Pekee Pamoja Pride from Ukumbi wa Paradiso

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Store - Writing Prompt S26

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Fri Nov 13, 2020 10:50 am

S26 : Write a story/journal entry about an NPC lion’s visit to your pride or create art of them.
250 word minimum or 1 art piece (art must be fullbody, shading is optional)

    "I would like that." Midas returned his gaze ahead as he continued to walk alongside Nuru. "You are a kind lioness."

    Her cheeks flushed again at the compliment. "Thank you. You are kind to say so." Falling silent again, she led him to the very edge of kamwe kuisha. The water lapped softly at the dirt shore. A herd of elephants shambled along on the far side awaiting their turn as a small mixed herd of zebras and wildebeests crowded the pond for a drink, some even resting in the shallows to cool off. A few heron stalked the western edge no doubt in search of a meal. "This is the pond. Kamwe kuisha."

    The large golden lion looked out over the pool, taking in the sight. Not just of the pond but also the animals around it. "'Never Ends.' Seems a fitting name for a pond that never runs out of water."

    The seer nodded her head. "Indeed. We're not sure how it got its magic. Perhaps someone blessed it or maybe there is something in the ground here that allows the water to always pool here. The other regions under the pride rule have their own sources of strange and magical things as well."

    "Such as?" Midas had stepped around her to test the water. His paw caused a rippling effect which he watched with a serene expression.

    "Well. The plain has this, kamwe kuisha. In kuni wa mkondo we recently discovered some eternal flames in a cave. Maeneo has an abandoned mine that is littered with gold. It seems to have been mined excessively yet still holds a lot. Msitu wa baridi holds an ancient and massive tree atop the tallest peak of the kilele cha juu mountains. We haven't explored these three much so we're not sure what kind of properties they offer. There is a ruin, however, in kikoa cha zamani that holds a variety of mystical properties. A cave under the jaribio ruins holds colorful crystals which give off light. The rest of the cave is encased with naturally carved rock. It is a strange place."

    "I see." Midas shook his paw out before coming back to her side. "It seems there is a lot of magic in this place. I can see why I was drawn here."

    Nuru gave him a curious glance. "You think your purpose here is linked to the strange elements of the land?"

    He stared, deep in thought as he mulled over her words. She was about to ask again thinking he hadn't heard her when he spoke up. "I can't say for sure. Regardless, I would like to see these places. If that would be alright? I don't wish to impose."

    "Of course! Of course. I would like to inform the king so he is aware of my location. I also wish to speak with my son, Khamisi."

    Midas gave her a warm smile. "Whatever you need to do. If it is easier, I will wait here for your return."

    "Perhaps not easier but quicker. I will return shortly."

    Midas nodded his head in acknowledgment. Nuru gave a short nod back before returning to the king. Imamu was still met with Asha, Tendaji, and Firyali. Even Jabali had joined among them. As she approached, she tilted her head in greeting. "My king."

    "Back so soon? What became of our golden friend?"

    "That is actually what I've come to discuss. He wishes to visit the other regions and I plan to continue showing him around."

    "Ah. I see. Sounds like quite the trip ahead of you."

    "Yes. If I receive any visions of importance, I'll be sure to inform one of the couriers to send word your way."

    "Always working," Tendaji jeered.

    "You're one to talk." Firyali gave her mate a pointed look.

    Nuru laughed softly. "I'll probably be back in a week."
    After saying goodbyes and wishing well on her impromptu vacation, she departed in search of her son. He was, thankfully, close by. Probably returning from a patrol. "Khamisi."

    The knight turned to her, surprised. "Mother? What are you doing here?"

    "I live here."

    "No." He gave an exasperated sigh. "I mean, visiting me. Is something wrong?"

    "There's nothing wrong. I'm leaving for several days. Wanted to let you know I'll be visiting the other regions."


    "Remember the golden visitor I told you about last season? He arrived earlier today and I've offered to accompany him on a tour of the regions."

    " that safe?"

    "Khamisi. I'll be fine. I'll be back in a week." Despite his sigh, he returned her embrace. She wished him well and he asked her to tell Badru hello. After saying goodbye, she returned to Midas at the pond. When she approached he stood up. "Are you ready to go?"

    "If you are ready to lead the way, I am ready to follow."

    "Where would you like to go first?"

    "Where would you suggest?"

    Nuru took a moment to contemplate. "Let's start with kuni wa mkondo. Probably best to get the jungle out of the way first."

    "If you think that is best. Lead the way, Nuru."

    "Alright." The seer nodded and started leading them to the jungle. Midas followed along silently as he had before when she had led him to the pond. Just like before it was an enjoyable silence. Not awkward or strange, just...silent.

    "So. You have a son?"

    "I do. Four, in fact. And two daughters. Only two of my sons live here in the pride though. Khamisi, the son I spoke with before we left, is a knight for the pride located here in the plains. My son Badru is the head hunter for the pride located in the msitu wa baridi region."

    "It must be nice to have family so close. What of your other children?"

    "They have gone their separate ways. It's been a while since I've visited with them but I occasionally receive visions of them. But I've got more family than just my sons here."

    "Oh. A mate perhaps?"

    She chuckled and shook her head. "Afraid not. No, I have grandcubs. Seven, in fact. Five of them live here. They're spread out across the regions. Mostly."
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Writing Prompt D8

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Sun Nov 15, 2020 12:39 pm

D8 : Write a description of two pride member’s relationship. (150 word minimum)

    Lishan is still very new to the pride. More than that, he was very new to the area. This was a foreign planet. These lions were strange, but they seemed friendly. Mostly. But there was one in particular that he had taken to (and who also seemed to have taken a liking to him as well). Nuru, the pride seer, had been one of the lions that had been there when he landed in ukumbi wa paradiso. She was there for the fight with Uuk'oks. She had been the one to offer him a spot in the pride. While they didn't reside in the same region he did make trips to visit her and have come to think of her as a motherly influence in his life. He also noticed he wasn't the first to think or feel this way. It seemed that Nuru was the pride's unofficial den mother to orphaned or lost cubs. And while he wasn't a cub, he was a bit naive and didn't mind having a guardian.
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Store - Writing Prompt S10

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Wed Nov 25, 2020 11:37 am

S10 : Use this random image generator to write a story about one of your lions. Link to the image somewhere for reference. (250 word minimum)

    "Khamisi. Where are you taking us?" Naigh followed along hesitantly, a makeshift blindfold over her face. The only thing she could use to help her along was the occasional brush of her mate by her side.
    "It's a surprise."
    "Well, are we almost there?"
    The knight chuckled. "So impatient, my love." He gently nuzzled her cheek. "But yes we are almost there."
    He had wanted to do something special for her for their anniversary. The kids were grown up and there wasn't anything immediate requiring either of their attention so he took the opportunity to take a vacation and take her with him. Take them away to a small paradise. It was a bit of a trip and he hoped he was remembering how to get there as it had been chance he happened upon it the last time, but he thought it would be worth it.
    "Alright. We're here." Khamisi moved forward to untie the blindfold.
    As the large blade of grass fell from her eyes, she blinked a few times to adjust to the light. They were in some sort of sea cave. The walls were worn away from erosion, damp and earthy. The faint scent of salt filled the cave and the dull crash of waves on the shore could be heard reverberating off the walls.
    "Oh. Khamisi. It's so peaceful here."
    "You like it?"
    "I do."
    "Was it worth the wait?"
    She gave him a pointed look but soon smiled with a nod. "Yes, it was worth the wait." She moved to sit beside him, leaning gently against his side. "Thank you."
    "Happy anniversary, Naigh."
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Store - Writing Prompt S10

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Wed Nov 25, 2020 11:51 am

S10 : Use this random image generator to write a story about one of your lions. Link to the image somewhere for reference. (250 word minimum)

    "I wish it was a nicer day out for this." Tishala looked around the jungle. The river wasn't as heavy here or as thick. Leaves and small branches littered the water. Despite it being near evening, the fog was thickening among the trees. Perhaps it was the change in temperature that was making it so foggy. And with it, humidity.
    "It could be worse," Nalah stated as she followed along.
    "Speak for yourselves. This humidity is making my mane frizz." Mosiya huffed trying to blow the hair out of her eyes and attempting to get some relief from the heat.
    "Oh, Mosi. Your mane looks fine."
    "Yeah, it's fine mom."
    Tishala had organized a ladies day out for herself, her daughter, and her granddaughter. They had hoped that with the start of the final season it would be cooler but it was apparent that the jungles climate was very different than the savanna.
    "We could maybe cool off in the river? It's gotta be cooler than the air, right?"
    "Maybe. I think the problem will be that the river isn't deep enough to really cool off."
    "Why don't we follow it up to the deeper parts? I think if we go up this way a little bit more there's a small pool with a waterfall. Surely that will be deep enough to relax in."
    "Sounds like a plan to me. If everyone else is okay with that."
    "I'm game."
    "I won't complain."
    "Then it's settled. We'll follow the river up to the pool. Perhaps this day can be relaxing after all."
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Store - Writing Prompt S10

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Wed Nov 25, 2020 12:40 pm

S10 : Use this random image generator to write a story about one of your lions. Link to the image somewhere for reference. (250 word minimum)

    Winter was starting to set in up in Kilele Cha Juu mountians in the Msitu wa Baridi region. Snow had been falling overnight every night for the past couple weeks. Some of the trees were even iced over. The region was definitely the definition of a winter wonderland when that time of year came around. Badru took slow steps through the snow, his steps occasionally crunching through the iced layer over top. Almasi followed behind him.
    "Is there a reason we're trekking up the mountains?"
    "What, getting tired of hanging out with your father already?" He turned to give her a small but warm smile.
    She chuckled lightly and shook her head. "No, just wondering why we're coming up here."
    "I wanted to get away for a bit. Spend some time with my daughter. Thought you could use a break."
    "A break?"
    "Yeah. From scouting. How is that by the way? Are you enjoying it?"
    Almasi shrugged her shoulders. "It's fine, I suppose. It's a job. And I suppose I do well enough at it. Tabia is a great partner. I think we balance one another out well."
    "I'm glad. I was worried."
    "Really? Why?"
    "Oh. Just a fathers concern I suppose. I want to be sure you like it here."
    "I like it just fine."
    "I'm glad." He continued up the slope until they reached a small ledge. Badru made sure to leave room for Almasi as he took a seat upon the ledge, looking out over the pine forest below. "I like it here too. It's... peaceful."
    "It really is. And beautiful. I love the snow."
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Store - Writing Prompt S10

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Wed Nov 25, 2020 12:57 pm

S10 : Use this random image generator to write a story about one of your lions. Link to the image somewhere for reference. (250 word minimum)

    "I thought the river would have dried up faster." Kesi hugged the river bed but made sure to keep on the dry side. The mud would make quite a mess.
    "It goes back and forth. Sometimes it's completely dry with only the cracked dry ground left behind. Sometimes it is a muddy creek. And sometimes it's like now with a small stream. Though I must agree that it's fuller than I was expecting as well." Kibwe walked slightly ahead of his daughter and a little ways further from the river. "Maybe there's been more rain in this area."
    "And we didn't get any up by the pride?"
    "...yeah, I'm not sure. I don't konw much about how the weather works here."
    The two fell silent and continued to follow along the steady flowing river. They were taking the opportunity to go visit the rest of their little family. Even taking a new route this time. Perhaps it was faster. Even if it wasn't, it was nice to not take the same path every time. As they walked along, the river grew wider and the current was starting to pick up. The clay and dirt terrain was changing to a more rocky and sandy surface.
    "Do you hear that?"
    Kibwe slowed his pace and strained his ears for whatever it was Kesi was hearing. "That rushing noise?"
    "Yeah." She suddenly picked up her pace jogging ahead.
    "Kesi! Wait!" Kibwe also picked up the pace to keep up.
    They followed along, the river only growing wider and rushing faster, the current rather loud. As they continued, however, it was clear that the river wasn't the only thing they could hear rushing. A spray of mist could be seen ahead just beyond a cliff, a sign that told them there was a waterfall ahead. Pushing on, they ran until they reached the edge just beside the waterfall.
    "Whoa. Look at that pool! Has this always been here?"
    "I- I don't know."
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Store - Writing Prompt S10

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Tue Dec 15, 2020 6:17 am

S10 : Use this random image generator to write a story about one of your lions. Link to the image somewhere for reference. (250 word minimum)

    Wind gently caressed the wild flowers that littered the mountainside. Nadiyya sat quietly, the feel of the cool breeze and smell of the salty waves down the slope leaving her in a state of relaxation. She wasn't too far from hekalu la uungu. The angel hadn't been in the region long. In fact, she was the first of her kind to currently exist and live alongside the gods. Thus far she only saw Akbar and Suha, formally known as 'iilah alkhalq and 'iilhat aldamar respectively. She had to say, the area was peaceful. The castle was secluded and tucked into a small valley between some mountains and the shore. Most of the residents reside in the castle. Nadiyya prefers to wander around the area, taking in the sights.
    After several minutes, she got up. Today she planned to explore a little further away. The shore beyond the mountain looked inviting. Perhaps she'd even take a dip in the water. If it wasn't too cold. Even if this was a realm for the deities, it was still influenced by the seasons. Perhaps it was a residual effect of the season gods themselves being in the vicinity. She sometimes wondered if the area was created by Akbar or if location already existed. She was still wary about what all his abilities were as a god of creation. Or those of the goddess of destruction. The others were easy enough. Perhaps she would get better acquainted. After her walk on the beach, of course.
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Store - Writing Prompt S10

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Tue Dec 15, 2020 7:44 am

S10 : Use this random image generator to write a story about one of your lions. Link to the image somewhere for reference. (250 word minimum)

    "How can you stand it up here? It's so..." Almost with disgust, he shook a paw out. "Cold and wet."
    Almasi chuckled. "I suppose I'm just used to it. Helps to have a nice plush collar though." The lioness ran a paw gently along her fur collar, a smirk in her companions direction.
    "Yeah, yeah. Rub it in, Alma."
    She shook her head with a small laugh. "Don't be jealous. You've got a pretty fluffy tail. That not keep you warm at all?"
    He looked back at his tail gently swishing to the side. "Uh, no. Not really." The spotted feline nudged her shoulder. "Come on. You were showing me around."
    "Okay, okay. Tal. So impatient."
    "...Tal?" He quirked a brow.
    "Well, you called me Alma earlier. Figured it only fair I gave you a nickname since you gave me one." She picked up her pace again, leading the way through the woods. Talib followed along, the two falling in companionable silence. The snow had started up early this year and was already piled up at the roots and trunks of the foliage. They were close in age. Talib wasn't technically a part of the pride but he enjoyed meeting the lions. During his trip up to msitu wa baridi he had run into Almasi. She had been on a scouting patrol with her partner, Tabia. They were nice enough. Apparently they knew of his presence in the valley even if he resided in a different region. Grateful to find someone his age, he had asked if it would be alright to visit the region again.
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Store - Writing Prompt S1

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Fri Dec 18, 2020 5:26 am

S1 : Send your lion off on a treasure hunt! Where does their journey take them, and how do they discover something new and grand? Who sent them, why are they going? What are they hoping to find? (500 word or 1 art piece minimum)

    He still wasn't a fan of the snow on his paws. It was too cold. Too wet. Despite his distaste, he did think the region was beautiful. The snow was pristine, the few icicles that hung from the pines sparkling. He didn't think he'd ever get used to the cold here, but the occasional visit wouldn't hurt. Spending time with Almasi had been fun. She's a sweet lioness. He met her father, Badru, once though he was more familiar with her grandmother Nuru since she lived in the valley where he resided. His own father seemed to make a lot of trips through here though he wasn't entirely sure why. Talib never bothered to ask.
    "Still with me?"
    His head perked up. Almasi was looking over her shoulder at him. He felt the chilled breeze but seeing it ruffle her fur collar was something different. Perhaps it helped in keeping her warm more than he thought it would. Or, more likely, she was just used to living in the area. He gave her a half smile.
    "Yeah, I'm still here. Still not sure how you can stand the cold."
    "Oh, I manage. Now come on! We don't want to miss it."
    "Miss what? I thought we were just walking around?"
    She giggled. A noise that made him smile. They were gonna be great friends, he knew it. "Oh, did I not tell you? We're checking out one of the ice caverns."
    A chill ran down his spine. "Ice cavern? Great. As if I wasn't cold enough already."
    Another giggle. "Don't be such a wuss. It's not so bad."
    She continued on, leading the two of them up the mountain pass. There was apparently a glacier at the peak of the mountain ranges northern most mountains. When the clouds weren't too heavy, the ice and snow capped peaks could be seen even from the valley. They were beautiful to look at. From a distance. He wasn't sure if he really wanted to go into one. He took a deep breath as if that would help him be ready to enter a glacial cave.
    The time passed quickly as they conversed up the slope. The snow was slick and hard packed up here- at least, under a thick layer of powdered snow. They were starting to see the edge of the glacier ahead.
    "It's not much farther. You haven't turned to a cat-cicle, have you?"
    He swatted a pawful of snow in her direction. "Oh, hush. I'm doing fine."
    She laughed, bouncing ahead. "I can see the entrance!"
    "Almasi- wait!" She was already bounding ahead leaving Talib behind. He sighed and tried catching up. The snow was reaching halfway up his legs now. It made it difficult to walk through. He eventually made it to the entrance. He poked his head in. "Alma?"
    "Come on! Get in here already. It's incredible!"
    He gave another sigh and slowly made his way inside. Pushing further in, he could see the lioness looking around the smooth ice walls. The light from outside was shining on the surface in a way that made the cave light up with ethereal light. "Wow."
    "What'd I tell you?"
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Store - Writing Prompt S7

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Fri Dec 18, 2020 7:56 am

S7 : Choose a song, and write or draw an in-depth breakdown of how it applies to your lion and their life, story, relationship, ect. You can break it up by lines, sections, ect. (500 words / 3 art pieces = 2 points | 750 words/4 art pieces = 3 points | 1000 words/5 art pieces = 4 points)

Now I'm A Believer wrote:I thought love was only true in fairy tales
Meant for someone else but not for me
Love was out to get me, that's the way it seemed
Disappointment haunted all my dreams

    Jabali had a rough life. Due to the actions of his great great grandfather, he had been cursed. The atrocious act, a needless massacre on hundreds of lions, caught the attention of the destruction goddess. She came before his grandfather furious. Appalled by his actions, she placed a curse upon him for others to know who he was and what he'd done. More than that, she stated the curse would be worn by any of his offspring and their offspring for all time. His line was essentially cursed and others would know why. Come to Jabali and, as promised, he too bore the curse on his flank. He was also bestowed a blessing by the creation god. An act of his own earned him a marking upon his face in hopes of giving him chance to redeem his line. Before earning this blessing, he found it hard to get close to others. They judged him for the curse on his flank. They understood he was marked for a treacherous deed. Despite him trying to explain it was not his actions that earned the mark, he was still brushed off. It made things difficult for him. This included love.
    He had heard tales of epic romance and daring feats, wanting those things for himself. After some time it seemed it was never something in the cards for him. It was hard to see past his cursed mark. So he gave up on those dreams. In his story, he was being made out to be the villain and not the hero who won the damsel. This was all before he earned his blessed mark. Though he was a little put off by the revelation of these things, he didn't let it deter him from wanting to be a better person. Even if not for anyone else, he wanted to prove to himself that the curse didn't define him. He was more than the mark. When he received the blessing, he hadn't even thought to try his paw again at finding love. He had already decided it wasn't for him.

Now I'm A Believer wrote:I thought love was more or less a given thing
Seems the more I gave the less I got
What's the use in tryin'? All you get is pain
When I needed sunshine I got rain

    As a cub, he knew what love was. His parents were loving to each other and cared for their siblings. His mother, the lion bearing the family cursed mark, had been lucky enough to find a lion who could see the good in her. His father was caring and wanted to give Jabali a good example. But even with these examples and lessons, he still ran into trouble. His family moved from pride to pride, trying to find a home, but it was difficult when they were judged by their coats. He tried to be kind and understanding. It probably helped him later to be faced with so many challenges. It taught him humility. He grew a thick skin, now expecting nothing from others. After he had earned his blessing, it got slightly better. The mark on his face caught more attention than the mark on his flank. They started to believe he was better than the curse. But he had moved past that now. It didn't matter what others thought. Until...

Now I'm A Believer wrote:Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer
Not a trace of doubt in my mind
I'm in love, I'm a believer
I couldn't leave her if I tried

    When he met Xena, he actually grew nervous. She was stunning. Intelligent. Strong. A subtle sweetness under that hard exterior. Of course, he tried to remain stoic during any interaction. It had been so long since he had even thought about allowing himself to love. Was... was that even what this was? He barely knew her and yet that didn't seem to matter. One look and he knew that she was the one. Though, even if he thought this, he didn't want to act on it right away. It wouldn't do to scare her away so quickly. Surely he could bide his time until she saw- til she felt, what he did. It seemed that the fairy tales were right. There was such a thing as true love. And it did exist for him.
    While they hadn't spent much time together, he did know that she wasn't afraid of him. She'd asked him about his markings. Nervous about telling her, he didn't want to hide it from her so was honest. She hadn't turned away. Didn't shut him out. Didn't appear afraid or upset. She just... accepted it. Understood him. Saw him for who he was. He wasn't sure he could like her any more than he already did but in that moment she had proven him wrong. Somehow he knew, deep down, that she wouldn't judge him like so many others had before.
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