The Imagination Station.

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"Whatever happened to Joel?"

Postby Woogwoo Wren » Fri Jan 20, 2017 4:40 pm

(Floki's challenge number 65)

    Kathrin tapped her foot impatiently as she waited for Samson. Beside her, Benjamin stared up at the sky visible between the trees.

    "Where is he?" Katy asked from the tree she was sitting in. "He's taking forever." She sighed, spinning around on the branch and hanging upside down.

    "I don't know," Benjamin said. "But he'll come eventually. He always does. Hey, that's a cool bird." He pointed up as he spoke, smiling.

    "Careful it doesn't poop in your mouth," Katy said with a snicker.

    "Here he is," Kathrin said, seeing Samson weave his way through the trees. He was carrying a bundle of torches, which he dropped to the ground.

    "Anyone got fire?" he asked, wiping his forehead.

    "Here," Kathrin said, handing him flint and stone as Katy dropped out of the tree. He took them with a nod, and quickly light four of the torches, handing one to each of them.

    They turned to face the cave, exchanging glances.

    "Coming, Joel?" Benjamin called. A call of affirmative came from the nearby bushes.

    "Well. Shall we go?" Samson said, taking a breath.

    "We shall," Kathrin said.

    Together, they stepped into the cave. Almost as soon as they stepped inside, a hoard of bats flew past the squeaking loudly. Katy let out a squeal and threw her hands over her head - still holding her torch.

    "Kate!" Benjamin shouted, as the back of her shirt caught fire. He rushed to her, dropping his torch as he did, and began batting at the flames. Katy dropped to the ground, rolling wildly as Benjamin kept hitting at any part of her body he could see.

    After a few seconds of chaos, Katy stood up. The back of her shirt was black, but there didn't seem to be much damage, although there was a rather unpleasant smell of burning hair.

    "Are we ready to continue?" Samson asked, holding out another torch to Katy.

    "Yeah. Sorry," Katy said sheepishly, taking the torch.

    They moved deeper into the cave, looking at the huge cavern in awe. Eventually, the reached the end of the cave. After some scouting, Kathrin managed to find a small tunnel. She called the others over and they all began crawling through on hands and knees - in pitch black as they couldn't properly get their flaming torches in.

    Samson was breathing heavily behind Kathrin, and she tried to keep his panic from infecting her.

    "Relax," she said quietly. "We're okay, there's nothing to worry about." She tried to keep her voice calm, and she could sense it was working, Samson was calming down.

    From farther up the tunnel she could hear Benjamin called back.

    "It isn't long. And you have to see this!"

    Eventually, they emerged into a small cavern - but the walls were covered in diamonds. Kathrin let out a whistle as she moved forward, laying a hand on one of the diamond stalagmites.

    "This is amazing," she whispered.

    "There's more," Katy called from deeper inside. Kathrin and Samson exchanged glances before moving down the tunnel towards Katy's voice.

    They entered a much smaller room - but this one was man-made. It was a perfect square, and the wall wooden. In the very centre was a box. Katy reached forward to open it, but Samson leapt forward.

    "Don't touch it, it could be trapped," he cried. Katy leapt back as if burnt.

    "Sorry," she muttered.

    "Here, let's try this." As he spoke, Samson used one of the unused torches to touch the chest. A large spike fell from the ceiling, dropping right on top of the chest. Katy let out a whimper.

    "That was close," Benjamin breathed.

    "Look!" Kathrin pointed up, seeing a small hole in the roof. As she watched, it began to fill with water.

    "Run!" Samson cried. Benjamin and Katy exchanged worried looks and began running back through the crystal room. But they weren't fast enough. The rushing water caught them up and swirled them around. They were brought back to the boxed room.

    "Through the hole!" Kathrin cried. As the water level grew, she took a deep breath and swam through the hole.

    She burst to the air, gasping. They were now in a lake, the shore nearby. Making sure the others surfaced safely, Kathrin helped Katy back to shore while Samson gave Benjamin a hand.

    They made it to the shore laughing.

    "Thank was great!" Benjamin cried. "We nearly died!"

    Katy was laughing too hard to speak, curled over double, her hands clasping her knees. Samson and Kathrin exchanged glances then burst out laughing as well.

    "It was almost too real," Kathrin said, wiping a tear from her eye. "Grandad's getting better."

    "Hey," Benjamin said, sitting up with a huge grin plastering his face. "Whatever happened to Joel?"

    The four exchanged glances, then burst out laughing again as they realised their guardian wasn't even with them - and hadn't been for the whole trip.

    "Bats," Katy managed to gasp out. "He hates bats."

    And that set them all off again.

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Postby Woogwoo Wren » Thu Feb 16, 2017 6:19 pm

(So, there is currently a huge fire raging around Christchurch, a large town in New Zealand. I came home to loads of stuff on Facebook and had to write something.)


Smoke, on the horizon,
Flaming fingers, eating at what we know.
The green grass, turned to black.
The blue sky, turned to grey.

Homes destroyed.
Familiar places gone.
You’ve been through this before
Haven’t you?

They fight, brave men
and women.
They brave the flames day and night
Protecting your homes.

There seems to be no point.
Nothing changes.
The fire rages.

But this brings you together
Like it happened when the ground shook.
You help your neighbours – strangers.
You give them shelter
When they have lost everything.

You are brave – facing the flames
Even though you aren’t fighting them.
Every morning you wake.
“What can I do to help?”

Stand strong Christchurch.
And maybe
Around the corner
Is rain.
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Re: The Imagination Station.

Postby sammmy » Wed Feb 22, 2017 8:52 am

Ok I absolutely love 'The show must go on"! The feels oh my goodness <33333

──The world is─────
Imagexx andxxImage
───────If it finds──

➣➣➣evenxthe ➣➣➣
Hi there! My name's Sam
and I am in love with
disney (as you can probably
tell) I also like The Nightmare
Before Christmas, Harry Potter,
Writing, Dance, and Reading.
Sig made by me c:
Writing Thread
PM me c:

➣➣➣ ray xof ➣➣➣


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Re: The Imagination Station.

Postby Woogwoo Wren » Wed Feb 22, 2017 9:05 am

samo7777 wrote:
Ok I absolutely love 'The show must go on"! The feels oh my goodness <33333

Thank you! I'm pretty happy with that one. :D
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"What did you think I was doing?"

Postby Woogwoo Wren » Wed Feb 22, 2017 2:02 pm

(Floki's Challenge number 59)


    Seeker was missing. He had gone foraging the day before - alone, much to the annoyance of Swiftpaw. The otter didn't think it was safe for anyone to leave the camp on their own.

    Slink, Seeker's younger sister, was understandably worried. She kept pacing back and forth around the small campsite. Eventually, Swiftpaw had to tell her to stop.

    "'e'll be alright," he said as she sharpened one of his swords. The young ferret sighed, dropping down beside Swiftpaw.

    "I know. He can look after himself. He doesn't usually vanish like this, though." She wrapped her sling around her paw and sighed.

    "He's lookin' fer food - maybe 'e just lost track of the time an' 'ad tah stay out for the night. He'll be back soon."

    Slink nodded but didn't answer, flicking her tail. She was soon pacing again.

    Seeker didn't come back. Around noon, Green-eyes the healer fox and Squeak the young rat returned from looking for herbs. Green-eyes seemed worried, flicking her bushy tail nervously and continuing to look behind her. Swiftpaw noticed her agitation and gestured for her to move away from the others.

    "What's the matta?" he asked, his wolfish accent painfully plain. Green-eyes flicker her tail again and sighed.

    "I saw a pack of wolves," she said. "I would have attacked, but I had Squeak with me and I didn't want to get him hurt." Swiftpaw frowned, laying a paw on his dagger. He was glad he had sent Squeak with the fox - if he hadn't it was likely Green-eyes would have gotten herself killed.

    "What are wolves doin' 'ere?" he asked.

    "Hunting," Green-eyes said. "We should move out though - unless you want to attack?" Her eyes were bright and filled with bloodlust.

    "No." Swiftpaw paused, tapping his paw on the dagger. "Seeker's still missin' - I don't want to leave without him."

    Green-eyes hesitated, looking over her shoulder at Slink. The young ferret was curled in a ball, watching the forest.

    "Isn't that more reason to leave?" she asked after a moment, turning back to Swiftpaw.

    "What are ye sayin'?" Swiftpaw asked - already having a good idea.

    "I just mean - we don't really know him. And... he did vanish not long before the wolves showed up. He could be leading them right to us."

    "Why would 'e be workin' for the wolfs? He an' Slink were under attack when we found 'em."

    "That could have been a ruse -" Green-eyes suggested. "Look, I don't want to think he would have betrayed us - really, I don't. But... why else would he have just vanished."

    Swiftpaw shook his head.

    "We're not leaving 'im behind," he said adamantly. Green-eyes nodded, flicking her tail again.

    "I hope you're right," she said quietly. "I really do."

    They spent an uneasy afternoon - waiting. Swiftpaw was anxious to be gone, but he refused to leave while one of his small band was unaccounted for.

    He was half alseep when the howling started. Sitting up in his small tent, he darted to the small door. A figure stood upright in the tress - Slink, who had been on guard. She looked back and Swiftpaw, her eyes full of fear.

    Bounding over to him, she whispered.

    "Do you know what they're saying?"

    Swiftpaw held up a paw, listening.

    "Move out!" That was the loudest howl, quieter ones giving out more specific orders.

    "Wake the others, we're leaving," he said. "They're coming - and they know where we are."

    "How?" Slink gasped out. Green-eyes' words came back to the otter. Maybe Seeker had betrayed them. But he wasn't about to tell Slink that.

    "I... don't know," he said. "Now move." He almost snarled the last word, fear adding an extra snap to what he said.

    Another howl split the air. Swiftpaw knew that one well. It was the last howl before the attack. They weren't going to get out.

    Everything seemed suddenly detailed. He could see the individual furs on Squeak's back as he rushed out his eyes wide with fear. He could hear Green-eyes paws and she rushed around her tent gathering supplies. He could smell their fear. He had to do something - or they would all die and it would be his fault.

    "Lupa," he cursed, his paws curling around his swords. He knew by the howls the wolves had surrounded the small camp.

    The others - knowing there was no escape - joined him in the centre of the camp. Swiftpaw felt an intense guilt full him - it was his fault they were going to die. If he had moved out early that day - if he had listened to Green-eyes.

    "It's not your fault," Green-eyes said, laying a paw on his shoulder.

    "But it is," he said. "If I 'ad listened tah what yew'd suggested..." He falted off.

    Green-eyes sighed, her eyes full with sympathy - no empathy. She understood how he felt. She knew guilt.

    "Well. Let's see 'ow many we can take out," the otter growled, drawing his twin blades. Green-eyes let out a snarl and loaded a dart into her blowpipe.

    But they never had a chance. A figure appeared beside one of the trees, holding one paw to his mouth and gesturing with his other.

    "Seeker!" Slink squeaked, rushing towards him. Green-eyes and Swiftpaw exchanged glances. The otter shrugged - if there was a chance they could escape they would. The fox nodded, pushing Squeak in front of her and rushing towards the ferrets. Swiftpaw followed closely.

    Seeker had managed to find the one clear space between the wolf's baracade. He had killed the only gaurd in this part of the woods, and slipped in to find them, bringing them back to a small cave he had found.

    Swifpaw stood in the entrance, listening with satisfaction to the angry howls of the wolves, their prey stolen from him. He turned back to his friends as the settled into the cave, breathing heavily.

    "Where have you been?" Slink gasped, pulling her brother into a hug. "I was so worried!"

    "I'm sorry - I got caught on the other side of the wolves' patrol," the older ferret said. "I was looking for food." He grimaced. "Unfortunately, I didn't find any."

    "At least you came back alive," Slink said. Green-eyes and Swiftpaw exchanged glances.

    "Well, I own you an apology for doubting you," the fox said. Seeker looked up in confusion.

    "What did you think I was doing?" he asked. Green-eyes shrugged.

    "You weren't doing it," she said, ending the matter.

    "They'll be hunting us now - it won't take long for them to find the scent," Swiftpaw said. He had seen the wolves hunt enough times. Squeak let out a whimper.

    "We can deal with that when it comes," Seeker said, wrapping his paw around his sabre hilt.

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Re: The Imagination Station.

Postby blackbird. » Wed Feb 22, 2017 5:20 pm

      i like your stories!
      especially the variety of them all - from light-hearted to adventurous to just gut-wrenching
      and the poem was especially personal
      the way you create mood is amazing
      i'll be reading more from you c:
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Re: The Imagination Station.

Postby Woogwoo Wren » Wed Feb 22, 2017 5:29 pm

Aww. thank you so much!
I think my favourite to write are the gut-wrenching ones this is why I can't have carrots. The light-hearted ones are fun to write as well, though. :D Any favourites?
Thank you so much, and I shall try to update this more often! :D
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Re: The Imagination Station.

Postby blackbird. » Wed Feb 22, 2017 9:23 pm

      how can i choose??
      but i suppose if i had to it would be "the show must go on"
      i really like the poem too! esp the ending - that made me smile
      please do! but i also understand the pains of producing writing
      (writer's block and laziness amirite?)
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Re: The Imagination Station.

Postby Woogwoo Wren » Thu Feb 23, 2017 6:52 am

Hehehe, choosing favourites is difficult.
I am pretty happy with the poem.
Yup. Laziness most certainly. XD
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Re: The Imagination Station.

Postby floki, » Thu Feb 23, 2017 3:50 pm

      oh my, the "the show must go on" just hit me in the feels.
      i have been struck... that was so beautiful.
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