Re: Staff Litter Kiamara 2 - Kat; Jungle Jaguar

Postby freckledfangirl » Sat Nov 30, 2013 1:13 pm

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Re: Staff Litter Kiamara 2 - Kat; Jungle Jaguar

Postby Tricksters » Sun Dec 01, 2013 1:55 am

Remaking my form as a website c:


Hello there, my name is Trickster, a current Non-Kia owner currently c: I also go by Tricky, Trick, Blingo, or whatever you feel suits me.
Why I want him;;

It's not because i want him as my first Kia, I feel he has great potential. I can see him fitting in perfectly with my characters, all unique in their own ways. This boy is very unique, never seen something as gorgeous as him and probably never will. I know this all may sound corny to you, but i'm telling the truth. I really think he needs a great home, and I think I know one that can suit him.

I think the name Azubuike fits this kia very well
Meaning and pronunciation of name;;

AZUBUIKE -Western African, Igbo-
Means "the past is your strength" or "your back is your strength" in Igbo.

Pronunciation- 'Az-e-bik'

6Azu, 7Gentle Giant

I personally see this Kiamara as Male, though it's a slight feminine kind of male. Not in a bad way, 1in a good character-ed kind of way

2Exuberant, 3Imaginative, 4Gentle, 5Warmhearted

Azubuike was adopted into the Cudea family when he was an infant. His family includes one sister, a dad and a mom, and grandmother. It's a small family, but they are very extraordinary compared to the normal family's in normal neighborhoods.

6Azu was born in the jungles of south america. It was just him and his mother in the lonely forest, surrounded by thousands of un-discovered beats and remarkable flora, from mushrooms to large trunk-ed canopy tree's. His mother raised him in their cave like home until he was 6 years old. One day in the pulsing heat of summer, his mother left to get food for their lunch. She hadn't returned when planned. Azubuike waited nervously until the moon crept over the horizon. He knew something was wrong. He ventured out of the cave and looked around the jungle floor for his mother, calling her name. He didn't find her the first night, so he decided to rest against one of the large tree's. The next day, many hours before the crack of dawn, he set off again. He continued to call her name, growing more and more worried. Storm clouds had eventually piled up above the canopy's and the rain broke through the barriers of the clouds. Cold, wet, hungry, afraid, Azu just wanted to find his mother. Finally, he stumbled upon her. She lay motionless on the ground, a large gash in her side. Azubuike was heart broken. He curled up next to her cold body and sobbed loudly. He lay there for the rest of the day, not moving once from his spot. The next day he heard leaves cracking and the clang of stone against a tree branch. Startled, he jolted to his feet, his knee's buckling. A tall kiamara appeared from the bushes, wearing a tattered brown explorers hat. Azu growled, hugging his mother's body, gripping her necklace tightly. The kia looked at his mother in shock before looking back at Azubuike. He approached cautiously, holding his hands out towards the young kia and saying reassuring words. Azu just glared at the man, staying as still as a statue, his fur bristled. Finally, the man had put his arms underneath Azu's and started to lift him from the ground. He started to cry out words the man couldn't decipher as he picked up the spear his mother had next to her paw and broke the necklace from around her neck.

7Azubuike currently lives in Tyler, Texas. His house is on a large plot of land, consisting of a small forest, stream, and even a large field. Pigs, Roosters, Cows, Donkey's, and even a tamed Fox live on the ranch.


N/A, he has never had interest in somebody before, therefore he does not know quite yet

Azubuike as a sweet sounding voice with a heavy African american accent.
Favorite Things;;

History Behind the Spear;;

History Behind the Necklace;;


Favorite places;;

Favorite foods;;


■ No more than 20 pieces of art
■ Creativity is everything - formatting etc. is less important than content
■ Unique ideas (no cliches/mary-sues/boring personalities)
■ Bonus for an explanation of the spear & necklace - even a small mention is good.
■ Meaningful name
■ Unusual concepts and extras
■ Cohesive form - personality/history/development is clear throughout
■ Make sure to add your username and why you want her
■ Please don't post if you don't plan on entering ^^

((For my bad memory c:))


Wip~ I really love this boy's design! Good job Kat; c:

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Re: Staff Litter Kiamara 2 - Kat; Jungle Jaguar

Postby scullys » Sun Dec 08, 2013 4:13 pm


Hi! I'm Mossheartkat, I currently do not own a kiamara, but it is my goal to win one, and by one I mean this one ^^

Why I want this girl;;
Alright, here's the truth. I've been trying to win a kiamara for a year now, each attempt unsuccesful. It drove me insane not to be able to win one. When I saw this girl I thought about endurance, and simply not giving up. I know all this may sound cheesy, but would you please give me a chance to win a kiamara I've gotten attatched too?

Her name;;

Her name is Alessi, a Greek name varying from Alexis and meaning "defender". Her mom loved traveling the world and just fell in love with the name.

She's a female, her voice is feminine, but she doesn't get offended if you mistake her for a man.

Her job is similar to her moms, except it's a bit more profitable than just sight seeing. She's an archaeologist, her favorite spot having to be the Sphinx in Egypt, although she's only seen it from far, it's still her favorite.

Alessi was always a bright child, with her nose in books, and her head the in the clouds. She was never able to make friends because of how often her mother traveled. She hated her life, and just wanted to have proper friends. Once Alessi was old enough, she swore to her mother that she was going to become independent and get a proper and normal education. They argued on how Alessi wanted to go to "normal" school and make "normal" friends, not just her mothers young colleagues. Soon Alessi grew even more restless and ran away, as far as she could. Alessi did end up going to "normal" school, and having "normal" friends, and having a "normal" underpaid, part-time job. Although she thought she had found what truly was important to her, she still missed her mother, and the pain in her heart grew bigger each grueling day. Eventually she could not bare it any longer, she dug through her wallet and bank to find enough money to return home, where her mother normally stayed during the winter.
As Alessi walked up the doorsteps, holding the key she almost threw away many months ago, before she didn't know you couldn't throw metal into the regular trash. Well really, you could, but it annoyed the eco-friendly neighbors. Alessi put the key into the lock and turned it until it clicked. She carefully opened the door, and walked to her mothers room. "Mother?" she asked, scared of what she would see. She was terrified of what she saw in the bed her mother usually read in. A frail lady, with no life in her eyes or fur, shallowly breathing, hardly recognizable from her once lively mother. Her mom turned in her direction, "Alessi!" her eyes turned a bit brighter, but darkened as she fell when trying to get up. "Mother!" Alessi rushed to go help her. "I'm alright Alessi, could you go fetch me my cane?" Her mother nodded towards a colorful-like cane leaning on her nightstand. Alessi got it and handed it to her mother. Her mother got up and started to hobble towards the kitchen, "Could I offer you anything, a tea perhaps? If the normal world hadn't made you into a coffee lover. "I'll have some tea, but I can make it myself mother, walking for you doesn't seem as easy for you, so please go sit down." Alessi said, forcing herself to be polite, despite the rude remark her mother just made. Her mother sat in a seat, watching Alessi's every move. Eventually Alessi just stopped and turned around, " I thought you were glad I came back! Why are you suddenly so distasteful in everything I do!" Alessis mother laughed, "It's not distasteful! I'm just trying to see how much city life has changed you! You walk differently now, and you need to work on your back posture!" Alessi's facial expression softened, and she laughed. "Here come with me, forget the tea for now." Alessi's mother got up and slowly meandered towards a chest at the end of a hall. She opened the chest and pulled out a spear wrapped with sinew and a necklace. She handed it to Alessi, "Alessi... this is a family heirloom passed down to every female in the family, it means we are strong we are independent, and that we have no laws, that restrict us, besides our own. I was to give this to you several years ago, a month after you ran away, but I hoped you would come back. Now you are here, and I do believe you know what true independence is." Her mother was right, she was right in everything she said. True independence came from doing what you wanted to do. Of course you may think that life would be perfect if you had it your own way, but not everyone would agree, and they could leave you barren of something, and that something could tear you apart. But like the sinew and necklace keeping the spearhead and stick together, you can keep it together if you are strong, and of course that is what you want to do.

Word of Advice from Alessi;;
"Follow your heart, I understand that this is cliche, but no matter how many times someone says it, it's true. You could listento your mind, but you would still feel a terrible longing in your heart. Sometimes your heart even leads you right back home!'

Quirky-Alessi always comes up with quick-witted ideas, which aren't the most straight forward, and sometimes pretty comical.
Adventurous-She tends to get curious about a lot of things, hence making her adventorous.
Rude Humored- Alessi tells a lot of racial or rude jokes, which are funny, but she often gets in trouble because of it.
Yearning- Alessi always feels the need to return home, it sometimes affects her career and sleep, and causes her to get homesick.
Charitable- She always starts to feel sad when she sees a family in need,and will gladly donate anything, just to see a smile on their face.
Social Butterfly- Alessi is never shy to say hello to anyone and always makes friends wherever she goes. But there has been a few kiamaras who haven't gotten on her good-side...
Anthro Form - By Me
Aleesi -By Me Sorry for the picture quality.

By iFoopets
By ~Kotau~
Last edited by scullys on Thu Jan 02, 2014 3:01 pm, edited 22 times in total.

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Folau; done c:

Postby malefactor » Tue Dec 17, 2013 10:20 am

        "Those who are dominant tend to think of that aspect of dominance as a rank: who is obeyed, who is to obey. Dominant and submissive. But it is also who is to protect and who is to be protected. A submissive person is not incapable of protecting himself: he can fight, he can kill as readily as any other. But a submissive doesn't feel the need to fight -- not the way a dominant does. They are a source of purpose and of balance. Why does a dominant exist? To protect those beneath him, but protecting a submissive is far more rewarding because a submissive will never wait until you are wounded or your back is turned to see if you are truly dominant to him."


        Folau means "To Travel" and lives up to his name. He loves to travel and his spear is a faithful companion when others are not. He takes it everywhere, even if he is not in danger. He likes to feel protected, like somebody is there even when nobody is there. Folau has few friends, and even fewer that somewhat understand him. He feels to not trust anybody, but will protect everybody, even if that means traveling alot. Folau has all the friends he needs; his spear and necklace. Folau obtained the necklace when he was lost in the jungle when he was younger. He wandered into a campsite where humans were. He was looking for food, but found a necklace instead. When he first laid eyes on the thing, the sun was shining directly on it, making it seem prettier. He snatched it up and bounded out of sight. He had put it on his spear, letting his spear have a friend too. It has always been there on the spear since then.

        Folau's circle of friends is small; he is not easy to get to know and are often viewed as a very private Kiamara. If given the choice to stay at home with a few select people or going out with a crowd, he'd stay home with the ones whom he would consider to be his friends. He is not easily intimidated and seldom care what others think of him. Because of his “Keep to myself” tendencies and his stoic attitude, He is often viewed as unfriendly and cold. In reality, Folau is very loyal to the select few he accepts into his circle. He does not talk a lot, but when he does, you’d better listen. He has good instincts and is known to be a watcher. He is often considered moody and dark, and does not care to explain himself, but beneath that outer shell, is someone who will never turn his back on you.

        Folau loves to travel, and be does it frequently. He prefers the shadows more than the light. He does not hunt on land like others, he prefers the sea. He loves the fish that it provides. He uses the necklace as a distraction. He dangles it over the water and waits for the fish to come and be entranced by it. He likes to be near the ocean, but not far away from the jungle. He feels safe in the jungle, as he has natural camouflage. The jungle is his home and his closest friend.

        Folau has some weird quirks. He dislikes water in any sort of way except to drink. He refuses to go anywhere near it for in danger of drowning. He will go through it if he has to, but will not go through it otherwise. He hates to even drink it sometimes. The reason for his fear is because when he was younger, he was fishing and tried to spear the fish, but he had missed, causing him to fall in. He did not know how to swim, so he kept going under. The tide eventually pushed him into the shoreline, but he is still afraid of it. Folau is a technophobe. He is afraid of computers and anything that is not found in nature. He hates going near or even seeing it. He does not like the unnatural feeling that comes with it; not knowing if he is going to end up on the side of the road. Folau also likes to be in control at all times. He likes to be on time for everything, and hates to be late. He likes for everything to go smoothly without any errors. He likes for everything to go his way, and nothing else.

        Folau likes to be nosy. He wants to know what everybody is doing, and wha everybody has. This nosiness made Folau obtain his necklace. He likes to be in "the know" and does not want to be behind. He loves to know what everybody has and to take an "inventory". Folau also likes to go around and collect bugs. He will deal with any specimen, except spiders and ladybugs. He has this unnatural fear of their orange and red hues. He also does not like their spots; they make him uncomfortable.

        Hello c:
        I am evergreene. I currently have one kiamara, and I am looking to make it a friend. I want him because of his unique design and hair. I absolutely love his colours and design. I have always liked the uniqueness of the pattern and of the hair. I also want him because of his challenge that I will be able to obtain if I win him.

        ■ No more than 20 pieces of art
        ■ Creativity is everything - formatting etc. is less important than content
        ■ Unique ideas (no cliches/mary-sues/boring personalities)
        ■ Bonus for an explanation of the spear & necklace - even a small mention is good.
        ■ Meaningful name
        ■ Unusual concepts and extras
        ■ Cohesive form - personality/history/development is clear throughout
        ■ Make sure to add your username and why you want her
        ■ Please don't post if you don't plan on entering ^^
        Horn, Eyes, & Jaguar Spots
        Main Body Colour
        Secondary Body Colour & Hair/Tail
        Feather Accent Colour
        Main Feather Colour

        His name will be Caine, meaning spear hunter c:
        This is a wip, but I do plan on finishing c:
        I love the dreds, Kat c:
Last edited by malefactor on Sat Jan 04, 2014 4:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Staff Litter Kiamara 2 - Kat; Jungle Jaguar

Postby m0chicakez » Thu Dec 19, 2013 2:24 pm

Is it too late to enter? uvu
I've actually become very fond of it's design and everything like... came to me now when I saw her once again o w o

I do understand if it's too late though, and I wish all of you good luck<3
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Re: Staff Litter Kiamara 2 - Kat; Jungle Jaguar

Postby Temperance. » Thu Dec 19, 2013 2:30 pm

        { Meant to say this and forgot xD
        But you guys have AT LEAST a week left. My Christmas holidays don't start until next week and I'm definitely going to be busy for the next week, so you guys have extra time C:

        So no, it's definitely not too late to enter Cakeface if you want to C:



Female| INFJ |Christian | Kintaur Mod


> Call me Temperance, Tempy, Kat, or whatever you feel like.
> I love animals and decided to pursue a dog training career c:
> I have broad tv interests; everything from anime to sci-fi
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Re: Staff Litter Kiamara 2 - Kat; Jungle Jaguar

Postby malefactor » Thu Dec 19, 2013 2:33 pm

Kat; wrote:
        { Meant to say this and forgot xD
        But you guys have AT LEAST a week left. My Christmas holidays don't start until next week and I'm definitely going to be busy for the next week, so you guys have extra time C:

        So no, it's definitely not too late to enter Cakeface if you want to C:

Thank you so much Kat;!
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Re: Staff Litter Kiamara 2 - Kat; Jungle Jaguar

Postby scullys » Fri Dec 20, 2013 2:18 am

Thank you for the time Kat! I've been having the flu and unable to get online, so I'll hopefully work on my form again in a few days. ^u^

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Re: Staff Litter Kiamara 2 - Kat; Jungle Jaguar

Postby opti-mism » Fri Dec 20, 2013 10:36 am

    ~Possible Reserve, I can't believe such a unique Kia doesn't have more entries!~
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Re: Staff Litter Kiamara 2 - Kat; Jungle Jaguar

Postby Alaskie » Wed Jan 01, 2014 9:10 am

Dat hair tho .u.
Good luck everyone! I really love this Kia - it's the best one yet, for sure. But I'm too busy to enter anything right now D:
it's all not good
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