her heels.
    "You'll open your wounds running like that," The Stranger said with an amused chuckle, although his voice was weak.
    "I don't care," she said, stalking closer and sitting stubbornly next to him, "why didn't you tell Poppywish you weren't feeling well? Maybe there's something-"
    "No. It's time." Hollyfeather hung her head, gritting her teeth. The Stranger chuckled a little. "Oh, Hollyfeather, save your sorrow for someone whose death is sad. I have lived longer than any cat has any business living, and I am lucky to have had many good experiences throughout it. But you and I both know it's not the lump that takes me now. My business here is done."
    "What if there are still cats who need you," Hollyfeather protested, sniffing as she blinked back tears, "you don't know who else is out there, who else is going to need your help. There's plenty of lost souls who need direction, and-"
    "They have you now, Hollyfeather," The Stranger's smile was fond, before he turned his gaze to Magpiefeather and Sprucepaw, "do you mind if we have a moment alone?"
    "Of course," Sprucepaw said, gently leading the other elder from the den. In the silence, Hollyfeather's breathing was thicker with grief. The Stranger closed his eyes and exhaled a peaceful sigh.
    "This clan has experienced great tragedy, but their path has been righted, and should anyone stray from it again, I know that they have a guide in you, someone to steer them to the right course once again. I cannot guarantee help for anyone else- I never could- but I know that the stars call me home, having done my work as I have. There will be others out there who seek to guide, others like Sienna, like you. The world will be alright without one old tom cat." He chuckled, but the chuckle turned into a cough, and he fell into contemplative silence. "Can I tell you one last thing, Hollyfeather?"
    "Yes. I'm sure it'll be trouble for me, but I wouldn't deny you this."
    "Ever the cynic," The Stranger paused thoughtfully, "you once asked me if I didn't have a name- if I didn't want one. It's been a long time since anyone has bothered to question my introduction, you know, but it's been so long since I've had a place to settle where my name would have been of consequence, that until that moment I'd almost forgotten it myself. My name was- is- Risingsun. Will you keep my name safe for me, Hollyfeather?"
    "Of course," her eyes watered, as she leaned forward to press her face into the fur of his neck, "I won't forget it."
    "I know you won't. You're too diligent for that to happen, you know. I am honoured to have known you, Hollyfeather of NorthernClan."
    "And I you, Risingsun of Everywhere." The old tom chuckled, and nodded his head slowly. His eyes fluttered shut, and with one laboured exhale, he was still. Hollyfeather sat with him in the quiet for several more moments, letting the peace settle over the den, before she blinked away the last of her tears, and steeled herself to exit the den, and tell the others that The Stranger was dead.


    The sun shone down on the clan, dappling Whisperwind's pelt as he streaked through the trees next to Bramblingrose. As he watched him, he thought that the other tom ought to have been named after a ghost, his paws carrying him along so fast that his white pelt was little more than a flash of colour in the green, like a spirit who might have never been there at all if you simply blinked. The able-bodied warriors were a little short in supply after the attack by the rogues, and Sleetstar had allowed looser patrols, and more spontaneous hunting missions, like the one Whisperwind had invited him on.
    "You know the salmon won't be running for a few moons yet," Bramblingrose said, as they pulled up to a calm creek that trickled down into the river below, the rapids gushing over the rocks, "even if they were, I don't think you'd be big enough to catch one all on your own."
    "We're not here for salmon," Whisperwind rolled his eyes, but his smile was amused, "there are other fish in the river, you know."
    "Multiple fish species? What a concept." He spluttered as Whisperwind leaped into the creek, sending water splashing up directly into his face. Whisperwind laughed as Bramblingrose pouted at him, although his sour expression was quickly replaced by mirth, unable to stay angry when Whisperwind's laugh was so rare. "You are a terrible menace."
    "And?" Whisperwind said, green eyes locking on to Bramblingrose's as a challenge. His words died in his throat as he looked at him, wet to his chest, a mosaic of light moving across the delicate white of his fur, eyes sparkling with life. The words hung on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn't push himself to say it. If Whisperwind was scared by them, he'd never forgive himself. Worse than Whisperwind not loving him back would be losing him altogether.
    "And nothing," he replied, finally, although a beat too slow, "you're just terrible." Whisperwind laughed, cocking his head thoughtfully.
    "You know, you think you can read me well, and to your credit, you know me better than everyone save Bearears, but I think it's funny that when you think you want to say 'I love you', you suppose I wouldn't say it back." Bramblingrose blinked, as if he'd been struck in the head by a rock.
    "No, let me." Whisperwind dragged himself from the creek, his smile shy but determined, "when I lost Galepaw, I was angry... but more than that, I was scared. I was on my own, and I supposed I would never have anyone to know me the way she did, and I was scared to let anyone try. First it was Bearears, and then Magpiefeather who slowly helped me to see that I had nothing to be afraid of... but more than that it was you. I tried to scare you away, but you were resolute. You really wanted to be my friend... and over time I realized I wanted to be yours, too. And then I realized that that wasn't all I want. I've... I've never felt the way I do about somebody before, but I know I wouldn't want to feel it about anything else. You're an incredibly handsome tom, and you're kind, and funny, and so full of life I can't help but think of sunshine when you so much as look at me... but more than that, you are my best friend, and I trust you. Completely, wholly, and truly. I don't know when I realized I love you, I truly don't, but I do know that I won't ever stop loving you- I couldn't if I tried."
    "Whisperwind..." Bramblingrose looked close to tears, a grin breaking his face, "good StarClan, I think that's the most words you've ever said in one go." He laughed as Whisperwind swiped at him, surging forward to press his nose to his. "I do remember when I realized I love you. It was the first time I saw you, when I was staring at you for too long and you noticed, and you looked me right in the eye with the most fire I've ever seen in someone's eyes... and I knew right then that you were it for me. My beginning and my end... or, at least, I wanted you to be."
    "And I will be. I want to be." Whisperwind nuzzled their foreheads together with a laugh. "I never thought I'd be asking anyone this, but... would you make me the happiest tom in the world by becoming my mate?" Bramblingrose purred, deep in his throat as he nodded.
    "In a thousand lifetimes, in a thousand different ways. There's no world where my soul doesn't belong entwined with yours."
    "I love you," Whisperwind whispered, secret and special and just for him.
    "I love you too," Bramblingrose breathed, into the world created between the two of them.

` servings consumed
12/12 - x4 birds
` clan events
advent claims: x3 marigold, x1 sweet-sedge, x3 goldenrod
x1 celandine, x2 raspberry leaves
added mapleskip from kat's advent calendar

poppywish and sprucepaw tend to injured cats. they give:
β†ͺ x1 lamb's ear to graypeak
β†ͺ ironpaw and blackdusk are kept on rest for a moon
β†ͺ x1 chervil and x1 wild garlic to midnightblaze
β†ͺ x1 cobweb to howlingeye
β†ͺ x1 comfrey root and x1 goldenrod to sleetstar
β†ͺ x2 marigold and x1 horsetail to hollyfeather
β†ͺ x2 marigold and x1 sweet-sedge to virdianfire
β†ͺ x3 goldenrod to ausmasthorn
β†ͺ x1 celandine to duckbriar
poppywish searches for injury herbs
varvara takes up the clan name burningflame
burningflame and sleetstar rekindle their mateship
β†ͺ cannot have kits
the stranger passes away peacefully of old age
plumiris stays in the nursery to keep rivermask company & help with the orphan kits
whisperwind and bramblingrose become mates
β†ͺ can have kits; whisperwind is afab
` patrols
1 - whisperwind, bramblingrose, bearears, primrosepetal, lunardawn, foxspring
2 - brackenstrike, twilightflower, lightningivy, brewingice, wolfwhisker, featherfall
3 - splitface, auroracloud, frostclaw, koishimmer, birchfang, waspshine
4 - hawkeyes, fallowstep, addersong, leopardrunner, flamestream, butterflyshine
1 - thunderjaw, minkfur, summitsky, fogbelly, hazerise, tempestflame

    ` leader
    `` sleetstar | 76 moons | ♀

    ` deputy
    `` midnightblaze | 82 moons | β™‚

    ` medicine cat
    `` poppywish | 67 moons | β™‚ - [5sp]
    ` medicine cat apprentice
    `` sprucepaw | 16 moons | β™‚

    ` warriors
    `` summitsky | 79 moons | β™‚
    `` hollyfeather | 54 moons | ♀
    `` thunderjaw | 74 moons | β™‚
    `` howlingeye | 57 moons | β™‚
    `` brackenstrike | 85 moons | ♀
    `` splitface | 82 moons | ♀
    `` minkfur | 71 moons | ♀
    `` bearears | 49 moons | ♀
    `` fallowstep | 74 moons | β™‚
    `` hawkeyes | 79 moons | β™‚
    `` viridianfire | 41 moons | ♀
    `` frostclaw | 91 moons | β™‚
    `` koishimmer | 43 moons | ♀
    `` birchfang | 49 moons | β™‚
    `` sunnynose | 62 moons | β™‚
    `` whisperwind | 31 moons | β™‚
    `` waspshine | 50 moons | β™‚
    `` winderstrike | 64 moons | β™‚
    `` twilightflower | 54 moons | ♀
    `` sorrelsong | 40 moons | ♀
    `` twosight | 90 moons | β™‚
    `` ausmasthorn | 28 moons | ♀
    `` bramblingrose | 28 moons | β™‚
    `` addersong | 61 moons | ♀
    `` graypeak | 59 moons | β™‚
    `` falconstreak | 55 moons | ♀
    `` emberpetal | 25 moons | ♀
    `` flamestream | 25 moons | β™‚
    `` honeyheart | 59 moons | β™‚
    `` primrosepetal | 43 moons | ♀
    `` wolfwhisker | 22 moons | β™‚
    `` butterflyshine | 22 moons | ♀
    `` duckbriar | 23 moons | ♀
    `` lunardawn | 43 moons | ♀
    `` foxspring | 34 moons | β™‚
    `` fogbelly | 71 moons | ♀
    `` hazerise | 69 moons | ♀
    `` leopardrunner | 26 moons | β™‚
    `` tempestflame | 21 moons | ♀
    `` brewingice | 21 moons | β™‚
    `` lightningivy | 21 moons | ♀
    `` lynxdash | 20 moons | β™‚
    `` dapplelotus | 34 moons | ♀
    `` featherfall | 22 moons | ♀
    `` snowsilver | 22 moons | β™‚
    `` silvercreek | 16 moons | ♀
    `` auroracloud | 16 moons | ♀
    `` blackdusk | 14 moons | β™‚ -2rest
    `` argentripple | 30 moons | β™‚
    `` robinwhistle | 34 moons | ♀
    `` mapleskip | 60 moons | β™‚
    `` burningflame | 76 moons | ♀

    ` apprentices
    `` ironpaw |13 moons | ♀ -2rest
    `` daisypaw | 11 moons | ♀
    `` pansypaw | 11 moons | ♀
    `` ospreypaw | 6 moons | ♀
    `` eaglepaw | 6 moons | β™‚
    `` carnationpaw | 6 moons | ♀
    `` tulippaw | 6 moons | β™‚
    `` magnoliapaw | 6 moons | ♀

    ` queens and kits
    `` plumiris | 23 moons | ♀
    `` rivermask | 66 moons | ♀
    β†ͺ foamkit, spraykit & oceankit [2, ♂♂♀]
    β†ͺ pepperkit [4, β˜‰]
    β†ͺ gustkit [4, β™‚]

    ` elders
    `` magpiefeather | 121 moons | ♀
    `` the stranger | 255 moons | β™‚
` ally clans
none currently.

` enemy clans
none currently.

` borders
↑ | open
β†’ | whitebark | grey_hoodie
↓ | two-leg village
← | ski slope

` medicine store
catmint [4] | greencough
lovage [1] | coughs
lungwort [1] | yellowcough
chickweed [2] | greencough
tansy [1] | greencough
fennel [2] | hip pain
ragwort [1] | strength
chervil [0] | infections/bellyache
cobweb [0] | bleeding
mallow leaves [1] | bellyache
wild garlic [0] | infections
comfrey root [0] | breaks/wounds
dock [1] | scratches
marigold [0] | infection/bleeding
horsetail [0] | infections/bleeding
goldenrod [0] | wounds

` fresh-kill pile
vole | x14 | 1 servings [14]
rabbit | x2 | 2 servings [4]
stoat | x10| 2 servings [20]
small fish | x11 | 2 servings [22]
hare | x3 | 3 servings [9]
bird | x3 | 3 servings [9]

` mentors
ausmasthorn | ironpaw [4]
β†ͺ hunt, battle, swim, adv. battle
fogbelly | daisypaw [4]
β†ͺ swim, battle, hunt, climb
twosight | pansypaw [4]
β†ͺ swim, battle, hunt, climb
duckbriar | ospreypaw [0]
β†ͺ skills
winderstrike | eaglepaw [0]
β†ͺ skills
silvercreek | carnationpaw [0]
β†ͺ skills
summitsky | tulippaw [0]
β†ͺ skills
fallowstep | magnoliapaw [0]
β†ͺ skills

` deceased
galepaw | murdered by boscoe
stormkit | weak at birth
hurricanekit | weak at birth
willowpaw | crushed in landslide
dawnbreeze | killed in battle
blizzardheart | killed in battle
sycamorepath | killed in battle
buttercuppaw | killed in battle
breakerhowl | killed in battle
sootfreckle | killed in battle
dandelionpaw | injuries post-battle

` family ties
Last edited by solyn on Tue Dec 31, 2019 3:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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[ `` northernclan !! ] [ 033 ]

Postby solyn » Mon Dec 16, 2019 3:41 pm

population: 73 cats [ 37 fem : 35 male : 1 nb ]
servings required: 12 [76] - pebbles: 55
π™œπ™ͺπ™–π™§π™™π™žπ™–π™£π™¨ 𝙀𝙛 π™©π™π™š 𝙛𝙧𝙀𝙨𝙩
moderator: deimos - next moonstone: 15 dec.
moons since last nonsense: 2 (gl)


    𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐠𝐨.
    "Ugh," Bearears tilted her head toward Primrosepetal's voice with an amused smile, "for a mountain-bound clan, it sure does get hot up here on the odd occasion that the sun does feel like coming out." Bearears closed her eyes, relishing in the warmth of the sun on her pelt. It had been beating down hard, staving off the residual rains from Newleaf as the new season began to settle in firmly.
    "Sure, but do you really not like it as much as the snow?"
    "At least with the snow, it's easy to warm up. Not much you can do to cool down except for plunge headfirst into a river." Bearears laughed at the disgusted tone of Primrosepetal's voice, purring in amusement as she carefully descended the cliff, feeling small pebbles scatter beneath her paws.
    "And what's wrong with that? Don't tell me you've never been out to the creek in the territory's Northeast? I hear it's still particularly stunning up there." She paused, realizing that Primrosepetal wasn't following. The other molly's flowery scent was easy to pick up, and Bearears tilted her head back in her direction. She could feel the hesitation radiating off of her, as easily as she felt the pounding of the sun against her fur. "What?"
    "Oh," Primrosepetal blinked, "sorry, I was just wondering... what happened? To your eyes, I mean." She paused, shifting her paws so that pebbles scattered down toward Bearears. "No one talks about it. I asked Dad once and he just said something vague about it not being a good memory, but... well. At first, I thought you might have been born like that, since when we were on patrol together you seemed to move so easily with it, but..."
    "The scars," Bearears nodded, "the... rogue attack wasn't the first one NorthernClan has had. Same group- the old leader, the one Thunderjaw... dispatched... had some kind of personal grudge against Sleetstar. I, ah... I hadn't had such a good time before coming here. I froze, Thunderjaw didn't quite get to me in time, the rest is unfortunate history." She shrugged a little, turning her head away, into the faint remnants of a breeze.
    "Oh," Primrosepetal said, "that must have been... difficult. I can hardly believe you're out here again. If it were me, I think I would have just retired to the elder's den."
    "For a while, that's what I was considering doing... but Whisperwind dragged me out of the den and made me re-learn. He and Magpiefeather trained me, helped me get used to using my other senses instead of relying on my sight." She twitched her ears with a rueful smile. "It's different, and some days it kills me not knowing what something looks like... but I find I get a better view of the world this way. Sometimes it's so easy to believe that tangibility means that something must be right, but when you can't see anything, you're forced to feel."
    "That's a poetic way of looking at it," Primrosepetal's pelt brushed hers, and Bearears felt the hesitation and the shyness in her next word, "I think you're very brave, though. I know it probably doesn't mean much to say that I'm so impressed, awed, by the way you've managed to come back, but-"
    "It means more than you think," Bearears assured her with a smile, before she fell into a contemplative silence. "Can I ask you something?"
    "Oh? Sure."
    "What do you look like?" Primrosepetal settled into stunned silence, and Bearears chuckled a little, before she realized that Primrosepetal wasn't laughing too. She paused, turning to face the other on the narrow path, ears pricked forward to catch the shallow breathing and the minute brush of fur around her ears in a way that meant she must be flattening them.
    "I look like him," she said quietly, "my father."
    "Well... that doesn't mean anything to me," she heard the rustle as Primrosepetal's head jerked up, "I can't see, remember? I don't know what he looked like- or you for that matter. But... I can tell you that you certainly don't feel the same." She could feel the smile stretch across Primrosepetal's face, so she turned away to continue on down the path toward the wooded hunting grounds, where the trees would shade them from the sun. "See, in my mind you're... probably cream coloured, I think, maybe some white patches."
    "Well... you're kind of right. I'm a flame point."
    "No kidding? Well, so much for gut intuition, huh?" Primrosepetal's laugh was bright enough to eclipse the sun.


    "Hey," Butterflyshine looked up with bleary-eyes from the leftovers of a bird that she'd been sharing with her brother before he'd gotten up, spotting their mother crossing the camp with her limp. Snowsilver was standing over her, Wolfwhisker just visible in the background, shooing an ornery looking Sleetstar back up the rise with Summitsky crossing quickly to aid in corralling the headstrong molly. "You seem tired."
    "Charming opener," she teased, and Snowsilver's ears flattened in embarrassment, but a shy smile crossed his maw as Butterflyshine laughed her tinkling laugh. "I am tired. These past few moons have been... hard." The thought of Blizzardheart's empty nest and the sound of sobs that had echoed around the warrior's den in the weeks following the rogue attack threatened to spill a fresh wave of tears, but Butterflyshine inhaled deeply and shook her head roughly.
    "Yeah," Snowsilver agreed with a gentle sigh, settling down next to her, "it... still doesn't feel like they're gone, like any minute Sycamorepath and Blizzardheart are going to wander through the camp entrance, and she'll be arguing with him over something stupid that he's said... like asking why blackberries are called blackberries when they're actually purple." Butterflyshine choked out a laugh, watching as Sleetstar disappeared into the den, Burningflame hurrying after her with a concerned expression. Wolfwhisker's shoulders sagged as Summitsky left him too, before they straightened as Brewingice exited the den and gave him a wan smile.
    "It doesn't feel right without them... any of them." She fell quiet for a moment, curling her tail around herself protectively. "Mom told us... when she... when... when Northstar um..." she cleared her throat, "when she was in StarClan... Willowpaw gave her one of her lives. I think she was trying to reassure me, to remind me that she's up there watching over us... and it was a nice thought, but I can't help but feel the hole where all of them should be is never going to heal up."
    "Maybe it shouldn't," Snowsilver mused, offering his shoulder for her to lean into. Without hesitation, she did so, nestling her head against his neck. "That hole hurts- Featherfall is trying to be strong for me, but I know she was close to Sycamorepath and to Blizzardheart especially. She's really latched on to Lynxdash, like she's trying to make up for what they both lost, but... well. That's just it, isn't it? A wound that scars with a lot of time and a lot of patience, but it's a wound that drives. It pushes us to fight, to keep going and to keep thriving for everyone we've lost who never got the chance... and to protect everyone we haven't lost yet." Butterflyshine blinked up at him with warm eyes, and a fond smile.
    "You know... that's a wonderful way to look at it," she whispered, her eyes trailing to where Wolfwhisker and Brewingice were sitting close, talking quietly with their heads bowed close, "it's easy to remember what I've lost... but I think sometimes I forget what I have to make sure never to lose."
    "You know... no one said it, but the way Blizzardheart... went? It was how he would have wanted to go- fighting until his very last breath for the cats that he loved, to make sure they got a chance, even if he didn't. And I-" Snowsilver swallowed, thickly, "I um. I wanted you to know that... if it were you, and it were me... I would too. I would fight for you until the last breath left my body. I will never be as strong a warrior as he is... but I would try, and I would do anything- give anything- if it meant that you could live, even if anything was my life."
    "Don't," Butterflyshine said, shaking her head like that, "don't."
    "Oh, I'm sorry, I thou-"
    "Don't say you would die to protect me," she said, meeting his gaze with a fierce determination that Snowsilver had never seen from her before, "because I can't stand to loose you too. I need to know you would live for me- that you would do anything in order to take another breath so we could fight side by side for a second more."
    "I would," Snowsilver promised her, leaning forward to touch their foreheads together, "without question."
    "Good," Butterflyshine breathed, her eyes falling closed, "because I never want to lose anyone else- especially not you. Never you."
    "I'll always be here. I promise."


    Burningflame. The name sat on her shoulders and echoed around her mind. It was new, and unfamiliar, but not unpleasant. The way Sleetstar's maw curved with such fondness when she said it, the way her blue eyes softened, and her tail curled closer to herself in delight; all of it made the strangeness worth it. She could tell the rest of the clan was still on edge around her, and she understood. They would have to take her word for everything she'd done to try to prevent as many attacks as she could, but the image of her that permeated the conscious was the one from the first battle.
    She'd been so afraid. Boscoe's presence had weighed on her, threatened to crush her if even one swipe didn't fall true. Now, that weight was gone, and it was a relief, but she knew she was far from settled. When she was sure Sleetstar was asleep in her nest, she got up to use the dirt place, letting the warm breeze ruffle her fur as she padded down the path, eyes glued to her paws as she skirted the unfamiliar terrain.
    "Thinking hard?" She almost jumped out of her skin, pulling up just short of running into a slender white tom. She gulped.
    She remembered him from the first battle. Then, he'd been a wide-eyed little apprentice with anger and tragedy scrawled all over his features. He was a little bigger now, but still so slim that even so early along in his pregnancy he was beginning to noticeably show. His tail swished easily behind him as he looked up at her, a half-smile on his maw. Her throat closed- she had no clue what to say. The last battle had been hard on many of the clan members, that she saw, but at least they didn't blame her for the deaths of their children. The blind molly and this white tom, however, had every right to be angry at her.
    "Relax," he said coolly, "you look like you think I'm going to take your head off. If anyone were going to do that, it would be Howlingeye, and it would be in your sleep. Shadow, remember?" His ear flick was dismissive, and Burningflame suddenly understood the reason that Sleetstar's eyes alighted with a mix of amusement, annoyance and fondness whenever she spoke of the young white tom.
    "Hard to forget," she replied, but the response seemed lame coming from her mouth, "I was just-"
    "Stop." She did. "You know... being happy is a lot harder than anyone makes it out to be. For a long time, I was just angry- I think a part of me thought I wasn't allowed to be happy, because Galepaw wasn't there anymore and that was my punishment for not going with her, or keeping her with me. But... over time I learned that opening up my heart to people is scary... but worth it." He smiled briefly at his own flank for a second, before his cutting gaze turned back to her. "So all I have is one question: do you love her?"
    "Yes," she said, "more than anything. I- I know you have no reason to believe me, but I never stopped. I was so hurt when I thought she was playing with me, because she meant so much to me, and she was... she was, in many ways, the be all and end all of what I had, and I thought if I had power, then I could have more... but it wasn't power I got. It was a prison of my own design, resignation to the ultimate subservience and compliance to a governance of fear. I wish... I wish I'd been stronger, that I'd somehow dissuaded him, whatever it took... but I can't change that now."
    "No," Whisperwind agreed, "but I understand how powerful love is. I know that living with anger and hatred in my heart isn't going to bring Galepaw back, and it's certainly not going to make me any happier. So... I'm going to choose to forgive you. It'll take time, but I'm trusting you when you say you love her, and trusting that to you that means there is nothing else- no one else- and what you promised to this clan is the same as what the rest of us promised. You know that forgiveness isn't going to come easy to a lot of us, especially to Bearears and me... but I'm going to try, because I'm tired of the burn of anger."
    "Thank you," Burningflame barely managed to stutter out the stunned words, "I um- I'll do everything I can to make it up to you, I swear. I'll prove to be the best clanmate I can be. Someone that you would be happy to have fight at your side."
    "I know." Whisperwind nodded, moving to step past her, before he paused. "And one more thing? If you hurt her, decide against her, turn back to what you used to be? You won't have to worry about Howlingeye killing you in your sleep, because I will make it my personal mission to rip you limb from limb so that the last thing you ever know is overwhelming pa- hello." His smile turned saccharine, and Burningflame looked over her shoulder to find Sleetstar standing behind them, amused.
    "What are you doing out of your nest?!" Burningflame scolded. "Poppywish said you had to rest, and this is the opposite of that."
    "The nest was cold," she grinned, cocking her head at Whisperwind, who blinked innocently, "are you done giving my mate the grave talk, Whisperwind?"
    "Sure," he said, with a shrug, "Bramblingrose is probably missing me anyway." He passed them both, pausing on the rise. "I really mean it about giving you a chance, and trying to forgive, but seriously? Hurt this clan, I think I might snap." Sleetstar gave him a nod as he turned and gracefully crested the path, before ducking into the nursery. Burningflame sagged with a long, drawn-out sigh. Sleetstar chuckled, nuzzling her nose against her cheek.
    "You couldn't have picked a bunch of more mercenary cats, could you?"
    "Oh, you'll grow to like him, I think. You're about as sullen as each other and his tongue might actually match yours for speed and viciousness." She stumbled where Burningflame shoulder-checked her, instantly stepping back close to her side. "It's... actually very good that he's not cussing you out right about now. I expected his reaction to be a little more extreme but... if he's willing to take a chance, I'm sure the rest of the clan will too." Burningflame gave her a grateful smile, before she pressed their foreheads together and exhaled another weight off her shoulders, as the world turned once more and everything began to feel incrementally more right.

    𝐭𝐑𝐒𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧.
    The camp was warm in the greenleaf heat, and Whisperwind decided that being a queen had its perks. It was nice to be able to recline and simply soak up the sun, Rivermask watching dutifully over her kits as they tumbled in a game with Gustkit and Pepperkit, the older kits careful with the younger ones like studious older siblings.
    "There's only so many ways you can lie in the sun," he sighed, stretching his legs out and rolling onto his back, closing his eyes, "I'm already starting to miss patrol."
    "Tell me about it," Rivermask chuckled, "kits keep your paws full, but it's still not the same as running amok in the wilderness day in and day out. I love being a mother, don't get me wrong... but every now and again it would be nice to stretch my legs properly. Go hunting and all that. Too bad the clan would fall to chaos if anyone else tried to kit-sit my menaces." Whisperwind chuckled indulgently.
    "The things you do for toms, huh?" Instantly, he regretted his words, sitting up quickly in time to catch the flicker of grief that passed over Rivermask's eyes. "Oh, fox dung, I'm sorry, I-"
    "Ah, Whisperwind! You know better than anyone else how frustrating it is to have people tip toe around what happened," Whisperwind smile shyly, sufficiently chastised, as Rivermask laughed her throaty laugh. "The things we do for toms indeed, my friend... but you know, this was always worth it to see the look on Breakerhowl's face. He loved kits, ever since we were little. Even as apprentices, he was always back into the nursery to help the queens out. I think partly he had the spirit of a kit well into his adulthood but... well. You're old enough to see what he did with the girls. He was a good father... and I loved being the mother of his kits."
    "You still are," Whisperwind reminded her, "I should have been more careful in my word choice. I know I was angry about Galepaw, and how some tried to act like it was something we could never talk about... but I would never want to force you to get over your own sorrow faster than you're ready. I lost a sister, and it's like missing a limb, but loosing someone you chose to love so deeply, someone you chose over everyone else you possibly could have... I can't imagine how painful that must be."
    "It hurts pretty bad, yeah," Rivermask's laugh was soft and tired, "I miss him every waking moment. In life, he'd seemed eternal- part of me really thought there was no way he could ever die, and now that he's gone it seems... unreal, but I know in my heart that it would kill him again to see me unhappy, so I'm trying to be brave, but this isn't something I ever imagined doing without him." She blinked in surprise as Whisperwind shifted closer to rest his head against hers, a gesture uncharacteristically companionable from the usually lone white tom.
    "I"m sorry," Whisperwind said, closing his eyes.
    "Oh, sweetie, don't be. I miss him, and I always will, but at least I've got something to remember him by." She smiled at her kits, as Foamkit pounced on Pepperkit, sending them yowling to the ground. "I see him in all of our kits- when Silvercreek gets stubborn about something and has that little glint in her eye, when Auroracloud thinks something is funny and she's trying to hide it, in the way those little ones get up to mischief all the time... he left me souvenirs, and there's not anything that could ever erase him from my heart." She swallowed a little, casting her eyes at Whisperwind, and he was shocked to find they shone with tears, for how steady her voice was. "We got up to lots of trouble, you know. Had plenty of stories about our misadventures... but the greatest adventure of all was falling in love with him, letting myself go and trusting him to be there for me. I don't regret it- I'd do it a hundred times over, even if I knew it would end this way, because even if I lost him in the end... loving and losing him is better than never loving him at all."
    "I understand." He smiled, resting his forehead against hers. "You know... I didn't know him very well, which is more my fault than his, but I can tell he was really special to everyone in the clan. And I know... you guys raised two incredible daughters already, and I have no doubts that you'll do equally as well on these three too. His legacy will live on. No one will forget him- not for a long time yet, and that's the most you can ask, isn't it? After all, it's in passing that we achieve immortality."
    "You sure do have a way with words," Rivermask laughed softly, nuzzling their foreheads together, "thank you. It means more than you think."
    "I just thought of what I wanted someone to say to me after Galepaw died... but I'm glad it helps." Whisperwind drew back, with a smile. "The truth is... I'm a little scared about this whole kit thing... but with you in the nursery, being my... my friend... I think everything's going to be okay."


    "You know, I never thought I'd miss getting up at the crack of dawn for patrols," Duckbriar said, stretching herself out as she and Wolfwhisker wandered back into the camp, "I didn't realize you could miss the borders so much." The grey tom chuckled, tilting his head slightly to the side in amusement.
    "Poppywish did a good job on you, don't be so glib. You were only out for a moon at best... be thankful you're not Ironpaw or Blackdusk. I can imagine they're starting to forget what the outside world looks like." Duckbriar laughed at that, nudging her friend's shoulder with her own, before her good mood evaporated suddenly. Wolfwhisker seemed to see it at the exact same time that she did, his shoulders tightening next to hers. "What do you think that's about?"
    "I don't know. But it's definitely not good." Sleetstar's face had the quality of steel the way it did whenever someone was trying to persuade her of something and she was debating it internally without giving away what she was thinking. Burningflame and Summitsky sat either side of her, exchanging worried glances. Graypeak looked as if he were pleading, standing across from her, while Addersong sat next to him, shoulders hunched and baleful stare turned toward the ground, her tail curled tightly around her paws as if she'd rather be anywhere else but there.
    "Come on," Wolfwhisker said, nudging her forward, and together, the two of them approached the group of adults, ears pricked forward to hear the conversation.
    "- would just be for a moon or two at most," Graypeak was saying, his eyes tired but hopeful, "please. I was planning to ask before the attack, but it's just solidified my belief that this is the right thing to do. I know you believe we shouldn't carry over any hard feelings from our previous lives, and this is the only way for us to lay it at rest."
    "What if they don't want to see us?" Addersong snapped, without looking up. Sleetstar's eyes darted between them, keenly. "Maybe they've already made peace with it, Graypeak, and you'll only cause more problems by upsetting whatever delicate balance of normalcy they've already set up."
    "I know you don't care for Loonfrost, but you could at least-"
    "At least what? Champion your insanity? You think you're stuck in the past now, imagine what it'll be like when you see her again."
    "What's this about seeing Loonfrost?" Her parents whipped around to look at her, Graypeak's eyes guilty, Addersong's much harder to read, before her mother glanced away again and Graypeak looked to Sleetstar for help, only to find nothing. He gave a tired sigh, his tail flicking nervously.
    "A... few moons ago, there were a couple of apprentices on our territory who got turned around. They came from a clan named ChessClan, and they recognized me as Summitstar. They ah... well. Apparently, Loonfrost and your- your siblings have settled there... and I was asking Sleetstar if we could go to visit them-"
    "Why?" Graypeak flinched away from the question.
    "I don't-"
    "Why? Why would you try and make that decision for me?" Duckbriar's fur was beginning to bristle. Wolfwhisker pressed close, a gesture meant to be comforting, but she shouldered him away, drawing up tall.
    "Well... I thought you'd want to see your siblings... and it's... it's the right thing to do. To make things right between-"
    "Stop it!" The volume of her voice surprised her, and even Sleetstar jumped. "Just stop! I can't believe you. Talking about making things right when you've made no effort to even fix things here. Look around, Dad. Take a step outside your little bubble for just one second, and maybe then you'd see all the stuff that you have to set right before you can even think about dragging Juncopaw and Rookpaw into this! Look at Mom, look at her right now." Graypeak wouldn't. "See, you can't. You know you're hurting her, and you don't care, because you just want to feel like that invincible leader again, but that's not who you are! Not even Sleetstar is invincible, or infallible, but at least she cares about her clan! About doing what's best for them, and not what's best for her." Graypeak looked as if his heart was shattering.
    "Duckbriar... I just thought you would want to see your-"
    "I don't!" Duckbriar was screaming now, shoulders heaving like she needed to sob, but nothing would come out. "They left, and I stayed! They made their choice, and I made mine, and all you can think about is running away because it's too hard for you! Well it was hard for me, Dad, and I'm still standing here! Do you know how easy it would have been to choose to go with Juncopaw and Rookpaw? I could have made sure everything stayed the same, at least I would have known people, but I knew you needed me, and I knew Mom needed me, and so I stayed, and I let everything change, and what did you do?" Her voice cracked as she turned her furious gaze on her mother, who closed her eyes and trembled once with sadness. "You fight like petty children! Can't you see that it's hurting you- both of you- but neither of you are willing to let go, and so I get stuck in the middle, and I have no one! Do you know how hard it's been for me? How I would freeze in my nest every night for the first weeks until Sprucepaw caught me coughing and stole herbs from Poppywish to help me? How he slept in my nest every night until Featherfall caught on? How Blizzardheart-" her voice cracked- "how he would collect down from bird nests up in the crags to line my nest so I wouldn't be as cold? No! Neither of you did, because you were too busy living in a fantasy world that doesn't exist anymore!"
    "I'm sor-"
    "I had to do it all on my own! One paw in front of the other, time after time, and every time I stumbled I had to catch myself, because neither of you were ever there! And then I made friends, and I opened my heart up, and then it got ripped out because my friends are dead! Dead! Do you understand? They're dead, and they're not coming back! And I needed you to be here for me, and you're not, and now you're talking about going on some wild hunt for Loonfrost, and Juncopaw and Rookpaw who didn't even choose to stay with you, because you think they need you, and you want to be there for them, but you couldn't even do that for me? For Mom?" Duckbriar inhaled, deep and shuddering. Graypeak hung his head, watching his paws with dull eyes.
    "Don't bother telling me what you decide," she said to Sleetstar, lifting her trembling head to look the leader straight in the eyes, "because I'm not going. It shouldn't have been my job to put the two of you back together after all of this. It shouldn't still be my job. So I won't let it be." She turned her gaze on her mother again, eyes frosty now. "You should think about how much more of this you're going to take, and how much of it you can still consider loyalty." Without another word, she turned and stalked off across the camp, shouldering past Flamestream as the cream tom blinked in shock. Wolfwhisker gave his parents a quick look, before he turned and bounded after her, leaving the campground suspended in a silence too fragile to disturb and too thick to break.


    Summitsky's shoulders felt exhausted from carrying the weight of his body. Being privy to the little family squabble in the campground hadn't exactly improved his energy levels, but a resolution was a resolution, and now that Midnightblaze was cleared from the medicine den- Poppywish had shooed him out and told him not to come back if he knew what was good for him with only a smidge of humour- Summitsky decided that if he wasn't going to do it now, he never would.
    It had been the last thing he'd expected- advice from Koishimmer and Sleetstar on what to do about Midnightblaze. Summitsky hadn't thought his behaviour was worthy of an intervention, but apparently his former mate and Midnightblaze's daughter had decided otherwise. Still, it had been worthwhile- Koishimmer had plenty of knowledge about Midnightblaze's favourite things, and Sleetstar had a surprisingly nuanced view of romantic gestures.
    He rounded the corner into the tunnel that lead into camp and came nose to nose with Midnightblaze. Green eyes blinked back at him, before he scurried backward a step. Midnightblaze was carrying a bunch of wild posies- Summitsky's favourite- and he looked just as shocked to see the grey tom as he looked to see the deputy.
    "Oh. I was just looking for you."
    "Oh, cool. I uh- I was looking for you too." Summitsky said around the snowdrops he was carrying. Silence descended over them, before he put the flowers down to push them toward Midnightblaze at the same time that the other tom pushed the flowers toward Summitsky.
    "These are for you!" They said together, before they ducked their heads away in shy embarrassment. Summitsky's heart was beating so hard he was sure the deputy could hear it, as he nervously collected the flowers close to him and sniffed them to show Midnightblaze his appreciation.
    "I uh... I was going to ask you to go for a walk." Summitsky said, shyly. Midnightblaze blinked in bewilderment, before he shook himself and nodded fervently.
    "Do you want to go up to the North plateau so we can see the stars?" Summitsky gaped in awe. He had just been about to suggest that, but there was no way Midnightblaze could have known. He clamped his jaw shut and nodded excitedly, getting to his paws. Midnightblaze smiled, following after Summitsky as he moved toward the entrance. They walked shoulder to shoulder, nervous silence settled between them. Summitsky wanted to say something smooth, or comforting, anything to end the awkwardness, but his heart was beating too fast, head turning over everything he wanted to say.
    "You look handsome in the moonli-"
    "You have pretty eyes-" The pair of them looked away with another nervous laugh, and Summitsky felt his pelt get hot at the returned compliment, just like the one he'd given Midnightblaze all those moons ago. It seemed like a different lifetime now, the era before they were even really friends, before Rafe and before death had swept through the clan with gnarled claws. Still, throughout all of it, Midnightblaze remained a beacon of light to Summitsky, and he couldn't help but feel happy that the tom was still with them, despite everything.
    "I... I'm glad you're out of the medicine den," he managed finally, in the silence, "it feels like you've been in there far too often these days." Midnightblaze chuckled.
    "You're telling me. I'll be quite happy if I never see the inside of that den again."
    "But then you'd never see your darling friend Poppywish again," Summitsky teased, and Midnightblaze shoulder-checked him with an amused laugh. The silence that settled was more comfortable, and Summitsky relished in the way that the black tom's fur brushed his own, shoulder working against his as each step carried them closer to the plateau. The climb onto it was steep, and Midnightblaze thanked him as he pushed off Summitsky's shoulder to get up, and then turned to pull him upward by the scruff. Overhead, the night sky was blanketed by stars. Midnightblaze looked up, and gasped.
    "Oh, it's beautiful!" He enthused, his tail raising like a banner as he beamed.
    "Yeah," Summitsky said, his eyes soft, "it is." He wasn't looking at the stars.
    "My mother used to sneak me up here, you know, when my sister and I were just kits. She wasn't supposed to, but even back then we could tell that something was wrong within the clan. This was meant to be the escape for us... and it was. I can't believe I'd almost forgotten what it looked like."
    "Well... we could always come up here more often?" Summitsky suggested. "Make it a tradition, if you like. I wouldn't mind- I love looking at the stars. It reminds you how connected everything is, how even when the world seems the darkest, there's always light, if you know where to look."
    "Yeah," Midnightblaze agreed with a wistful sigh, settling down to look up at the stars better. Summitsky sat across from him, sneaking glances at the peaceful look on the black and white tom's face, until his eyes traveled down, and the big tomcat found himself trapped in that peculiar green gaze. "Summitsky I-"
    "Midnightblaze, you-" he gave a nervous laugh, before tilting his head back, "why is this so hard?"
    "I don't think it's hard at all," Summitsky looked back to the deputy, noting the shy expression on his face, "I think there's just a lot to say." Fondness welled in Summitsky's chest, and his eyes softened.
    "There shouldn't be. It's easy, what I want to say to you, but I think I overcomplicated it all, planning this all out. I've wanted to take you aside up here for a while, you know, to tell you what I feel... how I feel about you. Midnightblaze... you're the most wonderful cat I've ever met. I'm only sorry I didn't realize it sooner, but I know now that you make me feel a way no other cat has ever made me feel. Your smile... is always in my mind. I think about your eyes and how much I love the sound of your laugh almost every waking moment, and every night that I go to sleep in my nest, it feels wrong that you're not there beside me, because of how much I want you to be. You are so kind, and so selfless, so smart and so compassionate and every single thing about you, right down to how Koishimmer complains that you kick her in your sleep.... that's all perfect to me. And I agonized over how to do this, because I know you've been hurt before, and I understand if you would be scared-"
    "I'm not," Midnightblaze's eyes twinkled, his smile wide, "with you, I'm never afraid. Summitsky, you don't have to assure me that you're not going to be like him. I already know you won't- you're better than he ever was, in every conceivable way, and I- well, right now, I'm wondering how it is that I'm lucky enough to have someone as perfect as you feel this way about me."
    "I haven't even said it yet," Summitsky chuckled, and Midnightblaze nodded, pretended to be chastised, "but... it's not luck. You are a truly, truly special cat, and I know my life is better for having you in it. I want you to wholly be a part of my life, though- every day, every minute. I don't want to spend another second without you, because the fact of the matter is that I love you, that I am utterly, stupidly, unconditionally in love with you, and nothing would make me happier than you being my mate."
    "I love you too," Midnightblaze purred, leaping forward to press his head up under Summitsky's jaw, relishing in the rumbling purr that shook his whole body in return, "and nothing would make me happier than being your mate, so you can consider this a yes, in as enthusiastic a manner as you can possibly dare to imagine, because I have just been waiting for you to ask, knowing I would say yes without a doubt." He chuckled, touching his nose tenderly to Summitsky's, as the bigger tom swept his tail around him and bundled him close. "I just can't believe you had the exact same idea as I did... right down to the flowers."
    "Admittedly... I had some help. Koishimmer and Sleetstar told me I'd been pining long enough, I suppose... they helped work out a lot of the details," Summitsky pulled back sheepishly, before he blinked as Midnightblaze stared at him with blatant shock. "What?"
    "Oh- your kits came to see me with my younger daughters, and told me I'd pined for long enough... and helped me work out the details... right down to the flowers. Butterflyshine said they were your favourite." The pair of them blinked at each other, before realization dawned, and they burst into laughter.
    "Did we just get parent-trapped?" Summitsky asked, and Midnightblaze shook his head, stretching up to press his forehead to Summitsky's with an elated purr.
    "Oh, who cares. I certainly don't- it got me you."

` servings consumed
12/12 - x12 voles
` clan events
advent claims: x3 cobweb, x2 marigold, x2 horsetail, x2
raspberry leaves, x2 voles
poppywish and sprucepaw search for kitting herbs
blackdusk and ironpaw are kept on rest for another moon
daisypaw and pansypaw take their warrior assessments
midnightblaze and summitsky become mates
β†ͺ can have kits; midnightblaze is afab
ospreypaw, carnationpaw and magnoliapaw learn to battle
tulippaw and eaglepaw learn to hunt
` patrols
1 - sleetstar, burningflame, bearears, bramblingrose, hawkeyes, frostclaw
2 - midnightblaze, primrosepetal, koishimmer, lunardawn, auroracloud, erminebubble
3 - sunnynose, foxspring, robinwhistle, dapplelotus, flamestream, emberpetal
4 - splitface, brackenstrike, honeyheart, mapleskip, falconstreak, addersong
1 - minkfur, thunderjaw, duckbriar, hollyfeather, wolfwhisker, fogbelly

    ` leader
    `` sleetstar | 77 moons | ♀

    ` deputy
    `` midnightblaze | 83 moons | β™‚

    ` medicine cat
    `` poppywish | 68 moons | β™‚ - [5sp]
    ` medicine cat apprentice
    `` sprucepaw | 17 moons | β™‚

    ` warriors
    `` summitsky | 80 moons | β™‚
    `` hollyfeather | 55 moons | ♀
    `` thunderjaw | 75 moons | β™‚
    `` howlingeye | 58 moons | β™‚
    `` brackenstrike | 86 moons | ♀
    `` splitface | 83 moons | ♀
    `` minkfur | 72 moons | ♀
    `` bearears | 50 moons | ♀
    `` fallowstep | 75 moons | β™‚
    `` hawkeyes | 80 moons | β™‚
    `` viridianfire | 42 moons | ♀
    `` frostclaw | 92 moons | β™‚
    `` koishimmer | 44 moons | ♀
    `` birchfang | 50 moons | β™‚
    `` sunnynose | 63 moons | β™‚
    `` waspshine | 51 moons | β™‚
    `` winderstrike | 65 moons | β™‚
    `` twilightflower | 55 moons | ♀
    `` sorrelsong | 41 moons | ♀
    `` twosight | 91 moons | β™‚
    `` ausmasthorn | 29 moons | ♀
    `` bramblingrose | 29 moons | β™‚
    `` addersong | 62 moons | ♀
    `` graypeak | 60 moons | β™‚
    `` falconstreak | 56 moons | ♀
    `` emberpetal | 26 moons | ♀
    `` flamestream | 26 moons | β™‚
    `` honeyheart | 60 moons | β™‚
    `` primrosepetal | 44 moons | ♀
    `` wolfwhisker | 23 moons | β™‚
    `` butterflyshine | 23 moons | ♀
    `` duckbriar | 24 moons | ♀
    `` lunardawn | 44 moons | ♀
    `` foxspring | 35 moons | β™‚
    `` fogbelly | 72 moons | ♀
    `` hazerise | 70 moons | ♀
    `` leopardrunner | 27 moons | β™‚
    `` tempestflame | 22 moons | ♀
    `` brewingice | 22 moons | β™‚
    `` lightningivy | 22 moons | ♀
    `` lynxdash | 21 moons | β™‚
    `` dapplelotus | 35 moons | ♀
    `` featherfall | 23 moons | ♀
    `` snowsilver | 23 moons | β™‚
    `` silvercreek | 17 moons | ♀
    `` auroracloud | 17 moons | ♀
    `` blackdusk | 15 moons | β™‚ -1rest
    `` argentripple | 31 moons | β™‚
    `` robinwhistle | 35 moons | ♀
    `` mapleskip | 61 moons | β™‚
    `` burningflame | 77 moons | ♀
    `` plumiris | 24 moons | ♀
    `` erminebubble | 18 moons | β™‚

    ` apprentices
    `` ironpaw | 14 moons | ♀ -1rest
    `` daisypaw | 12 moons | ♀
    `` pansypaw | 12 moons | ♀
    `` ospreypaw | 7 moons | ♀
    `` eaglepaw | 7 moons | β™‚
    `` carnationpaw | 7 moons | ♀
    `` tulippaw | 7 moons | β™‚
    `` magnoliapaw | 7 moons | ♀

    ` queens and kits
    `` rivermask | 65 moons | ♀
    β†ͺ foamkit, spraykit & oceankit [3, ♂♂♀]
    β†ͺ pepperkit [5, β˜‰]
    β†ͺ gustkit [5, β™‚]
    `` whisperwind | 32 moons | β™‚
    β†ͺ due 2 moons

    ` elders
    `` magpiefeather | 122 moons | ♀
` ally clans
none currently.

` enemy clans
none currently.

` borders
↑ | open
β†’ | whitebark | grey_hoodie
↓ | two-leg village
← | ski slope

` medicine store
catmint [4] | greencough
lovage [1] | coughs
lungwort [1] | yellowcough
chickweed [2] | greencough
tansy [1] | greencough
fennel [2] | hip pain
ragwort [1] | strength
mallow leaves [1] | bellyache
dock [1] | scratches
burdock root [1] | infection
blackberry leaves [1] | bee stings
raspberry leaves [4] | kitting
cobweb [3] | bleeding
marigold [2] | infection
horsetail [2] | infection

` fresh-kill pile
vole | x7 | 1 servings [7]
rabbit | x4 | 2 servings [8]
stoat | x10| 2 servings [20]
small fish | x13 | 2 servings [26]
hare | x5 | 3 servings [15]
bird | x5 | 3 servings [15]

` mentors
ausmasthorn | ironpaw [4]
β†ͺ hunt, battle, swim, adv. battle
fogbelly | daisypaw [4]
β†ͺ swim, battle, hunt, climb
twosight | pansypaw [4]
β†ͺ swim, battle, hunt, climb
duckbriar | ospreypaw [0]
β†ͺ skills
winderstrike | eaglepaw [0]
β†ͺ skills
silvercreek | carnationpaw [0]
β†ͺ skills
summitsky | tulippaw [0]
β†ͺ skills
fallowstep | magnoliapaw [0]
β†ͺ skills

` deceased
galepaw | murdered by boscoe
stormkit | weak at birth
hurricanekit | weak at birth
willowpaw | crushed in landslide
dawnbreeze | killed in battle
blizzardheart | killed in battle
sycamorepath | killed in battle
buttercuppaw | killed in battle
breakerhowl | killed in battle
sootfreckle | killed in battle
dandelionpaw | injuries post-battle

` family ties
Last edited by solyn on Wed Jan 01, 2020 7:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[ `` northernclan !! ] [ 034 ]

Postby solyn » Sat Dec 28, 2019 10:12 am

population: 74 cats [ 37 fem : 36 male : 1 nb ]
servings required: 12 [76] - pebbles: 63
π™œπ™ͺπ™–π™§π™™π™žπ™–π™£π™¨ 𝙀𝙛 π™©π™π™š 𝙛𝙧𝙀𝙨𝙩
moderator: deimos - next moonstone: 15 dec.
moons since last nonsense: 3 (gl)


    𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐠𝐨.
    "Okay... Greenleaf or Leafbare?"
    "Greenleaf," Daisypaw shook out her ginger fur with a happy purr, relishing in the sun beating down on her shoulders, "you can't tell me you don't like it when the sun is out, and when you can hear the birds singing all the way up here!"
    "It's nice, sure, but I prefer Leafbare." Daisypaw made an incredulous noise, making Ironpaw laugh as she shook her head wildly, "no- listen- stop making that face at me! Listen to me. Daisypaw! I have dark fur, I overheat easily." She shoulder-checked the other apprentice, who grinned and shoulder-checked her back, ears flicking smugly as Ironpaw stumbled, despite Daisypaw being a significant amount smaller than her.
    "I think you're wrong," she replied, flouncing ahead and flicking her tail, "Leafbare's so awful! It's cold, it's dreary, half the time patrols come back early because everyone's afraid it's going to blizzard..."
    "More excuses to snuggle up, then," Ironpaw laughed as Daisypaw ducked her head shyly, purring as the ginger nudged her shoulder, hard. Ironpaw smiled, leaning on her with a content hum, before her eyes drew over into seriousness. Daisypaw looked up at her quizzically, blinking slowly. "You know... you and Pansypaw didn't have to um... you didn't have to delay your ceremonies for me." Daisypaw's nose wrinkled.
    "Of course we did! You finished your training before us, and the only reason you're still in the apprentice den is because you fought bravely during the battle with the Merchants. You're the last of our denmates, and all three of us are going to get our warrior names together. Bet on that." Ironpaw laughed, ducking her head shyly.
    "Thank you, Daisypaw, that means a lot." She paused, scuffing her paws a little. "Have you... have you talked to Blackdusk recently?"
    "Oh... no? Um, we weren't really ever that close, Blackdusk and Sootfreckle and I. He used to talk to Dandelionpaw a little bit, but... I mean, he's your adopted brother, isn't he? I thought he would talk to you." The silence hung. "Oh."
    "I guess I understand. I think he would be happier if his real sister had survived, but..."
    "If he doesn't think of you as his real sister, then he's a fool," Daisypaw insisted adamantly, turning in front of the grey apprentice and giving her a fierce look, "and I'm sure Sorrelsong thinks of you as her real daughter, which begs the question of whether they've been avoiding you or whether you've been avoiding them." Ironpaw wouldn't look her in the eye. Daisypaw gave an exasperated sigh, frowning at her friend.
    "I'm scared," Ironpaw admitted quietly, "I'm scared that they'll blame me for surviving when Sootfreckle didn't. For not doing enough, for not being there... Blackdusk was there, and she died defending him, but maybe if I hadn't been... I could have... I don't know." Ironpaw blew out a sigh and shook her head. "I just... I'm afraid."
    "Well... I think you should talk to him. To Sorrelsong too. It's okay to be afraid, you know, but... even if the worst happens and they blame you, which I'm sure they won't, then I'll be here. And I'll be your family- force my fathers to adopt you and all." Ironpaw chuckled a little, butting her head against Daisypaw's, to the ginger's surprise.
    "Thank you," she said gently, "I'll keep that in mind. Now can we keep walking?"
    "Sure!" Daisypaw turned back to continue their circuit of the campground, Poppywish perched outside the medicine den to watch over them anxiously, "okay, so... vast fields or dense forests?"
    "Where on earth do we have vast fields in the territory."
    "They're called plateaus!"
    "Not the same thing!"
    "You're such a killjoy!" Daisypaw squealed as Ironpaw bumped her shoulder again, their laughter carrying high into the air.


    Minkfur woke up to a cold nest.
    It wasn't so strange- Thunderjaw seemed better in recent moons, but his mind was still plagued by plenty of things, and the battle had only exacerbated the nightmares that haunted him. Yawning, she hauled herself from her nest and quietly padded from the den. His dark shape was not visible in the campground, so she descended the path and wandered outside through the tunnel, where she found him sitting at the ledge and peering down into the chasm-like drop below.
    "Can't sleep?"
    "Not a wink," Thunderjaw agreed, blowing out a sigh, "I keep thinking about everyone we lost. All those young cats..."
    "You know there was nothing we could have done for Willowpaw," Minkfur said gently, leaning on her mate's shoulder as he swept his tail around her, "she made her decision, and it saved us. We should be proud of her for that, no matter how much it hurts. She would want us to be, at the very least."
    "I would have been proud of her regardless," Thunderjaw sighed, "but that's... not what I'm thinking about. Sleetstar told me she's up there, and that comforts me greatly, and if I thought about it hard enough, maybe she'd come down and visit, but... seeing all of this destruction reminds me how I forgot to be afraid." Minkfur gave him a curious look. "I know life is hard, and unfair, and unpredictable. I know bad things happen for no reason, every day, to good cats who don't deserve it, and I let my guard down, and because of that my daughter died. Because of that, cats lost their lives, parents lost their children and siblings lost each other. Now there are holes in the hearts of my clanmates that only time can heal, but who's to say they'll ever have enough time?"
    "No one can guess that," Minkfur pressed her nose to his cheek, "I know you worry about the clan, but I think you're punishing yourself too much for a hard decision that you had to make. Honestly, I don't know if Sleetstar would have had the strength- both physically and emotionally- to kill Boscoe. You did something for her that hurt you very deeply, even if you're trying not to show it, but that doesn't make you a bad cat."
    "I know."
    "I know you know," Minkfur nuzzled in close to him, "but you don't feel it, do you?"
    "I don't," he said after a moment of quiet, "it hasn't sunk in yet. I can't help thinking... I can't help thinking if somehow the name is Northstar's final curse. Her last hurrah, steering me on a new course. They always say your warrior name is meant to be a guide, something to remind you of who you are when you lose your way. I feel lost, and I'm scared that maybe my wayfinder has changed my direction to make me into a cat I don't want to be."
    "Never. I would never let that happen." Minkfur nudged him until he turned to look at her, eyes shining with genuine fear. "You're allowed to be afraid. I'm scared too. This was something horrible, and I watched Breakerhowl die for me, knowing there was nothing I could do. We lost our daughter, our son lost his friends... all of us have felt so much pain and anger, it's only natural to feel adrift, but I won't let that fear define me, because that's no way to live. Yes, those things hurt, and yes, I'm scared that something else might happen. To me, to you, to Rivermask, to Sprucepaw... but deep down I know that it's going to be okay. I have you, and Sprucepaw is strong, so much stronger than both of us already, and he's going to be okay. We're going to be okay, because we have each other."
    "I would go to the ends of the earth for you," Thunderjaw whispered, leaning his forehead against Minkfur's. She nodded, nuzzling close to him with a sigh.
    "And I would assault the heavens themselves if I thought they would do you harm," she assured him, placing her paw over his, "your name might have been chosen for you to represent you in a way that you don't see yourself, but you're the one who gets to decide what it means to you. I know you, Thunderjaw of NorthernClan. You are brave, and you are kind, and you are strong, and though you are mighty, you are soft and compassionate and sweet, and you are righteous, and these are all things I know because every day I wake up and see them in you, and every day they make me love you more."
    "I love you so much," Thunderjaw let out a sobbing chuckle, "you always have the right words, don't you? I'm sorry I've been so... despondent lately. Just know that I would do anything for you. You're the love of my life, the part of me that my soul has always yearned for. The sun to my moon. My life is better for having you in it, and I will fight by your side until my last breath, because the world will not take you from me, not while I still breathe."
    "There's that fighting spirit," Minkfur chuckled, "life is unfair, yes, and it's hard, but if we live governed by our fear, we're going to miss out on everything that makes it good."
    "I know," Thunderjaw nodded, forehead still pressed close against hers, "I forgot myself for a while, but when you're here, I'm never afraid." Minkfur smiled, pressing her face close to him as she shuffled closer, letting him bundle her against his side. A cutting breeze swept past them, but Minkfur felt warm, huddled close to the love of her life as he rested his strong jaw against her head, and let out a long, peaceful sigh.


    "She's not going to want to talk to us, is she?" Plumiris sighed, glancing across the camp at where Duckbriar sat huddled on her own, tail curled over her paws as she frowned at the ground, shoulders hunched up near her ears. The other clan members gave her a wide berth after her outburst in the campground a few days ago, since the she-cat had made it clear that she wanted to be alone for a while, especially when her father trailed her about camp, and was promptly snubbed with the frostiest shoulder either of the young cats had ever witnessed.
    "Probably not," Wolfwhisker shrugged, "but she needs a friend right now... or two. I don't know if you heard what she said, but she's not doing as well as she wants everyone else to think she is, and I'm not going to desert her like she expects us to."
    "You can't really blame her, after what her parents have been like," Plumiris blew out a sigh, "poor Addersong. I wish I'd known it was that bad earlier, maybe I would have made her talk to me about it more... as it stands I feel like it's a little too late." She shook herself, smiling up at Wolfwhisker. "But you're right, the best thing we can do is show her we're not going to be like her parents. That we're here for her, even if she's not ready yet."
    "Let's go then," the red and white molly nodded firmly, bounding a few steps to catch up with Wolfwhisker's long-legged stride as he gracefully slid across the camp toward his friend. She looked up as she saw them coming, frowning a bit, but her features relaxed as Plumiris settled on one side of her, and Wolfwhisker settled on the other, effectively boxing her in.
    "I don't have a choice but to have this conversation, do I?"
    "Nope," Wolfwhisker said with an amused lilt to his voice.
    "Of course you do," Plumiris gave him her best menacing glare, "you know neither of us would force you to talk about something you're not ready to talk about. We don't want to upset you by making you visit feelings that you haven't fully come to terms with, but we want you to know that we love you enough to be here for you when you need us to be, and that no matter what we'll be standing by your side when you're ready to talk about it."
    "And you really should talk about it. I know it's easy to just... keep things to yourself, but you shouldn't have to. You were right in the camp, by the way. You've been shouldering a lot of responsibility for things you never should have had to worry about. You've been strong for a long time, but helping us shoulder your burden doesn't make you any weaker or less worthy, okay? We're here for you, because we're your friends, and we love you, and friends look out for each other."
    "I know," Duckbriar's eyes watered as she pushed her face into Wolfwhisker's scruff with a deep breath. Plumiris soothingly groomed between her ears as the other molly shook. "I just... I'm so angry. I forgot how much it hurt, but when Juncopaw and Rookpaw decided to leave... Juncopaw was always the ringleader, and I was always expected to follow, so I suppose that it was a little bit my own private rebellion when I stayed with Mom and Dad... but I was angry at her too, for making that call. And now I find out she's living this happy life with... with a family? Like she doesn't even care about what happened to us."
    "I'm sure that's not true," Plumiris murmured, "she made her choices, but you're still her sister... surely she misses you."
    "I don't think so," Duckbriar said, glumly, "Rookpaw, maybe, or whatever their names are now. But not... not her. Juncopaw has always been headstrong, and when she makes up her mind, there's no changing it. I always admired her, for feeling as strongly as she did about everything... but I know how she thinks. I chose Mom over Loonfrost, and she thinks she's right, therefore I'm wrong, and because I'm wrong I don't mean anything to her anymore. She probably misses Dad, though. She was named after him after all."
    "Well..." Wolfwhisker mused, "I know a thing or two about messed up families. Mine's not that messed up though, you guys really really ruined it huh?" Duckbriar shouldered him, but she laughed, and he smiled. "I know you're happy here, and I'm sorry that you had to be split up from your family for it to happen... but maybe it was for the best. After all, if you'd stayed with your siblings, you never would have met me, or Plumiris, or Sprucepaw or Featherfall. Good things came out of it too, and maybe your sister has moved on... but so have you. You can't tell how much it hurt for her because you weren't there, just as she wasn't here, but you're allowed to be angry. You were only young, and no one should have to face a decision like that."
    "It feels wrong to be angry at her but... I'm angry at her," Duckbriar laughed, sounding hollow, "the worst part is this is all about Dad. If we went, it would shatter Mom. I was too young to really understand why there was so much animosity there... but as we were travelling I was forced to understand it very fast. I can't imagine how much it crushed her to know she was second best, to know that she was just the convenient choice, and that her own kittens chose someone else over her."
    "It would break my heart," Plumiris murmured.
    "I think it broke hers," Duckbriar whispered, nodding slowly, "I don't think she knows how to show it, but it hurts her, and it hurts me. My heart is broken, and I don't know how to put it back together."
    "Piece by piece," Wolfwhisker said, leaning his jaw on top of her head as she sobbed, "with friends by your side."
    "I love you guys," Duckbriar whispered with a watery smile.
    "We love you too," Plumiris smiled, nuzzling her cheek, "and we'll always be here for you... always. No matter what you decide, we'll stand by you. You won't ever be alone again."

    𝐭𝐑𝐒𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧.
    Midnightblaze blew out a sigh, stretching his legs out as he settled back against Summitsky as the afternoon sun warmed his dark pelt. His mate groomed his pelt diligently, his tail wrapped around him, as Midnightblaze's curious eyes closed in contentment, feeling his heart swell. Summitsky had stuck close to him ever since Poppywish had announced his pregnancy, clearly worried about him due to his age, but Midnightblaze felt overwhelmingly happy.
    "I forgot how much being pregnant hurts my back."
    "You can lean on me more, if you like. You're only little, you won't crush me." Summitsky spluttered as Midnightblaze harrumphed and flicked him with his tail, before he laughed and playfully nipped at his mate's ear. "I suppose you're officially going into retirement today then, since I heard Poppywish strictly ordered you to banish yourself to the nursery."
    "That he did," Midnightblaze laughed a little, "at least I get a moon to just... relax in the sunshine before I actively seek out the warmth of the nursery when the colder months set in. You'll probably be done training your apprentice by then as well, which bodes well for me because you're wonderful to cuddle." Summitsky purred, nuzzling into the back of Midnightblaze's neck as if to give an example, the ticklish sensation making him laugh.
    "I suppose you put in your recommendations for deputy, then?"
    "Well... no actually. Sleetstar asked me, and I told her to pick someone that she thought would do a good job," Summitsky blinked, and Midnightblaze smiled. "I was only chosen as deputy because Northstar willed it to be so, and not because I was actually qualified. I wanted this time to be her decision, after everything, because she knows this clan as well as I do, and even if I feel more comfortable being deputy now... I still feel like I cheated a little bit."
    "Maybe just a little," Summitsky whispered, and Midnightblaze laughed, touching his nose to his mate's with a rumbling purr.
    "You two are sickly sweet," Midnightblaze jumped, narrowing his eyes playfully at Sleetstar who swished her tail in amusement, a timid looking Burningflame hovering at her shoulder.
    "You helped make us like this," he reminded her, and she sniffed as if it were horrid to remind her of such a thing, but her eyes twinkled playfully, and she laughed as Summitsky swatted at her retreating flank. With graceful steps, limp from her battle injuries almost entirely gone, she climbed up to the top of the Great Rock, Burningflame sitting sentinel beside it, gazing adoringly up at her mate with a twinkle in her eyes.
    "All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath the Great Rock!" Immediately, a buzz echoed through the clan, cats converging from all corners of the camp. Everyone knew what was coming, their eyes lingering on Midnightblaze and Summitsky, where they stayed laid out on the warm stone. Once the murmuring had settled and attentive eyes were watching her, Sleetstar smiled a warm smile at her clan.
    "I'm pleased to say today's announcement is a happy one," she said, "too often it feels that I'm saying something tragic to you all. As most of you have no doubt guessed by now, our deputy, Midnightblaze, is about to move to the nursery to birth Summitsky's kits." She paused, allowing for congratulatory whoops that made the couple laugh. "In doing so, he will be retiring from deputy duties for the duration of his stay in the nursery. I know I will miss his counsel for these few moons. In times when I was not so emotionally well, he kept me grounded, and fought for the well-being of the clan. I feel comfortable in calling myself the head of this clan... but Midnightblaze is the heart. I wish he could stay on, which I'm sure those of you who remember our first meeting find hilarious now, but I know that he will be happiest tending to the newest additions to his family without any extra stress, and I will welcome him back with an open heart when those kits are apprentices."
    "That's if he'll have you!" Thunderjaw called from the crowd, and laughter went up as Sleetstar rolled her eyes good-naturedly.
    "I've been told that traditionally, the former deputy might suggest replacements for them, but Midnightblaze left the choice up to me. There were plenty of cats I could have chosen for this task, because this clan is full of extraordinary warriors and true friends, but the longer I thought about it, the more clear my decision became. Before Midnightblaze, there was a cat I had already decided on to be deputy, and I thought they should get that chance, if not several moons later than I intended it. In the interim of Midnightblaze's absence, the new deputy will be Brackenstrike.
    "Every cat in this clan knows Brackenstrike. Her heart is large enough to hold love for everyone who joins this family, and not only is she compassionate, gentle and patient, she is brave, she is strong, and she has the capability to make tough calls. I know that she only ever has this clan's best interests at heart, and that she will function as someone you all will be able to go to if you ever need anything, even if 'anything' is to complain about me, because Stars know she's had to put up with much more of my idiocy than any of you."
    A ripple of laughter swept through the clan, as Sleetstar grinned at her old friend. "Everyone, please join me in welcoming Brackenstrike as interim deputy of NorthernClan."
    Yowls lifted into the air for the big molly as she rose from Splitface's side, crossing the camp to meet Sleetstar and press their foreheads together with a purr that echoed around the basin. She looked up, and jerked her head at Burningflame, who shyly slid closer and pressed her nose to Brackenstrike's in congratulations. As the pair stepped back, the clan swarmed around the large tabby to pay their own respects, laughter and merriment lifting high into the sky.
    "What do you think our parents make of all this?" Brackenstrike asked, as Splitface rubbed her head under her mate's chin with a purr. Sleetstar laughed, leaning her head against Burningflame's.
    "It's not what they expected, but they're proud, I'm sure."
    "I'm proud of you too," Brackenstrike said, eyes fond, "I don't know if I've told you that recently, but... you've made something truly special here. I never regretted following you, not even for a second."
    "I couldn't have done it without you."
    "I know." Sleetstar tipped her head back and laughed.


    Greenleaf's sun beat down on the patrol, as the cats at the front carried back the catches of the day. Ausmasthorn and Bramblingrose walked shoulder to shoulder, enjoying the companionship now that the bobtailed molly had been released from the medicine den and was allowed to go back to her warrior duties. Behind them, Duckbriar and Featherfall were having a quiet conversation around their mouthfuls of prey. The shorthaired she-cat seemed to be doing better since her argument with her parents, especially with Featherfall, Plumiris and Wolfwhisker flitting about her like worried mother birds. The family seemed to be avoiding each other, which Foxspring couldn't understand. On the odd occasion he'd seen his fathers argue, they resolved things pretty quickly, and never ignored one another. He couldn't imagine a problem would go away like that.
    "Lunardawn?" He asked, absently, mind immediately tracking to another, more pleasant problem. "Have you got a minute?"
    "We're on our way back... so yes," she said, chuckling as if he'd said something silly. He rolled his eyes in amusement, shoving her shoulder and making her gasp as if egregiously offended by the motion. He couldn't help but laugh, ducking away from her swat as she shook her head at him, laughing her laugh that made sunshine bloom in his chest.
    "I wanted to take a detour, and I thought you should come with me since I'm sure Sleetstar wouldn't be too happy about me wandering off alone." Lunardawn thought about that for a second, wincing at the idea of what the leader's reaction would be, before she called up front to Ausmasthorn who was technically in charge of the patrol.
    "Hey! Foxspring and I are going to stretch our legs a little more."
    "Alright," she responded, "watch out for each other."
    "We always do," Foxspring assured her, with a fond smile in Lunardawn's direction. She smiled shyly, ducking her head, before she nudged his shoulder and nodded at him to lead the way. He veered away from the patrol's line, leading her up into the boreal forest, tall pine trees stretching overhead, their needles sparking sharply with the fresh scent that seemed to accompany all trees in the warmer months. Underfoot, the grass was soft and cushy, and Foxspring breathed in the scent, letting his shoulder rub Lunardawn's with every step he took.
    "Are you okay?" She asked, startling him. He blinked at her quizzically, and she gave him a sad smile. "You lost two little brothers. Your dads were beside themselves, and then your sister showed up. That's a lot of emotions to process. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I know you have a habit of..."
    "Bottling things up to be strong for my family?" Lunardawn shrugged, and he laughed. "That's true, you're right, I can't deny that. Robinwhistle didn't know them so she's actually been a good shoulder to cry on. She's sad too, but just because all of us are sad. It hurts- Dandelionpaw and Buttercuppaw had so much ahead of them... but at the same time I'm trying to remember there's good things in life too, like reunions, and all of the cats I love who are still with me."
    "A surprisingly pragmatic way of looking at it," she laughed at his offended look, "don't misunderstand, I care for you deeply and I think you're one of the most wonderful cats in the world, but in all my moons travelling with you, you didn't exactly exhibit a tendency toward logic... unbridled enthusiasm, maybe, but... why are you looking at me like that?"
    "You care deeply for me?"
    "You knew that already!" She shoved his shoulder with her own and he laughed, shoving her back.
    "Maybe... but it's nice to be reminded every once in a while. I never thought I'd meet someone so important to me, wandering like I was... but here you are. Maybe I don't say it often enough... but I really should say it more, because I guess I never know when I'm going to get the opportunity to say it again. You are important to me- so important, and I'm thankful every day of my life that fate brought us together when it did."
    "I feel the same," Lunardawn said softly, touching her nose to his cheek. Something unspoken passed between them, lifting a weight from inside Foxspring's heart. It wasn't the time, but the knowledge was there, and when Lunardawn cuddled closer and leaned her head against his shoulder, he knew she understood it too.


    "What do you mean you won't be my mentor?" Pepperpaw's voice carried over the crowd as Sprucepaw stifled a laugh, wrapping his tail around the small apprentice and licking down a tuft of their fur that was sticking up, much to their disdain.
    "Pepperkit, I'm still only an apprentice myself," Sprucepaw said, "besides, you're too loud for Poppywish, and you'd get bored by all the herbs. You'll still be able to see me- we'll be friends still- but you're going to get a wonderful mentor who will teach you lots of fun things about being a warrior." Pepperpaw still pouted, and next to his son Thunderjaw let a snort slip out, jumping as he was roughly shouldered by his mate.
    "I see you're all out already," Sleetstar's voice drew attention as she stepped up atop the rock to address the clan, "so without further ado, we can get on to the morning's activities. As you know, our two lone kits Pepperkit and Gustkit are old enough to be an apprentice, much a relief to the queens I am sure considering in their six short moons, these two have developed personalities bigger than their means, and for that, I will be excited to see them grow as part of this family, and to see what wonderful things they will do with such big hearts and their passion." Pepperpaw preened, grinning at Gustpaw where he sat huddled against Rivermask.
    "Pepperkit and Gustkit, from this day forward until you receive your warrior names, you will be known as Pepperpaw and Gustpaw, respectively, to symbolize the path you will walk to find the kind of cats that you are, and that you aspire to be. Pepperpaw, your mentor will be Wolfwhisker. My son received excellent training from his mentor, Thunderjaw, and has shown himself to be steady and courageous. Gustpaw, your mentor will be Brewingice. Brewingice received a similarly glowing recommendation from his mentor, Splitface, and I have personally observed him to be compassionate and diligent. I know these two warriors, although young, are ready to be mentors, and will pass on all their knowledge and wisdom to you in order to help you be the best warriors you can be." Yowls went up for the two new apprentices as Wolfwhisker and Brewingice shared pleased grins, stepping forward to touch noses with the excitable kits. Sprucepaw nudged his friend's shoulder as Wolfwhisker returned to his side with Pepperpaw, the gray tom laughing delightedly at the motion.
    "Thank you for your patience. Now everyone be quiet so Brackenstrike can give out patrol assignments." A ripple of laughter went through the crowd as Brackenstrike stepped forward with a fond roll of her eyes, shoulders shaking with laughter.
    "Alright then, now that the fun stuff is out of the way, I'm afraid I have to put you all to work. It's the usual suspects on border patrol..." The clan began to split off as Brackenstrike instructed them, shoulders tall and proud and eye sparkling with genuine affection for her clan. At the back of the group, Midnightblaze curled his tail around his stomach and leaned his head against Summitsky's shoulder, purring contently as he groomed between his ears.
    "She's doing a wonderful job," Midnightblaze murmured, "and look at how happy Sleetstar is..."
    "What are you really thinking?"
    "Nothing bad," Midnightblaze assured him, "just... this feels right, all of it. As if it were how it was meant to be. I always got the impression that had Northstar not sent me along, this is what Sleetstar would have chosen, and what she said at the ceremony confirmed it."
    "Right down to us being mates?"
    "Smart-mouth," Midnightblaze teased with a laugh, "maybe she wouldn't have explicitly decided upon that from the get-go... but it feels right. Like it was meant to happen. And she was pretty instrumental in getting us to confess, remember, it's not as if she was vocally unsupportive of this... maybe she would have decided to push us together sooner, if we hadn't spent so long resenting each other because of some stupid meddling cat-demon."
    "I'd call it wasted time, but... well," Summitsky chuckled, resting his forehead against his mate's, "I wouldn't change any of that time for anything. Who knows what would have happened, otherwise? I couldn't trade my kits, couldn't trade any second that I had with you, every second I got to know you and fall maddeningly in love with you... there was hardship, but those moments made it worth it."
    "Oh... sap," the tom chuckled, eyes closed as Summitsky wrapped his tail around him with a purr, "I don't know if I'll go back."
    "That's okay," Summitsky murmured against the top of his head, "you have plenty of time to think about it." Midnightblaze laughed.
    "That I do."

` servings consumed
12/12 - x6 stoats
` clan events
advent claims: x2 chervil, x2 catmint, dec. 25th advent cat (unadded)
while midnightblaze is in the nursery, brackenstrike is named deputy!
ospreypaw, magnoliapaw and carnationpaw learn to hunt
tulippaw and eaglepaw learn to battle
daisypaw and pansypaw choose to delay their warrior ceremony until ironpaw passes.
added owlhop from advent (x)
` patrols
1 - sleetstar, honeyheart, mapleskip, burningflame, bearears, primrosepetal
2 - ausmasthorn, lunardawn, foxspring, bramblingrose, duckbriar, featherfall
3 - splitface, koishimmer, viridianfire, robindapple, blackdusk, owlhop
4 - hazerise, plumiris, auroracloud, erminebubble, falconstreak, addersong
1 - minkfur, thunderjaw, frostclaw, twosight, tempestflame, fogbelly

    ` leader
    `` sleetstar | 78 moons | ♀

    ` deputy
    `` brackenstrike | 87 moons | ♀

    ` medicine cat
    `` poppywish | 69 moons | β™‚ - [5sp]
    ` medicine cat apprentice
    `` sprucepaw | 18 moons | β™‚

    ` warriors
    `` summitsky | 81 moons | β™‚
    `` hollyfeather | 56 moons | ♀
    `` thunderjaw | 76 moons | β™‚
    `` howlingeye | 59 moons | β™‚
    `` splitface | 84 moons | ♀
    `` minkfur | 73 moons | ♀
    `` bearears | 51 moons | ♀
    `` fallowstep | 76 moons | β™‚
    `` hawkeyes | 81 moons | β™‚
    `` viridianfire | 43 moons | ♀
    `` frostclaw | 93 moons | β™‚
    `` koishimmer | 45 moons | ♀
    `` birchfang | 51 moons | β™‚
    `` sunnynose | 64 moons | β™‚
    `` waspshine | 52 moons | β™‚
    `` winderstrike | 66 moons | β™‚
    `` twilightflower | 56 moons | ♀
    `` sorrelsong | 42 moons | ♀
    `` twosight | 92 moons | β™‚
    `` ausmasthorn | 30 moons | ♀
    `` bramblingrose | 30 moons | β™‚
    `` addersong | 61 moons | ♀
    `` graypeak | 61 moons | β™‚
    `` falconstreak | 57 moons | ♀
    `` emberpetal | 27 moons | ♀
    `` flamestream | 27 moons | β™‚
    `` honeyheart | 61 moons | β™‚
    `` primrosepetal | 45 moons | ♀
    `` wolfwhisker | 24 moons | β™‚
    `` butterflyshine | 24 moons | ♀
    `` duckbriar | 25 moons | ♀
    `` lunardawn | 45 moons | ♀
    `` foxspring | 36 moons | β™‚
    `` fogbelly | 73 moons | ♀
    `` hazerise | 71 moons | ♀
    `` leopardrunner | 28 moons | β™‚
    `` tempestflame | 23 moons | ♀
    `` brewingice | 23 moons | β™‚
    `` lightningivy | 23 moons | ♀
    `` lynxdash | 22 moons | β™‚
    `` dapplelotus | 36 moons | ♀
    `` featherfall | 24 moons | ♀
    `` snowsilver | 24 moons | β™‚
    `` silvercreek | 18 moons | ♀
    `` auroracloud | 18 moons | ♀
    `` blackdusk | 16 moons | β™‚
    `` argentripple | 32 moons | β™‚
    `` robinwhistle | 36 moons | ♀
    `` mapleskip | 62 moons | β™‚
    `` burningflame | 78 moons | ♀
    `` plumiris | 25 moons | ♀
    `` erminebubble | 19 moons | β™‚
    `` owlhop | 25 moons | β™‚

    ` apprentices
    `` ironpaw | 15 moons | ♀
    `` daisypaw | 13 moons | ♀
    `` pansypaw | 13 moons | ♀
    `` ospreypaw | 8 moons | ♀
    `` eaglepaw | 8 moons | β™‚
    `` carnationpaw | 8 moons | ♀
    `` tulippaw | 8 moons | β™‚
    `` magnoliapaw | 8 moons | ♀
    `` pepperpaw | 6 moons | β˜‰
    `` gustpaw | 6 moons | β™‚

    ` queens and kits
    `` rivermask | 66 moons | ♀
    β†ͺ foamkit, spraykit & oceankit [4, ♂♂♀]
    `` whisperwind | 33 moons | β™‚
    β†ͺ due 1 moon
    `` midnightblaze | 84 moons | β™‚
    β†ͺ due 2 moons

    ` elders
    `` magpiefeather | 123 moons | ♀
` ally clans
none currently.

` enemy clans
none currently.

` borders
↑ | open
β†’ | whitebark | grey_hoodie
↓ | two-leg village
← | ski slope

` medicine store
catmint [6] | greencough
lovage [1] | coughs
lungwort [1] | yellowcough
chickweed [2] | greencough
tansy [1] | greencough
fennel [3] | hip pain
ragwort [1] | strength
mallow leaves [1] | bellyache
dock [1] | scratches
burdock root [1] | infection
blackberry leaves [1] | bee stings
raspberry leaves [5] | kitting
cobweb [3] | bleeding
marigold [2] | infection
horsetail [2] | infection
chervil [3] | infections/kitting

` fresh-kill pile
vole | x11 | 1 servings [11]
rabbit | x6 | 2 servings [12]
stoat | x6| 2 servings [12]
small fish | x14 | 2 servings [28]
hare | x6 | 3 servings [18]
bird | x7 | 3 servings [21]

` mentors
ausmasthorn | ironpaw [4]
β†ͺ hunt, battle, swim, adv. battle
duckbriar | ospreypaw [1]
β†ͺ battle
winderstrike | eaglepaw [1]
β†ͺ hunt
silvercreek | carnationpaw [1]
β†ͺ battle
summitsky | tulippaw [1]
β†ͺ hunt
fallowstep | magnoliapaw [1]
β†ͺ battle
wolfwhisker | pepperpaw [0]
β†ͺ skills
brewingice | gustpaw [0]
β†ͺ skills

` deceased
galepaw | murdered by boscoe
stormkit | weak at birth
hurricanekit | weak at birth
willowpaw | crushed in landslide
dawnbreeze | killed in battle
blizzardheart | killed in battle
sycamorepath | killed in battle
buttercuppaw | killed in battle
breakerhowl | killed in battle
sootfreckle | killed in battle
dandelionpaw | injuries post-battle
the stranger | old age

` family ties
Last edited by solyn on Tue Feb 11, 2020 12:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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