
Are you a writer or a poet? Come and share your creations with us, or discuss writing techniques with others
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Total votes : 15


Postby Guest » Fri Dec 28, 2018 11:21 am

      drawing my gang character who smokes cigarettes & is lowkey gross (wow i wonder who) on the first page of my cute jigglypuff themed notebook says smthn about me. :"> speaking of, i forgot how nice havin an actual sketchbook is ! i mean it's really a notebook but who do u think i am. i've been doodling a lot of stupid stuff !


Postby Guest » Sat Dec 29, 2018 1:44 pm

      the bitter taste of tea & beer was one of the few things keeping helios awake & warm while a snowstorm cried & twisted outside. his eyes were concerned & unable to completely relax as he watched the little power bar on his computer, stating it had about 4 hours until it died - which usually actually meant under 2 hours.

      he spun in his chair idly, deciding which off ― notes sounded too stupid, & which sounds needed to be edited out, like his guitar ringing soft open chords whenever it was placed on the floor.

      living in shiverdown was like this. the perks of being in the middle of nowhere, bored but not restless, & getting stuck in your house during the winter. oh, & catching a cold every time the electrical company was too inept to fix the heating. it was great, & helios wondered if he should be concerned that he could barely recognize his own sarcasm.

      the other perks were weird, unexpected visits from strangers. helios looked up from the screen, contorting his body to look back at the doorway. keeping your door unlocked was also a fairly normal shiverdown practice. helios honestly wouldn't have been that concerned, but with the appearance of who he was looking at, it was hard not to be, hard to just say 'hey, do you need anything ?' the visitor's long hair was cut unevenly, clearly by themselves. they wore an almost tacky ― looking cape, an oversized bag, & the tired, dark circles under their eyes made them look like they had been on the run for years. all of that & they looked like a wizard straight out of a dnd illustration.

      helios swore the old mining town was much more surreal than just a graveyard for the old workers there.

      but saying all that would be rude. it would probably make a better song. though all the lyrics would be drowned out by the guitar pedals, anyways.

      "hey, do you need anything ?"

      what followed was the harsh sound of the wind, & the stranger grabbing their arm in some kind of self ― assuring way. "uhh, yeah. a place to stay. for the night," they managed.

      man, helios was already letting the neighbourhood rooster stay in his bedroom until the storm blew over. he flicked the strands of hair that leaned on the hand his head rested on. "yeah, that's cool," he said, "i have a couch."

      his visitor nodded thankfully, putting their heavy backpack on the floor & shaking the snow out of their hair. like a dog, helios thought, still sitting crooked in the spinny chair. he watched the visitor pull out a blanket from the bag, then he checked the time on his computer. 1am. he probably needed to keep his lights off at this time of night if he didn't want wizards coming to his house.

      "also, i'm shiloh. auber - you know, in case they find me dead." the wizard said while grabbing a toothbrush & bottle of water. "dead ?" helios said almost immediately. "ye." shiloh replied, toothbrush between their teeth. it felt like there was a certain sense of stars & surrealism between those two canines. they spit out the toothpaste & their unrealmly vibe became more earthly. "thanks for the couch," they said like they were on autopilot, like they'd said that to people a plethora of times.

      as shiloh laid out their blanket, helios stood up & quietly crushed the labatt blue in his hand. "you're okay, right ?" he asked softly, hoping the answer was yes, he really didn't want to deal with some kind of issue shiloh was having. "i'm fine."

      he sighed, his breath distinctly smelled of drained peach syrup. something was off about the whole situation, but he was also pretty tired. walking into his bedroom to greet rusty, who was shaking his feathers even in his sleep from the coldness of the room, he decided he'd slip the odd visitor one of his old demo cds into their bag.

(fdc / kalon thing ! when shiloh was a bit younger & a few years
after the whole false prophet incident. so before everyone saw
them as 'shiloh the grumpy old man they're 30 who did real magic
tricks at my birthday party.' helios is just ,, hel, as usual.)


Postby Guest » Tue Jan 08, 2019 3:30 pm

      sometimes i start havin a memory but then i realize it was just a dream i had. like, i was thinking about 'a video i watched' & it made me happy, but then i remembered that i just dreamt it, ahha. no wonder it was so vague. or sometimes i'll think about 'a place i was at' & a few moments later i think about how it was way too weird to be an actual real place, so as a result i dreamt it. i also think that i have recurring dreams way more than i realize, but i don't keep a dream journal so i wouldn't remember much. really weird the emotions dreams can give u, also. & i mean some of the emotions dreams have given me are kinda unidentifiable. if i could explain it better i would cause it's neat, & unreal n feverish in a good way.


Postby Guest » Thu Jan 10, 2019 11:37 am

      me, not being overwhelmed by ocd: i'm fine. i just overreact / think sometimes.
      me, being over overwhelmed by ocd: dave, put sEASHELLS on the dOORKNOBS !!
      (sound of dishtowel getting stuck in vacuum) AGHGH


Postby Guest » Thu Jan 10, 2019 11:46 am

      anyways i actually came here to talk abt wild nothing because i was listening to them & whenever i do it reminds me of this one 'class' i was in (basically the class the kids who didn't go to school band were in lmao. it was Our Club. we also did yearbook the next grade which was very intuitive, like yes, definitely choose the band dropouts) n the teacher had us do this project where we chose a song n then drew smthn for it. i chose nocturne by wild nothing (only heather was actually my favourite song at the time, but it was like.. also too gay. i related 2 it a lot) ,, then the next day the teacher. comes to class & she brought her hhheckin wild nothing vinyl record with her ?? & was like hey check this out i like them too !! it was so odd ahha, but cool. she showed me how the band made it so that there were multiple versions of the cover art that you could switch out, which is why some of the songs from 'nocturne' online have different pictures !


Postby Guest » Wed Feb 27, 2019 1:01 pm

      hey, been a while. i've been thinking ( or decided, rather ) that i'm gonna retire the hsac characters & story. i'm just ,, bored of it, ahha. the characters i've been developing for my personal world / crescent are way more interesting to me, & i was too stuck to realism with hsac. i like writing about weird stuff, & crescent is very out there for me to do that. i can write as many stories & characters into it as i want, i can work with colours that are way more fun, & throw any n all of my strange concepts into it ! it's just so much better !

      that being said, i'm not banishing ode & friends to the void. they're just retired, like what they do to old webkinz.


Postby Guest » Wed Feb 27, 2019 1:15 pm

      also i really wanna cut my hair, boys. like a stereotypical guys' haircut. i like having long hair, but it's been kinda irritating lately. i also just want that Androgyny™. it is mainly the androgyne stuff, honestly. a very good thing about short hair is that i'll feel more comfortable wearing cute things like skirts because the short hair sort of balances it out.

      ,, hopefully i'll do that soon. i've been wanting to for years but never have so, whoops.


Postby Guest » Sat Mar 02, 2019 11:32 am

      that one vine that's like "smile for the picture. perfect. now do a silly one. ( sticks tongue out a little bit ) haha yes, very neato." is a perfect example of my true neutral / chaotic good tied alignment.

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