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highgarden ♕ 19.5

Postby eagle, » Sat Feb 15, 2020 8:15 am

paragraphotterfur tried his best to keep his head low in highgarden. he played along with the rest of the knights and roses, and they never seemed to feel the need to question him about what came before. bluetcrest assigned him on patrols with dippernose, who liked to talk endlessly, and mapleshadow, who rolled her eyes a lot at the younger clan-members and flickersky and but she wasn't unfriendly. within his first moon with the clan, otterfur found himself sharing meals with hurricanejaw, one of the more respected highgarden knights, and sagecloud, who was good company when she wasn't out at the strikersclan border. still, he couldn't stop his sense of foreboding that came every single time he was alone with his own thoughts for a little too long. in the gaps between dippernose's chatter and sagecloud's snorted laughs, otterfur felt the shadows encroach on the edges of his vision, and he heard the roar of the bear in his ears. it was hard to snap out of those moments, and even harder to smile when hurricanejaw turned to him, or when mapleshadow looked for some sense of kinship when the younger knights and roses created a stir. he knew that his luck had run out long ago, long before highgarden, but he had hoped that maybe it would have been better, maybe he would have been wrong. and then direfang came like a ghost from the past.
paragraphwolfthorn... he had never been a fan of otterfur, the brown tom knew. he had always been so protective over rosemist, and with good reason, it seemed. rosemist was gone, and otterfur had tried hard to get far away from bearclan, to put as much distance between himself and the shadows that would never leave him alone. so he kept his head even lower, knowing that it was only a matter of time under direfang came to him, and so he did.
paragraph"direfang," sagecloud greeted while they shared their evening meal. hurricanejaw had been busy grooming his fur while sagecloud regaled them of her most recent visit with brindlepelt, and otterfur watched as the sturdy silver tabby approached. "come, sit," sagecloud offered, nodding to a space on hurricanejaw's other side. "i was hoping that we could get hurricanejaw to tell us another story like last moon before it gets too cold to sit outside for the rest of the season. i'm concerned that my whiskers are going to freeze soon, and -" but direfang cut her off, managing a tight smile that otterfur noticed was all teeth.
paragraph"i was actually hoping to talk to otterfur for a moment, if i can?" he asked. otterfur watched sagecloud and hurricanejaw exchange a glance, but neither of them knew the truth. if anything, otterfur assumed that they thought it was strange for the secrecy, but direfang only had eyes for otterfur, who knew better than to linger or deny.
paragraph"'course," he said, hoping that his tone sounded just as flat and nonchalant as he wanted it to as he rose to his paws to follow the other knight. to sagecloud, he tipped his head towards hurricanejaw. "maybe you can convince him by the time i get back? i'd like to hear a story too." without waiting for his friend's answer, he hurried after direfang towards the opposite end of the camp, hoping that the others would be too preoccupied in their conversation to notice how his paws twitched nervously and how he couldn't bring himself to look them in the eyes.
paragraphbut it was even harder to look at direfang when the silver tom turned on him, his eyes blazing with what could only be described as rage. "this game you're playing stops here," direfang said, and otterfur fought to keep his fur from bristling, from letting the rest of the clan know that they were arguing about something so dark, so dreadful, that he knew he would be exiled for it. "i see through you, otterfur. i know who you are, and this cat you're pretending to be... he isn't the real you." direfang's tail swished though the air, impatient, and otterfur backed up a step from the other former-bearclan warrior. "i know who you really are, and i know what you've done."
paragraphotterfur shook his head vigorously, and he felt the all-too familiar quake in his heart, the same nerves that he had been trying to will away since he left bearclan. "did you follow me here just to torment me?" he asked, hearing the hollow tones in his own voice. "do you really hate me so much that you had to track me down when i was trying to get away? i left viperstar, and i'm scared every single day that he'll come to drag me back. so i left, direfang, i left and i don't want to be like i was ever again."
paragraph"bearclan's gone, haven't you heard?" direfang said after a beat, and it was the first time that otterfur didn't hear the rasp of a snarl in his voice. if anything, he sounded suddenly bemused and curious when otterfur blinked at him, uncertain. "after your lot left, the bear came into our camp with a fox. they killed so many cats, and then a storm set our camp on fire. bearclan's gone."
paragraphotterfur felt the breath knock out of his lungs. "no," he whispered quietly, and the strength left him when direfang stepped forward to stand over him, glowering.
paragraph"rosemist's gone, otterfur. and bearclan is gone. last i saw your sons, they were fleeing for their lives, and they're gone." otterfur hung his head at direfang's words, and he knew that the other knight wasn't lying. direfang's lip curled and he swished his tail again. "there was no sign of viperstar, so maybe the bear killed him, too. you should've been there. it was your fault. you let it happen, you let it get to the point where the bear came to us and killed us. it's your fault, and i should tell highgarden to drive you out now. how do you think they would react if they found out that they had a murderer among them? what do you think they would do to you?"
paragraphthose questions resounded so fully in otterfur's ears as the same questions he asked himself whenever sagecloud laughed at a joke he made, or when dippernose rattled on about the happenings of his day. he thought of hurricanejaw and mapleshadow driving him out of the clan he had already come to love, and his stomach churned. "i'm trying to be different, direfang. i want to be different, i want to be better," otterfur said, and he dared to glance up at the other knight. "if you want me gone so badly, why haven't you told them yet?"
paragraphdirefang sniffed at that, apathetic to otterfur's pleads and the way his eyes had glossed over with unshed tears, glassy with fear. "prove it," he said simply. "some of the most honorable cats here seem to like you. prove it to me that you deserve their trust. but if you slip up, then i'll make sure everyone knows what you've done and that you're a danger." at that, direfang began to turn away, pausing only to glance over his shoulder at otterfur. "you've got one chance. if you want a second chance so badly, then fight for it. prove that you deserve it." and otterfur watched him pad away, and took the time to slowly come back into himself and steady out his breathing before he could rejoin sagecloud and hurricanejaw, who looked up at him with curious eyes.
paragraphsagecloud had continued to speak about her time with brindlepelt, and though neither of them pressed, hurricanejaw leaned over to otterfur while sagecloud was distracted. "you alright?" he asked quietly, keeping his voice low for only otterfur to hear. "you look a little... skittish."
paragraph"i'm fine," otterfur said, and he knew that it came out too quickly, too rushed to be genuine. hurricanejaw blinked at him again, but didn't push any further. instead, he let otterfur get to his paws shortly after and turn in for an early night. for a while, he laid in his nest, his tail over his nose and eyes shut tight, and thought of what the bearclan camp must have looked like in the blaze, and he wished on all of starclan and the highgarden gods that his sons were still alive.

paragraphas the days passed on, it wasn't long until tawnyrose left her den and began to return to camp life, no longer allowing merlinsong to keep her confined to her den. for much of the day, the kits stayed in the nursery with ferretwhisker and flickersky, letting tawnyrose take her business to the knights and roses. she helped organize patrols with bluetcrest in the morning, and by evening she was socializing with riverfoam's group. "i'm sorry we didn't get a chance to meet formally before now," tawnyrose was saying. her glance skimmed from ayalla and kitechaser to riverfoam and tanagercall. "but bluetcrest and the others have reported great things about what you all have been doing."
paragraphriverfoam swished her tail, letting out a low, easy purr. "of course we understand. highgarden has been very warm and welcoming to us," she began, only to let out a laugh when kitechaser added in:
paragraph"even if the weather hasn't been very warm," the calico said, and tawnyrose purred, her whiskers twitching in amusement. "and we saw your mate with the kits yesterday. they're very cute," kitechaser said.
paragraph"little lightkit already looks so much like you," ayalla added, and tawnyrose grinned at that, her head tipping elegantly.
paragraph"thank you, that's very kind of you to say," she said. to ayalla, she inclined her head with a polite smile. "jaytalon tells me that you've been trying to teach him better tree-climbing skills."
paragraphwhen ayalla ducked her head, bashful, tanagercall flicked her tail. "ayalla climbs trees better than squirrels. you won't find anyone better than her." though ayalla shoved her friend with her shoulder, the others voiced their agreement. they all fell silent when tawnyrose raised her tail, quieting them before ayalla could strike an argument.
paragraph"i believe it. i've also heard that kitechaser is faster than tigergaze and dippernose," she said, and kitechaser seemed to stand up a little straighter at that. "and smallheart said that riverfoam could track prey scents further than anyone else on patrol." at last, the queen's eyes lingered on tanagercall, who met her gaze without wavering. "i heard that you used to be a housepet, is that right?"
paragraph"it's true," tanagercall said without any hesitation.
paragraphriverfoam took a step forward, as if to step between her friend and the queen. "tanagercall hasn't been a housepet for many moons, and while we were traveling, we all taught her everything we could, she's just as skilled as the rest of us, and -"
paragraph"riverfoam," tanagercall broke in, cutting the eldest of the small group off. her eyes remained locked with tawnyrose's, and the queen's mouth twisted with a small smile.
paragraph"when i first became queen of highgarden," tawnyrose said after a beat of quiet. "i didn't know what to think of those who weren't wild-born. highgarden in my parents' time never would have allowed housepets into our ranks. but, i realized something very quickly..." he paused, letting her eyes trail again over the four newest roses. "i learned that there are different types of skills. to have made it this far for so long, and to be commended by senior knights and roses, that is enough for me." tanagercall exchanged a sideways glance with riverfoam, who nudged her friend encouragingly. "again, my apologies that i couldn't have formally greeted you sooner. but welcome to highgarden, all of you." she directed her attention to tanagercall again. "if you need any help, let me direct you to otterfur. he's a little skittish, but he's kind, and he's been a clan cat for a long time. don't hesitate to go to him, just tell him that i sent you." and then the queen turned, excusing herself politely.
paragraph"tawnyrose," tanagercall called when the queen had taken only several steps away. tawnyrose looked back over her shoulder, and tanagercall shuffled her paws. "what made you change your mind?"
paragraphtawnyrose smiled at that, and she flicked her tail. "i met a cat who changed my mind about what housecats are capable of." without waiting for any other response, she bounded away until she crossed the clearing to where bluetcrest was sitting with pythoneyes. her attendant grinned broadly at her approach, and the queen touched her nose to pythoneyes' in greeting before she went to bluetcrest's side. she rested her chin on her friend's shoulder, and bluetcrest leaned against her while they spoke.

paragrapheven though it was cold, clovershine wasn't surprised when betonypetal suggested that they go out hunting together for a little bit. there was a distinct nip in the air, and clovershine knew it was only a matter of time that another snowstorm hit and plunged highgarden under snowbanks, and bluetcrest had been increasing the number of hunting patrols for the season to make sure that the clan would be fed, even more so with more kits on the way. so, when betonypetal asked for clovershine to join her, he wasn't able to deny her, even though his gut twisted with anticipation and the knowledge of what was to come.
paragraphstill, the longer they were out, trekking through the rose pass and beyond, all the way to the old tower, betonypetal didn't push him, and clovershine finally recognized that she was waiting for him to speak first. so, when they finally reached highgarden's secondary camp at the old tower, clovershine slowed his pace to a walk and turned to betonypetal. "ask me," he said, and betonypetal frowned. she hesitated, only to nod to the old tower, silent, but clovershine didn't need to hear her say anything. the wind was picking up and clovershine felt the chill slice through his fur. he knew that betonypetal was likely getting cold as well. so, when they had settled in one of the dens saved for the springtime, he straightened up again. "you've been wanting to ask me since last moon. you can ask," he said, and betonypetal didn't hesitate.
paragraph"why were you and birchflame fighting?" she asked, and clovershine held her gaze. it was a long story, and not all of it was his to tell, he knew that. but he also knew that it was only a matter of time under betonypetal asked, until someone asked what wedged between the two knights who were once joined at the hip. he couldn't tell betonypetal about birchflame and tawnyrose; he couldn't tell her the truth, but he could tell her some version of some truths, and he hoped that, for now, it would be enough.
paragraph"i never told you where i came from, have i?" he asked, and betonypetal's eyes widened when she shook her head. "it was called azgeda, or the ice nation. it was... a rough clan, at times. when i was still a young warrior, i watched our leader be killed. she was assassinated. that's the type of home birchflame and i came from before we found highgarden. every day, we worried that someone might turn on us with their claws, that another assassin would rise up because they disagreed with the way the clan was run. every time there was an argument or any disagreement, you had to fight to be right." the longer he spoke, the more he could see betonypetal's unease, and clovershine had to look away so that he didn't see the shock in her eyes as he became a monster in her sight. "i had a different name, then. when birchflame and i left, the ice nation was falling. there was a change in leadership, and cats were uneasy. we had to leave, or... or else i don't know what could have happen, or what did happen. i just wanted to get away."
paragraphbetonypetal lowered her head to look at clovershine. her eyes searched his face for a long moment, and he couldn't read her expression. "what does this have to do with your fight with birchflame?"
paragraph"it means that when we fight... we fight. and it's not right, and i'm sorry that you had to see it but the way that we express our anger is different than others would. i don't know how to not use my claws, it's all i've ever known," clovershine said. he sighed heavily and drew his tail closer to himself. "birchflame was the one cat i thought i would always be able to rely on, you know? we got each other out of the ice nation, we found highgarden, we fought in the tournament. and all of that... we did it together. we never needed anyone else, but then he started to be more distant. i asked him about it, and he pushed back. he... no, i overreacted. i did, and i know i can't take it back, but my anger got the best of me. i became who i tried to distance myself from. i left the ice nation, i changed my name, and yet i still reverted back to who i was, and i'm ashamed."
paragraphoutside, the wind tore at the den, but betonypetal was silent for a long time. then, at last, she sniffed the air. "i think that you're confused, clovershine," she said, and clovershine sucked in a deep breath. "you're caught between who you were, who you are, and who you think you are. you're not the cat that you were back then, but i don't think you are who you think, either." she studied his face again, taking in his features as if in a new light.
paragraph"then who am i?" he asked, and betonypetal shrugged.
paragraph"you're you," betonypetal answered. "you're clovershine. and that's reality. whatever birchflame said that set you off... he must have been hurting, too, to say something if he knew that it would make you that upset, and -"
paragraph"it was you," clovershine heard himself say, cutting her off. he cleared his throat and shuffled his paws. "i... i like you, betonypetal. i like you a lot. i like talking to you, i like listening to you. i like being with you, and you make me feel different. when i'm with you, i feel like i'm better. i don't feel as angry, i don't feel sad, i don't feel like i have to worry about anything when i'm with you, because i can only think about how happy you make me, and how happy i want to make you." this must have come to a shock to betonypetal, who gazed at clovershine with wide eyes. when she didn't say anything, clovershine shrugged and ducked his head. "he said that i couldn't know if you cared about me, and i... i was upset. because i want you to care about me, but maybe he's right. what i want and what's true are two different things."
paragraphfinally, betonypetal seemed to gather herself, and she reached out a paw in clovershine's direction. "he's wrong. of course i care about you," she said, and clovershine's ears pricked, suddenly alert. "i care about you so much, and i just want you to be happy. when i saw you fighting birchflame, i was scared. not because i was worried that you'd hurt him, or that he would hurt you but... because i never want to see you not be happy. and he did hurt you, and you did hurt him, but i also thought... what would i do if something happened to you? like, really happened? you shine so brightly when you laugh and when you smile, and i want to be around you all of the time," she said.
paragraph"betonypetal -" clovershine began, but she kept speaking.
paragraph"but i can't if you don't know who you are. i'm not asking you to change, but i'm asking you to realize that you're more than you think, and better then whoever you used to be." she blinked, considering him again. "what was your old name?" she asked.
paragraph"storm," clovershine said, and it tasted like dirt on his tongue. it was a bitter name, and old name, a name that he never wanted to belong to again. it was a name that was his and wasn't his at the same time.
paragraph"storm..." betonypetal echoed. "you're not storm. you're clovershine, and you need to realize who clovershine is before we can... before we can figure out who we are." she leaned forward then and gently traced her nose along the mark that was beginning to scar below his eye. though merlinsong had said it was nothing serious, clovershine knew enough about scars to know when one would last; the mark birchflame gave him would last the rest of his life. her touch was warming, and clovershine breathed out a deep sigh.
paragraph"i love you," he whispered, and betonypetal pulled back.
paragraph"who does?" she asked, and clovershine opened his mouth to reply, only to snap it shut at the gleam in her eyes. grimly, he nodded, and betonypetal flashed him a tight smile. together, they sat in the abandoned camp for a little while, listening as the wind pulled at the world outside. but inside, it was warmer, and clovershine felt some of the tension begin to ease from his shoulders.

paragraphthey met in the summer, when their paths first crossed, when there was a warm breeze that stirred wolverine's fur and made him forget of everything that happened during the cold seasons. even as a kit, summer had always been his favorite season, with the sunlight to warm his fur and the cheerful bird chatter. it brought him a sense of peace - he'd survived another winter, the world still turned, and all was well. by contrast, arctic seemed to thrive in the colder seasons and had been sluggish for majority of the warmer days. however, when the leaves began to turn and wolverine knew that his time with his new friend was coming to an end, arctic surprised him. the cat that spent majority of the time complaining about the heat and lounging in the shade bounded to life at the first frost of the year, as if new life had been breathed into him. but just when wolverine was ready to leave arctic behind, they found them... and wolverine knew that their days were numbered.
paragraphthey were small, and wolverine knew that they wouldn't last long without a nursing queen to feed them. the small white tom mewled pitifully, and the dark tortoiseshell hadn't spoken since the pair of toms found the two kits huddled together, shivering to keep warm. even still, the little molly had a lot of fight for someone her size, and she extended thorn-sharp claws the first time arctic tried to get close, hissing with all of the ferocity she could manage, and it had taken arctic and wolverine some time before they could convince her that they wanted to help. even then, she spoke little, and wolverine noticed how tired she was, how much she shivered when arctic tried to hold her close and warm her up. it was only after the kits had fallen asleep at his friend's flank when wolverine nodded to arctic.
paragraph"you're pretty good at that," wolverine said, and arctic smiled crookedly.
paragraph"i had kits some seasons ago. they'd been rascals, all of them," arctic said, and wolverine knew better than to ask any further questions. for all of the strength in arctic's shoulders, and as much as he liked to give off a cool exterior, wolverine had seen it many times over: the look of a cat who was one step from falling off the ledge into despair. it was feeling that he knew just as well as anyone else, as well. there were some places that he couldn't and wouldn't ever push. arctic, however, appeared to see through wolverine just as well, drawing the kits closer to his belly to keep them warm. "you have that look in you... the look when a cat's getting ready to up and run. you're leaving."
paragraphfor a long moment, it was all wolverine could do to blink at his friend before he dipped his head. "i was planning to. but not now... they need us both." arctic shrugged his shoulders and used to tail to smooth down a clump of the white kit's fur.
paragraph"even with you here, they won't last long without a queen and somewhere safe," arctic said, and wolverine wasn't surprised at the revelation. instead, he looked towards the darkened horizon, where he could make out the faint outline of distinct mountains in the distance. with any luck, there was a valley there, and he knew what lie within.
paragraph"i know where we are," wolverine said, toneless. "an old friend told me that there used to be a clan living in a valley of flowers." arctic followed wolverine's line of sight, letting out a low, unimpressed grunt. "he said that he was washed away from his home, but rumor had it that the clan's been growing again. with luck, the rumors are right and they can help us."
paragraph"and we can expect to meet your friend there?" arctic asked, and wolverine turned his cheek away in answer. there was hurt in his eyes, and arctic clicked his tongue after a beat, recognizing wolverine's answer for what it was. "fine, then... what's it called?"
paragraph"highgarden," wolverine said, and by the time dawn rose, silhouetting the mountains and the valley, they set off with the kits. with winter in full swing, wolverine felt the telltale press of the curse thrumming against him, waiting for its moment to strike. he had mentioned only once to arctic that the winter made him... different, but arctic hadn't pressed, and wolverine hadn't answered. instead, his friend gave wolverine his space, though the bicolor knew that he was losing his fur in clumps as the monster slowly woke from its slumber, and arctic noticed. because arctic noticed things like that.
paragraphthey made good time, and the weather held for them. by the time the sun reached its height, they had crossed a border of scent markings, and arctic sent wolverine a surprised glance. they each carried a kit, and wolverine's neck began to ache from the little tom's weight. at the height of the day, they reached an agreement, and they settled in a small clearing, where the sun shone brightly overhead, and arctic took the time to show wolverine how to groom the kits' fur to keep them warm.
paragraph"there you go," arctic was saying between licks of the molly's dark fur. when he opened his mouth to speak again, however, he went suddenly rigid and, in one smooth motion, shoved the little kit to wolverine. "there's someone here," he said. in that same moment, wolverine felt his fur bristle at the back of his neck. he stood protectively over the kits to shield them, and they bunched together between his legs. arctic shot wolverine a concerned glance, but wolverine merely flicked his ears in a silent signal. voices carried on the wind, moving closer, and arctic slipped among the treeline, stealthy. at last, a strange shout rose about the trees:
paragraph"you're on our territ -" but the speaker didn't have a chance to finish before his black and white form broke into the clearing, and arctic was on him in a heartbeat, bowling him over. together, they rolled for the length of the clearing before arctic managed to pin the larger tom down. a small group fanned out, and a young spotted tabby let out a surprised yowl before bunching her muscles, ready to launch herself at arctic, though the pinned tom shouted again: "iguanaspots, no," he ordered, and the tabby stilled, though her eyes flicked between wolverine and arctic. when arctic said nothing and made no move to let the tom up, the leader of the patrol fell still. "my name is hurricanejaw, and you're trespassing on highgarden's territory." finally, arctic looked instead to wolverine.
paragraph"was that the name you said?" arctic asked, his brow arching. "this is highgarden?" wolverine nodded, and the patrol's gaze swept towards him. at last, arctic shrugged and moved off of hurricanejaw. "someone should teach you lot to move faster and protect your sides," he commented, wrinkling his nose before bounding back towards wolverine's side. "alright then, we're burning daylight, let's get back to the camp. lead the way." while the patrol exchanged confused glances, arctic scooped up the white kit by the scruff and nodded to hurricanejaw, who blinked his bewilderment.
paragraph"i don't understand exactly what's happening here -" hurricanejaw began, but wolverine stepped forward at last, giving the small tortoiseshell a gentle nudge with his nose.
paragraph"my friend and i have been traveling and we found these kits. they need a queen to take care of them," wolverine explained, and one of the other patrol members stepped forward. she was pretty, a long-furred brown tabby. she met arctic first, leaning forward to give each of the kits a sniff before her gaze swept back towards hurricanejaw, and they exchanged a swift, unreadable glance. at last, hurricanejaw inclined his chin towards wolverine, who took it as a gesture to continue speaking. "i heard of highgarden some time ago and was hoping you could help us."
paragraph"who told you about us?" that was a smaller tabby tom, who tipped his head to one side, curious.
paragraph"i've been traveling for a long time, and i met a cat who said he was one of the princes of highgarden. he said that he had been washed away in a flood, and rumors had it that highgarden had rebuilt since he was last home. he said that he supposed his sister had taken over as queen... lighteyes, is it? or lightrose?" at wolverine's words, hurricanejaw straightened and gestured toward a small ginger molly. he only said a few words before the little molly tore away in the opposite direction, kicking up dirt as she went, and arctic shot wolverine a sideways glance.
paragraph"according to our current queen, lighteyes was her sister and should have been made queen. unfortunately he was killed in the flood. our queen is tawnyrose, lighteyes' sister... if your story is true, she would want to hear it," hurricanejaw said after a beat. the brown tabby tom stepped forward, hesitating for just a beat before wolverine let him take the little tortoiseshell kit. "please, follow me. we'll take you to highgarden."

paragraphfor a long time, tawnyrose could only blink at the pair of cats across from her. "say it again," she said to the gray and white tom, but softglow interjected from her shoulder.
paragraph"he's already said it three times, my queen," softglow said, and tawnyrose flicked her tail, impatient.
paragraph"and i want to hear him say it again," she shot back, and softglow dipped his head. at tawnyrose's over shoulder, she noticed that bluetcrest was fidgeting, but he offered no comment, leaving tawnyrose to stare at the bicolor until he said it again:
paragraph"he said his name was yewbloom, prince of highgarden," the cat, who hurricanejaw had introduced as wolverine, said, and tawnyrose held his stare until the younger tom looked away, unable to bare the weight of the queen's expectant gaze. 'we met several seasons ago, and he mentioned hearing that highgarden had been rebuilt."
paragraph"say it again," tawnyrose said after a beat, but this time it was the other cat, arctic, who stepped forward. "i mean no disrespect, tawnyrose, but wolverine and i have been traveling for a long time. he's already said yewbloom's name and his story several times. we're exhausted, and i think it would be in the better interest of everyone if we can move on."
paragraph"move on," tawnyrose echoed, drawing the words out carefully. her tail flicked again, and the way she wrinkled her nose suggested that she disliked the way the sounds rolled off of her tongue. "the last time i saw any of my family, it was to find my sister's body washed ashore and she was dead. along with my mother, my father, and my other sisters. as far as i know, i am the only surviving member of my family. and now he," she said, jutting her nose in wolverine's direction, "comes out of no where to say that he has met my brother. no... i don't think i will be moving on from this," she said, but bluetcrest finally shifted, turning to face the queen.
paragraph"surely it's not impossible that yewbloom is alive after this time," he said, and tawnyrose let out a low sigh.
paragraph"he always wanted to leave highgarden for some great adventure... no, i never thought it would be impossible, he was always the one wandering off, never wanted anything to do with our family and the clan," she said, pondering this so deeply that she missed the look bluetcrest and softglow exchanged. at last, tawnyrose sniffed and looked to wolverine and arctic. "are you intending to stay with highgarden?" she asked.
paragraph"no," wolverine said, at the same moment that arctic said: "yes." tawnyrose said nothing in return, merely glanced between the pair. at last, with arctic's sharp blue eyes trained on his, wolverine sagged and nodded slowly, and arctic looked to tawnyrose. "those kits needed a home, and my time of wandering is done. i think it's time to settle," he said, and when wolverine murmured his agreement, tawnyrose shrugged and nodded to bluetcrest.
paragraph"good," she said. "in this trying season, we ask that every able cat pull their weight. bluetcrest organizes patrols at dawn every day, and you can get on the rotation tomorrow." then, to arctic, she nodded her head. "i do ask that you don't attack the other knights and roses again." when arctic dipped his head, hiding his muffled laugh, tawnyrose didn't interrupt, but instead glanced between the two new members. "if the kits have names, then they may keep them. you may, as well, choose if you would like to keep your names or be given new ones, and you can let me know your decision later. for now, we have other business to attend to here. i expect you know your way out," she dismissed them, and they didn't miss their cue wolverine got to his paws quickly, though arctic waved his tail towards tawnyrose, softglow, and bluetcrest. it was only after they were gone that tawnyrose rolled her eyes and shifted so that she was lying down. "tell me we're almost done for the day, i'm tired," she said, and bluetcrest shot her a tight smile.
paragraph"nearly done," he said, only for his smile to waver when tawnyrose gestured for him to continue. when he looked to the king for help, softglow blew out a sigh.
paragraph"we still need to talk about the erasmus situation," he said, and, within an instant, tawnyrose's mood soured. she frowned deeply and rested her chin on her paws, but softglow wasn't so easily dissuaded. "this is important. after what happened with juniperstorm... we need to discuss what we should do."
paragraph"the groveclan cat was never supposed to see him," tawnyrose snapped, though softglow was used to her anger and didn't even blink. "it's why we never sent him on patrols near groveclan and kept an eye on him at all times." at that, her eyes flicked to bluetcrest, who shook his head slightly.
paragraph"sagecloud and i have been doing all we can, and how were we to ever know that she would come to highgarden? groveclan has kept their distance for a long time, they respect the borders."
paragraph"yet she came here anyway," tawnyrose said, and bluetcrest could only shrug his shoulders at that.
paragraphstill, softglow let out a long sigh. "there's nothing we can do about juniperstorm and groveclan now. what happened in the past has happened. we need to control the damages. we can count ourselves lucky that badgerstar hasn't tried to come here since finding out, or that our own cats haven't tried to dig any deeper."
paragraph"hornetshade and otterfur heard everything that was said," bluetcrest pointed out, but tawnyrose scoffed at that.
paragraph"otterfur is scared of his own shadow, and tanagercall will keep him too busy to do anything of notice, i've made sure of it," she said, though her whiskers twitched when she considered the other tom. "hornetshade, however..."
paragraph"he's loyal," softglow said, though bluetcrest snorted quietly.
paragraph"also impulsive and in his own head a lot," the attendant said. "and juniperstorm was looking for him. lest we forget how friendly he was with badgerstar's son."
paragraph"still," softglow interrupted. "it's better to risk that he'll move on than try to push him. like you said, he's impulsive and in his own head. if we push him, who knows what he'll feel the need to do in turn?" at last, bluetcrest murmured his reluctant agreement, and tawnyrose kept her mouth shut. at that, softglow felt the first inch of closing in on rationale, and he looked to tawnyrose. "we should get rid of him while we can, before badgerstar sends groveclan to our border. we should exile him and send badgerstar an envoy to try and keep the peace." it was a bold statement, but bluetcrest's eyes were round, and softglow knew that it was exactly as he had been thinking. still, as always, tawnyrose and her king didn't meet eye-to-eye.
paragraph"no," she said curtly. "if badgerstar hasn't retaliated yet, then he won't. groveclan aren't violent, and it's better to keep erasmus where we can keep on eye on him. don't forget that we have the only cat he cares about." the three shared a knowing glance with their shared knowledge of erasmus and spencer, and tawnyrose hummed thoughtfully. "we have spencer, and badgerstar knows that we didn't kill his kit. highgarden has done no wrong, he has no reason to attack us," she said, but this time it was bluetcrest who tried to argue.
paragraph"even if we didn't kill the kit, erasmus admitted it. by morals alone, we should exile him," bluetcrest said, uneasy. he looked to softglow for help again, and the king merely shrugged his shoulders; tawnyrose had a better chance of listening to bluetcrest, and they both knew it.
paragraphhowever, tawnyrose finally rose to her paws and waved her tail dismissively. "for now, we stand down. we carry on as usual. the more we overreact, the more fallout we'll have to deal with. if badgerstar makes a move, then we deal with it. but erasmus won't do anything so long as we have spencer. bluetcrest, i want you and sagecloud to watch him more than ever. if he so much as snores in his sleep, i want to know of it." reluctantly, bluetcrest dipped his head, though softglow's blue eyes were cold, and tawnyrose frowned at him. "we do nothing, softglow. highgarden is in high spirits because of the kits, and i intend to keep it that way. keep them content, and they'll ask less questions. do you understand?" when softglow said nothing, tawnyrose rolled her eyes. "you're dismissed from this meeting, both of you. your worry makes me feel sick." with that, she shouldered her way out of the den, leaving softglow and bluetcrest to look at one another through the shadows.
paragraph"this is bad, isn't it?" bluetcrest said, and it wasn't a question. softglow let out a final sigh and hunched his shoulders.
paragraph"and i fear it may get worse."

paragraph"do you keep track of whenever i happen to be on the night watch?" hornetshade asked in the quiet of the night, and ferretwhisker hesitated on her approach towards the young tabby, one paw poised mid-air. when hornetshade didn't say anything further, however, and she caught only the faintest trace of sharp hostility on his tone, she pressed on until she reached his shoulder. though his eyes didn't budge from his steady stare at the camp entrance, ferretwhisker noticed the way he squared his shoulders, and she let out a long exhale through her nose.
paragraph"i'm not sure if you're actually asking that question," she said quietly, and hornetshade merely flicked his ear at that in answer. ferretwhisker hummed thoughtfully. "it's hard to find you alone otherwise. you tend to travel with a group," she said at last.
paragraphand it was true. hornetshade, though perhaps not without realizing it, hadn't been alone in a some moons. when he wasn't on patrol, then he was with warblercry, or tigergaze, or iguanaspots and lyrewhistle, or sunglow and smokemane, or all of them at once. there were only sparse pockets of time when he ventured out on his own - on a hunting patrol, when ferretwhisker was back at camp, or when he was asleep in his nest, with others surrounding him in the den. no, he was rarely alone, and ferretwhisker managed to catch the moment when they were the only ones left awake in the camp, and hornetshade couldn't duck away from her. for as hard as he tried, she caught up to him again, and he merely shrugged his shoulders. "i like to keep company, i suppose," he said, with such nonchalance that ferretwhisker felt her fur begin to prickle. she couldn't read his placid expression or the hollow tones in his voice, and it unsettled her. after the last time they had spoken, she was prepared for hornetshade to be angry, but now he seemed to be bordering on apathetic, and she felt lost. as if he was reading her mind, hornetshade finally shot her a glance out of the corner of his eye. "is there something i can do for you, ferretwhisker? or do you want to distract me all night?"
paragraph"i -" suddenly, it seemed far less important, and ferretwhisker's mouth snapped shut. she considered the knight for a moment before words forced themselves from her mouth. "there's something else on your mind, something that's bothering you," she said, not missing the way that hornetshade's nose twitched. "you have a lot resting on your shoulders, and you're struggling to keep it all together, aren't you?"
paragraphat last, she caught the way hornetshade flicked his tail and his facade began to crack. "why do you think i'd tell you of all cats what i'm thinking about?" he asked, the trace of a growl on the edges of his voice, and ferretwhisker finally felt as though she was getting closer to the root of the issue.
paragraph"i never said that i thought you would," ferretwhisker said, calm and collected. "but if there's anything that you don't want to tell your friends and that pretty tabby, then who better to tell than the one cat you don't care for? you don't care what i think of you, anyway. there's no losing there." she expected hornetshade to throw her words immediately back in her face, wrapped in venom. so she was suprised yet again when hornetshade didn't answer immediately, and instead he seemed to consider the statement.
paragraphat last, hornetshade shrugged his shoulders again. "right now, you're not the cat i dislike the least," he said curtly, and ferretwhisker's expression must have given away her thoughts, for hornetshade huffed. "i still don't trust you, and i would rather you were anywhere else in the world but... as much as i don't trust you, i trust erasmus even less." when ferretwhisker said nothing, hornetshade finally cast the camp entrance once last glance before he turned to face her. "he told a story last moon about why juniperstorm came here and... i think he's lying. he said that his past leader killed badgerstar's kit, and that he helped fight groveclan because he was scared and that he was worried that the leader might do something to spencer."
paragraph"spencer's his mate," ferretwhisker pointed out. their voices had lowered to whispers, mindful of the quiet night around them, and that anyone could be listening from the shadows. "of course he'd be worried about him."
paragraph"but when have you ever known a cat like him to be scared of anything?" hornetshade asked, and ferreywhisker froze. she thought of another cat that hadn't been much smaller than erasmus; of a cat who also towered over others and showed off his fierce strength. "you know just as much as i do that cats like them are capable of anything, and they fear nothing. they'll take what they want and they don't have any second thoughts." it was like the temperature had dropped even further, and a chill ran up ferretwhisker's spine like the rake of claws.
paragraph"montgomery," ferreywhisker said in a hush, an even softer whisper. the name was like a curse, and hornetshade's expression tightened. "you really think that he's lying?" she asked hornetshade, and he nodded once without hesitating.
paragraph"why would he ever be frightened like he said he was?" hornetshade shook his head then with a grimace. "but the others believe him. why wouldn't they?"
paragraph"they don't know like we do," ferretwhisker said, and her stomach roiled. then, her eyes grew wide when realization struck her. "you know what happens to cats who stick their noses too far beyond their reach," she said, and hornetshade merely sniffed, apathetic and uncaring again. he swung back, locking his eyes on the camp's entrance.
paragraph"i saw cats who pried too far be killed," he said, and there was a heat under his words, and a sadness there as well. but it was all masked, as if he was burying it all deep down, pushing down, down, down, until his tone was flat and cold again. "but my parents did nothing. my mother never stepped a paw out of her own boundaries, but that didn't save her either."
paragraph"you shouldn't," ferretwhisker said.
paragraph"but that's where you forgot," hornetshade drawled carelessly. "you forgot that whatever i do has nothing to do with you. my life doesn't concern you." with that, his tipped his head back towards the nursery, dismissing her, and ferretwhisker felt numb when she rose to her paws. "good night, ferretwhisker."

paragraphsoftglow felt especially warm in the nursery, and he was glad that the knights and roses had helped patch several of the smaller holes in the walls before winter had fully set in. hawthornkit's paw poked into his ribs, and softglow was sure that his tail had gone numb ever since bramblekit decided to settle there for a nap and hadn't moved since. lightkit, meanwhile, was surprisingly awake and alert, her eyes tracking back and forth between flickersky, ferretwhisker, and merlinsong as they spoke. the herbalist had come to check on the new kits that arcticblink ad wolverinesnap brought with them, and to check on flickersky. when he had finished, ferretwhisker had managed to convince him to stay a long longer and share a mouse with them. merlinsong had looked to softglow and smiled. "i suppose a little longer wouldn't hurt," he'd said, and settled in between ferretwhisker and softglow.
paragraphthe king listened to the chatter and watched the proceedings through half-lidded eyes as drowsiness settled in his core. the winter was always a particularly taxing season, and he was thankful for the moment to rest. in the other corner of the nursery, ferretwhisker's kits had taken to a small game, batting a moss ball between themselves, minding their mother's earlier warning not to disturb the younger kits. adenium, the tortoiseshell kitten, and snowykit, the albino tom, had taken to napping in ferretwhisker's long fur as well. it was only when lightkit stirred, turning in softglow's grasp, that the king raised his head in time to watch quillkit bound over towards the heir. respectfully, the little tom dipped his head to the king and the heir before he blinked his large eyes at lightkit. "hi," he said quietly, and lightkit's smile was soft.
paragraph"hi," she echoed back. even for a kit so young, her eyes were bright and sharp, and softglow couldn't help but smile to himself when quillkit hesitated, teetering on a question.
paragraph"i saw that you were awake, and i was wondering if you would like to play with us," he said, straightening up when he waved his tail back towards his siblings. dewkit and elkkit appeared to be the only ones still interested in the small game, whereas beechkit had taken to grooming her fur and harrierkit strayed from the group to walk over to her mother, letting out a low purr when adenium opened one bleary green eye. "my mom said we have to be gentle, and harrierkit and beechkit are already tired so... you don't have to if you don't want to play, but... it could be fun," he added. wordlessly, lightkit glanced from quillkit to her brothers, then to softglow.
paragraph"can i?" she asked after a moment, and the king nodded to quillkit.
paragraph"you'll be gentle?" he asked quillkit, who puffed up his chest and squared his shoulders. "you'll look after her?"
paragraph"i promise," quillkit answered without any hesitation. "of course i'll look out for you," he said to lightkit, and softglow nodded at last, giving lightkit a gentle nudge with his nose.
paragraph"go ahead then, and stretch your legs. it'll be good for you." without any further pretense, lightkit stood and shook out her fur before bounding after quillkit to the other end of the nursery. softglow watched them go, turning his head only when flickersky let out a gentle purr and rested her head on ferretwhisker's shoulder. "what?" softglow asked when ferretwhisker grinned at him and merlinsong muffled a laugh.
paragraph"do you know how much of a softie you are?" merlinsong asked, letting out another laugh when softglow rolled his eyes. "no, no, it's more than your name. you're already becoming a good dad," the herbalist said, and ferretwhisker nodded her agreement.
paragraph"they already adore you," she said, nodding to where hawthornkit and bramblekit slept on. "when i had my kits, they were such a pawful. i'm glad tulipstream was here too, otherwise i don't know what i would've done. tawnyrose is lucky that you're here to take care of them too." softglow caught the slightest glint in her eyes, as if ferretwhisker thought that tawnyrose should have been in his place instead - or, at the very least, not seeming to avoid the nursery at all costs once she found her paws again.
paragraph"they're my kits," softglow heard himself say, though the words were sour on his tongue. "of course i want to be here to watch over them." he looked from merlinsong to ferretwhisker, though neither said anything. it was flickersky who broke the silence, as she was often wont to do.
paragraph"well," she said. "i'm excited for my kits to finally be here. even if it means the nursery might feel kind of crowded," flickersky added, shrugging her shoulders. "and stars know that i'll need the help. which is why you can't just leave me when your kits are made into thorns." at that, she flicked ferretwhisker, who let out a twinkling laugh. at last, the air cleared, and softglow looked from merlinsong to where quillkit was sitting with lightkit, the pair passing the mossball back and forth. the king watched at how gently quillkit kicked it to lightkit, so she wouldn't have to struggle and chase it down, and how he made a show of scrambling for it each time lightkit sent it towards him, just to make her smile and feel as though she was doing a great job. around softglow, the nursery was warm, and when hawthornekit began to stir, softglow pulled him closer so he wouldn't be as cold upon waking up.

Last edited by eagle, on Sat Dec 26, 2020 7:33 am, edited 2 times in total.
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highgarden ♕ twenty

Postby eagle, » Tue Feb 18, 2020 4:14 pm

      total 63
      servings 11 (+70)
      ________________ Image ________________

      gods n/a
      pebbles 80
      archive xx
      font credit x x

writing was too long. can be found here

[ cat trade ] flickersky gives kits 1 & 5 to stormshroud of the shadowed kingdom
[ consumption ] highgarden eats three finches and two mice
[ rank changes ] elkkit, beechkit, harrierkit, quillkit, and dewkit are old enough to become thorns
stagpaw is also ready to take his final assessment
[ patrol 1 ] bluetcrest, betonypetal, ayalla, smokemane, iguanaspots, and warblercry
[ hunt 1 ] bassflow, erasmus, dippernose, otterfur, sagecloud, and hornetshade
[ hunt 2 ] softglow, swiftheart, tulipstream, tigergaze, foxspark, lyrewhistle
[ hunt 3 ] clovershine, obsidianwing, wolfhowl, pythoneyes, direfang, and sandstrike
[ hunt 4 ] mapleshadow, maplelily, newtmask, riverfoam, kitechaser, and tanagercall
[ training ] seedpaw learns climbing
daisypaw learns fighting
rabbitpaw and briarpaw learn hunting
[ herbalists ] merlinsong and spencer practice medicine
[ herb hunt ] merlinsong and spencer
[ notes to mod ] i ask that no one die on patrols though injuries are fine xo

    tawnyrose, 38m, ♀
    the wayward queen
    - mate: birchflame
    - kits: lightkit, hawthornkit, bramblekit

    softglow, 40m, ♂
    the lost king

    lightkit, 2m, ♀

    bluetcrest, 42m, ♂
    the wayward's attendant

    merlinsong, 45m, ♂ - 5sp
    spencer, 40m, ♂ - 5sp

    roses & knights
    otterfur, 74m, ♂
    direfang, 70m, ♂
    sagecloud, 56m, ♀
    mapleshadow, 54m, ♀
    erasmus, 52m, ♂
    hurricanejaw, 50m, ♂
    maplelily, 48m, ♀
    bassflow, 48m, ♂
    newtmask, 47m, ♂
    dippernose, 47m, ♂
    arcticblink, 45m, ♂
    pythoneyes, 43m, ♂
    tulipstream, 39m, ♀
    birchflame, 39m, ♂
    yewbloom, 38m, ♂
    betonypetal, 37m, ♀
    clovershine, 36m, ♂
    smallheart, 36m, ♂
    wolverinesnap, 35m, ♂
    riverfoam, 34m, ♀
    swiftheart, 32m, ♀
    kitechaser, 30m, ♀
    obsidianwing, 29m, ♂
    ayalla, 27m, ♀
    jaytalon, 27m, ♂
    smokemane, 26m, ♀
    sunglow, 26m, ♂
    tigergaze, 25m, ♂
    sandstrike, 23m, ♀
    hornetshade, 22m, ♂
    privetears, 21m, ♀
    tanagercall, 20m, ♀
    cougarstrike, 19m, ♂
    racoonslip, 19m, ♂
    foxspark, 19m, ♂
    wolfhowl, 19m, ♀
    iguanaspots, 19m, ♀
    warblercry, 19m, ♀
    lyrewhistle, 18m, ♀
            stagpaw, 12m, ♂
            seedpaw, 12m, ♀
            rabbitpaw, 12m, ♀
            briarpaw, 10m, ♀
            daisypaw, 10m, ♀

            ferretwhisker, 43m, ♀
            - kits: elkkit, beechkit, harrierkit,
            quillkit, dewkit

            flickersky, 36m, ♀
            - mate: stormshroud, shadowed kingdom
            - kits: cirruskit, tsunamikit, tornadokit

            elkkit, 6m, ♂
            beechkit, 6m, ♀
            harrierkit, 6m, ♀
            quillkit, 6m, ♂
            dewkit, 6m, ♀
            adenium, 3m, ♀
            hawthornkit, 2m, ♂
            bramblekit, 2m, ♂
            snowykit, 2m, ♂
            cirruskit, 0m, ♂
            tsunamikit , 0m, ♀
            tornadokit, 0m, ♀

            name, age, gender
            name, age, gender

            allies & enemies & borders


            total x106
            mouse | x7 | 1 serving
            vole | x8 | 1 serving
            small fish | x3 | 2 servings
            squirrel | x13 | 2 servings
            rabbit | x14 | 2 servings
            big fish | x4 | 3 servings
            finch | x5 | 3 servings

            hurricanejaw, stagpaw, 4
            smallheart, seedpaw, 3
            birchflame, rabbitpaw, 2
            jaytalon, briarpaw, 1
            sunglow, daisypaw, 2
            mentor, thorn, 0


            family trees
credit goes to the cac staff & artists for all color-ins and lineart xoxo
Last edited by eagle, on Thu Feb 20, 2020 8:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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highgarden ♕ 20.5

Postby eagle, » Thu Feb 20, 2020 8:04 am

indentthe longer yewbloom walked, the stronger the pang in his chest reminded him of the last time he had seen his home. even after so many moons, the his paws fell easily into rhythm, as if he had never left. the night of the flood had never left yewbloom's memory: he recalled the sounds of the camp around him falling silent when a patrol came racing back through the entrance, carrying the news that the thaw had come early, and that the rivers and streams had already bushed beyond the banks. and yet, they'd been foolish and careless to think that they would be spared. the senior knights and roses had laughed, and the elders had balked at the slight flare of panic. there was no such thing as a mid-winter flood, they said, only to have their own words thrown back at that, as if by the gods themselves. the sound of cracking woke the clan, to find the waters pressing into camp, and there had been no time to escape before the walls gave way, letting the flood wash them away. yewbloom remembered the feeling of being carried off of his paws, and the sound of his sister's shout when berryjaw tried to grab at him, but it was too late. by the time he had been washed ashore and able to get his paws under him on solid ground, yewbloom knew that he had been washed impossibly far away from highgarden. he found russetpetal not too far away from him, but his other sister must have hit her head along their way, and she didn't wake when yewbloom nudged her.
indentit took time to get his bearings, and no cat he spoke to then had even heard of highgarden. he wandered, on and on until his pads bled, and then he pushed further, but it had been no use. he had been young, foolish, and lost. hope, he found, dwindled fast when there was nothing to hold fast to. the closest piece of home he had was his sister's grave when he buried russetpetal, but he had already put several moons of distance between himself and his sister's body. so he found the next best: he survived. and, along the way, he found that he enjoyed his travels, for all they were worth. for most of his life in highgarden, he had stared out across the borders and wished for the chance to venture elsewhere. more than once, yewbloom wondered if the gods had been mocking him by finally granting his wish.
indentbut he wasn't always alone. king tallstep had always told his youngest son that he was sociable, which paired well with the training yellowrose gave to all of her kits to teach them how to hold their heads high, how to walk with a purpose and speak in a way that made them likable. none of them had been as adept as lighteyes, but when compared to berryjaw's resting scowl and tawnystripe's apathy, yewbloom thought that he fared quite well. he liked smiling, he liked talking, and he found that others liked listening to him, even in places where the title "prince of highgarden" meant nothing. there was a tom named jet and his two kits, who yewbloom liked well-enough, an older molly named persephone who told him stories of her time as a member of a rogue group, and a bicolor tom named wolverine who constantly shied from his own shadow and whom, above the rest, yewbloom spent the most time with. together, they spent a rainy spring in the ruins of a twoleg barn, trading stories. wolverine told of his time with his siblings as a housecat, and yewbloom offered stories of highgarden in return. in exchange, yewbloom didn't ask about the yawning gaps in wolverine's stories, and wolverine never asked why yewbloom hadn't gone back to the clan he so clearly loved.
indenttruth be told, yewbloom wasn't sure either, not for a long time. not until he had wolverine spent more time together, that was, and yewbloom had the chance to recognize that he was beginning to care for the other tom. and yewbloom knew only too well what happened to everyone he once cared about, and he wasn't ready to see the ruins of his home, just as he wasn't ready to watch his time with wolverine turn sour. he couldn't say what he expected to happen, but he didn't need to lose anyone else, not even when rumors started to reach them that there was a new queen of highgarden. by the time the leaves started to brown and frost gathered across the grassy fields, yewbloom was considering ways that he could leave before wolverine was hurt. when he woke up one morning to find that his friend was gone, yewbloom thought that it was better this way, that it was better wolverine leave before yewbloom did, though there was no denying the way his chest ached in his absence.
indentas much as yewbloom thought that the rumors were fake and that there was no way that his sister could have survived, it was only a matter of time until his paws began to take him back towards highgarden only moons after wolverine left him. the closer he got to home, first catching sight of the mountains in the distance, then hearing the creak of the windmill and the bubble of the streams, the faster yewbloom's paws took him until he was nearly running through the rose pass, skidding to a halt only when he reached the entrance to the camp. for a moment, he could have sworn that his ears deceived him when he heard voices, but the clearing opened before him, and he was allowed a beat to gaze around in awe before he was spotted. eyes began to turn in his direction, but yewbloom didn't hesitate when he stepped forward. "my name is yewbloom, prince of highgarden. i would like to speak to queen lightrose." such were the words that he had prepared during his final stretch of running, easy on his tongue.
indentinstead of his sister, a handsome blue-eyed tom stepped forward, his head tipped elegantly in a way that yewbloom recognized from his own practice. "prince yewbloom," the tom said, and his tone was gentle. "my name is softglow, the current king of highgarden." and any other words yewbloom had prepared were thrown away immediately, and he blinked at the supposed king.
indent"you are not my sister's mate," yewbloom heard himself say. "lighteyes was mates with -"
indent"you misunderstand," softglow cut in, managing a tight smile. "i am not lighteyes' mate. tawnyrose is highgarden's queen."
indentrealization came slowly, and by the time yewbloom recovered, he realized that there was a new set of eyes boring into the side of his head, and he turned to face the current queen when his sister's familiar voice called out to him. "father always said that you were bad at directions, but i never thought that it was possible for a cat to be lost for as long as you were," she was saying on her approach, coming to a stop when she was a tail-length away. the last time yewbloom saw tawnystripe, it was when she returned from patrol. they had shared only a few words before he decided that he was tired and wanted to sleep before he was due on the dawn patrol the next morning. now, there was a new set to her shoulders that he recognized, but not on her. tawnystripe had always been graceful, but never poised in this way.
indentat last, yewbloom smiled and tawnyrose matched his expression. yewbloom purred and leaned forward, closing the distance between them when he leaned his forehead against his sister's. "don't take this the wrong way," he said quietly, just for her to hear. "but i never thought that i would see you as queen. mother would've had a fit."
indenttawnyrose's laugh when quiet, but not displeased, and she pulled away, shoving gently at yewbloom's shoulder. "i'm sure she's in the stars watching very carefully to see if i ever was paying attention to her lessons," tawnyrose allowed, and yewbloom let out another purr.
indent"you never paid attention to anything mother said, and even less during one of her lectures about tone and how to address others," he said, letting out a laugh of his own. however, movement from the corner of yewbloom's eye caught his attention, and he was already turning when wolverine's voice reached his ears.
indent"yewbloom?" the long-legged tom asked, and yewbloom blinked at him for a long moment before his paws carried him. yewbloom took a tentative step at first, and then wolverine smiled, small and careful, and it was all it took before the ginger tom bundled immediately into his friend. for a moment, it seemed as though they would tip over from yewbloom's greeting, but wolverine managed to stay upright. instead, yewbloom butted his head against wolverine's shoulder.
indent"what are you doing here, wolverine?" he asked through a purr. it wasn't wolverine who answered, but tawnyrose. she had settled where yewbloom left her, letting her brother reunite with his friend. together, the pair looked to the queen when she spoke, stilling long enough for yewbloom to lean against wolverine, and for wolverine to rest his chin on yewbloom's shoulder.
indent"his name's wolverinesnap now," tawnyrose said, and yewbloom immediately turned back on his friend, nudging him again with renewed vigor.
indent"it's true?" he asked, not missing the way wolverinesnap ducked his head bashfully under the attention. "you're a knight now? what happened when you said that you didn't think that you could ever join a clan, hm?" wolverinesnap's smile was shy, and his blue eyes flicked from yewbloom to tawnyrose. the queen had been joined by the same cat who had introduced himself as king, and another white and gray cat who sat at her opposite shoulder. at last, yewbloom gazed across the rest of the clearing, where many unfamiliar faces stared back at him, more than he could have ever thought to have settled in highgarden again. a long-furred queen gathered kits towards her with her tail by the nursery, but one of them broke free. the little torbie bounded forward until she gazed up at yewbloom, and it took the prince only a beat to place the gleam in the eyes that stared up at him. "tawnyrose... i never would have thought..." he trailed off for a moment, glancing from his sister to the little kit before he composed himself. "well, what's your name, then?" he asked, and kit didn't shy away from him.
indent"lightkit, daughter to queen tawnyrose and king softglow, heir to highgarden," she said, with a tone that spoke of having rehearsed the words to find the right cadence, and yewbloom blinked gently down at her.
indent"lightkit," yewbloom repeated quietly. his heart felt full in his chest, his mind whirling from everything that he found, most of which was unexpected. for a moment, his words felt choked in his throat. memories of lighteyes, russetpetal, and berryjaw rose to the forefront of his mind. he thought of his only brother, robinwing, and of yellowrose and tallstep, and all of the rest who had been lost to the flood. for so long he had feared that he lost everyone he could ever care about, but he felt wolverinesnap's presence near his shoulder, he knew tawnyrose stood behind him, and yewbloom looked down at lightkit until he found his words. "my little queen, it is an honor to meet you. my name is yewbloom," he managed at last.
indent"my mother mentioned that she had a brother named yewbloom," lightkit said after a moment of consideration. "we thought you were dead. you weren't here."
indent"lightkit -" softglow cautioned, but yewbloom shook his head slightly. he crouched down to be at-level with the heir to the clan.
indent"you're very smart, little queen," yewbloom said when he was sure that no one else would try to interrupt. he was aware of all of the other clan cats looking at him, watching the proceeding between the little kit and the prince they had never known, but yewbloom let the rest fade away for a moment. "your mother must have told you about the flood, i suppose?" when he received a nod, yewbloom shifted his weight, settling down. "when the flood came, i was taken very far away, further than the horizon. i spent a long time thinking that highgarden was gone, and i met so many cats, cats who didn't even know what a clan was. i saw valleys and mountains topped with snow. i saw twoleg buildings that touched the sky, and i saw moors that stretched as far as i could see, and then further still. i met strangers, i made friends, and finally my paws took me here. i think the gods decided that i had seen enough of the outside, and they decided that i should see my family and home again." again, he felt the weight of stares on him, and heard wolverinesnap take in a breath behind him, but yewbloom didn't look away from his niece. "my little queen, i can assure you that i'm very much alive, and i'd like to be here, if you'd allow me the chance."
indentthis time lightkit didn't leave him waiting, and he watched as she grinned, not hesitating before she moved forward, purring as she touched her nose to yewbloom's. "i'm glad you're alive," she said, and yewbloom felt a flash of warmth in his chest.
indent"so am i," yewbloom said quietly, just for her. when he straightened at last and cast a glance first towards wolverinesnap, and then tawnyrose and her court, he couldn't help but smile. "i'd like to come home now, tawnyrose, if i may."
indentbut tawnyrose laughed, shaking her head dismissively. "you think i should welcome you back?" she asked, and yewbloom found wolverinesnap's gaze again. when he leaned against his friend, he was surprisingly solid, present where he had been gone for moons, and yewbloom realized that he missed him; he had missed his sister, his friend, and his home for too long. his travels had been long and good, but he'd been away for too long.
indent"i think you'd have a hard time keeping me away."

indentwhen merlinsong heard another cat enter the herbalists' den, he had been so focused on his own task of prepping herbs for flickersky's upcoming kitting that he merely assumed that spencer had returned from fetching moss and cobwebs. so, when he called out for spencer to bring him some of the moss and received no answer, he let out a frustrated huff and turned quickly around. "spencer -" he began, only for his mouth to clamp shut when he looked down to where adenium was standing, her wide green eyes gazing up at him. "oh."
indent"i saw spencer talking to bluetcrest outside," the little tortoiseshell supplied with a casual shrug. "it didn't look like he had any moss, though, so i'm not sure he'd be able to give it to you even if he was here." for a long moment, merlinsong gazed at her before he let out a sigh before he turned back to his bundles of herbs.
indent"it's going to snow soon, you shouldn't have left ferretwhisker and the nursery," he said, but he nodded her towards a pile of sticks that he had collected earlier that day. "but since you're here, and i doubt i can get you to go back, you can help me and go through those. sort out the broken or rotting ones." he wasn't sure if he actually expected adenium to help, but she settled at his side without hesitation and pawed through the pile.
indent"i got bored," she said after a long moment of working in silence. at merlinsong's gentle hum, adenium's whiskers twitched. "elkkit only comes up with games that he thinks are fun, beechkit, harrierkit and dewkit chatter too much about nothing, and quillkit spends almost all of his time watching over lightkit like a hawk," she said, absently, as if it was of no consequence to her, and merlinsong supposed it wasn't. "hawthornkit and bramblekit go out to be with softglow a lot, and snowykit prefers to stay inside."
indent"it is cold out for kits," merlinsong commented, but adenium shrugged.
indent"his name's snowykit, he should be able to manage it," she said, and it took merlinsong a moment to realize that she was joking, and he finally sat back on his haunches to look at her properly. though adenium was young and had only been in the clan for a moon, when arcticblink and wolverinesnap brought her and snowykit, there was a sharp intelligence there that he easily recognized, and he considered her again. "and anyway, ferretwhisker said that we have to be quiet for a while, since flickersky will be having her kits soon. and even then, we'll have to be quiet and not do too much, since they'll be little."
indent"i've found that it's usually a good idea to listen to ferretwhisker, she usually knows what she's talking about," merlinsong said when adenium had gone quiet. after a beat, he reached out to took a stick from between her paws and tested its sturdiness, pleased when it didn't crack. "and you were bored, so you came here, then. why not see if one of the thorns would entertain you? stagpaw usually likes a chance to show off, and daisypaw is very kind, so pythoneyes says, unless you wake her in the middle of a nap."
indentat last, adenium stood and walked around merlinsong. she glanced over the piles of herbs that he had set aside, and when he didn't move to stop her, she leaned forward to sniff at a pile of leaves. when she recoiled, wrinkling her nose at the bitter scent, merlinsong let out a resounding laugh. "i guess i was curious with what you do in here. i've watched stagpaw and rabbitpaw spar in the camp. and they're good but..."
indentwhen she trailed off, merlinsong tipped his head to one side. "but?" he prompted.
indent"i just don't get why. ferretwhisker said that highgarden has been very safe, and she's been here a long time. what's the point of practicing to fight when there's no fight to be fought? what you do seems more practical. ferretwhisker said that you're going to help keep flickersky and her kits safe." and merlinsong, for his part, felt taken aback by the way adenium spoke. she was eloquent in a way that he hadn't expected from a kit, let alone one as young as she was, and he regarded her in a renewed light, and the gentle smile wavered on his face the longer her words set in.
indent"do you want to know the truth?" he asked, and adenium didn't hesitate to nod, eager. "highgarden has been safe for many moons, it's true. but that doesn't mean that it'll always be safe. we make sure thorns can swim since the flood wiped out highgarden before tawnyrose became queen. we patrol borders to check for any animals that might have crossed boundaries, and we make sure to interrogate cats that come this way so that we know that they won't come to harm us. just because there hasn't been a battle or any fights recently doesn't mean that there will never be one. so stagpaw and daisypaw and the others are being trained not for what hasn't happened, but for what might happen." adenium listened intently, and when merlinsong finished, she nodded thoughtfully. before she could say anything else, however, merlinsong straightened when he heard pawsteps at the entrance of the den, and he leaned forward to lick between adenium's ears. "everything we do here is practical. we never know what's going to come around the next corner." at that, he stood to meet spencer when the lithe tom padded forward, holding a bundle of moss. "finally, i've been waiting for this. we have company."
indentspencer shot adenium a small but kind smile when merlinsong took the moss from him. "i thought we were trying to keep you all in the nursery," he said after greeting adenium, but the other herbalist shrugged one shoulder.
indent"adenium decided that she was an exception, and i agree this time. she's been a great help. she was curious what we do in here, so i'd watch out, or she might be sniffing around to take your position next," merlinsong teased spencer, who balked, turning his wide blue eyes from merlinsong to adenium.
indent"so soon?" he asked, and this time adenium shrugged and went back to sorting through the sticks while merlinsong checked through the moss to make sure that it was dry.
indent"merlinsong said you were taking too long. you snooze, you lose." at that, merlinsong couldn't contain his booming laugh, and spencer joined in. when he had calmed, merlinsong winked at adenium, who smiled down at the sticks, though there was no forgetting what she had been told.

indenterasmus felt the restlessness stir deep in his bones, making him feel trapped, just like he already knew he was. eyes followed each and every move he made, making his skin crawl like he was covered in fire ants, and it seemed that bluetcrest and sagecloud weren't even trying to pretend otherwise any longer. in the beginning, it seemed, they had tried to keep their actions inconspicuous, like it just so happened that sagecloud was constantly on the same patrols as him, or that bluetcrest also wanted to go to the stream to get a drink of water. at first it had been almost amusing, it see the way they squirmed and tried to find a way into his head, but the longer it dragged on over the moons, and when it became clear that erasmus knew what they were doing, it quickly lost its pleasure and erasmus needed to find a way out.
indentso he waited until nighttime, when sagecloud had been shipped off to strikersclan for the evening and bluetcrest was tucked away in his den. erasmus supposed that they thought that, surely, he wouldn't risk leaving the camp with the coming storm that was just on the horizon, but it seemed that they underestimated just how desperate he was beginning to feel since juniperstorm came to highgarden and made a scene. it was never supposed to be that way, and he had braced himself for the immediate fallout. when nothing came, he eased into damage control. he kept an ear out and listened as the knights and roses began to take his side. indeed, why would this groveclan cat have the nerve to come into their clan to insult one of their own? if anything, they thought, it showed that groveclan was disillusioned and didn't understand their place. leave it to the softhearts to think they were morally better than highgarden, who had never gone out of their way to cross clear border markings. for a little while erasmus thought that silence on his part would be better, that it would be easier for the others to fill in the blanks if he didn't start an argument when there didn't need to be one. but then when the opportunity presented itself, he took the leap, and found that it was all the better for it.
indentsome cats still granted him slanted looks, but erasmus didn't concern himself with the queen or daydreaming knight. ferretwhisker didn't know anything beyond the nursery walls, and hornetshade was young and foolish. even if the highly-ranked knights and roses like hurricanejaw or mapleshadow didn't instantly believe him, that was fine. even before he was asked to tell his story, erasmus had formulated a plan that would clear everything up for good. no one would be asking him any more questions, and no one would believe groveclan ever again. even if his plan hadn't work the first time he met badgerstar and his clan, erasmus knew that he would succeed. tawnyrose and her court needed to be unseated, and erasmus could think of several groveclan cats who would be better off in the stars.
indentso he bided his time and waited for his opening. thankfully he knew that merlinsong was spending more time in the nursery under the guise of keeping an eye on flickersky, and the shadows afforded him easy passage to the herbalists' den where spencer was curled up in his nest. for a moment, erasmus considered his mate's sleeping form, and he almost felt bad for waking him, but he had no other choice.
indent"spencer," he mumbled quietly, mindful of the silence that had settled over the camp for the night. spencer stirred, and erasmus went to his side. "i'm sorry, but this is important. i need you to wake up now."
indent"i'm awake," spencer murmured, but his eyes were still half-lidded, his voice groggy, and erasmus wanted nothing more in that moment than to pull him close and let him rest. but there were important matters that needed to be tended to first so that he could keep the smaller tom safe. at last, spencer righted himself and sat up in his nest. he blinked the sleep from his eyes slowly. "it's the middle of the night, what's going on?"
indent"i'm being watched. have been for a while," erasmus said. when spencer's eyes went wide, erasmus shook his head dismissively. "the groveclan cat... she's making this into trouble. more trouble than we need right now."
indent"are we leaving?" spencer asked, but erasmus shook him off again.
indent"no, we can't. not in this weather. it won't be safe for you." spencer's mouth drew into a tight line, knowing, and erasmus breathed out a sigh. "and i fear that the queen would go to badgerstar instead. they'd hunt us down. we're staying, and i have a plan but... there's something i'm going to need you to do." spencer's ears pricked and he nodded without hesitation. erasmus hated that he would have to get involved, but his mate only needed to know his task - not the full plan. "it won't be for a little while, but when i give you the signal, you'll know what to do, okay?"
indentby the time he had finished telling spencer his task and what he should be waiting for, the sky was already beginning to brighten with the first taste of dawn. he stuck to the shadows, the same way he came, but the first rays of light caught on his dark fur. in his rush back to his nest before the dawn patrol would begin to wake and gather, he didn't notice the daydreaming knight watching him from the other side of camp from where he had been guarding the camp, checking for any signs that something was amiss. pale eyes narrowed and he ducked back the way he had came, making sure that he hadn't been seen by the dark shadow.

indentjust as they had been preparing for and as merlinsong had cautioned for moons, the blizzard finally came to highgarden hit with a vengeance, blanketing the territory in a thick layer of snow and sending the clan into their dens to wait it out. when the storm had finally passed and the cats were able to venture out into the open again, tawnyrose immediately tasked her knights and roses to begin clearing out the camp of snow while others sought out on hunting patrols to try and keep the clan stocked with prey.
indent"tigergaze!" the shout rang across the camp, interrupting the cats at work as sunglow streaked through their progress, kicking up even more snow as he went, chasing after his friend. betonypetal called after him, indignant from the way he had messed up her work packing a mound of snow away from the nursery, but her eyes were bright with amusement when sunglow shouted again after tigergaze, who ducked down behind dippernose, who opted to step out of the way when sunglow shot forward, skidding to a halt with just enough room to send slow flying to splatter tigergaze. laughter followed as smokemane and obsidianwing poked their heads out of the den, watching the proceedings unfold, and iguanaspots squeezed past them with lyrewhistle at her side. it was only at betonypetal's searching glance that lyrewhistle grinned.
indent"tigergaze dumped snow on sunglow's head to wake him up from his nap," she said, and smokemane stepped out of the den just in time to watch her brother drag tigergaze down into the snow while thet wrestled one another.
indent"turns out that he didn't appreciate it very much," she said, turning to obsidianwing to grin at him. at that same moment, bluetcrest walked back, and his gaze tracked over sunglow's path and the snow that he had kicked up in his charge to catch tigergaze. just as betonypetal began to gather the scattered snow back together to remake her pile, bluetcrest raised to tail, calling her to still.
indent"let it rest for a little bit," he said, glancing from the snow to the sun that shone overhead. "with any luck some of it'll melt. if not, we've already made a lot of progress together by making sure the dens were clear of it. take a rest, all of you," he said, looking around the rest of the camp. immediately, pythoneyes stopped where he was helping otterfur and maplelily with one pile, and instead he bounded over to bluetcrest.
indent"you're done working us to death here?" he teased, and bluetcrest rolled his eyes, nudging his shoulder against pythoneyes'.
indent"as if you even lifted a paw," bluetcrest shot back. however, before he could even react to the way pythoneyes grinned wickedly, the knight reared back on his hind legs, bringing his front paws down into a pile of snow so that it flew up into bluetcrest's face. the attendant spluttered, shaking the flakes out of his face just in time to see pythoneyes grin again at him.
indent"i think i just lifted two paws," he said, and bluetcrest shook his head quickly.
indent"you think you're very funny, don't you?"
indentwith his tail pythoneyes led bluetcrest out of the middle of the clearing, towards a spot with less frost, and he diligently flicked snow from his shoulder. "actually, yes, i do." they were silent for a moment, with bluetcrest ridding himself of the snow with pythoneyes' help, before the knight spoke again. "that blizzard last night... i know it's silly, but i just kept thinking of when we met in that storm."
indent"oh as if i could forget," bluetcrest said, matching his friend's smile. without hesitation, he shoulder'checked pythoneyes to send him down to the ground, and bluetcrest jumped on top of him, pinning him down. "when you all but threatened my life if i didn't tell you what happened to daisypaw and briarpaw." but pythoneyes merely laughed, his grin too big for his face, so full of joy.
indent"i was scared! i didn't know what happened to them." he looked up at bluetcrest, but didn't fight him off, and it took the attendant a long moment before he stepped off of him, letting pythoneyes up. "besides, if we hadn't met, then i wouldn't have found them. i wouldn't be here now. and then where would you be?"
indent"warmer," bluetcrest said, ducking his head to smooth down his wet chest fur. "less annoyed."
indent"also a lot more bored." at that moment, a clump of snow flew through the air, followed by tigergaze's shout, but it was too late, and pythoneyes recoiled when he was struck. he turned to face the younger tom, who was covered with snow from nose to tail, and who grinned apologetically.
indent"sorry! turns out i have bad aim!" tigergaze shouted. pythoneyes turned to look at bluetcrest, who was shaking with laughter. with that, pythoneyes stood and pushed at bluetcrest again, and with that they joined the fray of the snow fight. pythoneyes streaked past, and maplelily had to sidestep out of the way, bumping into newtmask at the same time. the long-furred gray tom looked at his former-mate with wide eyes before he cleared his throat.
indent"hey," maplelily greeted him politely, and newtmask managed a tight smile.
indent"i - uh - was actually coming to find you. i was wondering if we could talk," he said, glancing towards where their kits had joined their younger siblings. racoonslip let out a war cry when he charged at smokemane, and sunglow barely dodged a well-aimed shot from wolfhowl.
indent"sure," maplelily said, and with a nod of her head they began to walk together, keeping towards the edge of the camp as they went, hopefully out of range of another snowball. "what is it you want to talk about?" she asked.
indent"you, me, us... them," newtmask said after a beat, letting out a breathless laugh. "a lot of things, i suppose. i've just... been thinking a lot lately about the past and what used to be. and i realized that, for so long... i was so angry at you, and at hurricanejaw. no matter how much i told myself that it didn't matter, or that i didn't want it to matter... it did matter. but for a long time hurricanejaw was faceless in my mind. he was just the tom that you liked more -"
indent"newtmask, -" maplelily began, but newtmask shot her a tight smile.
indent"please, let me say this, okay? i need to say this." when maplelily nodded, newtmask ducked his head and continued: "and when he found us at the old tower, i felt even angrier. because he came in ready to save us all, like he was some hero, who came right when we needed him the most. and suddenly i thought that it all made sense. but then i met him more, we spoke and... as much as i want to be mad at him, i can't be. he didn't know, and i know that if he had... it probably wouldn't have played out the way it had. but i realized that i wasn't mad at you, either." at that, maplelily looked at newtmask, surprise clear in her eyes, but he didn't meet her gaze. "i think we were too young. i know that i didn't know what i wanted, and maybe you didn't either. i love our kits, and i'm so glad that we had them, because i can't imagine live without them in it but... i just wish i knew then everything i know now."
indentfinally, maplelily saw her opening and her stopped walking. when newtmask turned to face her, her smile was gentle. "i feel the same way. and i tried so many times to think of how i could apologize to you. because i loved you, and i loved hurricanejaw. and maybe i never stopped caring for him but... newtmask i chose you without even knowing anything about the world, or about love. and i hurt you, and i could never forgive myself for that. and you should know that i never stopped caring for you."
indentthere was a long pause before newtmask gathered his composure. "i fell in love with you moons ago, and i never fell out of love with you, maplelily," he admitted. he took a tentative step towards her, and maplelily swallowed thickly before meeting him halfway.
indent"i can't tell you what you want to hear," she said when their noses were nearly touching. her voice was quiet, soft as a snowflake, and newtmask felt the tension that had been weighing his shoulders for so long melt away. "i just... need time to think. i'm still figuring out who i am, and i think i need to figure that out first."
indent"you need to forgive yourself," newtmask whispered, and maplelily nodded. "when you're ready to say anything, even if you don't think i want to hear it... you'll know where to find me." they stood like that for a brief moment before a shout came from nearby, and rabbitpaw strode past, leaping nimbly over a pile of slush, stagpaw hot on her heels.
indent"coming through!" stagpaw shouted, followed quickly by rabbitpaw's voice:
indent"sorry aunt maplelily!" and the older highgarden cats watched the thorns give chase, seedpaw racing after them both. the trio nearly knocked into otterfur, but he quickly backed out of the way just in time, his eyes blown wide with surprise, and seedpaw shouted another apology in their wake. the brown tom watched them go for a moment before he ducked into the wilted's den to get out of the fray.
indentit was dark inside the den, the snow blocking most of the passages to let light through, and otterfur was surprised to hear a pair of voices going back and forth from the far corner of the den. it was only when his eyes adjusted that he made out the outline of two cats sitting together, their heads low to speak, but their voices still carried in the quiet space.
indent"- you said yourself that we can't trust him and that you don't know what she was saying -" one voice said, but the second one was a lower tone.
indent"- that doesn't mean going all the way to groveclan!" the second voice said. for a moment, otterfur knew that he should leave before the cats noticed his presence, but he instantl recognized hornetshade and warblercry, and interest stayed his paws. "we don't know what they know."
indent"they must know more than us." that was warblercry. "you said that juniperstorm won't let you get close to groveclan, but she doesn't know who i am. i can go, and maybe she'll hear me out long enough to say something."
indenthornetshade was quiet, and otterfur held his breath. then: "i don't know what i saw. but it was him. he's planning something, he must be." already, thoughts were swirling in otterfur's mind, pressing insistently, and cold fear piercing him like icicles. before hornetshade could say anything else, otterfur cleared his throat, and the two young cats jumped, whirling around to face him. it was warblercry who recovered first.
indent"were you eavesdropping?" she asked. "how much did you hear?"
indentbut it was hornetshade who stepped in front of warblercry, his eyes narrowed. "you didn't hear anything."
indentat that, otterfur tipped his head. "you're worried about the clan. if you think we're in danger, tell me." when two pairs of eyes merely stared at him, otterfur took a step forward. "listen, i've seen one clan fall because of a leader who let power go to his head, and he didn't know what enough meant. don't make me see highgarden go through this too. are we in danger?"
indentat last, hornetshade and warblercry exchanged a quick glance, and it was all the answer otterfur needed.

indentdespite the piles of snow lying outside of the nursery, inside it was incredibly warm and peacefully still. where there was once was great action as flickersky had her kits, it lapsed into easy quiet as merlinsong sat back on his haunches and let the young queen gaze down at her kits. when softglow caught merlinsong's eye, he silently beckoned the herbalist over to the corner, where he settled among the moss. exhaustion from a day of making sure that flickersky and her kits were healthy had clearly taken its toll, but when softglow looked back to flickersky, there was only joy and love in her eyes.
indent"congratulations flickersky," he murmured at last, breaking the silence that had settled, and flickersky shot him a brilliant smile, warmer than any of the others he had ever seen from her before. "they're lovely."
indentbefore flickersky could say anything, however, hawthornkit raised his head from against his father's flank, where he and bramblekit had been resting for most of the evening. tawnyrose had taken it upon herself to take lightkit for the day and the night, softglow supposed to tell her more stories of the past and teach her more about what tawnyrose would called "how to be a queen." the very thought made softglow's stomach churn, that lightkit was only a few moons old, and yet she was already had such high expectations resting on her shoulders, but tawnyrose said that it wasn't common - that she had known even more than her daughter at that age, and she hadn't even been her mother's heir. and as much as softglow wished that he could argue, he found that tawnyrose had been more grating that usual, particularly when it came to lightkit, so he folded and turned his attention to hawthornkit and bramblekit, who basked in his attention that he gave while their mother favored their sister.
indent"can i see them?" hawthornkit asked, already finding his paws. softglow immediately reached out a paw to pull him back, but flickersky grinned at the little tom and nodded.
indent"you just have to be gentle and quiet, okay?" she said, leaning against ferretwhisker who had joined her friend and offered support the whole time. flickersky blinked gently at softglow, who watched as hawthornkit and bramblekit approached the pretty queen and her the kits nestled closely to her side.
indent"they're very cute," bramblekit said, his voice breathy, as if trying to keep his voice hushed, and softglow and merlinsong shared an amused smile.
indent"did you think of any names for them?" ferretwhisker asked, and flickersky hummed thoughtfully.
indent"i did think of a few... since two of them will be going with stormshroud, i still want to have a part of him here, if that makes sense?" flickersky said, and there was a twinge of longing in her voice. without a doubt, she had wished that her mate could have been in highgarden for a visit, but it was understandable that the recent blizzard hadn't made it possible. even flickersky had commented that it was better to know that he was safe with his clan than wandering in the storm. "so i talked to yewbloom, tanagercall, and bluetcrest. i figured that they might know different types of storms. so even if stormshroud isn't here with us, they'll still have a little reminder of their father." flickersky swallowed thickly, and ferretwhisker pressed her nose to her friend's shoulder to comfort her.
indent"she's going to be tsunamikit, and she'll be tornadokit," flickersky said when she had regained her voice, touching her nose gently first to the white molly, and then to one of the calico kittens. "and i quite like the name cirruskit for him," she said when her glance flicked to one of her sons. the smile on her face was easy, warm, and it turned on hawthornkit when the little tabby tom leaned closer for a better look at his new denmates.
indent"what's a cirrus?" he asked.
indent"bluetcrest said it was a type of cloud," flickersky supplied, and hawthornkit's brow furrowed as he considered this, but bramblekit beat him to it.
indent"but you said storms -" bramblekit began, but hawthornkit brightened in that moment and grinned.
indent"it's both of you," hawthornkit concluded, looking back to softglow and merlinsong who watched the little tom wave his tail excitedly. "storms come with clouds, right? and clouds are also in the sky. it's flickersky and stormshroud." with that, he bounded back over to softglow, bramblekit hot on his heels, and they bundled easily into the moss of their nest.
indent"you're both very clever," softglow said to them, nuzzling them gently before wrapping his tail around them. to flickersky, he smiled warmly. "i think those are great names. beautiful names for your beautiful kits."
indent"thank you," flickersky said with a soft smile of her own. for a moment, he considered her kits before glancing around to softglow, merlinsong, and ferretwhisker. "i just wish that he could have been here to meet them immediately," she said, and the same tone of longing seeped into her words. "i wish that he could be with us all, always."
indent"he'll always be with you," ferretwhisker promised, coaxing flickersky. "he loves you, and you love him. and you both love your kits. and for when he can't be physically present, we'll be here to help you the rest of the way."
indent"for anything you need," softglow added, and merlinsong nodded his agreement. "all of us, we're all here for one another. we're a family." and flickersky let one of his paws stretch out in softglow's direction, and the king did the same. neither of them could move to meet, but ferretwhisker leaned her cheek against flickersky's, and merlinsong grinned. and it was enough for the moment to be together, in the warmth, with the kits around them, safe and sound.

indent"i want out," sagecloud told him when she caught the queen's attendant alone after he finished organizing the patrols for the afternoon. for a long moment, bluetcrest blinked at sagecloud, his yellow eyes widened, before he sniffed and turned away.
indent"that's not how this works," he said simply, but she rounded him, stepping into his path to make him pull up short, unable to avoid her. bluetcrest sighed, his shoulders sagging, before he shook his head again. "sagecloud -" he began, his tone empathetic, but she merely leveled him with a sharp gaze.
indent"i said i want out," she interrupted him, not letting bluetcrest have the chance to finish. "i didn't ask for this, and i'm not going to tell anyone, but i can't keep living like this. i just want to go on patrols and be able to see brindlepelt. i'm not your spy anymore -"
indentthis time bluetcrest quieted her with a pointed hiss. "not here," he said, hushing sagecloud, but she went with him without any further fight. together, they ducked into the unused wilted's den, and bluetcrest shook his head when it was clear that they were alone. sagecloud let him pace to compose himself, while she settled, sitting on the ground with his tail arranged neatly over her paws. at last, he looked back to sagecloud, who tipped her chin at him. "you can't just say things like that out loud," he said, and sagecloud balked at him.
indent"you're acting as if he doesn't already know," she shot back. bluetcrest, however, didn't flinch, but instead padded forward to meet her. sagecloud squared her shoulders, ready for another argument, but bluetcrest's tone was softer when he spoke next.
indent"i know you didn't ask for this but... we need you right now. it's a tough balance, but we're figuring out what to do with him."
indent"he's lying to the whole clan," sagecloud said. "he told all of the knights and roses that he's a victim, and that he had no part in killing that kit, and they're believing him. i mean, why shouldn't they? they're being fed lies from every angle. you're lying to them too, keeping them in the dark when there's a murderer walking among them, like he's one of them. and i think it's a question of who's worse - him for lying about who he is, or you for never telling of the truth of who exactly we're sharing a den with?" these were the thoughts that had been running through sagecloud's head for moons, and since erasmus caught her eye in the den that night, she felt tired, restless, like she had to run until her muscles gave out. "and you say that you're figuring it out. why is he still here?"
indent"because tawnyrose won't exile him," bluetcrest admitted, blowing out a long breath that he hadn't realized he had been holding. "softglow and i want him out, but tawnyrose thinks she has him on a leash. so, please, sagecloud, just carry on. let us talk to her, we want him gone just as much as you do. do it so you can know our friends are safe." though sagecloud's expression was pinched, bluetcrest caught the hesitation, the wavering in her self-assurance, and he knew that she would agree with him. sure enough, sagecloud stood and began towards the entrance of the den.
indent"i wish i had come at any other time," she said over her shoulder to him. "because that would have meant that i never heard the truth of what he really was. and i think we're all fools to think we can keep a monster tied down."

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highgarden ♕ twenty-one

Postby eagle, » Sun Mar 01, 2020 9:58 am

      total 65
      servings 11 (+70)
      ________________ Image ________________

      gods n/a
      pebbles 85
      archive xx
      font credit x x

indentwriting was too long, can be found here

[ added cats + herbs ] daystrike (x) and leopardsun (x); highgarden is given x1 honey, x2 tansy, and x1 coltsfoot from groveclan (x)
[ consumption ] highgarden eats x1 big fish (worth 2 servings), x1 small fish (worth 1 serving), and x4 rabbits
[ rank changes ] stagpaw is ready to take his final assessment
[ patrol 1 ] bluetcrest, wolverinesnap, betonypetal, ayalla, iguanaspots, and warblercry
↪ wolverinesnap has applicable powers
[ hunt 1 ] bassflow, erasmus, leopardsun, otterfur, sagecloud, and hornetshade
[ hunt 2 ] softglow, swiftheart, tulipstream, foxspark, lyrewhistle, daystrike
[ hunt 3 ] clovershine, obsidianwing, wolfhowl, direfang, sandstrike, ferretwhisker
[ hunt 4 ] mapleshadow, maplelily, newtmask, riverfoam, kitechaser, and tanagercall
[ training ] seedpaw learns climbing
daisypaw learns fighting
rabbitpaw and briarpaw learn hunting
elkpaw, beechpaw, harrierpaw, quillpaw, and dewpaw learn agility
[ herbalists ] merlinsong gives smokemane x1 honey and x1 juniper berries. smokemane rests 1/3. merlinsong gives himself x1 feverfew. cirruskit, tsunamikit, and tornadokit are each given x1 honey and x1 tansy, and tornadokit and tsunamikit are given x1 coltsfoot
[ herb hunt ] spencer (priority for coltsfoot)
[ notes to mod ] i ask that no one die on patrols though injuries are fine xo

    tawnyrose, 39m, ♀
    the wayward queen
    - mate: birchflame
    - kits: lightkit, hawthornkit, bramblekit

    softglow, 41m, ♂
    the lost king

    lightkit, 3m, ♀

    bluetcrest, 43m, ♂
    the wayward's attendant

    merlinsong, 46m, ♂ - 5sp
    spencer, 41m, ♂ - 5sp

    roses & knights
    otterfur, 75m, ♂
    direfang, 71m, ♂
    sagecloud, 57m, ♀
    mapleshadow, 55m, ♀
    erasmus, 53m, ♂
    hurricanejaw, 51m, ♂
    maplelily, 49m, ♀
    bassflow, 49m, ♂
    newtmask, 48m, ♂
    dippernose, 48m, ♂
    arcticblink, 46m, ♂
    ferretwhisker, 44m, ♀
    pythoneyes, 44m, ♂
    tulipstream, 40m, ♀
    birchflame, 40m, ♂
    yewbloom, 39m, ♂
    betonypetal, 38m, ♀
    clovershine, 37m, ♂
    smallheart, 37m, ♂
    wolverinesnap, 36m, ♂
    riverfoam, 35m, ♀
    swiftheart, 33m, ♀
    kitechaser, 31m, ♀
    obsidianwing, 30m, ♂
    ayalla, 28m, ♀
    jaytalon, 28m, ♂
    smokemane, 27m, ♀
    sunglow, 27m, ♂
    tigergaze, 26m, ♂
    sandstrike, 24m, ♀
    hornetshade, 23m, ♂
    privetears, 22m, ♀
    tanagercall, 21m, ♀
    cougarstrike, 20m, ♂
    racoonslip, 20m, ♂
    foxspark, 20m, ♂
    wolfhowl, 20m, ♀
    iguanaspots, 20m, ♀
    warblercry, 20m, ♀
    lyrewhistle, 19m, ♀
    leopardsun, 19m, ♂
    daystrike, 17m, ♂
            stagpaw, 13m, ♂
            seedpaw, 13m, ♀
            rabbitpaw, 13m, ♀
            briarpaw, 11m, ♀
            daisypaw, 11m, ♀
            elkpaw, 7m, ♂
            beechpaw, 7m, ♀
            harrierpaw, 7m, ♀
            quillpaw, 7m, ♂
            dewpaw, 7m, ♀

            flickersky, 37m, ♀
            - mate: stormshroud, shadowed kingdom
            - kits: cirruskit, tsunamikit, tornadokit

            adenium, 4m, ♀
            hawthornkit, 3m, ♂
            bramblekit, 3m, ♂
            snowykit, 3m, ♂
            cirruskit, 1m, ♂
            tsunamikit , 1m, ♀
            tornadokit, 1m, ♀

            name, age, gender
            name, age, gender

            allies & enemies & borders


            total x95
            mouse | x5 | 1 serving
            vole | x8 | 1 serving
            small fish | x3 | 2 servings
            ↪ skinny small fish | x1 | 1 serving
            squirrel | x13 | 2 servings
            rabbit | x14 | 2 servings
            big fish | x4 | 3 servings
            ↪ skinny big fish | x1 | 2 servings
            finch | x2 | 3 servings

            hurricanejaw, stagpaw, 4
            smallheart, seedpaw, 3
            birchflame, rabbitpaw, 2
            jaytalon, briarpaw, 1
            sunglow, daisypaw, 2
            pythoneyes, elkpaw, 0
            obsidianwing, beechpaw, 0
            dippernose, harrierpaw, 0
            tigergaze, quillpaw, 0
            arcticblink, dewpaw, 0


            family trees
credit goes to the cac staff & artists for all color-ins and lineart xoxo
Last edited by eagle, on Fri Mar 27, 2020 6:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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highgarden ♕ 21.5

Postby eagle, » Fri Mar 27, 2020 6:05 am

indenthighgarden, for all it was worth, was no stranger to more extreme weather. floods and storms battered the valley time and time again, from extreme rainfall, to mountains of snow. it wasn't the first time there was a blizzard, and it wasn't the first time that a patrol was caught in a storm. it wasn't the first time that many members of the clan remained gathered, huddled together in their dens, waiting for the last patrol to make their way back to camp so that all could be accounted for. while tawnyrose and softglow waited in the queen's den, merlinsong's pale green eyes flashed from across the way, where he was standing in the shadows of the herbalists' den. there was a pit in softglow's stomach, the sinking feeling that something was wrong, but it surprised him when tawnyrose spoke first, breaking the silence that had settled between them.
indent"i shouldn't have let him go on patrol without me," she said, and softglow shot her a sideways glance.
indent"the kits still need you here, and it's not like bluetcrest is alone this time," softglow said, attempting to soothe the queen's nerves. but the pit in settled in his chest told softglow that the weather was worse than it had been in seasons, and he knew that the patrol should have returned already. they had been gone too long, and he swallowed thickly. "they'll be back soon," he heard himself say, though it seemed that the winds were only picking up further. as the storm progressed, flakes falling thicker across the camp, softglow kept his eyes trained on the camp entrance, aware of tawnyrose at his shoulder and merlinsong watching from across the camp. in that moment, time seemed to slow, the clearing grew infinitely wider, and softglow wished, for once, that they might be allowed a moment of solace.
indentthere was no telling exactly how much time passed, but softglow finally heard a shout from outside of the camp, carried faintly on the wind. he reacted quickly, but merlinsong was faster, a dark shadow flying from his den just as softglow spotted ayalla racing into the clearing. there was no missing the distinct intake of breath from tawnyrose when bluetcrest and the others weren't immediately behind the slight molly.
indentby the time softglow and tawnyrose reached merlinsong, the herbalist's expression had turned taunt, and ayalla was babbling frantically: "i didn't - i didn't see it happen, but there was blood, and, and -" she cut off long enough to let out a choked noise. her eyes were blown wide, and she turned to tawnyrose when the queen shouldered past softglow to reach the rose.
indent"who?" she asked, curt and sharp. ayalla shuddered, and softglow braced himself to cut tawnyrose off before she could say anything further, but the queen could not be stopped so easily. "ayalla, what happened? who's hurt?" tawnyrose demanded, and this time ayalla found her voice.
indent"smokemane," she said, letting out another choked squeak as realization set in. "we came across two loners in the blizzard and that's why we were out so long, and we must have gotten turned around on the way back. i think she fell, or slipped, or something hit her head but - but then -"
indent"inside the den," merlinsong ordered at last, slipping between ayalla and tawnyrose, effectively ending the interrogation. he shouted for spencer, and another shout echoed back, preceding when spencer's angled face poked out of the den. quickly, the small tom ushered ayalla into the den from the cold, and merlinsong's eyes cut sharply back to tawnyrose. "she's in shock, this isn't the time to be harsh with her," he said, but tawnyrose's attention was drawn to where the entrance shook again, and this time it was iguanaspots and warblercry who came through, a pair of strangers with them. at last, bluetcrest and betonypetal made their way into the camp, smokemane's body drawn over their shoulders as they carried her. one of the strangers, a golden tom, pressed against betonypetal when she wavered, steadying her. merlinsong rushed forward to meet the patrol, exchanging a few brief words with bluetcrest before leading them past tawnyrose and softglow to follow ayalla. only the two strangers lingered, and tawnyrose tipped her head at them.
indent"do you know where you are?" tawnyrose asked them, and the golden tom managed a grimace.
indent"we didn't have much time for introductions out there, i'm afraid," he said, and tawnyrose sniffed absently.
indent"you're in highgarden. if bluetcrest brought you here, you must have heard of our clan a little bit."
indent"you're the leader here," that was the second, darker tom with sharp green eyes. his expression was somber, but he didn't look anywhere near as upset the golden tom was. if anything, softglow thought, he looked rather unbothered by everything around him, as if the blizzard and smokemane's absence was of no consequence. "leopardsun here is convinced that we could use a clan as our home."
indent"and you?" tawnyrose asked stiffly.
indentthe dark tom shrugged. "we stay together. it'd be nice to not be so cold." before either of them could say anything further, pale green eyes flashed at the edge of softglow's peripherals, and merlinsong emerged from his den again. he looked to softglow, and the king didn't miss the worry on his features.
indent"i think it'd be a good idea to get maplelily, newtmask, and sunglow," he murmured quietly, and softglow, by some grace of the gods, felt surprisingly steady on his paws. he swung his gaze towards the two strangers.
indent"i'll show you a den where you can meet other members of the clan. you must be cold and tired. please, follow me." without waiting for their reply, or for tawnyrose to say anything, softglow padded away. it was only when the golden tom, leopardsun, padded at his shoulder, that softglow was sure that he was being followed.
indent"daystrike - he's just a little bristly, but he's not bad," leopardsun said, and softglow merely flicked his ear, noncommittal. "that molly... is she going to be okay?"
indentfinally, softglow looked to the stranger. "merlinsong and spencer are gifted at what they do. smokemane is in the best paws we can get right now." leopardsun seemed to take this is stride, understanding the lack of a promise. his expression tightened, and softglow nodded them towards the den saved for the knights and roses. he ducked his head inside, where several pairs of eyes turned towards him, all worried and searching for their missing clanmates. he could feel the curiosity rise even further when they spotted leopardsun and daystrike, and softglow nodded towards hurricanejaw.
indent"the patrol found these two. can you make sure they can settle somewhere?" he asked, and the senior knight didn't hesitate, gesturing the pair forward. leopardsun went easily, though his friend appeared to assess the rest of the den first before following suit. to the searching glances, softglow managed to swallow around the lump in his throat. "the patrol came back," he said, though he knew that it was not the message they wanted. their friends weren't yet in their spaces in the den, and anxiety hit him like a wall. riverfoam exchanged quick words were tanagercall and kitechaser, and hornetshade shifted uncomfortably in his nest. but it was maplelily who met his gaze without flinching, and when softglow tipped his chin to her, she merely leaned towards newtmask. softglow ducked out the way he came, and didn't wait for them to follow him, but instead he decided to give them a moment. outside, the clearing was empty, and a path of pawsteps traced tawnyrose's route back to her den. for a moment, softglow considered going directly to merlinsong, or to follow tawnyrose, but his paws took him instead to the nursery.
indentit was warm inside, but not without the same touch of worry. even the kits didn't appear immune to the effects, and softglow breathed out in surprise when his sons jumped at his side, and softglow looked from hawthornkit and bramblekit to ferretwhisker and flickersky, who let out warm purrs. "they were asking if you were going to visit them," ferretwhisker said as the king greeted the kits. lightkit padded forward to greet him as well, lifting her nose to touch his, and softglow nuzzled her gently. then he looked back to ferretwhisker, who gazed at him quizzically, the question hanging unspoken above their heads.
indent"the patrol's back," he said, but his words did not visibly soothe either queen. taking another moment to gather himself, softglow pressed his nose to hawthornkit's cheek. "smokemane... she's with merlinsong now. the others are in shock, it seems." flickersky let out a gentle gasp, but ferretwhisker's presence was steadying, oddly calm though pain lit her eyes as well.
indent"she's strong, and merlinsong... he'll take care of her," the queen said, resting her chin atop elkkit's flank while her son slept. only quillkit was awake, and the tabby tom helped lightkit back into her nest.
indent"like i've been taking care of lightkit," quillkit said, curling around his friend. lightkit reclined comfortably in the nest, letting out a quiet yawn, while quillkit met softglow's gaze. "i'm keeping my promise."
indent"there's no one who could do more than you, quillkit. thank you," softglow said, and the little tom seemed to take pride in this. to hawthornkit and bramblekit, softglow lowered his voice. "i need you to stay with ferretwhisker and flickersky, okay? i'll come back when i can, but i need you to help them make sure everyone stays safe here, alright?" he asked, and the pair nodded quickly.
indent"i'll fight the snow if i have to," hawthornkit stated, and bramblekit puffed out his chest.
indent"good, i'll be back soon," softglow promised. with that, he left the nursery and made his way back to the herbalists' den. already, it seemed that merlinsong had cleared most of the patrol, though bluetcrest remained, sitting ad staring at the floor while ayalla and iguanaspots leaned on one another. spencer was putting herbs back in the stores, and merlinsong was speaking quietly to newtmask and maplelily. sunglow dared to approach his sister, though he hung back, as if afraid to touch. when softglow padded closer, he saw that blood had dried in smokemane's long fur, and her eyes were closed. the only signs of life came from the shallow movement of her flank. merlinsong touched his nose to maplelily's after a final word, then left them the family to round to softglow. there was a long moment of silence before softglow glanced once more to smokemane. "how is she?" he asked quietly, and merlinsong drew his tail over his paws.
indent"hard to tell until she wakes up." the if hung between them, unspoken but present nonetheless, and softglow felt his chest tighten again. "we're doing what we can," he added, and softglow leaned his head on merlinsong's shoulder.
indent"if there's anything you need, let me know."
indent"if i knew what we needed, then i'd tell you," merlinsong replied, and together they sat and watched smokemane's family wait and mourn and hope for the gods to spare their own.

indentwolverinesnap didn't remember much more than the searing pain that ran through his veins, pounding loudly in his ears to the tune of his rapid heartbeat. he felt the slice of anger, of the taste of blood on his tongue, and of pain, of pain, of pain. there was the pulse of red haze behind his eyelids, which slowly faded to dark, leaving wolverinesnap with the ache of exhaustion that settled deep in his bones. by the time he finally came back to himself, when he could feel the chill on the air and the brush of ground underneath his body, there was no telling how much time had passed.
indenthe was used to the dizziness that came after a spell, when the curse had finally run itself through his body and he was able to take in the world around him. slowly, slowly, with a sluggish slowness, he blinked his eyes open to take in the long shadows and gray walls of the space around him. then he saw the clump of what he easily recognized as his own fur, and he felt the chill hit his chin, where his skin was exposed. the ground was hard, but there was no mistaking the claw marks in stone, and the way moss from a nest had been overturned, as if during a struggle. and it was only then that wolverinesnap noticed the form staring at him from the corner of the space, green eyes reflecting the sparse moonlight that was afforded through the slightest gaps in the walls. they were the eyes that had drawn wolverinesnap in moons earlier the first time they met, the eyes that had been so warm and friendly as two wayward travelers who didn't know where there paws were going to lead them. the pang settled low in wolverinesnap's chest, with the constant fear as the seasons changed and the wind shifted from warm to cold, the yewbloom's eyes would change to become cold as well. but, even now, yewbloom didn't appear angry, or upset. he looked tired, but his eyes retained the same warmth that wolverinesnap needed, and a shiver ran through his body from the cold sinking into his skin where his fur had fallen away.
indenthe tried to sit up, but his muscles ached, and he slumped back among the scraped together moss. yewbloom's eyes didn't leave him for a moment, and it was only when wolverinesnap spoke that yewbloom straightened up. "i'm sorry," he choked out, and the words wobbled on the edge of a sob that broke as soon as he heard the exhaustion that lined yewbloom's voice.
indent"oh, honey," yewbloom cooed, and wolverinesnap reveled in the brush of warm fur against his own. wolverinesnap sobbed into his friend's shoulder, and yewbloom held him close, his nose tucked into the crook of wolverinesnap's neck. "you're back, it's you," he said, and wolverinesnap sobbed again. it took time, but it was when the sobs softened into gentle cries, then minute sniffles, that yewbloom pulled back long enough to look at wolverinesnap, and the bicolor drowned in the soft warmth of his eyes. "you're back," yewbloom said again. "i didn't - i was worried that you -"
indent"i'm here," wolverinesnap sniffed with a slight shake of his head. "i... it's a long story but... leafbare does that to me. every season cycle i... i got lost. i'm sorry, but i'm back now if the weather has changed." there was too much to explain in that moment, and yewbloom seemed to accept it for the moment. still, the prince seemed to wait for wolverinesnap to say something further, so he cleared his throat. "i... i don't know how long i was gone for." he didn't recognize where they were, but no other scents caught in the air. it seemed that he and yewbloom were completely alone, and wolverinesnap wasn't yet sure if it was a good sign - he couldn't tell if he had been taken before he had hurt someone, or if he had been taken before he hurt someone.
indentall the same, yewbloom took it in stride, finding his cue. "you were on patrol with riversnap, who came back when she said that you were acting a little strange. she said that you lost focus a lot, and you weren't responding by the time you got back to camp. tulipstream said that you had lost fur, that she saw clumps of it in your nest." yewbloom paused for a moment, and wolverinesnap looked back onto himself, where the pink of his skin showed plainly where he had lost so much of his fur. at that, he sighed, and yewbloom's jaw rested against the top of his head. "merlinsong started to check to see if you were sick but then you... there was this look in your eyes, and i knew... it wasn't you, wolverinesnap. there was something else, but it wasn't you." wolverinesnap felt yewbloom shudder against him, and he offered only a quiet hum as assurance that he was still there. "you looked like a wild animal and... adenium was helping merlinsong and spencer, and you..." at that, at last, yewbloom stopped short. there was a long beat of silence before yewbloom spoke again, his voice thicker. "hurricanejaw and i managed to get you here. when the seasons change and spring comes, this is where highgarden comes to get away from the spots that flood. i knew it would be secure, and at least no one would be here for a while. that was a few days ago."
indentwolverinesnap shut his eyes tightly and shook his head slightly, as if he could shake off the time spent clearly struggling against yewbloom, almost attacking an innocent kit. all of it made his shoulders feel heavy, but he managed to look up at yewbloom again. "is tawnyrose going to send me away?" he asked, blunt and to the point. it took a moment for the question to process, but yewbloom's eyes widened comically and his jaw fell open.
indent"of course not," he said, swishing his tail against the smooth ground. "even if she wanted to - and she doesn't - i wouldn't let her. you didn't do anything wrong."
indent"not this time," wolverinesnap pointed out, feeling more lucid than he had in a long time. with each moment, the world came into sharper focus and the red fog was pushed further to the edges of his peripherals. "but next time i could. next time i could hurt adenium, or one of the other kits. i could have hurt lightkit," wolverinesnap said, but yewbloom's expression remained unmoved, set into a practiced reserve. "i could have hurt you."
indent"no, you wouldn't," yewbloom said. wolverinesnap furrowed his brow, his argument on the tip of his tongue, but yewbloom shushed him. "you said it yourself. it's not you. you wouldn't hurt lightkit, or adenium, or me. i know you, and i trust you. you wouldn't hurt me. i wouldn't let tawnyrose exile you for something that you didn't do."
indentfor a moment, wolverinesnap could only stare at yewbloom, his heart in his throat and his tongue tied. "it is me, and it isn't me. you don't know what i'm capable of," he said at last, but yewbloom didn't answer that. instead, the ginger prince rolled onto his back, staring up at the blank ceiling.
indent"when i was younger, i thought i knew everything. i thought i knew who i was, and i thought i knew my place in the world. i was yewbloom, youngest prince of highgarden, brother to the queen's heir, youngest kit of queen lightrose and king tallstep. i thought i knew what those words meant," yewbloom said, and wolverinesnap settled at his side, resting his chin on his paws while he watched yewbloom. "i thought i knew exactly how my life was going to play out. i was going to lead a few hunting patrols, maybe mentor a thorn or two. i was going to be there at my mother's side when she died, and i was going to cheer for lighteyes when she became queen. i thought that everything worth knowing could be found in highgarden, even if i liked the idea of venturing out. but you know what i learned?"
indent"knowing you, you're about to say something extremely heartfelt," wolverinesnap answered, managing the slightest slip of humor in the moment, which earned a smile from yewbloom.
indent"i learned that my titles, my position, all of the mantras and sayings, my name.... i learned that all of it was just smoke. it means nothing when it stands on nothing. i don't know the future, and i don't know anywhere near as much as i think i do. no, i don't know what you're capable of, and i don't know what's hiding in the shadows or what will happen tomorrow. but i think i know who i am, and i think i know who you are. and i know that you wouldn't hurt me, not you."
indentwolverinesnap's breath was lodged in his throat, trapped. but he finally managed a tight smile. "by gods, i hope you're right."

indent"i don't think this is a good idea," hornetshade said as they stood on the groveclan border. his eyes flicked back and forth between groveclan's territory and warblercry. there was a determined flicker in her eyes that he had never seen in his friend before. "you shouldn't be going alone. what if juniperstorm told badgerstar that erasmus is here? you really think that groveclan will let you go?"
indentwarblercry sighed and shook her head. "and you think it'd be better if you went with me? when juniperstorm threatened what she'd do if she saw you on groveclan territory?" at that, hornetshade ducked his head and scuffed his forepaw against the ground. warblercry felt a flash of sympathy for her best friend, but it was too late. her mind had been made up. "besides, i need someone to know where i am. if anything happens, you know groveclan better than anyone else in highgarden. i need you to have my back from here."
indent"otterfur knows, too," hornetshade tried to argue, though it was clear he was losing steam. they had gone back and forth on the issue for days. while they both agreed that they couldn't trust erasmus, and that they wanted to know what he could possibly be planning in highgarden, they differed on how to go about the next action. where warblercry thought it would be best to go directly to the source to speak to juniperstorm, hornetshade was clearly still upset by the last time he had seen the groveclan warrior. when warblercry suggested going in his stead, he was quick to object, but the longer she thought about it, the more sense it made. juniperstorm said that hornetshade couldn't go to groveclan, but juniperstorm didn't know who warblercy was; warblercry hadn't been barred from groveclan in the way hornetshade had been. if they were to ever get answers, this was what they had to do.
indent"otterfur's busy, and i need to do this. after smokemane... i can't get the image of her bleeding on the ground out of my mind. if he's up to something, i don't want to think of who could be hurt next, and next time we might not be so lucky. i need to do this..." warblercry said, looking down at her paws for a moment before she had regained her composure and could look to hornetshade again. "better we keep this as small as possible, right now, so he doesn't start to pick up on anything. we have to play this right." again, hornetshade gazed off into the distance, over the border, and warblercry knew she had won. "best case scenario, juniperstorm hasn't told anyone, she'll be hunting alone, and she'll be willing to talk."
indent"worst case scenario, she's told everyone and will be on a full patrol with warriors ready to attack highgarden this moment," hornetshade mused. when warblercry rolled her eyes, hornetshade leaned forward to touch his nose to her cheek. "just... please be careful, for me. i don't know what i'll do if anything happens to you."
indent"i'll be okay," warblercry promised, reveling in the warmth of her friend's fur before backing away from hornetshade. "i'll be back."
indent"i'll be waiting for you," hornetshade said, staying at the edge of the border while warblercry struck out. highgarden was known to stay primarily to their own. few cats had relationships beyond the border, and even fewer crossed the borders often. they were a clan who stuck mainly to their own, and the first step out of highgarden territory felt like wading across an endless river. but the second step was easier, as was the third, and on and on. within a matter of moments, warblercry left the familiar highgarden border behind and hornetshade was out of sight. instead, she took in the lush growth of groveclan. in comparison to highgarden, groveclan's territory was densely packed with trees where highgarden's land saw dotting of trees to break up the fields and slopes. when warblercry reached a river, she walked along the steep riverbank, following its path, stopping over every so often to take in scents to hope to find the one warrior she was looking for.
indentby chance, warblercry finally found a calico pelt through the trees, and she opened her mouth to take in the scent that had lingered in the air of highgarden's camp the day juniperstorm visited.
indentsoft grass rustled under warblercry's paws, and just as the little tabby went to make her presence known, the groveclan warrior turned to face her through the trees. but, in that moment, another voice sounded out as well, and warblercry felt her blood run cold. "juniperstorm," the voice said, distinctly male and decidedly not juniperstorm. "do you smell that? what's highgarden scent doing this far over the border?" through the foliage, warblercry's eyes locked with juniperstorm's, and there was a beat of silence before warblercry knew that she had been wrong. she made a grave mistake. she turned, whipping around on her heels to run back the way she had come, and she sprinted, well-aware of the tom's surprised shout, as ell as juniperstorm's answer. warblercry was quick on her paws, agile, but she was in unfamiliar territory, and she wasn't used to the trees choked around her. it was only too easy for the groveclan warriors to catch up to her, and warblercy was cut-off by juniperstorm when the other molly blocked her path, and a black and white tom came up behind warblercry.
indent"i -" warblercry started, but her words failed her. her muscles were bunched and her breath caught in her throat, but juniperstorm looked past warbercry to her clanmate.
indent"it's fine, archie," juniperstorm was saying, sounding breathless as well, her words uncertain and shaky. it took warblercry a long moment to understand what she was saying. "she's a friend of mine, i just didn't want anyone to know. i -"
indent"i though highgarden cats didn't leave their territory," the tom, archie, said in response, clearly skeptical of juniperstorm's words. but it wasn't his questioning, or juniperstorm's excuses, that made warblercry freeze. when archie spoke, he took a step closer, and his scent caught the air, wafting closer to warblercry's nose and instantly knew what it was.
indent"you smell like him," warblercry said quietly, but it was enough to silence the conversation between the groveclan warriors. when neither of them said anything, warblercry cleared her throat and looked towards archie. "you have the same scent as him. it's... changed a bit. but i recognize it, you smell like -"
indent"don't say his name here," juniperstorm said, cutting warblercry off. the highgarden molly flicked her ear in acknowledgement. "who are you? what do you want?"
indentwarblercry drew in a breath and squared her shoulders. "i'm warblercry, and i'm one of hornetshade's friends. ever since you came to highgarden, he's been trying to understand what you were saying and... well, we're concerned that he's planning something."
indent"he..." archie echoed, taking a step back from warblercry, while juniperstorm frowned. "he's in highgarden." when warblercry nodded, archie's eyes closed tightly and he took another step back, away from her, as if it would make the situation any less real.
indent"he's highgarden's problem, then," juniperstorm said, but there was no mistaking the anger in her voice and the spark that lit her eyes. warblercry swished her tail.
indent"you don't understand," she said. "ever since you came to us, he's been turning highgarden against groveclan. he said that you were out of line for blaming him for crimes he didn't commit, he said that groveclan is selfish and believes that you can control us. he said that he never did anything wrong and... and some cats believe him. they don't have any reason to think otherwise. they don't know better." her eyes flicked between juniperstorm, who bristled, and archie, who kept shaking his head. "please... i need to know about him, about what he's capable of. you were at the battle, and you... you smell like him... he's going to ruin the peace between our clans, and i need to know what he's capable of."
indent"and you think you can stop him?" archie asked, his voice wobbling as he bordered on hysterical.
indentwarblercry steeled herself, planting her paws firmly on the ground. "i need to try. someone needs to try. he can't destroy highgarden. he can't hurt groveclan. he can't." she looked to juniperstorm first. "why did you hiss at him?"
indent"he killed my sister," juniperstorm said after a moment. "when we were just kits, we were taken from our mother. when our father came with a patrol to rescue us, she was killed, for no reason. dante killed her but... erasmus planned for it to happen. it was always erasmus who wanted to kill us all."
indent"he drove my sister out," archie said. "and he told the rest of us that groveclan stole her, and that was why we stole badgerstar's kits. because we needed to get revenge on groveclan. but it was all a lie. groveclan never stole anyone, erasmus just wanted to start a war. he's always been manipulating us all." archie sounded exhausted, but warblercry forced herself to nod along as juniperstorm and archie told their stories. they were tales of monsters and dark shadows, stories of blood and pain, stories of the past and stories of what could come in the future.
indentby the time warblercry left the groveclan warriors and found hornetshade waiting where she had left him, she felt dull. the sun was sinking low in the sky, and she leaned heavily against her best friend's shoulder. "are you okay? did you find juniperstorm?" he asked, and warblercry nodded. slowly, she turned her head to rest her nose against hornetshade's neck, and she breathed in his familiar scent.
indent"we need to get back to camp," she murmured. "we... we're in a lot of trouble."

indentwhen softglow found merlinsong, his friend was hunched over a pile of herbs, and he didn't react when the king called his name. without a doubt, the past moon had been busy, and highgarden saw its fair share of troubles. maplelily and sunglow barely left the herbalists' den, not wanting to leave smokemane's side, and merlinsong moved flickersky from the nursery when she said that her kits had started coughing. the young root nodded politely to softglow when he caught her eye, before she went back to grooming tornadokit's fur. cirruskit turned over in his sleep, restless while he let out a coughing fit, and flickersky was quick to hush him, gentle and soothing. from the other side of the den, maplelily was resting, though sunglow was talking quietly to smokemane. the injured rose had taken some time to wake up after bluetcrest brought her back to camp, and it was clear that she was still finding some difficulty in moving and following conversations, though merlinsong and spencer had agreed that it was a good sign that she was awake at all. when sunglow murmured something quietly to her, smokemane let out a quiet laugh. though it was delayed, softglow was happy to take it as a good sign, for the time being.
indent"merlinsong," softglow said again, turning his attention back to merlinsong, who still faced away from him. it was only when he reached forward, touching his nose to merlinsong's shoulder, that the herbalist turned on his heels, whipping around to meet softglow's surprised gaze.
indentin the moment, softglow searched merlinsong's eyes and was immediately taken aback by how tired his friend appeared. his normally-pale green eyes were dull, lacking their usual luster. even his voice was tired when he leaned forward to look at softglow better. "you're not hurt or sick, are you?" merlinsong asked, and softglow shook his head. "the kits?" he asked, with a little less urgency, and softglow shook his head again.
indent"no, no, we're all fine," he answered, and the tension bled from merlinsong's shoulders.
indent"is there something i can help you with, then?" merlinsong asked. his tone wasn't unkind, but it was clear how tired he was in the moment. he sniffled once and let out a cough, and softglow's shoulders sagged at the sound.
indent"when's the last time you slept?" he asked instead, and merlisong managed a tight, strained smile.
indent"i have a feeling you wouldn't like the answer to that," the herbalist said. merlinsong shot a glance towards smokemane and sunglow, then to flickersky. "i've had adenium and spencer waking me up from naps every now and then. i need to make sure that smokemane is alright, and to make sure that the cats on patrols aren't being overworked, and that the cold from flickersky's kits didn't spread, and -"
indent"i get it," softglow cut him off with a shake of his head. "but this isn't healthy for you. what'll we do if you wind up with a cough? that won't stop the patrols from pushing too far, or help the kits or smokemane. you need to take a rest. my den is quieter than here," softglow said. when merlinsong opened his mouth to argue, softglow waved his tail. "no, no, that's not me telling you to sleep. it's an order from your king, so you have to pay heed." then, softglow leaned forward to touch his nose to merlinsong's shoulder. "you can go to my den, and i'll find spencer to look after the others." he stepped back and raised his voice so that the others in the den would be able to hear him. "and i'm sure that, if anything comes up, sunglow will come running to wake you up." the lithe knight raised his head at the sound of his name, and his whiskers twitched in amusement.
indent"don't worry, i have no quarrel with waking you up for something important," sunglow added, earning a quiet purr from smokemane. with that, softglow turned back to merlinsong.
indent"see? and spencer can handle the rest while you take a nap. go on, then," softglow urged, nudging merlinsong's shoulder until the bigger tom finally relented, shooting his patients one last look before he went. at the entrance of the den, softglow gave merlinsong one more push in the direction of his own den. "i'll go find spencer, you go get comfortable," he urged, not waiting for a response before he bounded away to find the other herbalist.
indentit didn't come as a surprise that spencer was with erasmus, the pair talking with their heads close together, whispering back and forth. upon softglow's approach, they broke apart, and erasmus put the majority of his bulk between spencer and softglow. the king didn't offer the dark knight much more than a cursory glance, and spencer peered around erasmus. "merlinsong needs to go get some rest," softglow said, aiming the words towards spencer, who straightened up and slowly detached himself from erasmus' side. the skinny herbalist had a wide-eyed, shocked look, but softglow allowed it to slip past, focused on merlinsong instead. "i told sunglow to come running to get merlinsong if anything changes, but you should be with them, just in case. i think merlinsong might have already caught a cold, and it doesn't need to get any worse by pushing himself this hard for so long." softglow glanced up at erasmus for just a moment, before spencer nodded eagerly and began to pad in the direction of the herbalists' den.
indent"of course. i'll check on everything, and have adenium bring feverfew to him later, just in case." there was a strange sense of urgency in spencer's step as he left softglow and erasmus in the dust. when erasmus didn't immediately go after spencer, softglow sniffed.
indent"not like you to not be his shadow," he commented, and erasmus finally shifted. his lip curled as he sneered down at softglow.
indent"speak for yourself. merlinsong is in your den and you're lingering here. not like you to keep him waiting, little king." with that, erasmus huffed a laugh as he rose and followed spencer. softglow watched him leave until he went into the den, out of sight. his blood felt chilled in his veins, but he shook his pelt out and turned to his own den to check on merlinsong.

indenttawnyrose watched through half-lidded eyes as the highgarden cats emerged from their dens. it had been a long moon for the whole clan, and the queen's heart felt heavy when she looked down at them all. there was no explaining the anxiety that rose from deep in her chest, settling in her paws like the heaviest of stones. they had been fortunate not to lose any of their clanmates, though smokemane's absence was felt. obsidianwing and sunglow leaned on one another, and maplelily's younger kits sent several glances towards the herbalists' den. merlinsong said that they had had done all they could, and now it was a matter of letting the young molly rest and heal as much as possible. tawnyrose watched bluetcrest weave through the crowd, lingering a little longer at pythoneyes' side before he disengaged and joined tawnyrose. from her side, lightkit bounded forward to greet her mother's best friend, and the queen's attendant purred when their noses touched.
indenthowever, it was a voice from tawnyrose's other side that stole lightkit's attention. "how fares the little queen, then?" at the sound of yewbloom's voice, lightkit pulled away from bluetcrest and bounded over to her uncle. yewbloom's shoulders shook from the strength of his laughter, and tawnyrose caught wolverinesnap's eye from over yewbloom's back. the lithe knight flashed a small, tentative smile, and tawnyrose nodded her greeting towards him.
indent"i didn't think you were coming back today," lightkit said, mirroring yewbloom's lopsided grin.
indent"did you really think i'd miss this big day? no way," yewbloom said. he rested his chin on top of lightkit's head for a moment before tawnyrose stepped forward to meet him. "today's the big day, after all, i wouldn't have missed it for the world."
indenttawnyrose rolled her eyes and flicked her tail absently. "you were almost late."
indentat that, yewbloom let out a warm laugh and glanced towards wolverinesnap. "key word, sister: almost. i'm here, right on time." he brushed his nose against tawnyrose's cheek before pulling back and directing his attention to lightkit just as bluetcrest came up behind tawnyrose. "good luck, little queen, and have fun. later, if it's not too late and your mother let's you, i can tell you another story." at last, yewbloom waved his tail dismissively, brushing past wolverinesnap. the pair walked off, and tawnyrose tipped her chin expectantly to bluetcrest.
indent"now that the prince has arrived, we're all ready to go." as if on cue, softglow appeared while bluetcrest was speaking, dipping his head politely to tawnyrose and lightkit. bluetcrest flashed a smile. "we should get this started, before the sun sets completely and we're holding a ceremony in the dark."
indent"and what a shame that would be," tawnyrose said. bluetcrest flicked his ear before he went with softglow to the middle of the hollow. at the same time, tawnyrose gestured to lightkit. together, the padded up the slope of the queen's den, where they could look down at the rest of the clan. for a moment, tawnyrose allowed for silence as her daughter, the heir to the clan, looked down at the clan, who beheld her in turn. lightkit's eyes were bright, and she gripped the stone under her paws, as if to ground herself. her jaw dropped for just a moment before she remembered the lessons tawnyrose had been passing down onto her, and her expression was quick to settle back into a gentle smile.
indentin turn, several cheers went up from the clan at the sight of their heir. from the moment it had been revealed that tawnyrose had been expecting kits, the clan had been waiting to meet their future queen. it would be moons until tawnyrose died or had to step down, but already it was like the future was playing out before them. the day lightkit would be named queen would be bittersweet, just as it was for every rising queen; it was a day that meant the death of a mother, when a leader had passed on. it was a day that had been stolen from lighteyes, but lightkit would be a great queen, she could see it already. it was in the way she held herself, the way her eyes lit up at the sight of the clan. it was her birthright, through and through, and already tawnyrose could see the security of highgarden for generations to come.
indent"today marks a special day for highgarden," tawnyrose began at last, stepping forward to address her cats. "as a clan, we survived one of the worst winters the gods could have thrown at us. we continue to prosper, we are still growing strong each and every day. as evidence, i urge you to look no further than my kits. hawthornkit, bramblekit, and the heir to highgarden, lightkit. these are the moments that define our clan, just as the naming of new thorns also marks the prosperity for the next generation." from the front of the hollow, an excited shout went up followed quickly by ferretwhisker pointed hiss to silence her kits. at tawnyrose's side, lightkit let out a muffled laugh, and tawnyrose nodded in the direction of the cluster of young cats. "indeed, the day has come when elkkit, beechkit, harrierkit, quillkit, and dewkit are ready to be given their new names, and to begin their training as thorns. therefore, from this moment on, until you have finished your training and have earned your full names, you shall be known as elkpaw, beechpaw, harrierpaw, quillpaw, and dewpaw." at that, the group of new thorns bunched together, and the clan shouted praises for them. dewpaw and beechpaw touched their noses together, harrierpaw ducked away from ferretwhisker's incessant grooming, earning a booming laugh from elkpaw, and quillpaw grinned up at lightkit, who nodded back at him with a wave of her tail.
indentwhen the cheers had quieted, tawnyrose cleared her throat. "elkpaw, your mentor will be pythoneyes. he is a knight with experience in highgarden, as well as from his former clan. his stories have enchanted so many of us, and i urge you to pay attention to everything that he had to say, as well as everything he shows you." from the middle of the crowd, pythoneyes appeared surprised, but daisypaw and briarpaw were quick to pick up the cheer for their adoptive father as he rose to meet elkpaw. then, tawnyrose looked to beechpaw. "your mentor will be obsidianwing. though he is not the biggest or fastest knight, he has a sharp mind. he mentored warblercry, who is a very talented and promising rose after his tutelage, so i have no doubts that he will pass on even more knowledge to you as well." though the knight had been absent for most of the moon, spending time with smokemane and her family, he earned a loud roar of praise. at his side, sunglow jostled his shoulder encouragingly. after the mentor and his new thorn had touched noses, tawnyrose continued: "dippernose, you will be harrierpaw's mentor. as hornetshade's mentor, you proved time and time again that you are a very proficient teacher, with a wide range of knowledge ready to be passed on to the next generation. no one can question hornetshade's abilities, nor can anyone question your loyalty to the clan, and i trust that you will teach harrierpaw everything you know." dippernose appeared more confident than pythoneyes and obsidianwing, and he wore a large grin when he greeted the young tabby. "quillpaw, your mentor for will be tigergaze. though he is still young, no one could deny that he is one of our swiftest, strongest knights. when he was a newly named knight, he participated in the spring tournament and proved himself as one of our knights. he will be a great mentor, who will match your enthusiasm, and energy." just as tawnyrose had expected, tigergaze was shocked, moving only when hornetshade and iguanaspots nudged him to his paws. even from where tawnyrose was standing, she could see the quiver in the young tom's whiskers, appearing even more nervous than quillpaw. when tigergaze looked to tawnyrose, the queen managed an encouraging smile, and tigergaze squared his shoulders at last before leading quillpaw to sit with the other thorns and their mentors so that only dewpaw remained. "last but certainly not least, dewpaw, your mentor will be arcticblink. he's still quite new to the clan, but he's learned his position quickly. his speed is one of many assets he brings to the clan, so i suggest that you keep your eyes open and follow his lead. you'll find your bearings together, i'm sure of it." at last, tawnyrose stepped back to allow the clan to erupt into cheers for the new thorns and their mentors. ferretwhisker pushed forward to nuzzle each of her kits, while sunglow pushed his way between tigergaze and obsidianwing to congratulate his friends.
indentthrough all of the excitement, lightkit looked up at tawnyrose, her eyes wide with wonder. "mom?" she asked, and tawnyrose smiled gently at her daughter. "i didn't... think it would be like this. smokemane is still hurt, and cirruskit, tornadokit, and tsunamikit are still sick, but everyone can still be happy like this... i didn't think it was possible." tawnyrose felt a pang in her chest, and she took the moment to sit and pull lightkit closer to her.
indent"that's the thing about tragedy in a clan, my dear. bad things happen sometimes, and sometimes there are stretches of time when nothing bad happens. other times a lot of bad things will happen at once, but we can't let it destroy us," she said. lightkit's brow furrowed thoughtfully, and tawnyrose dipped her head to lick between her daughter's ears. "what are our words?"
indent"growing strong," lightkit said, not missing a beat.
indent"and what do our words mean?"
indent"highgarden is always becoming stronger. like the roses and the trees and all of the other plants, we're always growing and bettering ourselves," lightkit said, and tawnyrose grinned, pleased.
indent"our words are part of what make us strong. they remind us that we can be battered, we can be bruised and hurt, but we won't break. we're strong, and we need to weather the storms, my dear. smokemane was hurt, but she'll gt up again. flickersky's kits got sick, but they'll feel better soon enough. we need to grow strong so that nothing will knock us down. and, if we do, we need to be strong so we can get back to our paws," tawnyrose said. "the snows came, the snows are melting. the waters will come to overflow the banks. cats will get sick, and, at some point, cats will die. but we need to keep our eyes on the horizon and remember the words. as long as we remember the words, then highgarden will prosper. the storms are gone, and the flowers will grow again."
indentfor a long moment, the queen and her heir sat above their clan and considered tragedies and their words. then, from the middle of the hollow, quillpaw stood on his hind legs and called up to lightkit, who then looked to tawnyrose. "can i?" she asked, and tawnyrose nodded.
indent"go, celebrate with them. but stay with quillpaw, don't get lost in the crowd," she said, watching lightkit climb down from their perch to join her friend. she wasn't alone for long, for bluetcrest came to join her a moment later, resting his head against her shoulder.
indent"thank the gods winter is over," bluetcrest said, and tawnyrose hummed her agreement.
indent"we'll need to move soon. with all of the snow, the rivers and rose lake are going to flood quickly. we have a lot of preparation to do," tawnyrose said, and bluetcrest nodded minutely. then, tawnyrose let out a breezy laugh. "we'll also need to arrange a tournament when we get to the old tower. to celebrate the new heir and the princes."
indentat that, bluetcrest let out a purr. "the clan'll be excited for that," he said. "not even softglow can say no to that."
indenttawnyrose flicked her tail as she glanced from bluetcrest and down into the crowd. "we have a lot of reasons to celebrate lately. it's time we did."
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highgarden ♕ twenty-two

Postby eagle, » Sat Mar 28, 2020 9:06 am

indentspencer moved soundlessly through the moonlit camp, his paws brushing quietly over the soft grass of the clearing. all around him, highgarden was at peace. or, rather, most of the clan was at peace. through the shadows, familiar yellow eyes blinked, watching spencer's travel from the herbalist's den, but it wasn't erasmus who caught him first.
indent"spencer, is that you?" wolfhowl's dark pelt slipped from the shadows, and she blinked at the herbalist earnestly. for a moment, spencer felt a momentary flash of fear, though he knew enough to stamp it down. across the clearing, erasmus stepped back into the darkness, well camouflaged, and spencer managed a tight smile when the young rose padded closer, her gaze curious. "you're up late tonight, is everything okay?" wolfhowl asked. spencer licked his lips careful, mindful that there could be more ears listening to him, though he can't help but feel that wolfhowl is entirely harmless. though wolfhowl had the same strong posture as her father, the same cleverness that maplelily had, she was still young, and he found himself doubting that she would ever even consider that there might be more to the world than meets the eye. he supposed that he was like that when he was young, before he learned more, and spencer found himself momentarily wishing that he held the same innocence evident in wolfhowl's eyes. "i hope nothing's wrong with smokemane."
indent"oh, no, nothing like that," spencer assured her, and wolfhowl immediately appears to relax, though she blinked up at him again.
indent"that's a relief to hear," she said, only for her head to tip to one side. "what're you up to, then? it's a little late to go looking for herbs, don't 'cha think?" with that, spencer managed a tight smile with the realization that wolfhowl must have been put on guard for the night. highgarden cats tended to get fidgety whenever the seasons changed, and it made sense that they would be keeping the camp alert and secure. he cleared his throat.
indent"it would be very hard to see what leaves i'm rummaging through, wouldn't it?" he mused, letting out a quiet snort of uneasy laughter. "but, thankfully, nothing like that. i just... need some air, you know? our den has been very crowded lately, with smokemane and her family, and flickersky and the little ones."
indentwolfhowl was quiet for a moment, and her glance traveled from spencer, to the camp's exit, and back again. spencer held his breath and waited. technically, he knew that wolfhowl wasn't of the authority to tell him that he couldn't leave the camp, but the thought of catching any further attention made his blood pound in his ears. then, at last, wolfhowl shrugged and tossed her head. "just don't get lost, okay? yewbloom said that the floods might be on their way, and i'd rather not have to run out in the middle of the night to try and rescue you."
indentshe grinned then, and spencer didn't hesitate to begin padding away from her. "of course, i won't be long," he assured her. "i'll be back before you'll even know it." without waiting for her answer, spencer hurried away, ducking out of the thorny tunnel.
indentit was darker outside of camp, and spencer cast one last glance over his shoulder, as if to make sure that wolfhowl wasn't following him. she was a kind cat, a sweet molly through and through, and spencer had the thought that she had no place getting caught up in everything else that was happening. when he was sure that he was entirely alone, spencer ducked his head low and padded forward, looking for the familiar dark shape of his mate. the moon, overhead, was only a thin sliver, as if a claw had caught in the nightsky, cutting into the darkness. it offered little light. "erasmus?" spencer hissed quietly when he failed to find the other tom. "erasmus?" he tried again, only to be cut off with another, more pointed hiss from behind. spencer whirled around on his heels and blinked up at his mate.
indent"you need to keep your voice down," erasmus said gruffly, but there was no anger aimed towards spencer in the words. the larger tom's ears swiveled back towards camp. "it's a good thing they're all deep sleepers," erasmus added, only to swing his head back towards spencer. their gazes locked for a long moment before the massive dark tom dipped his head. a quiet purr rumbled from the back of spencer's throat, and his eyes fell closed when erasmus nuzzled his cheek. then erasmus pulled back and nodded to spencer. "c'mon, let's go a little further, just in case."
indentlike that, under the cover of darkness, with only the smallest sliver of moon keeping watch over their heads, spencer listened to erasmus' deep, rumbling tone. erasmus' fur was warm, warmer than the gentle breeze that caressed spencer's cheek, but he felt his heart clench with the chill of what erasmus was saying.
indentwhen it was over and they had settled, spencer drew in a deep breath and looked up at his mate. "you're sure this is what we need to do?" he asked. when erasmus merely stared at him with his large, unblinking yellow eyes, spencer ducked his head to examine his paws. "maybe groveclan won't do anything... maybe the queen will keep her head down." when erasmus scoffed, spencer felt a chill run down his spine and he shivered. it was like ice.
indent"if groveclan hasn't forgotten by now, then they never will. and the queen..." erasmus scoffed again and shook his head. "no, this has to be done."
indentspencer felt his throat tighten. "you said this would be different," he choked out. "after the kingdom... after dante... this was supposed to be different."
indent"it will be," erasmus coaxed him, and spencer basked in the way his voice softened for his ears only. it was venom, he knew in that moment, and he knew that it couldn't be true. but it was too easy to lean against erasmus' stronger shoulder and nod along to his words. "we do this, and we'll always be safe, spencer. groveclan and tawnyrose won't be our problems anymore. we'll be safe. don't you want that?"
indent"more than anything," spencer whispered. "but this -"
indent"is necessary," erasmus cut in sharply, only to soften again, resting his chin atop spencer's head. "if this is too much for you, tell me now and i'll find another way. but this will happen, with or without you."
indentspencer pulled away from erasmus then, shaking his head as if to clear it. he felt his heart resting in his throat. he remembered the sharp scent of blood in the air in the kingdom's camp; he remembered the look in dante's eyes; he thought of the way his paws ached and ears burned with guilt and embarrassment as they traveled away from the home they once knew. he knew what had to be done.
indent"when?" he asked, and erasmus managed a tight smile.
indent"once i take care of bluetcrest."

indenteven from where the rest of the patrol was walking behind the thorns, it was easy to make out their raised voices over the crest of the rolling hills. when a particularly loud shout rang out, sagecloud exchanged a sideways glance with dippernose, who smiled broadly. at the same time, the new rose, charredbreeze, spoke up from behind them: "are they always this excitable, even on a dawn patrol?" she asked. she had been found lingering by the old tower when yewbloom and wolverinesnap made the rounds to check on the flooding. as the days passed, she seemed to grow more and more comfortable in highgarden, even offering to take a spot on the dawn patrol along rose lake and the eastern borders.
indent"if you think they're excited now, just wait until we get to the water," daystrike said on sagecloud's other side, and dippernose purred gently.
indent"i swear, there's something about thorns and water. it's like they can't wait to get into the water any chance they get. they'd play in puddles if given the chance," dippernose said. another shout came from the thorns in the distance, where harrierpaw and dewpaw had taken off to. arcticblink exchanged a glance with daystrike and tipped his head to the younger tom. without missing a beat, daystrike sniffed the air and took off after the other tom, to check on the thorns. after they had gone, dippernose cleared his throat and looked to charredbreeze. "you've met hornetshade, right?" when charredbreeze nodded, dippernose hummed pleasantly. "the first time i took him out for training, i thought that it would have been a good idea to take him swimming. with how much flooding highgarden gets, i figured that it would have been a good idea, you know? and he was so excited to try it. he told everyone that he was going to be the best swimmer in the world. the way he was jumping around and talking, you would've thought that he was half-fish," dippernose said with another laugh.
indent"to hear softglow tell the story, it was like hornetshade was trying to swim in the air all the way out of camp," sagecloud added in, earning a hearty laugh from charredbreeze.
indent"and he was so excited," dippernose continued with a wide grin. as they rose over the final crest of the hill that led the way to rose lake and the groveclan border. down before, it was easy to see arcticblink and daystrike approaching where dewpaw and harrierpaw were wrestling, the two young thorns making the most of their time. "of course, looking back now i see how wrong it was to take him out swimming on the first day, but... all's well now, he can swim with the best of them."
indent"only after he was saved by a groveclan apprentice," sagecloud pointed out, earning another laugh from charredbreeze, though dippernose lashed his tail and stuck up his nose.
indent"these days i'm not sure if we can thank groveclan for much of anything," dippernose said casually. sagecloud's eyes widened at the knight's blunt words, though there was no time to reply before dippernose directed his attention elsewhere, down to where harrierpaw had been pinned down by her sister. "harrierpaw, it's like we practiced! use your hindlegs, there you go!" he shouted his encouragement to the little tabby, who managed to knock dewpaw off-balance. arcticblink turned to face the rest of the approaching patrol, his grin lopsided.
indentat the same time, charredbreeze leaned over towards sagecloud. "is there an issue with groveclan?" the newest rose asked. sagecloud opened her mouth, then, unsure what she could possibly say in that moment, was grateful for when daystrike padded over to the older mollies. the young tom's brilliant green eyes flashed in the bright sunlight that streamed over the treetops from groveclan's territory and beyond.
indent"when i was traveling with leopardsun, i always thought that clans became too easily distrustful of one another if left alone for too long," he commented, flicking his ear absently, as if flicking away a bug. "i never got it. wouldn't it be better for all of us to work together," he said.
indentarcticblink raised his head at that and shrugged his shoulders. "you'd think that. but you never know their intentions on the other side of the border until it's too late." in that moment, realization struck sagecloud, and she felt as though the breath had been knocked out of her lungs. acticblink always seemed particularly mild-mannered, dippernose always chatty and welcoming. even daystrike, though he was decidedly more closed off than the others, seemed to bristle at the scent of groveclan on the breeze. despite his words, the young knight was not at ease, and sagecloud felt the world sway as she realized that it was worse than she had thought. charredbreeze, as new to the clan as she was, shifted. the set of her broad shoulders changed as she stiffened, suddenly more on her guard. already, another had changed in her opinion. no longer was charredbreeze a neutral party, as she had become infected with the ideas that ensured that, as bluetcrest told her, there were less cats volunteering to patrol along their border with groveclan. it was like the wind had shifted, bringing with it a cloud that hovered over their heads. which then broke when harrierpaw and dewpaw came running over, the young mollies breathless from playfighting in the grass.
indent"arcticblink!" dewpaw called to her mentor when they were within earshot. "we smelle groveclan cats. there must be a patrol coming this way."
indentthe group exchanged a knowing glance before arcticblink nodded to dewpaw. "good job, you two." with that, the highgarden patrol gathered themselves and took their time as they reached the lake's edge. sure enough, it as only a matter of moments until distant shapes were visible through the trees, and voices soon followed. a broad-shouldered tabby was bounding alongside a smaller white cat, and the rest of the groveclan patrol spread out, close enough to continue their conversation, but also able to sweep around the border. when the groveclan cats spotted them, one of the tom let out a shout, and dippernose sniffed absently.
indent"harrierpaw," dippernose murmured to his thorn. "stick close to me. charredbreeze, take up the rear," he said, and harrierpaw brushed past her sister in order to stand just behind her mentor's shoulder. within a matter of steps, the two patrols stood on opposite sides of the border, and sagecloud could feel the way arcticblink and daystrike stiffened beside her on either shoulder. "good morning," dippernose said, and the burmese tom let out a musical purr.
indent"it's good to see you again, dippernose!" when dippernose didn't answer immediately, the sleek tom shuffled his paws and glanced to the rest of his patrol. the pair of massive ginger cats exchanged a glance, and there was no mixing the confusion that lit their eyes. then the tom tried again, his eyes flicking to harrierpaw. "oh! no wonder i haven't seen you. you have a new apprentice? you must be busy. and she looks so much like your last apprentice, dippernose, what a coincidence!"
indent"i suppose so," dippernose said shortly. harrierpaw shuffled her paws, her bright blue eyes round. she mumbled something to dippernose, who kept his eyes trained on the groveclan cats.
indent"and i have a new apprentice too. it's just like the old times for us, wouldn't you say? though petalpaw's a different color from midnightstream," the groveclan cat continued. again, silence reigned for a long beat and the tom cleared his throat. "has she learned to swim yet? should we see if she's a better swimmer than hornetshade? and maybe petalpaw could surprise us."
indentafter another beat, dippernose waved his tail towards his patrol. "we should be on our way, pinefeather," dippernose said bluntly, and there was no missing the flash of confusion in pinefeather's eyes.
indent"er... right, of course! i hope all's well in highgarden. maybe i'll catch you around here again soon," pinefeather said, but dippernose flicked his tail and the highgarden patrol began to move. sagecloud glanced over her shoulder, past charredbreeze, to see the groveclan cats staring after them. from the front of the patrol, she heard dippernose scoff and daystrike rolled his eyes. sagecloud felt sick.

indentotterfur breathed in deeply as he sat across from hurricanejaw and tulipstream as the pair shared a mouse. his paws ached from a long patrol, though his muscled burned pleasantly, as the sun set in the distance. as soon as he joined his clanmates, hurricanejaw had commented that otterfur looked tired, and he murmured an excuse about how bassflow took their patrol further than he had been expecting. at that, tulipstream had laughed airily. "i'll have a word with him when i see him later," she said jokingly, with had earned another round of laughter from her companions. after other light conversation, they had lapsed into easy, comfortable silence that lasted until movement catch the corner of otterfur's vision. sure enough, there was no missing hornetshade's distinct tabby stripes as the younger tom crossed the clearing and ducked out of the front tunnel.
indentcarefully, taking his time, otterfur counted out time in his head before parting his jaws in a wide yawn and stretching his forepaws. "gods, i feel like i'm falling asleep here," he said with what he hoped sounded like an easy chuckle. sure enough, hurricanejaw looked to the horizon and reached out a paw to nudge otterfur.
indent"it's a little early to turn in, don't you think?" he asked, and otterfur nodded quickly.
indent"you have a point. if i go to sleep now, i'll be up again in the middle of the night, just pacing the den," otterfur said.
indent"and we'd hate to have that. don't need you treading on my tail," hurricanejaw snapped back with confident ease. then, his eyes soften as he regarded otterfur. "seriously, if you're that tired, maybe you could take a nap, just for a little bit?" he suggested, and tulipstream nodded with a gentle smile.
indent"or you could go for a walk? some fresh air might wake you up?"
indentwithout missing a beat, otterfur nodded and began to push himself up to stand. "a walk sounds like a great idea! thanks, i think i'll go try that, and -"
indent"do you want me to go with you?" hurricanejaw asked, already beginning to shift and rise, but otterfur shook his head quickly and nudged his friend's shoulder. hurricanejaw sat back down and looked up at otterfur expectantly.
indent"don't worry about it, i'll be fine, and i'll be back before you know it," otterfur said. "besides, i'd hate for you to walk yourself out for the day, old tom," he added, earning a playful hiss from hurricanejaw. with that, otterfur forced himself to maintain a slow, steady walk out of the camp, as if he was merely going on a stroll. there was nothing urgent, he told himself to keep from speeding up, there's nothing wrong. but, as soon as the soft grass brushed his pads and he was outside of the camp, otterfur couldn't help but kick up dirt as he ran, tearing after hornetshade's scent in his rush after the younger tom. along the way, he picked up warblercry's scent as well, and it was only a matter of time until otterfur found them, sitting together in the shadows of a thicket. ever since warblercry had returned from her trip to groveclan and her meeting with juniperstorm and another groveclan warrior, the pair had been on-edge. as many times as otterfur told them to sit tight and act as they normally would, it becoming obvious that they were nervous. otterfur heard word pass through the ranks of how hornetshade had been even more irritable than ever, and how warblercry was talking less and less and jumping at the slightest of noises. ayalla and jaytalon had been saying that they thought the pair were fighting, while betonypetal commented that it didn't make sense if they were in a fight, for they only seemed to be talking to each other.
indentwhen otterfur settled before the pair, warblercry shot him a hopeful look, though hornetshade appeared too busy focusing on his own paws. there was a heavy moment of silence before otterfur cleared his throat and leaned closer towards the younger cats. "i need you to listen very carefully," he said. "right now, i need you two to do nothing."
indenttruth be told, otterfur knew that it likely wasn't going to carry over well with either of them, though he had expected that they would be able to keep their heads. warblercry blinked up at him with wide eyes. "what do you mean nothing?" she asked, but otterfur didn't get the chance to answer before hornetshade's head snapped up and he let out a hiss. without warning, hornetshade found his paws and began to pace, his tail lashing and eyes blazing.
indent"we can't do nothing," hornetshade hissed, spitting pointedly. "now that we know what he's done, we can't just sit back and wait for him to hurt someone else. he killed badgerstar's kit and tried to start a war."
indent"and the knights and roses... they believe him," warblercry said.
indent"maybe if we did something when juniperstorm first came here, then we could have stopped this and had him driven out moons ago and we wouldn't be worrying now and -"
indent"and what?" otterfur snapped at last, catching hornetshade off-guard. hornetshade's upper lip curled, but otterfur didn't hesitate. "what would you said then? and what would it have mattered? what does it matter now? because you didn't say anything, because you knew you had nothing to say and that no one would have listened to you even if you did." otterfur lashed his tail then and glanced between hornetshade and warblercry. "and the clan is on his side, even if they don't know it. it doesn't matter what you say a groveclan cat said, because they won't listen. and if tawnyrose finds out that you went to groveclan without permission -" he said, pointing to warblercry, "or if erasmus catches wind about your investigation, it won't end well. cats like erasmus don't care who stands in their way. they will kill you. cats like erasmus will go to whatever end to get the power they want." otterfur was breathing heavily by that point as his words grew louder and more intense. "cats like erasmus will force anyone to do anything for them, cats like viperstar don't care what happens to anyone around them so long as they wind up on top."
indentthere was a long moment of silence, broken only by otterfur's breathing until, at last, warblercry ducked her head. "otterfur, who's viperstar?" suddenly, his breath felt jagged in his throat, and it felt as if the world was closing in down around him. and then ottefur blinked and took in warblercry's concerned, earnest expression.
indent"he..." otterfur tried to begin, only to shake his head rapidly. "he was a cat who wanted complete control of everyone around him and couldn't be stopped. he killed, he manipulated, and he... died. but only after trying to destroy my old clan. and i watched it all happen," he said. "that's why i can't let it happen here, but i also can't let you two put yourselves in reckless danger when i know it won't work. you both have too many eyes on you."
indent"what are you going to do?" warblercry asked, and otterfur tipped his head back in the direction of camp.
indent"i'm going to keep my ears and eyes open, and i suggest you do the same. if we can't go to the clan with what groveclan said, then we have to wait for him to mess up. and when that happens, we make our move."
indenthornetshade bobbed his head, seeming to consider this, before blinking slowly at otterfur. "what if he doesn't mess up?"
indent"he will," otterfur said after blowing out a long breath. "they always mess up." with that, otterfur nodded towards warblercry. "we can't all go back together, so you can go first, hornetshade and i will wait here for a few minutes." warblercry exchanged a glance with hornetshade, who nodded his agreement. with that, warblercry touched her nose to hornetshade's cheek before brushing past otterfur and bounding off into the dusk. in the distance, birdsong called the evening to a close, an hornetshade sat down across from otterfur.
indent"can i ask you something?" hornetshade asked, and when otterfur nodded, the young tabby rolled his shoulders as he settled. "this viperstar... you feel like he used you?" he asked, and otterfur felt his chest tighten.
indent"i know that i was used by him," otterfur said, and he saw no sympathy in hornetshade's eyes.
indent"what did you do for him?" hornetshade asked. "what did he make you do? what did you do without him needing to ask?"
indentit was like a coil in otterfur's chest, so tight and wedged so deep. and then it snapped and otterfur felt his eyes sting with tears. "i saw him do the worst things. he was my friend for so long and i... i thought he was a good cat and that he only wanted the best for us. i would have done anything for my friend but he... he started to ask more and do more. he said he wanted to help the clan, that he wanted to save us all from our leader but i didn't think or realize how horrible he had become until wasppaw." he had to stop for a moment, breathing deeply for a moment before he fixed hornetshade with a sharp glance. "i will not beg for your mercy, or beg for silence. i proved my loyalty the way i thought i had to for a cat i thought would save us and that i could trust. i was wrong, and i see that now. i was wrong."
indentwhen hornetshade stood, otterfur didn't expect him to turn around. but just as he brushed past otterfur, hornetshade paused and glanced over his shoulder. "how'd he die?" hornetshade asked, and otterfur exhaled deeply.
indent"i was told a bear," he said. hornetshade hummed thoughtfully at that.
indent"if i'm given the chance, i'd kill erasmus. or die trying. what he did to groveclan, what he did to my... friend... what he could do here, it's not okay by me. i just don't think i could kill him, not in cold blood," hornetshade said. without waiting for otterfur's answer, the young knight bounded off, following warblercry's lead, and otterfur was left in silence, in the quiet of highgarden's territory.

indentsagecloud's panic after she went out on a patrol to check the groveclan border, admittedly, left bluetcrest feeling rather anxious within his own right. it was a slow anxiety, that bubbled low in his stomach and simmered, but rose to the surface time and time again, never letting him forget that it was there. though they had been aware of the groveclan-problem, it was easy to focus on other things over the past several moons. it was easier to fawn over tawnyrose's kits, to help tawnyrose train lightkit. it was easy to push it to the side and let it gather dust, but it was dawning on bluetcrest that it was past the point of being able to be sorted out so neatly, and that realization made his paws itch.
indent"bluetcrest?" pythoneyes' voice broke through his reverie, and bluetcrest blinked quickly at his friend. the very sound of pythoneyes' laugh made bluetcrest feel a pang of warmth that started in his chest and spread until it reached the very ends of his whiskers. "i'm going to assume that you didn't hear a word i said?" he asked, and bluetcrest ducked his head sheepishly.
indent"i'm sorry," he said. "it's been a long day and i think i'm just tired. i'm listening now, i'm sorry," bluetcrest said, but pythoneyes shook his head quickly.
indent"you look like you have a lot on your mind. is there anything that i can do? i think you'll find that i'm a good listener," he offered, and bluetcrest felt another deeper, warmer pang spread through him. "i promise, i'm always here for you. you can trust me."
indentfor a long moment, bluetcrest considered his paws as he pondered pythoneyes' words before, at last, he shifted closer to his friend and lowered his voice. "i trust you, and you can't tell anyone anything about what i ask you, okay? it's just a hypothetical," bluetcrest said as he met pythoneyes' gaze, and the knight nodded slowly, his expresion showing clear concern. "what do you think about groveclan?" he asked. pythoneyes tipped his head to the side and shrugged.
indent"i mean, i don't know much about them. i've never met any of their cats. but... the others don't seem to like them much. and if what erasmus said was true and they tried to frame him for a crime... i guess i wouldn't think very highly of them," pythoneyes said at last. bluetcrest took in his friend's words before swallowing down the lump in his throat.
indent"what if everything you thought you knew about them was wrong?" bluetcrest asked. pythoneyes' mouth fell open and his eyes widened.
indent"bluetcrest, i don't understand," he said. "what are you trying to say?"
indent"it's hypothetical," bluetcrest repeated without giving an answer. "say that erasmus was lying, and that everything you've been told about groveclan is false. that everything you thought you knew was actually the opposite. what would you think of them then?" he asked with renewed urgency, and pythoneyes drew in a deep inhale.
indent"i think..." he started, meeting bluetcrest's gaze with his own. "i think that i would think that we should know the truth. and i'd think that i'd feel bad for groveclan, for how poorly highgarden thinks of them now. and i think... i think i would be worried for you, bluetcrest, and for anyone else who knows the truth. because i think knowing what's a lie and what's the truth makes you a target, and i know that i care deeply about you and that i want you to be safe." pythoneyes' gaze was intense, and bluetcrest found it impossible to look away from his friend. "are you safe, bluetcrest?" he asked, and bluetcrest finally pulled back, sitting up and turning his cheek to pythoneyes. his chest felt too tight, and the anxiety bubbled up again.
indent"i need you to forget what i said," bluetcrest told him. "it was hypothetical, it didn't mean anything. and i need to find tawnyrose."
indent"you know, i wish i believed you," pythoneyes said, and bluetcrest managed a tight smile before he rose to his paws and turned away to try and find the queen.
indentsure enough, when bluetcrest headed for tawnyrose's den, he arrived just in time to nearly collide with his best friend and lightkit, who padded regally beside her mother. "bluetcrest!" lightkit piped up, stretching her neck to touch her nose to bluetcrest's in greeting. "mama said we were coming to look for you."
indent"oh?" bluetcrest said, looking to tawnyrose expectantly, mirroring her smile. "i was actually looking for you too. i think we need to talk about some things."
indentbut tawnyrose shook her head and motioned to her daughter and attendant, beckoning them to follow her. "bluetcrest, what's wrong? you sound so serious. now, now, i'm sure whatever it is can wait for a little while. because there are other things we need to talk about first. yewbloom and wolverinesnap checked on the water levels this morning and the banks are beginning to overflow, so it's time we moved camps."
indent"are flickersky's kits old enough to handle the move?" bluetcrest asked.
indenttawnyrose flicked her tail dismissively. "merlinsong said they've been taken care of since they had their colds. they're healthy and are causing more than enough trouble in the nursery already, so i think that speaks for itself. more importantly, we also have to arrange for the spring tournament," tawnyrose continued, and bluetcrest balked.
indent"surely there are a few more pressing issues that we should discuss first," he said, but tawnyrose merely sniffed absently.
indent"more important than honoring the seven gods that have blessed us? more important than honoring the heir and princes of highgarden? yewbloom's return, my kits, the moons of prosperity that we've had recently? there's so much to celebrate, bluetcrest," tawnyrose said, and bluetcrest grit his teeth but nodded his head, placatingly.
indent"and what does softglow think of this?" he asked, and tawnyrose finally stopped and turned to face her attendant.
indent"well, i don't know. he's been very busy lately. why don't you and lightkit go ask the king what he thinks?" she suggested, and lightkit straightened up at the mention of her name.
indent"can we, bluetcrest?" lightkit asked. bluetcrest exchanged a glance with tawnyrose before he nodded at the clan's heir.
indent"we'll come find you later, tawnyrose," bluetcrest said as lightkit headed in the direction of the nursery, and the attendant was left to trail after her.
indentthe inside of the nursery was dim and warm, and it took bluetcrest a long moment to let his eyes adjust to the lack of light that seeped between the gaps in the walls. then he watched as lightkit bounded forward, purring as she touched her nose to each of her brothers when they rose to meet her, and bluetcrest blinked at he made out softglow and flickersky settled towards the back of the den. flickersky's three kits were nestled into her flank, and softglow smiled tentatively up at bluetcrest.
indent"didn't expect to see you here," softglow said. "come to visit?"
indent"you could say that," bluetcrest said, only to grin when hawthornkit and bramblekit skidded into place in front of him. "well, hello you two," he said to the young toms, and he leaned his head down to nuzzle them both in turn.
indent"uncle bluetcrest, can we go out into the camp and play?" bramblekit asked.
indent"dad says that it's chilly, but he's barely been outside today. is it really that cold? lightkit got to play," hawthornkit pressed, and lightkit let out an indignant squeak.
indent"i wasn't playing!" she argued. "i was training with mama."
indent"yeah, and that's what you say whenever you're with quillpaw too, right?" hawthornkit teased his sister. when lightkit pushed at his shoulder, hawthornkit nudged her right back. when she pushed him again, it was harder, and he knocked sideways into bramblekit. within a matter of seconds, right before bluetcrest's eyes, the trio of kits dissolved into wrestling, and softglow let out a sigh. he rose from the nest and reached forward, grabbing hawthornkit by the scruff of his neck. when he put his son down, he nudged lightkit and bramblekit apart. "hey, what have i told you all? no rough playing in the nursery. cirruskit, tornadokit, and tsunamikit are resting. and you don't see adenium or snowykit causing issues, do you?" sure enough, the other pair of kits had stayed to their shared nest, and snowykit snickered at the display.
indent"softglow, can we talk for a minute?" bluetcrest asked the king. curious, softglow's ears pricked and he looked to flickersky, who nodded towards bluetcrest, amusement clear in her eyes.
indent"go on, i'll call if there's an issue," she said, and softglow blinked at her before following bluetcrest.
indent"what is it?" softglow asked when they were off to the side, out of the way of the rest of the camp's activities. not too far away, sandstrike and privetears were sharing a mouse, merlinsong, sunglow, and obsidianwing were helping support smokemane as the rose took tenative steps around the camp as part of her recovery process, and stagpaw was talking loudly to the younger thorns about a battle move hurricanejaw had showed him. bluetcrest swallowed thickly and bunched his shoulders.
indent"we need to talk some sense into tawnyrose," bluetcrest said. "she's so worried about the spring tournament. but... with so much going on at the moment, is that a good idea?"
indentsoftglow blinked up at bluetcrest for a long moment before blowing out a sigh. "i've tried to talk her out of so many other things before, and i think this is a little issue at most. and maybe it'll even be good for us. we need a morale boost around here, something to take our minds off of all of the other issues from the past few moons, don't you think?" when bluetcrest said nothing, softglow shrugged his shoulders. "listen, bluetcrest, i agree with you that there are more important issues but i'm tired. i have to take care of the kits because she won't. my paws are tied at the moment. so if she wants to hold a tournament, then so be it, and we can think about the rest in time, and -"
indent"a tournament?" bramblekit's voice chimed in. softglow and bluetcrest turned to look down at the little tabby prince staring up at them. without waiting for an answer, bramblekit charged back towards the nursery. "hawthornkit, there's gonna be tournament! dad said so!" he shouted, and softglow let out a laugh.
indent"maybe this is a good thing, bluetcrest. and you look tired. maybe you should get some rest, okay?" and softglow turned away, leaving bluetcrest to watch as the king talked to his kits. lightkit broke away from the group to join where quillpaw was sitting with his littermates, and hawthornkit and bramblekit bounding around their father, showing off different battle moves. among it all, however, bluetcrest felt a chill run down his spine. he turned just in time to see erasmus walking away from him, and he dug his claws into the ground to steady himself.

indent"can i tell you something?" ferretwhisker asked flickersky as they walked towards the middle of the group. all around them, the rest of highgarden moved as they went on their way to the clan's second camp. flickersky glanced around to the knights and roses that helped carry her kits, just to check on the trio, from where riverfoam carried a squirming tornadokit, to where tigergaze gentle took cirruskit from sunglow to give his friend a break, and to where bassflow had tsunamikit. at last, the queen grinned and nodded to ferretwhisker.
indent"of course, anything. what's on your mind?" flickersky asked, and ferretwhisker ducked her head to hide a bashful smile.
indent"it feels almost silly to bring it up but... i feel like i need to tell someone. do you remember the last time we moved camps and you told me about stormshroud?" she asked, and flickersky let out a airy laugh.
indent"gods, yes," flickersky said. "that feels like so long ago. it's crazy to think how much has changed since then. now the kits are here, and we're moving camps again. they weren't even born then, and now they'll get to see it." around them, the clan was abuzz with news as the cats took the day off from formal patrols to talk to one another. ferretwhisker watched as stagpaw and rabbitpaw ducked between hurricanejaw, otterfur, and birchflame were speaking. the pair of mentors called after their thorns, but they turned to laughter as quillpaw bustled past with lightkit hot on his heels.
indent"i know exactly what you mean, so much has changed since then," ferretwhisker agreed, and flickersky nudged her shoulder gently.
indent"ferretwhisker, you're stalling, what is it?" flickersky asked, earning a gentle laugh from her friend.
indent"well, i met someone, actually. he's from another clan - have you heard about the clan that settled on our borders the past few moons? bearclan?" ferretwhisker knew she was rambling and she caught herself. she ducked her head and smoothed down her chest fur, smiling at the sound of flickersky's rumbling purr.
indent"oh, you've been holding out on me!" flickersky gushed, resting her head on ferretwhisker's shoulder. "i'm so happy for you! you need to tell me everything about him. what's his name?" she asked.
indent"his name's nightfur. he's quite sweet, and we met while we were on patrols, you know, nothing serious but he just... caught my eye. and there was something different about him, if that makes sense? and he's very handsome, let me tell you -" ferretwhisker was saying. as she spoke about nightfur, she reveled in the sweet sound of flickersky's laugh and the comforting bump and gentle press of the rest of the clan around her. certainly, each time they made the trip, it become more evident of how large highgarden had grown from one season-cycle to the next. kits that had to be carried one journey raced their litermates the next, and ferretwhisker was stopped in the middle of her story as dewpaw bumped past her leg, elkpaw hot on her heels. "careful, you two!" ferretwhisker called after them, only to roll her eyes fondly.
indentas they ran, dewpaw glanced once over her shoulder to see elkpaw racing after her. "sorry mom!" she called out, only to duck between cougarstrike and wolfhowl in a move to try and avoid elkpaw's outstretched paw, but it was no use.
indent"tag, you're it!" elkpaw called, only to race in the opposite direction, and dewpaw let out a quiet huff.
indent"i'm gonna get you for that!" dewpaw shouted, turning on her heels in the direction she had last saw quillpaw run off with lightkit, only to miss when her brother saw her coming and ducked behind yewbloom and wolverinejaw as the pair walked together. when dewpaw had gone, yewbloom let out a laugh and glanced towards the thorn and his niece.
indent"are you two having fun?" yewbloom asked. when the pair nodded, yewbloom grinned and nudged wolverinesnap with his shoulder. "unfortunately, little queen, i don't think we can be your hiding spot for much longer. dewpaw will probably be sniffing this way again. but i do hope quillpaw is keeping an eye on you," yewbloom said, and lightkit purred as she pressed against quillpaw's flank.
indent"he's a good partner," lightkit said.
indent"i'm keeping my promise, yewbloom. i'm not leaving her side," quillpaw chimed in, earning another of yewbloom's vibrant smiles.
indent"good, very good."
indent"dewpaw's incoming," wolverinesnap interjected. with one last wink from yewbloom, quillpaw and lightkit hustled away, ducking between their clanmates as they went to avoid dewpaw's detection.
indentwith a blissful sigh, yewbloom rested his head on wolverinesnap's shoulder. "do you remember what it was like to be their age?" he asked, only to balk when wolverinesnap chuckled. "what?"
indent"you make it seem like you're an elder, by gods," wolverinesnap purred. "you're only a few moons older than me. if that makes you as ancient as your sighing makes it sound, then what does that make me?"
indent"in that case, i must be dust," pythoneyes added in from nearby, earning a snort of laughter from yewbloom. "and bluetcrest is on his way." from pythoneyes' other side, bluetcrest rolled his eyes.
indent"as long as i'm not as old as you, then, i'm happy," bluetcrest said. there was a lightness to the attendant's step as he had spent his time for the beginning of the journey weaving among the crowd, making sure that all of the clan members were safe and handling the trip well. several scouts had been sent out ahead of the main patrol to check for any flooding, but arcticblink, leopardsun, betonypetal, and privetears had returned without any reason for concern. after making one last round to check on tawnyrose, softglow, and merlinsong at the front of the patrol, bluetcrest gravitated towards pythoneyes, where he had been with yewbloom, wolverinesnap, and several other members of the clan. by the time they had joined the conversation, bluetcrest had become increasingly aware of erasmus walking nearby with spencer, though the pair seemed too caught up in their own conversation to be paying any attention to where they were walking. from the other side of the group, bluetcrest caught sagecloud's eye, and the rose flicked her ear in a silent signal, to say that she was keeping an eye on erasmus from her position with mapleshadow, charredbreeze, and direfang.
indent"and eramus, i hate to say that you're beyond memory, my friend," yewbloom piped up, and bluetcrest a chill grip his pelt as those sharp yellow eyes turned in the direction of the prince. erasmus twisted his head once to whisper something to spencer, who nodded in turn and turned, backing towards the rear of the crowd. he called out towards kitechaser, ayalla, and tanagercall. bluetcrest made out some comment about scouting for more flooding. but his attention turned again to erasmus when the large knight's rumbling voice reached his ears.
indent"i was thinking, pythoneyes... everyone in this clan loves your stories. i think it could pass the time a bit if you told us one now," erasmus said. pythoneyes stared at the larger tom for a long moment, his green eyes blown wide, before yewbloom purred and nudged pythoneyes.
indent"that's a wonderful idea, erasmus," yewbloom said, and wolverinesnap nodded his encouragement. when pythoneyes looked to bluetcrest, the attendant managed a tight smile.
indent"you do tell the best stories," he said, and he couldn't help but notice the fear in pythoneyes' gaze. but the knight nodded once, lowering his face as if to compose himself.
indent"alright," pythoneyes said. "alright, how about the one about the fox and the badger?"
indent"sounds like a new one," wolverinesnap said, and pythoneyes smiled sheepishly.
indent"we all here know how brutal winters can be in certain territories, right? there are the blizzards that make your whiskers freeze until you fear they'll fall off, or the ice that's so cold it makes your pads bleed if you're not careful," pythoneyes began.
indent"or if you don't have an herbalist as skilled as merlinsong," mapleshadow interjected from the other side of the group, and bluetcrest looked over long enough to catch sagecloud's eye again.
indent"exactly right," pythoneyes said with a breezy laugh. "and there are some blizzards, some storms and cold weather that come on so suddenly. it's like one minute you're melting in your fur and looking for a lake to refresh yourself, and then in the next moment you're half-frozen, looking for any place to get out of the snow. and we're lucky to have warm dens and nests made with moss and feathers, and whatever else we can find. we have our families, our best friends, and our denmates to help warm us up. but not all creatures are so lucky. because any clan cat knows that the most unlikable, most solitary animals are the badgers and the foxes. and with good reason."
indentnormally, when listening to one of pythoneyes' stories, it was easy to get lost in the moment. it was easy to block out the rest of the world. but the anxiety bubbled deep in bluetcrest's chest, reaching a fever pitch with each step he took and every word that pythoneyes spoke, until he became too aware. he could hear the brush of erasmus' fur against the ground, and he heard when ayalla, kitechaser, and tanagercall returned, racing up towards him.
indent"bluetcrest," kitechaser called to him, and bluetcrest was aware of the lull in pythoneyes' story, and he waved his tail for his friend to continue without him. bluetcrest turned to the trio of mollies for their report. "there's some flooding nearby, we may need to divert our path a bit towards the east, just in case," kitechaser said. bluetcrest nodded quickly.
indent"go ahead to tell softglow and tawnyrose, kitechaser. ayalla, tanagercall, the apprentices and a few of the kits have been playing tag. if you could gather them up. the last thing we need is for one of them to go missing with a flood so close," he ordered. when the three had gone, bluetcrest looked to yewbloom and nodded to the prince. "there's some flooding, i'm going to go check it out, make sure it's not too bad."
indent"do you want me to go with you?" yewbloom asked, but bluetcrest shook his head.
indent"no, no, we're already so close to the old tower and the groveclan border. i'm sure it's nothing to worry about," he said. in that same moment, bluetcrest caught sight of quillpaw weaving among the clan, and bluetcrest realized with a sinking stomach that the young thorn was alone. lightkit wasn't with him. bluetcrest's mouth felt dry, and he flicked his ear in a silent signal. the next time he looked across the group, sagecloud had disappeared into the trees, waiting for him.
indent"i'll be back," he choked out to yewbloom and the others. bluetcrest held pythoneyes' gaze for a moment too long, and it was hard to turn away. even as aware as bluetcrest was, there was no mistaking the ringing in his ears, the way his entire head felt as though it was filled with moss. by the time he reached sagecloud, the chatter of the patrol had moved on, and sagecloud looked at him with wide eyes.
indent"bluetcrest, what's going on?" she asked him, and he blinked at her.
indent"i think lightkit's missing. she wasn't with quillpaw. she's always at his side and he was looking for something. and there's flooding and -" he tried to explain, but he realized that sagecloud wasn't looking at him. she was looking over his shoulder, and bluetcrest whipped around to stare at erasmus. "sagecloud," he choked out. "you need to run."
indent"bluetcrest -" sagecloud said, but he cut her off with a hiss. his claws dug into the soft ground as the dark shadow loomed over him. erasmus's dark fur bristled, and bluetcrest knew that he could never beat erasmus in a fight. he could only hope that sagecloud was faster on her paws than erasmus was.
indent"go," he hissed again, right before a massive paw swung and slammed into the side of his head. he felt claws score through his pelt, and the ground rushed up to meet him. the world crackled black, into and out of focus. he heard a thud of pawsteps, sagecloud try to shout before she was silenced, and then another thud against the ground. the last thing bluetcrest thought was that he had tried, that lightkit was missing, and that pythoneyes had been right. he should have been afraid. and then the world went dark.

indent"where are we going?" lightkit asked spencer as she trailed the herbalist. "quillpaw's going to be really worried, he takes his promise really seriously."
indent"it's not much further. i just thought that, as the future heir of highgarden, you should see the groveclan border. it's very important to know your bordering clans, you know," spencer said, and lightkit nodded sagely. "you need to know who the leader is, who the deputy is, what their territory is like. do you know what's most important?" he asked, and when lightkit shook her head, spencer smiled, and she had the thought that it didn't look much like a smile. if anything, the scent of fear washed off of him in waves and it made her fur bristle. "you need to know what their scent is like, so you can't mistake it."
indent"groveclan... mama said that their territory is mainly trees. she said we don't talk to them much," lightkit said, only to gasp as the clearly on the border opened up before her. there was water from rose lake, and the waterfall like nothing she had ever seen before. "it's beautiful," she said.
indent"go ahead," spencer said with that same strange smile. "you can get a little closer. they're going to know you too, someday. when you're queen. do you know who the leader of groveclan is? who the deputy is?"
indentwhen lightkit padded forward, she had her back turned to spencer. she didn't see the way he began to cry, his tears peppering the grass and budding flowers. she didn't see erasmus emerge silently from the trees with blood staining his paws. all she saw was greenery in each direction. if she heard spencer's choked sobs, she made no motion.
indentinstead she thought for a moment. "badgerstar is the leader, and lionheart is the deputy," she said.
indent"that's good," spencer choked out. even as she gasped, this time not from the beautiful sight, but as she fell, he sobbed and shook and murmured to himself: "that's good, lightkit, you're so smart. so, so smart."
Last edited by eagle, on Thu May 14, 2020 2:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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highgarden ♕ 22.5

Postby eagle, » Mon May 11, 2020 6:11 pm

      total 65
      servings 11 (+70)
      ________________ Image ________________

      gods n/a
      pebbles 91
      archive xx
      font credit x x

indentwriting found here

[ consumption ] highgarden eats x5 squirrels and x1 vole
[ rank changes ] stagpaw holds off on receiving his full name until seedpaw and rabbitpaw have passed their assessments
seedpaw takes her final assessment
[ patrol 1 ] softglow, yewbloom, betonypetal, ayalla, iguanaspots, and warblercry
[ hunt 1 ] bassflow, erasmus, leopardsun, otterfur, charredbreeze, and hornetshade
[ hunt 2 ] swiftheart, tulipstream, foxspark, lyrewhistle, wolverinesnap, daystrike
↪ wolverinesnap has applicable powers
[ hunt 3 ] clovershine, obsidianwing, wolfhowl, direfang, sandstrike, ferretwhisker
[ hunt 4 ] mapleshadow, maplelily, newtmask, riverfoam, kitechaser, and tanagercall
[ mates ] ayalla tries for kits with axel from the crossroad demons (acting as a surrogate)
[ training ] daisypaw and rabbitpaw learn swimming
briarpaw learns fighting
elkpaw, beechpaw, harrierpaw, quillpaw, and dewpaw learn hunting
[ herbalists ] merlinsong gives cirruskit x1 coltsfoot. smokemane rests 2/3
[ herb hunt ] merlinsong and spencer
[ death & injuries ] erasmus kills lightkit & erasmus injures bluetcrest and sagecloud (please roll for injury/not death on bluetcrest and sagecloud)
[ notes to mod ] i ask that no one die on patrols though injuries are fine xo

    tawnyrose, 40m, ♀
    the wayward queen
    - mate: birchflame
    - kits: lightkit, hawthornkit, bramblekit

    softglow, 42m, ♂
    the lost king

    name, age, gender

    bluetcrest, 44m, ♂
    the wayward's attendant

    merlinsong, 47m, ♂ - 5sp
    spencer, 42m, ♂ - 5sp

    roses & knights
    otterfur, 76m, ♂
    direfang, 72m, ♂
    charredbreeze, 64m, ♀
    sagecloud, 58m, ♀
    mapleshadow, 56m, ♀
    erasmus, 54m, ♂
    hurricanejaw, 52m, ♂
    maplelily, 50m, ♀
    bassflow, 50m, ♂
    newtmask, 49m, ♂
    dippernose, 49m, ♂
    arcticblink, 47m, ♂
    ferretwhisker, 45m, ♀
    pythoneyes, 45m, ♂
    tulipstream, 41m, ♀
    birchflame, 41m, ♂
    yewbloom, 40m, ♂
    betonypetal, 39m, ♀
    clovershine, 38m, ♂
    smallheart, 38m, ♂
    wolverinesnap, 37m, ♂
    riverfoam, 36m, ♀
    swiftheart, 34m, ♀
    kitechaser, 32m, ♀
    obsidianwing, 31m, ♂
    ayalla, 29m, ♀
    jaytalon, 29m, ♂
    smokemane, 28m, ♀
    sunglow, 28m, ♂
    tigergaze, 27m, ♂
    sandstrike, 25m, ♀
    hornetshade, 24m, ♂
    privetears, 23m, ♀
    tanagercall, 22m, ♀
    cougarstrike, 21m, ♂
    racoonslip, 21m, ♂
    foxspark, 21m, ♂
    wolfhowl, 21m, ♀
    iguanaspots, 21m, ♀
    warblercry, 21m, ♀
    lyrewhistle, 20m, ♀
    leopardsun, 20m, ♂
    daystrike, 18m, ♂
            stagpaw, 14m, ♂
            seedpaw, 14m, ♀
            rabbitpaw, 14m, ♀
            briarpaw, 12m, ♀
            daisypaw, 12m, ♀
            elkpaw, 8m, ♂
            beechpaw, 8m, ♀
            harrierpaw, 8m, ♀
            quillpaw, 8m, ♂
            dewpaw, 8m, ♀

            flickersky, 38m, ♀
            - mate: stormshroud, shadowed kingdom
            - kits: cirruskit, tsunamikit, tornadokit

            adenium, 5m, ♀
            hawthornkit, 4m, ♂
            bramblekit, 4m, ♂
            snowykit, 4m, ♂
            cirruskit, 2m, ♂
            tsunamikit , 2m, ♀
            tornadokit, 2m, ♀

            name, age, gender
            name, age, gender

            allies & enemies & borders


            total x104
            mouse | x9 | 1 serving
            vole | x10 | 1 serving
            small fish | x6 | 2 servings
            squirrel | x15 | 2 servings
            rabbit | x11 | 2 servings
            big fish | x5 | 3 servings
            finch | x2 | 3 servings

            hurricanejaw, stagpaw, 4
            smallheart, seedpaw, 4
            birchflame, rabbitpaw, 3
            jaytalon, briarpaw, 2
            sunglow, daisypaw, 3
            pythoneyes, elkpaw, 1
            obsidianwing, beechpaw, 1
            dippernose, harrierpaw, 1
            tigergaze, quillpaw, 1
            arcticblink, dewpaw, 1


            family trees
credit goes to the cac staff & artists for all color-ins and lineart xoxo
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highgarden ♕ 23

Postby eagle, » Sun May 24, 2020 6:50 am

      total 65
      servings 11 (+70)
      ________________ Image ________________

      gods n/a
      pebbles 91
      archive xx
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indentwhen sagecloud heard bluetcrest's shouted warning, she had tried to run, but it was like her paws were rooted deep into the ground. she imagined that she was like a tree, strong like one of the towering oak trees above their heads, with leaves that rustled so delicately in the breeze. she thought of all of the times she had lounged on the border, talking to brindlepelt in the shade of the trees that protected them from the heat of the day. trees were strong, unmovable forces, sagecloud told herself as she watched bluetcrest face erasmus. she thought that bluetcrest had never seemed to be a small cat before, in the seasons that she had come to know him. but he looked like an ant in the shade of a tree when erasmus stood over him, swinging a massive paw that toppled bluetcrest. she saw blood, she heard the sound of bluetcrest hit the ground, and erasmus's threatening snarl mingled with bluetcrest's cry of pain as his pelt was torn, staining his snowy fur crimson. and when erasmus' yellow eyes turned towards her, sagecloud felt as though she had been uprooted, torn from the ground as she tried to find her paws. she tried to gather herself and to shout, though she barely made it more than a few tail-lengths before he grabbed her tail in his powerful jaws. he wrenched her to the ground, and she tried her best to lash out, to fight him off. the metallic scent of blood lifted into the air from where bluetcrest was lying pliantly, and sagecloud thought of brindlepelt. she thought of her mate's laugh, she thought of the smell of berries and sunshine in the summer and the feeling of drinking from cold springs. she thought of the future she had brindlepelt had talked about, of how they were travel all the length of highgarden and strikersclan together. sagecloud could meet brindlepelt's kits, and they even fantasized of venturing to find the kits sagecloud lost when ravenclan split. they imagined all of the good, and it spread out before sagecloud, even as she struggling, her claws sinking into the soft dirt to try and pull free from erasmus' grasp. she opened her eyes in time to watch the massive paw, reddened by bluetcrest's blood, come down on her face. there was pain, though she couldn't find the strength to scream. she thought of brindlepelt, and she wondered if she had told her how much she loved her the last time they parted ways. for all of the times they joked around and sagecloud played off as aloof, she realized how much she loved her mate, and how much she didn't want to die and leave her far behind. and then the world went black in another snap of pain.
indentbut she wasn't dead. instead, the pain came back, and sagecloud found that she had the ability to breathe when she let out a low groan. she entire body ached, and she itched all over. she was aware that majority of the pain centered on the left side of her face, and when she tried to blink her eyes open, she felt dizzy from the pain when she tried to open that eye. instead, she had to grit her teeth against the pain and opened only her right eye to take in the scene around her. from the slant of the shadows and the orange tint of the sky overhead through the leaves, it was clear that some time had passed. by that point, she figured, erasmus had moved on, and the very thought of the massive knight gave sagecloud the motivation to struggle onto her stomach, and she grunted as she got her paws underneath her. she staggered but managed to steady herself, though she was already panting from the effort. as stale as erasmus' scent was, however, the scent of bluetcrest's blood was stronger, and the memories washed back over sagcloud, all but knocking her off her feet again. she twisted her head, wary of her blind-side, and she finally found the queen's attendant right where he had been attacked.
indent"bluetcrest?" sagecloud called to him. the slight breeze rustled his fur, but sagecloud couldn't make out any further discernible movement, and she stumbled in his direction, only to collapse at her clanmate's side. "bluetcrest? please, wake up," she begged, nudging his side. she was comforted only by the shallow rise and fall of his flank. "you need to wake up," sagecloud whispered, but bluetcrest still didn't stir. by that point, it was clear that erasmus had left them for dead, assuming that they would bleed out or otherwise fall to their wounds. and it seemed that he had all but succeeded. bluetcrest had a horrible slash across his chest and his cheek, and his hip was bent at an angle that made sagecloud's stomach churn. sagecloud's entire face burned with pain, and she knew that she likely wasn't faring any better than bluetcrest. she felt dizzy and light, as though she was floating on her paws with each step, and she was hit with a sudden exhaustion. it would be nice to take a rest, she thought. a patrol surely would be by soon enough, and she couldn't help bluetcrest in her current state. it would be easier to rest and wait. her legs were shaky underneath her, and they were close to the groveclan border, too far for her to carry bluetcrest to the old tower.
indentbut it was with that very thought that sagecloud snapped to attention. she sniffed the air and, sure enough, through the strong scent of blood, was a strong scent of groveclan, and it gave sagecloud pause. it didn't make sense. they weren't close enough to the border for the scent to be so strong, even if a patrol had accidently crossed over or just passed by. there was no explanation. and then there was one, and sagecloud knew what the scene would look like to a highgarden search party, out to find the queen's attendant and a lost rose who never made it back with them. they would be dead, covered in groveclan scent after a clear attack. before sagecloud's eyes, it all made sense, and she found the rush of adrenaline as strength to take bluetcrest's scruff in her jaws. immediately, she felt her legs buckling, hardly able to carry her, let alone bluetcrest, but she had no choice. she had to try.
indentdesperation drove her for another few steps, and then she jaws lost strength. and then she collapsed. when she tried to find her paws again, she found that she couldn't even feel her legs. pain surged again, from her whiskers to tail. dark spots blotched out what remained of her vision, and then she lost focus again. she spiraled, and then there was nothing.

indentthe night air was warm, especially for so early in spring as tawnyrose sat in the middle of highgarden's second camp's clearing. moons away meant that many of the dens and nests were stale and in need of several patches and new bedding, but it was certainly safer there, away from the waters that threatened the clan each season cycle. in the larger scheme of everything, patching up a few walls and finding fresh moss after a long day of travel seemed a small price to pay if it meant protecting highgarden. the kits in particular, tawnyrose thought, were so small and helpless. they were too small to fight off the rush of flood waters. as if on a cue, softglow emerged from the nursery were bramblekit and hawthornkit, and tawnyrose tipped her head when she caught his eye. in response, softglow ducked his head towards the pair of kits, motioning them back towards the side of the nursery, where ayalla and flickersky were bundling moss for their nests. at the same time, dewpaw and harrierpaw raced by, and tawnyrose's eyes strayed in the direction of the thorn's den. there, seedpaw and rabbitpaw helped beechpaw with the nests and quillpaw paced, his tail flicking. his eyes met tawnyrose's for a long moment before the young thorn turned his back to the queen and he disappeared into the shadows.
indent"how's the nursery?" tawnyrose asked, forgoing a greeting when softglow finally reached her. his blue eyes were bright, glinting in the moonlight, his fur turned a startling silver that rippled when he shrugged his shoulders. "snowykit and adenium were being helpful weaving a few leaves into weaker spots, though it'll need a little more work tomorrow. we can send out a few thorns to bring back brambles tomorrow, i'm sure their den could use it too. but flickersky and ayalla have already assured me that they could handle any fox that even tries to come close to the kits," he reported, and tawnyrose hummed thoughtfully.
indent"i'll ask bluetcrest to take care of it tomorrow when he gets back," tawnyrose said, and softglow nodded slowly.
indent"he's not back yet?" he asked, not missing the slightest flare of worry in tawnyrose's green eyes. he didn't need an answer. last they had been told was when kitechaser told them that they had spotted flooding while scouting during the patrol. pythoneyes and yewbloom both said that bluetcrest had gone to check on it, insisting that he didn't need any help, and no one had seen the tom since. softglow lowered his gaze. "well, it wouldn't be the first time bluetcrest disappeared. maybe he found a new friend out there again," he said, aiming for humor, though he knew from the way tawnyrose's mouth twitched that neither of them believed it. softglow tried to swallow down the bile in his throat.
indentinstead, tawnyrose cleared her throat. "are the kits helping with the nursery too, with snowykit and adenium?" she asked, and there was no mistaking the fond softness that rounded the king's gaze.
indent"since when have bramblekit and hawthornkit ever made themselves helpful in anything other than causing a whirlwind of chaos?"
indenttawnyrose sniffed thoughtfully, though her eyes strayed towards the entrance, betraying her thoughts. "and lightkit? her brothers inherited all the trouble, not her. surely she's stayed out of the way, at the very least."
indentperhaps tawnyrose was expecting some brushed-off response, something nonchalant and conversational before softglow excused himself. instead, softglow's words made her grow cold. "lightkit isn't in the nursery," he said, and tawnyrose could hear the confusion on his tone. "i thought she was with you or quillpaw. hawthornkit and bramblekit said they haven't seen her since early in the patrol." tawnyrose turned her head back to softglow slowly, as if waiting for him to amend his words, to tell her that it was some horrible joke. but as they gazed at one another, tawnyrose watched realization dawn upon softglow, who took a step back from tawnyrose. "you don't think...?" he began, only to trail off, and it struck tawnyrose in that instant that softglow cared deeply about her kits. though they had never been the best of friends, though they had never seen eye to eye and tawnyrose berated softglow more often than not, he cared about lightkit, bramblekit, and hawthornkit as though they were his own, beyond a charade for the clan to believe. in his moment of disbelief, he looked to tawnyrose. "are you sure she's not with quillpaw?" he asked, and tawnyrose looked up just as the thorn reappeared. there was anxiety written all over his face, and she made to call out to him, but pythoneyes came up to the king and queen in the same moment.
indent"excuse me, tawnyrose, softglow," the knight said politely. just as with quillpaw, it was easy to see worry etched deeply into pythoneyes' expression. "i just wanted to see if you had heard any word from bluetcrest. it's getting late and if it's just him and sagecloud out there alone... well, it's quite dark, especially if there is flooding." when softglow and tawnyrose exchanged a sideways glance, pythoneyes gazed at them with wide eyes. "you haven't?"
indentinstead, tawnyrose sniffed and flicked her ear dismissively. "we're currently considering our options. bluetcrest and sagecloud are both very capable. if we decide to send out a search party, you'll be the first to know, pythoneyes." it was clear that the knight wasn't pleased, though he knew when to hold his tongue. he moved away, though not far, and tawnyrose squared her shoulders as she looked back to softglow. "sagecloud, too?" she asked. "we need to do a sweep, to make sure that everyone else is accounted for."
indent"it can't be a coincidence that sagecloud is missing too, can it?" softglow asked, and tawnyrose hissed quietly.
indent"he's here. he and spencer are here. they're accounted for," tawnyrose said, and they both knew she was right. sure enough, spencer and erasmus had been part of the party when they all arrived at camp. "and no one can know that lightkit's missing. not yet. have merlinsong do a head count, tell him to say that he's checking for any injuries or sickness from the long day, or whatever he has to say to make sure everyone else is here." as tawnyrose spoke in quiet tones, softglow nodded, swallowing thickly.
indent"what are you going to do?" he asked, not missing the unfamiliar urgency that lit tawnyrose's eyes. never before had he seen her truly afraid, and it was not a look that suited the poised queen. but tawnyrose waved softglow away.
indent"i need to talk to someone else," she said simply, gesturing the king away. for once, he trusted her, turning away to find the herbalist as she bid him. at the same time, tawnyrose finally set her sights on quillpaw, who straightened upon her approach. tawnyrose was aware of stagpaw, dewpaw, and seedpaw's eyes on her, though only quillpaw mattered to her in that moment. quillpaw, who had always been a friend to lightkit. quillpaw, who had promised to never leave her side. quillpaw, who had always held true to his word to protect the future queen of highgarden. "can we talk for a moment?" tawnyrose asked, and she could see that quillpaw knew what she was asking. she saw the fear in his eyes, but the strength as he nodded and followed the queen out of earshot. before tawnyrose had the chance to question him, however, quillpaw bowed his head.
indent"i don't know where she is, i've been looking everywhere for her," he said. "we were all playing during the trip, and she was with me. and then while we were hiding by yewbloom, we heard spencer mention something about checking for flooding. lightkit wanted to ask spence about going to look for it, too, but i told her it was too dangerous. i thought she was beside me, but the next time i turned around, she was gone, and i can't find her anywhere." it all came from quillpaw in a rush, as it finally burst from his mouth. tawnyrose closed her eyes tightly, breathing in through her nose and out through her mouth before she looked at quillpaw again.
indent"quillpaw, it's alright. we're going to find her," she told him. "but right now, i need you to tell me about where we were when you last saw lightkit, alright, and anything else that was happening around you, okay?"
indentby the time tawnyrose and softglow came back together, the moon was high in the sky. there was still no sign of bluetcrest, sagecloud, or lightkit, and tawnyrose felt a tightness take hold of her chest. "merlinsong said they were the only three missing. everyone else is in camp," softglow said, and tawnyrose gazed at him for a long moment. there was no emotion in her expression. not the distant aloofness that softglow was used to; it was like she had been washed clean, a blank, empty slate.
indent"softglow, please, take out a patrol. don't tell them it's a search party. say you're going to check on the flooding. i... i have a bad feeling about this," tawnyrose said, and softglow swallowed down the lump in his throat. he wished he could say that he didn't feel the same, but he felt increasingly hollow.
indent"do you think they might have gotten caught in a flood?" he asked. tawnyrose tipped her head up towards the sky, where the bright moon washed out the stars.
indent"i don't know," the queen answered honestly.

indentthe patrol wasn't particularly large as they traveled back the way they had come. the closer they got to the spot where tawnyrose directed them, however, the quieter they grew, as they all held their breath in anticipation. for softglow, it was for the hope that there wasn't any flooding. he hoped that they would find the ground dry and lightkit lost and tired, but safe. for hurricanejaw, privetears, iguanaspots, riverfoam, hornetshade, and otterfur, it was a hope that there hadn't been too much damage or anything concerning so they could all return back to camp soon to get some sleep. it was late, and by the time softglow slowed their pace, the moon had already begun to inch down from its precipice. for much of the patrol, softglow stuck to his place at the front as he led with a sense of quiet determination. otterfur and hornetshade talked among themselves, though iguanaspots didn't hesitate to bounce back and forth between them and the coversation between privetears and riverfoam, injecting wherever she so pleased. it was only after a long time of walking that softglow realized that hurricanejaw was padding at his side, and the king shot the knight a sideways glance.
indent"you're not usually so quiet," hurricanejaw commented. behind them, privetears leaned against riverfoam as they walked, and iguanaspots laughed loudly when hornetshade nearly tripped over a loose stone. "i know it's late and we're all tired but i thought you'd be in good spirits, softglow," hurricanejaw said.
indent"i just want to see what's there for us to find," softglow said. at that, hurricanejaw's ears twitched.
indent"you think we'll find something?" he asked.
indent"if there's something to be found," softglow answered curtly. "then i think we'll be the ones to find it." he could feel hurricanejaw's gaze boring into the side of his head, and softglow finally glanced in his direction. "i'm sorry, that was unkind. i just... i'll be happier when we're on our way back, i'm sure," softglow said, and hurricanejaw hummed.
indent"you know, you're starting to sound like merlinsong, talking like that. all riddles and all," the knight said, letting out a kind chuckle. and softglow wanted nothing more than to laugh with him, but there was no shaking the weight on his shoulders and the ice that remained lodged in his throat. and, sure enough, it was only a matter of time until privetears stiffened from where she had gone ahead to scout.
indent"is that... blood?" she asked, and the word sent a shockwave through softglow. he felt himself sway on his paws. as soon as it had been said, it seemed as though the scent surrounded the patrol. otterfur and hornetshade stood together, bristling, and iguanaspots' eyes flashed dangerously. hurricanejaw and riverfoam joined softglow as he met privetears, who pointed further into the treeline, closer to the groveclan border. "smell's like it's coming from that direction. a lot of it, too."
indentsilently, the patrol pressed on, but they didn't have to search or travel much further until they saw the scene before them. the found bluetcrest first, where he was sprawled on his side. dried blood coated into his chest fur. nearby, sagecloud was slumped, and her face was bloodied. deep gashes marred the entire left side of her face, and softglow felt his stomach churn. it was hurricanejaw who padded forward, first to bluetcrest, then to sagecloud. "they're both alive," he announced, and softglow immediately sent a blessing to the gods. "they're still hanging on, barely but... we need to get them back to camp."
indentwithout pausing, softglow looked to iguanaspots. "go," he told her. "tell tawnyrose and bluetcrest to be ready. otterfur, i need you, hornetshade, privetears, and riverfoam to get them back to camp. hurricanejaw, you're with me. i want to see if we can figure out what did this." immediately, the cats sprung into action without any further hesitation. as they set themselves to work, softglow pressed on, positive that he would not like what he found. he was only aware of hurricanejaw's breathing, of the weight of his steps, but there was no more conversation.
indentthere, directly on the groveclan border, softglow found who he had been looking for. with bluetcrest and sagecloud being carried back to highgarden, softglow stood over the body of his daughter who was also not his daughter. "hurricanejaw," softglow finally managed to choke out. "how is it possible that this has happened? could this actually be real?" lightkit's flank didn't rise with breath; she didn't twitch. softglow heard hurricanejaw shift at his side, though he couldn't look away from the fallen heir to highgarden. "how could someone do this?" because there was no mistaking the pattern of claw markings in her pelt, the killing blows that ended her short life. there was no missing the thick scent of groveclan, that clung to his daughter's fur, mingling with bluetcrest and sagecloud's blood and the scent of their fear. he knew what it meant, what would happen as a result, and he knew that hurricanejaw did too. as soon as highgarden saw their heir's body, it would mark the beginning of the end.
indentthough the moon was lowering in the sky, lightkit would never see the sunrise as sunlight broke over the treetops. and it was that thought that made softglow finally break. he wept for all of the sunrises that she should have seen and shared. he wept for the days she would never know, for all of the days that he wouldn't be able to share with her. he wept and wept and wept for the queen who should have been.

indentwhen tawnyrose considered what day had been the worst of her life, she always thought of the day of the flood. it had gone by so quickly, even in hindsight, as the clan woke before dawn to water rushing through their dens. it swept away the mossy bedding and the cries of their loved ones. by the time tawnyrose realized what had been happening, she too had been carried away. it all moved too quickly for her to comprehend, not until after, when she stood over the bodies of her mother and sister and realized that she was entirely alone. for a long time, that was what tawnyrose thought tragedy looked like always. it was always the feeling of being washed out of her nest and whisked out of her home as her clanmates struggles to stay afloat; tragedy was the feeling of being knocked against a rock at the bottom of the riverbed, tossed and whipped by the rapids and wild currents. she thought that it always moved quickly, until it washed over her that tragedies sometimes had the chance to creep up behind her. instead of the rush of water, it could also be the feeling of floating suspended underwater, when time seemed to slow to a stop. it pervaded every nook and cranny in her mind, filling in her ears and nose, pouring into her mouth until all she could taste, all she could hear, all should could know was that she had failed. she had been too late.
indentshe felt numb in the feeling of free-falling, as if she was waiting for the impact to come. and when it did, it left her hunched over, unable to even make a noise as merlinsong hurried from his den and the other roses and knights began to emerge from the commotion. even in the worst-case scenario, tawnyrose had never considered the sight of bluetcrest's lying prone in merlinsong's den as the herbalist tried to stem the bleeding from long, deep gashes across his chest, nor could she have anticipated merlinsong's warning that sagecloud would likely never be able to see out of her left eye again. above it all, she never could have imagined, even her worst nightmares, the sight of her clan sitting a vigil for her only daughter. it was enough to make tawnyrose retch as she saw the way pythoneyes sat by bluetcrest's side the entire night, helping merlinsong and spencer in any way he could. even with adenium and smokemane's help, it took all night until merlinsong finally sat back on his haunches and announced that their fate rested with the gods. in the moment, tawnyrose wanted to beg and plead - please, isn't there anything else you could do? - but she felt torn. her best friend toed the line between the ground and the gods, her daughter was dead in the middle of the clearing, and she heard the whispers echo through the highgarden camp with the single question of: who could have done this?
indentindeed, all of highgarden had been quick to wake up, as if drawn to the scent of blood. there was a crackle of anger that struck like lightning, energy coming up from the ground and into tawnyrose's very paws. it hugged her grief, mingling into emotion that she found herself unable to properly articulate. the night breeze was warm against her cheek, as if a gentle caress, but it offered no comfort. she felt as though she was wound tight, like bunching her muscles before pouncing on a mouse. she felt full with grief, full with anger, and the distinct wish to reverse time, to hold her daughter even closer and tell her how much she loved her and how she would never let her go. then reality intruded again as tawnyrose watched eyes flash from the shadows as highgarden sat vigil and grieved, and she wanted to sob. she wanted to lean against bluetcrest and wail for lightkit. she wanted nothing more than to scream to the sky and ask the gods how they let it happen again, to ask them why they were always so willing and able to rip her happiness away from her. she wanted to scream, and she wanted revenge on whoever thought they could take her daughter's life away from her.
indentyewbloom and softglow stayed close to the heir's side. yewbloom's cries quieted closer to dawn, as wolverinesnap whispered gentle words of comfort into the prince's ear, and softglow stared off into the distance. according to hurricanejaw, softglow had fallen silent after they found lightkit and hadn't said a word since then, not even when merlinsong tried to prompt him. thankfully, flickersky, ayalla, and ferretwhisker kept the kits and younger thorns in the nursery, and tawnyrose felt the distinct dread of when she would have to explain what had happened to bramblekit and hawthornkit. she thought it might be easier to explain it to them if she knew what happened. but, it seemed that the clan had also concluded that as well, tawnyrose realized when birchflame finally appeared from the shadows.
indent"the patrol said there was groveclan scent all over the scene," birchflame said without any need for pretense. his voice was terse, pulled taunt and ready to snap at any moment. with his shoulders drawn and squared, his pelt bristling, he looked as angry as tawnyrose felt. there was a hurt in his eyes as well, like a wound left to fester, and tawnyrose knew that he was grieving just as much as she was. lightkit was the daughter he had never been able to claim and love as a father, and she was sure that he felt that he had let their kit down. "hurricanejaw himself said that groveclan scent was everywhere. what are we going to do about this?"
indentit was the very question tawnyrose had been asking herself as well. tawnyrose had never been deaf to the way whispers traveled around the clan, how her cats spoke over the clan they shared a border with. ever since juniperstorm came to the heart of highgarden, it was clear that her cats were disgruntled by the nerve of the groveclan warrior. in truth, the rational part of tawnyrose had to question if badgerstar and groveclan really were capable of killing lightkit in such a heartless manner, though the stronger part of her, in that moment, decided that it made sense. lightkit's death was a message from groveclan that they knew about highgarden harboring erasmus, and they had decided to take their revenge. a leader's kit for a leader's kit. as she looked around the clearing, to where yewbloom leaned against wolverinesnap's shoulder, to where softglow stared at the first light of dawn peeking above the treetops, from sandstrike and privetears watching the camp's entrance as if expecting a groveclan patrol at any moment, to the way hornetshade paced the length of the grass on the far side of the clearing, it was clear that highgarden was unwell. her clan had already decided that groveclan was to blame, and tawnyrose inhaled deeply. in her gut, she felt her anger simmer and boil with the knowledge of all that had been taken from her. when she lost her parents and siblings, tawnyrose couldn't fight the flood waters. however, she thought of lightkit, bluetcrest, and sagecloud, and found that she was presented with a new enemy who she could fight. when she met birchflame's eyes, she saw when he noticed the anger that came to rise. it was a hot, burning rage, and he flicked his tail expectantly.
indent"she was our heir. we all loved her," he said, raising his voice. tawnyrose felt eyes turn as birchflame's voice caught their attention. "let us fight for our heir. we can't let them get away with this."
indentthrough it all, tawnyrose wished that bluetcrest was at her side. instead, she found softglow's blue eyes from where he sat to watch over lightkit on her travel to join the gods. "whoever did this needs to pay the price," the king said, his tone hollow with grief. before tawnyrose had the chance to respond, a dark shadow slipped into the pale light of dawn and erasmus stood tall over his clanmates.
indent"is it true that groveclan scent was found? then we know who did this," he said. tawnyrose looked back to softglow, but the king had dropped his head, and she realized that she stood alone in that moment. merlinsong and bluetcrest weren't able to help her, and softglow couldn't. only she held the power to send her clan to war, and it was clear that they were happy to rally around erasmus, clinging to the thought of an outside enemy just on the other side of the border.
indent"it's true," iguanaspots chimed in, and the young rose lashed her tail.
indent"if they attacked once, they'll attack again," tulipstream mused, and maplelily nodded along with her friend's words. "they attacked a kit and two cats so viciously. they have no honor, and there's no telling what they could do next." it was clear that she thought of her own kits, as stagpaw raised his chin deliberately.
indent"we can't give them the chance to attack again. they can't think that they can take from highgarden and not have to face the consequences," arcticblink said, looking directly to tawnyrose, who nodded at the knight. the lithe tom's tail fluffed out. "highgarden is not to blame for their past crimes. and now they've made it personal. they think they're entitled to us, but they're not."
indent"let us fight for you, our queen," birchflame said, turning to tawnyrose. the energy crackled in the air above them, and tawnyrose gazed out among her knights and roses, who looked back in turn with her anger reflecting back at her. it was clear that they had all loved lightkit, even if not as her mother. whoever killed lightkit had taken their hope for a bright future. the light had been extinguished from highgarden as they were attacked on their own territory, and they wanted to take it back. tawnyrose looked from softglow, to erasmus, to birchflame, and finally to yewbloom, who looked up to his sister with hardened determination in his gaze.
indent"highgarden," tawnyrose began, stepping away from birchflame and into the middle of the clearing. "they have taken a life from us today and tried to take more. i hear you, and i agree, they cannot get away with this. the dawn brings us the light we've been missing tonight. for lightkit, let's make sure that her life is not forgotten. they don't know the power of highgarden, so let's show them, now." the cheers that erupted from her clan were for lightkit, sent out to the sky, meant to rattle the trees and challenge the gods themselves. when tawnyrose looked to softglow again, the king merely tucked his chin on his paws and he stared at lightkit's body.
indentat the same time, hornetshade shot otterfur and warblercry a concerned look, which they returned. with a flick of otterfur's ear, the trio ducked behind the nearest den, out of sight when the rest of the clan converged to hear tawnyrose's plan. hornetshade trembled, and warblercry tucked herself against his side as if to steady him and grant him strength. "groveclan didn't do this," hornetshade whispered. "they're going to hurt them i need to go and warn them," hornetshade said, but otterfur shook his head quickly.
indent"you'll do nothing of the sort. you need to stay here and follow tawnyrose's orders," otterfur instructed them. "tawnyrose knows that you have friends in groveclan, and she'll notice if you've gone missing. she can't think you've chosen them over highgarden."
indent"but -"
indent"no," otterfur said sharply, and hornetshade finally clamped his mouth shut. he tucked his nose into warblercry's neck. "i'll go to groveclan. i'll slip away from the patrol, and one of you will cover for me. i'll move faster on my own and you know some of groveclan's territory, better than anyone else in highgarden," otterfur said, directing his attention to warblercry, who swallowed thickly.
indent"only once, and it wasn't much," she said, but otterfur shrugged.
indent"that's more than any other cat here. you get me there, and you leave me to talk to them." when the pair stared at him with wide eyes, otterfur blew out a sigh. "we don't have much time, okay? i've heard about badgerstar before. i think he'll listen. warblercry, tell me everything, quickly."

indentby the time the sun peeked over the treetops, two patrols had already gone out, and hornetshade caught otterfur's eye as the older tom padded after hurricanejaw. their orders were simple: find groveclan patrols and attack them. it was to bide time until tawnyrose led the biggest highgarden force directly to the heart of groveclan, to confront badgerstar about lightkit's murder and the attack on bluetcrest and sagecloud. from where mapleshadow paced in front of her own gathered patrol, hornetshade had eyes only on erasmus. when the patrols were divided up, hornetshade knew that erasmus hadn't volunteered to join the largest force. no, he was too big, too strong and skilled to be placed on the peripherals. with birchflame and erasmus, hornetshade knew that the attack on the groveclan camp was serious, and tawnyrose meant for more than a warning strike. this was a blow for a war, possibly one that would only end when she felt that she had taken out all of her revenge on the one who had murdered her daughter and tried to kill her best friend. and the truth felt like a stone in hornetshade's stomach, weighing him down. by dawn, he watched as warblercry walked with betonypetal and the rest of the patrol sent to the far northest, where the highgarden border intersected with groveclan and ridgeclan. when he watched the tip of her tail disappear from sight, he felt indescribably torn.
indentabove all else, hornetshade always wanted to be loyal to highgarden. he thought of tigergaze's laugh, the sparkle in warblercry's eyes when she was excited, the way iguanaspots had always been one of his best friends, right from the moment they met, and how dippernose had taught him everything he knew. he thought of the kits in the nursery, from the way tornadokit and tsunamikit, though they didn't yet come up to his shoulder, still had a way of making their presences known. he thought of the older knights and roses, and his friends that he had trained with and come to know as his own family. and, indeed, he hated to think that the ranks could have been broken, that one of their own could have killed lightkit. but he also thought of the groveclan cats he knew. he thought of pinefeather, of juniperstorm, and the way they spoke of badgerstar. he thought of warblercry, the way she came back from visiting groveclan with a hollow look, as if she had been scooped empty from the knowledge she was granted and the stories she was told. he thought of her now, being forced to fight for a cause she knew was wrong, against experienced groveclan warriors who would be so surprised, so scared, so determined to protect their own loved ones and home. hornetshade felt nauseous at the very thought that warblercry might be hurt.
indentbut, above all else, he thought of midnightstream. even after so many moons, even after hornetshade told himself again, and again, and again that he meant nothing to midnightstream, it all always came back to him. he thought of the gentle tones in his voice, the way his fur ruffled with the gentle breeze, and how much hornetshade missed those days. he missed the carefree feeling with midnightstream, when he felt like he was floating instead of drowning. the tides of the present buffeted at hornetshade, pulling him in different directions, and he could only pray to whatever god might listen to him that midnightstream would be safe. between his loyalty to his clan, his fondness for warblercry, his desire to be right, and his feelings for midnightstream, hornetshade felt spread impossibly thin. and he considered all of this as he followed privetears, maplelily, mapleshadow, iguanaspots, and wolverinesnap out of camp and towards rose lake and beyond.
indentonce, the sound of the waterfall that set the border between groveclan and highgarden had been familiar and comforting to hornetshade. he once had associated it with a feeling of home and belonging, like he was finally where he supposed to be. but that was before, before they grew apart, before they had grown up, before there was the careful whisper of quiet pawsteps and uneven breathing as the highgarden patrol pushed ahead, beyond the scent markings that divided their territories, right over into groveclan land. at hornetshade's side, iguanaspots lifted her nose to take in the scents, and mapleshadow glanced back from the front of the group.
indent"the scent's faded here," she noted, exchanging a glance with wolverinejaw as the lithe knight frowned in her direction.
indent"that could mean a patrol is due to come this way," maplelily pointed out when she rounded to meet them. "we could walk along the border and stay hidden. we're downwind now, so we might have a good chance of finding a patrol." she looked first to mapleshadow for her opinion, but the sleek tortoiseshell shrugged her shoulders. by the time she looked back to wolverinesnap, the knight was staring off into the trees, but he flicked his tail and swiveled his ears.
indent"if we go closer to the waterfall, we'll have a bit more cover, and the sound could block us out. they won't hear us coming." with that, it was decided. hornetshade couched beside iguanaspots and mapleshadow while maplelily, privetears, and wolverinesnap crouched among the bushes opposite them. the spray from the waterfall began to soak hornetshade's pelt by the time voices began to carry on the wind, easy and carefree. sure enough, there was no mistaking groveclan scent approaching, thickening the air by the moment, but there was one scent in particular that caught hornetshade's attention and gave him the immediate desire to run, to flee, to scream a warning to tell the patrol that they weren't safe. but hornetshade felt frozen in place as the realization struck him with exactly what he needed to do. he felt iguanaspots as she shifted, bunching her muscles, and hornetshade could make out the slightest rustle in the bushes where the others were hiding. he heard one of the groveclan cats comment that perhaps it was prey in the bush, but they didn't have a chance to get any closer. just as the first groveclan cat came into view, mapleshadow lifted her tail and dug her claws into the dirt.
indent"highgarden! attack!" mapleshadow's voice lifted to the air, and hornetshade moved only by instinct. iguanaspots had always been faster to find her paws, and she launched out of hiding not a heartbeat after mapleshadow. by the time hornetshade emerged, it was to the sight of his clans attacking the groveclan patrol.
indentmapleshadow wrestled with the patrol's leader, a black and white molly who yowled loudly as they exchanged blows. wolverinesnap let out a vicious snarl when a ruddy tom scratched down his side, but wolverinesnap twisted away before pouncing, bowling the other tom over into the dirt, just in time for iguanaspots to race past him to collide with a laperm molly who tried to pull wolverinesnap off of her clanmate. for a long moment, it was all hornetshade could do to stare at the knot of fighting cats. maplelily hefted a paw at tabby molly, and wolverinesnap's pelt already showed crimson where he had been hurt. though they had been taken entirely unawares, even though hornetshade could smell their shock and fear and hear a shouted question from one of the groveclan cats, asking what are you doing? why are you attacking us?, he knew that they were prepared to fight for their lives. and, through it all, privetears' shout caught hornetshade's attention as she ducked a blow from another groveclan warrior, wrenching free with a pointed hiss.
indent"what are you doing, hornetshade?" privetears called to him. "attack!" but his legs felt like stone, weighing him down to the ground, entirely unmovable. more shouts followed, as the two patrols shouted among themselves, seeking to be heard. they swung claws and snapped sharp teeth, but hornetshade felt a chill run down his spine at the sensation of eyes boring into his pelt, and he looked up to see the familiar pair of eyes staring at him.
indentit had been seasons since they had been close enough to touch, let alone had spoken. moons earlier, hornetshade wanted nothing more than to bury his nose in midnightstream's shoulder and forget the world. now, it felt as though his blood had turned to ice. all of their afternoons chattering, and their time as best friends felt so long ago, as if it was a different lifetime. hornetshade supposed that it was, after all. it was only when there was a flash of fur in the corner of his eye, headed for midnightstream, that hornetshade acted. time ran in slow motion, more than enough time for hornetshade to consider what was happening. he would have known iguanaspots' pelt anywhere, he knew her movements nearly as well as his own. they had been friends since their arrival in highgarden, she had always been there for him. she knew him better than tigergaze, had always been more in-tune with his emotions than warblercry. iguanaspots was his best friend, but as soon as he heard her shout for him to move, to attack, he knew what had to be done.
indentin one deft, fluid, motion, hornetshade spun, dropping his shoulder. just as iguanaspots moved to brush past him on her path to midnightstream, hornetshade rammed into her sideways, carried by the momentum of his own movement. he knew, immediately, that he hit her hard, and it sent iguanaspots off of her paws. she let out a surprised cry, but hornetshade swallowed thickly and looked to midnightstream, finally finding his words. "i'm sorry," he said softly, padding closer towards his oldest friend. he saw iguanaspots find her paws out of the corner of his eye, and sent a momentary prayer to the gods that she hadn't been seriously hurt. "you need to get back to your camp. erasmus is here," he said. he saw the moment it all registered in midnightstream's eyes. he saw the flash of pain, the hurt that cut deeper than any claws could pierce. "tawnyrose thinks groveclan murdered a kit. she's going to attack the camp, you need to go."
indent"juniperstorm," midnightstream whispered. "strongshine." his voice was raw with pain.
indent"you need to go to them," hornetshade said, aware of the fighting nearby. the cats continued to shout and snarl, to fight for their lives and the life they thought had been taken. but midnightstream shook his head viciously.
indent"no!" midnightstream screamed, loud enough for the trees to tremble from the force of his pain. "not again!"
indenthornetshade dared to take a step closer. "please," he begged. "my clan doesn't know about him. you need to warn them before tawnyrose gets there. you'll have a head start. please, go." sure enough, it was relief that coursed though hornetshade when midnightstream finally turned and raced into the trees, and hornetshade gave chase. or, rather, raced after him.
indent"don't get in the way, hornetshade," midnightstream called over his shoulder. "i'm not losing anyone else." already, the sounds of battle were fading, and hornetshade knew that he couldn't go with midnightstream. as wrong as it was, his clanmates depended on him, and he had made sure that midnightstream was out of immediate danger. hornetshade's paws began to slow.
indent"i know," hornetshade shouted after him. "i was going to tell you to be safe, midnightstream." he slowed to a stop and watched after his oldest friend as midnightstream weaved expertly through the dense forest. hornetshade hoped that he had been given enough of a headstart, and he watched until midnightstream disappeared from sight. he breathed in deeply through his nose, then he turned and headed back towards the fighting with a heavy heart.

[ consumption ] highgarden eats x5 squirrels and x1 vole
[ rank changes ] stagpaw and seedpaw hold off on receiving their full names until rabbitpaw has passed her assessment
rabbitpaw takes her final assessment. if she passes, they will be renamed stagscorch, seedspring, and rabbitrace
daisypaw takes her final assessment
adenium is old enough to become a thorn
erasmus is demoted to retire early as a wilted. he is no longer able to go on patrols
[ patrol 1 ] softglow, yewbloom, betonypetal, smallheart, iguanaspots, warblercry
[ hunt 1 ] birchflame, bassflow, leopardsun, otterfur, charredbreeze, hornetshade
[ hunt 2 ] swiftheart, tulipstream, foxspark, lyrewhistle, wolverinesnap, daystrike
↪ wolverinesnap has applicable powers
[ hunt 3 ] clovershine, obsidianwing, wolfhowl, direfang, sandstrike, ferretwhisker
[ hunt 4 ] mapleshadow, maplelily, newtmask, riverfoam, kitechaser, tanagercall
[ mates ] smallheart and swiftheart become mates and try for kits
betonypetal and clovershine become mates and try for kits
[ training ] briarpaw learns swimming
elkpaw, quillpaw, and dewpaw learn fighting
beechpaw and harrierpaw learn hunting
[ herbalists ] smokemane rests 3/3. bluetcrest rests 1/2. sagecloud rests in camp to avoid risk of making her injuries worse. merlinsong and spencer practice medicine
[ herb hunt ] merlinsong and spencer
[ notes to mod ] i ask that no one die on patrols though injuries are fine xo

    tawnyrose, 41m, ♀
    the wayward queen
    - mate: birchflame
    - kits: hawthornkit, bramblekit

    softglow, 43m, ♂
    the lost king

    name, age, gender

    bluetcrest, 45m, ♂
    the wayward's attendant

    merlinsong, 48m, ♂ - 5sp
    spencer, 43m, ♂ - 5sp

    roses & knights
    otterfur, 77m, ♂
    direfang, 73m, ♂
    charredbreeze, 65m, ♀
    sagecloud, 59m, ♀
    mapleshadow, 57m, ♀
    hurricanejaw, 53m, ♂
    maplelily, 51m, ♀
    bassflow, 51m, ♂
    newtmask, 50m, ♂
    dippernose, 50m, ♂
    arcticblink, 48m, ♂
    ferretwhisker, 46m, ♀
    pythoneyes, 46m, ♂
    tulipstream, 42m, ♀
    birchflame, 42m, ♂
    yewbloom, 41m, ♂
    betonypetal, 40m, ♀
    clovershine, 39m, ♂
    smallheart, 39m, ♂
    wolverinesnap, 38m, ♂
    riverfoam, 37m, ♀
    swiftheart, 35m, ♀
    kitechaser, 33m, ♀
    obsidianwing, 32m, ♂
    jaytalon, 30m, ♂
    smokemane, 29m, ♀
    sunglow, 29m, ♂
    tigergaze, 28m, ♂
    sandstrike, 26m, ♀
    hornetshade, 25m, ♂
    privetears, 24m, ♀
    tanagercall, 23m, ♀
    cougarstrike, 22m, ♂
    racoonslip, 22m, ♂
    foxspark, 22m, ♂
    wolfhowl, 22m, ♀
    iguanaspots, 22m, ♀
    warblercry, 22m, ♀
    lyrewhistle, 21m, ♀
    leopardsun, 21m, ♂
    daystrike, 19m, ♂
            stagpaw, 15m, ♂
            seedpaw, 15m, ♀
            rabbitpaw, 15m, ♀
            briarpaw, 13m, ♀
            daisypaw, 13m, ♀
            elkpaw, 9m, ♂
            beechpaw, 9m, ♀
            harrierpaw, 9m, ♀
            quillpaw, 9m, ♂
            dewpaw, 9m, ♀

            flickersky, 39m, ♀
            - mate: stormshroud, shadowed kingdom
            - kits: cirruskit, tsunamikit, tornadokit
            ayalla, 30m, ♀
            - surrogate: axel, crossroad demons
            - due: 2m

            adenium, 6m, ♀
            hawthornkit, 5m, ♂
            bramblekit, 5m, ♂
            snowykit, 5m, ♂
            cirruskit, 3m, ♂
            tsunamikit , 3m, ♀
            tornadokit, 3m, ♀

            erasmus, 55m, ♂

            allies & enemies & borders


            total x132
            mouse | x9 | 1 serving
            vole | x9 | 1 serving
            small fish | x9 | 2 servings
            squirrel | x10 | 2 servings
            rabbit | x11 | 2 servings
            big fish | x9 | 3 servings
            finch | x9 | 3 servings

            hurricanejaw, stagpaw, 4
            smallheart, seedpaw, 4
            birchflame, rabbitpaw, 4
            jaytalon, briarpaw, 3
            sunglow, daisypaw, 4
            pythoneyes, elkpaw, 2
            obsidianwing, beechpaw, 1
            dippernose, harrierpaw, 1
            tigergaze, quillpaw, 2
            arcticblink, dewpaw, 2


            family trees
credit goes to the cac staff & artists for all color-ins and lineart xoxo
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highgarden ♕ 23.5

Postby eagle, » Sat Jun 06, 2020 5:52 pm

indentin all of his moons, otterfur couldn't remember a time when he ran faster. he could have sworn that he flying, if not for the way his paws felt rubbed raw, if not for the strain as his muscles screamed for him to stop. but otterfu didn't have a choice. otterfu saw the way rage glistened in their eyes, he saw the way they bristled, and he saw his past playing out before his eyes yet again. he had seen too many cats fall prey to their emotions in the past, and he knew what it did to them. when he had been chased out of bearclan, otterfur told himself over and over again that it was over. that he would never join another clan, because he saw what living in a group could do when one cat became irrational and lost control. but then merlinsong saved him from walking out onto the frozen lake. he made friends, as hurricanejaw and sagecloud accepted him seamlessly as one of their own. he became used to the feeling of security, and he wasn't ready to see highgarden crumble.
indentnot now, otterfur thought to himself. not like this. he stumbled, just once, over a twist of gnarled tree roots, but he didn't fall. he maintained his balance and pushed on. in several areas, low-hanging tree branches whipped at him, and thorns snagged at his pelt, but the pain meant nothing to otterfur. in the moment, he had a mission. the sight of lightkit's body in the middle of the highgarden camp made his heart clench. she could have been the daughter of any cat. she could have been any kit out of so many who lived in a clan. she could have been his own sons, she could have been one of badgerstar's kits. she could have been hornetshade, warblercry, tanagercall, juniperstorm, or any of the young cats that otterfur felt an affinity toward over the past several moons. and yet she was none of them. and yet she was all of them at the same time. no more, he thought to himself this needs to end. and if he was the only cat able to try to put a stop to the bloodshed before it started, then so be it.
indenthis breath came in short, ragged gasps as each step bought him deeper into groveclan territory. it hadn't been easy to get away from his patrol, and he knew that he would be missed by hurricanejaw at the very least. he also knew that this went against all that he had been working so hard to maintain: his loyalty to highgarden. all he wanted was to prove that he had changed, that he was loyal to his clan above all else, to prove to direfang and to himself that he wasn't the same cat he was then. he was going behind tawnyrose's back, and he had the full intention to tell badgerstar everything he knew. that highgarden was harboring his daughter's killer, that a patrol was on the way to launch a full-scale attack in revenge for a murder that they thought groveclan had committed. it went against his promised loyalty to highgarden.
indentback then, he had turned against bearclan by choosing to follow and support viperstar. in choosing the side of a killer, he lost his family, his sense of belonging. again, he was betraying his clan, but it was different. it had to be different. he was, one again, risking his new sense of family in his new friends, but by going against a murderer. he so sorely hoped that his heart was right, that he had chosen the right path by ducking away from the patrol with only a searching glance to hurricanejaw. he had seen his friend's own flash of reluctance, and then otterfur had gone.
indenthe noticed that the ground under his paws was packed down more thoroughly, as if tread more often, and he slowed his pace. the scent of groveclan was thicker than in other areas, more powerful, and, at last, otterfur spotted the form of a cat pacing around the perimeter, easily recognizable as a guard in charge of the camp. though his breath still came in ragged, shallow gasps from his long race through groveclan territory, to try and reach badgerstar and his warriors before the highgaden patrols had attacked the unsuspecting groveclan cats and before tawnyrose was able to march her battle patrol into their camp, otterfur called out a sound of warning, announcing his arrival.
indentunsurprisingly, it was not a cat that otterfur recognize, though they didn't appear hostile when they met otterfur. instead, they appeared opening curious and concerned. "hello, are you okay?" the cat asked. "i recognize your scent. highgarden, right? is everything okay over there?"
indentotterfur didn't realize that he was shaking his head at first, but it was all he could managed to straighten up. "i urgently need to speak to badgerstar, please," he said, finally mustering a leveled breath. "i have very important news that he needs to know. it concerns the well-being of our clans."

indentit was the rage that consumed tawnyrose, from her toes to her whiskers and the tips of her ears. as the day wore on, as the realization settled in, burrowing deep in her bones and leeching the warmth from her fur, she felt the anger grow and boil until it finally reached a fever pitch and she knew what had to be done. she tried to talk to softglow, but merlinsong had given him poppy seeds to soothe his apparent shock, and tawnyrose knew that merlinsong was too busy, too unaware of the political mind the discuss the matters of utmost importance. birchflame had asked what she was going to do, and tawnyrose meant it when she said that she - that they, all of them - would get revenge. it was easy to point across the border and say that groveclan had done this to them. it was easy to say that groveclan thought there were entitled enough, that they felt so self-righteous, that they believed themselves so powerful to stand above highgarden and call themselves better. and tawnyrose knew that it was easy for her clan to become enraged with so much going on. they were tired, they were still hungry and itching for action after a hard winter. had he been able, softglow might have warned tawnyrose that there was too much energy contained, he would have said that none of them were thinking rationally, and that it was important to actually consider the different ventures, to see the big picture and to assess it from all sides. she supposed that bluetcrest might have agreed with softglow, depending on the mood he was in. but softglow was in too much shock after carrying lightkit's body home, and bluetcrest hadn't woken up yet. tawnyrose saw the way birchflame paced the length of the camp and the way yewbloom sobbed into wolverinesnap's shoulder, and she had made her choice. she was alone in choosing, and it rested entirely on her shoulders. it was too late to turn back by the time her battle patrol reached the groveclan border.
indentthoughout highgarden's time as allies with groveclan, the border had been quiet without any fighting or anything of importance to note. tawnyrose's own interactions were groveclan were minimal, just enough to establish a sense of exactly who she lived beside, just enough for them to know who she was. back then, hornetshade came into camp with wide eyes and words of how his new best friend was from groveclan. it made sense, then, that they become allies. over the seasons, tawnyrose never thought that they were cats with a mind for violence. if anything, she always thought of badgerstar and his warriors as especially peaceful. but, as tawnyrose paused at the precipice, right where their territories met, it was suddenly easy to imagine warriors melting from the shadows with glinting teeth and sharp eyes. she wondered what lightkit had thought as she died, whether it had been painful. had she understood what was happening, or had it been too late? had she tried to flee? had she screamed for her mother, who thought that she was safe and sound? tawnyrose squeezed her eyes shut and drew in a deep breath before she was able to turn to face her cats.
indentin truth, tawnyrose knew that her clan was loyal and that they would fight with her to the end if they asked it of her. she knew that they were good cats and that she had earned their respect over the moons. they were skilled, they trained one another, ate with one another, and now they would fight one another, all on her word. no matter where they came from or what they had done in the past, they stood as a unified front, all loyal to her, and tawnyrose swallowed thickly around the lump in her throat. "highgarden, i am not sure what we will find across this border. it is likely that groveclan will be waiting for us, expecting us to strike a blow against them. we don't know exactly what their camp might look like, or how many of their cats are battle-ready. we don't know what badgerstar planned in store when his cats killed lightkit and tried to killed bluetcrest and sagecloud, and there's no telling what to expect next." as she spoke, tawnyrose allowed her gaze to travel across the group. she looked from spencer, who she had asked to come as a an acting herbalist in the middle of combat while merlinsong was busy treating bluetcrest and sagecloud, and he stood beside erasmus, who towered over the cats around him. she looked to birchflame, who didn't meet her eyes, but lashed his tail and curled his lip. she looked to direfang and riverfoam, from smallheart and swiftheart to kitechaser and charredbreeze, and on and on with names and faces around the rest of the patrol. only a few of the knights and roses had asked to remain in camp, to act as guards for the wounded and kits with the thorns. stagpaw himself promised that he wouldn't let anyone into the camp, and tawnyrose believed him. her thoughts went to bramblekit and hawthornkit, and she knew that they would be safe.
indentthe rest of her cats who weren't with her had been sent into separate patrols to intercept, attack, and hold off any groveclan patrols sent out from camp. it would limit the number of warriors in the groveclan camp and make sure that the battle patrol wasn't spotted. the side patrols gave tawnyrose the chance to gather most of her best fighters, those who she believed would make groveclan pay for their wrongs. after this, she decided, groveclan would know better than to cross highgarden again.
indent"what i do know is that you are the strongest cats in all of the clans," tawnyrose continued. she looked to tigergaze and sunglow, from betonypetal and clovershine to foxspark and wolfhowl. "what i do know is that any cat who tries to hurt any of our clan will feel the wrath of highgarden. because we are stronger than they know, than they could ever believe. they don't know what we are capable of. but i do know that they will. i do know that we have been underestimated for far too long, and i know that it is time for all of the clans to know that highgarden is not so easily snuffed out. my daughter, your hei deserved a long life, in which she could have had the chance to rule better than i, better than any of my predecessors. but that chance was stolen from her." tawnyrose paced the length of the border. her agitation, her rage, continued to bubble, reaching a new height. "we cannot let her life be in vain. stand with me now, and let's show the world that highgarden is strong, and always growing stronger." shouts rose from the patrol, and tawnyrose dipped her head to her cats. "follow me." and with that, together, she led her patrol over the border, directly into groveclan territory. and there was no turning back.
indentit seemed that the tangential patrols that tawnyrose sent out in the wake of her main battle patrol had managed to serve their purpose. as the group continued to push their way into unfamiliar territory, they weren't greeted by any groveclan patrol. in fact, the scent markings were weak, as if there hadn't been any groveclan cats in that direction. on more than one occasion, she thought she might have heard the distant battle cry rise through the air, though tawnyrose couldn't be entirely certain if it was real, her imagination, or her projection of what it must have sounded like when lightkit, bluetcrest, and sagecloud were attacked. she wondered if they had been given any warning at all. more than once, she hesitated and glanced back towards her own cats, to where erasmus padded alongside spencer, right with the rest. she thought of the darkness in his laugh and the haughty rise of his chin, but she told herself that this made the most sense. this made sense, and this was what had to be done. she told herself that there was no other way, and there was certainly no way that she could face her clan with hesitation. they wouldn't accept it. she was queen, she had to stick by her own words and maintain her stance. she wished that she wasn't alone at the head of the patrol, she so dearly wished for softglow's gentle caution and bluetcrest's spirited rationale. in the moment, either side would have served better than the fire lit within her, the same fire that held her paws steadfast and wafted smoke over her eyes. tawnyrose knew that she was blinded, and there was nothing to be done with it but press on until, at last, the shape of camp ways formed before her gaze. she paused and waved her tail in a signal.
indentthere was the soft whisper of paws in the grass as the patrol came to a halt. at tawnyrose's signal, foxspark slipped from one flank, and betonypetal from the other. the two split off in opposite directions, scouting in either direction. a gentle breeze stirred tawnyrose's fur and rustled the tree branches, but it was too quiet. when foxspark and betonypetal returned, each offering a shake of their head, tawnyrose looked back towards the groveclan camp. indeed, it was too quiet.
indent"what are you waiting for?" birchflame whispered when he came up to tawnyrose's shoulder. the queen cut a glance in his direction.
indent"it's quiet," she murmured, and birchflame sniffed thoughtfully.
indent"that's good, isn't it?" he asked. "their patrols haven't come back yet. less warriors here."
indentbut tawnyrose could only stare at the camp walls. "perhaps." she shifted her paws again. "or it means they knew we were coming and they're waiting for us. an ambush for our ambush."
indentbirchflame's eyes flashed a vibrant green, but he kept his gaze trained on tawnyrose. "we can't turn back. and if they're waiting for us, that proves what they did. how else could they know?"
indent"i'm not sure what troubles me more. that we could have been right, or that we were so blind to begin with." tawnyrose sighed finally and bobbed her tail in another signal. "keep the line tight, there's no telling what's on the other side."
indent"i won't let them touch you," birchflame promised, and tawnyrose wrinkled her nose.
indent"big words." at last, she made the first step forward, then another, and another. her clan was behind her, birchflame stuck close to her shoulder, and tawnyrose, for the first time, felt the rush of fear, of adrenaline, as the groveclan entrance rose before her eyes. just as the shadow rose over the patrol, tawnyrose lifted her chin and shout, loud enough for all to hear: "highgarden, attack!" and then the patrol broke through the entrance of groveclan's camp.
indenttawnyrose had never been in a war before. as far back as her memory stretched, highgarden had always been very isolated, staying away from other clans. any passing rogue groups had been dealt with swiftly and without any mercy. tawnyrose had never been in a real fight before with other cats, who were capable of organizing themselves. any training had been exactly that - training. and it was training for a war she never could have imagined would come to fruition. she imagined cats crashing into each other, teeth snapping and claws glinting in the light. she imagined the shouts of her own cats as they fell into formation, fighting viciously to settle the score. she imagined the blur of pelts, the stains of blood soaking into the ground, the thud as bodies slammed together as they battled for victory, in which only one group would be able to stand tall and return to their families with the good news of everything that happened. there would be tales on both sides to tell how the day went, which kits would turn into play, fighting for the roles of the great cats who battered their enemies until they followed gave them the chance to escape and flee into the shadows to cower and lick their wounds. scars would be compared, the ties of alliance would fail, but it would all have been worth it in the end if it meant that lightkit hadn't died for nothing, that tawnyrose hadn't lost her own daughter by means of senseless violence.
indentinstead, tawnyrose found herself dumbfounded when the highgarden patrol entered the clearing, and it suddenly made sense why it had been so quiet. it appeared that the clearing had been emptied, save for a single line of cats who were waiting for the highgarden party. however, instead of having their claws unsheathed, backs arched and ready for battle, the groveclan cats merely stared as the highgarden cats filled the area in front of the entrance, their own gazes lit with confusion. tawnyrose was unfamiliar with majority of the groveclan cats, beyond the slight flashes of fur during patrols and a few brief conversations over the seasons. but there was no missing the legendary groveclan leader and deputy as tawnyrose locked eyes with them.
indent"badgerstar," tawnyrose said coolly. "it looks like you've been expecting us. but i'm not here for an explanation of why your clan attacked my best friend and one of my senior roses, or why your clan killed my daughter. it's too late for that."
indentbadgerstar tipped his head to one side, as if assessing, and tawnyrose sank he claws into the soft dirt. "tawnyrose," he said, and his tone was warm and soothing. strangely, tawnyrose thought that it sounded sincere and trustworthy. "we don't want to fight you or your clan. but we want you to know that you've been lied to and manipulated." tawnyrose's glance flicked to birchflame who, true to his word, hadn't left his queen's side. her gaze then traveled across the line of groveclan warriors. she recognized lionheart's regal posture and ginger fur, though the others were strangers to her. they all wore scars that marred their pelts, from the tabby who missed an eye, to a gray and white tom who bore his fair share of battle scars. each of their faces wore unmasked hostility and rage, though it took tawnyrose a long moment to realize that their anger was directed not at her, nor was it directed at her entire party. instead, tawnyrose had to glance back to where erasmus was standing, larger and broader than the rest of the patrol, for her to realize exactly who was the target, and she felt her fur begin to bristle.
indent"your warrior found out about him, and you took it as enough of a challenge to attack my clan when they were outnumbered and defenseless, is that it?" she accused, though she hardly had enough time to fed and feel her growing anger before badgerstar shook his head.
indent"i can assure you that groveclan did not hurt her," badgerstar said calmly. in all of the times that tawnyrose and badgerstar had crossed paths, she never once regarded the older tom as a solemn figure. usually, he was bright with laughter and energy, and his expression unnerved her. but erasmus' voice rose from the patrol behind her.
indent"i'm a loyal knight of highgarden," the dark tom bellowed, and tawnyrose's ears swiveled. she thought of the first time she met erasmus, how his eyes lit with cruelty as he spoke of killing a groveclan kit, and, finally, the fog began to clear in front of tawnyrose's eyes, though she could see that the rest of her clan remained unaware. "would you really believe them over me?" erasmus asked, and tawnyrose could see that it was not meant as an appeal to her, but to the highgarden cats. beside erasmus, spencer trembled. "would you really believe those kit-killers over me?"
indentbefore there was a chance to say anything, movement caught the corner of tawnyrose's eye as one of badgerstar's warriors stood from the line and took a step forward. at tawnyrose's side, birchflame let out a warning hiss, but the black and white tom didn't appear dissuaded when he looked over the highgarden party. "you're the kit-killer," the tom said, looking to tawnyrose when the queen caught his gaze. "i was a member of the kingdom as well. isn't that right, spencer?"
indentwhen eyes turned towards the skinny herbalist, a ripple of whispers broke through the ranks, and tawnyrose took her chance to raise her voice. "spencer, speak," she ordered, and there was a brief moment when spencer looked to erasmus, who opened his mouth. if tawnyrose fully trusted her judgement in the moment, she could have sworn that she saw a flash of fear in erasmus's eyes. but she didn't give the larger tom the chance to say anything to spencer. again, she had the sense of deja vu, reaching back to their first meeting in her den so many moons earlier. "i'm asking you to speak, spencer, not him." she needed to know, and spencer finally stepped forward. the highgarden cats parted the way for him.
indent"archie i... i didn't know you were still alive," spencer said. his whiskers twitched, and he made to look back at erasmus, but archie caught his attention again.
indent"tell them, spencer. tell them about the kingdom. tell them about the injuries you saw. tell them about everything erasmus said to you while i was injured and you were caring for me. i bet he made plans with you again, didn't he? he told you everything that he was going to do, didn't he?"
indent"h-he -" spencer started, but he stuttered, too busy looking from archie, to tawnyrose, to erasmus. he trembled worse than ever. from fear, tawnyrose thought, or he was overwhelmed. or perhaps he was overwhelmed by his fear. his eyes were round and he shook. "archie, i-"
indent"you left me to die," the tom said, but it wasn't an accusation. it rang true through the clearing, and tawnyrose heard another ripple of whispers pass though her cats. clovershine stepped between betonypetal and spencer, and tigergaze's ears were pinned to the back of his head, suddenly defensive. "tell them about how he forced you to leave, even though you wanted to stay to make sure that i would live, spencer." archie took another step forward, and this time birchflame didn't try to stop him. "i know you spencer, and i know how you love him. but i know that you know that this is wrong. tell them the truth." archie's one eye gleamed in the sunlight. "spencer, i know that you're good. but these are the wrong choices. you could make up for it now if you tell them the truth about everything." birchflame's fur was lying flat on his shoulders when he looked to archie, and tawnyrose blinked thoughtfully.
indentinstead, it was erasmus who spoke, hissing at archie. "he can't say that, because it didn't happen." erasmus' deep tones sounded strained, and he swung his head to look to spencer. "tell them," erasmus said.
indent"tell them the truth," archie said, and tawnyrose saw the cracks begin to form.
indent"tell them!"
indent"tell them -" and then he shattered.
indent"i can't!" spencer screamed. it was the loudest tawnyrose had ever heard his voice, and it was only when he broke. but it was clear that his words were directed towards his own mate, not archie, and tawnyrose narrowed her eyes. "i can't do that!" spencer screamed, and no one tried to stop him when he turned and ran directly out of the clearing, though tawnyrose acted by impulse alone.
indent"tigergaze, kitechaser, don't let him get far. we'll need him here," she said, and she thanked the gods that they didn't hesitate to follow her orders. she then looked to erasmus, who stared with wide-eyes after where spencer had fled, and tawnyrose sniffed before looking back to badgerstar, archie, and the other groveclan cats. "can you prove it?" she asked. "can you prove that he's a liar?"
indent"i found novella on our border with the kingdom," one of the other groveclan cats said. "erasmus drove her out of the kingdom and left her for dead." in turn, a black and white molly twisted, exposing a long scar along her flank, and tawnyrose heard one of her own cats gasp with surprise at the sight.
indent"he told everyone in the kingdom that she had been kidnapped by groveclan," archie said.
indent"and that was when the kingdom attacked groveclan in the middle of the night," the gray and white tom said.
indent"and they stole our kits as revenge. they thought we took novella, so they wanted to even the score." tawnyrose blinked at the raw pain in the pretty calico's voice when the groveclan queen looked to badgerstar, but it was the one-eyed tabby who spoke after.
indent"when we went to get them back, the kingdom gave their demands. but we rejected them," he said, and then all eyes turned to badgerstar when the leader shook his head, addressing tawnyrose directly.
indent"and dante killed twilightkit. i had a life taken from me, and the rest of my warriors were lucky to make it out alive. but it was all because of his lies and his manipulation, which hurt all of us. and now he's hurt you," badgerstar. tawnyrose blinked the sharp sting of tears from her eyes, and she twisted to look to at her own patrol. by that point, it was clear that opinions had shifted. direfang's lip curled and riverfoam hissed pointedly at erasmus.
indent"if you can say something to refute these claims, i suggest you do so now," tawnyrose said, but erasmus merely whirled on his heels, making a break in the same way that spencer had. however, he was not as lucky as spencer. charredbreeze stood firm in erasmus' path, and when he tried to swipe at her, to knock her aside, swiftheart and smallheart dropped to their friend's defense. they were no match for erasmus, but by the time that clovershine managed to bat at erasmus' muzzle, holding him back from escaping, there was a flash of red when birchflame knocked into erasmus sideways, knocking the massive tom off of his paws. they hit the ground with a thud and they rolled. for a moment, tawnyrose saw blood and fur, and she thought that she had lost another of her own, but birchflame wound up on top, pinning erasmus firmly into the dirt. clovershine following, helping birchflame pin erasmus' hind legs as the larger tom writhed, struggling to free himself, but it was no use.
indent"hold him," tawnyrose commanded, her voice firm and resolute. tawnyrose padded forward to where birchflame held erasmus down, and she regarded the dark tom with a cold glance, her expression wiped clean of emotion. there was a gash on his cheek from where birchflame struck him, and when erasmus struggled, birchflame's claws dug in deeper until erasmus hissed. "i, tawnyrose, queen of highgarden, declare that you are, from this moment forward, to be held and tried for the murder of lightkit, known as the heir of highgarden, the little queen, and the queen who should have been. you will be stripped of your rank and held in highgarden. you will be given a trial to determine your guilt, and you will have the chance to appeal to the clan to try and prove your innocence," tawnyrose said, sniffing delicately. "i suggest you prepare a good defense, erasmus." with that, tawnyrose turned to groveclan and the rest of her cats.
indent"i need volunteers to go and fetch the other patrols. tell them that our quarrel is not with groveclan, and it never has been," she said. then, at last, tawnyrose turned to badgerstar and dipped her head. "badgerstar, i offer my sincerest of apologies. after so many moons of our alliance, it was wrong for me to believe that you and your clan could have done this. i hope you can accept my apology." as she spoke, tawnyrose's vision fogged with tears. when the first splattered against the ground, it was as though the floods began, and tawnyrose found herself leaning against badgerstar's shoulder as the olde leader steered her off to the side and coaxed her.
indent"you're hurt, and you're hurting, tawnyrose," badgerstar murmured to her. "and that's okay, because i felt the hurt when i lost my daughter, too."
indenttawnyrose's shoulders shook when she sobbed openly for all that she had lost. "i miss her," tawnyrose sobbed. "she took a part of me, and he took everything from her. where can i possibly go from here?"
indent"you don't go anywhere," badgerstar murmured softly. "you carry on, and know that she's with you." tawnyrose broke, and it was badgerstar who allowed her to weep, who stayed when she needed someone. and, when it was over and tawnyrose returned to herself, the hollow feeling hadn't gone away, not at all, but she felt a little less broken.
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highgarden ♕ 24

Postby eagle, » Thu Jun 18, 2020 2:55 pm

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indent"why did you do it?"
indent"why do you keep coming here?"
indent"why did you kill her? why? she was just a kit, she -" there was a pause and a deep, shuddering inhale. "she was innocent."
indent"is anyone ever innocent, tawnyrose?" he asked her, and the queen refused to turn her head away from him. she couldn't let him have another victory over her. "the day we met, we measured each other. i think you underestimated me, even though i told you exactly what you needed to know. all of this could have been avoided." he swished his tail against the ground, and tawnyrose forced herself to bend. if she didn't bend, she would break. and she wouldn't - couldn't - break in front of erasmus. "i would have been happy to move on, but spencer needed a place to stay. and he would've followed me to the ends of the earth if i kept on."
indent"but that didn't mean that you had to kill her."
indent"didn't it?" erasmus' yellow eyes reflected the dim moonlight that slipped between the brambles of the den over their heads. since highgarden had no wilted in their ranks, it made the most sense to keep erasmus confined there. "you threatened spencer. you threatened to turn us over to groveclan."
indent"and you make it sound like groveclan would be a death sentence," tawnyrose said, digging her claws into the soft dirt. each night, she found herself leaving her den and crossing the camp to the where erasmus was being held. there were always guards on watch, sitting all through the days and nights to make sure that erasmus couldn't get away, not without fighting the guards off before they could raise the alarm. tawnyrose wished so badly that it was all a dream, that she could just wake up and find lightkit alive and well. she begged the gods to bring her daughter back, promising that she would do better, that she would be a better mother. but lightkit was gone, she knew it, and it was all she could do to meet erasmus and question him. in the beginning, he had been silent in response to her questions, but then he began to talk. tawnyrose couldn't tell if it was out of boredom, if he found some sense of amusement in watching a mother's search for answers, or if he genuinely wanted to talk to tawnyrose about his actions. but, as much as he began to speak, it was never enough. it was never the answer that tawnyrose wanted.
indent"perhaps not, but what would badgerstar have done? there's too much damage from the past in that clan, they couldn't have exiled me. so they might have held me like this, like i am now," erasmus mused thoughtfully. "moons spent running, only to end up in the same place. makes me wonder if it was always meant to be like this. like destiny."
indent"what happened wasn't fate," tawnyrose said. "she wasn't supposed to die." when erasmus said nothing futher, tawnyrose shook her head slowly. "you say that it's all been for spencer, but you saw how he was at groveclan. you broke him down, you put him in this position, and whatever happens to him next is because of you."
indentshe expected some hostility and backlash, but easmus appeared genuinely curious, his eyes narrowed to thoughtful slits. "and what will happen to him? are you going to lock him away, too?"
indent"i have no reason to," tawnyrose said. "he doesn't have to answer for your crimes. only you do. merlinsong is willing to continue working with him, especially since he needed to help after all you did. this is your burden to bare. you did this, so you will pay the price. you do have a trial coming up, after all."
indentat last, erasmus blew out a huff of laughter, though there was no humor in the hollow sound. "ah, yes, i'm preparing my defense. because you all want to hear me beg for my freedom and my life. you want me to beg for exile at best. let the shadow fly far away from here, so that i'm not your problem any longer." however, tawnyrose watched erasmus' expression tighten. "but i know that you wouldn't have me exiled."
indenttawnyrose merely sniffed, not denying the statement. "you're too much of a risk. can't have you coming back on a quest for revenge."
indenterasmus managed a somber half-smile at that. "need to protect your clan and the ally you were so ready to start a war with only days ago, of course. so it'll be death, then."
indent"you'll have to be found guilty first," tawnyrose pointed out, and erasmus' mouth twitched humorlessly.
indent"i've already been found guilty. remember? no one's innocent. so it'll be death. i just wonder who would carry out the punishment, or why you haven't already. you come in here every night. wouldn't it be so easy to kill me, tawnyrose?" erasmus' tone was low, tempting in its delivery. "you play a cold part, but we all saw that there's still a fire in you. and your cats love you, and they hate me. if you were to kill me, no one would question you."
indent"spencer would."
indentat the sound of his mate's name, erasmus hummed quietly. "perhaps, but he has no where else to go. he knows that."
indenttawnyrose's ears pricked curiously. "don't you think of how upset he would be, though? he loved you, and he's done nothing to deserve so much pain that it would cause him. he's innocent... or is he?" there was a slight edge to her tone, and erasmus caught it, immediately bristling when he took notice.
indent"he is innocent, he has nothing to do with any of this," erasmus growled, but tawnyrose merely blinked at him.
indent"remember?" she echoed his tone. "no one's innocent, that's what you said." she thought that erasmus might strike her, that she might feel the same burn of pain as claws sliced through her fur. the same claws that killed her daughter, took sagecloud's eye, and nearly crippled bluetcrest. but no blow came. instead, tawnyrose watched erasmus stare over her shoulder, and she followed his glance until she made out the shadow standing in the mouth of the den.
indent"tawnyrose?" softglow asked, and the queen back away from erasmus until she met softglow. it was clear that he was still blinking sleep from his eyes. "what are you doing in here?" he asked.
indent"what does it look like?" tawnyrose asked, shooting erasmus a sideways glance, but the dark tom had turned away. his shoulders were hunched and he hung his head low, merely a mound of black fur cloaked in shadows. "what are you doing awake?" she asked.
indent"ayalla woke up and heard voices from in here. she asked me to take a look," softglow said, and his eyes kept flickering between tawnyrose and erasmus. "would you actually kill him like this?" the king asked after a beat, and it was a question that caught tawnyrose off-guard with the realization that she didn't have an answer for him. instead, she nudged softglow towards the den's entrance and then outside. together they walked past the guards and tawnyrose led softglow back towards the nursery. softglow hesitated at the entrance, however, and he squinted at tawnyrose. "you're not like him," softglow said at last, and tawnyrose shrugged her heavy shoulders.
indent"i think we're more similar than we are different," she answered, and this seemed to worry softglow, but tawnyrose merely flicked her ears. "go back to sleep, softglow, i'm going back to my nest. it's late." but softglow stepped into her path.
indent"you could sleep in the nursery. i'm sure hawthornkit and bramblekit would appreciate it," he said, tawnyrose thought of the ghost that would follow her into the nursery, and she shook her head.
indent"get some sleep, softglow," tawnyrose said, and she left the king to watch her cross the clearing alone while the lonely stars shone overhead.

indentthough merlinsong had heard everything there was to hear about the confrontation in groveclan, he never spoke about it. he didn't ask about the scratches the highgarden knights and roses brought back after fighting with the groveclan patrols, he didn't mention about how the formerly-empty wilted's den had been turned into a guarded cell, nor did he mention the stories of the argument surrounding spencer and how he had to be brought back to highgarden by tawnyrose's command. in fact, all merlinsong said to spencer happened the night after everyone had returned to camp, and the herbalists were left alone as the only ones awake. to the sound of bluetcrest, sagecloud, and smokemane breathing in their nests, merlinsong merely sniffed the air and said: "if you want to leave again, i won't stop you and i won't raise the alarm. i won't make you stay here, but, if you do stay, i'd really appreciate your help because you make some of the best poultices i've ever seen." and when spencer was still there the next morning, it became an unspoken agreement between them, and they carried on as normal. even when many of the other highgarden cats appeared to avoid spencer at all costs, merlinsong appeared to not even notice the avoidance, opting instead to conveniently find a task for spencer that would remove him from the den for a little while, long enough for merlinsong to deal with the problem and push on. it helped even further that adenium continued to help out in the den every now and then, keeping the herbalists and their patients company. merlinsong caught the little molly eyeing spencer only once, in the very beginning following the proceedings, before she shrugged as if it was nothing of consequence, and she continued to help them sort herbs in the unbroken peace of the den. if anything, merlinsong decided that the politics of the hierarchy and the violence of what was and what might have been belonged outside of his realm. it didn't make for a good work environment and it didn't help his patients heal.
indentit was one of the afternoons when merlinsong sent spencer out to look for moss and cobwebs that adenium offered to help merlinsong with tending to sagecloud and bluetcrest, who had slowly been recovering from their wounds. she walked several laps of the den with bluetcrest, matching the attendant's slow pace, his stride heavily hindered by the limp from where his hip had been greatly injured in the attack, and merlinsong settled across from sagecloud. the rose's face had been bloodied on the entire left side, and the scars that marred her skin weren't particularly pleasant to look at, but merlinsong didn't even flinch while he set about to changing the cobwebs. after she had regained consciousness, sagecloud hadn't exactly been entirely silent, though she was decidedly more somber than usual, and she regarded merlinsong through one glassy eye before she asked the question he had been waiting for. "so..." she said. "i guess i'll never have my full eyesight again, huh?"
indentmerlinsong carefully placed aside the bundle of cobwebs and settled back on his haunches. "you've always struck me as very perceptive and realistic, sagecloud," merlinsong said with a frown. "i wish i could tell you something different from what you already know."
indentsagecloud's gaze lifted towards the ceiling of the den. "i knew," she said after a moment. "when i woke up and saw bluetcrest lying there, i felt so much pain, and i knew that it wasn't right. it was like i was off-balance, you know? like i knew that he was there, but i also couldn't tell exactly where." she blew out a long breath. "there was so much pain, like an itch i couldn't scratch. and it's still there, and part of me thinks that it'll be better if i just open my eye. as if i just have it closed, you know? but i can't."
indent"it's going to be an adjustment," merlinsong said. "and i won't tell you that it's going to be easy. because i'm sure that it won't be, but i'm obligated to remind you that the whole clan is behind you, and everyone wants to see you get back on your paws so you can succeed again."
indentsagecloud didn't say anything for some time, but she nodded slowly at last and drew in another long inhale. "i guess the best i can do is prove him wrong, you know? he thought he killed me, but i'll get back up. and who knows, maybe brindlepelt'll like scars," she said, and merlinsong mirrored the rose's tentative smile. however, the expression wavered when bluetcrest limped nearby with adenium at his side. most of the attendant's white chest was still plastered with herbs to ward off infection from the gashes that had been left behind from erasmus' claws. bluetcrest caught sagecloud's gaze and smiled weakly, clearly tired from only a short walk with a kit, and sagecloud looked back to merlinsong. "i really thought that he was dead," she whispered sullenly, her single eye round with lingering fear. "there was so much blood, and he was barely breathing and i didn't know what to do. because there was so much blood, and it looked horrible." she swallowed thickly and shut her eye tightly. "i think that was worse than the pain. the sight of him bleeding like that, i can't get it out of my head."
indent"you did what you could," merlinsong said. "you used all of your strength to try and get him to safety, and we're all glad that you're both safe now." he knew that his words didn't soothe sagecloud, but the rose merely nodded her head once and lowered herself to lie in her nest. merlinsong took the cue to leave her to rest, just as adenium padded over to him.
indent"bluetcrest said he was feeling tired and winded, so i told him to rest for a while and then he could try to stretch later if he wanted to," she said, and merlinsong grinned happily down at adenium.
indent"very good," he said before clearing his throat. "i could actually use your help in the store for a moment, if you wouldn't mind?" together, they passed obsidianwing and smokemane, who were working on strengthening smokemane's limbs. merlinsong and adenium stopped by the pair long enough to watch as obsidianwing aided smokemane in her exercises, encouraging her and remaining patient when she wobbled a bit and had to take her time to process each thought and motion. indeed, it was a long process, and would continue to remain a long time, until smokemane was in better shape. she would never have the same mobility, agility, balance, or reaction time, but she was making progress each day as she continued to train with obsidianwing and sunglow. merlinsong praised the molly before leading adenium towards the back of the stores. as they began to sort out dried leaves and shriveled berries, merlinsong cleared his throat just as adenium spoke up:
indent"there was something i wanted to say," adenium said, and merlinsong chuckled.
indent"i had something to ask you as well, but, please, you go first," merlinsong said, and adenium shot him a sideways glance.
indent"i think i know what you're going to ask, but... i've been giving it a lot of thought. i thought about what you said a few moons ago. you know, about protecting the clan and how knights and roses protect the clan differently from you and spencer and... i thought that i would ask to train with you but, the more i think about it, the less right it feels. does that make sense?" for a moment, merlinsong felt his throat tighten with disappointment, before he waved it away and nodded. adenium smiled tightly. "yeah. i think we all thought that highgarden was safe and there was nothing that could touch us. and i look around, and i see that everyone is glad to be alive, but there's still fear and the thing is... not everyone is alive." adenium paused, as if gathering her thoughts. "lightkit was nice, and she was my friend. and i thought about how you said that just because there hasn't been a fight doesn't mean that there won't be one. and i feel that now. and i'm scared too, because we all thought we were safe for so long, but we weren't, and maybe there's no way to make sure that we're always safe all of the time, and i want to help protect us out there, not just in here," she said, and merlinsong stared at the little tortoiseshell for a long moment before he nodded along with her words.
indent"that's very observant of you," he said, and adenium smiled, catching the warmth in his tone. "but you should also know that there will always be a place for you here as well. you have talented here, and i could always use more help, if you've ever bored or want to take a break from your mentor and denmates..." he said with a teasing lilt.
indent"then i'll know where to find you," adenium finished, beaming as she tucked herself against merlinsong's side. "thank you, and please know that i'll always come back to help. someone has to make sure this den isn't overrun with rotten berries."
indentmerlinsong's booming chuckle echoed around the storage and he nudged adenium's shoulder with his nose. "good, i'll make sure to save all of the tedious work for when you come back around."
indentadenium rolled her eyes, but her gaze with bright with humor and she dipped her head. "and i promise that i'll complain about it a healthy amount."
indent"i expect no less."

indentfrom her spot at the center of the camp, tawnyrose watched through half-lidded eyes as direfang and bassflow flanked erasmus on either side, leading the massive tom through the crowd of angered highgarden cats. there were many shouts and furious yowls from the crowd, and tawnyrose glanced once to softglow, who had turned his cheek to the sight of the dark cat that had murdered his adopted daughter. indeed, tawnyrose felt her own anger burn hotly in her stomach, but she forced herself to remain calm. based on the reactions of the rest of the clan, it was clear that too much of a reaction from tawnyrose would push the boundary from a trial to a complete execution. as much as tawnyrose wanted to see her daughter's killer pay the ultimate price, she knew better than to revert to savagery. her clan had already been willing to attack an innocent clan by her command, and she would not make such a mistake twice. she had to be rational, for her clan, for her own dignity, and for lightkit's memory.
indentso, when erasmus stood before her, tawnyrose lifted her tail, effectively silencing the crowd with a single gesture. tawnyrose stepped forward and regarded erasmus, but kept her voice loud enough to be heard by the entire crowd. "erasmus, former knight of highgarden and member of the kingdom of shattered bones, you have been accused of aiding in the kidnapping of badgerstar's kits, plotting the murder of twilightkit, participating in the battle between groveclan and the kingdom of shattered bones, attempting to murder novella, inciting a war between groveclan and the kingdom of shattered bones, attempting to incite a war between groveclan and highgarden, attempting to murder bluetcrest and sagecloud, and murdering lightkit, the heir to highgarden, " tawnyrose said, allowing the list of crimes to be presented clearly. several more shouts rose from the gathered clan, with voices that the queen recognized as birchflame's, maplelily's, and dippernose's, though the yowls were quieted again with another lift of her tail. "if you would like to present a defense for theses charges, you may do so now." with that, tawnyrose stepped back from erasmus and settled, curling her tail around her paws.
indentfor a long moment, erasmus merely stared at tawnyrose, letting their gazes lock. there was so much unspoken between them in that moment, stretching back to the first time they met when erasmus and spencer first arrived. from the outset, there had been clear hostility between the pair, so many passive threats and aggressions that mounted to lead them to the very moment before them. just as when they first met, neither backed down immediately, and one could not effectively intimidate the other. they both held their own forms of power, and, perhaps, erasmus was right. perhaps tawnyrose had underestimated him, and perhaps he had underestimated her as well. but she knew that she had been right when she told softglow that they were similar, and it was evident to tawnyrose in the moment when they stared at each other, with so much left unsaid. all of the hostility and hatred, all of the effort put in to bring the other down, and tawnyrose waited. they all waited to hear what erasmus would say.
indentthen, at last, he spoke. "i know that the judgement has already been passed, no matter what i say," erasmus said. "you have decided for yourselves that i am guilty, so i must be. and i am."
indentafter a long pause, tawnyrose tipped her head to one side. "is that your defense?" she asked.
indent"i will not beg for your mercy," erasmus said. "i will not bow to you. i bow to no one."
indenttawnyrose found that she felt no pleasure in the moment, though she straightened up. "very well. erasmus, you are found guilty of the charges presented, and it is time for your punishment."
indent"and who would you have kill me?" erasmus asked, and tawnyrose merely huffed and shook her head.
indent"no, erasmus," tawnyrose said. "you will not die today. the stranger has not come for you yet, so his will is to be done on his own time. instead, you are to be stripped of your rank. you will be kept to highgarden's camp, where we can ensure that you will be secure," she said. she stepped forward, nodding to the guards to reclaim their positions. "your fate is in the paws of the gods, and it is not our place to take your life. but we can make sure that you will not hurt another cat, or steal another future. your crimes are your prison, for now until the stranger comes to take you, may he be merciful." with that, tawnyrose waved her tail, and highgarden turned on erasmus, spitting and shouting insults as he was led away again. through it all, tawnyrose caught spencer's eye through the crowd, while he watched his mate be mocked and torn down for his crimes. tawnyrose paused, holding spencer's gaze for a moment longer before she turned and addressed the clan again. "highgarden!" she shouted to regain their attention. "i understand that we have faced a great loss and a great hardship, and i share your pain. lightkit... she was a light to all of us, in every way. she represented the future of the next generation, as the queen who should have been. but i refuse to let her legacy be bloodshed, even the blood of her killer. instead, let us unite in this moment, right now, to celebrate her life and to know that she is at peace with the gods. we cannot get her back, but we can remember the short time she was with us. please, join me now."
indentsilence stretched through the camp, so quiet that tawnyrose could have sworn that she could hear the stars twinkle over their heads. she scanned the crowd, finding quillpaw leaning against ferretwhisker's shoulder, his own body wracked with quiet sobs for his friend. hawthornkit and bamblekit had buried their faces into yewbloom's flank, and the three toms cried their own tears while wolverinesnap bent his head low and pressed his forehead against yewbloom's. softglow stared unblinkingly up at the stars, and it was birchflame who met tawnyrose's gaze. there was a fire behind his eyes, a dangerous sort of light that gleamed and flickered like the flame of his namesake. and then he turned his head away, and tawnyrose allowed herself just a moment to sit with her thoughts and remember her departed daughter.

indentthe days following erasmus' trial were surprisingly quiet in highgarden's camp. though it was clear that several of the clan cats disagreed with tawnyrose's decision to allow the dark tom to live, let alone in the middle of their camp, it remained abundantly clear that the clan also respected tawnyrose too much to go against her commands. no one had lost more than tawnyrose. as much as they all loved lightkit and held her memory as dear, she was a daughter first, and pain laced each and every movement that tawnyrose made. still, their queen made a show of coming out of her den, of taking a walk around the camp with bluetcrest while her closest friend healed, of watching the thorns train outside of their den, of chatting and sharing meals with her clan. as the days passed, however, flickersky also couldn't help but notice that the queen avoided the nursery at all costs, not even to going to greet hawthornkit and bramblekit.
indentas flickersky lounged with swiftheart outside of the nursery, her friend grooming her flank, flickersky watched as hawthornkit was lying in a patch of side, his eyes closed but his flank rising and falling with full breaths, as if he was pretending to sleep. bramblekit was playing with flickersky's kits, chasing after tornadokit's quick steps along with cirruskit and tsunamikit. even still, the brown tabby appeared to have little interest in the game, and it was only a matter of time before he excused himself from his denmates to go to hawthornkit's side. upon his brother's approach, hawthornkit cracked one eye and shifted to give bramblekit room to settle. cirruskit watched after his friends for a moment before tornadokit streaked by him again, kicking up grass, and flickersky looked to swiftheart.
indent"i'm worried about them," she said quietly, and swiftheart paused in her grooming to follow flickersky's glance. for a long moment, she merely watched as hawthornkit closed his eyes again and bramblekit rested his chin atop his brother's shoulder, still watching the other kits play. then, at last, swiftheart shook her head slightly.
indent"ayalla said that she hasn't seen tawnyrose in the nursery at all, just softglow," swiftheart said, moving closer to lean companionably against flickersky. they kept their voices quiet.
indent"she used to visit every now and then but not since..." flickersky trailed off for a moment. then she cleared her throat, taking the pause to consider her thoughts. "i just can't imagine leaving them like that. i just think about my own kits with stormshroud, and i miss them, you know? i wonder when i'll see them next. i wonder what they're doing, if they're making friends, if the other queens are taking care of them while stormshroud is out on patrol or something like that." she sighed heavily, letting her shoulders sink. it was another moment before she looked up at swiftheart's soft, bemused expression. "what's that look for?" she asked, and swiftheart purred, bumping her forehead against flickersky's shoulder.
indent"nothing it's just... you," swiftheart said with a gentle purr. "don't you remember how we were in the beginning, when we all first met? it feels like we've all grown up so much. so much has happened over the seasons."
indent"i remember how you would drone on and on about smallheart for hours," flickersky teased with a broad grin. swiftheart bumped her again, but flickersky pressed on. "i remember all of the nights while you sat and wondered if smallheart would ever like you back, how you'd ask me if i thought he was looking at you different, what it meant when he asked you to go hunting with just the two of you -"
indent"stop!" swiftheart laughed, trying to interrupt flickersky.
indent"- and now you're mates!" flickersky finished with a broad grin, and swiftheart let out a huff. "i never would have thought that we'd wind up here, you know? we both have mates, and you'll have kits soon enough who can be friends with my kits. it feels so strange that we've been here for so many moons, doesn't it? so much has changed."
indentswiftheart hummed thoughtfully. "a lot has changed, but a lot has also stayed the same. and some of it was bad, but a lot of it was good, don't you think?"
indent"definitely," flickersky said with a nod. she glanced over to where her kits continued to play. tsunamikit tackled tornadokit, sending her sister skidding directly into cirruskit. the trio toppled in a laughing heap of fur. "and if it means having them, i wouldn't change anything..." she trailed off, but there was a thoughtful lilt to the words, and swiftheart nuzzled her friend gently.
indent"do you miss him?" she asked, and flickersky managed a tight smile.
indent"all of the time. it's like a piece of me is lost. i miss stormshroud and the other kits more than i can say," she said, blinking at swiftheart. "sometimes i wonder if they'll remember me the next time i see them. i wonder what they'll think of cirruskit, tornadokit, and tsunamikit... i wonder how much they'll have grown. and i want them to know their father and their littermates."
indentat flickersky's tight smile, swiftheart nestled closer to her, offering physical comfort. "i know they must be missing you dearly, but i don't have any doubt that you'll see them again soon," she said. there was a long stretch of silence between the friends before swiftheart wrinkled her nose. "you know, during the attack i was so worried. not for my own safety, but for smallheart's. i was so worried that something might happen to him, and that i wouldn't be able to help." she let out a shuttering breath. "i think we both have loved each other for so long. it's always been us. when we left amberclan, it was just the two of us, holding on to have some semblance of home, but it was also more than that, if that makes sense."
indent"it does," flickersky murmured, touching her nose to swiftheart's ear.
indent"right. and we've been together for so long, like we've always had each other's backs through everything. when we came to highgarden, we were both so wary. what if we lose it all again? but i knew that we would stay together, no matter what happened. so when we were actually in some sort of danger, i wasn't worried about myself. i was worried that something would happen to him and that i would let him down. i'd be lost without him," swiftheart said, and flickersky hummed.
indent"that's how i feel without stormshroud and the other kits. so lost," flickersky said. again, she looked to where hawthornkit and bramblekit were resting. "and i think that's how they feel, too."
indent"lost," swiftheart echoed while the rest of the clan continued to move around them, attending to their duties for the day.

indentthe sunset bled across the sky, casting the clouds in shades of red and pink, set against the darkening sky. in the distance, the moon became to rise through the sky, hovering lazily over the treetops, and hornetshade wondered for a long moment what the sky looked like from across the water. he thought that maybe he could hear the rumble of the waterfall that marked the border between groveclan and highgarden, though he couldn't be entirely certain. the sounds of water lapping at the shore soothed hornetshade, and he felt that he should be entirely at peace, but a restlessness continued to claw between his shoulders, itching at the base of his tail that he wasn't done. so he watched the sky shimmer with fresh colors, listening to the water, and waiting for something beyond his comprehension. by the time he heard movement come up from behind him, the sky had darkened completely and hornetshade's muscles felt cold and stiff.
indent"i thought i might find you here," her voice said, and hornetshade sniffed the air absently.
indent"i wasn't try to hide. not this time," he answered back, and he heard ferretwhisker's soft huff that could have been either annoyance of laughter. when she didn't come any closer, hornetshade merely flicked his tail impatiently. "i'd prefer if you didn't hover," he murmured, drawing his shoulders up towards his neck. "it makes me feel like you're just waiting to claw my fur off."
indent"that's not exactly what i had in mind," ferretwhisker said, and hornetshade said nothing. all the same, the rose padded forward to sit down beside the younger tabby. "warblercry was looking around camp for you, iguanaspots said that you had gone off hunting."
indent"and you came to find me... why?" he asked, but ferretwhisker didn't answer immeditately. instead she jutted her nose to point across the lake.
indent"is it a good idea to sit on groveclan's border so soon after everything that's happened?" she asked. hornetshade considered a biting response, about not answering her, but he felt tired. the itch persisted, creeping along his spine.
indent"probably not," he said honestly. "but i decided that i don't really care at the moment." and he realized that it was true.
indentferretwhisker considered this for a moment before nodding her head thoughtfully. "are we ever going to... are you ever going to not hate me so much, hornetshade?" she asked, and hornetshade knew that if he looked at ferretwhisker, he would either forgive her or claw her ears. he couldn't decide which was worse in the moment.
indent"you killed my mother," hornetshade said. before ferretwhisker could answer, he flicked his tail. "right, montgomery and his followers killed my mother. not you. it was someone else, right? you were too busy letting me escape. a kit... all of his own." he frowned. "but you also didn't stop them, so you let them kill her. which might even be worse than killing her, i'm not sure. maybe we should ask erasmus and see which he thinks is worse." when he saw ferretwhisker flinch out of the corner of his eye, hornetshade felt nothing. no pride, no pity. he felt numb. "but you're still a killer. you've killed cats before for him."
indent"i have," ferretwhisker whispered.
indent"why do you bother coming back here, ferretwhisker? what do you want from me?"
indentferretwhisker took a long moment to answer. "i have nightmares, too, you know. not just of that night, but of all of the nights. in my dreams, i watch myself nodding along as montgomery talked about killing our clanmates so he could be leader. i remember all of the faces. i remember his face, and the way he would smile like he had a secret. and i guess he had a lot of secrets and a lot that he was proud of. and i... when i left, i thought that i would remember what happened with montgomery. i thought that i would know when there was a darkness in a cat, and that i would know what to do." finally hornetshade turned his head to look to ferretwhisker, and her blue eyes were wide with fear and grief. "and i don't expect your forgiveness. what i did or didn't do... i still did horrible things for him, and i'll never forgive myself, either. but... i was so blind to what was happening here. i thought i would know and i didn't... but you did. you knew about erasmus, and you told me but i was still blinded." she shook her head quickly, furious with herself. "i didn't do anything, again, and i should have. i should've done more so i could be better."
indent"almost all of the clan was blinded," hornetshade said after a long beat. "you can't let yourself get caught up in that. it'll kill you. and you can't let him win like that."
indentferretwhisker drew in a deep, steadying breath. "i just think of my kits, of my mate in bearclan and i... i feel so ashamed. what if erasmus hadn't been caught? my kits would have been caught in a war." finally, ferretwhisker met hornetshade's gaze. "no one should be caught in violence like that so young." and hornetshade blinked at that.
indent"not even your kits," he agreed. there was a beat of silence before hornetshade looked back towards the lake. "i had a best friend in groveclan, and i saw him during the attack. and i... i realized during the attack that i couldn't hurt any of the groveclan cats. they were all his friends, his family, his clanmates. and i was frozen, and i was afraid. i let highgarden down and let my friends be in potential danger because i couldn't raise a claw to his friends."
indentferretwhisker followed hornetshade's gaze. "that doesn't make you disloyal. you knew that they weren't your enemies. no one can fault you for that."
indent"i can fault myself," hornetshade said, and it earned a surprised huff of laughter from the pointed molly.
indent"i suppose we can all fault ourselves, huh? even if no one else knows what you did, you'll always feel guilty."
indent"yeah," hornetshade said before he finally rose, stretching out his limbs. then he turned, hesitating at the last moment to look back at ferretwhisker. "let me ask you a question. is montgomery dead?"
indentferretwhisker swished her tail across the ground. "my worst nightmare is what would happen if he finds me again. you and i both know that montgomery doesn't treat runaways well." she sighed. "if he was dead, then maybe i'd be able to sleep in peace."
indenthornetshade squared his shoulders and nodded his head once. "if that was the case, then maybe we'd both be able to stop the nightmares." without waiting for an answer, hornetshade padded away, leaving ferretwhisker alone with the small waves lapping gently at the shore.

[ added cats ] hollandkit
[ consumption ] highgarden eats x5 rabbits and x1 vole
[ rank changes ] daisypaw holds off on receiving her full name until briarpaw has passed her assessment
briarpaw takes her final assessment. if she passes, she and daisypaw will be renamed briarbranch and daisypetal
hawthornkit, bramblekit, and snowykit are old enough to become thorns
[ patrol 1 ] softglow, yewbloom, betonypetal, smallheart, iguanaspots, warblercry
[ hunt 1 ] birchflame, bassflow, leopardsun, charredbreeze, hornetshade, rabbitrace
[ hunt 2 ] hurricanejaw, tulipstream, foxspark, lyrewhistle, wolverinesnap, daystrike
↪ wolverinesnap has applicable powers
[ hunt 3 ] clovershine, obsidianwing, wolfhowl, direfang, sandstrike, katara
[ hunt 4 ] mapleshadow, maplelily, newtmask, riverfoam, kitechaser, tanagercall
[ mates ] ferretwhisker becomes mates with nightfur of bearclan and they try for kits
betonypetal and clovershine become mates and try for kits
[ training ] elkpaw, quillpaw, and dewpaw learn swimming
beechpaw and harrierpaw learn fighting
adenium learns agility
[ herbalists ] bluetcrest rests 2/2
[ herb hunt ] merlinsong and spencer (priority for kitting herbs)
[ notes to mod ] i ask that no one die on patrols though injuries are fine xo

    tawnyrose, 42m, ♀
    the wayward queen
    - mate: birchflame
    - kits: hawthornkit, bramblekit

    softglow, 44m, ♂
    the lost king

    name, age, gender

    bluetcrest, 46m, ♂
    the wayward's attendant

    merlinsong, 49m, ♂ - 5sp
    spencer, 44m, ♂ - 5sp

    roses & knights
    otterfur, 78m, ♂
    direfang, 74m, ♂
    charredbreeze, 66m, ♀
    sagecloud, 60m, ♀
    mapleshadow, 58m, ♀
    hurricanejaw, 54m, ♂
    maplelily, 52m, ♀
    bassflow, 52m, ♂
    newtmask, 51m, ♂
    dippernose, 51m, ♂
    arcticblink, 49m, ♂
    ferretwhisker, 47m, ♀
    pythoneyes, 47m, ♂
    tulipstream, 43m, ♀
    birchflame, 43m, ♂
    yewbloom, 42m, ♂
    betonypetal, 41m, ♀
    clovershine, 40m, ♂
    smallheart, 40m, ♂
    wolverinesnap, 38m, ♂
    riverfoam, 38m, ♀
    kitechaser, 34m, ♀
    obsidianwing, 33m, ♂
    jaytalon, 31m, ♂
    smokemane, 30m, ♀
    sunglow, 30m, ♂
    tigergaze, 29m, ♂
    sandstrike, 27m, ♀
    (3) hornetshade, 26m, ♂
    privetears, 25m, ♀
    katara, 25m, ♀
    tanagercall, 24m, ♀
    cougarstrike, 23m, ♂
    racoonslip, 23m, ♂
    foxspark, 23m, ♂
    wolfhowl, 23m, ♀
    iguanaspots, 23m, ♀
    warblercry, 23m, ♀
    lyrewhistle, 22m, ♀
    leopardsun, 22m, ♂
    daystrike, 20m, ♂
    stagscorch, 16m, ♂
    seedspring, 16m, ♀
    rabbitrace, 16m, ♀
            briarpaw, 14m, ♀
            daisypaw, 14m, ♀
            elkpaw, 10m, ♂
            beechpaw, 10m, ♀
            harrierpaw, 10m, ♀
            quillpaw, 10m, ♂
            dewpaw, 10m, ♀
            adenium, 7m, ♀

            flickersky, 40m, ♀
            - mate: stormshroud, shadowed kingdom
            - kits: cirruskit, tsunamikit, tornadokit
            swiftheart, 36m, ♀
            - mate: smallheart
            - due: 2m
            ayalla, 31m, ♀
            - surrogate: axel, crossroad demons
            - due: 1m

            hawthornkit, 6m, ♂
            bramblekit, 6m, ♂
            snowykit, 6m, ♂
            cirruskit, 4m, ♂
            tsunamikit , 4m, ♀
            tornadokit, 4m, ♀
            hollandkit, 2m, ♂

            erasmus, 56m, ♂

            allies & enemies & borders


            total x146
            mouse | x13 | 1 serving
            vole | x10 | 1 serving
            small fish | x12 | 2 servings
            squirrel | x6 | 2 servings
            rabbit | x12 | 2 servings
            big fish | x10 | 3 servings
            finch | x11 | 3 servings

            jaytalon, briarpaw, 4
            sunglow, daisypaw, 4
            pythoneyes, elkpaw, 3
            obsidianwing, beechpaw, 2
            dippernose, harrierpaw, 2
            tigergaze, quillpaw, 3
            arcticblink, dewpaw, 3
            otterfur, adenium, 0


            family trees
credit goes to the cac staff & artists for all color-ins and lineart xoxo
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