Wolf Song (Please read and commet!)

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Wolf Song (Please read and commet!)

Postby -Luna- » Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:29 pm

Written for Eucilwood's contest, all charaecters were created by her. If enough people like this I'll post "Bloopers", aka funny things that happened as I was writing this.

Wolf Song (I came up with this name before I started writing the story, it was NOT copied. I know it is popular I did not know that when I came up with it..... )

Dedactied to Lierre who showed me the contest.
My mother who spent hours editing it.
And Eucilwood for giving me the oppurtunity.

The moon shone down on the wolves. In the dim light, you could just see their haunches raised, the shine of white fangs, and the glitter of their dark eyes. A huge, tawny wolf leapt on to a rock and howled a battle call. The two great bodies of fur and claws met, and the night was silent no longer. Now the moon showed the scarlet flash of blood, fur lying forgotten on the ground, and the bodies of warriors who had, unknowingly, just fought their last battle. A silver she-wolf crouched on the ground, and then pounced on a black wolf with darker rings that could not be seen in this light. He tried to defend himself, but was pinned by the she-wolf. She looked into his eyes, and realized they were red. She wanted to take his life, to end it, but his pleading look stopped her. She released him, and then roared back into the chaos of battle. Something happened that night, the stars seemed to flicker, as if for seeing a great, and terrible time, for two unlucky and lucky wolves.

The battle of the two packs had taken place in a time before man, a time before anything really. All that were there to witness it were the stars, and the moon. The birds singing their songs and the squirrels in the bushes. The moose munching their moss and the insects crawling in the grass. It had been provoked, mostly by the Black wolves’ pack, known as the Pack of the Dark Forest. The silver wolves pack was known as the Pack of Shooting Stars. The Pack of the Dark Forest, known commonly as ForestPack, had been stealing elk from the Pack of Shooting Stars, commonly known as StarPack. They had become irritated and stolen their prey back, until they decided to fight it out. StarPack had won, which had infuriated ForestPack. Each pack had returned home.

Now that you are acquainted with the cause of the battle, Dear Reader, we shall focus our attention on the Silver wolf. She could not stop thinking about the Black wolf, the one she had spared. Her name was Serei Prohibitorum, but everyone called her Serei. She was pacing in her den, remembering the Black Wolves’ red eyes, his fur, even his handsome claws. She didn’t know why, but she had to see him again. Then, her best friend, Reyrei, stuck her nose through the opening of her cosy burrow. “We are supposed to go and make sure there isn’t any trouble on our border with ForestPack” she said, wagging her tail. “Come on, lazy bones.” Serei climbed out of her den, and started to run to the border, Reyrei close at her heels. They nipped at rabbits and chased birds, for the fun of seeing them flee. This is where we shall leave our Silver wolf for now. Our gaze will turn to the Black wolf, far away in the ForestPack.

The Black wolf had been lying in camp, sunning, remembering how close he had been to joining his dead packmates. He could not get the Silver wolf out of his head. He didn’t even know her name, but she had been so beautiful, so brave. He jumped up, and trotted off to the border. He wanted to see her again. He sniffed the air. Elk scent was on it, along with coyote and rabbit. But nothing distracted him. He walked out of the dark, misty forest that he called home and sat at the border, staring into the beautiful, sunlit woods StarPack called home. Then, out of the sunlight, just like an angel she came. The sun reflected off her silver fur. He blinked at the light, staring at her, wanting to be with her. Then the other wolf bounded out, and he was jerked back to reality. She looked at him. “Hello.” She said.

“Hello.” He replied. Then the other wolf bounded between them.
“Umm...hello?” she said.
“Reyrei, I’ll take care of this,” said the Silver Wolf.
“Go back to camp, and report this, ok?”she breathed.
“Ok.” Reyrei said, giving them a suspicious look. When she was gone, the silver wolf looked at Serei.
“So, what’s your name?” she asked.
“Zindor Eíla” he replied. “Everyone calls me Eíla. You?”
“I am called Serei Prohibitorum, but everyone calls me Serei” she answered.
“That’s a pretty name” he said.

Their moment was interrupted by a stampede of wolves. It looked like the whole StarPack. Serei whirled around, and saw Reyrei leading them.
“I just wanted to make sure you were ok.” She smiled knowingly, trickery in her eyes.
“I’m fine.” Serei replied, snarling.
“Well, that ForestPack wolf is still here.” She replied.
With that Eila darted off into the forest, tail between his legs. He let them hear breaking underbrush, and then padded to the refuge of a bush to watch. Through the dense leaves, he could see them arguing, then he was sure the Silver.... no, Serei, had seen him. She gave him a look that said, Meet me here tonight, and then ran off with her pack.

Later that night, Serei crawled out of her den. She started running to the border. When she got there, she saw Eila already there. She breathed a sigh of relief.
“Are you ok?” he asked, worry in his tone.
“I’m fine,” she replied, and it was his turn to breathe a sigh of relief. “My pack was just worried, that’s all”
The moonlight shone on her silver fur, making her almost sparkle.
“I...I couldn’t stop thinking about you,” she admitted, adding a guilty smile.
“Same.” He replied, smiling.
They looked at each other for a while, then,
“Why did you spare my life?” he asked her.
“I...I’m not a killer,” she replied. “Plus, I like you”
They spent the rest of the night talking and laughing. Playing tag, and chasing hares. When the sun began to rise, they promised to come the next night, and then padded home. Disappointed, but full of beautiful, enduring, hope.

Their relationship grew over the next few weeks. They realized they had a lot in common. Every night they would meet at the border and talk. They became blind to everything else in their lives, living for the nights they spent together. This was a major oversight. The two packs were getting ready to war again. Every wolf was preparing their hardest, but Elia and Serei were not. Both of their pack leaders were noticing. Thankfully, they just thought they each were in love, but did not suspect that they were in love with a wolf from a different pack. Reyrei was very suspicious of Serei, and started following her everywhere. Serei managed to shake her, but once she was not so lucky. It had been a normal night, they had gone out, and were chasing each other around. Then Reyrei jumped out.
“What....what are you doing here?” Serei asked, frozen.
“Investigating “ Reyrei snarled. “So this is what you have come to Serei? Dating a wolf from Forestpack” she snarled with disgust. “I’m sure the pack leader would be quite interested in this, wouldn’t he?”
Serei looked at Reyrei, terrified. “It.... it isn’t what it looks like Reyrei” she responded.
“No?” she said, her eyes lit up. Then she darted off. The two wolves stood there, looking at each other. Then all of StarPack arrived into the clearing.
“What is this Serei?” the pack leader snarled at her.
She crouched down on the ground in a submissive pose and whined.
“You didn’t answer my question” he demanded.
“Love, sir” she said quietly back.
“What?” he snarled.
“Love” she said, loudly.

The pack leader looked at her, and then began to howl, signaling a meeting of the packs. Each of them was surrounded by a group of wolves, and the two packs trotted in silence to the great stone, the packs meeting place. All of the packs came, including the Pack of the Flowing River, and the Pack of the Running Caribou. The Leaders jumped up onto the great stone, and looked down at all of the wolves in the packs. The leader of StarPack spoke first.
“Friends” he called, his voice echoing through the crowd.
“We gather here tonight to discuss an unspeakable crime. “Elia of ForestPack,” everyone backed away from Elia so he was clearly visable.
“and Serei of StarPack,” she too was left standing alone.
“have fallen in love.” There was a loud gasp from the crowd.
“What do you believe is a suitable punishment?” the pack leader asked the crowd.
There was silence until a wolf called out, “banishment!”
That triggered the crowd, “Death! Pain! Omega’s for life!” were many of the fates offered by the escalating crowd.
Then an old she-wolf spoke up. ”If they love each other so much, then we should separate them. Force them to be apart.” This was a popular suggestion.

Then the leader of Riverpack spoke up. “That is a very good suggestion. If we put it into action, I suggest we assign parties of wolves to escort each of them to a separate location. Then we can ask Eyurein Tan if she can keep them apart.”
The leader of StarPack spoke again. “Let us vote!”
All of the Pack Leaders lifted their tails.
“It is settled. Someone must fetch Eyurein Tan. As soon as that is done, these two wolves will meet their fate. Until then, we must find a secure place.”
The leader of Forestpack now spoke. “We have a cave in our territory. It is secure.”
“Then it is settled.” The leader of StarPack said. “ForestPack, take them to the cave.”
The two wolves were thrown in the cave, and a rock rolled over the entrance. Serei looked at Elia.
“What’ll we do?” she asked him, terror in her eyes.
“It’ll be ok” He replied, nuzzling her.
They sat in silence, nuzzling each other.
“I guess we should feel lucky. Having the Eyurein Tan guard us.” Serei said hopefully.
“Yeah.” Elia agreed.
The Eyurien Tan was a wolf who bore a curse, she was half human, half wolf, and could never die. She lived in a cave, sleeping. She was at the mercy of the packs, which were more powerful than her, even with her weapon Airanshue. She didn’t like to be awakened.

“I don’t want to forget you!” Serei burst out.
“I could never forget you.” Elia said. “Let’s do something that will ensure we never forget”
Dear reader, we must now leave the star-crossed pair, to see behind another wolves eyes.

The one chosen to awaken the Eyurien Tan. Her name was Mae. Mae was a little wolf from StarPack. When her pack leader came down and asked her to awaken the Eyurien Tan, she said yes, knowing that if she said no it would mean instant death. She was now trotting along, leaping over small streams, finding ways over chasms and running across plains. The Eyurien Tan lived in a cave, high up in the mountains where no wolves lived. She didn’t need food to survive, so she just slept. When Mae arrived at the huge mouth of the cave, she walked in cautiously. There was a long, narrow tunnel that led to the chamber where the Eyurien Tan slept. Mae got down on her belly and began to crawl. The tunnel seemed to go on forever. It was pitch black, damp, cold, and Mae had always hated tight spaces. When she finally arrived in the huge chamber, she gratefully sniffed herself all over. She saw light falling from a small hole in the chamber roof. In the dim light she saw the humped figure of the Eyurien Tan. She crept up to her quietly. “Um...Eyurien Tan?” Mae called. There was silence. Mae nudged her with her paw. She didn’t wake up. Mae pulled her tail. She jerked awake, looking for the source of this disruption. Her eyes focused on Mae.
“I...I come as a representative of the packs.” Mae said. “They want you to keep two wolves apart.” The Eyurien Tan sniffed the air.
“What is the penalty if I don’t do this?” she asked, sounding bored.
“I think they’ll torture you to madness.” Mae said, sounding scared.
“I’ll do it.” She said, heading for the exit.
Mae followed her. The two travelled in silence out through the narrow passage, out into the anything.
As Mae returned with the Eyurien Tan, the rest of the wolf packs were busying themselves with finding the perfect territories for the two wolves. They found two “islands” of rock, one a bright forest and the other a dark one. There was a small “bridge” across the chasms where the Eyurein Tan would stand guard. The bright forest was given to Serei, and the dark one to Elia. When the day came to take them to their territories, the pack leaders escorted them to their prisons. They were taken up a small rock path on Elia’s side. As soon as they were up, the wolves blocked it with thorns, stones, and a boulder. Serei and Elia approached each other desperately, but the Eyurian Tan chased them back into their territories. Serei searched hers for a good den, and found a crack in the ground that turned out to be a cave. She crawled in, and realized it was quite spacious. She ran out into the forest and gathered lichen, moss, and pine straw and used them to make a nest. She curled up in it, missing Elia with all her heart. Far away, on the other island, Elia had found a den as well. A cool hollow in the roots of a pine. He had filled it with pine needles, ferns, and moss, and was resting as well, missing her more than anything.

Couple small deer. She decided to go for a rabbit, and only go for a deer when she was very hungry. She followed a trail until she saw the rabbit, nibbling on some grass in a small clearing. She crouched down, and began to stalk the rabbit. Just when the quiet creature realized she was there, Serei pounced on it, and ended its life. She ate the rabbit, and feeling quite full she set out to explore her prison. There was a small clearing where she had found the rabbit, with a stream running through it. She followed the stream through the forest and realized it was bubbling up from under a huge rock. She leapt up on the rock. “The Pack of uhh” she called “Bright Trees, I greet you!” she mocked, then jumped off the rock and explored more. She found a nice moss patch and another rock, but that was it. She ran back to her den. This was going to be a boring imprisonment. ell. He scented birds, elk, and a couple of rabbits. He stalked through the forest and found

Elia rose the next morning as w an elk carcass. Worried it had a disease, he sniffed it, but it smelled fine, just old. He dug in, and when he was full he explored. He found a small pond, plenty of shady trees and rocks, patches of ferns, and a huge, spread out tree with low limbs. He jumped up, and began to climb. The tree was old, and his claws dug into it easily. When he reached the top, he could see Serei’s prison. He could also see the Eyurien Tan. She was sleeping on the bridge between the two rock islands. He could see Serei! She was standing on a rock. He called out to her. “SEREI!” , but she was too far away to hear him. He climbed down. This was awful. He decided not to climb the tree again. Being that close to Serei but not being able to nuzzle her, be with her, talk to her, play with her, was too painful. He decided to splash around in the pond. After splashing around for an hour or so, he dozed in the sun. This was going to be a LONG lifetime.

During the imprisonment of the two friends, life for Serei’s friend Reyrei changed. Reyrei had received attention from her pack. Glory, pride, and a promotion in hunting rank. Her mother had been proud of her, and all the males had been dropping by her den and congratulating her on exposing the starcrossed friends. The pack leader himself had dropped in and personally thanked her, and told her he knew how hard that must have been, Serei being her friend and all. Reyrei knew she’d done the right thing, but, why oh why, did it have to hurt this much?

Life was tough for Serei and Elia on their islands of stone. It rained for five days straight. Serei ventured out once, and killed a couple rabbits. Elia went out to the Elk carcass every day. When the rain finally stopped, everything was wet. Elia’s pond was overflowing and Serei’s stream was running fast. Elia realized there were FISH in the pond. He spent a week trying to catch one. Once he managed to get one on solid ground, but it jumped back in the water. Serei saw a mother deer nursing her young, and couldn’t bring herself to kill it, so she ate a bird. The Eyurien Tan was lazily sleeping. Elia climbed his tree again. Branch after branch, leap after leap. When he reached the top, he saw Serei walking through her forest. He called out to her again. “SEREI!” But she couldn’t see or hear him. He then focused his attention on the Eyurien Tan, who was snoozing. If he could just leap over her.....Serei would be his. They could spend the night together, and then leap over the steadfast guard again. No one would ever know. He ventured out that night, and crept quietly on the bridge of stone. There she was, a black wolf, curled up and asleep. He backed up, praying to the stars to grant him luck, and leapt over her, landing gently on the ground. He could not believe he had done it. He ran across the stone bridge, and reached Serei’s forest. He searched it for her den, calling “Serei! Serei!” He caught her scent, and followed it to a crack in the ground. “Serei?” he called down it. Her beautiful, silver head popped out. “Elia!” she cried happily, leaping out and licking him.
“How is your prison? What have you been eating? How are you here?” she asked, jumping on him and licking every inch of him she could find.
“I jumped over the Eyurien Tan. It wasn’t exactly hard.” He barked, sniffing her. “My prison is very comfortable. I am eating an Elk Carcass, but I’ll have to hunt soon.” He replied.
“Mine is pleasant” Serei replied. “I have been eating bunnies. I have this beautiful clearing! Oh, you’d love it!” she said. Then she ran off into the forest. “Follow me!” she called. Elia followed. They ran to the clearing, where Serei sat and stared at the moon. “Pretty right?” Serei asked.
“Yes.” Elia replied. “But not as pretty as you.”
Serei smiled and began to sing a gentle lullaby that often was sung to wolf pups.
(Sung to the tune of the healing incantation in Tangled)
Sleep, Great Orb in the Sky.
Gentle, Gentle now.
Tuck under your cloudy sheets.
Close your bright eyes.
Pass us into Luna’s
Kind and Gentle hands.
Knowing when you awaken
You’ll chase away our fears
And melt the morning dew.
And melt.....the morning dew.........
Her voice faded off.
“You are a talented singer. Who taught you that song?” Elia asked curiously
“My mother” Serei responded.
They sat in silence as the sun slowly rose, their backs pressed against each others. When the sun had risen, Elia looked at Serei.
“I have to go.” He said sadly.
“Come back tomorrow night!” Serei called desperately.
“Of course, my beautiful orb in the sky!” He called back, leaping over the Eyurien Tan and began to walk across the stone bridge back to his territory, enchanted by her beauty.

Reyrei was out hunting with the pack. She nipped at the elk’s heels, and snarled. She lunged for its hide, and began to rake her claws down it’s back. It bellowed in pain. She gave a sudden burst of speed, and nipped at its ribs. Another wolf managed to slice open the belly, making it fall down, twitching on the ground until it stopped moving all together. Reyrei joined in on the howl that meant. Hunt successful. She backed off, whining as the alphas ate, then the most important hunters, then her. She tore off a chunk of meat and backed off, letting the 3rd class hunters eat, then the pups, mothers, and elders, and last and least, the omegas. Reyrei licked her lips and dug into the chunk of meat. When she was full, she padded back to her den, thinking. Serei loved Elk meat, especially the stomach meat. I hate the stomach meat, it’s all grassy, but she thinks it delicious. Reyrei shook her head. She was being stupid. Serei had betrayed the pack, not the packs! She had betrayed everyone, especially her. Reyrei tried to sleep, tried to feel that satisfaction that was supposed to come after a hunt, the fullness of the belly, but all she felt as an empty feeling in her chest, the place where Serei had been. Had. Now she was gone, trapped on an island of stone. Reyrei felt guilt wash over her, and she curled up in a ball. She would trade her hunting position, all the males following her, her packs respect and all the attention she was getting for Serei back. Why oh why had she ratted her out? Well it’s all over now. No more border patrols, no more hunts, no more giggling over cute males. Her whole life was gone, and she couldn’t get it back.
The great orb in the sky was sliding down it like an egg yolk. Elia leapt over the Eyurien Tan, and ran to the clearing where Serei was watching the Sunset. Elia jumped on her. “Boo.” He said laughing. She laughed back.
“I missed you.” She said.
“Same.” He replied, getting off her. “Pretty sunset, eh?”
Serei nodded and began to sing the lullaby again.
Sleep, Great Orb in the Sky.
Gentle, Gentle now.
Tuck under your cloudy sheets.
Close your bright eyes.
Pass us into Luna’s
Kind and Gentle hands.
Knowing when you awaken
You’ll chase away our fears
And melt the morning dew.
And melt.....the morning dew.........
Elia watched the sun slide behind the clouds, plunging them into a half-light. Then the darkness crept in, taking over. They played together, chasing each other around, and catching rabbits until they collapsed in the clearing, staring at the moon. Serei began to sing another song.
(Sung the tune of the Healing Incantation in Tangled )
Shining, Silver Orb
Light us through the night.
Watch over us as we slumber
Bathe the world in moonlight.
Penetrate the night.
Chase away the icy cold.
Watch the world, for the sun.
Then pass us back.
Then pass us back.........
Elia pressed against her. “I take it your mom taught you that one too?”
“Yes.” She said, smiling. “And I believe every word of it. It’s why I’m not afraid of the dark.” She looked up at the sky. “Luna is watching over us.” They stood in silence, and then Elia spoke
“I love you Serei” he said.
“I love you more.” She replied.
“I love you most” Elia said.
“I love you more than most!” Serei cried triumphantly
“You win.” Elia said, smiling.
They spent the night together again. Playing, chasing butterflies, and exploring. When the sun began to rise, Elia ran home.
Serei was sleeping in her den. She had a dream. She was hunting with her pack, they were chasing an elk. She was chasing it around a corner; they were on a narrow ledge. She lunged for the neck, but missed. She fell back, and the ground under her cracked and she was falling, falling, falling. She woke up. It was raining. Again. She decided to explore her cave. She went to the back of the cave and pushed on the wall. It gave way, and she saw a narrow tunnel. She got down on her belly and followed it. It became very wide, and she saw a split. All day she explored the tunnels. She found an underground stream, huge chambers, even some animals! (That tasted very good) When she crawled out it was dark outside. She lied down in her nest, and thought about the tunnels. What if she could find a way out? What if she could escape with Elia? She considered the possibilities as she dozed off to sleep.

Elia woke the next morning. Rain. He decided to spend the day in his den. He sat in his den, nibbling on a bone. Then shock and brilliance shot through him like lightning. He ran out into the Rain, and started clawing at the boulder that blocked the path! They could escape, and they could be together! He clawed at the stones, and managed to knock some out. Then he began to work on getting the thorns out. By sunset he was soaked, scratched, but full of hope.
The next night Elia leapt over the sleeping Eyurien Tan. He ran to Serei.
“I have GREAT news!” he cried.
“Same!” Serei cried back.
“You first.” Elia said.
“I found a tunnel system! I might be able to find one that leads out of here, and then we could escape!” she said, wagging her tail.
“I am working on clearing the path we used to get up here.” Elia said. “I think it’s possible!”

They spent the rest of the night discussing where they would go, what they would do, what they would eat, and all the things they would do if they managed to escape.
“We’ll go far away from the packs.” Elia said. “Far, far away.”
“Definately” Serei replied.
When the sun began to rise, Elia hopped over the Eyurien Tan, and began to work on the thorns. He took a break at mid-day, and caught a small deer. He got some water, then slept the rest of the day, waking at Sunset and running to meet Serei. But something was wrong. The Eyurien Tan was no longer sleeping. She was in her human form, staring at Elia.
“What do I smell?” she asked him. He stared at her, his tail between his legs. He could see Serei in the trees, staring, terrified.
“I asked you a question, you filthy scavenger!” she screamed, poking him with her weapon.
“Umm...Rock?” he replied.
“I smell you! On both sides of the bridge. It’s obvious you have been taking advantage of me sleeping! Well you know what brother? I am staying awake. For as long as you live!” she snarled, then stood in the middle of the bridge.

Elia paced in his territory. How could such good fortune turned into such bad luck? He decided to work on the path. He clawed at the stones. One had a sharp edge, and he cut his paw. The cut was deep. He limped to the pool and gently sunk it in the water.
Serei paced in her forest. Elia’s scent still lingered in the air. Oh how she missed him. She explored the tunnels again. She found one that led to another part of her prison, but that was it. She spent most of her time lying in one of the big chambers she’d found, or staring at the stars in the clearing. She was out there one night, and she stared at the stars. “What did I do wrong!” she screamed. “Why did you take him from me? WHY!” They twinkled at her sadly, but she did not notice the change. She stormed to her den, determined to never look into the heavens again.

Reyrei was staring at the same stars Serei was. She looked at them, her heart empty, her whole body, from her ears to the tips of her claws, was full of guilt. She screwed her eyes shut. She was an awful wolf. When she looked at her reflection in the ponds, she saw an ugly creature that had betrayed her best friend. For love. She had been punished for love. For loving someone. What kind of world did she live in? Where wolves were separated and banished for love? She looked at the stars, and began to sing a song Serei had taught her.
Shining, Silver Orb
Light us through the night.
Watch over us as we slumber
Bathe the world in moonlight.
Penetrate the night.
Chase away the icy cold.
Watch the world, for the sun.
Then pass us back.
Then pass us back.........
She wanted to whine. To howl. To curl up in her den and cease to exist. But she owed Serei. If there was one thing Serei had taught her, it was to never give up. She missed her more then she could say. But Serei was gone, gone, Reyrei had gotten rid of her. Smashed her like she had done with her reflection in the puddle. Serei was far away, and there was no getting her back. Why had she done this? What had she gained? Respect and Honor ? I should have chosen Love and Friendship. She thought She was an awful wolf. Traded her best friend for glory. She looked at the moon, and then the stars. They blessed her with their light like she was special. Good. Someone who hadn’t just traded away their best friend. She shut her eyes, and ran for her den, begging for redemption.

Elia worked on the path day and night. But it wouldn’t budge. He had been working for a week but he had only begun to loosen it. He couldn’t give up, Serei was counting on this. But he might never see her again. He was going crazy. He was now climbing the tree hourly, hoping to catch a glimpse of....her. Of his beautiful Serei. But she obviously was putting all her energy and time in exploring the tunnels. He also watched to see if the Eyurien Tan had fallen asleep, but she stood as ridged as a rock, not giving to the lurking temptation of sleep. He missed Serei so much it hurt. A sharp stone in his chest, digging against his heart. He need her, longed for her. But she was far underground and he probably would never see her again.
Serei pushed against a rock wall, seeing if it would give way. It didn’t. She continued walking down another tunnel, knowing that even if she did find a way out, Elia wouldn’t be able to go with her. Then she realized something. She could see! Down in the tunnels, she’d been relying on her sense of smell and touch to get around. But she definitely could see the moss growing on the walls, and she realized the light was coming from up ahead! She ran to it, and pushed the rocks guarding the exit away. Excited, she blinked to get used to the sun and took her surroundings in. Her hopes sunk. She was in her prison. She lay down on the ground, but realized it was harder than it used to be. Excited, she realized that she was carrying pups. Elia’s pups. She ran around in a happy little circle, yipping happily. As the moon rose, she went to hunt for the little lives in her..

Elia clawed at the rock. It fell. One down, over 300 to go. He thought. He started to work on clawing off some of the thorns, but only succeeded in cutting himself further. He decided to call it a day and went to the pond, and stuck him paws in the cool water. Then he tried to catch a fish, but failed. So he tried to snag a bird. It didn’t work. In the end he caught a very old rabbit, and tried to eat the stringy muscles. Finally he gave up and went to work on the wall again, getting several stones out. Then he climbed the tree, and saw Serei out hunting. He yelped to her,
Kind and Gentle hands.
Knowing when you awaken
You’ll chase away our fears but she didn’t hear. He climbed down, and went to his den, and slept.
Months passed. Reyrei found herself a mate, and tried to forget about Serei, but failed miserably. Elia managed to get several rocks free and loosen the boulder immensely. Serei was hunting alot, and I mean alot, for the little lives inside her. The Eyurien Tan had fallen into a kind of state, she was frozen. Elia could sneak past her if he wanted to. But Elia didn’t know that. He also didn’t know Serei was carrying his pups. He climbed his tree everyday to try and get a look at her, but she was always hidden by the trees. He climbed the tree at night, and howled to the moon. It always was a frustrated, lonely sound. Now let’s zoom in to Serei..

A sharp pain. Like a sharp fragment of wood was in her stomach. Serei woke up, startled. Then the pain came again. Then it hit her. She was whelping! She was terrified! The pain came again, and then she felt a ripple go through her body. She whimpered with pain. She felt a splitting pain near her tail, and then something slid out. She leaned back to her pup, and licked him. He crawled to her belly and started to suckle. She felt the ripple again. How many are there? She thought, preparing for the splitting pain. It came, and another she pup entered the world. Serei licked her warm, and guided her to her milk. Serei felt the pain slowly ebb away. She lay down on the ground, panting heavily. She looked at the first little pup. “I’ll call you Mougrade” she said. “After my brother” she said. Then, she looked at the last little pup. “I’ll call you Hati” she yipped, and let her tired head drop to the floor.
Elia woke up suddenly, like he had been shaken awake. He stood up, and looked out his den opening. Nothing was there. Why had he woken up? What was out there? He sniffed the air. Nothing unusual. He checked his bed. No thorns, thistles, or anything that might have woken him up. Confusion flickered across his face. What had woke him up? He ran out into the rain and started barking. Barking like a mad dog. He chased a rabbit, and when he pinned it down, he threw it off the cliff. He watched it’s feeble body flail in mid air, then twitch quietly as it hit the ground. A strange satisfaction swept through him as he watched the blood spill out of the tiny brown speck. He climbed the tree, then climbed down five times. He was going crazy.

Sunlight shone through the hole. Serei blinked, and then turned her head towards the little pups curled up by her belly. They were there. So it hadn’t been some dream. She licked Mougrade, and he opened his eyes. They were blue, like hers. He was a black pup, with a red diamond shaped marking from between his eyes to his muzzle. She nuzzled him, and he licked her cheek. Next, she nuzzled Hati. She opened her blue eyes, and stared at her mother. Her coat was black, with a white belly. Serei licked her clean, then got up. Her pups looked at her and whined. She barked reassuringly, and climbed out of the den into the forest. She sniffed the air. Rabbit! She followed the trail, and then saw the brown creature nibbling at some grass. She got in a hunter’s crouch, and pounced. She took the carcass and ate it, then returned home to her pups. She lied down on the ground and let them suckle at her milk. They did hungrily, then fell asleep. Serei allowed herself to sleep too, but her sleep was full of nightmares, which involved her pups lost in the forest, her pups dead bodies, the Eyruien Tan throwing the off the cliff. She woke up sweating and terrified.
Elia saw it. The brown beast. He crouched in the bushes, his belly close to the ground. Then he pounced. He hit it squarely between the shoulder blades. It bellowed, then thudded to the ground. Elia stood triumphantly over the elk’s carcass. This was the biggest thing he’d seen for weeks! He began to feed hungrily, ripping off chunks of meat. When he felt like he was going to burst, he lay down on the ground. He panted heavily. Then he got up, leaving the bloody carcass lying on the ground. He ran to the edge of the cliff, and picked up a rock in his jaws. Then he aimed it at the bloody rabbit carcass. It barely missed its ears. He tried again with another rock. He hit it on its shoulder. “SCORE FOR ELIA” he screamed.
“Are we really going outside mom?” Hati asked, excited.
“Yes sweetie” Serei responded, picking her up by her scruff, and setting her outside. “Wait there!” Then she picked up Mougrade, After they were out, she climbed out. “Follow me, and stay close” she said. “And don’t go near the cliffs.” They walked to the meadow where Elia and Serei used to spend their nights. Hati rushed out into the clearing, and started chasing a butterfly. Mougrade snuck up on Hati, and jumped on her. They played tag. It was fun to watch them laughing and playing in the bright, warm sunshine. The meadow had a tiny stream trickling through it. Serei showed them what the stream was, and how to drink from it. They all giggled as the cold water went down their throats. Mougrade dared Hati to eat a grasshopper he found, but Hati refused. They played all day, in the flowers and long stalks of grass. They played hide and go seek, catch the butterfly, and tag. Serei curled up, and watched them. They were so perfect.

Elia clawed at the thorns, and they fell off. Many of them were lodged in his paw, but he didn’t care. He clawed at some rocks, and they fell off too. “ELIA IS AWESOME” he screamed, running up and climbing the tree. Then he saw them. 3 pups, and Serei, in the meadow. He snapped back to reality. They were playing, chasing butterflies and such. And they looked like him. It hit him like a lightning bolt. They were his pups. “SEREI!” he screamed with all his might. She didn’t hear him. He tried again, and again, and again. It didn’t work. He gave up and just watched them. They were playing, they were so perfect. Every part of them was perfect. He wanted to be with them so badly it hurt. Those were his pups and NOTHING was going to keep him from them.
The pups slowly grew. Serei taught them the ways of the forest, how to hunt, and showed them the tunnels. And when the moon was full, she took them to the meadow and told them all about their father. They stared at her in a silent horror.
“You’re kidding, right?” Hati asked. Serei shook her head, and smiled mysteriously.
“I’m not kidding” she said.
Mougrade loved the spring, and could be found there staring at it, watching the water bubble up from the ground. Hati was grumpy, and stalked the forest looking for prey all day. Elia watched them every day, and watched them grow. They brought him joy, but also great unhappiness. He wanted to be with them, teaching them what he knew, helping them grow up. But he couldn’t. It drove him mad.............

It was midnight. The light of the full moon was shining down on them. Serei and the pups were asleep, deep asleep. But Elia wasn’t. He couldn’t spend another day without his pups. The Eyurien Tan was just standing there. He sharpened his claws, and walked to the stone bridge. He stared at the wolf, the one obstacle from him, to his pups and Serei. He snarled. Then he ran at the Eyurien Tan, clawing and snarling.

When the sun rises, it enters the world in a show of beauty and fire. Intense oranges, reds, even pinks light up the sky. When this beautiful display fades, we see a bright yellow orb smiling at us in a fresh, new sky. As the day wears on the sky’s colour deepens to a sapphire blue, and the sun appears tired and dusty. It hangs low in the sky, and leaves the world in the same fashion that it entered, a beautiful display of bright oranges, reds, pinks. There are a few precious minutes when we still have light even though the sun it gone. Then the darkness takes over. A dark, dark blue sky stays for an hour or two. Then the first star comes out, then the next. Beautiful Luna offers her silver light to the world. The sky fades to black, full of beady star drops of light. Then it slowly get’s lighter, and lighter, until we see the pink light of the dawn, and the sun enters the world again.

I heard a snarl, and broke free from my trance. I turned and saw the foolish dog running towards me. I let out an annoyed bellow. “What are you doing? You idiot!” I raised my weapon Airanshue, and hurled it towards the wolf. It struck home.
I saw it coming to my chest. The sharp piercing object. I felt it strike the area between my ribs. I looked up into the sky, and caught a glimpse of periwinkle blue before it all went black.
I pulled my weapon out of his body, and kicked him. He fell through the air, until he hit the rocky ground below. I transformed into a wolf and began to howl the message to the packs.

Male Prisoner died in failed attempt to cross Rock Bridge. What should I do now?
Reyrei heard the message howled by the Eyurien Tan. She let out a little whimper. A wolf had died because of her. She ran out of camp, and into the woods. Snarling at the world. She crushed a beetle just because it was there. She ran to a well known cliff called Renan’s Ridge in honour of a pup that had fallen off it and died in the river below. She looked at the churning white-water below. She could end it, right now. This horrible misery. The guilt in her stomach. What began with light and warmth, blood and labour, could end it cold, icy water and pain. Reyrei wished she had something to hold her back, but instead she backed up and plunged straight for the icy water. She felt herself falling, tumbling down, then a huge splash. She was in an icy world of pain and water. She tried to find the top, but instead she was pulled downstream like a leaf. Her head hit a rock, and after an explosion of pain the world went black.

Serei heard a snarl. She ran to the front of the forest, and stared through the trees. She saw Elia charge at the Eyurein Tan. She choked back a horrible scream, and an icy terror filled her lungs. She saw the weapon plunge into his chest, and then saw him falling. Horror filled her as she watched her beautiful Elia fall, and land with a bump on the ground below. She screamed for Hati and Mougarde. They ran to her, and saw Elia lying on the ground.
“That, that was a dad, wasn’t it?” Mougarde asked, afraid for the answer.
“Yes” Serei said. She let out a shriek of misery and pain.
“Come on mom, let’s go inside” Hati said, gently nosing her away from Elia’s body.
They walked through the forest in absolute silence. Halfway to the den, Serei collapsed.
“MOM!” Hati screamed, nudging her.
“I...I’m fine” Serei said, getting to her feet. When she got to the den, she lay down in her nest, and buried her muzzle in her paws. “Leave me alone please” she said quietly. Hati and Mougarde looked at each other, than nodded. They walked out of the den, and quietly ran to the meadow. When they got there, they began to talk desperately.
“He’s dead. Our father’s dead!” Hati whispered to Mougarde, a whine in her throat.
“It’ll be ok” Mougarde said, nuzzling her. “What might not be ok is Mom. She loved him alot, and now he’s....”
“Dead” Hati finished.
“Mom needs us now. We have to be strong” Mougarde said to her. “I’ll go hunting.”
“Me too” Hati said, getting up off the ground.
“No. Go and be with Mom.” Mougarde said sternly. Hati decided not to argue, and trotted back to the den. Serei looked at her and called her over. Hati licked her cheek, and Serei nuzzled her. They curled up together, nuzzling each other and whining. When Mougarde came into the den carrying 2 rabbits, Serei made Mougarde eat one and Hati the other. She didn’t take a bite for herself.
“We’ll let you off today Mom, but you need to eat, ok?” Mougarde said, worry in his tone.
“Yes doctor” Serei said, smiling weakly.

In the weeks that followed, the only thing that was gained was Mougarde’s hunting skills. He went out hunting every day, and seriously declined the rabbit population. Serei pretended to eat, but truly was starving herself. She snuck out every night and stared at his body. Creatures came to eat his remains, but she barked to scare them away. She would call to him, and every night she would look to the moon and sing.
(Sung the tune of the Healing Incantation in Tangled )
Shining, Silver Orb
Light us through the night.
Watch over us as we slumber
Bathe the world in moonlight.
Penetrate the night.
Chase away the icy cold.
Watch the world, for the sun.
Then pass us back.
Then pass us back.........
“You didn’t do your job!” she snarled to the moon one night. “You were supposed to take care of him when the sun was sleeping! You let him die!”
The moon seemed to blink innocently. But didn’t falter like Serei wanted it to. It didn’t spin down to earth and beg for mercy. It didn’t awaken the sun and confess it’s wrong doings. It shone on like it was proud of what it had done. Like it knew exactly what it had done, and was proud of it.
“Shame on you, you stupid glass ball!” Serei snarled to it, and ran into the forest where the leafy branches blocked out the moon. “My mother lied. The moon is just a ball of light, nothing more. A stupid ball of light, useless!” she snarled. She ran into the tunnels. She ran down a passageway she knew well, then turned and took a turn into another passage, then ran into one of the bigger rooms. She stared into the reflecting pool, and looked at her reflection. She splashed the water so all she saw was the muddy bottom. She looked at the stalactites on the ceiling. She felt a rumble and they started to fall. One fell right next to her, then one on her far left, then one behind her until she saw a sharp point headed for her spine and everything went black.
Hati shook Mougarde awake. “She’s gone!” she said, “Gone! She went down into the tunnels! We’ve got to find her!”
Mougarde looked at Hati. “Follow me.” He said, getting on his belly and crawling down the hole. Hati followed him. They tracked Serei, until they reached a pile of stones.
“What’s this?” Mougarde said, looking at Hati. “Maybe your tracking skills aren’t as good as you thought”
Hati’s eyes filled with terror as she looked at Mougarde. “She’s behind theses stones. There must have been a cave-in.”
They looked at each other, then started to dig frantically, calling for Serei. After an hour of no response for their calls and barely any progress made, they had to reach a horrible conclusion. Serei was dead. They walked back up to the surface in silence. They crawled out of the hidden entrance, and looked at each other.
“Mom’s dead” Hati said, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.
“It’ll be ok” Mougarde said, licking her cheek. “We have to get out of here.”
The Eyurien Tan had left, gone off to find the packs. Hati trotted across the stone bridge, and into Elia’s territory. His scent was everywhere! She explored his den, the pond, and found a tree with his scent all over it. She began to climb it. When she got to the top, she adjusted herself into a more comfortable position and looked around. Her heart almost broke. She could see the meadow where they had played, she could see Mougarde pacing by a rock. She looked at the branches she was standing on. They had claw marks etched on them. Her father had sat up here and watched her. He had watched her grow up. He had been there for her and she had never known. She climbed down the tree and walked to the place where the path had been blocked off. She saw Elia’s attempts to clear it. Suddenly, she knew what to do. She pulled put a stone with her teeth, and the whole thing collapsed. The boulder rolled down, and the stones fell away. The thorns fell to the ground, and Hait stared at the path she had just uncovered.
“MOUGARDE” she screamed, and he came running.
“What is it?” he asked, and then looked at the path. They looked at each other, and then raced down the path, to freedom, happiness, and the adventure of their lives. When they reached the bottom, they raced across the grasslands, laughing and chasing rabbits. When the sun hung low in the sky, and they were exhausted but happy, they collapsed in the tall grass, and looked at each other and laughed.

“Best day ever!” Hati said, smiling, and taking a bite of the rabbit Mougarde had caught.
“Tell me about it.” Mougarde said, taking a bite of another rabbit he’d caught.
Once the rabbits were eaten and the sunset was past, then rolled over on their backs and looked at the stars. Hati started to sing a song Serei had taught her.
(Sung the tune of the Healing Incantation in Tangled )
Shining, Silver Orb
Light us through the night.
Watch over us as we slumber
Bathe the world in moonlight.
Penetrate the night.
Chase away the icy cold.
Watch the world, for the sun.
Then pass us back.
Then pass us back.........
“I always loved that song. “ Mougarde said.
“I know” Hati said, looking at the moon. “And she really believed it. She really did.” Her voice broke. They lay in silence for the rest of the night, each of them believing that the other was asleep. But no, they both lay awake. Thinking about Serei, and how she might still be alive. The thought haunted them and when they finally found sleep; their sleep was full of nightmares. They saw Serei trapped, screaming for help. Serei racing through tunnels, trying to find a way out. Serei dead, blood trickling out her mouth. Hati woke up screaming, which woke Mougarde up.
“Nightmare?” he asked.
“Yeah” Hati said.
“Me too.” He replied.
Since they were already up, they went off hunting. Mougarde caught plenty of rabbits, but all Hati caught was terrifying thoughts. She couldn’t get the terrifying visions out of her head. She missed her mother a lot. When Mougarde came back with a mouth full of rabbits, he saw her sitting on the ground, a haunted look in her eyes. He dropped the rabbits and trotted over to her.
“Missing Mom?” he asked, nuzzling her.
“Yeah” she said.
They sat in silence and watched the sunset, the rabbits lying forgotten. Hati began to sing again.
Sleep, Great Orb in the Sky.
Gentle, Gentle now.
Tuck under your cloudy sheets.
Close your bright eyes.
Pass us into Luna’s

And melt the morning dew.
And melt.....the morning dew.........
Mougarde’s eyes lit up. “Hati.” He said quietly.
“Yes” she said
“What mom and dad did was for love. They both died for love. That’s awful!” he said
“So?” Hati interrupted.
“We’re going to go to the packs, and stop this from ever happening again” he said. It wasn’t a question, it was a statement.
“I’m game” Hati said. Then they both ran off into the sunset, heading for the packs. Heading for their destiny. Heading for the new horizon, heading for the dawn.

They ran across the plains, and then through the forest. They crossed a river, and when the sun began to rise, they caught the scent of other wolves. They waited at the edge of the pack’s territory, knowing barging in wouldn’t make them likely to talk with them. When a patrol came, they looked at them.
“What are you doing here?” One of them barked.
“We want to speak with the leaders of the packs that Elia and Serei were in.” Mougarde said calmly, noticing Hati’s angered look.
“We are ForestPack wolves or Elia’s pack to you” the biggest one barked, looking at Mougarde suspiciously. “Come with us”
They trotted through the territory. Mougarde saw one of the wolves run ahead; probably to tell the pack leader. Hati caught a couple stale whiffs of her father’s scent. It comforted her and disgusted her at the same time. These wolves could have been his friends. They had betrayed him. She bit her tongue to prevent herself from yowling out loud. She wanted to rip them apart, but instead she trotted behind them obediently. When they reached the clearing, Hati saw other wolves. They snarled and jeered at her. It took all of her self control not to snarl and jeer back. She lifted her head up proudly and ignored them. Mougarde looked at Hati and pride swept through him. When they reached the pack leader, he jumped up on a stone in front of them.
“What brings you to the home of my family?” he snarled at them, looking at them closely. He saw something in their eyes, but no. It couldn’t be.

Mougarde looked at the pack leader. He saw false anger in his eyes. Beyond that he could see confusion. He began to speak.
“We wish to speak to the packs of Serei and Elia at the same time” he said calmly.
“We’re not going to call a pack meeting just for you.” He barked back, confusion taking over his eyes, leaving no trace of anger.
“You did for Elia and Serei” Mougarde said. “How should that be any different for their pups?”
There were gasps from the pack, which led to many whispers. Mougarde waited for the pack leader’s response.
“Fine” he said. “I will call StarPack”

He began to howl. Then all of the bigger, stronger looking male wolves began to howl, following with the bigger, stronger looking females. After that, all of the males began to howl, followed by the females. Lastly, the smaller looking wolves howled, followed by the nursing mothers and their pups. The last wolf in the pack to start to howl was an old wolf with bald spots on his raggedy pelt. His howl was probably the weakest, and a couple of the pups sniggered at him. But Hati respected the old wolf. She watched him howl, howl like his life depended on it. He shut his eyes. Hati was sure he was remembering the hunts with his friends, (All dead now, surely), the battles he’d been in, the fun he’d had when he had been young. Then he opened up his eyes when StarPack began to howl back.

They walked out of the camp like a river, in the same order they’d howled. Mougarde and Hati were swept along, and decided to go with the current. Then they saw other wolves coming out in a river too. Silvery wolves, that looked like Serei. They trotted along, keeping their tails submissive. They trotted for a long ways, then Hati tugged on his shoulder fur.
“Ouch! What” he whispered.
“Look” Hati said.
Mougarde looked. And he almost bit his tongue in awe. Standing before him was the biggest stone he’d ever seen. The leader of ForestPack jumped up on it, followed by the leader of StarPack. He began to speak.
“I called this meeting on behalf of them” he said, looking at Mougarde and Hati. “The pups of Elia and Serei came to our camp. They wish to speak with us.”
Mougarde spoke up. “Actually, it was just me who wanted to talk to everyone.”
“Ok then” The leader of ForestPack snarled, hopping down. The leader of StarPack did the same. Mougarde padded to the base of the giant stone, prepared his legs, and took an enormous leap upwards. He landed on the stone. He looked at all of the wolves on the ground below staring at him. He took a deep breath, and then began.
“Love” he said, his voice echoing around the clearing. “Love. Two wolves that were deeply in love. Love is something that should be free, but instead you made them pay the price. You tortured them like one does with the elk, when it is eaten as it still struggles to get up and run, but some part of it knows it’s useless. It dies in a world of pain and blood. They died in a world of loneliness and hopelessness.” This triggered many whispers, until the leader of ForestPack demanded silence once more. “Love is a fragile, beautiful thing. We must tend to it, water it, and feed it like a living thing. You tried to starve Elia and Serei to death. It almost worked. But love is as strong as the cockroach, and cannot be stamped out easily. I came here not to yell at you for your wrongdoings,” Hati interrupted “We didn’t?” “No, we didn’t. We came here to make sure that this NEVER happens again. The packs must live united. You must join together, become one great pack, or perish.” The leader’s of ForestPack and StarPack looked at each other.

“We will not change the ways of a thousand years on the words of one wolf” the leader of StarPack said. Then......something.......blotted out the sun. Mougarde turned around to see the biggest creature he had ever seen. It was the Eyurien Tan. She roared and raised her weapon, then brought it crashing down, splitting the giant rock in two. Mougarde leapt off it, and many wolves ran away, trying not to be crushed by the giant halves of stone.
“Bless the stars!” The leader of ForestPack said. “Dear Eyurien Tan, what happened to you?”
“I found a rare flower. A very rare flower!” she said, her voice making the birds fly and the trees bend back. “Now I can live my life in peace! After I destroy you, of course.” She raised her weapon, and then brought it crashing down on a wolf. She escaped, but barely. “ATTACK!” both leaders’s screamed. A sea of wolves, both packs united, ran towards her. In a heartbeat they were on her, clawing and hacking at her feet. She raised her feet and stomped, crushing many of them. They clawed their way up her legs like fire ants, and soon were in her pants, biting and scratching. She used her massive hands to grab and kill many of them, but they were all over her body. So suddenly she transformed into a wolf. She ate some of them, but the rest were running around her hairy body like fleas. Mougarde and Hati were playing tag in the forest of hair. She let out a bellow and rolled on the ground, trying and succeeding in squishing many. Mougarde and Hati jumped off just in time. Mougarde jumped on her again, and clawed his way up her newly transformed human body. He reached her throat. Then he barked. “OVER HERE!” A bunch of wolves came. Then they started clawing and tearing her throat with their claws. Other wolves were clawing their way up her belly, and then sliding down with their claws in. She hollered in pain. Blood was gushing out of her throat now, coating Mougarde and the other wolves. They hurried and clawed their way down her body, running into the woods. The Eyurien Tan screamed, and then began to fall. Wolves ran, and ran to avoid being crushed. She fell to the ground with a BANG, and dust flew up. Then she lay still, dead and unmoving.
“I thought she was invincible” Little Mae said, creeping out from behind her body.
“The flower took that away from her” Mougarde said.
“How do you know?” The leader of ForestPack said, looking at Mougarde with questioning eyes.
“I found the flower in the tunnels.” Mougarde said. “There were tunnels in Serei’s prison.” He added quickly, due to the questioning looks he was getting. “After we left, she must have gone back and found the tunnels, and the flower. I had heard legends about the flower, and couldn’t believe I had found one.” Mougarde was getting a lot of suspicious looks. So he hurried in jumping up on one of the halves of the giant rock that was now in ruins. “Do you see? Apart you are weak, but together, you are strong. Join together, and live in an era of peace and love.” Suddenly the two halves began to rise. Mougarde jumped off the one he was standing on in panic, and landed safely on the ground just as there was a magnetic sound, and the two halves of rock became one again. The leader of ForestPack looked at the leader of StarPack, and they each got down in a submissive pose, saluting and respecting each other. Then the old wolf that Hati had seen began to howl, followed by all the pups and nursing mothers. Then the smaller, weaker looking wolves began to howl followed by the stronger looking wolves. And lastly, the pack leaders began to howl, and their song sung of peace, and love, happiness and victory. The packs were united. And as Luna slowly began to creep into her hole, the golden orb in the sky began to enter the world again. Bathing all with his light. They howled to the sun, howled in recognition that they were out of the dark night, and it was true. It is darkest before the dawn. But the dawn was brighter than anything they could have imagined.
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Re: Wolf Song (Please read and commet!)

Postby -Luna- » Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:29 pm

Rules to Commeting
1.If you HATE my story, say so. I would prefer a bunch of negetive truthful commets to a bunch of false positvie ones.
2. If you see a grammer error, feel free to quote and fix it. If you see any error at all, feel free to fix it. I was very stressed with this story and I know I made mistakes.
3. No cuss words please.
4. Feel free to ask me questions about the plot line.
5. Have fun reading my story!
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Re: Wolf Song (Please read and commet!)

Postby -Luna- » Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:29 pm

Postive Commets

super good! Keep wrighting!

This story is great. It's probably even one of the best wolf stories I've read on CS.
- Sun&Moon

Awesome! Very original. There's not many stories where the characters are trapped on islands of stone.

I like it!
-Aerith Gaiseborough

great job! :)

So Amazing!!!Keep Writing More!!!
-Zeldax Love
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Re: Wolf Song (Please read and commet!)

Postby -Luna- » Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:34 pm

Negetive Commets
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Re: Wolf Song (Please read and commet!)

Postby S i l v e r. » Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:25 pm

super good! Keep wrighting!
It's been a while.
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Re: Wolf Song (Please read and commet!)

Postby -Luna- » Fri Aug 12, 2011 12:48 am

Thanks! :D
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Re: Wolf Song (Please read and commet!)

Postby Amitta » Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:22 am

This story is great. It's probably even one of the best wolf stories I've read on CS.
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Re: Wolf Song (Please read and commet!)

Postby -Luna- » Mon Aug 15, 2011 6:25 am

That means alot. :D
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Re: Wolf Song (Please read and commet!)

Postby -Luna- » Mon Aug 15, 2011 1:28 pm

Bump...fan art is welcome
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