★Amisit Aurora-Lost Dawn★Equestria's Ascendant★-No Posting

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★Amisit Aurora-Lost Dawn★Equestria's Ascendant★-No Posting

Postby Nightfury_Rider » Sun Jun 21, 2015 7:24 am



Amisit Aurora means Lost Dawn in Latin.

Blurb, by Fire Knife wrote:Oh, sisters. You look upon me in disgust, do you not? Your beautiful, acknowledged and beloved selves, always thinking you are my superiors. Well, let me tell you, you may have been once, but now, you are not. I was never loved, I was never acknowledged like I fully-well deserved, and you just watched, oblivious, to what was happening to me. I needed you the most, yet you watched on as I was destroyed from the inside, my soul shadowing and my heart turning black with hatred.
Not only do I hate you, but I hate Equestria for never loving me or noticing me the way it should have done. But, now, everypony, look upon the sun and say your farewells, for, not only is this the last setting of the sun, this is the dawn of a new era, an era in which everypony will have to look to me, even you, sisters, for you are no superiors of mine. None of you are! Not even Celestia!
This is the dawn of a new era, ponies, and the everlasting darkness we feared one thousand moons ago will begin again, and, this time, you will all know my true power! There is nothing you can do!

Sol super regnum, et tenebrae non erit finis!

-Let the sun set on this kingdom, and may my darkness never end!


Hello dearest star-children (I don't even know don't ask)! AS some of you may know, I've been planning a MLP:FiM book for about 6 months now and, yes, I have FINALLY got round to writing it! All the characters featured (except the mane six and Celestia and Luna) are created by me and are mine alone. DO NOT steal, copy or post the characters or this work ANYWHERE.
Please don't be grumpy at me for not using all digital art as the ponies' references. Please understand that I have horses to look after and I'm busy with other things and it takes me about 2 hours to do a digital piece on CS because I use a mouse which is suuuupeeeeer tedious, but I'm getting an iPad for my birthday in october which means I'll have much more time to draw online, but, in the meantime, I will try to draw at least one reference a week. Thanks for understanding.
I really enjoyed planning this and drawing all the characters so hopefully you fall in love with the characters as much as I did when I designed them and hopefully you'll love reading the book as I did writing and planning it!

Remember to leave a link to us in your signature!


Hey bro! Yee, I'm a weirdo, but I am friendly <3
I really, really miss CS, but I'm so busy and I don't really use our mac anymore unless I have to, but once I get my laptop and iPad I'll be much more active. Promise <33 And I need to sort out my sig too bc it's being stupid ;-;
I'm a Scorpio. Don't hate. Not all Scorpios are spawn of Satan.
I love anime, manga, my horse, Mavis, cherry blossoms, the colour teal, art of any sort, and music. And How To Train Your Dragon <33
My favourite animes: Free! Iwatobi Swim Club, Attack on Titan, Haikyu!!, Tokyo Ghoul, and Owari no Seraph. Obviously, I've watched a load more. I just really, really love these ones. And the characters are basically my children
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Re: Chapter 1- Princess Dusk

Postby Nightfury_Rider » Mon Jun 22, 2015 8:07 am

The first chapter is written in Princess Dusk's POV!

I took deep breaths and paced around the room as I waited nervously for the knock at the door that I'd been hoping for all my life. Once again, I looked back at myself in the mirror, and at the utterly stunning dress that my friend, who owns the boutique in the kingdom of Cantersgard, my home. It was a beautiful navy blue dress with a gold trim and a white cresent moon on it surrounded by pretty golden stars, and even two shooting stars. Towards the bottom it went slightly gradient to a dark purple, and the chestpiece was blue with a white moon on it and two stars either side of it. My shoes had small silver bows on them and they were silver too, and my mane was neatly tied into a bun and my tail into a fishtail plait.
I closed one eyes and tilted my head down to make my silver crown shine, and I admired the beautiful green eyeshadow I was wearing. The dress I was wearing complimented me a bit, and my mane did especially, but I would never be a pretty pony. It was obvious that my sister was the most beautiful pony in the whole of Equestria.
Suddenly I jumped at the sound of a hoof rapping at my wooden door. I yelped slightly but spun around towards to door, and obviously I had to trip over my dress with my hind leg and make a loud 'thump' noise as I hit the floor.
The pony outisde the door sighed a little, "...Princess? Are you alright?"
Quickly, I jumped to my hooves and used my unicorn magic to take a small tassle-brush thing and brush the dust off my dress and shoes and then replied bashfully, "Yes, yes! I am perfectly alright, thank you! What about thy?"
I heard the pony sigh again and he replied, "You don't have to talk like that, Princess. It's only Celestia and Luna. They're you're cousins, it'll be-"
"SECOND COUSINS! They're our second cousins! And they're also the princesses of Equestria!" I shouted hurriedly.
"Princess?" Came the voice. "Can I come in?"
My ears shot up and I turned my head, "Umm, yeah, sure.. uhh, I mean, yes, if you would like it so."
An orange magic then surrounded the door handle and twisted it and a young stallion walked in.
I instantly recognised him.
"Oh, gosh! Autumn Cloud!"
He bowed his head at me before I trotted over and nuzzled his shoulder, "We haven't met in such a while!"
Autumn and his four brothers were the four ponies who brought each season to Equestria when the time was right. His oldest brother, Winter Shadow, was a very coldhearted pony, however, and was due to take the throne of Coltalia, Autumn's homekingdom, in a matter of days, and all of Equestria was going to the coronation.
"Yeah, we can talk this later, now you need to go! Celestia and her sister are calling for you!" Autumn grinned as my face dropped and my eyes widened.
"Now? Right this second? Oh, great Celestia, I'm late! WE NEED TO GO NOW!" I suddenly teared out of my room at a canter and then heard a loud pop from behind me, then a puff of orange magic exploded in frotn of me and Autumn appeared.
"Dusk! Calm down! You need to wait for your sister!" Autumn told me firmly.
My heartbeat slowed gradually as I waited outside my sister's room for her to come out. If she wasn't here, I would never be able to do anything. my sister was my only confidence giver and she always had been, even from our first days together. She'd always stood up for me and was prepared to protect me at any costs and, if she ever dissapeared, I would never be able to talk to anypony, or come out of my bedroom, and I would get so stressed my kingdom wouldn't cope either, which would mean Equestria would come crashing to the ground and it would all be my fault.
I shook my head. Come on, Dusk. You think too much. Nopony's going anywhere.
Suddenly I heard a light shimmering noise and Dawn's door handle was being twisted by pretty pink unicorn magic, and then the door opened.
And then the whole world cmae crashing down on me.
It was ubelievable. What I saw. Yes, I saw my sister, the beautiful, talented and incredible Princess Dawn, but she looked unimaginably amazing. Was it even possible to be a pretty as she looked right now?
Her gorgeous flowing mane was tied neatly twice with orange bands with suns on them, and she had a beautiful golden crown with a small sun emblem on the front, and it shone like the real sun. Her shoes were a shimmering gold too, and her dress, oh, don't even get me started on her dress.
It suited her to a T, and it had a rainbow coloured hemline and was in two parts. There was a slightly see-through orange veil on top of the main part of the dress which had a red bow on the back with long red ribbons flowing down. The main part of her dress was a perfect light blue with a bright rainbow hem like the veil, and it flowed across the ground like a wedding dress. Her eyeshadow was also a pretty light blue and it suited her perfectly.
Dawn looked at me and her eyes widened too, and I could tell she was loking at me.
"You look even more beautiful than I thought possible, Dusk." Dawn awed, and I could see her eyes welling up, "My little sister looks so grown-up and beautiful."
I began crying at once when she said this, and I cantered forwards and hugged her, "You look more beautiful than anything, Dawn."
Suddenly I heard the soft steps of three sets of hoofbeats on the carpet of the hallway and we released ourselves from the hug.
It was Autumn's brothers, and all four of them looked dumbstruck.
"Woah, you both look stunning. Could I marry you both now?" Sunlit Dream breathed, the most enthusiastic of the four brothers, but he looked rather dashing in his suit too.
All the brothers did, actually.
They were all staring at us with wide eyes, even Winter Shadow.
Quietly, the youngest and shyest brother, Harlequin, stepped forwards and looked up at me with his sweet smile. "Umm, Dusk? I got this for you. I thought it would match your dress..."
He turned round and picked up a pretty necklace from his suit's pocket, and Dawn used her magic to loop it around my neck. It had a small white crescent moon on the end, and I loved it immediately.
"Oh, thank you, Harlequin!" I stepped forward and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before Dawn and I walked in between the stallions and we began walking down the hallway towards the stairs.
After we'd made it downstairs, we were greeted by two unicorn guards with emerald green and shining silver armour on and they led my sister and I to the doors of the throne room, whilst the four princes walked in the opposite direction to get to the North Door of the throne room to take their places by Celestia and Luna. Imagine Dawn and I one day sat in our very own thrones next to Celestia and Luna.. oh, wouldn't that be a dream come true? I could imagine us taking weddings and going to Canterlot and the Crystal Empire and even meeting Twilight and her friends!
I was suddenly jolted back to reality and I turned my head quickly towards the guard. "Uhh… yes…?"
He nodded at the huge white doors before us, and they were really, really huge! They were a pristine white with golden handles and golden hinges, too, and there was even a pure gold laurel wreath nailed into the door frame above. It shimmered when I moved my head, but my sister gently knocked me with her hoof to stop me.
"Dusk, we're about to be officially coronated. Please don't ruin this for me." Dawn said, and she took a deep breath.
Suddenly anger flared up inside me and I burst out, "Well, maybe try to let loose a bit, Dawn! And I know I ruin everything for you. Please don't make this even harder for me than it already is!"
Dawn's eyes widened then she sighed. "I knew you'd be like this. Honestly, you should calm down. I can't have a sister who rules beside me if they're-"
"Shut up!" I shouted, and the guards started to back away as my magic began to glow. "You don't know what it's like to be the third wheel all the time!"
"Dusk, I-" Dawn began.
"No!" I screeched, my magic fully burning now, "I know what you're going to say! I don't care anymore! Why can't you just accept me? Dawn, please! You know I can't live without you! I'm nothing without you!"
Dawn's eyes began to water immediately, but then they narrowed and her horn began to glow too. "I never ruin anything for you! Why would I have the need to do that? You're the one who is always destroying my opportunities and you couldn't care less! How about you just STOP!"
With that, Dawn shot a burst of blue light at me and I shut my eyes and prepared for the inescapable pain, but a blinding, bright pink light surrounded me and Dawn's attack exploded off it and backfired at her, but then a bright blue flare shot it and it and it totally exploded into a huge puff of white steam.
Once the smoke had cleared and the forcefield around me had evaporated, I slowly lifted my head and saw Dawn's crown in two halves on the floor.
Slowly, the princess got up off the floor and lifted her eyes to me and, when she saw that I was in total horror, she looked to the floor and gasped. Instantly, my sister scrambled into a clumsy canter and bolted over to where her destroyed crown was and used her unicorn magic to lift both halves up. Suddenly, tears sprang in her eyes and she looked up at me, horror in her gaze.
"Y- you did this, y-you… monster!" She stuttered, her face totally scarred with shock. Dawn got to her hooves and wiped her tears away before dropping her destroyed crown onto the smoothed floor. It landed loudly with a clatter on the pristine quartz bricks that echoed throughout the palace.
Suddenly a sharp voice made us both turn our heads, and, there, standing before us in all their glory, were the princesses of Equestria.
It was Celestia and Luna.
Instantly, Dawn broke into a bow and hissed at me to do the same, but I just stared at them as my eyes began to fill with tears.
"I- I'm so, so sorry, your Highnesses." I stuttered, and I began to cry.
I suddenly felt a cold shadow looming over me, and I knew it was Luna just by her presence.
"What have you done?" She asked, and I finally broke down.
"I really do ruin everything, don't I?" I cried, and Luna looked down sympathetically.
"No, you do not. Thy hast done what thy thought was correct." Luna smiled and covered me with a wing, but Celestia's sharp voice made her withdraw.
"No, Luna. She has done wrong. She is always in the way of Dawn's opportunities. She needs to stop clinging to her! Dawn won't get anywhere if she's always hugging her hind legs!" Celestia lifted Dawn to her feet with her magic and used her magic to fix the broken crown together, then set it upon Dawn's mane where it was before.
"Dusk." Celestia said strictly.
"Y-yes…?" I stammered.
"I think you should let your sister become the ruler of this empire. You are clearly under too much stress to do so."
My eyes immediately widened and, when she saw me in such horror, Dawn smirked at me.
Suddenly all my strength and anger built up inside me and instinctively screamed and shot a huge blast of green magic at my sister, which hit her square in the chest, and then she fell to the floor.
"I HATE ALL OF YOU! I HATE EQUESTRIA!" I screamed, then I spread my wings and bolted back up the stairs to the bedrooms, and I saw an open balcony at the end of the hallway, so I flapped into the air and shot out into the night sky and my tears flew down behind me.
I really do ruin everything… I told myself, and I continued to fly through the starlit night.

Hey bro! Yee, I'm a weirdo, but I am friendly <3
I really, really miss CS, but I'm so busy and I don't really use our mac anymore unless I have to, but once I get my laptop and iPad I'll be much more active. Promise <33 And I need to sort out my sig too bc it's being stupid ;-;
I'm a Scorpio. Don't hate. Not all Scorpios are spawn of Satan.
I love anime, manga, my horse, Mavis, cherry blossoms, the colour teal, art of any sort, and music. And How To Train Your Dragon <33
My favourite animes: Free! Iwatobi Swim Club, Attack on Titan, Haikyu!!, Tokyo Ghoul, and Owari no Seraph. Obviously, I've watched a load more. I just really, really love these ones. And the characters are basically my children
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