Re: Pierre Readoption

Postby lovage » Sun Nov 04, 2018 3:53 pm

    username fernmoon
    name pierre
    gender female

    occupation mechanic for cyborgs / iron doctor

    brief personality pierre is one to lay down anything for others, but not one to keep promises well. she is quite determined when it comes to anything. she often has a sudden mood changes over any past events and which often end up violent.

    too late, pierre

    “too late! they’ve always told me that phase, zhora! that’s it was always too late for my generation!” pierre always yelled at her apprentice in one of her moments that caused her to go into a mad rage with tears burning in her eyes. her generation was the one that was effect the most by the poisonous air. they got the short side of the stick with all of their weaker bodies, weird mutations, and all that testing down on them to find the cause. after the testing to “save” the future generations were done on them, they were casted into underground bunkers to hide the outside world from ever seeing them again; however, they weren’t entirely casted out of society due to serving the newer generations as caretakers, teachers, other jobs, and, in her case, a mechanic for cyborgs of the newer generation.

    the world around her is cruel and she knew it but didn’t want to confront it for fear of being more of an outcast. however, there is one thing that she would confront the world about her apprentice’s fate. the same fate as hers, the fate of being doomed to spend their lives in the bunkers.

    pierre sat at her work desk with a rusty door blocker. that blocker would help in the future but not now as it wouldn’t be necessary for both her and zhora. “how old is this thing?” she asked herself as she messed around with it in order to figure out what era it is from. “maybe a few millenniums ago but very unlikely it would of survived that blast? i might need to ask neighboring mechanics to help figure it out.” she sighed as the door was silently gliding open for her apprentice zhora to enter the back part of pierre’s workshop. “pierre, look at what i did!” zhora shouted with a proud grin on her face.

    pierre let out a scream from being startled by that sudden interruption. “zhora, knock!” pierre shouted back.

    “okay!” zhora shouted as her answer. “come see what i did! okay?!?”

    pierre covered her ears as all that shouting from zhora was hurting her already weak ears. “zhora, can you stop yelling? if so then i’ll check it out. also, can you make an estimate on what era this is from?” pierre asked as she handed the door blocker to zhora.

    zhora nodded as she examined it. “looks to be to come before the blast that cause all of those chemi-” zhora stopped as she realized what was she said. it was too late as tears began to burn in pierre’s eyes as she started to yell, “zhora, you know that pain of what happened to me sue to that! it’s was too late for me! why was it always too late!”

    “pierre, snap out of it! it’s just one of your moments, snap out of it please,” zhora begged with fear in her eyes at what might happen.

    “it was always too late! just leave me be! because it was too late for me anyway!” pierre yelled with tears pouring out of her eyes. she pointed at the door as zhora took a walk of shame due to the mistake of bring up that event that caused all of pierre’s pain.

    “zhora, it’s time to go,” pierre said. night was upon them with the cloak of sleep being carried closed behind the night. pierre leaded against the door as zhora shuffled around on the other side of the door before saying, “apologize.”

    “why? what did i do?” she asked with confused tone and thought back to the day’s events.

    “you promised to see what i did, but you had one of your moments so you broke that promise. apologize and i’ll go or else i stay here,” zhora demanded, being her classic stubborn self.

    pierre rolled her eyes and put on the most sincerest voice that she could muster at the time. “fine, i am sorry about that happening. maybe bring it along so i can check it out while we are walking?”

    zhora opened the door as she held out a simple object with no features. “here, it’s a puzzle to unlock its all features. you’ll figure it out in some time when we are on the run.” zhora simply stated with no tone in her voice and a blank stare at pierre.

    “you thought ahead, good job on that! can’t wait to see what it does,” pierre said with some forced excitement towards it due to puzzles not being a strength of hers.

    “are we going or not now?” zhora said while grabbing her bag packed to the brim with her most valuable and necessary items that she owns.

    pierre nodded as she threw the backpack over her shoulders. they exited their shop in silence as not to disturb or draw attention from others while out and about.

    the halls were empty as they passed through them. the guards must of been on break or something because no guards were out and about at that time. pierre lead them through the halls in order to assure that zhora didn’t guide them in the wrong way or wasn’t watching out for others who might be out and report them for being fishy. There was no one and that made pierre even more nervous about the whole entire thing.

    zhora stopped as pierre saw shadows casted from being them. “we being followed,” zhora whispered to pierre who stood shocked. she forgot about the security cameras that the night guards used more often compared to the day ones. she continued on walking with her head hung low as the guards approached them. “hey, pierre, what are you and zhora doing out so late?” a guard who knew pierre well asked her.

    “running some errands that i forgot about,” pierre lied with sweat forming on her brow and palms.

    “okay, then why with the stuffed bags?” a curious guard asked them. “do you mind if we check them?”

    she knelt down next to zhora and whispered, “get ready to run.” she headed over a smaller bag to them to check first. the guard took it and before they even looked inside of it, pierre shouted “run, zhora!” she pressed a button that set off the explosives that were in the bag. pierre went after zhora as fast as she could even with her wonky leg. the guards weren’t quick to recover after the blast that threw them a few feet back. however, it was quick enough to be right after them when pierre was at the pod launch with zhora at her side. “Will it hold them off?” zhora asked her.

    pierre only nodded and hoped that the door blocker will hold them off for a few minutes to let them board a pod to escape the underground. “zhora, get in now! i’ll get in next,” she said as she became quite desperate due to the guards getting closer to them.

    “you promise?” zhora asked. the footprints of the guards grew closer and so did their shouts.

    “ee have no time for that, get in!”pierre shouted at zhora who decided to to be stubborn at the wrong time.

    “but do you promise?” zhora asked again but with more forcefulness in her voice.

    “yes, why wouldn’t i!” pierre shouted as she lifted zhora into the pod. she got onto the first step then quickly pressed the button due to the guard already being in the launch room. zhora looked shocked as the pod started to rumble under her and with disbelief in her eyes said, “why did you-” it was interrupted as the pod closed the door on her. the pod launched into the air as pierre saw her apprentice shout unheard cries to her. at least, zhora would be free of the fate that was supposed to be hers. she put on a smile as she grabbed her lead pip while the guards surrounded her. one let down their shield as they muttered the finals word before a battle. “pierre, you crossed the line to far this time.”

    she chuckled before letting out a battle cry into a battle that would be a lose no matter what happened. this was her sacrifice for zhora to live free in the world above with the same fate as pierre’s looming over her head. even if she will dye in the battle against the guards or whatever else would happen for her, she knew it was too late, just too late for her now.

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Re: Pierre Readoption

Postby mal du pays » Sun Nov 04, 2018 4:49 pm

This has received one final extension. This contest now ends in four days, November 7th. No further extensions will be granted. You have until 11:59 PM MST on November 7th to complete your form.
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Re: Pierre Readoption

Postby tcw » Mon Nov 05, 2018 8:49 am

username // feyghost
name // Hugo
gender // Female

    Born and raised in a world of steampunks, Hugo grew up in a small poor family amongst the commoners. She was raised to be fierce and never back down from a challenge, to always take someone on if it meant glory in defeating them, even if they were weaker than her. She was hot-headed and quick to fight, always getting into trouble, especially throughout her teen years. Yet her parents supported her throughout and were quick to her defense if anyone ever accused their sweet angel of wrongdoing.

    Just in her early years of being a teenager did a war break out between species, steampunk cyborgs and aliens fighting over what was the correct way to live and think. The fights turned nasty and brutal, yet none of the fights had reached their homeworlds. Very few returned from fights however, and soon the military were running low on soldiers to send into battle. Names were soon being drafted and one of the first to be drafted was Hugo. Many saw this as a noble act, being sent into war to sacrifice your life against your will. Nothing good was to come of this, and during her short time in the military, a horrible accident rendered her useless in the eyes of the government. Once healthy and spry, the hot-tempered kalon was bound to live the rest of her life with a brace.

    She was quickly sent home to her city, outcast and ignored by all slums of kalon-kind. Her honor was taken from her, despite the accident being out her control. She had taken to the shadows as a way to escape the gaze of those who saw her as weak. She had no work, no house or family nor friends to help her, if she even made such as a peep to the wrong person she could simply be arrested over nothing other than the police not seeing her as honorable. She had everything taken away from her, and the only way to live now was to take things away from others.

    Hugo started off with petty thievery of food and rummaging through trash cans, playing on the “injured sickly type” to get close to her victims. Slowly over the following months she became trickier and more refined in her ways, becoming bolder and more sly with every petty theft she made. She didn’t go unnoticed, many people had learned her name, who she once was and why she did it, but very few people understood why she did it, and even less people could relate to being outcast by the entire city.

    Her acts of selfishness soon caught they eye of a fellow, selfish businessman hoping to acquire her skill-set to take out up and coming businesses. She was bound in a contract to the man, getting her paws dirty for him. She harassed co-workers into leaving the companies, stole documents necessary to their success and drove away interested business-partners, all while staying under the radar of the government's oh so watchful eye.

    The businessman, satisfied with the work Hugo had done, offered her a once in a lifetime chance. The war was coming to an end, and it seemed as though both cyborgs and aliens would come to a truce, no one truly winning as both has suffered great loss. Yet even if the war had ended, Hugo would still be outcasted from the city. Dishonored and unable to really have a life with another person, to share their love and appreciate that they care about you, all of it was taken away from her the moment she was injured.
    The businessman offered her his hand in marriage. Becoming quite fond of Hugo over the years, he didn’t want to let a rare gem such as her to be lost to the clutches of an angry and unforgiving world.

    Hugo was taken aback by the offer and didn’t know exactly the right response to such an offer, yet she couldn’t refuse such an offer and accepted his hand. She lavished in riches of all sorts, fine wine, dresses and silks of all sorts. Yet even so she missed the adventure and adrenaline of the world she had learned many skills from, wanting to return to a slight hint of mischief and fear as she prowled the streets of her growing city….

    Relations to other kalons

    Hugo met Oliver when he had first hired her to help gain back-control over the market. It was until they both started to take these business dates as real dates that the two found a connection with each other. Oliver was a savvy businessman that came off too harsh and cold that drove most, if not all, potential love interests away as it was clear he did not want one. Mix that with Hugo’s attitude that she had to do whatever she could to survive and the two bounced off each other like crazy in such a way it drove them together.
    Although his conduct towards other businesses could be seen as evil, Oliver is rather charming towards his wife and treats her like a queen.

    Stephen was an interesting fellow that traveled universes and claimed himself as the Lord of Time, he didn’t mesh well with other kalons living in this particular world aside from Hugo and Oliver. He regularly spoke of his adventures and often requested the couple join him at least once, but they both declined. Every now and then he would appear and visit the couple and present them with generous gifts of money and fabrics he had collected across the worlds. Stephen and Hugo formed a very tight bond and became very close, Stephen soon declared Hugo as his little sister and two always treated each other as such. Though they don’t see each other often, their bond between one another is still strong and the trust between them is nearly unbreakable.
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Re: Pierre Readoption

Postby mal du pays » Fri Nov 09, 2018 5:40 pm

This is now closed! Sorry, my mind slipped. Edits beyond the initial closing time will result in disqualification.
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Re: Pierre Readoption

Postby mal du pays » Sat Nov 24, 2018 3:42 pm

heya, sorry this took me 8 billion years, I got distracted thanks nintendo

This was definitely interesting to judge, to say the least haha I enjoyed looking at all the concepts I was presented with! I do genuinely hope to see some of these reused on other designs, I'd love to see where they go development-wise.

I'd like to give a couple special mentions, please note that these cannot be cashed in for HM customs.
These mentions go to:
carnivorous., divantae, feyghost
I definitely want to see your concepts used in the future! I'd love to see where they go as they were interesting to me nvn

And the winner of this girl is Knifekind!
I genuinely really liked the concept, I'm always a sucker for science & scientist concepts (which might be why it's the most developed part of my own oc universe). I loved how it was structured, using something familiar while not relying entirely on it. The colored portions of the text could've used darker colors, as they were a bit hard to read, but it ultimately didn't take away any points from my decision.
Please let me know if you have a I can send a transfer to, or if you'll need to save the art.

Good luck to all entrants on future contests nvn
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Re: Pierre Readoption (winner pg 3)

Postby knifekind » Sun Nov 25, 2018 12:28 pm

ahiejfej thank you so much !! i'm so excited to develop Arya!!
adult he/it bisexual
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Re: Pierre Readoption (winner pg 3)

Postby carnivorous. » Sun Nov 25, 2018 3:34 pm

congrats knifekind! take good care of that scientist bab <3, and thank you for the special mention!!
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