This is a log (dog diary thing)

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Re: This is a log (dog diary thing)

Postby catcher. » Thu Sep 11, 2014 5:38 pm

Pip is missing, I just woke up and she's not sleeping by my feet like she usually is! Just in case I just searched my entire room and then the whole house! She'd never just vanish like this.
Oh there's my brother, Ima set you down so I can have a word with him.

Back here's what happened

"What did you do with Pip?" ~Me
"I don't know what you're talking about. Who's Pip?" ~Brother
"My stuffed animal I take everywhere? That stuffed animal is very valuable, priceless! More expensive than diamonds!" ~Me
"What! That girl only gave me twenty bucks for it!" ~Brother
*Pins brother to ground* "WHAT GIRL? STOP SELLING MY STUFF!" ~Me
"Um, red hair like mine sort of, blue eyes, red and yellow fur, blue tail. She didn't act like the sharpest tool in the shed, her boyfriend was pretty scary too." ~Brother
Has to be Zoey, who else?
"First, you give me the cash you earned from selling MY stuffed animal, then you-" Me
Suddenly the door opens and Pip walks in and slaps my brother before tossing me some sunglasses to put on. We both put on our epic glasses and she pulls out her neuralyzer. Before she can use it I take the cash from my brother.
"Make him forget he ever sold you." ~Me
"Got it." *Uses neuralyzer* ~Pip
"What happened?" ~Brother
"No clue." ~Me
So yeah. I shoved Pip (well not literally) into my backpack to hide her (I left a small hole to see out of) before walking to school. On the way we had a conversation.

"So what happened?" ~Me
"Well. It was about a hour before I got back, you were snoozing, and the doorbell rang. I heard your brother open the door and talk to Zoey. The next thing I knew he walked in our room and took me off your bed." ~Pip
"I slept through that?" ~Me
"Well, he was very quiet when he walked in our room. I would of woke you up but I didn't want to let your family know I was a real fairy wolf." ~Pip
"Yet it's fine for my whole school too know?" ~Me
"Your classmates are idiots..." Pip
True dat, continue your tale." ~Me
"Anyways. So he carried me downstairs where I saw Zoey, her boyfriend, and the nightmare snake. I was pretending to be a fake animal the whole time.
Fast forward a bit. His snake disabled my powers, but I was able to use the neuralyzer on them and get away." ~Pip

"Can you use your powers now?" ~Me
"No, but the snakes spell will wear off in a day or two. Till then, I can only use my neuralyzer cause it takes zero magic to use." ~Pip
"Thats why Zoey is dating Rogue, to get you. I wonder why Rogue is dating her cause she was a complete jerk to him." ~Me

We arrived at my school, so we couldn't talk more. Sense the only thing that happened between then and lunch was me smuggling Pip around I'm going to fast forward to lunch. There were two new outcasts.

"Hello" ~???
"Hello new outcast, what might your name be?" ~Me
"I'm Leopa. I WAS going to be in the populars, but I told them they were too rude for my taste and insulted their queen bee, so she told me to go to the outcast group." ~Leopa
"Yay, a fellow Zoey hater. Well, every outcast seems to hate them..." ~Me

"I'm Kat. Yes a cat named Kat." ~Kat
"It's odd that they shoved you in the outcast group. I thought all winged animals were automatically a popular or jock." ~Me

"No, it was that winged animals have a high CHANCE of being a popular or jock. Rogue was almost about to be in the Emo group even though he has wings. He would be in the emo group if he didn't scare Zoey." ~Sam
"Is Rogue the creepy dude that appears to be dating Zoey?" Leopa
"Yeah. I have no clue why they're dating now." ~Sam
"Anyways, Zoey seemed really jealous a cat had wings and she didn't so I got shoved into this group. I don't care, you guys seem awesome!" ~Kat
"This group rank stuff is complicated. Hey want to prank the populars?" ~Leopa.
"Yeah" ~Me Sam and Kat

"I don't know, I mean, Zoey seems okay once you get around her rudeness." ~Justin
:o Why is he defending them?
*Glares* "We're pranking them, deal with it." ~Me
"Okay..." ~Justin
Okay so I MAY of been a little rude. But he does not get to defend Zoey and her popular crew. They're jerks and deserve to be sent away to another school or something
Why hasn't Pip written anything? Usually she'd comment in this by now.
Oh yeah, stupid Zoey and her creepy boyfriend got rid of her powers temporary, so she can't use her magic to read and write in this without being anywhere nearby. Another reason why the populars need to go far away. Well, most of the populars seem like they'd be okay once they weren't under Zoey's control.
But Zoey and Rogue need to go a gazillion miles away >:C

Lunch ended before we could even get a idea of what our prank would be, but we are going to discuss it tomorrow at lunch.
The rest of my day consisted of me hiding Pip and sitting through boring classes. Back at home nothing interesting was going on either. So yeah, see you tomorrow.
Last edited by catcher. on Thu Oct 16, 2014 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: This is a log (dog diary thing)

Postby catcher. » Fri Oct 03, 2014 7:35 am

Hey to make up for the fact I have not posted in FOREVER I'm posting a few entries instead of one

What entry is this? Whatever does not matter.
So as I was heading to class I saw Justin admiring Zoey and died a little
That isn't possible It is in my book, hey you can write in here again! Anyways, back to me crying on the inside. You don't need Justin, there are other guys. SHUT UP THIS IS MY DIARY
As I was crying on the inside something, I mean someone, bumped into me.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention.. Sorry." ~???
Isn't he cute <3 Shut up Pip
"Oh, not a problem, hey I haven't seen you before. I'm Brie." ~Me
"I'm Maine, interesting name I guess... Anyways I'm a new student here." ~Maine
"Welcome to the school, have you been sorted?" ~Me
"Sorted?" ~Maine
"Mhm, it's a new thing a student that wants to rule the school invented *explains everything* ~Me
"Oh, no I haven't... Is that bad?" ~Maine
"Not really, she'll probably sort you at lunch or something or whenever she notices you." ~Me
As if on cue Zoey arrives to ruin the day

"Hm, you look like a popular MAYBE. Unfortunately you've met one of our few outcasts. I guess with some work you with so totally be, like, a perfect outcast hating jock. Name and interests?" ~Zoey
"Uh, Maine, and I don't see whats so bad about the outcasts, they seem nice and pretty cool to-" ~Maine
*Gasps and inturupts* "NO ONE ever, like, calls a OUTCAST cool! It is the WORST THING a student can do! ~Zoey
*Looks nervous and scared.* "I'm sorry!" ~Maine
"Hey go be rude to someone else you, uh, jerk!" ~Me
That's what you come up with? Hush
"Whatever, you guys are like, total idiots anyways." *Storms off* ~Zoey
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset her." ~Maine
"Don't be, she's always mad or angry. She's a jerk too, I guess you're with us though." ~Me
"Awesome!" ~Maine

So yeah we chatted a bit about random stuff, but thats not important, fast forward to lunch!

"So whats the plan for the prank? WAIT A MINUET there's a new guy!" ~Leopa
"Can I poke it?" ~Kat
"Why does he have mist floating around him?" ~Justin
"Wooaaah your ears are huge, do you have super hearing? That would so totally come in handy somehow..." ~Sam
Maine seemed nervous. He seemed to get really nervous in new situations or around new people, so I swooped in and saved the day.
"This is Maine, he is the newest outcast, treat him nicely. Maine was home schooled up till now so be sure to fill him in on how school works, I guess..." ~Me
If you're wondering how I knew Maine was home homeschooled, he mentioned it earlier :p
"Er, the 'mist' is my tail..." ~Maine
*Squints* "Ohhh, I need glasses, haha my bad..." ~Justin

I just rolled my eyes, I admit I was still mad at him for betraying us. Jeeeeloooouuuus Shush Pip, you never had your heart broken :cry: For all you know he doesn't even like Zoey.

"It's okay..." ~Maine
There's not much else to say, so yeah.


HeY wAsSuP, new entry
So Zoey decided to convince the principle we needed a dance, so theres a school dance tomorrow. Because of the short notice you don't need to wear a dress, which is great cause I hate dresses :p anyways, so I decided I'd try to ask Justin to the dance. Maybe not confess my huge mega crush on him, but hint I like him.
As I was walking towards him I noticed he was muttering to himself. He wasn't facing me either so I snuck up behind him so I could find out what he was saying.

"Alright Justin, just walk up to her and ask if she wants to go to the dance. Sure Zoey may refuse but it doesn't hurt to try." ~Justin
I gasped silently and he turned around, hiding something behind his back, but I noticed part of a rose. I almost yelled at him for betraying me, and the outcasts, but I didn't.
"Oh, hey... How long were you standing there?" ~Justin
I shook my head before turning around and running away. I heard Justin call my name but I ignored him. Now that I knew for a fact he liked the evil witch I didn't want to speak to him. I ended up hiding in some random janitors closet or something so I could cry alone. Cause for all I knew I could run into Zoey if I went and hid in the girls bathroom. Someone doesn't handle heartbreak well SHUT UP
I heard someone knock on the door, and thought Justin found me, but why would he miss a class just to find me? I just figured he thought I was upset about him liking a popular.
"Go away Justin." ~Me

"Uh it's Maine..." ~Maine
That's even weirder than Justin finding me, why would Maine try and find me? So I walked to the door and opened it.
"What?" ~Me
"Er, well, uh, I noticed you didn't show up for the class we shared so I managed to sneak away and search for you..." ~Maine
"How'd you find me?" ~Me
"I heard you crying... Uh, I can hear really well, are you okay?" ~Maine
"Oh, yeah I'm fine." ~Me
I was blushing, embarrassed he heard me. Now he probably thought I was some emotional freak. Well you are in my opinion
"Okay... Well, we should probably head to class." ~Maine
"Yeah..." ~Me
No one seemed to care I was late. Fast forwarding to lunch cause nothing exciting happened till then.

"Hm, Justin is over talking to Zoey, weird, wonder what he's doing." ~Sam
*In a angry ish tone* "I don't know." ~Me
*Suspicious look* "You okay?" ~Sam
"I'm fine stop pestering me." ~Me
*Laughing* "Well SOMEONE woke up on the wrong side of the bed today." ~Sam
I would of said more but Justin was heading back, he seemed upset, and I noticed the populars giggling. I glared at him and he gave me a look that meant don't tell the others please. I guess I'll keep silent for now. I was glad Zoey rejected him (otherwise he'd of been happier) even though I didn't want to see his face, I didn't want him to go to the dark side, I mean populars.

At this point I'd usually end this entry, but Maine stopped me after school.
"Hey Brie, I, uh, know I haven't even known you for more than a couple days but, I, err, was wondering... *trails off* ~Maine
"If I'd go to the dance with you?" ~Me
"Eh hehe, uh, yeah... How'd you know?" ~Maine
"Your blush and how nervous you were gave it away." ~Me
"Oh, uh...." *Blushes more* ~Maine
"Sure, why not?" ~Me
Sense Justin decided to go after Zoey instead of me >:C Besides, Maine was nice and kind of cute, and if I refused neither of us would probably have a date.
"Really? I mean, great. Er, see you tommorrow." ~Maine

So I guess I'll end this entry here I TOLD you there were other guys besides Justin Did you make Maine magically appear cause you foresaw Justin liking Zoey? No, pure luck. I swear Anyways, see ya later


Today is the day of the dance. I told my mom that we were going on a field trip and I wouldn't be back right after school. If I told her it was a dance she'd of made me wear a dress and do my hair fancy. I'll write to you after the dance :)

O_O WHAT THE CHEESE, I'd try to explain what happened but the best way is to just write out my day like I normally do

"Oh, hey Brie" ~Maine
"Hey Maine." ~Me
"..." ~Maine
"..........' ~Me
"Uh, want to dance?" ~Maine
"Sure." ~Me
So yeah, we just awkwardly danced for a bit till Justin had the outcasts gather around him as if he was the boss. What was wrong with him?

"Zoey gave us an opportunity to rank up!" ~Justin
"Rank up?" ~Me
"Yeah, we just have to do whatever she wants us too during school hours and she'll move us to the nerds level, and we get a better table!" ~Justin
I almost told him he was a idiot, instead we just agreed to wait a few days before making our final decision, in the meantime, I needed to stalk Justin, I suspect my crush (possibly ex crush with the way he's acting) is a traitor. But I couldn't just ditch Maine and go follow Justin around.
"Hey Maine." ~Me
"Yeah?" ~Maine
"I think Justin is up to something, can you help me stalk him and shtuff so I can find out whats up?" ~Me
"Uhhhh, okay..." ~Maine
"Thanks!" *Hugs before leaving to stalk Justin* ~Me
I think Maine was nervous or embarrassed, maybe both, when I hugged him :/ I think he has a crush on me, so I guess I'm not a total looser :D Anyways back to stalking Justin
*Hums mission impossible as I watch Justin chat with Zoey* ~Me
Unfortunately I could only hear murmuring and some words
"The outcasts *murmur murmur, they aren't as dumb *murmur murmur*" ~Justin

"I thought you said Brie *murmuring* convince her *murmuring* the outcasts" ~Zoey
Justin left to track us all down again, but I stayed out of his sight and went to Maine.
"Uh Justin said 'The outcasts don't want to go for the deal, they aren't as dumb as we thought.' Then Zoey said. "I thought you said Brie had a crush on you, you weren't able to convince her? They're so stubborn, I just want to get rid of the outcasts." That is what I think they said." ~Maine
He seemed upset about something, but didn't say anything while I was thinking about what he told me. I realized that Maine was probably upset I had a crush on Justin.
"GAH that TRAITOR, he's not even an outcast! We'll convince the other outcasts he's a traitor and we'll kick him our of our group, or something..." ~Me
"How will we do that?" ~Maine
"I don't know... I'll think of something, maybe." ~Me
So we gathered around Justin again, but before we say anything Rogue walks over.

"So, you're all wondering what's going on, why we have a rank upgrade, am I correct?" ~Rogue

"I thought that populars can only speak to outcasts if they're insulting them." ~Leopa
"I've always been a rule breaker." ~Rogue
"..." ~Leopa
Back to the point. We have had a change of heart, and made the deal better for you silly dogs." ~Rogue

"I'm a CAT not a dog, idiot." ~Kat
"Close enough. We will move your table next to ours, and wont insult you as much. And the outcasts with rank above the nerds on the popularity scale." ~Rogue
"Whats the catch?" ~Leopa
*Stares at me.* "You give up Pip to us." ~Rogue
"Never!" ~Me

Sam, who is terrified of snakes, has been frozen and silent. Suddenly she blinks and looks emotionless
"I dunno, it's just a pet." ~Sam
Kat also suddenly looked different than she did a second ago, I noticed the snake had looked right at her and I could of sworn his eyes glowed for a second.
"Come on, you can get a new one." ~Kat
"What is wrong with you guys?" ~Me
"Give the pet to them Brie." ~Leopa
Maine realized what was going on somehow and ran off before he was cursed by the nightmare snake. I went to follow him when the snake kinda flew at me? I don't know how to describe it. I saw a blur of purple ram into the nightmare snake. There was a small fight and the purple creature was thrown at the wall, thats when I saw it was Pip.
"You monsters!" *Grabs Pip and runs.*
We successfully escaped Rogue, the cursed outcasts, and that snake when we ran through the crowd of dogs and cats, who thankfully didn't seem to notice anything had happened. Soon I found Maine and stopped.
"I may ask my mom to be home schooled again..." ~Maine
"Aw come on, this isn't a normal occurrence." ~Me
I examined Pip for injuries, thankfully, no bites, there were bruises from being thrown into a wall, but Pip said she had a protection spell or something so the snake couldn't curse her. She would live.
"Is that Pip. the thing they wanted? Where did she come from?" ~Maine
"The other outcasts only think she's a flying pet, but she has magical abilities and can talk. She used to go to school with me, but the populars became interested in her so I now leave her at home. They've already tried to steal her once." ~Me
'What was that weird snake thing?" ~Maine
"A nightmare snake. Some have powers, this one could probably kill us if it wanted to..." ~Me
Suddenly Pip took off into the air and gave a warning screech before diving down at something, I turned around and saw the snake before blacking out.
All I remember is waking up to a nervous Maine and a thankfully okay Pip, when I asked Maine what happened he said the snake made me black out before Pip fought him off and helped wake me up, but Pip giggled slightly.

"Why are you laughing, you know what, never mind, I don't want to know." ~Me
Pip went and rescued the other outcasts, causing them to snap out of it. She then gave me and Maine sunglasses before going on stage and gathering everyones attention. After gasps and some of the populars saying 'get her' she uses the neutralizer on them all.
There were a lot of confused students, but after a few minuets they started having fun and dancing, so yeah, all normal now.
Maine is going to be nervous around you now. Why? And can we chat in organized lines if this is going to take awhile? Hahaha, be organized? Psh that's not the way it's done here. Why is Maine going to be nervous around me? Cause of you? :lol: No silly he kissed you. Wait what? Yeah, I told him to wake you up you needed to be kissed. Like in a disney movie? Every cursed princess has to get a kiss? Yeah I guess
Wouldn't call you a princess though Just cause you wrote small doesn't mean I can't read it!
Hey sorry I haven't been on. Busy lately, I don't use my computer much anymore anyways
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Re: This is a log (dog diary thing)

Postby catcher. » Tue Oct 07, 2014 4:13 pm

Hey log :D No school today, it's the weekend
I considered rounding up my fellow outcasts to try to explain to them what was going on, but I realized I hardly knew what was going on. Besides, it sounded like too much effort.
Wow, lazy much? So as I was sitting on the couch, playing video games while nomming on potato chips, my mom walked into the living room and stared a me.
"Uhh, hello mom." ~Me
"We need to talk." ~Mom
Ahh, the four words every teenager dreads to hear Shut up Pip
"What did I do this time?" ~Me
"What makes you assume you did something wrong?" ~Mom
"Nothing... Anyways, what's up?" ~Me
"It's a beautiful weekend and you're on the couch playing video games and eating junk food. Every single weekend you're on that couch playing video games! Go find something else to do." ~Mom
"Fine." ~Me
"No computer!" ~Mom
"UHG FINE I'll go outside then." ~Me
After realizing Pip was not going to help me and convince my mom I could stay inside and play video games, I decided to call a friend and see if I could go to their house and play video games.
Justin was a obvious no no, I knew Sam had piano lessons, Kat lived to far away to bike to, Leopa was out of town. So I decided to call Maine.


"Hello?" ~Maine
'Do you have video games?" ~Me
"Uhh, yeah... Why?" ~Maine
"Are you busy?" ~Me
"No..." ~Maine
"Can I come over to your house?" ~Me
"Yeah." ~Maine
"Awesome, be there soon." ~Me
"Okay..." ~Maine

So quickly I biked over to his house, which happened to only be a mile away.

*Knocks on door* ~Me

"Who are you?" ~???
"Uh, Brie." ~Me
"I'm Keegan." ~Keegan
Suddenly Maine appears from another room
"Oh hey Brie, this is my older sibling. Keegan, Brie is here to play video games." ~Maine
"Let me play to and I won't tell mom you have a girlfriend." ~Keegan
"Brie is not my girlfriend!" *Blushes* ~Maine
"Fine, let me play and I won't tell mom you have a girl thats a 'friend' over." ~Keegan
"I don't care." ~Me
So yeah, we played video games for hours while Pip played with the butterflies that followed Keegan around. I don't know what else too write so I guess this is a short entry...
Hey sorry I haven't been on. Busy lately, I don't use my computer much anymore anyways
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Re: This is a log (dog diary thing)

Postby starsailor » Tue Oct 07, 2014 7:04 pm

I end up falling in love with all the "This is not a diary, this is a ______."
Shy, hates attention, agrees with everyone

sad birds
still sing
..prev. ƜαтєяƜσƖf600 || they/them || carrd

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Re: This is a log (dog diary thing)

Postby catcher. » Wed Oct 08, 2014 10:40 am

Cool, the next chapter/entry is written I'm just going through it for spelling/grammar errors and stuff
Hey sorry I haven't been on. Busy lately, I don't use my computer much anymore anyways
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Re: This is a log (dog diary thing)

Postby catcher. » Wed Oct 08, 2014 10:48 am

I ran out of ink in my pink pen so I'm just gonna chat in black. It'll be easier to tell the difference between conversations and other stuff anyways. However, unlike you, I have UNLIMITED purple ink, UNLIMITED :D Pip did you get into the sugar bowl? DUH I'm just going to go bounce off the walls now and chase every animal in the neighborhood. BYE At least my parents aren't home at the moment...

Today was the first official day of the new school bus, or something
Anyways, long story short, a school bus finally comes to my neighborhood, so instead of a long bike ride to school, which I probably actually need due to me always playing video games instead of sports :? I get to sit on the bus and chat with friends (yay)
Actually, when I got on I only saw two people I knew. Maine and his sister, hopefully the bus will pick up some other outcasts so we can have secret outcast meetings
I'm getting too excited about this bus thing...

"You look different." ~Me
"Oh, I got a-" ~Maine
"You got a necklace, thats it." ~Me
"Not the hair?" ~Maine
"Yep, it's the necklace." ~Me
"Anyways..." ~Maine

The bus stopped and I noticed Justin getting on. He saw us and sat in the seat on the other side of the aisle.

"Hey..." ~Justin
"If you're going to sit there, explain yourself." ~Me
"What do you mean?" ~Justin
"You know what I mean, siding with Zoey! If you're going to sit there you have to explain, otherwise, move." ~Me
"I-I'll tell you later." *moves to other seat.* ~Justin
"Well you were nice to him." ~Maine
"Oh hush, he was a traitor." ~Me
"I'm just messing with you." ~Maine

The bus stopped at the school so we had to stop chatting and get off. Fast forward to math

"Alright students! I do not feel like teaching you guys, so I'm just going to take a nap, feel free to fall asleep, doodle, or ditch class if you'd like." ~Teacher
And he wonders why we do poorly on tests. So I waited a few minuets till he fell asleep before I walked over to Justin, who was drawing a rather amazing self portrait.
"You have five seconds to explain before I tear that drawing apart." ~Me
*Hides drawing* 'It's too crowded in here..." ~Justin
So I dragged him outside into the hall, there, now he has no excuses >:D Muahaha

"So it started a month ago." ~Justin
"What, when you fell in love with that witch?" ~Me
"Yeah that's actually about it..." ~Justin
*Dramatic gasp* "But she is a complete jerk!" ~Me
"Just cause you don't like her doesn't mean I can't date her." ~Justin
"You aren't even dating her! She's dating Rogue!" ~Me
"I am dating her!" ~Justin
"What?" ~Me
"Uhh, I mean, oh whats the point... We've been dating for a few weeks, we've tried to keep it a secret so she isn't judged for liking a dog the other cool kids picked on." ~Justin
"She's just going to dump you like her other guys, she's using you. Like she uses everyone else!" ~Me
"She never used me for anything." ~Justin
"You tried to convince us to become the populars slaves!" ~Me
"Yeah, it was my idea, not hers. The only person she's using is Rogue." ~Justin
"Whatever, she's going to ruin your life, and when she does, don't come crawling back to me." ~Me
Haha I sound so cool 8-)
I need a life, oh theres one!

Perfect. Anyways, I went back to the classroom, Justin went in too, but instead of trying to talk to me he just went to his desk and resumed drawing.
Fast forward to lunch :D

As soon as all the outcasts, aka Leopa, Kat, Sam, Maine, and me (I just realized we need more guys...) sat at our table I briefly explained about Justin and why he was sitting with the populars now.

"Hey we still need to set up a prank for the populars! Now is the perfect time." ~Leopa

"Oh yeah I forgot about that. Maybe we can get paint to dump on them, or a net to trap them, or a tripwire. Or all of those ideas. MUAHAHAHAHA." ~Kat
Everyone stared at her
"Are you okay Kat?" ~Leopa
*Coughs slightly* "I mean, yeah pranking them, woohoo..." ~Kat
"Hey who's that talking to the populars?" ~Maine
We all looked over, there was a unfamiliar looking dog, well, dragon, talking with the populars. Justin pointed over towards our table and the girl walked over here.


"Um, is it okay if sit here?" ~???
"Sure, let me guess, they called you a outcast?' ~Me
*Nods* "I'm Moonstream.'' ~Moonstream
"I'm Brie, thats Maine *points to Maine* Sam *points to Sam* Leopa *Points to Leopa* and Kat *Points to Kat*
*Quietly* "Hello." ~Moonstream
"Want to help us pull a prank on the populars?" ~Leopa
"Okay." ~Moonstream

So yeah, sense apparently Kat is REALLY SMART she's going to go home and build the trap/prank thingy we came up with. Which is a net that drops onto any popular(s) we want. When our target walks through the doorway we pull a string that drops a net on them, and when they try to get the net off them paint spills on them
Actually we decided paint would make the school REALLY mad so we decided we will drop ice water onto them instead. They'll still look really funny and stupid though. Anyways, see you later.
Hey sorry I haven't been on. Busy lately, I don't use my computer much anymore anyways
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Re: This is a log (dog diary thing)

Postby . Nebula . » Wed Oct 08, 2014 11:06 am

*claps slowly at another life "pun"*
need more guys? :D i have one if you don't mind.
Shy, has many ideas but doesn't share any of them, probably could be a ninja due to the fact no one notices him.
i'm not really sure where he would fit.
Hehehe this is my favorite "This is a ___ not a diary" thing.
looking for space event WL pets and items!!!

take your heart!
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Re: This is a log (dog diary thing)

Postby Starry Starry Night » Wed Oct 08, 2014 11:30 am


Fire basically sums up Alae's personality. Hot-headed and stubborn, and then she has anger issues. She has an extremely short temper, snaps easily, and doesn't really like the "populars" group. But if you dont annoy her (breathe loudly, disagree, etc etc,) then she is smart, funny, and very helpful
Outcast :D (popular, outcast, jock, nerd, emo)
This is one of my favorite "this is not a diary it is a __"

   ╭                              ╮   
Hey! Im Starry
Starry Night,
but you can call
me Starry, or Night
Vincent Van Gogh's
paintings <3

   ╰                              ╯   
   ╭                              ╮   
ωнαт ωσυℓ∂
ℓιƒє вє
ιƒ ωє нα∂
ησ ¢συяαgє
тσ αттємρт
   ╰                              ╯   
╭                              ╮
ѕтαяяу, ѕтαяяу ηιgнт
ραιηт уσυя ραℓєттє
вℓυє αη∂ gяαу
ℓσσк συт ση α
ѕυммєя'ѕ ∂αу
ωιтн єуєѕ тнαт
тнє ∂αякηєѕѕ ιη
му ѕσυℓ

ѕнα∂σωѕ ση тнє нιℓℓѕ
ѕкєт¢н тнє тяєєѕ
αη∂ тнє ∂Ⴣσ∂ιℓѕ
¢αт¢н тнє вяєєzє
тнє ωιηтєя ¢нιℓℓѕ
ιη ¢σℓσяѕ ση тнє
ѕησωу ℓιηєη ℓαη∂

╰                              ╯

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Re: This is a log (dog diary thing)

Postby catcher. » Fri Oct 10, 2014 8:22 am

Awesome , more dogs

Now that I have your attention, I'll write normally now :3 You're weird awesome, not weird Hey don't cross out what I say MUAHAHAHA Stop it! FIIIIINE
Is it weird I talk to my pet fairy wolf through my diary? PFT no
Anyways back to writing about my day
I woke up ONE HOUR EARLIER than I was supposed too cause my brother had a air horn >:C >:C >:C I ALMOST lost my hearing. Then I'd have to learn sign language, and so would everyone else! Actually you could lip read, and talk normally... Stop correcting me >:C
So I just used the extra hour to play on the computer instead of doing anything productive.
Fast forward to the bus ride to school

'Hey" ~Maine
"Rawr." ~Me
"What?" ~Maine
"It's hello in tiger, duh." ~Me
"Oh, then, roar?" ~Maine
*Gasp* "I CAN'T believe you said that!" ~Me
"I thought roar was hello!" ~Maine
"No RAWR is hello, that other word is, I won't even explain it it's that bad." ~Me
"Wait how do you even know how to speak tiger?" ~Maine
"I don't, I'm messing with you." ~Me
"Ohhh." ~Maine

Then the most EPIC thing happened!
We got stuck in traffic! APPARENTLY theres some event going on or something that a lot of people are trying to get to as soon as possible or something and theres a lot of traffic. I don't know the details actually I was too busy celebrating with the rest of the kids. I eventually got bored and took a nap to make up for waking one hour earlier than I should have.

Anyways fast forwarding to lunch, I say fast forward too much, I need to find a better word, hmm, meh I'll find one later.

Kat managed to get the trap/prank set in place in two minuets, meanwhile it would of taken me at least ten to get the first part done, no wonder she didn't let us help. Now to wait for a popular >:D
Justin walked through, but I wasn't paying attention and didn't pull the string, so Kat took it away from me and we decided to get Zoey
Then the second best thing, no scratch that, best thing so far today happened.
Zoey and Rogue
Image Image
Walked right under our trap, Kat pulled the string, Justin saw it falling and went to push Zoey out of the way but tripped, so the three of them got stuck under the trap, it was hilarious! Then as Rogue tried to pull the net off them the water (which we didn't add ice to cause we figured solid ice falling on someone may cause a injury) fell onto them. The best part, Leopa got it all on video :D The principle didn't know exactly who did it so we didn't get in trouble

After everyone calmed down we started eating and thats when I noticed a dog sitting at our table
"Wait a minuet, how long have you been here?" ~Me
"I sat down here shortly before you set off the trap..." ~???
"Are you going to tell on us?" ~Me
"Why should I?" ~???
"I don't know..." ~Me
"..." ~???
"........" ~Me
"............" ~???
"So what's your name?" ~Me
"Oh, um, Ariki." ~Ariki
"I'm Brie" ~Me
"..." ~Ariki
"Wait were you even sorted?" ~Me
"No, I just figured I should sit here." ~Ariki
"Well then, feel free too stay. I guess you have free right to sit anywhere till you're sorted.

"Wait, I just got the BESTEST IDEA EVER! Sense it took forever for US to notice you, maybe no one else will either! THEN you could sit anywhere and pick up information. THEN WE CAN RULE THE WORLD!
"You are way too loud." ~???

"No I'm not!" ~Kat
*Scary voice* "Did you just question me?" ~???
:shock: "Sorry." ~Kat
*Normal voice* "I'm Alae. The populars got kinda mad when I almost broke their table so here I am." ~Alae
"Welcome to the outcast table." ~Me

I got to miss a couple classes, we pranked my top three hated people and got away with it, and we got two new outcasts, this seems to be the best day ever so far, I hope I don't jinx it :?
Of coarse I probably will now...
I'm just going to hide in my room and listen too music loudly, there, nothing bad can happen at home. Actually quite a few things can happen, such as your house burning down, a burglar, or the monster that hid under your bed when you were a pup may come back PIPSQUEAK STOP IT DON'T CALL ME PIPSQUEAK! It's embarrassing! Then don't try to scare me in my own home!
Even with the music playing I swear I heard rustling under my bed, which meant either Pip was under there or more likely monsters :? So after calling Maine to make sure he was home/not busy I biked over there. When I knocked Keegan opened the door.
'Here to take advantage of our video games?" ~Keegan
"Not this time." ~Me
"One second." *turns towards other room* "MAAAAIIIINE YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS HERE!" ~Keegan
*coughs* "Friend.* "~Me
*Comes over* 'Hey Brie." ~Maine
"Hey Maine." ~Me
Then some random voice started shouting asking about his girlfriend, I think it was his mom.
*Muttering* "Thanks Keegan." ~Maine
"Come with me if you want to live." ~Me
So yeah, we biked off quickly and once we were gone I started asking questions.
"So was that your mom?" ~Me
"Yeah, she say's she doesn't care if I date or anything, but if she saw you she'd assume we were dating and then she'd make embarrassing comments about how I'm growing up and she remembers when I was a tiny baby." *Pauses for breath* "AND then she'd start questioning you and want to find out everything about you." ~Maine
"What would you be embarrassed if we were dating?" ~Me
"No, wait, AHG stop twisting my words around." ~Maine
*Looks over at him* "Oh stop stressing, I'm just messing with you." *Laughs* ~Me
*Laughs before suddenly looking worried* "Watch out!" ~Maine
I looked ahead and saw I was aiming towards a street light, I steered out of the way and missed it, but due to the sharp turn I fell off the bike.
"Ow my arm." ~Me
"Is it broken?" ~Maine
*Holds up arm.* "Probably." ~Me
"Yeah thats broken... Why aren't you crying or freaking out or something?" ~Maine
"Meh." ~Me
"..." ~Maine
It WAS broken, and Pip wouldn't fix it saying that it would be breaking some sort of rule or something, I stopped listening after she said no. So now I have to wait a few weeks till it's healed :evil: At least it was my left arm. Well, something bad HAD to happen after all your good luck today >.< I know PipSQUEAK you don't have to remind me.
Hey sorry I haven't been on. Busy lately, I don't use my computer much anymore anyways
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Re: This is a log (dog diary thing)

Postby scuttlefish » Fri Oct 10, 2014 12:45 pm

Protective, brave, sparkly, crush on Sam ( Even though they are two totally different species), does not eat dogs, only hyenas, and may be intimidating at first. Talkative.
He got put in the outcasts 'cause he decided to snap at the tip of Zoey's ear. He clipped off some of the fur there, then realized she was not a hyena.
I used to be sugar pixel .


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