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A day with 2 lazy bums

Postby DarkestWerewolf » Wed Mar 22, 2017 4:19 am

A day with 2 lazy bums

    How Siren got herself into this, she still doesn't know but now, she, Adrastus and Ice are running away from a mountain lion. It was a fine morning at the stables, everything was just how it should be. However, Adrastus thought it would be great to go out for some fresh air once in a while. That wasn't something you hear everyday since Adrastus was known to be lazy. And who better to bring along than Siren, a terribly shy and quiet mare and Ice, another fellow lazy bum. Ice didn't put up much of a fight and thus, the three were off. An introvert and two lazy bums.
    They were headed towards the meadow in the forest a little off the trail. When they got there, Ice immediately laid down and rolled around before just staying put, laying on his side. Adrastus also did the same. Siren was a little shocked but didn't say anything.
    "You should lie down too, Siren. The grass is great." Ice said.
    "I-I'll just graze." She said sheepishly before heading a little further away from them.
    "She's adorable." Adrastus shackled, causing Ice to chuckle in agreement as well.
    The two rolled around and laid peacefully amongst the grass as butterflies fluttered over and the sunlight peeping through the tall trees. Everything was great. However, it wasn't long before Adrastus felt something off.
    "Hey Ice...I'm getting a bad feeling." Adrastus said.
    "Yeah? Probably that apple you ate last night." Ice snorted.
    "Not that. I mean, I feel like we're being watched. My prey instincts are tingling." Adrastus retorted.
    " that you mention it, the air had grown still for a while and it is rather odd. Alright. Let's leave." He said before getting up.
    "Let's go, kiddo. Adrastus said so." Ice called out to Siren.
    The mare heard and trotted back from the corner of the meadow where she was grazing. However, as soon as she turned her back, a shadow lunged at her from behind. Siren immediately panicked and reared, sending to flying off. All three turned and looked at the mountain lion who was snarling at them.
    "Well Adrastus, you have your answer. That's what has been spying on us." Ice joked.
    "Now isn't the time!! Come on, let's help Siren." Adrastus sighed.
    The two stallions quickly ran up to Siren's sides and reared up before stomping the ground in order to frighten the mountain lion. Siren did the same but after reading and a few false swipes from the big cat, it shows slowly starting to gain confidence and isn't fleeing anytime soon.
    "This is getting a teeny bit tiring. I want to sleep." Ice said.
    "Ice!!" Adrastus sighed. "We'll have to flee, the mountain lion isn't backing down. Get ready."
    With that, Adrastus bravely ran forward, turned around and landed a powerful kick at the mountain lion, which only angered it more.
    "Time to book it." Ice said.
    The three quickly made their way out the forest and headed towards the barn. The paddock was in sight.
    "Oh hey Adrastus, Ice, Siren." Allure smiled at the approaching three.
    "Allure look, we're being chased." Ice said plainly.
    Allure gave a questioning look but then saw the mountain lion behind them. She let out a high-pitched whiny, drawing the attention of all Khims present. All looked at what she was panicking about and quickly gathered.
    "We'll have to scare it off!" Knight said as all the Khims gathered.
    The three leapt over the fence and all the Khims proceeded to rear and stomp the ground. With the intimidating number, the mountain lion fled. Ice and Adrastus were unscathed and Siren got off with a few scratches, nothing serious. The vet cleared her and she was good to go.
    "Well that was interesting." Ice said nonchalantly.
    Adrastus just shook his head in disbelief at Ice's underwhelming reaction throughout.
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Postby DarkestWerewolf » Wed Mar 22, 2017 4:51 am


    It was a fine afternoon, the Khims were grazing peacefully but the herd was significantly smaller. Many were on leases and haven't came back. However, the silence was broken when Rozene came trotting over.
    "Hear this! There will be a bunch of school kids coming over tomorrow!" Rozene announced.
    "Ooh. Sounds like a fun day." Jericho mused.
    "That's interesting." Tahira noted.
    "Looks like there will finally be something more entertaining than Jericho's attitude." Kasper joked.
    "Definitely more entertaining than what you're doing right now, darling." Jericho bickered, looking at the stallion who laid down peacefully under the shade.
    The day went on with not much of a thought placed on it. However, the next day was a different story. A few Khims were sent off for competitions thus reducing the already small herd. The school bus soon pulled around and out came the children. The remaining Khims gathered at the edge of the paddock and the children immediately ran over to them. They all slowly bent down to sniff the odd creatures.
    "Ow ow! Watch the horns! Hey, don't pull my mane!" Jericho muttered.
    "Looks like you're quite the popular one, Jericho." Tahira mused.
    "Must be the horns." Kasper said.
    Soon, the kids were let out into the paddock where the Khims were.
    "Is this allowed?" Kasper whispered.
    "Probably. The owner trusts that we won't harm them." Tahira said.
    The kids danced and frolicked around the horses, admiring and stroking them.
    "How are you two so calm!?" Jericho gasped, watching as a kid tugged on Tahira's mane and another playing with Kasper's tail.
    "I've raised four foals before, remember?" Tahira laughed. "They're just like little foals in a way."
    "I just can't be bothered." Kasper said.
    Soon after, the teachers called the kids back and all stopped what they were doing and ran back.
    "They're monsters." Jericho gasped, looking at his reflection in the water trough.
    Jericho's mane was a mess, Kasper had multiple flowers placed in his mane and tail while Tahira was a mixture of both.
    "I thought they were pretty cute." Tahira laughed. "And that's a good look on you, Jericho."
    Jericho grumbled as he started grooming his mane. Kasper saw and was about to comment a joke but Jericho beat him to it.
    "Open your mouth and I'll make sure you regret it." Jericho said.
    Kasper chuckled and closed his mouth before rolling in the grass. It wasn't long before the kids soon came out. Tahira thought of an idea and quickly grabbed the nearest brush and placing it at the foot of a kid. The kid knew what Tahira was trying to saying excitedly picked the brush up me started brushing her mane.
    "No fair!" Jericho pouted.
    Another kid was given an apple and placed it out, Kasper saw and quickly headed over to eat the apple off the kid's hand gently before nuzzling her. The two received attention from the kids was Jericho looked on. Just then, a kid held out a carrot at Jericho. He looked at it for a while before giving in and gently eating the carrot off his hand. The kids stroked him gently but he still felt tugging at his mane.
    "They're young and still very curious." Tahira said, noticing Jericho.
    "They were just so full of excitement earlier but they've since gotten over the initial hype." Kasper commented.
    The kids soon had to leave and head back to school but not before giving the Khims a farewell hug.
    "Well, that's that." Jericho said.
    "Nice look." Kasper snickered before heading back to graze.
    Jericho, puzzled, headed over to the water trough to look at his reflection. There next to his horn was a small single rose in his mane.
    "I think I'm starting to love them." Jericho chuckled.
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A new friend

Postby DarkestWerewolf » Sat Apr 01, 2017 4:46 pm

A new friend

Aetos was just minding his own business one fine day when he heard something. There was a rustling in the distant bushes and that piqued his curiosity. He cautiously approached the bush, in case whatever was in the bush was hostile. The closer he got to the bush, the wilder the shaking of the bush became, as if whatever was inside knew Aetos was approaching and was trying to get away. Aetos took another step closer and heard a shriek coming from the bush. Aetos backed off a little, slightly shocked. What could that be... He took a deep breath and approached the bush. As he peeked into it, he saw an eagle. A golden eagle to be exact. The bird was had nets tangled around its legs and an injured wing. It shrieked at Aetos as it tried to flap around to scare him off but Aetos stood his ground.
He knew the bird needed help but there was only so much hooves could do. He didn't want to take the risk of getting injured by those talons even though they were tangled. The stable-hands were working in the stalls and he quickly headed there. He saw his saddle pad hanging on his stall door and took it.
"Hey! Aetos!" A stable-hand said, trying to get it back.
This drew the attention of the other stable-hands as they tried to get the saddle pad back.
"You're pretty mischievous today." Another said.
Aetos quickly took off into the paddock, heading to the direction of the eagle. They stable-hands rushed towards Aetos but as they got closer, they noticed the rustling bush and the shrieking bird. Aetos placed the saddle pad on the fence while the stable-hands cautiously approached the bush. The saw the eagle's situation and one quickly headed to get a few towels. When she returned, the few got to work in covering the eagle's eyes and carried it under the shade of the tree where they slowly started working on the nets.
It was tangled pretty badly and it took three of them and half an hour before the eagle's talons were free of the net. They further wrapped the eagle to avoid sustaining any possible injuries from its talons and sent it to the vet. The eagle had minor injuries on its legs but the injured wing will need a few weeks to heal. The eagle stayed at the vet throughout and after a few weeks, its wing healed and was ready to be released into the wild. The stable-hands decided to release it where they first saw it and brought the eagle to the paddock. Aetos knew what was happening and followed them to see the eagle. They took the eagle out and cautiously uncovered its eyes. The eagle took off immediately, soaring into the air. Aetos felt happy as the bird took off.
He thought that would be the last he has seen the bird but a week after the incident, he saw the eagle perched on one of the trees in the paddock. Since then, the eagle would drop by every now and then before flying off. It would sometimes fly around Aetos or just rest under the shade while Aetos was nearby. Other Khims found it unique that Aetos had an eagle friend since his barn name and show name is about said bird. Aetos himself found it special.

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A special find

Postby DarkestWerewolf » Sat Apr 01, 2017 6:57 pm

A special find

It was a hot summer's day, Allure was drinking out of the water trough when a small round object caught her eye. It was at the corner of the water trough, hidden amongst the blades of tall grass. She was rather puzzled and slowly sniffed it.
"Romulus. Weisslogia. Come check this out." Allure called out.
The two stallions who were peacefully grazing looked up and headed towards the mare.
"What's going on, Allure?" Weisslogia asked.
"Look." She said, directing their attention to her find.
"It's an egg." Weisslogia said.
"Swan egg to be exact." Romulus said.
"What should we do with it?" Allure asked.
"Oh! Can we keep it?" Weisslogia suggested.
"I doubt that's a good idea. Even if we somehow manage to hatch the egg, the chick still needs its mother to raise it. We can't really do that." Romulus said.
"Good point." Allure said.
"We should find its nest then." Weisslogia replied.
"Hold on. I have an idea." Romulus smirked before heading back to the stall.
By the time Romulus came out, the two had carefully rolled the egg out of the grass. Romulus had brought out a small towel and laid it out on the grass.
"We'll have to gather some hay and other stuff that could keep it warm for the moment." Romulus said.
Before long, the three had came back and gathered some hay and twigs to form a makeshift nest. They carefully rolled the egg into the nest before Romulus wrapped it up. Weisslogia gently picked the wrapped egg up by his mouth and the three set off to find the nest.
"The egg shouldn't have gotten too far from its nest." Allure said.
"There's a lake not too far from here. Let's go there." Romulus suggested.
At the lake, they searched around for any signs of a nest or a swan. It wasn't long before they found a pair of swans out in the lake.
"All we have to do is find the nest without enraging the swans." Romulus said.
"Easier said than done. Swans are viscous." Weisslogia mumbled.
They scoured around the lake and it wasn't long before they noticed the nest amongst the bushes with a few other eggs. However, the swans were already heading there.
" what." Allure asked.
"We'll have to distract the swans while Weisslogia places the egg back." Romulus said.
"There's the corn that the people always use to feed the chicken. We can make a small trail of it to lead the swans off." Weisslogia said.
With that, they set the plan to action. Allure soon came back with a small bag of corn and they began to put their plan into action. Weisslogia hid in the nearby bushes the best he can while Allure and Romulus started to make the corn trail. The swans noticed the corn and followed them, leading the pair away from the nest. Weisslogia saw and quickly unraveled the egg and slowly rolled it into the nest. Allure and Romulus saw and headed off. After the swans were done eating the corn, they headed back to the nest. They noticed the egg and simple settled back down on it, much to the relief of the three.
"Nice job!" Allure smiled.
"I was a little worried the swans might reject the egg actually." Weisslogia said.
"But they didn't." Romulus laughed.

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Childhood buddies

Postby DarkestWerewolf » Sat Apr 01, 2017 7:26 pm

Childhood buddies

This is the story of how Ban and Meliodas became friends. Back then, both were just foals but were already causing all sorts of mischief. With Ban being a Hippocampi and the first Hippocampi the stable has, special arrangements needed to be made. Ban would spend most of his time in a large inflatable pool filled with water. Everyday, the stable-hands would bring him out to the nearby lake or river to play in the water and explore. He wasn't as well-adapted to land as he was now but Ban was slowly learning.
Meliodas barely changed in personality over the years and had remained the blunt and courageous Khim all the way. One day, the stable-hand decided to bring Meliodas along to the lake just to have another companion for Ban to socialise and interact with. The week before, the two were brought to meet face-to-face.
"I'm Meliodas. What's your name?" Meliodas introduced.
"I'm Ban." The Hippocampi replied.
"You're weird." He said.
"I know. But it's okay I guess." Ban said.
"Hey. What's that thing you have on your neck?" Meliodas questioned.
"It's a shell necklace I found." Ban said.
"Can I see?"
"No. It's mine." Ban said.
Meliodas just smiled as he pranced around Ban.
"Wanna play, Ban?" He offered.
"P-Play?" The young Hippocampi asked.
"I can't really walk on land, let alone run." Ban sighed.
"Oh. Well, it's okay! You'll learn how to eventually I guess." Meliodas smiled.
Since then, the two started to bond and socialise. They had fun at the lake where Ban and Meliodas was finally able to play but because Meliodas wasn't well-adapted to the water like Ban, the latter always had the upper-hand. They clicked really well and Meliodas even offered to help Ban learn to walk better on land in exchange that Ban taught him how to move better in water.
It was a struggle for Ban but he eventually managed to walk and actually gallop on land. It wasn't long before Ban was racing Meliodas. Those two were on par with one another in terms of speed and it shocked everyone since Hippocampi were said to not move well on land. The two had fun playing and racing, be it on land or water. Years have passed and both were still the same.
"Hey Ban." Meliodas said as he approached the Hippocampi.
"What's up." Ban said, having grown much bigger and taller than Meliodas.
"Wanna race?" He asked.
A glint shone in Ban's eyes when Meliodas asked that question.
"You know it." Ban laughed before the two headed off to their usual route.
The older Khims who were there since the two were young just laughed.
"They never grew much." Darling chuckled.
"Truthfully, I never expected Ban to be able to walk on land, much less be on par with Meliodas." Helios said.
"Well, I'm sure you weren't the only one but looking at them now sure brings back memories." Tahira said.
The two were once again off, gaolloping down the route and leaving dust clouds in their wake as the Khims observe them.

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Easter Bonanza

Postby DarkestWerewolf » Sun May 21, 2017 12:09 am

Easter Bonanza

    Before the crack of dawn, a few of the adult Khims went around the barn placing painted eggs for the foals to find. It was Easter and the six newest addition to the family have been waiting for Easter for quite some time now. When the six finally woke up, they were already ready for the Easter hunt.
    "There are lots of Easter eggs placed around the barn so you six have to find them! The one who brings back the most by sundown will receive a bag of sweet oats all to themselves." Kiara explained.
    All six nodded their heads and were off. Sephiri, Nikka, Fortem and Zircon took off like there's no tomorrow.
    "Wait up, guys! I'm still not really used to running!!" Crusoe yelled as he struggled to catch up with his little hippocampi legs.
    "This is boring...I'm just gonna go find other stuff to do." Idan sighed as he headed off into the stalls.
    Nikka and Sephiri were searching high and low, determination blazing in their eyes.
    "I'm gonna find the most!!" Sephiri proclaimed.
    "As if. I've already found one. You haven't even found any yet." Nikka teased.
    "Well, you beat her to it by a hair, Nikka." Zircon laughed.
    "You won't be so lucky next time." Sephiri said as she stuck her tongue out.
    "Let's head over to the training ring, there might be some there." Fortem suggested.
    The three agreed and they headed to said area, with Sephiri and Nikka taking the lead while Zircon and Fortem peacefully walked behind.
    Meanwhile, Crusoe was over at the nearby lake, tired from trying to keep up with the rest, he decided to hunt for the eggs alone. He placed his head into the water and sure enough, there was an egg sitting amongst some seaweed.
    "Bingo!!" He smiled as he dove in and retrieved the egg.
    He gently placed it in the small bag he was given and continued on his way.
    Idan had been wondering around the stalls, looking for other Khims that would just talk or entertain him with but to no luck. However, he did find 2 Easter eggs in there. He sighed and headed out of the stalls. Idan gazed at the pasture and saw Tahira, Aetos and Weisslogia under the shades of the trees at the far corner of the pasture.
    "Maybe they'd wanna- Oh?" Idan said but stopped halfway when a colourful egg peeped from behind the fence.
    He took it and placed it in his bag. Egg number 3 for me. I wonder how the others are doing...
    "Aha!!" Sephiri cheered, finding her second egg.
    The four went to the training ring before heading behind the barn and towards the haystacks. Along the way, they had found quite a few eggs.
    "Nice, Sephiri." Fortem smiled.
    "Not bad." Nikka said.
    "So how many eggs do you guys have now? I have 1." Zircon said.
    "1 as well." Fortem replied.
    "2." Sephiri said.
    "3." Nikka said.
    "Looks like Nikka's in the lead. Let's head over to the trail ride. There might be some there!!" Zircon said.
    They agreed and headed over. Idan had since found another 2 more eggs along the fence posts of the pasture while heading to the other Khims and another one more behind the tree.
    "You're on fire, Idan." Tahira laughed.
    "It's not like I want to, actually. The eggs just keep appearing..." Idan sighed.
    "Well, appreciate it. The others are probably having a hard time finding it then you." Weisslogia laughed.
    Sure enough, he was right. The four had since found 2 eggs, both of which Sephiri and Nikka competed for. Crusoe was happily by the lazy river and flower bushes, where he had found 2 more. By sundown, all returned. Sephiri's mane was messed up, Nikka had twigs and leaves in his mane and tail but other than that, everyone was okay.
    "Alright! And the winner of this Easter Bonanza is.....Idan!!" Kiara announced.
    "What!!" Sephiri gasped.
    "He had a total of 5 eggs found." Meliodas said.
    "How..." Nikka said, still rather shocked.
    "I don't know. I just happened to chance upon them." Idan said nonchalantly.
    "Wow..." Nikka said, at lost for words.
    "Congrats!!" Fortem, Zircon and Crusoe cheered.
    Nikka and Sephiri continued on their competitive streak since that day and Idan had a bag of sweet oats which he secretly enjoyed.
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The Dragon

Postby DarkestWerewolf » Sun May 28, 2017 3:40 am

The Dragon

    It was mid-morning at the stables, however, the stable-hands were rushing here and there.
    "Hey, the stable-hands have been at it for a while now, what's happening?" Ban asked, grazing on grass.
    "Who knows. We'll find out eventually." Meliodas said, brushing it off.
    After an hour, a large trailer pulled up and out stepped a horse that made everyone's jaw dropped. The stallion had a long tail, horns and scales on parts of its body.
    "What the heck..." Ban murmured.
    The stallion was led towards the water trough and tied there. Ban and Meliodas slowly approached it while the others continued staring, some not daring to move. It had black scales with bright blue accents and gleaming bright blue eyes.
    "Hey new-comer, are you a lease or here as a permanent resident?" Meliodas asked blatantly.
    The stallion looked but said nothing, an unreadable expression formed on his face.
    "What are you? You're not a Khim right?" Ban asked. "What's your name?"
    "Acnologia. I'm a Kirin." He said quietly before the stable-hands led him off.
    Ban and Meliodas returned to the herd where the others were eagerly waiting for them.
    "So what is he?" Allure asked.
    "He said he's a Kirin." Meliodas said.
    "Kirin? What's that?" Mariko asked.
    "They are said to be the ancestors of Khimaira Friesians. Kirin friesians were thought to be extinct but apparently, they're just able to hide very well for centuries." Merlin explained.
    "So they're sort of like us?" Ban asked.
    "Just like how you're a hippocampi and Jericho is a Frosted horned." Merlin said.
    Over the next few weeks, Acnologia would quietly graze alone, whenever approached, he would shy away, politely refuse or give an unreadable expression.
    "He's pretty cold." King remarked.
    "Give him some time, he'll warm up eventually. He's definitely the quiet type." Meliodas said.
    It took a few months before Acnologia started to show signs of comfort.
    "Hey Acnologia, wanna tell us about yourself?" Ban asked.
    "I'm 500 years old." He replied.
    "What was it like then?" Meliodas asked.
    "Interesting, to say the least. People were very hardworking and curious. Technology was not well-advanced but they still tried to make up for it." Acnologia said.
    Both nodded slowly as they listened.
    " did they find you?" Ban asked.
    "Merlin was right when she said we went into hiding. However, it got extremely boring after hiding for so many years, I thought a change would be better and I wandered towards the grassland where I was found." He said.
    "Well, I'm glad you made that choice. Life here is pretty great, huh?" Meliodas said.
    "So far, so good." Acnologia said.
    "Any disciplines you plan to major in?" Ban asked.
    Acnologia shifted around as his scales shimmered in the light. He hadn't put much thought into it yet but was very intrigued at the idea of horses competing in such fascinating events.
    "Cutting and polo seems interesting." Acnologia said.
    Both nodded their head.
    "Well, you'll find what you like eventually." Ban smirked.
    "Yeah. Times have changed so you don't have to go into hiding anymore. Just be yourself." Meliodas said, flashing Acnologia a smile.
    The Kirin gave a small smile and sighed. Maybe this place isn't too bad at all.
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Wild one

Postby DarkestWerewolf » Sun May 28, 2017 4:33 am

Wild one

    Smashing of hooves against fence posts awoken the horses early one morning.
    "What's all the commotion?" Pan yawned.
    "Who knows. I just want to sleep more." King yawned.
    "Whatever it is, I hope it stops soon..." Zambimaru said grouchily.
    "Well...this is new..." Yuki said, seeing a flash of the commotion.
    When the Khims were released into the pasture, they saw what Yuki meant. In a separate pasture not too far from the main one stood a wild Khim. He had beautiful eyes and unique shadow and ghost markings that no other Khim has seen before.
    "That's new..." Pan mumbled.
    "I've never seen such markings before." Yuki murmured.
    "He's like a painting of some sort." Ban said, tilting his head sideways.
    The wild Khim was eating out of the feedbag while the others watched on. Curiosity got the better of Yuki and when the coast was clear, she jumped over the fence and headed towards the small pasture where the wild stallion was.
    "Hi...." Yuki started.
    "Hi." The wild stallion greeted back before eating out of the feedbag again.
    "What's your name?" She asked.
    "Sheridon." He replied.
    At this point, Pan was up and over the fence as well.
    "The name's Pan, this is Yuki. So what brings you here? You're definitely not from the markets or around the neighbors."
    "I'm a wild horse. Well, used to. It's pretty rough out there and it's getting a little crazy so I'd rather not join in the craziness." Sheridon replied. "Hey, this feed's pretty good too. Honey oats and some carrots."
    "How did you get your markings?" Yuki asked.
    "How? Well, I was born with it." Sheridon laughed. "Pretty unique huh?"
    "So what's the crazy stuff you're talking about?" Pan asked.
    "Out there, you're on your own. Sure you have a herd if you're lucky enough to find or make one but I've been living solo." Sheridon explained. "Recently, there's been lots of other horses coming into my territory and a few wild bears and pumas. The food in my territory is flourishing while the food in the herds' territories aren't doing that well. I'm definitely on the losing end of the fight. I don't intend to mix with the herds or get mauled by a puma so choosing this is the best option I've got."
    The two nodded as they listened to his story.
    "Well that was an interesting story. It's really cool to meet a wild horse." Pan said.
    "Thanks. It'll take some time for me to adapt here but everything seems great so far. The handlers were nice and calming, food's great and best of all, I've got new Khims I can call friends." Sheridon said.
    "You'll get used to it. It's an amazing place here." Yuki said.
    The wild stallion backed up a bit before leaping over the fence.
    "How about you two give me a tour?" He laughed.
    The two laughed along and agreed as the three headed off.
    "Well that was quick." Zambimaru remarked.
    "Leave it to both of them to make new friends within an hour." Kasper said.
    "Ah well, another new friend is great." Meliodas said, glancing over to Acnologia.
    The Kirin looked up and gave a whiny before going back to grazing.
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A lesson with the champ

Postby DarkestWerewolf » Sun Jun 11, 2017 5:24 am

A lesson with the champ

    "Hey Tahira, wanna jump?" Sorina asked, trotting towards said mare.
    Tahira stopped grazing and looked up, determination already burning in her eyes.
    "You're on." She smirked.
    The two have been rivals in jumping for as long as they could remember. Both had shown great potential in the discipline and have demonstrated that in shows and bringing home trophies and ribbons galore.
    They headed towards the training ring, where the hurdles were already set up.
    "Looks like someone's already training." Sorina remarked, looking at the stallion jumping gracefully over hurdles.
    "Hey Athlai!!" Tahira shouted.
    The stallion stopped and headed towards the two.
    "Hey you two. What's up?" He said.
    "We want to do some jumps." Sorina said.
    "By all means, be my guest." He laughed.
    They headed over, Sorina and Athlai stood one side as Tahira started to jump.
    "She's good." The chimeric stallion remarked, looking at the mare leap over the hurdle.
    Tahira finished the course quickly and with almost no errors.
    "Nicely done, Tahira." Both complimented.
    She smiled and headed to the side to watch Sorina.
    The mare started out strong and well, leaping with confidence. However, midway through the course, she started to falter, causing her to hit a pole.
    "Slow down, Sorina." Athlai called out.
    She finished the course without much of a problem.
    "Looks like I've finally surpassed the jumping queen, eh?" Tahira snickered.
    "You'd wish. Could've done better. It has been a while since I jumped." Sorina laughed.
    "Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it once more." Athlai replied. "Watch me."
    With that, the Hyrulian Gypsy got into position and headed towards the hurdle, with a mighty leap, he flew over the hurdle flawlessly.
    "Impressive." Sorina murmured, shocked.
    "Just tuck your legs in more." He replied.
    "A lesson with a seasoned champion." Tahira joked.
    Sorina practiced a little more with the help of Athlai, who guided her every step of the way. Sorina eventually got the hang of it and was jumping over hurdles without a single error once more.
    "Nice one, Sorina." Tahira cheered, watching said mare complete one round around the obstacle course.
    "I actually have a competition coming up soon. You two wanna come along?" Athlai offered.
    "Sure!" They both said.
    Compared the Athlai, both of them weren't as skilled or talented. Athlai is the defending champion of the area and have remained the champion for the past seasons, dominating shows and displaying wonderful performances each time. The day of Athlai's competition was here, the three got into the trailer and headed off. At the arena, the 2 stood by the sidelines as they watched the competition. It was soon Athlai's turn. He leapt gracefully over hurdles, timing his jumps accurately. His movements were swift and graceful, it was as if he grew wings and was soaring over each hurdle. The competition ended and without much surprises, Athlai was declared the champion. He smiled humbly as was showered by compliments.
    "Congrats Athlai!" Both mares said as he approached them.
    "Thanks! Did you enjoy the competition?" He replied.
    "Sure did." Tahira replied.
    With that, the 3 headed back to the trailer and talked about the competition the entire ride home.
(528 words)
Last edited by DarkestWerewolf on Sun Jun 11, 2017 5:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Darling little sister

Postby DarkestWerewolf » Sun Jun 11, 2017 5:26 am

Darling little sister

    A black trailer rolled up the driveway of the stables early one morning, drawing the attention of the Khims. It was rather odd since they weren't expecting anyone back at that time.
    "Is Helios back from his lease?" Rozene asked.
    "I don't think so. He's suppose to be back next week." Kami said.
    "It's a Hyrulian Gypsy." Kasper pointed out, noting the "HG" logo at the back of the trailer.
    "That's great. I've got a score to settle with Arrow." Ban smirked.
    The trailer opened and out stepped 2 Hyrulian Gypsy. Arrow and Neptune.
    Rozene recognised Arrow but when she met eyes with Neptune, she was flushed. He was a gorgeous stallion. He had beautiful markings, flowing white mane and hypnotising eyes. Kami looked at his sister, who was staring at the stallion. He sighed, feeling a protective urge take over.
    They were brought into the pasture where the new stallion was introduced to them. Ban, Arrow and a few others headed off to settle whatever Ban had in mind.
    "You're Rozene right?" Neptune asked gently.
    Rozene was flushed, unable to utter a word.
    "Yes she is." Kami said, nudging Rozene a little.
    "I've heard stories from Arrow and the others that you're quite competitive. How about it?" Neptune challenged.
    Rozene regained her composure, glancing at Kami and then back at Neptune.
    "Of course. What would you like to compete in?" Rozene asked.
    "You pick."
    "Hm....does a race sound good to you? We'll use the route that Ban and Meliodas always race on." Neptune said.
    Rozene agreed before Neptune smiled and headed off to warm up first.
    She let out a sigh and leaned against Kami.
    "You're hopeless." He replied coldly.
    "He's the first one to actually leave me speechless." Rozene said.
    "I know! Get a grip, girl." Kami retorted.
    They headed to the starting line and got ready.
    "On your marks. Get set. Go!!" Kami yelled.
    With that, the two took off, thundering down the dirt path. Rozene looked in the front, focusing on the path ahead, she was a little behind Neptune.
    "So, your brother seems to be rather protective of you." Neptune started.
    Rozene faltered a little but quickly calmed down, maintaining her pace.
    "Yeah. He is." She replied.
    "Why?" He asked.
    "Well...I guess it's cause there are just 2 sisters so he just feels the urge to protect both of us." She said.
    "Ah. That's understandable." He said, leaping over a log with Rozene following suit.
    "So where are you from? I've never seen you before when the Hyrulians visited the last time." She asked.
    "I'm new obviously. I was bought at an auction." He replied.
    As they made the last turn, they continued to chat a little more.
    "I think you're kinda cute." Both said in unison as they crossed the finished line.
    Kami, who was standing there heard it and was extremely confused. When they both stopped, they stared at each other as both parties said it impulsively. They broke into laughter, leaving an even more confused and frustrated Kami.
    "What's going on?" He asked.
    "It is what it is." Rozene replied.
    The stallion let out a long sigh and looked at his sister. He knows he can't be so protective of her all the time. Kami gave his sister a smile and headed towards Neptune.
    "Break her heart and I'll break your face." He said.
    "Kami!!" Rozene sighed.
    "Alright alright. Just take care of her." He said.
    Neptune laughed and nodded.

    (578 words)
Last edited by DarkestWerewolf on Sun Jun 11, 2017 5:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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