Re: Ajax Readoption

Postby Medd » Wed Mar 21, 2018 7:42 pm

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Re: Ajax Readoption

Postby redhorizon » Wed Mar 21, 2018 10:14 pm

Best seen on mobile

Username: Shower_Flopping
Kal Name: Pseudo - Goes by Seu
Kal Gender: Male



The spotlight falls on me, haloing me in bright light. I straighten my top hat and readjust the mic taped to my face. I clear my throat and put on a giant smile, throwing both arms out. The crowd cheers like a bunch of cheerleaders seeing a cute guy. After the screaming dies down, I adjust the mic one more time before launching into the closing act. “You’ve seen lions and elephants, a contortionist and some clowns, you’ve seen everything!” I lower my voice, “Except for.. The trapeze artists!” The crowd screeches once more as the curtains open and I step off the stage. The music grows quieter as I head towards the double doors, leading to a small alley where everyone takes their breaks. I open one of the doors and let the cool night air wash over me, cooling down the heat from the spotlight and running around onstage. I lean back against the brick wall and stare up at the sky, but a small peck at my foot brings my attention to a tiny turtle, chewing on my pant leg. I chuckle a little, bending down and scooping it up. “You should be underwater, silly!” I stroke it’s shell. Lifting the small creature, I walk inside and snatch one of the many fish tanks in the storage. I rush to the sink and fill the tank about halfway. I run outside again and pick up some big rocks. When I get inside, I hear the closing music starting. I drop the rocks and look over at the turtle. “You look like a boy, so I’m going to call you.. Spike!” I laugh, heading towards my position offstage. I look at Spike again, “You’re about to be famous, kid.” I whisper as the curtains start to close, my cue to jog onstage. The spotlight follows me as I lightly jog to my spot, lifting my hat and bowing. Spike sits on my shoulder, staring out at the crowd. I give a little smile and return my attention to the crowd. “Ladies and gentlemen, we thank you for making your way out here tonight! Have a wonderful weekend and keep your eyes peeled for my lovely little companion, Spike!” And with that, the lighting for the stage switches off, bathing me in darkness. I scurry off the stage and head towards the tank, but I’m intercepted by Finnian, one of the contortionists. “So what’s with the frog?” He inquires with a bemused expression. “Oh shut up, Finn.” I say with a wave and a chuckle. “Yeah yeah. But really, what’s with the turtle?” He tilts his head slightly. “Found em’ outside. Guess I just felt some connection.. Some bond. So I took him in here.” I start walking again towards the tank, Finn following curiously. “Is that where you’re going to keep him?” He rushes ahead to look into the tank. “Yeah, I just need some more rocks and something to put food in.” I say as I start stacking more rocks, making sure to leave one side just water. Finn jumps up excitedly, “I’ll go get some!” And with that, he dashes off. Left alone with Spike, I place him into the unfinished tank, letting him acclimate himself to his new home. He settles onto one of the rocks and closes his small eyes. It must be so peaceful in there. Finn returns quickly, dumping a pile of rocks and a shallow bowl on the table. “Perfect!” I cry as I continue to add rocks, careful to not disturb Spike. After I place the final rock, Finn places the bowl on another rock. “Good find there, Seu.” He says, patting my back before walking away, leaving me to gaze lovingly upon my peaceful little Spike.



The Circus - Pseudo has dedicated his life to his circus, he considers everybody involved with it his family. He’s protective and caring, he’s like the father of the circus. Everybody listens to him, it’s unheard of for him to be defied (unless their name is Cady *cough cough*). The circus members love him just as he loves them. They take care of each other. Often when they’re traveling, they have bonfires once they’ve set up camp for the night. They tell stories, sing, cook, and throw random things into the fire to see what’ll happen. They’re one big goofy, talented, slightly odd family.

Finnian - Pseudo has an interesting relationship with Finn. He’s very protective and brotherly to him, but he’s also sometimes really hard on the poor guy. He does his best, but sometimes he’s just slow to catch on. He needs someone to push him and Seu is always willing to be that person. Despite his harshness, he loves Finn dearly and is always there to support him.

Willow - One of the trapeze artists, she’s always one to stick out. She and Seu get along well, though sometimes she’s a little too flashy and he has to tone it down a little. She’s often seen as arrogant and flashy, but Seu has learned to embrace it as a part of who she is. Even then though, he often has to reign in her cockiness.

Ellie - Seu has always gotten along very well with Ellie. He admires her work as the makeup artist for the entire cast and he makes it known. She’s very modest and skittish, nimble and usually gets things done quickly before dashing off to her next commitment and sometimes Seu has to slow her down and remind her to take things slow, live life to it’s fullest. He often tells her that this circus isn’t a job, it’s a lifestyle. It’s not all about working and he sometimes sends her to take a break or do something fun. They can keep a conversation going and they have a lot in common, which leads to easy conversation. The two have always had an interesting dynamic and some members of the circus even “ship” them.

Drew - The youngest member of the circus at the age of 15, he also carries the most dangerous job. He’s the lion tamer, which he loves dearly. When he gets emotional or upset, he talks to his lions or teaches them new tricks. Seu thinks of him almost like a son. He watches over him, he shelters him from a lot of the negativity and hurt that comes with it. Drew is fragile, emotionally.. Unstable, and Seu takes it upon himself to be there for Drew and to prevent bad things happening to him. They both really enjoy each other’s company and sometimes Drew even calls him dad.

Lorenzo - Sleepy and lazy, he’s often dragging behind everyone else. Pseudo always has to keep him on task or push him along. He’s very easily distracted, which is not a good quality to have in a traveling circus. The only time he really perks up is when he’s with his monkeys, feeding them, training them, or even just sitting near them. If it weren’t for his passion for the monkeys and the show, he’d have been dropped long ago. Despite his drawbacks, everyone loves him, like family.

Riley - She’s bright and pleasant, sweet as honey. She’s polite and kind to everybody and in return, they’re kind back. Seu finds her pleasantness to be a breath of fresh air. He enjoys talking to her between shows or on the road. They easily banter and converse, which Seu loves. With her pleasant demeanor however, comes one drawback. She’s obsessed with fire. She handles all things fire during the show, as well as other times. She always lights the late night bonfires. Seu and the rest of the cast have learned to steer clear of Riley and fire.

Maddison - Maddie is the magician and she lives that role outside of the show as well. She’s always pulling random things out of nowhere or practicing her newest tricks. She’s very obsessive and is often hard to talk to when she’s doing something. The whole circus finds her a wee bit odd, but they embrace it. Seu enjoys her company, even if it is often a speechless encounter.

Cady - Beautiful and radiant, she’s often the star of the show. She alternates between walking the tightrope and sword swallowing. She has an outgoing and confident personality, which can sometimes be a little too intense for Seu. She and Seu get caught in power struggles from time to time, usually resulting in her angrily storming off. She’s fiercely independent and Seu has made it his mission to teach her the difference between independence and defiance.

Samuel - Sam does the dirty work at the circus. He cleans up after the animals, he straightens things up, he leads the progression of packing up. He’s likes things to be perfect. Seu is forever grateful for his work and he does everything he can for Sam to make life just a little easier.

Ahoskie (owned by Nepsters - He’s seen as a bit odd, he stands out. He’s the psychic, after all, he kind of has to stick out! Seu respects him and the work he puts into the circus, but generally steers clear of him. It’s not that he dislikes Ahoskie, he just dislikes conversing with him. Even though Seu usually avoids him, he loves him all the same.

Akinjide (owned by Nepsters) - The other contortionist, she gets along with almost everyone. She and Finn (the other contortionist) get along very well and consider each other best friends. Seu finds her a joy to be around, a real mood lifter. He encourages her to be social, to bring life to the sometimes dull conversations. She and Seu have had a handful of late night philosophical conversations and he finds her very trustworthy and non-judgemental.

Hisoka (owned by Nepsters) - One of the clowns, he strives to put a smile on the face of sll he encounters. He’s somewhat of a suckup, but Seu appreciates his dedication. He’s usually a little too hyper for most to keep up with, but he’s very loved and everyone loves having him as a part of the family

So who actually IS Pseudo?


Pseudo is often seen as a fatherly figure. He likes things to be fair and just. He has always been a softie and he really takes care of the entire circus. He puts others first and will always stand up for any member of his circus. He’s usually very protective and will fight you if you even look at his family the wrong way. He has a good heart and wants to bring joy and good to as many kalons as possible. He’s a big dreamer and his motto is “Shoot for the stars, and one day you’ll get there.” That’s how he achieved his dream to run a traveling circus. He tried until he had nothing left to give and his hard work finally paid off. He strongly dislikes when kalons say they “can’t” do something. He believes that if you try hard enough, you can do anything. He’s devoted everything he has to his circus and he loves every second of it. He lives for the exhilaration of stepping on stage and introducing every act, of opening and closing the show. He loves a little adventure, he likes to “live on the edge.” Why play it safe and have no fun if you could be a little risky and have the time of your life! There’s nothing he wouldn’t give to have a turn on the tightrope or even jump from a plane (with a parachute of course)! He’s always been told he’s very smart, that he has the brain of a mathematician. He’s always loved numbers, and one of his favorite things is to count the earnings and figure out how much to put towards expenses. Running a circus is definitely not cheap, after all! His greatest weakness is him impulsiveness. He makes up his mind on the fly and doesn’t stop to think until long after he can do anything about it. Sometimes he makes poor decisions in the heat of the moment and then deal with those consequences. His impulsive actions, such as his turtle companion, Spike, can often lead to trouble, but he sees it all as a part of the adventure. His optimism can sometimes be incredibly irritating to the rest of the circus, especially in a dire situation, but most of the time everything works out in the end.

Poetry Corner

This circus is my only passion
Even though we sometimes have to ration
But through thin and thick
We all simply click
And all we show is compassion

I love my circus
And so does the family
It’s a shared passion

I have a turtle named Spike
It turns out he cannot ride a bike
He’s really quite useless
Can be quite the nuisance
But at least I didn’t name him Mike


+His circus
+Any animal really
+Tuna sandwiches
+Giant fuzzy blankets
+Hot chocolate
+Being on time
-Waking up late
-A bonfire without s’mores
-Being alone
-“Playing it safe”

Art Corner


holy hecc that design is hard

Training Spike

I give a frustrated groan as Spike sits there doing nothing, like he’s been doing for the last 45 minutes. The sun gives his shell an almost glow, which annoys me even more. I take a deep breath and look down at the very epitome of laziness. “Okay, Spike. Let’s try this again.” I lift up a paw and take another breath. “Spike, lie down!” I close my eyes tightly, counting slowy. “1.. 2.. 2.5.. 2.6.. 3!” I open my eyes and look down. Absolutely nothing has changed. I throw my arms up and sit down on a rock a few yards away. I put my head in my paws and let out a long, exhausted, agitated sigh. I sit there for 5 minutes or so until I feel a paw on my shoulder. A gentle voice softly speaks, “Seu, you okay?” I look over to see Akinjide lowering herself onto the rock with me. I slide over a little to give her some room. “What’s up? You’re giving off a pretty negative vibe, everything okay?” She presses. I sigh, “I’ve been trying to train Spike to do something, anything other than just sitting there, but he hasn’t done squat! I’m ready to give up.” I look over to see her holding in a laugh. “What!” I exclaim self consciously. She shakes her head with a bemused smile, “You can’t really train a turtle, Seu. They don’t really do anything!” She says patiently with a chuckle. I look over at her, feeling a blush spreading across my cheeks. “Oh.. Well that explains that!” He laughs a little and stands up slowly, feeling his back cracking. Akinjide stands as well and glances at Spike before looking back to me. “Well I have to go meet Finn, I’ll see you at the bonfire!” She gives a wave and stants walking away. “Oh, and just so you know! Trees can’t be trained either!” She calls over her shoulder before jogging off.


1. Pseudo: Ringmaster

2. Finnian: Contortionist

3. Akinjide: Contortionist

4. Drew: Lion tamer

5. Lorenzo: “Monkey boy”

6. Samuel: “Janitor”

7. Willow: Trapeze artist

8. Ellie: Makeup

9. Riley: “Fire tamer”

10. Maddison: Magician

11. Cady: Tightrope/sword swallower

12. Ahoskie: Psychic

13. Hisoka: Clown
1. ”Shoot for the stars and
one day you’ll get there”

2. “Wait, so what exactly am
I supposed to do with this.. Stick?”

3. “Y’know, sometimes I wonder
if there’s more out there.”

4. “If you even look at my kitties
wrong, they’ll bite your face off!”

5. “How bout’ later?”

6. “I love my mop.. It’s my
special mop. My favorite one!”

7. “You can’t just waltz in here
with a freaking turtle on your head!”

8. “Sorry, gotta run!”

9. “It’s a wonderful day, perfect for
playing with a giant fire!”

10. “..... Hm.. ... .... ....... ..”

11. “Really Seu?? Again?!”

12. “Your aura tells me.. You’re
craving chicken nuggets.”

13.“Yeah, and then I fell
through the floor!!”
Last edited by redhorizon on Thu Apr 05, 2018 4:00 am, edited 33 times in total.

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Re: Ajax Readoption

Postby mango marmalade,, » Thu Mar 22, 2018 12:53 am

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Re: Ajax Readoption

Postby kidcandy » Sat Mar 24, 2018 4:52 am

Res with him finding human bones while hiking in the woods alone. from there on out this will be a very scary story >:)

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Re: Ajax Readoption

Postby Muggywort » Mon Mar 26, 2018 1:26 pm

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Re: Ajax Readoption

Postby chunkypeanutbutter » Tue Mar 27, 2018 9:36 pm

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time this kal found something

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Re: Ajax Readoption

Postby roelian » Wed Mar 28, 2018 4:51 pm


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Re: Ajax Readoption

Postby kipin » Thu Mar 29, 2018 2:12 pm

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Re: Ajax Readoption

Postby roelian » Wed Apr 04, 2018 8:53 am


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