Pirate's life for me

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Pirate's life for me

Postby sapphirelion » Sun May 20, 2018 7:49 am

Form for readopt hosted by the pirate

my post

Skeleton form:

username: sapphirelion
link to kalon you're trying out for: Corbin
kalon's name:
Nickname: Captain Hook
kalon's gender: male

Anything in this color is Captain Hook speaking.
Anything in this color is Macey speaking.
Anything in this color is Peter speaking.
Regular text is me.
Last edited by sapphirelion on Wed Jun 27, 2018 4:11 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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than to l
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Re: Kalon readopt form

Postby sapphirelion » Sun May 20, 2018 7:58 am


Name he goes by: Captain Hook
Birth Name: Lucien
Date of Birth: August 1
Gender: Male
Playlist (on YouTube) : here
Fears: Drowning; Clowns
What he does to relieve stress: long quiet walks
Quirks: doesn’t like to sit for long periods of time;
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Re: Kalon readopt form

Postby sapphirelion » Sun May 20, 2018 8:18 am


Join my crew if you think you have what it takes!

Start by taking a pirate name:

Pirate Name Generator

Now sign up and start your duties!
My crew:

Captain: Hook
First Mate: Macey “Ace”
Look out: Peter “Pan”
Cartographer (Map Maker):
Siren: Sasha “Ship Sinker”
Swordsman: Winnipeg “Winn”
Last edited by sapphirelion on Wed May 23, 2018 12:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kalon readopt form

Postby sapphirelion » Sun May 20, 2018 11:08 am

Lucky Lu

The Lucky Lu is my ship. She has been with me through many fights and takeovers. If anyone in my crew dares to damage her they shall pay the price to repair her, or they shall no longer be part of my crew. Over the side they go.
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Re: Kalon readopt form

Postby sapphirelion » Sun May 20, 2018 12:10 pm

Macey “Ace”:
Who’s idea was it to steal this pirate ship anyways?
Peter “Pan”:
It was Hook’s.
Captain Hook:
Now wait there just a minute, I may be captain, but that doesn’t make it my idea! Pan was the one who dared me to high-jack this ship. Though I gotta say I don’t ever regret it.
But what happened? Why were you guys anywhere near the marina?
It was guys night. We liked to walk the beach talkin’ about life on our way over to admire the boats.
Neither of us had the money to buy our own ships so we would look at the different ships for parts we liked and we would dream of what our ships would look like. But that night there was a new boat there.
Yup, the Lucky Lu.
It was an amazing ship!
And very very close to his dream ship!
It felt like a mistake when I mentioned that to him. That’s when he dared me to high-jack it out to sea.
Now I never said that! I just dared you to get the ship ready to be sailed, then you could have put it back.
You know I couldn’t! By the time I got it ready there were people yelling at the pier and I had already accidentally drifted the ship away.
Oh yeah... And at that point I knew that I’d be considered an accomplice if I stayed, so I ran off the pier and into the water so he could pull me up.
And I almost didn’t! You stressed me out so much and were a horrible lookout!
But he obviously got better. Otherwise he wouldn’t have the position now...right?
Not really.
Then why...what...?
It was because I wanted to strangle him for daring me and ending up making it so I had to steal the ship. That was the furthest position from me that wasn’t off the ship.
We had to come to a compromise on that one. Hook wanted to either throw me back into the water or at the very least tie me onto a rope hanging off the side of the ship. I obviously wasn’t comfortable with the idea.
What is mean to say is YOU came to a compromise, using your monkey skills to run away from me to the crow’s nest.
I did NOT run away!
You did too!
Boys! Boys! You’re both pretty, now why didn’t you just give the boat back when now one was looking?
He panicked.
...maybe just a little bit, but I also didn’t want my time with the Lucky Lu to end. It was a dream come true.
Sappy much?
You best get back to that crow’s nest before I decide to throw you overboard.
But yeah, we’ve been on the run and living the dream for years now.
So you guys became pirates with a ship all because of a dare gone wrong?
Uh, dares...dares gone wrong. Pan knows I can’t just let a dare go undone so we’ve gone all around stealing things and finding treasures because he dared me to.
Except for the first thing. You know, that time that one pirate ship tried to board us! That was all you.
Well what did you expect me to do? Just sit there while their hooks sunk into my beautiful boat?!?!
You only saw 2 hooks sink into the wood of the Lucky Lu before you went berserk! You pulled them out and jerked the ropes out of the other crews’ hands. And as if that wasn’t enough you then proceeded to grip those same hooks and jump off our boat to the other ship. Then you used those hooks to climb your way up the ship and proceeded to fight everyone that came at you and knock each of them out. Once they were all down you went into the main cabin and took the treasure they had aboard.
When you say it like that...I guess I might have been a little bit over the top. But because of what I did we still had a ship and then we were able start a real life since the dare happened. So don’t judge me, besides you’ve had crazier ideas Pan!
Last edited by sapphirelion on Wed May 23, 2018 12:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kalon readopt form

Postby sapphirelion » Wed May 23, 2018 3:31 am

I guess you want to know more about me, huh? Well I guess you could ask me some questions. Fire away!

What is your name? Captain Hook
No I mean your real name. Captain Hook
What is your birth name? Why would I tell you that? You don’t need to know.

Fine, who is your best friend? I suppose Pan fits the category. How sweet, you remembered me! Do you want to get thrown off this ship?

What did you do before you accidentally stole your ship? Nothing really, just a lot of boring stuff.
Like what? Nothing of importance to you.

Ok, how about who were you before you stole the ship? What was your job title? I was poor, titles aren’t important. Except in your case! What are you still doing in this interview? Get out! Hook is a disinherited prince! That’s why he had no money! I’m going to strangle you, get over here!

A disinherited prince huh? Care to tell us why you were disinherited? Now that the cat is out of the bag, I suppose not... My father didn’t like what I was trying to do for our city, you know like helping the people like a king is supposed to do. He wanted to keep almost all the money and finer things to himself. The only things he allowed the people to have was what they could make themselves and what they could trade for.

Guest Interviewers:

mango marmalade,,
1. How long have you owned your ship? It feels like forever, but if I had to count...maybe about 3 years now? What? No no no, it’s been more like...uh 7 years! Guys, I’ve been here almost as long as you have, it’s been only 5 years. Don’t fight me on this because if I have to go get calendars to prove I’m right you’ll both be sorry. I believe you, you know what’s happened, as well as when and where. ...yeah...right...

2. What would you do when a crew member misbehaves? I’m assuming you mean if a crew member doesn’t follow what I tell them to do? I guess it depends on what I’ve told them to do. And who they are. Like for Pan all the punishments change depending on if I can catch him or not. I once was able to lock him in the hold, but he did get out somehow... But those like Ace who are loyal and not annoying don’t really get punishments since they listen, though that doesn’t help answer your question. Basically if you cross Hook, you have to deal with him, Pan, and me (but mostly him and me since Pan is a chucklehead). Yeah that sounds about right. I heard that!

3. Would you rather burn your ship or have it sink to the bottom of the ocean? Rather than let it fall into someone else’s hands? That’s a tough one. On one hand I want it to sink so that I have a chance to salvage it, but that would give others the chance to do the same. But it would probably break my heart to see the Lucky Lu burn...uh can I get back to you on this one?

What's the meaning behind your ship's name? Why was it named the Lucky Lu? To be absolutely honest, I don’t know the meaning behind the ship’s name. She had gotten her name from her previous owners and I was too lazy to have someone change it. Don't let him tell you those lies! He didn’t want to change the Lucky Lu’s name because he thinks that the ship really is lucky and he doesn’t want to change anything he doesn’t need to. That way the ‘luck’ isn’t taken away. How many times do I need to tell you to get out!?!?!

1. Have you all wanted to be pirates since you could remember? Or did you have other ambitions beforehand? I never wanted to be a pirate, until I was thrown into that life. Before being a pirate I just wanted to help others who’s lives were harder than mine. But I am still doing that! I’m a pirate who steals and then goes to poorly developed areas along the water to give them help to get going...I’m the Robin Hood of the sea! :lol:

As for Ace, Pan and I found her as a stowaway on our ship after the first time we made port. I don’t know if she was just looking for a better life somewhere else or if she planned on being a pirate (she won’t talk to us about it), but she is a really good pirate who is skilled at just about every position on the ship.

Ship Sinker has always had a destructive streak in her, using her voice to destroy ships and watch them burn. We had found her swimming in the ocean. She had just destroyed another ship that actually had been coming to attack us and had drained almost all of her energy on it. Since we were grateful (and kinda hoping she wouldn’t try and destroy us), we pulled her aboard and nursed her back to health. We don’t know much about her as she can’t use her voice for regular speaking like you and I are able to, but we do know that she agreed to help us in whatever we do so that’s good.

Winn on the other hand won’t stop talking! He has told us multiple times before that he has always wanted to be a pirate so that he could say he has fought on the high seas with his special sword.

And well now we are on my least favorite subject...
Hey! I thought I was your best friend! That’s what you told that other interviewer! I said that I suppose you fit that category, you know because of being the only one who knows me from before we had a ship? I thought you were joking...you were joking right? Whatever, are you going to answer the question or not? Uh...no, I have to go do that thing you told me to do earlier... Sure you are. Anyways I don’t believe Pan ever wanted to be a pirate, besides when we were kids and liked to imagine we could be anything. Beforehand he had wanted to be a court jester for my court (once I became king), but after being disinherited I think he gave up that idea because he thought I could no longer become king.

2. Where does the name 'Captain Hook' stem from? Is it based off the Captain Hook in Peter Pan? Nah, if it came from the Peter Pan story that’d be weird, because that would mean that Pan and I are enemies. And We Definately Are Not Enemies! Get Back To Work!

Anyways, my nickname came from the first time I went after another ship without Pan daring me to. The other ship used hooks to attach themselves to our ship and I pulled them out and launched myself (with the hooks) at that ship and knocked them all out. So since Pan had found it amazing, he gave me the nickname to remember it by (Hook) and the Captain was added because others looked to me to find out what they had to do so I was made honorary captain.

3. What is your absolute favourite part of the sea? Hmm. I think it’s the freedom that is my favorite part. Being out on the sea, away from most of the people I grew up with, helps me to figure out who I want to be without fear of someone judging me based off my past of being born a prince.
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