Eleanor by Dr. Paine

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Postby Dr. Paine » Tue Sep 23, 2014 11:01 am

A major thanks to TWG90 for growing Eleanor, and Berkshire for looking over the horns and letting me do what I did :D

Welp, here she is folks, Eleanor's all grown up ;v; Like Zdenek and Pyro, Eleanor's horns have a bit of a mutation going on, growing faster than usual and tending to branch out some at each ridge; though hers is lessened due to Basil's genes (I've always felt Basil would have very, very sturdy horns xD). This will be her character hub as well, so keep an eye on all the posts below for stuff!
Last edited by Dr. Paine on Sat Oct 18, 2014 12:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Base Character Sheet

Postby Dr. Paine » Wed Sep 24, 2014 6:43 pm


Cheat Sheet wrote:

name: Eleanor Fitzroy De Witt
nickname(s): ED(I)
age: Adult (Played about 22)
gender: Female (cis)
birthday: February 17
number: NB 273
Mate: Chani
Parents: Basil, Zdenek
Siblings: Colado
Calchas, Sinclair
Uncles: Kane, Pyro
Aunts: Chry
Cousins: Kallyma, Papyllon

friends: Kain, Edie
3,Sander Cohen
8-Track, Xochipilli

physical traits:
-Long fur
-Long eared
-Semi-custom horns
(modified 'lolwhut')
-Deep red flame
-Blue tongue/pawpads
-About 6'10 tall/600lb
(very tall, but very skinny)
-Tail is 7'0''

hex codes: #ad0900#3534a9
#aeb4d8#f4e8da (#f4e8da)
(anthro) #5C2B0A#0e0907

sexuality: Pan/panromantic
voice claim: Aimee Mann via Opal
pouch contents:
-3DS/Pokemon X
-Cinnamon cigarettes
-Cinnamon sticks

food: Grilled apples and/or snails
color: Indigo blue
show: Steven Universe
Welcome to Night Vale
(audio)books: ASoUE
Green Lantern {Blackest Night}
games: Pokemon
Bioshock series (2 is fave)
Deep Sleep series (web)
song: Thistle & Weeds/Fancy
place: Lighthouses
animal: Birds, deer, dogs.
mythical creature: Leviathan
instrument: Banjo
quote: "If utopia is not
a place, but a people, then
we must choose carefully
for the world is about
to change."

genre: Horror/creepy

-small/windowless places
-total dark
-sour things
-poorly-executed horror
-horror-romance genre

pets: Phazon
Sander Cohen

-Farshore Island Lighthouse
-Lighthouse operator
-Radio host/ship guide/DJ

Call sign:
Station Name:
-Lighthouse Point
-beach combing
-learning banjo
-documentation of the

тσ ηεω нσяιzσηs


☽υpвrιngιng and perѕonalιтy☾
Growing up among a sailor and a taxidermist on an island that is... not quite natural, Eleanor's had an... interesting life, to say the least. But a good one-- she loves her parents to bits, and while there were times they had to put their foot down (her near-abandonment of banjo lessons, for one), they always did what they felt was best for her... and often, it really was. Zdenek was a bit more on the lenient side-- xe encouraed Eleanor's love of the sea and lighthouses when Basil was hesitant to let her engage it due to his own history, and xe had more of a hand in introducing Eleanor to the stories that helped shape a number of her passions. Basil did eventually come around to her interest in sailing and lighthouse keeping though, sharing his wealth of experience... and a few of his own quirks and fears.
When it comes to her siblings, Eleanor couldn't love them more if she tried! Sure, sometimes it was a little grating at times-- she was well into her teens when the boys were born, and sometimes loses her patience when being asked one too many questions, but she does her best to be a good sister. And heaven help anyone who dares tease them (or anyone in her family for that matter)-- Eleanor would fight to the death to defend any of them, and is not shy about making that known.
Eleanor has also been an emotional bean, even as a child (as evident above). She feels everything about as deep as it can be felt; happiness is near pure joy, anger is red-hot rage that has her spitting flames and baring teeth, doubt, worry and sadness are magnified to a cold, clenching terror that saps her energy and leaves her good for little more than sleeping for days at a time-- though due to her lifestyle, this is rarely the case. Even when in such 'gray' moods (she describes them as everything feeling... washed out and empty, like a rainy, chilly day where you can look every which way and only see dense fog), Eleanor pushes herself to do her usual chores at least, though the strain often leaves her irritable and in a poor place to communicate with anyone, even her dearest friends. Zdenek tried to help her mitigate this when she was younger, showing her how to make calm bottles or other small things that might help her avoid the burnout... but it didn't really stick once she reached her teen years. Instead, she fell into a smoking habit to calm herself. That was nixed fairly fast, but there's still an unspoken unease hanging over her replacement-- she still smokes, but goes for herbal ones instead, though lately she's cutting down on even that by chewing cinnamon sticks. Eleanor knows that in some ways... well, she wound up very different from what her parents had tried to steer her to (and this is another reason she's so protective of her siblings; she wants them to turn out better than she did). Zdenek and Basil would protest this, since... well, every child is going to turn out with their own quirks and flaws, and all in all? She's a good kid and they love her... and through it all, she has loved, does love, and always will love them in return.

☽ιnтereѕтѕ and career☾
Through her childhood and teen years, Eleanor had a habit of picking up and dropping different hobbies with nearly every week. Now that she's grown though, and settled into a more solid career, she's found what sticks. First and foremost is her love of video games! Her favorites are definitely the Bioshock trilogy; 2 being her favorite (and not just because she happens to share her name with a major character). The stories are incredibly engaging (some holes aside), the environments are breathtaking, and she feels that it helped solidify her love of all things related to the sea, as well as her interest in horror at large. She's also quite fond of... well, most Valve games (Half-Life 2 most of all, for story and overall setting, but Left 4 Dead 2 is very up there too-- especially since, ever since she could handle scary stuff, she and Zdenek would spend a couple hours almost every Saturday night playing it together!), and a lot of small flash games you might find online. She loves puzzles as well, logic games and 'escape the room' situations, not to mention anything involving codes... though she's more interested in the concept, the actual application can be a bit too much for her. She also enjoys lockpicking (a skill which actually has some practical applications-- really, who would've thought windows in a 3 year old lighthouse would become so temperamental and prone to breaking their keys?), hang-gliding (or anything that puts her up high in the air, especially now that she's had to retire her old sets of prop wings), metal sculpting and bone collection-- unlike her par, Eleanor won't work with furs or skins, just the bones. Eleanor's also maintained an interest in diving-- not too deep, but she's come across some of the many old shipwrecks and titans lurking beneath the waves.
Eleanor still holds no real love for reading-- words still come off as mostly gibberish to her, she only powers through for the sake of her favorite comics. She isn't quite as keen on audiobooks any more though, this is more due to the fact that her attention-- especially hearing-- are often demanded in other areas most of the time. Sometimes though, she still likes to curl up, put on a book, and listen on thorough the night. More often though, she'll just turn on some music or TV-- though the only things she tends to watch lately are Futurama reruns and Steven Universe. (She's also got a soft spot for several Miyazaki movies, though for whatever reason, this doesn't come up often...)
Eleanor's career has been pretty solid for most of her life, though. Despite the tragedy her father experienced, Eleanor has always wanted to keep one of Farlow's many lighthouses (given the number of shipwreck incidents, it's preferred to have most lighthouses on Farlow keep active staff to deal with any castaways), and she has finally turned that dream into a reality. She has also taken to running an unofficial community show, in addition to her requirements to maintain radio contact with any ships in the area (mostly to provide updates on the weather/sea conditions). It's a steady gig and she's happy with it, even if it has led to rather reduced contact with her family... but hey, that's what the internet's for, right?

☽вelιeғѕ, coмpanιonѕ & ѕυperѕтιтιonѕ☾
Like her par, Eleanor is fairly religious, even if it's not readily apparent. At the core, she believes there is something bigger out there, and ultimately benevolent. There are other... beings out there, things that might want to help, want to harm, just want to be left alone or maybe just want a friend; things that may have once been living (and she firmly believes that one should never handle bones without 'permission', since sometimes a spirit might linger) and things that definitely were not. She believes that forgiveness can be attained, but is never just a given-- one must truly repent and earn it, and the wicked will always be punished justly in the end. She also firmly believes in the idea of guardian spirits-- angels if you must, though she doesn't use the standard 'angel' image (if anything, her views are closer to descriptions found in actual Biblical text). After all, she says, they're meant to keep you safe, and part of that might involve having to scare off (or out) the wicked... it's pretty expected they might seem scary at first sight. And they're not just there to keep harm away-- after all, misfortune is part of life, and sometimes a good hard kick is what's needed to get someone back on the right track. This often comes up in how she interacts with others-- one should always approach with kindness of course, but like is paid with like; she has no qualms ending a fight someone else has started. She's started a few of her own as well, and is at least consistent-- she treats any injuries herself, since... well, she feels she brought it on herself, she's not going to burden others with her own failures.
Perhaps some of her... straying has come about due to the friends she's picked up over the years. Her oldest (not relative) friend she can remember is a cheery deersert, 3. 3 has always been a positive force as far as Eleanor's concerned... perhaps a bit too positive, always trying to offer an optimistic bent on things even when Eleanor would prefer to indulge in some good old fashioned sulking. Eleanor loves 3, really, but... well, so much light might leave one wanting for the dark. No one fulfills that better than her 'living shadow', a rather old floc who quite readily latched on to the name of Sander Cohen. Sander is a scheming fellow, and though Eleanor at first tried to guide him to more virtuous pursuits... Sander has helped amplify her worse qualities, always encouraging her more selfish pursuits, to follow through on fights she might have not felt were worthwhile otherwise. She's managed to tune him out more over the years (or at least get him to shut up), but... well, there's a reason her second mask is modeled after those of the (fictional) Cohen's desciples. Aside from those two, Eleanor has also kept good relations with 8-Track, a cerbyl who (along with Binary Helix, a ceiral) helped create most of her broadcasting equipment. She isn't very friendly with many other JBDs, but that's something she intends to change before too long.
Eleanor's also a bit of a superstitious bean, something drawn from both her parents and then some! She carries a few 'lucky stones' at all times, usually a large chunk of clear quartz and a smaller lapis, feeling they can draw good luck to her... or at least, they help her stay confident and calm in unfamiliar or uncomfortable situations. She refuses the anchor charms commonly found with other sailors; agreeing with Basil's interpretation of them-- they keep you tied down and stuck. She prefers lighthouses (safety in storms, rescue) and ship's wheels (guiding one's own fate), as well as birds, keys, stars (seastars included) and clouds. She's also rather wary of keeping flowers in the house or with her on a ship, due to the old belief of them symbolizing a funeral about to be held.

☽doυвтѕ and ғearѕ☾
For all her dabbling in horror, in death and things that might scare the wits out of others, Eleanor... is very often scared herself. Though she seems to withdraw from others, her worst fear is loneliness, or worse, to be abandoned by those she does love. As much as she tries to not care about her mistakes, Eleanor is terrified that one day, one slip up will show others that she really is undeserving of being loved, or even any kind of interaction. She is able to cope better with it now, to where it... really might come as a shock to anyone who hasn't known her for a long time, that she's afraid of that. She still fears windowless rooms, as well as being underground, and this has started to push into a fear of small or enclosed areas in general-- basements are now pretty much out of the question for her, as well as caves, even too-small houses or rooms can get her nerves buzzing. Eleanor also... well... she's afraid of herself, in a way. How her temper flares, the things she'll say or do in the heat of the moment. She knows she was raised better than that, her parents are probably the calmest beans alive, so where on earth did she come from? She does try to be good... but she knows her self-control is poor, and knows that no matter how much she tries, she will slip up in the future, and that thought chills her down to the bone. And that's not getting into the worry of those qualities keeping her from actually finding someone to love, or driving any potential love away...

However, Eleanor has managed to get over her anxieties related to the forests of Farlow. Even if she doesn't go into them very often, she's only a little wary when going in now, nothing like the constant heart-racing, 'twitch at every sound' worry that consumed her before. She does still keep her distance from anywhere that might be claimed by Xochipilli (3's twin) though... even if he has a nasty habit of scaring the wits out of her anyway, often lingering outside the lighthouse windows on a stormy night (though it's more his way of just saying hello)...

♫ мυsιc ♫
Eleanor adores music, and adores sharing it. Even if it's an... odd mix, but hey, can't argue with what works! (Blanket content warning on all.)

A Ballad of Fiedler and Mundt
Dust Bowl Dance
The Scientist
Big Houses
One More Soul to the Call
The Thing That Should Not Be
Get Lucky
Android Hell/You Can't Escape
The Cave vs Die Young
Thistle and Weeds
Awake, O Sleeper

❤ αят ❤
Art of Eleanor, whether it's from myself or others, it goes here!
Avatar by Graham
Blue light by Deertush
Headshot by Bonk
Big Sister, by me.
Last edited by Dr. Paine on Thu Feb 12, 2015 11:36 am, edited 12 times in total.
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Postby Dr. Paine » Wed Sep 24, 2014 7:12 pm

{Information on other physical details, anthro forms, common outfits and inspiration!}

General Characteristics

(questions from here.

Name: Eleanor Fitzroy De Witt
Appearance: Long-furred and long-eared JBD (specific fur texture: wiry and rather lank). Colors are red (#ad0900), white (#f4e8da) and blue (#3534a9 *darker*/#aeb4d8 *lighter*)-- darker blue over the upper part of her body (ears, top of head, back) that fades to lighter blue (almost streaked, gives either a cloudy sky or watery look) and finally into white for her belly, lower jaw and legs. Has white sort of bubbly markings around her eyes, smaller white and red 'bubbles' over her body. Most prominent markings: a pair of red ship's wheels on her front legs, red 'map lines' over her ears, chest, abdomen and tail base; with three red stripes around the narrowest end of her tail. Tail fluff is white, fading to light, then dark blue; ending in solid red. Eyes and claws are red; inner mouth is bright red, as are her pawpads-- tongue is blue, though). Horns curve forward then back, spiking some along each segment.
Symbol: Red pair of ship wheels, lighthouse, wren feathers.
Name Origin: Bioshock, Bioshock, and more Bioshock! Both of her parents are fans of the series (an extension of my own love for it xD), and the names just seemed nice together. Eleanor is derived from Eleanor Lamb of Bioshock 2; while Fitzroy comes from the character Daisy Fitzroy in Bioshock Infinite. (De Witt is the family surname, which was also chosen because of Bioshock connotations.)
Name Meaning: Derived from the old French name Aliénor, Eleanor has a couple of meanings-- 'Pity', in both French and Greek; 'God is my light' in Arabic. Fitzroy appears to be of Irish origin, 'The king's son'. (De Witt is Dutch, 'The white')
Other Names: Due to her initials, she is often called 'ED' (though if she writes it, it's EDI). Other possible nickname: El, Nora.
Titles: 'Big Sister'. (seriously. She loves that she can be called that.)
ID Number: NB #273
Alternate Forms: Anthro-- ranges from 'just JBD on 2 legs with more hand-like front paws', to 'retains some furry features *horns, tail, etc*, to fully humanized.

Personal Characteristics

Birth Date: February 17th
Birth Place: -
Hometown: -
Astrological sign:

Rising Sign is in 15 Degrees Gemini
Extremely active by nature, you like to get around, meet people and do different things. Very restless, you just can't seem to stay put. You need to be involved in several projects at once in order to keep your mind stimulated. You like to read books and to write letters and to talk -- constantly. Seemingly ageless, you will always appear to be much younger than you really are. Very adaptable and inquisitive, you are always open to new ideas and experiences. A "jack-of-all-trades", you are lively and versatile. Because of the high nervous tension that you always seem to have, athletic activity would be a good way for you to burn off energy. But be careful of a tendency to experience things only superficially -- try to dig in and absorb things at a deeper level.
Sun is in 28 Degrees Aquarius.
You get bored with the status quo and are generally open to new things and ideas. An individualist and a free spirit, your friends are quite important to you as long as they do not try to tie you down by making too many emotional demands on you. Your thoughts are offbeat and you're a bit eccentric, but not always very changeable. As a matter of fact, you can be quite stubborn at times. Very fair-minded when dealing with large groups or broad issues, you are not always emotionally sensitive to the needs of individuals. Extremely objective, with good powers of observation, you would be qualified to study technical and complicated subjects, like science, computers or maybe even astrology.
Moon is in 29 Degrees Scorpio.
Your feelings are very intense, never superficial. You tend to be either very angry or very sad or completely and totally happy. Your moods are deep, extreme and not always completely understood by yourself or by those with whom you have to deal. Emotionally, you tend to prefer to live at the cutting edge of life, pushing your reactions to the ultimate extremes, even if the results are dangerous or upsetting. You are easily jealous and very suspicious -- you require a great deal of emotional reassurance. A good detective, you are very curious about deep and mysterious things, especially human nature and motivations. Be careful not to be ruthless, tactless or too overly frank or you will meet with much resistance from others.
Mercury is in 08 Degrees Aquarius.
You tend to be very opinionated -- you have strongly felt notions about things and are quite vocal about expressing and defending them. Yet you are also an original thinker -- you enjoy shocking others with your offbeat, original thoughts. You appreciate and need mental and intellectual stimulation. Your judgment is usually fair and impartial -- you can be a good critic because you can remain objective and unemotional about most things.
Venus is in 22 Degrees Capricorn.
You tend to keep your feelings under control -- emotions are only released in serious or important situations. You are distrustful of others whose behavior could be judged excessive or immoderate. As such, you prefer to relate only to those who are older than you or to those whose position is such that respect and duty are more important for both of you than passion or emotional response. Be careful, however, of relationships that are merely based on practicality or utility or you will ultimately be lonely. (this one is... incredibly wrong xD)
Mars is in 13 Degrees Capricorn.
Extremely ambitious, you are willing to work very hard to reach the goals you have set for yourself. Very practical, cautious and conservative, you demand tangible results for your efforts. You need to excel in whatever you do, and you have the required sense of responsibility, dedication and self-discipline to bring it about. Beware of your tendency to judge others only by their degree of status and prestige, or by how well they will be able to advance you in your climb to the top.
Jupiter is in 00 Degrees Cancer.
You must be emotionally secure in order to grow and develop. You are happiest when your family and community support and nourish you and boost your morale. Whether your childhood experiences of love and emotional dependability were positive or negative will set the tone for your emotional growth and stability as an adult. When you feel at ease with yourself, you are able to offer assistance to those who need a helping hand.
Saturn is in 21 Degrees Capricorn.
Very serious-minded and mature, you have the ability to take on responsibilities and to carry out important duties. You can also be trusted to be extremely practical and thrifty. A good organizer, you are the ideal one to be counted on to take a clearly defined project through to its logical conclusion. An achiever, you pride yourself on your ability to focus your attention totally on some worthy goal and then attain it.
N. Node is in 16 Degrees Aquarius.
As long as someone else (or a group or organization) appeals to your intellectual sensibilities, you'll try to ally yourself with them in some way. You may find that you always seem to get involved with many wide-ranging groups -- so much so that you find it difficult to fit them all into your busy schedule. Your many friends and acquaintances provide you with needed stimulation. You're loyal and fair-minded -- you try to spend time equally with all your friends, never concentrating on just one or two for any length of time. Although probably quite conservative yourself, you're attracted to those who are a bit offbeat or eccentric -- you enjoy watching their minds work.

Primary Objective: To learn, and simply to be the best she can be. Eleanor doesn't really ever have any set goals.
Desires: To understand the world as much as possible, to make good friends, and generally to be happy; and to just do a good job running the lighthouse.
Secrets: None, really.
Musical Instrument: Banjo
Dominant Hand: Left-handed
Quirks: Has... a very strange sort of speaking voice, between Zdenek's still prominent Louisiana one and a general Canadian one she's picked up growing up in BC and tends to get her words mixed together some. Does not actually 'read' all that often, but listens to audio books almost constantly. Wears clothes more often than most beans do, due to being naturally underweight and, despite the quantity, having very thin fur.

Mental Characteristics

Known Languages: English, relatively functional French.
Lures: Video games, high places (lighthouses especially), sparkly things, bones/skin, candles, birds.
Savvies: Reconstructing skeletons, games (especially FPS), generally just good at adapting to whatever's going on around her; notably decent at codebreaking and lockpicking.
Ineptities: Reading (I wouldn't say she has dyslexia, but she has trouble reading printed words properly), speaking (she can do okay when she puts effort to it, but her natural manner winds up in some rather slurred words and jumbled sentences), working as part of a group (she simply prefers to do her own thing, her method is... much easier disrupted around others), poor sense of direction (always has to keep a map and compass on hand, and even then, it's... iffy).
Temperament: Choleric/Melancholic.
Hobbies: Video games, skeleton reconstruction, lockpicking, banjo, diving, metal sculpting.

Intellectual Characteristics

Logical-Mathematical: Excellent.
Spatial: Extremely poor -- Eleanor thinks in words and... perhaps blueprints/diagrams is a good way to explain it, but she can't/doesn't really think in/with images.
Linguistic: Good and bad -- her hearing is fantastic and she is great at understanding spoken words, but has trouble with her own speech (her radio show only exists due to a concentrated effort, and she slips into her more drawl-y tone off-air), and dismal when it comes to written words.
Bodily-Kinesthetic: Very good-- she has excellent balance, and always has a good knowledge of what she's doing, even if she may not be fully aware of where she's going.
Musical: Excellent.
Interpersonal: She's... very friendly and makes friends relatively easily, but we'll have to see how she does when her personal space/temper flares start showing up more.
Intrapersonal: Very good-- for better or worse, Eleanor knows who she is, and there's rarely any questioning of it.
Naturalistic: Fairly good-- she has about no sense of direction, but she's good at figuring it out with a little time, if the conditions allow.
Existential: Very good, actually. Eleanor puts a lot of thought into what might be beyond the physical world, and eagerly investigates all sorts of extraordinary phenomena (and it kinda helps that her par is buddies with a... sort of demonic magic deer being and Eleanor herself has run into a couple!)

Philosophical Characteristics

Morality: It's really hard to quantify what is exactly good and evil, as Eleanor is concerned. Evil/bad is taking pleasure in the pain of others, or intentionally trying to hurt someone and bring them down, deny them a solid quality of life or otherwise totally betray another. But even then... there's a lot of gray. She just says she knows bad when she sees it... and frankly, she can kind of see it in herself.
Perception: Eleanor is generally an optimistic realist-- she certainly hopes for the best, but tries to see the situation as it is, nothing better or worse.

Spiritual Characteristics

Religion: Elements of Christianity and... I suppose general paganism/nature worship. Believes in a singular God, but that there are countless beings that can have some amount of influence on the world; and she does leave small offerings towards ones she would like favor from, or otherwise wishes to thank. Doesn't believe in a singular devil, but that there are some malicious beings out there-- some in the employ of God, meant to test living beings, and some that are solidly evil and out simply for their own pleasure and fun. Like her par, Eleanor deeply believes in the idea of guardian spirits-- not quite the angel of popular culture now, angels often had to begin with 'do not fear' for a reason! She believes they are there not only to comfort and guide, but if someone needs a kick in the pants... well, they'll get the job done, even if it hurts for a bit. She also believes in... a rather vengeful God. Forgiveness and salvation are earned, not a given, and one must work to make up for their sins, not just ask and expect the slate to be washed clean if someone continues their previous vices, or does harm in the name of 'good'... or worse, 'God'; the wicked will be well and truly struck down if it comes to that. This extends, to a degree, to her interactions with others-- Eleanor will certainly give a second chance, but it has to be earned. She also believes that the dead always have... 'shades', some lingering presence over their bodies that can only have the choice to move on once given a proper funeral. Like her par, Eleanor will refuse to work with any remains, whether purchased or found, that she feels the shade does not want handled; and always gives some sort of thanks or prayer before beginning her work.
Superstitions: Like Basil, a lot of Eleanor's superstitions concern the sea. She is not quite as against anchors as her father, but still prefers a lighthouse as a good-luck charm than an anchor... though preferable to both would be her personal emblem, the ship wheel; she sees it as a symbol of guiding one's own fate, no matter what might get in the way. Birds are very special to her, especially albatrosses, seagulls, and other seabirds-- the melding of sky and sea, and while she doesn't have many qualms working with remains, she will not deal with seabirds, instead returning their remains to the water. She is very fond of keys as well, though more from the general aesthetic than any deep meaning. Even at a young age, she steadfastly refuses to bring flowers upon a ship she's on, no matter how large or small (and indeed, she's rather not fond of flowers in general). She is also a firm believer in lucky stones, having gained a small collection already-- in particular, a piece of quartz etched with a vulture, a small piece of lapis, and a small piece of amethyst (guardian angel pin from Zdenek).
Virtues: Diligence and Humility.
Vices: Wrath, Greed.

Supernatural Characteristics

Ability: Fire breath (fire is a deep red-- which is actually extremely hot, enough to effectively solder metal pieces together, but puts out very little light.)
Element: Well, she breathes fire xD (would personally identify more with air/water)
Strengths: Lanky and flexible, incredible endurance (especially given her overall build), very speedy and intelligent, able to adapt and formulate new strategies quickly.
Weaknesses: Physically fairly weak, prone to bruises and sprains, can be taunted into striking too wild and fast out of anger.
Restrictions: Flame grows weaker the more it's used, can leave her open for surprise attacks.

Likes and Dislikes

Likes: Bioshock, anything related to the ocean and sky, steam(/deco/cyber/etc)punk, lighthouses, sailing, diving, 'reading' Lovecraft, horror in general, Pokemon, Half-Life, TF2, fringe physics, Welcome to Night Vale, birds, bones, metal sculpting, apples, chocolate, salads, tea, cocoa, snails (as in, as a meal -- I checked with Polar and last I heard, gastropods/mollusks in general seem to fall in a 'well if you want' situation), poetry, Portal, music, night time.
Dislikes: Total isolation, total darkness, mocking of any religious beliefs (or sex/gender identity, or sexuality-- like she might actually go and bite or breathe fire if met with that), children, bright colors (hard on her eyes), peaches, strawberries, lemons, speaking in front of crowds, being cold.

Favorite Actor: Jasika Nicole
Favorite Animal: Albatross
Favorite Arts: Vocal (radio, voice acting, singing)
Favorite Band: N/A
Favorite Book: Kingdom Come (DC Comics)
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Country: They're all pretty neat!
Favorite Drink: Hot chocolate
Favorite Excuse: "Sorry, I'm busy saving lives, can't come out tonight."
Favorite Food: Apples, German chocolate cake
Favorite Flavor: Salty
Favorite Movie: Fantasia
Favorite Musical Genre: ??? Music is music.
Favorite Mythical Creature: Leviathans/sea serpents
Favorite Number: 1
Favorite Pastime: Video games, comics, TV.
Favorite People: Kain, 3, her parents & siblings.
Favorite Place: Her lighthouse.
Favorite Quote: "If Utopia is not a place, but a people, then we must choose carefully, for the world is about to change" (Eleanor Lamb, Bioshock 2)
Favorite Season: Autumn
Favorite Song: Too many -- top 4 though are: Fancy, Thistle and Weeds, Dust Bowl Dance, The Scientist.
Favorite Story Genre: Horror, but she's into general fantasy, superhero comics... anything that can fall into the category of 'might tear your heart to tiny pieces but there's a happy ending'.
Favorite Subject: Oceans, bones.
Favorite TV Show: Futurama, Steven Universe.


Equipment: In her pouch, there is: a small lockpicking set, her recorder/audio player from 8-Track, DS, and specimen jars.
Wardrobe: (several outfits, separated by semicolons) Diving suit (plain beige-brown, doubles as Big Sister cosplay with the addition of heavy boots and gauntlets); white button up shirt, blue kerchief, blue skirt, black heeled boots* (doubles as Elizabeth cosplay); plain white dress and black flats*; denim overalls and worn t-shirt (usually barefoot there). Anthro/human forms would usually be jeans, black shoes, and various t-shirts-- band ones are common, she has a few video game related ones, but mostly solid colors.
*When in human/anthro forms where shoes apply
Accessories: Two masks-- most used is a 3-D printed blue (glittery) smilodon skull; occasionally brings out a bird masquerade mask painted to resemble those of Sander Cohen's disciples from Bioshock. Several necklaces-- guardian angel set with amethyst from Zdenek, Sander's key, pan pride heart. Not pictured: key locket, bird-in-cage pendant, portable recording device/transmitter, headphones, emotional corps rings.

Social Characteristics

Emotional Stability: Moderate-- Eleanor's emotions run extremely deep, and while she's usually in a good mood... when she snaps, she snaps, and is easily overcome by anger. She also tends to get sarcastic more than necessary, especially when on-air after someone's managed to really upset her.
Humor: It's hard to pin down what really gets Eleanor laughing, though she seems to have a fondness for puns (the more obvious/cheesy the better) and... very, very dark humor.
Reputation: Doesn't have a solid one yet.
Status: Can't really determine yet.

School and Work

Degrees: High School will be the highest she ever gets.
Education: Up through high school; is self- or family- taught on other subjects (Binary took it upon himself to give her a very thorough education on physics and biology for example; Eleanor herself taught herself how to become proficient at breaking locks and codes).
Study Habits: If she's actually interested in the subject? Eleanor will pursue it with everything she has, until she either gets bored or can't find anything new. Otherwise... she can push herself into forcing study, but it's a very uphill battle; but she refused to let herself get poor grades because she got bored.
Learning Type: Auditory/Kinesthetic. She learns best by hearing it explained, then getting to do it herself.

Occupation: Lighthouse keeper, also sells bone and/or metal sculptures (though it's more a hobby, she treats it as a job), radio host.
Boss: Herself
Work Schedule: Whenever pleases... but given that her job is maintaining a lighthouse and communicating to incoming ships, it's about 24/7. Radio show: Once (sometimes twice) a week, 8pm PST - 9 (sometimes 10) pm PST.
Income: Enough to keep her comfortable.

Interpersonal Connections

Immediate Family: Parents: Basil and Zdenek. Siblings: Colado,l Calchas, Sinclair.
Close Relatives: Binary Helix, Pyro, Chry, Papyllon, Kallyma, Kane.
Distant Relatives: N/A
Ancestors: N/A

Enemies: N/A
Followers: N/A
Friends: Kain, 3, 8-Track, Xochipilli, Edie.
Heroes: Her parents, the ladies of Bioshock* Green Lantern, Samus Aran, Marie Curie.

*(Tenenbaum, Eleanor Lamb, Elizabeth, Rosalind Lutece |D)
Pets: Phazon (Cark), Sander Cohen (Floc)
Rivals: Sander (sometimes)

Physical Characteristics

Height: Normal: 6'10 at the shoulder (218.44 cm). Anthro/human: 6'2 (187.96 cm)
Weight: Normal: 600lb. Anthro/Human: 170lb
Nationality/Species: Jellybean Dragon/human when fully... well, humanized. (Russian/Czech/African and French/Canadian heritage)
Skin/Fur Color: Normal: Red/white/blue. Anthro/human: When applicable, about a bay-sepia tone.
Hair Color: Normal: Blue. Anthro/Human: Naturally black, dyes it blue, sometimes red.
Hair Length: Normal: Just a small tuft. Anthro/Human: Medium length, usually in an undercut.

Eye Color: Red (all forms except totally humanized-- brown, then).
Tail Length: 7'0.
Scars: N/A yet
Tattoos and Piercings: Tongue stud, 4 studs along ear cartilage (all forms), nose stud (right side; human only). Human/highly human anthro tattoos are her most prominent markings (map dashes, ship wheels) done in black-- ship wheels on the back of both hands, dashes along her left arm, chest/ribs/side.
Locomotion: Plantigrade/digitigrade, depends on if normal or anthro.

Health and Fitness

Addictions: Caffeine; used to have nicotine problems but now has more of a psychological addiction to smoking herbal cigarettes.
Handicaps: Lack of muscle and general physical strength, moderately poor eyesight, has difficulty dealing with cold environments.
Aids: Reading glasses.
Allergies: Lemons
Diet: Fairly good-- major fruits are apples, grapes and cherries; while she eats about any vegetables or pastries/bread she can get her claws on. Occasionally indulges in baked snails.
Exercise: Medium to high -- lots of running around involved with keeping the lighthouse in good condition, and she still goes on long walks to find things on the beach or in the forest.
Figure: Banana (anthro/human)/very thin; ectomorph.
Hygiene: Fairly good-- sometimes goes a bit longer than ideal between baths.
Maximum Load: 800lb/170lb (anthro/human)
Posture: Poor, often slouches/twists herself into weird positions.
Scent: Apple or cherry when she's bathed, but often takes on the scent of the beach and sea... which is not exactly pleasant. (The ocean is a smelly, smelly place <<)

Relationship Characteristics

Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Orientation: Pansexual, panromantic (leans towards feminine individuals).
Significant Other: N/A yet

Extrauniversal Information

Analogue: Sort of a hybrid of Bioshock 2's Big Sisters/Eleanor Lamb (neutral to... sorta bad-ish endings) and Infinite's Elizabeth, with a few hints of Cecil Palmer and I don't even know what else xD Just some traits and stuff I really enjoy, but the main inspirations were definitely Bioshock.
Desired Voice Actor: Aimee Mann

Story Information

Archetypes: (Can fit into multiple) -- Anti-Hero, Lovable Rogue, Rebellious Spirit, Storyteller, The Tower
Role: She doesn't want to be the main character-- no, Eleanor prefers to think of herself as perhaps a secondary character, the one who steals the hearts of the fans, but doesn't have to deal with all the baggage that comes with that 'protagonist' stuff. However, with the plans I have, she is the closest to the main character.
Significance: High-- main viewpoint character through most things.


Anima: At heart, Eleanor believes in two things: to be honest, and to do no harm to those who don't deserve it. She can come across as moderately... selfish and rude, very blunt as well. She is intensely loyal to her friends and family, willing to give everything she has and then some for them... nut she's not exactly the best at keeping up with others, and can come across as somewhat flighty and cold.
Last edited by Dr. Paine on Wed Dec 03, 2014 12:04 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Roleplay Status

Postby Dr. Paine » Sat Oct 18, 2014 12:00 pm

Yeah I'm gonna attempt opening up for like, one or two rps with her? One, I'd absolutely adore trying to do some kind of Pokemon trainer AU because pokemon xD But I also kind of want to do something Halloween-ish with her usual setting-- island full of creepy magic stuff. She's also always open for interaction over Ask.FM!

Ongoing RPs (PM me if interested, grown beans only!):


Casual interaction (Ask.FM, JBD chat when I'm on there):

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