Pekee Pamoja Pride from Ukumbi wa Paradiso

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Store - Writing Prompt S10

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Thu May 28, 2020 6:56 am

S10 : Use this random image generator to write a story about one of your lions. Link to the image somewhere for reference. (250 word minimum)

    A cool breeze swept into the cave sending a shiver down Kamili's back. He blinked a few times, the wind making his nose feel chilled. Looking out, he saw fresh snow laying out across the ground and the rocks and even upon the tree branches. The blizzard last night was rough but it seemed to just be a lot of snow. No serious damage to the trees. The only danger with this much snow pile up is a potential avalanche from the mountain the dens are within. Hopefully it won't come to that point. After taking a moment to look outside his senses seemed to kick in for the rest of his surroundings. This wasn't his den. And is that...? He looked down and saw Chausiku fast asleep beside him. He sucked in a breath and his face got heated. He vaguely remembered last night, aside from the storm anyway. He had been doing his rounds, checking the dens when he noticed the striped lioness was missing from hers. Again. She often left in the night to sit by the lake. What for, he wasn't sure. Meditating. Thinking. Relaxation. Peace. Whatever the reason, he knew it was where she'd be if she wasn't in her den this late at night. He headed to the lake and, sure enough, found her sitting at the edge. They sat for a bit and then he offered to walk her home and shortly after the blizzard started. They made it to her den just fine and he was going to return to his own when she offered he stay to wait out the storm. He didn't see the harm in it so he stayed.
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Store - Writing Prompt S10

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Fri May 29, 2020 10:08 am

S10 : Use this random image generator to write a story about one of your lions. Link to the image somewhere for reference. (250 word minimum)

    The water was perfectly still. The castle, though parts were crumbling into ruin, sat beautifully just beyond the waters edge. The location was concealed from the mortals of the plane. Suha and Akbar had agreed to make a home on the mortal plane. It gave them better access to their creations. That and Akbar was partial to the look of this realm. The void wasn't exactly a cozy place to reside. Suha liked the solitude the void offered but this hidden castle wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. Generally, it was just her and Akbar in the castle. Though on occasion, the other six deities spend time here.
    The goddess wandered the halls silently. She was currently alone in the castle. Akbar had joined the god of summer on a trip to the valley. With summer coming up, no doubt it was something about that. The deities of autumn and winter were no doubt spending their time together. Their relationship wasn't lost on Suha. The goddess of spring was out enjoying her last few days of her season. Suha didn't mind being alone. It was peaceful and relaxing. While she was more accepted by the lions now than she used to be, the lesser deities were still wary of her. The only one who didn't seem as fazed was the goddess of the moon. Probably because she tended to be mischievous. Suha shook her head, her hair moving with the motion.
    It was then she could hear the distant voices of Akbar and 'iilah alshams, the sun god. She sighed softly, already missing her solitude but continued wandering the halls.
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Store - Writing Prompt S1

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Fri May 29, 2020 11:54 am

S1 : Send your lion off on a treasure hunt! Where does their journey take them, and how do they discover something new and grand? Who sent them, why are they going? What are they hoping to find? (500 word or 1 art piece minimum)

    Tishala wandered the snowy peaks on the farthest edge of the region. This was the farthest she'd traveled during her scouting. With Kamili currently preoccupied with Chausiku and, of course, the responsibility of running the pride in Msitu wa Baridi, Tishala was asked to scout out here. Little was known about the region beyond the lake or even the few miles out from the Kilele Cha Juu mountain range. This was mostly due to the region being so cold and generally snowy. While most of the lions weren't built for the weather, those that did live here were used to it or perhaps preferred the cooler temperatures.
    The ambitious lioness was looking forward to discovering new territory. Maybe she'd find new prey for the pride to hunt. Perhaps another strange building like the one she found months ago. The king had advised the pride remain keeping their distance. It was apparently a human structure. Perhaps some time of hunting lodge. Whatever that was. Tishala never had personal experience with humans though from the few stories she heard, she wasn't too keen on dealing with them anyway. She was lucky there wasn't a blizzard. The sky was mostly cloudless. That was a bit of a hindrance. The bright sun reflected off the white snow making it difficult to see.
    Just ahead she could just barely make out the shape of another lion. She was pale- almost blended in with the snow. 'Well this wasn't expected,' she thought. Stopping short not wanting to assume the stranger was friendly, Tishala spoke up to announce her presence. "Hello. It's not often I run into others out here." The stranger didn't stir as if she didn't hear Tishala calling out to her. "Uh... hello?"
    "Hmm?" The pale lioness turned her head, striking blue eyes staring back at the scout. "Oh. Hello. Sorry, I was meditating." She stood then bowed her head. "I am Malak."
    "Tishala. Do you live out here?"
    "No. I currently don't have a permanent residence. I've been wandering for a while."
    "Out here in the snow?"
    Malak gave a gentle smile then shook her head. "Not the entire time, but I have been here for a few weeks."
    "Huh. Interesting."
    "Do you live out here?"
    "Well, sort of. Not near here. About a couple days travel east, southeast. I'm part of a pride there."
    The scout contemplated her options. This definitely wasn't what she was expecting to find out here, but there was definitely something interesting about this strange lioness. She didn't seem fazed by the bitter cold despite only being here for a couple weeks. How she hasn't happened upon the pride or been discovered by any of the pride members was also odd. Surely she would've been spotted sooner if she'd been in the region. Tishala lifted her head as she looked over Malak.
    "Let me take you there."
    "To your pride?"
    "Yeah. I'll introduce you to the lord and, if you're looking for a home, I'm sure we have the room. Though it is a little bit of a journey"
    "Oh, I don't mind. That would be wonderful!"
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Special Prompt E5

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Sat May 30, 2020 11:06 am

E5 : A new cub was found straggling about in the wilderness, how did your lions find them and what do they do with it? (700 word minimum)

    Tambika let her head tilt back as she laughed. The chilling wind felt colder than normal against her short fur. Her paws pounded hard against the ground as she raced ahead. Risking a glance back, she caught sight of her chaser. Cornflower blue eyes smoldered, his creamy muzzle upturned in a smirk as he growled playfully at her.
    "You know I'm going to catch you. Why not just give up now?"
    "And let you win? Ha! Where's the fun in that?" She pushed herself harder. "Besides, you love the chase."
    The sleek lioness could hear the low grumble he made as he also pressed on to keep up. They were technically on the plains but near the base of the Kilele Cha Juu mountains. Tambika had a few days to herself and wanted to spend some time out and away from the pride. The weather was still chilly even on this side of the mountains, but she was having fun spending time with Chane. They had recently developed a...relationship. He had noticed her one time while she was traveling to Ukumbi wa Paradiso from Msitu wa Baridi. He wasn't a part of the pride, technically. He was often found wandering between Msitu wa Baridi and Kuni za Mkondo. The pride had taken to calling him a rover. The scout at first didn't pay him much attention, brushing him off. But he had been persistent. He had a certain charm that drew her in. Though she'd never tell him that. It was much more satisfying making him work for it or to tease him. Like this chase for instance.
    Being caught up in her thoughts she hadn't realized he was gaining on her. And quickly. She squealed and tried to get some distance but her legs were starting to tire and, as he had said earlier, she knew he was going to catch her. Despite knowing she'd lost, she continued her fight up to the point where he pounced on her. They tumbled to the ground, locked in a laughing embrace. They rolled to a stop, Chane gently pinning Tambika down. Wasn't difficult as he was much larger. That and she wasn't putting up a fight. They smiled, both out of breath.
    "Ha," he huffed. "Told ya I'd catch ya."
    "Hmm." She smiled and licked his cheek. "So you did."
    "Chane!" A young voice called out, catching Tambika's attention. A small cub was trotting over to the two of them. She gently pushed against Chane and he got off her.
    "Hey, Amana. What brings you out today?"
    "Just huntin'. Who's that?" The cub narrowed her eyes at Tambika.
    The lioness looked over the cub. She was almost a seal sable color with beige legs and beige muzzle. It almost reminded her of one of the human dogs she encountered a few years back before joining the pride. What had they been called? Huskies? Malamutes? It was one of those. Strange to see it on a lion. Or even seeing this cub in the first place. Who was she? How did she know Chane? Where were her parents?
    "This is Tambika. Tam, this is Amana. Toughest cub I've ever met."
    "Got that right."
    "Well then. Nice to meet you, Amana." She turned to Chane and spoke softly. "You know her?"
    "Yeah. Sweet kid. Found her one day wandering the base of the mountains. Escaped a trap and has been surviving out here on her own ever since."
    "Huh. You weren't kidding about her being tough then."
    He chuckled. "Nope. She likes to wrestle and it seems like sometimes I shouldn't hold back so much. She's stronger than she lets on."
    The lioness nodded her head slowly, absorbing all the information. She barely remembers being an orphan. She was lucky to have been raised by someone- or in her case several someones. Tambika had been left outside of a temple and taken in by the acolytes. They raised her. A strong overwhelming feeling of instincts kicked in. Maternal instincts. This cub needed a home. Someone to care for her and love her, show her the same care that Tambika had received as a child.
    "Tam?" She looked over at Chane. "You alright? You seemed a bit far from here just now."
    "Oh, yeah. Yeah. I'm fine. Just thinking."
    She turned her look back at the cub who was distracted with her own tail. "Amana."
    "What about her?"
    "She needs a home, don't you think? Someone to care for her and raise her."
    "I guess. She's been doing fine on her own though."
    "I just... I think she deserves a home. At the very least someone to care for her." She stopped short and cut her gaze back to the lion. "Like us."
    "Think about it! She already knows you and you two seem to have a connection-"
    "A very vague connection."
    "Still! What if we took her in? Raised her like our own?"
    Chane gave a lopsided grin. More genuine than his usual snarky look. "Raise her like our own?"
    "What are you two even yapping about? Can't we play a game or something?"
    They looked at Amana before back at each other with a knowing smile.
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Breeding - Writing Prompt

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Sun Jun 28, 2020 5:55 am

In Character Breeding : 500 Words

Pair : Kito and Mosiya

    The air was surprisingly warm around them. At least warm for this region. Small patches of snow lingered around the base of trees and large rocks. The dead leaves that littered the ground were sheen with melted frost. It was still fairly early in the morning, the shadows being stretched far over the ground. It was still only the two of them working together as knights so they had been spending a lot of time together. They often teased one another, pushing the other to their limit and sometimes breaking that limit. But it was all in good fun. This morning was different. Nothing was said. No glances were shared. Almost like something was hanging over them. It had been nearly an hour since they had met up to do some patrols. The maned lioness was the first to speak.
    "It's a nice morning for this. Almost feels wrong to not be walking on snow." She kept her gaze forward, pressing on. Her companion didn't respond. It was starting to get on her nerves. "So you're giving me the silent treatment?"
    At that she heard him stop which drew her attention. For the first time this morning, they locked eyes. His eyes were dark. Well, darker than normal. Yet they also seemed troubled. Could it really be weighing on him so much?
    "What? No, of course not."
    "That's the first thing you've said to me all day." Kito turned his head, breaking their contact. Annoyed by the gesture, she moved to stand in his line of sight. "Will you just talk to me?"
    "About what?"
    "About wh- are you serious?" Was he serious? Her teeth were starting to bare and a growl was barely suppressed in her throat. "After what happened last night, you have nothing to say?"
    "What do you want me to say?"
    "Anything! Literally anything."
    "I don't regret it, if that's what you're getting at. Last night was great."
    She glared at him, hoping he'd continue. "...but?"
    "That's it. It happened. Is there anything to talk about?"
    Her face fell. Was he really so cold? She sighed, dropping her head. She could feel him still looking at her. Everything felt so different now. Maybe it had been a bad idea. This was strange and she just wanted what they had back. The teasing and playful manner. Not this awkward closed-off feeling. Before last night, she would've said she didn't have any romantic feelings for Kito. He was a friend- a great friend she could poke and jest with. All which he equally returned. But something about last night ad changed something for her. In her. Maybe she did have romantic feelings for him. The way he was acting now, she wasn't sure what to make of it. He said he didn't regret it and he said it was great too, but then why was he acting so distant? Was he just using her? Surely their relationship hadn't just been a farce. Some way to get close to her just so he could get what he wanted. She heard him let out a breath.
    "Look, Mosiya... I-"
    "It's fine." She turned her body slightly away, her head still tucked down. "It... It doesn't have to mean anything."
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Store - Writing Prompt S1

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Sun Jun 28, 2020 12:23 pm

S1 : Send your lion off on a treasure hunt! Where does their journey take them, and how do they discover something new and grand? Who sent them, why are they going? What are they hoping to find? (500 word or 1 art piece minimum)

    Procyon and Sirius wandered through the sparse trees. They hadn't been in this land long. It was so different from the land they came from. The region they resided in- Kikoa cha Zamani, while beautiful was nothing like home.
    "What is it we're looking for, Rius?"
    "I'm not sure. I thought it would be nice to explore our new home. Elewisa told me of a ruin in this area. A place they train the cubs coming of age. Perhaps we can explore around there?"
    The purple lioness nodded her head. "I suppose that does sound like fun."
    The blue lion smiled warmly at his mate. "Alright then. Let's go. We should be close by now."
    The two cool colored lions continued walking on until they reached the crumbling ruin. Jaribio ruins, as they were called, stood in some places and lay crumbled in others. It was a rather large ruin. Perhaps once a few buildings. Nothing fancy as all seemed roughly the same size, but it must have been something to behold when it was complete. They got closer, just outside the outer wall of the ruins. But they paused before pushing further.
    "Do you feel that?" Sirius spoke up, turning his gaze to Procyon.
    "I do. What is that?"
    "I don't know. Whatever it is, it's coming from here. But faintly."
    "I agree. Perhaps we should push further. Maybe there's something more here." She turned to look at him and they shared a nod before the lioness pressed forward. "Got my back?"
    "Always, my love."
    The two ventured further into the ruins, almost drawn by this unknown magnetic power. Coming to a part of the second building that was mostly intact, they stopped just outside the doorway. The darkness beyond seemed almost impenetrable. Sharing one more look, the violet lioness walked through first followed shortly by the navy lion. The pull was growing stronger as the continued down into the ruins. The darkness was worse the further down they went. The faintest of light bounced off of the walls. At this point, they're only way of direction was the strange flow of power that was emanating from deeper down within the ruin. When it started to seem like there was no light in any way, the hall being completely shrouded in darkness, there was the faintest of light coming from just ahead of them. The first thought to run through their minds was they had somehow gotten turned around. They pushed on and the light ahead grew slowly brighter. It was also becoming clear it wasn't sunlight. This was... unnatural lighting. Shades of purple, pink, orange. They reached a cavernous opening and saw the source of the light. Sort of. The light reflected off the ceiling and walls, some of it reflected off the underground lake. The power in this cavern pulsed. There was something about this place...
    "What is this place?"
    "I don't know."
    "Do you think the lord knows about it?"
    "We could always ask him. Surely if they've been using the ruins as a training ground for the young lions they know about this cavern. ...wouldn't they?"
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Store - Writing Prompt S2

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Sun Jun 28, 2020 1:03 pm

S2 : Write about a harsh lesson or major turning point/change one of your lions received in their life. As a cub, or adult. Explain why it impacted them, and how they changed as a result. What would they have been like if it didn’t happen?
(500 word minimum)

    Tambika looked over at Amana who was happily chasing a bullfrog. Chane stood nearby looking contemplative.
    "So. How do we do this? I'm still... you know, new to all this? And don't think this means I'm gonna sign up to join your pride."
    The sleek lioness gave the rover a look before turning to look back at the cub. "I don't know. I haven't done anything like this either. What if she doesn't like me?"
    "She'll like you fine. She knows who you are now. We've been spending some time with her now. And I think you're right, she needs a solid home. I'm just not sure how she'll respond to that."
    "What do you mean?"
    He let out a slow breath. "Well, she's been on her own for a while now. She's gotten used to this life. Providing for herself. Living the struggle. I try to help when she's around but that's not as often as I'd like."
    Tambika nodded slowly. "Alright. Let me talk to her."
    "I'll be close." He pressed his forehead to hers. "Good luck."
    "Amana." The cub turned to look at the older lioness. "Can we talk?"
    The young girl came walking over, a little out of breath from playing with the frog. "Sure. What's up Tambika?"
    "I wanted to talk to you about something rather serious."
    The cub groaned. "That's never fun."
    "I promise it's not boring. I just want you to know that what I'm about to ask I mean seriously and not in a joking manner." She waited a moment, the cub giving a quick nod before continuing to speak. "Chane told me you've been out here on your own for a while."
    "Yeah. It's been a little rough, but I've managed so far. I'm tough."
    "You are. I don't doubt that. I wouldn't know what it's like to have to endure that. I was abandoned as a cub, but I was left with a monastery. I was raised with love. I think you should be too. I know you can handle yourself, but I want to help. I want to give you a home. But only if you want to. I know it would be different from what you're used to, but I care about you. I know Chane cares about you. We could care for you, take you in. Give you a home. if you wanted."
    The cub turned, looking toward Chane who was a few paces away then looked back up at Tambika. It was clear she was thinking about it. Her gaze dropped to the ground, looking at her paws. "You... you'd do that? For me?"
    "Of course I would."
    She looked back up, uncharacteristically emotional. "You want to adopt me?"
    "If you want a home, you have one with me." The lioness also gave a look to Chane with a half smirk. "And Chane."
    The cub looked over at the lion again who gave her a sweet smile and a gentle nod of his head. She turned back to look at Tambika, her large eyes wet.
    "Yes. I... I think I'd like that."
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Store - Writing Prompt S1

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Sat Jul 11, 2020 1:31 am

S1 : Send your lion off on a treasure hunt! Where does their journey take them, and how do they discover something new and grand? Who sent them, why are they going? What are they hoping to find? (500 word or 1 art piece minimum)

    It was his first summer in the region. It was a lot different than his time here last fall during his kuja kwa uzee run. The air was warmer, the ground had little to no snow and was softer to the touch. Not to mention how much more lively the forest was. Birds could be heard chirping and tweeting every now and then. A rustle from a bush as a rabbit hopped along. It actually made his fur itch. He had a rather thick coat which was better suited to the colder times. Probably part of the reason he was chosen to lead this prides hunters and not the pride in the kikoa cha zamani region. The only family here was the healer's apprentice, Subira. She was the daughter to his half brother Khamisi. But they had looked nothing alike. Practically opposites. The knight was pale oranges, yellows, and whites while the head hunter was blacks, grays, whites, and blue. It seems his older brother took after their mother more and he took more after his father- whoever and where ever he was. His mother preferred not to talk about it. Though, come to think of it, she didn't really talk about any of her past relations.
    Badru was making his way around the region. It was fairly late in the morning and had been a rare opportunity for him to explore. The hunters had a very successful hunt yesterday and thus didn't have to worry about it today. Tomorrow it was back to work, but until then... The snow leopard lion hybrid had taken to the forest in search of the elusive albino wild boar. Supposedly the pride had seen this boar in passing but was never able to catch it. Perhaps it would be easier to spot without the snow. He was currently following some tracks through the soft mud. They were still somewhat fresh. Maybe a couple hours old. If he remembered correctly, if he continued following the tracks in this direction, he'd come across the boars home. Or one of them. They seemed to move around during the year. Honestly he shouldn't be out here by himself. Boars, when in groups at least, were not prey to trifle with. Their tusks could be deadly and they had a horrible temper. But he had wanted some time for himself. Time to just do something for fun. It had almost been a year in this region and he still felt like he was getting his paws under him. At least the pride was friendly. They didn't seem to comment on his looks.
    A twig snapped just off to his right. Head lifting and ears swiveling in that direction, his eyes strained to see anything out of place. It didn't sound close enough for him to see anything, but maybe whatever it was was heading in his direction. The tracks still led off toward his left but something told him he should follow the sound. With a small huff, he changed direction. Doing his best to avoid the lower hanging branches and the fallen sticks on the ground, he rushed off. Even if it wasn't close enough to see, it had been close enough for him to catch it. There was definitely something else running out here. Being led by the sounds, he pushed on just up until it stopped. He was so close- he could feel it. Crouching low to the ground, he slowly crawled further up. It was quiet. Too quiet. A rustle ahead and then moved to his left. His tail swished in anticipation. A flash of light fur passed. Seizing his moment, he pounced and too late heard the exclamation.
    "Ah! What the-?" Pulling back, he saw it was only Tambika the pride courier. He hurriedly stepped back allowing her space to get up.
    "I'm so sorry! I thought-" He cut himself off, his heart racing with adrenaline and now worried. "I-I didn't mean to pounce on you."
    The sleek lioness chuckled and shook her head. "Don't worry about it. Just... be more careful huh? Nearly gave me a heart attack."
    He nodded his head quickly. "Of course. I'm sorry."
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Re: Store - Writing Prompt S4

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Wed Jul 22, 2020 7:34 am

S4 : Write about one lion’s feelings towards parenthood. What do they want for their cubs? What are their fears and worries? How do they discipline their little ones when they misbehave? What would make them proud of them? Or disappointed? (500 word minimum)

    Azizi and Nalah lay curled up together asleep for an afternoon nap, Mosiya lay near by watching Kito pacing outside the den. The cubs were growing nicely. They got along well enough. Mosiya wasn't raised with her sister so she's not sure what to expect from having the two, but watching Kito interact with Kamili gave her some idea of what to expect. They still hadn't really discussed their relationship. Kito stuck around and helped with the cubs. More than she thought he would, honestly. He was great with them. Mosiya would like to think she does a good job. When Kito has to go do his rounds with the newest knight, Imani, sometimes her mother will help out with the cubs. Tishala loves playing with her grandcubs, often giving Mosiya a chance to catch some rest. The pacing was starting to drive her crazy.
    "Kito?" She called out and the dark lion paused to look at her. "Can you stop pacing? It's giving me a headache."
    He sighed softly before coming in to the den and sitting near by. "Sorry."
    "What has you so wound up?"
    "Just... thinking, I guess."
    He glanced over at the cubs. "The kids."
    "What about them?"
    "I don't know. Just wondering if I'm doing enough." She let the words settle, watching him. It seemed there was something more he wanted to say. "I'm worried I'm not here as much as I should be or maybe I'll be a bad influence on them for not sticking around more or-"
    "Stop." She couldn't hear it anymore. "Kito, you're doing fine. You're great with them and they love you. I know you're here when you can be. I appreciate the time off to spend here at home. And the times you're not here, my mother comes by to help."
    "I know. But... it's more than that. I always had both my parents around. I mean, they were together so it was easier I guess..."
    "We don't have to do this right now. I don't want you to feel pressured to make any decisions even if it's for the kids. You have nothing to worry about with them. Honest. They love spending time with you and you're great with them. Even with you only taking the time you have to spend with them. They're going to grow up with all the love in the world. They'll have us their rooting for them, helping them reach their goals and understand their wishes and dreams. And when things get rough, we'll be there for them. Together. If they get into trouble, we'll be sure to remind them we'll always love them. Okay?"
    He seemed to take a moment to process her words before nodding his head, a small smile on his lips. He let out a breath and his shoulders sagged. Though it appeared to be more of a release of tension than a sign of distress. She gave him a reassuring smile. He was so worried about being a good father. And she understood. First time being a parent was tough. But she knew they'd make it together. There was no need to worry.
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Store - Writing Prompt S10

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Tue Jul 28, 2020 5:28 am

S10 : Use this random image generator to write a story about one of your lions. Link to the image somewhere for reference. (250 word minimum)

    "Do you remember what it was like? The void?"
    "Not really. That was centuries ago." Akbar glanced at Suha but kept walking alongside her through the spacious cavern. "Do you?" He noticed she didn't falter in anyway.
    "Some, but not much. I suppose since I had spent more time there I remember a little better."
    He nodded his head, the memories of her leaving for the void early on in their years running through his mind. The smell of salt hit him all at once as they neared the opening of the sea cave. Just ahead, the stars could be seen shining over the shallow waters and the rocks. The galaxy dust appearing like a portal tear in the sky. Suha stopped short at the opening of the cave and sat, her full tail wrapping lightly around her paws. Akbar came to join her, his tail casually laying just short of beside hers. They both looked up and out at the night sky, a peaceful silence between them.
    "Do you ever miss it?"
    "The void." He turned to look at her. "Do you miss it?"
    Her head dropped to the sand in contemplation then shook slightly. "No. I mean, not really. It was lonely and, while I do enjoy my privacy, it's nice to know I'm not necessarily alone. I also remember it being...chilly. Like oddly cold and empty." Her gaze seemed to grow distant before shaking her head again, clearing her thoughts. "No, I like it here." She turned and gave him a small grin.
    He smiled back and gave a nod before turning to look back out at the scene before them.
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