» DeltaClan ( Rise ) || writing & leveling tasks

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» DeltaClan ( Rise ) || writing & leveling tasks

Postby liightning » Tue Nov 13, 2018 9:09 am


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writing & leveling tasks
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» level 1 || Wrenstar meets Vixensnow

Postby liightning » Tue Nov 13, 2018 9:13 am

    level 1 || Wrenstar meets Vixensnow

    Vixen trotted through the marshes, jaws parted to taste the air for prey-scent. The river was full of fish, but the snowmelt from past marsh-frost had swollen the river. She shuddered, thinking of her littermate's early death from drowning in the river as a kit. Drowning wouldn't be nearly as easy for an adolescent like Vixen, but with the river nearly bursting its banks, she wasn't going to take any risks. No trout is worth that!

    She frowned at the river tumbling past her paws. If only she were bigger and stronger; such a river would be no obstacle to her. Her stomach growled and she continued on, turning her gaze away from the dark shapes flitting in the water. Her paws were still wet from a previous attempt to grab at a trout; she'd nearly fallen in, and her pulse was finally slowing to normal.
    The cry of a heron echoed through the air. A large white heron swooped past above, likely heading off to hunt. Vixen breathed in deeply, still unable to find any trace of prey - until a scent made her mouth water.


    She picked up the pace, following the river upstream. A smaller stream joined the main river here, and in the strip of land between where the water merged, a bundle of sticks poked out from the grass. Three white eggs were barely visible over the woven nest.
    Vixen glanced around for any sign of a watchful parent before diving into the stream. The water was calmer here, and she was able to reach the other side with a few kicks. Her jaws watered as she pulled herself onto the strip of land, imagining cracking the eggs open and licking up the yolk inside. Too easy!

    Just as she was reaching to scoop up the first egg, a furious cry came from above. Oh no... She glanced in the direction of the sound, eyes wide with horror as a heron swooped towards her. With a yelp of fear, she abandoned the egg and backed away, ready to run for her life - but water surrounded her on all sides. There was no escape. Before she could dive into the water, a sharp beak jabbed her shoulder.

    "Ow!" Vixen yowled, flailing and kicking to bat away the furious attacker. Gray feathers clouded her view as wings whacked her. Sharp talons closed around her body and suddenly she was in the air. She thrashed, twisting around to slash at the bird in a frantic attempt to free herself. Her claws struck soft feathers and flesh and a pained screech told her she'd hit her target. Suddenly, the claws digging into her sides were gone and she was falling, falling, falling down towards the river.

    "Help!" she managed to screech before she hit the river. Water roared in her ears and she kicked, unsure of what direction was up and down. The river bundled her along, tossing her left and right, slamming her into sharp rocks and spinning her over and over. I'm going to die, she realized with horror. She was a victim of the river. She was going to drown.

    Then her head burst through the surface and she took a gasping breath, coughing from the water she'd swallowed. The water dragged her back down again as if playing with her, tossing her around like kits playing with a feather, letting her break the surface for a moment before she choked on water again. Fish darted past her vision and for a moment she envied them, with their gills and ability to breath under the water. She surfaced again, but this time the roaring was still there. The gorge! she realized in horror, spotting the river dropping away a few tail-lengths away.

    "Help! Someone, help!" she cried in a last desperate attempt. The water slammed her into a rock and pain exploded from her left side.

    She felt something close around her scruff and drag her out of the river. The heron. It's back to finish me, she realized, but was too weak to resist.

    A face peered at her anxiously and a fluffy tail wrapped around her sodden pelt, warming her. "Are you alright?" a muffled voice murmured.

    Was she dead? Had the spirit of her mother come to get her? Vixen coughed up water, chest shuddering as she fought to breathe. Her vision spun before her, and before she could reply to the stranger, darkness wrapped her in its gentle paws and dragged her into a bottomless abyss.

    Vixen drifted in and out of consciousness for the next few sunrises, remembering only snippets of what was happening to her; a tortoiseshell-and-white cat, a den of stone, a soft reed nest, the sharp scents of herbs.

    She finally woke one cool morning, feeling as if she'd had to claw her way out of a river just to be awake. Her head felt like it was stuffed with cotton and every part of her ached. She groaned and tried to rise to her paws, but pain immediately shot up her left side and she collapsed with a hiss of pain. She lay on her side, panting, trying to figure out where she was. A stone den with smooth walls surrounded her. A little ball of moss was beside her, still dripping with water. She drank hungrily, lapping up every drop of water.

    Paw steps sounded outside the den. "Hello?" Vixen croaked, throat still sore. "Who's there?"

    A small she-cat appeared in the entrance, morning sunlight framing her figure so she looked heavenly.

    "Mother?" Vixen rasped. "I'm dead, aren't I? Have you come to get me?" She shifted in the nest, struggling to her paws, but her shoulder once again screamed in protest and she collapsed again.

    "You're awake!" the figure exclaimed, and a small she-cat came into view. Her white pelt was dappled with brown and orange, and her copper eyes were wide with concern. Vixen noticed a tiny slice of blue in the stranger's left eye. "Oh dear, please relax! You're in no condition to walk right now."

    "W-who are you?" Vixen stammered, eyes wide. The she-cat was small, around the same size as Vixen, but from her body shape and composure, she could tell this cat was older.

    "I'm Wrenstar." The tortoiseshell dipped her head, sitting down a tail-length away with her tail curled neatly around her paws. "And you?"

    "Vixen," she replied.

    "It's a pleasure to meet you, Vixen," Wrenstar murmured with another smile. Something about Wrenstar was very relaxing and sweet, soothing and calming, like the rippling water of the river when it wasn't swollen with snowmelt.

    River. Snowmelt. Swollen. The river.

    Vixen suddenly jerked up, eyes wide with alarm. "The river. What happened?"

    "Yes, the river," Wrenstar sighed. "I happened to be hunting near the gorge when I heard cries of help. I ran over to see what was the matter, and great StarClan, there was a young cat about to go over the gorge!" Her copper eyes were wide. "I managed to grab you right before the you got to the waterfall. You were half-drowned, barely alive, and unconscious, but I wasn't willing to give up when you still had a chance to live. I carried you back here, to my camp, and cleaned you up. You took quite a beating from those rocks."

    "Oh," was all Vixen could meow. "Oh."

    "You've been out for... let's see," Wrenstar paused, tapping the stone thoughtfully. "Three sunrises."

    "Three sunrises?" Vixen echoed with a gasp. Flying fish, I've been sleeping for three days?

    "Quite right," Wrenstar confirmed grimly. "I'm surprised - and very relieved - that you awoke today. Are you feeling alright?"

    Vixen shifted in her nest, carefully testing the limits of her movement. Little movements seemed alright, but sudden motion, such as her attempts to rise to her paws earlier, were not possible. "A bit sore," she admitted, "and my left leg hurts a lot."

    As Wrenstar studied her leg, gently prodding it with her muzzle, Vixen glanced at the den around her. "Er, thank you," she finally managed. "Thank you for saving me."

    Wrenstar nodded with a slight smile, acknowledging her gratitude. "It was the best I could do." The tortoiseshell bounded into the back of the den where various leaves and herbs were stacked in neat piles. She returned a few heartbeats later with some long reedlike leaves, a few sturdy sticks, and a bundle of something thin and white.

    "I'm going to have to bind your leg," Wrenstar informed her. "I'm quite sure it's broken; you must have hit a rock pretty hard." Eyes wide with sympathy, she carefully straightened Vixen's left leg out before her and positioned a stick parallel to it. "These rushes should help set the bone, and I can keep them in place with cobweb." With deft paws, the tortoiseshell wrapped her leg in the rushes and secured the leaves and sticks with cobweb.

    "Um, if you don't mind me asking... where are we?" Vixen tried to figure it out from the little bit she could see from the den entrance, but all she could see was a river and more marsh.

    "This is my camp," Wrenstar replied, smoothing the sticky cobweb. "It's where I live. It's a little island between where a river splits; a little while from the delta and the lake." She finished binding Vixen's broken leg and stepped back with a nod of satisfaction. "I hope I got it right! I know a little herb knowledge, but only StarClan can help your leg heal now."

    "That's right," Vixen remembered. "I heard you mention this... StarClan? What is it?"

    Wrenstar's eyes glowed as she explained StarClan and how they'd given her nine lives to serve the Clan. Vixen, bewildered, listened with wide blue eyes. Not even in her wildest dreams did she ever imagine that a cat could gain lives, let alone nine, and that spirits could actually communicate with the living.

    "I'm going to start a new Clan," Wrenstar finished, lifting her muzzle. Suddenly, the small and sweet cat seemed older and wiser, strong and brave and determined. "StarClan gave me these nine lives to protect my Clanmates, and I will do so until my very last breath, until every drop of blood has been spilled for my Clan." She shifted her paws awkwardly. "Although... it's a work in progress. I don't have any cats yet, and not too many live around here. The ones I've met are difficult to convince." She smiled again, curling her tail around her white paws. "I know I'll get there someday."

    "Wow," Vixen breathed in awe, excited by Wrenstar's passionate voice and tone. A thought suddenly sparked in her head. "If it's fine... may I join your Clan?"

    Wrenstar's eyes lit up with mixed excitement and pride. "You'd really do that? Do you really mean it?" Her voice was hushed with surprise and she almost sounded like an excited kit.

    "Yes," Vixen replied, feeling adrenaline rush through her.

    Wrenstar beamed. "Vixen - welcome to DeltaClan."

    [1843 words !] ;v;

    liight (she/they)

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» level 2 || a scene of the camp

Postby liightning » Sun Dec 30, 2018 9:18 am

    It's a quiet day in DeltaClan, with the wind whistling through the reeds and the blue sky dotted with puffy clouds. The camp, an island surrounded by a shallow stream, is busy for another day of hard work.
    Outside the leaders' den, Wrenstar sits with her deputy, Buzzardflight, discussing important matters. Nearby, Petrelflight kneads his paws by the fresh-kill pile, quickly finishing a small trout, paws itching to go hunting. The young warrior's unique fishing tactic, well-known by all in the Clan, is diving headfirst into a river like a petrel.
    Across the camp, Briarrose is busy weaving reeds into the nursery walls to strengthen them for coming cold weather. Vixensnow, her belly slightly rounded with kits to come, works beside her. In a few moons, her kits will be warm and cozy in the newly fixed nursery. Owlheart, who offered to help, pauses when he hears his name called. Buzzardflight, finished speaking to Wrenstar, has called him and Petrelflight to go on a hunting patrol, and the two warriors eagerly head out into the marsh to restock the fresh-kill pile. Briarrose and Vixensnow continue their work on the nursery as Wrenstar leaves with Buzzardflight to patrol the borders.

    [199 words]
Last edited by liightning on Tue Aug 18, 2020 4:49 am, edited 2 times in total.

    liight (she/they)

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» level 2 || DeltaClan's reputation

Postby liightning » Sun Dec 30, 2018 9:21 am

    The Clan is very lively. The cats value loyalty, kindness, hard work, and resilience over all. All visitors are always treated with respect and are offered a place to rest, and if they do wish to join the Clan, they are welcomed with open hearts. Of course, there are those cats who are wary towards outsiders - after all, in the marshes, they're used to a game of life and death, of tricks and deception. However, the way DeltaClan is set up and how all cats work together allows the Clanmates to set their survival instincts aside and help each other. Never will you see an elder unaided; DeltaClan cats are taught to respect and love not only the older cats but all in the Clan. Due to this, DeltaClan has a reputation of being fair and welcoming, and any cats in need of food or shelter will sometimes stop by.

    [151 words]

    liight (she/they)

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» breeding scene || Vixensnow & Buzzardflight

Postby liightning » Mon Jan 07, 2019 12:18 pm

    Vixensnow & Buzzardflight

    Vixensnow stretched, blinking wearily at the pale morning light from outside. The air was fresh and cool and brought with it a feeling of a brand new day. A clean slate, another chance to hunt and fight and help her Clanmates.

    The cat next to her shifted, murmuring something about fish, while nearly rolling over her in the process. She yelped in alarm and hopped out of her nest, purring once the initial alarm wore off.

    Of course, morning meant another day she got to spend with this annoyingly loveable furball.

    "Hey, are you seriously not up yet?" she laughed as he blinked and stirred.

    "Mmm, what a rare occasion," he mumbled, earning another purr from Vixensnow. They both knew that Vixensnow was usually the first awake, although they'd both slept close recently due to colder weather, and often woke at the same time. He heaved himself to his paws, giving himself a shake to dislodge any reeds that were in his fur. "Now I am." His words ended with a wide yawn.

    "Wonderful, I thought I'd have to wait until sunhigh. Let's go and see what Wrenstar wants us to do."

    "Good idea, o great Clan leader," he joked, and the two warriors padded out of the warriors' den laughing.

    "Good morning," Wrenstar greeted them with a smile by her den. The leader was always up early. "You two can go out on a hunting patrol so we can get some fish on the pile. Make sure to come back by sunhigh - there's going to be a Clan meeting."

    "Yes, Wrenstar," the warriors agreed, dipping their heads, before heading out into the marsh.

    "I wonder what it's about." Vixensnow sniffed the air, frost biting her throat.


    "The meeting, I mean. Wrenstar hasn't called one in a while, and last time was Owlheart's warrior ceremony. There aren't any kits or apprentices needing new names, are there?"

    "Don't think so," Buzzardflight confirmed with a shrug. "Although she did mention something about having a deputy soon. Sort of a second-in-command, a cat who takes over the job of organizing patrols and stuff so she doesn't have to."

    "I wonder who it'll be," Vixensnow mused, before nudging him playfully. "You, of course!"

    "Me?" Buzzardflight echoed, shocked. "Of course not me! Why not you?"

    "Ah, you're right - I would do the job much better than you would," Vixensnow purred.

    The warriors spent the morning hunting and returned back to camp just before sunhigh with a few large fish.

    "Let all cats of DeltaClan gather for a Clan meeting!" Wrenstar's voice rang out over the island camp and the peaceful marsh. Vixensnow and Buzzardflight exchanged a glance before joining the gathering Clanmates. All cats, except Wrenstar, looked equally surprised.

    "Today is the day DeltaClan will have its first deputy," Wrenstar began. Surprised murmurs bubbled up among the crowd, dying down quickly as the cats pricked their ears for their leader's next words. "I'm sure you all understand I need another cat by my side to help keep things organized and running smoothly, and with careful thought, I have finally decided who will be that cat." Her copper eyes swept over her Clan.

    "I am proud to announce the deputy of DeltaClan is... Buzzardflight."

    "Me?" Buzzardflight gasped, clearly surprised.

    Vixensnow gave him a nudge. "Yes, you!"

    Buzzardflight stumbled forward to stand before Wrenstar. The tortoiseshell she-cat smiled at Buzzardflight, and he smiled nervously back. "Congratulations," Wrenstar meowed, dipping her head, and Buzzardflight mirrored her. The Clan erupted into cheering, chanting the new deputy's name - "Buzzardflight! Buzzardflight! Buzzardflight!"

    "You didn't tell me you were going to be deputy!" Vixensnow burst out once they'd gotten out of camp. Despite his new position, Buzzardflight had still insisted on continuing with their daily strolls through the marsh at sunset. Vivid colors of scarlet and gold streaked across the sky, a familiar sight to both warriors.

    "I didn't know!" Buzzardflight protested, blushing a bit. "Honestly I- I don't know how." They stopped at the split in the river, watching the sun set over the delta, each tiny stream that broke off from the main river a little rivulet of fire. He picked anxiously at the grass. "I'm not worthy, and I'll surely mess up."

    "You're not worthy?" Vixensnow exclaimed. "How in the world would you not be worthy?"

    Buzzardflight looked away, tail-tip twitching in worry. "Surely there must be some better cat-"

    "Buzzardflight! Look at me!" Vixensnow cried, and Buzzardflight jerked his gaze toward her, stunned by her outburst. Vixensnow held his gaze, eyes full of blue fire. "I need you to listen. There is no cat in this Clan better than you. I don't care what doubts you have about yourself, but I know you'll do amazing as deputy. You are, after all, the smartest, funniest, strongest, fastest, sweetest warrior I know, and there's no one I could ever imagine loving more." Her voice shook at the end.

    Buzzardflight was still, abandoning the shredded grass beneath his paws. Finally, he meowed softly, "Did I ever tell you I love you?"

    "Yeah, every day at sunset," Vixensnow scoffed, grinning.

    "Fine. I'm a great warrior and I'll be a great deputy," he agreed, half-jokingly.

    "No, you're the best warrior and you'll be the best deputy," Vixensnow corrected.

    Buzzardflight twined his tail with hers. "Whatever you say, o great leader."

    Vixensnow followed his gaze to the sunset bleeding across the sky before her. Her voice was soft as she replied, "I love you too."

    [915 words]
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» level 2 || Wrenstar & Buzzardflight's relationship

Postby liightning » Tue Jan 08, 2019 11:15 am

    » level 2 || Wrenstar & Buzzardflight's relationship

    Wrenstar and Buzzardflight, leader and deputy of DeltaClan, have your average relationship between friends.
    Buzzardflight is forever grateful to Wrenstar for taking him and his sister, Briarrose, in, especially since Briarrose had two small kits with her. He was shocked to be chosen as deputy and nervous at first, but quickly grew to become more accustomed to his role, becoming closer friends with Wrenstar in the process. They now casually chat and joke and are pretty close friends.

    liight (she/they)

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» level 3 || all tasks

Postby liightning » Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:39 am

    >> write about your medicine cat

    Briarrose is the Clan's temporary medicine cat.
    She arrived at DeltaClan a few seasons ago with her brother Buzzardflight (the current deputy), carrying the kits of her mate, who'd been killed by a fox. They were welcomed warmly into DeltaClan, and a few moons later, Briarrose was the proud mother of two healthy kits, Shellkit and Sedgekit.
    However, during flood season, the Clan had to evacuate their island camp to move to higher ground further inland. On their way to the hills, they had to cross a wide river. During the middle of their crossing, a huge wave of floodwater bore down on them and swept the cats away. The warriors all climbed out safely, but the kits were not so lucky, having been ripped out of the jaws of Briarrose and another warrior. By the time they were fished out of the river, there was no sign of life.
    Despite having lost so much in her life - her beloved mate, and now her two kits, who were all she had left of him - she stayed strong and persevered. She knew they would all want her to keep going on no matter what happened to them, and that's what she did.
    From queen she became the temporary medicine cat of DeltaClan, as Wrenstar was previously the only one with herb knowledge and was struggling with her multiple duties. With what knowledge she already had, and taught the rest by Wrenstar, and became DeltaClan's part time medicine cat, doing both duties of warrior and medicine cat until they could find a younger cat more willing to do the job. For the time being, though, Briarrose is glad to help, for she's very motherly and loves helping her Clanmates.
    [289 words]

    >> give a cat a history and personality

    personality -- Otterpaw is definitely the kind of cat you'd call energetic. You'll rarely ever find her resting or lazing around, especially not napping in the sun when there's work to be done! In her famous words - "There's ALWAYS work to be done." She's incredibly hardworking and determined, the entire Clan would agree, also seen through her seemingly tireless energy. She's always a few pawsteps ahead of the game - sometimes ahead of herself - which can sometimes lead to trouble and sticky situations. Not only her mouth, but her paws as well, seem to move ahead of her head, often leading to her diving headfirst into something without a plan. She can be troublesome at times, but never anything out of spite or on purpose. Buzzardflight, her mentor, swears he'll have her learn to plan before she becomes a warrior.
    This doesn't mean that she isn't clever. She's very curious and imaginative, not unlike a kit, and is often the first to think of the answer to a question or a strategy to complete a task. When assigned something, she might grumble about being on tick duty, but she'll usually hop right to it. Feisty and independent, she might argue back sometimes - but only if she thinks it's truly ridiculous. Although she has her troublemaking moments, Otterpaw is an outstanding apprentice who will undoubtedly grow to become a great warrior.
    [231 words]

    history -- Otterpaw was born in DeltaClan with her brother Salmonpaw (owned by Lady Raincloud). Their mother was Starberry (a concept owned by Lady Raincloud) and their father was Reedstripe (NPC). Starberry was from NocturneClan and had stayed with DeltaClan for a few moons after travelling with her Clanmates to communicate with DeltaClan. There, she fell in love with DeltaClan's Reedstripe and had kits with him.
    Although they were littermates of the same age, Otterkit became somewhat of Salmonkit's older sister due to Salmkit being slightly smaller and weaker. She was extremely protective and supportive of him, often challenging him to push his limits while letting him win their little competitions to boost his self-confidence. However, shortly before they were apprenticed, Starberry decided to return to NocturneClan. While their parents argued about Starberry leaving - and her plan to take one of the kits with her - Otterkit and Salmonkit snuck out of camp to explore the snowy marsh and go ice skate on the frozen river, as their parents had promised them previously. If they were going to be separated, with both parents too preoccupied to bring them skating, they were going to enjoy their last day together to the best of their ability.
    Unfortunately, Otterkit, in the lead, lost track of where she was. Tired and cold, both kits decided to rest in a little cave by the riverbank until they had enough energy to continue. In the cave, Salmonkit finds a stunning rock of fiery gold that resembles his pelt color, and sleeps with it wrapped in his paws.
    They awake the next morning to a beautiful snowy morning. It snowed overnight, covering the marsh with white, and the kits enjoy the gorgeous morning on their way back to camp. Otterkit locates the river atop a high snowdrift, and they run down to the ice to have their promised skating race. They set the end mark to be a pebble further along the river, and settle on a tie once neither can tell who arrived first.
    They realize the 'pebble' that they'd set as the end line was actually an empty snail's shell, mottled with brown and cream similar to Otterkit's tortoiseshell pelt. Otterkit keeps it, as Salmonkit kept his rock, and they follow the river back to camp.
    Back on the island, a NocturneClan patrol has arrived. The kits are relieved to find their parents reconciled. Salmonkit bravely chooses to leave with his mother, mainly for his love of travelling and not wanting to be apprenticed late in DeltaClan, but also to leave Otterkit so she can focus on herself and he can grow more independent. Otterkit accompanies the patrol to the delta, and before they part ways, the kits exchange gifts to forever remind each other of their adventure and fun times as kits.
    A few days later, both kits receive their apprentice names - Otterpaw and Salmonpaw - and they both look forward to the next time NocturneClan and DeltaClan can meet.
    [496 words]

    >> write about a scene

    Petrelflight frowned at the overexcited bouncing furball.
    "This is the main river that bisects the territory. It's the longest and widest, and half of it wraps around our island camp." Petrelflight nodded at the river they were heading along.
    "Are there any fish here?" squeaked Otterpaw, stretching her neck to peer into the water.
    Petrelflight narrowed his eyes. Here and there he saw flickers of shimmering scales. "Yes."
    "Ooh, can I catch them?" Otterpaw bounced on her paws, fur bristling in excitement.
    Petrelflight bit back a grown of frustration. Why, out of all cats, why had he been the one to take over for Buzzardflight, who was sick? "You've barely learned to swim yet - especially not in a river this big or strong. If you really want to try, I'll let you try in one of the smaller streams down by the delta. Otherwise, you just have to watch me."
    Otterpaw continued bouncing, undeterred. "Show me! I'm a quick learner, I promise, and once I watch you I'll learn in no time!"
    "Ha. Right," snorted Petrelflight, whiskers twitching in amusement. "Okay, watch carefully." Crouching, his eyes darted over the rippling waves, searching for his target. Right there - a particularly large fish heading downstream. He dove straight in, paws first, the water rushing past, gurgling in his ears. Fish darted away from his paws, alarmed, and he expertly flashed out his paws, hooking his prey - a large trout. It thrashed and struggled in his grip, but he held tight in his jaws, dragging his furious quarry back up to the surface. It went limp as he lifted it above the water, riverwater streaming from his fur. He could see Otterpaw's eyes, wide as moons, as he heaved himself back out of the water.
    Dropping the heavy trout on the ground, now limp, he lifted his gaze with a wry smile. "Think you learned anything?"
    Otterpaw gaped for a second longer before yowling, "Teach me! Teach me!"
    [328 words]
Last edited by liightning on Tue Jan 29, 2019 10:28 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: » DeltaClan ( Rise ) || writing & leveling tasks

Postby liightning » Mon Jan 28, 2019 12:50 pm

    -- leaving this here until I get my medicine cat!

    "Smokepaw! We're going to go hunting."
    "Coming!" Smokepaw called, quickly licking the fish bones clean before sweeping them aside with a flick of her tail. On light paws, she skipped over to her mentor. "Where are we going?"
    "The delta," meowed Wrenstar, beckoning her with a flick of her tail. "We might just stop by the gorge on the way - I heard there were some herbs down there." She sighed heavily. "We need to fill our stocks before marsh-frost arrives."
    "Right," agreed Smokepaw, wishing she could do something to help her mentor. Wrenstar, leader of DeltaClan, was so stressed lately, having to juggle three responsibilities - leader, mentor, and healer. No other cat in the Clan had ample knowledge of herbs to take over the job, so Wrenstar, the only one with enough knowledge and experience, often took over injury and wound care. Smokepaw always wondered if Wrenstar could teach some cat what she knew - but she was her mentor, and certainly she wouldn't have time for another apprentice.
    They padded out, with Smokepaw listening carefully for any signs of prey, always attentive. By the time they headed to the gorge, Smokepaw proudly carried a large trout in her jaws, with Wrenstar following with two minnows. At the top of the gorge, they paused, peering down the rocks.
    "What are we looking for?" Smokepaw paced along the edge, trying to spot any sign of an herb between the tumbling rocks.
    "I'm not sure, but I think it's watermint or coltsfoot. Or... maybe catmint." Wrenstar frowned, tail twitching anxiously.
    "Catmint! Really?" Smokepaw's eyes widened and she inhaled deeply, trying to catch a scent of any plant that might be hidden in the darkness. "That's really important." Stretching her neck to peer around a thick bundle of reeds, she spotted bright, crisp leaves that looked oddly like... "Catmint," she breathed. She couldn't catch any scent, and eager to help her worried mentor, she carefully hopped down onto the rocks, the cold of the stone chilling her paws.
    "Smokepaw!" Wrenstar stood on the bank, tail lashing. "Get back here at once!"
    "It's okay! I think I know where the catmint is." She continued down the rocks, breath catching as each pawstep skidded a bit where the rock was slick with water.
    "There were reports of snakes around here," Wrenstar added, sounding like a worried mother. "Venomous snakes."
    Smokepaw barely hesitated before continuing, even more carefully than before. "I promise I'll be okay, Wrenstar. We need this catmint!" One more pawstep and she was there, nosing between the reeds. There it was - the tantalizing sweetness of catmint! Excited, she nipped a few stems off and proudly turned to scramble back up the rocks. "Wrenstar! We have enough to get through marsh-frost!"
    Wrenstar didn't reply; rather, she seemed to be watching something near her with wide eyes. "Smokepaw... come up. Slowly. Very slowly and carefully." There was a new edge to her hushed voice that sent a chill through Smokepaw's bones.
    "What do you mean? I'm fine, and I have the catmint!" Frustrated at her mentor's unnecessary worrying, she bounded up the rocks, scattering loose pebbles behind her.
    "Smokepaw, watch out!" shrieked Wrenstar.
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» level 4 || all tasks

Postby liightning » Thu Feb 07, 2019 11:36 am

    >> describe a Clan tradition (100+ words)

    A big Clan tradition of DeltaClan's is the marsh-frost games! This full-day event takes place during marsh-frost (winter), when a few chosen apprentices and warriors head out to the marsh ahead of time to prepare. As most of the Clan usually goes to watch, there are things set up for competitors and spectators alike, such as nests at each event for spectators, and prey and water for all cats.

    Early the next morning, all of the Clan that wishes to watch travels out to the delta to prepare. Wrenstar begins with an opening speech that is repeated every year as tradition, and participants must make the oath that they will be honest, just, and abide by the rules. After this, the games begin!

    Each event, carefully set up in different places on the territory, have short breaks in between. Events include "fox chase," a race through an obstacle course in which contestants run like they're being chased by a fox, and "pebble wars," where cats are split into teams and must guard their pile of pebbles while stealing from others. These events test a variety of skills, like tracking, speed, logical thinking, problem solving, and most important - teamwork. The top three cats / teams that come out successful in each event are awarded points (3 to 1st place, 2 to 2nd, and 1 to 3rd) in the form of pebbles, which are counted at the end of the event and totaled to find the winner.

    Winner is given nothing more than pride and bragging rights!

    >> write about a Clan meeting

    Otterkit bounced on her paws. Her father rested a paw on her shoulder gently, purring. "I know you're excited, Otterkit, but only patient apprentices become the best warriors!"

    Otterkit forced herself to stay still, although her tail still twitched excitedly. This was it, the moment she'd been waiting for - she was going to be an apprentice! Briefly she wondered who her mentor would be, but pushed it away as her heart pricked painfully.

    If only Salmonkit was with me.

    Her brother had left with her mother, Starberry, after she'd decided to return to NocturneClan and take one kit with her. They'd parted on good terms, exchanging gifts to remind each other of their times together, but Otterkit couldn't help wishing he was here to get his name with her.

    Her father seemed to notice her shoulders sagging and licked her head. "I'm sorry, Otterkit - but I'm sure Salmonkit will be a great apprentice in NocturneClan."

    "Right," agreed Otterkit, sitting straight, shoving memories away. This was the present, and as she watched Wrenstar pad out of her den before the gathering Clan, she knew she had to focus.

    "Otterkit," called Wrenstar, smiling.

    Otterkit leapt to her paws and scrambled to stand before Wrenstar, feeling the gazes of her Clanmates warm her back.

    "Otterkit has been with us for 6 moons, and it is no doubt time for her to become an apprentice." Wrenstar's voice drifted over the Clan, calm and smooth as the river. Her cool copper gaze, a blue slice in one eye, travelled over the cats before landing on the deputy. "Buzzardflight, I trust that you will pass on your loyalty and courage to Otterpaw."

    The dark brown tom stepped forward, looking a little surprised, before bending down to touch noses with Otterpaw. Excitement jolted through her paws. I got the deputy as my mentor!

    "Otterpaw! Otterpaw!" the Clan chanted, louder and louder, words soaring into the sky.

    Muzzle lifted, she grinned. "I'm going to be the best warrior ever!"

    >> write about a scene of your choice

    Orchid's body lay at his paws, her silky fur stirred by the wind. Even in death, she was beautiful and angelic, pale golden sunlight framing her still form.

    Pawsteps approached and Kestrel turned wearily to respond.

    "I'm sorry, Kestrel." The smoke tortoiseshell padded to his side, eyes wide with sympathy, resting a paw on his shoulder.

    An instinctive response came to his tongue - "It's alright" - but it wasn't true. No matter what, nothing was alright, and nothing would ever be alright again. He swallowed hard, looking away. "Thank you, Smokepaw," he finally managed to choke.

    The medicine cat apprentice was silent, and for that Kestrel was grateful. The gentle she-cat knew when to keep her words to herself. A moment later, she rose to her paws again. "I'll go get the herbs."

    "I don't need them." His meow came sharper than he expected. "My wounds can wait."

    "I meant herbs to prepare her for vigil and burial - but I'll be sure to dress your wounds, too, after you bury her." The medicine cat's tail swept the ground, once, patiently, before she turned and the soft whisper of her paws retreated into the medicine den.

    A few moments later, he heard pawsteps return behind him. This time, however, it was Echofall, Orchid's mother. Kestrel bit his tongue, shoving down his anger so he wouldn't snap at Echofall saying she was sorry for Orchid's death.

    "Sad, isn't it?"

    Surprised, Kestrel blinked. "What?"

    "Sad, isn't it?" The elder settled down beside him, blue eyes flicking to Orchid's pale fur. However, despite the obvious pain she must be feeling, she showed no sign of emotion.

    "Sad?" echoed Kestrel, voice rising. Something about her perfect calm sparked his anger once again. How could she just call it "sad" and act like nothing had gone wrong? Act like his world hadn't just fallen apart, shattered into a million pieces?

    Echofall was silent, meeting his blazing golden eyes.

    Something snapped inside him. "I-I don't understand. Your daughter just died, and you think it's sad. Sad." A hysterical laugh bubbled up inside him at the completely inappropriate time.

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» level 5 || all tasks

Postby liightning » Thu Feb 14, 2019 10:55 am

    >> write about a patrol

    Briarrose took the lead, feeling a little awkward leading a cat who was older than her. She paused, letting the thin tortoiseshell catch up, before continuing with both warriors side-by-side.

    "Sorry," panted Robinshadow, wincing a little with each step. She hobbled a few steps, trying to lick one of her paws, before continuing. "My paws are not cooperating."

    "It's alright, take your time," responded Briarrose, smiling. "The last thing we want is to hurt your paws more."

    "Thanks," breathed the tortoiseshell, a little breathless. Briarrose slowed her pace a bit, patiently waiting as Robinshadow caught her breath, rolling her shoulders.

    The poor she-cat had joined DeltaClan just a few sunrises ago, having barely escaped a forest fire with her two young kits, Smokekit and Cinderkit, who'd been named after the fire that drove them out of their home. Her paws were still singed, and she was clearly out of shape, but Briarrose was glad to see her adapting.

    Rustling and a startled yelp came from behind, and Briarrose spun around, frowning. Of course - Petrelflight and Rainstorm, the brothers who never stopped bickering. They almost seemed to be polar opposites, with Petrelflight being the grumpiest cat in the Clan, and Rainstorm soft and quiet, but when they were together they could be like kits playing a game of moss ball.

    Mud dripped down Rainstorm's side. The blue sepia leaned to scoop a pawful of mud, Petrelflight snickering and dodging away.

    "Quit it, you two," huffed Briarrose, gently but firmly. Rainstorm dipped his head, dropping the mud with a splat, with Petrelflight wrinkling his muzzle in amusement. She turned back to face Robinshadow, smile returning to her face. The she-cat was watching with a slight smile.

    Briarrose flicked her tail. "Ready? I'll show you the delta first; it's always gorgeous at sunrise."

    >> write about a high rank meeting with ancestors

    The river was silent, rippling gently, stars reflected in its depths. Buzzardflight sighed, tail sweeping the grass, eyes wide at the moon above.

    “What... what am I doing wrong?” he breathed aloud, muzzle tilted upward.

    "Perhaps you need to pause and think."

    Buzzardflight jumped, glancing around wildly. He hadn't been expecting an answer. A chill ran down his spine; there was no one there.

    "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you there." Before his very eyes, a pale shape began to take form flickering against the night. Buzzardflight's eyes widened.

    "Ah, that's better." It was a she-cat, small and round but heavily built, with a fluffy tail that brushed the ground. Her yellow-green eyes were round, her cream pelt soft and silky. Stars glittered at her paws and in her fur, shimmering as she moved.

    "W-who are you?" he stammered, stopping himself at the last moment from asking what she was. It sounded kind of ridiculous; she was a cat, of course, but why was she still partially transparent, with stars in her fur?

    "Pear," she answered airily, sitting down heavily, licking a paw to draw it over her muzzle.

    "Right. And you can... turn invisible." Buzzardflight blinked.

    "Sure, let's go with that." She chuckled. Despite her short legs and small frame, she was clearly older than she appeared. Buzzardflight assumed she must be some seasons older than Wrenstar - perhaps old enough to be her mother. Something about her, too, was reminding him of his leader.

    "Why do you... sparkle?"

    "Ah. Right. You see - they're stars." Pear chuckled again. "I'm dead."

    "O-oh." Buzzardflight was taken aback. "You're a... s-spirit."

    "There you go." Pear curled her thick tail neatly around her paws, drawing herself upright, muzzle tilted slightly upwards. With a jolt of shock he recognized this similar movement that Wrenstar usually used. The tilt of her muzzle, the calm expression, the relaxed posture...

    "Wrenstar. Are you... her mother?"

    "Clever." Pear shifted, clearly pleased. "Yes, I'm Wren's - Wrenstar's - mother."

    "Why don't you appear to her, then?" Buzzardflight tilted his head, puzzled. Why had she visited him instead? "Why me?"

    "I do," replied Pear patiently. "Except this time, you needed help." She frowned. "You're having doubts about being chosen as deputy."

    "Right," groaned Buzzardflight, shoulders sagging. "I'm not ready, and I'm certainly not worthy! Why not Vixensnow? She'd do so much better! And this morning, I sent out three patrols that did the same task, and we didn't catch the amount of prey we should have because they were scaring away the fish in the same area, and-"

    "Hush," meowed Pear sharply, jerking her muzzle. Buzzardflight trailed off. The spirit sighed and shook her head. "You're new to this job, Buzzardflight, and you're still learning. You need to be patient with yourself. Believe you can do it, because with time, you can."

    "I've already messed up so much already," continued Buzzardflight bitterly.

    "Every cat makes mistakes; they're a part of life. Wrenstar won't expect any cat to do something perfectly on their first try."

    "She doesn't know how unprepared I a-"

    "I trust my daughter's judgement. If any cat is worthy, it's you." Pear's eyes glowed in the starlight as she rose to her paws and padded before him. Resting a paw gently on his shoulder, she nodded. "Concentrate and remember you were not chosen for no purpose."

    Buzzardflight took a deep breath. "You're right," he meowed finally, dipping his head. "Thank you, Pear."

    Pear smiled as she set her paw back on the ground. "Good luck," she whispered, tail brushing his side reassuringly as her form flickered and disappeared into the night.

    Nothing more than the shadows, nothing more than air.

    >> write about a scene of your choice [continuing last level's scene]

    Something snapped inside him. "I-I don't understand. Your daughter just died, and you think it's sad. Sad." A hysterical laugh bubbled up inside him at the completely inappropriate time.

    Echofall's tail swept the ground and he felt her gaze burning into his back. "Sad is just a word that has many, many, meanings, and just because I'm 'sad' doesn't mean I'm not devastated," she meowed sternly. "Grieving is not an excuse to act like a kit."

    Kestrelfall ducked his head, cheeks burning. She was right; he was acting like a kit. His heart squeezed painfully - without Orchid, was this all he was? A helpless kit, featherbrained, squealing for food and warmth and comfort? He lifted his chin, squaring his shoulders, steadying his voice as he replied, "You're right."

    The elder sighed heavily and rose to her paws, wincing. She blinked, blue eyes unreadable, yet deep pools of emotion. "Stay strong, Kestrelfall," she breathed, and then she was gone, padding back to the elders' den.

    He turned his golden gaze back to the marsh, beyond the still body of his love. "Stay strong," he echoed, voice no louder than the breeze.

    The breeze whistled through the reeds, the hollow echo seeming to for words.

    “Stay strong. I love you.”

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