Pekee Pamoja Pride from Ukumbi wa Paradiso

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Breeding - Writing Prompt

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Sat Aug 01, 2020 5:17 pm

In Character Breeding : 500 Words

Pair : Asha and Imamu

    The large cream lion sat atop the den, looking out over the lake. His three cubs- no longer cubs, of course- sat at the edge with their mates, save for Russom who had his daughter Penda visiting for the day. He still wasn't sure who his youngest son had chosen for a mate but perhaps he would learn in time. For now, knowing he was happy was enough. In fact they all looked happy sitting at the rippling shore, talking and laughing. Even the newest additions to the family Amaziah and Malak looked at ease.
    "They've grown so much, haven't they?" Asha came and sat by his side, an easy smile on her face as she also looked out at the lake.
    "They have indeed." The couple sat in content silence for a few moments, enjoying the view as well as the company.
    "You ever miss it?"
    "Hmm?" He glanced at her, seeing her gaze soften to one of reminisce. "Miss what, love?"
    "When they were small? When they depended on us?" She turned to look up at him.
    "Sure. Sometimes. They can't be young forever though. To be honest, who knows how much time we have ourselves?"
    "I'm surprised at you." He cocked his head, his eyes questioning. "Sorry, just not very optimistic of you, that's all."
    He leaned down to gently bump his head to hers. "I'm sorry. There's not really anything I can do to make them like cubs again." A thought came to his mind causing him to smirk. "We could always have more cubs."
    She pulled back gaping and pushed him lightly with her paw, making him chuckle. "Imamu!"
    "What?," he chuckled. "It's true! I'm just thinking out loud here."
    They fell back into silence for a moment.
    "I think, should we have more cubs, we should arrange something for them."
    "In what way?"
    She took a deep breath. "Well. While Akida and Banou have lovely mates that have joined the pride and Russom...apparently has a lovely mate of his own, I think we should plan for a special pairing."
    "What did you have in mind?"
    "Firyali and Tendaji have lovely cubs and I had heard she was thinking of having more soon. Plus, she's the founder. She has high status."
    "So this is to be a political pairing?"
    "Not so much. Just thought we could make our ties official through an arranged pairing. Or, if we're lucky, perhaps we don't have to arrange anything and the cubs will come together on their own. If they're close in age and spend time together. I don't know. Maybe not. I was just-"
    "Asha." She stopped rambling as I smiled kindly down at her. "I think it's a wonderful idea. However, it might be beneficial to discuss this with Firyali and Tendaji? It would be improper to assume they would just allow it simply because we are their friends or even that we're the king and queen."
    "Of course. Right, of course. No, you're right."
    "Having cubs I'm absolutely down with. It's the pairing part we should hold off on until we discuss." She shook her head but smiled nonetheless.
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Breeding - Writing Prompt

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Sun Aug 02, 2020 5:37 am

In Character Breeding : 500 Words

Pair : Firyali and Tendaji

    "I thought I'd find you here."
    Firyali turned to see Asha entering the small den. The timid lioness gave a friendly smile to the ruling queen. "Good afternoon, Asha. Were you looking for me?"
    "As a matter of fact, I was hoping to speak with you."
    "Oh?" Asha had moved to sit just across from her. "What about?"
    "I've spoken with Imamu about possibly having another litter."
    Firyali smiled. "That's exciting. I'm happy for you."
    "Were you still considering having another litter yourself?"
    Her paws shuffled, her cheeks feeling flushed. "I... had considered it, yes. I have yet to discuss with Tendaji."
    The ruling queen nodded her head. "Perhaps I could put forth some additional conversation for you two to contemplate?"
    "Imamu and I were talking about possibly arranging a coupling between cubs. Specifically cubs from our litters?"
    "I know you're a status of your own, being the founding queen and all, but I was hoping to make our relations official. Of course, only if you and Tendaji were okay with the proposal. I also spoke with Imamu about how we may not have to make anything official. The cubs could come together on their own after all. I wanted to inform you of our thoughts. Give you some time to think about it and, as you haven't talked with him about it yet, perhaps also discuss this with Tendaji?"
    Firyali sat for a moment, thinking all of it over. She wasn't opposed to the idea. It could be a way to combine the family lines. She hadn't been one for ruling but she was the founder. Perhaps down the line the founders legacy could be the ruler as well. It would be a beneficial pairing. "Thank you. I will. Talk to him. He should be home soon."
    "Of course." Asha smiled and stood up, Firyali also standing. "I should be going myself. Until next time?"
    Firyali smiled back. "Sure thing."

    "Welcome home." Firyali greeted Tendaji at the entrance. "Could we take a moment to speak?"
    "Of course. Did you have a good day?"
    "I did. Asha dropped by."
    "Oh? A social visit or did she have political matters to discuss?"
    "Mmm. Perhaps a little of both? We talked about cubs." He raised a brow at this but she smiled shyly as she continued. "She's thinking of having another litter and I shared with her that thinking the same thing?"
    He smirked. "Is that so?"
    "She talked about potentially pairing one of our cubs with one of hers. A way to bring the founding line and the royal line together."
    " this a political litter or a personal litter?" Despite his teasing tone, or perhaps because of it, she pushed his shoulder.
    "I think it would be nice to have another litter. Might not be much more time left before we can't."
    "I suppose you're right. Well, we can discuss the detail with Asha and Imamu another day. For now, I'd like to enjoy my time home with my beautiful mate."
    She flushed, her lips turning up in a small smile.
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Store - Writing Prompt S10

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Tue Aug 18, 2020 5:18 am

S10 : Use this random image generator to write a story about one of your lions. Link to the image somewhere for reference. (250 word minimum)

    "So... how'd you find me?"
    "It wasn't that hard, really."
    "But- I was so cautious! I made sure to cover my tracks. I kept to myself when passing through prides. I-"
    "Shomari." The broad bay colored lion turned his head toward the darker lioness. "You may have been careful, but I'm your sister. I know you."
    The two siblings continued walking along. The rocky shore a little difficult to walk on though the smoothness of the stones made it a little easier. Soft waves weaved through the rocks. Shani had just found her brother in the Pekee Pamoja pride about two weeks ago. Wanting to get some time to catch up, they had decided to take a vacation to the coast. Shomari hung his head, his pace slowing.
    "I don't know how you remember so well... I feel like most of my life was spent..." His words trailed off.
    Shani glanced over at him. She couldn't imagine what he had been through. He had gotten lost as a young cub, hardly six months old. Their mother had spent months searching for him with no luck. When she was old enough to go out on her own, she promised her mother she'd find him. It was slow going at first and then rumors of a lion that fit the description she gave were going around, catching her interest. It wasn't good rumors. This lion who looked like her brother had been seen moments before a lot of lions went missing or even found dead. It was troubling to hear. But that wasn't the brother he knew. Perhaps he was being forced. She had spent years looking for him. There were still rumors but they were changing. Less disappearances and less deaths. The lion, or perhaps another lion, fitting the description was found traveling toward this valley. While they were only rumors, it was the best lead she had to go on.
    She gave him a small smile and bumped his shoulder with her own. Shomari looked up at her, his eyes clouded with emotions. "How could I forget you? Besides, I promised mother I wouldn't give up looking for you."
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Store - Writing Prompt S1

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Tue Sep 01, 2020 11:06 am

S1 : Send your lion off on a treasure hunt! Where does their journey take them, and how do they discover something new and grand? Who sent them, why are they going? What are they hoping to find? (500 word or 1 art piece minimum)

    "Nuru said I should be able to find it here...somewhere..." The blue knight stepped lightly around the dense foliage of the Kuni wa Mkondo region. The humidity was starting to get to him, but he had to do this. Wanted to do this. For Sultra. He had heard of a flower called tacca chantrieri or the black bat flower. It was a strange plant with whisker like pieces and petals that look like a bat. Perhaps it was silly or maybe he found it a bit symbolic, but he thought Sultra would like it. Maybe at least the thought would count. It had been a little bit since he had visited her, his knightly duties keeping him busy, but he was planning to make a trip. Thought it would be a nice surprise to bring her something.
    He looked around the ground for this odd flower. Hopefully what he knew about it would make it easy to spot. He was so focused on looking for it that he wasn't listening- otherwise he might have heard the yipping and barking from two nearby wild dogs. Instead, he was surprised to come face to face with who he recognized as a couple of scouts for the wild dog pack that lived in the ruins here in this region.
    "Oh! S-sorry. I suppose I must have gotten carried away in my search." Kibwe chuckled soflty.
    "Your search? What search?"
    "I, uh. I am looking for a certain flower. A black bat flower?"
    The two dogs looked at each other and turned back to the lion with a shrug. "I'm not sure we're familiar with it."
    "Though perhaps you could ask Ponya. She might know about it."
    "She's kind of like a healer slash herbalist."
    "Oh. O-okay. Sure." The knight took a quick glance around. "Uh. Would you mind showing me the way?"
    The two scouts nodded and led him to the ruins where Ponya was sorting herbs. "Ponya. This lion is looking for a plant."
    "A black bat flower, to be exact." Kibwe smiled. "Or tacca chantrieri?"
    "Ah, yes! A strange flower indeed. Quite marvelous. I think I do know where some grow. Come. I shall lead you there."
    "Oh! Alright then. Sure, lead the way!"
    Leaving the ruins and following closely beside Ponya, Kibwe smiled. Hopefully they'd reach the flower soon. He'd need to take precautions with it if he is to bring it to Sultra. That's a bit of a journey and the flower might not make it.
    "So, why do you need this flower?"
    "I'm fetching it for my mate," he beamed. "I thought she might like it."
    "An odd choice. Why not something traditional like a rose or lily?"
    "Oh, nothing ordinary for my Sultra. She's special."
    Ponya glanced at the lion and smiled. "I'm sure she is. Over there by that tree. There should be a couple. I hope she likes the flower."
    "Thank you. Me too." With that the wild dog left, leaving Kibwe to work on digging the flower up.
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Store - Writing Prompt S1

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Tue Sep 01, 2020 11:44 am

S1 : Send your lion off on a treasure hunt! Where does their journey take them, and how do they discover something new and grand? Who sent them, why are they going? What are they hoping to find? (500 word or 1 art piece minimum)

    "Hey, Ahadi." The princess looked up to see the other cub in the pride- Reth. "Are we hanging out today?"
    "I was hoping you'd come by. I just had a brilliant idea!"
    "Let's go on an adventure!"
    "Oh. Would... Are your parents okay with that? You just going off? You are the princess after all."
    Ahadi giggled. "It'll be fine. But, just so you're not a worrywart the whole time, we can go tell them."
    "I-" Reth almost looked embarrassed. "I'm not a worrywart!"
    "Sure you're not. Now come one!" The two cubs took off to the royal den and were met with Asha. "Hi, mom!"
    "Hello Queen Asha."
    "Ahadi. Reth." The queen smiled warmly at the two but raised a questioning brow. "What's going on?"
    Before Reth could freak out, Ahadi spoke up. "Is it okay if we walk the plain? I promise we won't wander far. Please?"
    Asha gave them each a look as if considering. "Alright. Just be careful and don't stay out too long."
    "We won't!" The princess smiled and nudged Reth with her shoulder before leading him off.
    "What was that about?" Imamu joined Asha's side and watched the two cubs running off.
    "Oh, the kids wanted to wander the plains. I think they're going to make a fine pair." She smiled at Imamu who returned it with one of his own.
    "So, what is this adventure we're going on?"
    "Russom told me about this elusive creature in the plains. A pangolin."
    "A...pangolin? What's that?"
    "It's apparently some scaly ant eater. At least, that's what Russom said."
    "That seems... like something totally fake. Are you sure your brother was telling the truth?"
    "I know he's not really the responsible one, but it definitely doesn't seem like something he would make up. Anyway, he told me that you can find them here in the valley! I wanted to see one for myself and I thought it'd be more fun if you came along."
    Reth's face grew warm but smiled. "I'm glad you thought of me."
    Now it was Ahadi who flushed. "Come on- this way!"
    She led him through the grass then stopped and lay low. Following her example, Reth also crouched down. Ahadi was keeping quiet so he did the same. The gentle sound of the wind rustling the tall grass and some distant calls of animals could be heard, but nothing immediately near by. She crept forward and he was right behind her. Ahead was a short hollow tree.
    "There," Ahadi whispered.
    Reth looked around, not seeing anything. "Where?"
    "The tree."
    "...the tree?"
    "Russom said they're nocturnal and sometimes sleep in tree hollows or borrows. This one is close to a termite mount- which is something they eat."
    "Oh. So... it's in the tree?"
    "Only one way to find out." Ahadi crept forward until she was just below the opening then stood up to peek inside. After a moment, she motioned Reth over.
    Repeating what she had done, he crept over then stood to look inside. A scaled ball lay inside. Was this it? It was kind of hard to tell with it rolled in on itself if it was. "That's a pangolin?"
    "Looks like a scaly anteater to me."
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Store - Writing Prompt S1

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Tue Sep 01, 2020 12:42 pm

S1 : Send your lion off on a treasure hunt! Where does their journey take them, and how do they discover something new and grand? Who sent them, why are they going? What are they hoping to find? (500 word or 1 art piece minimum)

    Tambika huffed softly but apparently just loud enough for Chane to hear her. He perked his head up. "What's up?"
    "Subira asked me to keep an eye out for mint."
    "Mint? Like the plant?"
    "Yeah. Apparently her stock is running low and since I was already planning on being out and about, she asked for my assistance."
    "Well that's nice of you to help out. Want some company?" He gave her a smirk.
    She gave him a look. "Depends. Are you offering your services?"
    "I thought that was obvious."
    She chuckled and bumped his shoulder with her own. "Come on. Let's go find some mint."
    The two walked among the tall pines, the ground mostly clear of snow this time of year. The warmer weather was a relief for Tambika as her fur was shorter than- well, every other lion in the pride. Chane wasn't so bothered by it one way or another.
    "So. Do you know what mint looks like?"
    She thought about it for a moment. "I think so. Textured leaves that are paired and alternate direction. Very strong scent. It may even have a white flower in the center."
    "Alright, so now we know what to look for. Any idea where it grows?"
    "I think she said it wasn't far from the lake so we can head to moyo kufungia."
    "Sounds like a plan. Lead the way." The lioness stepped ahead but didn't miss his smirk as she passed. Not that she was thrilled with the task of running errands, she was glad she was getting to spend some time with Chane. "So, how are things in the pride?"
    "Good. I even spoke with Amana the other day. She seems to be doing good. She said she would come visit this weekend."
    "I'm glad. Maybe I'll join her. It's been some time since the three of us have had a chance to be together."
    She smiled looking forward to spending time with her new family. The lake was starting to come to view. "We're just about their. Keep your eyes out for-"
    "Mint? Think I just found some."
    Tambika turned to look and saw him pointing at a patch of mint. Another smile came to her face. "Good eye."
    "Not the first time I've had a good eye."
    She scoffed trying to hide her smile as she shoved him aside. "You're horrible."
    "Only to you, love. Only to you." He flashed her a grin and kept out of her way as she collected several clumps of the herb. The overwhelming scent tickled her nose. "Here, you said her stocks were low so I can carry some too."
    She watched him also grab several chunks before giving a nod and leading him back to the dens where Subira would be waiting. It wasn't the first time Chane had been to the pride. The other lions recognized him as a wanderer in the region and most of them knew he and Tambika were unofficially together. Leading him to Subira's den, she walked in and placed the mint down in front of the maned lioness; Chane did the same.
    "Found some mint and had a helper to grab even more for you."
    The healer smiled. "Thank you so much, Tambika. You too, Chane. I really appreciate this."
    "Ah, it was nothing." The courier smiled. It wasn't so bad after all.
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Store - Writing Prompt S1

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Tue Sep 01, 2020 1:32 pm

S1 : Send your lion off on a treasure hunt! Where does their journey take them, and how do they discover something new and grand? Who sent them, why are they going? What are they hoping to find? (500 word or 1 art piece minimum)

    Sanaa took a deep breath before approaching the sister huntresses. "Atiena. Kamaria. I was hoping I could trouble you with a favor?"
    Atiena raised a brow. "What kind of favor?"
    "Well, I'm wanting to get something nice for Bakari like for a date. I was hoping, since you two are the hunters, you would help me in hunting down the meal I'd like to offer?"
    The dark lioness narrowed her eyes slightly. "What exactly would we be hunting?"
    "Warthog. Ashura was able to get him to spill his favorite meat."
    "That shouldn't be too hard, right Ena?" Kamaria, ever the peace keeper between the two. She was so much like her father Zuberi. Atiena definitely took after Nea's strong spirit.
    "Ria." Sanaa watched as the two seemed to have a private and silent communication between them. No doubt sibling connection. She sometimes had that with her own siblings. Atiena sighed softly. "Alright, we'll help. Do you know where to find one?"
    "Uh..." The knight was drawing a blank.
    "No worries. We know where to find some." Was it mentioned that Kamaria was a saint?
    "Thanks. Hopefully between the three of us we can catch one."
    Atiena and Kamaria walked side by side leading the way while Sanaa trailed behind. While she wasn't a hunter, she could make use of her knight skills. Surely going after prey would be almost similar to fighting an enemy. Right?
    "So you said you wanted to do this for Bakari? How sweet!"
    "Yeah. We'll be celebrating an anniversary soon but I wanted to do something special for him. Elewisa plans to stay in with Hediye and offered to have the guards do knight watch for us tonight."
    "Your brother is sending his guards to patrol? Who's gonna watch the lord and lady?"
    "I think they can handle themselves for one night."
    "I might have over heard something about that earlier. I think Sadaltager will remain with the rulers while Procyon and Sirius take knight watch."
    "I suppose that makes sense. They make a great team."
    The three lionesses slowed as they approached their destination. Or so Sanaa assumed. She wasn't leading.
    "We're close. Keep your eye out. Maybe we'll get lucky and find one by himself. If we have to deal with a sounder, we may have some trouble."
    "A group of wild hogs."
    "Oh. Gotcha."
    As if on cue, a squeal rang out just ahead of them. They'd been spotted by a sow. It didn't appear to be with others but there was no telling if they were near by or would come running to aid this lone pig.
    "Ria? Side strike." The lighter lioness nodded her head and moved off to the side. "Sanaa? I want you to run up the middle while we flank its sides." The brown knight gave a nod as Atiena moved into her own position opposite of Kamaria.
    A quick roar from Atiena was the signal as the three lionesses closed in on the sow. Bakari is going to love this! Can't wait to see his face when I bring home the bacon.
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Store - Writing Prompt S26

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Tue Oct 06, 2020 5:58 am

S26 : Write a story/journal entry about an NPC lion’s visit to your pride or create art of them.
250 word minimum or 1 art piece (art must be fullbody, shading is optional)

    It was summer. The migrating herds was the most obvious sign. The warmth of the sun could be felt even in the vision. It was about midday if she had to guess. Imamu and Asha conversed with Tendaji near the royal den. Firyali, who was being followed closely by Jabali, was skirting the edge of the kamwe kuisha pond. The plains seemed emptier than usual after the change in region ruling. The king and queen had had their last litter and with it the young princess Ahadi, giving them two princes and two princesses. With four surrounding regions, it made sense to have the royalty rule the land alongside their parents. The former rulers, lords Kamili and Elewisa were given new ranks alongside their mates Chausiku and Hediye, as well as the young lady Tabia. A lot of the lions had been moved around to the different regions to balance out the ranks. Even among the lions and the herds she could spot the lost heir, Sayyid. He was relatively new to the area. But there was another that she didn't recognize. Bold coloring with a golden mane, his head adorned with horns and elongated canines. There was a strange crack along his side and flank with what she could only describe as celestial wings poking through. His molten gaze turned to her glowing one as they stared one another down.

    Nuru was pulled from the vision, the warm breeze of spring on her cheeks. Another vision that was sometime in the future. She wondered how far in the future until this vision came forth. The last one she had pertaining to something outside of the pride members was of a war with the hyenas in the kuni wa mkondo that was to take place at the end of fall. But she had that vision nearly a year ago and still there had been nothing to come of it. Who was the lion in her vision? She wasn't sure she had seen him before. There was something about him. Even in the vision she could feel a commanding presence from him. If she had to guess, it would be some time for this vision to come true. Lords Kamili and Elewisa were lords no longer, the regions now ruled by the king and queens children: Akida, Banou, Russom, and Ahadi. As far as she knew, Asha and Imamu hadn't discussed changing how the sub-prides would be ruled and governed. Except she remembered seeing Sayyid, the half-blooded cheetah and feeling as though he was still a new presence in the valley. Perhaps it would still be a good idea to discuss this vision with the king so he would be aware of what to expect. It was still spring but summer was only a week away. Hopefully it would be later in the summer and it was likely the case if she had to guess based on the traffic of the herds. She made her way to the royal den.

    "Imamu? If I could have a moment of your time."

    The king and queen turned their heads to the seer. "Nuru. What can I do for you?"
    Asha tilted her head slightly to which Nuru nodded. "I've had a vision." The two perked up slightly at this. "I'm not sure what it all means, but it's going to happen soon."

    "How soon?"

    "Most likely within the next season."

    "Next season? That's not a lot of time." Imamu glanced over at Asha.

    "What happened in this vision?"

    "The herds were coming through. That's what makes me think it'll happen during the summer. Sayyid was there and it felt like he was still a new appearance in the valley which is what makes me think it'll happen this summer. Lords Elewisa and Kamili were no longer lords."

    "Why is that? Does something happen to them?"

    "Nothing so drastic, sir. They simply had different roles to play."

    "If they no longer rule the regions," Asha began to ask. "Who takes their place?"

    "Actually, the princes and princess." Imamu and Asha shared a look of surprise. "For the exception of Russom, they ruled alongside their mates in the different regions."

    "It never occurred to me to have them rule the regions. But... I suppose it makes some sense."

    "We can discuss that later, Mamu. What else happened in the vision, Nuru?"

    "There was another lion on the plain. I didn't recognize him but he seemed like someone important. There was this... presence about him. I couldn't put my paw on it. I don't think he means harm- just passing through, but there was just something about him."

    " don't think we should be worried?"

    "No, just prepared. I don't know what we should be expecting from his visit but I'd rather be on guard."

    "Well, we appreciate you coming to us with this information. We'll do what we can to prepare for this mysterious visitor."
    The weeks had passed quickly. Large herds crossed the tall grass, making their way to the pond central to the pride's location. King Imamu and Queen Asha had decided to follow through with making their four heirs the new rulers of the surrounding regions putting the old lords and ladies into new roles. The plain was lacking in lions as a lot had been moved to the new regions. It was a little tricky getting the wild dogs to agree to having a pride rule in the jungles with them but the mutual agreement is a story for another time. It was eerily similar to the vision she had in spring. Not only because the herds were visiting or that it was summer, but it was the same herds she envisioned. Slowly, the sense of déjà vu washed over her. The king and queen were conversing with the royal adviser. The founder wandered the ponds edge, trailed by her loyal guard. The sun had nearly reached its highest point in the sky. Any minute now. She turned her attention to the open plain. As if counting down to the inevitable, she watched for the lost heir to wander into her field of vision. Sayyid, with his head held high, walked to the pond alongside a couple lions and some of the herds. Then, as if on cue from a script, the mysterious golden lion appeared. She took a deep breath, bracing herself for his gaze.

    With hardly a moment to spare, his molten eyes met with her glowing eyes. This wasn't like when she looked at others. She could glean some bits of ones life with a look- "eyes are the window to the soul" and all that. This new lion. There was nothing like that. Just...a strong sense. He must possess an enormous amount of power. What that power was, however, she hadn't the faintest idea. In some ways, it reminded her of the time 'iilah alkhalq and 'iilhat aldamar visited their home. They had a commanding presence about them as well. Different from each other as their abilities were different, but it was also different from this individual. Yet the feeling was similar enough. Perhaps he was a god?

    In the blink of an eye, he was all but standing before her. Her body tensed as he stood above her. He was a large lion. Larger than Imamu, Amaziah, and Sadaltager- the three largest lions she knew. His expression was neutral but that only seemed to make him more intimidating.

    "What is this place?" His piercing gaze finally left hers to glance around the immediate area. His voice was strong and orotund. It sent a strange tingle down her spine.

    "Ukumbi wa paradiso. This is the main hub for the pekee pamoja pride." She kept her tone even, her voice clear as she spoke to him. His eyes moved back to hers.

    "Who are you?"

    "Nuru. I'm the pride's seer." He appeared to be taking her in. "I anticipated your arrival." At this, he lifted a brow in fascination. "I had a vision last season you would arrive here. Though I'm afraid I don't know why and it didn't inform me of who you are."

    "Intriguing. I am Midas."

    "What brings you to the valley, Midas?"

    Her question appeared to unnerve him, his gaze shifting away from her face. "I... I'm not certain." O...kay? He was just a wanderer then, I suppose. "I've been wandering for a while. I sensed a strange power emanating from here and decided to investigate." His eyes met once again with her own. "It would seem you are the source."

    Her cheeks warmed with a blush, a soft chuckle escaping her. "While I'm flattered by your assumption, I would wager you're actually sensing kamwe kuisha."

    "Kamwe kuisha?"

    She nodded her head then looked at the pond. "It's enchanted somehow. There's always water here. It makes us a popular spot during the summer when the herds migrate. Even during the hottest of days there is water."

    "Fascinating. I suppose that could be the source."

    Nuru stood silently looking at the pond but could feel his gaze on her still. She wasn't sure what it was about him. If only she could get a better read on him. After another moment, she looked back at him. "I should take you to Imamu."


    "Yes. He is the king of the pride. I had shared with him my vision of your arrival. Now that you're here, I think he'd like to meet you."

    Midas seemed to consider her words before giving a curt nod. "Very well. Take me to the king."

    The orange lioness led the golden visitor to the royal den. Tendaji was still chatting with Imamu and Asha but they had been joined by Firyali and Jabali. The five lions turned their attention to her and the newcomer. She bowed her head gently to the king and queen. "King Imamu. Queen Asha."

    "Nuru." The king spoke up first. "I take it this is the visitor from your vision?"

    The seer nodded her head. "Indeed. This is Midas." She turned her attention toward him. "He's intrigued by kamwe kuisha's magical source. On his travels he sensed it and came to investigate."

    "I hope I'm not intruding on your lands."

    Imamu chuckled warmly, Asha even giving a small smile as she spoke. "Of course not. Kamwe kuisha is open to anyone. We know how crucial it is to find a water source during the hot months."

    "It makes us a main hub for the migrating herds and even the occasional troop." The black spotted lion held a paw out. "Welcome. I am Tendaji, the royal advisor. Also unofficial director of communications."

    Firyali gently pushed him, making him flash one of his winning smiles.

    "This would be my mate, Firyali. She's actually the founder of the pride."

    "I see."

    The members of the pride took in the visitor who took each of them in in turn. When it seemed nothing else would be said between them, Nuru cleared her throat. "Well, if it's alright with everyone, I'd like to show Midas around some more."

    The king and queen shared a look before nodding their head in agreement. The golden visitor bowed his head. "I would appreciate that."

    Nuru also bowed her head before leading Midas toward the pond. She assumed he wasn't one for talking. The "strong and silent" type so to say. He followed alongside her keeping his attention forward. Some of the herds turned to look at him. Even a few of the lions were watching as they walked by.

    "So. Midas. Where did you come from?"

    He hesitated again. "Would it be strange to say that I'm not sure?"

    She glanced over at him to see him cast his gaze toward her. "That depends. You're not certain of what the place is called or you don't remember where you originate from?"

    "Perhaps a little of both. I'm not familiar with this land and I am fairly certain I don't belong here. My memory is...hazy. I feel like I have a greater purpose but I couldn't tell you what that purpose is."

    "Maybe I can help you with that." She gave him a warm smile which he returned with a small one of his own.
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Store - Writing Prompt S1

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Wed Nov 04, 2020 7:26 am

S1 : Send your lion off on a treasure hunt! Where does their journey take them, and how do they discover something new and grand? Who sent them, why are they going? What are they hoping to find? (500 word or 1 art piece minimum)

    "Here we go. Apple tree."
    She looked up and gasped. "Pomi!"
    " Apples." This Penda lioness seemed amused, but Haregewoin was more interested in the fruit. This "apple" reminded her of pomi back home. Reaching up and wrapping her tongue around the top of the fruit, she snapped it off at the stem and pulled it into her mouth. It was much sweeter than she expected but it was similar to the native fruits of her home world.
    "What else do you have here?"
    Penda chuckled. "Lots of things. Wait till you try boar. Best thing we've got in this region."
    "...boar?" The things here had the strangest names.
    "Yeah. Wild animal. Coarse hair, sometimes have tusks. Can be nasty to fight in groups. Very tender meat though."
    Haregewoin tried to imagine it. Nothing from her home world came to mind to compare though it would be easier to do if she tried it. "Hmm. Well, I would like to try it."
    Penda gave a smile. "Great. I think we've got some back at the den."
    Haregewoin smiled back. The orange lioness lead her past the "apple tree" and she couldn't help but look around at the area. Everything was strange. New. Exciting. Penda seemed friendly enough. Perhaps they could become friends. As she observed her surroundings, she spotted another tree bearing fruit. Except these were round and orange. Almost like... "Biritukanama!"
    The purple feline was already making her way over to the tree when Penda turned her head. When she reached the tree, she put her front paws on the trunk and reached up into the tree with her tongue. She snapped the fruit off the branch and pulled it into her mouth. The texture was rigid and the peel was...not the most enjoyable, but the meat of the fruit was tangy. She slipped pieces of the peel out of her mouth so she only ate the juicy bits. "Mmm. I like the tangy taste." She remembered it probably has a different name here. "What is this one called?"
    Penda watched with a mix of amusement and disturbance. "That would be an orange."
    "The fruit is orange, yes. But what is it called?"
    "No, no. I mean- yes, it is orange. But it's also called an orange."
    "Oh. It reminds me of a fruit I have back home."
    The orange lioness gives her a thoughtful look. "What was your home like?"
    "It was much different from yours. This place is bright. Warm. Back on Mekeri, it was cooler. Our sun was red and cast a crimson hue on everything. The planet was a lush garden with groves of trees and vineyards. The planet was rather small. Your days are longer too. And it was hardly ever night for us."
    "That sounds... very strange."
    Haregewoin chuckled. "I suppose compared to what you are used to, it would."
    "Do you miss it? Or think about going back? you have a way to do that?"
    "Sometimes I miss the things that were there- like the fruits. It would be nice to visit again but I doubt that's possible. This was an unexpected one-way trip. So... I guess you're stuck with me here."
    "Well, I'm more than happy to show you around."
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Re: Store - Writing Prompt S4

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Thu Nov 12, 2020 11:39 am

S1 : Send your lion off on a treasure hunt! Where does their journey take them, and how do they discover something new and grand? Who sent them, why are they going? What are they hoping to find? (500 word or 1 art piece minimum)

    "What is it we're looking for again?"
    The two scouts padded through the leafy foliage. The atmosphere was hot and humid. On occasion, the spray of the rushing river would mist over their faces giving a slight reprieve from the heat. The dark lion turned to his partner.
    "Ahadi said there was a cave near here. The wild dogs spoke of some strange item inside."
    "What kind of item?"
    "I think it was a statue? I'm not sure. But that's why we're on this trip, isn't it? To figure it out?"
    Binti took a deep breath before nodding her head. "I suppose so. Alright. Let's go."
    The cave was located on the isolated land that was surrounded by the Haina Mwisho river. They'd have to swim to get to it. The island wasn't very large but could be big enough to house a small family. It was strange to think there might be a cave entrance located on it. Curious to think where it even led as it was surrounded by water. They were currently following the river down. It would eventually lead them to the juncture where they could find the island. It didn't take long for them to arrive. Quickly the pair made their way across the river. The search for the cave didn't take long. Beneath an old kapok tree nestled among the roots was a hole.
    "Simple enough to find." Binti hesitated, giving a glance toward Azizi. "You want to go first?"
    He smirked at her. "Scared to go first?"
    "No. ...maybe."
    He chuckled and playfully nuzzled her. "Alright, alright. I'll lead the way."
    Staying true to his word, Azizi entered the tunnel first with Binti following close behind. As they delved down it became apparent how the cave made it pass the river. A lot of winding and switchbacks as they went down. For being a cave tunnel, it wasn't as dark as either had been expecting. There were some natural lights, though dull, lining the walls. Mushrooms mostly. Further down the light was gradually getting brighter as if there was some kind of fire down below. The tunnel started to open up as it reached a cavern and there it revealed something neither had been expecting.
    "Is" Azizi tilted his head at the display.
    Binti looked around her companions sandy mane. There was in fact an alter of sorts before them. A strange pedestal flanked by what seemed to be an eternal flames in dark braziers. The fire was bright and flickering casting shadows around the cavern. And atop the pedestal was a golden statue. The statue was shaped like a baboon or a monkey. The lioness stepped forward to investigate. It was strange to see. What was it doing here? How did it get here? How have these fires been lit all this time? So many questions.
    "Well, it's definitely a statue. Guess we should grab it."
    "No!" Binti moved in front of Azizi.
    "What do you mean?"
    "We can't just take it. What if it's trapped? Or cursed?"
    "We don't know. We know it's here. We can tell Princess Ahadi about it. We don't have to take it with us."
    Azizi sighed. "Fine. We'll leave it. Let's go."
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