Dulcet #30 - Open Writing Competition by kiwipen

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Dulcet #30 - Open Writing Competition

Postby kiwipen » Sat Jul 07, 2018 9:28 am

Hello everyone! I wanted to put out a really pretty Dulcet for adopt!
For this bean, this is a writing competiton ~
Essentially, it's an unlimited impress me, however you aren't allowed to use art!

You're required to give them a personality, a background, and an occupation. After that, go nuts.

Code: Select all

You have until 7/27/18 to work on this bean, so, lots of time!
nr; item edits
common; hair edits, expression edits, eye edit (blindness), ear edit
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Re: Dulcet #30 - Open Writing Competition

Postby corrosive_limes » Sat Jul 07, 2018 9:30 am


    { the basics ;
username; corrosive_limes

name; Avnerryn Aiviralos Badruvredus Stirling
nickname; Enver
    Avnerryn; Derived from the name "Avner," a variant spelling of the Hebrew name "Abner" which means "Father of light," and the name "Arryn," a variant spelling of the English name "Aaron" which means "Light-bringer."
    Enver; Albanian name meaning "Radiant"
    Aiviralos; Derived from the Aramaic name "Avira" meaning "Air, Atmosphere, Spirit," and the Greek name "Aiolos" meaning "Sparkling; Quick-shifting; Quick-moving." In mythology, this is the name of a king of winds, while the Latin version Æolus references a god of winds.
    Badruvredus; Derived from the Egyptian name "Badru" meaning "Born during the full moon," and the name "Alvredus," which is the Latin form of the Anglo-Saxon name "Ælfræd" which means "Elf counsel."
    Stirling; Variant spelling of the English name "Sterling," which means "Little star."
gender; Male
pronouns; He/Him
race; Half-Elf

    { in depth ;
    ---To say, "saying Enver is sarcastic is an understatement," is an understatement. His wit is so dry it makes deserts look like the most lush and vibrant rainforests.
    ---Aside from the endless deadpan remarks about everything, Enver is a very calm and collected Dulcet. He does his best to be polite to everyone, even when they're getting on his nerves but sometimes it's hard to stop the sarcastic side of him from surfacing. However, he doesn't like to joke around much. He's very serious and tends to be easily annoyed by Dulcets who joke around or goof off a lot.
    ---He generally is fairly quiet and prefers to keep to himself. Partially because he dislikes interacting with others, and partially because he enjoys listening to others and taking mental notes of their mannerisms, speech patterns, and behaviors. This observance has ultimately served to make him much more attentive to his surroundings and harder to sneak up on than before, but his knowledge of Dulcets and how others act has also come in handy a few times.
    ---However, one thing an outsider would never guess based on Enver's outward behavior is how quickly he gets extremely anxious when in unfamiliar places or around unfamiliar Dulcets. A fear partially due to him not knowing what the other Dulcet is like or what's around him, and partially due to the knowledge that if something happens he'll have nowhere to go and no way to get away. When he's somewhere familiar to him, he's generally much more nonchalant around strangers because he knows the terrain and is comfortable with it. Likewise, he'll be more comfortable in unfamiliar places if he's with a Dulcet he trusts, because then he knows that if something does go wrong, they'll be there to help him.
    ---Perhaps the most surprising thing to learn about Enver is that deep down he wants to know there's someone out there who genuinely cares about him. Where this longing comes from is unclear, anything from being abandoned at birth and growing up with no friends to being constantly put down by his peers, superiors, and Dulcets he thought he could trust. However, such a longing Enver doesn't even consciously realize he has. Though he may subconsciously act on it from time to time, he would never admit to it, even if he knew of it.
    ---Enver had been abandoned as a very young child because he'd been born blind, and had been fortunate enough to have been found and taken in by the King - or rather the Prince at the time - who had raised and taken care of him ever since.
    ---Or at least, that's the King had raised him to believe.
    ---In truth, Enver's mother was an elf while his father had been completely normal. She had been forced to give him up when he was born because she knew he would face nothing but ridicule and endless taunting from the elves, who at the time of his birth had been extremely untrusting of outsiders. He would've never been truly accepted among them, and so his mother gave him up to protect him. It is from his mother that he gets his prophetic powers.
    ---The King, though he hadn't known this, had been suspicious of Enver's heritage from day one. He'd spent a fair amount of resources trying to track down his parents, but no one seemed to recognize the light grey Dulcet fawn. Eventually, the King finally enlisted the help of a witch who only gave him a vague prophecy to beware the day the common rogue tricks the royal halfblood.
    ---The King cast the omen aside without much thought and decided to raise Enver as his own, given the mystery of his family.
    ---Enver was treated well at first. He was cared for, he had food, shelter, water, and anything else he could ever want. When he was old enough, he started schooling with the royal tutor. His education was rigorous, exhausting, and demanding, and at times entirely too much, but looking back on it Enver thanks his tutor for making him one of the most educated Dulcets in the land.
    ---Enver was never allowed to leave the palace. He'd always been told it was for his own safety, and he never saw reason to question that. He was blind, after all. However, the King's motivations for that decree weren't so clear cut.
    ---As Enver got older, his ability to predict the future became more and more apparent. When the King found out, he immediately enlisted the services of the head mage to help train Enver to better use and understand his power. He learned how to direct it and see specific paths but also how to see all paths while not getting completely overwhelmed with information.
    ---Enver's talent was used to predict everything from major kingdom-threatening attacks and plagues to potential assassination attempts or robberies. However, eventually the novelty and importance began to wear off and his abilities were relegated to simple party tricks like, "What am I gonna say next?" to helping nobles cheat on gambling by predicting which horse and rider would win tomorrow's race.
    ---As their respect for his powers decreased, so did their respect for him. They began to dismiss him and treat him as if he was inconsequential. No one ever physically lashed out at him, but more and more he began to hear snide and haughty comments about how he was a freak and if it wasn't for the fact he could see the future, they would've thrown him to wolves a long time ago. Even the King joined in on this relentlessly harsh teasing.
    ---At the time, Enver didn't recognize how damaging everything they were saying was because he had nothing else to compare it to and so thought it was normal. Every time he was bothered or upset by something, he'd chastise himself for being too sensitive and to just toughen up.
    ---This was Enver's life for years. It wasn't until now that he again began to remember what he'd always been told about leaving the palace, but now he began to really question why. He grew restless and longed to know what was outside, but he doubted he'd ever be able to convince anyone to let him leave. It seemed as if he wanted to get out, he'd have to break out. A task that most certainly was not his forte. If it was something he was serious about, he'd need help to do it.
    ---Enver is a fortune teller. He serves the King and his nobles, anything from simple curiosity and genuine inquiries to giving advanced warning about attacks and plagues.
    ---Naturally such a powerful skill is used mostly for entertainment and party tricks.
    ---He was born with the ability to see the future. However, he sees not one path but rather many possible outcomes and choices. He deals not with a definite predetermined fate but rather with fortune, chance, and luck. He can't tell you a certain outcome, but he may be able to help guide you to decisions that favor the best possibility. Ultimately he has no control over destiny, and some outcomes are purely luck-based with no possible ways to influence them.
    ---Generally what he'll do when someone wants a full summary of their future is he examines many possible outcomes and then makes a general prediction based on the most common patterns and biggest decisions that have the most drastic outcomes.
    ---However, this knowledge and this ability does come at a cost. Enver can't see his own future, and there are other special cases where he can't see others' futures.
    ---It also means he knows everything terrible and unavoidable, and is forced to live with knowing horrible things are going to happen and there is absolutely nothing he or anyone else can do about it. Simply knowing that this can happen has lead him to becoming increasingly indifferent and apathetic, and even a bit nihilistic.
    ---Despite all the countless choices and paths life presents, there are still some things even he can't escape.
    ---Enver can see indefinitely far into the future, and can theoretically predict thousands of years into the future. However, that far forward there are so many millions and billions and trillions of possibilities and choices left to be made that nothing is certain and there are hundreds of thousands or more possible outcomes.
    ---The closer a time is to the present, the more definitively he can predict it. The farther out it is, the vaguer and more uncertain it gets.
    { Flynt ;
      ---Enver's first impression of Flynt wasn't exactly the most positive. Admittedly at first, Enver almost looked down on him a bit. After all, Enver was part of the royal court and Flynt was a thief they'd caught trespassing and was locked in the dungeon.
      ---However, it didn't take long for Flynt to win him over. Enver wasn't as haughty with him after that, but Flynt definitely stilled annoyed him to no end. It wasn't uncommon for Enver to get snappy, grumpy, or sarcastic with him, and he still didn't really trust Flynt fully, though he was more willing to go along with his harebrained schemes.
      ---After leaving the castle, Enver had to rely quite heavily on Flynt to guide him as he'd never been out of the palace before and didn't know the land at all, which really sort of forced Enver to trust him.
      ---The longer he spent with Flynt, the more Enver began to realize how poorly he'd been treated by the King and nobles all his life. He'd thought they'd respected him and cared about him, but after being around Flynt for a while, Enver began to fully realize the extent to which they'd used and abused him, maybe not physically but definitely mentally and emotionally.
      ---Flynt was so far the only Dulcet in Enver's life who genuinely cared about him and wanted to help him. At first whenever Flynt actually tried to help him with something, Enver would always get snappy and offended with an "I don't need your help" attitude, but in time he eventually had to swallow his pride and come to terms with the fact that maybe he did need help after all, and only then did he begin to begrudgingly accept Flynt's help.
      ---As time has passed and Enver has slowly grown more tolerant of Flynt's antics and more comfortable around him, Enver's slowly started to realize that his feelings toward him have changed and he now views him as something a bit more than just a friend or ally. However, he's currently in denial about how he feels, trying to suppress his feelings or play it off like he really doesn't care. He doesn't want to admit he's fallen for Flynt - partially out of pure stubbornness - but only time will tell if he'll come to accept it and let the last of his walls be torn down.


    { additional info ;
    --- Enver's mother was an elf and his father a normal Dulcet. He gets his psychic powers, long flowing hair, and graceful appearance from his mother but his more average stature from his father.
    --- Enver is shorter than average, which is quite surprising in reality since elves are generally quite tall and his mother was no exception and his father wasn't exactly short either.
    --- Enver is very naive and foolish when it comes to how anything outside the castle works. He only vaguely knows what money is and how to use it, and has never come into contact with animals or any sort of harsh weather conditions. He's never gone hungry, cold, or thirsty and has never wanted for anything in his life and not immediately had it given to him.
    --- While Enver has been physically hurt on rare occasions, the most it ever was was a slight bruise or scrape. Enver has never even been injured badly enough to know what blood is, and has absolutely no concept of fatal injury or death.

intro to story;
    ---The sound of a scuffle echoing through the halls woke Enver. Groggily he climbed out of bed, stretching to shake the sleepiness from his limbs. The source of the commotion had peaked his interest, so the only part of his usual morning routine he bothered with was quickly and messily running a brush through his hair and tying the end of it so he wouldn't trip over it navigating the stairs.
    ---He replaced the brush back on his bedside table and quickly hurried to the door. He kept his room very clean and tidy so he had no worry of tripping on something on the floor. When he opened the door, he could hear the faint sounds of shouting and clinking metal, but they were even more muffled than before and were getting quieter by the second. Enver could only imagine that the fight was either moving deeper into the heart of the castle or the offender had been apprehended and was being escorted to the dungeon for temporary holding.
    ---He made his way down the stairs connecting the wing his room was on to one of the halls leading to the main hall. He'd walked these halls so many times by now he didn't even need to think about where he was going and gently pushed open the side door leading to the dining hall, where by now the King was sure to be found.
    ---He heard a soft murmuring that stopped abruptly as he entered, but the resulting silence was quickly filled by the King greeting him.
    ---"Ah, good morning Enver! You're up rather early."
    ---"Good morning, your highness," Enver returned. "Yeah, you could say that. I wasn't planning on being up so early but the sound of a fight disturbed those plans."
    ---"So you heard, then?" the King asked.
    ---"Yes, but only the last little bit. What happened?"
    ---"A thief broke into the main hall, but was accosted nearly immediately by the guards," the King explained. "They got him before he took anything, so no one knows what his plan was. You missed it, but some of the suits of armor and pottery on display in the hall were knocked over in the fight and is littering the ground out there. I'm surprised you didn't cut yourself on any of the ceramic shards."
    ---"It must be on the other side of the hall then. I'll need to be careful," Enver muttered to himself. Addressing the King again, he continued, "Where is this thief now? I can only presume he's in one of the holding cells in the dungeons."
    ---"You would be most certainly correct in that presumption, but why do you want to know?"
    ---"I'm curious why he did it." Enver paused a moment before elaborating further, "I'm curious what drove him to break in and what he planned to steal. Nearly everyone in the kingdom knows how heavily guarded the palace is, and only a fool or someone extremely driven would dare to even try to forcibly gain entry."
    ---"And you want to know which he is, correct?" the King inquired, and Enver nodded. "Hmm, I see. Well in that case, he's in the last cell on the left of the first floor. I can call for someone to guide you if you'd like. I know it's been a long time since you were last down there."
    ---"I appreciate the offer but I think I can handle myself," Enver responded, bristling slightly. "Well, I'll be off to go talk to this wannabe thief. It was a pleasure talking." He bowed his head in respect before turning and stepping back out into the hall. Just before he shut the door behind him, he swore he heard the whispers start back up.
    ---'Oh well,' he thought to himself. 'Guess I won't know what they were talking about.'
    ---He shook himself slightly and pushed the hushed conversation to the back of his mind. He'd look into that later. Right now, he had a thief to find.

brief plot summary;
    ---Flynt is like a wandering thief/rogue who tries to rob the palace, gets caught and arrested. Enver goes down to see him in the dungeon a few times because he's interested in who this crazy guy is and why he thought it was a good idea to rob the palace. Flynt ends up sweet talking him and convincing him to spill his life story and was like "u know what i could get u outta here if u let me go" "ahem says the guy who got caught and is currently sitting in the dungeon"
Last edited by corrosive_limes on Sat Jul 28, 2018 4:04 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Dulcet #30 - Open Writing Competition

Postby annie15970 » Sat Jul 07, 2018 9:32 am

username; annie15970
name; Eldwin
gender; Male
pronouns; He/Him
occupation; Musician



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Postby altiora » Sat Jul 07, 2018 10:31 am

- withdrawing! cant give this lovely the effort they deserve. gl!
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Re: Dulcet #30 - Open Writing Competition

Postby justamindset » Sat Jul 07, 2018 8:35 pm

username; DragonOFEmber
name; Illuna
gender; Female
pronouns; She/her/hers
background; Illuna sat in front of the object before her, wondering why a King dulcet would want to find a soccer-loving friend.
occupation; tracker

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Re: Dulcet #30 - Open Writing Competition

Postby kiwipen » Sun Jul 08, 2018 7:55 am

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Re: Dulcet #30 - Open Writing Competition

Postby purple. » Sun Jul 08, 2018 9:18 am

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-[ may the world stay blind ]

Postby bakuraas. » Thu Jul 12, 2018 11:30 pm

username; Golden-Boy
Dulcet Tracker: clicky
name; Cecil Mallory
name in past life: Cecilia Mallory
name meaning:
Cecil/Cecilia; Blind [Latin]
Mallory; Luckless [French]

Cecil's first name was hardly his parent's choice, he had always believed that he had influenced his parents from beyond life before he was first born. He claimed that in the vast abyss that was nonexistence, his soul was still alive, and that soul yelled out it's name into the world so that the parents who brought him back to the world of the living would be parents destined to call him by that name. Unfortunately, as the world makes it's influence, the name could be altered into something undesired. He changed it when that did happen however, and he knows that he had the first influence, and the final decision on his name, his calling card, the first identifier above all else.

The souls that intertwined before existence even let them in, the souls of luck and lucklessness. Both were destined to be born into the same world, and be able to collide with eachother in a way that beings whose souls hadn't collided yet would never be able to. Mallory, his family name, a name meaning Luckless, It was the calling card of his past as nothing more than a spirit, and he knew it well. Cecil Mallory. The Blind spirit of Luck.

"Gender is confusing, limiting even...From what I can recall from my life before this, I was a beautiful woman who took the role of a big sister. Now, such a role is disgusting to me, as I do not feel as if that gender fits my soul. The me that I used to be only very loosely affects me now. I am a man now, though I am also something beyond comprehension. Nobody would understand." - cecil

gender; Demi-boy
gender in past life; Female
gender progression;
Female -> Nonbinary -> Genderfluid -> Male -> Demi-boy
pronouns; Currently He/Him or They/Them

In his past life, Cecil identified with his birth gender that the world gave to him, but over time, and as he advanced through his former life, he realized that it's not what his soul desired. His soul desired to be strong and masculine in the eyes of the universe. He had to hide this in his past life, as medieval times were not exactly the most accepting of times for anyone or anything. However, when he was brought to the modern era in rebirth, he found himself able to identify as whatever he wished with a lessened chance of him being killed for his identity. The fear was still there, but much less than before.

"A personality can make or break a man. Those with the personality that accompanies the best traits of humanity may certainly be the one to lift themselves above the rest, but those with the best traits of society may find themselves the villain in the story of life." - cecil

Cecil is a very wise dulcet, often being seen as pretentious or thinking that he's smarter than everyone else. He doesn't think like this however.He believes that all creatures under the eyes of the stars have knowledge in them, though some have it in different areas than others. He claims that his knowledge is a curse, and that his eyes couldn't handle seeing all that he could with his knowledge, and that they refused to see what Cecil knew. In addition to his knowledge, he also is a seemingly kind individual towards everyone, even if they don't exactly deserve it. He's a loyal individual who would put himself before anything else, though most times this leads to more pain than respect from others. He's not naive, but he believes that most people have the ability to do good.

They were raised by a rich family, and were basically raised alongside a munchkin by the name of Lakshmi. And though it seemed that his parents would never know, and that his dear friend would lean much slower than the rest of the Dulcets in the chain, Cecil was the first to learn about his past life through visions of the past. In a former life, Cecil was born under the name of Cecilia, and was a mystic guide for the kingdom of light. He was also the guard and lover of the prince of the light kingdom, though the latter could never be found out by the king or queen. Cecil loved the prince more than anything, and though he was blind, he could see the reasons why he adored the prince so much.

Before he was born into the modern age, Cecil was involved in a massive scandal that caused the suffering and eventual death of the prince. It was Cecil who told the prince that the king kept all of his darkest secrets in the library, on the highest shelf in the highest portion of the library. It was Cecil who watched the prince cry as he realized he could no longer trust his own father. And it was Cecil who watched at a distance, seeing the prince pass away in the garden, bodily functions destroyed by his father's own hooves, before Cecil was taken away to his own death by public execution. Apparently, he had been the one that the public had hated the most, from those who wanted to take the prince's heart, to the false fortune tellers and those who faked their visions of the future and the past, the whole world seemed to be against him. And then, it restarted before his eyes.

Before he knew it, he was flashing through his past life and seeing into the future of the next. Unfortunately, as his ability to see past his present view continued with him, so did the need for the world to be shielded from his eyes. He was reborn, blind as ever, and as time continued, he found himself being the leader of his group of friends. Leading the charge of them remembering just who they used to be, and their purpose. Their purpose to take down those who committed the worst atrocities against Dulcet kind. Some still haven't found themselves, and it's up to Cecil to be patient, and guide them into realization. Even if he wishes all the burdens of the knowledge he holds would fade away.

Currently, they don't have a job. They simply follow around their friend, and sometimes assists with tasks involving delicate handiwork. As he seems very good at making silk accessories and, surprisingly, metalwork as well.

Cecil laid with his paws over the other Dulcet, holding his breath until he heard the other exhale. He knew breathing in time with him would be difficult, as the munchkin below him was sleeping, but it was all that he could think of to make sure that Lakshmi would wake up with some sort of scrap of memory that had him somewhere in it. Cecil also wished to make sure that the other was safe, and it was not like he could see if the other was in any kind of pain, so he took to listening and sensing the other's chest movements with is paws and face. The doctorate sorcerers had told him not to worry, and that soon enough after rest, Lakshmi would have some kind of memory involving Cecil. The blind male surely hoped that they were telling the truth, he couldn't take the awkward explanations of his devotion to the munchkin dulcet anymore.

In conversations, he'd have to explain why he said 'my prince' whenever he spoke to Lakshmi. He always had to explain how in his past life he was a prince, and how he was close to Cecil and that Cecil would never go to a point where he wouldn't say Lakshmi was anything but a wonderful prince who meant the world to him. Lakshmi would never believe him. Cecil knew that Lakshmi would get his memories late, it was just how everything worked out because of how their souls left the plane of existence back when they were first on earth. Even with this knowledge, Cecil wanted to have his lovely prince back in his arms, Cecil wanted to be able to call Lakshmi his prince and not have to explain everything while holding back tears. He wanted Lakshmi to remember him.

The thought made Cecil lay his head down completely onto the stomach of the other male, exhausted and in emotional pain caused by his own thoughts. He softly kneaded at the other's belly with his paws, trying to calm down. Lakshmi giggled from the contact, and one of the magicians stated that if Cecil continued, he'd most likely wake the other up with the use of his ticklish belly. Cecil stopped, but part of him wanted the other to wake up sooner. He sighed, moving to where he heard the other breathe, knowing that he'd be sending his wishes to the place where the memories would appear. "Please...let him remember me."

"You weren't able to predict this, huh, Cecil?" The male's head bolted up at the words, otherwise having no other way of hearing where his captor was located. The cuffs on his legs were cold, and Cecil could only guess that they were a metal of some sort, though his intuition would immediately assume them to be iron. After all, from what he knew of his captor, they weren't very rich. Cecil's voice was still soft as he let his overall soft voice ring out towards his captor. "Unfortunately for you, Strase- I did predict this, and I can also predict that I'll be able to escape, just like every other time." He could hear the voice echo off of the walls, and from the way the tone spread through the repeating phrase, he could tell that the chamber was much larger than the last time the evil male had trapped him. "Gone and redecorated, Strade? I can tell there's a lot more room here than last time we...spoke."

The other dulcet growled, his voice seeming to snap out of his throat with a painful sounding noise, but perhaps that might have been the dulcet cracking his neck as an attempt to intimidate Cecil. It wouldn't be that easy, of course. "Oh, Redecorated. I absolutely love how you'll take me making this place bigger as 'redecorating'. I assure you, the only reason I even made this place larger is just so I can capture you and all your dumb friends, who think they're all high and mighty because their past life was so majestic." Cecil could hear the harsh tone in his voice, but his tone could be harsh too. He spoke with a sense of anger, and with an intent to shut the other Dulcet up.

"Ah, of course. Because dying was such a wonderful thing to do when you're not even a full adult yet. Strase, I understand that your life wasn't as grand as ours, and yet somehow your pathetic former life was enough for you to remember here, and that it makes you a little sad. But, let's be reasonable here. You're pathetic, once being nothing more than a peasant with mommy issues and now you try to be all brave and strong, but it ends up falling short. Nothing you do will ever be menacing, because you were never something to be scared of."
Last edited by bakuraas. on Fri Jul 27, 2018 12:02 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Dulcet #30 - Open Writing Competition

Postby liightning » Fri Jul 13, 2018 8:26 am

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Re: Dulcet #30 - Open Writing Competition

Postby Catskitten » Fri Jul 13, 2018 12:16 pm



Male (biological)

them they

The Guardian/Crime Investigator
{Hes the assigned guard to Heart ‪< 3‬}

Play a Song for Us
Polygon Dust
Sad Machine

The lady was called Heart and she fidgeted with her sleeves as you asked her about the one she worked with

“They act business like. They spoke formally with a firm tone. They were about the task at hand and didn’t stray from it.
I couldn’t tell if they were female or male as the voice was neither high nor low.
I was too shy to ask and it would be quite rude to assume. So this dulcet wore sunglasses even in the night and a veil like they were a prince or princess.
I can describe them as etheral I suppose.
Like I had been blessed to be near a goddess or god.
I can imagine nobody would dare attack them for money though as they walked powerfully.
They were who my father and I wanted to be.
Who my father and I should of been.
I am very lucky to have them on my side.”

They were a very busy professional dulcet of course nothing but the best

Luciel was at their desk of the office building they worked in. It was a quiet building with only one room. Papers were scattered about clean like to look business like. Luciel couldn’t read them but didn’t want to show blindness.
That was a weakness of investigators in others thoughts. Silly thoughts to Luciel as they didn’t need eyes to hunt prey.
The bell of the door jingled as Luciel’s warning that a client showed up.
Luciel grabbed the file close to the right.
His next clients information that was already memorized before hand.
The light smell of perfume hit Luciel’s nose. Ah hah the lady.
“Miss Heart? Have a seat miss and we shall talk.”
Much to surprise Luciel heard her sit down quietly not screaming why she’d come given the file information.
She spoke just as quiet.
“I am Heart.
My father was murdered as you know.
I want to find the one who did it.”
Luciel patted the right file. Heard a small shuffle and assumed Heart had looked at the file as well which was good.
“All information gotten from police miss.
Your father was a wealthy man attacked for his money. You could be a target as well for inheritance.
My terms are that i find the dulcets and you don’t.”
Luciel heard a small sniff. One angry huff from a client set on her mind.
“I want to find the one who did it as well.”
Luciel sighed as they had predicted this.
“My terms miss. It is my job.”
Choose your words carefully.
Do not mention Miss Heart as a weakness. Change subjects.
“It will only take a week at most to find the
murders. I do not fail.”
A loud sigh and a shuffle that sounded like a head shake.
“Ill take your word. A week.”
Luciel knew they would find the criminals quick and this lady would be on Luciel’s tail. Challenge not needed thank you.
“Very well. Now for payment.”

Said statement reminded of a painful memory
One that was but Luciel's line of work

“Now for payment.”
Luciel muttered soberly
The man that had walked in carried a air of money and a heart of love.
The man was doomed.
The man was prey.
Luciel knew very well that the mans price for his wealth was death.
The man silently put his wealth on the table in the form of a check. All the man had left besides his daughter. Everything in return for a father’s childs safety.
“You promise me she won’t find out who will kill me?”
Luciel glanced up like they were looking at the man.
A last comfort.
“You have my word.
She will have none.”
Luciel heard a stifled sob and a light shuffle as the man composed himself.
“Thank you.”
Luciel cringed to themselves and took the check silently.
It was all in a days work.
Everyone paid a price.

They were actually the worst

As Heart left satisfied knowing Luciel would find the criminals.
A paw silently moved the empty file to the trash where it belonged.
The facade dropped and Luciel sighed loudly and put head on desk.
Luciel played a liers game.
Keeping wool over Heart’s eyes.
Would she hate him if she knew her father paid Luciel to lie to her?
Would she understand why?
Luciel than reached in front of him and grabbed Heart’s payment.
A locket necklace shaped like a heart most likely from her father.
Luciel opened and closed it over and over again.
The silent metaphor disgusted them.
Leave Luciel your heart for it was all that lady had left.
Luciel felt like a criminal taking it from her.
In return Heart was forever lied too.
Prices were high these days.

The player playing games

Luciel remembered before they had started the line of work.
A violent night where they were robbed and blinded.
Luciel was a fool to dress wealthy.
The price for his eyes was his fate.
It was what made Luciel decide to guard others. In a way Luciel thought it the blindness fitting as morbid as the thought was. The blind blinding others so they are safe.
But Luciel hadn’t lied about finding a criminal to Heart because in a way Luciel was a criminal.
Luciel shoved the locket into the same drawer as the check and folded their paws.
They had work to do so they shouldn’t think about it anymore.

Last edited by Catskitten on Sat Jul 21, 2018 4:05 pm, edited 7 times in total.

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