Spring Legendary Viscet Post

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Spring Legendary Viscet Post

Postby Matreats » Sun May 21, 2017 4:02 pm








Renkuda (Ren) Ahkito




Persistent | Naive | Unsure | Angered easily | Reserved | Loves affection

Renkuda, or Ren, is an only child and son of the Emperor and Empress Ahkito of the Sakozko Kingdom. He is the crown prince, and being so, is expected to reflect his parents’ reputation and regality. His entire life, he has never been permitted to leave the palace grounds, so all the knowledge he has of the outside world is learned only from his private tutors and the books in the vast library the palace houses.

Being raised in the upper courts, Ren has learned his place as a ruler, and will appear condescending and rude to lower class members, simply because that is the way he was taught. Many who have met him describe him as stuck-up and pompous. Ren gets annoyed when he can see that others think badly of him, and will insult them without thinking it completely through.

Even though he will openly speak his mind and isn't afraid to challenge most, Ren feels pressured by the large expectations that are set by his parents and the rest of the kingdom’s inhabitants. He doesn't do well under any kinds of stress, and that tends to give him a great deal of it. Other things cause him anxiety, including speaking/being in front of large crowds, talking to authorities, or most any major confrontation. When put under situations like this, he freezes up and can't speak.

Despite his extremely attractive and beautiful appearance, Ren doesn't truly believe that he is worthy of the amount of attention he is given, and often gets frustrated and angry with the
repetitive everyday compliments from his servants and parents. He is unsure of himself as a person, and most of all a ruler. He doesn't see himself fit to be an emperor, and doesn't want to take on the huge responsibility that being the ruler of a kingdom requires.

The way that Ren feels loved is through touch and affection. He loves to be hugged and cuddled, but only under very particular circumstances and he has to want it. He won’t let people touch him unless they are close friends or family. More often than not, Ren doesn’t get the love he needs, especially with life in the palace being so fast-paced. He doesn’t have any true friends, and his parents are his only family, which limits his options of finding peace and comfort through others. Ren’s father’s personality clashes with the prince’s, his strict and committed attitude offsetting his son’s want for freedom. Ren’s mother is much more gentle and encouraging, and Ren has a close bond with her.

Because his parents are so often busy, Ren spends a lot of his time roaming the gardens and exploring the secluded areas to relieve pressure off his mind and calm himself from his stress.

Ren’s favorite place is a small hidden glen in the massive palace gardens; a single sakura tree surrounded by the tallest garden trees. The gardens are more like a forest, and covers over 10 acres of land, housing hundreds of different kinds of plants and animals. It’s a place of quiet
and tranquility for him, and he goes there whenever he wants to get away from the world. He feels a special connection with nature and the plants and animals, and has become a friend to those that live in the gardens. The animals are friendly to him, and offer him much needed affection and comfort when his parents cannot. He relies heavily on nature as a whole, and feels at home when he’s around it. He has an exceptional liking for the lotus flower, whose beauty and past he feels he connects most with.


❀ Nature
❀ Lotus flowers
❀ Seclusion
❀ Affection from others
❀ Animals (particularly birds)

❀ Being alone
❀ Quiet and peace
❀ Sweet foods and fruit
❀ Spring and summer
❀ Freedom to make choices
❀ Swimming
❀ Rain

❀ Stress and anxiety inducing things
❀ Being in charge
❀ Arguments
❀ Winter
❀ Responsibility
❀ Difficult decisions


❀ Death
❀ Fire
❀ Not being able to live up to his parents’ expectations


(Please read this small bit for more information on Ren's character)


❀ He likes to walk on all fours, and often his tutors and parents will get angry at him for doing so







(500 years before the present day)

“Prince Renkuda!”

Elder Zhao’s frustrated voice echoed after Ren as he ducked under the hedge bordering the palace grounds, not daring to look back before he disappeared into the thick green foliage. Once past the initial wall of plants, he took off, running as as fast as his legs could carry him. Ren’s ears flattened against his head as his old tutor continued to call for him, his shouts growing more distant every time Ren’s paws hit the ground.

Ren’s legs continued to propel the young prince forward until he could no longer hear anything except his breathing and the rustle of the leaves beneath him as his paws touched down. Yes, his tutor was furious, and yes, there was a part of him that felt guilty, but if he hadn't have gotten out of that room when he did, he probably would have gone crazy.

The third day of the week for him consisted of history lessons- or in other words, long lectures from the Elders who drawled on for what seemed like eternity. They were ancient, and practically sneezed dust they were so old. His parents insisted that they were the wisest and would help him learn, but all they did was sleep, and offer the occasional “advice”. Zhao was the worst out of all of them. On top of his old age, he was strict and unyielding when it came to anything that Ren wanted.

The truth was, as much as he pretended to tolerate it, Ren hated them. He hated the pointless hours that were wasted sitting inside, learning about the “majesty and gloriousness” of the Sakozko kingdom, time that could be much better spent out here, safe under the shelter of the Sakura trees.

Ren let out a relieved sigh as he slowed to a trot. Although he knew he would have to face an angry Zhao when he returned, he turned his thoughts away from the inevitable situation. He
was outside now, and he intended on enjoying it while he could. At least he was far enough away from the palace that he doubted anyone could find him. There was no absolute pathway for them to follow anyways, just pure, green growth. The gardens were his personal getaway, the one place where he could go to rest and relieve himself of his princely duties. They were beautiful; his one true connection to nature.

Sunlight filtered through the tall canopies of pink and green leaves, casting a warm summer glow on the undergrowth and small ferns that poked up through the grass. Vines hung from tree branches, sporting tiny multicolored flowers that were just beginning to blossom. A soft breeze blew from behind him, carrying Sakura leaves with it and ruffling his ornately patterned fur. He drew in a deep breath, letting the delicious scents of fresh air and blooming flowers completely overwhelm his senses.

His tall curved antlers reflected some of the sun’s light, making the surface shine as he walked. Multiple small animals came out every so often and ran up to him, weaving in between his paws before running back into the trees. His tail swished slowly behind him, disturbing the fallen petals and leaves as he approached his desired destination. In front of him stood a row of oak trees, so close together that any regular passerby would assume that it was the edge of the gardens, or that there was no way through. However, Ren continued on, and when he
reached the line of trees, he walked along its perimeter until he reached a particularly low-hanging branch.

He ducked under it, skillfully avoiding the tangle of limbs and leaves, and entered through the concealed entrance. Before him, the leafy growth opened up into a large clearing, where a large sprawl of lush grass covered the ground, interrupted only by a large Sakura tree in the center of the grove. The tree itself was a sight to behold; its tall branches reaching up thirty feet, extending outwards before they finally dropped down to touch the ground.

Ren stepped into the clearing, spreading his paws out and letting the grass tickle his fur. Seeing this place again gave him a renewed joy, filling him with an exhilaration that he couldn't have gotten anywhere else. He paced forward, exposing his full body to the sunlight. He raised his head to the sky, closing his eyes and letting the rays gently caress his face. Ren let himself fall backwards onto the turf, his graceful form sinking into the tall grass.


The rustle of leaves made his ears twitch, and he let out a contented sigh as his muscles relaxed. He laid there for a moment, reveling in the sheer bliss that was summer. The heat warmed up his fur quite rapidly, and soon he retreated to the shelter of the low-hanging branches of the Sakura tree. He laid back down, resting his head against the brown trunk. At this season, the tree was in full bloom, at the peak of its beauty. Its branches were so thick with leaves that it created its own canopy of shade.

The pink light coming from above Ren made his beautifully floral patterned fur seem to sparkle every time he shifted. He stared forward at the lazily swaying branches, and without his realizing, closed his eyes and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


Ren awoke to a small blue bird with a pink-feathered throat and green crown hopping around on his antlers and chirping rapidly. He blinked his eyes wearily and yawned, stretching his back legs out.

“Juno...” Ren complained, dragging out the last syllable. He shook his head slightly, startling the small female avian into the air. Ren laughed softly and rolled his eyes as she came back down and returned to her perch, chittering angrily.

“Alright, what do you want?” Ren questioned the small bird, its black eyes staring down at his own brilliant blue ones. She hopped from place to place on his branching horns before leaping off and into the sky, twittering as an indication for Ren to follow. The viscet complied and stood up, shaking the grass out of his fur before starting off after Juno. Ren went back through the way he had come and continued trailing the colorful bird until she flipped around and landed on a tree branch above him.

Standing before Ren was a familiar stone wall that reached high above his head. He immediately recognized it as the border of the gardens and of the palace grounds all together. He looked incredulously up at Juno, who cocked her head innocently.

“Why did you bring me here?” Ren asked, a hint of annoyance in his voice. He had always wondered what lied beyond the palace grounds, but had never gotten the chance to see what did. He was not allowed to cross the borders that kept him safe. His parents had told him time and time again that the outside world was dangerous, and since he was the only heir to the throne that he must stay inside its protective walls. There had been one day when he had climbed a tree out of curiosity, but as he expected, it wasn't high enough to see over and past into the world beyond. The wall was at least twice the height of the tallest tree. There had been one time when he had actually tried to climb it, but the pointless endeavor ended in him falling off into a prickly bush before he could even get a fourth the way up.

It was a stupid move, and Ren regretted it, but at the same time, part of him wanted to feel the excitement of climbing again, and the satisfaction of finally getting to the top and of having done it on his own.

His bird friend seemingly ignored his question and flew over to the wall, landing near some mushrooms growing at the base of the wall. She hopped over to a large patch of tall ferns and disappeared into it, the only sign of her presence being a small chirp.

“Come out Juno. You know I shouldn't be over here.”

Juno didn't respond. Ren furrowed his brow and bent down closer to the ferns to get a better look. He stuck his nose into the plants, and was surprised when he felt a soft breeze coming through. He drew his head out and poked one of his front paws down in the ferns, his eyes widening as he found there was a hole in the stone wall that was completely hidden by the plants.

Curiosity and excitement flooded his mind, shoving away all previous thought as Ren hurriedly dropped onto his belly and wormed forward into the opening. He made it only a couple inches in when his antlers hit the stone, preventing him from moving forward any farther. He growled frustratedly and flattened his body as much as he could, trying to force his way under, but his antlers were too tall and blocked his way out. He was so close- closer to escaping the palace walls than ever before, but yet a literal part of himself wouldn't let him go.


What am I doing?

The sudden thought entered his mind, making him stop short.

This is wrong...I shouldn't be doing this- What would mother think?

The logical side of his mind took over, and he started to imagine what his mother would do if she saw him now. She would most definitely be angry and likely ashamed of his behavior. Despite his own wants, Ren was a prince, and had duties to his parents and his kingdom. His own childish thoughts were getting in the way of what was truly important.

He pulled out, his heart skipping a beat when his antlers caught again, making him think that he was stuck. He stood up on his hind legs, straightening up and putting his shoulders back like he was taught to do. He brushed the dirt out of his fur before turning around and starting back the way he had come without a word.

Ren heard a protesting tweet coming from Juno as she came back under the wall and flew in front of him, grabbing his ear in her beak and tugging backwards. Ren flicked his ears and
ducked out of the way as Juno went at him again.

“Knock it off,” Ren growled, swatting at the bird as she came closer. “I shouldn't have done that. You shouldn't have brought me there.” Juno tweeted softly before resigning to a slow-paced flap as she followed Ren. The prince continued down the path, a gloomy aura seeming to hover over him as he walked. He said nothing to Juno on the way back, and in return, she didn't make any noise either.

When they reached the edge of the gardens, the small bird banked and flew off back into the trees, leaving Ren by himself. With his new dampened mood, he walked to the palace steps, hesitating before pushing the doors open and entering inside.

He was greeted by several servants who bowed low to the ground when he passed, but he gave them no reply. He ignored the others who addressed him, earning several confused and somewhat offended looks from the palace’s higher-ups. Ren avoided as many people as possible as he made his way to his room by taking obscure hallways and the back staircase to the fourth floor.

When he reached his room, he walked over and fell backwards on his bed. The cool, goose-feather mattress felt nice on his warm fur, the temperature contrast making him sigh with pleasure. His moment of rest was short, however, when Elder Zhao decided to show up at Ren’s doorway.

“Prince Renkuda, where have you been?” The tutor inquired incredulously, placing his paws on his hips.

“Avoiding you.” A grin pulled at the edges of Ren’s mouth as Zhao huffed indignantly. The Elder shouldn't be surprised at the prince’s bluntness at this point- it was, after all, a common occurrence.

“No matter,” Zhao replied curtly, brushing off Ren’s statement and deciding that starting an argument was not the best choice. “Come, we must continue our lessons.” Ren made a protesting grunt, but he reluctantly got up out of his bed and padded towards Zhao, making sure to stay on all fours. Ren could see the annoyance in the Elder’s eyes, but the older viscet said nothing as they both exited the room.

The two continued down a hallway until they reached the large study that Zhao regularly occupied. Ren followed his tutor as he went in and picked up a scroll lying on a table at the front of the room. He gestured for the prince to sit on the pillow in front of him, and Ren took a seat as Zhao opened the musty length of paper. He cleared his throat and started to read the text, launching into another ‘thrilling’ story about Ren’s ancestors. Ren flattened his ears, his brain already starting to tune out the Elder’s monotonous voice as his mind started to wander. It was going to be a long day.




A few days passed with nothing particularly exciting taking place. Every day lagged on for Ren, and his complacent attitude grew to the point where he started to not show up for his required studies. His father had done well to reprimand him after Ren had disappeared for over five hours when he was supposed to be attending a political meeting.

An argument between the two of them began when Ren’s father accused him of being lazy and ungrateful. It had escalated from there, and Ren retaliated with an equal amount of verbal force. His father went off, even more furious than before. They both went back and forth, insult after insult, nitpicking and yelling out everything that they couldn't stand about each other.

Ren was blamed for being unmotivated, selfish, and rude, and the prince blamed his father for being too strict, not allowing Ren to have enough time to himself, and for being too controlling. When Ren’s mother had entered the scene, he couldn't handle having both of them yell at him, so he left. He left as fast as he could, ignoring the calls from his parents and the
surprised servants as they jumped out of his way when he barreled past them.

That was two hours ago. Now, the prince was out by the large Sakura tree, pacing around restlessly. Many of his animal friends, including Juno, had noticed his odd behavior and came to see what was wrong. Ren hardly even registered the mix of birds and forest creatures sitting off to the side, watching him with worried eyes.

I cannot believe I did that. I cannot believe I did that-

The thought repeated over and over in Ren’s mind, sending a new wave of guilt every time it did. He had never blown up at his parents in such a way as he did that day. He had gotten frustrated occasionally, but never had he yelled or shouted at them. Their argument felt like something in a dream, his memory of it already growing hazy as he subconsciously shoved it away. What would they think of him after this? He wondered if his mother and father hated him now.

Ren felt something rub against his leg, and he stopped walking and looked down into the eyes of a small, lion-like creature. It made a soft chittering sound and rubbed its face up and down Ren’s fur. Ren forced a small smile, and the little animal pirruped happily. Juno flew over and
landed on the lowest branch of Ren’s antlers. She bent down and nudged his nose gently with her beak. Usually his friends’ attempts to comfort him worked, but at the moment they seemed futile.

Ren sighed and turned away from the other animals. “I want to be alone right now,” he started, his voice low. “Don’t follow me.” He walked off, passing through the Sakura branches and across the field, ducking under and past the entrance to the glen without looking back. He was expecting to hear the flapping of wings as Juno followed him, but he heard nothing except for the rustle of leaves and grass as he walked through the forest. He wanted to apologize to his mother and father, but he was still afraid that they would be angry. Ren decided that maybe it was best just to wait it out and let the situation settle a little longer.

The prince tried to focus on something else besides his parents by walking slower and examining every detail of the life around him, but his attempts were unsuccessful. No matter what he did, the feeling of guilt kept finding some way to push itself back into his mind. He didn’t realize that he had been walking towards the border of the gardens until he reached the wall. He stopped and looked up at the looming stone, a little surprised that this was where his paws took him. Ren was about to leave and continue on his way when he remembered the hole that Juno had shown him days before.

Leaving the palace grounds sounded better than ever, now that Ren had something that he wanted to get away from. He walked along the side of the wall until he reached the patch of familiar ferns that concealed the hole underneath. He needed something new- something that he didn’t connect with his life at the palace, something that wouldn’t constantly remind him of what he had on his shoulders.

Without a second thought, Ren dropped down and started digging, scooping out pawfuls of dirt from the ground and throwing it behind him. The hole gradually grew bigger, but it still wasn’t deep enough for Ren to fit his tall antlers through. After digging for a while, Ren tried it out, sticking his head down in. To his surprise, his antlers were able to fit, although barely. He got down on his belly and scooted forward into the hole, now a good three feet deep. Even though it was a tight fit with his antlers, he managed to slip under the wall and emerged out the other side.

His eyes were met with a huge expanse of grass, the tall blades moving back and forth in sync with the small breezes that rushed across the sky. In the distance, Ren could see a scatter of trees, each one tall enough to cast a shadow larger than his favorite Sakura. Past the massive trees, the land started to slope upward into multiple hills, their faces covered with all colors of
flowers. A genuine smile appeared on Ren’s face and he lept forward, unable to contain the overwhelming sense of freedom that burst from inside him.

He ran around in the grass, not caring about what got in his fur or what others would think if they saw him, because, really, they couldn’t. The towns and villages were in the opposite direction, over two miles away and Ren was concealed by the hills and trees that surrounded the area behind the palace gardens. There was nothing but pure wilderness out here, untouched by any other.

Ren ran past several of the tall trees, amazed even more by their height now that he was up close. As he started up the largest hill, he couldn’t help but stop and take time to look at the flowers growing on the hillside. They weren’t like anything he had ever seen before; the colors were so much more vibrant than the ones in the palace gardens, and the unique patterns that each one had made it all the more brilliant.

When he reached the summit of the hill, he couldn’t help but look back. The stone wall still rose high into the sky, but at the height Ren was at, he stood taller than it. He could see past the border into the gardens and even further to the village beyond the opposite wall. Despite the structures blocking part of the landscape, Ren still found it amazing to see that his world
he had been living in wasn't everything.

A whistling noise startled him out of his reverie, and he turned around to see where it had come from. Nothing in sight seemed to be the source. He studied the landscape again, swiveling his ears to try and pinpoint the noise.

At the base of the hill was the start of a forest that wouldn't have been visible unless you were on the hilltop. Its trees grew thicker the farther out the forest went until a low mist started to shroud the rest of it from view. The whistling persisted, and Ren started down the slope, intrigued.

When he reached the line of trees, he stopped, hesitating for a second before entering. The shade of the treetops passed over him, blocking out the sunlight and sending an involuntary chill down his back. Part of him was nervous going into the forest, but the feeling was soon gone. It was weird- he felt safe and protected despite the other doubting part of his mind.

Ren noticed that the path he was on was once worn from use, the ground being more compact and the lack of foliage that grew from it. If he looked closely, he could even see faint markings of other paws in the dirt. He wondered who had been here, and why so many would journey
into this seemingly obscure forest.

Ren continued onwards down the path, deciding that it was the safest way to go, Birds chirped and fallen leaves rustled under his feet as he walked, the path ahead of him illuminated by a pretty green light. The whistling from before persisted, and Ren could hear it growing steadily louder the farther he went.

The trail wound around patches of trees, turning right, then left, over and over until Ren lost all sense of direction. Sometimes the whistling grew softer as the trail led away from it, but if he kept going, it always led him back on the way towards it. Though it was confusing and disorienting, he pressed on, determined to find the source of the mysterious noise.

The trail bent to the right, anything past the curve hidden from view by the thick undergrowth. Ren turned with it, stopping short when he saw the dense trees open up, their branches curving high above to form a tunnel of leaves. At the end was a bright light, preventing Ren from seeing beyond it.

The prince blinked his eyes to adjust to the light before going forward, his curiosity driving him more than ever before. The orange and red fallen leaves crackled under his paws as he
padded down the tunnel, getting closer the the bright light. He shut his eyes as he seemed to walk through it, finally opening them when the brightness lost some of its intensity.

Ren’s jaw dropped when he finally registered what was around him. Trees in all different colors, shapes, and sizes surrounded a small clearing, each of them dripping with bright green vines which sprouted hundreds of tiny purple and pink flowers. Ferns and wild grass covered the ground, interrupted only by the plethora of roses, lilies, and several other flowers he didn’t recognize that were scattered across the clearing. A simple stone brick path bordered by hibiscus bushes led up to the center of the glade, splitting off into a circular formation that surrounded a tall statue at the center. The statue was that of a viscet, who was sitting and had one front paw on the head of a large bird that was at its side. Water streamed from the pedestal under its feet, falling into the pond that surrounded it, disturbing the small lily pads with tiny ripples. The mist of the falling water filled the air and collected on the blades of grass and petals of the flowers, creating tiny dew drops that sparkled in the sunlight.

The vibrant colors surpassed even the most well-kept places in the palace gardens, thoroughly blowing away Ren’s own imagination. The glade was a tiny paradise, hidden in the depths of a massive forest that he didn’t even knew existed. He stood there dumbfounded for several minutes, trying to absorb what was right in front of him. It truly was beautiful.


Still struck with wonder, Ren walked forward, almost tripping several times due to him being distracted by the scenery. He approached the statue, and had to double-take when he saw lotus flowers floating in the pond, being pushed towards the edge by the falling water. Lotus flowers were a rare and exotic flower, told about in legends and often used as the symbol of the ancient nature goddess, Kimeaka.

He had only seen a lotus flower once while in the palace gardens. It had been an exceptionally warm and sunny spring, and Ren had stumbled across a lotus by one of the small ponds while he was walking. It had always been his favorite flower; it stood for purity, rebirth, and supremacy. It symbolized everything Ren wanted to be: unique,
loved, and beautiful. Seeing one now made him feel at peace.

The whistling noise from before drew his attention, and he looked up at the statue to see that
the sound was coming from the bird at the side of the taller viscet. In a way, he could tell that it was a bird’s call, but it was unlike any bird he had ever heard, which was probably the reason he didn't recognize it as one.

As he stared at the stone viscet’s small horns and peaceful face, a twinge of familiarity struck him. Ren felt like he had seen this particular viscet before, somewhere. He wracked his brain, going back through all his studies and the scrolls he had read in the effort to recall where he had seen them, and suddenly remembered.

It was the day Elder Zhao had brought out the scrolls on the royal ancestor’s ancient religion. Hundreds of years ago they had believed in gods that ruled over the world from their domains, three of which were the God of Death and War, the God of Prosperity and Luck, and the Goddess of Life and Nature. These were just a few of the many that Ren’s ancestors believed in. Ren remembered the faded ink drawings of each of them, including the one of the Goddess of Life and Nature. The picture in his memory matched the statue in front of him almost perfectly, and he compared the two until he was certain that the statue was of Kimeaka.

Ren now recognized the bird at her side as her companion, Jeoa, the legendary lotus phoenix that was reborn from petals upon her death. Her infinite life cycle came to represent nature as a whole, and was also why the lotus flower symbolized rebirth.

Although the Goddess and her phoenix were ancient beliefs, Ren still felt the need to pay some sort of tribute to the possibly centuries old statue. He bent down and scooped a lotus flower gently out of the water with his paws, drops of clear liquid dripping from his front limbs as he stood on his hind legs to set the delicate flower in the mane of the Goddess’s statue. He bowed reverently, lowering himself to the ground to pay his respects to Kimeaka.


A feminine voice spoke, and the prince raised his head up sharply, startled by the new sound. He looked around, trying to see who had spoken, but there was nobody but him in the clearing. Just when he was starting to think that he imagined it, the voice came again.


“Hello?” Ren’s voice wavered slightly as he answered. It was odd enough that he couldn't see who was speaking, but the fact that they knew his name as well was even more so. “Who are you?”

A figure materialized above the statue and Ren stumbled back, his reflexes taking charge. When he looked up, he was staring into a pair of calm green eyes. The viscet hovering inches above the statue’s tip was wreathed in swirling mists, a soft white glow outlining her body. She had tiny horns and a beautiful mane, and the floral patterns on her fur surpassing even the beauty of Ren’s own coat. It took him a moment, but Ren realized that she looked exactly like the stone viscet beneath her. It was Kimeaka.

“Hello young prince.”

Her voice was melodic and smooth, and her eyes captured Ren’s with the hint of knowledge and experience gathered over millennia. Ren couldn't speak; he was so shocked and in awe that his body refused to respond to him. He was in the presence of a goddess, an immortal deity that had decided to show herself to him.

Realizing the significance of the encounter, Ren dropped down into a bow, lowering his head
to the ground respectfully.

“Rise. There is no need to bow,” Kimeaka said, and Ren raised his head. There was something about her that seemed almost motherly. She radiated calm and tranquility, filling Ren with such peace as he had never felt before.

“Why have you come?” Ren asked. “I- I thought that the people had stopped believing in the gods.” Kimeaka didn't reply, and for a moment, Ren thought he might have offended her.

“It is true that many have forgotten their old ways,” the goddess started, sounding thoughtful. “As generations passed, less and less began to believe in us. We still existed, but our power was lessened because of the lack of faith others had in their gods. We fell into a dormant state, still alive, but unable to visit mortals as we once did.” She paused, reaching out a paw and gesturing to the small clearing around her and Ren.

“Scattered throughout the world are secluded places where the gods now rest, like this one. We lay in wait for the day when your people’s faith will bring us out of our slumber.” Kimeaka nodded to the statue below her. “You have done so to me. Even though you were not sure that I truly existed, you still offered your respects. That act alone has enabled me to appear to you.”

“How long are you able to be here?” If such a small thing brought Kimeaka to the mortal world, she couldn't have much time. After all, Ren was only one person.

“Not long. Your faith has allowed me to take this form, but unfortunately it is not enough for me to linger. I wish I could stay, but I soon must return to dormancy. Before I do though, I want to thank you for bringing me back, even if it was only for a short time. I appreciate being able to see the world once more.”

“I'm happy I could serve you,” Ren replied. He found himself staring back into the Nature Goddess’s eyes, her warm gaze penetrating him to his very core.

“I will remember this. Goodbye Prince Renkuda. May we meet again.”

Kimeaka’s ethereal form faded away, the mist that had been swirling around her dissipating into the air. Ren was saddened by her departure, but he understood why she had to leave. He stood there in front of her statue, unmoving, still completely awestruck. The goddess had appeared to him, of all people. He felt humbled and extremely privileged to have the chance to stand in her presence.

The sun above him was starting to descend through the sky, and Ren realized how long he had been gone. Reluctantly, he left the clearing behind, glancing back one more time to see the statue of the Nature Goddess and her bird.

There was a lingering feeling of peace as he traveled back through the forest, as if Kimeaka was still with him. As Ren exited the trees and started back towards the palace border, he felt a tiny breeze rush past him, carrying with it the faint scent of lotus flowers.





Last edited by Matreats on Fri Nov 24, 2017 6:31 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Spring Legendary Viscet Post Continued

Postby Matreats » Fri Nov 24, 2017 6:30 am



The sun was starting to set when Ren finally reached the wall, and he crawled under the hole he had made to emerge back into the palace gardens. He shook the dirt out of his fur and started walking quickly back to the palace.

Now that he had seen the beauty of the outside world, the gardens seemed dull. It was still beautiful, but it pales in comparison to the rich and vibrant colors that existed beyond the wall. Ren ran past the growth, not giving anything a second glance as his mind filled with thoughts of his parents. He had been gone longer than he ever had before, and had left his mother and father on a bad note as well.

As he left the gardens and approached the palace, he snuck around to the back and entered through one of the open windows. Maybe if he told them about Kimeaka appearing to him, they would forgive him…

He touched down inside one of the outer hallways, quickly glancing back and forth to see if
anyone was coming before heading towards the back staircase. He went as fast as he could while still staying silent, narrowly avoiding two servants by ducking into a nearby room. When he was sure that the coast was clear, he ascended the next two levels without much problem, mostly because it was nearing dinner time and the majority of the servants were down in the kitchen or dining room.

Ren finally reached his room, letting out a sigh of relief before entering. When he looked up, his eyes widened when he saw his mother sitting by his bed, her tail curled neatly around her feet. The setting sun cast a pink light through the room, making his mother’s figure seem to glow faintly.


The prince stood there for a moment, not knowing what to say in response. Had she been waiting for him this entire time?

“Mother, I–”

“Where have you been?” She asked, still looking him in the eye. Her calmness was unnerving,
and Ren found himself unable to meet her gaze.

“I…” He paused for a second, trying to decide what exactly to tell her. His previous thought of explaining where he had actually gone seemed like a foolish decision now. He didn't want to bring up that he had left the palace borders- he was positive that doing so would only make his situation worse.

“I was out in the gardens,” he started. “I'm sorry for getting angry, I didn't mean to be gone for so long!” He blurted quickly, accidentally raising his voice as his anxiety started to build.

“Ren, it's alright.”


She gestured for him to come over and he complied, if not a little reluctantly. He was surprised when his mother suddenly embraced him, pulling him close to her.

“We all have days when life is simply too much and we get overwhelmed. You and your father happened to clash at an unfortunate time, nothing more.” She licked Ren’s cheek
affectionately. “I don't blame you for running from it.”

Ren nuzzled into his mother’s neck fur, letting her scent envelop him. He was more than grateful for the forgiveness being offered to him and his mother’s kindness. He hadn't been expecting her to let it go so easily.

“Thank you,” he said quietly, closing his eyes. He felt his mother nod and she brought him closer.

“You should get some rest,” she said. “It's late and you have to speak to your father tomorrow.”

Ren pulled away reluctantly and nodded as his mother let go of him. He was petrified of facing his father again, but he knew it had to happen. He settled himself in his bed, curling up in the soft sheets as his mother got up and walked to the door.

“I love you Ren,” she whispered before leaving the room and disappearing into the hallway. Ren sighed, turning away from the door and burying his nose in the blanket. He didn't want to sleep, for he knew that it would only make the inevitable talk with his father approach faster. He was exhausted though, mentally from worrying, and physically from running around
outside. His eyelids drooped as gave up fighting against it and fell asleep.


The bright morning sunlight awoke Ren from his slumber, and he groaned in protest when he felt himself waking up. He knew what he would have to do today, and he was not looking forward to it. He was expecting Zhao to come in and tell him to get up, but no such thing happened.

Pleasantly surprised, Ren stood up and shook the ruffles out of his fur before leaving his room and padding towards the library downstairs, stealing some food from the kitchen along the way. He was greeted by the librarian as he entered the massive room, the walls lined with gilded bookshelves that reached the ceiling. He had the librarian show him the section on ancient religion, and started reading the labels on the scrolls.

He wanted to find out more about the Goddess of Life and Nature, his experience yesterday intriguing him even more about his ancestor’s religious beliefs. He stayed well into the afternoon, reading about the accounts of encounters with the gods and the stories of the miracles they performed. When Ren finally looked up to see the sun setting, he realized that he had spent the entire day reading. What surprised him even more was that his father hadn't come looking for it. He was starting to think that the Emperor had forgotten about their argument when he heard Elder Zhao calling his name.

Ren covered his ears with his paws, hoping to block out the irritating noise, but was unsuccessful when the Elder appeared in the doorway to the library.

“Prince Renkuda, you must come,” he demanded, spotting the prince across the room. Ren
raised his head to shoot an annoyed glare at the older viscet. “Your father wants to see you.” Ren could have sworn he heard amusement in Zhao’s voice, and he eyed him warily. Ren stood up though and followed as Zhao led him down the hall.

“Wouldn't father be in his room?” Ren questioned as they passed the Emperor’s quarters.

“No. He is in the main hall.”

Ren was confused. At this time in the morning, only the servants would be up and about, preparing dinner for the palace’s inhabitants. He couldn't think of a reason why his father would have waited so long to talk to him, and especially why he would want to in such a non-private place.

They entered into the main hall, which was already bustling with servants as they rushed to and fro. The front doors to the palace were closed, but Ren spotted his father sitting on his throne at the back wall, the place next to him empty.

As the two approached the Emperor, Zhao bowed respectfully before letting Ren go forward.

“Where's mother?” Ren asked, looking to the vacant throne.

“Renkuda,” his father started, looking down at him from his seat. “Do not speak unless I give you permission.” Ren flattened his ears to his head shamefully but said nothing.

“I am no longer angry about our argument yesterday. However, I am furious that you disappeared for so long.”

The tiny spark of relief vanished from Ren’s heart as his father spoke. Part of him had hoped that his father would be as quick to forgive as his mother was, but now he saw that his wish was in vain.

“You were gone for eight hours. You abandoned your responsibilities to me and your duties to the kingdom. I have let it go whenever you would hide away from your role as a prince, but now I see that it has gone too far.” He paused for effect, staring down pointedly at his son. “From this point on, I revoke your privileges of going to the gardens until you can learn your place as a ruler.”

Ren’s head shot up as his father spoke the last words, his eyes frantic as he searched the
Emperor’s face for any sign that what he said wasn't true. His father’s expression never wavered as Ren stared desperately up at him. He was completely serious.

“Father, you can't–”

“I can,” the Emperor cut in forcefully, “and I will. For too long I have let you do as you please. You are a grown prince, and I will not tolerate this immature behavior from you any longer!”

His voice echoed throughout the hall, making several servants scurry out of the room nervously. Ren could feel tears pricking at his eyes as he glared malevolently up at his father. He couldn't believe that the one place that he could retreat to, the one thing that kept him sane in his fast-paced life was being taken from him.

Ren suddenly realized why his father had brought him out here to talk. He wanted to confront him in a public place. He wanted to humiliate him into resignation in front of everyone. A low growl started to form deep in Ren’s throat as his father’s actions began to make sense.

“Well?” His father questioned expectantly. “What do you have to say for yourself?” Ren swore at his father under his breath, his frustration growing with every second.

“What did you just say?” The Emperor asked, and Ren looked up and made eye contact before repeating what he had muttered, his father’s eyes growing wide as his son swore directly to his face. Ren’s father stood up, his tail flicking as his face grew red with rage.

“How dare you-”

“No!” Ren shouted, stopping his father from finishing his sentence. “How dare you take away the one thing you know I need? How dare you confront me here to humiliate me in front of everyone just to get what you want?” Ren was completely fired up now, and was standing on his hind legs, his fur bristling as he spoke.

“Maybe I don't want to be a ruler because I see what it's done to you.” Ren spat out the words maliciously before turning around and walking away. Ren heard his father yell at him to return, but he ignored it and exited the palace, the Emperor’s angry roars echoing after him.

The second Ren was outside, he started running, blocking out any noise around him and ignoring the palace guards that his father sent after him as he dashed into the forest. He heard the clink of armor following him as he ran, and Ren weaved through the trees with the
dexterity he had gained over the years. He heard the guards starting to fall behind until nothing but the sound of birds and leaves reached his ears.

Ren slowed down, listening carefully for any signs that he was still being followed. When he was sure that the guards lost track of him, he started off in the direction of the wall. It might've been a stupid desire, especially since his father was already so angry, but he wanted the feeling of peace that Kimeaka’s secret glade offered.

The wall came into view, and Ren sprinted forward. He could see the patch of ferns that covered his exit, and had almost reached it when something in his path tripped him. His paws flew out from under him, sending his body crashing into the ground with the full impact of his running top speed. Ren groaned as he pushed himself up and turned his head to see what he had tripped over.

A viscet about a head taller than Ren stood over him, its red eyes staring down. Ren yelped and stumbled backwards, finding himself pressed against the wall behind him. The shadowy figure had a dark aura swirling around them, making them seem almost spectral. Two more of the shadow viscets dropped out of the trees, forming a semicircle around Ren and blocking off his escape. Ren’s breath quickened as he glanced nervously at the three of them, his heart


pounding furiously. What were these creatures? They definitely didn't look like regular viscets, and they seemed to move more like animals. They started to close in, and Ren looked around frantically for any way out. The dark viscets had almost reached him when a loud voice called his name.

“Renkuda!” The voice boomed. Ren looked up to see someone leap off the top of the wall and land on the ground in front of him. The shadow creatures backed off in the new person’s presence, standing a little further away. The person in front of him was definitely a regular viscet, as he lacked the shadowy aura the other three had.

He was male, and stood tall and proud, obviously the leader of the others. Two longswords hung at his belt on either side of him, and his arms and forelegs were covered with a scale-like armor.

“Renkuda,” he repeated dragging out the last syllable. He looked down at the frightened prince with a smile. “I can't begin to explain how nice it is to see you again.”

Again? Did Ren know him? He scanned the taller viscet’s face, but nothing seemed to spark his memory.

“Who are you?”

“Oh, I'm hurt,” the male said, putting his paw to his chest in mock offense. “You don't remember me? How sad. Well, I suppose I should introduce myself again. I am Xenophus,” he declared, tilting his head up and straightening his shoulders. “Emperor of the kingdom Keoka, and soon, of Sakozko as well.”

The viscet’s name struck a chord with Ren, and he studied his face until it hit him. This was his father’s brother, Ren’s uncle, and the savage monster that had once destroyed an entire village
purely out of spite. Xenophus had vanished after Ren’s father had sent his armies after him, and hadn't been seen for over ten years.

“Y-you're Xenophus?” Ren stuttered, not wanting to believe what was standing before him. Xenophus looked at him, an amused look in his eye.

“Why yes, I am. Glad you remembered,” he said, noting the fear that started to appear in the prince’s eyes. “As much as I would love to stay and chat, I have business to attend to. Unfortunately my brother stands in the way of my rule, and that is not acceptable.”

“What are you saying?”

“I'm going to have to kill him,” Xenophus explained bluntly, “and if you decide to fight against me, I might have to do the same to you.”

Ren’s stomach dropped. His eyes widened as he stared up at his uncle, who chuckled darkly at Ren’s fear.

“Cooperate, and no harm will come to you.” Xenophus turned to face the shadow creatures.
“Shades, take my dear nephew somewhere he can't cause me any trouble.” In a flash, two of the shadow viscets appeared at Ren’s side, grabbing ahold of his front arms and holding them behind his back.

“No!” Ren yelled as his uncle turned his back and started to walk off, two Shades appearing out of the forest to follow him. Xenophus ignored Ren’s shouting and continued forward until he was out of sight. Ren tried to lunge after him, but the shadowy creatures held him back.

“Please! Don't hurt anyone!” His desperate cries went unheard, fading into the forest without a reply. The clang of metal followed by two screams rang through the air as Xenophus found the palace guards. There was no doubt that he had killed them.

Ren felt something coil around his paws and looked behind him to see the tendrils of dark mist floating around the Shades wrap themselves around him. Ren tugged against it, but to no avail as the shadowy creatures then turned and started to climb the wall, walking up the stone vertically, leaving Ren dangling by his paws as they ascended.

Ren’s tail curled as he rose higher, and he squeezed his eyes shut as he began to get dizzy. What was happening? His mind swam with confusion, preventing him from being able to think
clearly. Nothing made sense. He didn't know what these ‘Shades’ were, or how his uncle had appeared so suddenly, but he did know that he needed to get back to the palace to warn his parents before Xenophus did. Somehow.

The two Shades were now descending the wall. Ren didn't dare fight against them when he was so high above the ground, but the second they touched down, he started to thrash around. His struggles were in vain though; the Shades’ iron grip on him never slackened. All he succeeded in doing was hurting himself. When it was obvious that nothing he did would help, he gave in and let himself be dragged through the grass.

The setting sun cast long shadows across the ground, but the light seemed to pass through the Shades. Having no shadow made them even more disturbing, and if Ren looked closely, they looked almost transparent. The creatures moved swiftly and silently, almost gliding across the ground with a nightmarish gracefulness. Ren tried calling out again, hoping desperately that someone might hear him. He swore and cursed at the Shades, calling them every horrid name he knew, but they never reacted or said anything in response.


Suddenly, a flash of light lit up the darkening sky, and something bright swooped down in front of them. The Shades dissipated as the light touched them, along with the bands around Ren’s paws. Now freed, Ren jumped to his feet to see a white glowing bird with a huge tail circle around and land in front of him.

Ren recognized the magnificent bird as Kimeaka’s phoenix, Jeoa. He looked around, but couldn't see the Nature Goddess anywhere in sight. He didn't know how the bird was here now, but what mattered was Ren getting back to the palace. The phoenix nodded as it seemed to know what Ren was thinking and rose into the air with a beat of its wings. Ren uttered a thank you before turning around and taking off through the grass, heading straight for the wall.

Every time his paws hit the ground, he propelled himself further and faster until he reached the border, running across its length until he found the hole. Ren squeezed under the stone, scraping his antlers and his back against the rough surface above him. He payed no mind to the scratches, and the second he emerged from the hole, he resumed his frantic sprinting.

Loud shouts and the clanking of armor grew louder as Ren neared the palace. He came out of the trees and into a full scale battle, Sakozko’s soldiers against Xenophus’s army of Shades. The soldiers were completely outnumbered, and the number of dead far surpassed the ones still alive. Ren’s heart clenched as he saw another soldier fall to the ground, and he turned and ran in the opposite direction.

Everywhere he went there was fighting, and Ren himself narrowly escaped getting attacked by
Shades himself as he sprinted towards the palace. He managed to get up to the outside of the raised first floor, but he was nowhere near the front doors. Ren resorted to climbing through the nearest window, falling to the floor painfully as he lost his balance over the edge. He immediately shook it off and dashed through the palace, avoiding any sounds of fighting. He reached the doors and burst through them into the main hall.

The sight he beheld was something out of a nightmare. Bodies lay strewn across the ground as Shades prowled the room, killing the occasional soldiers that would come through the palace’s open front doors. Ren scanned the room frantically, his eyes finding and focusing on Xenophus who was standing near the Emperor’s throne.

Ren started forward, but stopped short when his uncle turned, revealing his father's body on the ground. It wasn't hard to tell, even at the distance that Ren was, that his father was dead. In that moment, Ren forgot every fight, every confrontation that he had had with his father as the reality of what he saw hit him in the face.

He heard an angry roar as Xenophus stumbled back, raising a paw to his cheek. Ren identified his mother as the attacker, her claws still out as Xenophus hissed angrily.

“Back down Lillia,” Xenophus growled lowly. Ren’s mother shook her head, not responding verbally but still standing her ground. “Fine,” the armored viscet spat. “I didn't want it to come to this, but it looks like I have no choice.” He raised his sword, and before Ren could even call out, his uncle brought the sword down, slashing across the Empress’s chest.

“Mother!” Ren screamed as she crumpled to the ground next to her husband. He lept forward, sprinting across the floor towards his fallen parents. Xenophus turned towards him, taken by surprise as Ren tackled him out of the way. The prince wrestled with his uncle until he got the upper hand and kicked him square in the muzzle, sending him flying backwards.

With Xenophus out of the way for the moment, Ren ran over to his mother, bending down to her level. She was still alive, but was struggling to breath as her life drained out of her. Ren nudged her, and she raised her head slightly, her eyes meeting his. She smiled weakly, and with her last ounce of strength she leaned forward and licked Ren’s cheek. Her eyes slid shut as she went limp, her body falling to the floor.

Ren let out a strangled cry and buried his nose into his mother’s fur. Tears formed and spilled out of his eyes as he hugged her close to him, her body already starting to grow cold.

Behind him, Xenophus stood up, looking down on the grieving prince triumphantly as he flicked away the blood on his face. He had succeeded, and so far everything was going as planned. Just as his brother had, the world would soon learn that Xenophus would show no mercy in crushing opposition.



Ren’s heart was completely shattered. His mother and father lay dead on the ground, their death caused by none other than his uncle. With tears still streaming down his face, Ren stood up to his full height, his chest fur soaked with his mother’s blood, and turned away from his parents. Xenophus faced him, a smirk playing on his face as he stared down at Ren. He laughed cruelly and twirled his two swords in his hands.

“You wish to fight me?” Xenophus asked, almost innocently. “I wasn't going to kill you, but if it’s what you want, I'll be happy to deliver.” Ren, realizing that he couldn't win a fight against his uncle’s far superior swordsmanship, decided to make a run for it. In a split second, he whipped around and made a break for the nearest window.

He had almost reached it when a Shade suddenly appeared in his way, swinging its tail around and knocking Ren away. The force of the blow sent the prince flying backwards, and he hit the ground hard. He felt his antlers scrape against the marble floor, filling the main room with a terrible screeching sound.

There was a click of claws on the ground as Xenophus approached him. Ren got to his feet as his uncle chuckled lowly, his two swords by his side.

“You won't win this. You're a pampered, spoiled prince who has never had to fight for anything.” Xenophus raised his right arm and slashed downwards, and Ren lept out of the way. “Everything in life has been handed to you on a silver platter!” His tone was laced with hate and anger, and he jumped forward, swinging his left sword. Ren evaded the attack again, and his uncle roared in fury.

He came down upon Ren in a flurry of metal, every swipe and jab aimed to kill. The more Ren dodged, the more furious Xenophus grew, and the harder it was to escape his never-ending attacks. Shades blocked every exit, keeping Ren from escaping his uncle.

Xenophus came from the side, catching Ren off guard as the metal blade swiped his flank. Stinging pain exploded from Ren’s side as the sword cut through his fur, penetrating the skin underneath. Ren swallowed the screech of pain that was rising in his throat, forcing himself to ignore the wound.

“I'm not afraid of you,” Ren breathed, taking a step forward. He winced as the movement jarred his side, and Xenophus rolled his eyes. Without saying a word, he flicked his sword towards his nephew. The Shades guarding the exit immediately lept forward from their spots, racing across the floor at inhuman speeds. In a moment, they had the prince completely surrounded.

They converged on him slowly, seeming to enjoy the terror in his eyes as he tried to watch them all. One of the Shades ran forward when Ren’s back was turned and jumped on his back, making him stumble forward. He screeched when the Shade dug its massive claws into his back and tried to shake it off, but his efforts were useless. It was firmly latched onto him.

The other creatures would take turns running in and inflicting small damage, slowly wearing Ren down until his legs could no longer support him. They gave out, and the weight of the Shade on his back made him collapse to the floor. The creature unhooked its claws from Ren and backed away as Xenophus approached him. He snorted disdainfully and shoved Ren off to the side with his hind paw, making him whimper in pain.

“You are pathetic.”

The Shades vanished from Ren’s sight as they followed their leader out the palace doors, the
final screams of the remaining soldiers splitting through the air as he took them out.

Ren was fading in and out of consciousness, and could feel his heartbeat grow slower as his brain threatened to shut down. The cold marble under him stung against the scratches all over his body, and he felt warm blood trickle down his side. He was about to give in and let himself sleep when a warm light enveloped him.

The familiar figure of Kimeaka appeared next to him, her form still bordered with the beautiful glow. She bent down and laid a paw on Ren’s head, worry flashing across her eyes.

I am so sorry Renkuda... I should have never let this happen.

“What...what do you mean?” Ren whispered. The goddess bowed her head, a look of regret on her face.

I could have prevented this if I had been more watchful, but now it is too late.” She looked mournfully over at Ren’s parents. “I’m sorry for not being able to save them. They are too far gone for me to bring them back now.

“It isn't your fault,” Ren managed to say. “There was nothing you could have done.”

Kimeaka still looked saddened, but when she raised her head, she appeared more confident. “This is not over yet. There is still a chance to defeat your father’s brother and end this.” She paused before continuing to speak. “Renkuda Ahkito, I grant unto you the status of a god, and pass my power and role to you.” She bent down and touched her forehead against Ren’s.

As the light drained from her, Ren’s body healed, his wounds closing up before his very eyes. Strength filled his limbs and he stood up, now invigorated with the power Kimeaka had given him. The goddess hovered in front of Ren, and was now completely transparent and had lost her glow.

“Kimeaka? What's happening to you?” Ren asked worriedly as she started to slowly fade.

I gave you my power. I do not have the physical ability to face Xenophus, and this is the only way to make sure that he does not spread to other lands.” She placed a paw on his chest. “You are the only person who has the ability to cleanse this plague and prevent it from claiming more innocent lives.

“But- will I ever see you again?”

I'm afraid not. A goddess’s power is also her life force, and by giving it up I will cease to exist. But do not worry,” she assured, seeing the look in Ren’s eyes. “You will do a fine job on your own.” With her parting words, the former goddess faded away completely, leaving nothing but her memory behind.

Ren turned to the palace doors, the new power inside him urging him to go forward and avenge his parents’, and Kimeaka’s lives.

I will not let you die in vain.

Armed with the abilities of a god, Ren stalked forward towards the front doors. With a wave of
his paw they flung open, revealing the horrific scene outside. The stars were dwarfed by the amount of light radiating off of Ren, evaporating any Shades that got too close. He spotted Xenophus off to the side and walked towards him, his head held high and confidently.

His uncle stumbled back when he saw Ren, his eyes widening. “How are you still alive?” He spluttered. “Shades, attack him!” The shadow creatures did so, but before they could even reach the prince, they vaporized. Xenophus was now completely terrified, and was backing away from his powerful nephew.

Ren said nothing as he approached his uncle. Xenophus tried bargaining and pleading for his life, but Ren cut him off with a stomp on the ground.

You have killed thousands of people tonight, murdered innocents and took lives that were not yours to take.” Ren’s voice thundered in Xenophus’s ears, shaking the ground and rattling him thoroughly. “Now, you will pay for what you have done.

Before his uncle could run, Ren sent a bolt of light at him, striking him in his chest. Xenophus’s mouth opened in a silent scream as his body exploded into light, scattering tiny glowing particles in all directions. When it settled, Ren looked around to find that all of the
Shades had been destroyed as well. The night was quiet; too quiet for what had just taken place.

The glow around Ren lessened as he returned to the palace, walking over to his parents’ bodies. He closed his eyes and focused, all of Kimeaka’s centuries of knowledge entering his mind. He raised his paws above his head and the ground started to rumble beneath him. Large vines started to spring from the ground, building up one after another and breaking through the walls of the palace, and symbolically, the memories of his old life.

A tree sprouted directly underneath him, raising him up and breaking through the palace’s roof. Ren kept channeling his power into the earth until the tree spiraled high into the sky, the enormous branches stretching out to cover miles of land beneath it. He didn't stop, and kept raising life from the ground until he was surrounded by forest.

At last, Ren carried his parents down to the base of the tree, a branch lowering him to the grass. He formed two graves for them next to the trunk, and one for Kimeaka out of respect for the sacrifice she had made. He made flowers sprout from the dirt, surrounding the sacred area in a beautiful array of lotus blossoms.

Ren returned to the top of the tree, looking down at the spread of forest that he had created. A loud chirp alerted him, and he glanced over to see Juno fly up from the trees and land on his antlers. He smiled and reached a paw up to pat her feathery head. He would stay here, accompanied by his friends and hidden away from the rest of the world that never failed to hold evil in it. To prevent a catastrophe like the one that had occurred that day, he would protect what mattered to him from now on.

The moon shined through the branches of the huge tree, and stars glimmered above Ren’s head, their twinkling lights reminding him of the bright eyes of Kimeaka. He would never forget the sacrifice she made for him, and swore that as long as he lived, he would strive to live up to her name.





Renkuda lives in the tree that sits in the heart of his forest. He is still young, and never ages. The flowers and lanterns hanging from his horns were acquired over the years, and they’ve become somewhat of a part of him. He has more or less accepted the death of his parents, and has moved on. The belief in the gods never returned, but Ren is still able to live because his is half mortal and does not need to rely on the faith of others to exist like Kimeaka did. Because he is half mortal, he is not as powerful as a true god, and his abilities have several limitations and repercussions. He is still naive, as he has never left the forest. He never felt the need to, and still believes that the world and the people within are evil.

The gods and Ren are now nothing more than an ancient tale that not many know about. The memory of Ren and his family had been known and was told, until the years passed and it was forgotten, becoming a mere legend to explain the somewhat mystical forest. To this day, nobody really knows what happened and where the mysterious forest appeared from, but the occasional brave soul will venture into it, whether that be out of curiosity or greed. None have made it far however, as the forest and especially the tree where Ren lives are hidden from the outside world and are guarded by magic. The ones that enter the forest always find themselves at where they started no matter what direction they go.

A small afterthought wrote:
I just wanted to say that making this was an experience for me. This is my first time trying out for any viscet, and I’ve never dedicated so much time to a character before. I’ve gotten quite attached to this guy ^^;; I also thank you for extending the due date and allowing me more time to write to the best of my ability and to make this post look the way I imagined it.

“Like the lotus, we must overcome the muds of adversity to become beautiful.” -Unknown


Disclaimer wrote:
I do not own any of the pictures unless otherwise stated. All writing and art belongs to me.

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I love art, well-written characters,
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