This is NOT A DIARY, It's name is JESSE(A Diary Parody)

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This is NOT A DIARY, It's name is JESSE(A Diary Parody)

Postby ciitruus » Sat Nov 29, 2014 11:03 am

Note: Idea was NOT mine, Coolpaw5 had the original idea, then everybody started to do it
Hello, Jesse wrote:Image
Hello Diary. No that doesn't sound right. I know, Hello Jesse! Perfect! Well, That awkward girl up there is me, Devon, and the crazy people below are my equally awkward family.

Above is my Mom, she is the sweetest person you've ever met, with a little bit of twang.

That's my dad, He's just a normal random, crazy business guy.

There's my big brother. He's pretty much a jerk. His name is Grant.

That's my little sissy, she's really sweet, but can be a brat too. Her name is Cicily. She's not in school yet...

That's my pet, Marilynn. Cutest, sweetest little thing.

Aaaand, last, but totally not least, Lucy Sky, my BFF, No matter what.

Welp, I'm angry, Why you may ask? Cause' my mom is making me write in this stupid thing! I guess I'll write about my day. So, tomorrow's my first day of school, hope I'm in the normal group. Populars are annoying and I wanna be with my BFF, she already knows she's in that group, since queen bee, Bea is her neighbor.
That's Bea, with that hair, you'd think she'd be categorized as a weirdo, nope, she's been popular her whole life. UUUUG, she's so annoying.... Well, Jesse, I just screamed into you right now, hope ya don't mind.
Gotta go eat now, bye Jesse!

I hope you guys like this! I will make a form so you can add your own characters!

Important!! wrote:I will put important links and news here!
TABLE OF CONTENTS(Just click on the words to go there)
Characters font colors + Form to join your character
Characters descriptions and pictures

-Poll up, How many of you are reading, and like this?
-I might quit this
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Characters and font colors + Character addition form

Postby ciitruus » Sat Nov 29, 2014 11:04 am

Characters and their font colors
MC, Devon(Dreamcatchergirl)-- 8000FF
MC's Mom-- BF00BF
MC's Dad-- 4000FF
MC's big bro, Grant-- 8000BF
MC's lil' sis Cicily-- FF00FF
MC's Pet, Stompy-- 0000FF
Queen Bee, Beatrice(#tealsash)-- FF0000
QB's BFF, Lucy Sky(#bluesash)-- FF0080
QB's Other BFF, Sabrina(#whitesash)-- FF0040
MC's Crush, Karsten(??)-- FF4000
MC's BFF, Taylor(Taytaywoofs)-- 00BF00
MC's other BFF(Kinda like), Brent(Greenwhitespike, Batwingz)-- 0080FF
Evil girl, Eva(Evilrulez)-- 400000

Character addition form
Want your character in Jesse? Fill out this simple form and your ready to go!
Code: Select all
[img]Pet image here(Please dress up)[/img]
Pet name:
Personality(May be altered a little):
Social group(Emo, popular, outcast, nerd, jock, weirdo, ect.):
Font Color(Will be put up as soon as your character speaks):
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This is NOT A DIARY, It's name is JESSE (Two)

Postby ciitruus » Sat Nov 29, 2014 1:21 pm

Hello, Jesse wrote:Image
Hello again, Jesse. If you didn't know this, you were a custom made diary, with a picture of me on the top of each page. So cool! Well, anyways the first day of school was completely normal, I guess.
I walked in and BAM! Bea was walking around school posting stereotypes on everyone's lockers. I walked up to mine and it had a big note that said in VERY bad handwriting, NORMAL.
Me: YES! -Jumps up and down in front of locker-

Lucy: What did you get? Normal, I'm guessing.
Me: :mrgreen: :D YEEEEESSSSS! -Pumps fist in the air-
Lucy: Tone it down, people are staring...
Me: -tries to act all cool- OK, I'm just open my locker now... -Puts in number- -kicks locker when It doesn't work- GAAAAHHH! -attacks locker- STUPID LOCKER!
Lucy: Combo?
Me: -whispers combo to her-
Lucy: -Opens it all experty like- There ya go
Me: OMIGOSH YOU'RE SO COOL-thought- Thank you!
ME: Crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap -gets books out while saying crap- crap crap crap crap!
Lucy: -shoves bookbag into locker and get books out- Bye! -waves nonchalantly and walks without me-

OMIGOSH I SAW IT ALL!! Bea talked to Lucy! It sounded good! Here's what I heard:
Bea: Stop! -puts hand up- I want you to be a -I couldn't hear that-
Lucy: Really?! How?!
Bea: First you dit -she saw me and glared, then got quieter so I couldn't hear-
Lucy: That's it? Um, -thinks for a second- sure! ;)

-dramatic gasp- Did Bea tell her to ditch me! that's what her lips looked like! OH NO! and Lucy agreed! Well, the rest of the day was boring, but I don't thin Lucy's my BFF anymore. This is how it went:
Me: Hey! Lucy! Sup girl!!!

Lucy: Hi. Listen, I don't-
Me: What are you gonna say?
Lucy: :x Listen and maybe I'll tell you. So, I don't thin we should really be friends be-
Me: WHAT?! WHY?!? :(
Lucy: :x :x :x BECAUSE! I have a better offer. Now, just leave me alone for the rest of my life. :x
Me: :cry: :cry: :cry:

See what I me____________ Marilynn, Get off of me! I'm sorry I have to ___________ g0 __________ MArilYnN is on _______________top 0f m3. BY_______E!

-in the background- get offffffffffffffff

Geez, stop screaming, gosh!
-frantically opens up diary Jesse- WHO ARE YOU!!!!
UUUGGH -slams shut diary Jesse-

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This is NOT A DIARY, It's name is JESSE(Three)

Postby ciitruus » Sun Nov 30, 2014 2:29 am

Hello, Jesse wrote:Image
Well, Jesse, this is already my third time seeing you! Hooray! Everyone hates Mondays, right, NOT ME!! I hate TUESDAYS!! and Lucy Sky, uuugggg. Welp, I stand corrected from my first entry. Here are all the Populars, all below me this. Apparently they all wear a goddess sash and an arm band AAAGGG!
First one is Bea, Then Lucy. :cry: . :cry: . Then Sabrina. I HATE them all. friend stealing jerks.. I also got bumped down to dorks. those.... :x :x :x So this is today, :evil: :oops: :lol: That's how I describe my day in emoticons. Now here's what happened.

I walked into school and suddenly got serenaded by goddess sashes and throat clearing waiting by my locker. Just great!

Lucy: -clears throat-
Bea: -does the same-
Sabrina: -same too-
Then, Bea finally steps up.
Bea: You realize, your alone now, don't ya, hon. Better take your little sissy to school, she can be your BFF. -throws head back laughing-
Lucy: Yeah! and I know stuff about you, stuff that you don't want anyone else to know... :twisted:
Luckily, I only thought that.

Sabrina: What's wrong, You scaaarrred?? HA!
Then, stupid Jesse, why did you have to poke out of my book bag. I despise you now.
All three: -circles around me-
Lucy: OH! What's this! -sees You, Jesse- I guess FORMER best friends even have secrets.
Bea: OH! is that a DIARY! -grabby hands-
Sabrina: I'll take that -pulls you out of my Book bag-
I grab it back and try to take it. I get you back(Obviously) but a page ripped out. I tried to take it form her but Sabrina, Lucy, and Bea Skip away happily. CRAP! But, But but, but, Little do they know, Lucy had a Kasie, her form of a diary, and she left it at my house last time she slept over. MWAHAHA!!!
I sit through BORING history class, math and Science, Then, miracle! I FINNALLY get to eat. HA! don't get your hopes up, Jesse, I was just VERY hungry. Lucy Announced that goddess sashes were now the biggest thing. I'll show her, I'm gonna make wings the biggest thing! REAL wings. Yep, that's right Jesse, even I keep secret from my Jesse. I need to stop wearing sweaters, it's getting warmer...
Here's how lunch went.
Well, I went to sit down at the "Normal" table and Bea slid over in her designer boots and stopped me.

Bea: Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Hon, you can't sit there.
Me: :what:
Bea: Yeah, Um, that's the NORMAL table, and, hon, you are the OPPOSITE of normal. You sit over THERE -points to the "dork" table-
Me: I hate you
Bea: Uhum, WHAT was that?
Me: Uh, I said OK, yeah, I said OK.
Then, I bunch of STUPID popular MINIONS started giving everyone that page of YOU!! Everyone read it then laughed their head off. Jesse, you should be offended. VERY offended.
Populars: take this and read it. -hands papers to table-
Jocks: -grabs papers-OH MY GOSH!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
Then, in no time, the cafeteria was a laughing fit. Main act: ME
So, I took my tray and stormed out of the cafeteria. I took it to the bathroom and ate my lunch in one of the stalls.

After lunch, I went to the guidance counselor about all this and told her everything. Then she called home and my mom picked me up. We went shopping and I got a bunch of new clothes. Plus, she let me get PERMENANT wings!!! HOORAY!!!! OOH! then I got contacts their adorable! Now I keep my dream catcher on my wings and I look amazing!! Can't wait for school tomorrow!

Note, just thought I would say this, Each day is not like a real day in real life time. It's her world, I might make 5 entries in one day, all from different days for her.
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This is NOT A DIARY, It's name is JESSE(Four)

Postby ciitruus » Sun Nov 30, 2014 3:15 am

Hello, Jesse wrote:Image
I am VERY upset. :cry: Marilynn just ran away. and my mom got me a STUFFED ANIMAL to help me cope. A FRIGGIN STUFFED ANIMAL. I mean REALLY MOM?! Who gives their child a STUFFED ANIMAL to help them cope with the loss of a pet?! REALLY!!!! It is pretty cute, but it doesn't hop on you like Marilynn did. WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:
I named him Stompy. Actually, Jesse, I didn't name him that. That's what the tag- OMIJESSE!! HE MOVED!!!!!!! WHY DID STOMPY MOVE!?!?!?!?!?! JESSE!! TELL ME___________ oh!____________ HE'S________ DOING_______ the sam______e theing Mari_______lynn-_____=---=-==-===- did!! STOMPY! OFF!

You-you SPOKE!! :what: :? I-I'm so CONFUZZLED!! Jesse! tell me what's going on. The STUFFED ANIMAL just talked!!!
I ain't no stuffed animal!
I shouldn't be, this is normal, and I am NOT a stuffed animal!! for goodness sakes!!
OK then, what are you?
I'm a living, breathing creature.
Then Stompy went and tapped my wings and they became all sparkly blue pretty.
Wow, their beautiful. How did you od that.

Maybe I'm magic, maybe I'm not.
Does my mom know about this?
Should we go check?
And, that's how I found out my Stuf- Stompy could talk and move. Well, Jesse, I guess magic does exist...

That was all before school. School was a beast. OOPS, I mean Populars were a beast.
That's Karsten. He's new and I kinda like him. But probably have NO chance with him. Sabrina HAD to come in and Interrupt.

Karsten: Um... Hi, You're... Devon, Right......?
Me: Yeah, That's me. You probably know ALLL about my totally awkward social life. and Jesse
Karsten: Huh? What was that last part?
Me: Oh! You don't know! That's great!
Karsten: I'm confused. I just got here today.
Me: Just forget about that... Welcome to our school!
Karsten: Um, thanks
Sabrina: -pops around the corner- Hey! You're Karsten, right! I'm Sabrina, one of the most popular girls in school.
You know what, you should be popular too! Congrats, your officially a jock, the most popular guy group!

Then Sabrina linked arms with him and "Dragged" him with her.
I stormed away to my locker.
Oh, I HATE Sabrina. :x
Then it was lunch. Everyone forgot about the Jesse catastrophe, and the populars were trying to get them to tease me. They all scrambled around the lunch room. Every one replied something like "It could have been easily faked." "It was funny then, it doesn't matter now." I am so happy now!!! So, I even sat down at an actual real table!!
Me: Hi, I'm Devon and just recently got categorized as a dork. :(

??: I'm Taylor. -lowers to a whisper- You know, the dorks are people that Bea, and her minions hate, because they look so good and don't want to be friends with them.
??: I'm Brent, Taylor's right. We are basically populars that aren't acknowledged.
Me: Wow, didn't know that, interesting. :) You guys wanna be friends?
Taylor: Yeah! what's your Furchat? I'm Taytaywoofs
Brent: I'm Greenwhitespike. -points to hair- I had no idea and I don't know how to change it.
Me: I'm Dreamcatchergirl. -points to dream catcher- It's basically my lucky charm.
Then the bell rang for lunch to be over and I walked to my next class, LA, then woodshop, and Last but, yes, least, GYM. UUUUUGGGGG. I HATE changing.

Sabrina: HAHA! You're actually wearing THAT, for gym?! HA! -points at clothes-
Me: What's wrong, their practically the same clothes as yours, except yours look WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to small.
Sabrina: that's fashion now. Look around
Me: -looks around- Looks like everyone's wearing the same thing as me.
Sabrina: cause' they're not POPULAR. -flips hair around and walks away-

Me: BELEEEEEHHH -makes ewww face behind back-

Then I got on the bus and went home.
Me: Oh! I need to do Furchat!

Mom: What honey?
Me: Just getting on Furchat!
I looked at the note I made saying what time they would be on.
Me: Perfect!
I got on Furchat.

Taytaywoofs: Were is Devon?
Greenwhitespike: I don't know, she'll probably be on in a sec
Dreamcatchergirl has entered the chatroom
Dreamcatchergirl: Here I am!

Taytaywoofs: There you are! I was about to log off when I heard the ding!
Dreamcatchergirl: Yep! I turned the ding off, it's just annoying. People can text me if their on.
Greenwhitespike: It is really annoying. I agree with the text part but uh, I can't text you...
Taytaywoofs: Neither can I...
Dreamcatchergirl: 877-2973
Taytaywoofs: Great! thanks!
Greenwhitespike: Awesome!
Dreamcatchergirl: What are your Animgrams? I'm same as here.
Taytaywoofs: Same on here too.
Greenwhitespike: I'm Batwingz, I knew how to change it one there.
Dreamcatchergirl: I'll write them down and try to friend you.
Greenwhitespike: I gotta go, text me if you know how to change the username... 877-3676
Taytaywoofs: Bye, I'm 877-8767
Dreamcatchergirl: K, got them down Bye,
Greenwhitespike: Bye guys!
Greenwhitespike has left the chatroom
Dreamcatchergirl: My mom's calling me, I should go...
Taytaywoofs: I should go too, bye!
Dreamcatchergirl: Bye!
Taytaywoofs has left the chatroom
Dreamcatchergirl has left the chatroom
Evilrulez has entered the chatroom
Evilrulez: I'll get ya, you won't know when, you won't know were, but i'll get ya... MWAHAHAHAH!
Evilrulez has left the chatroom

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This is NOT A DIARY, It's name is JESSE(Character Entry)

Postby ciitruus » Sun Nov 30, 2014 3:37 am

I needed a spot to put all of the characters, so, here they will all go, with brief descriptions and pictures. Plus, descriptions will be in their font colors. :) Hope this is useful!

⇘That's me, Devon, I am Random, Dorky, and creative. I am also Best Enemies with all the Populars.(Dreamcatchergirl)⇙

⇘That's my Mom, She's a lot like me and She's also the sweetest person you will ever meet.(X)⇙

⇘My dad. He's a crazy, possibly insane business man. I love him.(X)⇙

⇘There's Grant, my big brother. He's a big Jerk, luckily, he's in college, not my school.(??)⇙

⇘That's Cicily, my little sister. She, thankfully, isn't in school yet.(X)⇙

⇘Here's my pet, Stompy, Unfortunately, Marilynn ran away, so now I have Stompy.(X)⇙

⇘There's the Queen Bee, Beatrice. She is in charge of the school. I absolutely HATE her.(#tealsash)⇙

⇘Sabrina, Bea's BFF. That's all I need to say.(#whitesash)⇙

⇘Lucy Sky. She was my BFF, then she joined the Populars, now we hate each other.(#bluesash)⇙

⇘ My crush, Karsten.(??)⇙

⇘There's Taylor, the first real friend I made.(Taytaywoofs)⇙

⇘That's Brent, My other real friend I made. I kinda like him.(Greenwhitespike, Batwingz)⇙

⇘Eva, An evil person out to destroy Devon's school.(Evilrulez)⇙
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This is NOT A DIARY, It's name is JESSE(Five)

Postby ciitruus » Sun Nov 30, 2014 5:29 am

I'm gonna change the writing style a little bit
:shock: Who are you?
Uh, no one, go to sleep -makes her pass out with pressure point-
Hello Jesse wrote:Image
Jesse, today was SOOOOOOOO weird. Seriously. This one girl walked into school like she was amazing, only to be greeted my the populars.
She was SOOOOOO weird. She carried around a broken walnut with a despair face on it. And stompy followed me. :x
What? I just wanted to spend more time with you. Little does STOMPY know, PETS are not allowed in school. Well how was I supposed to know that?? Huh, huh? Just never follow me to school!!!! EVER AGAIN! Get it, got it, GOOD!
That new girl, as I was TRYING TO SAY. had a very Frank conversation with Bea and her minions.

Bea~ Uhum, you think you're "all that", hon, well, you've got another thing comin' hon. ??~ I don't care what you say. Aaaaand, that's were I think You go girl! Bea~ Excuuuse me? Who are you? ??~ Eva, leave me alone. 8-) Oh yeah! Bea~ You can't tell me what to do, I tell YOU what to do! :x Eva~ No, you don't, and I have control over my human rights, now leave me alone. Bea~ -gets all in her face about it- Now you listen to me. I am the queen bee of this school, EVERYONE here does EXACTLY what I say, REGARDLESS. Eva~ Well their stupid. Me and Eva should be best friends. wow. :o She's the first person that actually stood up to Bea. That takes guts. Bea~ I don't think it THEM that's stupid, I KNOW it's YOU! Eva~ Gosh! you should REEEEAAALY stop talking about yourself. Bea~ but tats my favorite thing to do.... I'm not talking about myself, I'm talking about YOU. AND, YOU'RE IN THE DORK GROUP!!!!! Eva~ Leave me alone and stay out of my life. 8-) Man! shes on Fiiiiiiiirre! I don't think Eva appreciates that. It's kind of a guy- OH! WOULD YOU SHUT UP!

Then Taylor came up to me.

Taylor~ Hey! Whatcha watchin? Me~ This new girl stand up to Bea Taylor~ OMIGLUBB, really!?! Me~ Yes! look -points to the scene-
Bea~ Again, I KNOW you did NOT just tell me what to do, hon, you better WATCH OUT Eva~ -looks around to see if anyone's watching- -deep demon voice- LISTEN TO BE, BEA. YOU WILL NOT TRY TO RULE ME AND YOU WILL LEAVE ME ALONE!!! UNDERSTAND!! Bea: -all scared looking- O-o-o-o-k-K -runs off-
Taylor~ OMIGLUBSTER!! What the heck just happened?!? Brent~ Hey guy- WHAT HAPPENED?! Me~ Bea stood up to Eva then yelled at her in a deep demon voice. :what: Brent~ OMIGLUB! Taylor~ That's what I said. Me~ I don't get it, she put her in the dork group, not emo, or crazy or unpopular, Dork. Brent~ Wow, she's jealous then. What did Eva look like? I handed Brent to picture. Me~ Here Brent~ She looks like a witch!! Taylor~ Probably is! Me~ I'll see you guys later, I gotta get to class
I walked away to my classroom. Then I had to sit through three boring classes, then if was lunch HOORAY!
I walked over and sat with my friends.
Me~ Hey guys!
Taylor~ Look, there's that girl Eva, sitting all alone at lunch. -points to Eva- Brent~ I wonder why Me~ uh oh, here comes trouble.
I pointed at the approaching Bea.
Why do you say that? That's just rude. STOMPY! sheesh! Bea~ Well, Well, well. If it isn't the DORKS. Taylor~ What do you want? Bea~ Well, if you may ask, I need some people with no social life to plan the dance. Me~ Excuse me! WE have a social life, you just do see it because your too busy trying to make every bow to your wake. Dare I mention the name Eva. Bea~ :o How DARE you!!!! I don't make everyone bow at my wake. They do it naturally, since I'm so beautiful. You ALL are going to plan the dance. Brent~ Maybe we don't want to. Bea~ Too bad! your doing to anyways. I'm also starting a new chat room in Furchat. I expect EVERYONE to join.
then she walks away like she's the queen or something. Then gym, oh, gym. I HATE gym. We were playing dodge ball, and it was like unpopular against popular. It ended in a tie, since we ran out of time. But the Unpopulars were winning! All the populars say they were, but they lie so, so, so much. SO I went home and got on Furchat, just to see what this new chat room was all about

QueenBea has entered the chat room
QueenBea: Hey Ya'll!

Whitewisps: Bea! Your finally here!
TheBeatles: Yay!
QueenBea: Uh, who are YOU?
TheBeatles: Lucy...
QueenBea: yuck!, you need to get that username changed, eww
Evilrulez has entered the chat room
Evilrulez: If you act that way to your friends, I'd hate to see how you act to your enemies.

QueenBea: I never invited some EVILRULEZ person. GET OUT!
Evilrulez: your still not the boss of me :twisted:
Whitewisps: She can ban you from her chats
TheBeatles has changed her username to #bluesash
QueenBea: ooooh, good idea, Whitewisps, change your user to #whitesash and I'll change mine
#bluesash: Your welcome, and Evil, she can ban you. Her daddy made the site.
QueenBea has changed her username to #tealsash
Whitewisps has changed her username to #whitesash
#tealsash: Get out or else. :x
Evilrulez: Your not the boss of me.
Evilrulez has left the chat room

#tealsash: I knew she would :twisted:
#tealsash has left the chatroom
#whitesash has left the chatroom
#bluesash has left the chatroom
Wow she is really mean even to her friends. Well, I better eat and sleep, bye Jesse!
Jesse!?!! DID YOU JUST TALK??!!?!?!?!!?
Oh, well, bye

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Re: This is NOT A DIARY, It's name is JESSE(A Diary Parody)

Postby ciitruus » Sun Nov 30, 2014 8:29 am

Is anyone actually reading this?
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Re: This is NOT A DIARY, It's name is JESSE(A Diary Parody)

Postby TheFabulousHorse » Mon Dec 01, 2014 2:13 am

Maybe.. I keep it in my bookmarks..

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Re: This is NOT A DIARY, It's name is JESSE(A Diary Parody)

Postby ciitruus » Wed Dec 10, 2014 12:44 am

I'm qutting this
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