Tales of The Forgotten Vale || Prompts

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Tales of The Forgotten Vale || Prompts

Postby Clementine Cloud » Tue Feb 09, 2021 2:01 pm


Completed Writing Prompts Storage

Valley of Kings

The Vale was a very beautiful place. Two large mountain ranges surrounded the lush valley, the two tallest mountains stood opposite one another, one to the north-east and one to the south-west that gradually wrapped around each other on both sides, encircling The Vale and protecting it from harsh weather and the outside world. Water flowed down from crevices in the mountains to form streams running through the valley. These streams flowed, not into the ocean, but pooled into a series of springs at the valley floor. The Vale was otherwise covered in grassy plains near the bottom and thick woods as you neared the mountains. It was a very temperate place, in the sunlit plains you’d be warm, a gentle breeze flowing through the valley, and under the shade of the deciduous trees you’d be nice and cool.
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Re: Tales of The Forgotten Vale || Prompts

Postby Clementine Cloud » Tue Feb 09, 2021 2:02 pm

S1: "Send your lion off on a treasure hunt! Where does their journey take them, and how do they discover something new and grand? Who sent them, why are they going? What are they hoping to find? 500 word or 1 art piece minimum" [2 Points]

Midas Needs a New Home

It was time to move again. Midas wasn’t the kind to stay in one place for long, whether that was by choice or not varied. Sometimes he’d stay somewhere for a little while but get bored, not really feeling connected to the land or the pride he was with, other times he simply did not get along with some of the other lions and was cast out. It didn’t matter he was the son of the guardian lion, if they didn’t like his personality (it was a bit of an… acquired taste he’d admit) he was out. Though it might not seem like it, the lion didn’t like conflict, he’d rather just move on than get into a real fight. And that’s exactly what had happened a few days back that led him on his Journey to find a new place once again.

Midas wasn’t necessarily opposed to the idea of a permanent home, but no place he’d found so far was right. And he’d travelled very far. Perhaps it just isn’t meant to be, perhaps he was simply meant to be a wanderer until the end of his days. And maybe he was alright with that, or maybe he had simply accepted it after so many times.

It was getting dark. The thick storm clouds blocking out most of the sky didn’t help, soon there wouldn’t be any light left for his journey. Midas’ paws squelched with every step, when the rainstorm began he had tried to avoid the puddles, but as the downpour continued it was pointless. Being wet wasn’t anything more than an inconvenience, but when his paws began to slide in the mud every few steps Midas feared he’d get swept away with the mini landslides. He needed to find shelter for the night, or at least until the rain finally stopped and the ground could dry up a bit. But taking another glance at the sky, Midas doubted that would happen anytime soon. He scanned the horizon for any possible place to shelter.

It took longer than he thought it would to find some shelter. Not only did the rain not stop, it got even worse. The first rainstorm of the season was never very fun, after having stayed dry for so long the land becomes hard and isn’t ready to accept so much water all at once. Which means the water pools at the surface levels of the ground creating thick mud and landslides, even flooding in some cases. And this season’s storm threatened to do just that. But thankfully, Midas was able to claw his way through the mud up the side of a small rocky mountain he had spotted a while ago. It was strange, he had never noticed this feature on the landscape before, but he shrugged it off thinking it must just be that unremarkable of a rock to really be worth naming. It did have one thing going for it though, a cave opening near where Midas had climbed up looked very welcoming. “Finally,” he said, “someplace dry.”
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Re: Tales of The Forgotten Vale || Prompts

Postby Clementine Cloud » Tue Feb 09, 2021 2:03 pm

S6:Draw a scene with your lions and a short story to describe it
1 art piece AND 500 word minimum
[4 Points]

Midas Finds the Portal

Midas was cautious as he entered the cave, he hadn’t smelled any signs of other creatures having stayed here recently, but with this storm he wouldn’t be surprised to find others seeking shelter as well. But as he had hoped, It was perfectly dry once you had stepped away from the entrance. As he peered further into the cave, however, not only was it dry, it was spacious. “Strange.” He thought, “Why wouldn’t this cave have been claimed by something yet? It’s plenty spacious, and being up on the mountain like this makes it safe from both the elements and potential attack.” He continued further into the cave as he reasoned, “Maybe it’s just too drab huh? Just a bunch of grey rock and dirt.” Right as the thought concluded, Midas realized just how wrong it was.

It was beautiful. Midas couldn’t help but be drawn toward the swirling and shifting hues within it. What was it? A pool of water? Midas didn’t see any streams or water trickling down from the roof, but then again, he was so mesmerized by the pool to have really looked. It was strange, the rest of the cave had grown dark, of course, as you got further away from the sole entrance, not that the weather outside was bright and sunny to begin with. But when he had made his way around the boulders and stalagmites he had seen the reflection of the water shining on the roof of the cave. Was his night vision playing tricks on him? Or was this glistening pool of water actually glowing? As he stepped up to the edge of the pool he was tempted to stick a paw in, but something stopped him. “What is this place?” He wondered, not knowing if it was safe or some kind of trick. He peered down into the waters to see how deep it went.

Midas’ eyes went wide as he looked through the clear but brightly colored pool of water. It went down deeper than he thought, if he were to step in, surely he’d need to stand on the tips of his back paws to stay out of the water. But even stranger, the bottom of the pool didn’t really seem to be solid rock or sand. It too shifted. Only once had Midas ever seen something similar, and it was not a memory he was fond of. Once, he had been caught in a strong current while taking a wade in the river on a hot cloudless day. He was able to claw his way out of the waters fairly quickly, having grasped some roots at the muddy bank of the river before being swept further. But during his short struggle toward solid ground, the current had dragged him down under the surface of the water. And at that moment, as he held his breath and looked toward the surface of the water, that’s when he’d seen it. The way the sunlight shined through the rippling water, it was a sight he wouldn’t forget.

Taking a step back away from the glowing pool Midas was shaken from the uncomfortable but short memory. Surely it was just a strange reflection, perhaps having to do with the way the pool cast light into the cave, maybe it was casting light back into itself and giving it that appearance. The surface of the water can’t be at the bottom of the pool, that makes no sense at all. Midas shook away the thought, returning to reality. Perhaps just a small dip… he was already wet, what would be the harm? And despite the unnerving memory it called back, something about this pool seemed almost… inviting...
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Re: Tales of The Forgotten Vale || Prompts

Postby Clementine Cloud » Tue Feb 09, 2021 2:06 pm

P7: Amnesty's Name
Amnesty: Pardon, formal forgiveness for past offenses. Cast out of her pride, Amnesty never got the forgiveness she coveted. And of course, how could she expect that from them? So she left willingly, to wander the wilderness, her own sentence for her crimes. But her once endless wander came to an abrupt end, when she fell into a strange pool of water and emerged at The Vale. Amnesty couldn’t see, but she could tell this place was different, it was peaceful. When the whole world had seemed to be against her, this place welcomed her into its arms. The lions of this forgotten place welcomed her as well. In this place, her past no longer followed her like a ball and chain, she was free. Free to be forgiven. Free to forgive herself. So when the lions asked her what she would be called, only one thing came to mind. Amnesty.
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Re: Tales of The Forgotten Vale || Prompts

Postby Clementine Cloud » Tue Feb 16, 2021 1:18 pm

Prompt D2: [Amnesty] [300xp]
It was the day of the trial. The older and more experienced lions surrounded the King and looked down at Amnesty as she sat before them. She could not see, but she could feel the disdainful looks of all the pride that had gathered. “Order to all, the trial will begin.” The King said, “The accusation is this: The accused, out of her negligence, allowed another pride member to leave for a journey that, allegedly, the accused knew would be so dangerous that it would be fatal, and did not make an effort to correct or inform the pride member of the danger. And as a result, that pride member fell and died. What say you, Accused? And be sure to tell only the truth.”
“If you want the truth, I’ll tell you the truth.” Amnesty said, “Yes, I knew that that trail was dangerous, with the rain we’ve been having the cliffside has been washed away and much of it has crumbled nearly beneath my own paws. And so I knew not to go near that place, I cannot see and most of the time I’m left to fend for myself here, so I do what I must to take care of myself. I knew as soon as I felt the ground shift in that way that the whole area was unsafe, so I refused to go there. As for the ‘pride member’ well he kept trying to make me go with him there to hunt or what-not and I kept saying that it was not safe but he refused to believe me, just as many of my fellow ‘pride members’ seem to do.” She finished her statement with a firm stare
ahead, not wavering.
A lion shouts angrily from the crowd, others around agreeing with the sentiment.
“What else did you expect me to do? Follow behind him to my own death? I told him not to go there many times but he didn’t believe me! None of you have since I lost my sight, I’m blind not senseless!” *Amnesty bit back*
“Order! Order! So, the Accused confirms that she gave warning, but did not move further to prevent the pride member from harm. I think we are all in agreement, the accused is guilty of negligence, but not full bloodguilt.”
“Negligence? Really? Because I didn’t attack him to keep him from going where he shouldn’t?” Amnesty couldn't believe them!

Prompt D15, Random Quote: "If you leave now, you lose everything." [Amnesty] [200xp]
“Silence accused! We will decide what we will do with you.” The King said, turning and conversing with the other elder lions before turning back, “You will remain in the pride, and seeing as you are helpless with your lack of eyesight we cannot have you do real work for the pride, so instead you will clean up after all of the lions and you will do so without help from others.” He finished, satisfied with his judgement, but Amnesty wasn’t having it, this was the last straw. “No. You have all put me down because of my lack of eyesight since the beginning. Why should I stay here when all you do is accuse me of things beyond my control. But then you turn around and act as if I’m completely incapable of anything helpful and that I’m completely dependent on all of you at all times. No, I’m done here.” She said, turning her back on the jury and starting to walk away. The group of lions that had gathered to watch the trial moved out of her way out of shock and confusion.
“Stop this! You cannot just walk away from the pride like this!”
“Looks like I can.”
“If you leave now, you lose everything.” The king threatened,
“You can’t lose what you never had from the start.” She stated with a sightless but disdainful glare over her shoulder in their general direction before turning back and walking away.
And so Amnesty did. She walked away from her old pride, because they would never truly forgive her, forgive her for the death of their pride member, forgive her for being a ‘burden,’ forgive her for being blind. In some ways, Amnesty didn’t forgive herself either, she was too stubborn to admit it or accept it, but there was always a part in the back of her mind telling her they were right.
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Re: Tales of The Forgotten Vale || Prompts

Postby Clementine Cloud » Sun Feb 21, 2021 3:03 pm

[Venustus Competition Prompt]
Venustus was not a shy hyena. When he was interested in someone he’d make it very clear. he enjoyed the game of romance, but he never wanted someone to misunderstand his feelings or be led on because that would only cause trouble. But when he wanted to impress a woman, Venustus would go all out. You see he was an excellent dancer. Either with a partner or alone, Venustus easily drew the attention of everyone around with his talent for dancing. His favorites were bachata and salsa, but he knew many different types of dancing, as long as there was a beat Venustus would dance. It was his passion, his talent, his favorite activity. And he was very good at it.

Many of the lions and hyenas around noticed, but not all appreciated his talent for dancing.
Some of the hyenas would sneer at him, saying he was making a fool of himself or that he was wasting his time when he could be hunting or something. But Venustus never let them ruin his dance, and most of the lions and hyenas had to admit, he was very talented.

Though, when he was trying to impress, he took it to another level. He mainly danced just for fun, for the pure joy of expression through his dancing. But when there was a pretty lady he’d taken an interest in, he put all of his admiration for her into his dance. It was a display, a show, just for her. Every step, every turn, every flourish, showing off to her just how much emotion he felt. But in some ways, dancing for his date was also a test. You see while he danced he would watch for her reaction. Was she pleased? Entertained? Did she nod her head or tap a paw along with the rhythm? Or did she roll her eyes and sneer like some of the other hyenas. Even subtle expressions could tell a lot about his potential love interest.

Venustus didn’t expect every lion and hyena in the valley to share his interest, and he didn’t expect that from every potential date either. But even if she didn’t share his interest, he needed her to at least appreciate it and what it meant for him. That was his deal-breaker. And it had served its purpose with several dates in the past. Venustus, although charming, seemed to not have the best luck when it came to potential dates. He never held it against them, but he was still waiting to find just the right lady for him. Someone who saw his dance for what it was, an expression of himself, and who appreciated it just for that. So when he would dance to impress a date, it was also to see if they could have a deeper connection. He knew someday he’d find someone who shared a passion for expression with him. And if she liked to dance? That would be the cherry on top. [496/500]
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Re: Tales of The Forgotten Vale || Prompts

Postby Clementine Cloud » Tue Mar 16, 2021 7:28 am

Companion Individual Prompts:

I 01: Character’s Basic personality:
Companion is true to his name. He is always willing to lend a helping hand or a listening ear. He’s lived for a very long time and with that time comes wisdom and experience. And he wants nothing more than to use his wisdom and life experience to help his pride members. When Eternity decided to make a pride and to welcome new lions into the Vale he was quick to support her and continues to try his best to make it work for all of them. In return, all he wants is their friendship. Companion understands that not all lions are as open and may not want to be best buddies with him right away, and he respects their space, but his hope is that eventually all in the pride could view him as a trusted friend who is always there if they need him. But, he tends to be a bit more closed off when it comes to his own thoughts, he would rather talk about other than himself, or share some bit of advice rather than accept some. And although he doesn’t always approve of what some of his companions have done, he’ll never give up on people, there's always good to be found if you search for it.

I 02: 3 Positive and 3 Negative traits
Positive: Compassionate, Gentle, Wise, Negative: Lenient, Secretive, Pushover,

I 03: Backstory
Companion lived in the Vale even before Eternity was born. He discovered this place as he traveled with her father and they decided to stay. Life before the Vale had been tough, the world outside was unforgiving, they wouldn’t appreciate a lion as compassionate and soft as Companion was. But here, in this new place, he could thrive. Although at first, the lions who resided in the Vale kept to themselves, they all knew Companion was a lion they could trust and rely on. They weren’t a pride, but he was a companion to them all, and so they gave him his new name and always knew to look out for him. When Eternity was born he immediately loved her and took care of her as if she was his own. Her parents weren’t always there for her, but Companion promised to be there for Eternity for as long as they lived, he would always be there to lift her up and help her no matter what. And when she decided to unite the Vale into a pride, he was the first official member (aside from Eternity herself.)
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Re: Tales of The Forgotten Vale || Prompts

Postby Clementine Cloud » Fri Mar 26, 2021 3:25 am

Pearl Individual Prompts:

I 01
Pearl is a sweet lioness, but a rather gullible one. She always assumes the best in lions and refuses to believe there could be a lion that is truly evil. She often goes along with what others are doing and follows the lead of the group, she doesn’t like to be the one to decide what to do. But, when someone asks for her help she wholeheartedly puts herself into the work and tries to get the best result she can. And when others try to put her or her friends down, at times making fun of her optimistic and bright nature, she tries to show them they’re wrong by bringing out the best in all those she meets.

I 02
Positive: Optimistic, Hardworking, Generous. Negative: Gullible, Indecisive, Sensitive

I 07
Pearl: A pearl is not made in a day. It starts out as a little piece of sand or grit, unassuming. But over time, with layers upon layers, it becomes something beautiful and priceless. This lioness is the same, even when things don’t go her way, when other lions or even the world itself seems to be against her, she doesn’t let it break her down and crush her spirit. Instead she bares it and comes out on top, adding a new layer to her beauty. She shines even on the darkest of days, and works to reflect the beauty in others. So not only does her name suit her pretty soft fur colors, but it reflects her time hardened will to remain positive and kind. Some of her closest friends had called her this as a nickname, but once she moved to the Vale she decided to make it her permanent name because she always really connected with it.
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Re: Tales of The Forgotten Vale || Prompts

Postby Clementine Cloud » Wed Sep 01, 2021 2:04 pm

The east mountain looked out over the vale, stood tall and proud as the sun rose over his back shining its light on the valley below. In all it’s years the mountain watched over the haven that was the vale, it guarded and protected it from the harsh wind and weather. He did so without complaint, without any want for a reward, he simply loved the vale very much. But he was so lonely. He could only observe from a distance, oh how he’d love to stand among them.
And so he spoke to the others about it, for they had walked among the lions before.
First he went to speak with the southern mountain, the kindest of the mountains and the mother of the vale, Elona.
“Oh, to be among them was so dear to me, I met a lion and fell in love, I even had a cub of my own!” Said Elona, “It was amazing for a while, but I do so love my cats, I couldn’t leave them forever, so I had to return to my mountain and to them, for I am their home.” She said, “It was hard to decide between the two, and there are times at which I’m still not sure I made the right decision. If you are to walk among them, make sure your heart won’t be split, for mine was and I was only able to give half of myself to my daughter, and half of myself to my dear cats.” Elona gave him her wise advice, and it made the east mountain ponder. But the east mountain did not have any cats, or anything he was attached to aside from the vale itself. And he was not leaving the vale, he was simply getting closer to it.
The mountain thought to speak with the north mountain as well. “I was originally a lion.” Said Calla, “But my pride got the better of me, I thought myself great and mighty, but I was prone to bitterness. When things did not go my way, I responded with hatred and anger. But that is the way of the world you see, things often do not go exactly the way you want it. Are you prepared for this? I was not. I chose to let my bitterness cloud my sight and keep me from appreciating the good and the beauty that surrounded me. My heart turned to stone, and I became the mountain that I once thought myself to be. But it is much colder than I would have thought. If you are going to walk among them, make sure your heart won’t be hardened by the bad things that you see, and let yourself be warmed by the beauty and kindness of the creatures you meet.”
The east mountain was surprised at Calla’s words, but thoughtfully considered his warning example. After much thought, he made his decision. He wanted to walk among them. But he would remember the advice of the others as he made his way down from the frozen peaks into the green valley below.

The east mountain was amazed at seeing the vale from this point of view. He had adored it from a distance for so long, he dreamed about what it would be like up close. But he could never have imagined the detail he saw before him. He stood, in his newly formed lion body, just at the base of the mountain he was from, that he was, that he had been, and looked. He was nervous to step even a foot closer, it was already so different to see from here. But as he was working up the courage to get closer, one of the Lions of the Vale spotted the ‘newcomer.’
“Are you new to the Vale?” Said the golden cub who somehow had wings that fluttered with excitement. “Yes,” Said the east mountain as he got used to speaking aloud “I’m Sorin, what is your name?” “I… I believe I am called Dom.” “Oh, like the east mountain!” Sorin responded excitedly, pointing up at the mountain before them. “Yes, exactly.” Dom chuckled, and he readily followed his new friend as he lead them toward the center of the Vale, where some of the others had congregated.
“Look everyone! We have a new visitor, this is Dom.” The Lions of the Vale all gave him words and nods of greeting, before parting to allow a single lioness through up to Dom and Sorin. “New visitors are always welcome to the Vale, though they usually come from the portal. I am surprised I did not notice your presence, as I can usually sense when someone new enters this place.” Dom was taken aback for a moment, almost not registering her words as he looked at the half-black half-white lion before him. This was the daughter of Elona he had heard of, he could see Elona’s eyes reflected back at him within the one eye of the lioness before him. “I am Eternity, and this is my Vale.” “It is an honor to meet you, the beloved one who this place was given to.” “Do you know me?” Eternity asked, not recognizing the lion before her. “Yes, I know your mother,” Dom looked out toward the south at the mountain that stood in the distance. A few of the lions looked at him confused, but Eternity smiled and nodded. “How do you know her?” “She is like me, or, I *was* like her, until I came here to be with you all.” “I see, that is why I did not sense a new presence in the Vale, you have been here all along haven’t you? You are not named after the mountain, you are him aren’t you?” Dom nodded, surprised that Eternity understood so clearly, but, of course she of all lions would, he thought. For her mother was the southern mountain, and she surely knew what it meant. “Well, it is lovely to have you visit the Vale, you are welcome to stay for as long as you want. For your heights have protected this place and my people for a very long time. You are our guardian, and for that I am grateful. Now, let’s show you what the Vale is all about!” The lions cheered and some got up excitedly to prepare things to show the newcomer and to make a celebration for him.
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Re: Tales of The Forgotten Vale || Prompts

Postby Clementine Cloud » Wed Sep 01, 2021 2:04 pm

Although it wasn’t required of them, many of the Lions of the Vale made preparations whenever a new visitor showed up to show them the wonders of the beautiful place they called their home. (Though some of them also took this as their chance to show off their own unique talents and to give a show.) As Dom followed their queen he met several interesting characters. He had already met the golden cub Sorin who flew through the air so freely and jovially, dancing a few feet above the ground with his mother Sova who flew with him. Dom met Sorin’s father, and Sova’s mate, Companion, who was very wise and said he knew of him. He watched for a moment as Companion delicately crafted a white bead with some pale blues and greys swirled in, and a single gold band around it. “I like to have a bead for every kind lion I meet in the Vale,” he explained, and showed Dom his colorful necklace of unique beads. Dom was honored to be included already.
Dom then saw three adolescent lions that were each very odd. One had pointed ears and a big fluffy tail, she looked like a sunset! Another had scales and horns that sprouted from his body, and a grin that was accentuated with two small tusks. And the third, who Eternity said was her daughter, was half-pale and half-fiery. He chuckled as the three close friends performed a small show for him, recounting some grand adventure they had gone on in a sort of impromptu theater performance. He and a few others cheered at the dramatic ending as the three bowed before running off to the rest of the celebration.
He then met two lions with vine-like markings wrapping around them, one of which seemed to glow as if she had markings of gold. The two siblings welcomed him and offered him a few fruits from their gardens. Dom assumed they mainly ate meat, but the taste of the fruit was better than he could have imagined! He thanked them and promised to come back for more another time.
He met two mottled tan lionesses, sisters, who sat by one of the springs, enjoying the evening air as the sun had begun to set on their little welcome celebration. “I am Adelphia, and this is my sister Amnesty.” The one said, greeting him. “It is a pleasure to meet you both.” Dom replied with a smile. “Yeah yeah, there’s always new lions, I don’t know why there's a need to call it a ‘Celebration’ when we do this stuff all the time.” Amnesty said, but smiled anyway, clearly enjoying herself even if she wasn’t much of a party person.
Dom got to meet many lions that day, and he still hadn’t met them all. But it was clear that these were more than some tribe or kingdom, they were a family. They celebrated the little things, even celebrating his visit. But maybe it wasn’t going to be a visit after all, maybe Dom had found what he always wanted, a people. His people. As the day drew to a close, they sang and bonded around the fire, and Dom couldn’t have been any more grateful for the wonderful welcome he had received. (547 words, for the 2nd anniversary MYO prompt)
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