Lumpkinz11's Writing Collection

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A Knight of Great Valor... by Lumpkinz11

Postby Lumpkinz11 Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ » Thu Nov 30, 2023 12:09 pm

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A Knight of Great Valor...
by Lumpkinz11

A Knight of Great Valor, so Brave and True
Set out on a quest to battle three foes
The first was a knight, in armor so bright
He fought with all he had, and stayed to fight

The second foe was a wizard, so wise all had said
He cast spells of old, and he always led
Our brave knight was no match, and soon he fell
But did not give up, he'd still win with a yell

The third foe, a poor farmer, did not seem too tough
But with a hidden strength, he sure proved enough
Our knight fought hard, and with all his valor
But in the end, the farmer won with power

Our brave knight, he did not despair
He knew he had tried, had fulfilled his dare
He bowed his head in respect and honor
And accepted his fate, and thanked the farmer

He knew that sometimes, courage won't win
But that doesn't mean a knight can't give it a spin
So though the farmer had won the day
The knight still had courage, and that was enough to stay
”Hope is a thing with feathers,
that perches on the soul…”

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As Time Moves On... by Lumpkinz11

Postby Lumpkinz11 Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ » Thu Nov 30, 2023 12:20 pm

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As Time Moves On...
by Lumpkinz11

As time moves on, my years begin to show,
The wrinkles on my face, the silvery grey,
Yet I can take it in my stride, you know,
These signs of age, they come and pass away.

The creaks in my joints and aches in my bones,
The memories of days that have gone by,
My eyes still twinkle, I know I'm not alone,
For I can see the beauty in the sky.

The wisdom I've gained throughout life's many tests,
I carry with me as I breathe each day,
The beauty of age, I do not regret,
It's a gift I'm grateful for in every way.

For when I reach the end, I'll go with grace,
My dignity and spirit, still in place.
”Hope is a thing with feathers,
that perches on the soul…”

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A Matchstick Loves a Candle by Lumpkinz11

Postby Lumpkinz11 Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ » Thu Nov 30, 2023 12:25 pm

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A Matchstick Loves a Candle
by Lumpkinz11

A matchstick, so small and weak,
Craved nothing more than to seek
The warmth and light of a candle bright,
To make his life feel just right.

The flame, a beauty so grand,
Moved the matchstick to take a stand.
He wanted to bask in her fire and glow,
But his feelings he could not show.

The candle's flame flickered and swayed,
Drawing the matchstick in her blaze.
He thought of her day and night,
Which only made his feelings ignite.

He wanted to tell her of his love,
But he was too shy, so he stayed above.
He watched her from afar in the dark,
Admiring her beauty, he had a spark.

The matchstick's flame burned bright and true,
But it was for the candle he longed to pursue.
He wanted so much to be with her,
But alas, it was but a blur.

The candle looked ever so fair,
But her flame was just too far to share.
The matchstick's heart felt such despair,
For he knew his soul would soon be bare.

He had to accept his fate,
Of death, and a love too late.
He found solace in the night,
Where he could feel the candle's light.
”Hope is a thing with feathers,
that perches on the soul…”

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A Rose and a Woman by Lumpkinz11

Postby Lumpkinz11 Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ » Thu Nov 30, 2023 12:32 pm

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A Rose and a Woman
by Lumpkinz11

A withering rose, so frail and whisper-thin,
A sight of beauty, though its life soon ends.
It mirrors a woman who nears her passed kin,
Her beauty too, soon to life's curtains end.

For both are life's symbols of frailness,
The rose, a beauty of nature's plan.
The woman, a beauty of nature's progress,
Gentleness of life in each woman and flower span.

Each beauty in its own time must fade,
The rose departs with autumn's last grace.
The woman, her beauty wanes with shade,
The sun hides behind a cloud's embrace.

But both in beauty made their mark,
The rose, and the woman, together aging.
Their beauty will end, but not life's spark,
For each one will find in death's peace its blessing.
”Hope is a thing with feathers,
that perches on the soul…”

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Sonnet [2] by Lumpkinz11

Postby Lumpkinz11 Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ » Fri Dec 01, 2023 2:50 am

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Sonnet [2]
by Lumpkinz11

Death brings change, it's true, yet life remains,
A living force that even death can't end.
Though life may seem to wane, its flame still gains
The strength to spark an ever-growing trend.

Though darkness brings a chill, and shadows creep,
The light of life still burns within the night.
Though death may take away, it also keeps
A bond that binds us in a perfect plight.

Death's presence brings a strange and somber grace,
A reminder of our fragile mortality.
It brings us peace, a balm to soothe the face
Of fear and worry, when our hearts can't rally.

Life's gift, so precious, death can not depart,
Its whispers last, an echo in our heart.
”Hope is a thing with feathers,
that perches on the soul…”

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Once a Man So Loved a Wife... by Lumpkinz11

Postby Lumpkinz11 Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ » Fri Dec 01, 2023 2:54 am

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One a Man So Loved a Wife
by Lumpkinz11

Once a man so loved a wife his heart did break
When death had taken her, his love did quake
He dug up her corpse and held it close to him
In grief he wept, his soul did slowly dim

His love was so strong, it could not be quelled
He held her close, his heart he could not felled
In madness, he twirled and danced with her in arm
His sorrow revealed, for death had taken his charm

In his mind, he saw her beauty ever more
His love for her could not be ignored
Though his pain was so real, he carried on still
His love for her, he'd never let it chill

The man so loved his wife, his heart did break
That he'd go mad, no one could mistake
And so he danced with her, his love so true
Until death released him, his face cold and blue
”Hope is a thing with feathers,
that perches on the soul…”

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In a Garden's Embrace by Lumpkinz11

Postby Lumpkinz11 Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ » Fri Dec 01, 2023 2:59 am

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In a Garden's Embrace...
by Lumpkinz11

In a garden's embrace, a seed was sown,
Nurtured by nature, its beauty soon shown.
Petals unfurled, a delicate dance,
Growing with grace, a symbol of chance.
But fate intervened, a tragic end near,
Crushed underfoot, its demise so severe.
Yet, in its demise, a lesson we find,
Life's fragility, a reminder unkind.
”Hope is a thing with feathers,
that perches on the soul…”

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NEW Book: A Collection of Poems and Sonnets

Postby Lumpkinz11 Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ » Thu Dec 07, 2023 10:52 am

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Written by me! Can be found on my Wattpad below!

A Collection of Poems and Sonnets

A Skeleton's Lament

"A beating heart, blood and flesh
I need more than just a hollow chest
A soul within, a life to start
A living body that's not apart

A body that's whole, not just a shell
The chance to be alive and well
A chance to touch and feel the breeze
A chance to move and never freeze

A chance to see and shake a hand
A chance to take a walking stand
A chance to hug and feel the warmth
A chance to be more than just a form

A chance to laugh and feel the joy
A chance to live and not be coy
A chance to feel the sun and rain
A chance to feel alive again"
”Hope is a thing with feathers,
that perches on the soul…”

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Christmas Poems - Collection

Postby Lumpkinz11 Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ » Tue Jul 02, 2024 12:30 pm


...Poem About Christmas...

In the hushed embrace of winter's chill,
When the world is adorned in a snowy quilt,
A season of enchantment unfolds its wings,
And the spirit of Christmas gently sings.

With twinkling lights and garlands bright,
Homes adorned in festive delight,
A symphony of joy fills the air,
Love and laughter, everywhere.

From cozy hearths to bustling streets,
The magic of Christmas our hearts does greet,
A time for family, a time for friends,
To gather 'round as the year descends.

The aroma of cinnamon and spice,
Fills the kitchen, oh, so nice,
Baking memories, sweet and dear,
Creating moments we hold near.

Gifts wrapped in ribbons, gleaming with cheer,
Symbols of love for those we hold dear,
For within these trinkets, big or small,
Lies the essence of giving, the greatest gift of all.

Yet, amidst the merriment and the glee,
Let's not forget the true beauty we see,
In the humble manger, where hope was born,
A child of light, on a cold winter morn.

For Christmas is not just about presents and feasts,
But a season of miracles, a time for peace,
To reach out to others, to lend a helping hand,
To spread compassion across the land.

So, let us gather, hearts intertwined,
In the spirit of Christmas, love defined,
For in this season, we find our way,
To kindness, to gratitude, each and every day.

As snowflakes dance upon the ground,
Let love and joy be forever found,
In the echoes of carols, we sing with delight,
A poem about Christmas, shining so bright.

On Christmas Eve...

On Christmas Eve, the air shimmers with joy,
A crisp winter's night, where dreams deploy.
Frosty breath dances as carolers sing,
And memories of love, a warm offering.

In the quiet moments, when darkness falls,
Sparkling lights adorn homes and halls.
Candles flicker with a soft, gentle glow,
Guiding hearts to the blessings we know.

Children's laughter, like bells in the air,
As they eagerly await presents to share.
Their eyes wide with wonder, filled with delight,
As they dream of reindeer and sleighs in flight.

Families gather, with love as the theme,
Embracing the magic, like a timeless dream.
Stories are told, and laughter fills the space,
As we celebrate love, in this sacred place.

Through the window pane, snowflakes gently twirl,
As the world around us begins to unfurl.
A peaceful hush, as midnight draws near,
A moment of stillness, where worries disappear.

On Christmas Eve, the world seems to pause,
A reminder of love's everlasting cause.
In the quiet depths of this holy night,
Hope and goodwill shine, forever bright.

Santa, Dear Santa...

In wintery nights, where snowflakes gently fall,
There comes a figure, loved by one and all.
With rosy cheeks and eyes that twinkle bright,
He spreads joy and laughter throughout the night.

Santa, dear Santa, a jolly old soul,
With a heart so warm, making spirits whole.
His sleigh takes flight, pulled by reindeer strong,
Through starry skies, he travels all night long.

His sack is filled with gifts and dreams untold,
For children young and hearts that have grown old.
In chimneys he descends with nimble grace,
Leaving behind smiles on each child's face.

Santa, dear Santa, the embodiment of cheer,
Bringing hope and happiness, year after year.
With kindness in his heart and laughter in his eyes,
He fills our lives with wonder and surprise.

So let us believe in the magic he brings,
For in our hearts, the spirit of Santa sings.
In this season of love, let our spirits unite,
And cherish the joy Santa brings each night.

...Pure Magic is Born...

Snowflakes gently fall,
Gifts wrapped in festive paper,
Joy fills the air.

Children's eyes sparkle,
Unwrapping surprises with glee,
Love in every box.

Family gathers,
Sharing laughter and warmth,
Christmas memories.

The spirit of giving,
In each thoughtful gesture,
Blessings unfold.

Merry Christmas morn,
With gifts that touch the heart,
Pure magic is born


Magnificent evergreen reaching the sky,
Adorned with beauty, dazzling to the eye.
Oh Christmas tree, a symbol so grand,
With branches reaching out like welcoming hands.

Oh, how you sparkle, with lights divine,
A beacon of hope, in this season so fine.
Your ornaments, gleaming with memories and cheer,
Each one holds a story, a cherished tale dear.

Your fragrant scent fills the air with delight,
Evoking the spirit of joy, shining bright.
Your rustling leaves, a gentle symphony,
Whispering secrets of love and unity.

Beneath your branches, presents lay in wait,
Wrapped with love, sealed with anticipation so great.
Family gathered 'round, laughter fills the room,
Togetherness, love, amidst cozy warmth and bloom.

Oh Christmas tree, you're more than just decor,
You symbolize hope, love, and so much more.
A reminder of the magic that this season brings,
Of miracles, of kindness, of all wondrous things.

So let us gather 'round, in your enchanting embrace,
And let our hearts be filled with joy and grace.
Oh Christmas tree, forever you will be,
A symbol of love and unity for all to see

...No Gifts...

In the depths of winter's embrace, a tale I'll share tonight,
Of the bittersweet silence that descends on Christmas night,
Where hearts are left longing, with faint hints of despair,
A tale of receiving no gifts, in the frosty winter air.

As the snowflakes dance, adorned in crystal gowns,
And carols whisper softly through the empty town,
A solitary candle's glow flickers in the dark,
A shimmering beacon challenging a bruised heart.

In the hush of the evening, where dreams usually ignite,
A void now engulfs this peaceful Christmas night,
No parcels wrapped in paper, no ribbons all aglow,
For the world has chosen silence, thus causing sorrow to grow.

But upon this canvas of absence, let me paint a silver thread,
A tale of resilience, resilience born from what is unsaid,
For in this void, new stories may emerge,
Where the spirit of giving takes on a different surge.

For in the barren space, where presents should have laid,
There's courage to embrace the depths where hopes betrayed,
Where the essence of Christmas, free from material ties,
Can truly awaken in hearts through love's surprise.

In this absence, there's a whisper of love so pure,
A gift that needs no wrappings nor ribbons to endure,
A gift of presence in presence itself we find,
Connecting heart to heart, beyond the realms of time.

So fear not the lack of tangible treasures on this eve,
For in the quietude, a different magic we perceive,
Savor the unfolding silence, let unfold a different glow,
For in the void of gifting, love’s truth begins to show.

And as the night grows darker, and icy winds persist,
Know that love's warmth within shall forever resist,
Rejoice in the purity that strives to set us free,
For in receiving no gifts, love's true essence we can see

Christmas Time Is Finally Here...

Christmas time is finally here,
A season of joy and good cheer,
With twinkling lights and gifts so bright,
Bringing happiness into the night.

Families gather, hearts united,
With love and laughter so excited,
As we celebrate this special day,
In our own unique and merry way.

So let's spread kindness and embrace,
The magic of Christmas, in every place,
For in this season, may we all find,
Peace and joy, for all humankind.


Snow falls gently from the sky
A blanket of white, a sight to behold
Covering the ground, a winter wonderland
As it dances and twirls in the cold

Each flake unique, a work of art
Creating a soft and silent beauty
The world transforms into a serene scene
Underneath the winter's icy duty

Children play and laugh in the snow
Building snowmen and having fun
The pure and innocent joy it brings
As they embrace the winter's run

As the snow falls, a calmness descends
A peaceful silence fills the air
Bringing a sense of tranquility
That only a snowy day can share

So let the snow fall and cover the land
In its quiet and enchanting charm
For in its gentle embrace, we find
A beauty that can calm any harm.

Snow Day

Snowflakes falling from the sky,
Covering the ground, oh so high.
No school today, we're filled with glee,
A snow day, a day to be free.

We'll build a snowman, have a snowball fight,
Everything is covered in pure white.
Snuggled up inside by the fire's glow,
A perfect day to watch the snow

New Years Eve

As the old year fades away
And the new one takes its place
We gather 'round with joy and cheer
To bid the past a fond embrace

The midnight hour draws ever near
And with it comes a brand new start
We raise our glasses, filled with hope
And open up our grateful hearts

We reminisce on days gone by
And think of all we hope to gain
In the year that lies ahead
With resolutions to sustain

So let us celebrate this night
With laughter, love, and bright array
For as the clock strikes twelve at last
We'll welcome in the New Year's Day.
”Hope is a thing with feathers,
that perches on the soul…”

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#2 Journal Excerpt - June 6th, 2019 to November 10th, 2019

Postby Lumpkinz11 Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ » Tue Jul 02, 2024 12:43 pm

Journal [2] Excerpts - June 6th, 2019 to November 10th, 2019

"Ugh I'm full of so much love!"

"Also, I bought a ukelele! It's so much fun"

"Today was eh."
"I'm still a bit bitter."

"Really have been feeling angry lately."
"It feels like he doesn't care."

"I don't know why I've been so anxious about us."
"I have...been really insecure lately."

"...I'm apartment planning..."

Unknown Date
"I'm feeling really anxious right now."
"I'm just really stressed."

" fish died."
"My mom and I [buried] him in the backyard."
"I can't stop crying."

"Today was intense."
"I just wanted to take his pain away."
"I would've stayed all night."

"I'm so in love with him. And I am so worried."

"I miss [him] with my whole being."

"I am pretty stressed."
"But I'm so in love!"

"I have been not feeling like myself lately."
"He's got my heart."

"I have been sobbing for the past 3 hours."
"...I just wanna feel important..."
"...I hate everything."

"How did something so simple become such a huge deal? I just wanted to feel important..."

"...watched the sunset..."
"I'm really in love! I'm so lucky!"

Unknown Date
"I've been feeling real out of it for weeks now."
"My heart races...and I get really overwhelmed."
"I have therapy tomorrow and I hope she doesn't bring up my past."

"I don't know why things haven't been okay lately."
"I hate myself. And that makes me sad."

"...I'm in a depressive episode..."

"I wanna feel better."

"...had a panic attack."

"...I got really upset. Like, really upset."
"I am really unhappy...This isn't a relationship."
"I have never been so scared. I just want to trust and feel secure but I don't at all."
"...I know I have my faults as well...
"Why do I keep crying? What am I missing? When will things be okay?"

"After...a great day...I had a meltdown."
"...[he] made me go to the hospital..."
"I have partial hospitalization now."

" was my first day at partial hospitalization. I cried, barely talked, and barely ate."
"I'm in a room full of people I don't want to share my info with."
" I'm a burden."
"I just want her in my corner again."

"I'm anxious and hungry but I cannot eat. It is the only form of control I have [in] my life."

"I feel really low."
"Is this life? Worrying about what I eat? Forcing myself to work? Getting help that's not working?"
"That's why I don't like partial; I'm in a room of people with real issues...I'm just scared of the monster under my bed. Except when I look, I just see myself."

"I'm anxious..."
"Whenever I am alone I get [alot of] sad, scary thoughts."
"I feel like a burden."

"I feel like a zombie. So tired, empty, dead inside."

"The whole night I felt so disconnected from him and I felt so sad."
"At night, I go home and take my Trazodone so I'm too tired to do anything."
"She reminds me of my grandma and I want to protect her."

"I wish I was more honest. With others and myself. I am not happy."

"Today I was real manic..."
"May I just really like the attention."

"Today is not a good day. [My cat] is missing."
"'Hang in there!' I didn't even let go; the branch broke."
"I don't feel safe."

"I'm tired of all this therapy."
"I miss [my cat]. I hope we find him."

"I feel really anxious. Like everyone is looking at me. Like they just know."
"I miss [my cat]. [We] looked for his dead body. We couldn't find him."
"Does no one care?"

"...I haven't really been able to really be there for him."
"My anxiety is like bursting out of me."
"I'm waiting for my life to unpause."
"I'm mad at myself for not feeling okay. I miss feeling okay."
"The days have been long."

"I need to look for [my cat's] body again. I need that closure."
"...we're all here, in the same place, seeking the same thing. And that's help, relief from the pain."
"My anxiety is bubbling in my lungs are full of the stuff."
"All I have is this book, these pages, these words."
"[My therapist says], 'I get my safety pretending everything is okay.'"

"I love him too much."
"I really feel like a part of my being is missing."

"...I really think we are really starting to figure it out."

"Am I getting worse? Yeah, probably."
"It upsets me when he says he misses me. Like, I'm trapped in myself. Like, he misses the girl he fell in love with."

"I don't feel better. Just stagnant, empty; just floating."

"I feel so disconnected."
"I feel like I've lost a big piece of me, but I'm not sure what piece. Like I'm different, but how? I've changed, but when? How? What has changed? Why...[?]"
"This may sound cynical and negative, but it never truly gets better. You just care less. You just feel more numb."

"Today is my last day at partial."
"I'm better than that [stuff]. I deserve better."

"I need to save him."

"Mom says it's the meds beginning to work."
"Okay so I'm really not doing okay. I need to get help..."
”Hope is a thing with feathers,
that perches on the soul…”

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