Red Eagle - VoK Pride Writing

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Re: Red Eagle - VoK Pride Writing

Postby Nia The Elf » Tue Jul 14, 2020 9:39 pm


The Book - Anhora is a teller of tales, an appreciator of stories and fables. The book represents that part of him.
The Key - A mystical object hidden partially among the natural debris of the forest. A romanticised and fantasised situation that is unlikely to happen yet is exactly what Anhora would experience, because the myth and fantasy follows him.
The Misty Trees - A colour aesthetic that suits him, but also a place that Anhora would walk towards. He's brave and interested in new adventures and stories to tell - walking into the distant fog could lead to a interesting tale to tell.
The Castle - Another fantasy tribute, a genre Anhora is completely taken by. Also perhaps hinting that he is being considered for place as the leader of the pride? Who knows.
The Tree Branches - Another colour aesthetic. A tree with many boughs and rings has much a tale to tell.
The Magick - Magick practices in one photo. Something Anhora would definitely be interested in if he was human in our world. Though he is into a more lion-friendly version of this.
The High Rocks - Shows his bravery and adventurous side!
The Snow Insect - Silver colour aesthetic
The Leaves - God colour aesthetic
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Re: Red Eagle - VoK Pride Writing

Postby Nia The Elf » Tue Jul 14, 2020 11:51 pm

Breeding Prompts:

Anhora x Ashari - 1st Breeding
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Re: Red Eagle - VoK Pride Writing

Postby Nia The Elf » Thu Jul 16, 2020 10:10 am

Prompt Art

D10 - Icon base for 75 xp - Feel free to use this! Or message me and I'll make any of your lions for you <3

D11 - Base Color-ins for 20xp each





Every Lion Above = Bsktcase's Lions





All Lions above = Kitten-girl-500's lions

Xp from base and every color-in: 195xp + 80
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Re: Red Eagle - VoK Pride Writing

Postby Nia The Elf » Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:55 am

Store Prompts

S4 - Ashari - 2p
Ashari has always been cub-oriented. She is gentle and upbeat, and likes to entertain the cubs in the pride who can often be impatient, fidgety and can get under others’ paws. It isn’t really a chore for her to help out with the cubs, and they seem to be naturally drawn to her. Ashari has also always wanted her own cubs. She never expected to find love, let alone have her own family, so it was almost a miracle to her when unexpectedly - her relationship with Anhora grew, and even more-so a miracle when she told Anhora she was expecting; and he was excited for it. All Ashari wants for her cubs is a good life. She wants them to be happy, no matter what they’re doing or have done in their lives, just so long as they are happy and healthy. Ashari’s biggest fear is that she will be a bad mother. Every mother has these worries, of course, but with it being her first time; and her insecurities naturally making her question herself; the motherhood anxieties got to her even more. Ashari worries that her cubs will grow without love for her. She’s heard stories from others about how they had broken relationships with their own parents, or how children can grow up ignorant, or view their parents as a burden. Anhora promises that won’t be the case, how she’s naturally very likeable and as a family they would have a strong bond, but as much as she trusts him, she’s very much still a worrier about it.
Ashari would consider Melore the most misbehaved cub of the 3 of them. Lamorak being the youngest, can be a little rowdy, Morgause was the quietest, but Melora - though the eldest by a margin - was always finding herself some trouble to get into. The methods of discipline Ashari uses is more “grounding” them, so they can’t go leave the den, can’t watch training, and so on. She does have to stop Anhora sometimes when he goes to give a light cuff around the ear - though she knows it won't hurt.
Ashari would be proud of her cubs no matter what, she would like to think. Of course, some things would make her even more proud, but they don't need to become kings or anything in order to make her proud. Of course, the rank of Paladin is one of the highest base ranks in the pride - so anyone who can be given this rank have surely proven themselves to be a perfect role model for the rest of the pride. So should one of her cubs become a Paladin, this of course would make her even more proud than she would normally be. The only thing that would make her disappointed would be if they were to grow up and have a lack of morals. If they were to intentionally hurt anyone in the pride, for example. She is very forgiving, but it won't stop her from feeling disappointment.

^^^ S10 - Sabira and Red Eagle - 1p ^^^
Sabira gazed out at the line of thorny trees, whose bare boughs brought sight of a small, young red bird - sitting amongst the spines, singing its welcoming song to the morning.

“Were you ever young like that?” She asked the crimson hawk who perched nearby, keeping levelled eyes over everything before it. The Red Eagle only ever appeared to Sabira as he always had been; a large, adult bird of prey whose name contradicted his appearance ever so slightly.

“I was born,” he began, following her gaze to the little bird who now fluttered around the branches restlessly, “I had parents in a sense. I was not like that young one there though, I did not spend time as within the confines of an egg, nor did I sprout feathers as I grew.”

She was quiet for a moment, before turning to face him. “So there are others like you?”

“I’m not the only one who watches over your pride, if that is what you mean.” He seemed watched her intently, waiting for any emotional response to appear across her features. She was doing the same, looking for any further explanation in his eyes, keeping her expression steady. She was going to press harder after a long beat of silence had passed, but he seemingly sensed it and smirked, before fading from sight. Of course he would leave before explaining anything to her. Deities were so elusive.

Unlike the Red Eagle though, the little bird still lingered in the trees, chirruping its greeting to another bird who flitted down to join it.

^^^ S10 - Ashari, Anhora and the cubs - 1p ^^^
“We don’t get snow here that often,” Ashari mused, watching her cubs faces fall with disappointment, “But.... I bet your dad knows where to find some!”

It was winter and the 3 nuisances had been begging, on a daily basis - multiple times a day, for it to snow. Ashari as patient as ever, amused them by telling stories about the white frosts that fell from the sky, though not as well as her mate could. Anhora, was busy most days with his role in the pride. However, Ashari could see him making his way over - responsibilities obviously done with for the day.

"They're getting so restless, I'm sure it won't hurt to take them to the edge of the territory, to look at the mountains?" The peaks of the mountains were the only places blanketed with snow at this time, it had to get much colder and later in winter for snow to affect anywhere closer.

Melora practically stepped on Lamorak in her excitement, running up to her father with tail held high.
"You'll take us to see the snow?"

Morgause, though as excited as her other siblings who scrambled over to Anhora, seemed a bit hesitant. "Will it be cold? I'm not sure I want to touch it if it's really cold..."

"We won't be able to get quite that close to the snow, it's very far away. But we can go to the border of the territory and we can look from there. But if we do this, you must promise not to ask quite so much about snow! It'll come when it comes, you must be patient." Anhora put on a stern face, addressing the cubs.

In unison, they sung "We promise!" To which Ashari couldn't help but laugh; of course that promise wouldn't last long.

^^^ S10 - Lumis and Lefay - 1p ^^^
More oft than not, Lumis is busy with patrols and pride work. She doesn't make the time to stray too far from the pride - not that she doesn't have that time at all, she just usually finds better things to do with her time than venture out far.

However, that morning, she did find her paws had taken her to the shore nearby. The land around the pride was vast, with lots of different climates and biomes, it usually took a day to go from the pride to the edge of their sandy plains. However, the coast was a little closer, and faster to reach.

She snapped out of her stupor when she felt the texture of the sand change from the usual red dusty ground, so the actual sand of the beach. Looking up, the ocean filled her view immediately. The sheer blue body of water shimmered in the sunlight, and Lumis smiled at the familiar sight.

Further down the beach, a figure sat; shadowed against the glaring sun. Moving closer, Lumis could see Lefay was watching the water quietly.

"Its not like you to be so quiet and still," Lumis jested as she approached, sitting on the warm sand beside her.

"I'd not seen the sea until I came here. There's not much noise I can make when I'm alone." Lefay stuck her tongue out, not moving her gaze from the ocean.
"Woah wait, what is that!"

Lumis snapped to attention, looking out to find what was spotted.
A whale, surfacing for air, a sight not common at all, but one that Lumis had seen before since she used to be an avid traveller.

"Have you ever seen that before?" Lefay asked, jaw slack and eyes wide.

Lumis frowned but smirked. "That's a whale, they're absolutely giant. Could easily swallow you whole, But they won't!" She quickly added - seeing the younger lions expression change suddenly, "They're very docile I've heard."

Lefay smiled at that. "Well I'm glad I got to see one, docile or not!"

^^^ S10 - Griflet Cubsitting - 1p ^^^
Griflet had promised Ashari she would keep an eye on her cubs. She had all intentions to do her best, to keep them out of trouble and get her job done well. However, the cubs had other plans.

She had made the mistake of taking the cubs for a stroll around the territory; not expecting anything out of the ordinary to happen - she would just tire them out take them back and keep them distracted until Ashari or Anhora returned.
Of course that sense of normal wouldn't last long.

"That's huge!" Lamorak cried out.

"It's an elephant! Melora excitedly bounced behind them.

Griflet stuck her paw out, creating a barrier against the three bouncing balls of fur. "We will not be going any closer, that's for certain. You stay behind me whilst we wait for them to go." She inwardly cursed the herd, of course they were passing through now. And they were stubborn, not ones to stray from their set path even if asked.
"Just watch them from here. Get under their feet and they'll-" she cut off when she looked down. All three cubs missing from her barrier.

Morgause clambered up onto the back of a large elephant, claws digging in as she climbed.
"Hello young one, did you know it is polite to ask before taking a ride on someone's back?" The elephant smiled, continuing her slow walk with the herd.

Griflet could see Lamorak on the broad head of a bull, Morgana on the back of the same bull.

"Good grief," she could almost face palm at how much of a mess she had got themselves in, "Ashari can never know about this," Griflet trotted quickly up to the head of the herd, "I'm so sorry about this; they're overly curious. Next time, though hopefully there won't be a next time, I'll teach them some manners." Though frowning, she couldn't help but share a laugh with the herd.
S4 - Anhora - 2p
Anhora looked forward to being a father. He was quite confident with the idea of having cubs, but was mostly excited about all of the stories he could tell. Stories are best kept alive through retelling through the generations, so having cubs of his own meant that Anhora would be able to tell them all of the tales he had collected or experiences over the years. Anhora wants what any father wants for their cubs; for them to grow up proud and happy. As long as they are proud of what they have accomplished, then Anhora will be proud and happy for them also. They need to feel happy and comfortable within themselves and also within the pride; if they don't, then Anhora would consider himself as a failure of a father and a Paladin in the pride.
Anhora does worry, due to being first-time parents, that they won't do good jobs as parents, and that will inadvertently affect how the cubs grow up. He would like them to be well-mannered, well-behaved, and have good morals, but if they do bad jobs as parents then that might not be the case.
Anhora's discipline, he considers, is stricter than Ashari's. He will, if needed, raise his voice - it is booming, scary, and likely to stun the cubs into not doing misbehaving again - at least for a little while. Other than that though, he does just confine them to their den and not allow them out if they have misbehaved, or sometimes if they do something especially bad, he will threaten them with a visit to Sabira, the founder. That will usually keep them quiet.
Anything will probably make Anhora proud of his cubs. If they grow up to be strong, happy and with a role in the pride, then he will be proud. However, as a Paladin himself, it would make him especially proud if he could see one of his cubs be gifted the role of Paladin when they come of age and prove themselves. Paladin is one of the highest ranks achievable, ignoring the heirs to the lead rank, they are role models and looked up to by younger lions, so to have any one of his kids achieve that role would be amazing, to follow in his steps. Of course, no matter what they do in their lives, he won't be any less proud. The only thing that could possibly make him disappointed in his cubs would be if they were to speak rudely to any other member of the pride, or to act in a rude or mean manner. He would not raise them to make fun of, or be rude to others, no matter what their opinions of the other lions are or who they are. Being kind is the best thing, especially within the pride which they call family. As long as they act according to their inner morals and to what they know is right in their heart, then he won't be disappointed with any of them.
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Re: Red Eagle - VoK Pride Writing

Postby Nia The Elf » Sat Jul 25, 2020 9:01 am


Discord Daily Prompt 7/23 (24/07/2020) - 75xp
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Re: Red Eagle - VoK Pride Writing

Postby Nia The Elf » Thu Jul 30, 2020 8:24 am

Store Prompt Writing
For Kitten-Girl-500 Breeding with Hemai and Aisling
16 points needed (Fertility potion 8p, Mutation booster 4p, and gift cub growth potion 4p)

S10 - Griflet, Aisling, Fishing - 1p
Aisling almost camouflaged in entirely with the water of the river that ran through the territory near the pride. Griflet, however, was a stark contrast; black fur clearly visible beneath the ripples as the sun illuminated the river.

"I'm much better off in the deeper lakes to fish, apparently," Griflet snorted as another salmon slipped out of her reach.

"Well," Aisling snagged a trout from the water and threw it onto the banks in one smooth movement, "what you may lack in camouflage, you make up for in strength; I've seen you take down a giant catfish with ease - I would've been bowled over without a doubt!"

They both finished with their catches, a small pile of fish having accumulated on the sandy banks of the river, before climbing out and sitting at the edge to dry off a little.

The lighter lioness shook her head as she looked out over the still water, breeze shifting the surface and making the sunlight glimmer. "Another upside for you is darker fur soaks up the sun more, I bet you'll dry off much quicker than I," it was almost a complaint... almost, but they shared a smirk and Aisling stretched out onto her back.

"Hardly any quicker. We should really get back with these though, as beautiful as the river is - we wouldn't want the pride wondering what's taking us so long." Griflet stood, taking one end of the leaf holding the fish pile in her mouth. She took one last look at the water as Aisling got up and took the other end of the pile, before they steadily worked their way back home.

S10 - Sabira, Brunor, Sunset - 1p
Sabira sat at the top of the ravine where the pride made their home, watching the sun slowly fall beneath the horizon. The air was cooling down as the evening was passing, but it was still a comfortable temperature for her to stretch out in the sand and watch the world increasingly glow with an orange tint.

"This seat taken?" Sabira didn't need to look up to know whose voice sounded above her. Brunor collapsed down next to her and stretched out lazily. "I love to be up here when the sun makes the world look like its on fire, its beautiful - especially since the world isn't actually on fire."

Sabira let her tail rest along Brunor's back, the sentiment was definitely one she could relate to. "I usually like to look down on the pride and watch everyone relax during this time, but it is nice sometimes to watch the sunset. It looked like this on the first night I found this territory, and when Lumis joined the pride."

"If I knew anything about symbolism, I'd probably say something really insightful here," Brunor chuckled, "You're probably better off talking to Anhora for anything like that though. I'm just here to soak up what's left of the warmth."

"I suppose that's all sunsets really can be used for when you don't know any symbolism behind them. It seems as if you belong in them though, your pelt looks like fire with how golden it is."

Brunor barked out a sudden laugh, rolling onto his back. "I know I'm attractive but I didn't think you found me quite so hot!"


S10 - Anhora, Melora, Learning to roar - 1p
"How do you sound like that?"

"How do you mean?" Anhora looked down at Melora, the young cub gazing at her father with wide eyes.

"I actually felt the ground move! How do you make the ground move? Could I do that?" Ah, of course she had meant the roar that Anhora had just demonstrated when playfighting.

He steadied himself, legs spread out a bit more, anchored into the ground. In the most theatrical way possible, he thrust his head upwards and roared with all his might. From across the ravine, Lefay jerked awake in a panic and frowned before rolling back over to nap again. "You mean like that?" He asked Melora, chuckling at Lefay's annoyance, "Well first of all, you need to have your legs steady, there's no use trying to roar if you're about to trip over!"

The dark cub splayed her legs out, but Anhora nudged them into a more reasonable position with his paw.

"Then, you need to straighten your back and hold your head high. A roar is a display of strength, you need to look the part when you sound the part." She then lifted her head up and pushed her chin as far as it would go - perhaps straining a little more than was necessary. "And finally, you start as if to growl, a deep rumble in your chest. You let it build up, eventually it reaches your throat and you just roar as loud as you can."

Melora nodded fervently. She started 'growling', which sounded almost like a purr to the older lions ears, before it started building and...

Well he hadn't expected much from a cub; it was little more than a chirp of a roar, but it had a lot of heart in at least!


S10 - Griflet Cubsitting part 2 - 1p
Griflet, of course, had thought it wouldn't turn out as bad as last time if she offered to look after Ashari and Anhora's cubs again. It's not as if anything much more interesting or dangerous could happen than a herd of elephants passing through the territory, surely.

It seemed as if the world was out to get her, she could never have a good and safe experience when cubsitting. Where was the Red Eagle's guidance when she needed it?
"Wow, they're even bigger than the elephants!" Lamorak alerted the rest of his siblings, and Griflet, as they were traversing the territory.

"Okay, now look, we are not doing what we did last time with the elephants, yes?" she glared at the three cubs in a threatening way, "it is very dangerous to get underfoot of elephants and giraffes, and your mother will not be pleased if she hears that you've disobeyed- and they're gone again." She swore, just any time she simply blinks, the cubs slip away like eels or something.

"Excuse me, may we have a ride?" Morgause asked one of the giraffes as they scampered over to the tower. Well, at least they had learnt from last time, Griflet mused to herself.

Looking at eachother warily for a second, one of the giraffes nodded his long neck. "Be careful where you place your claws, but climb on board and we'll take you back home."

"How about you," another giraffe asked Griflet who stood frozen in surprise, "Care for a lift too?"

The cubs squealed with excitement, Morgause begging "Come on! It'll be fun! Please Grif?"
Well, she was meant to set an example.. but it sounded rather fun, and how could she say no to that face?
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Re: Red Eagle - VoK Pride Writing

Postby Nia The Elf » Fri Jul 31, 2020 2:32 am

Brunor Writing

Other Art (Not Mine!)

Art Trade - Kitten-Girl-500's side! <3

Art Trade part 2 - Kitten-Girl-500's side! <3
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Re: Red Eagle - VoK Pride Writing

Postby Nia The Elf » Fri Jul 31, 2020 2:58 am

Store Prompt Writing
Fertility potion 8p, Mutation booster 4p

HD Image Link
S8 - Ashari - 4p


HD Image Link
S6 - Lefay and Hyenas - 4p
Lefay decided that she wanted to explore the territory alone. She was normally a fan of company; extroverted and energetic were the words her friends frequently used to describe her, but a lot of her pride were busy and she just wanted to take a more relaxing walk.

She had strayed quite far from where the den was, wanting to head towards the snow-peaked mountains. The sandy ground of the Red Eagle territory had at some point, slowly faded to a yellowed sparse grass, the trees growing more and more frequent the further she went.

The closer she got to the mountains, the more details she could see; a few tiny specks that she could only presume were eagles flew in circles around solitary trees. It seemed quite lonely up there, though she couldn't really expect to see an entire civilisation or anything - it must be tough to live on steep mountains with snow making it even more difficult to traverse.

Lefay hadn't exactly planned to stumble across the home of a clan of hyenas, she admittedly wasn't paying too much attention. She had spent a lot of time gazing up and far into the distance, trusting her paws to safely take her across the plains; it was only when she heard quiet growling and cackles that she looked down and behind her, seeing four hyenas stalking her, faces contorted in sickening grins.

Well that wouldn't be a fair fight. Lefay began to run; her life did depend on it. She knew where the pride was in relation to where she had ended up, but she didn't want to surprise them with hyenas on her tail. She could keep running, she was small and quick, but she couldn't keep going for ever; her stamina stores weren't infinite.

She was a few hours out at least from the pride, somehow she needed to keep running for that long to get anywhere near safer ground for help. It was regrettable that she didn't join the patrol who came across a small family of gorillas that time; those allies could have helped; or the babysitting story that Griflet had told her, maybe she could have convinced the elephants to help?

But no, she was stuck, mind racing for any way out as she bound frantically across the dry ground with the snapping of jaws sounding close behind her.

Until. thank the Red Eagle for such a blessing, Lefay could see Aisling in the distance running towards her. How she knew Lefay was here, she could not say, but thank goodness she did; they neared, the hyenas sounding a bit more frantic when the second lion came into view, but kept pursuing - just before they were about to pass each other, Aisling slid to the side and leapt full-force at the nearest hyena, sending them both crashing to the ground in a whirlwind of dust and fur.

Another light coloured figure seemingly appeared from behind a tree; Anhora shouting for Lefay to get out of the way before he too joined Aisling, who had gotten up and was circling the clan of hyenas.

The snarling clan, maws dripping with saliva, seemed to get the message - three large lions against just the four of them. They backed up, barking out in frustration, before turning tail and fleeing back the way they had come.

"Wow, you both really saved my flank there, I wasn't sure I could've ran all the way back to the pride for help... Thank you." Lefay's legs were jelly beneath her, the adrenaline slowly dissipating from her system.

"I'm glad we had seen you leave this morning, we knew where abouts you would be when we were on patrol. We're just happy you're safe now." Aisling panted and sat, cleaning the dust from her fur.

Lefay definitely counted herself lucky to have such a close and observing family to keep an eye out, that was for sure.


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S8 - Anhora - 4p
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Re: Red Eagle - VoK Pride Writing

Postby Nia The Elf » Tue Aug 04, 2020 3:32 am

Prompt Art

D4 - 350xp - Lamorak, Morgause and Melora! - Claimed xp

D4 - 450xp - Lamorak, Morgause, Melora and Ashari - Claimed xp
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Re: Red Eagle - VoK Pride Writing

Postby Nia The Elf » Wed Aug 05, 2020 9:50 am

MYO point prompts: 12 needed

S8 - Griflet - 4p CLAIMED
HD Image Link

S8 - Lefay - 4p CLAIMED
HD Image Link

S7 - Anhora w/ Ashari - 4p CLAIMED
“I had a thought, dear However scary About that night The bugs and the dirt Why were you digging?”
Ashari was buried in the ground; metaphorically at least. Her past was not a good one, and it left her deep in dirt and low on self esteem, she was stuck in the ground like the dead. But then, one fateful night, Anhora had joined the pride after roaming on his own for some time. Someone started digging, digging away at the hole she was buried in - they ignored the bugs and the dirt, things people would normally avoid. Anhora wanted to help Ashari, he saw her for who she was the moment he first saw her; a lovely and kind lioness who only wanted the best for people, and who had been somehow mistreated in order for her self esteem to be as low as it was. He knew she deserved the help and care, so he ignored all of the dark parts of her past and herself (the bugs and dirt) and kept digging to get to her.

“What did you bury Before those hands pulled me From the earth?”
Of course, Anhora didn’t have the best past himself. He didn’t want that to get in the way, of himself or her, and so he buried it down, keeping it a secret as he helped her out. He dug her out of a hole and buried his secrets and past pain deep within it.

“I will not ask you where you came from I will not ask you, neither should you”
Anhora won't ask about her past if it hurts her, he doesn't care about what she has done or hasn't done and he won't push her to tell him everything that caused all of this pain. He, however, will also not want her to ask about him either. If Ashari gets to a point of trust in their relationship where she wants to tell Anhora about her past, then he will also open up to let her know she is not alone, but she is not asked to do so and so neither is he until they reach that point of intimacy.

"Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips We should just kiss like real people do"
They shouldn't worry about their pasts and the baggage they carry with them, Anhora wishes for them to just set it all behind them. Ashari however is afraid of the vulnerability that comes with someone having all of you, the dive into a relationship is scary and uncertain, and the damage she's experienced makes it even tougher. The "real people" are those who have not been jaded and views' of love damaged, the real people still believe in love conquering. Anhora is asking Ashari to trust him, so they can break past their fear of vulnerability and join together in love.

"I knew that look dear Eyes always seeking Was there in someone That dug long ago"
Anhora recognises the look in her eyes from someone else he once knew, the anxious look of waiting for your past to either catch up with you or to mess something precious up.

"So I will not ask you Why you were creeping In some sad way I already knew"
Therefore, because Anhora recognised this look in her eyes, he won't ask her about it and why she is acting the way she is, because he could already guess, though it was sad that he could guess and see that fear in her so easily.

"I will not ask you where you came from I will not ask you and neither would you"
The line changes here at the end from "should" to "would", rather than it being something they shouldn't until they were comfortable enough in order to steadily build up themselves and their relationship, it's slowly progressing to them voluntarily not asking each other about their pasts.

"Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips We should just kiss like real people do"
Anhora is still asking Ashari to just kiss him, to take the dive and not worry about the fear she feels towards relationships.

"I could not ask you where you came from I could not ask you, neither could you"
The phrasing changes here to, from "would" to "could". Now, instead of just not wanting to ask about her past, he's unable to do so because it could taint their love. It's an unspoken issue that keeps them somehow separated and unable to progress, but also there is still a fear that if they did ask eachother, it would damage what relationship they had put so much work and effort into building up.

"Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips We could just kiss like real people do"
Instead of saying they should kiss like real people do, he suggests they could kiss. A much gentler invitation, he knows that it is better not to push, hence why he didn't ask about her past, and instead he invites her into a relationship with much less force, he wants to be hers, but he needs to nurture her more because although he has dug her out of the ground, there is still some dirt left over from where she was and he needs to be careful about that.

All in all, this song reflects Anhora's view on his and Ashari's relationship. It was definitely a shaky one to build, with some weak foundations. He put a lot of work into the initial building up of Ashari's confidence, and it took a long time for their relationship to build up. He agreed with her that it would be better to not ask about each other's baggage until they got to a better point in themselves, their relationship and their lives, which is what built the unstable foundations initially because they avoided the pain and the issue of telling eachother about their past and the issues that they will come with. They kept growing closer and improving as much as they could with the path they had chosen, but because the foundations they built were so flimsy and unstable, and they never discussed their issues, they each separately worried that their relationship they built together could be in jeopardy if they ever have to bring up their issues or if the other person decided to ask about it or bring it up. Though, in the future they know they need to work on this problem, and Anhora undoubtedly will work on making that conversation as easy and safe as possible for the both of them. Anhora will make sure he keeps Ashari as safe and happy as he can, she seemingly had improved a lot since he fell in love with her for the first time and worked with her and the rest of the pride in improving her self esteem, and he grew too alongside this, learning how to help himself whilst also helping Ashari. Now, because of this relationship, they started a family and have cubs which will hopefully bring them both out of their shells and into the light even more.
1027 words
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