The Story of a YellowJacket Wasp

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The Story of a YellowJacket Wasp

Postby Anthem of Angels » Tue Jan 07, 2014 10:26 am

Hello, everyone. This is my story of a yellowjacket wasp. The kind of bug which I hate being around. But in this book I gave myself a new perspective of YelloJackets. And put myself in their world.

1. The disappearance of Princess LillyRiver

"Triwing, what's new," asked Queen LeafPond.
"One of the workers has been killed," Triwing reported.
"We have lost one of are workers ma'am,"
"I heard you the first time!" LeafPond yelled, then added, "Why are you still here!?"
"I was just telling you the news, I will leave now," Triwing stuttered.
As soon as Triwing left the Queen went to be by herself.
"Mom, I mean Queen, are you okay?" The young princess LillyRiver asked.
"Yes, I am fine, but this weather is making me cranky dear," Queen Leaf-pond sighed, "Well, we will be getting new workers soon. Now dear could you leave mommy alone for a bit. I feel
cranky and I don't want to hurt you,"
"Yes, ma'am," replied LillyRiver as she left her mom.

"Hmm now what? Maybe I should go find Annabee. But then again I really want to know what mom was talking about. I know, I will go spy on Triwing. That evil three winged thing is always trying to get workers killed. I got to go tell Annabee!" LillyRiver thought to herself.

"Annabee!" LillyRiver called
"Over here!" Annabee whispered from her hiding place.
"Hi, Annabee, how are you?"
"Tired and bored, being a worker bee is not as easy as it sounds, How about you Lil' River?"
"I am tired of having to protect you from idiotic, thoughtless, Triwing, Yo' Sting, EvilNight, and the gang, so everyone,"
"Yeah, I think every one wants to kill me," Sighed Annabee.
"I need to get to the point, Triwing came to the Queen earlier and said that they lost another
worker! And we have lost twelve already. My mom is not happy about it and told me to leave her
alone! And she never does that! And!”
"Calm down Lil' don't make me hurt you," Annabee interrupted.
"Okay, why don't we just go spy on Triwing?" LillyRiver asked.
"You can, but I need to get back to the hive, bye," Annabee said as she left.
"Okay, See-Ya!" LillyRiver said and turned around to go home but then it all went black.

"Queen LeafPond! Queen LeafPond!" Annabee called as she zoomed past all the working YellowJacket.
"What do you want," The Queen retorted.
"The princess, she has," Annabee panted.
"What has she done! Tell me!" The Queen yelled. Anger welling up in her.
"She has disappeared, I was talking to her. Then everything went black. Then she was gone. So I came to you," Annabee said. Her voice quivering with fear and confusion.
"She disappeared! Oh no, BlackVine," Queen LeafPond said.
"Who, and what, is BlackVine," Annabee asked.
"The old BlackJacket as some folks call them. BlackVine was the Queen of these BlackJackets. In till the young princess YellowJacket was born." The Queen answered, then asked. "The secret of the Queens, have you heard of it?"
"No, I haven't," Annabee replied.
“A long time ago there was an evil Black Jacket. Her name was Black Vine. She disposed of every possible heir to the throne. But one lived. The first Yellow Jacket. Her name is unknown, but her story every Yellow Jacket knows. But only the queens know who she really was," Queen LeafPond told Annabee.
"Who was she?" Annabee asked. Curiosity growing in side her.
"It is a secret, if a queen tells anyone the truth of the first Yellow Jacket than the are sentenced to death," the Queen answered.
“I am still confused, who was she," Annabee asked.
The Queen snapped back,"It is none of your beeswax!"
"Well that was mean," Annabee whispered.
"Leave you thing! Yellow Jackets, prepare the search of for Princess LillyRiver!" The Queen commanded.
"I guess I am on my own then," Annabee thought as she buzzed out of the Yellow Jacket hive.

2. The brave bee

"Queen Honey, may I speak to you?" Annabee asked Queen Honey.
"Yes, my Child, you may," Queen Honey replied in her motherly honey like voice.
"I know you don't like Yellow Jackets but please listen," Annabee begged
"Yes, Annabee, I will listen," Queen Honey replied. Concern in her voice.
"My friend, LillyRiver has vanished. Please help me find her. She is my only friend, and has saved my life so many times I can't count," Annabee pleaded.
"I am sorry dear, but you know what the law says, 'no bee is aloud to have contact with a yellow jacket' which means," Queen Honey said and the added, "Guards, seize her! She has had contact with are enemy!"
Bees came from all direction to take Annabee to her death.
"You will not kill me!" Annabee screamed as she was being dragged to the prison.
"No you won't," a small yellow jacket yelled as he flue down and nocked down the bees that were grabbing Annabee.
"Strike what are you doing here!" Annabee yelled.
"Saving your beeswax!" Strike yelled back.
"Evacuate the hive! Every bee go to the secondary safe hive. Now!" Queen Honey yelled through the commotion of buzzing wings.
"Come on," Strike motioned to Annabee.
"Okay," Annabee whispered back as they left the hive.

"Strike I thought you hated me!" Annabee exclaimed after strike and she were a safe distance away from the bee hive.
"I do, but I like LillyRiver so I have to except that she is friends with a bee," Strike replied.
"Oh, I see, you think that LillyRiver will like you just cause you saved my life! . . . Wow, your good," Annabee said and sat down on a leaf.
"Yep, that is me," Strike answered.
"Lets go find Lil' River, instead of talking," Annabee said.
"Who is Lil' River!?!" Strike exclaimed.
"Lil' River is LillyRiver!" Annabee answered.
"Oh, I knew that!" Strike replied.
Annabee just rolled her eyes and got up.
"Were should we look first?" Strike asked.
"The dungeon," Annabee replied.
"What! There is no way I am going back there!" Strike exclaimed.
"Not Queen Honey's dungeon, Queen LeafPonds dungeon," Annabee replied.
"Why would LillyRiver be there?" Strike asked.
"That is a good question," Annabee agreed.
"So why are we going there?" Strike asked.
"You should always look in the weirdest place first," Annabee answered.
"Isn't that kinda stupid?" Strike asked.
"No! It is smart!" Annabee answered.
"Okay, so we will go to the dungeon, great," Strike said with his most sarcastic voice ever.

3. From the Princess' view

LillyRiver tried to get up, but the banging in her head stopped her.
"Help," LillyRiver mumbled as pain welled through her as if she had been stung.
Suddenly there was a bang and every thing burst into color. Her eyes could see every thing. LillyRiver tried to speak but nothing happened. She was very confused. She couldn't hear now. All was silent. She tried to remember what was happening. But all she could remember was darkness. 
The room she was in was small. There was three dark steal cages with little windows that almost looked like a mini jail. There was a long white sheet over an old wooden chair in the right corner. Then LillyRiver noticed she was in a glass jar.
"Hello, my little thing," a voice said from one of the cages.
"Heh," LillyRiver attempted to say help.
“What is it," was another higher voice from the cage on the right.
"I think it is a bug," said a boyish voice that came from the left cage.
"It is an Eastern Yellow Jacket, I think," said the first voice which came from the middle cage and had the voice of a full grown woman.
LillyRiver tried to get up again, but then the banging started and every thing went blurry. I guess I shouldn't get up then, though LillyRiver.
A tall man suddenly appeared from behind the three cages. LillyRiver saw that this man wasn't just any other man. He was waring a black suit and had shiny black shoes on.
"An Eastern yellow jacket? You must be kidding me! This is not just any Eastern yellow jacket! It is the one of the last queen yellow jackets in the world! All we have to do is get rid of them and we'll never have to be stung! We just need to capture them and do to them what they have done to us! If they try to move they will have a pain like no other! Just like what they have done to me," The man came up to LillyRiver's jar and the banging started again.
At that moment she new he was the one who did this.
LillyRiver watched the man leave the room. The people in the cages started talking again.
"Momma, that big man scares me," The little girly voice said from the right cage.
"He is a jerk," The young boy said from the cage on the left.
"Do not call people names Don!" The woman's voice yelled from the middle cage.
"Yes, momma," Don replied.
"Lizzy, are you okay?" The woman(, who the young voices called momma,) said.
"I am hungry," Lizzy replied.
"Oh, I would love it if I had food for you, my children, but I sadly don't," The momma said.
"Momma, could you tell us that story again?" Lizzy asked her momma.
"Which story?" The momma asked.
"The one about akima," Lizzy answered.
"Oh, you mean Akikia. Once the was a girl named." and all went black. LillyRiver could here yells and screams of the children and there momma fading away with the darkness and the buzzing of wings.
"Come with me," a voice from the buzzing darkness said.
LillyRiver couldn't move for she was paralyzed.
"Don't worry, we will take you to safety," The voice said and gently something lifted her up.

4. The Dark Dungeon

The dungeon entrance was a little hole in a concrete step. Strike and Annabee were standing in front of it.
"I don't see why we are here. Why would the Queen kidnap her own child?" Strike thought to himself.
"I don't see why myself, but I am sure I will find some sort of clue in this dark, damp, stone place," Annabee replied, went into the entrance and then called," Come on slow poke!"
"I am coming, miss beeswax," Strike replied in a teasing way.
"Oh, great. Why did I have to be stuck with this guy?" Annabee mumbled to herself.
The inside of the dungeon was rather big, with pieces of glass and sticks to make jail sells. There was one black creature that looked like a yellow jacket inside of what looked like the end of a coke bottle smashed off.
"What is that," Annabee whispered to Strike.
"That is a uh black jacket," Strike whispered back.
"Help!" The black jacket said.
"Aaa!" Annabee screamed.
Strike shushed Annabee to be quietly and slowly creeped up to the jail cell.
"Help me!" The black jacket yelled.
"Who are you," Strike asked the black jacket.
"I am Janet, Princess Janet and I demand you get me out of here!" Janet screamed.
"Why should we do that!" Annabee asked.
"Because I demand you do! If you don't I will call my mother Black Vine!" Janet answered.
"Black Vine!?!" Exclaimed Annabee.
"Yes! Queen Black Vine!" Janet yelled. Annabee gasped as Janet said those words.
"Where is Princess LillyRiver! What did your mother do with her!"
"Who is Princess LillyRiver?" Janet asked in a mean teasing voice.
"I asked you a question!" Annabee yelled.
"Yes, I know. And I didn't answer," Janet replied.
"Come on Strike," Annabee said.
"What! Please don't leave me here!" Janet screamed.
"We need to go find the real princess! Princess LillyRiver! Come on Strike!" Annabee yelled madly.
"Hey, calm down Annabee. Why can't we just let her go?" Strike asked.
"Because she will kill us if we do!" Annabee replied.
"Actually, I think I might be able to help you," Janet said.
"How!" Annabee and Strike said at the same time.
"If you get me out I will tell you," Janet replied.
Last edited by Anthem of Angels on Wed Jan 08, 2014 3:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Story of a YellowJacket Wasp

Postby Anthem of Angels » Wed Jan 08, 2014 7:00 am

5. All Hail the Queen with the Black Vale

LillyRiver woke up. 'Oh, great! I'm in a jar again' she though when she noticed she was in a jar.
"Hello, Queen LeafPond!" Said a black figure outside of the jar.
LillyRiver tried to see what the figure was, but the jar's glass was not the most transparent.
"I'm guessing you don't remember me. After all we all get older don't we," it said.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"Who am I! Well I'll let my loyal subjects tell you that!" it yelled.
Then a bunch of black figures appeared and started chanting "All Hail the Queen with the Black Vale!" They continued chanting.
LillyRiver could barely believe what she was hearing. Now she new who it was. BlackVine,Queen BlackVine! BlackVine is real! But LillyRiver couldn't figure out why she was calling her LeafPond.

Well that is all I have for this chapter so far. I'll write more later. :)
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Re: The Story of a YellowJacket Wasp

Postby Anthem of Angels » Wed Apr 23, 2014 1:00 pm

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