||transforming love|| - posting open~

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||transforming love|| - posting open~

Postby strawbaerry » Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:17 am

Hello all~ My name is zelda., but you can call me tea or zelda, whichever you like~ This story is about a girl named Diane, and a boy named Kyrith. The plot is based off of the anime Soul Eater, but the characters are all my original designs~

----------------- K Y R I T H
-----------------D I A N E

K Y R I T H - S C Y T H E

Diane is a human-lion-demon hybrid. She can shape-shift into a lion, but also has to control her anger because of her demonic side. She can possess people and control them, but that only happens in moments of pure rage when she loses consciousness and cannot control her actions.
Kyrith is a human-demon-scythe hybrid. He can shape-shift into a scythe, but, like Diane, has to control his anger. He is a hot-head, but Diane's bubbly and kind nature helps keep him calm. They are both seventeen years old, and have they same birthday, September 21, 1996. They have been assigned to a town called Frell, where things have been going amiss for quite some time. Several other human-scythe partners have ventured into the town and gone missing. Can Diane and Kyrith find out what is going on and stop it, or will they go missing as well?

Please feel free to post suggestions about my writing or little notes saying whether you liked it or not! Thank you~

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Last edited by strawbaerry on Wed Dec 25, 2013 6:44 am, edited 5 times in total.
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||chapter one||

Postby strawbaerry » Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:56 am

-----The wind blows through the trees, filling the air with the soft sounds of leaves brushing against each other. Diane sits alone on a worn wooden bench coated with moss. She nods her head slightly to the music playing into her ears, a new indie song she had happened to chance upon the day before. A bird flies over head with a worm clutched in it's beak, landing lightly on the edge of it's nest. It's babies chirp shrilly as the mother drops off the worm and flies away, already scanning the ground for another wiggly insect. sigh Diane looks at the baby birds and smiles a bit. She raises her hands up, forming her index finger and thumb into an 'L' shape on both hands. She forms a box, squinting one eye as she bites her lips and adjusts her hands to frame the perfect imaginary shot.
-----"Click!" she mumbles, trying her best to memorize the 'shot' she just took. Someone is walking up behind her, but she can't hear them because of her headphones. She moves her hands again, this time framing the early-morning sun shining through the green leaves of a birch tree. Her music changes to a rock song she doesn't remember listening to before. The heavy beats of the drum and guitar are catchy though, so she doesn't skip it. Just as she's about to move her 'camera' to another spot, an unknown hand taps her shoulder, making her squeal loudly and jump.
-----"What the hell way that for?!" She rips out her headphones and turns around angrily. Kyrith is clutching his sides, laughing loudly. Her cheeks grow pink with embarrassment.
-----"O-oh my god! You should have seen you face!" Kyrith chokes out between laughs, wiping the tears that have built up in his eyes.
-----"I-it's not funny! I was listening to music so I couldn't hear you!" Diane moves her arm to punch Kyrith, but he just catches her small fist in her large palm. She looks up at him angrily, trying to over power him.
-----"How come you can swing a heavy scythe around but you can't throw a decent punch?" Kyrith smirks, easily pushing Diane to the side. He walks towards a large Japanese-style building, still chuckling to himself. "Come on, it's time for class, loser." Diane's face turns red again, but she jogs over to his side regardless. They reach the large doors of the building and step inside, immediately being greeted by the familiar sights and sounds of the school. There is a main room with about 10 doors leading off from it, and two sets of staircases that go to the left and right. Upstairs there are more doors leading to more classrooms. Directly to the right of the main doors is a hallway leading to the cafeteria, and directly to the left is a hallway leading to the Battle Wing, where several dirt pits and placed for mock-battles between students. Students walk through the main plaza, some with scythes over their shoulders, others with swords, or axes, or guns, or nun-chucks. Every student at their birth was assigned a partner who could transform into a weapon. Some partners could transform into scythes, like Kyrith, while others could transform into different kinds of weapons. The students, or 'meisters' as they were called, would go on missions with their weapons. Every time the pair defeated an enemy, they weapon would eat their soul and become more powerful. The more souls the weapon consumed, the more powerful he or she would become, allowing them to learn more complicated and useful moves.
-----Kyrith and Diane walk up the right-hand staircase and step into the third door on the right; their weapons class. In this class they learn the advantages and dis-advantages of different kinds of weapons, and they practice fighting against their classmates as well. They walk to the back of the classroom and sit in their assigned seats. As always, Kyrith props his feet up on the desk and leans back in his chair, crossing his arms and looking all-too-important to be sitting there. Diane simply sits down in her seat and waits patiently for the teacher to enter, also giving Kyrith the occasional glare out of the corner of her eye when he snaps his gum too loudly or sighs too often. The door opens with a creek, and their teacher walks in.
-----"Welcome back, students," The man says in a deep, strong voice. He is tall, about six feet, muscular arms and legs. He has short black hair, piercing blue eyes, and slight stubble. He is wearing a plain t-shirt and a pair of jeans, with a pair of converse on his feet. "My name is Mr. Trite, and I am your weapons teacher for this year. I'm not going to explain to you what weapons class is, since you are all third years. Since it is our first day back and I am a new teacher, I would like to see you all fight so I can get a good idea of what level each of you is at. Please follow me." Mr. Trite steps out of the classroom, prompting the rest of the students to file out. Diane and Kyrith leave last, shutting the door behind them.
-----"Ready to win?" Kyrith smirks, sticking his hands in his pocket.
-----"Don't get too cocky, Kyrith. We haven't seen anybody fighting since three months ago, we don't how much better they've gotten."
-----"Ya, but we've gotten better too."
-----Diane can't help but smile. "Yes, we have. Come one, I'll race you to the bottom." Kyrith and Diane sprint down the stairs, but Kyrith wins, like always. They jog into the hallway leading to the battle rooms, their hearts beating faster with anticipation. Kyrith and Diane step into the light of the open-air battle room, smiling mischievously at each other as they walk over to the group of students.
cocoa spice (c) lucky cerise
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||chapter two||

Postby strawbaerry » Sun Sep 22, 2013 4:36 pm

-----"Everyone, gather round," Mr. Trite yells, quieting the excited chattering of the students. "I will tell you your pairs," he looks down at a clipboard in his hands "and the order in which you will fight." He begins listing off names, which caused some students to sigh and some to cheer. Diane and Kyrith stand on their tip-toes in the back row, listening intently for their names. Time passes and their names are still not called. "...and last is Anastasia with Damian versus Diane with Kyrith." Diane's eyes grow wide with shock, and Kyrith lets out an annoyed huff.
-----"So I guess this is round two?" A shrill female voice calls out from the crowd. The students clear out, giving Diane a view at the devil herself; Anastasia. With long, silky blond hair, stunning green eyes, and a perfect body, any girl would be envious of her. Ever since she and Diane had met, Anastasia had spent every waking moment trying to anger Diane so she would snap and become a full demon. Damian is a tall boy with brown hair, tan skin, and brown eyes. He wears glasses that tend to slip off of his nose a lot, and is subject to bullying from Anastasia. Damian is very shy and kind-hearted, which is why he was picked to pair with Anastasia because his personality counters hers so drastically.
-----"Can it, Anastasia," Kyrith growls, standing protectively next to Diane. Anastasia simply smirks back, walking over to the corner of the room and sitting down. Kyrith grabs Diane's wrist and tugs her over to the opposite side of the gym.
-----"Of all people..." Diane groans, rubbing her temple with her fingers. She can feel her anger bubbling inside of her, which she tries to ignore by breathing in and out deeply.
-----"Hey, Diane, come on. We can do this. Last time we fought her we barely even knew each other that well. We've been partners for two years now. We can do this, I promise," Kyrith looks down on Diane in concern.
-----"I know, I know," Diane whispers, waving Kyrith's hand away from her shoulder. The sound of gun shots and metal scraping against metal fills the gym as one battle after another is finished. About an hour later, Mr. Trite's voice finally calls out.
-----"And finally is Diane with Kyrith versus Anastasia with Damian. Please come to the center of the pit." Kyrith pulls Diane to her feet, squeezing her hand a little to reassure her. Diane just smiles back meekly, even though her heart is beating like crazy just from his touch. They trudge to the center of the ring, taking their places as Anastasia and Damian take theirs. Kyrith grits his teeth angrily, while Diane just stares off blankly, trying her best not to remember what happened last time she fought Anastasia. Her arm pinches in pain for a second, as if the muscles and bones have memorized the pain. Last time Diane fought Anastasia, she let her anger get the best of her and turned into a full demon. Anastasia, in fear of her safety, had hit her arm too hard with the but of her sword, shattering her humerus and putting her out of fighting for three months.
-----"Ready, and, fight!" Diane is snapped out of her trance by Mr. Trite's command. She sticks her right arm out towards Damian, who's body quickly transforms into a moving ray of light that settles into Diane's hand and solidifies into a scythe with a flash. Anastasia does the same towards Damian, who reluctantly shifts into his katana form. The girls stand, bodies tensed, ready for the other to make a move. With a sudden jump, Anastasia sprints towards Diane, her katana poised over her shoulder. Diane grinds her feet into the ground, tensing her leg muscles. Anastasia leaps up so she is overhead, quickly coming down with a murderous scream. Just as the knife is about to hit Diane, she whips out her scythe over her head, stopping Anastasia's lethal attack with a shrill screech of metal hitting metal. She swings the scythe hard to the left, throwing Anastasia off and flying towards the wall. She hits the wall with a thump and crumples to the ground. Using her sword as support, she stands up, wiping the blood off of her lip. She smiles evilly, cracking her neck.
-----"So that's how it's going to be, huh?" She sprints back towards Diane, using Damian's power as a half-angel to shift quickly from left to right. Diane tries her best to follow Anastasia's flitting shape, her eyes darting back and forth to track the gray blur. Suddenly, the shape is gone. Diane stands still, listening for the sound of dirt under feet. She whips around with her scythe over her head, blocking the shot that Anastasia just swung. She again throws Anastasia across the room, but this time she lands on her feet. She places two fingers in front of her face, muttering words that no one could hear. Her body begins to glow with a heavenly light, growing brighter until it appears she is engulfed in pale yellow flames. She disappears, and the reappears right in front of Diane's face. Before she can react, Anastasia punches her in the stomach, sending out yellow sparks from her enflamed fist. Diane flies back, tumbling to the ground, her scythe clattering to the ground beside her. She makes no attempt to move, and doesn't appear to be conscious. With a flash of light, Kyrith changes back into his human form and runs over to Diane's limp body.
-----"Diane? Diane? DIANE!" He shakes her, but her eyes remain closed. "Come on, get up! We have to win this!" He places his hand on the back of her head, but pulls away when he feels something sticky coating his palm. Bright red blood soaks his hand, dripping out from in between his fingers. He picks her up quickly, carrying her bridal style as he sprints to the infirmary. He hastily opens the door straight across from the main entrance, shocking some of the nurses inside. "Help, please, she's badly hurt." The nurses direct Kyrith over to a bed with crisp, clean sheets on it, and ask him to place her on it.
-----"We'll let you know how she is in a little while," one of the ladies says, ushering Kyrith out of the room.
-----"Wait, bu-" the door is shut in his face. He sighs, slumping down onto the floor with his head in his hands. "I'll wait, Diane. I promise I'll wait."
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||chapter three||

Postby strawbaerry » Tue Sep 24, 2013 12:44 pm

-----“You can come in now,” a nurse opens the door. She looks around for Kyrith, but can’t seem to find him. She is about to close the door when she hears a murmur next to her. She looks down to see Kyrith, his knees pulled up to his chest, his head resting on his crossed arms. His eyes are closed and he takes shallow, quiet breaths. His tail, curled around him, waves back and forth slightly. The nurse kneels down and shakes his sleeping figure. “Hey, you can come in now.” Kyrith’s eyes open drowsily and blink a few times in confusion at the nurse.
-----“Hmm?” He mumbles tiredly.
-----“You can come in. We’re done now,” the nurse smiles sympathetically. “Sorry it took so lo-” Before she can finish her sentence, Kyrith has stood up and walked into the office. He walks quickly over to Diane’s motionless figure, looking down on her with a pained expression.
-----“H-how is she?” he chokes out, clenching his fists until his knuckles turn white.
-----“She’ll be fine. It was just a minor concussion,” the nurse says calmly, grabbing Kyrith’s arm. She pulls him over to a chair and forces him to sit down, but Kyrith doesn’t put up a fight. He just stares, dazed, at Diane’s sleeping figure. He pulls the chair closer to the bed and rests his elbows on the bed, his head in his hands. His body begins to shake with his sobs, wetting the bed-sheets with his tears.
-----“Thank goodness,” he whispers, wiping the tears away. He takes Diane’s small hand in his large ones, squeezing it tightly. “I’m sorry, Diane. I should have kept you safe,” his tears start again. The nurse stands awkwardly behind him, looking at the emotional scene before her.
-----“I’m just going to tell everyone that she’s ok,” she mumbles, walking hurriedly out of the small office. Kyrith wipes his tears with the corner of his shirt, cursing at himself for getting so emotional.
-----“I’m gonna go get our homework, ok?” Kyrith says to Diane’s sleeping figure. He stands up and pushes the chair out of his way, but is stopped by a hand tugging on his shirt. He looks back to see Diane, tears in her eyes, clutching onto his shirt with a shaky hand.
-----“D-don’t go,” she whispers, her voice cracking with every word. Kyrith’s expression grows hard, and he pulls his shirt out of her grasp.
-----“Don’t be such a wimp. I’m just going to get my homework and come right back, dork...” he mumbles, straightening his shirt. Walking out of the nurse’s office, he heads towards the main doors and exits the building into the cool evening air. He runs his hands through his hair while his tail twitches angrily. His eyes glaze over and begin to burn with a black flame. His body begins to glow black, the soft hue quickly transforming into dark black flames that flowed around his body. Small flecks of the black flames float away from his body like burning paper from a fire. He feels his consciousness slipping away, his vision fogging with a black mist that filled his head with evil whispers that taunted him. Shaking his head, he takes deep breaths as he rubs his temples. The black flame dies away, and his vision returns to normal. He collapses onto the ground, holding his head in his hands. Using the tree next to him as support, he shakily stands up and starts walking in a not-so-straight line towards the dorm rooms. He ignores the waves and concerned comments aimed his way as he trudges up the stairs to the dorm room entrance, pulling open the door with a yank. Everyone in the room grows quiet and begins to congregate into small groups out of Kyrith’s way. The quizzical eyes of his fellow students follow him to his room, number 62, and watch intently as he shoves the key into the lock and turns it. He shoots a glare at everyone as he shuts the door behind him, sighing angrily after closing the door with a click. He collapses into a heap on his bed, his school papers flying every which way.
-----Strewn across the floor are pictures that Kyrith and Diane took over the summer vacation. Dew on a leaf, a bird in flight, and, “oh”, one of Diane. Kyrith slides off the bed and reaches for the photo, groaning at the distance and his own laziness. After much torso-stretching and finger-wiggling, the photo finally is pinched between his outstretched fingers. He brings it towards his face, his eyes growing wider and his cheeks turning a slight pink color as he looks at the photo. Diane’s eyes are closed in laughter, her mouth opened in a large smile. One hand is raised up to hold her hair out of her face, which is being blown about by a strong wind. Her sweater waves slightly to the side, slipped off of one shoulder to expose her tan skin. Her large, fluffy tail is wrapped around her legs, trying to keep her sweater from opening too much. Her other hand, stretched out towards the camera, is holding a small butterfly, glowing purple and gold. More butterflies of blues, yellows, oranges, and greens flutter in the air, struggling against the strong wind. Diane’s ‘X’ necklace is laying flat across her chest, while her silver paper airplane charm wrapped around her right horn flies along with the wind, begging to be let loose and allowed to soar with the butterflies. Kyrith’s heart beats a bit faster looking at her happy smile, making him regret leaving Diane in such an angry way. He sticks the photo in his pocket and collects the homework papers, scattered across the room due to his previous flop on the bed, and sticks them in Diane’s large burlap bag. He throws it over his shoulder so it lays across his body in a diagonal, and walks out of the room. The main plaza is now deserted except for a few teachers, who nod their heads in understanding towards Kyrith. Walking out of the building, he is immediately hit with a cold burst of air that shoves him back a bit.
-----“Alright, let’s do this,” he yells at the wind, sprinting head-long into it. Struggling to keep himself from falling over backwards, he eventually makes it to the school and steps gratefully into the warm interior. He makes his way straight to the nurse’s office, and knocks on the door.
-----“Come in,” a voice says. Kyrith opens the door slowly, peeking in to see if Diane is awake yet. “Kyrith, I can see you!” Diane’s voice calls out in annoyance, forcing Kyrith to walk in with his tail figuratively between his legs. Diane’s tail waves back and forth in annoyance, her eyes flaming black in the background. “Well?”
-----“I brought your homework,” he holds out the bag, placing it on the chair beside the bed.
-----“Thanks...” Diane mumbles. Her tail still twitches, annoyed, but the flame in her eyes has died away, replaced with a happy glow.
-----“I’m sorry, Diane, I should have protected you.”
-----“Just don’t, Kyrith. In battle you’re just a weapon, so it’s my job to use you correctly and keep you and myself safe. That wasn’t a kind of magic I’ve seen before, I was just unprepared.”
-----“Diane, don’t beat yourself up like that. It wa-”
-----“STOP! JUST... stop, alright? It was my fault,” Diane yells, startling Kyrith a bit. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell...” she pushes her hair out of her face, taking a deep breath.
-----“Kyrith, Diane, the headmaster wants to see you,” Mr. Trite barges in, interrupting Kyrith mid-word. Diane and Kyrith look at each other in shock.
-----“What could the headmaster want with us?”
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Re: ||transforming love|| - posting open~

Postby strawbaerry » Wed Sep 25, 2013 2:08 pm

i would really love some feedback on this. what do you guys think of it?
cocoa spice (c) lucky cerise
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Re: ||transforming love|| - posting open~

Postby strawbaerry » Thu Sep 26, 2013 12:30 pm

cocoa spice (c) lucky cerise
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||chapter four||

Postby strawbaerry » Wed Oct 02, 2013 1:56 pm

-----“What could the headmaster want with us?” Diane and Kyrith ask in unison. Mr. Trite’s face remains stolid, void of reaction to Diane and Kyrith’s dismay.
-----“Please follow me,” he replies, stepping out of the room to hold the door open for the two teens. Kyrith helps Diane out of bed, who thanks him quietly with her cheeks tinged pink. Kyrith stepped out of the way to allow Diane to leave the room first, holding the door open.
-----“T-thank you,” she mutters, shuffling out of the room quickly. Kyrith watches her with amusement, running his hands through his hair. They follow Mr. Trite up the left flight of stairs and stop in front of a door that emanates a foreboding aura.
-----“Please enter,” a voice booms from inside, forcing the doors to open without Mr. Trite tugging on them at all. A dark mist in the shape of hands rolls out from the pitch black interior, grabbing onto Kyrith and Diane’s wrists to pull them into the room. As soon as they step over the threshold, the door closes with a slam, which creates a strong wind that sweeps Diane and Kyrith off of their feet and over a ledge.
-----“Kyrith!” Diane screams, reaching her hand towards Kyrith’s falling figure.
-----“Diane!” Kyrith reaches out, their hands brushing occasionally as they struggle to grab a hold of each other. Suddenly, a large black wall jutts up from the floor, separating them from each other’s view. Their fall is slowed by an upward gust of air, and they both land on their feet in separate rooms.
-----“Welcome,” a voice booms over a loudspeaker. Diane and Kyrith cover their ears and looks around the room in confusion and fear. “Oh, sorry, too loud! My bad,” the voice laughs, sounding significantly less menacing than it had a few seconds earlier. “You guys would probably like some light, wouldn’t you? Let me just... um... where is that darned switch...” the voice mumbled absentmindedly. “Is this it? No... this one? No, that’s the coffee machine... Ah! There it is!” The rooms are both illuminated by a bright flash of light, revealing that they’re in a large, oval shaped room with a large glass panel splitting it in the middle. Diane runs over to the glass, pressing her fingers to it.
-----“Kyrith! Kyrith!” she yells, banging on the glass with her fist. Kyrith appears to not notice Diane’s figure, or hear the sound of her hand colliding with the glass.
-----“He can’t hear you, it’s a one-way mirror,” the voice says apologetically. “Normally it’s not like this, but this is a special occasion.”
-----“Who are you?” Diane yells angrily up at the ceiling.
-----“Well, it’s me! The headmaster! You can’t have forgotten me already, have you?” A large TV screen sparks to life, and the headmaster’s face pops up onto it.“Hello!” His face smiled happily, his vibrant, long red hair swaying around his face. Diane looks quickly over to the right, where she sees Kyrith also looking at a screen. He appears to be yelling at it, his hands gesturing angrily. “Calm down, calm down, both of you,” the headmaster chastises. He clears his throat and pushes his hair out of his face. “Now, I’m sure you’re both confused about what’s happening here, so allow me to explain. Kyrith, Diane, I want to send you on a mission. But, before I do so, I want to make sure that you are strong enough partners to complete it. Kyrith, Diane can see you right now, but you can’t see her, correct?”
-----“Well, duh,” Kyrith’s figure appears in the bottom right corner of Diane’s screen. “If I could see her I would be talking to her.”
-----“Kyrith, I’m going to ask you some questions about you and Diane’s partnership. Diane won’t know of anything you say, so I want you to answer truthfully. Understand?”
-----“Ya, I guess,” Kyrith mutters, fussing with his hair.
-----“Wait, I can hear and see him! Why are you ly-” Diane yells.
-----“Shhh, he doesn’t know that,” the headmaster winks at Diane, putting his pointer finger up to his lip. The shot of Kyrith expands to fill the entirety of Diane’s screen. She stands, dumbfounded at the progressing of events, but doesn’t protest. She watches a nervous and annoyed Kyrith shuffling his feet impatiently, crossing his arms angrily.
-----“Well? Are you going to ask me anything?” Kyrith asks.
-----“Oh, goodness me, where did that paper go... Ah! I always put things in the strangest places,” the headmaster slams a paper on his table and pulls a pen out from behind his ear. Diane giggles a bit as Kyrith raises one eyebrow in a ‘is this really the guy who runs our school?’ expression. “Ok... Kyrith, how long have you and Diane been partners?”
-----“17 years,” Kyrith sighs.
-----“How would you describe Diane’s personality in comparison to your own?”
-----“Um, Diane’s a lot more focused and driven than I am, and I’m a bit lazier and sarcastic.”
-----“A bit...” diane sighs in exasperation.
-----“How do you think Diane feels about that?”
-----“Annoyed,” Kyrith answers without hesitation.
-----“Do you think that affects your ability to function as a team?”
-----“No, she gets pissed at me and ends up fighting a lot harder,” Kyrith smirks to himself.
-----“With her... how should I put it... problem, don’t you think that’s dangerous?” Kyrith stiffens and glares angrily at the headmaster.
-----“She doesn’t have a problem, that’s who she is,” he hisses through his teeth.
-----“Please answer the question,” the headmaster is smiling mischievously.
-----“Her ability does make it a bit risky, but nothing has gone wrong so far.”
-----“And Kyrith, don’t you have the same problem?”
-----“I said... it’s not... a problem,” Kyrith seethes. Diane notices his rising levels of anger and looks on in horror as his body begins to glow black. She runs over to the glass and bangs on it as hard as she can.
-----“Kyrith! Kyrith, stop! Please!” Tears brim on the edges of her eyes as she tries desperately to communicate with Kyrith. His head whips over towards the glass wall, staring Diane straight in the eyes. His expression softens and his body loses its black glow.
-----“There, there, Kyrith. Diane wouldn’t want that,” the headmaster tuts.
-----“I know,” Kyrith ruffles his hair again, straightening his clothing.
-----“Ok... thank you for answering my questions. I’ll be back to you in a moment.” The glass turned into a mirror, and Diane was left staring at her reflection.
-----“Kyrith... no...” she whispers.
-----“Now, Diane, it’s your turn~” the headmaster announced in a sing-song voice. “Let’s see, my first question is...”
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Re: ||transforming love|| - posting open~

Postby strawbaerry » Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:10 am

cocoa spice (c) lucky cerise
constance (c) me

hello everyone~ im pretty inactive on this site, but if you'd like to talk to me more just send me a message! i check my twitter and skype a lot more often than here!

i prefer they/them pronouns, so it would mean a lot if you used those! thank you!
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Re: ||transforming love|| - posting open~

Postby strawbaerry » Tue Oct 08, 2013 2:38 pm

sweet❀tea wrote:
cocoa spice (c) lucky cerise
constance (c) me

hello everyone~ im pretty inactive on this site, but if you'd like to talk to me more just send me a message! i check my twitter and skype a lot more often than here!

i prefer they/them pronouns, so it would mean a lot if you used those! thank you!
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Re: ||transforming love|| - posting open~

Postby strawbaerry » Wed Oct 09, 2013 12:30 pm

sweet❀tea wrote:
cocoa spice (c) lucky cerise
constance (c) me

hello everyone~ im pretty inactive on this site, but if you'd like to talk to me more just send me a message! i check my twitter and skype a lot more often than here!

i prefer they/them pronouns, so it would mean a lot if you used those! thank you!
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