Trick or Treat! by GrimmSaber

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Trick or Treat!

Postby GrimmSaber » Wed Oct 05, 2016 3:32 am

Username: Mrs. M
Show name: I'll Dance on your Grave
Barn name: Cryptic
Age: 2 at the time of death, now, too many years have passed, I have forgotten
Gender: stallion
Body Color: White with abnormal overo
Eye Color: red
Halter Colors: Orange and black
Short story:

"C'mon M'lady! Tell us about that old masoluem that's shaped like a horse. Y'know, the one in the old graveyard." the ruddy boy asked in an old English accent as he pleaded with the groundskeeper, a little old lady in her 80's, plump and silver headed with warm eyes and lots of wrinkles.
The groundskeeper smiled as she shook her head, " I'm afraid that's too scary of a tale a'fer 'unginns like yerselves."
"Please Granny, tell us, I ain't 'fraid of no ghost!" pleaded the oldes of the group of boys.
"Awe righty then. If'n yer brave 'nough." she said as she say back on her porch that overlooked the graveyard. Her old eyes focused on the horse statue as she drew a deep breath. " many year ago, when I was just knee high to a grasshopper, my pappy owned a beautiful, pure white stallion. This stallion was a spirited one and a show winner at that. He was at the time, the stallion worth the most money and the cocky horse seemed ta know it too. Sure, there were many offers to buy him, but my pappy refused them all. I wish now that my pappy had of sold that horse. Things would have been better if he had..." she sighed as the memories flooded her old worn mind.
"Late one night we heard a knock at the door. Now my pappy went to the door and opened it and we heard him say NO! THE DARN HORSE IS NOT FER SALE! and slam the door shut. I didn't know what was going on, but I looked out the window and saw a man in a black robe staring at me from near the barn. It's like I was in a trance. I couldn't move. He had somehow drawn something in the dirt around the barn and started chanting something. All of a sudden, I saw eerie lights and shadows enter the barn. I heard the stallion scream and the man vanished. I blinked my eyes after a few minutes, and as I snapped out of the trance, it was morning. I ran out to where my pappy was in the barn. He was scratching his head as he watched something in the barn. I looked and saw that the stallion was acting strange, he was kicking the stall and baring his teeth as his ears were flat against the stall and the whites of his eyes shown. It was like there was something there We couldn't see. That horse was never the same again. It was like a demon was eating him from the inside out as black patches began to show on his whore pelt. He acted as if something was chasing him, he ran constantly, not even eating. Soon he became so crazy that my pappy ended up shooting the poor thing to end it's misery. He couldn't bear it any longer. He was hoping that it would get better."

"What happened then granny?" the boy asked, his eyes as wide as a half dollar piece.

" we buried him in the cemetary, right under that statue. But that wasn't the end of him. Every night on a full moon, you can see him...well, his ghost, as he runs his old homestead. Nothing but fear in his red eyes and demons following him, hot on his tail as he forever runs, trying to get away. Doomed to a fate of being chased as eternity rolls on. Some say that he will even lash out at anyone standing in his path." the granny said as she cackled, a sharp scream of a stallion coming from the graveyard as the boys bolted for the safety of home.
Last edited by GrimmSaber on Tue Dec 06, 2016 2:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Trick or Treat!

Postby NARANDA » Wed Oct 05, 2016 4:16 am

Username: NARANDA
Show name: Spirit Of Abnormality
Barn name: Phantom
Age: 4 Years
Gender: Stallion
Body Color: White with abnormal overo
Eye Color: Red
Halter Colors: Black and Red
Short story:
I was not always a ghost, no, I of course not, but I did meet a tragic end which is why I have not left. I stay to watch over my herd, the herd I left behind, the herd I gave up my life to save. No extra precautions were made after my death, nothing was done to protect my precious family, so I will protect them instead. Even though many have made their way to a new home, I will watch over them there as well. No matter where they go, I will make sure they are safe.
It was a nice day, mid-spring, and we were out in the pasture on a lazy weekend. Our humans left us to graze as they had gone out for the day with other plans. They checked on us in the morning and did their chores before heading off, but other then that we would not see them again until late that night, after I was gone. I was part of a small herd at this time, only a few in number, but we were a close family unity. I was honored to be a part of their family. There was about seven of us, and then there were the two guard dogs that protected the herd, two Great Pyrenees who did their job diligently. I heard it before I saw it, I had not smelt it earlier because it came from downwind. The strange monster, teeth showing through it's fleshless jaw, it's protruding nose and no eyes to account for. Its body was long and lean, claws always out and a lizard like tail, long and powerful. Its ribs seemed to show through it's skin that was only covered by very short, rough fur. I let out a squeal of fear and warning, alerting the rest of my tiny herd of its presence, and soon they were taking off across the field to the opposite side. The creature charged us, and I knew we would be trapped in the corner if nothing was done.
The two large dogs came bolting from the yard, blazing across with field while barking their hearts out, hoping to scare away the large hunter, but instead, she became even more vicious, standing between the attackers and her cub. I watched the bought, standing between the herd and the carnivores, my ears pinned by, my eyes wide with fear and anger. I would not let them get to my herd, my family. I knew I would have to fight, I watched as the monster swatted away one of the canines, a pained yelp let into the air. I cried out and charged the beast, catching it's attention long enough for the other dog to sink its teeth into the leg of the beast. The dog just barely escaped the claws of the beast, but I was not so lucky. I reared up and brought my hooves down on the monster, my hooves meeting ribs in a battle of bone. A hissing scream came from the mouth of the beast, opening his mouth so I could see it's snake like tongue. I lifted up my hooves again and tried to bring then down to finish off the monster, but its front legs wrapped around me, claws digging into my sides. I screamed in pain as he racked his claws through my flesh and jumped back as the dogs once again continued their onslaught.
I was feeling numb as I stood there, but it only enraged me. If I was going down, I was taking the monster with me. I charged again, ramming myself into the side of the beast as it turned the other way to snap at one of the angle biters. It twisted its body to scratch me across the face, forcing me to back away, but it left an opening for the guard dogs who rushed in. One sunk his teeth in the neck and the other clamped down on one of the hind legs. The monster screamed, flinging the dogs off him, but he was now limping and bleeding. He hissed and turned, slipping over the fence and into the trees. I felt exhausted as I watched the beast vanish, I felt lightheaded. My vision blurred and my legs shook till they vanish from under me, and I laid in the grass, breathing heavily, gasping for breath. All pain vanished, but I still struggled to leave until I faded in and out of consciousness, in and out, in and out, out...
Death, this is what death felt like. I felt separated from my body, like I was in two places, but then the chain of soul and body broke and I was left as nothing but a soul. I watched my herd as they got near, the air thick with grief as they knew I was gone. I felt the warm tears run down my cold phantom cheeks as I watched my family, and soon my humans, cry. They left for only a few hours, but a few hours is all it took to end my life. I could not watch anymore, I ran. I ran through the trees, I ran far from the herd. I was scared, I was sad, I was confused. So many emotions and thoughts ran through my head that I could not fully understand what was happening. All I knew is that I was dead.
I stopped at the edge of a lake in the middle of the woods, far from home. Since I was not held down by an earthly body, I could move faster, but that only scared me more. I stared into the glass like water, and what I saw scared me. I had become white, like I always thought a spirit would be, but there was something wrong. What looks like tears covered my midsection, surrounded my eyes and right across my mouth, black like night, like tar. The marks the beast left me with, scars that would never go away. I backed away in horror, unable to wrap my mind around why the wounds still remained. "My, my. What an unusual spirit." I spun around at the voice to face a strange man. He was wearing black pants and a red shirt, covered by a long black overcoat rimmed red at the bottom. He wore red heeled shoes dark purple arm warmers, with red marks on them. His hair was long and red, like blood, and a dark purple hat sat upon his red, adorned with a red patch of fabric and a skull and feather decoration along the rim. His eyes were hidden beneath his hair, and even though he seemed to look at me I could not tell if he was or not. "What is your name?" he spoke again, and when I opened my mouth to reply I froze. I could not remember, my name was gone. "Forgotten have we? Must have been a horrible death to scare that out of you." he spoke, walking closer. I was frozen to the spot, I could not run from the strange man who I now just realized was holding a cup of tea, sipping from it every once and a while. "How about I name you." I stopped trying to run, I stopped resisting the strange spell over me. "Spirit of Abnormality, but Phantom for short. Horses do normally have two names, do they not?"
Trekk, that was the name of the strange man who could somehow see spirits and ghosts. He welcomed me like it was normal to welcome a dead horse. He gave me a new name and allows me to come and go as I please, to serve him and to watch over my herd that still live. Because of the monster, I can not pass on, the scars he left me have chained me to the world. Instead of complaining though I use my time here to protect those I care about, and to serve the one who showed me my new life. My life as Phantom, the Spirit of Abnormality.
Last edited by NARANDA on Mon Oct 10, 2016 11:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Trick or Treat!

Postby muffy » Wed Oct 05, 2016 5:52 am

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Re: Trick or Treat!

Postby ~SpotOnAppy~ » Wed Oct 05, 2016 8:30 am

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Re: Trick or Treat!

Postby Blackbirds » Wed Oct 05, 2016 9:30 am

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Re: Trick or Treat!

Postby Cousin » Thu Oct 06, 2016 12:42 pm

Show name:Cautions watching
Barn name:Caution
Age: 2y
Gender: Gelding
Body Color: White with abnormal overo
Eye Color: red
Halter Colors:black and red
Short story: Caution pushed his nose between the sheet metal that was his trailer. He scented the cold night air, he could tell a storm was coming. Caution stepped back and shook his mane out, the young girl driving the truck that hauled his trailer was unaware of the danger they were in. The storm cracked and blew over the land with a ferocity that rivaled a grizzly mother. Caution tried to get the girls attention to warn her, but she was not listening. The heavens burst forth with a rain that quickly turned to sleet, icing the road and windshield. The colt inside of the trailer began to stomp and whinny. The young girl tried to see through the windshield, but it was a futile attempt that only led to disaster. The truck careened off the road and smashed into a tree, alucard stood up and shook himself. He was completely unharmed, and yet... He glanced over his shoulder at the body that once belonged to him. It lay broken amongst the twisted ruins of the trailer. The truck was nothing more than a pile of crumpled metal.
Caution watched as the young girl stepped out, leaving her own body behind. She turned to him and fear was all that he could see. Then something changed, it seemed as though a light shined on the two of them, the girl had a wave of peace flow over her. Caution felt a wave of fear and charged off into the night as swiftly as his legs would carry him. He could hear the girl calling to him and could feel her presence beside him, but he kept running. That was not his life anymore. he didn't know what was....
hi I'm Cousin and welcome to my page I am a horse lover dog lover not so much a cat lover reptile lover.
in real life I have no horses at moment 3 cats 2 dogs a bunch of chickens and 3 mini chickens and a bearded dragon Rily
some of my favorite things to do is read sing draw cook ride my horse play with my dogs and my Cat
my cat is three-quarters Bobcat one-quarter domestic cat name is kiwi my two dogs are black mouth curs names are river and Creek my other Kat gabby is unknown breed my chickens are games layers and of course Minis and I love them so much and this is my animals
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Re: Trick or Treat!

Postby SmileChild » Wed Oct 12, 2016 12:32 am

Snips :3
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Re: Trick or Treat!

Postby .Survivor. » Tue Nov 29, 2016 5:30 pm

Username: Mrs. M
Show name: I'll Dance on your Grave
Barn name: Cryptic
Age: 2 at the time of death, now, too many years have passed, I have forgotten
Gender: stallion
Body Color: White with abnormal overo
Eye Color: red
Halter Colors: Orange and black
Short story:

"C'mon M'lady! Tell us about that old masoluem that's shaped like a horse. Y'know, the one in the old graveyard." the ruddy boy asked in an old English accent as he pleaded with the groundskeeper, a little old lady in her 80's, plump and silver headed with warm eyes and lots of wrinkles.
The groundskeeper smiled as she shook her head, " I'm afraid that's too scary of a tale a'fer 'unginns like yerselves."
"Please Granny, tell us, I ain't 'fraid of no ghost!" pleaded the oldes of the group of boys.
"Awe righty then. If'n yer brave 'nough." she said as she say back on her porch that overlooked the graveyard. Her old eyes focused on the horse statue as she drew a deep breath. " many year ago, when I was just knee high to a grasshopper, my pappy owned a beautiful, pure white stallion. This stallion was a spirited one and a show winner at that. He was at the time, the stallion worth the most money and the cocky horse seemed ta know it too. Sure, there were many offers to buy him, but my pappy refused them all. I wish now that my pappy had of sold that horse. Things would have been better if he had..." she sighed as the memories flooded her old worn mind.
"Late one night we heard a knock at the door. Now my pappy went to the door and opened it and we heard him say NO! THE DARN HORSE IS NOT FER SALE! and slam the door shut. I didn't know what was going on, but I looked out the window and saw a man in a black robe staring at me from near the barn. It's like I was in a trance. I couldn't move. He had somehow drawn something in the dirt around the barn and started chanting something. All of a sudden, I saw eerie lights and shadows enter the barn. I heard the stallion scream and the man vanished. I blinked my eyes after a few minutes, and as I snapped out of the trance, it was morning. I ran out to where my pappy was in the barn. He was scratching his head as he watched something in the barn. I looked and saw that the stallion was acting strange, he was kicking the stall and baring his teeth as his ears were flat against the stall and the whites of his eyes shown. It was like there was something there We couldn't see. That horse was never the same again. It was like a demon was eating him from the inside out as black patches began to show on his whore pelt. He acted as if something was chasing him, he ran constantly, not even eating. Soon he became so crazy that my pappy ended up shooting the poor thing to end it's misery. He couldn't bear it any longer. He was hoping that it would get better."

"What happened then granny?" the boy asked, his eyes as wide as a half dollar piece.

" we buried him in the cemetary, right under that statue. But that wasn't the end of him. Every night on a full moon, you can see him...well, his ghost, as he runs his old homestead. Nothing but fear in his red eyes and demons following him, hot on his tail as he forever runs, trying to get away. Doomed to a fate of being chased as eternity rolls on. Some say that he will even lash out at anyone standing in his path." the granny said as she cackled, a sharp scream of a stallion coming from the graveyard as the boys bolted for the safety of home.
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Re: Trick or Treat!

Postby NARANDA » Mon Dec 05, 2016 3:38 pm

Friendly bump?
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Re: Trick or Treat!

Postby GrimmSaber » Mon Dec 05, 2016 4:06 pm

Sorry! I will post the winner tomorrow, things have just been really stressful and I've dropped a few rps since I couldn't promise replies. I should be more active now. I hope you understand
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