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A pale moon's love

Postby wolfpack12 » Sun Dec 29, 2019 12:07 pm

The pale coloured tom silently moved forwards. His amber gaze fixed solely on the small target in front of him. Before slowly lowering himself into a hunter's crouch and tensed his muscles in preparation for a pounce.

Only to let out a startled yelp when something barrelled into him. Catching him off guard, and sending him tumbling to the ground with a grunt. When his mind finally caught on to what was happening, he found himself staring at a face far smaller than his own. Which included an even smaller pair of blue eyes.

" Caught you, intruder!"

Despite his best efforts, Palefur couldn't help but let out a barely audible snort. He just couldn't take his own kit seriously. Especially when she was on the verge of pouting. Fighting back the urge to laugh further, the tom lifted up his paws as a sign of surrender.

" Forgive me, brave warrior! I didn't realise this territory was taken!", he replied. A small smile appearing on his face as he watched Lightkit puff her chest out proudly. Somewhere nearby, he could feel the amused gaze of his mate. Who was no doubt watching this little scene along with the rest of their kits.

Casting a quick glance at the shadows next to them, he gave a small wink before returning to look back at his daughter." But I must warn you, I didn't come alone!", he exclaimed. Watching with playful delight as Lightkit was knocked off of her spot on his chest and onto the ground.

Chuckling, the rosetted tabby pulled himself back to his full height. A chuckle escaping his throat as his mate moved to sit beside him." Lively bunch, aren't they?", he asked. Glancing at the blue point beside him, who merely lightly bumped her head against his.

" You're forgetting that we were like that once", Moonshimmer replied. Now resting her head against the tom's chest, as she made sure that none of their kits tried to play too roughly. Never once did she think she'll ever become a mother. Yet, here she was with a caring mate and a bunch of rebellious kits who drive their clan mad. A low rumble within the rosetted tabby's chest caused the she-cat to snap out of her thoughts. Signalling that the tom was once more chuckling.

" Were either of us really that troublesome?", Palefur asked. Only to receive a playful whack to his shoulder from the she-cat he cared for. Shaking his head, the tom licked the top of the she-cat's forehead as a sign of affection. Only to hear disgusted noises from in front of them. Prompting the two cats to glance at their kits who were now either looking at them with disgust or were trying to cover their faces.

" Ew! Mom and dad are being weird again!"

Palefur couldn't help but laugh as he crouched down and lunged towards them." Oh yeah?! Just wait until I get my paws on you!", he yelled. Causing the small group of kits to immediately scatter in different directions. All while laughing as they tried to find a place to escape their father's reach.

" Mum! Help us!", Ripplekit called out.

Moonshimmer only shook her head and giggled as she watched her small family. Before finally glancing up at the sky and realising that it was beginning to get dark." Alright, everyone! Time to head back to the nursery!", she called out. Before half heartedly rolling her eyes when she got a bunch of protests in return.

Palefur laughed a little before nudging Lightkit, and nodding in the direction of where the nursery was." Come now, I'll race you there and then we can listen to one of Aspenwing's stories!", he said. Only to stand by and watch as a bunch of small blurs shot past him towards the nursery.

" Work's every time", Moonshimmer said. Earning another chuckle from her mate, as she stood shoulder to shoulder with the pale tom. The pair making their quiet walk back towards the nursery, tails entwined. The blue point smiled slightly as she rested her head once more against the tom's shoulder." I love you", she whispered. Her smile only widening upon hearing the tom's loving reply.

" I love you too"
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A Viper's redemption

Postby wolfpack12 » Thu Jan 02, 2020 11:50 am

The battle was a fierce one, that Viper knew well as she dodged out of the way from another attack. It was no secret that her father's group were at a disadvantage. Especially since these 'clan' cats seemed to know this territory better than they did. The battle had started off normal, but now everyone was separated. Fighting their own little battles. All that Viper cared about, as blood ran down her body. Was finding Leopardclaw before Ruben did. She knew that as soon as her father spots the reddish tom, he would waste no time in trying to kill him. Something that Viper refused to allow, despite her emotions being a complete mess at the moment.

Amongst the darkness, she could hear her fellow rogues retreating. One by one, as the 'clan' cats outwitted them. However, Viper knew that not all of the rogues were like this, and that left her worried. Considering that she knew one of them would be her brother Adder. However, just as she tried to find Leopardclaw's coat colour, she heard a pained shriek coming from the side. Causing her to dart towards it, despite the larger part of her brain telling her not to. As soon as she crashed through the foliage, she found her golden gaze resting of two familiar cats. One being the dark coat of her brother, the other being the young she-cat she had met only a few days ago. Who was now bleeding from her side.

Viper didn't know what made her do it, but the next thing she knew, she found herself knocking into Adder. Pinning him to the ground, to prevent him from causing any more harm to Brackenpaw." Stop! Stop, that's enough!", she cried out. Horror quickly turning into utter rage, as she dug her claws downwards. Brackenpaw could only lay there in stunned silence, as she watched the two siblings. Even Adder was surprised by the sudden intrusion." Viper, what are you doing?! She's the enemy!", he hissed. Trying to push the chocolate brown she-cat off of him. To no avail. Since the she-cat only applied more force, in order to keep him still.

" I don't know! All I know is that she is no older than a kit! Adder!", she snapped. Her ears pinned flat against her head. It was the truth, she really didn't understand why she was defending Brackenpaw. But all she knew was this. Brackenpaw reminded her awfully of Jade. The little kit who could always brighten your day, no matter what kind of trouble she would get into. While Viper may not know what had happened to her sister. She did know this, she will not let any harm come to the apprentice who was struggling to stand back up behind her. Even if that meant facing Adder, and fighting him. Which seems more likely, considering that he managed to finally kick her off.

Upon landing back on her feet, she then quickly moved back in front of Brackenpaw. Using the same technique Leopardclaw had used when they met." Are you out of your mind?!", Adder asked. His dull fiery orange eyes burning into her soul, as the dark coloured tom slowly began advancing towards them. There was no way she could avoid this, and it pained her to know this. Briefly closing her eyes, the broken mackerel tabby summoned her anger as she prepared to face her brother." Maybe I am", she murmured. Before dashing forwards, teeth bared and claws at the ready. Barrelling into her brother, in order to get a grip on his back. Her claws digging into flesh, as she tried to keep him away from the apprentice.

The more she fought, the more memories returned. Viper sprang free from her brother, and landed safely in front of Brackenpaw. Her tail lashing behind her. Her anger giving her strength, as she watched her opponent return to his feet." I won't repeat myself, Adder, leave now while you still can", she hissed. Earning a low growl from the tom in return. Reminding her of the grey tom she had once faced in her past. The only difference? She had more experience in fighting now than she had back then. Without warning she dashed forwards once more. Stopping just an inch away, before bringing her claws diagonally downwards across her brothers face. Ignoring the cry of pain, before darting in for another blow. Again and again she hit him, pushing him backwards until he finally collapsed to the ground.

Only then did she see what damage she had dealt him, during her moment of blind fury. None of his injuries were lethal, she had made sure of it. But she had also remembered to take Adder's right eye. A reminder of their encounter, and one final warning." Like I said, Leave, your kind don't belong here", she spat. Moving to the side, to let the tom through. Watching him as he glared at her, before dashing through the foliage and away from the battle. Once she was certain he was gone, she then limped back towards Brackenpaw. Her old injuries acting up, due to the amount of strain she had placed on her body in order to defeat her brother.

Upon noticing the scarred she-cat approaching her, Brackenpaw immediately began to slowly back up. Only to stop when the she-cat paused in front of her, and sat down." It's ok, Brackenpaw, I'm not here to hurt you, are you alright, can you walk?", Viper asked. Doing her best to sound friendly and approachable. Upon noticing the apprentice was still hesitant, the broken mackerel then laid down. Resting her tired head on top of her paws. Doing what she could to show that she wasn't a threat. Despite her instincts telling her not to do so." I promise you, I won't harm you, I neither have the heart or energy for it", she added. Moving her tail out of the way, in an open offering for the apprentice to come lay down beside her.

" Rest with me, the battle seems to be growing quiet, and it won't be long before your 'clanmates' find you", she said. Watching as the small apprentice seem to hesitate, before half limp, half dragging her body over to the older she-cat. Once she was close enough, Viper gently guided the apprentice to her side. Wrapping her tail protectively around the smaller cat, as both listened to their surroundings. Sure enough, Viper had been right. The battle had long since ended, and within the silence she could hear cats calling out for the young apprentice. A few seconds later, Leopardclaw along with a tortoiseshell she-cat had burst through the nearby foliage. Their breathing heavy from both the battle, and their desperation in trying to find Brackenpaw.

However, once Leopardclaw recognised Viper, he immediately went onto the defensive. Automatically believing that the scarred she-cat was responsible for his apprentice's injuries." Brackenpaw! Are you alright?!", the tortoiseshell asked. Causing the apprentice to glance upwards, and to shyly nod her head. Glancing in the direction of more rustling, as one by one, the rest of her clanmates emerged. Forming a sort of broken circle around Viper and the apprentice." Yes, Dawnstar, I'm fine, This she-cat saved my life", she squeaked. Viper couldn't help but feel amused as she watched her brother's face turn into one of confusion." It's true", she said. Watching as a pale grey and white ticked tabby slowly approach them. Carrying something that smelled herbily.

" Why? Only a few days ago you wanted to attack us, and called me delusional?", Leopardclaw asked. Finding it difficult to believe that Viper would go out of her way, to protect an apprentice she had only just insulted only a few days ago. However, as his gaze locked with hers, he noticed that her golden coloured eyes were once more alight with life. What shocked him even more, was the warm smile that slowly appeared on her face." Because you were right, and I was wrong, I realise that now, I was blinded by my father's rule for far too long, that I had completely forgotten myself until your very words reminded me of who I once was", she explained. Cautiously, she then lifted herself onto her feet, and warily approached the deputy and leader. Her tail dragging across the ground, as she dipped her head respectfully.

" I know nothing I say will make you forgive me, but I wish to change, I do not wish to be the monster my father wanted me to be, I...… I want to join you, to be a better cat, to know that I can change my fate and help others, if you will allow me", she murmured. Her eyes watching the ground, as blood continued to drop downwards. What she said was true, and it definitely wasn't easy to admit. However, if damaging her pride, meant she could become a better cat. Then that was the price she was willing to pay." I can't believe that could have been easy to say", Dawnstar said. Causing the chocolate brown she-cat to glance upwards and shake her head. Her ears still pinned against her head." No, it wasn't", she agreed.

" Then, as long as you are willing to follow our code, I see no problem in giving you a second chance at life, however, if you dare try to harm one of us, I will have no other choice but to exile you, understood?", Dawnstar asked. Causing Viper to simply nod in understanding, as she allowed herself to sit down. For once in her life feeling safe, as she gazed at the cats who surrounded her." Yes, ma'am", she replied. Earning a small chuckle from the tortoiseshell, causing the broken mackerel to look at her in confusion. Upon noticing this, Dawnstar simply smiled gently." Dawnstar, will do just fine, your part of our clan now, we don't go around calling one another 'sir' or 'ma'am'", she explained.

At this Viper found herself smiling shyly. Not at all ashamed of feeling embarrassed, as she once more met her new leader's gaze. This time with more determination and respect." Of course, Dawnstar", she replied. Her smile soon growing, as she met her brother's gaze. She had finally found a place to call home.
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A nightly encounter

Postby wolfpack12 » Thu Jan 02, 2020 11:54 am

Blue eyes snapped open within the darkness of the den.

Cautiously, the young she-cat lifted her head to survey her surroundings. Silently counting in her head to make sure her fellow apprentices were there with her. Once she was certain that all were accounted for, she gave a nervous glance towards the den's entrance. She knew better than to give in to her curiosity. But what if whatever she had heard was a possible threat to her clan?

Carefully, Blossompaw made her way past her sleeping denmates and into the small clearing that made up her clan's camp. Only to regret her decision when she realised that the night was eerily quiet.

Pushing down the urge to bolt back to the safety of the apprentices den, Blossompaw began her slow trek towards the clan's entrance. Only to nearly jump out of her skin when an owl suddenly flew out of a nearby tree. Calling out to another in the distance.

Flattening her ears, the she-cat allowed herself to once more relax. Don't be such a scaredy cat, it was just an owl, she thought scornfully. Before her blue gaze once more glanced in the direction of the inky darkness in front of her. Before she could even think of heading back, the she-cat forced herself to keep moving. Determined to get to the bottom of the sound she had heard.

Cautiously, Blossompaw kept to the foliage as she made her way through the forest. Knowing that it would keep her somewhat hidden from the keen eyes of other predators. All while listening out for the creature that had woken her up.

Just as she was about to give up and go back, she heard it again.

A loud haunting noise that caused the she-cat's fur to stand on end. What made the matter worse, was that the noise was far closer than it had been previously. Before Blossompaw could decided on what her next action would be, a large darkened silhouette moved into the moonlight.

The best she could describe the creature's fur colour, was that it was a tawny brown. While its amber gaze reminded her of the sun. Bright and full of intensity. Whatever horror the she-cat had previously felt, had now been washed away by pure awe.

Sure, she had seen foxes and the occasional dog. But nothing like this.

However, her fear quickly returned when the creature lifted its head in her direction. Giving her a good look at its sharp fangs as its lips pulled back into a snarl. Not wanting to find out if it was her it spotted or something else, the she-cat quickly crept backwards and turned around. Before bolting back the way she came.

She didn't stop until she was within the safety of the apprentices den. Before plopping herself down between her denmates and falling into a restless slumber.

It won't be until morning that she'll learn that the creature she had seen was none other than a wolf.
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