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P7- russet

Postby epilogue » Thu Dec 19, 2019 3:41 am

dark river pride
What does this pride member’s name mean (if it has a meaning) and how does it represent them?
75 exp

the word russet means reddish brown in color. russet's name refers to her orangish red calico coat. the lioness always wished she had another name, as she never liked being named after her appearance, but as she grew older, she cared less and less. russet is a the english variant of the old french word rousset, which comes from rous, which means red. while russet's markings are more of an orange tone than red, there still is a red undertone that gives the lioness her unique name. in archaic terms, russet means rustic or homely. russet's personality could be linked back to this definition as well. she's a motherly lioness, always looking out for others, and tries her hardest to make everything comfortable and every place she goes she tries to make it her home.
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P7- caden

Postby epilogue » Thu Dec 19, 2019 10:23 am

dark river pride
What does this pride member’s name mean (if it has a meaning) and how does it represent them?
75 exp

the name caden is unisex, and means spirit of battle. caden was found as an orphaned cub with a harsh injury, and amaya, the queen of the pride, found him still holding on to life. as the shaman and the shaman apprentice treated the poor cub, amaya named him caden because of his hard fight to keep living. after he regained his strength, caden was a frisky and bouncy kid, making him brave and strong. caden also means "son of war" or "son of battle". caden dreams of being the head fighter when he's older, and does everything he can to prove his strength to everyone around him.
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P7- Garrick

Postby epilogue » Sat Dec 21, 2019 1:40 am

dark river pride
What does this pride member’s name mean (if it has a meaning) and how does it represent them?
75 exp

garrick is a french surname for oak tree grove. in english, garrick means spear and ruler. the nature part of garrick's name refers to his coat, which is an ashy brown with splashes of brighter browns. his eyes are a forest green color as well. his mother felt that his pelt reflected that of a tree's bark, and that he would grow up to be strong like a sturdy tree. many lions in the pride believe garrick's name is a prophecy, and that one day garrick will take over the pride after his mother, amaya, is gone. though, garrick doesn't really want to do this. his intentions in life is to just get by everyday with peace.
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P7 - Lumi

Postby epilogue » Sun Dec 22, 2019 3:24 pm

dark river pride
What does this pride member’s name mean (if it has a meaning) and how does it represent them?
75 exp

lumi is a girl's name that means "snow", and it has a finnish origin. lumi got her name from her coat, which is speckled white and grey, and is soft and fluffy, almost like snow or snowfall. her name also connects to her personality. lumi is docile and sweet, soft spoken but strong. she can bite hard if she needs to, but she's very laid back and kind. like snow, she can be gentle, or can be a raging storm. the young lioness is never hyper, and always controls herself. ironically, her favorite season is winter. lumi absolutely adores snow, and in the first snowfall of winter, she always gets extremely excited and happy.
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P7 - Umaiza

Postby epilogue » Sun Dec 22, 2019 3:30 pm

dark river pride
What does this pride member’s name mean (if it has a meaning) and how does it represent them?
75 exp

umaiza means "bright and beautiful". it is of muslim origin. on the outside, umaiza is bright and beautiful. her coat is beautiful and silky, and her eyes are a bright, brilliant orange color, the color of a sunset. but her personality is quite the opposite, quite ugly to be blunt. umaiza is whiny and a brat, she throws a fit when something doesn't go her way, and she can't take "no" for an answer. she wants everyone to listen to her, and so her name is quite contradictory. her bossy attitude is off putting to the rest of her pride, and they all strongly hope that she doesn't take her mother's place as queen one day.
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Postby epilogue » Sun Dec 22, 2019 3:38 pm

dark river pride
What sort of prey populates your pride’s territory? What sort of predators/threats?
100 exp

the dark river pride lives in a warm, wet, woodland sort of territory. they hunt large birds such as falcons, owls, eagles, and if they're lucky, vultures. they also hunt deer, wild horses if they happen to wander too close, rabbits, and other woodland rodents and other creatures. if worst comes to worst, the pride will also resort to eating berries.

there are very little threats to the dark river pride. but the threats that are present are big threats indeed. one of the threats that the dark river pride faces is opposing prides wanting their territory. another threat is human interaction. while they have not met humans face to face, humans hunting their prey and clearing their forests are detrimental to the pride's ever expanding population and need for food. there are no predators that currently are threats to the dark river pride, and the pride of lions seems to be the top of the food chain.
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Postby epilogue » Sun Dec 22, 2019 3:48 pm

dark river pride
What sort of climate does your pride’s territory have? Do they have well defined seasons? Dry seasons? Rainy seasons?
100 exp

the climate of the dark river pride's territory is hard to explain, but to sum it up, basically it has a climate similar to ohio. in the spring time, it's wet and rainy, but the temperature is very fair. it's not too hot, but not too cold either. though in the mornings, it's chilly and frost covers the ground. prey is abundant in the springtime. during summer, the heat is extreme. it isn't safe to be out in the sun for long, as the sun is strong and beats down on everything hard. droughts are common during the summer, and so is heatstroke. the lions of the pride will often go down to a large pond and swim in it to keep cool.

autumn is undoubtedly the best season for the dark river pride. the weather is neither too hot nor too cold, it's perfect. while it does rain, it doesn't rain as often as it would in the springtime. winter hits very hard. snow covers everything, and some days there's even heavy blizzards that snows in the pride. the temperature is always cold, and the wind bites hard.
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Postby epilogue » Sun Dec 22, 2019 4:01 pm

dark river pride
What is your pride’s greatest taboo?
150 exp


an angry roar practically shook the whole camp and the forest. the young lioness stopped dead in her tracks. she grumbled inwardly and turned around to face her angry mother.

"what is wrong with you?" amaya growled, her orange eyes lit with disappointment. she shared these orange eyes with umaiza.

"i didn't do anything wrong!" umaiza snapped back in a poor attempt to defend herself.

"oh that's such a lie!" amaya hissed. "you know what you did wrong."

"no, no i don't." umaiza growled.

"so i have to remind you what you did wrong?" amaya huffed in frustration. "you disrespected a veteran who asked you to get him a piece of food, and don't open your mouth to excuse yourself, he's disabled. you left the hunting patrol and wandered off on your own, and your pride mates needed your help! that's just the tip of the iceberg umaiza, but it's enough for me to see that you are selfish. i never raised you to be this way. i raised you to be kind and fair, and to work as a team, which is something our pride values greatly. i can't believe you care so much about yourself and want nothing to do with your pride, your family. you're a disappointment to me, umaiza."

"what's so wrong with me doing something for myself?" umaiza countered.

"no, no, no, young lady, it's not that at all," amaya growled. "you are allowed to take care of yourself. but you, umazia, are selfish. you care about yourself and your wants more than your family's needs."

umaiza looked at her paws, a scowl on her face. she didn't like being reprimanded, especially in front of the whole pride. they were all watching as amaya chewed her out.

"i expect you to change your behavior," amaya told her firmly. "or there will be serious consequences."
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breeding prompt - amaya x russet #002

Postby epilogue » Tue Dec 24, 2019 3:04 pm

dark river pride
breeding prompt
amaya x russet

a large yawn slowly escaped amaya's mouth as she settled down in her soft, moss lined nest. russet hadn't come back from the late night hunting patrol yet, and the dark striped lioness found herself particularly lonely, as well as she found herself growing more and more tired by the minute. the dark lioness rested her chin on her paws and stared out the entrance of the hunter's den, her amber eyes full of longing. though soon, she found that her eyelids were growing heavier and heavier by the minute, but amaya was determined to stay awake to greet russet, she had to. but unfortunately, the lioness found herself falling asleep anyways.

amaya woke up with a jolt, her breathing ragged and her heart beating so quick that she was sure it would break through her chest, or at least the other lions could hear it beating. in her dream, she had fallen off of a high cliff, and she woke up just before she had hit the ground. the dark furred lioness lifted her broad head and looked over to see russet in a deep sleep curled up close beside her. amaya sighed, suddenly filled with comfort and no longer affected by the dream, and she rested her chin back on her paws. amaya let out a long sigh, and she listened to her den mates around her. they snored and sighed, mumbled and yawned. they rolled and rustled in their nests as well. amaya realized how noisy it actually was when everyone was asleep. everyone seemed to make so much noise while they slept. she chuckled to herself, taking note on how some of her fellow hunters snored louder than they could roar.

russet began to stir in her sleep, mumbling something incomprehensible. amaya raised her head to look at russet, and her face screwed up into a worried look as she watched russet twitch and murmur in her sleep. amaya slowly stroked russet's spine with her tail, and she seemed to calm down and fall back into the deep sleep she was in before. the calico furred lioness let out a sigh and snuggled closer. amaya picked her head up and nuzzled her head. the dark furred lioness gave the other lioness a few comforting licks before resting her chin on top of russet. the calico lioness let out a content sigh, and amaya's heart melted. a smile spread across her muzzle as russet scooted closer and closer in her sleep. the warmth of the other lioness flooded over amaya like a comforting wave, and she found herself drifting off to sleep again. this time, she knew russet was with her, and she was comfortable, very comfortable. amaya was sure that no bad dreams could come to her now that she knew russet was by her side, protecting her.

amaya and russet always slept like this, curled up closely together, sharing their warmth and affection. it was rare to see them apart, in fact there was no night that amaya could recall that she didn't spend curled up with russet, that was until russet moved to the nursery to become a permanent queen.
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Postby epilogue » Tue Dec 24, 2019 3:06 pm

dark river pride
What is your pride’s “coming of age” tradition?
150 exp

when it is time for a cub to become a full grown adult and a full member of the pride, they must first undergo a series of tests. the first test is a basic hunting test. the lion must catch three pieces of prey in a span of one hour (counted by the sun position). After this, they will be tested on their sparring abilities. they will have to beat their opponent by holding them down for ten seconds. if any intentional wounds are inflicted, they fail and must wait another month to retest. next, they take a loyalty oath to their ancestors and their pride. this is very important and sacred. finally, they chose a flower or a plant to represent them. sometimes they chose a flower that is chosen by all of their family members, other times they chose plants that simply call to them. they go along with the shamans and pick the leaves and/or petals off, and throw them into the river. this whole process is done in complete silence, and if someone breaks the silence (unless there is an emergency), they must wait another whole month to be retested and considered a full grown member of the pride. the lion must stay awake all night and sit in silence before they are truly a full member of the dark river pride.
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