Arrow Re-Adoption by Firewolf56

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Arrow Re-Adoption

Postby Firewolf56 » Thu Nov 10, 2016 5:02 pm

Sadly, I've been neglecting some of my 'cets lately. I figured they can do with some good new homes,'s the readopt contest for Arrow. There's no need to keep his personality, name, or gender the same. This guy is gonna be a raffle, only for people with less than 3 'cets. Extras on your form (Stories, art, personality, etc) will get you extra entries! 100 words= +1 entry, sketchy art= +1 entry, fully lined art= +2 entries, lined and shaded art= +3 entries. Ends 11/19 or after the first post on page 3!

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Re: Arrow Re-Adoption

Postby Macyduke » Thu Nov 10, 2016 6:54 pm

Sorry to hear you lost connection with two of your 'cets.

Name: Judd
Gender: Male

Judd is a highly intelligent individual, who enjoys painting without a brush, and ignoring those that tell him what not to do. Due to years of practice and learning to play on other's ignorance, he's actually quite good at disobeying and getting away with it- or at least getting away with whatever he's doing until they realize that he's not deaf, just mute. That's not to say that he's not good at listening to others that he really really cares about in a time of need. That being said, he's not all to good with comforting others beyond giving them a hug and someone, who will secretly be sad for them and be somewhat uncomfortable with the situation, to sit with.

(Word count 121)
"There are two stars in the sky, and they're both planes."

Really though, just *Incoherent screaming*
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Re: Arrow Re-Adoption

Postby Idem » Thu Nov 10, 2016 7:11 pm

Name: Aaron
Gender: Male
Extras: wip c:

Hey, I'm Idem! I'm just another person who enjoys collecting rocks and crystals, drawing, playing D&D, and listening to music (tøp, Porter Robinson, Hozier, half•alive). I'm always open for a PM if you'd like to talk. <3
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Re: Arrow Re-Adoption

Postby hunny.milk.tea » Fri Nov 11, 2016 1:36 am

Name: Dot
Gender: Female
Personality traits:- Peppy - easily excitable - highly sensitive - oblivious to almost everything - insanely loyal - tries to be fierce but really isn't- very curious - happy-go-lucky - easily distracted - can be annoying at times - easily worried - hard worker - driven - very caring - good learner - a shoulder to cry on - not good with social interactions as she grew up alone sort of -

Nanashi- Dot meets Nanashi one day when she was traveling across land, searching for her new life. The bubbly, sunshine Viscet is a traveler who is seeking her new life and won't wait for destiny to do it for her while Nanashi knows nothing but obedience and sorrow, most of his life dedicated to something he hates. When the two meet it seems unlikely they will get along, but as time goes on the two grow closer and maybe even find love in one another.


Dot's story with Nanashi:
Shiki, a young king who inherited a kingdom unwillingly and had everything he knew taken from him in the process, including his name. Known as Nanashi (literally meaning 'one without name' by those who don't personally know him. Cold, resentful and mistrusting, can be difficult to get along with. Suffers from hallucinations that threaten to take over his sanity if not kept under control.

Looking up at the cloudless sky, Shiki let out a heavy sigh. Today marked a year since he had inherited the crown, and he still couldn't stand being locked up in the lonely castle walls. That's why he had snuck out to visit the place that both calmed him and haunted him; the rolling hills behind the town's border, where the grass was thick and flowers grew full and bright. Stumbling to the middle of the field, Shiki felt his legs shaking, which rather quickly overtook his entire thin form. He wasn't ill or hungry, yet he's never felt as weak as he did in this moment. Sitting in the soft grass, he picked up a flower in his shaking paw and couldn't help but let out a low growl of frustration at the helplessness that washed over him like a fever. Shiki flung his head back to cry out at the sky, warm tears rolled down his cheeks as unwelcome memories flooded his mind.
The fever soon became unbearable and Shiki felt himself becoming unstable, his vision darkening at the corners of his eyes. Within moments, the darkness engulfed him and he blacked out in the field of flowers, a flower still crushed between his claws.
Dot - wondering soul looking for a place to settle and start her life, very curious, ready for anything, very peppy, can be a bit of a dreamer.

Dot gave a soft sigh as she padded softly up the hill of the sweet spring grass. With nothing but her satchel and small black hooded cape swishing behind her. A soft dusk breeze blew through her mane as she came to the peak of the rolling hills. Dot stopped and looked down the hill to see a beautiful scene ahead of her, the hills filled with flowers popping up everywhere out of the tall grass. Dot felt curiosity fill her as she smiled softly and began to trot forward to investigate the stunning flower filled hills. She ran into the field, stopping to gently brush flowers here and there. Dot's tail swished through the flowers, making a delicate trail behind Dot as she proceeded forward. carefully Dot pulled down her black hood and rubbed a paw through her mane before giving a gleeful laugh to herself and springing playfully into the flowers. They smelled so sweet and welcomed her with an open aroma of fruit. Dot laid down in the flowers and sprang up to do a full 180 degree twist before landing softly in the grass. Another gleeful laugh came from Dot's maw when she landed. She was about to jump again when her yellow eyes flickered upon a shiny thing. Dot didn't hesitate for a second as she proceeded forward, the shiny thing casting a glimmer in the now arising moon light. Dot was about to reach out and touch it when she gave a yelp and stumbled backwards. The shiny thing was attached to a Viscet! Dot covered her eyes with her paws and covered her eyes. Slowly they opened and noted the Viscet wasn't moving. Dot gave the body a sniff before poking the Viscet and covering her eyes again.
Shiki twitched and grunted, slowly regaining some movement in his body. He didn't try to get up, but only narrowly opened his eyes and glanced down at the now dead and ripped flower in his claws. He let out a heavy sigh and thumped his tail on the ground, only squishing more flowers beneath him and molding his form into the flower bed.
Shiki glanced up to the sky, squinting from the light, his eyes still hazy. He didn't notice the other viscet near him as he began to mumble under his breath.
Dot flicked her ears back and hunkered down in the tall grass, peeking up as flowers surrounded her face. The oblivious Viscet was mumbling something inaudible, clearly not having seen her. When the Viscet sighed and thumped his tail only then did Dot realize that he was male. The deep voice was a dead give away, but also his size. Dot being as small as she was only stood at 5 feet 2 inches, but that never stopped her. Carefully Dot slipped around to the male's left side and perked her ears up, slowly standing. Carefully she crept forward, and got a glimpse at the male. He was stunning in the moon light, as it lit up his eyes. Dot noted he was avidly more 'fuzzy' then she and seemed to be wearing many shiny things. Dot resisted the urge to reach out and touch the things he wore and instead softly cleared her throat.
"Hello... Sir? Dot called softly, not wanting to startle the male. She wished she could have sat and stared at him a while longer, she hadn't seen another Viscet in months, but that would be simply silly of her.
Upon hearing the others voice, Shiki's eyes widened and he jolted upright, but almost immediately lost his balance and fell back into the flowerbed. He tried to scramble to his feet but his limbs were still somewhat numb. The only thing he could do in his state is examine the other viscet. Most likely female, Shiki noted due to her size and stature, and her white pelt was almost glowing in the moonlight. She didn't seem dangerous, but as a king his guard had to be up at all times, as there were plenty of people who wanted his position, or at the very least wanted him dead. He bared his teeth and challenged the other viscet, "Who are you and what do you want from me?"
Dot jumped backwards as the male scrambled away from her. With a soft whimper Dot sunk down slightly, knowing she had failed on trying to be gentle. The male had quickly risen and now proceeded to snarl at Dot. Dot had never been around a male Viscet before and tilted her head puzzled to why he had such a rude introduction. Dot gave an undignified snort and stood up, pulling her hood down, her paw placed protectively on the satchel. Dots eyes looked right into the male's deep red and then gave a soft giggle.
"You're not scary sir... and I'm not here to hurt you. I'm a wandering soul looking for a warm bed and food. But I was wondering about these flowers when I saw you. Your shiny thing you have on your head caught my eye. It's very beautiful by the way sir." Dot spoke softly. Dot had no idea that there were such things as evil in the world, so she greeted everyone happily. Dot gave the male a small smile, her tail curled around her feet as she sat back on her haunches.
Snorting, Shiki regained his balance and stood tall, looking down at the viscet sitting In front of him. His fur flattened slightly at her words, but he was still uneasy and on edge. Better stay cautious that be taken advantage of. He reached up and took the crown from atop his head, studying how it reflected the moonlight. "If you like it so much, you should take it. Ah, but what would a king be without his crown?" Shiki slowly placed the crown back in place, shaking his head with a sigh."I'm sorry you've found me like this, it shouldn't happen again..." He turned, still a bit wobbly from the recent fall, and took a few steps towards his town.
Dot relaxed a bit as the male did as well. Watching him closely Dot guessed he was around her age, pretty young. He was classically handsome and had an air about him that called your attention and eyes. Dot shifted forward as the male took the crown off and studied it, Dot's ears immediately perking. She reached out, desperately want to touch it before snatching her paw back.
"Hah now why would I take your shiny hat thing, it is yours, not mine to take. Oh!-" Dot gave a joyful yep and jumped up before settling back down and bowing gracefully, her tail sweeping over the flowers.
"A king! I've never met a king before. It is an honor sir. Also don't worry about me finding you, I truly don't mind, everyone has there special places. Mine is a cabin way far off east where the grass grows greener and the birds fly the highest they will ever go. Here, a gift for your king-ness!" Dot quickly grabbed her satchel and slipped her paw in. After a bit of fumbling Dot pulled out a silver bracelet and held out her paw for the king to take it.
Stopping in his tracks, he glanced back at the female bowing to him and rolled his eyes. He flattened his ears and turned to face the female once again, more stable now. As she held out the shiny object to him, Shiki throughly studied it as it glittered in the faint light. After a few long moments, he hesitantly took the bracelet and awkwardly held onto it, not sure what he should do with the sudden gift. "er... thank you..." He cut off, glancing around the empty field and up to the stars, the moon was almost directly overhead now, suggesting it to be pretty late. Lowering his head and glaring at the ground, the thought over his options before lifting his gaze to the viscet in front of him once more. "My name is Shi-, N-Nanashi... I rule over the town just past this field and a few in the surrounding areas. Did you say you needed a place to stay? I can provide temporary housing if you're in need."
Dot gave a giggle at the male as he rolled his eyes. She had never met a king before and only acted as though they were in a movie, which was bowing, honoring, and doing everything for the king. She shivered slightly when he took the bracelet and she pulled her hood back up, hiding her yellow eyes. She smiled lightly at his name and simply nodded.
"My name is Dot, but you can call me whatever, it's nice to meet you Nanashi. I have never met a king before... or much of anyone really so forgive me if I seem improper, I don't exactly know how to act in front of others. But oh that'd be so sweet of you! I will gladly take you up on the offer." Dot said with a smile, her fur blowing in the slight night breeze.
"Then we're off..."Once again, Shiki turned away from the other and began walking towards the edge of the field, he waved his tail as a motion to follow. Once on the outskirts of town, he lowered himself to the ground and moved as quickly as he could, trying not to be noticed. When he reached the tall stone wall of the castle, he moved some rocks around and squeezed through a hole that had been roughly carved out. "Stay close, and be quiet.." He said lowly, not looking back at the other.

It wasn't until they had stepped into a wide hallway inside the castle that Shiki stood on his hind legs again. Fixing his crown, he walked tall through the corridor and called for some nearby servants. When one rushed over to the pair, the new viscet didn't question the females presence and only hardly took note of her. "Fix my friend a room to stay in for the night, and leave a meal tray for her as well." Shiki said calmly, and the servant replied with a polite bow of the head and hurried down the hall in the opposite direction. Shiki turned to Dot, not sure what to do next. "Are you all right now? What brought you into the outskirts of my town?"
Dot nodded at Nanashi and quickly followed behind the male. Watching him intently Dot tried her best to mimic him so that she wouldn't cause any problems. When he hunkered down so did she, as she quietly slipped into the tall grass, disappearing for the time being. But as they grew closer to the castle the grass grew shorter until finally the two weren't hidden anymore. Dot stopped for a moment to gape in awe at the mighty structure before her. Never had Dot seen something so large and tall. The castle was magnificent standing taller than any tree in the land and fortified with a wall in it's path. After a moment of staring Dot came to her senses and looked about to spot Nanashi by a hole in the wall. Quickly Dot scrambled after him, trying not to make to much noises as she trotted quickly to Nanashi's side. Dot perked her ears at Nanashi's statement and pretended to zip her lips, before giggling to herself and then proceeded to shush herself. Dot wasn't the best at being a sneaky rebel. Once inside the castle Dot had more time to look around. Speechless was never a word that could describe Dot, so shocked was more fit. Dot turned a full rotation taking everything in before turning back to Nanashi and beaming at him.
"This is your house? Wow, it's so large, almost twenty times as big as my old cabin. I'm doing fine now... also who was that?"Dot curiously asked. But before Nanashi would be able to even think about an answer Dot was searching around, down on all fours looking at the ground of the castle. His other question brought her attention back to him and suddenly her smile faded slightly.
"Oh...well you see my parents both died when I was very young. I was an orphan really, no place to go, that's when she took me in. I never knew her real name so I called her Skylar. She raised me and took care of me and taught me what she knew. Wasn't much as we lived out in the woods in a tiny cabin. Life was good for a while, that is until she passed. I made sure to leave her in her resting place and decided I didn't want to stay in the sorrowful cabin of Skylar. So I went out in search of a life... my life possibly. I found a couple of villages and manged to scrap a bit of money together. They all told me to keep heading the direction of the hills, told me I'd meet the king, which is you!-" Dot's smile returned as she rushed forward, again not knowing any social boundaries and hugged Nanashi. Dot let go quickly, her smile growing wider as she shown with gratitude.
Thank you by the way, for letting me stay here in this castle...but do I have to have a room alone.. I've never really stayed with someone else before, in a unfamiliar place." Dot looked around before turning her attention back to Nanashi
2557 words - Rp form can be found
here for more reading c:

Silver- Thank you for letting me use Nanashi in the story as well as having permission to use him in the form + your amazing art holy cow, it's so stunning c:
Tropical - Thank you for reviewing my form for any errors and such, much appreciated
Last edited by hunny.milk.tea on Thu Nov 17, 2016 1:32 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Arrow Re-Adoption

Postby Syd March » Fri Nov 11, 2016 4:29 pm

Name: Alazyr
Gender: Male
Extras: wip (?)
where i go


when i go there

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Re: Arrow Re-Adoption

Postby MelMellyMel » Mon Nov 14, 2016 1:19 am

Name: Mirdan
Gender: Male
Personality: Mirdan is a very quiet and analytical Viscet. When in a crowded area, or even just a small room of Viscets, Mirdan can stay quiet for hours and just listen. He finds that you can find out more about others by listening to their conversations rather than taking part in one with them yourself. As a result of his quietness, Mirdan will more often than not be lost in his thoughts. Viscets will often ask him if he's okay if he stays quiet for an extended period of time, and his answer is always the same, yes. Nine out of ten times he's telling the truth. Mirdan isn't one to share his emotional struggles with anyone in fear of being a burden to those who try and help him. He can be stubborn at the best of times. He knows that if someone tried to help him, he'd either frustrate them to no end with his declines to the help itself, or frustrate them to no end with his uncooperativeness in actually trying to be helped. Despite all this, Mirdan does indeed have some friends. Through years of what Mirdan can only assume were driven by will-power, blood, sweat, and tears, a small group of 'cets were able to stick with him. It wasn't easy, but Mirdan set his distrust aside to open up to 'cets, dare he call the friends, that he could relate to. [237 words] (My personalities always end up having some inkling of backstory in them, oh well.)
Extras: Wip!!
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Re: Arrow Re-Adoption

Postby Firewolf56 » Sun Nov 20, 2016 2:01 am


DOCTOR WHOOVES LOVER with a whopping 48 entries! I don't think I have to tell you this, but take good care of her! :3

I need more sleep...
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Re: Arrow Re-Adoption

Postby hunny.milk.tea » Sun Nov 20, 2016 4:01 am

Oh my w-wordy!! I didn't k-know I had that many entries! S-Sorry, that's a bit much I thought after the first 100 w-words that's it. But oh my g-gravy pie I'm so excited! Thank you s-so much for Dot I'll take such good care of her! A-also I just wanted to say to the others your forms were great! B-Big thanks to Silver for h-helpong me out with dot. I'm sure Nanashi will be happy to be with Dot and they can start their adventure t-together!!
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