~*This is a BLUEBERRY, NOT a Diary!*~ (Sequel on Page 55!)

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Keep Calm and HAVE A SLEEPOVER W/ POPULARS! (Part 3)

Postby Snowflakette » Sun Jan 18, 2015 7:38 pm

Ugh... Where the blueberry am I? ~Me

I woke up to the sound of some car engine. There were nothing besides me except for completely brown stuff. I touched it gently. Cardboard.

What the... Am I in a box? ~Me

I figured that I was in a car. The car suddenly jumped, lifting me up into the air.

Oh darn it, she woke up! ~Voldemort
AAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! *Kicks box* ~Me

The box tumbled off the seat with me in it, and I accidentally bumped my head. Ouchie. *Rubs*

Ugh, why do I have to do everything?! ~Voldemort

I felt something like a band stretching across the box. I guess Voldemort strapped the box with a seatbelt.

Fine. Taegan, give me the scissors! ~Voldemort

Voldemort started cutting the top of the box and pulled me out. The second after my paws were out he pawcuffed me.
Oh come on. You don't trust me?! ~Me
Nope, not really. ~Voldemort
Ugh. ~Me

I looked at the front seat and found Koshi, asleep. Taegan was driving. We were going through a dark forest or something similar like that.

Where are we going? ~Me
We're going to a pick-up at the building in front of us. *Points with wing* Then we leave on a private jet and arrive in Owleen manor. I'll send you to a foster home after that, and for Koshi... *smirks* ~Voldemort
Why will you need to send me to a foster home? I have a family back in Snowtown. ~Me
You'll spill the secrets, and send detectives to go after me. ~Voldemort
I didn't think of that before... Well thanks for giving me the hint! ~Me
*Facewing* ~Voldemort


Are we there yet? ~Me
No. ~Voldemort


Are we there yet? ~Me
No. ~Voldemort


Are we there yet? ~Me
No. Taegan, drive faster. ~Voldemort
Aye aye, master. (wut) ~Taegan


NO! Be patient, man! ~Voldemort
I'm female. ~Me
*Facewing* ~Voldemort
Where are the others? Aurora and Hannah? ~Me
Oh, I tied them up and left them in the basement. Someone will find them eventually... ~Voldemort
You know, this sounds like one of the detective movies I watched. ~Me
Except that there's not gonna have a happy ending. ~Voldemort
o.o ~Me
'-' ~Voldemort
o.o ~Me
'-' ~Voldemort
.__. ~Me
.__. ~Voldemort
.____. ~Me
._____. ~Voldemort
.______. ~Me
>_< ~Voldemort
Won what? ~Voldemort
Le staring contest! :3 ~Me
*Rolls eyes* :roll: Lame. ~Voldemort
Hey Voldy! ~Me
Don't call me that. ~Voldemort
Fine, Voldey. How old are you? ~Me
Like 18? ~Voldemort
Well, in the original Harry Potter, Voldemort is like, 30 years old. ~Me
*Rolls eyes* I'm not evil. ~Voldemort
I can tell that's a lie. ~Me
*Rolls eyes again* ~Voldemort
You know, it hurts if you roll your eyes a lot of times. ~Me
That's... interesting. ~Voldemort
. . . ~Me
So, can we be quiet for a few minutes, like when we get there? ~Voldemort
STOP! ~Voldemort
Good. ~Voldemort
So, uh, are we there yet? ~Me
. . . No. ~Voldemort
I thought the trip is short. ~Me
We need a place big enough for a private jet to land and take off, right? ~Voldemort
False. It works better underground. ~Me
*Shrugs* Same effect. ~Voldemort

The car jerked to a stop and sent me flying. For some weird reason I did NOT had my seatbelt on.

EEEKK! *Bumps onto seat cushion* ~Me
Ugh. Taegan! *Glares at Taegan* ~Voldemort
Sor-ee... ~Taegan
*Mutters something that he thinks no one can hear him but I can hear him clearly* Ugh, morons these days... ~Voldemort
Sir, I'm not a moron. ~Taegan
You don't apologize to a prisoner, like that's the worst evil mistake ever made on the whole evil records. ~Voldemort
WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA, WHOA WHOA WHOA, WHAT?! One, no no no I'm not a prisoner, I have been one just a few weeks ago but I'm not doing something like that ever again, like ever! Two, YOU JUST ADMITTED THAT YOU'RE EVIL, WHEN YOU SAID YOU'RE NOT A FEW DIALOGUES BACK! LIAR LIAR WINGS ON FIRE ~Me
Shut up. ~Voldemort
Why should I? You absolutely cannot lie to peep like me, just because I. Remember. Every. Single. Word. You. Says. And. Records. Them. Down. On a book. Remember that in your brain and never forget it. ~Me
So talkative... ~Voldemort
Huh? What should I say about you? How about... so un-talkative! Hey that's right, you're un-talkative! You know, life is full of words and if you don't use them, you'll waste them! ~Me
. . . ~Voldemort
And the only reason why I'm blabbering is to waste time and try to take off these pawcuffs! Just because. C: ~Me
You know you can't take the pawcuffs off unless I say the password... ~Voldemort
Oh. ~Me
And the password is owl! ~Voldemort
*Takes off pawcuffs* Yay, thankies! ~Me
-3- Because you can? ~Me
That's like, the worst comeback of all comebacks. ~Taegan
I don't consider that as a comeback. ~Me
*Puts tape over my mouth which I have no idea where he got it from* Better. ~Voldemort
hut e bubrry?! ~Me
(Btw, that was 'what the blueberry'.)
Okay, more working, less talking! ~Voldemort
I DNT WNN GU CHU E ET! (I don't wanna go to the jet) ~Me
Well, you have to. Taegan, let's hurry. The girl's gonna wake up soon. ~Voldemort

I can't explain what happened afterwards in dialogue, because I still had tape over my mouth that time, and Voldemort and Taegan were being extremely quiet about the whole thing. Koshi was asleep.

We entered the building (which was surprisingly tall) and went to the top on an elevator. It didn't took long, but there were around 60 floors on the building, which is like twice as tall as an apartment! When we reached the top, I saw clouds swirling around us, and a jet sat in the middle. It wasn't dusty or anything, so that states that lots of people (or just Voldemort and Taegan personally) uses it.

The jet was small, smaller than Hiddens'. In fact, there were only four seats, no sofa, no drinks or snacks, no HD TV. Just plain seats and a driver's control thingy.

*Rips off tape* This. Is. Booooring. ~Me
*Shrugs* It's the best we have. Right, Taegan? ~Voldemort
Right. ~Taegan

Okay, is it just me, or are the owls' names really uninspired and unoriginal?

Okay, buckle your seat belt, blue dog. It's gonna be a bumpy ride. ~Voldemort

I was gonna say something like My name's not blue dog, but I didn't want to go through unwanted torture, so I did as told.

Oh, silly me, you can't unbuckle it later on. ~Voldemort
:x ~Me

I was tricked! Ugh, I'm so foolish aren't I?! I glanced at Koshi, wondering how did she sleep through all the noises.

Hmpf, and now I will ruin the Fluffypaws family! ~Voldemort

Voldemort flicked his wing and Koshi started shaking her head slowly, looking confused.

Huh? Where am I? ~Koshi
Welcome back, Koshi Fluffypaws. ~Voldemort
o.o You! I'm not letting you change me! ~Koshi
You can't do anything to me. ~Voldemort

I tried to reach for Koshi, but the seat belt was too tight. Voldemort started chanting a random spell (or maybe it's not so random after all), and Koshi started screaming. There must be something happening to her, but there was a blade of light that started hurting me, so I had to close my eyes. Even with my eyes shut tight, I could still see the red light.

When the light died out, I finally opened my eyes. Voldemort looked pleased, smirking evily. I looked around for Koshi, but she was no where to be seen. On the seat sat a girl that looked nothing like Koshi.

((Author's Note: Sorry this pic looks big. Something went wrong with screenshotting on my computer.))
Huh? *Looks down* What the... ~Koshi

I then realized that the girl was Koshi, just that she transformed. A second time.

Oh well. Well, she looks nice. :3 (Good news!)
But she didn't look happy. (Bad news)
And it's dishonor to her family. (Super bad news)

Koshi! You look nice! *Air hugs since I'm still strapped to the chair* ~Me
Thanks? I don't know what my family will say about this though... ~Koshi
Don't say that. Even though purple is not the new black, you can explain everything to them. I'm sure they'll understand. ~Me
Sure. *Walks over to me and hugs* ~Koshi
*Breaks romantic moment* Hey, we're not being moody here. ~Voldemort
*Whispers to Koshi* We can skydive from here... ~Me
Are you insane? We don't have the proper equipment to do that! ~Koshi
Do what? ~Voldemort
*Duck face* Nothing. : P *Whispers to Koshi* It's okay. Let's do it. ~Me
Sure. *Shrugs* ~Koshi

There were no doors in this jet (very unsafe), so it's easy for us to jump. I grabbed a pair of scissors (I have no idea when did I get that) and cut the seat belt. It took a while, but Voldemort did NOT notice.

Koshi was ready to jump. I leaned towards her, peering down at the ground. It was... pretty safe. There were at least 20 meters of snow down there.

BYE VOLDEY! *Jumps* ~Me
Yeah, bye. Whatevs. *Jumps* ~Koshi
*Turns around* WHAT?! COME BACK! ~Voldemort

Of course you're falling. We're skydiving! This is actually kinda fun. Except for the fact that my dress is flying, of course. FASHION DISASTER!!! ~Koshi
*Rolls eyes* I think we should care about dying. We're. Almost. There. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH ~Me

I plunged into the snow, with Koshi following.

What? It's not super cold, but okay, let's go. ~Koshi

She's the master of calmness ;)

I pulled out of the snow and grabbed Koshi's paw. I flew all the way back to Koshi's home. It was hard, especially with Koshi dragging me, but I managed it! It's a miracle :D

No one was at Koshi's home when we arrived there. The lights were out. I thought Hannah and Aurora went to sleep already, but then I remembered what Voldemort said: He tied them up at the basement.

We need to go to the basement! Give me the keys! ~Me
Why? ~Koshi
Voldemort told me that he tied Aurora and Hannah in the basement. ~Me
What the heck... Fine. *Grabs keys from private locker on a desk* Here. *Hands keys* ~Koshi
Thanks! *Runs down stairs* ~Me

Okay, running down the stairs was NOT a good idea. I almost tripped and fell snout-down the rest of the stairs! Well good thing I didn't.

When I unlocked the door, I saw Aurora and Hannah sitting in the corner, bounded and gagged, and guess who I saw as well?

Miss me? ~Voldemort
H-how did you come? ~Me
Teleportation, of course. Now, hand over Koshi, and I'll give you the antidote. ~Voldemort
What do you mean? ~Me
They're poisoned. If you hand Koshi over, I'll save them. ~Voldemort
Leah! ~Koshi

Koshi ran down the stairs frantically.

Okay, Voldemort. I'll go with you. Just save my friends. ~Koshi
MMM!!! *Shakes head* ~Hannah
So do we have a deal? ~Voldemort
MMM MMM!!! *Shakes head* ~Aurora

I figured what Hannah and Aurora said.

*Whispers to Koshi* Don't do it. ~Me
But my friends... ~Koshi
They're not poisoned. If they are, they'll be infected by now, but they're completely normal. Maybe the 'antidote' is poison. ~Me
You have a point. *Turns to Voldemort* No. ~Koshi
Hmpf! Tricky little dogs! *Jumps out of window* Maybe I can't deal with you guys now. But... I might come back later... *Flies away* ~Voldemort

Koshi and I untied Aurora and Hannah right after Voldemort left.

Whew! Good gracious you figured what we meant. ~Hannah
Yeah, we're not poisoned at all. ~Aurora
Uh huh... OMIGOSH KOSHI!!! ~Hannah

It took a few minutes to explain what happened to her, but later on, we're cool.

So, we're good now, right? ~Me
*Nods* ~Hannah
Yep. *Smiles* ~Aurora
It's been a pretty bizarre sleepover... *Checks clock* Whoa, it's 10:30 already. Let's sleep. ~Koshi

We went back to Koshi's room, and Belle and the other pets was asleep already. After cleaning up the food and getting warm blankets out, we were ready to sleep.

*Yawns* Good night everydoggy! ~Hannah
Yup! See you guys tomorrow! ~Aurora
Byeee... ~Me
Sweet dreams! *Turns off light* ~Koshi

And yeah, I went to sleep and dreamed about blueberry waffles. The next day was pretty boring, so I'm not gonna tell you about that. Well, I'll write in you on Monday, Blueberry! Yeah, goodnight! Don't let the blueberry monsters eat you! Because, you know, they eat ink so you won't have anything left, and then you'll be a plain, boring book, and...
This is boring.
BELLE!!! You know what, let's sleep. Goodnight!

@Hiii MH0 +urn3) 0ff +H3 |_!GH+$ ?!?!

Whoops, sorry about that. Belle turned off the lights too early. Well, goodnight!
Yeah, bye Belle fans!
Psh, no one likes you.
No, lots of people adore me.
Meanie >:U

Next Blueberry
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Re: ~*This is a BLUEBERRY, NOT a Diary!*~

Postby narwhalchan. » Mon Jan 19, 2015 4:16 am


"Sometimes, the most beautiful beauties are also your worst nightmare".
(I am going to be offline for a while, don't expect me to be on C:
It's just a personal issue, and I need some time off the web as well)
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Re: ~*This is a BLUEBERRY, NOT a Diary!*~

Postby ❉Pink Gems❉ » Tue Jan 20, 2015 12:12 pm

I'm in the Blueberries!
Pet Picture: Image
Pet Name: "Fluffy Potter, people make fun of my name, cuz it has Fluffy."
Personality: Magical, epic, fancy, nerdy and a video gamer, short-tempered, crazy.
Group (Populars, Emos, Jocks, Nerds, or Outcasts): "I'm a popular nerd. Lol, I'm in popular, CUZ I'M SO FAB!"
Color Code: #FFBF40
Powers/Special Abilities:"I'm magical, I excel in the art of magic and lightning magic. Also, I can open portals, lol. Blue and orange. One there, one there."
Pet's Pet (optional, if have please put the name of the pet's pet and include a picture): "I have a pet named Space, here Image
Other: MERGERK MAGIC MERGERKEH. She also has a paw marking, as seen here: Image Also, PawChat number is FluffyPotter1215
What do you think of this so far? It's epic. :D

Erm, when Fluffy Potter meets Koshi, here's a lil fan-fic: Hi.. you... *stares at Fluffy* ~Koshi Oh, it's YOU. It's been a long time... ~Fluffy Yes it, it has.. Not long enough. (reads random paper) Nerdy, eh? POPULARS!. By the way, 'excel in the art of magic and lightning magic' You're reading a Eldrich book, not Lightning. ~Koshi Hey! Don't insult meh book! *painlessly zaps Koshi's tail, making it black-ish and messy* ~Fluffy
Pink Gems
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My Life is (Kind Of?) Ruined.

Postby Snowflakette » Tue Jan 20, 2015 10:37 pm

Heyo Blueberry!

It's a typical, normal Monday, without the fact that I have a new nemesis. Wanna know? Oh wait, you can't think. I'm silly. Oh well. I'm just gonna tell you about it just because it feels good spilling my secrets out to something.

When I was flying to school, humming a cheerful tune, when someone zoomed past me, punching texts onto her PawPhone. Dude, she almost knocked me over! By the way, she looked like this:

HEY! Watch where you're going! ~Me
PSH, I'm too fantabulous to talk to a loser like you! ~???

She looked oddly familiar. I whacked my brain. Yes! She looked like the dog in the drawing in the video I saw on Friday! No, not the ugly dog that resembled me, the 'beautiful' dog. I mean, I can't say superlong, wild, red hair is considered beautiful.

You're Makayla, right? ~Me
Obviously. Oh wait, you're that loser, aren't you? Leah Snowflake, the dog who changed ranks. ~Makayla
*Rolls eyes* That was a long time ago. What group are you in? ~Me
Level 1 Popular. I can't believe the Populars see me so low! I mean, I'm soooo fantabulous it's almost unbelieveable! Do I look bad?! ~Makayla
Kinda? ~Me
Ugh, you have no fashion sense. Why am I talking with a moron like you anyways? Well, toodles! I'm gonna get much more popular later on. Just wait and see. *Flies off* ~Makayla

Omiblueberry, she's worse than the old Koshi! The situation is almost hopeless! #rude #pointlesshashtag

When I got to school, there were a crowd looking at something. I pushed through them (gently) and saw what was going on. There, in the middle of the crowd, stood Makayla, holding something.

*Turns to me* Oh heyyy hon! Your hoodie is sooo barfriffic, no one likes it! How much do you like my outfit? ~Makayla
Well if you count the stars in the sky, that's how much I like your outfit. ~Me
It's morning. -__- ~Makayla
Exactly ;) ~Me
. . . ~Makayla
#Busted! ;)
Oh you don't understand that joke, do you? ~Me
*Giggles hysterically* PSH, of course I do! I mean, who wouldn't? ~Makayla
'-' ~Me
:D *Struts away* ~Makayla

Oh well. Even though I hated her immediately the moment I saw her, she's still gonna change, right?


I saw her again during second period. Ugh. Why is my life so hard?

Image <--- Nope, that's our Maths teacher.

Okayyy class we have new students! This is... Fluffy Potter... ~Teacher
*Laughs* ~Class
*Blushes* ~Fluffy Potter
Hi.. you... *stares at Fluffy* Bt-dubs, you're still so unfashionable. ~Makayla
Oh, it's YOU. It's been a long time... ~Fluffy


Uhh... yes, it has.. Not long enough. *reads random paper* You look Outcast-y. ~Makayla
Nope! Nerdy Popular! :D ~Fluffy
By the way, 'excel in the art of magic and lightning magic' You're reading a Eldrich book, not Lightning. ~Makayla
Hey! Don't insult meh book! *Zaps Makayla's tail* ~Fluffy

OMIGOSH, GUESS WHAT HAPPENED NEXT? Oh nevermind you're still paper product. Makayla's tail turned ugly and brown, despite the fact it's already hideous enough. Haha, payback!

:D ~Fluffy

o.o Okay class... Makayla is a new student as well, and she's really awesome! ~Teacher
*Throws up* What?! ~Me
Leah Snowflake, throwing up in class is prohibited. Please do that in another classroom or go to the bathroom. ~Teacher
I'm... fine. *Continues throwing up* ~Me
Ew, what did you eat this morning? *Cleans up mess* ~Belle
Waffles. And cupcakes. ~Me
That's... not healthy. ~Belle
Okay everyone, here is our other new student! This is Dracon! ~Teacher
Um no offense but that's a horrible name. ~Makayla
Hey... Offense taken! ~Dracon

By the way, since I ran out of pens (What? I don't have an unlimited amount of colors!), Dracon is gonna be in black too.

*Rolls eyes* ~Makayla
Hi... I'm Dracon. This is my pet, Blue. Sparkles. Nothing much. *Sits down* ~Dracon

I saw an adorable little fluffy fluttering next to him. This is how it looks like:

Dude, mind your grammar. It's 'she', not 'it'.
:roll: Back to the storyline!

After Dracon sat back down, there were something creepy going around in my brain. It felt like... HE WAS STALKING ME. Oh gawd. Now math class is gonna be harder, with a random creepy stalker AND a hideous red freak (aka Makayla).

The rest of the day was pretty boring, besides the fact that WE HAD NO HOMEWORK. For the first time in forever, the teachers were being so kind! Why is that? IT'S BECAUSE OF MAKAYLAAAA!!! Ugh, it's ALWAYS her. Here are examples:

Omigosh Makayla, you're so pretty! No. She look like a horse that needs an emergency haircut. No offence, but this is my private diary, so Makayla have no idea I'm badmouthing her.

Omigosh Makayla, you got an Excelling in this pop quiz! In case you don't know, scores are in these order: Not Yet, Approaching, Meeting, and Excelling. Not Yet being the worst and Excelling being the best--- WAIT MAKAYLA GOT AN EXCELLING? I STUDIED MY TAIL OFF IN THIS QUIZ AND SHE JUST DID NOTHING!!! URGH *Pulls hair*

Ooh Makayla, you're the best cheerleader ever! WHOA WHOA WHOA, STOP RIGHT HERE. Only Level 3 Populars like Koshi, Aurora, Hannah, and I can be in the cheerleading squad, but h-how did that red 'horse' become one?! Unless... SHE PUT A SPELL ON THE OTHER CHEERLEADERS?! You're crazy. That could happen! I mean, it's a MAGIC school! Right. Or maybe she just moved up her ranks. That's more possible. OMIGOSH OMIGOSH OMIGOSH UGHUGHUGHGUHGUGH!!!

Omigosh Mak--- BLECH. I'M NOT HEARING ANYMORE MAKAYLA NONSENSE. She ruined my life pretty much on the first day (whoa, it broke the 'fastest nemesis made' record!), and now she's gonna wreck it even more. Great. Come on, think positively. HOW?! Listen to music. Fine. *Turns on PawPhone*


WRONG SONG WRONG SONG Oh well. I guess I'm not gonna listen to music anymore. *Takes out headphones*

I think I'll make a quick schedule just because I'm already not organized enough. My schedule will be like this unless something happens. The schedule will probably expire near Valentine's day, because LOVE CHANGES EVERYTHING. ... Anyways here's my schedule! I'm just gonna plan it here in case I forgot!

Wakes up
Falls back asleep
Wakes up 10 minutes later
Morning bedroom routine (brush teeth, quick shower, get dressed)
Trip halfway and falls down stairs
Complain that I need crutches
Dump disgusting breakfast into garbage can
Rush out of home and break the doors
Fly to school (come on, it's not far)
Secretly (It's already discovered) buy a better breakfast in the school's vending machine
Greet my fellow Outcasts and some Populars
Get insulted by mean peeps (Makayla)
Morning periods (8:45-11:45)
Buy lunch (hotdog and random drink) and chill with my fellow Outcasts (I still hang out with them!)
Afternoon periods (12:10-15:05)
Fly back home
Eat another lunch since I wasn't full
Hang out on PawChat and play games
Glare at homework but ignores it a few seconds later
Play more games
Starts doing homework at 21:30
Does it until 1:00 AM or earlier
Evening Midnight bedroom routine (brush teeth, put on pajamas)
Read a random book for 10 minutes
Falls asleep

Yeah, my schedule isn't the best, but mehh, it's a normal girl's life!

Well, snack break! I guess I'll just study, since I heard there's gonna be a quiz on Science tomorrow. See you Blueberry!

Next Blueberry
Last edited by Snowflakette on Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ~*This is a BLUEBERRY, NOT a Diary!*~

Postby Patches. » Wed Jan 21, 2015 8:18 am

could I make another character?if so, here's one :3
I'm in the Blueberries!
Pet Picture:Image
Pet Name: Sasha
Personality: Cocky, controlling, tech-savy, always as phone infront of face
Group (Populars, Emos, Jocks, Nerds, or Outcasts): Level 3 Popular ( if dats okay )
Color Code: #400080
Powers/Special Abilities: She has the ability to fly and talk to birds
Pet's Pet (optional, if have please put the name of the pet's pet and include a picture): The blue jay on her tail is named Blu
Other: She's a cheerleader
What do you think of this so far? FANTABULOUS.
hey my name is patches
probably gaming rn
sig is currently a wip.
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(Un)Lucky Charm

Postby Snowflakette » Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:19 pm

Dear Blueberry...

Ugh, it's barely a week and Makayla had already ruined a billion things for me. Actually, not a billion, I did have some lucky times, but it felt like she was always stalking me like Dracon. Now I have TWO stalkers. Great. Let's start from second-last period, shall we? You're not talking to anyone specifically... BELLE GO AWAY

Right. When I was walking running down the hallway to the track, I accidentally bumped into this girl. Actually, she bumped into me.

Whoops, sorry. ~Me

I still didn't get her name, but when I stalked the school website, her name is Sasa. No wait, it's Sasha.

? ~Me
*Browses phone* There's a new post by MakaylaHearts on Instapaw! ~Sasha
Wait wait wait, did you say MakaylaHearts? ~Me
Yeah look! *Pulls me over* See? ~Sasha

Actually, I didn't see the screen clearly because Sasha had already flew away talking to her bird (WAIT, SHE CAN TALK TO A BIRD?! AWESOME!). I took out my phone frantically and went into Instapaw. Yup, there was a new post from Makayla. It was a selfie with her friends that moved with her here: Jenette and Jessica. Here are their pictures from the school website:

Image <--- Jenette
Image <--- Jessica

Their 'group' nickname is now officially 'The Snakes', because they are snake-looking. Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah, Instapaw. They posted a message under their selfie:

Working out with my baes! <33 #elementalsschool #withmybaes #makaylahearts

Oh well, at least it wasn't a horrid thingy about me. Why do they hate me in the first place? I threw away the question and jogged to the track. I put my hair in a ponytail and I looked like this:
Keep your hair like that, it looks nice.
Thankies Belle!

When I reached the humongous place, everyone were ready. I looked around. Koshi, Linda, Ruby, Alexa, Ash, and all those peeps were there. And guess what? Someone else was there too!


I ignored her and walked over to Koshi. She changed into a new outfit already, because she said the fancy dress was too cliche. By the way, she got wings, but since she already transformed, her looks stayed the same. At least her newest look did.

You look nice like this :) ~Koshi
Thanks! You too! ;) ~Me
I don't think so... I looked weird with dark brown hair. ~Koshi
Today you are you,
That is truer than true.
There is no one alive
Who is youer than you. ~Me

? ~Koshi
Quote from Dr. Seuss. ~Me
Oh okay. ~Koshi
.____. ~Me


Okay, class, today we are doing the 40 meter sprint. Who wants to start first? ~Ms. Carter.

WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA, STOP RIGHT THERE. First of all, I suck at running. Second, I AM SUPER SLOW AT RUNNING. Third of all, 40 METERS IS A LOT!

Alright, so who would like to go first? ~Ms. Carter
.___. *Meaning: No way ho zay.* ~Class
Oh well, let's just sort from youngest to oldest. Dogs who are born in December goes first. ~Ms. Carter
.________. *Meaning: This is not a good idea.* ~Class


Anyways, I ran 40 meters in 7.78 seconds, yay me! Unfortunately, half the class ran 40 meters in like, 6 point something seconds, so boo me! ;-;

Who was the fastest? ALEXANDRIA GLORIA, SHE RAN A WHOOPING 40 METERS IN 4.03 EFFING SECONDS, HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?! Maybe it was because someone insulted her fandoms, and she turned on angry mode and started chasing them? :/

Good job guys! You all did a very good job! ~Ms. Carter
._______________. *Meaning: No we didn't* ~Class

Actually, only I was thinking that. Everyone else were proud of themselves, though Alexa was still kicking a bucket around screaming about insulting her fandoms.

Okay, nothing interesting about school after that. When I got home, I was surprised to see... No, not a million bucks. No, not a super fashionable item either. Actually, it kind of is. Well, I got a necklace. It looked dull, like it's boring. But I tried it on anyways.

The second I placed it around my neck, I tripped on the carpet and fell backwards.

Whoa, what the blueberry? ~Me

I heard some laughter outside my window, but when I turned around, I saw nothing. Oh well.

When I walked up the stairs to get my laptop, I slipped and fell backwards AGAIN. When I stood up, I had scars on my left arm. Oh blueberries, how awesome. I figured it was the necklace, so I quickly took it off and threw it out of the window.

Ugh, I already had enough bad luck at school, why should I have them again at home?!

Author's Note: I know this is really short, but I have a writer's block. Sorry...

Next Blueberry
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Re: ~*This is a BLUEBERRY, NOT a Diary!*~

Postby trickszy » Thu Jan 22, 2015 3:17 am

alexa ofc xD
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Re: ~*This is a BLUEBERRY, NOT a Diary!*~

Postby vxlkas » Thu Jan 22, 2015 5:46 am

whaere are all the people getting this item from ?Image

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Re: ~*This is a BLUEBERRY, NOT a Diary!*~

Postby feming » Thu Jan 22, 2015 12:45 pm

I'm in the Blueberries!
Pet Picture: Image
Pet's name: Star
Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!
Pet Name: Star
Personality: Star loves to read, write, and draw. She is shy, and polite, and she's uncomfortable around strangers. But once you know her, she'll open up to you!
Group (Populars, Emos, Jocks, Nerds, or Outcasts): Outcasts
Color Code: #8080FF
Powers/Special Abilities: She can write up a good story in one hour, and draw an awesome picture in half an hour. (And if we're allowed to have 'magical' powers, Star can control all forms of water.')
Pet's Pet (optional, if have please put the name of the pet's pet and include a picture): The dove. It's name is Pearl.
Other: None
What do you think of this so far? This is so creative! :D
Still on unannounced hiatus (may be on and off again)~ Computer issues >.< Hopefully it'll clear up! [If you sent me a trade, I won't be able to answer for a long while; sorry!]
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10 things I know about you!

1.you are reading this
2.you are human
3.you cant say the letter "p" without separating you lips
4.you just attempted to do it
6.you are laughing at yourself
7.you have a smile on your face and you skipped number 5.
8.you just checked to see if there was a number 5.
9.you laugh at this because you fell for it and everyone else did too
10.you copy and paste this to see who else falls for it XD

This is this cat
this is is cat
this is how cat
this is to cat
this is keep cat
this is an cat
this is person cat
this is busy cat
this is for cat
this is forty cat
this is seconds cat
Now go back and read the third word from each line all the way down."/color]
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Re: ~*This is a BLUEBERRY, NOT a Diary!*~

Postby Toy Dragon » Thu Jan 22, 2015 1:01 pm

I'm in the Blueberries!
Pet Picture: Image
Pet Name: Spring Bloom (AKA Bloom)
Personality: Easygoing, happy and social. Loves the outdorrs.
Group (Populars, Emos, Jocks, Nerds, or Outcasts): Any you can pick.
Color Code: #00FFBF
Powers/Special Abilities: Can grow trees and plants, also talk to them.
Pet's Pet (optional, if have please put the name of the pet's pet and include a picture): A husky named, Buddy. (Next to her dunno how to put pic.)
Other: Both her and her pet can fly.
What do you think of this so far? AWESOMELY AWESOME!
pretty much not alive here
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